
RAOFcnd: Nope.  I think I've just fixed Mr Barriers, but that should bake for just a tiny bit longer.00:00
Sarvattbryceh: so from my own bugs i've filed, i'm getting a segfault, then stuff is happening in the signal handler that is causing a SIGABRT later, and it keeps getting duped to doko's SIGABRT bug by apport even though i dont think its the the same00:00
cndit's uploaded now00:00
brycehSarvatt, interesting00:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 948697 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in valuator_mask_set_double()" [Undecided,New]00:01
brycehyeah I've noticed with a lot of these stacktraces, that there's a dozen lines of input related goo that happens *after* it enters the abort code00:01
Sarvattthats definitely a segfault, the abort is later but apport only cares about the later stuff00:01
brycehyeah, or see https://launchpadlibrarian.net/95731570/ThreadStacktrace.txt00:02
brycehthere's a Sigio one00:02
Sarvattbryceh: wait, thats someone elses bug? thats the same bug i'm hitting from the looks of it00:03
RAOFYou know what we should do?  Block signals after we get a SIGSEGV00:03
brycehyeah that's lp #94879200:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 948792 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in ___newselect_nocancel()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94879200:04
RAOFIf we're dying we don't want to handle input anyway.00:04
brycehJeroen's bug00:04
brycehiirc he's able to repro that one fairly reliably00:04
Sarvattits really really hard to reproduce, i only hit it because when my lids closed my touchpad wigs out thinking its getting touched from the lid and it takes like 10 hours closed to hit from what i can see00:05
brycehSarvatt, hey you're right these stacktraces do look the same00:06
Sarvattboth bcm5974 devices too00:06
cndRAOF, so you want to block signals after a SIGSEGV from within a signal handler?00:07
Sarvatti'm amazed he got a crash report for the same thing apport actually retraced, i've filed 3 and all got duped to doko's totally different bug00:07
RAOFOnce we hit the server abort path we should unhook the SIGIO handler at least.00:07
cndRAOF, I guess the better question is why are we returning from the SIGSEGV handler?00:08
brycehSarvatt, interesting [291953.349] bcm5974: not enough space for touch events (max 5 touchpoints). Dropping this event.00:08
Sarvattoh i get spammed with those constantly00:09
RAOFcnd: I think because we do strange things - particularly, we go through the SEGV handler and then re-raise SEGV so that apport can dump.00:09
cndbryceh, Sarvatt: I wonder if that's due to the memory leak I just fixed00:09
Sarvattexcept its 8 touchpoints here00:09
Sarvattcnd: that would be freaking awesome00:09
Sarvatti'll switch back to synaptics to check00:09
cndSarvatt, so that means we got stuck in sigio context long enough that many touchpoints came in before we were able to resize the touch record array00:10
cndthough if it's dying at only 8 touch points then you aren't seeing the memory leak00:10
cndbecause the memory leak is the touch record array growing ad infinitum00:11
brycehcnd, is there a bug # for that memory leak?00:11
brycehoh wait, there is, you mentioned it already00:11
cndit doesn't say it's a memory leak00:11
Sarvattoh it changes00:11
Sarvatt[291953.349] bcm5974: not enough space for touch events (max 5 touchpoints). Dropping this event.00:11
Sarvatt[291953.349] [dix] bcm5974: unable to begin touch point 600:11
cndbut that's another symptom00:11
brycehbug 92940800:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 929408 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "X does not send multitouch touch end events properly" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92940800:11
Sarvatt[291958.903] bcm5974: not enough space for touch events (max 8 touchpoints). Dropping this event.00:11
Sarvatt[291958.903] [dix] bcm5974: unable to begin touch point 800:11
cndSarvatt, that sounds like the server regular context is hung00:12
cndand the input sigio is still working00:12
RAOFcnd: Wow.  The xserver build sure is chatty with the new xorg-macros.00:13
cndRAOF, what do you mean?00:13
cndthe macros I added for CXX?00:13
brycehcnd, what's the version number for this new xserver?00:13
RAOFI wanted to rebuild xorg-gtest, so I pulled the new xorg-macros, because you've made it depend on the newer macros.00:14
cndRAOF, it will still work with the older macros00:14
