
f3ck4rLirth: fdisk is your friend.00:00
waxstonef3chh4r: the 1st drive gets the mbr?00:00
Fyodorovnawaxstone, if you use the custom install you will just point grub at the correct drive, the custom is caled something other in the gui asking where to install.00:00
f3ck4rwaxstone: yeap00:00
Lirthf3ck4r, waxstone: what is mbr?00:00
f3ck4rthe problem actually could be cuz he is trying to write the mbr in another hdd, and that is probably the issue.00:00
waxstoneLirth do you know if the unbuntu driv eis the 1st drive?00:01
Lirthwaxstone: for boot priority?00:01
waxstoneLirth, Master Boot Record00:01
=== BrainVirus is now known as The-Glorious-Hyp
=== The-Glorious-Hyp is now known as The-Hypnotoad
waxstoneLirth, order connected to motherboard00:01
Lirthwaxstone: Is that based on cabling?00:02
waxstoneLirth: as f3ck4r says the mbr might be on 1 drive and ubuntu on the other drive00:02
waxstoneLirth, yes cabling00:02
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f3ck4rwaxstone: if im not wrong there is a way to set it manually, if he knew how to do it00:02
Lirthwaxstone: I have an Asus Sabertooth p67. How to I rearrange it to get it right?00:03
=== The-Hypnotoad is now known as BrainVirus
waxstoneLirth, You have PATA drives so the drive at the end of the cable is drive 100:04
Lirthwaxstone: I have 2 drive 1s?00:04
waxstonef3ch4r: im sure there is a simple way to do this00:04
waxstoneLirth, connection in midle of cable00:05
Lirthwaxstone: I have two cables. One for each drive. I have no idea what you're talking about.00:05
multipassHi, my cron script isnt working and its also not reporting errors to the log file(i changed it because it was emailing me) * * * * * php /var/www/cron/cronscript.php > /var/www/cron/cronlog.txt00:06
multipassany ideas?00:06
waxstoneLirth, is the cable wide and fat or less than 1/2 inch00:06
waxstonedoes it look like this http://www.eutronix.com/IDE_cable.htm00:06
Lirthwaxstone: less than 1/2 inch. It's a modern SATA cable00:06
waxstoneok SATA on the mother board look for sata0 for 1st drive00:07
Lirthwaxstone: Nothing like that.00:07
waxstonelowest sata on board is the 1st drive00:07
amaroksSir_Fawnpug: ~$ sudo  mount -t auto /dev/sdf /home/solus/node100:07
waxstoneor look in your BIOS00:07
amaroksmount: special device /dev/sdf does not exist00:07
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, you need a partition number00:08
Sir_FawnpugMaybe sdf1?00:08
Sir_FawnpugCan you ls /dev and pastebin the result for me?00:08
amarokswhats that? in EC2 i see this i-07c16b63 (FTP server):/dev/sdf (attached)00:08
nug700I find it hard to belive that ubuntu hasn't had an official release for NVIDIA GTX 500 series products...00:09
amaroksSir_Fawnpug: http://pastebin.com/K9tsCNmH00:09
Sir_Fawnpugnug700, that's up to NVidia.00:09
f3ck4rnug700: the drive is old ;(00:09
nug700None even show up in "Hardware drivers"00:10
Lirthwaxstone: The sata ports are stacked on my mobo. I found the label "boot device led" but I can't tell which one.00:10
waxstoneFyodorovna: thanks, I tihkn thats the advance partitioning section last in the list00:10
Sir_Fawnpugnug700, if you're using the proprietary drivers anyway00:10
nug700I don't mean the ones from Nvidia00:10
Sir_FawnpugDo you mean nouveaux?00:10
Sir_FawnpugOr however you spell it00:10
nug700I mean the ones that would be availible in the package manager00:11
Fyodorovnawaxstone, in the latest release it is called something other at the botom.00:11
waxstoneLirth, when you installed which option did you choose(it gives 4 options)?00:11
Sir_Fawnpugamarok, can you type mount for me and put that in a pastebin?00:11
Ekkiwhoops this is ubuntu00:11
EkkiLOL xD00:11
f3ck4rEkki: hell00:11
FyodorovnaEkki, #ubuntu-ops for this channel.00:11
FloodBot1Ekki: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:11
Ekkioh ok00:11
f3ck4rEkki: ;>00:12
Sir_Fawnpugnug700, you can get both from the package manager, although I think the proprietary drivers are in multiverse00:12
Lirthwaxstone: I only saw two at first, but I used the advanced one when I was following instructions online.00:12
nug700Ok.. when i first installed ubuntu months ago, i check "hardware drivers" for my graphcis drivers.. but nothing was showing up00:12
waxstoneLirth, the instructions online were for 1 drive or two?00:13
amaroksSir_Fawnpug: whats this you must specify the filesystem type00:13
nug700i think installed the ones from Nvidia's website.. but apparently those aren't the ones i'm siposed to use00:13
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, sometimes -t auto fails; what kind of filesystem is on that drive?00:13
nug700I installd the ones*00:13
FyodorovnaLirth, do you have Ubuntu installed and it wont boot?00:13
Halexander9000Um, little question here, would really appreciate a solution. Lost my Wine menu entry, somehow, in the Main Menu of LXDE's Desktop Manager to Ubuntu, so now I can't uninstall a game. How do I bring it back?00:14
waxstoneLirth, did you make a /boot on the same drive as ubuntu?00:14
waxstoneFyodorovna, grub fails for him but installed successfully00:14
Lirthwaxstone: Don't think so. I selected the drive for it though.00:14
amaroksSir_Fawnpug: its just a fresh ebs volume00:14
calicoWhy could me internet connection be slower and act dumb on Ubuntu?00:14
Fyodorovnawaxstone, is the hd first in the list, there is a script that an be run that will save the 20 questions00:14
Sir_FawnpugHalexander9000, I think the wine config is called winecfg in the console00:14
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, maybe you need to install filesystem drivers for it00:15
Fyodorovnabootinfo | lirth run this script and pastebin the results text.00:15
Halexander9000Sir_Fawnpug: And, how does that put it back in the main menu?00:15
waxstoneFyodorovna, please save me ! =)00:15
Fyodorovna!bootinfo | lirth run this script and pastebin the results text.00:15
ubottulirth run this script and pastebin the results text.: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).00:15
Sir_FawnpugHalexander9000, maybe I misunderstood what you were asking; I thought you had lost the ability to configure wine00:16
Sir_Fawnpugamaroks, I dug something up for you that might help: http://yoodey.com/how-attach-and-mount-ebs-volume-ec2-instance-ubuntu-101000:16
f3ck4rcalico: what u mean by act dumb?!00:16
amaroksYeah I found that a minute ago00:16
LirthFyodoronva: I can't run it. I can't even to use the terminal00:16
Halexander9000Sir_Fawnpug: Actually, I lost the ability to navigate within the Wine File System because the Wine Menu in my StartMenu/MainMenu doesn't show up anymore. So I can't locate the uninstall program for this Limbo indy game that just refuses to run on my 2008 ASUS EEE PC 904HD.00:17
FyodorovnaLirth, you boot a live ubuntu cd and run it, if you wanrt this fixed do it.00:17
calicof3ck4r, it just stalls at some point, skype disconnect, page don't load, while on my other pc (xp) which is just by me everything is ok00:17
nug700ok... should i use the x-swat PPA for my nvidia gtx 500 series card or not.. because my package manage/jockey doesn't have them apparent;y00:17
Sir_FawnpugHalexander9000, where's your wine root?00:18
f3ck4rLirth: just run from the pendrive or whatever u have and mount the partiiton were you install ubuntu00:18
