
psusiwas there another team besides ubuntu-archive that you need to subscribe a sync request to given the feature freeze?00:18
ajmitchubuntu-release if you need a freeze exception00:18
slangasekubuntu-archive doesn't do syncs anymore, you only need to subscribe the sponsors team (and possibly the release team if you need a freeze exception)00:19
psusiahh, just found it00:19
psusiyep.. need freeze exception... critical release regression fixed00:21
slangasekthat sounds like a bug fix, which doesn't need a freeze exception00:21
slangasekwe're only in feature freeze - so the exceptions would be if you want to add a feature00:21
psusiahh... so... don't subscribe ubuntu-release?  just ubuntu-sponsors?00:22
slangasekif it's a bugfix-only sync, just ubuntu-sponsors00:22
psusiahh, ok....00:22
ajmitchpsusi: gparted?00:24
psusiajmitch, yep00:24
psusibug #94768500:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 947685 in gparted (Ubuntu) "sync gparted 0.11.0-2 from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94768500:25
ajmitchso that's just a sync of a new debian revision, certainly doesn't look like new features there :)00:25
psusisee change log, I backported an upstream commit to fix the bug and uploaded to debian first00:26
ajmitchyeah I looked at the changelog on the debian PTS00:26
psusithat way ubuntu doesn't need to deviate from debian again00:27
ajmitchpsusi: just test-building it now00:32
mhall119bdrung: at which step did it fail?00:33
bdrungmhall119: calling devscripts/devscripts/scripts/edit-patch.sh small-desktop-file-fix00:34
bdrungmhall119: that's what edit-patch.sh prints00:34
mhall119bdrung: it works when run from /usr/bin/edit-patch, but not from ~/projects/Ubuntu/devscripts/trunk/scripts/edit-patch.sh00:41
mhall119not sure why that would be00:41
bdrungmhall119: i found it. it's in the main function00:43
bdrungif [ "$(basename $0)" = "edit-patch" ]; then00:43
mhall119oh, because it's .sh in the branch00:43
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bdrunghm, the question is: how to make it work even with .sh in a sane way00:44
mhall119bdrung: my patch didn't create this issue though,  so can it be accepted00:45
bdrungmhall119: yes00:47
ajmitchpsusi: ok, done00:52
psusiajmitch, great, thanks00:53
mhall119bdrung: I have a fix for you00:56
bdrungmhall119: i can't wait to see it00:57
mhall119bdrung: making an MP now00:57
bdrungmhall119: you can just pastebinit00:59
mhall119ah,  too late00:59
bdrungmhall119: there is no need for a MP. everything "git am" can handle would be nice. :)00:59
mhall119couse, it has my previous fix in it too00:59
mhall119bdrung: one second01:00
bdrungmhall119: that looks nice.01:01
mhall119I suppose you don't need the echo "Found *-patch" lines01:01
bdrungmhall119: one addition could be added. in the else case it should use fatal_error01:03
smoserso, normally, for a preseed value.01:05
smoserlets say something (like mysql) takes a preseed/debconf and asks the user for a password.01:05
smosernext time it is upgraded, i suspect the expected behavior is that it should not re-set that value (in the event that the user has changed it)01:06
mhall119bdrung: is there a reason it didn't?01:06
smosergenerally, should pre-seed only be used on initial install ?01:06
smoserbut then if that is the case what about dplkg-reconfigure01:06
bdrungmhall119: if someone renames the script, it should fail with a proper error message01:07
mhall119bdrung: http://paste.ubuntu.com/875434/01:13
mhall119was very tempted to make it: fatal_error "Don't call me $0"01:13
mhall119bdrung: http://paste.ubuntu.com/875438/ has the whole set of fixes (excluding the quilt fixes already submitted)01:16
bdrungmhall119: :D that would be a funny error message.01:16
bdrungmhall119: committed. thanks for the fixes.01:20
mhall119bdrung: do I need to submit these to debian too, or can you do that as well?01:20
bdrungmhall119: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=devscripts/devscripts.git;a=commitdiff;h=84dd95288a16cd821d8fdeaae2207ac08189e0bb01:20
bdrungand http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=devscripts/devscripts.git;a=commitdiff;h=9d3674964e33eeb7e8a7121b831627f6a84f1c3801:21
mhall119that's what I figured when you said anything that git woudl accept ;)01:21
* mhall119 has patches in debain \0/01:21
bdrungmhall119: now it's time for me to get the remaining ubuntu diffs merged into debian01:22
mhall119wow, and a big head too it seems01:22
bdrungmhall119: one day you might become a DD ;)01:22
mhall119I'll leave that to paultag01:23
mhall119thanks for your help bdrung01:24
slangaseksmoser: on dpkg-reconfigure, the prompts are shown to the user, with the answer defaulted to whatever value is currently in the debconf cache01:27
smoserhm.. yeah, that makes sesne.01:27
smoserbut if they hit enter, then it sets it back.01:27
smoseris that righ t?01:27
smoserslangasek, i'm tyring to figure out how i should do this...01:27
slangasekyes, that's the idea01:27
smoserwe want to preseed some data (credentials) into cloud-init01:28
smoserthat willi really be consumed by the installer01:28
smoserbut then if the user modified the cloud-init.cfg file that it wrote, what should happen on package upgraade ?01:28
