
svwilliamscjohnston, I think I have something! let me screen shot it and put it on ubuntuone00:55
svwilliamsits a floating element with a NEGATIVE left hand margin01:04
svwilliamsI moved it inside the content div01:05
svwilliamsso that it floats in relation to the content div01:05
svwilliamsI'm going to clean the code01:05
svwilliamspush up to my branches and test on lp01:05
svwilliamsping cjohnston01:24
svwilliamsping cjohnston nigelb or mhall11901:26
mhall119svwilliams: pong01:27
svwilliamshey mhall119 I'm trying to test some changes I made to ubuntu-community-webthemes on ltp01:27
svwilliamsthe change was made for summit01:28
svwilliamsbut I want to make sure it doesn't hurt ltp01:28
svwilliamshowever the structure in ltp is not like summit01:28
svwilliamssummit has a folder ubuntu_website01:28
mhall119it should be similar, as far as the theme goes01:28
svwilliamsI don't see that ins loco-team portal01:28
svwilliamsand I just recently merged ... or so I thought01:29
mhall119svwilliams: you'll need to get the branch01:29
mhall119svwilliams: run ./manage.py pullapps on LTP01:30
mhall119that should get the bzr branch01:30
svwilliamsahh ok01:30
mhall119then just cd into ubuntu_website and bzr merge your branch changes into it01:31
svwilliamsok I should set this up like summit01:31
svwilliamsits not using virtualenv01:31
svwilliamsits using the make file01:31
mhall119ah yeah,  that's the easiest way01:31
svwilliamswhich puts the env somewhere01:31
mhall119the make file uses virtualenv01:31
svwilliamshmm but when I run .manage.py01:32
mhall119cd into loco_directory01:32
mhall119then run:01:32
mhall119../env/bin/python manage.py01:32
mhall119that's how I do it01:32
svwilliamsodd ...01:33
svwilliamssays no such directory but I've done that before01:33
svwilliamsand it was working friday ...01:33
svwilliamsI think I have the right direction now though01:33
svwilliamsI forgot that after you left chris and I set up virtualenv with summit and did pullapps01:33
mhall119ah, ok01:34
mhall119we pretty much copy/pasted that from LTP to summit (and vice-versa), so they should be very similar in how they work01:34
svwilliamsok I think I can get this working and test then I'll roll back and redo my ltp to match summit01:35
svwilliamswith the branching you taught me01:35
svwilliamsand all the setup01:35
mhall119I'll be off and on for a while, so ping me if you get stuck01:36
svwilliamsok, Thank you!01:36
cjohnstonsvwilliams: replied to your email02:19
svwilliamsI'll go read02:19
cjohnstoni dont know if it will work02:19
cjohnstonbut its worth a shot02:19
svwilliamsI read that ... and saw it wasn't supported and according to it most browsers auto wrap.  Which got me thinking the non-wrap issue was my neg margin on the right side02:20
svwilliamswhich hid the rest of the word under the other div02:20
svwilliamsthe update up on https://code.launchpad.net/~svwilliams/ubuntu-community-webthemes/left-bar-navpanel02:21
svwilliamsshould fix that as I removed the right hand margin02:21
cjohnstonso your branch should be ready to go?02:21
svwilliamsI test it a bit ... I'm more concerned right now with the double display that was happening ...02:21
svwilliamsshould be02:22
cjohnstonare you able to make the double display happen02:24
svwilliamsnope where are you defining the elements02:30
cjohnstonsvwilliams: I just pushed r 305 to https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/new-meeting-stuff/+merge/9615702:38
cjohnstonwhen it refreshes all the code will be there02:38
svwilliamsok I'll merge it to mine and see what happens02:39
svwilliamsI'm going to do a quick update to my ubuntu-website branch02:39
svwilliamsthen it'll be ready02:39
svwilliamsI added a bit to the bottom margin02:39
svwilliamscjohnston, i checked out your branch ... switched to it ... and got a block tag appears more than once03:06
cjohnstonso you atleast see my problem03:07
svwilliamsYes I do03:07
svwilliamsnow time to figure it out :-)03:07
svwilliamsoh maybe this is it03:15
svwilliamsits in schedule/summit.html03:15
svwilliamsand in base.html03:15
svwilliamscould that cause the conflict03:15
svwilliamsin your copy I'm noticing when I pulled your branch03:18
svwilliamsthen in the work folder (following mhall119 example)03:18
svwilliamsdid bzr switch03:19
svwilliamsI have merge junk03:19
svwilliamsin base.html03:19
svwilliamsin the actual branch that junk isn't there03:19
svwilliamsits oddd03:19
svwilliamsNow I'm really confused ... I'll keep looking into it, I have to sign off for tonight03:25
thecolonyroomcjohnston: Hey Chris. You there?10:56
=== thecolonyroom is now known as steveedwards
steveedwardscjohnston: Bah. Real nick now.10:57
czajkowskisteveedwards: bit early for him just yet11:10
czajkowskihe comes on usually a around 1ish or later he's in florida11:10
steveedwardsczajkowski: Ah, thank you.11:11
czajkowskisteveedwards: np11:12
