
nuvolariwhat's wrong with a developer if he/she does'nt use IRC?04:23
magespawn_morning all, have good friday y'all06:02
magespawngood morning again06:10
nlsthzn:) morning magespawn ...06:12
nlsthzno/ sakhi 06:24
magespawnhey hey its friday06:27
nlsthznfriday, friday... got to het down on friday...06:31
superflyFormal Friday06:43
magespawnfrisky friday06:43
superflyif only :-P06:44
magespawni just got superglue on my tongue06:46
superflymagespawn: don't press your tongue against the roof of your moust!06:46
magespawnpeople might think it rude if i walk aroung with my tongue out06:47
nlsthznin this case I would rather be rude06:48
magespawngood point06:49
superflyyeah, ditto06:49
magespawnjust for the record it does not taste good06:50
nlsthznI don't think it is supposed too...06:52
Kiloshi superfly magespawn inetpro nlsthzn nuvolari Squirm Owkkuri plustwo and others06:54
nlsthznMorning uncle Kilos 06:54
Kilossigh still no maaz06:54
superflymôre oom Kilos06:54
plustwogood morning Kilos06:54
inetprogoeie more Kilos06:55
inetproen goeie more aan al die ander06:55
Kiloshi drussell hows the weather in the UK06:55
Kiloswhere is the the crash kid?06:55
inetproKilos: iewers in die amerikaanse state?06:56
magespawnhi kilos06:57
magespawnwho is in charge/owns Maaz?06:57
Kilosis daar nie iemand wat saam met hom werk nie?06:57
Kiloscocooncrash, is the bots boss06:57
Kilosi seem to remember there was someone with him at work06:58
inetpromagespawn: as far as I'm aware cocooncrash is hosting it on his private box 06:58
magespawnhow do you set up a bot? anybody know where i can start looking?06:59
Kilosmagespawn, get ibid06:59
Kilosand inetpro knows how to set it up06:59
inetproor https://launchpad.net/ibid07:00
magespawnty will have a look07:00
Kilosand you can call it botspawn07:00
Kilosor magespawn07:00
Kiloswho works in the same offices as cocooncrash ?07:01
Kilosdont all answer at once07:01
nlsthzn I don't07:01
Kilosha ha ha07:01
drussellKilos: not too bad at all, a little chilly, 8 degrees c right now and a little overcast, but it's dry :o)07:02
drussellKilos: how about where you are?07:02
Kilosdrussell, sunny and hot and not enough rain in transvaal07:02
Kilosyou dunno about the compose key drussell ?07:03
Kilosdont believe that07:03
Kiloscompose key 2xo gives you the °07:04
magespawnokay but where do you see that on the keyboard?07:07
Kilosoh you have to make it magespawn 07:07
magespawnahh right07:07
Kilosnot xo man two times o07:07
Kilosi see if i can find how07:08
Kilosnuvolari, told me long ago07:08
magespawnwill search on the net07:08
Kilosno its on your pc07:08
magespawnno for the way to do it07:09
Kilossystem prefs keyboard07:09
Kilosthen 07:09
magespawnapparenlty you assign it in the system to one of the key/s 07:09
Kilosthen tick the compose key pointer07:10
Kilosthen set which key you want07:10
Kilosi use left winsucks key07:10
magespawnlol might as well put it to use07:11
drussellKilos: hehe yeah, I use it so rarely I forget :o)07:11
magespawncool ty07:12
inetprohmm... compose and o gives me ö 07:13
inetprowith a South African keyboard layout 07:14
magespawnibd is written in python, i am trying to learn python so this should be a good thing to look at07:14
superfly http://ibid.omnia.za.net/docs/0.1.0/index.html07:14
superflyreal easy to set up and use07:14
magespawnill have a look later busy putting an inkjet back together07:17
Kiloshi morgs 07:31
superflymorning morgs07:35
morgshi superfly 07:36
magespawnright work desk net and tidy and printer back in one piece and working08:06
magespawnthat for sure08:10
magespawnnew tech from ibm can move data at 1 trillion bits a second08:11
