
pcfreak2Beta 1 anyone??00:07
pdklwhen 12.04 LTS Final comes out, wll the beta automatically update to release?02:13
trismpdkl: yes, normal updates will bring you to final if you are already using the beta (or alpha)02:17
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.02:41
snadgedo you guys get access to catalyst before amd releases it?02:43
snadgeie the upcoming 12.2 release02:43
snadgethere are a bunch of known issues.. and im just looking for a sign that they're acknowledged and being worked on02:43
KI7MTsnadge, acknowledged by who AMD or Ubuntu Dev's?02:45
snadgeubuntu devs i think02:45
snadgethere was a post about it on omgubuntu it hink02:45
KI7MTIt's possible they get early acess, but I've never heard of anyone speaking of it before.02:45
snadgeaskubuntu rather02:46
snadgeseek and ye shall find ;)02:46
snadgeeager to test that when i get home02:47
snadgecool the xv bug has been fixed02:50
andrewacltIs there a known bug where icons on the unity bar show up twice rather than once as they should?03:09
scientesGenerating locales...04:07
scientes  en_AG.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_AU.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_BW.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_CA.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_DK.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_GB.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_HK.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_IE.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_IN.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_NG.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_NZ.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_PH.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_SG.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date04:07
scientes  en_ZA.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_ZM.UTF-8... done04:07
scientes  en_ZW.UTF-8... done04:07
scientesalso, WTF is there so many english locales04:08
scientesi mean, its a pretty newish language without much dialectical difference04:08
scientesInstalling new version of config file /etc/acpi/rotatescreen.sh ...04:09
scientesupdate-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/acpi-support missing LSB information04:09
scientesupdate-rc.d: see <http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts>04:09
scientesSetting up acpi-support (0.139) ...04:09
oooaaaooohi guys, how hard is it to dual boot ubuntu/win 7 with grub2 as the bootloader?04:44
bazhangoooaaaooo, not hard at all04:45
oooaaaoooany good urls?04:46
bazhang!grub2 | oooaaaooo04:46
ubottuoooaaaooo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:46
oooaaaooocool thnx04:46
hawke_OK, so…is there a way to type in a username at the login screen of lightdm in Ubuntu Precise?05:19
hawke_I can only see the login accounts of local users, and there’s no way that I can find to type in a custom username05:24
scientesBus 005 Device 002: ID 413c:8136 Dell Computer Corp. Wireless 5520 Cingular Mobile Broadband (3G HSDPA) Minicard Diagnostics Port05:45
KI7MTIs there a way to add things to the top bar in 12.04 like system monitors?05:48
scientes<scientes> How do i use 3G?05:51
scientes<Lirth> celthunder: I have no idea how to copy it from the black and white text screen.05:51
scientes<scientes> ive got a del 552005:51
scientes<scientes> it shows up in network manager but when i click On/off it stays off05:51
scientes<scientes> does it need a sim card slot?05:51
scientes^^there is the lsusb05:51
scientesshould it show up in ip link?05:52
scientesis it just that i don't have a sim card or an atenna05:53
scientesno help here https://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager/MobileBroadband05:53
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AnAntHello, how do I configure my locale (user-specific not system wide) ?06:28
scientesanant system settings from the upper-right menu06:54
scienteslonguages or something like that06:54
scientesfor command line you set LANG in your .bashrc06:54
scientesomg "starting anac(h)ronistic cron06:56
scienteswtf did that come from06:56
Edicois there a package for aptana studio?07:22
Fyodorovnainfo aptana studio07:27
Fyodorovna!info aptana studio07:27
ubottu'studio' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, unstable07:27
EdicoFyodorovna, I mean if there is a package in repos07:30
Fyodorovna!info aptana07:32