Halexander9000Sir_Fawnpug: I haven't the slightest idea.00:18
Sir_FawnpugHalexander9000, this won't solve your menu problem, but it will let you uninstall your game00:19
Sir_FawnpugBut if you locate your wine root (probably ~/.wine) you can run the uninstall program directly from the console with wine prog-name00:19
FyodorovnaLirth, question after question is not needed things get confused the script will tell us where everything is then it is a easy fix.00:19
Halexander9000Sir_Fawnpug: Will uninstalling and reinstalling return that entry back into the menu?00:19
Sir_FawnpugHalexander9000, possibly, I couldn't tell you.00:19
Sir_FawnpugAlmost all oft he Windows Software I run is 15 years old00:19
Halexander9000Sir_Fawnpug: I'll try that.00:19
waxstoneLirth, Boot off your USB00:20
nug700ok... should i use the x-swat PPA for my nvidia gtx 500 series card or not.. because my package manage/jockey doesn't have them.00:20
calicof3ck4r, for example, i'm now trying to download a firefox addon, it says 0 bytes/sec and it doesn't load it ...00:20
f3ck4rcalico: server?!00:21
phy1729It seems there is a default message for when users first start irssi; how can I change it?00:22
calicono f3ck4r this happened to me on variety of websites and on variety of distros whil i was still choosing one for me00:23
Fyodorovnaphy1729, what default message?00:23
fraserHi. How do I set a keyring password for the guest user account?00:24
fraserIs this even possib le?00:25
phy1729Fyodorovna: "Looks like this is the first time you've run irssi." etc.00:25
phy1729There's a "For Ubuntu specific help type "/connect irc.ubuntu.com" line near the end so I figured it was ubuntu specific00:25
f3ck4rif u are using that crap network-manager omg! that is garbage.00:26
fraserIs there any way to set a keyring password for the guest user on ubuntu?00:26
f3ck4rthe first thing that i've do is purge that crap.00:26
Lirthf3ck4r, waxstone: pastebin.com/WFfA9fLx00:27
Halexander9000So, gnash is lagging a lot on my machine. And since Adobe screwed us all, what I am to do to optimize the frame-rate of my youtube videos?00:28
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* CFHowlett SOLVED *oem passwd* = "password"00:29
Sir_FawnpugCFHowlett, change it to something like 12345.00:29
Sir_FawnpugAnd also change the lock on my luggage.00:30
Halexander9000Or QWOP!00:30
spaceneedleBug:The user theme extension doesn't work in precise pangolin. Cannot install any themes.00:30
CFHowlettSir_Fawnpug   right, right!  :)00:30
Lirthspaceneedle: Try the channel #ubuntu+1 for prereleases.00:30
waxstoneLirth, f3ck4r , fyodorovna: pastebin.com/WFfA9fLx  MBR on different drive from install it seems00:31
FyodorovnaLirth, did you make a boot partition as well when you installed you have no bootloader in the mbr and are missing files.00:31
LirthFyodorovna: I thought I did. I guess I'll reinstall again and try doing that.00:31
Fyodorovnawaxstone, missing files as well needs a chroot in and a purge and reinstall of grub and loading to the mbr00:32
f3ck4rwaxstone: like i said, he need to set some space to install ubuntu on same partition and for me it is where is the ssd00:32
FyodorovnaLirth, don'y use a boot partition if you did.00:33
f3ck4ra live thing can fix the problem D;00:34
thereindarknesscan someone please help, I installed ubunto server, created /var/www but I nothing I put there shows up through browser00:34
waxstoneLirth, f3ck4r , fyodorovna: My knowledge of grub doesnt extend to this much fixing00:35
repozitorhello every body,00:35
repozitorhow to active monitor mode in ubuntu?00:35
Fyodorovnawaxstone, not a easy thing it took me a long time to figure some of it out, the bootscript helps a great deal.00:35
waxstoneFyodorovna, yes im definitely taking notes. thanks for this script00:36
f3ck4rif im not wrong he can run a live ubuntu, mount the partiiton that actually have ubuntu and reinstall grub and fix the path of it.00:36
Fyodorovnawaxstone, I learned it all on the ubuntu forums, there are a group that knows this stuff some are mods.00:37
pungits 13:37 somewhere00:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:38
f3ck4rfinally finish the dling of the iso D;00:38
waxstoneFyodorovna, Will probably signup then, ive learned a lot here on the irc00:39
LirthFyodorovna, waxstone, f3ck4r: Reinstalling now.00:39
waxstoneLirth, reinstall using one drive00:40
punghow can I reset my password? i typed it wrong twice00:40
Fyodorovnawaxstone, look for drs305's thread on grub and oldfred's posts they are the main two but there are others.00:40
Lirthwaxstone: I am. The SSD is unplugged00:40
f3ck4rLirth: =p00:40
waxstoneLirth, thats should solve it00:40
Lirthwaxstone: I hope so.00:41
pungdos no one can help?00:41
nibblerpung, boot from cd, chroot to the system on disk, and use passwd to change your password00:41
f3ck4rw00t wine 1.4 ^_^00:42
nibblerf3ck4r, my game runs well since 1.2 - but they promise nicer performance ;-)00:42
waxstoneFyodorovna, bookmarking thanks for the lead. GRUB is a major issue here00:43
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f3ck4rnibbler: what game?!00:43
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CFHowlettpung you want to change your login password?00:44
nibblerf3ck4r, "company of heroes"00:45
f3ck4rnibbler: bfbc2 for me D;00:45
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truexfan81when wayland is release will it fix the problems with nvidia xineramma and compositing?00:46
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f3ck4rdamn! dns problems with micosoft ;(00:50
LirthFyodorovna: It worked. Thanks00:50
LirthHow do I get my graphics card driver for a GTX 570?00:51
FyodorovnaLirth, no problem. :)00:51
syddrafIs there a way to install more modern kernel versions (3.2+) without compiling from source?00:52
FyodorovnaLirth, did you reinstall?00:52
LirthFyodorovn: Yeah. Now it just boots with the blinky underscore.00:52
FyodorovnaLirth, I will trigger the bots message on nomodeet, then when in do a update and upgrade and then look in additional drivers00:53
Fyodorovna!nomodeset | Lirth00:53
ubottuLirth: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:53
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LirthFyodorovna: Once I get the drivers I just reboot and go normally from there?00:58
waxstoneLirth: Congrats :)01:02
zabomberhow do i see all devices connected in /dev?01:03
zabomberi dont want to see mounted devices01:04
zabomberjust connected ones01:04
truexfan81doing more reading i'm thinking the answer to my question is yes, it appears wayland will have a built in compositor01:04
truexfan81seems like that would work regardless of drivers or display setup, if its built in to the xserver01:05
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LukeNukemHello, i run a script with playonlinux..i cancel it and then i run it again and now it says file not found and sits there trying to install directX01:07
CFHowlettLukeNukem   see http://www.playonlinux.com/en/forums.html01:10
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vadi2Is anyone else using Unity2D here?01:12
truexfan81is there a way to install unity 2d on lucid based distros?01:13
onoez_omghi, i need some help on setting up wireless ap http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs601:14
LukeNukemCFHowlett, does not help.01:15