magespawnkind of makes password a little redundant08:13
nlsthznbut move it where?08:14
magespawnarticle on ars technica, for communicating between chips on servers , i think , will try to find the article08:16
magespawnthis is from mashable mashable.com/2012/03/08/ibm-fast-optical-chip08:18
magespawnthey are also apparently working on a quantum computer08:19
magespawnand apparently you can now log into yahoo mail with your gmail id from LTG08:24
inetprohello morgs08:24
morgshi inetpro 08:24
inetproyou are far to quiet these days08:25
* morgs triages bugs on a big client project08:25
magespawnoohh that sounds like fun08:25
morgsRats, I've got two servers in Kenya which were installed with Ubuntu 10.10 instead of 10.04 LTS. Going to be a bummer fixing that and 10.10 is being EOLed soon08:26
Kilossigh , no maaz so cant define triages08:26
morgsBasically sorting tickets into priority and due date etc08:26
magespawnlooks at the bug and sorts them by priority08:27
Kilosmorgs, try keep 10.10 alive so i can keep using it too08:27
Kilosmaverick rocks08:28
morgsyeah, well, here's hoping precise is more stable on the desktop08:29
* inetpro likes The Governator's latest posting about Government use of Ubuntu08:29
morgson the server it's more the support period that matters08:29
morgsinetpro: URL?08:29
Kilosinetpro, whats he say?08:30
nlsthznI has a lol at the email addy :p governator08:30
morgsoh that governator08:30
inetproclearly Ubuntu is moving forward in big places08:30
morgsAh now I see the reference08:31
morgs"A European defence force has recently adopted Ubuntu widely as part of an agility-enhancing strategy that gives soldiers and office workers secure desktop capabilities from remote locations like… home, or out in the field."08:33
morgsSquad, we're deploying at oh six hundred zulu time. Remember to do your dist-upgrades in advance!08:34
magespawndid you see the French airforce was grounded because of a windows virus?08:35
magespawnthey could not load the flight maps from the ground computers into the planes, an unpatched windows bug allowed the malware in08:36
magespawnthis looks neat mahable.com/2012/03/05/recoil-winder-kickstarter08:38
magespawnto fair the patch was available they had just no applied it08:53
magespawn^be ^not08:55
inetpromorgs: I guess we need IPMI to come standard with all servers these days so you can do a complete remote installation08:55
inetproIPMI = Intelligent Platform Management Interface http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_Platform_Management_Interface08:56
morgsinetpro: yeah, we do use DRAC for Dell or iLO for HP which lets you do remote console/installations, but we do not have it on all servers - clients are sometimes too cheap to pay for this08:57
morgsIt does let you do a remote installation, even upload ISO images to a virtual CD drive, although that gets uploaded from your workstation (e.g. laptop on ADSL) and is slow if you're tunnelling over stuff to get to a remote data centre.08:58
magespawndoes that not end up costing more at the end of tha day, not having that ability08:58
morgsmagespawn: yes it does, just not on the initial budget...08:58
morgsAnyway, the worth of features like this get proven when you really need them...08:59
magespawnwhat si that sevice from cannonical? would tha work08:59
morgsWe've got one client who manages the network while we manage the servers. They reallocated the IP addresses for the iLO consoles without telling us, then when a server went down we couldn't reboot it remotely - that's another painful scenario09:00
magespawncommunication is important09:00
inetpromagespawn: no, communication is key09:46