slangasektypically, if the .cfg file exists, the config script should suck in the debconf values from there, overwriting anything that was preseeded originally01:30
smoserah. that would make sense too.01:30
slangaseksmoser: the relevant mantra here is: "Debconf is not a registry" :)  It's a cache only; anything written out to a config file on disk is meant to take precedence.01:32
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juancarlospacoI have to make some things for ubucon LatinoAmerica 2012, see you . . .05:06
FourDollars rhythmbox-ubuntuone : Depends: rhythmbox (>= 2.95.5) but 2.95-0ubuntu3 is to be installed05:29
FourDollarsThis occurs on Ubuntu 12.04.05:30
FourDollarsDoes anyone know how to fix it?05:30
FourDollarshttp://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/rhythmbox-ubuntuone V.S. http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/rhythmbox05:33
FourDollarsBug #950546 “rhythmbox-ubuntuone : Depends: rhythmbox (>= 2.95.5...” : Bugs : “rhythmbox-ubuntuone” package : Ubuntu http://bit.ly/ygB4qt05:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950546 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone (Ubuntu) "rhythmbox-ubuntuone : Depends: rhythmbox (>= 2.95.5) but 2.95-0ubuntu3 is to be installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95054605:40
RAOFFourDollars: Looks like the packaging is wrong; you'd need to fix the packaging to make that work.05:45
pittiGood morning05:46
ajmitchmorning pitti05:46
FourDollarspitti: Good morning05:46
FourDollarsRAOF: rhythmbox-ubuntuone has wrong dependency.05:46
RAOFFourDollars: Yes, that's right.05:47
RAOFFourDollars: And the packging needs to be fixed to give it the right dependency.05:47
FourDollarsRAOF: Current rhythmbox version is 2.95-0ubuntu3, but rhythmbox-ubuntuone depends on rhythmbox
RAOFFourDollars: Yes, I know.05:47
RAOFWhich is wrong, and needs to be fixed.05:48
FourDollarsWho will take care the fix? Or should I made a fix for it?05:49
pittiI just spotted it in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html05:51
pittiI'll fix it05:51
FourDollarspitti: Thanks.05:51
smbHm, is it just in my imagination or did a mouse wheel work to scroll text in the a terminal window until recently...08:09
dholbachgood morning08:10
RAOFsmb: No, that's not your imagination.  That's gtk3 being weird.08:12
smbRAOF, Ah thanks. I had this nagging feeling of going slowly insane... Ok, I know "going" is not right in the first place... :)08:13
RAOFkenvandine has hunted down the problem in gwibber; it's likely to be the same thing in gnome-terminal.08:14
smbOk, yes. Well it was this strange thing were it seemed to work everywhere else I checked, just not the terminal (not using gwibber) and me thinking I had been using it before. But then you wonder when you used it at all or when it changed...08:18
RAOFsmb: Yeah; apparently GTK changed event propagation, so the relevant bit of gnome-terminal is probably not seeing the events anymore.08:26
smblovely. :) but it does match my experience. even when in a text editor the cursor won't move08:28
geserI had this problem yesterday (scrolling in terminal didn't work), now it works again. Don't know what exactly changed08:32
smbseems that may have been fixed by an update I just did08:34
smbjust not for the terminal in which I had been doing the update and havent closed since08:34
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pittimvo: so bug 950676 might be a bug in apt, or in seed, or somewhere else; I think I have extracted the relevant portion of apt.log, but not sure where to fix it11:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950676 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "lucid->precise upgrade failure due to gir1.0->gir1.2 conflicts" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95067611:01
zygaI've encountered a strange bug in compiz just now11:03
zygamy banshee hanged a few momments ago11:03
zygabut it's working normally now11:03
zygayet compiz kept the grayscale filter11:03
zygafeels like reading a newspaper online after a major tragedy11:04
RAOFzyga: Yeah, that's compiz's “send a WM_PING message to check that the app is still alive” algorithm going mad.11:11
mptmvo, do you have a few minutes to talk about what happens to third-party applications when someone upgrades the OS?11:15
hrwcan someone rebuild pciutils? bug 94820511:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871083 in libtasn1-3 (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #948205 gzip -9n sometimes generates a different output file on different architectures" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87108311:48
hrwI upgraded my system, build pciutils for amd64/armel/armhf and resulting packages are installable11:49
hrws/someone rebuild/someone upload to rebuild/11:49
cjwatsonI'll do it, thanks11:49
hrwone less to worry11:50
cjwatsonwait, that has nothing to do with the gzip bug actually11:51
cjwatsonthe file you're referring to is *not gzipped*11:52
cjwatsonso I doubt a mere rebuild will fix this11:52
cjwatsonhrw: I think the right answer is to remove "Multi-Arch: same" from libpci-dev.  Would that inconvenience you?11:54
hrwcjwatson: those files are exactly same on those 3 archs11:54
cjwatsonFailing that we'd have to move config.h into an architecture-specific directory and hope that everyone is using the .pc file ...11:54
