
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
rawfodogOk, so I got my programs iconed on the task bar. I was wondering how I can group the icons with the launch buttons like in *barf* windows7?04:46
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micahgpangolin: when you get subscribed to a bug, you should see who subscribed you and through what entity you were subscribed06:50
KM0201hi DenkBrettl10:51
DenkBrettlI have a Xubuntu oneiric installation. I'd like to upgrade it to Precise and "convert" it to Lubuntu without reinstalling. Do you think this is possible smoothly?10:51
DenkBrettl(I know that Precise is beta)10:52
KM0201it's possible i guess, but Precise is beta (as you know).. it's running fine for me, but... YMMV10:52
DenkBrettlbut is there a "meta-package" that I just install and then everything is there?10:52
KM0201DenkBrettl: the easiest path, would be to upgrade xubuntu, once it;s fully upgraded, install lubuntu-desktop and uninstall xubuntu-desktop (or whatever the package names are)10:52
DenkBrettland would that also change the bootup screen (I always have problems remembering the package name that drives this these days)10:53
KM0201now that i don't know10:53
KM0201frankly, i doubt it10:54
KM0201just clean install lubuntu 12.04...10:54
DenkBrettlyeah, well... thinking about that10:54
DenkBrettlotoh I could first try it and if it f'cks up I can still reinstall :-)10:55
KM0201it's been stable for me, a few bugs here and there10:55
KM0201but overall ok10:55
DenkBrettlok, cool10:55
DenkBrettlwill Ozone3 be installed by default?10:55
KM0201i have no idea what ozone3 is, so i don't think so.10:55
KM0201looks the same as always to me10:56
DenkBrettlok :)10:57
DenkBrettlthanks :)10:57
DenkBrettlI'll try my luck over the weekend then ;-)10:57
NQTropicarrrr back to lubuntu11:01
NQTropicfeels like I've come back home11:01
KM0201why "arrrr"?11:01
KM0201lubuntu is awesome11:01
NQTropicarrrr as in relax........ went on a kubuntu xubuntu binge...... then saw the light again11:02
KM0201Kubuntu 12.04, i actually tried not to long ago (and i have hated KDE FOREVER), and it wasn't "to bad".. the latest xfce(i think it's 4 now) is extremely disappointing11:04
NQTropici think kubuntu is worse than xubuntu11:05
DenkBrettlI have a ThinkPad R50p with a 1.7GHz Pentium M11:10
DenkBrettlso it's not the fastest in the world, but also not old enough to bin it11:10
DenkBrettlXubuntu seems slow to me on it honestly speaking11:11
DenkBrettlso I figured I'd try lubuntu (which I have at work in a VMware already and it meets my needs)11:11
DenkBrettl(I'm actually using it in this minute to write all of this ;) )11:11
NQTropice7200 CPU here, 2Gb ram, 500Gb hard drive11:12
DenkBrettlalso I guess I did a mistake when I chose btrfs for it when I installed oneiric xubuntu11:12
KM0201is btrfs fully supported yet?11:13
DenkBrettlit was available as an option when installing11:13
DenkBrettl(/boot is on ext4 tho)11:13
DenkBrettlnot sure how "officially" it's supported tho11:13
DenkBrettlI had to disable the fsck, because it ran with every bootup11:14
DenkBrettlwhich seemed overdone in my eyes11:14
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thor_LSC bug: can't install libreoffice with lsc. made a image of it. http://imagebin.org/20264118:18
thor_Itś a daily-live iso 64bit of today18:20
szczurphillw, can i PM you?18:32
phillwszczur: don't ask.... do :D18:38
thor_phillw LSC bug: can't install libreoffice with lsc. made a image of it. http://imagebin.org/20264118:38
phillwthor_: raise a bug, please, Reporting on email lists, IRC and forums does not get bugs fixed :)18:39
thor_phillw arrg itś a pain18:39
submanI'm running Lubuntu 11.04 under VirtualBox and when I try to upgrade I get the following error:  'package unity-asset-pool' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.  Any solution to this?18:40
phillwthor_: it will not fixed if there is no bug report. Sorry, but that's how it is. The devs cannot be expected to trawl through all the IRC channels, forums and emails. Were they to do so - they'd have no time to actually fix things.18:41
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submanSorry, my version is 12.0418:54
DerPate_subman, maybe something isn't allright in the beta version you could look up the knoown bug list18:58
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Unit193Look up in the bug list, try to remove it yourself, and ask in #ubuntu+1 as that's the beta support channel.  (sudo apt-get remove unity-asset-pool  for removing)19:05
subman_Updating/upgrading via command line seems to have solved the issue.19:51
DerPatesubman_, thats cool :)19:53
subman_DerPate, sure is!  Back in business.19:53
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User12How do I install the pretty pretty theme that lubuntu has in an LXDE install on Ubuntu?21:51
User12Unit193, thank you. I am hunting around for that package but if you happen to already know where I can grab it I'd appreciate it21:53
Unit193Synaptic or `sudo apt-get install lubuntu-artwork`21:54
User12i feel foolish. I was using the ubuntu software gui and it didn't pop up. should have used aptcache search21:55
User12thank you so much21:55
Unit193I personally would say to dump USC, but that's your option. ;)21:56
Unit193Use what works best for you.21:56
User12dump usc?21:57
User12oh, dump the gui21:59
User12yah, im always trying to learn the simple way so I can sell it to friends and family21:59
User12i had thought the usc gui would at least have a decent search function21:59
Unit193There is going to be a "LSC" in Pangolin, but not sure if that's any better.22:00
AngelForgetgood evening to all22:14
AngelForgetsorry I would ask if you can install ubuntu tweak on Lubuntu 11.10?22:18
ubottuUbuntu Tweak is a tool that automates some things; however, it is potentially dangerous an informal review of its code is pending and most of the things it does can be done by the use of other tools. Please don't ask for or provide support for it in #ubuntu.22:18
phillwAngelForget: for lubuntu, I'd really caution against it.22:21
Unit193It's not that great a program, and made for gnome/Unity22:21
Unit193phillw: Only for Lubuntu?22:21
phillwUnit193: I have no authority to speak for the other members of the family.22:22
AngelForgetwell then there is a good program that I recommended for the cleaning of my Lubuntu22:24
Myrttiwhat do you mean by that?22:25
Unit193Can you define cleaning? sudo apt'get autoremove or autoclean for something.22:25
AngelForgetthanks  Unit19322:26
Unit193apt dash get without spaces, my keyboard isn{t really working well.22:27
AngelForgetexcuse me if I still ask myself many questions, but have recently switched to Linux Lubuntu. But many of my friends say that lxde mint 12 is best. And since I'm new, I would ask you who you are + experts what they thought?22:32

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