morgslandscape is great, but very expensive. Too expensive for our current hosting model which has lots of small VPSs10:14
inetproMaaz: coffee on13:09
inetproMaaz: Is it Friday yet?13:10
nlsthznyup, maaz left early13:11
inetproheh nlsthzn, How goes?13:12
magespawnmaaaz has taken and extended leave of absence13:12
nlsthzninetpro: can't complain , and yourself?13:13
* inetpro just wants the week to end now13:13
magespawnwhy? what is so bad about this week?13:14
inetpromagespawn: hmm... just tired and don't want to start anything now13:15
nlsthznfair enough13:16
magespawnme too but still have to open the shop tomorrow but really looking forward to kicking back on sunday13:16
Kilosinetpro> hmm... compose and o gives me ö 13:22
Kilosthere is another way13:23
inetproKilos: coffee on13:23
Kiloshold down ctrl+alt and type u b 013:23
Kiloskilos puts the kettle on13:24
Kiloshehe cheeky old man13:24
Kilosmagespawn, where is your bot13:24
* inetpro lol13:25
inetproKilos: nee ctrl+alt and u b 0 not werking13:26
inetpronot on kubuntu at least13:26
inetprooh and not on a Precise Beta1 default VM13:27
Kiloswag ek soek weer waar het ek dit neer geskryf13:28
* inetpro is not very happy with the beta1 stability in a VM at this stage13:28
Kerberoi should update my vm13:28
inetprowould not recommend an upgrade 13:28
* nlsthzn is happy with the beta as his main system too13:28
inetproI've had a few crashes, nothing major though13:29
magespawnhave not had time to set it up yet13:29
Kerberoif the dualscreening of the new version is really better than 11.10 i will switch asap13:29
nlsthzninitially I could only get 12.04 to work as an upgrade from 11.10... now at least installing it works :)13:29
nlsthznKerbero: seems they are still debating some of how it should be handled13:29
nlsthznwas a post on omgubuntu about it13:30
Kerberoyeah i heard people saying it is not good13:31
Kerberothe way it works13:31
Kilosinetpro, google how to make a ° simbol with ubuntu13:32
Kilosi think i used degrees not the °13:32
Kilosek sukkel om te kry waar ek dit neer geskryf het13:33
Kilosen maaz is nie hier om te vra nie13:33
Kilosinetpro, your coffee is ready13:35
inetproahh Kilos, it is Left Ctrl+Shift and tapping, in sequence, u b 013:35
Kilosoh ctrl shift13:35
Kilosi forgot sorry13:35
inetprothat still works on Ubuntu Precise 13:35
inetprobut not in Kubuntu13:36
Kiloskubuntu sucks13:36
Kilosbetter go unity13:36
inetproKilos: watch mooi wat jy hier sê!13:36
Kilosha ha ha13:37
inetproKilos: maar dankie vir die nota13:37
* Kilos het vergeet jy weet waar bly hy13:37
inetprocopywrite -- © > Ctrl+Shift+u + a9 or Compose key+c+o13:39
inetprovery interesting13:39
inetprotrade mark -- ™ > Ctrl+Shift+u + 212213:39
magespawnis there a list somewhere with all on ?13:40
Kilosmagespawn, forget serious work fix your bot13:40
Kilosibids make the best coffee13:41
Kiloshi confluency you quiet13:41
Kilosnlsthzn, you at home?13:41
magespawnhold on then13:41
inetproin Kubuntu with South African keyboard layout you press AltGr+Shift+0 for °13:42
* Kilos holds on13:42
Kiloswhats AltGr13:42
OwkkuriKilos: right alt key13:44
nlsthznKilos: nope @ work13:44
* Kilos changes glasses to see whats onna keyboard13:44
Kilosoh my alt graph13:45
Kilosdidnt even know it was there13:45
Kilosand this keyboard actually has a compose key right next to right alt13:46
Kilosty Owkkuri 13:46
* inetpro likes the way that Ubuntu has now visible keyboard layouts as soon you choose an additional layout13:48
inetprovery pretty13:49
* Kerbero likes it that koiosify is online again13:49
koiosifyMy pc died13:50
magespawnKilos busy doibng the install now13:51
magespawndoing even13:51
Kilosgood lad13:51
Kilosi dunno how you get it on here though13:52
