
cjohnstoni hate theming stuff00:56
cjohnstondaker: ping13:14
dakercjohnston, pong15:30
cjohnstondaker: got any plans today? maybe able to help me out with moving summit to the new guidelines? I got CSS from Canonical.. then after that's done, LTP should be easy15:31
dakertonight ツ15:31
cjohnstonping me when your available15:32
dakersure ツ15:46
Amozcjohnston: as I said, I'm not experienced with Django, but I19:09
AmozI'd love to learn19:09
cjohnstonAmoz: thats fine..19:09
cjohnstonI started learning django by fixing a copyright date19:10
cjohnstonare you good with CSS?19:10
cjohnstonand can read code19:10
AmozI'd say I'm quite knowledgable19:10
Amozdepends what kind of code19:10
AmozASM, no19:10
AmozJava, C, PHP, Python etc. yes19:10
cjohnstonWe need to update our CSS to fit the new guidelines..19:11
Amozyeah I helped holbach with the packaging guide19:11
cjohnstonI was sent a couple CSS files as well as a template, and I'm trying to basically merge them together19:11
Amozwhich website are you reffering to?19:11
cjohnstonI'm currently working on summit.ubuntu.com19:12
cjohnstonthe theme changes will then be pushed to loco.ubuntu.com19:12
Amozso basically the summit.u.c should have the new design19:13
cjohnstonand im horrible at css19:13
cjohnstonI've gotten it part of the way there19:13
Amozgot a branch somewhere?19:14
cjohnstonand I'm taking a little break to do some stuff at the house19:14
cjohnstoni can19:14
cjohnstonfew sec19:14
cjohnstonthe problem is that all of our django sites use the same theme... so the CSS they provided me doesn't use the same names and such as ours do... so I can't just replace19:15
Amozthe best thing imho19:15
Amozwould be to port the actual django themes19:15
Amoznot the css19:15
Amozbecause then we could hopefully use the same css, more or les19:15
cjohnstonWe would be talking atleast 3 sites19:15
Amozwhich ones? :)19:16
cjohnstonand then the next time that the theme guidelines change, if they use different names we would be doing it again19:16
cjohnstonthose two19:16
cjohnstonJono's accomplishments19:17
cjohnstonand I dont know what else19:17
Amozstill, I'd prefer to port the html-themes rather than the css I guess19:18
Amozbut I'm not sure19:18
cjohnstonI think I'm between 1/3 and 1/2 the way done with porting the css19:18
Amozoh, that's too bad :(19:18
AmozI don't want to waste your work though19:19
Amozbut you'd still need to port the css for the other websites right?19:19
cjohnstonno.. they would just need to check out the new theme and be (almost) done19:19
cjohnstonso far I've had to make 2 html changes19:19
AmozI must be misunderstanding19:20
cjohnstonall of the django sites use one theme branch19:20
Amozshow me the source :)19:20
AmozI see19:20
cjohnstonso if we update the theme branch, all the sites will (hopefully) work19:21
Amozdidn't know everyone used the same theme19:21
Amozis that possible?19:21
Amozeven if they need different pages etc.19:21
cjohnstonthe wonder of django19:21
AmozI'll have a look then19:22
cjohnstonwe have a django theme, a wordpress theme, an html theme, and a drupal theme19:22
Amozquite a lot of things to do here I suppose19:22
Amozdjango, PHP, css/html etc.19:22
cjohnstonso lp:ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-theme is the theme19:23
Amozrecognize that one19:23
cjohnstonthis is what ive done: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/ubuntu-community-webthemes/update-to-new-web-guidelines19:23
Amozis there a source for the websites somewhere?19:24
cjohnstonAmoz: like I said, I've had to make 2 changes to the lp:summit branch to work with this, but other than that, its all been in the light-django-theme branch19:24