symaxianHow can i tell if something is mounted as read-only01:18
waxstoneLirth, any issues adding nomodeset to the kernal line?01:19
gvosymaxian: the mount command.01:19
sam555hello all01:19
sam555what is the ps command to sort the memory in order?01:19
symaxianStill nothing, so after dropping to a root shell from the recovery option the root drive is mounted as read-only01:20
Whiskeyanyone good on bash scripts?01:21
gvoWhiskey: Just ask a question.01:21
symaxianHow can I reset Xorg or uninstall the amd drivers other than from the recovery root shell?01:21
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Whiskeyi got a script i try to make01:21
Whiskeyits a menu and when i try to execute a function from it i donĀ“t get any output01:22
Whiskeyi try to echo in the function01:22
Escherialdoes anyone happen to know why having a mounted sshfs share makes my laptop unable to sleep?01:22
onoez_omgEscherial, how do you mount it?01:23
WhiskeyThis is how it looks01:23
Escherialonoez_omg: i have the following in my /etc/fstab: sshfs#faisal@hrungnir.dyndns.org:/home/faisal    /mnt/sshfs/hrungnir    fuse    comment=sshfs,noauto,users,exec,uid=1000,gid=1000,allow_other,reconnect,transform_symlinks,BatchMode=yes 0 001:24
Escherial(i'm "faisal", by the way)01:25
onoez_omgEscherial, i experienced the same problem using sshfs and in my case i stopped using it and started to mount it over gnome nautilus built-in implementation of the feature01:25
symaxianWhy is / mounted as read-only in recovery mode, how is that useful at all?01:25
Escherialonoez_omg: my issue with that is that nautilus likes to freeze up when i lose my network connection; i was doing that previously01:25
Escheriali'm planning on trying out autofs (or perhaps autossh somehow) to deal with the loss of network connection, but so far sshfs seems to be more responsive than sftp via nautilus01:26
onoez_omgmaybe it could be sorta a workaround to unmount it totally before putting laptop to sleep :/01:26
waxstone!bash | whiskey01:26
ubottuwhiskey: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:26
Escherialonoez_omg: heh, yeah, that's the only way i could leave work today without shutting down completely01:26
Escherialtook me a while to figure out that that's what was hanging it up01:26
waxstoneWiskey #bash might help01:27
gvoWhiskey: You might get better results on the #bash channel too.01:27
waxstoneWhiskey #bash might help01:27
Whiskeyits dead01:27
JoshDreamlandHi, my mouse buttons just stopped working.01:27
JoshDreamlandAll of them.01:27
JoshDreamlandMovement's fine, I Just can't click.01:28
waxstonejoin #bash01:28
JoshDreamlandUsually switching to tty1 and back fixes Ubuntu's input problems, but in this case, it isn't.01:28
onoez_omgEscherial, in case you was copying a nice amount over it, the better way to do this is using filezilla or probably another sftp client01:29
onoez_omgthe process becomes more stable01:29
onoez_omgneed some help with hostapd (something goes totally wrong lol) http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs601:31
onoez_omgshortly: i was unbale to switch ar9285 to master mode01:32
franz_is there any way to format micro sd hc to fat 16 64 kb cluster?01:32
JoshDreamlandwhat's happened is that one of the wxWidgets Code::Blocks uses has captured my mouse somehow01:33
JoshDreamlandand I would really like to get it back01:33
onoez_omgfranz_, man mkdosfs01:34
franz_onoez_omg what is that01:34
franz_an app?01:34
onoez_omgjust type that stuff into terminal01:35
onoez_omgor you could probably use some gui like gparted to do that =)01:37
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symaxianHow can I connect to ethernet in root terminal?01:39
user82hi. i got a little problem in unity. i added skype to the quick start bar(whats the official name for that..) and it will not start up. if i type "skype" in the terminal it will. where can i edit the shortcuts for the menu to see what goes wrong?01:39
onoez_omgsymaxian, ifconfig tool01:39
franz_onoez_omg dude, can you tell me please which command should I do to format /de/sdb1 to fat16 64 kb clusters?01:40
franz_/dev/sdb1 to fat16 64 kb clusters?01:40
symaxianhm, still not seeing it01:41
onoez_omg16384 sectors per cluster01:41
TR3M0Rsaludos desde PerĆŗ01:43
ubottuTR3M0R: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:43
ubottuEn la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:44
TR3M0Roh! ok, thx CFHowlett01:44
CFHowlettTR3M0R   good luck.01:44
onoez_omgi need some help with hostapd http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs601:44
symaxian"ifconfig eth0 up" should work correct? It appears to but the network is still unreachable01:44
onoez_omgsymaxian, man ifconfig01:45
TR3M0Rquestion: exist some app like SIRI from UBUNTU 11.10?01:45
TR3M0RCFHowlett question: exist some app like SIRI from UBUNTU 11.10?01:47
mebigfatguygreetings, my kern.log file is 16G close to half of my drive.... I tried using logrotate in crontab, but i don't seem to effect anything there... Any urls how to keep those files small?01:47
mebigfatguyhere's my /etc/logrotate.conf file http://pastebin.com/6dhPRZGN01:48
mebigfatguyhere's my /etc/crontab -> 0 01 * * * root /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf > /dev/null 2>&101:48
symaxianAfter setting an IP address it appears I have a connection to my home router but nothing else01:48
onoez_omgi need some help with hostapd http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs6 but shortly its unable to switch interface to master mode i guess01:48
fishsceneSymaxian: Did you set a DNS server?01:48
symaxianI'm guessing no01:48
onoez_omgman resolv.conf01:49
onoez_omgi need some help with hostapd http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs6 but shortly its unable to switch interface to master mode i guess01:50
symaxianIs there just a simple way to restore X settings? dpkg-reconfigure doesn't seem to do it01:50
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nishttal2i chose to encrypt my home directory during installation.. can i go back now?01:51
onoez_omgprobably after serious changes (if those were caused by some 3rd-side app) it could store a backup of your xorg.conf file01:51
KI7MTnishttal2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#How_to_Remove_an_Encrypted_Private_Directory_Setup01:53
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nishttal2KI7MT, thats for a private folder.. my complete home directory is encrypted01:55
KI7MTWell, your /home folder is a directory too.01:56
kawer                            .::::..:::....01:57
kawer                          .:""":::..::.  :::..01:57
kawer                      ...::::::.     :.::: ':::01:57
kawer                  ..:::::.. ..:::.  .  '::: :".::.01:57
FloodBot1kawer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:57
kawer                .::::" . '": ' .::.. ": ::" :.. '::01:57
kawer              ..::...  ':..: .:::::::.:. :::.: ':::":.01:57
nishttal2yeah.. but all settings/config i made in my home would be lost.. as this talks about copying data out and then removing the folder01:57
FloodBot1kawer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:57
kawer           .:::::'""":..:::::::"''  ''"::..::::'::".:::.01:57
KI7MTnishttal2, I this will tell you what you need to do: ecryptfs-setup-private --undo01:59