cjwatsonNo they aren't.  See the Debian bug I just linked your bug to11:54
cjwatsoncjwatson@cocoplum:~/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pciutils$ for x in libpci-dev_3.1.8-2ubuntu4_*.deb; do printf '%s: ' "$x"; dpkg --fsys-tarfile "$x" | tar xOf - ./usr/include/pci/config.h | md5sum; done11:56
cjwatsonlibpci-dev_3.1.8-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb: 5e5c789b2db86345616ec1c0a28e8b2f  -11:57
cjwatsonlibpci-dev_3.1.8-2ubuntu4_armel.deb: 473da3dcebfef020d28194407f492ec9  -11:57
cjwatsonlibpci-dev_3.1.8-2ubuntu4_armhf.deb: 473da3dcebfef020d28194407f492ec9  -11:57
cjwatsonlibpci-dev_3.1.8-2ubuntu4_i386.deb: e5cc1d6e20a4b6c2b400c52c22de49c6  -11:57
cjwatsonlibpci-dev_3.1.8-2ubuntu4_powerpc.deb: d5d39ad531d576614153a4af40181950  -11:57
hrwlibpci-dev_3.1.8-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb: 5e5c789b2db86345616ec1c0a28e8b2f  -11:57
hrwlibpci-dev_3.1.8-2ubuntu4_armel.deb: 5e5c789b2db86345616ec1c0a28e8b2f  -11:57
hrwlibpci-dev_3.1.8-2ubuntu4_armhf.deb: 5e5c789b2db86345616ec1c0a28e8b2f  -11:57
hrwbut I will do more tests - do not worry about it please11:58
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cjwatsonwell, I'm looking at the canonical master archive, so my tests win ;)11:58
cjwatsonperhaps it hardcodes the wrong PCI_ARCH_* in config.h when you cross-build it11:59
cjwatsonthat's pretty plausible11:59
cjwatsonyep, it does11:59
cjwatsonso that's a separate bug, but it doesn't mean that a rebuild is any use here11:59
hrwugly pciutils - so yet another bug11:59
hrwsure, thanks for checks12:00
cjwatsonwould removing Multi-Arch: same inconvenience you?12:00
cjwatsonmost -dev packages don't have M-A: same yet, after all12:00
hrwI got 'hit' by that when wanted to cross compile one of packages which depend on libpci-dev12:02
cjwatsonsure, the worst case would be that you'd have to remove libpci-dev from the chroot in favour of libpci-dev:armhf12:02
cjwatsonso I'll do that then12:03
hrwwant debdiff?12:04
cjwatsonalready uploaded12:04
hrwcool ;)12:05
mvompt: sure, maybe in some minutes?12:10
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hrwheh.. armhf12:34
hrwbug 935280 on a way to be fixed12:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935280 in linphone (Ubuntu Precise) "linphone version 3.3.2-4.1 FTBFS on armhf in precise" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93528012:39
jdstrandcjwatson: hi, do your apparmor changes address bug 706354?13:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 706354 in ntp (Ubuntu) "dpkg-maintscript-helper: warning: environment variable DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE missing" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70635413:14
hrwbug 935280 ready for sponsors13:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935280 in linphone (Ubuntu Precise) "linphone version 3.3.2-4.1 FTBFS on armhf in precise" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93528013:14
cjwatsonjdstrand: no13:15
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jdstrandok, I see that now13:15
pitticjwatson: if you have a minute, could you please have a quick look at bug 889986 ?13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 889986 in ubuntu-defaults-builder (Ubuntu) "Defaults builder does not support @-locales" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88998613:15
cjwatsonjdstrand: that's really bug 198421, which I suppose I should get round to fixing13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 198421 in debconf (Ubuntu) "DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE not set by dpkg-reconfigure causing dpkg-trigger to fail" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19842113:15
jdstrandI see13:16
cjwatsonpitti: hmm, will take a bit more than a minute :-/13:17
pitticjwatson: it was mostly about "do you happen to know if ca@valencia" is valid for /isolinux/lang'13:17
cjwatsonI don't happen to know13:17
cjwatsonit probably ought to be13:18
pitticjwatson: I can RTFS myself, do you know which source reads that?13:18
cjwatsongfxboot-theme-ubuntu but it's almost certainly several layers deep ...13:18
cjwatsonthe installer doesn't support ca@valencia anyway so ...13:18
cjwatsonit could also be localechooser13:18
pittiah right, there's no Catalan (Valencia) in the list anyway13:19
cjwatsonright, commented out since the translations are incomplete13:20
pittiok, so that woudl be a prerequisite for this anyway13:20
pitticjwatson: thanks! that helps already13:20
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cjwatsonjdstrand: duped - it'd be incorrect to fix this in every package that uses dpkg-maintscript-helper, so please don't13:23
jdstrandcjwatson: I will glady continue to ignore the bug. thanks ;)13:23
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mptmvo, how about now?13:42
hrwbug #935006 ready for sponsors13:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935006 in nikwi (Ubuntu Precise) "nikwi version 0.0.20060823-2 FTBFS on armhf in precise" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93500613:50
geserhrw: looks like you forgot to run "update-maintainer"13:57
hrwgeser: again ;(13:58
hrwgeser: thanks13:59
geseryou should got a warning about it from debuild and if you'd use your @ubuntu.com email address debuild would fail with an error14:00