ubottuPackage aptana does not exist in precise07:32
FyodorovnaEdico, the bot does not everything, but IO saw no indicator on the web for anything in any releases lately. I didn't search exhaustively though07:33
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Edicothere are still problems with the icons in the left panel07:42
Edicoalso launching some applications from the left panel07:43
Edicoif put an icon for tvtime in the left panel, I can't open it07:44
Edicothat's only an example07:44
EdicoI launch aptana from an executable file, if I do a shortcut in the left panel doesn't work to launch it07:46
Edicoalso a bad thing in unity is that I can't have too much icons in the left panel07:48
Edicoor launcher (how is named)07:48
FyodorovnaEdico, I use synapse to finds apps myself.07:48
Fyodorovnasome use another panel like docky I forget the other ones name07:49
FyodorovnaI switched to gnome 3 though.07:50
scientesyou can also use packages.ubuntu.com/PACKAGE07:51
scientesand it will do a search07:51
scientesthats what i typically actually end up using07:51
scientes+ packages.debian.org07:51
scientesi don't know why i dont use my local stuff07:51
scientesi guess it just takes too long to start up aptitude07:52
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eitchlocking the screen doesn't work on my precise installation with all updates installed. Can someone tell me for which package i should file a bug report? Or is this already known and no bug report is required?08:10
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alkisgIn gnome-fallback session (it might be the same in other sessions like gnome-shell too) if I press the print screen keyboard key, I get a "photograph taken" sound. But where can I find the screenshot in the file system?!09:11
alkisgFound them, at ~/Pictures09:12
jo-erlendis it just that I haven't upgraded in a little while, or did we get a huge bundle of upgrades today?09:21
ActionParsnipjo-erlend: i got a good few09:21
jo-erlendActionParsnip, ~300?09:21
jo-erlendit was 650MB downloads for me.09:22
dr_willisyesterday i noticed several09:22
ActionParsnipi just upgraded my beta live session from CD to current and it was a lot09:22
dr_willisperhaps 200mb09:22
jo-erlendah, I have Battle of Wesnoth :)09:22
dr_willisi tend to update about every 4 days09:22
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encrypthi, anybody has problems with scrolling?? has been working only in reverse for a while09:24
ActionParsnipencrypt: usb mouse? touchpad?09:25
ActionParsnipencrypt: does the system have a make and model?09:25
encrypttouchpad, synaptics09:25
encryptsynaptics, the model dunno09:25
ActionParsnipencrypt: like a USB external touchpad then?09:26
encryptbut same behaviour with the mouse09:26
encryptno no, its not usb09:26
encryptim using ubuntu-desktop package on top of xubuntu, but dont think thats an issue09:27
ActionParsnipencrypt: http://www.andybarratt.co.uk/lion-like-scrolling-on-ubuntu-inverse-scrolling-on-linux09:27
hpWhen i run sudo apt-get update in newest kubuntu, i get errors09:27
ActionParsniphp: can you pastebin the text please09:28
hpsame in ubuntu09:28
ActionParsniphp: thats because the underlying package system is 100%  identical09:28
hpI now run older kubuntu09:28
hpFuck, /nick Catopette09:29
=== hp is now known as Catopette
ActionParsnipCatopette: i had 2 refs to the install cd in sources.list in my beta livecd, if that's what you meant earlier...09:30
CatopetteI did try to run apt-get dist-upgrade09:30
ActionParsnipCatopette: if you can pastebin the text, we can advise...09:30
CatopetteThat is what i ment09:30
ActionParsnipCatopette: i suggest you report a bug09:30
CatopetteI do not run the newest now, i have older and it is ok here09:31
CatopetteDoes ubuntu have similar to BT5?09:31
CatopetteBT5 = BackTrack 509:33
dr_willisyes... but your question made no sence09:33
Catopetteno sence?09:33
dr_willisubuntu have similer to bt5.... makes little sence to m e09:34
CatopetteUbuntus version of BT5 is named?09:34
dr_willisbt5 is a distro.09:35
CatopetteI know09:35
CatopetteA distro for hacking09:35
dr_willisso clarify what you mean..09:35
ActionParsnipits also not supported here09:35
CatopetteJoin me at bt509:36
Guest30956i think i found a bug09:36
ActionParsnipi have no interest in the distro09:36
ActionParsnipGuest30956: then report it :)09:36
dr_willisi dont care about bt either.09:36
