[01:30] paultag: btw, I'm jealous [04:10] mhall119: about pycon? Aren't your team mates there too? [04:11] 33well, ex-teammates [07:58] mhall119: :D [08:10] good morning [09:02] paultag: morning [13:57] czajkowski: howdy! Off a phone modem, so I'm a bit laggy [13:57] I'm at PyCon [13:57] I might log out to get some breakfast, it's like 6:00 AM here I think [14:07] paultag: goddamn jealous [14:40] huats: ping === JanC_ is now known as JanC [16:58] nigelb: haha [16:59] paultag: Have fun :) [17:00] :)