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onoez_omgi need some help with hostapd http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs6 but shortly its unable to switch interface to master mode i guess01:59
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=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
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ActionParsnipquiet tonight...02:14
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bastidrazorthats good. Ubuntu works for all02:15
KI7MTI was just thinking the same thing, was wondering if xchat was defunked or something02:15
thetinyjesusdoes anyone know if they figured out ios 5 yet02:16
ch33zHey is there a command to make sure my linux system doesnt go to sleep?02:16
hammommahi have partition for windows boot that shows up in file broswer all the time, how do i get rid of it02:16
ch33zor turn off02:16
yamahaalex37hey #offtopic what name do you like better pleeease: artificialex or abnormalex02:16
ch33zwhen its idle it goes to sleep or turns off.02:16
ActionParsnipch33z: I add some lines to my xorg.conf that work well02:16
ch33zActionParsnip what do you mean?02:17
ch33zits on a gui for now02:17
ActionParsnipch33z: I add this to my xorg.conf file and the screen never dims02:18
ActionParsnipch33z: http://paste.ubuntu.com/875487/02:18
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royale1223my ubuntu won't reboot or power off. How can I fix this?02:20
ActionParsniproyale1223: if you run:  sudo shutdown -h now    does it turn off?02:21
ActionParsniproyale1223: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc02:21
royale1223reboot -f works02:22
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Wildbatsorry dump question: i forget how to stop join/part msg in xchat ...02:22
royale1223ActionParsnip: how do i look deeper into this?02:22
ActionParsniproyale1223: precise is offtopic here, ask in #ubuntu+102:24
nishttal2if I selected encrypted home directory while installing windows.. do all user's get encrypted home as well?02:24
WulfI created my own cataclyst packages for natty and installed them with dpkg -i; but the graphics driver is not activated. When I try to activate them via the GUI, I get an error message.02:24
ActionParsniproyale1223: the channel motd clearly states02:24
nishttal2i mean users I create after installation02:25
WulfHow can I activate them manually?02:25
Level1Does the ubuntu liveCD have gparted on it?02:25
ActionParsnipLevel1: yes02:25
soreauWulf: What is wrong with the default radeon driver?02:25
Wulfsoreau: too old, doesn't support my hardware02:25
soreauWulf: What version of ubuntu and what card model?02:26
WhiskeyI have a check tha t not working02:26
Whiskey[ ! dpkg -l "libssl-dev" &>/dev/null ] <--- its finds it02:26
royale1223ActionParsnip: I know that. I just need to know how to look deep into this? How do I get an error log etc?02:26
Whiskeybut under version its says none cuz its not installed02:26
Whiskeyhow to make it check for version also and its not allowed to be none?02:26
Wulfsoreau: natty and.. uh.. pci ID 1002:964402:26
Kaizenhow do i limit the number of concurrent logins over ssh to 1 per user?02:27
sacarlsononoez_omg: I've had problems with my rt73 raylink wifi device I can't seem to get it to go into master mode also any more.  I guess it's the firmware they now install in the device that's the cause02:27
Wulfsoreau: some oneboard crap, "AMD Radeon HD 6410D02:27
soreauWulf: You might consider installing 12.04 when it's released02:28
soreauWulf: but to use the proprietary driver.. why didn't you try to install it with the gui to begin with?02:28
franz_how to open an app with proxy?02:28
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Wulfsoreau: I have more than one of these machines. I did that on the first one, driver is too old for my hardware.02:29
Wulfsoreau: so I built packages for the new driver. Works good on first one, doesn't load on others02:30
soreauWulf: You might consider trying the radeon driver default in 12.0402:30
soreauIt should support it AFAIK02:30
helo__I cannot get my Ubuntu system to boot after moving the partition to a different position on the disk. Can anyone help?02:30
symptomI just received a security update for oneric.  I forgot to look at the description or summary.  Can someone point me to where this info is archived?02:30
eein-why does do programs create a .folder name in ~ making a cluttered mess? wouldnt be better for all programs to make a subfolder within one folder in ~02:30
Wulfsoreau: but I'm not running 12.04 :-)02:31
Wulfsoreau: and my packages are fine02:31
soreauWulf: So what's the problem?02:31
Wulfit's just that ubuntu doesn't load them02:31
Wulf* the driver02:31
soreauWulf: Can you pastebin.com your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file?02:32
sacarlsonhelo__: same disk?  did you modify /etc/fstab to match new config?02:32
Wulfsoreau: sure, give me a minute02:32
eein-is there a technical reason that programs make a folder ~ ?02:33
sacarlsonhelo__: I think you will also have to update-grub, as I guess it's not finding /boot  where it would expect02:34
Wulfsacarlson: is /boot not in /boot?02:35
sacarlsonwulf: I'm not sure, that depends on what helo__: moved to where02:36
ActionParsnipeein-: they hold the config for the app for that user02:36
ActionParsniproyale1223: ask in #ubuntu+1 and they can help02:37
waxstonehelo__: you can run this script for more info02:37
ubottuBoot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).02:37
royale1223ActionParsnip: okay. thaks02:38
Wulfsoreau: note to myself, don't trust what that other sysadmin is doing.02:38
Wulfsoreau: installed driver packages, works fine. Sorry :-)02:39
eein-ActionParsnip, i know what they do but why cram a million of them in ~ rather than having a folder like "apps" and then making a sub folder in that.  it just gets annoying having a ton of folders in my home firectory02:39
magicJwhen I get a report from dmegitis inseconds since boot - how do I get the seconds at boot in seconds this epoch etc so I can convert to a time02:39
eein-does that not make sense?02:40
ActionParsnipeein-: they are hidden, so you never see them02:40
eein-yeah then how do i know they exist?02:40
eein-i see them all the time02:41
ActionParsnipeein-: I know what you mean, putting them in the ~/.config folder would make sense02:41
sacarlsoneein-: it's also designed so that you can have many users on that same system, each haveing there own unique configs02:41
eein-a lot of programs show .folders all the time like filezilla02:41
eein-for one02:41
ActionParsnipsacarlson: the issue is the fact that it clutters $HOME02:41
eein-yeah but there isnt really a good reason to be at the root of ~ as far as I have seen02:42
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ActionParsnipeein-: you could compile the apps to use a different folder, would take a while :)02:42
sacarlsonActionParsnip: eein-: oh like the 40 other applications I now have installed do,  I guess they must be moving in that direction02:43
eein-yeah which is why i asked why it isnt already done like that, like if there was some technical reason it wasnt thought out to make things nice and neat02:43
jen_how do you get the ubuntu taskbar somewhere else?02:43
jen_like to the left or something02:43