Kilosneed to pester inetpro  again13:52
magespawni am sure we can work it out will be reading documentation will doing install13:52
inetpromagespawn: just read those docs, should be real easy13:57
inetproI'll help later if necessary13:57
magespawnseem to be doing okay so far13:57
inetprosadly that will only be after 20:0013:58
Kiloswhat inetpro 13:58
Kiloszeref, you still alive?13:59
inetproKilos: I will be afk until later this evening14:00
Kiloswe forgive you14:01
magespawnokay first prob14:01
magespawnibid@gandcnet:~/botdir$ ibid setup14:01
magespawnTraceback (most recent call last):14:01
magespawn  File "/usr/bin/ibid", line 15, in <module>14:01
magespawn    ibid.setup(options)14:01
magespawn  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ibid/__init__.py", line 122, in setup14:01
magespawn    raise IbidException('Cannot find configuration file %s' % options['config'])14:01
magespawnibid.IbidException: Cannot find configuration file setup14:01
magespawnibid@gandcnet:~/botdir$ 14:01
magespawngoing to read doc14:01
Kiloswhen in doubt, read the instruction manual14:02
magespawnyup do not do that often14:02
Kilosmaybe it even has man pages14:07
magespawnback again14:15
magespawnbot does not want to join14:17
magespawnmore probs14:17
Kiloshi psydroid 14:21
psydroidhi Kilos14:22
psydroidhi magespawn14:22
psydroidhi all14:22
magespawnho psydroid14:22
Kilosmagespawn, is working on an ibid bot so we can get coffee till cocooncrash fixes maaz14:23
magespawnbit of a mind bender14:23
nlsthznHome time for IR... cheers all14:26
Kiloscheers nlsthzn go well14:26
=== nlsthzn is now known as not_found
not_foundthanks uncle Kilos 14:27
magespawngoing to put the screen in a pastbin so inetpro can look later14:27
Kilosonly 3.5 hours14:29
Kiloswe will survive14:29
Kilosmagespawn, use slexy.org 14:30
Kilosthen i can see too14:30
Kilosmy setup dont like the ubuntu bin14:30
Kilosmaybe you gotta install those things it cant find14:36
magespawnnot sure how did try the normal route14:37
Kilosyou have it installed so run sudo aptitude reinstall ibid and maybe aptitude finds the missing stuff14:38
Kilosor gives you a cleare explanation on whats needed14:39
Kiloshaha your internet is twisted14:40
Kilossue telkom14:40
KilosAddress already in use.14:41
Kilosmagespawn, you got something else logged into the same addy14:42
magespawnnot sure14:42
Kilosxcht or something14:43
Kilosmaybe the bot gotta get in before you do14:44
magespawngot to run lift is here14:44
Kilosok toodles14:44
magespawnwill check in later14:44
Kilosbe back at 8ish14:57
magespawn_mobileEveing all17:38
Kilosevening all of you18:17
dLimitKilos hi18:17
Kilosmaaz coffee on18:18
Kiloshi dLimit long time no hear18:18
dLimitYeah quite... been lurking around lol18:18
dLimitSo whatsup Kilos ?18:18
Kilosyou getting like the old guys here18:18
Kiloseverything still the same here, and there?18:19
Kilosmagespawn, helloooo18:19
Kiloslo superfly nuvolari 18:20
dLimitJust destroyed my old system installing backtrack lol18:20
Kiloswhat is backtrack?18:20
dLimityeah went and selected the wrong partition blah18:20
dLimitIts a linux distro18:20
dLimitfor hacking18:20
dLimitor pen testing as they call it18:21
superflyhiya Kilos18:21
dLimitBased on ubuntu so I believe I'm still allowed in here =D18:21
* superfly is sorely tempted to move to Arch, but he'll still hang with the Ubuntu crowd :-P18:21
Kerberoi was too18:22
Kilosi think no one minds any linux version here as long as you can help others now and again18:22
Kerberountil the arch installer failed on me three times18:22
Kilosaw superfly is ubuntu getting you down?18:22
superflyKilos: the way the Kubuntu team sets up KDE is a little irritating at times18:22