cjohnstonsteveedwards: pong12:19
steveedwardscjohnston: Hi Chris.12:23
steveedwardscjohnston: I wanted to make you aware of some changes we're making to the UDS site.12:23
steveedwardscjohnston: I've fixed most of the bugs you've raised, though some fixes are pending a merge approval.12:23
steveedwardscjohnston: I've updated the Community child pages with some new copy.12:24
steveedwardscjohnston: And I'm working on some amendments to the Sponsors page (we've agreed to supply some details about our gold sponsors).12:24
steveedwardscjohnston: Nothing for you to do – just wanted to keep you in the loop.12:25
cjohnstonsteveedwards: i had a question about the events page I think it is.. it lists the tracks and leads... we have added this to summit as most of the info was already in summit anyway, but its now displayed.. this is also because track leads now have different permissions12:27
cjohnstonI'm on my cell phone right now so I can't paste you a link but I can direct you to the location to view12:27
steveedwardsK, cool.12:28
cjohnstonwould it be possible to not duplicate the info at uds.u.c12:28
steveedwardscjohnston: Sure, I can take out that entire section if you want.12:28
cjohnstonyou could possibly describe what tracks are and then link to the page in summit12:29
steveedwardscjohnston: Yes, no problem.12:30
steveedwardscjohnston: I'll work on that too.12:31
cjohnstonif you want to leave it as is for now, I can update the track stuff in summit and let you know when its ready12:31
steveedwardscjohnston: No worries. Just ping me when you want the change made.12:31
cjohnstonshould only be a couple hours.. once I get home12:31
steveedwardscjohnston: Okay, cool.12:32
cjohnstonalso, I'm not particularly worried about content updates unless its huge changes, more-so only design changes12:33
steveedwardscjohnston: Okay, noted. I'll try and keep the noise to a minimum.12:33
cjohnstondo you have any idea on an eta to get us html and css for summit?12:34
steveedwardscjohnston: Do you want a UDS style redesign?12:36
steveedwardscjohnston: Or just a header/footer change?12:36
cjohnstonthe first option would be cool, but id settle for option 2 now with option one to come soon12:37
steveedwardscjohnston: Is summit.u.c a Django site?12:38
cjohnstonsteveedwards:  unless we are going to.combine the sites it.doesn't need to.be as fancy as uds, but a little nicer would be cool12:39
cjohnstonsteveedwards: yes12:39
cjohnstonsteveedwards:  one thing we are doing, and actually feedback would be really nice (I can show you when I get home)12:39
cjohnstonif you go to design.u.c on the examples page is a landscspe screenshot that has a side bar12:40
cjohnstonwe are having to add a similar sidebar because we don't have room for all of our 'management' links12:41
steveedwardscjohnston: Ah, okay. Cool.12:41
steveedwardscjohnston: I see what you mean.12:41
cjohnstonso feedback on implementation would be helpful.. there is nothing within the design guidelines so we are kinda on our own with it12:43
steveedwardscjohnston: I'd be happy to help.12:43
cjohnstonsteveedwards:  whats.your email12:44
steveedwardscjohnston: I'll package up the CSS/markup for Summit ASAP, probably today.12:44
steveedwardscjohnston: steve.edwards@canonical.com12:44
steveedwardscjohnston: No problem.12:46
cjohnstonsteveedwards:  you should have email12:48
steveedwardscjohnston: So I do...12:48
steveedwardscjohnston: I'll pass this over to Lil and James (the Web Team designers). I'll get you some feedback.12:50
steveedwardscjohnston: No sweat.12:50
cjohnstonhopefully ill leave work soon and get home and be able to do some stuff. ty12:51
steveedwardscjohnston: :)12:51
steveedwardscjohnston: You're welcome.12:51
cjohnstonsteveedwards: fwiw our current theme is lp:ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-theme12:56
steveedwardscjohnston: Cool. Ta.12:57
=== steveedwards is now known as steveedwards-lun
cprofitthey bobweaver -- did you talke with the devs in here yet?13:43
bobweaverNo I have not13:44
cprofittthey are cjohnston mhall119 and nigelb13:44
cprofittthey are fantastic and get your setup with a dev environment13:44
bobweaverI am going to read some more about this channel / group13:45
bobweavercprofitt,  thanks for helping :>)13:46
cprofittno problem... it is great to see folks be able to get involved in areas they are interested in13:46
cprofittand really no big deal to connect people13:46
=== steveedwards-lun is now known as steveedwards
mhall119hi bobweaver14:09
mhall119hi cprofitt14:09
bobweaverhello mhall11914:09
mhall119steveedwards: ping14:32
steveedwardsmhall119: Hey.14:32
mhall119steveedwards: hi, I merged your chages to the uds website theme14:33
steveedwardsmhall119: Super, thanks.14:33
mhall119what is your process for deployment?14:33
steveedwardsmhall119: Want me to raise the RT ticket?14:33
steveedwardsmhall119: ^14:33