ogasawara@pilot in14:02
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise Beta-1 Released. Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/xmGdCW | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara
ahasenackhi guys, do you know why precise has "Supported: 0" in http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development ?14:03
ahasenackshouldn't it be 1, since it's currently even in beta? Or is there another way to differentiate the current in-development release from the EOL ones?14:03
ScottKThere's no support promised for the development release.14:03
ScottKSo what's to distinguish?  The level of support is the same.14:04
hrwgeser: I use my @linaro.org email14:04
mvompt: hi, sorry I'm in another call right now14:04
hrwgeser: fixed debdiff uploaded14:07
geserhrw: the script that does this Maintainer checks errors only for @ubuntu.com addresses and produce a warning for other14:09
hrwok, will remember14:10
MalizorSweetshark: ping?14:15
dobeydoko: ping. can you look at sponsoring https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/precise/twisted/fix-935756/+merge/96617 please?14:15
MalizorSweetshark: I come from #ubuntu-translators, about these 2 LibreOffice bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/95082514:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950825 in Ubuntu Translations "LibreOffice quicklists are not translated" [High,Triaged]14:16
Malizorand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/95083414:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950834 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Add keywords to .desktop files" [Undecided,New]14:17
SweetsharkMalizor: I made bug 950825 mine and commented on bug 950834.14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950825 in Ubuntu Translations "LibreOffice quicklists are not translated" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95082514:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950834 in LibreOffice Productivity Suite "Add keywords to .desktop files" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95083414:32
MalizorSweetshark: ok, thanks14:42
cjwatsonjdstrand: I've followed up to the Debian bug now about DPKG_MAINTSCRIPT_PACKAGE with a new set of patches, to try to get this sorted out14:42
jdstrandcjwatson: awesome, thanks14:43
dpmcjwatson, has there been any recent debian-installer upload that introduced new translatable strings? I've just noticed that comparing it to yesterday, some languages that were translated have now got about 175 untranslated strings15:00
cjwatsondpm: glad you noticed :)  bug 81223215:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 812232 in tzsetup (Ubuntu) "lucid debian-installer: timezone screen not translated" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81223215:02
cjwatsondpm: I noticed that I hadn't uploaded the consolidated d-i translations in at least a year :-/15:03
pittiRiddell: what is the default user-facing package manager in Kubuntu now? I. e. after kpackagekit?15:11
Riddellpitti: Muon15:11
pittiRiddell: cheers15:12
RiddellMuon Installer for the app focused bit15:12
mptmvo, is it possible to tell, ahead of time, whether the computer has enough disk space to upgrade? Or is that impossible because packages stick their files in unpredictable places?15:38
pittimpt: we should be able to make a fairly exact prediction15:38
pittiof course postinst scripts could generate tons of data on the fly, but that's only theoretical I hope15:39
mptThe current "Do you want to start the upgrade?" alert tells you exactly how many packages will be installed, upgraded, and removed, but not how much disk space is involved15:40
pittimpt: should it actually tell you, or just check that you have enough?15:41
mptpitti, both, I think. E.g. if you're in the sort of job where you often work with large files, but the upgrade is going to leave you with less than 1 G, maybe you want to wait even though the upgrade would work. :-)15:42
* ogra_ thought it did check and tell you if there isnt enough15:42
ogra_(and didnt bother to say anything if there is enough)15:42
pittithat was my impression, too15:42
pittiat least I did see that in the past when I tried in a VM without enough free space15:42
ogra_i definitely had the "not enough space" error in the past15:42
dholbachin the past there were also cases where there were multiple partitions involved where doing the estimation is quite a bit harder15:43
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pittithat's right, with a separate /usr we have lost15:53
pittii. e. we can't do a reliable check15:53
pittiwe can be pessimistic and assume that /usr must have enough space for teh whole upgrade15:54
infinity@pilot in16:07
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise Beta-1 Released. Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/xmGdCW | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara, infinity
pittiskaet: bug 921231 looks like a bug fix to me, and bug 924007 looks nowhere near like a FFE request16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 921231 in Application Menu Indicator "XUL Applications don't show up in HUD" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92123116:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 924007 in Application Menu Indicator "Add GMenuModel support to HUD" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92400716:10