Kilossort them out superfly 18:23
Kilosor go unity18:23
superflyKilos: ugh, I'll stick with KDE, but use Arch instead :-P18:23
dLimitOpenbox FTW18:24
Kilosand mark sounds so exited with ubuntu's progress18:25
Kilossuperfly, have you had any feedback from the kde guys about the probs18:28
Kiloshmm magespawn is visiting chicks again18:29
superflyKilos: they are all known issues, it seems18:39
superflyI've googled and stuff, and I'm not the only person with the problems18:40
Kilosok superfly do you know what they are doing wrong?18:40
superflyKilos: Not really, and I don't have the time to run after it. It's mostly small stuff that is very irritating18:41
Kilosgoogle only works if someone else sorts the prob out first18:41
Kilosemail them directly18:41
* Kilos know like it when peeps make the fly unhappy18:42
Kilosno lik it18:42
inetprogood evenin18:42
Kilosno like it18:42
Kiloslo inetpro 18:42
inetprohoe lyk dinge hier vanaand?18:43
Kiloshet jy nat gekry inetpro 18:43
inetproKilos: nee18:43
Kilosons het iets vir jou om uit te sorteer18:43
Kilosmooi dit het kwaai gestorm hier18:44
Kilosek weet nie waar magespawn is nie maar hy het dit gegee18:44
inetproKilos: oja, dit het nou gereen hier 18:44
Kilosdaai ibid van hom werk nie18:45
inetpro2012-03-09 16:18:51+0200 [-] twisted.internet.error.CannotListenError: Couldn't listen on any:8080: [Errno 98] Address already in use.18:45
inetprohy sal moet kyk wat gebruik reeds poort 808018:46
Kilosah ek het hom gevra daaroor, kan dit wees die bot kannie in kom as mage met xchat 8080 gebruik nie18:47
Kilosek kyk gou of xchat dit gebruik18:47
Kilosnee 800118:47
Kiloshoe sal mens sien wat gebruik 808018:48
inetprolsof -i:808018:48
inetproKilos: dis nie dieselle nie18:49
inetprojou xchat praat met die server op poort 800118:50
inetproso die server luister op 8001 en die klient koppel soontoe18:50
Kilosen sy ibid gaan op 8080 probeer in kom ?18:50
Kilosmoet hy nie sy ibid laat 8001 ook gebruik nie18:51
inetproKilos: sy ibid moet luister op 8080 maar 'n ander diens maak reeds van die poort gebruik18:51
Kiloso is 8080 ook by irc18:51
Kilosof is dit by hom self18:52
inetprotumbleweed, superfly: will a ibid bot work if you change the port to something else18:52
superflyinetpro: it should... I'm trying to remember how I got around that one, I think I did something18:53
Kilosha ha18:53
inetprois it the bot that actually talks back on 8080 or is it just the bot's website?18:55
Kilosinetpro, is port 8080 by irc or where18:56
inetproKilos: ibid18:56
Kilosor 800118:56
Kilosoh my im lost some now18:56
Kilosis the ibid on his pc18:56
inetproKilos: dit is een van die die poorte wat luister by freenode se servers18:57
Kiloso ek sien so dis nie lokaal nie18:57
inetproKilos: wel by magespawn gaan dit lokaal wees18:58
Kiloswatter poort gebruik jou quassel18:58
inetproKilos: hmm... dis nie belankrik nie... ek koppel na freenode se adres en poort nommer18:58
Kilosja maar dink nou soos ek dink.18:59
Kiloshet freenode n poort 8080?18:59
Kilosnou as jy ook 8001 gebruik van jou quassel dan moet sy bot ook 8001 gebruik19:00
inetprodit het niks met die saak uit te waai nie19:01
Kiloslsof -i:8080 wys niks by my nie19:02
inetproKilos: behalwe dat sy bot ook moet koppel na freenode se gewone IP:poort19:02
Kilosdis wat ek vra is 8001 nie die een wat werk op freenode nie19:03
inetproKilos: het jy ibid geinstalleer?19:03
Kiloskan net ibid dit gebruik?19:03
inetproibid luister op 8080 'by default'19:03
inetproen sy ibid wil nie opstart omdat 'n ander diens reeds 8080 gebruik19:04
inetprobv apache19:04
inetproof jboss19:04
inetproof, of, of... kan baie ander dinge wees19:04