Guest30956i don't know exactly how09:37
ActionParsnipGuest30956: run:  ubuntu-bug packageame09:37
dr_willismost people i see using bt.. really shouldent be using it... ;)09:37
Catopette"/join #bt5"09:37
ActionParsnipGuest30956: change packagename for the affected package09:37
ActionParsnipCatopette: it's #backtrack-linux09:37
Guest30956well is decpp under wine09:37
Guest30956that crushes the xrdp connection09:37
Guest30956i have compiled xrdp09:38
ActionParsnipGuest30956: i'd ask in #winehq first09:38
CatopetteIs it possible to fully install win under wine?09:38
dr_williswine does not run windows os.. it runs apps09:38
Guest30956wine is a emulator not a virtualization software09:38
dr_willisits not technically an emulator09:38
ActionParsnipCatopette: you can run win98 and Win95 under dosbox09:41
ActionParsnipGuest30956: no, wine is not an emulator. It's what Wine stands for!09:42
ActionParsnip(W)ine (I)s (N)ot an (E)mulator09:42
dr_willisan emulator and a 'virtulazation software' are almost the same thing in may ways - under my definition ;)09:43
ActionParsnipi'm going by what the wine team say :D09:43
hpI need to make an restore partition on this computer, linux restore, howto?09:44
encryptactioparnship: that worked, thanks. Scrolling properly now09:44
dr_willismondo/mindi can make a restore dvd set.. ot sure about a partition09:46
encryptanother question, is there a way to index my music collection to the lense in the dash? its badly empty09:46
hpsudo apt-get install mondo?09:47
dr_willisread the mondo/mindi docs/homepage. its a fancy app09:47
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:47
hpNow i try to make restore DVD, but..... Does this make restore partition then?09:52
hpHELP "FATAL ERROR. Filesystem UNSUPPORTED not supported for initrd image. Terminating.09:54
dr_williswhat are you refering to?09:54
hpdr_willis, do you have a ftp?09:55
hpNeed to ftp you the log09:56
dr_willislog of what?09:56
dr_willistheres pastebin services09:57
hppastebin ok?09:57
dr_willisive not used mondo/mindi in 4+ years09:57
hpI try to apt-get remove mondo and install it again,09:58
dr_williserr.. why do you think that would help?09:59
hpI get this "FATAL ERROR. Filesystem UNSUPPORTED not supported for initrd image. Terminating."10:00
hpwrong initrd?10:00
dr_williserror when exactly?10:00
hpWARNING: No Hardware support for HP Compaq 6710b (GB892ET#ABN)10:03
hpIs there another program for make restore than mondo?10:11
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:12
hpI do not need backup, i need to build restore partition10:12
hpWhen you install Windows from DVD, it makes restorepartition, this is what i need10:14
dr_willisi always delete the restore patitions..10:16
hpI don't10:16
dr_willisyou can set up grub2 to boot an iso file from hd also10:16
hprw to?10:17
dr_willisi normsally add an entry to the grub configs. or the /etc/grub.d/40_custome file10:17
hpBut, i want a partition for restore, and need to make it, howto, it seems thet mondo does not work on my computer10:18
hpSetter opp gcc (4:4.4.4-1ubuntu2)10:21
hpNick does not work, huh?10:22
hpI run /nick Catopette, does not work10:23
hphp is the name of my computer10:24
hpbackup: could not find entry ; Can't find cell localhost's hosts in /etc/openafs/CellServDB10:25
hpbackup: Can't get cell configuration information ; Can't initialize backup10:25
hpDoes anything work at all?10:25
=== hp is now known as Catopette
tokarbolCan you tell me what's wrong with the main/universe interoperation?11:12
tokarbollaunchpad bug #73194211:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 731942 in nss-updatedb (Ubuntu) "nss-updatedb linked against libdb4.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73194211:13
tokarboluniverse packages seem to link with different libdb than the main packages11:13
tokarbolit happened in lucid, dunno about the distros in between11:13
tokarbolbut in precise it's still there11:13
tokarbolactually there is more11:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 731918 in libpam-ccreds (Ubuntu) "libpam-ccreds linked against libdb4.7" [Undecided,New]11:15
tokarbolit seems that precise links libpam-ccreds against libdb4.811:15
tokarbolwhile in main there's libdb5.111:16
tokarbolI don't see a reason why all packages wouldn't link with libdb5.1,11:16
tokarbolat this point I think that main packages link to libdb5.1, universe to libdb4.811:16
tokarbolis there some reason behind it?11:17
