
bkerensanathwill: I'm going to have to be out here tomorrow to meet my landlord because he needs to check a hole in the wall of our kitchen that I found behind fridge and look at some other things.... I'm going to try and reschedule tomorrows thing with blkperl02:00
c_smithbkerensa, did you get my Email?02:01
bkerensac_smith: sorry no I have not had a chance I have been busy with other things and will respond when I can02:01
c_smithok, do it at your convenience.02:01
c_smithalso waiting on JVLB to see the same Email.02:02
c_smithhmmm. a hole in the wall behind your fridge? that doesn't sound good.02:02
c_smithand why does that remind me of a Pink Floyd song?02:03
* c_smith goes back to customizing Kubuntu02:04
bkerensac_smith: just responded to you both with the info02:12
c_smithbkerensa, thanks, I just saw it in the midst of setting up Cairo Dock.02:14
c_smithbkerensa, are we good to go to use the Linbit logo?02:16
c_smith*Linbit font02:16
bkerensac_smith: Yes for the purpose of the sponsorship of course02:18
bkerensaand per my reply just now.... We do not need to seek any permission to use any of the Ubuntu Logo or Wordmark02:18
bkerensathis should never be a problem or need consent if you are using it to advocate02:19
c_smithyeah. cool02:19
bkerensaPermitted use02:20
bkerensaCertain usages of the Trademarks are fine and no specific permission from us is needed.02:20
bkerensaCommunity advocacy. Ubuntu is built by, and largely for, its community. We share access to the Trademarks with the entire community for the purposes of discussion, development and advocacy. We recognise that most of the open source discussion and development areas are for non-commercial purposes and will allow the use of the trademarks in this context, provided:02:20
Guest16781bkerensa, ping!02:20
=== Guest16781 is now known as albrigha
bkerensahello albrigha02:21
c_smithbkerensa, I'm looking at sizes of the banners, there's 3 sizes.02:21
c_smith24"x48", 26"x72", and 26"x120"02:22
c_smithwhich is the size you are aiming for?02:22
bkerensac_smith: 24x4802:24
c_smithhmmmm, they have an online editor.02:25
c_smithbkerensa, also, one last question: do you want all 3 logos in there?02:26
bkerensac_smith: just the Ubuntu Oregon one02:26
c_smithok, I'll end up having to use the online editor, as there seems to be no way to upload an ready made banner image made with Gimp.02:27
c_smithor should I start looking at other sites?02:27
bkerensawhy dont you check for other sites02:30
bkerensaand see if there are some ones that allow upload and are not to expensive02:30
c_smithbkerensa, I've already found one for a few buck cheaper, now to find out if they have guidelines and allow uploading of images, or only have an online editor.02:40
c_smithbkerensa, they do allow it, it's Officemax, and they charge $29.99, $3 cheaper.02:42
c_smithok, well, I have an idea of how the have it set up, we make the image, and upload it to the editor as an image.02:48
c_smithofc, the Ubuntu Oregon logo is going to be distorted...... might have to make one from scratch.02:50
bkerensac_smith: yeah if you want to make one from scratch that is great the old one need improvement02:52
c_smithnothing to start with for the Ubuntu Logo......02:53
bkerensac_smith: we also now have a few branches which you can push any ideas or final work to02:57
bkerensac_smith: What do you mean nothing to start with?02:57
c_smith0_0 didn't know about that.02:58
bkerensac_smith: I just made it.... It will be helpful in keeping track of all our stuffs02:59
c_smithlol, nice. I was saying an Ubuntu logo to start with, I'm good at image manipulation, not actual creation. :(03:02
bkerensac_smith: ask JVLB for help and if you guys cant get it I can try and find some time this weekend :P03:03
bkerensaslangasek: What is a good time threshold for a non-responded bug in BTS before one might consider a NMU?03:55
bkerensac_smith: if you want you could blog about your global jam experience on your personal blog?04:11
bkerensait might be good and I can have it in our team report04:11
blkperladam_g: so can i schedule you for friday @ 4pm next week for an openstack talk (30mins - 1hr)? :)04:55
slangasekbkerensa: hmm, the Debian developers-reference has the guidelines for recommended NMU wait times17:11
=== dshufelt is now known as dsmitty
adam_gblkperl: fri the 16th @ 4pm? that should work17:30
blkperladam_g: yes18:10
blkperladam_g: although im asking if next week is a good idea since its "deadweek"18:12