Kilosah hy sal dit moet check19:04
Kilosen toemaak wat dit gebruik19:05
Kilosjulle doen te veel op een slag19:05
inetproindien nodig ja19:05
inetpromiskien kan ibid gestel word na 'n ander poort19:06
Kilosas ek reg onthou het iemand vir my vertel dat n ibid permanent aanlyn moet bly19:06
Kilosso n jaar terug19:06
Kilosonthou jy um19:07
Kilosafrodeity het dit probeer19:07
inetproKilos: dit is waar19:08
inetprosomebody already filed a bug for this at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ibid/+bug/60236319:08
inetproahh... Reported by marcog on 2010-07-0619:09
Kiloshoekom moet dit permanent aanlyn bly19:09
inetprothe poor dude is pre-occupied with facebook these days?19:10
inetproKilos: 'n bot moet mas daar wees om vir jou koffie te maak?19:10
Kiloslol ja man19:10
Kilosmaar se nou ek instaleer een hier ons kan mos saam gaan slaap19:11
inetproKilos: 'n bot is maar net soos jy19:11
inetproibid = kilos19:11
inetproiemand sê iets vir kilos en dan sê jy iets terug19:11
Kilosja maar kilos maak nie koffie vir almal nie19:12
inetpromaar in hierdie geval is die bot net 'n robot wat geprogrammeer is om slim dinge automaties te sê19:12
Kilosja maar dit doen baie ander goed ook19:12
inetprom.a.w. ibid is maar net nog 'n xchat19:12
inetpromaar 'n slim xchat19:13
kbmonkeyhello there!19:13
inetprokbmonkey: wb19:13
Kiloshi kbmonkey you well lad?19:13
kbmonkeydid i miss anything exciting? :D19:13
inetprokbmonkey: lots of it19:13
Kilosmaaz is dead19:13
Kilosfuneral next weekend19:14
kbmonkeydid he kick the bit-bucket?19:14
Kilosah the crash kid is online19:14
Kilosvra hom mooi inetpro 19:15
inetproKilos: die probleem is dat daar maar altyd 'n risiko aan verbonde is om via die internet na enigiets te koppel19:15
inetproen hoe langer jy aan iets gekoppel is hoe groter die risiko dat iemand iets kan doen19:15
Kiloseish dink jy iemand het maaz gehack19:16
inetproKilos: dit is seker nie onmoontlik nie, maar ek twyfel19:16
inetprowie sal nou so onvriendelik wees met ons? Daai persoon kan nie mooi tel nie.19:17
kbmonkeydis nou nie mooi nie :/19:17
Kilosbaie ms mense19:17
Kilosbilly betaal mense om ons te dooi19:17
inetproKilos: an assumption is a proposition that is taken for granted, as if it were true based upon presupposition without preponderance of the facts19:19
Kilosif maaz was here i would teach him that saying19:19
kbmonkeyassumption planted a feather ;)19:22
Kilosand hoped a fowl would grow19:22
kbmonkeyn hoender19:23
inetpronoddy: no assumption is <reply> $who an assumption is a proposition that is taken for granted, as if it were true based upon presupposition without preponderance of the facts19:24
inetproek probeer my bot ook slim maak :-)19:24
Kilosek sien daai ding19:24
magespawn_mobileHowdy all19:25
Kiloshi magespawn_mobile 19:26
Kiloshopefully we got a cure for your ibid19:26
Kilosuntwist the internet connection19:26
kbmonkeywhere is maaz hosted btw?19:26
Kilosyou need a pc at home too19:26
Kilosgermany i think19:27
Kilosor holland19:27
Kilosbeen a while since we were told19:27
kbmonkeyon the tubes :) I guess I meant how19:27
inetprokbmonkey: AFAIAA Maaz is hosted on cocooncrash's machine somewhere in cyber space19:27
kbmonkeyah gotcha19:27
Kilosoh is the host the guy that installs it?19:29
magespawn_mobileAnd he's is back19:29
Kiloscocooncrash, ty ty ty19:29
cocooncrashKilos: :)19:29
KilosMaaz, coffee on19:29
* Maaz flips the salt-timer19:29
Kiloscocooncrash, maaz has been off for days19:30
Kiloshopefully you can tell us what happened to him sometime19:30
Kilosmaybe he got tired of making coffee19:31
* Kilos scared to ask for coffee19:32
Kilosmethinks we should all cheer maaz on19:33
Kilosgo maaz19:33