pittiskaet: for 924007 I'd need some more information16:10
pittiabout the regression potential etc.16:10
skaetpitti,  thanks.   Cimi ^^16:11
* mpt wonders if we can detect Internet speed, to avoid having to say "This download will take about 1 hour 33 minutes with a 1 Mbit DSL connection and about 1 day 4 hours with a 56k modem"16:15
ogra_even that statement is bogus16:15
mptIt depends on mirror speed etc, right?16:16
pittiwe could give an estimate after downloading the first MB or so16:16
ogra_you cant predict the routing that takes place in internet connections16:16
ogra_yeah, what pitti said16:16
pittiactually, it could download the package indexes16:16
pittiwhich we'd need to do anyway to figure out what to update16:16
pittii. e. before starting the actual upgrade16:16
cjwatsonwe could detect current available bandwidth, but e.g. if your son happened to be downloading youtube videos or something just at the moment then that would throw off the estimate badly16:16
mpta cunning plan16:16
pittiand based on the speed/size of that give an estimate16:16
cjwatsonmaybe that's unavoidable16:16
pittibut there's no promise that it'll be stable, of course16:16
pittibut at least it'd be a whole lot more useful than the status quo IMHO16:17
pittisure, if the user maxes out his bandwith with youtube HD during upgrade, no amount of estimation will help there :)16:17
* mpt waves to ivanka16:18
mvompt: diskspace> we can and we do check, but what we are not good at is if the user is using a filesystem with a bunch of different mountpoints, e.g. /var on a different parition than /boot16:20
mvompt: because while we do know the size of the debs data we do not know the distribution of it (easily)16:20
mvompt: like if it puts stuff in /boot or /usr and what amount16:20
mptmvo, I remember this same problem from USC16:20
mvompt: but in the typical all is under "/" or "/home", "/" setup its a non-issue16:21
mvompt: yes, exactly the same problem there16:21
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pittimvo: as /usr takes the bulk of the data, I think the check should query df /usr16:32
pittimvo: it'll be too pessimistic for a separate /usr, /var, of course, but the main thing on / is the kernel16:32
pittifor that you could just substract 200 MB from the limit?16:33
ivankahi mpt :-)16:33
mastersehim selling my macbook pro 15" and asus g74sx laptops. anyone interested? please message me if you are.16:42
lynxmancjwatson: ping16:43
m_3mhall119: ping (summit questions)16:45
cjwatsonlynxman: hi16:49
lynxmancjwatson: ello, saw the chef dependency on mcollective-plugins-ohai16:49
lynxmancjwatson: I did that source package, it depends on chef just for that, but removing it would just make that plugin not installable (which makes sense, it bridges with chef)16:50
lynxmancjwatson: if someone wants to use it with the opscode ppa it'll work as intended16:50
cjwatsonlynxman: then I'm not removing chef - I'm not prepared to have uninstallable packages in the archive, sorry16:52
lynxmancjwatson: let me talk with robbiew16:52
cjwatsonyou could move the binary to that PPA, or downgrade the Depends to Recommends if that makes sense, or something else16:52
robbiew mcollective-plugins-ohai should be removed too, imo16:53
lynxmancjwatson: downgrading sounds good then16:53
lynxmanrobbiew: that shouldn't be difficult either, your call guys :)16:53
cjwatsonrobbiew: archive admins can't do that until the source package stops building it16:53
robbiewwell the version of chef we have is unsupported by OpsCode16:53
lynxmancjwatson: yeah I can do a new version of mcollective-plugins removing that package16:53
cjwatsonwhich is why I bounced the bug16:53
lynxmancjwatson, robbiew: so either recommends or drop it completely, your call16:54
robbiewlynxman: drop it16:54
lynxmanrobbiew: alright, will drop it straight away, submit a debdiff16:54
robbiewlynxman: fwiw, I confirmed this with opscode in email...they wanted it dropped in addition to ohai and chef16:55
lynxmanrobbiew: sounds good then :)16:55
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lynxmancjwatson, robbiew: Attached debdiff to bug, if someone fancies sponsoring it I will be grateful :)17:02
mvopitti: yeah, this is what the code is currently doing, assuming the bulk goes to /usr and adds a fixed amount for /boot for each kernel17:03
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slangasekseb128: no more complaints about gconf, right? :)17:29
seb128slangasek, no, thanks a lot for fixing it!17:29
slangaseksorry it took so long17:29
seb128no worry17:29
seb128slangasek, want a new bug? ;-)17:29
seb128I've some to give away :p17:30
slangaseknot really... :)17:30
slangasekI have some to give away too :)17:30
seb128slangasek, joke aside I just saw bug #95096717:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950967 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "glib2.0:armel uninstallable on non-native architectures" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95096717:30
seb128slangasek, no hurry but in case you are interested17:30
seb128I might have a look next week but it's low on my list currently17:30
seb128I just wanted to point it at least17:30
