
GrueMasterCan someone verify the beta 1 arm images for me?  I'm still getting failed checksums.  This is after zsyncing locally.  Twice.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/875432/01:12
infinityGrueMaster: ubuntu-12.04-beta1-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+ac100.tar.gz: OK01:46
infinityGrueMaster: Though I do have the server failures.01:46
infinityGrueMaster: Mirrors should be correct now.  Someone should poke me violently tomorrow about finding the root cause of this issue, though.01:53
infinityOh, and I note that there's a bug, and it's been assigned to me.  Lovely.01:56
GrueMasterYour welcome.02:15
ScottKpitti: The stack of KDE related demotions that component mismatches wants to do look bogus to me.  For example, kcolorchooser is on list.  kdegraphics (which is in Main) depends on it: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/i386/kdegraphics/5:71~pre15ubuntu11 so why does component mismatches want to demote it (most if not all of the others are similar).04:21
pittiScottK: ok; it's possible it was because of the kde-mdeta/kubuntu-desktop uninstallability? they are gone from c-m as well now, anyway05:48
* pitti rebuilds ubuntu desktops and alternates, uninstallability is fixed now10:01
Davieypitti: did you promote maas-enlist?10:56
pittiDaviey: no? I think I might have demoted it as part of cleaning up component-mismatches10:56
pittibut I'm not sure any more which package that was10:56
pitti(well, it was several)10:56
Davieypitti: you ACK'd it after jdstrands review, 4 hours ago.10:57
pittiright, the FFE10:57
pittibut it needs a reason to stay in main10:57
pittiotherwise it'll keep falling out again10:57
Davieypitti: it's seeded10:57
Davieyit's on c-m10:57
pittiit was this morning10:58
pittibut for main -> universe10:58
* pitti re-runs it10:58
pittic-m doesn't currently auto-update10:58
pittihaven't had time yet to find out why10:58
Davieypitti: it was added to the seed a few days ago :/10:58
pittiwell, all I can say is that this morning it wanted to go back10:58
pittibut perhaps it was another package10:58
pittiDaviey: oh, right, that was there before10:59
pittiDaviey: now I remember10:59
pittiDaviey: I demoted cobbler-enlist10:59
* pitti promotes maas-enlist10:59
Davieythat was correct10:59
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
Laneycould someone score ghc/ppc up please? Looks like we might have a full arch set this time and I would like to avoid any possibility of skew.12:05
LaneyTook 1h49 last time, so it's not too chunky.12:05
Laneycjwatson: also, could I ping about deploying ben?12:07
Laneymehdi grabbed me about it the other day12:07
cjwatsongcc-4.4 is nearly finished so it should start after that12:07
cjwatsonoh yeah, ok - I should write up my release meeting stuff first, then I'll have a look12:07
Laneynote that i haven't merged the new config branch with what we currently have for some time12:08
Laneywe should be able to simplify the configs using the new global.conf stuff12:08
Laneyurg, there is a new dep if we want to merge upstream again12:13
ScottKpitti: Thanks.12:36
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
Riddelldoes the release-team meeting have a new format this week?13:45
pittiI believe so13:51
Riddellpitti: so do I send in a report or do something else?13:51
pittiRiddell: the report format hasn't changed13:51
pittijust that the meeting won't be a standup round any more, but free form questions AFAIR13:52
Riddellpitti: and we read all the e-mails before then ask questions in channel13:52
RiddellI wonder if skeat is planning to do a "poke read e-mails now" before the meeting13:52
ScottKWe should decide in advance who we're going to pick on and everyone have a question to fire at that one person.  More fun that way!13:53
pittifortunately IRC has a natural way of serialization :)14:01
Riddellhow do I log into a live CD if it puts me at a login manager?14:21
Riddelloh the user changed, got it14:22
dokoskaet, cjwatson, apw, ogasawara: sorry, forgot to send email about yesterday's gcc-4.6 upload. changes affect ARM only. will send email later today15:34
ogasawaradoko: ack thanks, I'll hold our upload till gcc's finished building15:35
skaetdoko, prewarning of a day before the upload would be appreciated at this stage in the release cycle.15:35
skaetdoko,  any more bug fixes on the horizon for gcc/eglibc/binutils between now and beta freeze?15:36
dokoskaet, just a gcc-defaults upload to make gccgo (universe) point to 4.7 once it's built15:37
skaetdoko,  thanks. :)15:38
dokoafk now, getting breakfast15:39
dokoskaet, wait, there are still two eglibc issues left. jodh looks at 508083, and I have to look at 929219. not sure if before beta215:42