Kiloscome on you buncha geeks19:34
inetproMaaz: wb19:34
MaazThank you so much inetpro my good good friend19:34
Kilosooo what a cute bot19:34
inetproKilos: heh19:34
KilosMaaz, wb19:35
MaazThank you so much Kilos my good good friend19:35
Kiloshold on there buddy19:35
inetpronow please stick around Maaz19:35
inetpromagespawn: wb19:36
Kiloswakey wakey19:36
Kilosi think he left a work pc on19:36
kbmonkeyMaaz is back19:37
Kilosyou guys with multiple connections mess with my brains19:37
Kilosand gone kbmonkey 19:38
Kiloscocooncrash, is working on him now19:38
KilosMaaz, hi19:38
MaazHowzit Kilos19:38
KilosMaaz, coffee on19:38
* Maaz flips the salt-timer19:38
* Kilos holds thumbs19:38
Kiloscocooncrash, what was the problem?19:39
Kiloshi nlsthzn 19:39
inetpronlsthzn: wb19:39
cocooncrashKilos: I think the SILC library was making it crash19:40
nlsthznHi Kilos and inetpro and all...19:41
Kiloseish we missed him bad cocooncrash ty very much19:41
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!19:42
KilosMaaz, thank you very much my bot buddy19:42
MaazKilos: not at all19:42
nlsthznhello Maaz 19:43
Kilosyou gotta put his nick first19:43
Kilosor he will ignore you19:44
nlsthznMaaz, walala wasala19:44
Maaznlsthzn: What?19:44
KilosMaaz, we love you19:45
MaazYa Ya, you guys just want coffee thats all19:45
Kilostoods nl19:46
KilosMaaz, assumption19:49
MaazAn assumption is a proposition that is taken for granted, as if it were true based upon presupposition without preponderance of the facts19:49
Kilosthe bot is working19:52
inetproKilos: hier's nog 'n slimme19:53
inetpro"I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years." -- Warren Buffett 19:53
Kilosthe stock market is a bit swindle19:54
Kilosmanipulated by the money powers19:54
inetpro"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -- Orville Wright 19:55
magespawn_mobileBack again19:55
inetpromagespawn_mobile: and why not back with magespawn?19:56
magespawn_mobileQuassel still loved on at shop19:57
inetproahh... you've not done the dyndns thingy?19:57
magespawn_mobileNot yet had a bit of work today19:58
inetpromagespawn_mobile: so I guess your ibid is also at the office?20:00
Kilosinetpro, is into witty quotes tonight20:00
* inetpro witty?20:01
inetpromagespawn_mobile: you have something listening on port 8080 already20:01
magespawn_mobileBut I will be back tomorrow20:01
magespawn_mobileAhh so I need to chafe the ibid port then20:01
Kilosmagespawn, inetpro says its that twisted internet for starters20:02
inetpromagespawn_mobile: check with 'lsof -i:8080' what is is if you don't know20:02
Kilosyou need to find whats using port 808020:02
magespawn_mobileOr the other20:02
magespawn_mobileWas that the last lint in the paste I posted20:03
Kilosmagespawn, do you see this chat when you open the fone on irc next time20:03
inetproI haven't seen where or how you can change ibid's port but that should also be a possibility20:03
inetpromagespawn_mobile: almost20:03
magespawn_mobileAhh will have a look on the morrow20:04
Kilosmagespawn, you need a pc at home too20:05
magespawn_mobileHave one but is running xp20:05
magespawn_mobileCan do most of this on my phone too20:05
Kilosfor games20:05
magespawn_mobileYup kiddies20:05
Kilosget connected via wireless to shop20:06
Kilosoh ya20:06
magespawn_mobileBit far at the moment but am working on a WiFi for the town20:06
magespawn_mobileShould cover my house20:06
Kilosthe higher the antennae the further it will reach20:07
Kilosanything above fm frequencies is line of site20:09
inetproKilos: Wi-Fi networks have limited range.20:10
inetproA typical wireless access point using 802.11b or 802.11g with a stock antenna might have a range of 32 m (120 ft) indoors and 95 m (300 ft) outdoors.20:10
