
phaidrosjust wanted to ask, how one can prevent pulse to stop playing when changing a user. (I want to listen to my music in all profiles)08:23
CFHowlettphaidros   huh.  Not sure that's a pulse setting.  My music plays whenever I switch users and I've never configured pulse to do or not do that...08:28
phaidrosCFHowlett: are you using 11.10 ?08:29
phaidroswith unity?08:29
phaidroshm: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/30372#608:30
phaidrosah, even more, with a probable solution: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/21314908:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213149 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "pulseaudio breaks on switching from tty7 to tty [1-6] (in and out of Gnome)" [Undecided,Fix released]08:31
CFHowlettphaidros   nope 10.0408:32
phaidroshm, proposed solutions are not really ones :/08:36
phaidrosCFHowlett: a reason to *not* upgrade :)08:37
CFHowlettphaidros   after getting my heart broke and blood pressure spiked twice a year, I adopted an LTS only policy.08:43
deandoes anyone know how to use impulse responses in rakarrack? the .wav files22:38
holsteingood question22:38
holsteini would ask that in #opensourcemusicians22:38
deanlol ok thanks22:38
holsteini have only used the ir.lv2 plug22:38
holsteinand those guys turned me on to it there22:39

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