
zykotick9velko_: doesn't matter - only ubuntu is supported in #ubuntu00:00
velko_zykotick9, so call the ops to kick me out00:00
brianp1992okay i figured it out, heres the url http://pastebin.com/kn4C0dPA00:00
shade34321brianp1992, pastebinit is the command and package name...sorry had to switch to my ubuntu computer00:01
bastidrazorvelko_: he means this issue did not occur in Ubuntu therefore is not a valid question/answer session here.00:01
velko_bastidrazor, i do understand this. but i'm not using ubuntu either. am i therefore not qualified enough to talk on this channel?00:02
Praxiwho told me to use xfce earlier? was that trevor?00:02
zykotick9velko_: i don't use ubuntu either - but i don't seek support for my distro in this channel00:03
brianp1992shade34321, the error mesage when i uninstall programs via software center http://pastebin.com/kn4C0dPA00:04
VGN-AR31Ehello guys00:05
VGN-AR31Eanyone in here tonight?00:05
shade34321brianp1992, is that just installation of anything or something specific?00:05
VGN-AR31Eneed HELP!00:05
velko_zykotick9, ok. i apologize if my words were not chosen carefully enough. what i wanted to say is that i don't think that his problem is arch-specific. so he's not asking for arch support on the ubuntu channel00:05
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brianp1992shade34321, it will pop up when installing/uninstalling anything00:05
pcfreak2hey guys00:06
pcfreak2just wondering00:06
shade34321what about installing something with terminal?00:06
jamiltokoe rapeizeeee00:06
pcfreak2have any of you tried the 12.04 beta 1??00:06
jamiltoalguém do brasil akii?00:06
zykotick9pcfreak2: reask in #ubuntu+100:06
pcfreak2see u00:06
VGN-AR31Eneed some advice... want to get rid of windows 700:06
VGN-AR31Eand switch to linux.... advice required which one is best suited00:07
Praxiwindows 8? bwhahahah00:07
brianp1992shade34321, it will pop up when installing/uninstalling anything00:07
VGN-AR31Elol no no - had enough of windows00:07
shade34321brianp1992, have you seen this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1482704&page=200:07
PraxiVGN-AR31E, trying that myself now for the record though, dumped my windows box, installed ubuntu00:07
tynajasalgun español?00:07
VGN-AR31Ewant to switch to linux00:07
shade34321and/or tried it?00:07
Praxithis is my second day with it00:07
zykotick9!es | tynajas00:08
ubottutynajas: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:08
VGN-AR31Eany probs praxi?00:08
brianp1992shade34321, i love you00:08
Praxiya tons of productivity problems00:08
shade34321brianp1992, lol00:08
VGN-AR31Ehummm.... thats no good :/00:08
PraxiI'm a windows admin, with some minor linux admin00:08
shade34321brianp1992, make sure it fixes the issue first:)00:08
shade34321brianp1992, so then I can go celebrate for actualy helping somebody:D00:08
dannyhello i am trying to install teamviewer wicth is a program that was ported over using wine much like google picasa i beilve and when i install the .deb 64 bit file it went all good until i try to open the porgram and thats when i get this "failed to load tvwine.dll.so " "could not load the GNU/Linux extension shared library tvwine.dll.so00:08
brianp1992shade34321, yes, im pretty shure its what im looking for00:08
VGN-AR31Ewhat computer do you have?00:08
Praximanage a few magento stores, open-erp and a few things like that for linux, but I mainly do a bunch of MS SQL data mining.00:09
VGN-AR31Ehummm... right00:09
Praxibuilt computer, intel 2500k, 8gb ram, nvidia card00:09
VGN-AR31Eworrying.... as your a computer wizz and getting probs00:09
PraxiI'm not a linux wizz though00:09
Praxithis channel has helped me quite a bit, but still it shouldn't be that difficult hehe00:10
VGN-AR31Ehummm I am neither -- just fed up of windows00:10
Praxiadmittedly a lot of it I did to myself00:10
VGN-AR31Eokay... have you tried any other linux os?00:10
PraxiI wanted to try centrific? a tool to authenticate me against my active directory and provide me with access to my network resources.  It prevented me from loggin in, had to goto terminal and delete my user profiles and uninstall it, there was a few hours wasted.00:11
zykotick9VGN-AR31E: gnu/linux if for people that hate windows.  BSD is for people that hate gnu/linux.  and OpenBSD is for people that hate everyone.  </joke>00:11
VGN-AR31Elol at zykotick00:12
Praxiso far linux doesn't like my big canon copier that we print label stock on, it prints, but only in black & white, having trouble finding a good driver for it.00:12
brianp1992shade34321, when i went to apt-get install  nvidia-kernel-common    it was unavailable, do i really need it lol?00:12
VGN-AR31Ehummm... i got this coming weekend to sort my laptop out00:12
VGN-AR31Enot sure if i want to take the risk :/00:12
VGN-AR31Ebeen reading - linux would/might not install a lot of the devices?00:12
PraxiI tried mint a few months ago on a vm, it wasn't bad, ubuntu is probably friendlier to noobs like me though00:12
VGN-AR31Ehummm so should go with ubuntu if i install linux?00:13
Praxitake a good backup and give it a whirl, what do you mainly do?  maybe I have had some xp with that and can offer noob insight into it00:13
mneptokVGN-AR31E: it's not "install." it's "does the device vendor provide open specifications?"00:13
VGN-AR31Eor would anyone recommend differently for my Sony Vaio VGN AR31E?00:13
mneptokVGN-AR31E: a Live session will sort all this out.00:14
dannyso how would i be able to add tvwine.dll.so to my dependecies or were ever it should go ?00:14
shade34321brianp1992, honestly I"m not sure but I'd see if you can update first00:14
VGN-AR31Ea live session?00:14
Praxiya thats very true VGN-AR31E get the ubuntu cd, boot off it, but dont install it, it lets you try00:14
Praxigives you a functioning ubuntu desktop without installing00:14
zykotick9VGN-AR31E: the only suggestions you'll get here are for ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/lubuntu for a more audience you might want to ask in the ##linux channel00:15
mneptokVGN-AR31E: download a Live CD image. burn it. boot from CD. run Ubuntu. see what it does. no changes to your hard disk.00:15
VGN-AR31Eso I can download it and burn it onto a cd00:15
VGN-AR31Eto be used?00:15
VGN-AR31Eaaah brilliant!!!!00:15
linuxdude2what we talking about peeps??00:15
GASSYPOOTSi dunno00:16
VGN-AR31Ethats fab... thanks praxi and mneptok00:16
linuxdude2what do you guys want to talk about??00:16
GASSYPOOTSwho used a liveusb?00:16
linuxdude2i have a liveusb00:16
linuxdude2of ubuntu00:16
GASSYPOOTSi made my own00:16
linuxdude2and debian00:16
FloodBot1linuxdude2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:16
Praxiyw VGN-AR31E feel free to send a tell if you want noob perspective or the geek speak getting too much :)00:17
linuxdude2got yelled at by bot.00:17
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
linuxdude2"dont" flood00:17
linuxdude2says bot00:17
brianp1992shade34321, ill up date then try install agan00:17
GASSYPOOTSpi is about 3.141569....00:17
Praxitrying using complete sentences linuxdude2? :)00:17
VGN-AR31Ecool praxi00:17
shade34321brianp1992, sounds good00:17
mneptoklinuxdude2: and you continue to send multiple inputlines for single thought. please stop.00:18
linuxdude2i will, ive never used IRC before00:18
Wabsflooding must be bad in this channel to have 3 bots for it00:18
linuxdude2yet I'm a huge nerd, jailbreaking peoples iPods and iPhones for $5, trying to save up money for Starhawk for PS300:19
pengwi got a question i use glade3 and python and I have 3 text entry, Now I want to pass these three boxs's text to a function to calculate. So what should I do?00:19
GASSYPOOTSthe only thing i dont like about ubuntu is i cant use flash so noyoutube repeater00:19
linuxdude2for what??00:19
no-name-does the 32-bit version have a RAM limit like windows does? (I have 8gb)00:19
pengwit is quite hard to find a good glade gtk tutorial00:19
linuxdude2you can use flash in Ubuntu.....00:19
Praxi4gb limit for 32b?00:19
linuxdude2hold on00:20
brianp1992shade34321, alright, same thing happend,  heres what it says http://pastebin.com/KeE0T7rf00:20
GASSYPOOTSnot in chromium00:20
zykotick9no-name-: yes, 32bit can only address 3.?GB of RAM, PAE is a "hack" that lets you use more.  If your CPU supports 64bit, with 8GB i'd use it.00:20
no-name-zykotick9: thanks00:20
GASSYPOOTSim usbooting XD new word :P00:20
linuxdude2install Flash in USC for Firefox, Flash is built in to Chomium00:20
shade34321brianp1992, my guess is you don't need it but like I said before I'm not sure...maybe somebody else can chime in and let you know for sure:/00:21
GASSYPOOTSwell i have installed java but look00:21
itaylor57linuxdude2, flash is native to chrome not chromium00:21
linuxdude2i learnt something00:21
velko_pengw, http://www.micahcarrick.com/gtk-glade-tutorial-part-1.html#Specifying_Callback_Functions_for00:21
linuxdude2i thought it was00:21
linuxdude2flash works for me in firefox and chomium00:21
brianp1992shade34321, alright well im going ot remove a package and see it it complains..00:21
shade34321brianp1992, ok00:22
VGN-AR31Eokay i am out now.... once again Thanks Praxi00:22
VGN-AR31Ewas nice chatting!00:22
linuxdude2you guys use DD-WRT??00:22
linuxdude2it's a nice firmware00:23
linuxdude2ill be right back00:23
Lyte101anybody get gwibber to display notification bubble? (ubuntu 11.10, gwibber 3.3.2)00:24
brianp1992shade34321, well :) it worked thanks a tonn00:25
shade34321brianp1992, my pleasure..have fun:)00:25
brianp1992shade34321, how much do i owe you?00:25
GASSYPOOTSwell try this in chromium00:25
Bray90820anyone know how to map the ubuntu 10.10 touchpad correctly on my macbook pro00:25
GASSYPOOTSi installed java00:25
shade34321brianp1992, nothing...i get my motorcycle license tomorrow and I get to ride my motorcycle for the first:D00:25
brianp1992shade34321, niice lol ill be getting mine soon too lol00:26
GASSYPOOTSi had to paste that because for some reason i can get libright or whatever to get out of my screenshots >.<00:26
shade34321brianp1992, woot!00:26
Bray90820anyone know how to map the ubuntu 10.10 touchpad correctly on my macbook pro00:27
Lyte101anybody get gwibber to display notification bubble? (ubuntu 11.10, gwibber 3.3.2)00:27
GASSYPOOTSi guess ubuntu laptop?00:27
Bray90820do you even know the error i am talking about00:27
GASSYPOOTSnope im using desktop with RAID00:28
Bray90820the trackpad is maped wrong on macbooks00:28
brianp1992grassypoots dosent know anything he just got here lol, bray9082000:28
Bray90820well he know everything i haver said00:29
Bray90820it's a general error accross all macbooks00:29
peasantI just switched my 11.04 luks lvm to an SSD and now I get it won't boot...just says (initramfs) right after I punch in the passphrase.  I realize that this is because it is still decrypting /dev/sda5 instead of /dev/sdb5 but I don't know how to tell it otherwise.00:29
shade34321Does anybody know what this error is from , "drwxr-x---  9 lightdm       lightdm       4.0K 2012-03-07 19:27 lightdm00:29
brianp1992shade34321, thanks again man ill be back im shure lol00:29
shade34321brianp1992, np..later00:29
brianp1992shade34321, later00:30
Bray90820so no ome knows how to remap a macbook trackpad00:31
AdmV0rl0nI'm on konversation 1.3.1 and it keeps segfaulting. Anyone seen this before and know of a fix?00:32
Bray90820anyone know how to map the ubuntu 10.10 touchpad correctly on my macbook pro00:33
Bray90820someone has gatta know00:33
zykotick9!patience | Bray9082000:34
ubottuBray90820: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:34
Bray90820they should tell me they dont know00:34
Praxiwe don't know00:34
Bray90820anyone know for a reguler trackpad00:35
peasantbray90820: did you try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158634000:36
DogearsHow do I add Sun-jre to the repository on 10.10?00:36
Bray90820i did00:36
zykotick9Dogears: if you want sun-java these days, download it direct for Oracle (see "/msg ubottu java" link for more details)00:37
Praxihmm I'm using xfce on 11.10, is there any reason I couldn't do away with the default panels and just use docky?00:37
Praxiis there anyway to add a notification area to Docky?00:38
allureWhy isn't gparted detecting my usb thumb so I can repartition it?00:42
Jordan_Uallure: Is the device not listed in the top right, or is it listed but shows as "unpartitioned"?00:43
allureJordan_U: not listed on the top right00:43
Jordan_Uallure: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?00:43
allureJordan_U: sure, just a second00:44
allureJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/4XfuJq6q00:45
dannyhello i am trying to install teamviewer wicth is a program that was ported over using wine much like google picasa i beilve and when i install the .deb 64 bit file it went all good until i try to open the porgram and thats when i get this "failed to load tvwine.dll.so " "could not load the GNU/Linux extension shared library tvwine.dll.so00:45
Jordan_Uallure: Is any utility able to detect this drive?00:46
PraxiI just installed that Danny, was something I had to do, but it told me about it00:46
allureJordan_U: it is automounted, then I umount it so I could edit the partition table on gparted, but it's not detected there00:46
Jordan_Uallure: How did you umount it?00:46
dannyPraxi, so um did u figue out whats wrong ?00:47
allureJordan_U: clicking on the eject on the file manager00:47
PraxiI didn't get an error00:47
Jordan_Uallure: That's the problem. "eject" also turns the device off in addition to unmounting it. You'll need to unplug and replug the drive to access it again.00:48
Praxiin the software center, think it had one other step listed in its description I had to do.00:48
PraxiI'm using it now though00:48
allureJordan_U: ooh! I see. Thank you, I'm going to try that00:48
Jordan_Uallure: To unmount it either find an "unmount" option in nautilus, use the unmount option in GParted, or use the "umount" command.00:48
Jordan_Uallure: You're welcome.00:48
allureJordan_U: yes, it does work! Thank you :)00:49
Jordan_Uallure: You're welcome :)00:49
Praxifirst time you run it, has to be run from a terminal thats what it was Danny00:49
dannypraxi, how do i do that00:49
Praxictrl alt T then type teamviewer700:50
Praxinot sure if that fixes your tvwine issue though, guess you find out00:50
=== matthew is now known as Guest76761
Guest76761Hey guys, I need some help adding a plugin to Pidgin so I can use qq.00:50
=== fraterm is now known as FraterM
Guest76761Was wondering if anyone can give me a hand for a minute.00:51
dannygave me the same error i am using ubuntu 12.04 but i didnt think that would have an effect on it would it praxi00:51
dannyPraxi, gave me the same error i am using ubuntu 12.04 but i didnt think that would have an effect on it would it00:51
Praxiya probably not hehe00:51
Praxino other good advice for you, other than reinstall, verify your x64 type stuff00:52
peasantGuest76761: Heavy lifting required?00:53
dannywell how do i delete a program i installed using the softwarecenter and a .deb package its not in the software center so i dont know how to delete it00:53
Guest76761Nah, just need to use your fingers :P00:53
peasantGuest76761: Ask away.00:54
TrentonAdamshey guys.  I forget the commands to completely re-initialize your grub installation, in you've changed a bunch of stuff since first install.  For example, you might have added lvm, or changed a drive, etc.  Anyone recall?00:54
Ronin01Im Making A New Fstab Entry For A Hard Drive I Just Mounted But Blkid Wont Return Its UUID00:55
Guest76761Sent you a message peasant.00:55
Ronin01can anyone tell me the command?00:55
Ronin01I am in the directory I just mounted but blkid still wont see it00:55
zykotick9TrentonAdams: "sudo update-grub" you mean?00:55
Ronin01i just recovered this system00:56
Ronin01the grub was messed up before00:56
TrentonAdamszykotick9: there were more commands than that.  I think that may have been just one of them.00:56
zykotick9!grub2 | TrentonAdams00:56
ubottuTrentonAdams: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:56
Praxihmm my xfce is too small, looks like it needs anti aliasing everywhere00:57
Ronin01ok the update-grub didnt work00:57
=== Pinkey is now known as zz_Pinkey
Ronin01grub is the wrong way to go00:58
Ronin01because it has nothing in it00:58
Ronin01for grub to see00:58
Ronin01can someone help me locate its UUID by command line?00:58
Ronin01I tried researching it before wasting anyones time00:58
zykotick9Ronin01: "sudo blkid" is the correct command.  check if there is anything interesting in "dmesg", prehaps the drive isn't being detected by the kernel?00:59
Ronin01oh wait00:59
Ronin01thanks that did it00:59
Ronin01i wasnt sudo blkid00:59
FloodBot1Ronin01: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:59
Bsimswhy the heck doesn't ubuntu one have a progress bar?00:59
Josh|Killjoywhats the command do install python 3 via terminal?00:59
bastidrazorW 301:00
* FraterM sees lots of progress bars in software center.01:00
BsimsFraterM: not in ubuntu one01:00
bastidrazorJosh|Killjoy: python 3 is not in the ubuntu repositories.01:02
zykotick9Josh|Killjoy: even 12.04 is using python 2.X - you could check for a PPA, but good luck with that01:02
=== zz_Pinkey is now known as Pinkey
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)01:10
zykotick9sorry about ^^^, why does !time in the channel give above factoid, while "time" in PM with ubottu give the time/date?01:12
Fyodorovnazykotick9, what does time am give?01:13
philipballewwhen compiling to i need to make as root or just make install (checkinstall) as root?01:13
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wyldephilipballew: you can compile as normal user01:13
zykotick9Fyodorovna: sorry, i don't understand your question01:13
wyldephilipballew: and yes you need to sudo make install01:13
=== Technicus is now known as nomadicus
=== nomadicus is now known as Technicus
Fyodorovnazykotick9, I thought you meant !time pm I have not seen the command.01:14
zykotick9philipballew: are you familiar with checkinstall?  If not "/msg ubottu checkinstall"01:14
philipballewzykotick9, yes I am. Can someone tell me what this fail message means http://paste.ubuntu.com/873890/01:15
peasantI already started pvmove.  Anyone know how to see progress?01:15
zykotick9Fyodorovna: if you just give !time in the channel you get the NTP factoid, if you "/msg ubotto !time" it returns the current time/date01:15
Fyodorovnazykotick9, ah I'm a bit slow, well most of the time really. :)01:16
philipballewCFHowlett, I know what it is :)01:17
trismJosh|Killjoy: sudo apt-get install python3; I don't know what the others are talking about01:19
=== DoctorBaconite is now known as _sjs
skmsmslkhow to write and compile the c++ ?01:26
itaylor57skmsmslk, you will need the build-essentials and and ide of some sort or an editor at a minum01:28
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator01:28
skmsmslki had install build-essentials but i donot where to write and how to compile ?01:30
itaylor57skmsmslk, http://mindview.net/Books/TICPP/ThinkingInCPP2e.html01:30
DogearsHow do I check which java versions are installed?01:34
itaylor57Dogears, to check which java you are using type java -version in terminal01:35
itaylor57Dogears, to set which java sudo update-alternatives --config java01:36
GhostRyderHoly moly01:38
skmsmslk<itaylor57> it not working ?01:38
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itaylor57skmsmslk, what is not working?01:38
skmsmslkit is not describing briefly ?01:39
GhostRyderI have never seen this many people in one chat room01:39
itaylor57skmsmslk, what version of ubuntu are you running,and what java have you installed?01:39
celthunderGhostRyder: there are bigger and smaller ones01:40
skmsmslkubuntu 11.10 and i donot which version of java !01:40
GhostRyderHello celthunder01:40
itaylor57skmsmslk, what is the output from "java -version" typed into terminal with out the quotes?01:41
skmsmslkThe program 'java' can be found in the following packages:.............................01:42
itaylor57skmsmslk, read the following link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java01:45
waxstone<skmsmslk> use openjdk to replace java01:46
DJSKiDDhi all01:46
DJSKiDDwoops I need #ubuntu-offtopic01:46
skmsmslkare u serious !01:47
skmsmslkwhat is openjdk ?01:47
itaylor57skmsmslk, if you want to run oracle 7 follow this http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html01:48
waxstone<skmsmslk> to install a program i use "netbeans" which uses java I have to use openjdk instead01:48
KI7MTskmsmslk, it's open-source implementation of the Java SE Platform01:48
waxstoneOracle (Sun) Java 6 is no longer available to be distributed by Ubuntu, because of license issues.01:49
ablyssdo people still use java01:50
skmsmslkdoes it affect to c++ compiler ?01:50
celthunderskmsmslk: no01:50
celthunderablyss: yes01:50
waxstoneablyss: if they have a mobile phone they do01:50
skmsmslkwhat is the best then ?01:52
a5m0is there a command to instantly sleep all discs?01:52
waxstoneskmsmslk, you can still install sun java but you have to rely of PPA's01:52
ablyssthx celthunder and waxstone.  I forgot about cellphones01:54
skmsmslkone thing more i want know about  sql  and how to use in ubuntu ?01:54
ablyssbesides cellphones I hardly ever use java on my pc01:56
ablyssdoes libre office use java01:56
celthunderablyss: libre uses a ton of crap01:57
celthundercheck the dependancies for java i guess01:57
ablyssi would guess no since it comes preloaded with ubuntu01:58
waxstoneskmsmslk, you want to install a sql server like mysql? Or manage a server from your computer?01:58
celthunderskmsmslk: to use it install mysql-client then mysql -u <user> -p<pass> db01:59
ablyssthe closest I come to using mysql is with mythtv01:59
skmsmslkno i want write and learn more only ?02:00
celthunderablyss: my mail server uses it... and most web servers02:00
celthunderskmsmslk: what?02:00
DogearsI am trying to install Java on 10.10 at the moment - I used this http://www.duinsoft.nl/packages.php?t=en but I can't see that in installed correctly?02:01
ablysscelthunder, i run a simple http server.  I think I would get lots more gray hairs if i ran a mail server too ! :)02:01
skmsmslki donot want to use server !02:01
waxstoneskmsmslk, http://w3schools.com/sql/default.asp02:01
celthunderskmsmslk: then how the hell do you plan on using it02:01
celthunderablyss: meh its easy and there are worse things to run.02:01
waxstone!java | Dogears02:02
ubottuDogears: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.02:02
=== scavenger is now known as JohnC66
ablysshehe.. celthunder , if you say so.. cheif ! :)02:02
dog_ballshow can I search for packages located in a certain repository ?02:03
dog_ballsif I have that repo in my sources.list02:03
ablyssuser accounts, filters, spam guards.. black lists.. ugh.. nightmares02:03
celthunderskmsmslk: i think you need to look up what you want to do your question made no sense waxstone w3school is pretty bad02:03
* dog_balls shows his stuff to the public02:03
waxstonedog_balls, apt-cache search packagename, I think02:04
dog_ballswaxstone: I'll give that a spin02:04
ablysssudo apt-cache search ....02:04
waxstonecelthunder, I didnt want to say google ;)02:04
celthunderablyss: lol not the problem the problem is other idiot admins using things like barracuda rather than setting up there own filters02:04
celthunderwaxstone: he needs to google so he can form a question that makes sense02:05
dog_ballshow do I get the latest packages for boost ?02:05
dog_ballsI tried the ppa from jkieran02:05
googlemoomoohow to run android app in ubuntu ?02:05
Guest76761How do I close pidgin, when I quit the program it just goes up to the little message icon on the top.02:05
lucianoI need help to use lampp02:05
celthunderdog_balls: compile it from source using git/svn02:05
celthunderluciano: what about it02:05
xanguaGuest76761: buddies - quit02:06
savidIn the ubuntu installer, within the livecd, it gives "Install Ubuntu Inside Windows 7" as one of the options.  What does that mean?  What if I want to install ubuntu to a different partition?02:06
dog_ballscelthunder: and if I want packages ?02:06
celthundergooglemoomoo: intstall the emulator02:06
lucianoWhenever i start the lampp file i get a mysql error02:06
celthunderdog_balls: then idk lol it probably wont be up to date though02:06
xangua!dualboot | savid02:06
ubottusavid: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:06
lucianoWhenever i start the lampp file i get a mysql error02:06
dog_ballscelthunder: I can't really be bothered at this hour, late in the night, with 4h left of sleep to undergo such a hard task of compiling something, even hellworld02:06
googlemoomoocelthunder can the emulator run all app ? and where do get the emulator02:06
xanguagooglemoomoo: get and install the android sdk02:07
dog_ballscelthunder: that's why I'm usin ubuntu..02:07
itaylor57googlemoomoo, http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html02:07
savidxangua: that page doesn't talk about the option  to "Install inside"02:07
savidxangua:  I don't understand what "install inside windows" means02:07
googlemoomoothe emulator can install app and run it ?02:08
xanguasavid: it means with wubi02:08
xangua!wubi | savid02:08
ubottusavid: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe02:08
savidxangua:  ButI'm not in wubi,  I'm in the livecd.02:08
A-Lusionhello my lovelies.02:09
savidxangua what exactly happens when I click "continue" with that option selected?  Will it just tell me to boot into windows and use wubi?02:09
Guest76761I downloaded the video/voice chat plugin for pidgin, now do I iniate a video chat?02:09
xanguaGuest76761: pidgin supports voice and video with jabber protocol02:10
Guest76761Ohh, not with msn?02:10
bobweaversavid,  there are 3 options right install next to what ever this will make a daul boot happen. erase and install. this will wipe all data and and just install ubuntu and then there is other for if y0u have like 3 or more operating systems that you would like to boot02:10
Guest76761Is there any MSN program that supports video and voice?02:10
xanguasavid: i have never seen an 'install Inside windws' option on the live session installer02:11
savidbobweaver:  so if I want to install ubuntu to another partion, I shouldn't select "install inside windows 7", right?02:11
savidxangua: it's definitely there :-P02:11
AucunGuest76761: Skype?02:11
bobweaverinstall next too ? could you take a screenshot (print screen key ) and upload here02:11
xanguasavid: won't yopu mean 'alongside' as in 'next to' ¿02:11
MatrixAnyone here ever install Ubuntu 64 on a alienware laptop ?02:11
bobweaver!screenshot | savid02:11
ubottusavid: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.02:11
Guest76761Aucun, most of my contacts are on msn :(02:12
xangua!anyone 1 bobweaver02:12
ubottuxangua: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:12
xangua!anyone | bobweaver02:12
ubottubobweaver: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:12
savidxangua: bobweaver: yeah, I want to install "alongside", but it doesn't give that option.   One sec I'll get a screenshot.02:13
AucunGuest76761: I've never used msn to be honest, but I know skype would be the way to go for video and voice.02:13
bobweaverthanks savid02:13
savidoh, wait I don't have a print key02:13
savidold fashion way then02:13
Guest76761Okay, what's a good skype program?02:13
xanguaGuest76761: skype.com02:14
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
bobweaverGuest76761,   I use Ekiga softphone for Voip not the best but does the trick02:14
chaosavid,you may partition the hdd manually to install alongside with your current system02:14
savid                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             02:15
savidxangua: bobweaver: http://i.imgur.com/oQRAP.jpg02:15
invalid[drm:drm_edid_block_valid] *ERROR* EDID checksum is invalid, remainder is 204 <- Any fix?02:16
A-LusionIs it possible to boot from a NAS?02:16
bobweaversavid,  yes the first option will daul boot02:16
A-LusionWithin a LAN02:16
Phr3d13i set up a proxy to be able to update my ubuntu, but i no longer need it, but can't get rid of it, answers from google searches didn't help02:17
savidbobweaver:  but why does it say "inside" windows, and not "alongside"?02:17
bobweaversavid,  not sure good question02:17
savidI guess might as well just do it manually.  Just worried I'm going to mess up the windows install.02:17
bobweaversavid,  you could suggest or file a bug about that here https://launchpad.net/ubiquity02:18
savidbobweaver: yeah, unfortunately I'd like to get this installed :-P    I'm just not sure how to install it so that it knows to make grub entries for both OS's02:20
A-LusionI'm setting up dual booting on my pc too, I just got a fresh harddrive ready to be conditioned to my bidding.02:20
A-LusionWhat are you reading from? I was thinking of dual booting Windows 7 and Precise02:21
Guest76761Is there anything special I need to do to get ubuntu on an SSD?02:21
A-Lusionhowever my windows 7 boot is not a seperate partition but instead within my c:/02:21
savidI remember last time I tried this, it asked me if I wanted to install alongside windows.   No it's just asking if I want to install "inside" windows.  Ugh.02:21
bobweaversavid take your time and  take screenshots and let us know about questions02:22
Phr3d13savid, are you in windows with the disc in, or did you boot from the disc?02:22
savidbobweaver:  no, I am not in windows.  I have booted from the livecd.02:22
Guest76761Is there a better music app than Banshee?02:22
savidPhr3d13:   no, I booted from the livecd02:22
celthundersavid: uhm run the normal installer make a paritition for ubuntu leave the windwos one in tackt and it will add ithem for you02:23
celthunderGuest76761: yes lots mpd is really really nice02:23
savidcelthunder:  So if I just do "something else" option,  it will automatically add the grub entry for me?02:23
celthunderGuest76761: mpd/mpc work great02:23
celthundersavid: whats the something else?02:23
savidcelthunder:  http://i.imgur.com/oQRAP.jpg02:23
Guest76761Do I just search MPD in software center?02:24
savidcelthunder:  this is what I get when I choose "Install Ubuntu" from the livecd02:24
savidcelthunder:  and, I'm booted into the livecd, not into windows02:24
bobweaversavid,  question do you want to have ubuntu and windows installed ?02:25
bobweaveror just ubuntu ?02:25
savidbobweaver:  both02:25
bobweaveror jsut windows ?02:25
bobweaverpick the first options02:25
celthundersavid: uhm choose something else yeah....why does it say inside windows.. thats a dumb option02:25
savidbobweaver:   but I don't want it installed "inside" windows02:25
bobweaversavid,  dont worry about that02:25
savidbobweaver:  I want it installed in another partition that I already have up02:25
celthundersavid: choose something else02:25
savidbobweaver: the wubi docs say that  "inside" windows means literally inside,  not in a different partition02:26
bobweaverthat is a different story all togeather02:26
savidwhich is why I'm hesitant to choose that option02:26
celthundersavid: you are using wubi??? go get the normal installer02:26
savidI just don't understand why that option is showing in the livecd installer,  and not the "alongside" option.02:26
bobweaversavid,  you partitioned the hardrive allready  ?02:26
savidcelthunder:  no,  I'm not using wuby02:26
reith2004savid yea choose something else to create/select the partition02:26
savidbobweaver: yes,  I already have partitions set up (i set up partitions before I installed windows)02:26
celthundersavid: ok good then choose something and pick your partitions02:27
bobweaverread what reith2004 just said02:27
savidreith2004:  if I choose something else and do it manually,  will it create the grub entry for windows so that I can still boot windows?02:27
celthundersavid: yes02:27
savidok, trying that now.02:27
celthunderyou pick where/what gets added to grub02:28
reith2004savid yea if you install it right.. it will create grub bootloader02:28
no-name-I'm trying to setup a dualboot system (Windows 7 (already installed), Xubuntu 11.10), just resized the Windows 7 partition to make room but I'm not sure whether to make the partition for linux a Primary or Logical partition?02:28
celthunderno-name-: depends on how you want to set it up and how many partitions you have02:29
celthunderno-name-: you get up to 4 primary if its a mbr gpt may have different limits02:30
no-name-celthunder: well I just want window's two partitions and xubuntu's 2 (swapspace and main), and I want the grub boot loader02:30
celthunderno-name-: then you can make all primary02:31
Phr3d13i can't get update manager or apt-get to forget the proxy i used to need02:32
Xajinjoin #chef02:32
no-name-celthunder: do I have to explicitly/manually create a swap partition along with the / partition, or will the installer just do it for me?02:32
celthunderno-name-: make one.... or i always do... i usually install ubuntu with debootstrap....02:33
no-name-how big should I make it? I have 8 gb of ram02:34
celthunderare you going to use it02:34
CFHowlettno-name-   with that much ram, you should use 64 bit ubuntu for speedier performance ...02:35
celthunderif you are not going to use all 8 gb and not use suspend dont bother with one at all02:35
no-name-CFHowlett: yeah, it's 64-bit xubuntu02:35
nOStahlhi guys, is there a way to boot off my usb drive from an ubuntu cd?02:35
celthundernOStahl: yes02:36
TroN-00742 GB for swap is enough02:36
nOStahlhow so02:36
hawaii12come join channel sealion02:36
celthundernOStahl: add your usb drive as a grub entry when it comes up02:36
celthunderhawaii12: no02:36
TroN-0074and  Linux will boot from a logical or primary partition just fine02:36
hawaii12"/join #sealion"02:36
nOStahl? I have an ubuntu server 32bit cd02:37
celthundernOStahl: ok? so02:37
nOStahland ubuntu server 64bit on my flash drive i want to boot (towers not booting from it even though the tower boots from other flash drives )02:37
nOStahlso I'm setting at the first screen that pops up asking for language02:38
TroN-0074is the flash drive damaged?02:38
celthundernOStahl: boot to the cd then tell grub where the usb is.02:38
nOStahlhow do I boot to grub02:38
celthundernOStahl: uh it should be the first thing you see when the cd boots02:39
nOStahl? its the screen that says Ubuntu and install ubuntu server / enlist system with ubuntu orchestra server .. etc02:40
celthunderkadri: ?02:40
=== Kartrohm is now known as Kartrohm_afk
celthundernOStahl: possibly.02:40
Phr3d13i can't get update manager or apt-get to forget the proxy i used to need02:41
kadrikanena elinas edo02:41
zykotick9Phr3d13: check /etc/apt/apt.conf for the proxy line02:41
skmsmslkhow to install tv tunar driver ?02:41
Phr3d13its not there, there isn't anything there02:41
celthunderkadri: with what??02:42
celthunderskmsmslk: install the module then modprobe it02:42
ubottukadri: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes02:42
skmsmslki donot know how to it ?02:43
Phr3d13zykotick9, that file is empty02:44
zykotick9Phr3d13: ya i saw your reply, sorry i have no idea then.  good luck.02:44
k3yhi matez?02:44
TroN-0074yo wud up!02:44
celthunderk3y: hi02:44
k3ynm new to this whole IRC chat ... it's like a foreign world02:45
TroN-0074what kind of chat did you do before?02:45
k3ynone lol02:45
CFHowlettk3y   this is the ubuntu support channel.  General chitchat can be had in #ubuntu-offtopic, but if you have a specific support question please ask02:45
k3ywell ok, didn't know that >.>02:45
celthunderTroN-0074: ytalk02:46
skmsmslk<celthunder> plz  tell me about module and modprobe ?02:47
TroN-0074ytalk was irc base too wasnt?02:47
DigitalNinjaSo I downloaded and installed skype. When I turn it on it freezes up my computer and then the program crashes.02:47
k3yhow did you install it?02:48
celthunderTroN-0074: it was before irc... it sucked lol bit like using netcat... sure you can does not make it good02:48
CFHowlettDigitalNinja   what version of ubuntu02:48
celthunderskmsmslk: what card what have you tried etc02:48
DigitalNinjaI downloaded the .deb off their website. Opened it in the software center and installed it from there.02:48
CFHowlettDigitalNinja   I don't know why skype is acting up, but i'm not surprised.  Linux skype development halted some time ago.  Now that's it02:49
celthunderTroN-0074: :) i gave it because other than bbs there really werent many things to talk with before irc02:49
CFHowlettis owned by microsoft, expect zero development or support.02:49
skmsmslkeven i donot know how to get version detail by terminal !02:49
TroN-0074o.k so I thought freezes only happen in ubuntu if you have a kernel panic which is cause by a missing driver when using a piece of software is that true?02:49
DigitalNinjaIs there any alternative? I need a program that either handles skype or MSN webcam chat.02:49
k3y<--- looking for the tutorial that I used02:49
celthunderTroN-0074: no that is far from true02:49
CFHowlettDigitalNinja   lemme look ...02:50
celthunderDigitalNinja: pidgin02:50
xanguaDigitalNinja: skype handles skype voice/video chat02:50
DigitalNinjaxangua, skype crashes.02:50
CFHowlettDigitalNinja   facebook has skype integration iirc ...02:50
CFHowletti.e. you don't have to be running skype to chat02:50
celthunderer nvm no video in pidgin02:50
k3yAny good programming IRC rooms?02:50
TroN-0074doesnt empathy support video interaction?02:50
k3ypidgin > empathy02:51
xanguaCFHowlett: DigitalNinja with a plugin only for windows and osx02:51
celthunderk3y: /list or in general #<language> on freenode (this network)02:51
TroN-0074but empathy is already installed in ubuntu isnt?02:51
celthunderempathy is a massive fail02:51
CFHowlettxangua   grr.   ty02:51
k3yyeah I was reading the specs of it.. it blows02:52
CFHowlettDigitalNinja   see amsn02:52
k3ycelthunder <languge> could equal like <c++>02:52
DigitalNinjaamsn hasn't been update and microsoft changed the protocols for webcams I tried it.02:52
celthunderk3y: /join #c++02:52
k3yo wow02:52
CFHowlettDigitalNinja   grr.02:52
k3yy i no connect02:53
celthunderk3y: ?02:53
celthunderk3y: try ##c++02:53
celthunderwith the join02:53
DigitalNinjaOoo Empathy works for it.02:53
wrektjetso... i have a webcam that suddenly isnt being found by 11.10. any ideas on what i can do besides rebooting?02:54
shaneois there anyway to get file sharing to work with uverse via ubuntu or is that a feature only windows users get02:54
k3yhmm, not able to send02:54
waxstonek3y: type ---> /join #c++02:54
k3ydo I have to register or something?02:54
waxstoneworks for me02:54
celthunderwaxstone: thats what i said02:54
k3yinvite only02:54
xangua!register | k3y02:54
ubottuk3y: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:54
waxstoneyou need to register your nickname02:54
celthunderk3y: /msg nickserv help02:54
celthundershaneo: what protocal does it use02:55
KI7MTworked for me too02:55
=== max is now known as Guest38031
waxstonecelthunder: has an issue with english02:55
shaneocelthunder, not sure but att says it needs windows media player streamer so whatever that uses02:55
celthunderwaxstone: what? I speak English quite well...02:56
celthundershaneo: you can probably get it to work...02:57
waxstonecelthunder: not you =)02:57
celthunderyay skm left...hope he finds google02:57
TroN-0074looks like Empathy did it for DigitalNinja good!02:58
=== Karmaon_ is now known as Karmaon
shaneocelthunder, wmp or just figure it out lol i cant find anything on it anywhere02:58
shaneoand uverse doesnt recognize anything im sharing02:59
celthundershaneo: try mplayer02:59
shaneocelthunder, ok what about vlc also ?02:59
celthunderit handles pretty much anything02:59
TroN-0074are you sharing over your network?03:00
celthundershaneo: i dont know i dont like vlc.03:00
TroN-0074like throught your router?03:00
shaneoTroN-0074, yeah via uverse03:00
shaneouverse has digital media streaming options03:00
TroN-0074so if you open nautilus and browse the network does your files appear there?03:01
shaneobut uverse box isnt seeing them03:01
TroN-0074then you can just open them with vlc if that is what you like03:01
shaneoTroN-0074, im trying to use the uverse feature which has no ubuntu support or any linux at all so im trying to find a way to get it to work03:03
skmsmslkhow to register irc ?03:03
user1233333can someone suggest some way to checksum filesystem level? I have a large raid that i want to ensure the data is correct. Something like xfs. problem is that xfs doesn't allow growing of raid 6 arrays03:03
shaneoskmsmslk, /nickserv register <email> <password>03:04
CFHowlett&#$!!!  Hotmail just reset my inbox - evolution re-delivered 4000 messages for me to sort03:04
shaneoskmsmslk, /nickserv identify <password>03:04
TroN-0074is uverse the internet service by AT&T03:04
celthunderuser1233333: fsck?03:04
celthunderTroN-0074: yes03:04
shaneoTroN-0074, yes03:04
zirpintuser1233333, zfs maintains chksums03:04
skmsmslkfrom where it is done ?03:04
user1233333zfs doesn't allow easy raid growth like mdadm does03:04
TroN-0074o.k I have a different service so I dont know how to do that you are trying to do03:05
user1233333i need/want something below mdadm level so that mdadm can correct03:05
DatzHi, I want to add a ppa, with instructions on using: add-apt-repository which is not found.03:05
TroN-0074ubuntu is not available in ZFS I dont think03:05
TroN-0074as far as I know is still in ext403:06
zirpintzfs, btrfs etc03:06
TroN-0074btrfs is under develop so it might not work correctly at this time03:06
TroN-0074I havent hear much about it03:07
TroN-0074I think opensuse started using it03:07
KI7MTzfs info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS03:08
scientesmulti seat pls!!03:09
zirpintanyway there are some bolt-ons you can do at the user level, like fswatch to monitor the disk checksums03:09
=== The is now known as Guest2016
user1233333Ok, so here is the problem. I can't/don't want to use XFS because XFS does not allow for simple growing of RAID 6 arrays(aka pools). This is a very large filestore(4tb atm, growing at about 400 gigs per month). It is write once read multi. I want a way to ensure that the data I'm reading is correct, otherwise have the MDADM repair the block(mark it as bad and then write it else where using parity calculations). BTRFS may have th03:12
user1233333and does not support raid 6 natively YET03:12
tensorpuddingbtrfs is not yet stable and if you use it you have decent risk of data loss.03:14
scientesbtrfs IS stable, but only on a stable machine03:15
scientesits ability to recover after a hard shutdown is not great, yet03:15
roasted_Question - If my home directory is 755 permissions (jason:jason) and I want Kristi to back up her data to a folder on my home directory, if I create a folder within my home directory and give it 775 perms (jason:kristi) she'll be able to have full access to that folder, despite the parent home directory being 755 jason:jason, right?03:16
scientesbtrfs gave me confindence to upgrade to 12.04 with an ability to roll back if it didn't go well03:16
shaneoroasted_, yes03:16
shaneoroasted_, but shouldnt your home drive have 777 and her 75503:17
scientesroasted_, as long as she has execute permissions on every directory that is a parent of the target directory03:17
user1233333I'm not worried about hard shut downs. This is a server that is write once, so it is very unlikely that I will be writing during a hard shutdown. but it doesn't implement raid 6 yet. would mdadm on top have the ability to recover from checksum errors and correct the data?03:17
scientesi.e. o+x03:17
roasted_shaneo, no, home permissions default to 75503:18
scientesuser1233333, btrfs has alot of benifits based on being COW03:18
roasted_shaneo, I didn't want to chnage that. I just wanted to add a folder on it for her to back up to03:18
shaneoroasted_, oh oops sorry03:18
zirpintdo you have cron.d/mdadm    it runs a consistency check every week03:18
zirpintmd doesn't do parity check on read, because its slow in software, but your adapter may support it. you can turn it on at the hardware level possibly03:18
user1233333scientes, i really don't care about how i do this, i just need a solution that will meet my needs: checksumming, ability to add drives to raid(like mdadm grow), and the ability to recover errors on reads from parity03:19
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
zirpintyou need to use a diff fs or use hardware that supports parity check on read03:20
zirpintmd + ext wont do parity check on read03:20
scientesuser1233333, eother XFS or btrfs then03:20
KI7MTI think he should look at the ZFS option as well.03:20
=== david is now known as Guest68935
user1233333scientes, damn. xfs doesn't support growing raid z2 very well(you have to add a whole new pool), so btrfs will probably be needed. and that scares me that it isn't production yet. I don't want to lose my data/have corruption.03:21
scientesdon't do ZFS03:21
scientesuser1233333, oracle is going to put btrfs into production VERY soon03:21
scientesand almost certainly in fedora 18 as well03:21
scientesso youll be 6 months ahead03:21
=== Guest51849 is now known as aavcv
user1233333scientes, with no fsck and the fact that they tell you not to use it in prod yet, i kinda doubt that. but i have no data to back that up03:22
scientesuser1233333, there is a fsck, it just isn't realeased yet03:22
scientesand ZFS doesn't have a fsck03:23
Guest68935I just bought a mini itx box with an atom 2700, tried to run ubuntu from a thumb drive on it, and it works, but I can't change screen resolution from 640x480... any ideas?03:23
zirpintnow if you're using raid3 or raid4, they do parity check on read by default. but raid5 doesn't03:23
abellongHello, Now I'm using ubuntu 11.10, and I want to try ubuntu 12.04 beta1. The update-manager doesn't prompt ubuntu is available. My laptop still has some free disk space. I can think of two ways to try 12.04 beta1: 1. Upgrade from Ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 beta1 using a liveusb. 2. Install 12.04 beta1 along with 11.10. Which is better?03:23
zirpintbut raid5 is faster on modern hw03:24
CFHowlettabellong   keep 11.10.  installl virtualbox.  install 12.04 to virtual box.  12.04 is beta NOT ready for prime time.03:24
user1233333scientes, exactly. that is why i am wary to use it. it would be great if they had raid 6 implemented as well, because i think that is on the road map. it is just scary using a non prod recommended fs on 4+tb of data03:24
zirpintif the data is mission critical, use raid4 or a controller that enforces parity checks on read03:24
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
scientesWTF is raid4?03:25
scientesis it raid 1+0?03:25
user1233333raid 4 is just raid 5 except parity is on one disk03:25
abellongThank you CFHowlett, but I want to try to test whether it's support my laptop03:25
user1233333raid 5 is a huge improvement over 4 and no one uses 403:25
zirpintraid4 is multiple data disks and one parity disk03:25
user1233333and i'm pretty sure raid 4 doesn't enforce parity checks on every read....03:25
abellongIf it hash some issues, I could report bugs. Can it be tested in virtualbox?03:26
ZagabaHi. I'm looking for a way to boot directly on a tty.03:27
zirpintuser1233333: thats how raid3/4 works. it reads all the drives simultaneously and checks against the parity bit03:28
zykotick9!text | Zagaba03:28
ubottuZagaba: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode03:28
zirpintsequentially rather03:28
zirpintraid4 = block-level parity, raid3 = byte-level03:28
Zagabaubottu: Thanks. I'll see if it work for me.03:29
ubottuZagaba: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:29
user1233333zirpoint: raid 4 is just raid 5 except that the parity is written to one disk, instead of being distributed throughout the disks. it has the same n-1 storage but has bottlenecks on the parity. I don't think that raid 4 has been used for years. at least not in many places. I also think you are mistaken about it reading everything. There is no reason for it to do that03:29
horseatingweedsI just brought kubuntu out of 'sleep' mode, and it's a black screen with the mouse pointer. What's the hot-key combination to resart kde?03:30
zirpintuser1233333: it has to check the parity because it reads each disk sequentially. that's how it knows if the drive failed or not03:31
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=== adrian is now known as Guest71042
abellongIt's not good to discuss more than one topic at the same time, right? This is my first time to use IRC03:31
user1233333zirpint: doesn't it find out a drive has failed by getting block read failed errors? Like every other raid level?03:32
CFHowlettabellong   one question at a time ...03:33
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
horseatingweedsI've tried ctl+alt+bksp. Kubuntu came out of sleep with a blank screen.03:37
PhantomPhreak53Is there an easy way to see all packages that were installed by a specific ppa or source?03:37
PhantomPhreak53I think the ppa I was using had some bad packages and want to remove them03:37
waxstonePhantomPhreak53, /etc/apt/sources.list.d for PPA's. /etc/apt/sources.list for others03:41
=== dema is now known as Dema
PhantomPhreak53waxstone: I know what the ppa is but I want to see what packages it installed03:41
PhantomPhreak53I really don't want to apt-cache policy each one :p03:42
sacarlsonPhantomPhreak53: I have seen a way to remove them all before but not list them but let me at least look at the remove one03:43
PhantomPhreak53yeah I have messed around with ppa-purge but I would like to know what packages it is going to remove before I remove them03:44
PhantomPhreak53I know there is a way but either I have drank way too much tonight or just getting old03:44
PhantomPhreak53maybe a combo of both ;)03:44
sacarlsonPhantomPhreak53: http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/  ppa-purge03:45
PhantomPhreak53sacarlson: yeah that just removes them03:45
zirpintuser1233333: it depends on the implementation. checking parity is faster in raid3/4 since the parity is on a dedicated disk03:45
zirpintapart from the block you're reading03:46
PhantomPhreak53I want to see them first03:46
zirpintmaybe md never checks parity on read03:46
PhantomPhreak53it may have installed stuff over and I just want to make sure I backup anything that may be affected just in case03:46
waxstonePhantomPhreak53, found this but not for PPA's http://packages.ubuntu.com/03:47
researcher123is it possible to backup my data like music,videos,docs, in compressed mode and stored freely on Internet for later recovery?03:49
CFHowlettresearcher123   technically: sure!  Also, see recent FBI takedowns/seizures03:50
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone03:50
=== akshay is now known as test
zirpintRAID4: "Each entire block is written onto a data disk. Parity for same rank blocks is generated on Writes, recorded on the parity disk and checked on Reads."03:53
sacarlsonPhantomPhreak53: this looks like it also list ppa http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/y-ppa-manager-easily-search-add-remove.html03:54
zirpintthis is inexpensive in raid4 because the parity disk can be read at the same time as the data disk, and less data needs to be retrieved03:54
zirpintin raid5, parity is distributed across all the disks - its mingled with data, so you'd be delaying data reads with an expensive random access read if you checked parity every time03:55
KI7MTzirpint, in raid-4 what happens if your parity disk fails?03:56
researcher123CFHowlett: whats that.guide me please03:56
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researcher123CFHowlett: about backup n seizure by FBI?03:57