RAOFSomeone has apparently added ALL THE WARNINGS to xorg-macros.00:14
cndoh, they weren't there before?00:14
SarvattRAOF: fun isn't it!00:14
RAOFcnd: Not here it didn't; autogen bailed wanting a newer xorg-macros00:14
Sarvattno debian hasn't updated to util-macros 1.16 yet00:14
Sarvattfor that reason :)00:14
Sarvatt1.16.1 is a little better00:15
cndRAOF, hmm, I thought it wouldn't require the latest xorg-macros00:15
cndI guess I'll need to double check that00:15
RAOFSarvatt: I pulled trunk.  You mean this is the *less bad* version? :)00:15
Sarvattif you think 1.16.2 with the gtest stuff in it is chatty you should have seen 1.16.000:15
RAOFWin!  That *was* the problem.00:16
RAOFcnd: Once again, xorg-gtest is awesome.00:16
cndRAOF, hmmm?00:16
cndwhat was the problem?00:16
RAOFOh, a problem in the barrier code.00:16
cndahh, cool00:17
cndRAOF, where are your tests?00:17
cndI want to see how you're using it00:17
RAOFOnly the first barrier event on the screen edge was getting triggered.  And because xorg-gtest is awesome, it was easy to find and verify.00:17
cndso I can try to provide for us both :)00:17
cndI'm going to add a method to xorg::testing::Test that will create a hierarchy of windows00:18
cndthat's next on my plate, since it's needed for testing of touch grabs and selections and such00:18
RAOFYou can find them in the ubuntu-barrier-tests branch of xorg-server in my alioth repository.00:19
brycehSarvatt, think https://launchpadlibrarian.net/95610521/ThreadStacktrace.txt is the same?  it's also got that <signal handler> ...fail... ...Device futzing... end style00:19
brycehdifferent stack trace though00:20
Sarvattnope i wouldn't assume it was00:20
RAOFcnd: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=users/raof-guest/xorg-server.git;a=summary00:20
cndjust when I had already navigated to it...00:20
Sarvattmine *always* segfaults in valuator_mask_set_double00:20
cndRAOF, so it's all in a debian patch?00:20
cndjust checking00:20
RAOFcnd: Yes.  Because now I'm going to submit MIRs for gtest and xorg-gtest, and this'll be enabled on the buildds.00:21
Sarvattthat ones in pixman_region_intersect00:21
cndRAOF, are you planning to push the tests into precise?00:22
RAOFcnd: Yes.00:22
cndRAOF, ok, before you do let me get integration tests proposed upstream at least00:22
cndI hope to have that by the end of this week00:22
RAOFIntegration tests for touch?00:22
cndfor anything00:23
cndbut the first proposed tests will be for touch :)00:23
RAOFWhy should these tests block on that?00:23
cndRAOF, actually, I suppose there's no reason they should00:23
cndRAOF, you aren't using evemu replaying are you?00:24
RAOFNo; just xtest.00:24
cndI guess if you have it working with debuild, then it's good00:24
cndsadly, evemu requires root or special udev rules00:24
cndso we probably can't enable them by default during the build00:25
cndRAOF, why do you have your own main()?00:25
cndinstead of linking against xorg-gtest_main00:26
RAOFcnd: So I can set options.  Specifically, so I can set the Xorg binary to ../../hw/xfree86/Xorg, and have my own conf file.00:26
cndoh, I see where you set those now00:27
cndI thought you were just providing the default options00:27
RAOFI'd also like to pass -dumbSched to the server; it makes debugging more pleasant.00:28
cndis that not possible with xorg-gtest today?00:28
cndhmmm, I guess not00:29
cndRAOF, if you find the time, xorg::testing::Environment could use a dumbSched boolean option and a generic "extra parameters" option00:30
RAOFYeah, was planning to do that.00:30
cndI'm glad it's been helpful :)00:31
cndRAOF, for the SIGIO corruption, maybe --gtest_repeat=-1 for a day on a test machine would help?00:32
cndthough I think gtest_repeat may be broken due to it attempting to restart the server each time, and the shutdown not being handled properly00:33
RAOFBut it's not going to receive SIGIO, is it?00:35
cndahh, good point00:35
cndbecause it's XTest00:35
RAOFIndeed.  It presumably would with evemu.00:36
RAOFcnd: gtest in Debian is going to lose the static lib entirely; I don't think building with -fPIC will be accepted.01:25
cndRAOF, huh?01:25
cndthey just dropped the shared lib01:25
cndso is it going to be source only?01:25
RAOFAs Google intended :)01:26
ubottuDebian bug 639795 in libgtest-dev "[libgtest-dev] gtest-config missing" [Normal,Open]01:26
cndRAOF, I suppose that's ok, but then it raises the question of: how do we find the sources?01:28
cndpkgconfig won't help, will it?01:29
RAOFAssume they're in /usr/src/gtest; we could provide a pkgconfig file.01:29