tokarbolThe source for both libpam-ccreds and nss-updatedb just build-depend on libdb-dev11:22
tokarbolso when building these will link to the berkeley db available on the build machine11:22
tokarbolif the build machine has libdb5.1-dev, the built packages will have libdb5.1 in binary deps11:23
tokarbolis it so that the universe packages are built on a different machine? Why does it have libdb4.8, not libdb5.1?11:23
Trewasbecause it (libpam-ccreds) has not been rebuilt in a couple of years, and probably lidb4.8 was the default then11:26
tokarbolnot true, all the packages are rebuilt against each distro11:27
tokarbolthere has not been much code change, that's a different story11:27
tokarbol(if any code change at all)11:28
Trewasthe version is the same for last three releases, and I don't think universe is auto-built for each new distro release11:28
tokarbolI believe it is - otherwise there would be a dazillion bug reports with ABI compatibility issues.11:29
Trewas*shrug* debian doesn't at least, and they seem to be doing fine11:30
tokarbolwell, this may be the case for debian unstable/testing, but I think that the packages are recompiled for stable11:31
tokarbolI am trying to find the build logs for this package11:32
Trewasno, stable is just a renamed testing, definitely without full rebuild between calling it "testing" and "stable"11:32
tokarbolwow, you might be right WRT this package11:35
XVampireXfolks I have a terrible problem with the HUD11:38
XVampireXIt's popping up randomly when I try to change language11:38
XVampireXit's so annoying11:38
tokarbolThanks, Trewas, that was an eye-opener.11:39
XVampireXIf there's any chance to..... either change the alt button to maybe a combination key?11:40
XVampireXUhm, which I think it is :D11:41
skmsmslkhow to upgrade 11.10 to 12.0411:49
XVampireXskmsmslk, http://askubuntu.com/questions/110477/how-do-i-upgrade-ubuntu-to-12-0411:50
xgt001this may sound like a nooby question, but why does ubuntu start churning out the fans when playing videos? I am using vaapi hw accelaration as well12:01
bazhang!info wine12:03
ubottuwine (source: wine1.4): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4~rc6-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all)12:03
BluesKajHowdy all12:04
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glosoliI can reply to launchpad right from my Email??13:19
tsimpsonas long as the email address is registered with launchpad (which is likely is if you're receiving mail from it)13:20
khamerI've run into bug 939768 (Can't use ctrl+space to bring up guake in Precise) and I'm trying to research to see if there's  workaround; I expect it has something to do with interpreting ctrl 'Primary' now?13:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 939768 in guake (Ubuntu) "Can't use Ctrl+SPACE to bring up Guake 0.4.2-7 (Precise)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93976813:21
glosolitsimpson: thanks :)13:22
khamerAnyone know what packages changes are related to how modifier keys/shortcuts are detected? (i.e., Primary for control)13:30
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AbaddonSatanicsometimes when i login via xrdp i get an bug submitting report related to unity13:46
FlipStonEhello here... nobody had the problem that after upgrade ubuntu to 12.04, video won't work anymore?  When i play video, screen goes black and ubuntu goes to lightdm to login again...13:48
glosolianyone here uses ATI ?13:50
FlipStonEglosoli yh me, bur also having probs :p13:58
glosoliFlipStonE:  :( it uses Unity 2D14:01
glosoliwhen you built drivers yes ?14:01
FlipStonEi'm now busy on instally proprietary drivers... i let you know...14:02
glosoliFlipStonE: Well you are builting them or using jockey  ?14:02
glosoliI am so tired of this ATI shit.14:03
glosoliit makes me so hard to use ubuntu14:03
FlipStonEyh, thinking about nvidea :-)14:05
FlipStonEok, i try now...14:05
ScG^Dedicatedati here14:05
ScG^Dedicatedno problems14:05
glosoliScG^Dedicated: Got working built drivers ? or you using the old and slow ones from jockey14:05
glosoli ?14:05
ScG^Dedicatedno idea I use a VM so I think I use default14:06
glosoliSo you don't use ati drivers14:06
glosoliyou use open source ones then14:06
ScG^Dedicatedi gues :P14:06
glosoliATI just wastes my time.14:07
FlipStonEok, with proprietary drivers i can now play video... unity3d still not working...14:14
glosoliFlipStonE: same problem14:18