zirpintyoure probably screwed KI7MT.. but it might try to recreate the parity bits based on the data on the other 2 drives03:57
CFHowlettresearcher123   shrink your media.  Note that if you back it to ubuntu one, the limit of the free account is 5 gigabytes.03:57
researcher123CFHowlett: ok. n whats that FBI seizures? any security risk to our data?03:57
CFHowlettresearcher123   right click on your file and send it to ubuntone - you HAVE set up your ubuntu one, right?03:58
researcher123CFHowlett: yews I have setup ubuntuone03:58
KI7MTzirpint, yeah, a single point failure on a mission critical data storage solution probably isn't wise.03:58
zirpintits recoverable because you have redundant stripes03:59
CFHowlettresearcher123   fbi has pretty much stated that if it ends in .com, it's seizable.  Legit users get hurt just like illegal users if  a domain gets seized.  Can't see it happening to ubuntone but ...03:59
zirpintbut the point is it halts when the data is corrupted, unlike raid5 (by default, without sw/hw parity checking on read)03:59
researcher123CFHowlett: ok03:59
zirpintso would you rather be notified when your disk returns garbage, or keep chugging along?03:59
CFHowlettresearcher123   be aware that dropbox and most other could backups specifically exempt themselves from damages due to seizure cause by illegal use.03:59
researcher123CFHowlett: ok.thats good04:00
zirpinti cant think of a mission-critical system that can accept corrupt data without any checks04:00
zirpintparity disk failing is like your server being set on fire.. you need geographically-redunant servers04:00
zirpintraid5 without parity-checking-on-read is a false sense of security04:01
KI7MTzirpint, if it were me, I'd be looking at getting a professional consultant to advise :-)04:01
zirpintim pretty sure most "enterprise" raid hardware has parity checking as an option, if not enabled by default04:01
zirpint*checking on read04:02
zirpintits probably slightly more expensive than the consumer versions04:02
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
coleix1Anyone has run rygel? is a dlna server and is giving an error that i can't find on google http://paste.ubuntu.com/874016/04:03
zirpinthttp://www.dba-oracle.com/oracle_tips_raid_usage.htm    some good suggestions on the various raid options for use with oracle04:04
zirpintthey suggest RAID10 is the bestesst04:04
KI7MTThey have allot of money though :-)04:05
bingercelthunder: hi it's me from yesterday. I did get ubuntu up and running ok with both wireless and wired connectivity.  The wireless needed a driver. I am on the right track with the static ip for the wired too.  Downloaded 25gb of android rom repo just fine. Started the compile before we went for dinner and when we got back the screen was dark and couldn't get it to wake up.04:05
coleix1I installed the library for avidemux but didn't work, any ideas?04:05
zirpintyeah oracle is quite the cash-taker04:05
zirpintbut hey, it may be worth it depending on your needs04:06
bingercelthunder so i shut it down and restarted and now ubuntu won't boot up at all.  There's a message initially that says something like "HDIO get_identity failed /dev/sdc" and then it boots to an initramfs prompt04:06
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bingerI suspect that it either ran out of ram or out of disk space during the compile but do not know04:07
biosystemalteredfix up as this: error while loading shared libraries: libglut.so.3: can not open shared object file: No such file or directory04:08
bingerfortuantely i had mirc already installed on my old xp laptop so here i am.  So I need some advice please?04:08
bingerI don't know anything about the initramfs prompt and what I should do now04:09
biosystemalteredhow to install the libglut??04:09
biosystemalteredcan anyone help me?04:10
bingerI can boot from the livecd but don't know how to get to the previous install.  Can I install again over the other?04:11
D-Chymera hi guys, I'm working in a molecular biology lab and I'd like to set up a system of short identifiers which I can write on my samples in order to unambiguously know what is what without cramming all the info on small labels. Do you know of any program that would be able to help me with this? It would be great if I can conveniently create new identifiers online (maybe even from my phone) and if it would have a permission/accounts system04:11
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
biosystemaltereddoes anyone know how to install libglut?04:13
KI7MTbiosystemaltered, a few searches and it appears that's part of an app call: freeglut  do you have that installed? Im not familiar with it.04:13
sacarlsonD-Chymera: does it have to be human readable?  how about barcode?  they have barcode readers for smartphones also to read them in the lab04:14
coleix1Any idea on a way to fix this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/874016/ on rygel?04:14
zykotick9!here | coleix104:15
ubottucoleix1: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com04:15
scientescoleix1, you have to explain what is going on, not just the error message04:17
sacarlsonD-Chymera: and I would go with 2d barcode that can be any text/number or website that you wish04:17
coleix1Rygel is a dlna server, I'm trying to stream pushing it from my android to my tv but is giving me an error on rygel's side wich I can't find on google on a way to fix it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/874016/04:17
zirpint "Recent large academic studies have identified the surprising frequency of silent read failures that are not identified or resolved in enterprise hard disk arrays despite the typical integrity  functions"04:17
scientessacarlson, how many characters can those encode?04:18
scientesand is it just http://fo.var/etc04:18
sacarlsonscientes: I don't think there is a limit the graphic output just gets biger04:18
scientesahh coool04:18
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
zirpint"In the case of disk-based archives, all RAID devices should have “parity check on read” enabled. Some RAID controllers support this, but others do not. And some RAID arrays support this feature but it causes significant performance degradation."04:19
bazhangzirpint, why paste that here04:20
LirthWhen I try to boot from my USB drive for Ubuntu 64 bit 11.10 all I get is a black screen with a blinking underscore.04:20
zirpint"A recent academic study [1] of 1.5 million HDDs in the NetApp database over a 32 month period04:20
zirpintfound that 8.5% of SATA disks develop silent corruption."04:20
zykotick9!nomodeset | Lirth04:20
ubottuLirth: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:20
KI7MTbazhang, there's was a long discussion earlier about file systems and what to use etc etc.04:20
bazhangzirpint, lets stay on topic of ubuntu support please04:21
coleix1Or maybe someone knows of another dlna/upnp server that is not PMS, because PMS show a bunch of glitches on the video like artifacts.04:21
Lirthzykotick9: Thanks.04:21
zirpintso you could potentially have 15 errors per petabyte of data, if this study is accurate04:22
zykotick9coleix1: are you aware of mediatomb?  it's what suggested from the !upnp factoid - i've never used it myself...04:22
bazhang!ot | zirpint04:22
ubottuzirpint: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:22
zirpintits likely other parts of your stack will detect the error - disk hardware fault, checksums at the network level etc04:23
EZFproblem: my ubuntu 10.04 box can somehow get an dhcp assigned ip address from my router yet cannot ping that router or reach anything aside from other pc's on the same subnet. Any ideas what could cause this?04:23
bazhangzirpint, please stop04:23
LirthI just disabled my touchbad and I can't reenable it. I have the hotkey for ctrl-alt-p but it's not working anymore.04:23
coleix1zykotick9: I don't think it has dlna, at least I haven't found it saying anywhere.04:23
zirpinti wouldnt worry about it, unless your disk is powering a nuclear plant or something04:24
zykotick9coleix1: i don't personally know what dlna even is, so i'm no help.  good luck.04:24
coleix1zykotick9: no idea on how to fix the gstreamer problem either?04:25
bingerI need some help please.  See http://paste.ubuntu.com/874038/  celthunder was helping me yesterday.  Haven't used the paste.ubuntu.com before so hope that worked ok.04:25
zykotick9coleix1: nope...04:25
zirpintturning parity check on read is definitely something any critical disk should have. you can do periodic parity checks (resyncs) using linux md for less sensitive data. md actually does this by default every sunday with the std cron file it installs.04:26
KI7MTEZF, so your getting the dhcp IP address, but not able to ping outside your local LAN?04:27
EZFKI7MT, that's correct. I can ping other pc's on the subnet, yet can't even reach the gateway the ip address was assigned from... it worked fine last night, no updates now it reaches nothing.04:28
drklunkcan someone whose got a few minutes message me? i need some help figuring out my ati drivers04:28
KI7MTEZF, Well I'd start with your Internet modem, reboot that, then the router, and try it again. Can any box ping outside the LAN or jsut not this particular box?04:28
bingerPlease see w it reaches nothing.04:30
binger[20:28] <drklunk> can someone whose got a few minutes message me? i need some help figuring out my ati drivers04:30
EZFKI7MT, I've rebooted all the devices involved and everything else can reach the router and past it with no problem. I'll try rebooting again if you think it would help.04:30
bingeroops, not sure what happened there please ignore :)04:30
=== Vladislas is now known as B0T0L
KI7MTEZF, well i can't hurt, but doesnt' sound as though thats the problem.04:31
bingerPlease don't ignore this though.  I have typed out the issue that I am having at http://paste.ubuntu.com/874038/.  Can someone please take a look at it and advise?04:31
donsdHow do I configure emelfm2 font size. Or suggest better file manager for Ubuntu.04:31
bennHow do you show hidden files in Dolphin?04:32
LirthSo I looked at the no mode set thing after having my problems. I can't find the screen listed. I run into GNU GRUB and can't set what I'm supposed to.04:32
pangolinbenn: alt + .04:33
EZFKI7MT, it's very odd, I can connect to the ubuntu box with a tightvnc session from windows or even to the sftp server on it fine, and connect to the windows machine from the ubunto box just fine as well.04:33
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
skmsmslkhow to install shell-user theme ?04:33
MogDog66WindPower: oh hai04:33
sacarlsonbinger: what kind of a device is /dev/sdc  is it a standard drive or maybe a solid state one?  I guess try fsk the disks from you live boot04:34
lubuntu_new user here, curious how i install java. thanks04:34
waxstone!java | lubuntu_04:35
ubottulubuntu_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.04:35
lubuntu_hey ty :)04:35
MogDog66Stupid Oracle dropping Ubuntu suppport...04:36
waxstonenp FAQ04:36
KI7MTEZF, Yeah, sounds like the box is working ccorretly, but its not finding the inet gateway properly.04:36
LirthI had my laptop set to run sound for my second monitor and now, once I separated it, I can't get any audio from my laptop speakers.04:36
zykotick9MogDog66: it's not ubuntu specific, all gnu/linux distros affected.  Just "Stupid Oracle." is all you need ;)04:37
skmsmslkhow to register irc ?04:38
zykotick9!register | skmsmslk04:38
ubottuskmsmslk: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:38
oooaaaooohi guys, when is the non beta version of 12.04 coming out?04:42
bazhangoooaaaooo, april04:42
LirthWhen I try to install or boot from my flash drive I get the black screen. I was told to use nomodeset but I can't figure out how to use it.04:42
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: ask in #ubuntu+1 for pre-release stuff please04:42
ActionParsnipLirth: what GPU do you use?04:42
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: yes, this is #ubuntu   #ubuntu+1 for pre-release04:43
waxstone!precise | oooaaaooo04:43
ubottuoooaaaooo: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+104:43
LirthActionParsnip:EvGA GTX 57004:43
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: even says in the motd when you join the channel04:43
oooaaaooocool thnx04:43
ActionParsnipLirth: us:  nouveau.blacklist=1    instead04:43
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: message of the day04:43
ActionParsnipLirth: *use04:43
LirthActionParsnip: How do I do that? This is my first time building a computer.04:44
solo7773I cannot login my msn with empthy on ubuntu04:44
ActionParsnipLirth: hold shift at boot04:44
no-name-hi. I just installed xubuntu x64 on my machine (twice) and when it booted up it'd show the flashing white - against a black screen for a while and then the screen would say "ATTENTION: OUT OF RANGE"04:44
ActionParsnipsolo7773: does emesene login ok, or amsn?04:44
ActionParsnipno-name-: what GPU do you use?04:45
scientesWOOT no mono in 12.0404:45
scientesjust ubuntu-mono theme04:45
LirthActionParsnip: Nothing happened differently. It just went to the GRUB again.04:45
waxstone<solo7773> did you use your entire email as your id?04:45
scienteswhich we should get rid of if user hasn't installed mono04:45
no-name-ActionParsnip: Nvidia 702504:45
solo7773yes <waxstone>04:45
ActionParsnip!info libmono-2.0-1 precise | scientes04:46
ubottuscientes: libmono-2.0-1 (source: mono): Mono JIT library. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1285 kB, installed size 3212 kB (Only available for amd64 armel armhf i386 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 powerpc ppc64 s390x sparc all)04:46
waxstonesolo7773,  I have no issues logging in04:46
ActionParsnipno-name-: add the boot option:  nouvea.blacklist=104:47
solo7773no problem with your msn?04:47
waxstonelogging in to account using empthy04:47
solo7773let me try again04:47
ActionParsnipscientes: mono is usd by f-spot and tomboy, both are in the repos, so mono is in 12.0404:48
no-name-ActionParsnip: strangely if I boot into the live usb stick first and then select "boot into first hard disk" from the unetbootin menu it throws me into a busybox shell04:48
LirthActionParsnip: how do I add the boot options? The shift thing does work.04:48
ActionParsnipno-name-: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?04:48
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | Lirth04:48
ubottuLirth: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.04:48
ActionParsnip!md5 | no-name-04:48
ubottuno-name-: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:48
no-name-ActionParsnip: I did select the "check disc for defects option" from the unetbootin menu however04:49
ponrajuganeshwont this command work on solaris?04:49
no-name-came up with nothing04:49
ponrajuganesh"find -L /EDITOR/DISTRIBUTOR/AIR/ -type f -newerct '-1 days'"04:49
scientesActionParsnip, oh gotcha, still in main04:49
ActionParsnipno-name-: thats good, only a good ISO can make a good CD :)04:49
scientesbut not include with package ubuntu-desktop04:49
scienteswhich is what i installed04:49
bazhangponrajuganesh, ask in a solaris channel04:49
scientesthis was just from the liveCD04:49
no-name-ActionParsnip: hehe, true04:49
scientesbut anyways, not by default, horray04:50
ActionParsnipscientes: why didn't you just download the ubuntu desktop CD and install that.....04:50
LirthActionParsnip: That's one of my problems. I can only access GRUB when I boot. I can't get the welcome screen.04:50
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no-name-ActionParsnip: to what file do I add nouvea.blacklist=1 and what does it do?04:50
ActionParsnipLirth: yes, thats because the nouveau driver is loading and your chip doesn't like it, hence the boot option04:50
scientesi would have installed the other way, but there is a nasty bug with grub04:50
scientesif you install a iso9660 to the SD card, and then partition it grub fails to install04:51
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:51
scientescause it detects the former iso966004:51
panikhello. i am having problems on my main machine using current stable build on a 780i motherboard. ethernet ports are not comming on. works fine on windows 704:51
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:51
ActionParsnipno-name-: you don't add it to any file, its an option you add at boot. The option is added to only that boot04:51
scientesyou have to zero out the beginning of the block device04:51
LirthActionParsnip: So how do I edit it? With the command line?04:51
bazhang__enum__, /msg ubottu04:51
scientesbefore creating the partition table04:51
ActionParsnip!bootoption | Lirth04:51
ubottuLirth: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.04:51
no-name-ActionParsnip, I don't get a prompt at boot though :(04:51
=== tommyvyo_ is now known as tommyvyo
bingerhi it's me from yesterday. I did get ubuntu up and running ok with both wireless and wired connectivity.  The04:52
bingerwireless needed a driver. I am on the right track with the static ip for the wired too.  Downloaded 25gb of android rom repo04:52
bingerjust fine. Started the compile before we went for dinner and when we got back the screen was dark and couldn't get it to wake04:52
bingerup.  so i shut it down and restarted and now ubuntu won't boot up at all.  There's a message initially that says something04:52
bingerlike "HDIO get_identity failed /dev/sdc" and then it boots to an initramfs prompt.   I suspect that it either ran out of ram04:52
FloodBot1binger: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:52
bingeror out of disk space during the compile but do not know.  fortuantely i had mirc already installed on my old xp laptop so04:52
bingerhere i am.  So I need some advice please?   I don't know anything about the initramfs prompt and what I should do now.04:52
ActionParsnipno-name-: i believe you hold shift at boot, might be F6.04:52
scientesi initially used mini.iso so i could install in place04:53
__enum__!bazhang thank you04:53
ubottu__enum__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:53
bingeri posted that earlier and haven't had a response yet.04:53
bazhangbinger, giving some context please04:54
number_one_1hi, i got old laptop "compaq 2.2ghz 4gb ram and 250gb hd, what distro should be used 4 new user?04:54
panikit seems my ethernet ports are not powering on, on ubuntu. no network light on my router. any ideas?04:54
bingerplease see the paste04:54
bingeri am stuck at initramfs04:54
bazhangbinger, you get a busybox prompt?04:54
scientesbinger, you need to set the UUID of your root drive correctly in /etc/fstab04:55
skmsmslki am getting register for irc ?04:55
no-name-ActionParsnip: tried holding shift at boot... said GRUB Loading ... then "ATTENTION: OUT OF RANGE"04:55
sacarlsonbinger: I gave you a responce 20 minits ago04:55
scientesbinger, 2nd person these last few das with this problem04:55
bazhangskmsmslk, in #freenode04:55
scientesbinger, with a live CD04:55
solo7773what's the MSN server and ports?04:55
ActionParsnipno-name-: try F604:55
scientesand use sudo blkid to get the UUID of the root device04:55
bazhangskmsmslk, /join #freenode04:55
scientesbinger, ^04:55
ActionParsnip!register | skmsmslk04:56
ubottuskmsmslk: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:56
bingerlistening thank you04:56
solo7773can anyone tell me the MSN's server and port?04:56
LirthActionParsnip: I have no idea what happened differently. Before I couldn't even access what you were describing in the page. Then I got it to work magically. Any idea what I may have done differently?04:56
donsdRecommend a file manager for Ubuntu, anyone?04:56
scientes!nautilus | donsd04:56
ActionParsnipdonsd: nautilus is in the default install04:56
ActionParsnipdonsd: or try pcmanfm04:56
zykotick9mc or rox ;)04:56
scientesalso, pcfamfm or thunar for lightweight file manager04:56
panikhaving a problem with my ethernet ports on ubuntu stable. they are not turning on, no light on router.04:56
no-name-ActionParsnip: F6 did the same thing only without the "GRUB Loading" (which only came up when I held shift)04:57
solo7773i think i need the right server and port to get my msn login04:57
scientespcmanfm is really light weight04:57
ActionParsnipno-name-: sniff around on the web to find the magic button you need. I'm doing the same04:57
sacarlsonpanik: maybe disabled in bios if internal built in?04:57
no-name-ActionParsnip: I just think that shift is the magic button, but the error occurs anyway04:58
zykotick9scientes: with pcmanfm's dependencies on fuse, i find it rather heavy -- everything is relative04:58
LirthActionParsnip: Do you know much about the nvidia drivers and which one I would have to download?04:58
paniki checked that. its working fine in windows. they are set to auto. its auto, or disabled so...04:59
sacarlsonpanik: sudo lshw | pastebinit  see what device and if it's seen at all04:59
ActionParsnipLirth: there are drivers in the ubuntu repos. You may need the xorg edgers update ppa as your chip will benefit from the 290 driver but its easily nstalled04:59
panikboth port are seen, i see the mac addresses04:59
panikbut, the router doesnt have a light on for it, and the led next to my computer port isnt on.05:00
ActionParsnipno-name-: try ESC05:00
sacarlsonpanik: see that mac address how?  with ifconfig?05:00
LirthActionParsnip: I only started Linux in January. Could you simplify that?05:00
paniki have 2 ethernet ports05:00
ActionParsnipLirth: the driver is in the ubuntu servers ready for you. You don't have to maually download anything05:01
paniki booted into windows to see which one i was using, and copied it, then checked and it is there, but isnt active or something05:01
zykotick9Lirth: DON'T download nvidia driver - is probably simplest answer ;)05:01
LirthWhere do I find it then?05:01
bingersacarlson missed your earlier msg.  I don't know what dev/sdc is off hand.  There is the internal hard drive and 2 external ones attached to the laptop.05:01
sacarlsonpanik: is the power applied to your switch/router?  the two prongs that get ac?05:01
bingerI am going to try scientes idea05:02
bazhangbinger, what does sudo blkid say05:02
no-name-ActionParsnip: ESC did nothing either. this is where I got the iso, btw. it didn't come with an md5 file - http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/oneiric/release/desktop/05:02
panikyes. other devices are connected currently and working.05:02
ActionParsnip!hashes | no-name-05:02
ubottuno-name-: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release05:02
no-name-ActionParsnip: I got amd64 via torrent05:02
panikits a nvidia board, so i imagine i need some drivers05:02
sacarlsonpanik: and this cat5 cable you say between this switch/router has worked in the past?05:02
no-name-ActionParsnip: it's Xubuntu, btw05:03
panikyes, 5 mins ago when in windows05:03
ActionParsnipno-name-: same hashes link applies05:03
celthunderhi ActionParsnip05:03
bingerbazhang haven't gotten so far as the sudo blkid yet, will post back in a bit05:03
panikim using a 780i ftw motherboard, if that helps05:03
ActionParsnipcelthunder: howdy05:04
bingerbooting with the livecd now05:04
scientesbinger, cause usually if you got the UUID right in the kerel line, but wrong in /etc/fstab, then it dies on the remount the drive rw05:04
scientesbut it got the device right in kernel/grub cause it managed to find the kernel and initrd05:05
celthunderbinger: still having issues?05:05
scientes<binger> booting with the livecd now05:05
bingerthere is an initial message of ata_id 732 HDIO_get_identity failed /dev/sdc05:05
dannywould anyone be able to walk me through this theme im not quite sure how to do it i messed it up already http://malys777.deviantart.com/art/malys-BlueGlaSS-0-6-222596805?q=gallery%3Agnome-shell%2F28081982&qo=2905:05
bingercelthunder different ones now  see http://paste.ubuntu.com/874038/ if interested05:06
sacarlsonpanik: you say you see mac address but no ip?  what if you do a $dhclient eth0;  see what responce your cards do05:06
donsdscientes, ActionParsnip, thanks.  I'll try Nautilus because more users (to help me). I have not heard of pcmanfm, but will look at it also.05:06
ActionParsnipdanny: under the pic there are step by step instructions......05:07
no-name-ActionParsnip: yeah, it's the wrong checksum. Strange though as I got it directly from xubuntu.com05:07
ActionParsnipdanny: are you kidding?05:07
celthunderdonsd: dont know what your issue was but pcmanfm is a file manager05:07
ActionParsnipno-name-: doesn't matter05:07
dannyActionParsnip: haha idk how to add the ppa05:07
ActionParsnipno-name-: the data can get mangled in transit and is WHY MD5 testing exists and is why I always ask05:08
dannyActionParsnip: the deb http....... all that stuff05:08
no-name-ActionParsnip: ahh05:08
ActionParsnipdanny: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:08
dannyActionParsnip: thanks thats what i was looking for05:08
panikim not sure how to do that command.05:08
no-name-ActionParsnip: how do you check whether the data was mangled between *your* hard disk and the usb?05:08
ActionParsnipdanny: ad the line starting with:   deb http     to the file, save the changes and close gedit05:08
paniki tried it in terminal05:09
ActionParsnipno-name-: there is a 'check usb' option on the first boot screen05:09
no-name-oh, right05:09
ActionParsnipno-name-: or similar, but the data you have is damaged so I suggest you redownload it05:10
no-name-ActionParsnip: so is this likely what the problem is? are you sure the checksums are the same for xubuntu?05:10
paniksays operation not prtmitted05:10
sacarlsonpanik: opps  $sudo dhclient eth0 ;  and I assume one of those devices are eth0 so change as needed05:10
ActionParsnipno-name-: 5eaf65ba12f74b6c5b912cce2dae1762   is the hash for xubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso05:11
ActionParsnipno-name-: ab1e8b5707d888ac08a75e25b67059c6  for xubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso05:11
bingersee http://paste.ubuntu.com/874069 for the results of the sudo blkid05:11
paniknot getting anything05:12
ActionParsnipno-name-: those are from the hashes page I made ubottu give05:12
paniknothing is comming up.05:12
no-name-ActionParsnip: that's the checksum I got05:13
ActionParsnipno-name-: then why did you say it was the wrong checksum?05:13
sacarlsonpanik: but it didn't fail and no lights came on05:13
LirthActionParsnip: I tried it and it worked! I have no idea what I did differently.05:13
bingeri'd sda1 is the root (c drive which is ntfs).  That UUID should go into /etc/fstab????05:13
no-name-ActionParsnip: I was looking here http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS05:13
ActionParsnipLirth: what is the key?05:13
LirthActionParsnip: What is a key?05:14
ActionParsnipno-name-: I gave you the link.....05:14
ActionParsnipLirth: to add the boot option>05:14
sacarlsonpanik: I also have to assume that you did that to the ethX that you have pluged in?05:14
ponrajuganeshwhether could we find the number of newly created files in a directory when given a specific time?05:14
no-name-ActionParsnip: I guess I didn't see it. Sorry :( I only saw the one with the regular Ubuntus05:14
bingercelthunder or scientes see http://paste.ubuntu.com/874069 for result of the sudo blkid05:15
LirthActionParsnip: I have no idea. I've been running into so many irregular problems. I had something with caching for the first day but that vanished quickly. Today I had the driver thing. I just booted regularly and it worked somehow.05:15
mi3can I register my nick on this channel?05:15
sacarlsonpanik: we should look at the device and see if others have had problems with it as I asked above before for hardware info with sudo lshw | pastebinit05:15
zykotick9!register | mi305:15
ActionParsnip!register | mi305:15
ubottumi3: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:15
primenumberHey gang - is 12.04 worth an upgrade now?05:15
ActionParsnipLirth: anything you can pass on to no-name-05:15
ActionParsnipprimenumber: ask in #ubuntu+1 please05:16
primenumberok thanks05:16
celthunderprimenumber: sure05:16
dannyActionParsnip: now it cant find either of the packages05:16
A-LusionI been meaning to ask...is there a repository for custom startup animations or themes05:16
panikyea no lights.05:16
ActionParsnipdanny: I'd contact the author of the guide05:16
panikits weird. ive been searching the forums with no luck05:16
sacarlsonpanik: ya and no hardware info05:17
linociscomy squid ubuntu server with two NIC doesnt work. one is for wan IP and one is LAN05:17
LirthActionParsnip: I have no idea what I did.05:17
ActionParsnipLirth: was afraid you'd say that05:17
sacarlsonpanik: or did I just miss it with all the trafic I can't tell who you are responding too05:17
ActionParsniplinocisco: can you expand on 'doesn't work'. It's near meaningless05:18
hawke_Hello all…is there a way to type in a username at the login prompt in Precise?05:18
LirthI just ran into an error when installing Ubuntu 11.10. It says "it was not possible to install the bootloader at the specified location". What does that mean and what should I do?05:18
panikcould i just msg you the info? i cant really copy/paste it, as this is a different pc05:18
celthunderhawke_: what05:18
zykotick9hawke_: reask in #ubuntu+105:18
LirthActionParsnip: Yeah. I didn't do anything differently. It just worked.05:18
ActionParsniphawke_: ask in #ubuntu+1 for precise. The channel message does say05:18
mi3thanks ActionParsnip05:18
hawke_My bad05:18
mi3and thanks zykotick9 as well05:18
celthunderLirth: that means install the bootloader in a valid location05:18
linociscoActionParsnip, yes. I configured bind9 and squid as documenation said. but I can't get internet through proxy on my client05:18
Lirthcelthunder: I am. I'm using my 1TB hard drive.05:19
bingerWhat is the syntax for the fstab file?  Do I need to enter the uuid of the root drive?05:19
celthunderbinger: you dont have to but you can05:19
linociscoActionParsnip, my server and clients are also on Vbox as guest05:19
panikdo you think i need the nforce drivers for linux?05:20
bingerscientes suggested i do it since it won't boot into ubuntu.  what is the format of the line?05:20
sacarlsonpanik: we just need the line pertaining to the ethX device  maybe with just sudo lspci ;  if you can pick out that line05:20
Lirthcelthunder: What might be causing it to do that?05:20
bingeradd "UUID= blah blah blah"?05:20
celthunderLirth: what did you pick as the location05:20
sacarlsonpanik: nforce should work plug and play without any added drivers05:20
no-name-ActionParsnip: what do you think is wrong? :(05:20
celthunderbinger: location where you want it modes order and something else05:21
Lirthcelthunder: "/dev/sbd     ATA WDC... (1.0 TB)"05:21
sacarlsonpanik: oh maybe a irc conflic problem?  did this start happening when you added a secound ethX card?05:21
celthunderbinger: the last two catn usually be 0 or 0 105:21
ActionParsnipno-name-: not sure, Lirth said s/he just booted and it worked randomly. There is a key to press and you will get the old school boot screen05:21
Lirthcelthunder: Should I use "/dev/sdb1"?05:21
ActionParsnipno-name-: F6,shift and space are ones I can think of.05:22
celthunderLirth: uhm what exactly did it fail with again05:22
panikno, my mb has 2 built in nic05:22
LirthActionParsnip: no-name-: I think I hit escape but I'm not sure. I know once I got to that screen f6 had the option I needed.05:22
no-name-ActionParsnip: when I held shift and only when I held shift it said "GRUB Loading", but then it would just go to "ATTENTION: OUT OF RANGE" after that as usual05:22
no-name-ActionParsnip: and esc and f6 did nothing05:23
Lirthcelthunder: "...it was not possible to install the bootloader at the specified location."05:23
no-name-ActionParsnip: it boots into the live usb ok though05:23
no-name-ActionParsnip: just not into an installed xubuntu on the hdd05:23
celthunderLirth: uhm check console what was the real error.... it should say more than that05:23
mi3i tried registering my nick but i have not received the email ActionParsnip05:23
celthundermi3: #freenode or #help05:23
Lirthcelthunder: How do I do that?05:23
ActionParsnipno-name-: ahhh then hold shift at boot and you can add the boot option there. Its the default behaviour in Grub205:24
mi3celthunder: ok05:24
ActionParsnipmi3: ask in #freenode if you get issues05:24
celthunderLirth: check console 1 or 6 usually those are the ones installers use05:24
no-name-ActionParsnip: but it still goes into the "ATTENTION OUT OF RANGE" thing05:24
waxstoneno-name: try pressing shift multiple times not holding05:24
no-name-ActionParsnip: do you mean I can just type it in and press enter while it's saying "ATTENTION: OUT OF RANGE" and it will boot?05:25
Lirthcelthunder: I should point this out. I started using Ubuntu this January. I have no idea what you're talking about.05:25
=== Guest86708 is now known as DJ
no-name-ActionParsnip: I can still get into the file system via the live usb if that's what you're wanting05:25
celthunderLirth: where are you installing grub from05:25
ActionParsnipno-name-: you may need to use a liveCD and edit a file to make the module not load. You could even chroot and install updates which may help too05:25
Lirthcelthunder: My usb?05:26
clokcsCan anyone help me with wubi?05:26
no-name-ActionParsnip: eh, maybe I should just install again with the "install updates while installing" option?05:26
ActionParsnipno-name-: yes, use the file manager to mount the ubuntu partition, then run:  gksudo nautilus     you can now enter the partition and edit the files05:26
ActionParsnipno-name-: possibly05:26
celthunderclokcs: no not if you dont give a problem05:26
no-name-ActionParsnip: what do you want me to change?05:26
celthunderLirth: ctrl alt f605:27
celthunderLirth: do you see a terminal with any additional info05:27
ActionParsnipno-name-: the file will be /media/somename/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf05:27
clokcsWell, I am needing to use wubi for another distro, on the information page about wubi on ubuntu it states that you can use it for another distro (my modified version of ubuntu) but I cant find the source code of wubi05:27
no-name-ActionParsnip: BRB05:27
clokcsor a simple way of having it just use my distro05:27
ActionParsnipno-name-: the 'somename' will be a long hexadecimal name05:27
Lirthcelthunder: It welcomes me and tells me how to use sudo commands.05:27
celthunderLirth: ok try to install grub from there05:28
Lirthcelthunder: How do I do that?05:28
celthunderLirth: i think ubuntu uses grub2 no idea i still use legacy05:28
clokcsSo anyone?05:28
ActionParsnipno-name-: add the line:    blacklist nouveau      save the new file and close gedit, then reboot. May help05:29
celthunderclokcs: what?05:29
Lirthso should I use "sudo apt-get install grub"? It's what it recommended when I typed grub.05:29
clokcscelthunder: I need to use wubi to install my modified version of ubuntu05:29
celthunderclokcs: you want to install a distro... ok...05:29
celthunderclokcs: so....whats the issue05:29
clokcscelthunder: I cant figure out how to get it to do that05:29
celthunderLirth: sure05:29
ActionParsnipno-name-: you can always use this from the live usb too: www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/    it will use a chroot and you can load updates as well as add the boot option05:30
Lirthcelthunder: "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error (1)"05:30
Lirthcelthunder: Also, how do I get out of the ctrl-alt-f6?05:31
celthunderLirth: did it say its already in use? ctrl alt f705:31
Lirthcelthunder: nope05:31
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clokcscelthunder: I cant figure out how to get wubi to install another ubuntu05:32
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Lirthcelthunder: I'm just going to guess and use the "/dev/sdb1". As I understand it, that's a partition on my hard drive.05:33
celthunderLirth: it is05:33
celthunderits on disk 2 partition 1 then05:33
Lirthcelthunder: "Executing 'grub-install /dev/sdb1' failed". This is a fatal error.05:34
celthunderLirth: lol... is your mbr set up right05:34
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
Lirthcelthunder: mbr?05:34
syddrafI just got my new Dell laptop and installed Xubuntu on it. When I install nvidia-current as my driver and run nvidia-xconfig, then restart X, X will not restart. I have to rm my xorg.conf file in order to get it to start back up again. Can anyone help me with this?05:35
DJLirth, how did you install ubuntu and which release are you having issues with?05:35
ValrinI am in need of serious help with Ubuntu05:35
LirthDJ: I did the "Try Ubuntu" from my usb and then clicked the installer. I'm using 11.10 64 bit.05:35
DJdo you have any others os, install on the Hard drive?05:36
celthunderValrin: ?05:36
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
ValrinWell, I cannot edit my packages. And I am getting a weird error05:36
LirthDJ: This is my brand new, home built computer. It's completely empty.05:36
DJhow many hard drives do you have one?05:36
no-name-ActionParsnip: I altered blacklist.conf like you said and it made no change05:36
DJ!tell Lirth about paste05:37
ubottuLirth, please see my private message05:37
DJLirth, paste me this command df -h05:37
LirthDJ: 2. I have the HDD for Linux which I'm setting up now and the SSD for Windows (yay games).05:37
LirthDJ: Where do I do the command?05:38
DJin your tt1 or tt2 terminal05:38
DJor do you have the X running at all?05:38
LirthDJ: X?05:38
ValrinThis is the error I receive05:38
DJYeah Graphical User Interface05:39
ValrinE:Type 'n' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-wine-ppa-lucid.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.05:39
clokcsIs there anyone that can help me with wubi, I am trying to make it install a personalized version of ubuntu from my desktop.05:39
ValrinAnd I cannot remove the n05:39
ActionParsnipno-name-: try thechroot05:39
bingerthis is what i entered in the last line of fstab:  /dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults 0 0   does that sound right? I rebooted after making that edit and ended up at the same initramfs prompt :(05:39
LirthDJ: what do you mean by that?05:39
celthunderLirth: x11 x windows framework on which a gui can be used....05:39
no-name-ActionParsnip: watching the vid =)05:39
ActionParsnipValrin: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  head /etc/apt/sources.list05:39
DJLirth, I'm asking what do you see right now in front of you're Monitor?05:39
LirthDJ: The test version of Ubuntu.05:40
celthunderValrin: pastebin your sources.list or at least the first line05:40
LirthDJ: My problem is setting up my boot loader. I have the rest finished.05:40
ValrinSays no file or directory.... =\05:40
DJtype df -h to see you're hard drive structure05:40
ValrinBut I do have that file, cause i've been looking through it05:40
LirthDJ: Ok. How to I copy and paset it?05:41
celthunderValrin: /etc/apt/sources.lst ....05:41
ActionParsnipValrin: sorry:    cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-wine-ppa-lucid.list    what is output? use a pastebin05:41
bingercelthunder  this is what i entered in the last line of fstab:  /dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults 0 0   does that sound right? I rebooted after making that edit and ended up at the same initramfs prompt :(05:41
DJLirth, paste it in #flood05:41
LirthDJ: How do I copy it?05:41
celthunderbinger: ok yeah that looks right if its ext4.05:42
LirthDJ: You keep overestimating my intelligence.05:42
celthunderDJ: i think he is trying to troll us05:42
DJI'm not at all Lirth05:42
scientesHow do i use 3G?05:42
Lirthcelthunder: I have no idea how to copy it from the black and white text screen.05:42
scientesive got a del 552005:42
scientesit shows up in network manager but when i click On/off it stays off05:43
scientesdoes it need a sim card slot?05:43
celthunderbinger: hmm when did this start and at what point does it drp you to initramfs ..like what did it fail to load05:43
scienteswith a sim card in in another port on the computer05:43
ActionParsnipno-name-: when it gets to the update-grub, run:   sudo nano /etc/default/grub    and change:   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"     to:   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nouveau.blacklist=1"     press CTRL+X, Press Y, Press ENTER then run:  sudo update-grub; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade05:43
LirthDJ: Is there a place where it dumps or something?05:43
DJtell me the line where it says /dev/sda05:43
ActionParsnipscientes: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; lsusb05:44
bingercelthunder  see http://paste.ubuntu.com/874038/ for all the gory details05:44
DJis there any number in front of the /dev/ Lirth ?05:44
scientesActionParsnip, Bus 005 Device 002: ID 413c:8136 Dell Computer Corp. Wireless 5520 Cingular Mobile Broadband (3G HSDPA) Minicard Diagnostics Port05:44
scienteswith up-to-date precise05:44
celthunderbinger: ok give me a moment05:44
LirthDJ: nope05:44
ActionParsnipscientes: precise is offtopic here, ask in #ubuntu+05:44
LirthDJ: I don't even have that item in the list05:44
DJLirth, just paste me the /dev/ line05:45
ActionParsnipscientes: the channel welcome message clearly says it....05:45
DJexample /dev/sda4        91G  4.5G   82G   6% /05:45
LirthDJ: All of them? There are 305:45
DJthat's my root partition05:45
LirthDJ: I have no /sda pieces.05:45
DJjust one line05:45
celthunderbinger: ok got you so sdc fails. what is sdc inyour system do you have any usb devices plugged in at the moment05:46
scientesbut its beta05:46
LirthDJ: I do have a /cow 1008M 230M 782M 24% /05:46
scientesand when you develop new stuff you want to be a little ahead, esp when its a LTS05:46
bingercelthunder: yes there are 2 usb externals attached now05:46
LirthDJ: It's the only one with real similarities to yours.05:46
DJLirth, you name you're partitions and you don't even know them?05:46
celthunderbinger: disconnect them and type exit05:46
DJthen /cow is your /root dir05:47
LirthDJ: I didn't do anything. I just let the automated installer run.05:47
SinnerNyxin apache2/mods-available, I have various proxy mods. There is one called proxy_ftp. Are these all part of the official mod_proxy as documented here (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_proxy.html ) but split up into sections?05:47
ActionParsnipscientes: yes, it's not released. It is only supported here when it is released, not beta05:47
bingercelthunder from initramfs?05:47
celthunderbinger: yes=05:47
SinnerNyxor are they all different?05:47
bingerok hang on05:47
Valrincelthunder, ActionParsnip it says no file or directory exists05:47
ActionParsnipscientes: the release is not ready and not released and is supported in #ubuntu+1 until it is released05:48
DJlol Lirth05:48
DJi see05:48
DJnow the other 205:48
LirthDJ: I'm not smart enough to mess with it.05:48
celthunderValrin: tree /etc/apt...what  IS there05:48
DJyou should that's how you learn Lirth05:48
ActionParsnipValrin: it must, it's in yourerror05:48
kingspideri has a HD 795005:48
scientesActionParsnip, well, i have found very little 3g documentation online, do you know of any good stuff?05:49
LirthDJ: Not when it's my hard drive. I locked myself out by marking the wrong one active on my lap top a while ago. It took a week to fix.05:49
ActionParsnipValrin: ok run:   nautilus /etc/apt/sources.list.d      open the wine file and pastebin the text please05:49
ActionParsnipscientes: I don't use it outside my phone05:49
cspriteanyone make customized ubuntu iso's?05:49
CFHowlettcsprite   sure.05:49
DJLirth, okay let's proceed with the other two lines05:49
ActionParsnipcsprite: http://maketecheasier.com/build-your-own-ubuntu-based-distro-with-novo-builder/2010/07/0205:49
cspritewhat tools you use to do that CF05:49
CFHowlettcsprite   remastersys is probably the best known one...05:50
cspritethanks Action ill check that05:50
celthundercsprite: debootstrap05:50
ActionParsnipcsprite: all I did was websearch.....05:50
sleepybugam I able to install ubuntu while sitting at the desktop of my current linux distro? I would like to install it without rebooting or running it on a live cd. Kind of like what you are able to do with a windows upgrade disk05:50
celthunderbinger: any luck05:51
scientesyeah this is my first time with mobilebroadband05:51
CFHowlettsleepybug   what is your current distro?05:51
no-name-ActionParsnip: this video is on how to reinstall grub2. why do I want to do that?05:51
ActionParsnipscientes: ask in #ubuntu+1 and they will help you05:51
celthundersleepybug: yes you can.05:51
DJbetter Lirth open up nano /boot/grub/menu.lst05:51
ActionParsnipno-name-: read what I said above......05:51
ValrinActionParsnip, says cannot find /ect/apt/sources.list.d05:51
ActionParsnipno-name-: the chroot steps get to a point where the commands you run affect the installed OS....05:51
sleepybugcelthunder: how? CFHowlett: an older ubuntu distro..I dont want to upgrade05:51
LirthDJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/874097/05:52
celthundersleepybug: its possible as long as you use common sense when doing it.05:52
no-name-ActionParsnip: ahh, k05:52
LirthDJ: and huh?05:52
no-name-ActionParsnip: you want me to install updates?05:52
CFHowlettsleepybug   again what is your current distro.05:52
bingercelthunder so i hit exit at the initramfs prompt and it gives half page that starts with kernel panic-not syncing attempted to kill init05:52
cloudgeekhow to open .dwg or autocad file in ubuntu05:52
ActionParsnipValrin: nautilus /etc/apt/sources.list.d05:52
DJopen up that config file, Lirth05:52
ActionParsnipno-name-: sure, why not05:52
celthunderbinger: reboot with the drives unplugged05:52
drounseis there any plans for itunes to eventually be ported to linux05:52
ActionParsnipdrounse: ask apple05:52
no-name-ActionParsnip: anything else I should do while I'm in?05:52
ActionParsnipdrounse: I bet they laugh at you, hard05:52
celthunderdrounse: doubt it05:53
sleepybugCFHowlett: Ubuntu 8.04.105:53
CFHowlettsleepybug   you can direct upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 when it becomes available.05:53
CFHowlettsleepybug   nope.  end of life.05:53
ActionParsnipno-name-: ready the long text I gave yo earlier.05:53
bingercelthunder: alrighty05:53
LirthDJ: I don't see the menu piee.05:53
CFHowlettsleepybug   WAIT!05:53
drounseActionParsnip i know they probably will, but if you think about it it can only benefit apple, and in the end make them more money05:53
LirthDJ: piece*. Only "grubenv"05:53
crash1hdI was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how I create a link on the desktop to a python application? please :)05:53
celthundersleepybug: how far in the install of a new distro did you get05:53
no-name-ActionParsnip: ahh, sorry, missed that (was away)05:53
cloudgeekhow to open ! a autocad file or dwg file in ubuntu05:53
ActionParsnipdrounse: exactly. I suggest you contact them. If they get enough interest it may happen05:53
CFHowlettsleepybug   sorry, got ahead of myself.  I THINK you can upgrade to 10.04 as it's an LTS release.05:53
ValrinActionParsnip, i did that and thats the error I get05:54
KI7MT   cloudgeek I think there's an app called LX Viewer if I recall, I was just looking, its not a UB app but should work.05:54
DJLirth, did you install grub?05:54
sleepybugcelthunder: I havent attempted any installation. I am wanting to pop in an disk with the iso on it, and install while booted in the OS05:54
LirthDJ: I thought I did.05:54
drounseActionParsnip do they have a channel? like a fan channel that will have an idea?05:54
CFHowlett*anyone confirm or prove me misinformed?* 8.04 to 10.04 is still possible?05:54
ActionParsnipValrin: can you see what is meant to happen though? can you make it occur without me being 100% accurate?05:54
DJyou though wrong Lirth05:54
celthunderCFHowlett: sleepybug you can read lfs docs for a basic what you want to do and use ksplice for the kernel.05:54
bingercelthunder: at grub menu i selected ubuntu and the cursor in upper left blinked for a while then went to busybox screen and initramfs prompt05:54
ActionParsnipdrounse: probably #apple   I'd try and email them too05:54
DJLirth, sudo apt-get install grub05:54
LirthDJ: it ran into some errors.05:54
celthunderbinger: awe... new error at least?05:55
CFHowlettsleepybug   all that said, you're safer doing a clean install...05:55
KI7MTcloudgeek, also check out an app called: Bricscad05:55
no-name-ActionParsnip: will sudo apt-get upgrade take me to xubuntu 12.04 ???05:55
DJyeah that you could not boot any os, because you did not install grub I'm I Right?05:55
ValrinActionParsnip, I dunno man, I've tried so many different things to try and get this damn thing to work and nothing seems to be getting the job done.05:55
bingercelthunder fun ain't it?  maybe i should reedit that fstab to get rid of the line i put in?05:55
ActionParsnipno-name-: no, it will upgrade yourinstall to te latest packages for your release05:55
CFHowlettno-name-   no as it's not released yet.05:55
sleepybugCFHowlett: What if a clean install isn't an option? I am wanting to remove everything from my current installation and install a new one, but I can't reboot it to boot into a live disk05:55
sleepybugCFHowlett: is there no way to burn the iso to a disk and install it from there?05:56
cloudgeekKI7MT: can provide me a link05:56
ActionParsnipValrin: you just need to open the file you named in your error in a text file.05:56
ValrinI did man but it won't lemme delete it05:56
sleepybugCFHowlett: so i guess yes, i want a clean install. but I cant reboot it05:56
LirthDJ: 'sub process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error (1)'05:56
celthunderCFHowlett: did i miss something hed need to do? i know you can do what i said if you are careful and keey your fs structure soperate...05:56
DJLirth, sudo apt-get -f install05:56
CFHowlettsleepybug  I gotta ask...why can't you reboot?05:56
cloudgeekKI7MT: I have autocad file i just want to open it that's only05:56
KI7MTcloudgeek, http://www.bricsys.com/en_INTL/bricscad/index.jsp05:56
vadi2My metacity broke weirdly and I can't click on anything. What can I do?05:56
LirthDJ: already did that05:56
CFHowlettcelthunder   I think we crossed threads somewhere?05:57
sleepybugCFHowlett: does it matter?05:57
vadi2I can't click on a window in the background to give it focus05:57
DJwhich dependencies broke your system?05:57
ActionParsnipvadi2: press ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace05:57
CFHowlettsleepybug   so you can't boot from cd/usb?05:57
celthunderCFHowlett: he basically would be using current system as a host build env then at the end ksplce the kernel and rm the old fs stuff05:57
LirthDJ: something about /usr/bin/dpkg05:58
sleepybugCFHowlett: correct celthunder: correct05:58
Dogearswaxstone: Thanks for you help earlier05:58
vadi2I can't press enter after typing it in05:58
CFHowlettcelthunder   thanks.  that is doable but I've not done it ...05:58
ActionParsnipValrin: run gedit and you can open the file there.05:58
sleepybugcelthunder: is there a tutorial05:58
ActionParsnipvadi2: click ok then (if a button exists)05:58
DJwhat error do you get when you use the command apt-get -f install Lirth ?05:58
ValrinActionParsnip, I used gedit, and it won't let me do anything.05:58
vadi2Alright, it replaced, but the behavior is still the same05:58
vadi2I can't click on tabs in pidgin to make it switch either05:59
vadi2Just - nothing happens.05:59
LirthDJ: could not open lock file and unable to lock admin directory05:59
ActionParsnipValrin: click file -> open .  click file system on the left. open etc, open apt, open sources.list.d05:59