cndbut upstream doesn't provide a pkgconfig file, so that won't really help01:29
cndI fear a future where we have to use --with-gtest-source=/usr/src/gtest01:30
cndwhich then begs the question: should we be doing the same for xorg-gtest?01:30
cndoh well, we'll deal with the fallout when it comes I guess01:31
RAOFYeah.  That won't actually be terrible, though.01:34
RAOFJust needs some autofoolery.01:34
Sarvattyay non-crashy Xv fglrx finally released01:54
brycehoh yeah?  sweet01:57
Sarvattthe march fglrx is like a week away though, that was the target for precise02:08
RAOFI hate it when I realise that something only accidentally works.  Bah!05:42
jcristauthis gtest stuff sounds like xtrans all over again08:35
=== yofel is now known as yofel_
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cndRAOF, ping me when you are available, I want to chat with you about gtest18:00
jussihello all!18:51
jussianyone know if there are currently issues witht the nvidia driver in precise? I cant seem to get it to install - see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/874989/18:51
brycehjussi, have you had it installed on that hardware previously?18:58
jussibryceh: yes, updated a few days back and it was gone18:58
jussicant enable anymore18:58
brycehjussi, here's the nvidia bugs reported against precise so far - http://bit.ly/wFEQec18:58
jussibryceh: at first glance, seems similar/same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/94933019:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949330 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nVidia driver won't load anymore" [Undecided,New]19:00
brycehjussi, yeah was just looking at that myself19:01
brycehsounds like jockey may be confused19:01
jussibryceh: right. Is there any further info I can provide to help diagnose? 19:02
brycehhmm, doesn't look like nvidia-current has changed in the last couple weeks19:03
brycehjockey did get a change on the 5th (minor stuff), and more major changes on t he 3rd19:03
brycehjussi, perhaps try downgrading to jockey 0.9.6-0ubuntu1?19:04
jussibryceh: forgive me, but how do I actually downgrade? 19:05
brycehthree options:  1) apt-get install <package>=<version>19:07
bryceh2) if the .deb is in your /var/cache/apt/archive, then dpkg -i <path-to-deb>19:08
bryceh3) Go to the launchpad page for the package, and go to the version history section, find the version you want and drill down to get the .debs.  Then as in #2.19:08
jussiright, Im on it. I assume I want jockey-common?  (not just the kde frontend)19:09
brycehjockey-common and whatever frontend you usually use (jockey-gtk maybe?)19:09
jussinah, its kde :) but yeah. do I need hte dh-modaliases? 19:11
jussibryceh: ok, it still fails: http://paste.ubuntu.com/875021/19:15
brycehjussi, which version of the nvidia driver did you have installed before?  -current?19:15
jussibryceh: I havent complete memory, but that is what I would usually install, yes.19:16
brycehjussi, alright so we've ruled out a regression in jockey19:17
brycehjussi, can you try purging all -nvidia from your system and then reinstalling it?19:17
bryceh(if you haven't already)19:17
jussisure. sudo apt-get remove nvidia* ?19:17
jussior do I need to purge?19:18
brycehsudo apt-get purge nvidia*19:18
jussiok :)19:18
jussiThe following packages will be REMOVED:19:19
jussi  kubuntu-desktop* nvidia-173* nvidia-173-updates* nvidia-common* nvidia-current*19:19
jussi  nvidia-current-updates* nvidia-settings* nvidia-settings-updates*19:19
jussicurious that the 173 ones are there...? 19:19
brycehin fact I've been wondering if that could be the problem19:20
jussiright, do I need to reboot or restart something before attempting again?19:20
broderand the -updates ones, too19:20
brycehI'm not great at grokking jockey logs however it keeps talking about 173 like it would prefer to install that19:20
brycehhowever we don't have a compatible version of -173 yet, so it's uninstallable19:20
jussi01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G86 [GeForce 8500 GT] (rev a1)19:21
jussiis the HW19:21
brycehI think that's reasonably modern enough19:21
brycehlet's do the purge and then see what jockey thinks you should install19:21
jussiok, purge is done, Ill give jockey a go now.19:21
jussiwhoa, just got much faster.19:22
jussiright, so I can choose current and current updates19:22
brycehyou want current19:22
bryceh(during development the two should be one and the same)19:23
jussiit appears to be installing now...19:23