glosoli>> /join #ati14:18
glosolii am trying to get help for that problem14:18
h00khuh, occasionally when I pull the HUD up, the application I'm using will snap to center-screen14:29
=== David is now known as Guest4246
NOSaturnhow do i set the primary monitor - so that new windows open on the right monitor and not the left? I have an intel graphics ship, so the nvidia tool won't apply. i'm on 12.04 and it's worse than on 11.1016:39
dr_willisI find 12.04 much improved.16:41
NOSaturnit is, but the dual monitor "improvements" dont see to be improved16:43
dr_willisMy desk is to small for 2 monitors at this time16:44
dr_willisGuess i could hange one on the wall. :)16:44
NOSaturn:) i know i'm lucky. it makes up for the crappy inbuilt display on the laptop16:46
delighthttp://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ out of sync ? many debs ain't synced while the repo indexes are on pointing to new debs.16:58
delightErr http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main nvidia-common i386 1:0.2.4016:58
delight  404  Not Found16:58
ikoniadelight: talk to the mirror owner17:05
delightikonia: who is that ?17:05
ikoniahe may not be syncing the dev repo17:05
ikoniadelight: look on the mirrors page17:05
ikoniahe may have made a mistake17:05
delightikonia: it worked up till yesterday ... so it must be some problem17:06
ikoniaok, so either a.) contact the maintainer b.) wait for it to be fixed17:06
FernandoMigueldelight: http://paste.ubuntu.com/874830/ use the MIRROR part on that list17:08
FernandoMiguelit will pick one of the available close to you17:08
ldiamondin Ubuntu 12.04, is there an alternative to Unity? Something more similar to gnome classic?17:09
dr_willisthe classic thing is still there i belive. or use gnome-shell17:09
dr_willisor install some other desktop. lubuntu, xfce, or whatever.17:10
ldiamondbut isn't gnome-shell basically the same?17:10
dr_willisgnome0-shell has a fallback mode i recall.17:10
dr_willisI dont use the fallback/classic modes..  gnome-2 is dead.. time to move on. :)17:10
dr_willisif i wanted an old-skool desktop id use Lubuntu17:10
philinuxldiamond: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/more-classic-gnome-session-lands-in.html17:10
philinuxThat is gnome 317:11
ldiamondphilinux, so your point is that Unity isn't as retarded in 12.04?17:11
dr_willistheres work on some gnome-2 type theme/stuff for gnome-317:12
ldiamondand that I should give it a second chance?17:12
dr_willisUnity works fine for me in 12.0417:12
dr_willisdo what you want. :)17:12
valdur55and there is HUD17:12
dr_willisits very possible that in the NEXT release 12.10 that the failsafe/fallback stuff may eventually get removed.17:12
dr_willisit was supposed to be a stop-gap measure.17:12
philinuxldiamond: This is very useful. Myunity 3.0 http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/unity-tweaking-tool-gets-new-look-new-features/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28OMG!+Ubuntu!%2917:13
ldiamondI dunno, seemed like in 11.04, Unity was just missing everything I liked about gnome.17:13
* dr_willis recalls how much the old gnome was missing from all the earlier window managers/desktops that he liked.17:14
philinuxldiamond: if you want the old look then lubuntu maybe it for you or xfce instead17:14
ldiamondI dunno, seemed like xfce was years behind gnome217:15
philinuxldiamond: not any more17:15
ldiamondand that I every time something was missing I had to spend ages to add the feature17:15
* dr_willis wonders if theres any screen saver config settings in 12.04 :)17:15
ldiamondalright, I'll give Unity a shot in 12.04.17:16
ldiamondOtherwise I might just go with Linux Mint, though I don't know what they'll end up doing... fork gnome2 maybe?17:16
philinuxdr_willis: the package gnome-screensaver is still there17:17
dr_willisbut are there any actual settings. :)17:18
dr_willisI recall for ages under gnome2 you couldent set much of anything in the screen saver settings.17:19
dr_willisof course im so old i rember  the big 'ximian gnome fork'  chaos and fun. :)17:19
quantumlemurI'm interested in undervolting my cpu, but from what I've read online, you have to use a patched kernel, and it hasn't been done yet with 12.04 (linux-PHC).  does anyone have any experience/17:21
CenbeHi, just installed beta 1 of Precise, but can't get software updates or installs ("failed to fetch...", "file format not recognized...").17:24