blkperlit might be better to schedule this for the first week of next term18:12
adam_gblkperl: yeah, thats cool. when would that be? ill be out of town for a week in april and again in may18:28
blkperladam_g: April 6th?18:29
adam_gblkperl: ill be here, sounds good18:34
blkperladam_g: alright i just need to check to see if the room is availible18:34
bkerensaGood Morning of Sorts19:21
blkperlbkerensa: status of today?19:40
bkerensablkperl: I'm stuck here :( waiting on landlord and his maintenance guy to come look at this hole in my kitchen19:41
bkerensablkperl: nathwill should be back on in a few I did ping him yesterday so I hope to see if he can swing in and cover for me19:41
nathwillhey what're you folks using as a calendar application on Precise? doesn't seem like there's anything with good integration besides evolution20:24
blkperlnathwill: are you coming at 4pm?20:40
blkperlbkerensa can't make it20:40
bkerensanathwill: not sure if you just got my pm since my system crashed20:51
bdmurraybkerensa: ubuntu-meta is a virutal package has no binaries so bug 947247 shouldn't have been opened21:22
lubotu1Launchpad bug 947247 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "process does not have unique icon in system monitor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94724721:22
bkerensabdmurray: ok21:23
bkerensablkperl: Looks like nathwill has become unavailable too.... We will make it up to you21:51
blkperlbkerensa: ok21:52
nathwillblkperl: i'm really sorry. when i told bkerensa last week that i was able to come today, i had forgotten that my work schedule had changed22:00
nathwillif you're interested, i'm off at 6 and we can do an impromptu Ubuntu Hour at BackSpace at 730 tonite22:00
nathwillor on campus if it's preferable and there's a space22:01
blkperlnathwill: no worries, im busy from 6 -1022:16
blkperlso at some future point is good22:16
nathwillok. sorry tonite didn't work out, let us know when a good time would be.22:17
bkerensanathwill: Im not taking a plane to UDS22:29
bkerensatheir travel agency is putting me on a train at my request22:30
tgm4883bkerensa, have you taken the train before?22:34
tgm4883It's much longer, but you get to move from car to car which is nice22:35
bkerensatgm4883: I have not taken it quite the distance of Portland to Oakland but I have taking the Amtrak from SF to Davis and also the Caltain from SF to Silicon Valley all the time22:35
bkerensaI dont mind the extra hours so long as I dont run into the issue we discussed :)22:36
tgm4883I took it from Klamath Falls to LA during christmas one year, it was a pretty long ride22:36
bkerensaplus they have a food car22:36
bkerensaand booze car?22:36
tgm4883yea, riding the train is pretty fun22:36
bkerensatgm4883: yeah the agency indicated I would leave at night and be in Oakland by morning so I could sleep22:36
bkerensatgm4883: I took Greyhound from Portland to Sacramento last year and it was epic horrible but I have dealt with worse22:37
bkerensaI once took Greyhound from Iowa to Sacramento22:37
tgm4883yea on my trip down to LA i switched from train to bus back to train22:37
tgm4883that wasn't fun22:37
tgm4883busses are no fun :(22:37
bkerensathat is perhaps the worst because you do not have any opportunity to shower for like 2 days22:38
tgm4883it was about a 24 hour total trip down22:38
bkerensayeah thats not so bad but cross country sucks22:38
bkerensatgm4883: And plus apparently due to the lower cost of train versus plain... The agency can get me uhh a cabin bed or something22:39
nathwilltrains are fantastic22:40
nathwillbut greyhound is the pits22:41
bkerensanathwill: So long as they have a booze car and wifi22:41
bkerensatgm4883: what was lodging like for Orlando? I hear they twin the rooms? so was it a two room kind of deal or two beds in one room22:57
tgm4883two queens in 1 room22:57
tgm4883i'd imagine a similar setup in oakland22:58
bkerensatgm4883: Cool stuff :)23:01
bkerensatgm4883: who did you bunk with?23:02
tgm4883bkerensa, I was paired with Scott Richie, the Wine guy23:23
bkerensaoh cool23:24
bkerensatgm4883: They gave me the option I guess of requesting a pair with someone so perhaps I might choose someone23:24
tgm4883yea they give you that option. Not sure if both sides have to do it or not. I just opted to have them pair me with someone23:25
bkerensaHi Budget23:35

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