jussiright, it installed. let me just reboot19:25
jussibryceh: right, it seems to be working now. Im not sure what caused jockey to install all of the drivers there tbh.19:30
jussiIs there any other tests that are needed? or simply case closed forget about it? 19:31
brycehjussi, there was a jockey bug before where it'd prefer -173 over -current.  I think that may be fixed now.  Could be this is just fallout from that.19:32
jussibryceh: ahh that would make sense. I guess I just dont want to leave the situation without a bug report or something if it would be useful for others.19:33
brycehjussi, debugging this with you has been helpful.  I'll keep an eye out for others with the same trouble, and if it appears to be a pervasive problem it may be worth deeper exploration, to see fi we can set up a reproducible case.19:33
jussibryceh: sure. ping me if you need something, I idle here anyway :)19:34
brycehjussi, well what I think we would need is to know how to get your system back into that broken state.  If you have any ideas shout.19:34
bryceh-nvidia installs have never been perfect, and the purge trick is well utilized19:35
jussibryceh: one thing I could try that just came to mind, is to see if its a bug with jockey not removing things - ie, if I now go try to install the current-updates, will it remove the current?19:35
jussiso if in the past, I tried to install all 3 at different times, but it never actually removed them19:36
brycehI think it can cope with having both installed side by side, but only one will be in use at a time19:36
brycehyou mention things had been slower, so I wonder if you had -173 loaded19:37
jussiit was strange, I had some slowness, as well as a disappearing mouse cursor19:37
jussibut not slow enough to really comment on, just a little. 19:38
brycehyeah, sounds like something that could be explained by an old driver19:39
brycehfwiw, bug 949330 appears to be a missing kernel driver, which I think is different from what you saw.  could be a weird dkms build issue (which is not unusual)19:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949330 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nVidia driver won't load anymore" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94933019:40
jussiok. well lets leave it at that for now, if you need more, feel free to ping, I am very willing to help out where I can.19:40
brycehsure thing19:40
jussithanks forall the help :=)19:41
=== himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf
FernandoMiguelanyone else having GPU crashes ?21:40
brycehFernandoMiguel, you'd have to be more specific22:04
FernandoMiguelbryceh: I've seen traces replace my screen after login, and on shutdown it got locked on another trace22:05
brycehFernandoMiguel, do you have a bug#?22:08
FernandoMiguelnot yet22:08
FernandoMigueltrying to gather info and reproduce it22:08
brycehFernandoMiguel, do you have a pastebin of the trace?22:08
FernandoMiguelcouldn't capture it22:09
FernandoMiguelthe 1st one was gone when I moved my mouse22:09
FernandoMiguelthe other locked on shutdown, so I forced rebooted22:09
brycehFernandoMiguel, alright well I going to be of little use to you without knowing some details ;-)22:09
brycehFernandoMiguel, "yes" people have gpu lockups, kernel crashes, and so on all the time22:10
FernandoMiguelI know I know bryceh22:10
FernandoMiguelany typs to debug it furhter ?22:10
FernandoMiguelor to collect a log of what happened on last boot ?22:10
brycehsteps to reproduce are always helpful.  See if you can reproduce it.22:10
FernandoMiguelwill see on the next shutdown :)22:11
brycehwe need to have the trace.  You can check dmesg or /var/log/kern.log, etc.22:11
brycehfile bug reports via 'ubuntu-bug linux'22:11
brycehor 'ubuntu-bug xorg' if you're certain its X failing.  Sounds like a kernel BUG or some such though, if it's printing on the screen22:11
brycehif it is a gpu lockup, then an i915_error_state.txt is required22:12
brycehif it is an X server crash, then we want a full backtrace from gdb22:12
FernandoMiguelits on kern.log22:13
FernandoMiguelfiling a bug now22:14
brycehFernandoMiguel, so, looks like you had a filesystem error, perhaps related to crypto22:14
brycehFernandoMiguel, you'd be wanting to speak with the kernel folks then22:15
brycehno prob22:15
=== bryceh changed the topic of #ubuntu-x to: Before asking for help here, please file a bug report using 'ubuntu-bug xorg'. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Reporting for tips.