jen_is it possible?02:43
symptomI just received a security update for oneric.  I forgot to look at the description or summary.  Can someone point me to where this info is archived?02:43
druonysusinstead of adding the ppa:chris-lea/gmp can I just add ppa:chris-lea ??02:43
eein-sacarlson, you have apps that create a sub folder of a folder already?  what is the folder name?02:44
ActionParsnipjen_: how do you mean 'taskbar'?02:44
hiexpohola gang02:44
jen_the thing at the side where you do everything from02:44
jen_its called a taskbar right?02:45
eein-sacarlson, the parent folder?  i havent seen programs that do that02:45
sacarlsoneein-: first in the list /home/sacarlson/.config/audacious02:45
eein-sacarlson, huh look at that hadnt noticed that i guess vlc, inkscape, and chromium are there so maybe this will soon clear up02:47
eein-ah crap battery dying, thanks for pointing that out sacarlson02:47
Whiskeyis it anyway to do [ "dpkg -l libssl-dev | grep '<ingen>'" ] like that but it shuld pass if it not match <ingen> ??02:48
sacarlsoneein-: they must have stole your idea before you patented it02:48
trismWhiskey: grep -v02:48
jen__how can I move the taskbar on ubuntu?02:49
jen__like to the left or something02:49
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ActionParsnipjen_: do you mean the unity panel, on the left holding all the apps as they run?02:49
ActionParsnipjen_: Unity bar is on the left by default02:50
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dunkenhello god-zotac02:58
dunkenhow are you the chan ?02:58
dunkenhello the chan02:59
dunkenare you here ?02:59
graingertYes even02:59
dunkenit was a long time in irc02:59
dunkeni m new on ubuntu03:00
dunkenand its hard for me to become geek03:00
dunkenbut i learn03:00
graingertdunken: sound good to me. keep it up03:01
god-zotacdunken:: hi03:01
dunkenhi god-zotac03:01
god-zotacdunken:: do i know you?03:02
dunkenis it hard to install mpeg 3 plugin on ubuntu ?03:02
dunkenno god-zotac, i dont think03:02
god-zotacdunken:: plugin for what?  lame is easy to install,  ffmpeg also is easy :D03:02
graingertI wonder what my quit message will be03:02
dunkeni try lame03:03
graingertWhen you run the Ubuntu instaLLC03:03
god-zotacdunken:: what are you needing the "plugin" for  did you really mean  a plugin? or do you just need the  mp3 codec  in general?03:03
god-zotacafaik ubuntu plays mp3s fine out of the box03:04
Coldfire202Can someone help me out?03:04
CFHowlettgod-zotac   nope -03:04
dunkenmp3 codec in general, sorry03:04
graingertIt will offer to instal l proprietary plugins03:04
CFHowlettgod-zotac   .mp3 has to be installed03:04
exoplanethello, i have a problem with adding a ppa :   http://nopaste.info/d657c77e3c.html03:04
dunkenbut i just try ubuntu03:04
dunkennot installed03:04
god-zotacCFHowlett:: .mp3?03:04
ubottuColdfire202: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:04
dunkenyou know03:04
Coldfire202I always forget that! D:03:05
god-zotacdunken:: i'd just install all the gstreamer plugins (good, bad,ugly)  lame, and ffmpeg03:05
ActionParsnipexoplanet: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -sc03:06
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: you need to install codecs to play mp3, its not in the default install03:06
dunkenok god-zotac, thanks a lot03:06
exoplanetoh sorry i forgot that, its 11.10  the ocelot :)   ActionParsnip03:06
graingertexoplanet: are you being MITM's03:06
trismexoplanet: seems like a relevant bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pycurl/+bug/92654803:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 926548 in pycurl (Ubuntu) "add-apt-repository fails with gnutls_handshake error" [Medium,Triaged]03:07
ActionParsniptrism: nice :)03:07
god-zotacActionParsnip:: ok, but i never have had an issue playing mp3s, maybe because i always install the things i mentioned03:07
Coldfire202Ok, so I try to install ubuntu on my hard drive. I mounted the whole thing to my USB through pendrive USB installer. Right version, right ISO, etc.          I go to install it to my HDD beside Windows, I get an iso_path error.            I even tried installing it on my 1tb external HDD so I can use it on my other computer I have. I get some sort of space error? I have 800 gigs left of space.03:07
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: indeed ;)03:07
Coldfire202I can not figure out what to do03:07
ActionParsnipColdfire202: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?03:08
petoomay day!03:08
petoomy computer won't let me login03:08
petooits using KDE login manager03:08
ActionParsnippetoo: what happens when you try?03:09
Coldfire202ActionParsnip: Explain what you mean please03:09
CFHowlettpetoo   http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword03:09
ActionParsnip!md5 | Coldfire20203:09
ubottuColdfire202: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:09
graingertpetoo: did you try using the recovery boit option?03:09
ActionParsnipColdfire202: your image could have errors and/or not be complete03:09
exoplanetgraingert,  i'am behind a proxy, it really implausible. me --> proxy | ISP03:10
petooActionParsnip when i use my password it seems to loggin in but then it again shows me same login screen , no login failed message03:10
graingertColdfire202: Ubuntu has a disk check built in03:10
petooand i have been using this password from very long time03:10
Coldfire202Well, I was talking to a friend, about the external hard drive, and he said something about partitioning it first? He went offline right after so I couldn't ask him03:10
ActionParsnippetoo: if you press CTRL+ALT+F1 and login there, then run:  df -h   do you have lots of free space?03:10
Coldfire202I'm on Windows XP right now03:11
ActionParsnipColdfire202: does the ISO you downloaded pass MD5 test....?03:11
dunkengod-zotac, it works03:11
CFHowlettgraingert   different test than the md5sum03:11
Coldfire202I'm about to test, be right back03:11
dunkenthanks a lot03:11
petooActionParsnip there  must be around 100 megs of free space03:11
graingertexoplanet: Maybe your proxy is messing with SSL03:11
god-zotacdunken:: yw03:12
ActionParsnippetoo: thats not a lot, try:  sudo apt-get clean03:12
exoplanetno, but thanks i looks like the bug posted by trism (thanks for that!)03:13
exoplanet*i thinkā€¦03:13
MiqiI have a problem with my hard drive's partition table.03:14
petooActionParsnip thanks03:14
CFHowlettMiqi   details plaz03:14
MiqiI think I need to change the BSD disklabel03:14
Miqiparted gives the error that it doesn't recognize the disklabel03:14
MiqiI'm on a live cd03:15
ActionParsnippetoo: I suggest you remove old unused kernels too, that gives a LOT of extra space03:15
CFHowlettMiqi   sfaik there's no way to convert bsd to ext4 (default ubuntu disk format)03:15
MiqiIt's not necessarilly bsd03:16
Deihmosdoes ubuntu not support switchable graphics03:16
ActionParsnipDeihmos: nvidia and amd have both said they will not be suporting the technology03:17
petoosure I will try03:17
Deihmosoh well03:17
ActionParsnipDeihmos: there is a project called ironhide and one called bumblebee to help03:17
ActionParsnipDeihmos: its not great03:17
ActionParsnipDeihmos: it seems to be getting better but i've not seen a success story with it03:18
exoplanetwhats with bumblebee? i heard it worked very well with optimus03:18