mhall119steveedwards: sure14:33
steveedwardsmhall119: Cool. I'll do that shortly. I'm currently making some changes to the Sponsors page (we've agreed to show some company details for our gold sponsors).14:34
mhall119steveedwards: ok14:34
steveedwardsmhall119: Thanks for reviewing the merge proposal.14:35
dakerah http://uds.ubuntu.com/ has been updated14:36
mhall119daker: yeah, steveedwards and his team undertook a major redesign14:41
dakernice steveedwards ツ14:41
steveedwardsdaker: Thanks.14:42
steveedwardsdaker: :)14:42
dakergot my sponsorship email ツ14:48
mhall119daker: \o/14:49
cjohnstondaker: sweet!14:50
dakerthe longest 2months of my life :/ , i need to get a new ID card, a new passport then apply for a visa14:51
cjohnstondaker: get started yesterday ;-)14:51
mhall119daker: that's gonna the shortest 2 months of your life14:52
mhall119ask nigelb how fast that time goes when you're trying to get a passport and visa14:52
dakerand he did it in time ?14:52
nigelbapply tomorow.14:52
nigelbdo not waste a single minute14:52
mhall119I think he had like 12 hours between getting his visa and getting on a plane14:52
nigelbI suspect your US consulate could be slow.14:53
nigelbmhall119: about 2414:53
mhall119nigelb: :)14:53
dakeri hope so14:53
nigelbI however, did not have to get the passport, I already had it.14:53
nigelb(by the time I got sponsorship)14:54
cjohnstonmhall119: is 1300 ok for you for the summit release15:34
bobweavercjohnston,  hello there I was told that I should talk to you a am a web dev and am looking to help out15:44
cjohnstonbobweaver: ill be available in 2 hours to talk. :)15:45
cjohnstonmhall119: yes15:45
bobweavercool I will be here :>)15:45
mhall119cjohnston: I should be, yeah15:46
jorsHey everyone,  forgive me for being stupid, but how does one edit an ubuntu wiki?  I need to upload a submission but simpel cannot figure out how.  Any advice for a novice?17:59
cjohnstonjors: you need to login, navigate to the page you want to edit and then click the edit link18:00
jorsFair enough, but where do I find the "edit" option?  I don't see one.18:01
cjohnstonif you dont see it you probably arent logged in18:02
jorsThanks.  I'm definitely logged in.  "Load", "save" & "raw text" are some of the option I see, but no "edit".18:05
cjohnstonthis is what the subnav will look like if your logged in:18:06
mhall119jors: http://awesomescreenshot.com/07418eo1318:06
jorsOh dear, says the page is "immutable".  Guess that's why.18:08
cprofittjors: are you logged in to LP?18:08
cprofittyou are editing which wiki?18:09
cjohnstonsteveedwards: thanks18:10
steveedwardscjohnston: ;)18:10
jorsPreciseCountdownBanner.  Sorry, don't know how to insert the link here.18:10
cjohnstonjors: its only Immutable if you arent logged in18:11
cjohnstondo you see your lp name in the subnav?18:11
cprofittthis one -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/PreciseCountdownBanner18:11
cprofittjors: in the menu row with 'Edit' 'Info' etc... you should see your LP name... is that the case?18:11
jorsloggin in again now, just a sec18:12
jorsSee it now.  Don't know why it didn't work prior as I was definitely logged in.  Thanks for your help and sorry for wasting your time.18:13
cprofittjors: never a waste -- glad to help you18:13
jorsThanks again.18:13
cjohnstonsteveedwards: just because you dont like django doesnt mean you have to posion it with PHP :-P18:14
cjohnstonpoison too18:14
steveedwardscjohnston: Hey, did I say I didn't like Django?18:14
cprofittlol cjohnston18:14
steveedwardscjohnston: ;)18:14
cprofittman... there are some nice countdown submissions18:19
steveedwardscjohnston: I'm logging off. Have fun.18:31
slick666hey cjohnton22:29
slick666I've been able to lookat the readthedocs page22:30
slick666and got through most of it but I've found a couple corrections22:31
slick666who do I submit those to?22:31
cjohnstonwhat are the issues?22:33
cjohnstonthe docs are in the bzr branch22:33
slick666I started with a bare minimum Ubuntu 11.10 install and I needed to install gcc22:33
slick666and python2.7-dev22:34
slick666also the model-mommy package was renamed to model_mommy22:34
cjohnstonwe use python2.6 still22:35
slick666ok, I was just going with system defaults22:35
slick666I'll roll mine back to be sure I'm not missing anything22:35
cjohnstonya.. slick666 the server is the previous LTS22:35
slick666oh, of course22:35
cjohnstonslick666: you can install python2.6 with python2.622:35
cjohnstonslick666: you can install python2.6 with python2.722:36
slick666I know22:36
cjohnstonso just install 2.6 and set up your virtual env for 2.622:36
slick666I jsut have to change the pointer so the 'which python' points to python 2.622:36
slick666where would I find the 'model-mommy' requirement?22:37
slick666is that requiremetns.txt something in the bzr source?22:38
slick666lol, yea22:40

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