
mhall119jo-erlend: still about?00:59
jo-erlendmhall119, strangely enough :)00:59
mhall119jo-erlend: http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2011/01/16/working-with-the-ubuntu-messaging-menu has some python examples for setting an item with a count in the message menu01:00
mhall119I'm not sure if it's still accurate or not01:00
mhall119(this is one of the things I've been working to discover)01:00
jo-erlendmhall119, ah. Interesting. Thanks…01:01
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dpmgood morning all08:22
jalcineAnyone here fancy Docbook?08:58
jalcineIf so, is it recommended for package documentation of apps?08:58
* ajmitch hasn't really had the joy of using it09:00
jalcineKDE uses it in conjunction with KHelpCenter to generate documentation; works like a charm.09:00
jalcineBut I was wondering how I could do the same for GNOME Help Center.09:00
jalcineWow, think I figured it out.09:05
jalcineGoing to write a blog-post about it because that was NOT easy.09:05
jalcineHowever, the need to provide documentation with an application can prove that your program's not intuitive enough that user X can look at it and figure out how to use it.09:06
jalcineHm, okay, got a variable (X-GNOME-DocPath)09:08
jalcineNow to expand that on a KDE system, lol.09:08
jalcineOh wait, that just goes into the desktop file.09:09
jalcineDrat, I don't know if it should be a full path or relative path, and if the latter to where...09:10
dpmjalcine, if your app is GTK-based, the recommended format for documentation is Mallard09:13
dpmyou can see how it works creating a quickly test project:09:13
* dpm runs it09:13
dpmargh, quickly throws an error09:15
dpmfiling a bug...09:15
jalcineI'll look into that.09:16
dpmtry running 'quickly create ubuntu-application testdoc'09:16
jalcineGotta pull in quickly, hold on.09:19
jalcinehttp://playingwithsid.blogspot.com/2009/10/getting-started-with-mallard-help.html << makes it look quite easy.09:20
jalcineGot an error saying there's no 'create' command09:21
jalcineI'm confused :$09:24
jalcineLol, wow, I forgot to install quickly-ubuntu-template.09:24
jalcineHmm, I'm debating whether or not if I should have a debdiff to my package to make tests run after build-time of the core app.12:06

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