CenbeAnybody else having this problem?17:24
ScG^DedicatedCenbe I do not have that problem17:34
bazhangCenbe, whats the exact error? was it 404 not found or something else17:54
ironhalikanyone knows where I can disable my LAN adapter from Ubuntu?17:57
ironhalikto completely turn it off17:57
philinuxironhalik: do you mean temporarily disable networking17:58
ironhalikwell, I want to disable eth0 adapter, but leave wlan018:00
ironhalikDell's drivers for windows did just that, on battery power they completely disabled LAN interface18:00
scar3crowhaving problems compiling vmware modules... help?18:04
roothorickwhat package name do I use for sound drivers?18:05
roothorick(when reporting a bug)18:05
erujolcinstalled ubuntu 12.04 beta 1, did apt-get update and upgrade etc.. reboot several times, but cant seem to activate amd drivers, system tells me it using VESA:RV635 atm..18:06
roothorickdoes Xorg.0.log say anything about a "radeon" or "radeonhd" driver?18:07
philinuxironhalik: I'm not a networking guy but I remember this sudo ifdown eth0, ifup enables it again18:08
ironhalikphilinux: yeah, but Im not sure if it powers down the adapter18:08
roothoricksince we're talking about networking, is there a way to temporarily give an interface a static IP in a way that network manager is "aware" of it?18:08
ironhalikthanks though18:09
roothorickif I just use ifconfig networkmanager eventually disables the interface on me18:09
erujolcroothrick, graphics are sluggish and Settings --> Details --> Graphics say Experience: Standard, Driver: VESA:RV635, will check Xorg.0.log18:10
roothorickit doesn't even try to load radeonhd?18:11
erujolcoh wait. i just greped for radeon, will pastebin now looks like a stack trace18:12
roothorickthe DRI status matrix says your card should be mostly supported, good enough for Unity at least18:14
erujolcim having a bad moment, all my shortcuts from urxvt/archlinux arent here how do I copy from gnome-terminal18:15
erujolcroothorick, out of interest how did you know what card i had?18:16
roothorickRV635 :)18:16
erujolcah.. paranoia set in a moment admittedly :)18:17
roothorickmost videocards have two names, the sales name e.g. Radeon HD 3600 and the chip name e.g. RV63518:17
roothorickdriver developers usually work with chip name as that's what's on the datasheet, if one exists18:18
roothorickI see elsewhere in that log though, fglrx is loading just fine...18:18
roothoricktake another look at that log. Any errors from fglrx?18:19
roothorickThere'll be a pisston of II and == but is there any EE?18:19
erujolcnothing obvious at the moment, trying after restart as this time hasnt crashed control panel changing a setting.. 2m18:21
Cenbebazhang: "failed to fetch... no entry in release file", "file format not recognized", "GPG error... doesn't start with a clearsigned message"...18:22
CenbeI have a good network connection.18:22
bazhangCenbe, delight was complaining of some thing similar a bit earlier.18:23
bazhangI think it is not strictly a 12.04 issue but repos in general as I get the same and I am on 11.0418:23
CenbeToo bad, I'd like to have a look at it.18:23
bazhang403 forbidden on the chromium browser update/upgrade18:28
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »18:28
philinuxCenbe: Might be better to pastebin the errors and your source.list18:29
philinuxCenbe: from sudo apt-get update18:30
Cenbesources.list: http://pastebin.com/uUsnMAbA18:38
Cenbeoutput of apt-get update: http://pastebin.com/nvSbDysG18:38
matt__23 restart finally booted with amd/ati graphic enabled and dual screen. it seems to freeze for 0.5sec often though. i have the launcher bar on two screen but two desktops, from reading askubuntu.com this shouldnt be the case (it seems unity is confuseD?)18:52
ironhalikHmm, how could I access gps module from my linux box?18:52
ironhalikwhen its not usb based, but pcie18:53
kanliotman i'm having this problem where sometimes lines don't print in gnome-terminal if the program only outputs a single line.  its so damn annoying!19:02
CenbeActually, I often have trouble with software updates on Kubuntu. I have the "delete and re-create /var/lib/apt/lists" trick memorized.19:05
dr_williscant say ive ever had that issue Cenbe19:07
kanliotmaybe it's a bad package that you don't have19:08