sleepybugcelthunder: is there any kind of tutorial for this process?05:59
celthundersleepybug: yes. linuxfromscratch.com or whatever and use the basic directions to buil what you want or the distro you want...use a different fs structure though so you can rm the old build env later05:59
DJwhich file is lock Lirth ? be specific05:59
waxstoneDogears:No problem05:59
sleepybugcelthunder thanks06:00
KI7MTcloudgeek, This is a free solution for DWG files: http://lx-viewer.sourceforge.net/06:00
LirthDJ: /var/lib/dpkg/lock06:00
ActionParsnipLirth: is software centre or synaptic open, or are you installing updates or new apps?06:00
celthunderCFHowlett: ive only done that once as well and i only did it to learn.  took a while it did work though06:00
DJLirth, type sudo ps x|grep dpkg06:00
bingercelthunder so am booting from the livecd and going to revert my fstab edit. do sudo blkid too to see what it shows now. I sure am learning a lot about linux/ubuntu in the process though.06:00
vadi2Now I dragged something by accident and the drag icon won't go away.06:01
CFHowlettcelthunder   looks interesting - hope I never have to.  I'm glad YOU had the info, though.06:01
LirthActionParsnip: the bootloader installer thingy is open from earlier when it ran into an error06:01
drounsewhats your favorite music player?06:01
ActionParsnip!aptfix | Lirth if not then use this06:01
ubottuLirth if not then use this: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »06:01
ActionParsnipdrounse: deadbeef and spotify06:01
DJeven better thank you ActionParsnip06:01
vadi2Oops, left mouse button was depressed permanently06:02
celthunderCFHowlett: lol bet you he comes back in here whining he had to type stuff compile a bunch and failed to follow the directions06:02
celthunderbinger: thats a good thing i guess can you pastebin you fstab while you edit it06:02
drounseActionParsnip hows deadbeef? ive never used it?06:02
CFHowlettcelthunder   hey IS it possible to upgrade 8.04 to 10.04?  as 8.04 is EOL?06:02
Lirthactionparsnip: in one line?06:02
ActionParsnipdrounse: its sweet, light too06:02
DJyeah sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a06:02
ActionParsnipLirth: yes, all one command06:03
celthunderCFHowlett: no idea i dont use ubuntu except on one server.06:03
DJsorry sudo dpkg-configure -a Lirth06:03
CFHowlettcelthunder  ok.  thanks for the info.06:03
drounseActionParsnip ive been using banshee which i really like06:03
celthunderCFHowlett: he didnt ask how to get to the latest ubuntu he asked how to install another distro without rebooting....so yes its possible same concept would apply06:03
skmsmslkhow to know my tv tuner version ?06:04
celthunderCFHowlett: though probably would be easier06:04
LirthActionParsnip: "Bad address"06:04
no-name-ActionParsnip: what did you mean by when it gets to update-grub? she didn't use that command in the video. do I just edit /etc/default/grub after I run grub-install?06:04
LirthDJ: "dpkg-configure: command not found"06:04
celthunderskmsmslk: same as it was 6 hours ago lspci or lsusb06:04
CFHowlettcelthunder   linux users are NEVER satisfied ...06:04
ActionParsnipno-name-: when the video says to install grub etc, you are then running the commands in the installed OS.06:05
celthunderCFHowlett: I am. though i do tweak around a lot06:05
DJLirth, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a06:05
no-name-ActionParsnip: I understand that much06:05
skmsmslk lspci i was disconnected06:05
ActionParsnipno-name-: so you can edit /etc/default/grub   as I said06:05
ActionParsnipLirth: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a     is the command....06:06
LirthDJ: Locked by another process06:06
no-name-ActionParsnip: but should I run grub-install or update-grub beforehand?06:06
DJLirth, type this sudo ps x|grep dpkg06:06
ActionParsnipno-name-: grub is already installed, you just need to edit the file then run:  sudo update-grub   to apply06:06
skmsmslkcelthunder how to install the tv tunar driver ?06:06
LirthDJ: nothing06:06
no-name-ActionParsnip: ahh, now I understand06:07
LirthActionParsnip: Errors in man-db06:07
bingercelthunder this is the latest sudo blkid http://paste.ubuntu.com/874106/  there was nothing to revert in the /etc/fstab since I edited in the trial ubuntu.  DOH!06:07
celthunderskmsmslk: ok seriously either use google or give more than NO INFORMATION btw half the questions you asked earlier would have been answered had you spent 5 seconds looking yourself.06:08
sammmywhere is firefox usually installed on ubuntu?06:08
DJLirth, sudo updatedb06:08
celthundersammmy: /usr/bin or /usr/sbin my guess06:08
LirthNothing showed up06:08
LirthDJ: Nothing showed up06:08
bingercelthunder is there something i should be entering at the initramfs prompt?06:09
celthunderbinger: lol make a chroot from the live install06:09
Fyodorovnasammmy, in home ctrl-h to show all files06:09
DJLirth, type nano /etc/apt/sources.list06:09
skmsmslkPhilips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01) plz tell me bro ?06:09
LirthDJ: and then what?06:09
DJLirth, does it say cdrom? at the top?06:10
LirthDJ: cdrom:[Ubuntu....06:10
DJdoes it show a #06:10
DJin front of the cdrom?06:11
LirthDJ: it says "deb"06:11
sammmyFyodorovna: So, all the programs are just hidden in the home directory? :\06:11
ActionParsnipDJ: the issue is with some wine ppa list file in sources.list.d06:11
DJis it a bug?06:11
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celthundersammmy: no06:12
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celthundersammmy: your users configs for them are there though06:12
sammmycelthunder: Oh. But I was wondering where the actual firefox application is.06:13
DJLirth, go into the dir /var/lib/dpkg/06:13
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DJand rm the locked file06:13
DJand type apt-get update06:13
DJto trick dpkg06:13
zykotick9sammmy: is it installed?  "whereis firefox" (or "whereis firefox-bin") should show you.06:13
celthundersammmy: did you try /usr/bin or /sbin or /usr/sbin06:14
waxstonesammy: home folder>show hidden files/folders06:14
sammmyzykotick9: Ok. Quick tip: is there a way to quickly bring up the command line?06:14
zykotick9celthunder: firefox will not be in /sbin or /usr/sbin (or i hope not anyway)06:14
CFHowlettsammmy   alt-f206:14
erespondam need remove phpmyadmin tool and need install it again couse am forget my password for acess phpmyadmin any body have it ide ????06:15
erespondam need remove phpmyadmin tool and need install it again couse am forget my password for acess phpmyadmin any body have it ide ????06:15
LirthDJ: "Could not open lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/"06:16
erespondplease respond !!106:16
bingercelthunder I googled chroot. In the livecd try me I went to the home folder and i can see the 29gb ubuntu partition listed but will not let me mount and open.06:16
LirthDJ: file, not directory*06:16
DJLirth, ps x|grep apt06:16
theadmin!patience | erespond06:16
ubottuerespond: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:16
DJand tell me the pid Lirth06:16
sammmylooks like firefox is in /usr/bin/firefox /etc/firefox and /usr/share/man/man1/firefox1.gz06:16
Lirthps x|grep apt06:16
erespondtheadmin, am have that probelm06:16
celthunderzykotick9: my browser is in /usr/bin... whats wrong with that... i use uzbl btw06:17
theadminerespond: Patience. If nobody knows, nobody will reply.06:17
erespondam have install phpmyadmin on my box, ubuntu 10.10 and am have forget my password, am need rememove06:17
LirthDJ: pid?06:17
DJyeah it has to show a number06:17
erespondtheadmin am need to know how to remove total phpmyadmin on my ubuntu06:17
celthundererespond: look up clearing mysql root pws06:17
DJwith the command i give you Lirth06:17
bingercelthunder so I can't get the complete mount path.  The error message says something about how there may be more info in the syslog.  Where is this?06:17
erespondcelthunder, how i do ?06:18
zykotick9celthunder: uzbl FTW ;)  it was the sbin i had issue with06:18
LirthDJ: I got 7528 and 7647 (2 different lines).06:18
theadminerespond: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove phpmyadmin # Try something like this06:18
celthunderzykotick9: ah. lol ok06:18
DJkill -9 752806:18
rogsterespond: does sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin work?06:18
sammmyYeah, so it's in the /usr/bin I wonder why though. It would make sense to have all installed applications in a Applications directory someone in the user's files.06:18
celthunderbinger: /var/log/syslog06:18
erespondrogst, not work06:18
LirthDJ: done06:19
ActionParsnipsammmy: they are in different folders as some apps have different roles06:19
DJnow type sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade06:19
zykotick9sammmy: you don't like the idea of multiple users being able to share the same binary?  odd.06:19
sammmyzykotick9: well, there could be a common Applications directory someone too I guess. :\06:20
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zykotick9sammmy: exactly what /bin and /usr/bin are?!06:20
celthunderzykotick9: must be an insecure environment.  i can think of a few where that would be handy... most of them are still bad reasons to de that though06:20
erespondi have try for find how to used / remove phpmyadmin and install it again with new password for access06:20
erespondi can't find it ?06:20
LirthDJ: Errors with opening lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock and unable to lock admin directory /var/lib/dpkg06:20
erespondare that a bug ?06:20
DJLirth, type whoami06:20
sammmyzykotick9: Good point. Excuss me. xP06:20
CFHowletterespond   more like a user error I'm afraid ...06:20
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celthundererespond: phpmyadimn just uses mysql06:21
LirthDJ: "ubuntu"06:21
erespondCFHowlett, i have errer ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)06:21
sammmyWhy are there two though? /bin and /usr/bin?06:21
theadminsammmy: /bin is for critical system applications required during boot-time, /usr/bin is for user-related stuff06:21
celthunderit doesnt have its own passwrod so look up clearing your sql pw not phpmyadmin06:21
theadminsammmy: You can put /usr on a separate partition to free space up06:21
DJlol Lirth that's the Normal user account can you log in as root? at all? with su? Lirth06:21
sammmytheadmin: is that what usr stands for, user?06:21
erespondcelthunder, am not fimiliar used mysql, am have big problem with command06:21
theadminsammmy: Well, pretty much, I think so at least06:21
erespondand am so easy for used phpmyadmin ?06:22
LirthDJ: I suppose I could reboot.06:22
bingercelthunder that is one long syslog file.  Not sure what I am looking for either.  So if I reinstall ubuntu over the existing will it fix things?  will I lose that 25gb download AGAIN?06:22
celthunderbinger: you can reinstall thats not a solution and if you choose not to format you wont lose anything.06:22
DJreboot Lirth06:22
ActionParsniperespond: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset06:23
celthunderbinger: you should really just fix it though reinstall is the worst solution...06:23
bingercelthunder so are you saying it won't fix the immediate issue?06:23
skmsmslkpls tell me how to install tv tunar driver ?06:23
bingercelthunder I agree but don't know how.06:23
ActionParsniperespond: http://sujeetha.blogspot.com/2010/09/reset-root-password-for-phpmyadminmysql.html06:23
celthundercan someone kick skmsmslk? ActionParsnip ?06:23
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ActionParsnipcelthunder: i'm not an op06:24
skmsmslkwhy bro ?06:24
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theadminsammmy: You can find more information as to what is where in the Linux filesystem here: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.pdf06:24
DJwhy celthunder ?06:24
LirthDJ: Blinky flashy _06:24
sammmyWhy are all the binaries in /bin and /usr/bin not in their own directories?06:24
erespondActionParsnip, thanks i will try you stepp06:24
ActionParsniperespond: i don't even use the app, yet I found those.....06:24
celthunderdj hes annoying and keeps repeating the same things...06:24
ActionParsnipskmsmslk: is it usb or pci based? You have given zero details....06:24
erespondActionParsnip, thanks06:24
ActionParsniperespond: did you not try the web first?06:25
theadminsammmy: Just traditional for Linux, it's hard to even explain06:25
zykotick9sammmy: ask the creators of unix, it's been working like this for a long time...06:25
skmsmslkit is internal tv tunar ?06:25
zykotick9theadmin: before linux ;)06:25
theadminzykotick9: Well, true on that too06:25
celthunderbinger: pastebin the last few lines of your syslog06:25
ActionParsnipskmsmslk: ok then run:  lspci   one line will identify the device chip, you can then use that to find guides06:25
KI7MTsammmy, more casual reading is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard06:26
DJLirth, now see if you can use apt at all06:26
skmsmslki had run it  Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)06:26
DJ!tell celthunder about ops06:26
ubottucelthunder, please see my private message06:26
ActionParsnipsammmy: there was a time when each distro used its own file system for storage, it has since been standardised06:26
LirthDJ: I hit same problem as a few days ago. "No caching mode page present"06:26
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ActionParsnipskmsmslk: ok now you know what it is you can find guides06:27
erespondActionParsnip, am have E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:27
erespondafter i used you step you give to me ?06:27
ActionParsnip!aptfix | erespond06:27
ubottuerespond: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »06:27
skmsmslki had open one site but i donot understand anything ?06:28
DJare you booting via a usb stick or something Lirth ?06:28
LirthDJ: using the normal boot doesn't work06:28
AnAntHello, how do I configure my locale (user-specific not system wide) ?06:28
ActionParsnipskmsmslk: try another06:28
LirthDJ: that just has the flashing underscore06:28
DJthat's because you never did install grub and your system broke installing grub06:28
ActionParsnipskmsmslk: you have tried ONE site...06:28
ActionParsnipskmsmslk: so try others06:29
LirthDJ: so use flashdrive?06:29
DJno not at all06:29
hmwI tar-gz'ed a folder with  tar -cf my.tar foldername .  A friend is trying to uncompress this file with the GUI archiver, and gets: gzip: stdin: not in gzip format - can you explain? (I can unpack it on the commandline)06:29
ActionParsnipskmsmslk: yes, try others06:29
LirthDJ: then what?06:29
DJare you using the live cd? Lirth ?06:29
theadminAnAnt: GUI-wise, open the control center thingo, Language Support, and select a language. On the CLI, export LANG=lc_CC.ENC (where lc = language code, CC = country code, ENC = encoding)06:29
LirthDJ: that's my usb06:30
hmwIt was  tar -cf my.tar.gz foldername06:30
AnAnttheadmin: is there a default config file ?06:30
ActionParsnipskmsmslk: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4815806:30
skmsmslkcan u plz provide me that !06:30
theadminAnAnt: I dunno about that honestyl06:30
AnAntok, thanks06:30
DJhow are you booting ubuntu dude via cdrom or USB stick and please be specific06:30
ActionParsnipskmsmslk: http://askubuntu.com/questions/12912/phillips-saa7139-tv-tuner-card-not-working06:30
zykotick9hmw: it's a tar, not a tar.gz06:30
LirthDJ: USB stick. It's the same thing I used to install06:30
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ActionParsnipAnAnt: you can run:  locale=something command    and I believe it will work06:31
hmwzykotick9: Ok, but shouldn't the GUI packer "see" that?06:31
skmsmslkthanks i am going to try it !06:31
DJok Lirth then boot up the installation again and install grub06:31
DJto /dev/sdb106:31
zykotick9hmw: i have no idea, but by the error - i guess not06:31
LirthDJ: Try ubuntu or install ubuntu?06:31
erespondall am have find that solution06:31
theadminActionParsnip: That'll do nothing, you're supposed to export it -- or else it won't get passed to child processes, and who cares what the locale for the shell itself is lol06:31
hmwzykotick9: hm. Well, thanks. I'll do some experiments and find out by "brute force" *g*06:31
ActionParsniptheadmin: might be a gui app, or even another terminal ;)06:31
DJLirth, try installing a new fresh system if you have any files that you do not want  to loose then create a backup06:32
theadminActionParsnip: Ah, if you mean the assignment followed by the command directly, then yeah that would work06:32
bingercelthunder this may be a little more than you asked for but wasn't sure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/874123/06:32
ActionParsniptheadmin: that was the intention :D06:32
theadminActionParsnip: It's $LANG though, not $LOCALE, and most definetly not $locale06:32
ActionParsniptheadmin: was a bit of a guess if i'm honest06:33
crfHi. I'm trying to search for a text string among files in my Home directory. When I use search, I also chose a date modified of less than 2 days. But the search is taking forever. I suspect it is looking in files regardless of date modified. Does anyone know if that is the case06:33
LirthDJ: Fun. Upgrade 11.10 to 11.10 or Erase and reinstall?06:33
Zimm3rhow do i update gstreamer06:34
DJLirth, you should be asking that your self and answer that on your own Lirth06:34
theadminActionParsnip: Ah, I see06:34
LirthI have no data yet so reinstall I am doing.06:35
LirthDJ: I have to go, school is tomorrow and I need the sleep. Thanks.06:35
DJno problem Lirth06:35
CFHowlett!cookie|dj Your patience is inspiring.06:36
ubottudj Your patience is inspiring.: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!06:36
no-name-ActionParsnip: did all that stuff, but things are still the same. Forgot to do the unmounts at the end though so it froze while shutting down so I had to use the power button... doubt that'd make any difference though06:39
celthunderbinger: back ok06:39
celthunderbinger: so... what mode is your hdd in ahci compat etc in bios?06:39
Zimm3ranyone know how to update gstreamer06:40
ActionParsnipno-name-: thats all I got dude,06:40
bingerhuh..not sure. guess i will have to reboot and check the bios..hang on06:40
FyodorovnaZimm3r, why?06:40
Zimm3rFyodorovna: because there is a bug in ther version i have and i want to see if it is gone in the new version06:41
celthunderZimm3r: same as you would update anything else06:41
FyodorovnaZimm3r, you have multiple gsteamer apps06:41
no-name-ActionParsnip: could leaving out the unmounts have screwed it up?06:41
Zimm3rFyodorovna: yes06:41
no-name-(maybe a silly question)06:41
researcher123is it possible to formast aparititon while keepind data safe in other partition before fresh installation of Ubuntu 2.04?06:42
=== Kartrohm is now known as Kartrohm_afk
FyodorovnaZimm3r, to go outside of your releases version not sure. Have you just run a update upgrade and are you sure that is the problem?06:43
Zimm3rFyodorovna: well that is what06:43
Zimm3r#gstreamer recoomended is to udate06:43
CFHowlettZimm3r   interesting: I've got 10.04 ubuntustudio, medibuntu and restricted extras.  apt-cache policy shows NO gstreamer on my system...06:44
FyodorovnaZimm3r, they should tell you how if they are going to advise that I would think, never seen that asked before myself.06:44
sammmyIs there a way to move files from my wubi ubuntu installation over to my windows partition?06:44
Zimm3rFyodorovna: isn't it a package like any other?06:45
lucifer_hi just looking for a room for Asking C++ Questions06:45
CFHowlettsammmy   ubuntuone ...06:45
Fyodorovnasammmy, wubi is afile in windows take a look.06:45
lucifer_Plz Help I Know This Is Not The Place06:45
lucifer_But I Searched And Could Get Any results06:45
CFHowlettlucifer_   either #c++ or ##cc++ I think06:45
FyodorovnaZimm3r, sure and if your updated you have the latest.06:46
Zimm3rFyodorovna: to ubuntu 11.10?06:46
bingercelthunder thought i could see that in the bios at startup but don't.  Gonna boot into win7.  I can look under device manager pretty sure06:46
DJthank you CFHowlett06:46
lucifer_CFHowlett, TNX06:46
DJfor the cookie ;)06:47
celthunderbinger: uhm you want the mode in bios and nvm i guess....06:47
idmweird wireless problem on 11.04. wireless somehow stopped working properly whereas other devices connecting to the same wireless router has no problems. Even windows installed in the same machine has no problems. Just ubuntu linux can't. Anyone experienced this before?06:47
FyodorovnaZimm3r, for whatever release your running. Maybe if you told us the problem it would be more helpful.06:47
sammmyFyodorovna: You mean all my linux files are located in my C:\ drive on windows?06:47
ActionParsnipidm: which wireless chip?06:47
Zimm3rFyodorovna: when I load a media file and then load another the wrong position is returned by gstreamer06:47
celthunderbinger: its not likely you swapped it tn the last few days if you dont know where it is06:47
crash1hdI was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how I create a link on the desktop to a python application? please :)06:47
ActionParsnipsammmy: in Wubi, yes in a file which is loop mounted at boot06:48
Fyodorovnasammmy, As far as I remember there is a wubi file called ubuntu I believe, not many here use wubi.06:48
idmActionParsnip: Intel corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 630006:48
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: could create a script, or make a .desktop file to run the command06:48
idmlsmod|grep iw shows iwlagn, iwlcore, mac80211 and cfg8021106:48
FyodorovnaZimm3r, do you mean a video is not starting where you left off?06:49
ActionParsnipidm: if you run:  sudo rfkill list    isit blocked at all?06:49
ActionParsnipidm: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan  do you see access points?06:49
sammmyFyodorovna: I know.. I'm a noob. xP06:49
ActionParsnipidm: is the Ubuntu OS fully updated?06:49
crash1hdActionParsnip, Do you mean an sh file? I have not seen a .desktop file before I will google that :)06:49
Zimm3rFyodorovna: no that if i load say a mp3 and then load another and immediatly play then pause the wrong time position is given06:49
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: a shell script file to run the command, 'sh file' doesn't mean much06:50
idmAmpelbein: ya iwlist scan no problems06:50
FyodorovnaZimm3r, what player?06:50
idmActionParsnip: I believe so06:50
crash1hdActionParsnip, ok a file that ends in .sh06:50
Zimm3rsome python application06:50
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: if you copy one of the files from ~/.config/autostart  you can modify it06:50
DJidm, how are you trying to connect to your wireless?06:50
Zimm3rFyodorovna: ^ some python application06:50
crash1hdActionParsnip, ok thanks :)06:50
idmI attached it to my cell phones's AP, and get everything updated06:50
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: file extensions are near meaningless in Linux06:50
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: as long as it has the correct top line and is executable it will work with ANY extenion06:51
idmwell... I think just the normal stock way.... the icon from the gnome panel shows I am connected06:51
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: the .sh does nothing06:51
FyodorovnaZimm3r, not sure really without a exact what it is.06:51
Zimm3rFyodorovna: it happends in totem too if that helps06:51
crash1hdAhh ok06:51
idmbut ping does not work, apt-get update wouldn't work.06:51
ActionParsnipcrash1hd: you could name the file 'awesome.script'   and it would do the same thing06:51
DJidm, are you using the athero driver by any chance idm ?06:51
computer_is there something like a virtual router app for ubuntu?06:52
idmDJ: how to tell?06:52
DJtype lsmod idm06:52
ActionParsnipcomputer_: do you want to share your internet connection?06:52
=== Kartrohm_afk is now known as Kartrohm
dannyhow do i install .deb files directly from the terminal06:52
idmDJ: just lsmod?06:52
zykotick9danny: "sudo dpkg -i foo.deb"06:52
ActionParsnip!ics | computer_06:52
ubottucomputer_: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing06:52
idmDJ: anything I should grep from?06:53
saeHi :)06:53
computer_k thanks06:53
idmwhat should I check?06:53
FyodorovnaZimm3r, not sure really.06:53
DJif you want to grep then you grep ath idm06:53
bingercelthunder of course windows is taking this time to do some updating of it's own so it's gonna be a while... I may give up for tonight06:53
saerunning xubuntu 11.10 and seeing the following error message:error while loading shared libraries: libgdk-1.2.so.006:53
idmDJ: no, returns nothing06:53
Zimm3rFyodorovna: ok06:53
Zimm3rFyodorovna: thanks06:53
dannyzykotick9: i have to be in the right folder right ? for exmple i should be in downloads because thats were its at right06:54
DJthen paste the fully command output at paste.ubuntu.com  the lsmod idm06:54
zykotick9danny: correct or use the full path "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/foo.deb"06:54
idmDJ: ok... hold on06:54
DJso i can see which wireless card you are using06:54
no-name-ActionParsnip, I'm thinking maybe what I need to do is chroot and install some video driver06:54
DJand which drivers06:54
bingercelthunder i would guess that it is IDE though06:55
ActionParsnipno-name-: sure, install the package 'nvidia-current'06:55
idmDJ: 87413306:56
ActionParsnipidm: run:   echo "options iwlagn 11n_disable=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlagn.conf; sudo modprobe -r iwlagn; sleep 2; sudo modprobe iwlagn06:56
DJnow paste dmesg06:57
DJnow paste dmesg idm06:57
idmActionParsnip: ....ok06:57
scientes "starting anac(h)ronistic cron"06:57
idmDJ: ok06:57
ActionParsnipidm: source: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189260006:57
makaraHi. Why ffmpeg can't find presets?06:57
DJidm, mac80211 = to atheros driver06:57
idmActionParsnip: is that disable 11n?06:57
idmDJ: you mean the same driver?06:58
ActionParsnipidm: yes, the chip has issues trying to get n speed so you tell it not to and it connects06:58
DJyeah but mac80211 is buggy06:58
DJuse ath9k module06:58
dannyzykotick9: thank you06:58
CFHowlettmakara   see http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Preset-files06:58
DJidm, still paste me the dmesg06:58
idmdmesg content06:59
sammmyI searched for the quicktime plugin in the ubuntu software center and had no luck finding the plugin. I need to be able to view quicktime videos in chrome?06:59
idmDJ: you'd have to teach me how to exchange kernel modules...:)06:59
idmActionParsnip: hmm... sounds too bad07:00
DJidm, take a look at this url https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/75648507:00
ActionParsnipidm: my command will get you connected wirelessly :)07:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 870127 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "duplicate for #756485 e1000e: workaround for packet drop on 82579LM at 100Mbps" [Medium,Fix released]07:00
idmActionParsnip: will try07:00
idmthis is a serious problem though... :(07:01
no-name-ActionParsnip, while installing that package (and updating before) I got Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?) ... not sure if that's significant07:01
no-name-I did sudo mount /dev /mnt/dev though07:01
ActionParsnipno-name-: not sure dude, is it an error or a warning?07:01
idmI am using thinkpad x1 and had the exact same chip with that guy..07:02
no-name-ActionParsnip, it doesn't make the process stop, so I guess it's  a warning07:02
no-name-ActionParsnip, looks like it's installed though07:02
ActionParsnipno-name-: score07:02
no-name-will now unmount stuff and reboot. wish me luck!07:03
idmActionParsnip: holy shit... that DOES work!07:05
SpankyUPS support blows in all Ubuntu.    apcupsd is NOT user friendly folks...07:05
idmand now ping the router back to sub-zero ms... (which it should be, it was in 10th ms with that 11n enabled)07:05
ActionParsnipidm: cool stuff huh07:06
bingercelthunder as far as I know I've never seen a reference to ahci. the controller is ata/atapi if that helps. Looked in sys info in win7 and it doesn't really specify mode07:06
idmdamn it... what a shit chip07:06
ActionParsnipidm: indeed07:06
pangolin!language | idm07:06
ubottuidm: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:06
ActionParsnipidm: just under linux though07:06
idmActionParsnip: billion thanks!07:06
ActionParsnipidm: if you are just web browsing with it you'll be fine07:06
ActionParsnipidm: unless your web access is faster then 54Mbps07:07
idmI can live with it for now... (better than I can't even get any network)07:07
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
idmthe last thread talks about upgrade the firmware... do you think it worths to try?07:08
no-name-ActionParsnip, hehe, nope :P07:08
no-name-ActionParsnip, I wonder if it's even a video thing07:08
ActionParsnipno-name-: could try precise to see if the new kernel etc helps07:11
no-name-ActionParsnip, I was thinking maybe the problem was the kernel is /too/ new but ok07:11
no-name-I'll just check to see which kernel is on the installed xubuntu07:12
zykotick9no-name-: "uname -r" is a quick way to check kernel version07:13
no-name-Linux ubuntu 3.0.0-12-generic07:13
no-name-zykotick9, yeah. I just had to mount the drive and chroot first :)07:13
no-name-which is the same kernel as on the live usb...07:14
no-name-I wonder if those updates actually worked properly07:14
zykotick9no-name-: ummm, if you're booted from a liveUSB then that "uname -r" is reporting the running kernel (ie the one from the USB)07:15
scientesselected device is not a touchscreen I understand07:15
scientesselected device is not a touchscreen I understand07:15
no-name-zykotick9, but not if I chroot to the hard drives root, right?07:15
zykotick9no-name-: chroot doesn't change the kernel07:16
scientesI am getting that from Xorg when i first use my e2i touchscreen after starting X07:16
scientesthis is with xserver-xorg-input-tslib07:16
mi3if my nick is registered, can anyone see my ip address?07:16
no-name-oh, well, I guess it wouldn't, yeah07:16
zykotick9!cloak | mi307:16
ubottumi3: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.07:16
zykotick9mi3: yes07:16
no-name-anyway, when I tried apt-get upgrade again this time I got this http://pastebin.com/FZXqaAXV so I guess everything updated except the kernel07:17
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
zykotick9no-name-: you need "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to get that new kernel07:18
mi3but i registered my nick zykotick9, still anyone can see?07:18
no-name-zykotick9, ahh, ty07:18
zykotick9mi3: yes they can see your IP - if you get a cloak, they can't07:18
no-name-ActionParsnip, what is this precise thing you were talking about?07:18
ActionParsnipno-name-: pre-release ubuntu 12.0407:18
ActionParsnipmi3: registering just means that if someone sees mi3, they know it's you and not someone else07:19
* no-name- running apt-get dist-upgrade07:19
no-name-hey, can you use unetbootin from a live usb? :)07:20
no-name-I have no OS now, see07:20
no-name-don't want to install one just to make installer disks07:20
dr_willisno-name-:  yes you can07:20
no-name-I have everything I need then :D07:20
dr_willisno-name-:  or just dd the iso to a flash07:21
* zykotick9 wonders why so many people recommend dd to put 11.10 to USB, when cat is what is officially suggested07:22
dr_williscant say iv ever seen official07:22
ActionParsnipor use unetbootin07:23
dr_willisi also recall cat having issues ages ago compared to dd07:23
SarakunHow to install Inline Captive Portal.?07:24
dr_willisbut these days i think the 2 are basically the same07:24
usuariobuen dia07:26
zx1986anyone setup Cassandra in Ubuntu 11.10 ?07:26
=== adriano is now known as Guest59597
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:26
ActionParsnip!info cassandra07:26
=== Kartrohm is now known as Kartrohm_afk
ubottuPackage cassandra does not exist in oneiric07:26
farawayhi .. does anyone know how to install imapsync on 11.10  or a good alternative. need to migrate an imap account to a new server migration will take some days and there should be no loose of emails07:27
zx1986what !info means ?  no talk about ?07:27
zykotick9!info vim07:28
ubottuvim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:7.3.154+hg~74503f6ee649-2ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 944 kB, installed size 1900 kB07:28
ActionParsnipzx1986: state your issue and we can advise07:28
zykotick9zx1986: !info just shows version information07:28
zx1986My box crash with ATi Mobilty X2300 in Ubuntu 11.10 Gnome307:28
ActionParsnipzx1986: i found this: http://dustyreagan.com/installing-cassandra-on-ubuntu-linux/07:28
zx1986ActionParsnip: thanks! I will try it and note it on my own!07:29
dr_willisive seen issues wuth the fglrx drivers and gnomeshell also zx198607:29
ActionParsnipzx1986: from the wiki it looks like mysql.....07:30
zx1986here is my note about ATi X2300 in Ubuntu 11.10: http://zx-1986.blogspot.com/2012/02/ati-drivers-in-ubuntu.html07:30
zx1986but I wrote in Chinese07:31
zx1986and my last choice were "xserver-xorg-video-ati* xserver-xorg-video-radeon* "07:31
zx1986and I remove all flash in my Ubuntu box07:32
zx1986I mean I remove all flash plugin in my Ubuntu 11.1007:32
zx1986and run the open source version ATi driver (not fglrx) in Ubuntu 11.10 with ATi X230007:34
no-name-ActionParsnip: do you know how I can just make it boot up with the generic drivers that the live cd uses?07:34
no-name-ActionParsnip, because, the live cd works fine07:34
zx1986but gnome 3 still crash "sometimes"07:34
_ravenany ideas for irc-bouncer in ubuntu?07:35
ActionParsnipno-name-: could add the bootoption: xforcevesa07:35
no-name-ActionParsnip, how do I add a boot option?07:36
ActionParsnipno-name-: could use the chroot, Try F4 when the usb starts to boot07:36
MimosakaRyouwhy can't i cd to an ntfs partition? is this normal?07:37
no-name-ActionParsnip, I just mean what file do I need to change07:37
ActionParsnipMimosakaRyou: it willneed mounting, you can then cd into the mountpoint07:37
ActionParsnipno-name-: /etc/default/grub    like when you added the nouveau.blacklist=107:38
MimosakaRyouit's already mounted ActionParsnip07:38
MimosakaRyoustill can't cd to it07:38
auronandacemimico: spelling it right? got permission?07:39
ActionParsnipMimosakaRyou: are you cd'ing into the mount point or the file in /dev07:39
SubjectOneis there an easy way to create an service of an application ?07:40
SubjectOnei downloaded CmapServer ( but it doesn't install as a service )07:40
mi3how many bots are there on this channel?07:40
auronandacemi3: should just be ubottu and the floodbots07:41
reith2004MimosakaRyou if you cant cd, try to browse it by going to /media or /mnt or /your/mount/folder, but typically it would be in /media07:43
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
ktwohI, yesterday i had to force poweroff , and now i cant login to user (returned to login mask after inserting the correct pwd. What can i do to restore the user's data? (was encrypted) now im logged on with another user i created07:44
ActionParsnipMimosakaRyou: can you run:  mount    which line defines the NTFS share please07:44
InnerHi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me.. I'm trying to get Ubuntu Server 11.10 to re-write the default /etc/apache2 folder, without much luck. if you could help thanks.07:45
MimosakaRyouActionParsnip , reith2004 : managed to solve it. apparently i can't cd into a folder on the partition because of the folder name , which perhaps contain an invalid character "~"07:45
MimosakaRyouso i change it to something else , and i can cd to it now :)07:46
theadminMimosakaRyou: To solve this problem, use: cd blahblah\~blahblah07:46
theadminMimosakaRyou: With a \ before ~07:46
theadminMimosakaRyou: Or just single-quote the name: 'like~this'07:47
no-name-ActionParsnip, # update-grub got me /etc/default/grub: 36: xforcevesa: not found07:47
MimosakaRyouwow thanks theadmin07:47
zykotick9Inner: this is stolen from !confmiss from #debian, you could try it with apt-get, not sure it'll work though - sudo aptitude -o DPkg::Options::='--force-confmiss' reinstall $packagename07:48
theadminMimosakaRyou: This also applies to names with spaces and other crazy characters07:48
SubjectOneanybody here knows where i can get sysvconfig ? for ubuntu 10.1007:48
SubjectOnesudo apt-get install sysvconfig  (it won't work)07:48
auronandace!upstart | SubjectOne07:48
ubottuSubjectOne: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:48
* Kaisyu2 ** WinSys ** Client: XChat-WDK 1500 (x86) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise KN ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 560 @ 2.67GHz (2.00 GHz) ** RAM: 2997 MB Total (989 MB Free) ** VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M ** Uptime: 31.17 Hours **07:48
MyrttiKaisyu2: and?07:49
ActionParsnipno-name-: try:    vga=791    instead07:49
no-name-yeah that worked07:50
no-name-will unmount/restart again :)07:51
Kaisyu2Myrtti: I'm sorry. It's my mistake.07:51
MimosakaRyouppl , is it possible to create a xmodmap script when i launch a certain app (games) , since xmodmap will only apply to the current x session?07:52
ktwohI, yesterday i had to force poweroff , and now i cant login to user (returned to login mask after inserting the correct pwd. What can i do to restore the user's data? (was encrypted) now im logged on with another user i created   -  just read would be enough, no need to restore the profile, but if you know how , also ok07:52
acemtphi there07:52
acemtpupdate-manager is a GUI program?07:52
acemtpwhen isntalling it, it wants to install gnome07:53
cheater_it is07:53
acemtphow to upgrade on a server07:53
scientes       Latest versions of the Xorg tslib input driver use hal to configure the touchscreen07:53
scientes       within Xorg. Environment variables are only needed for the tslib commands.07:53
scientesbut hal is deprecation07:53
waxstone!cookie | ActionParsnip07:53
ubottuActionParsnip: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:53
cheater_aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade07:53
scientesi've got through like 4 levels of deprecation in available packages07:53
theadminacemtp: Yes, it is, you can use "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" to update on a server07:53
acemtpi m on karmic, and want to go to 10.407:53
cheater_you mean 10.0407:54
ubottuacem: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:54
* CFHowlett Thinks: GUi? on a server? HERETIC!07:54
cheater_10.04 is not EOL yet07:54
acemtpauronandace: yes i read that, it tells to use update-manager07:54
mi3!cookie | ActionParsnip07:54
ubottuActionParsnip: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:54
cheater_but karmic is07:54
auronandacecheater_: karmic is07:54
mi3ee ee07:54
cheater_acemtp: what you would do is to first update your server via apttitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade07:54
acemtpchadi: it s already done07:55
cheater_acemtp: then, edit your apt sources, and all ppas, to say "lucid" instead of "karmic"07:55
Anaphaxetonhello. i need that a couple of packaged be of newr version07:55
Anaphaxetonwhat could i do? add mirrors for later versions of ubuntu? i am on LTS07:55
paniki cant get my packages to download. internet is working fine.07:55
acemtpcheater_: oh really? onlt to do that?07:55
auronandacecheater_: that isn't how you do it07:55
cheater_then, you run aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade07:55
cheater_auronandace: ok how do you suggest to do it?07:55
Anaphaxetonakso i found out there is some update-manager?07:56
auronandacecheater_: via the link that ubottu gave07:56
cheater_btw the files you'd need to edit in my version are in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d07:56
cheater_ok looking at the link07:56
acemtpok i have to use do-release-upgrade07:56
MimosakaRyouppl , is it possible to create a xmodmap script when i launch a certain app (games) , since xmodmap will only apply to the current x session?07:57
Innerzykotick9:  thanks for the idea, didn't work though..07:57
zykotick9Inner: did you try with apt-get?07:57
KayAteChefsudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?07:57
cheater_auronandace, acemtp: i have just looked at the instructions on that link and they say exactly the same thing as i said here.07:58
Innerzykotick9: it says its already installed.. minus actually installing the /etc/apache2  folder of course.07:58
no-name-ActionParsnip, oddly enough that didn't work07:58
zykotick9Inner: with apt-get or aptitude?07:58
Innerzykotick9: indeed07:59
ActionParsnipno-name-: try uncommenting the #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480    line and set the res your screen uses08:00
no-name-ActionParsnip, ok. but I think my screen is capable of that res... it's a 17" crt08:01
debianoWhat can make a jar file not run.I have JRE and JAVA installed,the permissions are inorder.The jar file was running a day a go,but today,it wont launch.08:01
ActionParsnipno-name-: i'd set it to 1024x768   should be ok08:02
ActionParsnipdebiano: if you run:   java filename.jar    does it run?08:02
zykotick9ActionParsnip: (i could be wrong) but isn't it "java -jar foo.jar"?08:03
debianoActionParsnip:I haven't tried that but should it just be the same as right clicking the jar.Let me try that08:03
ActionParsnipzykotick9: I think the -jar is assumed08:03
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
no-name-ActionParsnip, should I keep vga=791 ?08:04
ActionParsnipno-name-: i don't think you'll need it08:04
auronandacecheater_: you suggested renaming ppas too, you're meant to uninstall them and then install the ones for the release you are on after you upgraded08:04
zykotick9no-name-: probably not, as vga= is deprecated08:04
Innerzykotick9: what would you recommend, reinstall ubuntu ?08:05
zykotick9Inner: no.  but you never answered my question, apt-get or aptitude?08:05
cheater_auronandace: i've never had problems doing this, but you're right, that's one difference i hadn't noticed08:05
=== Euph0ria is now known as Euphoria
SubjectOneis there an "upstart" ubuntu channel ? need some help setting up a config file08:06
Innerzykotick9: oh, I'm sorry.. apt-get/aptitude return the same result, yes it reinstalls apache2 .. however /etc/apache2 is still not recreated.08:06
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debianoActionParsnip: Nope nothing,did not launch.08:06
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zykotick9Inner: don't have any suggestions then.  good luck.08:06
Innerzykotick9: thank you for your time and patients :)08:07
OldOneEyehow do i change sudo password08:07
mariyadid you try to use an ubuntu sever  from ovh08:08
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=== Euphoria is now known as Euph0ria
zykotick9OldOneEye: the sudo password is the users password?  so from terminal "passwd" as the user.08:08
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OldOneEyemy user name is bob08:08
OldOneEyeso i change bob's password?08:09
zykotick9OldOneEye: log in as bob, and in a terminal type "passwd"08:09
snickers_hi is anybody on at this time08:09
waxstone1495 total =)08:10
no-name-ActionParsnip, that didn't work either, but I did forget to remove the vga= line (not sure if that matters though)08:10
phaidroshow can I make sound continuously play even when changing users in 11.10 ?08:10
snickers_Im having issues getting my music from the ubuntu one music store.. its stuck in queued08:10
phaidrossnickers_: it sometimes takes a while08:10
snickers_phaidros, ive noticed.. but I dont want to wait 2 days for my music08:11
snickers_is ther any way to speed things up08:11
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zykotick9snickers_: you might want to ask in #ubuntuone08:11
snickers_>.< me not so happy about ubuntus terrible music store experience08:12
zykotick9snickers_: this isn't the channel for such statements08:12
phaidrossnickers_: I have not really a clue what goes on there, but had that experience once before, a while ago (a year?) .. I got help in #ubuntuone and a dev found a bug, that prevented the download08:13
phaidrosI believe this is long fixed, but #ubuntuone is worth a try08:13
snickers_I know, it is a support channel. Nevermind, there she goes08:14
snickers_my music is being downloaded as we speak08:14
snickers_takes forever though08:14
phaidrosaudio guys? how to prevent pulse from stopping music when changing a user (I have multiple profiles for work and private and want to listen to the same music everywhere .. )08:14
phaidrossnickers_: hehe, murphy :)08:14
snickers_phaidros, murphy's law?08:15
phaidrossnickers_: yeah, as you try to figure, it silently starts downloading :)08:16
CFHowlettsnickers_   a watched download ...08:16
u4ia74I was updating some apps and I saw a warning message "Warning: No support for locale: en_US.utf8"  How can I fix this/add support for utf8 en_US?08:18
theadminu4ia74: Don't bother, normally nothing to worry about08:18
phaidrostheadmin: still it sucks as one cannot see proper output08:19
theadminphaidros: Long as the C locale is supported, well, all the english output, at least, will be visible08:19
codepalmy /etc/sudoers isn't letting me set Cmnd_Aliases.....08:20
phaidrostheadmin: agreed, still it is unnerving :)08:20
codepalI tried to add an APT group08:20
u4ia74theadmin: I just want to make sure I have utf-8 support.08:20
snickers_Ok, im out guys,, thanks for listening to my moaing08:20
phaidrosu4ia74: try this: http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/repair-perl-locale-errors-on-ubuntu-server.html08:20
phaidrossnickers_: enjoy the music :)08:20
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codepalI've got this working on a debian 6 server, why does it not work in ubuntu?08:22
codepalusername ALL=NOPASSWD: APT08:23
codepalCmnd_Alias APT = /usr/bin/apt-get, /usr/bin/dpkg08:23
ktwoso , no one an idea how to back up data of an user which had encrypted home folder? for some reason i cannot log anymore in (but i know the PW)08:23
makaraCFHowlett: thanks, the presets changed. There was no 'normal'. Now I can't get the audio to work. Can't find libfaac audio codec, but I have it installed. I'm following the cheat sheet here http://rodrigopolo.com/ffmpeg/cheats.html08:24
CFHowlettmakara   thank YOU!  Cheatsheet has been stickied!08:25
u4ia74phaidros: actually "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" worked.08:26
zykotick9makara: if you are using the ffmpeg from the default repo - it's AAC support has been disabled08:26
theadmincodepal: You have to define the alias first, THEN start using it. That is, it has to appear in the file earlier. Before it starts being used.08:27
codepaltheadmin, I put them in the correct sections08:27
makarazykotick9: why is that?08:27
theadmincodepal: Ah, hm, okay.08:28
codepalalias is being created first08:28
zykotick9makara: licensing issue of some sort...08:28
codepalit's probably some dumb oversight08:28
makarazykotick9: how boring. what do you do?08:29
CFHowlettzykotick9   is aac processing in the compiled version?08:29
ciccio> it's probably some dumb oversight08:29
zykotick9CFHowlett: not sure.08:29
zykotick9makara: i don't use ffmpeg from ubuntu (i don't use ubuntu though)08:29
makaraCFHowlett, zykotick9: I see now http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1117283.html08:36
peaceZhello all08:37
Darksofthow are u ?08:38
Darksoftsomebody have backtrack installed ?08:38
Darksoftbt 5 ?08:38
zykotick9!backtrack | Darksoft08:38
ubottuDarksoft: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition08:38
Darksoftsomebody with backtrack 5 ?¡08:38
Darksofti wanna make a team in backtrack08:38
ActionParsnipDarksoft: ask in the backtrack channel then08:39
peaceZi have a problem to install sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin under lucid, anyway i added the apt line for partner , but still could not install08:39
ActionParsnippeaceZ: its not packaged anymore08:39
zykotick9peaceZ: if you want sun-java you need to download it from Oracle, see link in !java for more details08:40
peaceZbut i were on there website i could not find any debs08:40
ActionParsnippeaceZ: again, it's not packaged (no debs)08:40
peaceZanyway it was existing for lucid how comes it disappeared ?08:40
OldOneEyeuser bob isnt in sudoer file08:40
ActionParsnippeaceZ: oracle changed the license08:41
peaceZha ok thanks for the information08:41
zykotick9OldOneEye: find some way to add bob to the admin group (recovery maybe?)08:41
peaceZthen how to install that bin file? just launch and everything done on any distribution ?08:42
zykotick9!java | peaceZ08:42
ubottupeaceZ: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.08:42
DarkSoftHi all !08:42
DarkSoftsomebody with backtrack ?08:42
DarkSoftsomebody with backtrack ?08:43
peaceZme i am especially interested by the browser plugin, because it is not possible to play the yahoo java games with icedtea08:43
ActionParsnipDarkSoft: its offtopic here, backtrack is not supported here and has its own channel08:43
ActionParsnippeaceZ: what is the output of:  uname -m08:44
DarkSoftactionparsnip do u have a channel of backtrack ?08:44
[deXter]DarkSoft, #backtrack08:44
ActionParsnipDarkSoft: you were told earlier but:   #backtrack-linux08:44
ActionParsnip!backtrack | DarkSoft08:44
ubottuDarkSoft: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition08:44
DarkSoftty !08:45
peaceZActionParsnip i68608:46
j0ppeIs there any pre-configured servers available? I've searched Google without results.. I'm a bit lazy but I have a "oK" extra computer which I thought I'd use as a Server.. Does anyone know if there's any like pre-downloadable server .iso's which includes like irssi and jailkit? Thanks so much08:47
ActionParsnippeaceZ: run this and you'll get java: cd; wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/install32bitJava; chmod +x ./install32bitJava; sudo ./install32bitJava08:49
peaceZActionParsnip thanks a lot, do i need to uninstall icedtea or will it be done automatically ?08:51
ActionParsnippeaceZ: it will still be there, just not used. You will need to select the oracle java when asked08:52
ActionParsnippeaceZ: asked in the install, that is08:52
peaceZi have 2 choices on the install process 1            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java   1061      mode manuel  2            /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0_03/bin/java          81        mode manuel08:52
peaceZdo i need to choose the first one ?08:53
peaceZfirst is default option08:54
sliktswhat's a good way to get notifications about ubuntu security issues?08:54
Bodsdaslikts: subscribe to the usn feed http://www.ubuntu.com/usn08:55
llutzslikts: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-security-announce08:55
MeirDIs there anyway I can know if a filesystem is mounted as readonly (without just trying to write something on it)08:58
peaceZMeirD right click, properties08:59
zykotick9MeirD: type "mount" look for "ro" on right side08:59
llutzMeirD: "mount" tells you08:59
BodsdaMeirD: mount | grep whatever08:59
llutzMeirD: or "grep /dev/sdXY /proc/mounts|grep ro"09:00
BodsdaMeirD: or "mount | grep ro"09:01
llutzor or or :)09:01
MeirDthnx, I got rw,errors=remount-ro09:01
Bodsda:) loads ways09:01
xgptdoes anyone else have a gmx.org email?09:01
zykotick9MeirD: that remount-ro isn't a regular ro09:01
MeirDok, thanks09:02
BodsdaMeirD: That line means normally the fs will be mounted read-write, but if there is an error found, it will remount as read-only09:02
fractal_hearthi, is it possible to combine 11.10 desktop and server iso into a single USB install stick with a boot menu selection?09:03