slangasekhere, let me fix that bug title17:31
slangasekwell, let me try and fail to fix that bug title17:31
seb128launchpad fail? ;-)17:31
slangaseksomething like that17:31
slangasekI think Neil Williams also opened a bug about this in Debian, let me see17:33
slangasekseb128: yeah, mbiebl has already fixed in Debian, I think it's just adding another || true for consistency17:34
slangasekoh, but there's also this:17:35
slangasek    + Only run gio-querymodules on the non-multiarch path for the host»17:35
slangasek      architecture.17:35
slangasekwhich is just wrong :/17:35
mbieblslangasek: why?17:36
slangasekmbiebl: who says /usr/lib/gio/modules belongs to the native arch?17:36
slangasekit's for backwards-compatibility only, but multiarch does not guarantee that the packages installing to that path are of the native arch17:37
mbieblslangasek: how can you install no-native modules in a non-ma path?17:40
slangasekmbiebl: by installing a foreign-arch package that has not yet been converted to the multiarch path17:41
mbieblhow is that possible?17:41
slangasekwhy would it *not* be?17:41
slangasekmultiarch only says that you can't have the native one installed *at the same time*17:41
slangasekit doesn't say you can't install the foreign one17:42
slangasekmbiebl: e.g.: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876317/17:43
mbieblslangasek: ouch, so you could install a arm so in the /usr/lib/gio on a i386 system?17:45
mbieblhow is that supposed to work17:45
slangasekit works because the primary use case is for installing packages of archs whose code you can actually run ;)17:46
slangasekand with qemu-user-static + binfmt-support, you can run arm code on x8617:47
mbieblso what matters is the case where /usr/lib/gio is for the native arch17:47
slangasekif there's a gio module that's only available for i386, the package hasn't been converted to the multiarch path, and my native arch is amd64, what should happen?17:47
mbieblthen you have a problem17:52
mbieblif you let random archs put so in /usr/lib/gio17:52
mbiebland process them for every arch17:53
mbieblthat won't work17:53
cjohnstonm_3: ping17:53
m_3cjohnston: hey!17:53
slangasekmbiebl: it does work, it's been working here for me on Ubuntu for two cycles ;)17:53
m_3cjohnston: got a couple of questions on summit production installation if you've got a sec17:53
cjohnstonwhat's up17:54
m_3cjohnston: so lemme see what the current state of the app is... (I've been experimenting)... one sec17:54
slangasekthe modules for the wrong arch are ignored17:54
slangasekand you get a cache of the ones that match your arch17:55
m_3cjohnston: yeah, it's still doing it: http://ec2-75-101-197-201.compute-1.amazonaws.com/17:55
m_3cjohnston: the installation notes seem to all be about setting up a development environment, but it looks like I'm missing some production config17:56
cjohnstonm_3: python manage.py shell17:56
cjohnstonm_3: Menu.objects.create(site_id=1, name='uds', slug='uds')17:56
cjohnstonm_3: exit()17:56
m_3cjohnston: Menu isn't defined17:58
m_3cjohnston: the shell told me to remove south though, so that's progress... :)17:58
cjohnstonfrom common import Menu17:59
cjohnstonm_3: Menu.objects.create(site_id=1, name='uds', slug='uds')17:59
cjohnstonm_3: exit()17:59
cjohnstonnow its complaining about the database engin18:01
mbieblslangasek: talk to Joss, he added that code18:03
mbieblpersonally I wasn't aware that gio-query-modules can process arch-foreign modules18:06
slangasekit can't, but it should discard them gracefully18:07
mbieblprocess in the sense that it handles them correctly18:07
mbiebli.e. skip them18:07
mbieblanyway, I'm wondering if it matters much, seing there is no more package installing into /usr/lib/gio18:08
slangasekaren't there?18:08
slangasekUbuntu still has one (libgio-fam)18:08
slangasekmaybe there are third-party ones, I don't know18:09
slangasekbut this applies to everything, not just gio18:09
mbieblno libgio-fam on debian18:11
mbiebland I think issues like that need to be decided case by case18:11
seb128mbiebl, -fam is arch: hurd-any kfreebsd-any18:12
seb128mbiebl, but it's in debian as well as Ubuntu iirc18:12
mbieblseb128: so it's just a theoretical issue18:16
seb128mbiebl, I didn't follow, I think it is, in fact in Ubuntu I dropped the compat dir support18:16
mbiebli don't see either where this particular issue matters in practice18:18
mbieblanyway, there is more important things to do than this one18:18
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mbieblseb128: even the libgio-fam package for non-Linux arch use m-a paths18:25
seb128mbiebl, yeah, agree, I think Steve was just pointing it could be problematic, or rather is theorically wrong, without knowing much about gio and how much it's used18:25
seb128not sure that was well worded18:26
seb128"I don't think he looked at the rdepends or what could potentially be installed there as third party, he just pointed that it could be problematic"18:26
seb128mbiebl, i.e imho in practice it's a non issue and we can move on18:26
mbieblslangasek: actually18:28
slangasekwhat I actually mean is, "eew, now the maintainer script is way more complicated than it should be, for something that wasn't a bug in the first place" :)18:29
mbieblrunning gio-query-modules on a non-native arch will overwrite the giomodule.cache18:29