Kilosinetpro, what frequency20:10
magespawn_mobileBut they are free20:10
Kilosya in the gigs20:11
magespawn_mobileI think 2.4ghz20:11
inetprorange varies20:11
inetproWi-Fi in the 2.4 GHz frequency block has slightly better range than Wi-Fi in the 5 GHz frequency block which is used by 802.11a20:11
magespawn_mobileThat is the free ICASA FREE I mean20:12
Kilosonly frequencies in the lower meg ranges have distance capabilties20:12
Kiloslike 27m can do like 30 ks20:12
inetproahh, but outdoor ranges can be improved to many kilometers through the use of high gain directional antennas at the router and remote device(s)20:13
magespawn_mobileThat's the plan.20:13
inetpromaximum amount of power that a Wi-Fi device can transmit is limited by local regulations20:13
Kilosyeah for interference purposes20:14
magespawn_mobileAll tied up in the reg and specs20:14
Kilosand its useless having lots power to transmit when the peeps using it cant match the power to get back to it20:15
magespawn_mobileBut you can still make it work.20:15
magespawn_mobileI would have to put base stations at the places I want them 20:16
Kilosi think as long as your antenae can see each other and the pc side is a good yagi type it should work20:17
Kilosyou can get info on wireless from the pta wug guys20:18
Kilossome of them use ubuntu as well20:18
magespawn_mobileYup got a friend up there who did this for a company in north west20:18
Kilosthey know where to get or they supply equipment as well20:19
magespawn_mobileSaid he would consult for me20:19
kbmonkeywas afk, back :)20:20
Kilosian is in rustenburg magespawn_mobile he would be interested in the nw group as well20:20
kbmonkeyis maaz in icu now20:20
Kilosno he is fixed20:20
magespawn_mobileGot the ng kerk to let me use their church tower highest point except the Vodacom tower20:21
Kilosinetpro, made coffee for me20:21
* inetpro never thought of the idea to use a church tower for wireless networks20:23
inetprosounds kind of freaky20:23
magespawn_mobileHighest point with best line of sight20:24
magespawn_mobileGot a coupl of other spots so I can get around the hills and extend the range etc20:25
kbmonkeygood idea magespawn_mobile :D20:26
kbmonkeyholy wifi!20:26
Kilosthe towers actually can see each other from quite a distance20:26
Kiloshehe kbmonkey ++20:26
kbmonkeyaren't they lightning magnets though?20:26
kbmonkeycould the wifi withstand acts of God? ;P20:27
magespawn_mobileYup will need to ground it properly20:27
Kilosnormally you run an earth cable to a place where the soil is dampest20:27
Kilosor steel water pipes20:27
magespawn_mobileThe lightening rod will be above the antenna20:27
Kilosthis is all gonna cost quite a packet magespawn_mobile 20:29
Kilosbut once done most of the town will be able to use it20:29
Kilosyou will need a faster connection20:30
Kilosif you gonna supply internet20:30
Kilosthe pta wug is one of the biggest but dont supply internet connection. just to each other20:31
magespawn_mobileYup was looking into bonded Adel20:31
Kilossleep tight guys i gonna crash now20:33
Kilossee yous tomorrow20:33
magespawn_mobileThat's the idea I want to be able give tourists WiFi20:33
Kilosgood idea magespawn_mobile 20:33
Kilostourist in hluhluwe20:34
Kiloson thier way to go fishing or to the game reserve20:34
Kilostheres nothing to see in hluhluwe20:34
magespawn_mobileOne or two guest houses and lodges etc20:35
inetprobye Kilos20:36
Kilosnight all20:36
KilosMaaz, night20:36
MaazKilos: Bye20:36
magespawn_mobileI am also off see y'all to morrow20:43
kbmonkeyah i'm slow on irc tonight21:00

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