Deihmosalso when I boot my fans go crazy on my laptop03:18
Deihmosnot a good experience so far03:18
CFHowlettmi3   greetings03:18
mi3CFHowlett hey man sup03:18
Miqilinux just doesn't recognize the disklabel. However, sudo fdisk -l  gives me this:03:19
CFHowlettmi3   your world - I only live in it.  what's teh ubuntu issue?03:19
MiqiDisk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders, total 625142448 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x280120b3  This doesn't look like a partition table Probably you selected the wrong device.     Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sda1  03:19
Coldfire202Okay, I'm back. The MD5 check sums are the same03:19
mi3coming to it..03:19
ubottumiqi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:19
mi3!cookie | CFHowlett03:19
ubottuCFHowlett: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:19
* CFHowlett blushes03:20
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mi3!cookie | ActionParsnip03:20
ubottuActionParsnip: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:20
MiqiDisk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders, total 625142448 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0x280120b3  This doesn't look like a partition table Probably you selected the wrong device.     Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sda1  03:20
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mi3!paste | miqi03:20
ubottumiqi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:20
CFHowlettphpgeek   greetigns03:20
ActionParsnipmi3: thanks :)03:21
phpgeeki am new here03:21
mi3yeah ActionParsnip howz the day/night going?03:21
CFHowlettphpgeek   do you need ubuntu support?03:21
Coldfire202MD5s are the same.03:21
Coldfire202so there is no issue03:21
ActionParsnipmi3: 3:20am and at work03:21
Coldfire202with that03:21
ActionParsnipmi3: not bad really03:21
phpgeeknot for now, but i am using ubuntu too03:21
mi3wow so late?03:21
ActionParsnipmi3: yep, 4 hours to go03:22
CFHowlettphpgeek   general conversation can be had in #ubuntu-offtopic03:22
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phpgeekok thanks for information03:22
MiqiThat's my fdisk03:23
CFHowlettphpgeek   enjoy your ubuntu experience.03:23
phpgeekubuntu, very lovely for beginners03:23
Coldfire202CFHowlett can you help me?03:23
exoplanetMiqi, its text you can copy it!03:23
CFHowlettColdfire202   possibly - haven't been tracking so plz restate the problem.03:24
psyclone18723986I am having problems with video playback in 11.1003:24
phpgeekbut i dont like later release of ubuntu desktop environtment03:24
psyclone18723986the media appears to be skipping frames03:24
MiqiI tried copying from pastebin, but it got formatted badly03:24
ActionParsnipphpgeek: then install xfce4 and use xfce...or use kde03:24
phpgeeknow i am using lxde, nice and lightweiht desktop03:24
ActionParsnipphpgeek: i love lxde03:25
Coldfire202Ok, so I try to install ubuntu on my hard drive. I mounted the whole thing to my USB through pendrive USB installer. Right version, right ISO, etc.          I go to install it to my HDD beside Windows, I get an iso_path error.            I even tried installing it on my 1tb external HDD so I can use it on my other computer I have. I get some sort of space error? I have 800 gigs left of space.          And the MD5 Check Sums are t03:25
phpgeekActionParsnip, u too?03:25
phpgeekany body here who experienced with web programmer on ubuntu?03:26
MiqiColdfire202: Have you tried installing from a cd or other iso?03:26
Coldfire202Hm, CD. No.03:26
Miqiphpgeek: I've some web programming experience03:26
waxstonephpgeek,  here03:26
Coldfire202Don't think I have one03:26
Coldfire202I can only use USB :/03:26
MiqiAs in you don't have a disk drive?03:27
FyodorovnaColdfire202, you might try the unetbootin usb loader.03:27
Coldfire202I have03:27
CFHowlettColdfire202   wait, MOUNTED the iso to pendrive?03:27
MiqiHave you been using yumi?03:27
zivesteranyone here rip DVD's... if so, what do u use? (looking for a straight clone of the dvd to archive it)... I might encode it later03:27
Coldfire202I think so, I guess03:27
phpgeekwhat software i must install for php programming03:27
phpgeekexcept eclipse as ide?03:27
Coldfire202Whatever the procces that it uses does.03:27
waxstonephpgeek, eclipse or netbeans03:27
Coldfire202Mounting or whatever03:27
psyclone18723986can someone help with this issue, when I play a file in vlc media player the video output is like it is skipping frames, it doesnt play smoothly03:27
CFHowlettColdfire202   unetbootin and startupdiskcreator copy/format/prepare the usb so it'll boot the iso.  NOT mounting ...03:28
waxstonephpgeek, I use netbeans03:28
MiqiHow did you put the iso on your pendrive?03:28
phpgeeki mean, except ide?03:28
Coldfire202Well, I just need to install it03:28
phpgeekare the ide is enough for php programming?03:28
CFHowlettColdfire202   unetbootin or startupdiskcreator then03:28
ActionParsnip!ide | phpgeek03:29
ubottuphpgeek: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator03:29
MiqiColdfire202: Yeah, but you have to use unetbootin or yumi to make your pendrive bootable03:29
pat123i got rid of windows a couple months ago and for some reason.....03:29
waxstonephpgeek, netbeans has error checking , you can use gedit if you want something simple like notepad03:29
phpgeekubottu, nice share03:29
Coldfire202Ok hold on03:29
phpgeekwaxtone, thanks for information03:29
Coldfire202I will restart EVERYTHING03:29
Coldfire202now computer wise03:30
Coldfire202I mean installing and such03:30
pat123i wanted to install it back03:30
CFHowlettSaiful   greetings.03:30
CFHowlettColdfire202   no worries.03:30
phpgeekfor php-gtk, whats tool should use?03:30
Saifulproblem broadcom03:30
CFHowlettSaiful   wait 1 sex03:30
mi3How can I display the available updates in conky? I have this line but i get an error while loading ${execi 3600 aptitude search '~U' | wc -l | tail > ~/.config/conky/cairosidebar/upd}03:30
pat123yes i have broadcom pb here03:30
mi3aptitude is for debian os whats the ubuntu equivalent, in this case?03:31
Saifulhow to connection wireless with terminal03:31
waxstonephpgeek, Im not familiar with gtk but syntax highlighting and debugging is  very important for me03:31
CFHowlettSaiful   pat123 here's the basic broadcom tutorial.  read carefully and follow the steps.  it does work:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:32
mi3Saiful: what?03:32
pat123only with some....i need a tutorial with picture on how to install drivers because i dont get it i search o yes i did03:32
phpgeeknow i am using eclipse, but i am very frustated for configuration03:32
waxstonephpgeek, I use only netbeans unless I have to make a quick and dirty edit then I would use a text editor03:33
phpgeekis netbean suited for zend framework?03:33
phpgeeknetbean is very heavy with memory resource03:34
bastidrazormi3: you can have aptitude in ubuntu. install it.03:34
mi3but will it give me the updates bastidrazor?03:34
waxstonephpgeek,  yes03:34
bastidrazormi3: it should.03:34
mi3bastidrazor i mean the number of updates?03:34
waxstonephpgeek,  yes@zend03:35
phpgeekwaxtone, thanks for information03:35
phpgeekmay be i must try netbean later03:35
waxstonephpgeek, no problem goodluck03:35