mbieblyou don't want that18:29
slangasekmbiebl: no, the giomodule.cache is in an arch-qualified path18:29
mbieblnope, it's created in both18:32
slangasekok, that's a good argument then18:32
slangasekthough it'd be nice to just drop that compat stuff altogether ASAP :)18:33
mbieblas said, we don't have any /usr/lib/gio modules anymore18:33
slangasekI thought the .cache was built only in one dir, not for each dir18:33
mbieblso we will just drop it post-wheezy18:33
* slangasek nods18:33
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slangasekSpamapS: can you check my reasoning in bug #950662?19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950662 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Waiting for network message on bootup when all network devices are up" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95066219:14
SpamapSslangasek: reading19:15
stgraberslangasek: I was also wondering if we shouldn't prevent these messages and the fallback when we actually start configuring an interface19:18
slangasekstgraber: no19:18
slangasekit's not enough to configure *an* interface19:18
SpamapSslangasek: very interesting19:18
slangasekyou need to successfully configure *all* interfaces to avoid getting a boot delay19:18
stgraberslangasek: I have a system here that takes 45s to 1 minute to configure the network and it's fine and expected, so the failsafe kicking in could give unexpected results19:18
slangasekstgraber: well, you could tweak the timeouts in the file19:19
slangasekbut the current behavior is intended19:19
slangasekanyway, it's already a 2 minute delay, isn't that long enough for your network to come up?19:19
stgraberit's for most of them, one system I have 10 bridges, each of them taking up to 30s to come online (standard wait in bridge-utils)19:20
SpamapSslangasek: I do see the point in what stgraber is saying.. failsafe is playing a bit dumb right now and warning of the delay, but it might make sense to make it a more informed message.19:20
slangasekhow could it be more informed?19:21
slangasekwithout making it way more complicated19:21
SpamapSwell if we know about the interfaces being waited on.. and their state, we have some clues that perhaps a message is not needed.19:21
SpamapSthats the thing, complicated..19:21
SpamapSslangasek: I agree with your assessment to change it from runlevel to starting rc-sysinit .. will mention in the comment as well.19:22
stgraberI'm unsure how to improve the situation and doubt it'd be easy to do for 12.10 but ideally the timeout should be somehow reset every time an interface gets to pre-up19:22
slangasekstgraber: right, I can see wanting to reset the timeout in that case19:25
slangasekbut the messages should still be displayed so people know what's going on19:25
SpamapSOr just extend it by a factor of the number of interfaces19:25
SpamapSand agreed.. message should stay for user sanity :)19:25
slangasekSpamapS: but most of the time the interfaces are going to come up in parallel and 120s is plenty19:26
stgraberslangasek: yeah, the "Waiting for network..." one should be displayed, it'sthe waiting one more minute one we should delay more or have reset every time an interface gets to pre-up19:26
stgraberyeah, the only case I've seen so far where 120s doesn't work is when you have bridges defined in /etc/network/interfaces with bridge-ports none19:27
stgraberthese are then started sequentially by /etc/init/networking.conf19:27
stgraber(I'm using these for containers and VMs to create separate networks)19:27
maswandoes https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/415353 count? ~10 minutes on my servers.19:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415353 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "karmic/lucid installation slow on "detecting network hardware" with bnx2x" [Medium,Incomplete]19:28
stgrabermaswan: it'd help booting a system like this post-install yes, though the delay in your case is definitely a bug :)19:29
SpamapSslangasek: if the absolute time of the timeout were simply pushed back, not the amount of time remaining, then parallel or not, it woudl work out and be fairly simple19:39
slangasekSpamapS: it would be an inappropriately long timeout in the case of /etc/network/interfaces containing configuration for interfaces that don't exist19:40
SpamapSslangasek: as stgraber says, only if they enter pre-up19:40
SpamapSslangasek: or are you saying, thos still go pre-up.. ?19:40
slangasekoh, no19:41
slangasekyou said "extend it by a factor of the number of interfaces", I didn't realize you meant to count the number of interfaces coming up19:41
slangasekI assumed you meant counting the number of interfaces configured initially19:41
SpamapSIts a nice feature to think about..just calculate now+60s and then write that to a file, and any time there is a pre-up, push the time back to now+60s ..19:41
SpamapSslangasek: yeah that was folly ;)19:41
lfaraonesabdfl: Per discussion on ubuntu-devel@, I'm submitting the application for Ubuntu to GSoC. Can I agree to the terms on behalf of Ubuntu?20:09
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mhall119m_3: ping20:49
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smoserwould it seem impossible to anyone that 'db_get' in /usr/share/debconf/confmodule seems busted for debconf values with a newline ?21:07