skaetdoko,  gotcha, thanks. keep me posted please.  :)15:44
DavieyOkay if i do a server (i386|amd64*) respin?16:04
stgraberinfinity: your metalink fix didn't seem to work for some reason... http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/dvd/20120309/16:08
cjwatsonDaviey: sure16:09
infinitystgraber: Curious.  I'll look at that later today when I'm also looking at hash sum weirdness.16:14
stgraberinfinity: thanks16:14
ogra_infinity, yeah, its intresting that ac100 has a proper one ... iirc cjwatson fixed that on my request in the last alpha, i looked but coundt find a commit related to it though16:20
infinityI'm sure it was fixed by hand, like I just fixed the beta by hand.16:21
infinityBut I'm going to look into the root issue later today.16:21
cjwatsonI wittered about it on IRC at the time16:21
ogra_i thought that was about the bashism in our -boot script16:22
Davieypitti: where did you get the '8 mins' per cd build from?16:22
cjwatsonnot just that no16:22
cjwatsonnote that I went down a blind alley there for a while so read the whole thing rather than believing my initial comments :)16:23
cjwatsonI thought that the checksum-directory change I made had fixed this16:24
cjwatsonand I think also the publish-daily change; but evidently not16:24
infinitycjwatson: It's not ac100-specific, I think it's more to do with carrying over old builds into new directories.16:25
cjwatsonright, that was what the checksum-directory change was supposed to be about, though16:25
infinitycjwatson: Which is only rarely done in the case of arch-only respins, but now ARM does it on every run.16:25
cjwatsonanyway, just a place to start16:25
infinitycjwatson: But yeah, I'll look later today, it's on my TODO.  Purge it from your mind. ;)16:25
cjwatsonI might've screwed up the -nt test or something16:25
pittiDaviey: if you start the buildlive program on cdimage, you can see the start and end time from the buildds16:30
Davieypitti: right, but seems to take *much* longer for non-live :)16:45
Davieyoh, not *much* longer, that was an exaggeration16:45
pittiDaviey: alternates should take less than 10 (didn't measure)16:46
pittiDaviey: cron.daily-live also take a bit, but it runs in parallel with the next buildlive16:46
ogra_Daviey, about time to produce live server images then :P16:48
Davieyogra_: please drive a blueprint at UDS for that :)16:55
Daviey(i'm not kidding.)16:55
ogra_heh, only if NM goes onto the server-live image :P16:56
ogra_(are you actually thinking about live builds ?)16:56
cjwatsonRiddell,Daviey,ogra_,pitti,etc.: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/CDImageSetup16:58
Davieyogra_: Considering a squashfs into d-i.16:59
Riddellcjwatson: lovely, thanks, can you link to it from the description of this team? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage16:59
RiddellI expect that's where I'll look when I've forgotten16:59
ogra_cjwatson, pretty clear, thx17:00
cjwatsonRiddell: sure, done17:00
ogra_hmm, i have never sudoed to cdimage before deploying ... good that you wrote that up :)17:01
cjwatsonthat would be why there are lots of files owned by ogra then? ;)17:03
ogra_heh, sorry17:03
cjwatsoncan actually cause problems sometimes - best to always sudo to cdimage before doing anyway17:04
ogra_yeah, i think the distinction of production/development helps there17:04
ogra_that way i will always sudo right after login17:04
micahgpitti: gilir: skaet: lightdm-gtk-greeter just needs to be consolidated, I have two source packages at the moment that need to be merged and I"ll endeavor to do that over the weekend18:07
gilirthanks micahg :) Let me know if you want help for this18:09
micahggilir: I'll need a review of the combined package before upload18:10
skaetthanks micahg.  :)18:13
sbeattiepitti: FYI, the eglibc package in maverick-proposed to fix bug 605042 has been superceded; also, for some reason that bug was not showing up on the SRU tracking page that I can see.19:56
ubot2`Launchpad bug 605042 in eglibc "[armel] java fails to start with eglibc-2.12-0ubuntu4" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60504219:56
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Laneyis anyone available to process bug #951206?23:09
ubot2`Launchpad bug 951206 in haskell-deepseq "RM: Provided by GHC" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95120623:09
slangasekLaney: what does 'provided' mean?  Is this a source-only removal because the binary should come from somewhere else, or does ghc now ship it in the main binary package?23:12
slangasekn/m, see it in the ghc binary package23:14
Laneyit means that ghc now exposes that library23:14
Laneyand Provides it in the packaging sense too23:15

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