Amozor can I try out the themes somehow?19:24
cjohnstonif you want I can help you setup summit so that you can make it all blow up19:25
cjohnstoni mean, take a look19:25
Amozit's django, right?19:25
Amozisn't there a builtin webserver?19:25
cjohnstonyes.. but you have to get the environment working19:26
AmozI'll tell you if I need help19:26
cjohnstonbasically bzr branch lp:summit19:26
AmozI'll just have a look19:26
cjohnstonand that will point you in the right direction19:26
Amozhmm, br19:30
cjohnstonAmoz: whats your email and I'll forward you the CSS I was given19:37
Amozcjohnston: fougner89@gmail.com19:38
cjohnstonyou should have it19:38
Amozcjohnston: thanks. So basically I should just install virtualenv etc.19:39
Amozthere was an make target for that19:52
cjohnstonthe Make doesn't always play well19:53
cjohnstonand when you do make you have to do it every time, doing the virtualenv you only have to set it up once19:53
cjohnstonAmoz: give me a second and I'll give you a db so you dont have to make data19:54
cjohnstonAmoz: http://ubuntuone.com/5Pja6HyyFdOuLCuFCLaGl519:55
cjohnstonif you need admin access, admin/password19:55
AmozI copied the local_settings.py19:56
Amozdo I need to pull themes?19:56
cjohnston./manage.py migrate19:56
cjohnston./manage.py init-summit19:56
Amozthis is tedious work19:56
cjohnston./manage.py pullapps19:56
Amozbut I only have to follow that one19:56
cjohnstonpullapps will download the themes19:57
Amozwhere to put the db?19:57
AmozI shouldn't syncdb ?19:58
cjohnstonput the db in /summit/19:58
cjohnstonyou dont need to syncdb, its new enough..19:58
cjohnstonprobably wont even need to migrate19:58
Amozbut it won't hurt if I do any of them?19:58
Amozhmm, need to adjust settings?20:00
cjohnstonwhats wrong20:00
Amoz'Settings' object has no attribute 'THEME_MEDIA'20:01
cjohnston./manage.py runserver no longer works.20:01
cjohnstonas of yesterday20:01
cjohnstonI havent updated the docs20:01
Amozyou broke it didn't you!20:01
Amozaaw you20:01
cjohnstonpython manage.py runserver --settings ubuntu_server20:01
cjohnstonpython manage.py runserver --settings ubuntu_settings20:01
cjohnstondidnt break it20:01
cjohnstonwe seperated it into two different sites, so you have to define what site20:02
Amozso, which one should I run?20:03
cjohnstonubuntu_settings ^^20:03
cjohnstonubuntu_server was a typo20:03
Amozanother error20:03
Amozlist index out of range20:04
cjohnstonone sec.. let me get you a newer db20:04
cjohnstondidnt put the menu stuff in there yet20:04
cjohnstontry that20:05
Amozsyncdb is req I suppose20:06
AmozError: no module named south20:06
cjohnstonare you in your virtualenv20:06
Amozoh sorry20:07
Amozall terminals20:07
AmozI can do workon in multiple shells right?20:07
Amozuhm, still the same error20:10
cjohnstonAmoz: where are you from20:10
Amozafter syncdb and migrate20:10
cjohnstonthe list error?20:10
cjohnstoncurious.. like to know where the people I work with are located20:11
cjohnstonso I can be jealous20:11
Amoznothing to be jealous about20:11
Amozyou're from the US I suppose?20:11
cjohnstonFlorida.. yes20:11
cjohnstonI'm jealous of anything that isn't here20:11
Amoznow I'M ealous20:11
Amozit's wonderful there20:12
cjohnstontheres nothing here to be jealous about20:12
Amozwhere in FL?20:12
Amozo yes it is20:12
Amozbeaches <320:12
Amozsummer all year20:12
AmozI've been there20:12
Amozit's not as humid as Ft. Lauderdale right?20:12
cjohnstonits all 100% all the time20:12
Amozit was 14 yrs ago so..20:13
Amozcan't remember everything20:13
cjohnstonAmoz: try this one: I just varified that it works: http://ubuntuone.com/4T5jdYPnbKKR2b541lnVDM20:13