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Bodsdafractal_heart: yeah, the LinuxFormat guys have done that a few times for their magazine. See if this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization -- In theory you should be able to include as many directory structures of bootable OS's as you like, providing theres enough space and you can configure the boot loader correctly09:05
peaceZ<ActionParsnip> peaceZ: it will still be there, just not used. You will need to select the oracle java when asked  , when and where it is asked ? i launched the browser and it still does not works09:06
EtheraelI can see some missing binaries from an installed deb, is there a way to automatically redownload those? I can't remove the package because it has a ton of deps09:06
llutzEtherael: sudo apt-get -f install09:07
ActionParsnippeaceZ: what is the output of:  jave -version09:07
Etheraelthat just fixes missing packages, this is actually missing binary files on the disk from a package that is installed.09:07
Etheraelie file libgl1-mesa-glx: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.109:07
Etheraelis missing.09:07
ActionParsnipjava =version   sorry, peaceZ09:07
llutzEtherael: then reinstall the package and don't remove those files again09:07
ActionParsnipyou get the idea09:07
ActionParsnippeaceZ: java -version09:08
zx1986!info tmux09:08
ubottutmux (source: tmux): terminal multiplexer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-1 (oneiric), package size 208 kB, installed size 508 kB09:08
WhereIsMySpoonterminal multiplexer?09:08
Etheraelllutz: I have no idea how they were removed or how they even got there, I can't reinstall it as it's under many other packages which would also have to be removed and then redownloaded.09:08
peaceZActionParsnip java version "1.6.0_20" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.13) (6b20-1.9.13-0ubuntu1~10.04.1) OpenJDK Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode)09:08
zx1986yeah! tmux is pretty COOL!09:08
Etheraelso there is literally no way to install over the top of the package?09:08
BodsdaEtherael: the reinstall shouldn't touch correctly installed deps as far as i know09:08
EtheraelBodsda: If you try remove a package, it protests because there are other packages dependant upon it.09:09
zykotick9Etherael: you could try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall foo"09:09
llutz!find /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.109:10
Etheraelzykotick9: Bingo, thanks.09:10
ubottuFile /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 found in libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg, libgl1-mesa-swx11, libgl1-mesa-swx11-dbg09:10
ActionParsnippeaceZ: did you select the oracle java 1.7 when the option came up09:10
BodsdaEtherael: yes.. but what about reinstall?  apt-get install <package> --reinstall09:10
Etheraelyep, --reinstall is the flag I was after.09:10
alkisgIn precise/gnome-fallback session (but I believe it's the same in previous versions too) if I press the print screen keyboard key, I get a "photograph taken" sound. But where can I find the screenshot in the file system?!09:10
Bodsdallutz: I didn't know about that feature of ubottu! Cool09:10
llutzEtherael: aeh, how else than the way zykotick9 suggesteddid you try to reinstall before?09:10
Etheraelllutz: apt-get purge blah (things a-z depend on blah) well then...09:11
peaceZActionParsnip during the installation ? i choosed java-609:11
Etheraelmaybe there is a reinstall flag09:11
Bodsdaalkisg: try your home directory or Pictures folder, or clipboard maybe09:11
Etheraelturns out there is.09:11
llutzEtherael: there is ;)09:11
alkisgBodsda: not in home or clipboard, trying "pictures"...09:11
dannyhello were is the themes file located and do i put the theme zip in theere or do i extract it {gnome-shell}09:11
peaceZActionParsnip should i select jre?09:11
alkisgBodsda: thank you, they were indeed there09:12
Bodsdaalkisg: awesome :)09:12
stephanbhi there09:13
stephanbis there a way to set a proxy for firefox via ssh?09:14
ponrajuganeshwhat command will get the file created time?09:14
stephanbi mean if i only got a connection to the box via ssh09:14
zykotick9stephanb: are you using Xforwarding with ssh?09:15
peaceZActionParsnip i restarted the install and now i choosed jre 1.709:15
ktwoso , no one an idea how to back up data of an user which had encrypted home folder? for some reason i cannot log anymore in (but i know the PW)09:17
dr_willistheres some way to mount the encrypted home i recall. if you know the  password. but i never use it09:18
CatopetteHas anyone seen that the sources.list has foultys in it for the newest ubuntu?09:18
stephanbzykotick9: no09:18
peaceZActionParsnip now i have it java version "1.7.0_03" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_03-b04) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 22.1-b02, mixed mode)09:18
Bodsdastephanb: see if any of these answers help - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/843340/firefox-proxy-settings-via-command-line09:18
ActionParsnippeaceZ: did the file download from the oracle site?09:18
peaceZi used your link09:19
CatopetteHas anyone seen that the sources.list has foultys in it for the newest ubuntu?09:19
stephanbBodsda: yeah, looks like this is what i needed, thanks a lot!09:19
ActionParsnippeaceZ: thats not my question09:19
llutzCatopette: "newest" = 12.04?09:19
Bodsdaponrajuganesh: the file creation time is not stored anywhere. Best you can hope for is last modified datetime09:19
ActionParsnippeaceZ: did you see the file get downloaded from the oracle site09:19
dr_willisCatopette:  beta chat i ubuntu+109:19
peaceZi will check the terminal output09:19
peaceZActionParsnip the top of the post has be cutted i can't see it09:20
ActionParsnipCatopette: join me in +1 please :)09:21
peaceZActionParsip but now the version looks good09:21
ActionParsnippeaceZ: if you read the script, its a pretty simple process09:21
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sharpKis nvidia x server my best option for a multimonitor setup (1 desk monitor and a TV)?09:21
no-name-ActionParsnip, heh, so I noticed I'd put 1024x7680 ... after correcting that, it works!!!! you rule, dude!09:22
llutzCatopette: /join #ubuntu+109:22
BodsdasharpK: you just need the nvidia drivers, then run   sudo nvidia-settings   to configure your dual screens09:22
ActionParsnipno-name-: yey! plus you know for next time. Looks like your monitor is a little stubborn09:22
no-name-yeah :)09:23
Bodsdano-name-: that's a nice fail! :)09:23
dr_willissharpK:  nvidia works well for me and multi video displays09:23
no-name-ActionParsnip, it worked fine under ubuntu 10.10 on a different pc, though, funnily enough09:23
no-name-Bodsda, ya, hehehe09:23
ActionParsnipno-name-: nice persistence too dude, very commendable09:23
dr_willissharpK:  how is the tv connected?09:23
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no-name-ActionParsnip, hehe. thanks, you too :)09:23
sharpKdr_willis HDMI...09:23
ActionParsnipno-name-: yeah the display timings and such have changed in the new kernel as I understand it09:23
dr_willissharpK:  then it basically is another computer monitor. ;)09:24
BodsdasharpK: I'm doing exactly the same thing - got irssi running on a 42" TV :)09:24
pygI'm using Colemak keyboard layout in 10.04 and everything is working fine except that Capslock needs to be presses to backspace (holding it doesn't repeat). Anyway to fix this?09:24
WhereIsMySpoonyou need to press capslock to be able to backspace?09:25
pygno no09:25
sharpKdr_willis yeah, but I can't find overscan settings for the TV and it's not displaying ideally...09:25
sharpKBodsda did you have overscan issues?09:25
dr_willissharpK:  nvidia-settings tool perhaps.09:25
pygWhereIsMySpoon: Capslock doubles backspace, but holding it doesn't repeat it, unlike holding the "real" backspace.09:25
BodsdasharpK: yeah, I still do - it cuts about an inch off the side. I put it down to me running 12.04 since alpha1 though, so was waiting for new drivers/xorg09:26
WhereIsMySpoonpyg - so you mean whenever you have capslock on, you cannot repeatedly delete letters by holding down backspace?09:26
BodsdasharpK: thinking about it, the nvidia tools on windows could manually scale to any resolution. If you could find the best size, you may be able to use xrandr to set that manually on ubuntu?09:27
sharpKwhat in carnation? my root password isnt working anymore...!!?!09:27
sharpKI can't get to nvidia settings, saying sudo password is wrong...?09:28
sharpKhow can this happen?09:28
dr_willistry a sudo -i and see09:29
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ActionParsnipsharpK: its tarnation and setting the root pass ins't supported here. The account is disabled09:29
carli2hi. how can I add a OEM dialog on bootup? I want to give my netbook away and I already installed all updates (don't want to format)09:29
Bodsdaheh... disabled ;)09:29
BodsdasharpK: I haven't used this method for while, but have a look http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword09:29
sharpKI just "sudo rebooted" like 5 minutes ago with the same pass09:30
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:30
dr_willishmm.. thought thers was some oem setup feature..09:30
peaceZActionParsnip to avoid the problems i uninstalled icedtea, and now when launching firefox it still be greyed, frozen09:30
carli2afaik it's a deb package name sth like "jaunity"09:30
Oerthere is, dr_willis  >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview09:32
peaceZActionParsnip now in the content plugins of firefox i see only the java plugin 1.7 no more other things, it should works i think09:33
carli2understand me, I don't want a install CD, I want that the laptop boots up and the first thing the user sees is the oem-config09:33
carli2I want to remove my old user and add some line to lightdm to start the oem config09:34
carli2or however it works09:34
carli2that's what I want to know09:34
WkurtzGreetings all. I'm having a little problem on Ubuntu, maybe someone could help me. The issue is that the session is closing automatically, as if it crashes. I've made a change recently which was the GC driver. For the rest, is pretty much the same.09:34
carli2what's the program to add a user and ask the questions asked at oem config?09:36
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=== KayAteChef is now known as Guest76397
Nicekiwihey I have an iissue with my laptop randomly ignoring my mouse and keyboard.. anyone know how I can diagnose this?09:39
crizzyNicekiwi: did you run powertop and set these under powersaving mode? :)09:40
Nicekiwicrizzy, not sure what u mean?09:40
WkurtzGreetings all. I'm having a little problem on Ubuntu, maybe someone could help me. The issue is that the session is closing automatically, as if it crashes. I've made a change recently which was the GC driver. For the rest, is pretty much the same.09:41
crizzyNicekiwi: well.. then you probably didn't do it. anyway, if you set usb etc to automatic powersaving mode from powertop, these need a click first to 'wake' them09:41
zykotick9Wkurtz: GC driver? Graphics Card?  what gpu are you using?09:41
Nicekiwicrizzy, this is the keyboard and mouse-pointer-thing built into the laptop09:42
peaceZActionParsnip i think finally i will return to icedtea and i will forget java 1.709:42
crizzyNicekiwi: i see.09:42
crizzyno idea then :/09:42
NicekiwiI used to think the display just frooze.. but it seems everyhting still works.. but the system ignores the keyboard and mouse clicks.. i can still move the mouse though09:43
WkurtzZukotick9: yes, it's Graphics Card. I'm using Nvidia Quadro.09:43
eso4g2__I like tits *-*09:44
zykotick9!tab > Wkurtz09:44
ubottuWkurtz, please see my private message09:44
WkurtzQuadro NVS 290 to be precise09:44
zykotick9Wkurtz: sorry i have no experience with the quadro cards - good luck09:44
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Wkurtzok, thank you!09:45
=== yoshx_ is now known as yoshx
encryptmorning, does anybody know how to index my music collection to the lense in the dash?? its empty09:49
wulfgarprowhen ever I suspend or hibernate and then resume, my screen is filled with noise similar to a mis-tuned tv signal; i have the official nvidia drivers installed09:50
wulfgarproim running 11.1009:51
BlueWolfHow do I get google talk to work on my Ubuntu. Or where would I download and install it?09:52
dannyso for the gnome tweak tool i have gotten the user themes extension but when i look under themes tab it tells me the extension is not enabled and it is09:54
nibblerBlueWolf, use pidgin or any other instant-messenger, they all support google talk09:58
BlueWolfnibbler: Thanks :D09:58
isakI am just testing irssi, hope I don't annoy annoy anyone. If anybody has some advice for a beginner like me, I'd appreciate it.10:00
carli2I used oem-prepare but oem-config did not show at bootup10:01
scT3hcan someone help me with a mouse issue? It may not even be the mouse but most of the time when I open multiple windows I cannot click on anything.. The mouse moves but nothing is 'focused'10:04
aleale97Hi everyone10:04
lasereddMyLittlePony is a derpie10:05
c[_]anyone know why im getting this trying to launch docky? http://i.imgur.com/EDsyo.png10:05
SubjectOnehow do i place an extra item ( to run as an service ) in upstart ( ubuntu 10.10 )10:07
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SubjectOnei've read the help, but i don't understand10:07
SubjectOnedo i need to create a servicename.conf file ?10:07
nkambulei am trying to install10:08
nkambuleand i get this error10:08
nkambuleCould not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)10:08
nkambulewhat can i do10:09
Edifieradd sudo before your install command10:09
nkambulei use sudo10:09
nkambulei used sudo10:09
Edifieris there something wrong before than happend?10:10
zykotick9nkambule: are you sure you don't have any U.S.C. or Synaptic windows open?10:10
scT3hcan someone help me with a mouse issue? It may not even be the mouse but most of the time when I open multiple windows I cannot click on anything.. The mouse moves but nothing is 'focused'10:10
nkambuleE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)10:10
nkambuleE: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archiv10:10
SubjectOne- /etc/rc.d has an different name under ubuntu 10.10 ?10:11
nkambuleat zykotic i logged out and in to try kill all open windows10:11
cicciocome scaricare un film,grazie10:12
zykotick9!it | ciccio10:12
ubottuciccio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:12
Edifiernkambule,try it again after reboot10:12
liquidgarnetHey guys, I haven't been using ubuntu for a few years and I just got back into it. I'm not a big fan of Unity, any suggestions for good alternatives?10:14
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic10:14
liquidgarnetalright, thanks10:14
dr_willisliquidgarnet:  unity in 12.x is worth trying10:18
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SubjectOnewhere are the files, commands places  that must run as a service ( rc.local is empty ? )10:19
liquidgarnetdr_willis, I'm on 11.10 right now10:19
dr_willisrc.local is just one file in /etc/ for special cases10:19
peaceZActionParsnip the official java is working fine on chromium with yahoo games, but not at all in firefox which freeze, for me it is good like that10:19
dr_willis /etc/init/ is for upstart services10:19
scT3hcan someone help me with a mouse issue? It may not even be the mouse but most of the time when I open multiple windows I cannot click on anything.. The mouse moves but nothing is 'focused'10:21
SubjectOnedr_willis, so i need to create an config file10:22
liquidgarnetscT3h, it's likely not the mouse. What window manager are you on?10:22
SubjectOnedr_willis: , this is my http://pastebin.com/Fm8pTeQ210:23
SubjectOnei think all is in order10:23
scT3hliquidgarnet, do you mean theme?10:25
scT3hliquidgarnet, well it is gnome not kde10:25
encrypthi guys, recently came back to unity from xfce and have to say that with a dock at the bottom works just fine. But the music lense is not indexed to the music folder. any way to fix it?10:26
liquidgarnetscT3h, what version of ubuntu are you on? I remember there being things like an option for making the focus follow the mouse pointer. Something might be configured wrong10:27
scT3hliquidgarnet, it 'does' work.. but here is my version info: Distributor ID:Ubuntu10:29
scT3hDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS10:29
liquidgarnetscT3h, http://askubuntu.com/questions/64605/how-do-i-set-focus-follows-mouse may help. I'm thinking it's a config problem with the mouse behavior10:29
scT3hliquidgarnet, it just looses focus somtimes..10:30
scT3hliquidgarnet, i'll check out the link, tnx.10:30
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hphow do i make a kernel for my computer10:36
geirhascT3h: 10.04.2 ? you should install updates. The latest is 10.04.410:36
=== hp is now known as Catopette
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dime01Hi all10:39
Catopette10.04.4 does have error in sources.file10:39
dime01Could somebody test for me a page which should display a java applet10:39
dime01for me it crash Firefox and on Chromium it display a gray rectangle10:39
liquidgarnetdime01, what's the page?10:39
dime01liquidgarnet : The URL of the page : http://www.netstyler.com/fr/netstyler/loadNetstylerModule/query/610:39
dime01On Chromium it displays a gray rectangle instead of a 3D bag10:40
liquidgarnetdime01, the applet is running okay on firefox on 11.10 here, default java runtime10:41
Catopettenetstyler is for linux? huh? Can i apt it?10:41
dime01liquidgarnet ok Thank you very much. Im using Firefox 10.0.210:42
dime01I will try to update it10:42
dime01Can you test on Chromium please ?10:42
liquidgarnetdime01, I'll try now10:42
dime01Catopette : What do you mean ?10:43
CatopetteHow do i get netstyler?10:43
dime01Catopette : How do you get what ?10:43
CatopetteI tryed apt-get but no luck10:43
liquidgarnetdime01, it works on chromium (loads way faster too). It sounds like you're having trouble with the java runtime if it's crashing on both browsers10:44
dime01Catopette Its a website10:44
Catopetteto bad10:44
dime01Catopette --> www.netstyler.com10:44
dime01liquidgarnet Ok thank you very much liquidgarnet10:45
Catopetteneed a good wysiwyg for php homesites10:45
dime01liquidgarnet I spend lot of time to install / delete / update java. Can you give me a way to install your java version ?10:45
dime01Im using ubuntu 10.04 lts10:45
Catopetteme to10:46
SnipeMeNotAnyone here?10:48
liquidgarnetdime01, I'm running java-common 0.42ubuntu2 and openjdk-6-jre 6b23-pre11-0ubuntu1.11.10.210:48
dime01liquidgarnet Ok thank you I try to setup that10:48
liquidgarnetdime01, try installing default-jre. It's a metapackage which includes openjdk10:49
dime01liquidgarnet How can I do that ? Im newbie on Ubuntu ...10:50
dime01liquidgarnet With synaptic ?10:50
liquidgarnetdime01, search for default-jre and check it10:50
dime01apt-get ?10:51
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:51
liquidgarnetdime01, if you're using the terminal it's sudo apt-get install default-jre10:51
SnipeMeNotNoob here<< just have a single question :(10:52
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SnipeMeNotIs anyone free to help me :(10:52
canceralmoxarife: hi10:52
dime01liquidgarnet Ok I setup default-jre10:52
liquidgarnetdime01, restart the browser and give it a try now10:52
SnipeMeNotIve been googling for 2 hrs and cant find a straight answer10:52
SnipeMeNotIm dual booting ubuntu and win710:52
CatopetteLets try10:52
SnipeMeNotI have an ntfs partition where my music files is installed10:53
SnipeMeNotI just want the banshee player to use that partition10:53
CatopetteYou need to mount the partition10:53
SnipeMeNotI get errors10:54
dr_willismount  your windows partition where you want and sccess the files..10:54
SnipeMeNotIts mounted (ntfs-config)10:54
SnipeMeNotAfter installing ntfs config ive read somewhere that its bad?10:54
dr_willisand the errrors are....10:54
SnipeMeNotCant locate itunes uri to local uri10:54
dr_willisntfc-cofig csn make a custome fstab for you10:54
SnipeMeNotCan ntfs cof auto mout just one partition?10:55
dr_willisitunes? what does that have to do with it10:55
Catopettedr_willis? is there another way to make partition then?10:55
dr_willisSnipeMeNot:  it makes a fstab entry for each. so yes10:55
SnipeMeNotI wanna import my windows itunes library (windows) to my linux banshee10:55
dime01liquidgarnet : now it didn't crashes my Firefox but it doesn't display applet10:56
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SnipeMeNotdr_willis: Oh alright, ill just leave one?10:56
SnipeMeNotIs it possbl10:56
dime01liquidgarnet : I think Firefox isn't connected with java10:56
SnipeMeNotPossible* to use my win7 itunes library on ubuntu (banshee)10:57
SnipeMeNotOr should i just import the music files10:57
dr_willisapple drm'ed files cant be played on banshee. i think10:57
liquidgarnetdime01, make sure you have icedtea6-plugin as well10:57
SnipeMeNotHmm, im gonna try importing just the music files10:58
Catopettedr_willis? is there another way to make restorepartition then?10:59
makara11.10 - How to launch Chromium??10:59
CatopetteSeems to be that i need to make a kernel for this laptop10:59
rexormakara, superkeya and type chromium10:59
dr_willisCatopette:  no idea. check askubuntu.com perhaps10:59
liquidgarnetmakara, if it's installed just type chromium into the launcher. you can put a shortcut on the bar10:59
makaranothing happens. Its installed.11:00
xiaoyangHi, all! Any idea I can access my irssi to IPV6 ? Thanks ^^11:00
dime01liquidgarnet I reinstalled firefox and icetea plugin11:00
dime01I retry11:00
makara'sudo chromium' ...: command not found11:01
rexormakara, not sudo11:01
skmsmslkhow to install user-shell theme for gnome-tweak tool ?11:01
rexormakara, just chromium11:01
dime01liquidgarnet Can you tell me what time it takes to display the applet using Firefox ?11:01
celthundermakara: dont start you browser as root....11:01
liquidgarnetdime01, it took about 30 seconds to load fully. It depends on the hardware11:01
SnipeMeNotSomething bad happend :(11:01
SnipeMeNotMy laptop died while updating11:01
makarathought it might be a permissions thing11:02
dime01liquidgarnet Ok thank you for this information11:02
rexormakara, no11:02
Catopettehow do i make kernel for thisk laptop?11:03
dime01liquidgarnet Arf it always crashes Firefox :s11:03
rexormakara, if icon didn't show in launcher when u typed chromium I think it is  not installed11:03
AminosAmigoshow to reconnect to eth0 through terminal ?11:03
liquidgarnetAminosAmigos, sudo ifup eth011:03
dime01liquidgarnet It seems that Firefox loads the applet correctly but when its finish and it display applet, Firefox crashes11:04
SnipeMeNotLast quesion :(11:04
AminosAmigosthanks liquidgranet11:04
SnipeMeNotWhenever i try to use a pendrive i get an error "missing operating system"11:04
enchiladoyou should get one of those11:05
enchiladothey can be useful11:05
SnipeMeNotUsb drives?11:05
enchiladooperating system11:05
SnipeMeNotI do lol11:06
dr_willisSnipeMeNot:  you are not setting it up right. or thr pc cant boot from usb11:06
SnipeMeNotIts booted to usb tho11:06
liquidgarnetdime01, how about other java applets? try http://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=AMX&product=NCR&overlay=11101111&loop=yes for example11:06
makaragot it. "chromium-browser"11:07
makarawhat a useless search the launcher has11:07
stephanbis there any way i can find out from what dhcp-server my computer got it's IP-adress?11:08
dime01liquidgarnet, Firefox display it correctly11:08
liquidgarnetstephanb, it's in the routing table. I believe you can see it in ifconfig11:08
SnipeMeNotdr_willis: Would u reccomend installing ubuntu and win7 on two serperate hdd or side by side11:08
liquidgarnetdime01, you may want to try running that other applet standalone then11:09
dr_willisSnipeMeNot:  each on own hd is much easier11:09
stephanbliquidgarnet: no, with ifconfig i only get the broadcast and the netmask11:09
SnipeMeNotdr_willis: Alright im going to do a clean install (ubuntu)11:10
spronkhmm, guys - any idea on how to diagnose a hardlock that doesn't seem to spit anything into syslogs or via netconsole?11:11
dime01liquidgarnet, I need to display the applet of netstyler because Im working on this website11:11
AminosAmigosi am sorry i am new to all this but how to maintain my Pc i mean like disk defragmentation in Win7 and getting more free space on the drive?11:11
dime01liquidgarnet, and I have the same thing on localhost ...11:12
dr_willisAminosAmigos:  you really dont worry about defraging linux11:12
sacarlsonstephanb: not 100% but you can see what you default gateway is with sudo route that normaly points to the same server that runs dhcpd11:12
SnipeMeNotAminosAmigos: It defragging doesnt free hdd space, it makes read weite a lil bit faster11:12
stephanbokay, i will try that...11:13
Jordan_U!defrag | AminosAmigos11:14
ubottuAminosAmigos: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.11:14
stephanbsacarlson: but that entry points to an ip with a "0" at the end, so i dont think this is a real computer11:14
dime01liquidgarnet, I have this error in java console when it crashes : Assertion failure: rt->onOwnerThread(), at /build/buildd/firefox-10.0.2+build1/build-tree/mozilla/js/src/jsapi.cpp:631611:14
SnipeMeNotDoes 11.10 have probs with 4965agn?11:14
sacarlsonstephanb: I also note that in /var/log/system  you will see a line like dhclient: DHCPACK of from
SnipeMeNotMy connect was just somewhere at 58mbps11:15
liquidgarnetdime01, alright. I'm not too sure past what I've said, you might want to someone in ##java11:15
AminosAmigosthanks eveyone :) u r awsome !11:15
stephanbsacarlson: thanks!11:15
sacarlsonstephanb: the last number in that line is what provided the dhcp info to your client11:16
dime01liquidgarnet, Ok i will see there11:16
dime01liquidgarnet, Thank you a lot !11:16
dime01on #java I need an invitation :s11:17
almoxarife/var/log/syslog < Ubuntu11:18
SnipeMeNotDoes anyone here use burg?11:21
dr_willisburg was flakey last i tr4ied it. dont see the point in it either.11:21
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Jordan_USnipeMeNot: BURG is not supported here.11:22
SnipeMeNotOh sorry11:22
SnipeMeNotJust wondering if u guys like it11:22
dr_willisSnipeMeNot:  i say avoide it11:23
Jordan_USnipeMeNot: I recommend against it, among other things it appears that it may have been abandoned (no changes for more than a year).11:23
SnipeMeNotWhat bootloader might u guys recommend aside from the stock11:23
SnipeMeNot(its been quite buggy-burg)11:24
dr_willisthere really is not much choice in that area11:24
dr_willisstivk to grub211:24
SnipeMeNotI just want a clean gui :( lol11:25
SnipeMeNotBeggars cant be choosers i guess11:25
MonkeyDustSnipeMeNot  I found this http://alternativeto.net/software/grub/11:25
sacarlsonSnipeMeNot: you want a gui for grub?  there is one in ppa that still works11:25
dr_willislike you need eyecandy for menu you see for 5 sec...11:25
SnipeMeNot:) ike11:26
dr_willisset grubs background if you want ;)11:26
Jordan_USnipeMeNot: There are some grub2 themes available, like this one: http://apebox.org/wordpress/linux/261/11:26
SnipeMeNotEasybcd destroyed my recovery11:26
SnipeMeNotNice :)11:27
sacarlsonSnipeMeNot: https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/grub-customizer11:27
SnipeMeNotIll save bookmarks tnx peeps (half way through clean install)11:27
SnipeMeNotI lack direction with ubuntu11:28
SnipeMeNotI dont know anyone who uses it :(11:28
dr_willisreading is  the best way to learn11:28
SnipeMeNotI know :)11:29
crizzySnipeMeNot: got 100 ubuntu servers at work and using it at desktop, bang, now you know11:29
AminosAmigosmany forums i found helped me ALOT11:29
SnipeMeNotBut im just tryna make sure what im reading is legit11:29
hashashinSnipeMeNot, http://gag.sourceforge.net/index.html, graphical iu, icons...11:29
SnipeMeNotMan, this is the most helpful and social irc server ive been to lol11:29
freewayzifyhelo fellas11:30
freewayzify@creamz Xup11:31
SnipeMeNot(considering taking a linux class next semd)11:31
freewayzify@SnipemeNot What up11:31
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: Nm :)11:32
freewayzifyAre u good in using linux11:32
SnipeMeNotI wish i started using it11:32
SnipeMeNotWasted some time with hackintosh11:33
SnipeMeNotThing is crap11:33
dr_williswhen i  doubt - focus on the fundamentals11:33
freewayzifywhat is hackngtosh11:33
SnipeMeNotOsx on pc?11:33
freewayzifyso u are good in mac11:34
SnipeMeNotNot good but learned a lot11:34
SnipeMeNotWish i took linux class instead of sql11:34
freewayzifyso so u know shell programing well11:35
SnipeMeNotNot really :)11:35
freewayzifywell right now am taking an oracle class11:35
freewayzifyis it bad11:35
SnipeMeNotI like it11:35
ubottuleoooooooo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:35
dr_willisa class on a company? ;)11:35
SnipeMeNotI wish i took that instead of digital designing11:35
magpiiHi, i cannot install ubuntu from boot on this machine for some reason. Is there a way to install ubuntu on my newly formatted second partition, wit11:35
SnipeMeNotwont boot?11:36
dr_willis'from boot' meaning what magpii11:36
magpiisorry, can i install ubuntu on my new partition from inside windows so it will dueal boot?11:36
SnipeMeNotdr_willis: What gpu are u using?11:36
zap0hi, bit of a windows muppet..  but can do some 'proper coding' so not a complete moron;  i've got a ubuntu box i think it version is 10.04    when i run the update app it says "upgrade available to 11.10 O-Ocelot"  which i run, and it then fails after about 20 seconds.  how can i upgrade this box?  or do i have to start over?11:36
dr_willisput iso on dvd.. boot it.11:36
SnipeMeNotmagpii:  yes dual boot11:36
magpiii cannot install from bootup with the ubuntu installer for some reason11:36
dr_willisSnipeMeNot:  several pcs here. i stick to nvidia11:36
freewayzifySnipenot pls help11:37
SnipeMeNotIm planning a build with 580's dont know if its worht it11:37
magpiican i do it while booted into windows though?11:37
SnipeMeNotMagpii no11:37
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: With what? :)11:37
freewayzifycodepal sup11:37
freewayzifytaugth of joining an oracle class11:38
dr_willisget iso. verify iso. put it on cd/dvd/usb. boot it  ;)11:38
magpiidamn, whatever i try, cd, usb install from boot up doesnt work, it gets to the options menu, then when i try clicking install it just hangs11:38
SnipeMeNotR u in college or fcompany11:38
SnipeMeNotDont take oracle :)11:38
dr_williscould be a bad iso file you used magpii11:38
magpiiI have tried numerous ways, even tried Debian but that does the same for some reason11:38
freewayzifywhat about java programming11:39
SnipeMeNotWhats ur major11:39
dr_willismagpii:  sounds like a hardware issue then11:39
freewayzifyNah stilll a minor11:39
dr_willismagpii:  try the alternative installer cd.11:39
magpiii have downloaded, re downloaded, tried different iso's, both 32 and 64 bit, ubuntu 10.04 and 11.10 and nothing works11:39
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: Planning to take some computerish major?11:39
skmsmslkhow to install ubuntu 12.04 LTS in ubuntu 11.10 ?11:39
magpiiwindows installed strate away without issue11:39
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dr_willismagpii:  you were verifying the iso file befor and after the burn? do the cds work on other machones?11:40
freewayzifymagpii Try using a bootable usb11:40
Fuego or reset bios/cmos magpii then try again. also remove win hd. this is jsut to isolate the issue11:40
magpiithe usb install works fine on my laptop11:40
freewayzifySnipemenot computersih11:40
magpiii have reset bios to optimum defaults and tried that...still no joy11:40
magpiimy housemate is a linux programmer and even he is stumped11:41
freewayzifymagpii then hardware problem11:41
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: U cant learn any programming languages unless u take multiple classes11:41
SnipeMeNotJava 12311:41
dr_willisa  long run of memtest may show any problrms also11:41
SnipeMeNotUll learn a lil bit with java 111:41
freewayzifySnipeme but heard java has a lot to do wit pc11:42
magpiimy hardware is fine, no issues with the disk, ram, graphics card, etc etc. any type of linux install now just hangs just after the option to install. even Debian too11:42
SnipeMeNotWeb and mobile phones11:42
SnipeMeNotIf u want to program softwares, start wth c++11:42
dr_willismagpii:  ive heard the 'my hw is fine' befor.. its very hard to prove however.11:43
freewayzifymagpii is it the i386 iso file u downloaded11:43
freewayzifySnipeme i love python to c++11:43
dr_willismagpii:  try a very different distro like tinycore linux, see if that works11:43
magpiii downloaded both the 64 and the i386 versions of ubuntu 10.04 and 11.1011:43
AminosAmigoshow to fix the failed ti fetch errors ?11:43
AminosAmigosFailed to fetch http://updates.repository.backtrack-linux.org/pool/main/libx/libxml2/libxml2_2.7.6.dfsg-1ubuntu1.3_i386.deb  Hash Sum mismatch11:43
AminosAmigosFailed to fetch http://updates.repository.backtrack-linux.org/pool/main/g/gnome-control-center/capplets-data_2.30.1-0ubuntu2_all.deb  Hash Sum mismatch11:43
stimpiecan anyone recommand some tooling to manage users on multiple machines?11:43
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify:  then u should take those classes11:44
freewayzifybut i dpwnloaded mine of reccent and it working11:44
SnipeMeNotI started wth c++11:44
sacarlsonmagpii:  graphic card a nvidea or ATI?  I have to assume it's a graphics card problem11:44
Guest61664I have this: Intel Atom D2700 2.13GHz Mini-ITX PC w/ 2GB, M350 & PicoPSU-80, D2700DC, HTPC.  I am trying to run it from a USB thumb drive, but it's stuck at 480p SD... any ideas how to change it?11:44
FuegoAminosAmigos:  update first11:44
magpiiits wierd, because 2 days before I decided to install 10.04, i had succesfully installed 11.10 on this machine, then suddenly this issue out of the blu11:44
AminosAmigosi did update :/11:44
magpiigraphics is nvidia11:44
freewayzifySnipeme  no good c++ lecturer in my college11:44
sacarlsonmagpii: oh nvidia that's quite well supported11:45
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify:  where u at?11:45
Fuegowhich nvidia magpii11:45
dr_willismagpii:  try the alt-istaller cd perhaps11:45
freewayzifymagpii redownload the iso file again from a torrent11:45
magpiinvidia geforce GTS 25011:45
SnipeMeNotU wont need c++ for engineering11:46
Fuegogetting a blank scrren magpii11:46
SnipeMeNotU jst need the class11:46
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:46
magpiilol, i have been at this for 3 days now, gonna pop to uni this afternoon but will try re download via a torrent this evening11:46
freewayzifymagpii just try dat11:47
magpiiis unetbootin ok and stable for the burning of iso's to usb?11:47
sacarlsonmagpii: oh and it has worked before with UB 11.10,  and after attepted downgrade you can't even go back to what worked before?11:47
freewayzifySnipemenot lol11:47
freewayzifymagii YA11:47
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: Dude u need to kniw what field of comp ur gonna tkae11:48
dr_willismagpii:  unetbootin or the tools at pendrivelinux, some can even verify the iso files11:48
freewayzifySnipeme ya i realy need to know11:48
sacarlsonmagpii: I wonder if you made the mistake I made and failed to pick a partition to use for root?  maybe delete a partition and try install 11.10 again11:48
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: I was talking computer science but i switched to computer science and engineering11:49
freewayzifySnipeme: why11:49
SnipeMeNot 11:49
sacarlsonmagpii: ya and that nomodeset also that dr_willis points out might be another starting point11:50
magpiitried that, my mate even made sure the drive had a root partition. I will try the link suggested by ubottu for the graphics options when i get home and see if that works11:50
freewayzifymagpii try REDHAT11:50
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: Its not easy to be a compscientist its hard to find a job11:50
skmsmslkdoes redhat is free ?11:50
SnipeMeNotmagpii: My ODD has probs as well sometimes ubuntu would just freeze during installation11:51
freewayzifySnipeme: there are lot of computer guru in the state so it not easy11:51
magpiii will try the graphics thing when i get back from uni. my housemate mentioned something about newer graphics cards may not have a standard file config or something and may need tweaking .11:51
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: Then try to be the best11:51
magpiiyup, thats mine, gets to the screen with the world map location option on it, then just hangs11:51
Fuegothats right magpii11:52
freewayzify@SnipeMe so putting the engeneering skills and the programming know how gives u an upper hans\d11:52
SnipeMeNotMagpii try selecting "try ubuntu first"11:52
magpiidoesnt even get that far sometimes, just after install option, the screen goes blank11:52
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: Its not like that, guys in my family are engineers11:52
freewayzify@magpii then u re in for a long thing11:52
freewayzify@SnipeMe wow dats is nice11:52
freewayzify@SnipeMe Only my dat is an electircal eng11:53
canceralmoxarife: what do you say about the problem11:53
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: Ifu can skip c++ skip it and take phyton11:53
freewayzify@SnipeMe Only my dad is an electircal eng11:53
AminosAmigos@snipeMe where are you from ?11:53
oVohello,i have a core i5 on-chip graphic card and a ATI  video card installed ,any suggestions on how to get a video card driver?11:53
SnipeMeNotDonde esta?11:53
freewayzify@SnipeMe c++ and python are almost d same11:53
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: Phytons easier11:54
freewayzify@SnipeMe but which is beta11:54
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SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: No one uses c++ anymore11:54
Fuegoi still use cobol11:54
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: Btw my cousin and his dad are both electrical eng11:54
freewayzify@SnipeMe i heard google re using python on thier apache11:55
SnipeMeNotfreewayzify: My other cousins a compsciceng and his brother is a nuke eng11:55
bazhang!ot | SnipeMeNot freewayzify11:55
ubottuSnipeMeNot freewayzify: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:55
SnipeMeNotSorry a lil offtop11:55
diskineticI have this: Intel Atom D2700 2.13GHz Mini-ITX PC w/ 2GB, M350 & PicoPSU-80, D2700DC, HTPC.  I am trying to run it from a USB thumb drive, but it's stuck at 480p SD... any ideas how to change it?11:55
freewayzifySorry Admin11:55
SnipeMeNot:) got bored waiting for the update to fin11:55
freewayzify@SnipeMe how about this mac theme for ubumtu11:56
freewayzifyi heard it break the KDE11:56
SnipeMeNotWant people to scream at u?11:56
oVothe 11.10 theme?11:56
dr_willisfreewayzify:   you refering to 'macbuntu' ?11:57
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freewayzify@dr_ YA11:57
oVomacbuntu is funny11:57
SnipeMeNotIts like installig android os on an iphone11:57
dr_willisfreewayzify:  avoide at all costs...11:57
freewayzifyok fellas thanks11:57
dr_willismacbunutu = reinstalled systems on several occasions in here11:57
freewayzifythen it complicated11:58
dr_willisits not a 'theme' its a flakey comples script11:58
SnipeMeNotBrb looking for my cigs11:58
freewayzify@dr_ where u from11:58
dr_willisim in indiana.11:59
freewayzify@SnipeMe where is it?11:59
skmsmslki am fro india  !11:59
dr_willisno need to use @ on irc11:59
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:59
oVoanyone tried to install ATI-driver on a dual video-card notebook?11:59
freewayzify@SnipeMe Noy allowed11:59
SnipeMeNotHows the weather at indiana?11:59
freewayzify@dr_will dats is nice11:59
freewayzifyso hws the place12:00
freewayzify@ovo whta for12:00
SnipeMeNotIs it cpld there12:00
bazhangSnipeMeNot, freewayzify lets get back to ubuntu support12:01
freewayzify@Snipeme whats cpld12:01
freewayzifybazhag YA12:01
SnipeMeNotGot carried away12:01
SubjectOnelittle question, isn't wine 1.4 pushed with auto update in ubuntu ?12:01
oVo800*600 display is not enough.i need the ATI card to work so i can use higher resolution.12:01
freewayzifybazhang any new thing on ubuntu12:01
Fuegowrong window12:01
bazhangSubjectOne, which version of ubuntu12:01
SnipeMeNotMy touc pad isnt working12:01
SnipeMeNotOh its not gor me lol12:02
freewayzify@ bazhang   am using 11.1012:02
oVoT_T any help?12:02
freewayzify@ bazhang    pls how can i use my head fone wth my pc12:03
bazhangSubjectOne, if you want the more recent version of wine, you should check the #winehq repos12:03
freewayzify@ bazhang    pls how can i use my head fone on ubuntu12:03
freewayzify@ bazhang    coz when pluged in it gives anoda sounds12:03
bazhangSubjectOne, 1.4 is in the next release due in april 12.0412:04
pottermorehello. can someone help me use handbrake. I need to "cut" a piece of it to submit to VideoLan.12:04
freewayzify@bazhang any idea12:04
pottermorehow do i "cut"12:04
magpiiok sorry for not replying regarding my ubuntu boot problem, i disconnected. anyway, thanks for the help and suggestions, i will try the nomod thing when i get home tonight, see if that helps, thanks12:04
freewayzify@magpii ok12:04
freewayzifySee u guy s lata12:05
oVowhat kind of video card you are using ? ATI/Nvedia?12:06
SnipeMeNotMy touchpad stopped working after the update12:06
pengwhi all12:06
pengwi am jack i have a question, once i wrote a command line to tell ubuntu that i want to "rmmod psmouse" at the startup of ubuntu but now i forgot where i wrote it.12:07
pengwI want to change this setting currently.12:08
pengwwhere is the file that  should put this command in?12:08
BarkingFishpengw, Do you not want that module to load at all?12:08
MonkeyDustSnipeMeNot  there's gpointing-device-settings, or it may be something you have to add in grub12:09
sacarlsonpengw: maybe you blacklisted it?12:09
BarkingFishI was just about to suggest that :)12:09
SnipeMeNotMonkeyDust: Its a clean install with the update, i checked the mouse settings and its on, i also tried the hardware switch12:09
pengwno  no , I just put a command into a file12:09
pengwand I forgot it how funny is that12:10
MonkeyDustSnipeMeNot  then maybe try my hints12:10
SubjectOneoh bazhang, i tought is was already released12:10
SnipeMeNotMonkeyDust: What hints?12:10
BarkingFishThere is a file at /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf - you might be able to simply add the module to that list, and it will never load again, pengw12:10
SnipeMeNotOh okie il look for it12:10
sacarlsonpengw: well maybe cd /etc ; grep -r psmouse *12:11
pengwthx I will try :  cd /etc ; grep -r psmouse *12:11
edwinkcwhey, I have a stupid question. I saw sbd press ctrl + space bar, then he can search the program on his computer. Just like the spotlight in mac, what program is it?12:11
oVospotlight ?12:12
bharathWhen I used the command sudo apt-get build-dep firefox it gives the following error http://pastebin.com/nwcX2Awf12:12
diskineticI have this: Intel Atom D2700 2.13GHz Mini-ITX PC w/ 2GB, M350 & PicoPSU-80, D2700DC, HTPC.  I am trying to run it from a USB thumb drive, but it's stuck at 480p SD (advertised 1080p) , even before software boots... any ideas how to change it?12:12
edwinkcwoVo: umm, I think in mac, there is a function called spotlight12:12
MonkeyDustwhat's sbd?12:13
neelpulseUbuntu Network manager does not support authentication with username and password with the ISP after connecting with WLAN. Any resources on how to write the functionality?12:13
edwinkcwMonkeyDust: somebody12:13
edwinkcwoVo: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT253112:13
BarkingFishoops. gtg, see ya late12:14
sacarlsonbharath: I should assume you already sudo apt-get update ; but I have to ask12:14
oVoi think i saw something quite alike on ubuntu 11.10 (or 11.04?)12:15
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bharathsacarison:yeah I have done it12:15
edwinkcwoVo: but I think there is a program in ubuntu doing it12:15
oVobut my ubuntu is down...i am not sure about it12:15
sacarlsonbharath: other thing is that ppa repository aren't always stable,  you might want to remove that if posible12:15
sacarlsonbharath: or you might have to wait for the ppa server to become active again in the future maybe days12:16
bharathsacarison:how to do that12:16
sacarlsonbharath: synaptic12:16
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SnipeMeNotReooting... Banshee froze when i added a music folder12:17
bharathsacarison: can you tell me the reason for this error checking for Python version >= 2.5 but not 3.x... /opt/gnome/bin/python2.7: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.7.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:17
MonkeyDustbharath  for nick completion, type 2-3 characters and then [tab]12:18
oVoi have an idea: locate man |more.....lol12:18
sacarlsonbharath: sounds like a ppa add that has unmet dependancy12:18
oVonick iNeedAtiDriverForUbuntu10.0412:19
dcluoanyone knows how to program c# in ubuntu?12:19
ooiiooo_I have problems playing certain radio streams (e.g. http://dradio.ic.llnwd.net/stream/dradio_dlf_m_a.ogg). In VLC, mplayer or mpd they play fine, in banshee and exile they are stuttering, have interruptions with loud noise for the fraction of a second, short cracks. I don't know how to describe it better. Any ideas what could be the cause?12:19
crizzydcluo: install monodevelop12:19
bharathsacarlson: I can't understand , can you explain in detail?12:20
SnipeMeNotWhere do i get an ati driver12:20
neelpulseAnyone knows how to write a script that will authenticate username and password like DSL, after connecting to WLAN?12:20
MonkeyDustoVo  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/installing-ati-driver-on-ubuntu-10-04-a-806379/12:21
dcluothx crizzy12:21
esmirlin_hey guys, if i have 11.10 installed should i make a fresh installation when 12.04 goes out or its perfectly upgradeable without loosing anything?12:22
sacarlsonbharath:  do you under stand packages and how when you load one it also needs all the other parts from other packages if not already installed, if ppa is added they may require parts that are not part of the default repository12:22
SnipeMeNotMonkeyDust: I installed gpointing device settings and cant find it12:22
MonkeyDustSnipeMeNot  for some hardware, you need to add something in GRUB, moment12:22
Catopetteesmirlin apt-get dist-upgrade12:23
SnipeMeNot(im sorty im still a noob12:23
bharathsacarlson: then how to resolve this issue?12:23
pengwhi all i found my command i put it into rc.local actually12:23
sacarlsonbharath: remove or purge the ppa that is the point of the fault12:23
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bharathsacarlson: I am sorry , I am new to ppa can you tell me how to do that?12:24
esmirlin_Catopette: but everything is going to be update, i mean HUD and lighthemes and every every thing?12:24
sacarlsonbharath: well you learned to add them now learn to purge them http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/12:25
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MonkeyDustSnipeMeNot  this is the idea, maybe it helps you in your search http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9973370#post997337012:25
neelpulse \JOIN #programming12:26
SnipeMeNotMonkeyDust: Alright thanks ill try it this morning12:26
pengwremove a ppa - it is easy : open you ubuntu software center and then -> menu edit -> source ->other software -> you will see ppa , just remove it.12:27
sacarlsonpengw: bharath: that might work,12:28
MonkeyDustthere's also purge-ppa12:28
sacarlsonMonkeyDust: that's the link I gave the that shows purge-ppa12:29
Fuegois there a NAS server based on ubuntu ?12:29
sacarlsonfuego: I forget what a NAS server is12:29
bharathsacarlson:  do we need to delete all the ppa's?12:30
sacarlsonbharath: maybe start with the one that shows the fault to start if more pop up the we will see12:31
MonkeyDustFuego  start here https://github.com/xombiemp/Ubuntu-NAS12:31
thrillERboyHi, If I install 12.04 beta, will have to reinstall when the full version is out, or I can just upgrade?12:33
jpdsthrillERboy: Upgrade.12:33
thrillERboythnks jpds12:33
bharathsacarlson: no change12:33
MonkeyDustthrillERboy  better ask in #ubuntu+112:34
SnipeMeNotMonkeyDust: Sorry stupid question ive edited grub but i meed permission what do i do12:35
bharathsacarlson: when I show the error http://pastebin.com/nxFTAuM4 to someone, they said "Your python install is broken. You should fix it."12:35
sacarlsonbharath: so I assume you removed this one ppa.launchpad.net_murrine- ?12:35
MonkeyDustSnipeMeNot  i'm not familiar with it myself, alway be careful when changing something dude!12:35
SnipeMeNotYup yup12:35
SnipeMeNotI saw it12:36
SnipeMeNotGrub_cmdline_linux doesnt have a value12:36
SnipeMeNotI jst need to add one but i cant save12:36
chuxhello, i can't make my external microphone work on my 11.10 ubuntu (the internal one does work)12:36
bharathsacarlson: Yes I have done it12:37
sacarlsonbharath: oh this is not a package install this is a compile with a missing dependancy not the same problem as the above you noted12:37
chuxhow could i make a diagnostic of the problem ?12:37
MonkeyDustchux  in a Terminal, type alsamixer, if you see MM, go there and press M12:38
sattu94SnipeMeNot, you need to edit the grub files with superuser privileges..12:38
SnipeMeNotYes sir12:38
sattu94Snicksie, You have to be root, use gk/sudo12:38
bharathsacarlson: Is that not  a problem because of ppa?12:38
SnipeMeNotI did that once but i forgot how ill jst google it12:38
sacarlsonbharath: so what ubuntu version are you running from?  does it support python 3.X12:38
sattu94Snicksie, sudo <text_editor> filename12:39
corpsiclefor some reason i cannot install vboxaddons the normal way, so im using apt-get in ubuntu to do it, are there any drawbacks with that method ?12:39
bharathsacarlson: I am using ubuntu 10.1012:39
chuxMonkeyDust no i dont see MM12:39
Geronimo__hello all12:39
sattu94SnipeMeNot, sudo <text_editor> filename12:39
SnipeMeNotYup i saw i :)12:39
Geronimo__I try install webcam in notebook LG12:39
Geronimo__but not success12:39
sacarlsonbharath: the above problem was probly an attempt to correct the missing dependancy we now see12:39
Geronimo__Bus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub12:40
Geronimo__Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub12:40
Geronimo__Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub12:40
Geronimo__Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub12:40
Geronimo__Bus 004 Device 002: ID 18e8:6252 Qcom12:40
FloodBot1Geronimo__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:40
MonkeyDustcorpsicle  i had that issue with vbox guest additions - I downloaded and renamed the package, then linked it to the appropriate folder - maybe this helps you in your search12:40
sattu94Geronimo__, do not flood. use a pste site.12:41
sacarlsonbharath: so what version of python is installed on 10.10?12:41
sattu94!flood | Geronimo__12:41
ubottuGeronimo__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:41
chuxMonkeyDust isnt pulseaudio at the root of ubuntu sound management ?12:41
bharathsacarlson: I think I have both python 2.6 and 2.712:41
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MonkeyDustchux  i use alsamixer12:42
sacarlsonbharath: maybe I should focus on the prime objective,  what is it we want to run in the end?12:42