theblakester_here soon after i install ubuntu thru wubi i will need some help editing my fstab file to auto mount my windows partition each time i logon anyone up for this......03:36
phpgeekwaxtone, do you now opensource software for warehouse management?03:36
phpgeekwith php absolutely03:36
Fyodorovnatheblakester_, ubuntu is a file in windows, there is no partition to mount.03:36
timposeycan anyone tell me how to enable packet capturing in Ubuntu 11.10 I am trying to get wireshark to run on my machine.03:37
theblakester_i kno but when i log on my windows drive does not mount03:37
bastidrazortheblakester_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab  this tells you all you need to know.;03:37
Fyodorovnatheblakester_, with a wubi.03:37
phpgeeki mean created with php, off course03:37
pat123so far only ubuntu 11.04 i386 working for me out of the box acer aspire03:38
waxstonephpgeek,  no. This conversation is beginning to go offtopic for this room which is for  ubuntu help03:38
pat123wwith broadcom sta wireless03:38
CFHowlettpat123   did you see the tutorial I sent03:38
phpgeekok, thanks03:39
mi3bastidrazor it is not showing me those updates even after i install aptitude03:39
bastidrazormi3: more than likely its because it requires sudo to run it.03:39
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pat123im thinking buying an other wireless device more adaptative to my needs03:40
mi3bastidrazor it does not take sudo permissions just to check updates?03:41
theblakester----so ubuntu does not pick up my windows partition03:41
bazhangtheblakester----, with wubi?03:41
ldcHelp! Im having trouble with Chromium and Flash03:41
bazhangtheblakester----, what are you trying to do, explain03:41
ActionParsniptheblakester----: are you booted to an Ubuntu installed via wubi?03:42
theblakester----it will be a min before it is installed so how long are u going to be around for03:42
CFHowlettActionParsnip   bazhang he boots wubi, wants to mount windows partition03:42
theblakester----eta 40 til ubuntu is dled03:43
ActionParsnipCFHowlett: ty03:43
bazhangCFHowlett, ok thanks03:43
dr_williswubi automaticly mounts the windows partoon to some location i recall03:43
bazhangtheblakester----, wait, it's not even installed yet?03:43
ActionParsniptheblakester----: run:  ln -s /host ~/Windows    and you can access the data easily03:43
CFHowletttheblakester----   so there's no confusion - wubi is designed an ubuntu testing installation - NOT  a long-term use solution...03:44
mi3what does "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" mean?03:45
theblakester----well i dont want to delete windows03:45
onoez_omgi need some help with hostapd http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs6 but shortly its unable to switch interface to master mode i guess03:45
CFHowletttheblakester----   "dual boot" allows you to install ubuntu and windows sidebyside03:46
Coldfire202Hello, sorry about being gone so long. I got side tracked by YouTube.03:46
Coldfire202I formated the USB in which my ISO was on.03:46
Coldfire202Now, first of all. I need to figure out where I'm installiing it03:47
Coldfire202DANG IT!03:48
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Coldfire202I'll pm you CFHowlett03:48
CFHowlettColdfire202   OK03:48
dr_willisclear questions help you get clear answers.03:48
onoez_omgbut i guess the idea to switch the adapter to one that *known-to-work* is the main option in my case lol03:48
=== ArtificialEX is now known as AbnormAlEx
theblakester----what mi303:49
mi3sorry to interrupt you theblakester----03:50
phong_hi guys, i'm in sftp terminal...how can i switch to  my ubuntu so that i can do 'ls' to view files?03:55
=== AbnormAlEx is now known as AbnormAlex
phong_currently i'm in 'sftp>'  how can i switch to my ubuntu...so that i can view files to do upload03:55
phong_i dont really want to open another terminal window03:56
konamhi guys03:56
ActionParsnipphong_: http://content.hccfl.edu/pollock/Unix/sFTPRef.htm03:56
mi3have a look at this and enjoy http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-02232012-015217am.php03:58
phong_ActionParsnip, u're super so the  key is '!'03:58
konami've seen that on ubuntu when i compress a file on rar or zip many times the file isn't actually "compressed", if i zip anything on windows it gets noticeably smaller, at least a couple of MBs, not the case on ubuntu. is there a way i could change the compression percentage of the default archive creation software?03:58
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
phong_ActionParsnip, thanks03:58
phong_ActionParsnip, by default if i put or get...is it in binary mode?03:58
onoez_omgi need some help with hostapd http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs6 but shortly its unable to switch interface to master mode i guess03:59
ActionParsnipphong_: not sure I always use nautilus03:59
dr_williskonam:  arvhivers normally have options for how hard to try to compress stuff. trade off is more cpu load and time04:02
Escherialugh, autofs seemed cool at first, but if i'm going to have to put up with it freezing up for 20 seconds every time i leave it alone for half a minute i'm not sure what i'm going to do :\04:02
konamdr_willis i suppose, i just haven't seen this options on ubuntu's default archiver, just the ones to set password, # of parts to split it, etc.04:04
Lampynautany good themes for 11.10?04:04
popschhow come my samba connection on linux only gets 50% of the bandwidth compared to a macos? on a 1Gbps, I get about 25Mbps with my mac over CIFS or over smbfs and with my ubuntu box, I only get 10-12Mbps.04:05
=== AbnormAlex is now known as Abnormalex
ActionParsnipLampynaut: many04:06
dr_williskonam:  you are looking at the front end to the cli tools. use the cli directly for full control.04:07
ActionParsnippopsch: look into the socket_options line in /etc/samba/smb.conf04:07
Lampynautactionparsnip: Could you recommend a repository which might provide them, or a theming agent software i might look into?04:07
Lampynautor a source at which i might learn of these things :<04:07
LampynautHello uncreative name D:04:08
konamdr_willis how is the CLI interface called? what is the main command for that archiver?04:08
ubuntuthats me04:08
ActionParsnipLampynaut: there are the bisigi themes, tastes will vary so what someone likes you will hate04:08
onoez_omgLampynaut, deviantart.com is a home for many private art projects including various themes and stuff04:08
popschActionParsnip, you mean on the server or on the client side?04:09
Coldfire202Ok, can someone else help me where CFHowlett left off?04:09
Coldfire202I need to know before I go on04:09
ubuntujoin/ #hardware04:09
Lampynauthummm. <3 I'll continue to look into deviantart and bisigi themes. Thank you for your assistance.04:09
Lampynauttyping dyslexia!04:09
ActionParsnippopsch: server04:09
dr_williskonam:  depends on what you are using. zip. rar. so on04:10
onoez_omgi need some help with hostapd http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs6 but shortly its unable to switch interface to master mode i guess04:10
popschActionParsnip, but I get better performance with macos on the same server than with ubuntu04:13
ActionParsnippopsch: then it will have duifferent config as its a different OS, obviously...04:14
ubuntuanyone know how to get a fresh copy of bios 1.70 on my bios rom its in a toshiba m45s265 sattellite laptop04:14