cjohnstonfor giving you bad db's20:13
cjohnstonthat one really should work20:14
cjohnstonor I'm going to bed20:14
Amozit's just 3.20PM there ?20:14
cjohnstonuh huh20:14
Amozis that "yes" or "no" ?20:14
AmozI remember FL having geckos in the street20:15
Amozthat was sooo weird20:15
cjohnstondid you merge my branch into ubuntu_website?20:18
Amoznope, haven't gotten that far yet20:18
cjohnstonand im pusing right now the change to the summit branch20:19
Amozso what do you do there in Orlando? if you don't mind me asking :)20:20
cjohnstonI assume you are referring to job?20:21
cjohnstonI am a Firefighter paramedic20:21
cjohnstonI work at a dive shop20:21
cjohnstonand I'm getting ready to start a contract gig doing web work20:22
Amozparamedics work at dive shops?20:22
Amozor that's extra?20:22
cjohnstonnot related20:22
cjohnstonpart time job20:22
Amozso you work as a paramedic AND in a dive shop20:23
cjohnstonand in 2 weeks the new job20:23
Amozweb stuff?20:23
cjohnstondjango/python stuff20:23
Amozah, you must be quite good then :D20:24
cjohnstoni dunno about all that20:24
cjohnstonI still have trouble regularly20:24
Amozwith what?20:24
Amoznot alligators? =P20:25
cjohnstonour guru took the day off today... but mhall119 is the man when it comes to all of this20:25
cjohnstonalligators are good eatin20:25
Amozyou tasted ?20:25
cjohnstonof course20:25
Amozyeah of course ^^20:25
Amozbeen to Everglades as well, no?20:26
Amozthat's where I tasted it20:26
cjohnstonnot to, no.. but ive been down that way20:26
Amozoh ok20:26
Amozhm, your guru?20:27
cjohnstonHe's the guy I go to for help20:27
Amoznot an ubuntu guy ?20:27
cjohnstonmhall119 works for Canonical20:27
Amozoh, guru = mhall11920:28
AmozI thought you were referring to two different ppl20:28
Amozso your branch should be merged to summit/summit/ubuntu_website ?20:30
cjohnstonthere are two20:30
cjohnstonthe ubuntu-community-webthemes one into ubuntu_website20:31
cjohnstonthe summit one into summit20:31
Amozu-c-webthemes is  light-django-theme ?20:33
cjohnstonits ubuntu-communtiy-webthemes/light-django-theme20:34
cjohnstonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/ubuntu-community-webthemes/update-to-new-web-guidelines   will go into ubuntu_website20:34
Amozso bzr merge lp:repo summit/summit/ubuntu_website20:36
Amozkind of20:36
AmozI'll just try instead of asking you stupid questions =)20:37
cjohnstoncd summit/summit/ubuntu_website20:37
cjohnstonbzr merge lp:~chrisjohnston/ubuntu-community-webthemes/update-to-new-web-guidelines20:37
cjohnstoncd ..20:37
cjohnstonbzr merge lp:~chrisjohnston/summit/new-web-guidelines-changes20:38
Amozcjohnston: thank you for holding up20:38
Amozyou didn't do anything else than modifying the base.html?20:40
cjohnstonin the summit branch, no20:41
Amozah, the rest is in light-django-theme20:41
cjohnstonthere are some other changes that will need to be done in summit, but not a big deal..20:41
Amozcjohnston: so... now I'm ready to code, in the ubuntu_website dir, right?20:49
cjohnstonAmoz: yes20:49
cjohnstonsummit is using website_base.html20:49
cjohnstonand then if you need to change something on the pages just tell me what you need and i can tell you where to find it20:50
cjohnstonan example is we didnt used to use ul and li for the menus but i had to change that20:50
Amozcjohnston: is there a reference design somewhere?21:10
Amozthe css you mailed me?21:10
cjohnstonthe css21:10
cjohnstondesign.ubuntu.com has some stuff21:11
Amozhmm, doesn't look the way I pictured it21:12
cjohnstonwhats that21:13
Amozisnt that the new design?21:13
cjohnstonuds.ubuntu.com is21:13
cjohnstonit was just released two days ago21:13