RAOFcnd: Pong about gtest.22:27
cndRAOF, let me get back to you22:27
cndabout to start a meeting22:27
glosoliWho is responsible for Ubuntu FGLRX ? 22:38
cndRAOF, ok, I am ready to chat :)23:20
cndso xorg-gtest is undergoing a huge change so that it can be built by projects instead of using precompiled libraries23:20
glosoliAnyone knows who is reponsible of fglrx being 2 versions out of date ? 23:20
cndRAOF, I don't know if we should be including it in main for the LTS23:21
brycehcnd, does anything depend on it?23:25
brycehor, do you anticipate we'll be having large numbers of users running it?23:25
cndbryceh, not yet, but RAOF wants to upload an xorg-server with tests that use it23:25
brycehcan it be an optional dependency in that case?23:27
cndbryceh, I guess the bigger issue is that RAOF has asked for a MIR of xorg-gtest, but I don't think we can commit to support of xorg-gtest as it exists today23:29
brycehin terms of security updates you mean?23:30
cndany updates, really23:30
cndI'm concerned about how we have a stack of precompiled libs23:30
cndthat upstream gtest says is the wrong way to do things23:30
cndif the libstdc++ abi changes, we might be caught it a bad place23:31
cndor something like that23:31
brycehah, gotcha23:31
brycehhowever once the LTS is shipped, it's unlikely libs would go through ABI changes, right?  Plus, you'd have the same problem if it's in universe23:32
cndyeah, but I don't *have* to support universe :)23:32
brycehanyway, guess it boils down to how RAOF intends to use it.  having it in main does have some cost to it, but I don't think it's an unreasonable amount if there's sufficient value.23:36
cndyeah, I suppose it will be ok23:36
brycehthere's lots of X packages we never update post-release, so this would be in good company ;-)23:37
RAOFSo, I'd quite like the tests to ship in the xserver.23:40
RAOFThey *are* currently optional; they'll only build if xorg-gtest is installed.23:40
RAOFI guess there's not a high risk that the barrier tests get broken by post-release updates, so it's not terrible if they're not built on the buildds.23:43
RAOFcnd: So, if you don't want to support xorg-gtest in main, then I can live with that.23:43
cndRAOF, I think it may be ok, but there will not be any further updates to xorg-gtest in precise23:44
cndI guess that's an assumed thing since we're past FF anyways23:45
cndmeh, I'm getting my thoughts twisted in knots23:45
cndI think it'll be fine23:45
RAOFYeah.  What sort of bugs are we likely to see in xorg-gtest that require an SRU? :)23:45
cndso I've spent the entire day so far trying to get gtest to build inside a project23:49
cndI'm getting close23:49
cndI think I have xorg-gtest itself all figured out23:49
cndnow I'm trying to convert xorg-gtest23:49
RAOFWhat problems were you running in to?23:51
RAOFI build gtest as a part of the xserver tests, and it's no biggy.23:51
cndRAOF, just trying to get it all set up "correctly"23:52
cndthe google example Makefile is not very good...23:52
* RAOF does need to add the autofoo to allow you to specify the source directory.23:53
RAOFBut I did it the cheater's way, by adding gtest-all.cc to _noinst_SOURCES :)23:53
cndRAOF, you can see my work in progress at: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~cndougla/xorg-gtest/log/?h=source23:53
RAOFLooks good.23:57
RAOFYou'll still be shipping a pkg-config file, right?23:57
cndwhat would be in it?23:58
RAOFThe version, at least.23:58
RAOFYou could also include the path to the source directories.23:59
cndhow would you encode the path to the source directories?23:59
RAOFAs a pkg-config variable.23:59
cndyou can define arbitrary vars?23:59

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