blafooHello! I've some Problems with Kubuntu 12.04 beta and Bluetooth. Although I've activated Bluetooth in th system settings I can't connect to any of my Bluetooth devices: Samsung SGH-U800 or Logitech M55b. With Kubuntu 11.04 (on an other mashine) both work. What to do to make them work with 12.04b? (Used hardware with Kubuntu 12.04b: Asus Zenbook UX31E)19:19
Cenbekanliot: this is a fresh install of 12.04 beta 119:20
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CenbePackaging problems just went away by themselves, I'm thinking server maintenance.20:13
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ratcheerCan the new Catalyst 12.2 driver work with Precise and support 3D?21:18
tojochackoWhile upgrading to Precise(12.04) from Oneiric(11.10) my computer rebooted. After that my unity session won't start. Somehow I managed to explicitly start the unity session using 'startx' command and finish my upgrade. Now everytime my computer reboots, I need to issue the 'startx' command else my Unity won't start. Can someone please help me with this issue?21:21
trismtojochacko: are lightdm and unity-greeter installed?21:22
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ratcheerI will word my problem differently. I installed Catalyst 12.2 on Ubuntu 12.04. It now runs Unity2D instead of Unity. I have verified in Xorg.0.log that the new 64-bit driver is loaded. Is there a way to get into regular 3D Unity with this driver?21:26
tojochackoWhile upgrading to Precise(12.04) from Oneiric(11.10) my computer rebooted. After that my unity session won't start. Somehow I managed to explicitly start the unity session using 'startx' command and finish my upgrade. Now everytime my computer reboots, I need to issue the 'startx' command else my Unity won't start. Can someone please help me with this issue?21:34
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Fyodorovnatojochacko, upgrading to a development was not your finest hour. :)21:36
tojochackoevery thing has a first time and this is one of my first that i m upgrading when OS is in beta21:37
FernandoMiguelanyone else having GPU crashes ?21:40
tojochackois there a fix for my issue ?21:40
Fyodorovnaalphs beta no matter don't do it unless you clone the original.21:40
FyodorovnaI have no fix others may.21:41
glosoliwhy there is 12.2 deb for debian repos and no for ubuntu http://packages.debian.org/sid/fglrx-driver ?22:13
glosoliwho the hell is responsible for fglrx in ubuntu ?22:14
glosolianyone here knows where I can find the lazy person who is responsible for fglrx in ubuntu ?22:32
yofelglosoli: probably to be found in #ubuntu-x, but note that in ubuntu the fglrx version is used, not the catalyst version22:37
glosolifglrx version is 2 versions out of date22:37
* yofel has no idea how to match 12.2 to 8.91122:38
glosoli12.2 95022:38
yofelah, ok, makes sense :)22:38
glosoli12.1 - 8.93022:38
glosolithat shit has 11.11 :/22:39
snadge12.2 was just released.. i installed it yesterday22:39
snadgethe window title issue is still there22:39
glosolisnadge: from BIN22:39
glosolisnadge: BIN doesn't work for everyone22:39
glosolii mean I can't build debs and just install it22:40
glosoliit doesn't work22:40
glosoliforces unity 2d for me22:40
glosoliso I had to sh bin file and use ati automated installation but any new kernel or mesa22:40
glosoliwill break my setup22:40
snadge--buildpkg Ubuntu/precise works for me22:40
glosolisnadge: didin't for me :) would you mind showing me steps you followed ?22:40
glosolisnadge: in btw give me link to windows title bug, wana make it +1 for affect22:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 770283 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "[fglrx]title bar does not update on non-maximized windows" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:42
snadgeThis bug affects you and 67 other people22:42
glosolisnadge: do you have max min close hover effect for now maximized windows ?22:43
snadgeim using unity2d atm22:43
glosolisnadge: are you still here ?22:55
UrBanyone here have this on your computer? ID 0a5c:201e Broadcom Corp. IBM Integrated Bluetooth IV23:01
UrBI'd need help to verify if my hw is broken or whether bluetooth is not working due to software23:02
aljosahad good support for intel card (macbook air) when i installed beta1, after dist-upgrade stuff degraded. anybody knows what happened?23:26
smallfoot-i click on "switch user" in gnome-panel (classic) and it dont work23:44
Daekdroomsmallfoot-, file a bug report23:59

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