Amozgreat, now I have some refs21:15
cjohnstonAmoz: that html file in the .zip i forwarded as well21:15
Amozyeah I looked at it21:19
Amozcjohnston: gotta go for tonight, thanks for the help21:23
cjohnstonok.. you going to be able to look at it over the weekend?21:23
Amozhopefully yes21:23
Amozstill me thinks it's harder to port css-code than the html part21:24
cjohnstonsounds good.. let me know if you need help21:24
cjohnstonhave a good night and thanks for being willing to help21:24
Amozis there a reason why you don't want to change all the html instead of the css?21:24
cjohnstontoo many projects to change, like I said21:25
Amozso, there a lot of different projects with different html templates, that's why you want the css ported instead ?21:27
AmozI see21:27
Amozwell then, goodnight ^^21:29
AlanBelldoes summit work with postgres 9.1?21:43
cjohnstonAlanBell: not sure..21:46
AlanBellfair enough, I will tell you later then :)21:46
cjohnstonsounds good21:47
* AlanBell adds THEME_MEDIA = ubuntu_website.MEDIA_ROOT to localsettings.py22:22
AlanBellhmm, no22:23
AlanBellok, something needs to be done with ubuntu_settings.py but I am not sure what22:24
AlanBell'Settings' object has no attribute 'THEME_MEDIA' is the error I get from the server when running it22:24
AlanBellthere is something not right in the installation instructions, not sure how the linaro and ubuntu themes are set up22:26
cprofitthey Pendulum22:31
cprofitthey bobweaver22:31
AlanBellok, well I think I have summit nearly installed, but I don't know how to do a valid localsettings.py just copying localsettings.py.sample doesn't seem right22:37
AlanBellsuggestions would be great, I am done for the night o/22:38
AmozAlanBell: I had the same error, cjohnston helped me23:04
AmozAlanBell: now I remember, run this instead of just runserver23:05
cjohnstonAlanBell: pyton manage.py runserver --settings ubuntu_settings23:05
Amozoh you23:06
Amozbeat me to it23:06
Amozone second away from pasting it23:06
cjohnstonfix my spelling errors tho23:06
Amoz python manage.py runserver --settings ubuntu_settings23:06
Amozthere AlanBell23:06
cjohnstonAmoz: can you post him a link to the db I gave you please?23:07
cjohnstonthe last one23:07
AmozAlanBell: http://ubuntuone.com/4T5jdYPnbKKR2b541lnVDM23:07
* AlanBell has a working summit, thanks all23:18
AlanBellthe installation instructions could do with a bit more followability, I will try and update them23:18
Amozcjohnston: hm, how did you begin the porting for the css? you're still on the old css but importing piece by piece from the new design?23:24
marsnewz2000, I moved the .wsgi file into apache/wsgi.  Check apacha/ubuntu for the vhost setup.23:24
Amozcjohnston: you haven't linked the core-grid.css etc. ?23:37
cjohnstonAmoz: no, I was just pulling it into default.css23:38
Amozcjohnston: weird.. I can't find .clearfix in default.css23:40
Amozit's in core-grid.css23:40
cjohnstonits in core-grid23:40
cjohnstoni hadnt gotten that far23:40
cjohnstonI did more than half of the main core file, and started on one of the others23:41
cjohnstonif you want to start fresh from ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-themes and port the css yourself thats fine..23:42
cjohnstonI find it really annoying that the current css has the same things in multiple areas23:42
Amozyeah I'll try to begin from a fresh set I think23:42
Amozhard to keep track of what's already done by you, and what's not :)23:43
AmozI'll check it out tomorrow23:43
Amozit's past midnight here, so...23:43
Amozg'night.. for real23:43
Amozcjohnston: thanks again23:43

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