fanzhendoes anyone upgrade to 12.04?12:42
Geronimo__someone help me12:43
chuxMonkeydust hey doesnt see any capture component12:43
sacarlsonbharath: ok did you install the python * -dev package?12:43
sattu94Geronimo__, What exactly happens ?12:43
Geronimo__my webcam not work12:43
bharathsacarlson: no12:44
sattu94Geronimo__, We got that, I asked what _EXACTLY_ happens.12:44
Geronimo__look above and the result of lsusb12:44
sattu94lsusb tells me that your webcam is connected.12:44
sacarlsonbharath: well rule number 1 when trying to compile stuf you need the *-dev of the applications used in the code12:45
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sattu94Geronimo__, if it is from Qcom.12:45
sattu94Geronimo__, nothing else.12:45
sacarlsonbharath: I should say of the libs needed in the code being compiled12:45
Geronimo__yes , what is it ?12:45
Geronimo__nothing else12:45
MonkeyDust!details| Geronimo__12:45
ubottuGeronimo__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:45
sattu94MonkeyDust, thank you. :)12:46
Geronimo__I isntall cheesse  and not work12:46
Geronimo__crash cheese12:46
sacarlsonbharath:  rule number 2 never compile if there is any other way to get the application you want to run in some other way with ppa or ?12:47
Geronimo__would be drivers ?12:47
SnipeMeNotEditing grub in order to fix my touchpad didt work12:47
L3topcheese will use almost anything. If cheese is crashing, you have some sort of issue. Is this cam known to work on anything else?12:47
Geronimo__good question L3top12:48
Geronimo__worked but stop12:49
Geronimo__I think that it bad12:49
bharathsacarlson: I installed python2.7 -dev12:49
L3topWhat sort of hardware are you running it on? What graphics chipset etc12:50
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sacarlsonbharath: and the result of that being?12:50
L3topwhat drivers for what graphics card12:50
bharathsacarlson: thankgod it is not showing that error now12:50
sacarlsonbharath: all this just for a custom build of mozilla ?12:51
bharathsacarlson: yes12:52
SnipeMeNotThis is the only prob i have left and i googled a bunch12:52
sacarlsonbharath: what version might that be?12:52
SnipeMeNotSaw loads of codes and im afraid i might use the wrong one12:52
SixtyFoldquestion: what is the most light weight linux distro or lightweight version of ubuntu you can get that is actually supported and as secure?12:52
ayaka|does emdebian-rootfs in 10.04 support arm neno and eabi?12:53
MonkeyDustSnipeMeNot  last thing on my mind, then i run dry ;) => gsynaptics12:53
bharathsacarlson: it's for development purpose12:53
SnipeMeNotAyt man12:53
SixtyFoldthat has a GUI of course, it can be the ugliest GUI ever, just as long as it works12:53
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SnipeMeNotI have already and configured the settigs12:53
SnipeMeNotIll just reboot12:53
SnipeMeNotAnd see what happens12:53
sacarlsonbharath: ok have fun12:53
MonkeyDust"the windows trick"12:53
SnipeMeNotOh its working12:53
bharathsacarlson:  thanks a lot12:53
SnipeMeNotBut scrolling on its own12:53
SnipeMeNotMonkeyDust: Its fine now12:54
SnipeMeNotThank u so much12:54
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=== AbaddonSatanicDe is now known as AbaddonSatanic
oVoanother question: any one using ubuntu 11.10/11.04?12:54
SnipeMeNotWeee a fully working ubuntu12:55
SixtyFoldim using lubuntu 11.0412:55
SixtyFoldbut not gnome with ubuntu 11.0412:55
krambiorixhi guys, i took a look at ubuntu 12.04... Am i the only one that thinks they are messing up the graphical interface?12:55
SixtyFolddont use gnome3 then12:56
SixtyFoldgo to LXDE12:56
SixtyFoldor even KDE12:56
SnipeMeNotDoes ubuntu comes with grub or grub2?12:56
PiciSnipeMeNot: grub2.12:57
SixtyFoldgrub2 i believe, correct me someone if im wrong12:57
ayakadoes emdebian-rootfs in 10.04 support arm neno and eabi?12:57
Geronimo__how webcam stop unexpected ?12:57
SnipeMeNotAlright Pici12:57
krambiorixSixtyFold, i don't like KDE12:57
SixtyFoldyah, i dont like KDE either12:57
SixtyFoldim using LXDE12:57
krambiorixSixmsj, LXDE isn't nice imho12:58
SixtyFoldits an official ubuntu distro now too12:58
SixtyFoldif you dont want flash and just want something very light LXDE is good12:58
SixtyFoldand i dont mean adobe flash12:58
SixtyFoldi mean, like glitter12:58
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krambiorixSixtyFold, i got you :)12:59
scotty^Does anyone remember where to find the Ubuntu guide to reporting bugs upstream to GNOME?12:59
L3topGeronimo__: What sort of graphics hardware/drivers are you using?12:59
SixtyFoldim trying to find something even lighter though tbh12:59
krambiorixSixtyFold, it's just a pitty that gnome is going that way12:59
SixtyFoldyah, it is krambiorix12:59
krambiorixSixtyFold, why lighter?12:59
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:00
SixtyFoldi will admit, there are certain things in gnome3 i appreciate, but the actual design is god awful looking and organized13:00
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Geronimo__I don't know my friend L3top13:00
SixtyFoldkrambiorix: i like to run a lot of VMs13:00
Geronimo__how I know ?13:00
SixtyFoldand so lighter the better13:00
=== KayAteChef is now known as Guest17984
L3topGeronimo__: lspci | grep VGA13:00
krambiorixSixtyFold, VMs with windows?13:00
SixtyFoldi dont like waiting an hour for my computer to do what i like13:01
NoxvilleiPod Touch 4G in ubuntu 11.04 : possible?13:01
SnipeMeNotDoes anyone use super boot manager? Is it safe?13:01
SixtyFoldVMs with win7 and on top of 11.0413:01
scotty^SixtyFold - I've never used Fluxbox or Blackbox or IceWM but I've heard that they are very light.13:01
SixtyFoldscotty^: i havent tried those yet either13:01
krambiorixSixtyFold, what if i don't upgrade gnome but ubuntu, what would change then?13:01
MonkeyDustSixtyFold  there's also jwm, very basic and very light13:02
Geronimo__Intel mobile 413:02
SixtyFoldkrambiorix: im personally not sure, i mean, you can always stay with gnome2 from what ive heard13:02
Geronimo__chipset series13:02
wulfgarprowhen ever I suspend or hibernate and then resume, my screen is filled with noise similar to a mis-tuned tv signal; i have the official nvidia drivers installed13:02
wulfgarproim running 11.1013:02
wulfgarproanyone else had this issue?13:02
L3topGeronimo__: what version of ubuntu are you using?13:02
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.13:03
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:03
L3top!xserver-xorg-video-intel maverick13:03
SixtyFoldall 3 of my computers are x2, x4 and x6, but i just feel no need to have an insane GUI when im spending 90% of the time in the CLI13:03
Geronimo__Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:34:50 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux13:04
L3topthat seems not it13:04
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101013:04
L3top!xserver-xorg-video-intel 10.1013:04
L3top!xserver-xorg-video-intel Meerkat13:04
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111013:05
L3topwell I stink at !13:05
L3topGeronimo__: apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel13:05
Geronimo__I think that webcam is bad even13:05
potriquetggeronimo ?13:05
L3topGeronimo__: please paste the "installed" line13:05
potriquetgvous me lsez ?13:06
scotty^L3top - Are you looking for this page? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel13:06
Geronimo__ok see the result13:06
L3topI forget...13:06
Geronimo__  Instalado: 2:2.12.0-1ubuntu513:06
Geronimo__  Candidato: 2:2.12.0-1ubuntu513:06
Geronimo__  Tabela de versão:13:06
Geronimo__ *** 2:2.12.0-1ubuntu5 013:06
FloodBot1Geronimo__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:06
Geronimo__        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main i386 Packages13:06
L3topwhat woah...13:06
L3topI said paste the installed line13:07
L3topgot it13:07
MonkeyDustGeronimo__  10.10 will be End Of Life next month, it is adviced to upgrade to a newer version of Ubuntu13:07
L3topGeronimo__: my advice is take MonkeyDust's advice13:08
SixtyFoldhas anyone here ever tried Damn Small Linux?13:08
L3topI have SixtyFold13:08
scotty^There is an update to xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.12.0-1ubuntu5.2 available.13:08
SixtyFoldL3top, is it secure and any good?13:08
jpdsSixtyFold: → #damnsmalllinux13:08
Geronimo__thanks all and my friend L3top13:08
Geronimo__bye all13:09
nagatoHi guys!!!13:09
SixtyFoldthanks jpds13:09
L3topIt is not meant to be secure exactly... just damned small.13:09
ayakahow about 10.04 is it still alive?13:09
crizzydesktop to 2013, server to 201513:09
nagatoI'd like to download the source code of Stuxnet someone already got it?13:10
Picinagato: You're in the wrong place for that.  *maybe* ##security can help you.13:11
cintarellaCIAO A TUTTIù13:11
cintarellaGET LIST13:12
ikoniacintarella: no lists here13:12
SnipeMeNotHey guys13:14
SnipeMeNotIm tryn to install a boot loader and i came to a pink screen13:15
SnipeMeNotIts asking for a command line that google wont tell me13:15
corpsiclehow do i check where something is installed ?13:15
corpsiclei used apt-get to install virtualbox addons iso13:15
MonkeyDustcorpsicle  apt-cache policy13:16
NoxvilleiPod Touch 4G in ubuntu 11.04 : possible?13:16
sacarlsoncorpsicle: I normaly look at properties in synaptic of the package installed to see list of files and locations13:17
scotty^Does anyone remember where to find the Ubuntu guide to reporting bugs upstream to GNOME?13:17
SixtyFoldit seems DSL isnt actively developed anymore, to be honest, if anyone has a suggestion for a distro that would run very very fast on what would end up being a X2 4400 with 2gb of 667 ram?13:18
cespinalhai guise13:18
corpsiclesacarlson: if i search for virtualbox they dont even show13:18
SixtyFoldi feel like lubuntu actually might do well with that machine, but if i can kill overhead even more id love to13:18
scotty^SixtyFold - Maybe compile the bits you want yourself?13:18
ayakacrizzy thank you13:19
SixtyFoldscotty^: like start from the cli and add the gui myself?13:19
sacarlsoncorpsicle: oh and it only works after the package is installed13:19
corpsiclesacarlson: it is installed =/13:19
SixtyFoldi have an arch 64 bit VM 90% complete doing that13:19
SixtyFoldim having some issues after loading the desktop manager but im teaching myself that yah13:19
ayakadoes emdebian in 10.04 support arm neno, or there is another good toolchain13:19
SixtyFoldthanks for the suggestion, thats something im definitely working on atm13:20
sacarlsoncorpsicle: so you search in synaptic and no virtualbox?  after install?  maybe you didn't install with packages?13:20
corpsiclei find virtualbox, but not the addon iso13:20
corpsiclei can see it with apt-cache search13:20
SnipeMeNotSixtyFold: Where should i install grub sda or sdb13:20
SixtyFoldsda i think, correct me if im wrong anyone13:20
sacarlsoncorpsicle: oh I thought that was another package not all in one13:20
SnipeMeNotAlright i have faith in you13:21
sacarlsoncorpsicle: but you installed all of them?13:21
SixtyFoldhehe tnks ;)13:21
cespinaldoes anybody know when Rekonq 0.9 will be pushed in?13:21
corpsicleno i installed the one called virtualbox-guest-additions13:21
corpsicleand the iso was apparently installed along with it13:22
corpsicleat least it is installed13:22
tumppuyou have to "mount" it on virtualbox13:22
SnipeMeNotI dont like vb :(13:22
SixtyFoldi love virtualbox13:22
SixtyFoldi used it constantly13:22
fanzhenlove kvm13:22
sacarlsoncorpsicle: well if it's a dependancy you will still have to look at that dep in synaptic properties to see where and what files they added13:23
SnipeMeNotShould i13:23
corpsicletumppu: thats what i tried first, and it simply will not run13:23
SnipeMeNotDisable linux recovery from the boot menu?13:23
SixtyFoldim not sure about that option SnipeMeNot, im not even sure what it is tbh13:24
SnipeMeNotAlright :)13:24
SixtyFoldbrb, breakfast13:24
SnipeMeNotI guess we cant enter recovery with a command13:24
sacarlsoncorpsicle: did you get you repository from oricle  there stuf is better13:25
corpsicleno i just used regular ubuntu repository13:26
corpsiclepretty sure its the same iso13:26
scotty^OK I found it - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/GNOME13:26
scotty^tra-la-laa, tra-la-la-laa13:29
scotty^What is your point obione?13:29
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MonkeyDusttbi (to be ignored)13:30
FloodBot1montchie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
faint545in 11.10, if I opt in to add a program to launch bar, it will indeed stay there but the next time i launch it, it'll spawn a duplicate icon... anyone come across this?13:32
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waxstonefaint545, Ive seen it once13:33
Abhijitthis is ubuntu lucid. while copying text from pdf to libre writer how can i preserver text formatting propertiess? help13:34
SubjectOneis there a way to easily create a new service under ubuntu ( plz don't tell me upstart ) cause i'm looking for a solution sinds 7h's13:35
Birk_Anyone know how can I add lines to an archive using shell commands? I need to reconfigure the apache proxy conf archive adding the ip address each time I create a new virtual machine.13:38
Birk_I need this to be done by shell commands because it's an automated script.13:39
MonkeyDustBirk_  better ask in #bash13:40
MyrttiBirk_: depends on what kind of archive it is, but you should be able to replace the file13:40
chosigHrm... where can I set the amount of workspaces?13:40
Birk_MonkeyDust: I'll try there, thx !13:41
Birk_Myrtti: It's a simple txt13:41
krishna_36Hi All13:42
krishna_36I am looking to install ubuntu server/desktop edition on my system13:42
chosigFigured it out.13:42
elderekohow do i get a manually installed app, ie: copying filezilla to /usr/bin, to show up in the app menu?13:42
krishna_36need some advice as i think i would be having driver related issues13:42
krishna_36any one can help me with this13:43
Geri_lgfxmulticore 3d renderers for linux released http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193731913:44
scriptwarlockkrishna_36, to help you figure out try it first with live cd/usb13:44
chosigeldereko: You can just apt-get install filezilla - but read here on how to make a .desktop file http://askubuntu.com/questions/78730/how-do-i-add-a-custom-launcher13:44
StepNjumpI am trying to merge two .jpg files into one. I found it can be done with the merge command, however, the quality of the new .jpeg file is too little. Anybody familiar with this?13:44
krishna_36ok i wil try using live CD..13:44
krishna_36but any one had this type of issues13:44
krishna_36how do u install a lan driver13:45
ktwohI, yesterday i had to force poweroff xubuntu, and now i cant login to user (returned to login mask after inserting the correct pwd. What can i do to restore the user's data? (was encrypted) now im logged on with another user i created13:45
krishna_36in linux13:45
=== Sid9 is now known as Sw33NY
FlipStonEhello here... nobody had the problem that after upgrade ubuntu to 12.04, video won't work anymore?  When i play video, screen goes black and ubuntu goes to lightdm to login again...13:46
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MonkeyDustFlipStonE  #ubuntu+113:46
waxstonekrishna_36, confirm you have a problem first13:46
Abhijitthis is ubuntu lucid. while copying text from pdf to libre writer how can i preserver text formatting propertiess? help13:46
krishna_36actually i had tried installing CentOS13:46
waxstone!pricise | FlipStonE13:46
waxstone!precise | FlipStonE13:47
ubottuFlipStonE: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+113:47
krishna_36could not figure out how to get the LAN working13:47
MonkeyDustkrishna_36  CentOS is RedHat based, it's different13:47
krishna_36u had used Ubuntu a bit earlier.. it was my fav13:47
lwizardlI was wondering if there is any central place that I could download and install HD type screen savers of near real life animals or very lifelike renders?13:47
krishna_36so wanted to know whether it would lead to issues13:47
waxstonekrishna_36, use livecd to confirm13:47
krishna_36MonkeyDust -- yeah i know centOS is different13:48
waxstone!ot | lwizardl13:48
ubottulwizardl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:48
krishna_36AR8151 v2.0 gigabit ethernet -- This is the lan card which is there in my PC..13:48
krishna_36Did any one have issues with this config ?13:48
krishna_36with this lan card i mean13:48
elderekochosig, I needed the latest version of the app so didnt use the deb, i have created the desktop shortcut, however it doesnt show up in the gnome appmenu or gnome-do... suggestions?13:49
scriptwarlockkrishna_36, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci:1083:1969-NETWORK13:49
Cogito446FlipStonE I use the non-propietary drivers and problem solve.13:49
toddWorki need help understanding the usb stick bootable ubuntu option.13:51
krishna_36<scriptwarlock> I was not able to understant what is there in that site13:51
toddWorkso, on os x, i boot into ubuntu through the usb; are any of my documents then saved?13:51
toddWorki guess my ultimate question is, using the usb option, will by ubuntu user be maintained the next time i boot into ubuntu?13:52
krishna_36Also has anyone installed oracle related software in ubuntu ?13:52
scriptwarlockkrishna_36, what i mean is that your network card is under ubuntu certified hardware so it can possible run13:53
auronandacetoddWork: there are 2 types of usb install: live and persistant, if you are using live nothing is saved, in persistant it is like a normal harddrive install13:53
scriptwarlock!hi mi313:53
toddWorkauronandace: ok; thanks.13:53
mi3how can I setup mpd[music player daemon ] in my system? I use ubuntu natty x8613:53
auronandace!usb | toddWork13:53
ubottutoddWork: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:53
mi3oh hi scriptwarlock!13:53
krishna_36<scriptwarlock> ok great... I have downloaded the image... will check it whether it works or not13:54
scriptwarlockkrishna_36, ok good luck13:54
canceralmoxarife: hey13:54
almoxarifecancer: fixed grub?13:55
canceralmoxarife: Not yet13:55
cancermaking partition of 5 G.b13:56
Mech0zhow do I launch "gui mode" from text mode in ubuntu (So I get a GUI)13:56
scriptwarlockmi3, halo13:56
mi3hi scriptwarlock13:56
mi3how can I setup mpd[music player daemon ] in my system? I use ubuntu natty x8613:57
noobv3rnwhats the command I use to PM??13:57
codemaniacMech0z:use startx13:57
canceralmoxarife: sudo grub  > root (hd0,0)  > setup (hd0)  > exit13:57
canceralmoxarife: will this command works?13:57
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BluesKaj!pm | noobv3rn13:58
ubottunoobv3rn: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:58
scriptwarlockmi3, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPD13:58
chosigmi3: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FMPD13:58
almoxarifecancer: I am not sure13:58
toddWorkis this a persistent install: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick (it isn't referenced)13:58
almoxarifecancer: hd0,0? where did you get that from?13:59
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Picichosig: Thats not helpful. Please don't do that here.13:59
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canceralmoxairife: google, and what filesystem tpye i should give to the new partition for the swap.13:59
chosigPici: Ok13:59
StepNjumpI had some emblems on my icons and lost them since my last reboot.. is that possible? Where are the emblems saved?13:59
canceralmoxarife: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/14:00
noobv3rnok ubottu... and... thanks BluesKaj... was just to learn about the command...14:00
Mech0zcodemaniac that didnt give me a full desktop14:00
Mech0zit loaded some gui, but not all, not the sidebar and not the icon in the top right where I can shutdown the computer for example14:00
noobv3rn!pm | noobv3rn14:01
ubottunoobv3rn, please see my private message14:01
almoxarifecancer: those are old instructions14:01
mi3mpd is entirely terminal based, the thing is I want to play a file in vlc player and at the same time show it on conky, can someone suggest how to do that?14:01
almoxarifecancer: for the old grub14:01
canceralmoxarife: what about file system for partition?14:02
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:02
cancerntfs. fat, ext3?14:02
canceralmoxarife: ntfs. fat, ext3?14:02
rtanybody help me in getting netbeans IDE pdf tutorial please14:02
rti am not getting any response in netbeans and java channels14:03
waxstonert:did you successfully install it?14:03
paopaohow to register a nickname?14:03
Pici!register | paopao14:03
ubottupaopao: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:03
almoxarifecancer: look at this, your link is outdated and not correct for the grub you are using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub14:04
chosigmi3: You want to show the vlc metadata in conky? (like playing foo, time played, time remaining and such=14:04
mi3yes chosig14:04
waxstonert:I had to use openjde for it to work14:04
MonkeyDustrt  sun java is no longer supported14:05
chosigmi3: You can try this: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/?content=145479 - it's a vlc plugin for conky (haven't tried it myself tho)14:06
paopaoubottu thanx14:06
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:06
scriptwarlockmi3, if what you mean is conky we have a #conky channel14:06
mi3chosig I went to that page but the script does not work14:07
paopaoi don't know14:07
paopaohow to register a nickname14:07
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waxstone!register | paopao14:07
ubottupaopao: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:07
paopao!register | paopao14:08
ubottupaopao, please see my private message14:08
=== teko is now known as kaiorga
paopao!register | paopao14:08
Picipaopao: you need to *read* what ubottu tells you14:08
tomateHi guys, I have a question and hope someone can answer me... Is there any known issue about running vsftpd and LAMP servers on Ubuntu 11.10 ? Sometimes my FTP servers stops working!14:08
mi3scriptwarlock i will try that channel thanks14:08
rtyes i have installed14:09
paopaoi read and i input "/nick *****", but no response14:09
rtmonkey dust: on my system ide 6.9 is working well14:09
kairogacan anybody tell me why i m unable to set up ubuntu? ._.14:10
waxstonert: install openjde-7-jde and openjre-7-jre14:10
Picipaopao: If you can't figure it out, you can join #freenode for more help.14:10
paopaothanx Pici ubottu14:10
kairoga? :/14:11
kairogaI have the CD which should work pretty fine, though the laptop refuses to install ubuntu..14:11
rtwaxstone: is they are more better than netbeans IDE14:11
waxstonert: openjde is open source version of java14:12
waxstone!java | rt14:12
ubotturt: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:12
rtubottu: i wan tto develop java applications with sql dbms14:14
ubotturt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:14
kairogaSo, i guess no body can help me here? o.O14:14
paopaodone :-)14:14
AcidRainhow do i set the current date to a variable in bash? :/14:14
waxstonert : Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java14:15
waxstonert: Oracle (Sun) Java 6 is no longer available to be distributed by Ubuntu, because of license issues.14:15
h00kAcidRain: you may have good luck in #bash for that14:15
h00krt: but that's okay, because the Java OpenJDK will work for that. see that java link above14:16
MonkeyDustAcidRain  try with `.....`, like date = `$date`14:16
kairogaY U NO LISTEN?!14:17
rtwaxstone:  rt: ok i am studying the link u have provided. can you suggest what all other material i need to develop JAVA applications?14:17
waxstonert: netbeans cant tell the difference between sun java and openjdk14:18
waxstonert: install openjde-7-jde and openjre-7-jre14:18
rtokk i am doing that14:18
waxstonert: then you can use netbeans without bugs for java14:18
waxstonert: another IDE is eclipse for java but ive never used that14:19
MonkeyDustkairoga  because you are shouting14:19
waxstoneKaiForce, setup your BIOS to boot from the cd14:20
rtwaxstone: i am quite comfortable in using netbeans IDE for creating JForms14:20
rtand do some stuff related to JForms14:20
waxstoneKairoga, setup your BIOS to boot from the cd14:20
kairogai actually didnt shout first..14:20
KaiForceWaxstone:  Ok, I will ;)14:21
kairogaif i do, i receive error message14:21
waxstonert: ok then lets get netbeans working =)14:21
h00kkairoga: if you have a question, please ask it all on one line and someone can try to best help you14:21
waxstonekairoga, what is the message?14:21
canceralmoxarife: ?14:23
cancermonkeydust: almoxarife: Please tell me about File system type. NTFS, FAT, EXT3, what type i choose for the partition i am creating for grub.14:24
kairoga(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed: Input/output error14:24
mi3can someone suggest in what case will I get a "50: Bad substitution error"?14:24
ufkhello! :) please help! i updated the kernel of my brother's ubuntu server and now i can't boot! it shows busybox with initramfs. is there a way to force it load a different kernel? grub loads without a menu so i can't edit it while booting14:24
kairogaCan not moint /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs14:25
wyldeufk, hold shift after the bios runs past to show the grub menu14:25
ufkthank you!!!!!!14:25
=== MartinS is now known as Guest49450
h00kufk: hold the left shift after BIOS14:25
h00kkairoga: you're booting from a LiveCD?14:26
h00kkairoga: or liveUSB? verify the liveCD is okay14:26
h00k!verify | kairoga14:26
ubottukairoga: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:26
ufkI LOVE YOU!!!14:27
nightdreverhow do i join lmde channel?14:27
ufkthank you so much for your help! i though i'll need to call the server's company and stuff...14:27
ufkso thanks14:27
sethmy laptop can't find the wireless card. any ideas?14:27
mi3nightdrever /j #lmde [but make sure lmde channel is on this server ok]14:28
=== nothingspecial is now known as angela-android
Gergovguys is there a program that can get a pdf file and chop it to pages .. so if i have one big pdf with 10 pages, i can make 10pdf files with 1 page?14:29
nightdreveri dont know what server its on14:29
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
kairogathat verfication tutorial is not available on german, is it? :/14:29
h00kkairoga: it's an option when you boot the CD, that first screen should give you the option14:30
h00kkairoga: also, #ubuntu-de exists for help in German14:31
kairogai meant the sites you linked..14:31
mi3umm anyone?14:31
mi3can someone suggest in what case will I get a "50: Bad substitution error"?14:31
tsimpsonmi3: it depends entirely on what you were doing, without context it's not easy to deduce what would cause such an error message14:32
scriptwarlockmi3, chech this if its helpful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178859314:32
mi3on this page, the dudes are trying to run conky with vlc metadata, and they as well as me are facing the same problem http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/16909/the-new-monster-conky-thread/page/16/14:34
mi3I get the bad substitution error similar to them14:34
mi3just give a few scrolls and you will get to see the scripts14:35
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=== dansku_ is now known as dansku
netActionHi! Is it possible to transform a touchpad into a graphics tablet? I want the cursor to be on the uppler left corner of the screen if I click that corner of the touchpad.14:38
=== dansku is now known as DanielAndarde
trevor69420netAction depends on the trackpad used14:39
trevor69420some trackpads wont do that... due to hardware limitations14:39
trevor69420but like if u had a macbook pro u could do it with that and some of the newer dells14:39
trevor69420i had a perl script at one point that sorta did that14:39
trevor69420it was glitchy tho14:40
netActiontrevor69420: Its a dell14:40
trevor69420netAction what kind of dell?14:40
netActionInspiron Duo14:41
computer_Hi there all was just compiling come deps for a game I am trying to install and I have come across something I have never had to deal with before and that is; Once building a package from source in it own folder in ones home directory how does one set the path so the other program can find it when compiling?14:41
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trevor69420netAction, i guess for that model it's new enough that it might work14:42
netActiontrevor69420: What is the keyword I have to search for?14:42
trevor69420well it's not a package... look on google for turning trackpad into touch screen14:43
trevor69420it'll translate the cordinates you hit on the trackpad as touch input for ubuntu14:43
netActiontrevor69420: Don't find anything14:45
trevor69420well i dunno... lol it's not something that's done alot... it's a "hack" so it's gonna take more than 3 seconds of looking14:46
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
ufkwhat is grubenv?!14:50
viciumHi guys, How do I execute a .bin file I downloaded?14:52
upsetI installed Android to my usb drive using the command sudo dd if=android-x86-4.0-RC1-s103t.iso of=/dev/sdc1. It wouldn't boot and now the usb won't let me remove anything from it. What do I do?14:52
vicium./hldsupdatetool.bin ?14:52
antihc3chmod +x file  && ./file14:52
wyldevicium, make sure the execute bit is set first chmod +x filename14:52
viciumI did this first : chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin14:52
viciumBut no message given so I assume it is "correct"14:53
viciumIt just says not found when I do the ./command14:53
upsetHow do I reformat this usb?14:53
wyldevicium, if there was no error then yes14:53
wyldevicium, are you in the same directory as the file?14:53
viciumsec, pastebin14:54
TimRvicium: You forgot the .14:54
TimRIt should be ./file14:54
TimRNot /file14:55
vicium$ ./hldsupdatetool.bin14:55
vicium-sh: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: not found14:55
wyldevicium,  what TimR said14:55
viciumSame thing :(14:55
JackDacksHello guys. Are you using Twitter? I am looking for accounts owned by stupid people.14:56
minixvboxvicium: are you runing 64bit?14:56
bazhang!ot | JackDacks14:56
ubottuJackDacks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:56
viciumYes on an ECS template 11.0414:56
ikoniaJackDacks: well, you've not done your self asking this in an ubuntu technical support channel14:56
minixvboxvicium: what does: file ./blah say?14:57
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vicium$ hldsupdatetool.bin ./blah14:57
vicium-sh: hldsupdatetool.bin: not found14:57
minixvboxvicium: no, file ./hld....14:57
viciumnot found14:58
minixvboxvicium: what are you typing?14:58
AcidRainhuge issue with my ftp server. it all of a sudden will not let users download files that is in a folder that they have access to. how to fix?14:59
geirhavicium: ''file hldsupdatetool.bin''  file is a command that tells you the filetype of a file.14:59
minixvboxgeirha: thanks14:59
viciumhldsupdatetool.bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped14:59
wyldevicium, is your current logged in user the "owner" of the file?14:59
minixvboxvicium: there you go, you are trying to run 32 bit binary on 64 bit14:59
viciumYes, well I did the -wget of it14:59
minixvboxvicium: do you have the 32bit libriries installed too?15:00
Oerminixvbox, should be not a problem, 11.10 is multi-arch15:00
viciumProbably not, its 11.04 ECS template not 11.10 though15:00
AcidRaindo i seriously have to give all 10,000 folders the proper permissions?15:00
Oervicium, ah, my bad.15:00
geirhavicium: On a side note, why are you using sh as login shell?15:00
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viciumgeirha: I dont know, it was default?15:00
geirhaNo, the default is bash15:00
bluefrogAcidRain, first have a look at the logs to find out why it stopped serving ftp15:01
dime01irc questoin : Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services15:01
dime01what does it mean ?15:01
AcidRain550 /Music/10 Years/: No such file or directory15:01
viciumSorry ehm, it was default upon the installation of my given elastic cloud server15:01
ikoniadime01: the guys in #freenode can help you15:01
AcidRainthe file is indeed there15:01
viciumI havent changed anything atleast15:01
phaidrosis there anything one can do about the unity focussing problems? (e.g. hamster indicator always opens *behind* the frontmost window, 2 firefox windows on different workspaces: most of the time one has sticky focus, even when changed workspace. this leads to accidentially closing tabs, no access to url and search bar ..)15:01
AcidRainand all users have access to the folder /Music/15:01
tsimpson!register | dime0115:01
ubottudime01: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:01
viciumAre the 32bit libraries a pain to get then?15:01
bluefrogAcidRain, and if you do the same with a file that does not have any spaces in the name?15:01
dime01ok thks tsimpson ikonia15:02
minixvboxAcidRain: enclose any filenames with spaces in them with "what ever"15:02
AcidRainminixvbox: ... im using firefox as the browser15:02
bennypHave a phappyp Purim, every frikkin body15:02
viciumia32-libs ?15:02
minixvboxvicium: yes15:02
AcidRain550 /Music/Deftones/: No such file or directory15:03
AcidRainno spaces15:03
=== Companion is now known as companion
minixvboxAcidRain: is music under / or is it in /home/username/ ?15:03
bluefrogAcidRain, the look at the logs. is the daemon started? and so on15:03
geirhaAcidRain: you really have a directory named "550 " (including the space)?15:03
bluefroggeirha, 550 error code15:03
AcidRainminixvbox: /MUSIC/ is in an external drive named Server215:03
shaneohey guys i keep getting this error any suggestions Error loading MediaInfo library: Unable to load library 'mediainfo': libmediainfo.so: cannot open shared object file: Too many levels of symbolic links15:04
bluefrogAcidRain, is it mounted?15:04
AcidRainbluefrog: yes15:04
bluefrogAcidRain, with what permissions?15:04
AcidRainbluefrog: well im using proftpd, permissions isnt an issue, because it ignores them15:04
minixvboxAcidRain: where have you mounted it?15:04
JackDacksshaneo, the external injection is behind c++ where as C sharp is usually sharper than a plus sign. Obviously15:05
viciumWorked now guys, with the 32bit libs thanks!15:05
shaneoJackDacks, ? i think you sent that to the wrong person15:05
JackDacksvicium, you're welcome15:05
freewayzify@jacda do u know c++ very well15:05
AcidRainminixvbox: im not sure where its mounted lol15:06
bluefrogAcidRain, something that ignore permissions? interesting. I doubt it but why not.15:06
AcidRainit uses names15:06
JackDacksAcidRain, I doubt it too, but yeah, why not15:06
MyrttiJackDacks: if you can't give constructive help and advise, please don't try15:06
minixvboxAcidRain: what does mount say?15:06
* scriptwarlock think JackDacks is a robot15:06
ikoniascriptwarlock: just use ignore15:07
freewayzifyikonia: pls help15:07
scriptwarlockikonia, tempting grrrr15:07
=== xbb_home is now known as xbb_
freewayzifyscript: do u know how to program shell script15:07
=== xbb_ is now known as xbb_home
ikoniafreewayzify: help you with what ?15:08
upsetI tried to write an android live usb using sudo dd if=android-x86-4.0-RC1-s103t.iso of=/dev/sdc1. It failed, and although the contents of the usb look normal it won't let me delete anything, even as root.15:08
upsetWhat do I do?15:08
freewayzifypls my ubuntu refuse to statup afta hibernating15:08
ikoniafreewayzify: that's been quite a common issue with certain ati chipsets in the past15:09
smplmanupset: format it using fdisk or gparted and try again15:09
ikoniafreewayzify: are you using an ati chipset ?15:09
upsetTrying. Brb15:09
upsetsmplman: Trying, brb15:09
MimosakaRyouanyone have been experiencing any keyboard lag on ubuntu lucid?15:09
plouffeWhere can I find a list of Ubuntu-supported scanners?15:10
freewayzifyikonia where u from15:10
JackDacksscriptwarlock visit our website at http://malibupuddinggirls.com15:10
ikoniafreewayzify: it doesn't matter15:10
phaidrosis there anything one can do about the unity focussing problems? (e.g. hamster indicator always opens *behind* the frontmost window, 2 firefox windows on different workspaces: most of the time one has sticky focus, even when changed workspace. this leads to accidentially closing tabs, no access to url and search bar ..)15:10
Piciplouffe: Anything that sane supports should be supported just fine under Ubuntu.15:10
plouffePici, is there a list of sane-supported scanners?15:11
freewayzifysup linuxfreaker15:11
Piciplouffe: http://www.sane-project.org/sane-supported-devices.html15:11
linuxfreakerany idea how shall I install Eclipse Indigo on Ubuntu 10.04.415:11
plouffePici, thanks15:11
scriptwarlockikonia, ty15:11
freewayzifysudo app-get install eclipse15:12
freewayzifylinuxfreaker: do u love java programming15:12
linuxfreakerfreewayzify: But that comes with old Eclipse version not the new version Indigo15:12
linuxfreakerfreewayzify: Not much15:12
freewayzifynah i just recently downloaded mine in 11.1015:12
bazhangfreewayzify, lets stay on topic of ubuntu support.15:13
freewayzifyya bazhang15:13
delinquentmeif i want to search for a filename .. whats the tool I want?15:13
freewayzifybazhang any idea on ssh using the terminal15:13
delinquentmeits not grep is it?15:13
linuxfreakerfreewayzify: Which is the eclipse version which gets installed through apt-get15:14
freewayzify tell u indigo15:14
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH  <---- freewayzify15:14
linuxfreakerfreewayzify: Indigo...sure?15:14
linuxfreakerfreewayzify:Let me try and check15:14
freewayzifydats wat i us efor java tutorials15:15
waxstonelinuxfreaker, you can install eclipse through the software center as well15:15
linuxfreakerwaxstone: I have no desktop version installed15:15
linuxfreakerwaxstone:  thats just commandline15:15
freewayzifybazhang what is the function of awk in the terminal15:15
NoxvilleiPod Touch 4G in ubuntu 11.04 : possible?15:15
freewayzify@linux y dont u have a desktop version15:16
waxstoneoh ok15:16
dime01linuxfreaker download it direclty on http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/15:16
freewayzifytry getting it to make thing easier15:17
linuxfreakerdime01: then?15:17
linuxfreakerdime01: wont apt-get do that easily15:17
freewayzifyya dime0115:17
freewayzifyor try netbeans <linuxxx15:17
dime01linuxfreaker no, apt-get don't get you the last version15:17
freewayzifybazhang u there15:17
dime01I made it this morning with eclipse php ;)15:17
linuxfreakerdime01: So what shall i do/15:17
bazhangfreewayzify, whats the issue15:17
linuxfreakerdime01: I have downloaded the eclipse15:18
freewayzifythefunction of `awk` in terminal15:18
Picifreewayzify: man awk15:18
dime01linuxfreaker donwload the version of eclipse you when then just extract the archive in /home/linuxfreaker for example15:18
freewayzifyya try dat15:18
linuxfreakerdime01: I have downloaded eclipse-SDK-3.7.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz15:18
freewayzifybut indept15:18
Picifreewayzify: What?15:18
dime01linuxfreaker, and just launch it15:18
=== companion is now known as Companion
linuxfreakerdime01: Launch?? what command?15:18
linuxfreakerdime01: after tar -xvzf?15:19
MimosakaRyouanyone have been experiencing any keyboard lag on ubuntu lucid?15:19
linuxfreakerdime01: Do i need desktop version for launch??15:19
dime01linuxfreaker, yeaj, now by command line extract it (tar -xvzf yourArchive /home/linuxfreeaker)15:19
linuxfreakerdime01: Done15:19
viciumHi guys. I managed to update the application and the libs and everything is uptodate. But I sense something is wrong wth this command...15:19
vicium./hlds_run -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map de_aztec > /dev/null 2>&1 &15:19
viciumI know you guys dont know the exact parameters since its not ubuntu related but15:20
ikoniathen why are you asking15:20
viciumI dont get prompted anything at all, and what does /dev/null .... mean?15:20
dime01linuxfreaker, no, to launch it place you in the folder15:20
dime01you exytac15:20
freewayzifylinuxfreak: do u know how to conneect libre database to  my SQL15:20
ikoniavicium: it means no-where15:20
ikoniavicium: all output goes to a black whole15:20
linuxfreakerdime01: then?15:20
upsetsmplman: Aaagh. I feel really silly, but how do I unmount the drive?15:21
ikoniablack hole even15:21
viciumI want it to run in the background but I still want to be able to view it? What's the parameters for that? Use -screen or?15:21
smplmanupset: umount15:21
ikoniaget rid of /dev/null15:21
ikoniastop piping the output to /dev/null15:21
dime01linuxfreaker, you should have a something like eclipse-java or eclipse in your folder15:21
dime01linuxfreaker : isn't it ?15:22
Adriannomif i plug in a usb drive it appears in the sidebar of file manager for only a millisecond before disappearing again.  kern.log says "Attached SCSI removable disk", and shows no errors.  xubuntu 11.1015:22
linuxfreakerdime01: yes15:22
Adriannomany ideas how to fix it?15:22
upsetsmplman: Thank you15:22
dime01linuxfreaker : then in your terminal you just have to type ./eclipse and it will lauch eclipse15:22
smplmanupset: np, ubuntu has a built in usb stick creator if thats what your trying to do15:23
linuxfreakerdime01: Lemme check15:23
smplmanupset: you just supply the iso and where the flash drive is and it creates a bootable usb stick15:23
dime01linuxfreaker : Lemme ?15:23
smplmandime01: let me15:23
dime01smplman ok thanks15:24
upsetsmplman: Tried it, doesn't recognize the Android iso.15:24
MimosakaRyouu're using unetbootin or what upset?15:24
smplmanupset: ahh yes, forgot your not using an ubuntu image15:24
mikester01oin #ubuntu+115:24
upsetsmplman: There's something weird about it. I read that it's some kind of 'hybrid cd usb iso' whatever that's supposed to imply15:25
smplmanupset: you booting this on an x86 machine?15:25
upsetsmplman: I didn't know there was such a difference15:25
upsetsmplman: Um15:25
upsetsmplman: I don't know... I just know that ice cream sandwich is intended for netbooks and laptops.15:26
upsetsmplman: All their usb-specific iso's are deprecated, according to their website.15:26
smplmanupset: yea version shouldn't matter, i just need to know if your booting on arm or x8615:27
upsetsmplman: I'm not sure why, but I'm having trouble finding recent linux-specific instructions for writing the live usb.15:27
upsetsmplman: Oh, definitely not ARM15:27
linuxfreakerDoes this mean 64 bit JVM?15:28
linuxfreakerOpenJDK Client VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode, sharing)15:28
smplmanupset: linux and android operate differently, different kernels usually also15:28
smplmanupset: check this out http://code.google.com/p/live-android/wiki/howtouse15:28
dr_willisupset:  tools at the pendrivelinux site. or use dd or cat to image a 11.10+ iso to usb15:29
MimosakaRyoubtw ,anyone have been experiencing any keyboard lag on ubuntu lucid?15:29
upsetsmplman: I've been. It's not referring to the latest iso, and I didn't understand where it thought it was writing to since /dev/sdcX/ is never mentioned15:29
freewayzifyam bac pals15:29
JoneeetuxI was really hoping someone might be able to tell me how I can backup my old kernels (I am 10.04, dual boot). ?15:29
upsetsmplman: My iso has some name like android-x86-4.0blahsomething.iso15:30
dr_willisupset:  to image to a flash it would be like sde  not sde1  most likrly15:30
smplmanupset: my guess would be burn the cd or dvd and try to boot it15:30
freewayzifyplease pals any ideal on using libre office to connect to mySQL server15:30
smplmanupset: then try the usb image15:30
freewayzifylibreoffice base to mySQL server15:31
upsetdr_willis: I did dd, and it LOOKED like it worked15:31
freewayzifydr_wll: any ideal15:31
upsetsmplman: I'm on a netbook. I can't use cds15:31
jordan4ibanezwell hello15:31
freewayzifyjordan what up15:31
smplmanupset: makes sense15:31
jordan4ibaneznothing much15:32
erujolcwill there an easy upgrade path from beta 1 to release/final?15:32
jordan4ibanezdo you guys know of any video editors?15:32
freewayzifyjordan: ideo editor15:32
freewayzifyjordan: video editor15:32
upsetsmplman: Woah. There's a lost+found folder that requires root permission to access.15:32
JoneeetuxI really want to back them up, because my hw is have some trouble with the neweer kernels.15:32
smplmanupset: thats usually an OSX thing15:32
jordan4ibanezyes..any good ones15:32
trevor69420jordan4ibanez, Open Movie Editor15:33
bazhang!final | erujolc15:33
ubottuerujolc: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.15:33
jordan4ibanezkdenlive and openshot are pretty crappy15:33
jordan4ibanezopen movie editor? :D15:33
upsetsmplman: I mean, we're both unixey15:33
bazhangtrevor69420, you mean openshot ?15:33
trevor69420jordan4ibanez, http://www.openmovieeditor.org/15:33
dr_willisupset:  if you used sde1 unstead of sde it may not boot15:33
trevor69420no i mean open movie editor15:33
freewayzifyjordan: what for15:33
upsetsmplman: Also I don't have permission to rename it. Have to try from bash15:33
jordan4ibanezso how does this compare to camtasia? i mean for editing?15:33
JoneeetuxIs there a way to backup my ld kernels??15:33
trevor69420have no clue15:33
upsetdr_willis: But it wrote to the drive that way, and that's the address15:33
trevor69420compares to Final Cut pretty well15:34
smplmanupset: try using sudo to make the changes15:34
bazhangfreewayzify, #libreoffice15:34
smplmanupset: try copying the image using dd http://muhdzamri.blogspot.com/2011/01/easiest-way-to-burn-iso-to-usb-disk.html15:34
freewayzifybazhang pls any clue on ubuntu database15:34
dr_willisupset:  i used dd on my netbook to get andriid iso working last week15:34
erujolcbazhang, was this support (beta to official release) without issues with 10.04 or are you just requoting canoncial's world?15:34
upsetsmplman: I deleted the folder as root, but I still can't rename it15:34
jordan4ibanezwow how old is this video editor?15:34
* AminosAmigos ** WinSys ** Client: XChat-WDK 1500 (x86) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Édition Intégrale ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40GHz (2,00 GHz) ** RAM: 2047 MB Total (512 MB Free) ** VGA: ATI Radeon HD 3450 (Microsoft Corporation WDDM 1.1) ** Uptime: 0,32 Hours **15:34
trevor69420jordan4ibanez, dunno didnt write it15:34
upsetsmplman: I did that exact thing15:34
trevor69420jordan4ibanez, why?15:35
bazhangAminosAmigos, dont do that here15:35
smplmanupset: if you deleted the folder how are you trying to rename it?>15:35
bazhangerujolc, you have what installed now?15:35
jordan4ibanezbecause i am 313hummer on youtube ..and am trying to get back to linux for video editing15:35
upsetsmplman: I had the folder open at the same time, and all the files were freaky corrupted looking when I ran dd15:35
upsetsmplman: the folder lost+found contained within the drive?15:35
AminosAmigosi am sorry @bazhang a mistake :)15:35
erujolcdebian6 and archlinux15:35
jordan4ibanezbut video editing kind of sucks ..and nova cut is a ghost project15:35
upsetsmplman: I'm not following15:35
smplmanupset: ubuntu is probably automounting your usb stick15:36
trevor69420jordan4ibanez, why does the age of it matter? are you looking for a particular feature??15:36
bazhangerujolc, and you plan to install the beta?15:36
smplmanupset: umout whats in /media/ then try the dd again15:36
JoneeetuxI will try back later--things are busy right now.  Cheers!15:36
jordan4ibanezumm ...fading volume and video15:36
jordan4ibanezsomething that renders in hd15:36
bazhangerujolc, then yes, that will do it as the factoid suggests15:36
freewayzifydr_ wll: u there15:37
upsetsmplman: Oooh, so no dd if it's still mounted?15:37
bazhangfreewayzify, what is your issue, ask the channel; dont target users15:38
smplmanupset: correct, connected but not mounted, run sudo fdisk -l to get the correct drive15:38
upsetsmplman: Okay. Geez, I wish they had mentioned that. Not everybody is super smart.15:38
smplmanupset: i have tried and failed at this many times, with both usb and sd drives15:38
trevor69420jordan4ibanez, i'm not a video editor so i dont really know how they compare, but you can do a simple google search and find a list of open source video editors for linux and compare features there15:39
trevor69420jordan4ibanez, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_editing_software15:39
jordan4ibanezi did..most lists are outdated..novacut isnt even in the lists15:39
upsetsmplman: I'm you've let me draw on your experience.15:39
minixvboxjordan4ibanez: i like openshot15:39
upsetsmplman: Er, is there a nautilus way to rename this thing?15:40
=== DJ is now known as Guest61896
jordan4ibanezwell do you guys know any good video recorder15:40
smplmanupset: the partition names or that folder?15:40
upsetsmplman: Um, the usb device....? Also, why fdisk -l? Do you have reason to think that /dev/sdc1/ is wrong?15:41
freewayzifyhow to install zlib15:41
smplmanupset: just to verify the drive name, sometimes they change when hotplugging15:41
upsetsmplman: Okay. But, uh, fudge, it says it doesn't have a valid partition table15:42
bazhangfreewayzify, what are you trying to do, explain15:42
smplmanupset: what ever is on the drive shouldn't matter, dd will overwrite everyhting15:42
bindihey, can anyone recommend me a CLI program that will scroll through a text file slowly?15:42
bindifrom top to bottom, and then from bottom to top.. and it keeps going15:42
upsetsmplman: There's nothing on the drive. That's not what I'm asking. The whole usb has a crazy name.15:42
freewayzifytry to make compile a file15:43
bazhangfreewayzify, compile what15:43
smplmanupset: yea you probably just need to format the drive fat32 and then let the image take over from there15:43
freewayzifyto install kmplayer15:44
upsetsmplman: Ew, fat32? I put it to ext3, or tried to via mkfs.15:44
bazhangfreewayzify, no need to compile that.15:44
bazhangfreewayzify, it's in the u buntu software repos15:44
=== kk_ is now known as blackbug
freewayzifyso what should i do15:44
freewayzifybut i telling me no zlib install15:45
smplmanupset: most boot partitions are fat and the filesystems are ext15:45
freewayzifybut it telling me no zlib install15:45
minixvbox!software | freewayzify15:45
ubottufreewayzify: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:45
smplmanupset: im not sure if dd will create the partitions for you or you have to do it yourself15:45
upsetsmplman: Oh. Well, it's still weird. mkfs looked like it worked15:45
Adriannomif i plug in a usb drive it appears in the sidebar of file manager for only a millisecond before disappearing again.  syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/874707/ - xubuntu 11.10.  other usb drives do the same.  they work fine on other machines.  tried all usb ports.  mount manually WORKS FINE.  any ideas what's going wrong?15:45
bazhangfreewayzify, what command did you give, and what is the error you got. paste.ubuntu.com with the exact errors and commands used15:45
=== Zaitzev^ is now known as Zaitzev
upsetsmplman: This is getting really messy. I'd just like to get it to a clean, usable state.15:46
freewayzifyfirst ./compile15:46
smplmanupset: then format it with fat and start from there15:46
freewayzifysucess after that15:46
bazhangfreewayzify, kmplayer is in the ubuntu repos. sudo apt-get install kmplayer15:46
upsetsmplman: Alright. brb15:46
freewayzifytried from there but it not working15:47
bazhangfreewayzify, pastebin the exact error message15:47
bazhang!paste | freewayzify15:47
ubottufreewayzify: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:47
freewayzifyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:15:48
freewayzify kmplayer : Depends: kdebase-runtime but it is not going to be installed15:48
freewayzify            Depends: libkde3support4 (>= 4:4.3.4) but it is not going to be installed15:48
freewayzify            Depends: libqt4-qt3support (>= 4:4.5.3) but it is not going to be installed15:48
freewayzifyE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.15:48
FloodBot1freewayzify: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:48
freewayzifylol FloodBot15:48
=== PrawnSandwich is now known as Luk
mussHello there15:48
bazhangfreewayzify, I told you to pastebin multiple times15:48
minixvboxfreewayzify: you were told to pastebin15:49
bazhangfreewayzify, pardon?15:49
mussHow inaproppiate would it be for me to ask some beginner questions about some basic terminal commands?15:49
freewayzifywhere is the pastebin15:49
viciumHow do I shut a -screen process window down?15:49
waxstonemuss: #bash15:50
minixvboxmuss: you can ask in #bash too15:50
bazhangmuss if someone knows they will answer15:50
mussHope you won't mind if I try in here first(mind that I did some quite extensive googling beforehand)15:50
viciumExample. I have 2 screens up. one is @ screen -x 901, but its a crashed screen, how do I shut it down from the outside?15:50
SnipeMeNotSup guys15:51
bazhangLameIrcTest, hi15:51
julian_how are you?15:51
upsetsmplman: Wonderful, it has been reborn15:51
SnipeMeNotNot good :) u?15:51
upsetWe havin' a lovely conversation now?15:51
smplmanupset: nice, im glad that worked for you15:51
sacarlsonvicium: killall appname  I guess15:51
julian_I am fine15:51
viciumBut then i'd kill the other one aswell :(15:51
zambahow can i get notified that there are new upgrades available for my ubuntu server system?15:51
viciumThey're both the same process/exec15:51
upsetsmplman: Me too. Thanks for helping me!15:52
mussHow can I view file content with a custom page division?15:52
zambai see them when i log in, but it would be nice to get an email notification15:52
viciumBut one is the correct one running, the other is a double that cant launch since its already launched in another :P15:52
julian_how old are you?15:52
smplmanupset: my guess is the dd command you are using, ones i have seen some that have extra parameters on the end15:52
bazhangjulian_, this is ubuntu support15:52
freewayzifyplease julian on ubuntu topic pls15:52
freewayzify@Snipeme ubuntu topic15:52
SnipeMeNotAnyone tried making cloud?15:52
_MarcusMakeing cloud?15:52
upsetsmplman: I'll have to hunt for it. Thanks for letting me know.15:53
bazhangSnipeMeNot, explain15:53
sacarlsonvicium: if the other is in the same app I would assume it has also crashed15:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:53
SnipeMeNotYup like connecting icloud to linux15:53
SnipeMeNotAnd have ulimited storage15:53
bazhangSnipeMeNot, what is icloud15:53
smplmanupset: another idea, extract the ISO and manually copy it to the thumbdrive15:53
SnipeMeNotIts a backup utility for idevices15:53
Kaapaguys, how do I add another java version to the alteratives' list?15:53
oratedHello! Like how there exists speaker-test command to test sound, is there similar utility to check LED monitor?15:53
Kaapajust uncompress to that dir is enough?15:53
smplmanupset: should be two partitions on the drive when you are done15:53
sacarlsonvicium: or maybe kill procnumber  if we could find out what the screen app proc number was15:53
vicium901.cstrike-server (03/08/2012 03:41:28 PM) (Detached)15:54
vicium873.cstrike-server (03/08/2012 03:40:48 PM) (Detached)15:54
upsetsmplman: Eeeh, I'm not sure I'm adventurous enough. I'll consider it.15:54
vicium873 is the one running. 901 the crashed. 873 is fully working and connectable too.15:54
_MarcusHello, races198615:54
upsetdr_willis: You said you tried android ice cream sandwich recently. Do you remember what you did?15:54
races1986This is my first time in a IRC channel...15:54
kelvinellahi, can ubuntu liveCD fix a kernel panic in OSX?15:54
races1986what client do you guys recommend?15:54
sacarlsonvicium: kill 90115:54
bazhangkelvinella, of course not15:54
_Marcusraces1986: This is Ubuntu support chat. Ask #ubuntu-offtopic15:55
smplmankelvinella: depends on what caused the kernel panic15:55
_Marcus!ot | races198615:55
ubotturaces1986: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:55
viciumOh, lol. Thanks :)15:55
SnipeMeNotcan seone tell me what to do with my ubuntu15:55
bazhangSnipeMeNot, yes.15:55
races1986ok thank you15:55
upsetSnipeMeNot: Use it!15:55
SnipeMeNotTweaks and stuff15:55
bazhang!manual | SnipeMeNot15:55
ubottuSnipeMeNot: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:55
Adriannomwhich program automounts usb drives in ubuntu 11.10?15:55
kelvinellacan you boot ubuntu liveCD in macbook pro?15:55
_Marcuskelvinella: Yes15:55
SnipeMeNotAlright ser ill try it15:55
AminosAmigosinstall backtrack repos and start cracking :p :p :p15:56
smplmanSnipeMeNot: copile some C programs15:56
kelvinellathen can I use liveCD to mount the hdd in macbook pro and pull out the important files?15:56
sacarlsonSnipeMeNot: turn it into a drum machine  or synthisizer if you like music15:56
SnipeMeNotI do like music thanks15:56
SnipeMeNotCan i prodce dubsteps15:57
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )15:57
* RaTTuS|BIG Gives e-bree to ElitestFX15:57
minixvboxkelvinella: yes15:57
upsetdr_willis: You there, buddy?15:57
sacarlsonSnipeMeNot: turn it into an artists paint brush if you like art15:57
kelvinellai should give it a shot15:57
SnipeMeNotWhoa what15:57
SnipeMeNotsacarlson: Please explain further15:57
sacarlsonSnipeMeNot: turn it into a pen if you are a writer15:57
smplmanSnipeMeNot: build an automatic fish feeder for your fish tank15:58
SnipeMeNotAh thought u mentioned something about turning it into a tablet15:58
aaGpexcuse me guys, how can I do su command in the terminal, because I need admin permission to run some application ??15:58
abaddonSatanicsudo su15:58
MyrttiaaGp: use sudo command15:58
sacarlsonSnipeMeNot: the point make it whatever you want it to be15:58
SnipeMeNotsmplman: My fish just passed15:58
MyrttiabaddonSatanic: nope, that's the wrong way15:58
bazhangabaddonSatanic, thats not correct15:58
smplmanSnipeMeNot: sry to hear that15:58
SnipeMeNotAyt ill try it15:58
SnipeMeNotsmplman: No worries15:58
abaddonSatanicodd to me it works15:58
minixvbox!wfm | abaddonSatanic15:59
ubottuabaddonSatanic: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/15:59
aaGpMyrti: but I did, but it says su: Fallo de autenticación = Auth failed15:59
sacarlsonsmplman: I did make it water my plants when they got thirsty15:59
smplmansacarlson: auto top off on the resivour?16:00
sacarlsonsmplman: messured resistivity of the soil and turned on water pumps when needed16:00
aaGpMyrtti: I did, but it says su: Fallo de autenticación = Auth failed16:00
smplmansacarlson: impressive, i wanted to build an auto nute mixer. Measure ppm, ph, npk and such16:01
sacarlsonsmplman: they have those, I don't have one16:01
charles___does anyone know how i can return the currently playing song from totem movie player (ubuntu) with, say, a perl script?16:01
MyrttiaaGp: mm16:02
abaddonSatanicoke then how do you change to su in ubuntu the right way ?16:03
bazhangabaddonSatanic, you dont16:04
icerootabaddonSatanic: sudo command16:04
iceroot!sudo | abaddonSatanic16:04
ubottuabaddonSatanic: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo16:04
abaddonSatanicand if i need to stay as superuser in terminal ?16:04
bazhangabaddonSatanic, sudo -i16:05
_rubensudo -i16:05
icerootabaddonSatanic: there is no need to stay as root16:05
StepNjumpHas anyone ever heard of magnetic mouse apt?16:05
iceroot!anyone | StepNjump16:05
ubottuStepNjump: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:05
sacarlsoncharles___: return what reset and replay?  return the name?16:05
sacarlsoncharles___: if it's what's playing from a script I know how with vlc  it has an API for that16:05
bazhangStepNjump, hardware?16:05
sacarlsoncharles___: totem might also work with mpris that is the standard media player api here is an example script that uses parts of it https://github.com/sacarlson/GenPlayList16:06
=== rymate1234 is now known as rymate1234_
pangurI have a wubi dual-boot installation from windows 7.  My machine has plenty of space available but recently I have been getting a message saying that I have about 1Gb left.  Is there a way I can increase the space for the wubi installation without losing everything?16:07
StepNjumpNo bazhang I think it's an apt that allows to drag and drop without having to hold the left button down as you move16:07
charles___vlc sounds good. that's something i have yet to install16:07
StepNjumpiceroot I know, I know.....16:07
bazhangStepNjump, you mean app?16:08
minixvboxcharles___: vlc is indeed awesome16:08
StepNjumpbazhang: I checked synaptics and googled for it.. Can't find anything.. Was suggested that app by another guy16:08
StepNjumpyes app baz16:08
StepNjumpyes app bazhang16:08
sacarlsoncharles___: I think you may want to look into mpris it works with most media players and there are examples in python also16:08
aaGplook, I'am trying to run UnrealIRCd, but when I hit ./unreal to start it it says: You don't have permission access, something like that, thing that I have to execute it with su command, how can I do that?..16:08
_MarcusaaGp: Use chmod so you dont have to run it as root.16:09
smplmanaaGp: sudo ./unreal16:09
ikoniaaaGp: should you really be trying to run an IRC server if you are not at the level you can run a binary ?16:09
sacarlsonaaGp: sudo ./unreal16:09
ikoniaaaGp: an IRC server is open for lots of abuse/exploit/attack unless you are confident with what you are doing16:09
crashanddieikonia, what's the worst that could happen? Nobody will be able to connect through his router anyway.16:09
ikoniacrashanddie: or it could be attacked and his network DOSed16:10
ikoniaor his machine compromised as he's running it as root16:10
aaGpthanks for the advice16:10
smplmancrashanddie: depends on his network16:10
crashanddieAs if DoS might depend on what software runs on your machine...16:10
aaGpaagp@aaGp:~/Unreal3.2$ sudo ./unreal16:11
aaGp[sudo] password for aagp:16:11
aaGpsudokode: ./unreal: command not found16:11
sacarlsonikonia: aaGp: then teach them about chroot16:11
charles___what is 'mpris'?16:11
aaGpthat is what it shows..16:11
sacarlsoncharles___: http://www.mpris.org/2.1/spec/16:12
upsetdr_willis: Dr. Willis, paging Dr. Willis16:12
sacarlsonaaGp: I guess you ./unreal is not installed or your not at present in the correct directory to run it16:13
minixvboxupset: anythink we can help with? or do you need dr_willis specifically16:13
aaGpactually I did it wrong it runs with ./unreal start16:14
smplmanaaGp: or its not an executable16:14
aaGpbut I try putting sudo ./unreal start16:14
=== munx_ is now known as munx
aaGpbut it says the same thing :S16:14
pangurIs there a way of increasing the size of a wubi installation please?16:14
sacarlsonaaGp: if it runs without sudo best not to run it in sudo mode16:14
upsetminixvbox: Oh, thanks, I just wanted to ask him about something he did with Android.16:14
upsetminixvbox: He's obviously not here, though, so I'll go16:15
upsetLater y'all16:15
bazhangpangur, yes. check the wubiguide16:15
bazhang!wubi | pangur16:15
ubottupangur: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe16:15
aaGphas to be on sudo mode, I had it running on Mandriva, but since I decide to install Ubuntu on my laptop I can't run it.16:15
crashanddieaaGp, let me guess, you downloaded it from the website?16:16
pangurDo you think that it is a bug that, bazhang, that I am running out of space?16:16
pangurI do not know whether to report it is a bug if it is not one.16:17
minixvboxpangur: how is running ut of space a bug?16:17
linuxfreakerI have a brand new CentOS 6 server that I need Asterisk setup on.  it should receive calls on a SIP account, play a audio message that prompts a user to press numbers 1,2,3 or 4 and depending on what number the call should be connected to a phone number over a SIP account,16:17
aaGpcrashanddie: yes, like I said I had it running on Mandriva thought16:17
crashanddieaaGp, did you compile it?16:17
pangurIt keeps telling me that I have about 1GB left when I have a couple of hundred GB on my machine.16:17
bazhangpangur, not really no.16:17
tsimpsonaaGp: make sure the file is executable16:17
linuxfreakerCustomer Calls  [obscured]   (SIP account) Asterisk picks up the call Asterisk plays the user the prompt message audio file. Customer presses the number 3. Asterisk dials  [obscured]   on the SIP account. Asterisk immediately connects the two calls.  At the moment regardless if the customer presses the number 1,2,3 or 4 it will go to the same number, however later on this may change16:18
bazhangpangur, check the guide on how to resize it16:18
crashanddieaaGp, what you downloaded is a source distribution. You need to ./autogen.sh && make.16:18
crashanddieactually, make that ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make16:18
bazhanglinuxfreaker, #centos16:18
pangurThanks bazhang.  Is it likely to be the sort of thing that I could sort with some kind of partion manager?16:18
bazhangpangur, honestly, better to get a real dual boot16:19
crashanddielinuxfreaker, PM me. I'm a VoIP software engineer. Not much experience with Asterisk, but how hard can it be.16:19
aaGpdid it already, the thing is when I want to run it, I need root access to run it16:20
JoneeetuxCould anyone help me to know how to backup old kernels?? I want to bakup some...16:20
bazhangJoneeetux, why would you need to?16:20
PhantomOcelotIs there a program similar to GPartEd that would allow me to copy a partition? Example:  I am buying a new hard drive, and have no intention of keeping this one, as it is old and less than 100GB.  Is there a way I can just copy this hard drive info to the new hard drive WITHOUT having to do a full install of Ubuntu and lose everything?16:20
bazhangPhantomOcelot, a clone?16:21
crashanddiePhantomOcelot, it is probably possible, but I'd hardly recommend it16:21
pangurProbably, bazhang.  I agree.  However, its a Medion that has touch screen, and will not allow me to increase the number of partitions.  Rather rum arrangement but I do not want to lose the fancy effects on screen when in windows.16:21
smplmanPhantomOcelot: you drive should come with cloning software16:21
crashanddiePhantomOcelot, you don't need anything outside of /home/$USER.16:21
bazhangpangur, ok, then check the wubiguide on how to do that16:21
linuxfreakercrashanddie: ?16:21
tsimpsonaaGp: you don't need root access to run it, I know of no IRC daemon that requires root. if you posted the exact error message, perhaps someone can help you solve that16:22
bazhanglinuxfreaker, thats about centos, it's not supported here16:22
PhantomOcelotSo I could theoretically just copy the /home/ fold in it's entirety and drop it on the new hard drive, and all should work?16:22
linuxfreakerbazhang: Sorry16:22
bazhanglinuxfreaker, #centos for centos support16:22
linuxfreakerbazhang: okie16:22
crashanddiePhantomOcelot, just put both hard drives in the computer, partition the new hard drive, and copy /home/$USER over to the new one, then reinstall your OS of choice onto the new hard drive.16:22
JoneeetuxIs there a way to backup old kernels?16:23
crashanddieor the other way aroudn16:23
PhantomOcelotThanks, crashanddie.16:23
crashanddiePhantomOcelot, you will still need to install the OS16:23
crashanddiePhantomOcelot, I'd recommend making a separate partition for /home, but that's just me.16:23
JoneeetuxCan I backup old linux kernels ???16:23
bazhangJoneeetux, why would you need to16:24
crashanddieJoneeetux, if someone knows the answer, they will answer. Please don't repeat the same question every 20 seconds. Thanks.16:24
minixvboxJoneeetux: backup in what way?16:24
JoneeetuxMy lappy not like some of the newer16:24
PhantomOcelotcrashanddie, you are likely right, I'll UbuntuONE and such my more important items and just reinstall a new OS16:24
sacarlsonPhantomOcelot: other than like cp -a /eachsource /eachdest  you will also need to install an mbr on the new disk and maybe do some changes of /etc/fstab of the new hdid or /dev/sdX16:24
bazhangJoneeetux, please respond if you would like assistance instead of just repeating16:24
crashanddiesacarlson, why would the OS install not take care of that?16:25
JoneeetuxI wish to backup to removable media16:25
PhantomOcelotQuick and painless, y'know?16:25
bazhangJoneeetux, yes, and why16:25
sacarlsoncrashanddie: oh I thought he just wanted to direct copy the original install16:25
chuxHello, i get stuck on "port 22 : connexion refused" while trying to connect to a distant machine on which i installed openssh-server16:25
chuxhow can i figure out if the firewall is blocking me ?16:25
computer_Hey all, say I am trying to compile a program on Ubuntu 11.10 that is failing because is can't find "/X11/Xcursor". So having a look around it sure looks like it is gone in 11.10. Is the anyway to put it but just to appease this program?16:26
NOSaturnhow do i set the primary monitor - so that new windows open on the right monitor and not the left? I have an intel graphics ship, so the nvidia tool won't apply16:26
crashanddiesacarlson, I recommended copying over /home/$USER and simply reinstalling the OS. It'll be easier and less pain than copying and messing with fstab and whatnot (and <shiver> guids)16:26
Joneeetuxmy laptop not like some of the newer stuff, and I just wnna know how--I am kinda like Linus from Peanuts comic--I need security-blanket.16:26
bazhangcomputer_, whats the package16:26
bazhangJoneeetux, that does not make sense16:26
sacarlsoncrashanddie:  a new install would also require him to install each of the applications he had already custom installed16:26
crashanddiesacarlson, you can save the package list.16:26
computer_Ooo: It's /X11/Xcursor/ by the way16:27
sacarlsoncrashanddie: I just tried that package list method but it doesn't work for me as some of my stuf running on an old 10.04 no longer exist on 11.1016:27
computer_bazhang, I am building the game StuntRally16:27
bazhangcomputer_, and what is the package you are trying to called16:27
computer_bazhang, http://code.google.com/p/vdrift-ogre/16:28
eggman2001hello, just installed ubuntu but I can't seem to "enable wireless" in the menu bar because it's grayed out. any ideas?16:28
JoneeetuxOkay.  I guess perhaps I have not phrased it very well.  I just wanna have a backup of my 2.6.32-32 gen kernel, because that is the one my hardware tolerates the best.16:28
sacarlsoncrashanddie: it will take me 2 weeks to upgrade, so if I want to continue to operate on a new disk that's another way to do it16:28
chuxi've set the firewall to share the luv whith anybody on any port, but it still doesnt work16:28
canceri was repairing Grub & system hanged (slow) responding. i restarted system & boot menu was there to choose. is it ok?16:28
bazhangJoneeetux, why not just leave it as is. it hardly takes up any space16:28
computer_bazhang, It happens at 74% building that16:28
mythoshello there, i have a customer in alabama and don't know which city represents the timezone for this state. can some help me out here? =)16:28
pangolinmythos: usually the state capital16:29
mythospangolin, hmm ok16:29
pangolinmythos: also has nothing to do with ubuntu.16:29
mythospangolin, it's a ubuntu-server16:29
computer_bazhang: Is there a new place for the /X11/Xcursor now?16:29
pangolinmythos: ok well try the capital :)16:29
chuxon wich channel should i ask for help ?16:30
AcidRaindoes orca have a gui? :/16:30
JoneeetuxI know.  But I'd really like to understand how I could make a backup-copy of my favorite kernel.  I've googled all morn, but I just can't seem to find the info.16:30
linuxfreakerGuys, Anyone who can help me install Eclipse Indigo on Ubuntu 10.04.416:30
linuxfreakerI downloaded the eclipse-SDK-3.7.2-linux-gtk(1).tar.gz16:30
sacarlsonJoneeetux: maybe just copy the deb file of the linux-image ?16:31
linuxfreakercd eclipse16:31
minixvboxJoneeetux: the kernels don't get removed unless you uninstall them, why do you need a backup?16:31
computer_bazhang: Hey, what do you know, it has an IRC channel on freenode16:31
linuxfreakerHow shall I install it?16:31
computer_Shooting over there now to see whats up16:31
mythospangolin, no montgomery to select16:32
pangolinmythos: what choices does it give you?16:33
mythospangolin, too much to list it here16:33
linuxfreakerAnyone who have expereince installing Eclipse Indigo16:33
Joneeetuxcopy the deb file:  ok, I check into that.  I'd like to perhaps wipe my hdd linux partition sometime--after I get my newer mach next week...just use this laptop to "experiment"...I want to teach myself to do a successful re-install16:33
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  extract it. look in the dir it makes..16:33
pangolinmythos: select the closest city to the client I guess.16:33
linuxfreakerdr_willis: I can cd to directory..but no idea how to configure or install it16:33
mythospangolin, yeah... i'm going to use the graphical installer and then install it with alternative again16:34
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  check its homepage for some docs/install guides? or a readme file.16:34
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  could be you just run a binary in the dir.16:34
linuxfreakerdr_willis: you mean ./eclipse16:35
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  no idea.. is there a eclipse binary? Look and see. I dont use the app.16:35
linuxfreakerdr_willis: There is an eclipse file.But when i run it .eclipse it threw error (eclipse:11263): Gtk-WARNING **: Screen for GtkWindow not set; you must always set a screen for a GtkWindow before using the window16:36
linuxfreakerdr_willis: does it mean I need Desktop version16:37
mythospangolin, thank you anyway =)16:37
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  desktop version of what?16:37
jeremiah_gatongGuys how can I trigger Numlock "ON"/"OFF" on bash?16:37
linuxfreakerUbuntu 10.0416:37
pangolinmythos: Birmingham, Mobile, Huntsville, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, & Decatur16:37
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  if its a X/gui app.. you need the gui installed...16:37
linuxfreakerI just installed ubuntu 10.04 server16:37
dr_willisI dont use eclipse.. no idea if its console/text/ or gui based.16:37
linuxfreakerdr_willis: do u mean I downloaded wrong package16:37
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  i dont know what you did..  if its a gui app. you need a desktop installed.16:38
icerootlinuxfreaker: eclipse needs a x-server16:38
pangolinmythos: Those are the top 5 populated cities in Alabama. One of them has to be there for you to select.16:38
JoneeetuxI thought someone might know a way to use, say dd, to make copies of my old kernels, and then re-install my favorite one to a different Linux distro.  (I have 4 computers at my disposal, here, by the way:  so i not gonna mess-up my good system).16:38
icerootJoneeetux: no need for dd for the kernels16:39
JoneeetuxOh, okay.16:39
sacarlsonjeremiah_gatong: I've never tried the num lock but I guess xdotool would simulate keystroke to do it16:39
dr_willisJoneeetux,  you normally dont just move kernels from one disrto to another.  you can recompile them on the others...16:39
linuxfreakerdr_willis: got this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178861116:39
dr_willisJoneeetux,  why are you even needing tomess with the kernels? ive not had to touch them in years16:39
jeremiah_gatong@sacarlson, the keyboards, numlock key is not working, trying to turn it off on the bash16:40
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  id just look for a ppa and use that.16:40
sacarlsonjeremiah_gatong: well it should work xdotool  it's a package16:41
linuxfreakerdr_willis: PPA? What shal I need to install16:41
JoneeetuxI'd like to wipe the ubuntu parttion of this "guinea-pig" mach, and re-install ubuntu (or maybe even mint)--just want to teach myself16:41
dr_willis!ppa | linuxfreaker16:41
ubottulinuxfreaker: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:41
linuxfreakerapt-get install ppa16:41
dr_willisJoneeetux,  so.. why do you need to mess with the kernel?16:41
minixvboxJoneeetux: don't mix kernels with different distros16:41
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  read the url the bot gave... theres other guides online on using ppa's also.16:42
icerootlinuxfreaker: you want to install eclipse?16:42
Joneeetuxbecause this laptop hw not seem to like newer kernels16:42
dr_willisJoneeetux,  you dont just move older kernels into newer disrtos..16:42
linuxfreakericeroot: Yes.I want to install Eclipse Indigo 3.7 on Ubuntu 10.04.4 32bit16:42
JoneeetuxOh, I see16:43
linuxfreakerdr_willis:  Is it just like centos epel16:43
benccif I have etckeeper installed, can I load config files from a remote git server?16:43
iceroot!info eclipse16:44
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 16 kB, installed size 128 kB16:44
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  no idea what 'centos epel' is..16:44
benccor will this create circular dependencies?16:44
iceroot!info eclipse lucid16:44
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.2-2ubuntu4.3 (lucid), package size 45 kB, installed size 124 kB16:44
linuxfreakerdr_willis: Do u mean its repository and I need to install it16:44
sacarlsonjeremiah_gatong: oh and if it's just to fix a needed keyboard problem you can remap the keys like f2 or other that still work to perform what you might need16:44
JoneeetuxI guess what i need to do is just use clonezilla, make a ghost of my sys, then use that to re-install16:44
icerootlinuxfreaker: you need 3.7? 3.5.2 is not ok?16:44
dr_willisi wonder if the askubuntu.com site has a guide on using the latest eclipse...16:45
linuxfreakerEclipse Indigo 3.7.216:45
icerootlinuxfreaker: you need 3.7? 3.5.2 is not ok?16:46
Joneeetuxwell, thanks for help.  You've answer some of my  ?16:46
linuxfreakerdr_willis: What I need to download from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=Eclipse16:46
escottbencc, its going to be tricky since etckeeper makes an initial commit and therefore you will have different heads16:46
escottbencc, but just try a normal pull and merge and see what you get16:46
linuxfreakericeroot: It wil be ok16:46
oCeanlinuxfreaker: please understand that PPA's are 3rd party repositories, and not supported16:46
linuxfreakericeroot: No16:46
linuxfreakericeroot: I need 3.716:46
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  you need to add the ppa like the ppa guide/docs say. then you use the normal package maanger to install the app.16:47
linuxfreakeroCean: So you mean I cant install 3.7.2 on 10.04.416:47
minixvboxlinuxfreaker: not if you want support16:47
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  ppa's are not made by ubuntu, they are made by other people.16:47
blupcould anyone recommend a small smtp package for my server? just need to forward mails from website to gmail.16:47
linuxfreakerdr_willis: I am little confused..what steps I need to follow to get Indigo16:47
bluppostfix seems like overkill16:47
icerootblup: postfix, sendmail16:47
icerootblup: or any other MTA you like16:48
oCeanlinuxfreaker: I did not say that. If it is not in the official repositories, you could use a PPA, but lots of PPA's are causing problems for users. Not supported means that you'll have to contact the maintainers of the PPA to get help16:48
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  find and enable the proper ppa. use package manager to install it would be the normal way. Or from what i read. you just download that tar.gz extact. cd to the dir and run it.16:48
linuxfreakeroCean: I just need them installed..thats it16:48
mythospangolin, no nothing16:48
dr_willisim not going to download a 140+mb eclipse archive to just play withit. :)16:48
benccescott: I only want to sync one folder from the remote git repo16:48
pangolinmythos: might want to try asking in #ubuntu-server.16:49
linuxfreakerdr_willis: Okie..I have downloaded it..now which ppa and what command i nee16:49
minixvboxlinuxfreaker: and if they break stuff you can't ask for help here, thats what oCean is saying16:49
linuxfreakerminixvbox: No issue16:49
linuxfreakerminixvbox: I am ready for that risk16:49
mythospangolin, nevermint... i'm going to set it after installation16:49
minixvboxlinuxfreaker: good, as long as you are aware16:49
ldiamondWhy does the memory usage of free or the system monitor does not add up to what is listed in the process list? (I'm not talking about the cache or buffers)16:49
escottbencc, then look into --filter-branch. that may help. the people in #git may be able to give a better suggestion for the situation16:50
sacarlsonblup: seems many web mail requires encrypted to be recieved now as I had a simple sendmail setup but later needed to change it to link to my gmail account due to my lazy no encryption ssl cert setup16:50
dr_willisheh site down.. Hmm.16:50
linuxfreakerdr_willis: I searched for eclipse and go tthis list https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=eclipse16:50
linuxfreakerdr_willis: Do i need to add them to /etc/apt/source.list16:51
linuxfreakerand then run apt-get update16:52
dr_willislinuxfreaker,   the ppa site shows what command to run to add the ppa.16:52
ldiamondI.e. My system says ~70% is taken by applications and it barely adds up to 50% in the process list16:52
benccescott: thanks16:52
dr_willisppa:felix.lechner/eclipse to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing) <---- a popup url16:52
dr_willisthere seems tobe several ppa's you could use16:52
=== Seattle is now known as NYls
linuxfreakerdr_willis: Ohh thnx16:52
linuxfreakerdr_willis: I will follow it16:52
dr_willissudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name16:53
dr_willis Replace ppa:user/ppa-name with the PPA's location that you noted above.16:53
=== NYls is now known as Nyls
dr_willisbe nice if they made the ppa sites have a dynamic cut/paste  item ;)16:53
linuxfreakerdr_willis: On the PPA's overview page,16:55
linuxfreakerdr_willis: is it talking about source.list16:55
dr_willisthe commands controll that stuff. you dont need to manually mess with sources.list16:55
linuxfreakerdr_willis: where shall i add ppa:gwibber-daily/ppa16:55
waxstoneppas are in sources.list.d16:55
dr_willisthe (read about installing) on the ppa pages is a LINK that gives the commands you use16:56
dr_willisi gave the example command above.16:56
linuxfreakerdr_willis: I got the step 2 but the step 1 is confusing.whcih say Step 1: On the PPA's overview page, look for the heading that reads Adding this PPA to your system. Make a note of the PPA's location, which looks like:  ppa:gwibber-daily/ppa16:56
linuxfreakerWhere shall i run that command16:56
dr_williserr... at the terminal.. where else do you run commands? :)16:57
dr_willis<dr_willis> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name16:57
dr_willis<dr_willis>  Replace ppa:user/ppa-name with the PPA's location that you noted above.16:57
bencchow can I install a package without a suggested package? I want to install puppet without etckeeper http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/puppet16:57
linuxfreakerohkk..i got it16:57
linuxfreakerdr_willis: Done16:58
linuxfreakergpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg:               imported: 1  (RSA: 1)16:58
dlentzbencc, suggests packages aren't automatically installed by default16:59
linuxfreakernow apt-get update16:59
linuxfreakerand its running16:59
dr_williswe dont need a 'play by play' :)17:00
linuxfreakerdr_willis: Do now apt-get install eclipse will install 3.7.2 right?17:00
dr_willistry it and see...17:01
mintmandr_willis: take credit for ur hard work :017:01
* dr_willis goes back to teaching Rocket Surgery via morse code to martians.17:01
benccdlentz: thanks17:02
crashanddiedr_willis, useless, their weekend started 3 hours ago.17:02
linuxfreakerdr_willis: ok17:03
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
mintmancelthunder: I've tried for about hr to install xmonad wont work I think its the distro get black screen nothing happens17:05
Pasq89how to change tabs within an app? eg gedit or window tabs? etc..17:06
MyrttiPasq89: ctrl-tab17:06
linuxfreakerdr_willis: How to remove ppa17:06
ikoniaha ha ha17:06
linuxfreakerwhat if I add two repository..17:07
syddrafI'm having an issue when I run nvidia-xconfig. If I install nvidia-current, then reboot, my system works fine except for minecraft having excessive artifacting. When I run nvidia-xconfig and restart X, X will not restart. I have Xorg logs from before xconfig (http://paste.ubuntu.com/874104/) and after running xconfig (http://paste.ubuntu.com/874101/) Can anyone help me resolve this?17:07
linuxfreakerdr_willis: Which Indigo version it will tae17:07
escottbencc, to your previous http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1214906/how-do-i-merge-a-sub-directory-in-git if you want to disable recommended/suggested there are a number of approaches. you switch to cli which has different options than synaptic or you can pass an argument to the cli routine http://linux.koolsolutions.com/2009/01/07/howto-tell-apt-get-not-to-install-recommends-packages-in-debian-linux/17:07
ldiamondin Ubuntu 12.04, is there an alternative to Unity? Something more similar to gnome classic?17:07
Pasq89doesnt work on gedit ctr_tab17:08
mintmanlinuxfreaker: wow, from same site?17:08
linuxfreakermintman: yes17:08
oCeanldiamond: Precise/12.04 is not yet released (now beta). Please /join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion17:08
linuxfreakermintman: What if I added repo..and now I need to add another for eclipse 3.717:08
linuxfreakermintman: Any idea if I remove the old ppa17:09
mintmanlinuxfreaker: there supporting the same packages. Just altenate for faster download possibly17:09
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linuxfreakerdr_willis:  eclipse-rcp 3.5.2-2ubuntu4.3 [17:10
mintmanlinuxfreaker: Why are u messing with 2 versions? Should have read description of differences of package before install...17:10
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  that means nothing to me.17:11
linuxfreakerdr_willis: https://launchpad.net/~felix.lechner/+archive/eclipse says 3.7.1 but when i am trying to see its installatoion it says 3.5.217:11
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  use synaptic and see what the ppa has to offer. could bt its a differnt name.17:13
linuxfreakerdr_willis: No desktp version installed for 10.04.417:13
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  what do you mean by that statement?17:14
mintmanlinuxfreaker: u talking about a gui version vs command line?17:14
zykotick9syddraf: is this a hybrid intel/nvidia portable computer?17:14
StravHi. Small general question: is there an hardened (as in "more secure") flavor of ubuntu available out there? (something in the like of: kernel with the PaX patches, GrSecurity rbac (or SELinux), proper configs for thoses, security focused default configs for the usual services (apache, nginx, postgresql), etc.)17:14
linuxfreakerdr_willis: I cant run synaptic since I have no GUI17:14
linuxfreakermintman: yes17:14
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  dident we mention earlier that eclipse needs a GUI to run......17:14
bazhangStrav, no, but you can  use apparmor and the like17:15
dr_willisso now we have gone full circle. :)17:15
syddrafzykotick9: I believe so. It is a dell inspiron 17r.17:15
linuxfreakerdr_willis: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop started17:15
zykotick9syddraf: research bumblebee i believe it's called, good luck.17:15
Stravbazhang: I'm not sure if apparmor is a better option than grsec or selinux for a security enhanced environment.17:15
linuxfreakerdr_willis: sorry for troubling u17:16
bazhangStrav, just an example. those others should be there as well17:16
dr_willislinuxfreaker,  why did you even get the server edition?  been easier to just start with the desktop edition.17:16
bazhang!find selinux17:16
ubottuFound: libselinux1, libselinux1-dev, libselinux-ruby1.8, python-selinux, selinux-basics, selinux-policy-default, selinux-policy-dev, selinux-policy-doc, selinux-policy-dummy, selinux-policy-mls (and 6 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=selinux&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all17:16
Oersuddraf there is also a #Bumblebee channel, those guys are up2date17:16
zykotick9Oer: thanks17:16
syddrafzykotick9: Oer: Thank you. Figures that this is going to be more trouble than I expected. *sigh*17:16
plouffejeremiah_gatong, this works for me "xmodmap -e 'keycode 77='"17:17
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gilverhi there, how can i install a different keyboard layout? Im using crunchbang linux17:17
jrib!crunchbang | gilver17:17
ubottugilver: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:17
biosystemalteredHi all! I have a problem with the A-DESK, the file is coming as setup.exe. I'm using kubuntu with KDE 4.8. How do I install the A-DESK?17:17
gilverokay sorry, and thanks bye17:18
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
dr_willis!wine | biosystemaltered17:19
ubottubiosystemaltered: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:19
piliakishello everyone!17:20
Stravbazhang: selinux has historically been a pain to configure, I don't simply want the packages; what interests me, is if there is a well maintained, security enhanced, distribution based on ubuntu. If there aren't, I must say I'm a little puzzled by it, given that a secure hosting environnement is something you'd wish for as soon as you have a webserver running any kind of critical application.17:20
piliakisI have a weird apt-get problem17:20
piliakisI'm trying to install gtkevemon and it shows unresolved dependancies17:20
biosystemalteredbut the program is for linux17:20
bazhangStrav, an officially supported one? not that I know of17:20
biosystemalterednot to win17:20
ikoniaStrav: you need to do more research and background on the technology you are using then, as what you want already exists - it's called ubuntu,17:20
piliakisI get a Depends: libssl but it is not installable17:20
Oerbiosystemaltered, here is a howto > http://ubuntuguide.net/a-desk-put-your-favorite-video-as-animated-desktop-in-ubuntu17:20
piliakishowever I have libssl0.9.8 and libssl1.0.0 installed17:21
piliakisthere is no libssl package17:21
dr_willisbiosystemaltered,  i find it very strange that a linux app would come as a whatever.exe file17:21
dr_willisespecially a setup.exe17:21
upsetdr_willis, how did you boot Android from a usb?17:22
icerootsounds like teamviewer17:22
biosystemalteredit just happened man17:22
piliakisany idea how to resolve that?17:22
dr_willisupset,  i just used dd to image it to my flash drive.. poped in the flash, told bios to boot it.17:22
icerootbiosystemaltered: is it teamviewer? there comes the linux-version as exe17:22
upsetdr_willis: I've just run the dd thing after unmounting my usb, and it didn't work17:22
dr_willisupset,  my netbook can even boot from sd.17:22
dr_willisupset,  whats the exact command you used?17:22
upsetdr_willis: I've said nothing of sd cards17:22
piliakisbiosystemaltered, Teamviewer 7 comes as a .exe and it runs throught wine17:23
piliakisseemed weird to me too17:23
upsetdr_willis: Uh, one sec17:23
techfreakHi everybody17:23
Stravikonia: ubuntu kernels already ship with the PaX patch set? they provide good integration for SELinux like red-hat? You don't have to tweak your default configs so they are as secure as can be? I don't really know which ubuntu you're talking about.17:23
piliakisbiosystemaltered, Teamviewer 6 comes as native linux app17:23
upsetdr_willis: umount /dev/sdc1 , and then sudo dd if=android-x86-4.0-RC1-s103t.iso of=/dev/sdc117:23
piliakiscan someone help with my enquiry?17:23
Stravbazhang: not necessarly an officially supported one.17:24
dr_willisupset,  i belive i mentioned earlier. (several times) tyat you want to use /dev/sdc   NOT sdc117:24
biosystemalteredwhen I finish downloading it appears as setup.exe17:24
upsetdr_willis: But sdc1 IS the location17:24
dr_willisupset,  sdc1 is the first partion OF the device.  the image file is a image of the whole disk. not a partition17:24
ikoniaStrav: the are SSP (for example) patched kernels availabe it ships with appamour with base profiles that you tweak to YOUR security standard (there is no such thing as a generic secure template) if you don't like it you can use different tools such as selinux and make your own profiles17:24
ikoniaStrav: what is missing for you ?17:24
dr_willisupset,  i used dd and put it on /dev/sdd  and it worked..17:24
upsetdr_willis: I see, it's a naming thing. I'll try it.17:25
meethi.. how to switch between terminal window and gedit window?17:25
zykotick9piliakis: gtkevemon doesn't appear to be a package in ubuntu?17:25
piliakisbiosystemaltered, please check my reply to your issue17:25
upsetdr_willis: I didn't understand that sdc1 was only a partition. That's very strange, though. If there is only one partition, why should it matter?17:26
piliakiszykotick9, I have added their repo, it shows unresolved dependancies for libraries I already have installed17:26
piliakisit is weird17:26
icerootupset: sdc1 does NOT contain the partiton layout, boot sector and so on17:26
minixvboxmeet: alt + Tab?17:26
Stravikonia: well, simply a distribution effort that's focused on security. I don't have to be told that I can already patch the packages by my own, I know I can do that.17:26
meeti mean i opened gedit from the terminal. But now that i want to give one more command, i am not getting any prompt.17:26
upseticeroot: Um, go on17:26
icerootupset: that is part of the first 512bytes of sdc17:26
zykotick9piliakis: different versions, or 32vs64 bit perhaps?  good luck.17:26
upseticeroot: The part I wrote to?17:27
ikoniaStrav: everyone has different security needs, so what you want as a "off the shelf install" doesn't exist, it's up to you to use the tools to build your own standard17:27
meetminixvbox: i mean i opened gedit from the terminal. But now that i want to give one more command, i am not getting any prompt.17:27
piliakiszykotick9, I already tried both 32 and 64bit libs17:27
zykotick9piliakis: installing 3rd party software, and it failing - is not weird17:27
icerootupset: i have not floowed the complete discussion17:27
dr_willisupset,  because a partion is not a 'whole disk'17:27
dr_willisupset,  you rarely want to use /dev/sdc1 when doing images.17:27
minixvboxmeet: close gedit17:27
upsetdr_willis: Okay. Noted17:27
icerootupset: for images you must use the whole disc because if you only use sdc1 you dont have the partition layout17:27
upsetdr_willis, iceroot: Thank you. I'll try it out now.17:28
icerootupset: or you use sdc1 and the first 512bytes of sdc17:28
minixvboxmeet: in future append &disown and you will free the terminal up17:28
dr_willisthe various pendrivelinux tools may have settings for the android stuff as well17:28
meetminixvbox: but i am writing a c program in gedit. so its annoying to close the gedit everytime and then again open it17:28
dr_willismeet,  screen is your friend also. :)17:28
upseticeroot: Wait, does this mean I should apply mkfs to the partition or the whole thing?17:28
dr_willisctrl-z, bg, put in other commands17:28
meetminixvbox: did not get your last statement17:28
dr_willisupset,  dd will partion it as a clone of the  iso layout.17:29
upseticeroot: In reformatting it, I mean17:29
upsetdr_willis: Okay.17:29
icerootupset: the filesystem has nothing to do with partition layout17:29
dr_willisupset,  you dont want to use a huge usb flash drive as the target. one just big enough to hold the  iso.17:29
icerootupset: you create a filesystem INSIDE a partition17:29
Stravikonia: to some extent, clearly this could be the focus of a distro, Gentoo has the Gentoo hardened project, http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/hardened/, so I wondered if there was anything like this on the debian/ubuntu side.17:29
dr_willisupset,  you then can boot that imaged usb, and install to a differnt location.17:29
minixvboxmeet: when you launch something from terminal add &disown after it and it will become a background process, the terminal can then be used for other stuff17:29
upseticeroot: Er, okay. how do I erase what data it has?17:29
ikoniaStrav: the tools are already there in the ubuntu distor17:30
piliakismust be a problem with the package17:30
piliakisI tried compiling it from the SVN repo and it worked17:30
icerootupset: you want to delete the data? the partition? or what?17:30
escottmeet, just gedit filename &17:30
meetminixvbox: ok so like gedit &disown17:30
minixvboxmeet: alternatively you could just launch another terminal17:30
upseticeroot: I wanted to delete the data so I could try this thing again, and later bring it back to a clean state17:30
minixvboxmeet: not sure why you are launching gedit from terminal anyway17:30
icerootupset: what thing?17:31
upseticeroot: The usb!17:31
upseticeroot: The little flash drive17:31
dr_willisupset,  dd will totally erase the usb17:31
upsetdr_willis: Right, but I don't want it to be an Android live drive forever17:31
icerootupset: you want to delete the files inside a partitoon but you want still the partiton?17:31
icerootupset: and you still want the file-system in that partition?17:31
meetminixvbox: now i am compiling a c++ program. so i was giving all the commands from the terminal itself. anyways, thanks for the help. :)17:31
dr_willisupset,  then you will use gparted or whatever to repartion it when you want it back to normal17:32
upseticeroot: Er, I just want an empty FAT32 usb drive17:32
minixvboxmeet: no worries :)17:32
upsetdr_willis: There isn't a quick way to do it in bash?17:32
icerootupset: use gedit and format the partition as fat3217:32
dr_willisupset,  if you want to KEEP it as a fat32 now. you need to use some tools like unetbootin, or other tools at the pendrivelinux site - not dd.17:32
icerootupset: gparted17:32
dr_willisupset,  fdisk is quick for me.17:32
dr_willisbut maybey not for you ;)17:32
upsetdr_willis: The FAT32 think isn't important. I just want it blank at the end of this17:33
dr_willisgot android4 on my EEEPc Now. :)17:33
dr_willisupset,  you repartion it then..17:33
upsetdr_willis: I don't understand fdisk. It didn't have any options about erasing the drive, as far as I could see17:33
icerootupset: use gparted or fdisk and format it to fat3217:33
icerootupset: then use gparted, much more easier then fdisk17:34
dr3mrodoes any one here uses zte mf 190 usb modem in ubuntu .and knows a solution why i have to unplug it and reinsert it 4 times or more to make it connect to internet ???17:34
trevor69420i second or triple gparted17:34
dr_willisupset,  you would need to learn how to use fdisks menus17:35
dr_willisupset,  or parted, or cfdisk17:35
upseticeroot, dr_willis: Er, okay.17:35
trevor69420or cant he simply use Ubuntu's built in disk utility app?17:35
dr_willishe asked for a command line tool17:35
upsetIt's not ubuntu-based17:35
trevor69420upset do you have gparted installed?17:35
iceroottrevor69420: that should be gparted17:35
upsetso no17:36
=== mang0 is now known as Seryth
icerootupset: what is not ubuntu-based?17:36
upsetToo many people talking at once17:36
dr_willisa gparted live cd/flash is a must have tool in your toolbox17:36
upsetandroid is not ubuntu-based17:36
trevor69420iceroot, no they have another one built in now that isnt gparted17:36
icerootupset: and not supported he4re17:36
trevor69420gparted is installed through the package manager17:36
upsetso I can't use the default creator17:36
iceroottrevor69420: ah ok17:36
icerootupset: #android17:36
trevor69420i agree with dr_willis17:37
upseticeroot: But I came here because I couldn't find ubuntu-specific information about doing this17:37
upseticeroot: Like the automounting thing17:37
dr_williswhich was going in the totally wrong direction. :)17:37
icerootupset: if you are not using ubuntu for that its offtopic here17:37
trevor69420iceroot he is using ubuntu17:37
dr_williswhold issue boiled down to useing /dev/sdc1 instead of /dev/sdc :)17:38
iceroottrevor69420: he said he is using android17:38
upseticeroot: Why do you think I'm not using ubuntu?17:38
dr_willishes trying to make a android usb flash drive.17:38
icerootupset: because i asked you17:38
upseticeroot: You've missed the whole point of my query17:38
icerootupset: and you said its not ubuntu-based17:38
upseticeroot: Android ISN'T ubuntu-based17:38
icerootupset: use gparted and format the drive as fat3217:38
upsetYou already told me that17:39
icerootupset: then i guess you have your answer17:39
trevor69420yea i think there's a misunderstanding17:39
dr_willisso now you got all the answers you need. :)17:39
icerootgreat, issue solved :)17:39
upsetdr_willis: Hopefully. I've learned a lot. Let's see if this works17:39
dr_willisive allready got my android 4 usb made.. booting it.. installing it to sd for my netbook. :P17:40
trevor69420he's just trying to format a drive in ubuntu sheesh i'm not sure what android had to do with anthing tho17:40
ubottupagio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:40
icerootdr_willis: worth having a look without touchscreen on x86?17:40
upsettrevor69420: You've also missed the point17:40
dr_willisiceroot,  it worked ok the 10 min i played with it.17:41
upsettrevor69420: I wanted to write a live Android usb, and then clean it afterwards.17:41
sattu94I just installed Ubuntu on a Lenovo machine, it works pretty kewl.17:41
upsettrevor69420: It was doing some crazy stuff earlier, so that's why I came here.17:41
Eideli have lost my "xubuntu" option in the login screen, any suggestions to get it back?17:42
upsetEidel: Did you uninstall anything lately?17:42
Eidelupset: I did uninstall xubuntu-desktop, but installed it again17:42
upsetEidel: Why would you do that, silly?17:43
icerootEidel: output of "dpkg -l xubuntu-desktop"17:43
dr_willisEidel,  you restarted the machine/X server/Login manager since then?17:43
EidelEidel: cause i wanted to use lubuntu, then i realized that it was not for me...17:43
Eideliceroot: will try that!17:43
Eideldr_willis: Yep, several times17:43
dr_willissomttimes the login screen doex not see the new sessions untill it gets restarted17:44
minixvboxEidel: you didn't have to uninstall xubuntu to use/install/try lubuntu17:44
upsetBrb, trying Android17:44
dr_willisLubuntu is handy. :)17:44
upsetI'm switching to Pantheon when it comes out in about April17:44
upsetVala programs are so sexy17:44
dr_willisNo idea what Pantheon even is....17:44
upsetElementary's desktop environment17:45
dr_willisthe 'for ever in beta desktop' :)17:45
upsetIt's gonna be so pretty and minimal17:45
dr3mroupset .. indeed17:45
dr_willispretty minimal... :P17:45
upsetNo way, have you seen audience?17:45
upsetAs in just what I need17:46
dr_willisjwm and a xtermial = mimimal :)17:46
upsetOh pshaw. Go back thirty years, grampa17:46
dr_willisBeen there did that..17:46
upsetThis here's the modern era17:46
* dr_willis dusts off his Vic-2017:46
oCeanlet's move back on topic please17:46
dr3mrodr_willis, pantheon by far better than both unity and gnome shell but with less user base the only draw back is it tires to copy mac os x17:46
dr_willisand here the mondern era is going back to minimal. :)17:46
upsetdr3mro: Dude, pantheon doesn't really exist yet. It's in a crazy unstable developer phase17:47
minixvboxlets stick to support shall we?17:47