smoserit seems i'm only getting the first line if i do :21:07
smoserval="$(debconf-escape --escape < my.local )"21:08
smoserprintf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" cloud-init cloud-init/local-cloud-config string "$val" | sudo debconf-set-selections -v21:08
smoserthen, in the postinst of cloud-init, i'm doing:21:08
smoser  db_get "${debconf_name}" && ccfg="$RET" || :21:08
smoserbut it seems like ccfg ends up with only the first line21:08
smoserit seems to be getting stored correctly in /var/cache/debconf/config.dat21:12
Davieyroaksoax: That curl-udeb we discussed, can you upload it please21:23
Daviey(isn't finished? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~andreserl/ubuntu/precise/curl/lp940425/revision/57)21:23
roaksoaxDaviey: give me a few seconds21:23
roaksoaxDaviey: yes and now, I mistakenly uploaded that branch without adding the bin, but I do have a diff with it that i'm applying now21:23
Davieycool, can you pastebin the diff first?21:24
smoserslangasek, that seem possible to you ?21:24
roaksoaxDaviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876623/21:25
smoserthat debconf 'db_get' is broken for multi-line input that has been escaped with 'debconf-escape --escape' ?21:25
smosercjwatson, ^ ? (i'm sure you're not around)21:25
slangaseksmoser: there's a debconf feature you have to turn on to indicate how to handle escaping21:25
roaksoaxDaviey: should I upload now?21:26
Davieyroaksoax: One mo, i'm in a situation where i can test it easily.21:27
roaksoaxDaviey: ok cool, this also means adding Depends on curl-udeb for maas-enlist-udeb21:27
smoserslangasek, so maybe 'db_capb ESCAPE' ?21:28
slangaseksmoser: call db_capb escape, yes21:28
smoseri'll give that a try. thanks.21:28
smoserslangasek, gracias. all happy now.21:30
infinity@pilot out21:42
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise Beta-1 Released. Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/xmGdCW | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara
infinityogasawara: Are you really still piloting today, or did you forget to tell the bot you'd left?21:42
ogasawarainfinity: just about to sign out for today21:42
ogasawara@pilot out21:42
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iulianjanimo`: Thanks for the GHC armhf fix!22:13
janimo`iulian, cheers! could be useful in Debian too, are you active there or is Laney the contact?22:16
Laneyjanimo`: I think I have a fix without using sed, using the preprocessor22:22
Laneybut yes, I'll ask the list and see if we want it in Debian22:22
ScottKkenvandine: Your pidgin upload build-depends on a package that's apparently not even in the archive.  This might be the sort of thing that ought to be discussed with the release team (i.e. FFe) before you do it.  Please fix.22:24
janimo`Laney, at least the VFPv3D16 change is needed there too to be conformant to what the debian/ubuntu armhf port targets22:24
kenvandineScottK, you mean farsight?22:25
kenvandineit was a package rename22:25
Laneyjanimo`: in aclocal? yeah22:25
ScottKIs the renamed package in Ubuntu?22:25
kenvandinewe synced it from debian22:25
kenvandineyes, but it had a dep from universe, i uploaded a fix a bit ago22:25
kenvandineupstream renamed farsight to farstream and empathy/telepathy stuff depended on it22:26
kenvandinetelepathy-farstream depended on the rename too22:27
kenvandinethat existed22:27
kenvandinefarstream is what it needed22:28
kenvandinewe discussed it with pitti, he said it was fine22:28
ScottKhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search?text=farstream says it's still not there.22:28
ScottKOK.  Weird.22:29
kenvandineonce the fix i uploaded is published i am going to kick of rebuilds22:29
ScottKBTW, if there had been an FFe bug that explained all this, then people other than pitti on the release team would have known.22:30
infinityOr, if it had all gone smoothly, no one would have cared. ;)22:30
kenvandineScottK, sorry, we figured since it was basically part of the gnome 3.3.90 update22:31
ScottKRight, but as infinity says, once it starts to go sideways, people notice.22:31
ScottKAlso Kubuntu is using Telepathy now, so it's not just an Ubuntu concern.22:32
iulianjanimo`: I'm also active in Debian but Laney is doing the uploads there because I have limited upload privileges.22:32
kenvandineoh, anything using telepathy-farstream?22:32
ScottKI'm not sure.22:33
ScottKshadeslayer: ^^^?22:33
ScottKHe'll know.22:33
kenvandinenothing according to rdepends22:33
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ScottKOK.  Thanks for checking.22:59
sabdfllfaraone, probably, yes23:09
sabdfli.e. there's no reason for the big G to shaft us, feel empowered if you've read it carefully23:09
lfaraonesabdfl: unfortunately, the deadline for applying closed 10 minutes ago :( pleia2 wrote an email to the community-council@ list why we missed the it.23:11
sabdflwell, thanks for looking at it, pity we didn't get our act together, would be appreciated if a new community member ran that show!23:12
lfaraonesabdfl: sent a mail to carols, who runs the programme, but I don't expect much. Next year, then :)23:21
sabdflagain :(23:21
sabdflbut thank you23:22

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