dr3mroupset, yes .. i only saw a screen cast on youtube :)17:47
SerythAnyone here use rxvt? I've setup a .Xresources but I'm still seeing the default rxvt when I run it....17:47
trevor69420i love ubuntu... but i really wish it were compatible with the internet17:47
upsetFeh, so strict17:48
oCeandr3mro, upset: feel free to continue in #ubuntu-offtopic17:48
dr_willisServerSage,  i think theres some command to read the resource file. been ages ago since i last had to do that.  (im a 30+ grampa)17:48
Serythtrevor69420: O.o What do you mean compatible with the net17:48
trevor69420seryth my isp told me i cant use ubuntu cuz it's not compatible with the internet17:48
trevor69420seryth i was only kidding, but thats what my ISP just told me17:49
Serythtrevor69420: lmfao wtf they talking about XD17:49
SerythOh I see17:49
bazhangtrevor69420, lets take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic17:49
SerythSorry bazhang17:49
trevor69420i would have had they not banned me for no reason on that channel17:50
trevor69420it seems i'm not banned now but I was17:50
bazhangtrevor69420, stay on topic here nonetheless17:50
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arcnewussI cant turn on the wireless in 11.10 32b17:52
minixvboxarcnewuss: yes you can, we believe in you :)17:53
trevor69420you only need to think happy thoughts17:53
minixvboxarcnewuss: is it turned off by a hardware switch?17:53
oCeantrevor69420: enough with the offtopic17:53
upsetClose but no cigar.17:54
trevor69420OMG WTF... minixvbox can say yes you can we believe in you but god forbid i same something refering to the EXACT same issue17:54
oCeantrevor69420: control your language here, please17:54
Oerarcnewuss, did it work previously in 11.04?17:54
ikoniatrevor69420: getting tired of your language17:54
upsetIt did some stuff, and then cycled around the Android logo without accessing data17:54
upsettrevor69420: Woah, what is going on?17:54
trevor69420what did I say? i didnt swear17:55
bazhangtrevor69420, lets move on17:55
minixvbox!wtf | trevor6942017:55
ubottutrevor69420: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:55
pangolin!guidelines | trevor69420 Please read them17:55
ubottutrevor69420 Please read them: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:55
upsettrevor69420: What the ..... probably caught them17:55
upsetSeriously guys, my android got stuck. Is there anything I can do?17:55
minixvboxupset: not really ubuntu related17:55
upsetAny reason it failed?17:56
upsetminixvbox: Yes, it is. I want to know if I incorrectly wrote the live Android usb in ubuntu17:56
ikoniaupset: there is an #android channel, try that17:56
Oerupset, there is a howto to install android with fake-memorycard plugin, but android-issues is not really ontopic here.17:56
ikoniaupset: they maybe better equipped to help you progress it, and know the gotcha's with running in a VM17:56
eziowhy don't i have a sepearte speaker and headphone audio control?17:57
upsetikonia: This was considered on-topic five minutes ago, and this morning.17:57
upsetIs dr_willis or iceroot still here?17:57
ikoniaupset: I'm not saying it's not, I'm saying the #android channel may be better placed as they will know the OS better plus I'm sure a lot of them will be running it in a VM so know the tricks/pitfalls etc17:57
upsetikonia: I suppose.17:58
MusigregHello everyone17:58
ikoniaupset: however if the guest OS isn't running correctly, it's probably not a virtual machine issue, rather than how the OS works in that VM, so debugging the OS maybe the first steps forward17:58
eziowhy don't i have a sepearte speaker and headphone audio control?17:58
upsetikonia: I'm not using it in a VM17:58
ikoniaupset: I thought you said you where running it in virtual box ?17:59
upsetikonia: Never17:59
ikoniaupset: where are you running it then ?17:59
upsetikonia: I'm trying to boot it from a usb17:59
MusigregI need someone to help configure a nfs share, cause the one i set seems to be working, but when I browse into it via nautilus, or trying to open mkv files, everything goes dark, and i can't seem to get anything properly working17:59
ikoniaupset: then it's nothing to do with ubuntu17:59
ikoniaupset: #android is the best place fo rit17:59
upsetikonia: Yes, it does.17:59
ikoniaupset: sorry, I thought you where running it in a vm17:59
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upsetikonia: I've been working on it with people in this channel all day18:00
ikoniaupset: no it's not, as how your machine boots a USB isn't an ubuntu issue, ubuntu isn't even loaded at this time18:00
ikoniaupset: ok - you've been working with people in this channel who should have directed you to #android18:00
minixvboxupset: beyond using ubuntu to copy it to usb it has nothing else to do with ubuntu18:00
upsetikonia: How I write it in ubuntu is important18:00
Oerupset, do not mistaken the help to put an iso on an usb-stick and support howto-boot-android18:00
ikoniaupset: it doesn't matter if it's important or not, you've not booted ubuntu, so the issue is with the OS on the stick, #android will help you18:00
upsetminixvbox, dude, if it's not working it's probably because I did something wrong while I was in ubuntu. Therefore I require ubuntu-specific information18:01
ikoniaupset: the guys in #android will be well equipped to work it through with you18:01
ikoniaupset: ok - what ubuntu specific information do you need ?18:01
upsetikonia: At this point, maybe18:01
upsetikonia: But it's not off-topic18:01
ikoniaupset: if you let us know what ubuntu info you need instead of "my android won't boot" I'll help18:01
upsetikonia: It most certainly has to do with something I'm doing incorrectly from ubuntu18:01
ikoniaupset: android = offtopic, ubuntu = on topic, ask for ubuntu info, and you'll help18:01
ikoniaupset: what do you think you've done wrong in ubuntu (as part of the process)18:02
ikoniaupset: as in where in the process do you think there is a problem ?18:02
upsetikonia: I was hoping to speak with the guys I was talking to a few minutes ago. I'm out of time, and I have to go18:02
pimperleis there a tool / collection of scripts, that i can use to manage ssl certificates? I'd like to operate a small CA for development purposes on my own box. The script would have to create the CA, optionally install the root cert into the systems database and then provide some userfriendly interface to issue and revoke certificates.18:02
ikoniaupset: well, if you ask I'm happy to help you work it through18:02
pimperlehowever, i could not google something like this18:02
MusigregI need someone to help configure a nfs share, cause the one i set seems to be working, but when I browse into it via nautilus, or trying to open mkv files, everything goes dark...18:02
Musigregplease ?18:02
upsetikonia: Thanks, but I have to go to my fieldwork18:02
upsetikonia: Goodbye18:03
erujolcinstalled ubuntu 12.04 beta 1, did apt-get update and upgrade etc.. reboot several times, but cant seem to activate amd drivers, system tells me it using VESA:RV635 atm..18:06
zykotick9erujolc: reask in #ubuntu+118:06
auronandaceerujolc: 12.04 support in #ubuntu+1 until released18:06
Myrttipresident: how is that related to Ubuntu support?18:06
donsdSoftware Center says Nautilus is installed. How to I make it a clickable icon?18:07
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Guest36618ку ку=)18:07
auronandace!ru | Guest3661818:07
ubottuGuest36618: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:08
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helo1Hello, can someone shed some light on NTFS compatibility in Ubuntu? I was reading this thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1075774&page=3) and it makes it sound like a pretty bad idea but I really need a way for my Windows and Ubuntu to share the home directory (since that will allow the Music/Pictures/etc folder to be the same physical folder for both OS's and so forth).18:10
auronandacehelo1: why not use a storage partition that both can mount18:10
helo1That is what I intend to to18:11
helo13 partitions, NTFS windows XP, EXT4 Ubuntu, NTFS file store for both18:11
auronandacehelo1: yup, thats how i do it18:11
helo1But a lot of people posted in that thread that NTFS is not stable on Linux (even though that has not been my experience so far)18:11
auronandacehelo1: i've used it for years, no issues18:12
Picihelo1: You just can't install your root partition on an ntfs volume.18:12
helo1Pici: Oh I see18:12
helo1Thanks guys, I'll stick with that then18:12
Picihelo1: ntfs read and write support for other things has been stable for a few years.18:12
auronandacehelo1: i'm saying a seperate storage partition, never a ntfs /home partition18:13
albechhi guys.. I have spun up a 10.04 server and wish to add a gnome (bare bone) gui to the server.. i have read that: 'sudo aptitude install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop' will install gnome..18:13
Picialbech: Thats correct.18:13
albechafter running that command i wish gnome to load at boot.. how do I do that?18:13
zykotick9albech: i'd suggest gnome-desktop-environment if you want less bloat then ubuntu-desktop18:13
helo1auronandace: I was hoping to mount /home to a folder on the NTFS partition so things like My Documents in windows linked to the same physical storage. Can I do that?18:13
smplmanalbech: correct, not server kernels are not built for gui's18:14
auronandacehelo1: /home in ntfs is never a good idea and definately not supported18:14
sstahelo1: it'xs technically possible, but a VERY bad idea18:15
auronandacehelo1: just use a seperate storage partition and mount it on boot18:15
Picialbech: That should have installed gdm.  Does /etc/init.d/gdm start  do anything?18:15
auronandacehelo1: learn to put what you need there18:15
albechso should i be using  gnome-desktop-environment instead of ubuntu-desktop ?18:15
helo1I see... That's what I have been doing, but it makes a mess over time with my docs in windows and a separate documents folder in ubuntu18:16
sstaalbech: whichever you prefer18:16
helo1Is there any way supported for the two to point to the same location for "my documents" like storage18:16
sstahelo1: ubuntu118:16
auronandacehelo1: so you haven't learned to put what you need in your storage partition18:17
sstahelo1: free cloud based storage, works from any machine, any OS18:17
auronandacehelo1: just a matter of developing that habbit18:17
helo1Gotchya. Unfortunate. Are there any other file systems I could use for my /home that Windows could also understand without corrupting?18:18
DeltaWhyis it possible to use the kernel from 12.04 beta with 11.10?18:18
auronandacehelo1: no18:18
auronandaceDeltaWhy: no, not supported18:19
DeltaWhyI want to try out the rc6 features18:19
sipiorDeltaWhy: you can always build your own.18:19
DeltaWhyany chance it will be backported once 12.04 is released?18:19
auronandacehelo1: windows does fat and ntfs, neither of which are suitable for /home directories due to file permissions18:20
DeltaWhysipior: can I use the vanilla source or are there patches that haven't been integrated yet?18:20
sipiorDeltaWhy: i'm sure ubuntu has many patches against the vanilla source. have a look around.18:22
subhojit777is there any light weight php ide for ubuntu 11.04?18:22
subhojit777i use eclipse pdt but it consumes a lot of memory18:22
sipiorDeltaWhy: you could just pull the source out of the beta kernel package.18:22
DeltaWhyI guess that answers my question. thanks!18:22
smplmansubhojit777: vi, nano, textedit18:22
Soothsayerif I get a "Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-stable/google-chrome-stable_17.0.963.66-r124982_amd64.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]18:22
DeltaWhyoh yeah good point18:22
Soothsayerwhat am I supposed to do ?18:22
Soothsayerthis is happening in the Update Manager.18:22
subhojit777the one which has autofill option18:23
subhojit777and it has plugins option18:23
smplmansubhojit777: oh and emacs ofcourse18:23
Ferrisnauthello. i am looking for an ubuntu package to assist me in extracting office and windows keys from a dying hard drive. are any of you aware of one?18:23
helo1The way I have it set up now, I have only 2 partitions, EXT4 Ubuntu, and NTFS WinXP. I put symlinks in each folder of my /home/user/*** directory pointing to their windows counterpart. I am effectively saving everything in the NTFS partition but I have to follow the link every time to get to it rather than both locations being one. Can you explain in a little more detail why permissions matter at this level?18:24
recon_lapFerrisnaut: how do you mean 'dying' ?18:24
MonkeyDustFerrisnaut  better ask in ##windows (that's double #)18:24
Ferrisnautmonkeydust: it is slowly losing its ability to be a hard drive18:25
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Ferrisnautmonkeydust: this isn't relevant to windows anymore. i am using an ubuntu livedisc.18:26
minixvboxFerrisnaut: perhaps you should have kept the keys safe somewhere?18:27
albechPici: yes /etc/init.d/gdm is there, but i cannot start it: Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)18:27
albechutility, e.g. service gdm start18:27
albechSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an18:27
albechUpstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start gdm18:27
albechstart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.12" (uid=1000 pid=919 comm="start) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))18:27
FloodBot1albech: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:28
sipiorFerrisnaut: might be useful? http://www.howtogeek.com/64600/how-to-recover-windows-and-software-keys-from-a-broken-computer/18:28
albechsorry for spamming..18:28
medieWHat is wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/874949/18:29
bazhang!here | medie18:30
ubottumedie: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com18:30
MonkeyDustmedie  what are you trying to do? in human language18:30
medieInstall a driver for my GPU that doesn't tear or lag.18:30
bazhangmedie, from where18:30
bazhangmedie, and what gpu18:30
medieThe driver installation tool18:30
recon_lapalbech: -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/ you can paste lots of things here and copy the link for other people18:30
mediebazhang: A4 340018:30
bazhangmedie, yes, from where18:30
Ferrisnauti will read the article, thank you sipior. I attempted to use this utility yesterday, but wine didnt like it.18:31
medieI don' understand the question, from ubuntus repos, the internet or wherever it is set to download them from?18:31
bazhangmedie, correct18:31
medieI don't really know where that tool tries to download its drivers, it didn't tell...18:31
MonkeyDustmedie  did you try to install using apt-get or the software center, or from a website?18:32
sipiorFerrisnaut: there is of course a small bootstrapping problem here (need windows to get windows), but if you have another key about, or can temporarily "borrow" one, consider running windows from a VM under linux.18:32
smplmanMonkeyDust: he prpbably used the driver tool18:32
medieMonkeyDust: From the control panel -> then driver tool18:32
zykotick9albech: try "sudo service gdm start"18:33
bazhangmedie, you're trying to install gpu drivers within vmware?18:33
mintmancelthunder: u around18:33
mediebazhang: No, Ubuntu is the host os18:33
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smplmanmedie: ati of nvidia?18:34
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donsdI think my desktop is unity. How do I tell for sure?18:34
mediesmplman: ati18:34
mintmananyone running xnomad18:34
smplmanmedie: i know i have used the nvidia driver from their site instead of the ubuntu ones with good luck, not sure if ati has the same reasources18:35
zykotick9smplman: that's a bad suggestion18:35
medieSo what should I do? Never watch movies?18:36
smplmanzykotick9: still a suggestion though18:36
zykotick9!wfm > smplman18:36
ubottusmplman, please see my private message18:36
medieHow can I check for sure what gpu I have?18:37
gameidEvery half hour (approx. :29 and :59) my external monitor display is fucked up. only happens with Unity, not gnome. dont see anything related in cron. known issue?18:37
smplmanmedie: lspci18:38
bazhanggameid, no cursing here18:38
mediesmplman: No gpu there, only a sata and usb kontroller18:38
gameidapologies. hard to explain. flickering, some of the other display placed on top in middle.18:38
mediesmplman: and sound and network18:39
bazhanggameid, and with unity-2d as well?18:39
bingercelthunder - you around?  Am back to trying to fix my ubuntu install.18:39
gameidnot sure if i tried that18:40
Ferrisnaut will mono runtime run windows executables?18:40
smplmanmedie: check here http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-display-video-card-type-make/18:40
FerrisnautIs this some sort of wine alternative?18:40
MonkeyDustFerrisnaut  mono is more a .NET alternative18:40
Ferrisnautstrange. Would it run .exes? perhaps it is written in .net18:41
Ferrisnautno harm in trying, i suppose18:41
gameidanybody heard of display issues like that? doesnt seem to be much on forums etc.18:41
smplmanFerrisnaut: it could work but you would have to rewrite it using the mono libraries18:42
medieAMD Radeon HD 6410D <- how can I get drivers for that?18:42
Ferrisnautthank you for your assistance, smplman.18:43
smplmanmedie: check the ubuntu packages for ati, if no luck there go check the ati site18:43
smplmanFerrisnaut: np18:43
bingerhere's the story http://paste.ubuntu.com/874983/  celthunder has been trying to help over the last couple of days.18:47
bingerlatest error is ubi -partman failed with exit code 141 when I try to reinstall 11.1 over existing install.18:48
mintmananyone use xmonad?18:48
smplmanbinger: boot a live cd, run fsck on your drive18:49
recon_lapbinger: did you look at the drive to see why it failed?18:49
zykotick9mintman: i bet the people in #xmonad do18:49
MonkeyDust!info xmonad18:50
ubottuxmonad (source: xmonad): A lightweight X11 window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-2build1 (oneiric), package size 557 kB, installed size 2024 kB18:50
mintmanzykotick9: already ther thanks18:50
medieUnable to resolve  debhelper  dh-modaliases execstack.  Please manually install and try again.18:51
medieWhat to do?18:51
smplmanmedie: what command did you run? that error is not very helpful by itself.18:52
mintmanmedie: did u compile package or apt-get or synaptic?18:53
bingeranyone ever see an error like ubi -partman failed while trying to reinstall ubuntu?18:53
nyrpnzHello, is there any way to make the master mono volume match the master volume?18:54
nyrpnzthey seem to be operating independently18:54
ironhalikHello - anyone using miniPCIe based GPS module on ubuntu?18:54
recon_lapbinger: have you booted from a live cd and run fsck on your drive?18:54
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benbloom_is there a software based reason my ps/2 mouse would stop working? how can i troubleshoot it?18:57
forHonorHi, I'm trying to add the java plugin for my browser in Ubuntu, but am having difficulty finding the right package I need to install in from the repository. Can anyone help?18:58
bingeranyone here that can please help with http://paste.ubuntu.com/874983/?18:58
recon_lapbenbloom_: plug the mouse into a different computer to see if it's working18:59
benbloom_tried that recon_lap18:59
zykotick9forHonor: install icedtea6-plugin if you are using openjava18:59
mintmanforHonor: apt search firefox18:59
dr_willisbenbloom_,  it worked then stopped as you were using it? or how exactly?18:59
bazhangmintman, apt-cache search you mean19:00
forHonorzykotick9: should the java plugin work after installing icedtea6?19:00
benbloom_It had been working. then it stopped. i didn't change any configuration (that i know of)19:00
zykotick9forHonor: after you restart all open browser windows - yes19:01
benbloom_there were some software updates pushed from canonical19:01
Ferrisnaut sipior, wine is producing an 'error 1314 privilege not held' on attempt to scan my registry D:19:01
forHonorcool thanks19:01
bellmanhow do u cron tab some thing that helps 2 free disc space19:01
Ferrisnauti will attempt storing the registry on ram19:01
skulltipwhat is ubuntu orchestra server19:01
skulltipand do i want to enlist?19:01
satyanashHi, I am running two separate X screens, is there any way to shift focus to the other screen using only the keyboard ? Without having to reach for my mouse and move it all the way to the other screen?19:01
dr_willissatyanash,  you mouse over to the right and can move windows to the right hand monitor via the mouse?19:02
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Ferrisnautit produces the same error19:02
satyanashdr_willis, I can move windows and all. I just want to switch focus between screens using the keyboard.19:03
zykotick9satyanash: if you can drag windows  from one to the other - that isn't separate X screens19:03
dr_willissatyanash,  you are not using 'two seperate X screens' :) you are using a single WIDE X display basically.19:03
dr_willissatyanash,  drag an app over to the 2nd monitor. alt-tab to select it.. perhaps.19:03
satyanashOh, wait I AM using separate X screens, I cannot drag windows from one screen to the other.19:04
dr_willissatyanash,  but you can mouse over to the 2nd one?19:04
dr_willisI never use seperate X sessions/screens. :) never seen a need to use them19:04
FerrisnautI may have to run wine with admin privileges19:04
satyanashMouse over, yes. moving windows between screens, no19:04
dr_willissatyanash,  whats your video card?19:04
satyanashmy Xorg.conf was written for me by the Nvidia-settings tool. I have a 9400GT Nvidia Card.19:05
satyanashone DVI and one DSUB.19:05
dr_willissatyanash,  use the nvidia tool and dont use seperate X sessions/screens - just use twinview. then you could alt-tab or other combos to select the apps on the other display19:05
SinnerNyxi just did apt-get install bugzilla3. Am I not supposed to set up Apache somewhere? I don't see where bugzill's root directory is supposed to be. Can someone help me with this?19:06
dr_willispeople rarely use seperate X screens.19:06
satyanashdr_willis, yes. But then when i switch workspaces, both screens would use up one huge workspace, right ?19:06
dr_willissatyanash,  not sure with unity in 11.xx  - i hear its much improved in 12.xx  but i only have a single monitor right now19:07
satyanashdr_willis, I am not using untiy.19:07
dr_willisI tend to just drag my video player to the 2nd monitor and play it fullscreened19:07
benbloom_dr_willis, It had been working. then it stopped. i didn't change any configuration (that i know of)19:07
satyanashdr_willis, I also want to run Xmonad on one monitor and fvwm2 on the other, Hence the separate X screens.19:08
blupisn't the mail command supposed to exist in ubuntu 10? ive installed postfix and it still says mail is not installed19:08
recon_lapbenbloom_: maybe time to upgrade to a usb mouse :)19:08
satyanashcurrently I have Fvwm2 managing both the screens separately.19:08
dr_willissatyanash,  eww. :)  its possible alt-ctrl-f6 and f7 and f8 MIGHT focus the other one.. but ive never tried it.19:08
MonkeyDustsatyanash  you want two window managers simultaneously?19:08
benbloom_thing is, I need to use a KVM switch with PS/2 between computers19:08
benbloom_dr_willis, thing is, I need to use a KVM switch with PS/2 between computers19:09
satyanashMonkeyDust, yes.19:09
dr_willisbenbloom_,  try the mouse without the kvm. those things are notarious for causing issues...19:09
zykotick9benbloom_: have you tried without the kvm switch?19:09
benbloom_tried it zykotick9 dr_willis, doesn't work19:09
dr_willisKVMs seem to be the only reason PS2 mice and keybords still exist. :)19:09
MonkeyDustsatyanash  try ctrl-alt F1 and then run a very light window manager19:10
rajhow can I restart dolphin?19:10
satyanashMonkeyDust, ?19:10
satyanashMonkeyDust, it'll just complain that gdm is already running.19:10
benbloom_i also have a shortage of usb ports dr_willis19:10
zykotick9benbloom_: you are aware that PS/2 is not hot pluggable and restart would be required right?  also, NEVER unplug a PS/2 from a running system.  (sorry if that's stuff you already know)19:10
SinnerNyxI just installed bugzilla3 from the ubuntu repositories, and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to access it by default19:10
MonkeyDustsatyanash  idd19:10
satyanashI was thinking more like 2 gdms managing two screens19:10
satyanashSo I could choose sessions.19:11
benbloom_hmm, zykotick9 that would be a problem with a KVM wouldn't it?19:11
satyanashseparately for each monitor.19:11
zykotick9benbloom_: no?19:11
benbloom_doesn't the KVM effectively unplug the ps/2 while it's running?19:11
zykotick9benbloom_: it doesn't physically unplug it - and that's the issue19:12
MonkeyDustsatyanash  i use two monitors, too, as we speak, but the second monitor is just the stretched out first monitor19:12
satyanashMonkeyDust, Yea, I don't want that.19:12
benbloom_ah. i didn't know that zykotick9. I'll do some troubleshooting now that i do19:12
satyanashMonkeyDust, because, when I press ctrl+alt+Up, both the screens would change to reflect whatever exists in the upper workspace.19:13
dr_willissatyanash,  try the alt-ctrl-F# keys.  anything to select the other monitor i imagine would have to function 'below' the window manager level.19:13
MonkeyDustsatyanash  what i'm saying is: it's just one monitor, behaving like if it were two, but it still is just one19:13
dr_willissatyanash,  if you wanted an app to stay on one moniotor. you could just  make it 'sticky'19:13
satyanashdr_willis,  Tried, doesnt work.19:13
andrey_hi guys19:13
zykotick9dr_willis: fyi that won't work - you could have multiple X sessions, each running the separate X sessions19:14
dr_willisor even have a multi-seat setup. :)19:14
andrey_ Plz help me ... :) Options in /etc/exports e.g. `... (******)` and in `mount -t nfs -o "******" ...` have same meaning? I mean is there some difference if I put parameter e.g. `hard` in /etc/exports or in options of mount command?19:14
donsdWhat desktop am I using? Is there a command line I could type that would tell me?19:14
dr_willisdonsd,  none that i know of.. what did you select at the login screen?19:15
MonkeyDustor Synergy mouse and desktop sharing19:15
dr_willisdonsd,  try the help/about menu item of  your file manager perhaps.19:15
dr_willisSynergy is handy. :)19:15
Escherialhey, a few questions...first off, why do open/save dialogs in ubuntu 11.10 unity always open slightly wider than the screen? it's pretty annoying having to resize them every time to get them to fit19:16
satyanashMonkeyDust, What I dont want is: Something equal to running two computers on a single computer. controlled by the same mouse and keyboards. But displaying on 2 separate screens.19:16
Escheriali'm using dual monitors and my primary is wider than my secondary, so that may be the cause19:16
zykotick9andrey_: do you know what your doing with that /29 ?  your exporting to a subnet?  /24 would export to the network.19:16
donsddr_willis, I don't know. New installation and auto login. I think it's Unity, but don't know how to verify.19:16
nyrpnzEscherial: that would depend on your monitor size19:16
satyanashWANT, s/dont//19:16
dr_willisEscherial,  cant say that i have that issue on any of my linux boxs.  for 2 monitor setups i always use nvidia and its twinview feature.19:16
macmartineI'm using SFTP via OpenSSH. How do I change the directories that user can access?19:16
dr_willisdonsd,  look at some unity screen shots.. default for ubuntu 11.10 is unity19:16
donsddr_willis, I don't have a file manager. Nautilus is installed, according to Software Center, but19:17
satyanashMonkeyDust, dr_willis, heres something I found, http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Switchscreen19:17
skulltiphow do i sudo to root in cli?19:17
andrey_<zykotick9: yeah, I know. This is my small home network, and netmask is in router parameters already :)19:17
dr_willisdonsd,  nautilus is the default file manager for unity/gnome19:18
LxKermitsudo su19:18
Piciskulltip: sudo -i   if you need an 'interactive' sudo session.19:18
zykotick9andrey_: ok, just checkin'.  Good luck.19:18
donsdI don't know how to get to it. It's not on panel at the left.19:18
dr_willisdont use 'sudo su' :)19:18
donsdI probably removed it from panel, because I was running emelfm2, then uninstalled it.19:19
andrey_zykotick9: Thanks! ^^ But what about my Q? "is there some difference if I put parameter e.g. `hard` in /etc/exports or in options of mount command?"19:19
Escherialdr_willis: i'm pretty sure i'm using an intel HD mobile graphics chipset, if that helps; i haven't installed any special drivers afaik19:19
zykotick9andrey_: sorry i'm not sure19:19
andrey_zykotick9: me too..19:20
dr_willisdonsd,  the top panel home icon laucnhes nautilus. unless you removed it.19:20
zykotick9andrey_: exports will determine what is possible from remote mount command19:20
Escherialdoes unity track which screen an application was last opened on? it's kind of frustrating having to move my windows around whenever i start an app19:20
ironhalikanyone tried using novatel gps on ubuntu?19:21
dr_willisEscherial,  with twinview and a wide desktop setup. it does here...19:21
Escherialdr_willis: twinview's unfortunately not an option for me, since i'm not using an nvidia card :|19:21
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Escheriali'm surprised that this'd have anything to do with using software specific to your graphics card, in any case19:22
dr_willisEscherial,  dont recall if it did it or not on my intel netbooks.19:22
Escherialmaybe it's time to stop using unity19:22
MonkeyDustEscherial  i don't use Unity, either, no shame in that (i hope) ;)19:22
dr_williswhat if you dont have the 2nd moniotr plugged in. :)  where ya want it to go then?19:22
skulltipanswer is - i have to set up root password first19:22
donsddr_willis, screenshots, good idea. Thank you.19:23
Escherialdr_willis: i'd prefer an application to open on whichever monitor i have left in that case19:23
andrey_zykotick9: ok, I'll try to put same opts in file and in command for two mounts. As for me, there is no difference. So I checking right now )19:23
Escherialit just seems strange to me that every time i boot ubuntu and launch firefox, it opens on the wrong side and i have to drag it over to the right...then i open eclipse and it opens on the *other* monitor, causing me to have to drag it to the left19:24
dr_willistwinview basically gives extra 'hints' to the window manager about how windows should be placed/resized and so forth.19:24
rajhow do I enable ubuntu's testing repo's so I can get the latest dolphin?19:24
Escherialdialogs for an application that are open on screen A oddly open on screen B19:24
donsddr_willis, do you mean Dash Home? When I click that, I get icons.19:24
dr_williseclipse is a java app isent it? Ive seen java apps do weird stuff19:24
Escherialdr_willis: is it possible to use twinview with an intel graphics card? i assume not, but that would be nice19:24
satyanashHow is Twinview different from Xinerama >19:24
dr_willislike ignore window manager window placement hints.19:24
Escherialdr_willis: every app opens its dialogs on the wrong monitor and i have no idea why19:24
dr_willissatyanash,  twinview is xinerama+extras19:24
dr_willisEscherial,  cgheck the monitors/displays tool and see what one is set as your 'primary' monitor19:25
Escherialactually, that's not true...most of the time the dialogs appear on the correct screen19:25
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satyanashWhat would those extras be ?19:25
dr_willissatyanash,  extra window manager hints about how the placements and stuff should be done.19:25
dr_willisie: if you fullscreen the window.. dont streatch across both monitors. :)  and other things19:26
donsddr_willis, if I type nautilus in search, I get two icons.... Ah, there it is.19:26
Escheriali have the displays tool open, but there doesn't seem to be a setting for primary or secondary; my laptop's monitor (my intended primary) is colored in pink, if that helps19:26
MonkeyDustsatyanash  http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=387&num=119:26
satyanashSo, I guess Xinerama just inflates the workspace. While Twinview does it intelligently ?19:26
andrey_zykotick9: Hmmm I was wrong. Option `hard` seems have to be only in `mount -o` place, not in /etc/exports... Because output of exportfs is something like "unknown keyword "hard""19:26
dr_willissatyanash,  basicvally. AMD/ATI has a similer thing i recall.19:26
Escherialit also has the menu up top on it, so i assume it's the primary19:26
timmywhat is the best file system type for storing an archive of movies on an external hdd and why?19:26
donsddr_willis, thanks.  This is the reason I wanted to know what desktop I was running.19:26
satyanashso Twinview is Nvidia only ?19:26
donsddr_willis, to find Nautilus.  You were great help.19:27
dr_willisEscherial,  unity has some goofy things about it when using two monitors.. 12.x has improved that i hear19:27
recon_laptimmy: usb3 :)19:27
zykotick9andrey_: ya, i have no idea what "hard" option even is.  Sorry if I misled you.19:27
Escherialdr_willis: thank goodness :) i guess i'll stop complaining and wait for 12.x19:27
dr_willisdonsd,  by default its the top house icon  on your panel.19:27
medieHow can I make dpkg -i force a fix of all dependencies?19:27
Escherialsince i don't think i'll be able to sort this out without patching the software myself :\19:27
andrey_zykotick9 It's ok, dont worry )19:27
dr_willisEscherial,   or go test it in 12.x and file bugs :)19:27
timmyrecon_lap, thank u, how old are u?19:28
Escherialdr_willis: ah, or that, heh :319:28
Escherialwell, thanks for hearing me out, anyway19:28
dr_willisI dont have 2 monitor setup to test the features19:28
hendrickbonjour a tous !!...19:28
AlexWatersi am looking to setup a fresh linode box, and need to grant root access to one user... is there a way I can save all of their input in a log?19:28
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:28
hendrickquelqun parle francais ici..??19:29
zykotick9!fr | hendrick19:29
ubottuhendrick: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:29
SixtyFoldanyone else have the program universal USB install that is linked to from UBUNTU as a trojan horse?19:29
recon_lap timmy: old enough , just making a joke19:29
dr_willisSixtyFold,  huh? clarify what you mean.19:29
SixtyFoldavg is now telling me it contains a trojan horse after ive used it to make bootable usbs for lubuntu and even win719:29
timmyrecon_lap, ahah, kuz im not here to listen to a jok19:29
SixtyFoldthe executable for the program19:30
dr_willisSixtyFold,  could be a false positive.19:30
SixtyFoldcould be19:30
helo__hello, I am trying to modify my partitions and can't figure out how to move my linux partition. Current layout is 205GiB unallocated, then a 25 GiB extended partition with the EXT and swap in it. How can I move the OS to the beginning of the drive? (remnant of when Windows was at the beginning)19:30
mediehelo__: why does it matter where it is?19:30
dr_willisHmm. not sure you can move stuff out of an extended partition. I always use primaries. so i dont recall ever trying.19:31
SixtyFoldbut really i am curious if anyone else has had this show up and if so with what AV program19:31
medieAlso how do I remove fgxrl and all of it? apt-get remove *fgxrl*?19:31
zykotick9helo__: you may have an issue moving anything is swap is active19:31
Marchitosi am going to installa 11.10 on an i5 laptop, is the ASPM patch already included in the official repo?19:31
OerSixtyFold, avg is telling you the bootrecord of the usb is about to be changed, known issue19:32
SixtyFoldi have no usb in my computer or the program running19:32
SixtyFoldthis is just a daily scan19:32
SixtyFoldare you saying it scans the code of the exe and finds that the program will change the boot record?19:33
lamofgodrocksYEAWhat is the best way to flush out DNS cache in ubuntu?19:33
Guest71750medie: yes, you can also remove its config using apt-get remove --purge fgxrl19:33
OerSixtyFold, yes. that could trigger the scan, so it is false positive.19:33
medieGuest71750: can I have stars after purge and is it a good idea?19:33
SixtyFoldoer: weird, i dont understand why it takes days of the program being on my system for avg to find it19:34
helo__medie: The beginning of a HDD is faster due to the rotation and physics of a cylindrical disc19:34
helo__zykotick9: I booted to a live ubuntu USB and am running gparted, nothing is mounted on the disk19:34
SixtyFoldoh well, i dont need that program for a grip again anyways, just curious, thanks for the insite Oer, i didnt think about that19:34
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mediehelo__: In theory: yes, noticable in daily use: no. But if you have to move it, use a gparted livecd19:34
zykotick9helo__: try "free" in a terminal - does it show swap?19:35
OerSixtyFold, it should immediatly, makes me wonder about AVG... no need for a antivirus in Ubuntu, that makes me really relaxed. * for 3 years now19:35
helo__zykotick9: it does19:35
zykotick9helo__: that's automatic.  "sudo swapoff -a" might work19:36
SixtyFoldOer: yah, i still use clamsav and bleachbit in my lubuntu install anyways though19:36
MonkeyDustMarchitos  here's the latest relevant news http://askubuntu.com/questions/78991/kernel-patch-that-solves-battery-issues-when-for-ubuntu19:36
helo__zykotick9: that seems to have worked :D19:36
medieIs 8GB ram enough for ubuntu or should I get more?19:37
SixtyFoldyes MediaDoneRight19:37
Marchitosthis http://www.chimerarevo.com/2012/02/08/rilasciato-il-kernel-linux-3-2-5-risolti-i-problemi-di-risparmio-energetico-installiamolo-su-ubuntu/ ?19:37
SixtyFoldmedie yes19:37
dr3mromedie, 8G more than enough19:38
Oermedie it could be enough, 1 Gb minimum19:38
SixtyFoldmedie: it really depends on what youre going to do, but to just run ubuntu with gnome3 as a personaly computer, youre golden19:38
dr_willisMoar Is always Betters! :)19:38
WouterDSThank God Ubuntu has an IRC channel!19:38
MonkeyDustmessiah! messiah!19:38
WouterDSAnyone with good knowledge of iptables that is willing to help me?19:38
Mech0zIs there a way to get ubuntu to tell me why it did not want to boot? (I rebooted after 15min and then started it through recovery mode)19:38
Mech0zit just hang at bootscreen19:39
dr_willisMech0z, at the ... animation?  you mean19:39
dr3mrodr_willis, zram_swap :)19:39
Mech0zdr_willis the purple boot screen19:39
zykotick9Mech0z: have you tried nomodeset?19:39
Mech0zzykotick9 what?19:39
zykotick9!nomodeset | Mech0z19:39
ubottuMech0z: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:39
dr3mrozram_swap makes 1 GB of ram compete with 2 GB of ram19:39
dr_willisMech0z,  theres the 'nofb nosplash noquiet nomodeset' optiuons that can disapble that splash and other things to give you text messages on boot19:40
WouterDSNo one who can help me :(19:40
WouterDS!rape all19:40
Rape-Botall escaped and appears to be offline so you couldn't rape him/her.. More luck next time!19:40
Escherialok, for some reason nautilus likes to freeze up when dealing with a broken connection to a remote sftp share19:40
sstaWouterDS: ask a question, maybe someone can19:40
dr3mroWouterDS, ?19:40
medieHow do I remove the fgxlr driver and all its components?19:40
dr_willisWouterDS,  ask a more specific question perhaps19:40
WouterDSAnyone with good knowledge of iptables that is willing to help me?19:40
sstaWouterDS: that's not a question...that's asking whether you can ask. Just ask19:40
theTroyHi, I am trying to make a RAM disk with tmpfs, and it seems to work ok, but whenever I try to copy a large amount of small fiels to it, it says it is out of space, while properties show that it still has 56 MB of space left19:40
WouterDSEuhm, I've created a topic 2 days ago19:40
WouterDSbut no one has replied yet19:41
Escherialis there an alternate way to connect to an sftp server so i can edit some text files in kate?19:41
Escherialalso, "Rape-Bot"? that seems in awfully poor taste :|19:41
dr_willisEscherial,  sshfs is very handy19:41
zykotick9theTroy: check "df -i" output19:41
spaceneedleWhy am I unable to update  the transmission bittorrent  blocklist?  It says it has zero rules.19:41
dr_willisspaceneedle,  you downloaded a blocklist from somewhere? or gave it a url to a list?19:41
theTroyzykotick9: it shows those 54 MB free19:42
medieUbuntu stopped using synaptic?19:42
theTroybut copying with nautilus causes the error19:42
MyrttiWouterDS: take that bot elsewhere19:42
SixtyFoldOer: oh btw, avg did an update today, so maybe in that update it had something referencing to that as a false positive, idk, i wonder about all AV programs sometimes, haha19:42
zykotick9theTroy: "df -i" doesn't show MB - welcome to /ignore19:42
spaceneedlewhere do I get a blocklist?19:42
theTroyzykotick9: ... I implied that the % of space remaining was the 54MB19:43
tbocsspaceneedle, /etc/modprobe.d19:43
dr_willisspaceneedle,  theres sites with them. the transmission forums/faq i think mention some.19:43
dr_willistbocs,  not blacklist. :) a torret block list.19:43
tbocs-_-||| sorry19:43
OerSixtyFold, likely after update, it starts a new scan...19:43
onehola soy novato19:44
dr_willisspaceneedle,  even blocklists are not that safe.  best to use some vpn/proxy anonymizeing service if you are worried about things19:44
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SixtyFoldOer: well, it was in the middle of its daily scan and i stopped it b/c i noticed it had a new update, then i restarted it, so the new update im sure has to do with it, because ive had that exe on my puter for like 8 days and its never found it until now19:45
medieWhat is the command to sort out shit apt has made?19:45
dr_willismedie,  clarify what you mean.19:46
arcnewussmy wireless is not working in 11.10 with artheros but the mac shows in ifconfig?19:46
medieIt has three malconfigured packages, I want it to fix the dependencies and make the packages work19:46
pangolinmedie: please mind the language19:46
WouterDSAny iptables expert?19:46
dr_willismisconfigured? :)19:46
satyanashHow can I launch Libreoffice spreadsheet or word processor directly from command line ?19:46
dr_willisWouterDS,  ask your actual question about iptables.. dont ask if people use it, know it. or love it...19:46
mediedr_willis: it is like -i or force or something, it makes apt sort everything out19:47
WouterDSI can't paste the whole topic here right?19:47
Mech0zdr_willis GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset" did not help, it keeps being at the purple screen19:47
dr_willissatyanash,  its like librewrite librecalc or somthing.. like that19:47
WouterDSMy question: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193731319:47
SixtyFoldsatyanash, know the name and type it19:47
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dr_willisMech0z,  you did rerun update-grub after altering the grub configs?19:47
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dr_willisMech0z,  i think i suggested to  try 'noquiet nosplash nofb'19:47
Mech0zdr_willis will try that19:48
satyanashdr_willis, librewrite, librecalc don't work ?19:48
dr_willisnosplash = kills the amimations19:48
sstasatyanash: localc, lowrite, lobase, etc19:48
dr_willissatyanash,  no idea. I dont use  the offica apps19:48
dr_willisused to be oowrite and oocalc19:48
medieLike, is my apt dead forever? I need synaptic to sort this out but can't install packages because apt is whining about removing packages it is installing19:48
oCeanWouterDS: there are #netfilter and #openvpn channels on this network as well.19:48
satyanashssta: aah.. that works. Thank you.19:48
arcnewussifconfig wlan0 up seems to bring my card up but i cant see any network19:49
dr_willislo = libre office, vs oo = openoffice :) i guess.19:49
arcnewussi use wicd19:49
SixtyFoldmedie: do you have the GUI package installer running?19:49
sstathe manpage still has ooFOO.  Documentation as always lags behind reality :)19:49
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sstamedie: pastebin the output from apt...maybe someone will be able to help if you give more detail rather than "it's broken"19:51
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generalsnusUbuntu 11.10 : Is there a way to make OnBoard(onscreen keyb), automaticly popup when tapping a textfield? (Touchscreen)19:52
SomethingbetterHello, I purchased a HP computer today, and promptly installed Ubuntu on it. However, WiFi is not working on it at all. I think it is because the keyboard WiFi button is also the F12 button, confusing the system. Help would be appreciated!19:52
medieMalconfigured? Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 3 Retail (x86) Original19:52
medie wintoflash_070026.zip19:52
medieWhy would dpkg -i try to install windows xp sp3?19:52
SomethingbetterI tried that tumppu19:52
Picimedie: That question doesn't make any sense.19:53
medieIs that the correct driver?19:55
Mech0zdr_willis no dice19:55
Mech0zstill just purple screen19:56
Picimedie: That looks okay to me.19:56
mediePici: will it lag and tear?19:57
Picimedie: accelerated graphics shouldn't.19:57
medieIs vlc and youtube accelerated graphics?19:58
Buduki am lookin for ltsp on the alternative disc for 10.04 but cannot see the option to install it, i am running in vmware might that be why?19:58
Lukas1321No audio in Skype on Ubuntu 11.10 AMD6419:58
mneptokmedie: make sure your YT prefs are set to prefer HTML519:58
mediemneptok: Will that make my grahpic driver work?19:59
mneptokmedie: overhead is far lower than Flash19:59
medieBut I will reboot now, I hope my wonderfull ati card will work19:59
Escherialwhy is it that if the connection breaks to a mounted sftp server, nautilus makes no effort to restore the connection?19:59
mediemneptok: but I have a 2.7ghz dual core!19:59
Mech0zisnt there a file printet when a boot fails?20:00
Mech0za log of sorts20:00
Escherialsame with sshing -- terminal just freezes up if the connection broke, which is pretty annoying when you're using a laptop that you suspend frequently20:00
medieI'll reboot know, continue thinking of my problem20:00
Lukas1321No audio in Skype on Ubuntu 11.10 AMD6420:00
mneptokmedie: i could write a shell script that would tax that 100%. overhead is overhead. reduce where you can, and rely on as little proprietary stuff as possible.20:00
arcnewussi dont know how to view the wifi essid20:01
theadminarcnewuss: iwlist wlan0 scan | less20:01
Lukas1321No audio in Skype on Ubuntu 11.1020:02
generalsnusUbuntu 11.10 : Is there a way to make OnBoard(onscreen keyb), automaticly popup when tapping a textfield? (Touchscreen)20:02
arcnewusstheadmin, "wlan0 No scan results"20:03
theadminarcnewuss: Likely a) your wireless device is not working (no proper drivers/broken hardware), b) no wireless networks in range20:03
qw-Russianhelp me please20:03
medieHow can I know if it is tearing?20:03
arcnewusstheadmin, I will try to look at a) thank you20:04
medieIt is still tearing20:04
qw-Russiani would like rename for my nick name in the system example:  now i have qw@user-laptop  features  qw@ubuntu20:04
medieBut only on the top20:05
alo21hi all20:05
Lukas1321Audio doesn't work in Skype on 11.10 AMD6420:05
alo21is there a ubuntu long-sleeved?20:05
Lukas1321Is there someone who can help me?20:06
Mangledi recently installed lightsquid, and i do not have a lightsquid.cfg, any ideas?20:06
theadminLukas1321: Skype is a Microsoft product and it's closed source, it's unlikely that we really can support it20:06
theadminLukas1321: By "we" I mean this channel20:06
qw-Russianhelp me please20:06
LampyNaut<333, i was able to extract the keys.20:07
A-LusionWhy does wubi suck20:07
sowhatguys, I bet you can help qw-Russian to change username20:07
theadminA-Lusion: Heh, good question. Unfortunately, it has no real answer. Try Virtualbox, or a real install.20:07
sstaA-Lusion: given what it's doing, I think wubi is about as good as you can expect20:07
rethus1have this problem: on my linux-desktop i have a 10GB file (Vbox-Image). Have only a FAT32 USB-HDD to copy this file to my laptop. But only 4,3 GB will be copied, after that i got an error (cause of max Filesize of 4GB for FAT32) what can i do?20:08
sstawhether what it's doing is a good idea is a different question20:08
zykotick9rethus1: break up the file, or use a better filesystem20:08
sstarethus1: split command20:08
sstaalthough perhaps that's only for testfiles20:09
rethus1is there also a combiine command?20:09
sowhatrethus1, you can use Winrar to split your file in smaller parts. FAT doesnt support large files20:09
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sstarethus1: the combine command is cat20:10
rethus1can i use tar.gz to split it?20:10
medieHow do I stop tearing?20:10
sstarethus1: not for a single file, not really20:10
arcnewusstheadmin, thank you I will try out solution a)20:10
rajhow can I enable the test repo for ubuntu?20:11
theadminraj: Doesn't have one20:11
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rajso no dolphin 2.0?20:11
theadminraj: If you want unstable software, you can try the beta of Ubuntu, i.e. Precise Pangolin. Join #ubuntu+1 to find out how.20:11
theadminI'm away for now20:12
A-LusionI heard it's pretty damn stable.20:12
skulltipwhat's a lightweight window manager i can download to my currently window-less server without 'hijacking' or bloating it? basically want to download packings via web browser than typing it in20:12
rethus1is there a way for a direct connectoin with kubuntu and xubuntu in same network?20:14
ironhalikHow can I find on what USB port what devie is?20:14
satyanashskulltip, Fvwm2 ?20:14
medierethus1: yes20:14
rethus1medie: thanks. but which one20:14
medierethus1: Not sure what you are trying to do20:15
generalsnusUbuntu 11.10 : Is there a way to make OnBoard(onscreen keyb), automaticly popup when tapping a textfield? (Touchscreen)20:15
rethus1medie: copy a large file20:15
SerythI've got mpd + ncmpcpp, but when I hit play it won't play :( it's just saying it's paused.... :/20:15
medierethus1: ethernet cable between them, manual ipsetup and sftp?20:16
ubottupricox: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:16
zykotick9Seryth: as an alternative to mpd, i really like moc (aka mocp) for a terminal music player20:17
mediepricox: LOL, to move a file / have a network server is very much relevant here20:17
Serythzykotick9: I'll check it out, thanks20:17
mediepricox: There where no indication that was in any way copyrigth infringement20:18
ubottudada25: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:18
=== jswagner is now known as jswagner-away
Mech0zCan this be the reason I cant boot http://pastebin.com/npHXp7Yx even though I have bootdegraded=true20:19
Jordan_Umedie: "!list" is a command common in file sharing channels / networks. When someone comes into #ubuntu and says only "!list" it's usually because they're looking for warez, which is not the purpose of this channel (or network).20:19
=== jswagner-away is now known as jswagner
medieJordan_U: Oh, I thougth they where yelling at me for helping rethus1 moving a file20:20
A-LusionIs pendrive the #1 for bootable usbs atm?20:21
A-Lusionand multiboot usb20:21
xonixwhen im playing a flash video, flash is skipping really fast through the video20:22
rethus1so no easy way to direct connect?20:23
FyodorovnaA-Lusion, no data on that really.20:24
medierethus1: What could be easier than the way I said?20:24
medieOr with a wireless ad-hoc network20:24
rethus1medie: open dolphin, going to networks and copy direktly to the other pc - will be easyer20:24
medierethus1: Then do that?20:25
rethus1i see the other laptop, but can't open or handle it20:25
gimpy46I have the parter repo enabled on 10.10 but I don't see the package vmware-view-client, why?20:27
theadmin!find vmware-view-client maverick20:28
ubottuFile vmware-view-client found in app-install-data-partner20:28
albechafter installing gnome on my ubuntu server 10.04 i start gdm and get the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/875119/20:28
theadmingimpy46: ^20:28
albechi still see no graphical interface after starting gdm20:28
gimpy46theadmin: What is app-install-data-partner?20:28
theadmingimpy46: The package where you can find the "vmware-view-client" binary.20:28
trismgimpy46: did you: sudo apt-get update; after adding partner?20:29
bastidrazoralbech: did you run that command in a tty?20:29
trismgimpy46: after that, sudo apt-get install vmware-view-client; should get it20:29
trismgimpy46: although, hmm, are you on amd64?20:30
gimpy46theadmin: I already had that and i don't think I have vmware-view-client.  Another box running 11.10 shows it under the name "vmware-view-client".20:30
albechbastidrazor, i ran it from the xencenter console which supports graphical interfaces20:30
gimpy46trism: Yes and yes.20:30
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trismgimpy46: that may be an issue, there is only an i386 build in partner, we see it on oneiric because of multiarch20:30
theadmingimpy46: I see. Hm. Odd. Well. I'm not into vmware nor Ubuntu so I'm just firing random suggestions provided to me by common sense, sorry20:30
albechbastidrazor, i just want to install a vnc server and do vnc connects to the server really20:30
ubottuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently20:31
bastidrazoralbech: normally a GUI runs on tty7.  switch to that tty. ctrl-alt-F720:31
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trismgimpy46: and as far as I can see, it isn't installable in oneiric amd64 either20:33
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gimpy46trism: Shit.20:35
A-LusionI got a bunch of stuff to start getting a little more personal with my hardware20:36
A-Lusionso I am going to name them. I need a theme...20:36
A-LusionMy question is20:36
A-LusionIs there a way to have custom startup boot animations or music20:37
svensk_a1is there a way to delay a command? eg sudo rm (a directory i am not allowed to type) wait 44 705 645.1 minutes20:37
gimpy46svensk_a1: sleep 5 ; echo "I just woke up!"20:37
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=== MartinS is now known as Guest67487
wolfricusing disk utility, i can see 2 500 gig hard drives in a raid however the raid component doesn't have a mount option, how exactly do i mount this? I'm booted off a usb stick, raid 0 windows install on the hard drive20:37
theadminsvensk_a1: Kind of: alias 'your command'='sleep 5; your command'20:38
marketplacei have to go to toilet20:38
theadminmarketplace: This is not Twitter, this is the Ubuntu support channel. You are looking for http://twitter.com20:38
Jordan_Uwolfric: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid"?20:39
marketplaceYes only wanted to say that20:39
marketplaceso that nobody complains20:39
marketplaceThat i do not answer20:39
guntbert!ot | marketplace20:39
ubottumarketplace: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:39
Estherkahey, is it possible to make audio cds autoplay when inserted?20:39
marketplace!ot | guntbert20:39
ubottuguntbert: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:39
marketplaceah okay its okay20:39
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
saeI have a question regarding xubuntu 11.1020:39
theadminsae: Just ask the question20:39
saerunning xubuntu 11.10 and seeing the following error message:error while loading shared libraries: libgdk-1.2.so.020:40
Estherkait opens banshee automatically, but doesn't play the cd20:40
theadminEstherka: Maybe Banshee has some kind of "play on startup" option?20:40
wolfricJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/H2n5LnKU20:41
Estherkatheadmin: i wish it had, but nope, none that i've seen20:41
krambiorixhi guys, in ubuntu 12.04 i open the terminal but nothing comes in it???20:41
MattMcI have a question or two about linking a directory to another directory20:41
theadminkrambiorix: Precise is unstable and unsupported.20:41
guntbert!12.04 | krambiorix20:41
ubottukrambiorix: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+120:41
=== th3-gh0st is now known as Th3-Gh0st
theadminMattMc: Just ask the actual questions20:41
SnipeMeNotIm still bothered about my usb not being able to boot20:41
SnipeMeNotDoes it need to be on mbr or guid20:41
aaGphow can I check what port do I have open?20:41
Jordan_Uwolfric: It's interesting that blkid only finds one raid member.20:41
krambiorixguntbert, theadmin yeah i upgraded, i thought i was upgrading to 11.1020:42
krambiorixguntbert, theadmin can i downgrade??20:42
wolfricJordan_U: disk utility sees the two as far as i know20:42
theadminkrambiorix: Nope, going to have to reinstall.20:42
Jordan_USnipeMeNot: Either an msdos partition table, or a GUID partition table should be bootable on BIOS systems.20:42
saeSnipeMeNot, who is the manufacturer of your motherboard?20:42
guntbertkrambiorix: no, you cannot, sorry20:42
Jordan_Uwolfric: One of the devices is /dev/sda, what is the other?20:42
SnipeMeNotI think its intel20:42
krambiorixtheadmin, guntbert can i install without deleting all data on my disk?20:42
SnipeMeNotWhen i use cpuz the brand of the laptop comes out20:43
SnipeMeNotI use phoenix bios20:43
SnipeMeNotIve been bothered20:43
theadminkrambiorix: Theoretically, depends on how you've partitioned during the initial install20:43
guntbertkrambiorix: yes, you can, but having a good backup is recommended20:43
SnipeMeNotCurious why i have so many fail attemps20:44
guntbert!enter | SnipeMeNot20:44
ubottuSnipeMeNot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:44
krambiorixok thx! i'll try20:44
=== Companion is now known as companion
saeSnipeMeNot, what error message do you see?20:44
SnipeMeNotOops sorty20:44
guntbertkrambiorix: wait20:44
wolfricJordan_U: 2 secs20:44
SnipeMeNotIts either, no os or os will install but stop half way20:44
guntbertkrambiorix: please read a little on how to do that - it is not really straightforward20:45
saeSnipeMeNot, which OS are you trying to install?20:45
SnipeMeNotUbuntu osx and windows20:45
SnipeMeNotAll of those20:45
theadminSnipeMeNot: Hard disk failure methinks.20:46
wolfricJordan_U: http://azcld.dyndns.info/disk-util.png20:46
SnipeMeNotIts a new usb, whenever i use the old crappy one that my dog chewed it goes through20:46
saeSnipeMeNot, have you tried a live CD and test the hard drive?20:46
SnipeMeNotYes it worked i have ubuntu 11.10 atm20:46
wolfricJordan_U: get it?20:46
SnipeMeNotIm just bothered by it20:47
stephenhhi, is anyone using some kinda neat ssl proxy for non ssl aware applications?20:47
wolfrici'm going to assume so since 3 ips just snatched it20:47
* stephenh is questing for one but so far only found a tls proxy20:47
wolfricfuck actually a hell of a lot more just grabbed it, like 27 lol20:48
guntbertstephenh: how is that an ubuntu support question?20:49
guntbert!language | wolfric20:49
ubottuwolfric: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:49
stephenhit's not, it's a linux question20:49
stephenhthis is a linux channel20:49
stephenhlots of people, pretty active20:49
stephenhthought someone might know of one20:49
guntbert!ot | stephenh20:49
ubottustephenh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:49
wolfricstephenh: stunnel20:50
stephenhto be fair, if that was the case guntbert, a lot of questions posted here would get that response20:51
stephenh**just saying**20:51
helo__So I moved the my partitions around and my system won't boot, can someone help me fix! I have a live ubuntu USB at my disposal.20:51
DoYouKnowfor some reason my mouse cursor is "all over the place", when I move the touchpad on my xps m1530 laptop running 11.1020:51
DoYouKnowthis has happened in the latest updates, it wasn't an issue before20:52
Jordan_Uwolfric: It's odd, because at the same time this disk utility is claiming that sdb is somehow part of an array, and yet /dev/sdb1 is a mountable partition in and of itself.20:52
nishttal2has anyone been able to connect to a Exchange 2007 server for email??20:53
wolfricJordan_U: yup... anything i can further do to diagnose it?20:53
Jordan_Uwolfric: Try "sudo parted -l". You could also try mounting /dev/sdb1 and see if it gets you what you want. Since there is obviously something I'm not understanding about this though I can't guarantee that attempting to mount /dev/sdb1 will be safe.20:54
SnipeMeNotI cleared the usb flashdrive i guess the problem was, it was jumping from os to os20:56
wolfricJordan_U: Error: /dev/sda: unrecognised disk label20:56
wolfricError: Can't have a partition outside the disk!20:56
NortheastMcWhen I type 'mount' I have the same entry listed about 100 times. Does this make sense?20:56
guntbertNortheastMc: what entry? send it to a !pastebin please20:57
Jordan_Uwolfric: That makes sense since /dev/sda is a member of a raid0 array. It's possible that /dev/sdb is the "first" member of the array, and so has the blocks containing the partition table.20:57
NortheastMc"/mnt/usr/qb on /data/home/planning/Quickbooks type none (rw,bind)"20:58
DoYouKnowoh, I fixed it20:58
nishttal2am i the only one who wants to connect to work email from Ubuntu20:58
Jordan_Uwolfric: But that doesn't explain how /dev/sdb1 can appear to contain a valid ntfs filesystem as well.20:58
helo__How can I reinstall / fix grup without reinstalling ubuntu20:58
Jordan_Uhelo__: What about your grub installation is broken?20:59
helo__I get a non-system disk or disk error and cannot boot after moving my linux partition20:59
guntbert!who | NortheastMc21:00
ubottuNortheastMc: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:00
helo__Jordan_U: I moved my linux partition from the end of the drive to the beginning (after removing windows)21:01
Jordan_Uhelo__: This guide will probably allow you to boot again https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot , but I'd personally like to see boot info script output as your symptoms are not normal for having just moved a partition.21:01
Jordan_U!bootinfo | helo__21:01
ubottuhelo__: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).21:01
guntbertNortheastMc: it looks like you did several "bind mounts" - please look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount, search for    bind    on this page21:01
NortheastMcguntbert, Thanks. Hafta beat people around the office...21:02
guntbertNortheastMc: you're welcome :-) , it might be that some install script did it :-)21:03
sw0rdfishhttp://imgur.com/PxJVI which font is responsible for the desktop?21:03
NortheastMc!guntbert, Do you think I am safe to remove most of those?21:03
ubottuNortheastMc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:03
alo21help me... please21:04
xpololzhow can I move the minimize/close/maximize buttons to the right hand side in the windows? all guides I found on google tells me to go to /apps/metacity/general but there is no such tab in my gconf-editor21:04
helo__Jordan_U: Since I moved the partition, I'm guessing grub doesn't know where it's config is anymore... I'm going to try this fix. Thanks. Back with results in a few21:05
guntbertNortheastMc: I'd guess so, but I never had bind mounts "in circles" -  I would not expect that to hurt your system - alternative: look if there is anything in /etc/fstab about that and then reboot21:06
=== himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf
aaGpexcuse me, how can I check what ports do my firewall allows?? or how can I add a port in my firewall ??21:08
ikoniaufw - ubuntu firewall gui21:08
aaGpikonia: how can I access to that?21:09
ikoniaaaGp: youu type it into the run menu or from a terminal21:09
ikonia!ufw | aaGp21:09
ubottuaaGp: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.21:09
NortheastMcWhich is better for creating a link to a directory? ln -s or mount --bind?21:09
ikoniaNortheastMc: depends on your needs21:10
meerkatswhere in unity I get to change internet settings?21:10
meerkatsits not in compiz21:10
ikoniacompiz is a decorator21:10
NortheastMcikonia I guess I don't know. When I run "mount" I want to be able to see a new folder listed that points to a different local folder.21:10
aaGpikonia: nothing appear in the start menu21:11
ikoniaNortheastMc: why is important that "mount" shows it21:11
ikoniaNortheastMc: what's your end goal (it can't be to make something show up in the mount command)21:11
NortheastMcikonia Because monitoring software that I use references what "is mounted on"21:11
ikoniaNortheastMc: ok - so what sort of monitoring are you doing ?21:11
ikoniaNortheastMc: eg: what is the monitoring looking for ?21:11
NortheastMcikonia Using SSH to determine disk free/used/etc. Trying to get metrics against how much space a folder is taking up and how long it takes to fill it up21:12
ikoniaNortheastMc: ok - so then use "du -h" on that directory21:12
ikoniaNortheastMc: mount binding a directory isn't the way to do that21:12
WouterDS_Anyone who can help with this matter? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193731321:13
NortheastMcikonia The application I am running... Hmm... You may be on to something.21:13
ikoniaNortheastMc: a directory isn't "free space" the device is free space (which is already mounted) so monitor the device rather than the directory21:13
ikoniaNortheastMc: you either need to (in my view) a.) show how much space is in that directory (du -h) or b.) monitor the device that directory lives on (eg: if it's /var/tmp/directory - where is /var mounted in the "mount" command)21:13
NortheastMcikonia To me, monitoring the device makes sense, but management wants to know about growth. I will see if I can actually leverage the application to return the du -shc command.21:13
ikoniaNortheastMc: get it ?21:13
=== ashaszin is now known as august1
meerkatscan I only edit proxy settings from a web browser? cant I set general ubuntu proxy settings?21:17
tojochackoWhile upgrading to Precise(12.04) from Oneiric(11.10) my computer rebooted. After that my unity session won't start. Somehow I managed to explicitly start the unity session using 'startx' command and finish my upgrade. Now everytime my computer reboots, I need to issue the 'startx' command else my Unity won't start. Can someone please help me with this issue?21:17
whitedatojochacko:  For support with 12.04 beta, /join #ubuntu+1 channel21:19
tojochacko@whiteda: okay, thankx21:20
computa_mikeI'm in the process of creating a blueprint on Ubuntu - It suggests using a wiki for the specification... Any one done this before?21:22
helo__Jordan_U: After following these instructions, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot, I still cannot boot. The system now boots to the message "Disk Error\nPress any key to restart"21:24
=== companion is now known as Companion
trismcomputa_mike: here is an example: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec (might help to see the general layout)21:26
computa_miketrism: thanks - I'll Check it out.21:29
velkomeerkats, you can do both. set proxy for your browser only. or set it system-wide21:31
meerkatsvelko, how do I set it sytemwide?21:32
velkomeerkats, i'21:32
velkomeerkats, i'm using gnome-shell so i don't really know how to do it in unity21:33
velkomeerkats, sorry wrong enter21:33
=== Companion is now known as companion
=== [1]mikester01 is now known as mikester01
Absolute0How can I view apple's new keynote in the browser?21:38
Absolute0no quicktime for linux21:38
Absolute0i believe there used to be an mplayer plugin for firefox that could do it21:38
Absolute0but its not there anymore21:38
douglcant find anything on my 11.10 install how do I change view to classic ubuntu?21:40
viciumHi guys. Is there any way to check bandwith usage? And possibly assign bandwith to 2 diferent applications. Or capping it.21:41
viciumI have a 100/100 line, suggested atleast ISP says. I'd like to split it between 2 server applications.21:41
viciumOr 40/40 + 20 for everything else.21:41
no-name-hmm, I'm getting the "Starting automatic crash report generation [Fail]" problem that seems to have been a problem for people running 11.04, but I'm running xubuntu 11.10. Guess I should just remove apport?21:42
viciumAlso, is there a command to check CPU usage?21:44
zykotick9vicium: top21:44
viciumHow the hell is that possible. I'm running a cs server that uses 64%? -.-21:45
viciumMachine is 4 cpus, 16 gb ram21:45
bastidrazorcs? crappy server?21:45
viciumPretty much21:45
Jordan_Uhelo__: I'm still waiting for boot info script output.21:46
bc81hey there.  i'm having trouble trying to install/build transmission 2.50 on maverick.. when i ./configure, it stops here: "checking for LIBCURL... configure: error: Package requirements (libcurl >= 7.15.4) were not met:"21:46
bc81any ideas on how to get that latest version up and running on maverick?21:46
bc81or maybe there is a .deb file i can get somewhere?21:48
ribhoohi ppl21:48
dagerikspotify crashes after loggin in. running 10.04. What causes this?21:48
trismbc81: since transmission is already in the repo, sudo apt-get build-dep transmission; should help you get the dependencies if you really want to build21:49
StevenRdagerik: run it from a terminal, do you get any error output?21:49
demonsporkdagerik: no idea, but spotify for linux is a _preview_, it isn't even called beta. Don't expect it to work well.21:49
no-name-what's the command to search packages installed on your system?21:49
dagerikStevenR: yeah: QDBusArgument: write from a read-only object21:49
dagerikSegmentation fault21:49
bc81trism: ok, thanks i'll try that..so i'll be able to build the 'latest' stable build (2.50) after that?21:50
bastidrazorno-name-: there is 'dpkg -S packagename' and 'apt-cache policy packagename'21:50
trismbc81: possibly, may need patches for the libs in maverick, hard to say until you try to build21:51
no-name-bastidrazor: ty :)21:51
trismbc81: or have new additional dependencies21:51
ribhoo! dpkg no-name-:21:51
ribhoo! dpkg no-name-21:51
ribhoo!dpkg no-name-21:51
no-name-!dpkg | no-name-21:51
ubottuno-name-, please see my private message21:51
anli__Is there a way search for hidden directories in nautilus?21:51
Fyodorovnaanli__, crtl-h21:52
ribhoo!nautilus anli__21:52
ribhoo!nautilius anli__21:52
bastidrazorribhoo: do you know how to use the bot? also running as root is a bad idea.21:52
Fyodorovnaribhoo, a | inbetween21:52
anli__I was talking about searching, not showing21:52
Fyodorovnaanli__, nothing hides when the path is correct21:53
anli__So if I serach for .svn, I would get a list of all .svn directories?21:53
extorDoes gnome have something similar to windows RDP where you can run programs remotely, detach and then reattach to your screen without crashing your apps? Is Xvnc such a trick?21:53
Fyodorovnaanli__, if done correctly yes21:53
anli__Fyodorovna: how can it be done incorrectly?21:53
Fyodorovnaanli__, not I just know the search can be done.21:54
anli__I search for .svn and get an empty result21:54
craigbass1976I need suns java, and every once in a while I install something that brings openjdk with it.  This screws up an app I need ot run.  Now I want to uninstall openjdk, and it wants to take libroffice base with it.  I see no reason for this, but no way to "uncheck" it.21:54
bastidrazormatteo__: hello21:54
Lyte101Any tips on getting notification bubble back? only see it when I adjust volume21:55
craigbass1976Oh, forget it.  synaptic doesn't take everything with it, just the runtime enviroment21:55
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
FyodorovnaLyte101, when are you expecting it?21:56
Lyte101Fyodorovna, expecting email notifys from thunderbird or tweets from gwibber21:56
FyodorovnaLyte101, what desktop, it should be working, but the desktop may matter.21:57
bc81trism: ok, thanks :)  now i'm getting "Package requirements (libevent >= 2.0.10) were not met:" how could i go about patching the libs? (or maybe there's an easier way to install this?)21:57
Lyte101Fyodorovna, using ubuntu 11.1021:57
FyodorovnaLyte101, strange it should be running, are you sure your always looking at the screen when it might come up just once.21:58
Lyte101Fyodorovna, I've tried using notify-send from terminal but that also doesn't display anything21:58
greenithi, how can i make my computer "visible" for other computers in the network, so that they do not have to know my ip-addr, like in windows-networks?21:59
Lyte101Fyodorovna, actually didn't even noticed it wasn't displaying for a week so not sure what caused it to stop21:59
FyodorovnaLyte101, not sure here either.22:00
YohanMeisterhow to I get git for ubuntu 10,04? when I do a search in synaptic "git" I get this whole big list of stuff and not sure which things I need. Also, I've never used git before but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need some sort of front end for accessing it.22:00
Lyte101Fyodorovna, ok thanks tho22:00
bc81one question, how do i tell if my laptop is i686 CPU or x86-64 CPU?22:02
cfhowlettDid the Dell Restore successfully and rebooted.  Autologin to OEM account.  Need the adminstrative password to restore user accounts.  *What is OEM's sudo password?*  It is NOT sudo ...22:02
bc81yes, i'm that noob22:02
bastidrazorbc81: uname -m in a terminal22:02
bc81thanks bastidrazor22:02
anli__If I understand it right, there has been a bug in over 4 years about not being able to search for hidden directories in nautilus...22:03
anli__Thats amazing22:03
=== smf is now known as smallfoot-
Zaitzevhow do I add "~/bin" to $PATH ?22:03
Zaitzevso it's permanent etc?22:03
anli__you put that in .profile22:03
velkoZaitzev, it depends of the shell you're using22:04
Zaitzevnot in  .bashrc?22:04
smplmanZaitzev: run ls -al ~/ and you should see it22:04
anli__Zaitzev: should also be possible22:04
anli__I would actually prefer using .bashrc, when thinking about it22:04
Zaitzevbut how do I write it?22:04
ZaitzevI assume I don't do "export PATH=~/bin"22:04
Zaitzevsince it contains a lot of other paths as well22:04
smplmanno you will wipe your path22:04
smplmanZaitzev: anli__ : http://www.joshstaiger.org/archives/2005/07/bash_profile_vs.html22:05
Lyte101Zaitzev, in your .bashrc you could just write "PATH=$PATH:~/directory:~/otherdirectory:~/etc"22:05
ZaitzevLyte101: That sounds a bit too static to me22:06
bastidrazorZaitzev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/875259/  i have this in my .profile22:06
cfhowlett*What is the OEM account's sudo password?* Reinstalled 10.04 with the Dell restore utility.  Autologin into OEM's account.  Sudo password is NOT "sudo"22:06
velkocfhowlett, doesn't "sudo -i" work for you?22:06
smplmanLyte101: nice solution22:07
Zaitzevsmplman: it's not a login shell tho, I'm sitting at the computer here22:07
cfhowlettvelko sudo -i aks for a password for oem22:07
smplmanZaitzev: then thats your answer22:07
bastidrazorcfhowlett: ask dell.22:08
Zaitzevsmplman: my question wasn't whether to use .bashrc or .profile, though.22:08
smplmanZaitzev: the link was to clarify the debate, but look at Lyte101's solution22:08
=== stewart1982 is now known as Zaphod42
anli__Its a shame that people in 2012 puts a path in a shell script :)22:09
Zaitzevso that will check if ~/bin exists, if it does add it to PATH?22:09
Jordan_Ucfhowlett: I'm not familiar with OEM setups, the way I would expect things to work after a restore is that it would ask you to enter a username and password to use first thing. Did that not happen? BTW, as long as it's not using an encrypted home directory we can change the password to whatever we want relatively easily if needed.22:09
helo__I can't get my system to boot. Can someone help?22:09
anli__helo__: Do you have valuable information on the hard disk?22:10
smplmanZaitzev: yep22:10
Lyte101Zaitzev, yes need to call $PATH first so it can append your other directories22:10
helo__anli: yes22:10
helo__anli: reinstall is not an option... I'm going to shoot myself if I can't boot back into this install22:11
Jordan_Uhelo__: Are you having any problem running boot info script?22:11
helo__Jordan_U: about to try that now22:11
helo__Jordan_U: The other fix had no affect at all]22:12
meerkatsI have to ask again, how do I set in unity a proxy for all my internet connections instead of doing it via web broweser?22:12
Zaitzevok, so if I do "echo $PATH" it should show the full path to my bin-folder in my home-folder?22:12
meerkatswhats the name of the app?22:12
helo__Jordan_U: after following the instructions, I still never get a grub menu (doesn't seem like grub loads as it moves on to PXE)22:12
bastidrazorZaitzev: yes.22:12
Zaitzevwell, it didn't22:12
ZaitzevI added that stuff, did source .bashrc, but no go..22:13
bastidrazorZaitzev: did you add that to your .profile?22:13
bastidrazorsource Zaitzev source ~/.profile if you added it there.22:13
PiRSquaredbowlegs1: ask your question here22:13
Zaitzevi added it to .bashrc22:13
smplmanZaitzev: log out then back in22:13
Zaitzevit's not a loginshell?22:14
smplmanyou still need to refresh your environment after the change22:14
Zaitzevso I gotta close all programs I got running, and re-login?22:14
=== root is now known as johnjacobjinger
viothmanHello... is it possible to get ClassiC mode in 12.04?22:14
smplmanZaitzev: no there is a command to do it but i cant remember it22:15
smplmani always log out then back in22:15
PiRSquared[in another channel] <bowlegs1> need help .. my'ubuntu' operating system computer has stopped working, & I'm trying to find someone to help me get it started , again22:15
bowlegs1need tech. help with computer/operating system 'Ubuntu'22:15
petter_has anyone tryed irssi?22:16
tensorpuddingbowlegs1, please explain the issue22:16
Jordan_U!anyone | petter_22:16
ubottupetter_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:16
tony__yes I did22:16
bastidrazorpetter_: #irssi may be a good channel to ask irssi questions in.22:17
lawD_eR_m3rcYI dont understand the hexadecimal error log my app reports everytime it crashes...and windows has never responded to any of the error logs i have been sending them22:18
robotti^how to use passthrough with pulseaudio?22:18
=== adriano is now known as Guest81236
robotti^I have only succeed with alsa22:18
robotti^with pulseaudio it does not work.22:18
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helo__Jordan_U: From that boot script, everything looks good... I'm lost. "Grub2 is installed on the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 1 of the same hd for core.img. core.img is at this location and looks in partition 5 for /boot/grub" That is all right22:18
lawD_eR_m3rcYi have been sitting by the phone hoping they would call one day but they never22:19
lawD_eR_m3rcYim fed up, so i think im going to ubuntu22:19
Escherialok, this is weird; anyone here use sshfs? i'm trying to remote mount a directory, added a line to my fstab for it, but now every time i try to ls that directory terminal freezes solid22:19
mishfitjoin #new2irc22:19
Jordan_Uhelo__: Please pastebin the entire output. ( http://pastebin.ubuntu.com )22:19
Zaitzeva related question about PATH, I can see that /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin is already added. Should I use one of those instead?22:19
greeniti have an ubuntu 11.10 server and an ubuntu 11.10 desktop.... i want to see the server in the window "browse network" on the desktop-pc, how can i manage this? hostname -A is empty on both, wins is added to the hosts-section of /etc/nsswitch.conf (i can ping with the name, so it works).... plz help :(22:19
Noctifergood evening; i'm running 11.10 netbook edition; there are several problem with x11 applications: a) the window title is not shown in the starter menu and b) if the window is closed from the starter (sry, don't know how it is called now) then the whole desktop crashes22:19
Noctiferis this a known bug?22:20
FyodorovnaNoctifer, there is no netbook version do you mean unity.22:20
Jordan_UNoctifer: There is no separate netbook edition anymore. I assume you used the normal install CD on a netbook or upgraded from a previous version of Ubuntu?22:20
helo__Jordan_U: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/87527822:21
Noctiferit is an upgraded system22:21
FyodorovnaNoctifer, are you missing window headers?22:22
Uktohey guys. i accidentally installed 11.10 desktop onto my server. I am using onboard Intel Raid MAtrix to do a Raid 1. When i put the server installer disk in, it detects theres raid, asks to use it, then complains theres no partitions/disks available. I tried all the incuded drivers, and none work. I cant seem to find any info on it on google. ideas?22:22
nate_hwhy the hell does the snmpd daemon startup script status check if snmptrapd is running22:22
NoctiferFyodorovna: no22:22
nate_hits not even part of the same package22:22
NoctiferFyodorovna: everything works fine except of that any pure x11 application crashes the desktop if it is closed from the starter - if it is closed using the 'x' button, nothing crashes22:23
nate_hI mean "enabling" snmpd doesn't enable snmpd22:23
nate_hthey seem coupled in a weird way22:24
Jordan_Uhelo__: Are you sure that your BIOS is booting from sda and not sdb or sdc? (note that drive numbering can differ in the BIOS and linux, you need to check by size / manufacturer to be sure).22:24
helo__Jordan_U:I am not even sure what sdb and sdd are...22:25
johnjacobjingerit'd suck if they were all the same size and same manufacture... that happened to me... i had to compare serial numbers haha22:25
helo__Jordan_U: sdb is the live disk22:25
helo__Jordan_U: sdd is some internal device I never use...22:26
cfhowlett*OEM password request*  OEM installation requests a sudo password.  Doesn't accept "sudo" "ubuntu" "dell" "eom"22:27
Fyodorovnacfhowlett, ask dell how would we know here.22:27
johnjacobjingerhelo__: sdb and sdd are just referring to how the hard drives are identified in ubuntu22:27
johnjacobjingerOEM installation??? OEM install of ubuntu?22:28
Fyodorovnacfhowlett, I looked on google I saw no info.22:28
Fyodorovnajohnjacobjinger, dell had ubnuntu releases for awhie.22:28
filo1234cfhowlett: did you tried user oem password oem ?22:29
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johnjacobjingerFyodorovna: yes i know i was asking if this was an OEM Ubuntu install, he didnt make it clear22:31
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helo__Jordan_U: thanks for trying... I have to go. I will be back on later to try again...22:32
johnjacobjingerif he doesnt know the sudo password he can change it22:32
johnjacobjingernot sure if he knows how to use single user mode or not tho22:32
urgodfatherhi will someone help me figure out why my graphics is stuck on 800x600... running 11.10 server and desktop on dell sc43022:32
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: did u install the driver for your card?22:33
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: which one22:33
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: it's an intell system22:33
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: whats the graphics card?22:33
johnjacobjingerdo u know the model of the Graphics card?22:34
filo1234cfhowlett: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dell-recovery/+bug/57375222:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 573752 in Dell Recovery "There is no step for setting the password for user "oem"" [Undecided,New]22:34
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: it's an integrated gfx22:34
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: dunno any other specifics22:34
johnjacobjingerok urgodfather but it still has a model and driver... whats the motherboard model?22:35
johnjacobjingerwhat driver does windows use on it urgodfather22:35
bastidrazorurgodfather: lspci | grep -i vga22:35
johnjacobjingeryea do what bastidrazor said22:35
urgodfatherbastidrazor: VGA compatible controller: XGI Technology Inc. (eXtreme Graphics Innovation) Z7/Z9 (XG20 core)\22:36
Fyodorovnajohnjacobjinger, you must of come on after the recovery partition was mentioned.:)22:36
johnjacobjingerFyodorovna: yea must've sorry22:37
Fyodorovnajohnjacobjinger, would of been the first partition gone had it been mine22:39
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: got the info from lspci22:40
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: VGA compatible controller: XGI Technology Inc. (eXtreme Graphics Innovation) Z7/Z9 (XG20 core)22:41
nullucasanyone here knows how to record the desktop with ffmpeg without wasting a lot of cpu? (it's basically always at 100%)22:41
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: what model machine is the computer?22:42
nug700hello... i just spent the last few hours on #wine woundering y an application won't run on it. I was directed here because  I don't have the correct display drivers installed22:42
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: dell poweredge sever sc43022:43
Fyodorovnanug700, you have windows still?22:43
johnjacobjingeroh... that explains that lol22:43
nug700I have the official NVIDIA drivers installed, when I'm supposed to have the ubuntu ones22:43
nug700and i don't have windows22:43
NoctiferFyodorovna: ok the desktop does not crash ... rather the following happens: once an x11 application starts it is not shown as the application in the starter but rather there is an entry called "panel" then - i suppose this refers to the whole panel and if you close that then the whole panel closes><22:43
FyodorovnaNoctifer, not sure really.22:44
nug700I would have installed the NVIDIA drivers provided by my package manager, but they don't have them it seems22:44
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: i'm not sure we'll be able to get the driver for that... what's the service tag for the machine if u dont mind22:45
johnjacobjingeri got like 10 more minutes to help you urgodfather22:45
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: 1rr0hb1 likewise22:45
cfhowlett*oem password needed*  I used oem install.  admin password is set by ubuntu not the vendor.  password is NOT oem/blank/sudo/ubuntu22:46
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: looks like im gonna have to check into it tomorrow22:47
NoctiferFyodorovna: you can try that by running glxgears - try to close it from panel22:47
FyodorovnaNoctifer, I'm using gnome 322:48
NoctiferFyodorovna: which version of ubuntu?22:48
FyodorovnaI have no glxgears 11.1022:48
FyodorovnaNoctifer, are you running metacity?22:49
nug700Ok, when I first installed Ubuntu 10.04, i opened "hardware drivers" to install my grpahics drivers, but nothing showed up.22:49
FyodorovnaNoctifer, and which release?22:50
JohnNapsterhello, please help me... i cannot mount my usb key on the guest account... and i can't access the administrator accont because it is broken... it got broken after i set a blank password for the administrator account... please help22:50
NoctiferFyodorovna: command to find out which wm is running?22:50
FyodorovnaNoctifer, which release natty and beyond is compiz in unity.22:51
nug700johnNapster: do sudo passwd <account name>22:51
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
JohnNapsternug700: the password is blank and so i can't do anthing22:52
_MarcusJohnPaster: That command sets the password.22:52
JohnNapsterin the User Accounts I cannot unlock the settings for the admin22:52
NoctiferFyodorovna: system information tells me ubuntu 11.10 and uname-a gives Linux laptop 3.0.0-16-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 27 17:50:54 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux22:53
dodgerdudeJohnNapster you can boot into single user mode22:54
dodgerdudethen you'll be root and you can set up the password again22:54
JohnNapsterhow exacty can i do that?22:54
grendal-primeanybody using ubuntu for android yet?22:54
grendal-prime!ubuntu for android22:54
ubottugrendal-prime: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:54
NoctiferFyodorovna: i'll try to start in gnome 322:55
dodgerdudedon't remember exactly, search google, sorry22:55
dodgerdudereboot  and hit either tab or excape22:55
nug700Ok, when I first installed Ubuntu 10.04, i opened "hardware drivers" to install my graphics drivers, but nothing showed up.22:55
thereindarknesshey I have a clean install, but I can't access any files through my web22:55
thereindarknesslike in my root folder, i have a wordpress folder wp-admin22:56
thereindarknesswith 757 permissions22:56
nug700so i had to install the drivers on the NVIDIA web site22:56
thereindarknessbut, if i try domain.com/wp-admin, I get no response22:56
nug700i need the ubuntu official nvidia drivers, but do know where to find them22:56
mcphailnug700: how new is your nvidia card?22:57
nug700GTX 500 series22:58
thereindarknessdo i need to put files in /var/www/?22:58
subthalamusis there a /list | grep something irc option?22:58
nug700I bought the card sometime in august22:58
subthalamusneed to find a bash channel22:59
pangolinsubthalamus: #bash and also see /msg alis help list22:59
subthalamuspangolin: thanks22:59
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
Jordan_Unug700: Use the "Additional Drivers" utility.23:00
mcphailnug700: you might need to try the x-swat ppa if 10.04 doesn't have an up-to-date driver23:01
nug700Well.. i installed the official NVIDIA drivers.. but i need a "32 bit libgl" to run a certain application23:02
angel282Hello can someone recommend me on good web stress tool? (which I can used to check my website/server)23:03
mcphailnug700: the x-swat ppa usually has everything you need but you'll need to get rid of the official drivers first. The nvidia drivers which ship with 10.04 are to old to work with newer cards23:04
nug700Jordan_U: and I can't find the "additional drivers" utility, do you mean the "Hardware drivers" utility?23:04
Jordan_Unug700: Yes.23:05
Jordan_Unug700: The name has changed between releases, sorry.23:05
nug700mcphail: I'm using the drivers I installed off of the NVIDIA website. I have their most up to date version (295.20)23:05
mintmancelthunder: u around23:05
nug700Jordan_U: Nothing shows up when i use that23:06
Jordan_Unug700: Did you try that before installing Nvidia's drivers manually?23:07
mintmanAnyone install mbrola having trouble23:07
alethhi adev23:07
nug700that's y i installed the NVIDIA ones manually, because they didnt show up in Hardware drivers23:08
alethhi milanoa23:08
mintmanmbrola wont install  qmail is holding it up23:09
mcphailnug700: the ppa contains more than just the drivers - http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu/23:09
=== HorizonX1 is now known as HorizonXP
nug700was just about to ask phail23:09
mcphailnug700: the usual warnings about ppa's apply23:10
nug700i know23:10
ZaitzevWhenever I open the terminal, it's a fixed size, and opens on random positions in the screenspace. Any way I can make the position static, and a custom terminal windowsize?23:11
nug700first i have to figure out how to remove the NVIDIA ones23:11
Jordan_UZaitzev: Are you using gnome-terminal and Unity/Compiz?23:11
ZaitzevI assume that's the one23:12
Zaitzev(yeah I'm a noob) :p23:12
FyodorovnaZaitzev, size is in the edit-profile preferences of the terminal23:12
Zaitzevah, there it is23:12
Zaitzevhow about the position when I open it?23:12
Shojoanyone any idea why qmail would interfere with the installation of another program?23:13
Zaitzevit's the same with the folder explorer, it opens on random places23:13
Zaitzevand they more often than not, open at the edges of the screen. sort of "snaps" to the edges. I wouldn't mind having it centered in the screenspace. as for the terminal I would want it on top center.23:14
mib_err311571 USERS23:14
mib_err31HOLY FUCKING SHIT23:14
FloodBot1mib_err31: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
pangolin!language | mib_err3123:14
ubottumib_err31: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:14
ZaitzevAnd of course, if there are better/nicer looking terminals, with more functions(split windows etc?), I would like to try out some of that as well23:14
ZaitzevI don't know if Compiz / Unity is very demanding to the system, but it does feel rather sluggish sometimes..especially since I don't have a high end system.23:16
mcphailZaitzev: the default terminal app can be configured quite easily if you want to change appearance23:17
JohnNapstercan you guys force the user not being able to set a blank password in the User Accounts section for the group admin accounts??23:17
ZaitzevYeah, I've already played around with that, made it transparent, tried out some backgrounds..23:17
Zaitzeva completely transparent terminal looks kinda cool, but it's not the easiest to work with :p23:19
danilopor favor alguem me da uma luz ai, acabei de instalar o ubuntu a ultima versao, só que to com um problemao: MInha placa de video é Nvidia Xpress 200 Onborad, nao consigo instalar nem fudendo o driver, e com isso meu ubuntu esta muito lento.. alguem ai por favor me da uma luz?? Obrigado23:19
f3ck4rdanilo: speak in english, besides go to #ubuntu-br23:20
LirthA while ago I was using speakers and set my laptop for sound to come out of it. Now that I have disconnected I can't get any sound from the built in speakers. How would I fix that?23:22
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:22
mintmanShojo: !ppa23:22
Shojoi don;t understand, mintman23:23
droid-0854Data breach in terminal?!?!?!?!?23:26
mintmanprivate msg23:27
mintmanShojo: private msg23:27
itaylor57!pm | mintman23:28
ubottumintman: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:28
LirthWhen trying to install ubuntu on my computer to allow dual boot, I have a "Fatal Error" for installing grub. Any idea what this might be?23:30
mintmanitaylor57: we are using linux mint which u dont want to help support so we are resolving a package conflict in linux mint23:30
droid-0854Anyone want to talk about libvte?23:31
waxstoneLirth, have you checked the installation media for errors?23:31
itaylor57droid-0854, it has been commented on amply in slash dot23:32
droid-0854It in gnome and stores command lines on to tje hard disk23:32
Lirthwaxstone: I've tried different USBs and architecture. I'm going with 64 bit but I tried 32 after some problems. That didn't help so I stuck with what I started with.23:32
waxstoneLirth, Do you have a livecd? Ive never installed via USB23:33
Lirthwaxstone: I do not. I have yet to put a dvd drive in my computer (It's the last piece I need).23:34
droid-0854So what to do with ubuntu data and the terminal in ubuntu23:34
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:34
waxstoneLirth, see if the above link helps you out23:34
Lirthwaxstone: usb worked for this laptop I'm using. It's actually the same usb, although I updated the information after the first error.23:35
Fudgehi trying to use fetchexc but it says no suitable java program found, java should be installed23:35
LirthOn a side note, how do I re-enable my speakers from my laptop after using some external speakers?23:36
waxstoneLirth, on the computer that the usb doesnt work with do you reach the installation menu or does it crash before the install starts?23:36
azerthello world23:36
Lirthwaxstone: I've gotten to the point where it says "Installation is complete. You need to restart..." and then the error pops up.23:36
azerti got ubuntu oneiric on my system, i got virtualbox also23:37
azertnow my question is23:37
waxstoneLirth, ok fixing gurb shouldnt be hard23:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:37
Lirthwaxstone: That's not what the last few days have told me.23:37
azerti would like that virtualbox open at ubuntu startup23:37
azertwhat i have to do ?23:37
waxstoneLirth, are you installing ubuntu in a system that already have windows? what version of windows?23:38
Lirthwaxstone: I'm dualbooting with two drives. My SSD for windows and games and my HDD for ubuntu. I have yet to install windows but once I get my dvd drive I will.23:38
itaylor57Fudge, what version of ubuntu and how did you install fetchexc?23:39
azertanyone there ?23:39
Zaitzevno, there's nobody here23:40
waxstoneLirth, So currently you have no OS on either drive and grub fails after install23:40
Zaitzevkidding.. :)23:40
Lirthazert: Give it some time for people to think. Sometimes a person will google to either refresh their memory or find something to help out.23:40
Zaitzevazert, got a question just ask it. there's a ton of people here just waiting to help :)23:40
Lirthwaxstone: Correct.23:40
azertwell my question allready been asked23:41
azerti simply would like that virtualbox open at ubuntu start up23:41
azertwhat i have to do on my settings ?23:41
droid-0854Does the data leak extend to actual terminal like crtl+alt+f1?23:42
Lirthazert: which ubuntu are you using?23:42
bastidrazorazert: in the top right, click the cog > Startup Applications > add the virtualbox binary there23:42
azertcog .?23:43
Lirthazert: powerbutton thingy23:43
Lirthazert: top right corner of the screen next to your name and the clock23:43
amaroksHello guys23:43
Sir_FawnpugIs sendmail a reasonable thing to install on a webserver?23:43
waxstoneLirth, can you boot to the usb and use the live desktop on that computer?23:43
waxstoneI assume yyou can since it installed23:44
Lirthwaxstone: I've been able to before. I've reinstalled several times hoping something new would help.23:44
amaroksi have ubuntu installation with small root volume, if I add more volumes how can I assign any of them to specific user home directory?23:44
Lirthwaxstone: I did install instead of try so i can't do anything here.23:44
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, with fstab23:44
f3ck4rSir_Fawnpug: why not qmail D;23:44
Sir_Fawnpugf3ck4r, I don't do a whole bunch of web programming, I just need to seen mail out, but I'll look into qmail23:45
azertwhat is the path for virtualbox binary ? Lirth23:45
waxstoneLirth, you can till try after an install23:45
f3ck4rSir_Fawnpug: ic, if it is only that then use sendmail D;23:45
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, you can basically mount the new volume on a folder within your home directory23:45
Lirthazert: I have no idea. I've never used that.23:45
Fudgeitaylor57  precise and from archives23:45
Sir_Fawnpugf3ck4r, yeah, I have a feeling linode would kill me if I did a fully blown mail server, haha23:46
amarokshow do I mount it as a folder?23:46
itaylor57Fudge, ask in ubuntu+123:46
amaroksactually thats what I want23:46
f3ck4rSir_Fawnpug: lmao!23:46
Lirthwaxstone: Do you mean reboot?23:46
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, mount -t auto /dev/node /path/to/folder23:46
Fudgeitaylor57  i dont see why it would be any different from oneiric how ever23:46
Sir_FawnpugThat will temporarily mount it23:46
Sir_FawnpugIf you want it to persist, you're going to need to edit /etc/fstab23:47
Sir_FawnpugBut fstab's syntax is fairly straightforward23:47
amarokswhat do you mean temporary?23:47
amaroksif I reboot it will disappear?23:47
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, yeah23:47
Sir_FawnpugThat is to say it won't automatically mount on boot23:47
amaroksand I can do it again?23:47
amaroksand all files etc will be there23:47
amaroksin that foldeR?23:47
itaylor57Fudge, read the room info, precise support is in #ubuntu+123:48
Sir_FawnpugPastebin your /etc/fstab for me really quick23:48
waxstoneLirth, no. I dont know what is happening in your case. I too much about grub23:48
Sir_FawnpugI'll help you make the mount survive reboots23:48
waxstoneLirth, you have given enough info though im sure for someone who does23:48
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, you mean on the volume? Yeah, nothing on the volume gets erased when it gets unmounted23:48
Lirthwaxstone: I had some problems earlier about the live usb not booting because my graphics card was arguing with the mother board so I had to disalbe it.23:49
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+123:49
amaroksbasicly its just for ftp backup23:49
Lirthwaxstone: I'm not sure if the two problems are related23:49
amaroksyou beilieve its fine tojust do that temporary mount to a folder?23:49
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, oh, you're wanting to mount a remote site?23:49
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, if you don't need constant access to it, no23:49
amaroksits just ubuntu server with vsftp23:49
Sir_FawnpugErr, that is to say it'll be fine23:49
cha0s_Trying to remove password neccesity on ubuntu. already changed everything in gconfig-editor. it all is set to no password but everytime I suspend it requires password to unlock. I am the only user on the pc so it's unneccesary. anyone help remove?23:49
amaroksubuntu with vsftp and i use it to backup things form another server23:50
amaroksits an amazon EC2 actually23:50
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, so this server is basically the target of a backup, right?23:50
amaroksyes, only23:50
Sir_FawnpugMounting through the mount command as I'ev specified will keep it mounted as long as it's not explicitly unmounted or the machine doesn't go down23:51
amaroksis there any speed issue with the temporary and the other way? Sir_Fawnpug23:51
waxstoneWould installing ubuntu with 2 different types of drives SSD and HDD cause issuse with grub?23:51
f3ck4rwaxstone: nope23:52
Fudgegood one itaylor57  i am quite aware, thank you how ever!23:52
LirthI'm having some problems with my laptop speakers. I can't remember how to enable the built in hardware after I used my HDMI speakers.23:52
f3ck4rwaxstone:  the thing is how you set your partitions23:53
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, perforancewise, the two should be identical23:53
amaroksThank you!23:53
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, the only difference with putting an entry for the mount poitn in fstab is convenience23:53
waxstonef3ck4r: hmm so a default install to one drive will cause the fail?23:54
Sir_FawnpugIf you server ever goes down, you will have to manually mount it again or stuff will break23:54
amarokslast question, in my ec2 dashboard my new volumes shows as /dev/xx23:54
amaroksis that the /dev/node in your example?23:54
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, yeah23:54
waxstonef3ck4r: Lirth has one drive for games, etc and one with ubuntu ubt grub fails after install23:54
Sir_Fawnpug/dev/node could be like /dev/sda1, for instance23:54
f3ck4rwaxstone: like i said, the only thing is how he set the partiitons23:55
waxstonef3ck4r:ok thanks23:55
Lirthwaxstone, f3ck4r: I'm trying to put grub on my SSD23:56
f3ck4rwaxstone: the problem could be cuz he is using the other hdd to install the grub and that could be a mbr issue23:56
Lirthf3ck4r: Should I unplug the SSD and just use the HDD for grub?23:57
waxstoneLirth: i was just about to say that. until you install windows , unhook thwe second drive23:57
Lirthwaxstone: Sounds good. I'll be right back.23:57
f3ck4rLirth: u don't need that, but u can check at r bios the hdd config and actually see wich one is the mbr23:58
Sir_FawnpugAnybody happen to have experience setting up mono? I'm on 11.10 and apt seems to deadlock when I try to install it23:58
Sir_Fawnpugerr, mod-mono rather23:58
Sir_FawnpugRelated to this bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xsp/+bug/17943223:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418020 in xsp (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #179432 package mono-apache-server 2.0-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,Invalid]23:58
Lirthf3ck4r: How would I do that?23:59

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