ActionParsnippopsch: different OSes act and perform differently under different situations as they have different setups04:15
superdave321I need to install kernel headers to use VMware workstation. When I do apt-get install linux-headers, it says that I need to pick one from a list. which one should I choose?04:17
ActionParsnip!find headers04:18
ubottuFound: libqt3-compat-headers, libqt3-headers, libxmu-headers, linux-headers-3.0.0-12, linux-headers-3.0.0-12-generic, linux-headers-3.0.0-12-generic-pae, linux-headers-3.0.0-12-virtual, linux-headers-lbm-3.0.0-12-generic, linux-headers-lbm-3.0.0-12-generic-pae, libcomplearn1-headers (and 32 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=headers&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all04:18
ActionParsnipsuperdave321: is there linux-headers-generic04:19
superdave321ActionParsnip: yes, but it's 'generic [version number]' should I just go with the latest?04:20
ActionParsnipsuperdave321: go with the one whicnh matches your kernels04:21
tablesdoes ubuntu have clipboard history?04:22
dr_willisyou can install clipbord managers04:22
superdave321ActionParsnip: where do I find that out?\04:23
dr_willis!info glipper04:23
ubottuglipper (source: glipper): Clipboard manager for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 57 kB, installed size 580 kB04:23
ActionParsnipsuperdave321: run:  uname -r04:24
superdave321ActionParsnip: Thanks!04:25
ubuntuanyone know how to get a fresh copy of bios 1.70 on my bios rom its in a toshiba m45s265 sattellite laptop04:26
dr_willisubuntu:  toshiba support page.04:26
ubuntuwhats the channel04:27
dr_willistoshiba homepage04:28
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
radenwhy doesnt ubuntu have a taskbar ?04:29
dr_willisraden:  unity dosent have one.04:29
Airiousnew to linux, needing to find out how to mount an external hdd04:30
dr_willisyou could add one if yiu wanted04:30
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount04:30
Airiousthe problem is I do not the my hdd is being recognized04:31
Airiouswhen I use fdisk -l only my c drive partitions are shown, nothing on my external04:31
dr_willissee what dmesg shows when its plugged in04:31
zykotick9dr_willis: +104:32
radenwhy on earth would someone leave a taskbar out i mean really ?04:32
radenseems like a wonderful linux variation  just annoying that no taskbar04:33
dr_willisraden:  the left side launcher is a taskbar04:33
Airiouswhat am i looking for with dmesg?04:33
radendr_willis, its just not the same , and from what i can tell there is no freedom of choise of where to move it ... Am i correct  ?04:33
dr_willisraden:  it stays on the left.04:34
r000t_mltHello. I just got a new computer with a Broadcom wireless card. The lspci ID is 14e1:4727. It appears to work fine with the wl driver (from jockey), but it won't pick up any WiFi network more than 30 feet away.04:34
r000t_mltWhat can I do to remedy this? I've searched all over.04:34
zykotick9Airious: do you happen to know what sdX, X begin the crucial factor, it's probably going to be?  could make grepping easier.  but a general "dmesg | grep sd" might help.04:34
Airiouswell everything that i am seeing with fdisk -l is sdd04:34
Airioussdd 1 - 404:35
asmcoder83hello everone04:35
zykotick9Airious: is the external the 5th drive?04:35
zykotick9Airious: sorry, sdd1 -> sdd4 is one drive04:35
Airiousyes, sdd 1 - 4 is my c drive, 3 partitions and the windows settings or w/e it is lol04:36
Airiousso the next drive should be sde1? if i understand how the drives are lettered?04:37
zykotick9Airious: this is a usb external right?  you'd expect it as sde, ^ right.04:37
dr_willisno sda? weird04:37
zykotick9dr_willis: ya, sda -> sdc are awol???04:37
Airiousyea, i thought so too because everything i googled referenced sda04:38
Airiousthey must be...04:38
dr_willismay depend o  what sata port they are plugged into04:38
Airiousbut when i try to mount with04:38
Airiousroot@root:~# mount/dev/sde1 /mnt/Media04:39
yakkohi, I just installed a server and created user "john", the command line always starts with $, while my notebook shows me username@pcname:~$ , why?04:39
Airiousi get04:39
Airiousbash: mount/dev/sde1: No such file or directory04:39
zykotick9yakko: $ means regular user, # means root04:39
ActionParsnipAirious: you missed a space04:39
ActionParsnipAirious: after the word 'mount'04:40
dr_willisgrr.   bash prompt settings controll that04:40
zykotick9Airious: what does "ls /dev/sd*" show?04:40
yakkozykotick9: somenoe told me it's sh compatibility mode, what's that?04:40
zykotick9yakko: its nothing to do with bash vs sh at all04:41
yakkozykotick9: I was told I should login with -l04:41
zykotick9yakko: bash "should" be able to run eveything sh, the opposite is not true.04:41
zykotick9yakko: login? -l? not sure what you mean04:41
onoez_omgi need some help with hostapd http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs6 but shortly its unable to switch interface to master mode i guess04:42
Lampynautokay... so i installed a theme that broke the desktop. How to undo D:04:42
magn3tsIs the Deluge packaging ever going to get fixed so that it open magnet links properly?04:43
magn3tsThis has been an outstanding issue for... longer than since the last release of Ubuntu...04:43
nmittali am in live cd mode.. and trying to copy files on hdd that were owned by root04:44
yakkozykotick9: I changed /etc/passwd to /bin/bash and it works cool now04:44
Lampynautfixed, hopefully... D:04:44
nmittalits not allowing me to copy.. what should i do04:44
Lampynautmy tray on the left disappeared. the bar on the top reappeared though04:45
Lampynautmy power button is gone, and time and wifi icon04:45
onoez_omgnmittal, create a catalog and do something liek chmod 777 <cat>04:46
Lampynauteh ill get to it later. ima throw some laundry in real quick04:46
onoez_omgput all the stuff into there lol04:46
nmittalonoez_omg,  actually i was able to sudo chown the whole folder :)... thanks04:48
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
onoez_omgi need some help with hostapd on ar9285  http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs604:53
onoez_omghostapd says it was unable to set interface channel04:54
Airioussorry i got d/ced04:56
Airiousnow I am getting04:56
scientesi on only press one key at a time or it doesn't work04:56
scientesand hold key doesnt work04:57
scientesit is usb04:57
Airiousmount: special device /dev/sde1 does not exist04:57
fulbuntuI did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and apt started removing my entire computer even apt in the queue so i exited the terminal and had problems since qq04:57
tioxSo I made a relatively small multi-distro image with MultiCD and now I have made a bootable USB drive with unetbootin. My problem is that syslinux completely takes over and doesn't quite match up to the isolinux menu that runs just fine from CD, and it's also missing some stuff. I am looking for someone to aid me in figuring out this little clusterfuq so I can get on with using ALL of the components I put into it.04:59
tioxScripting and menu-building noob BTW, only thing I can do with some proficiency are Windows batch files. :P05:00
popschActionParsnip, the socket options didn't really do the trick05:05
Airiouscan anyone help me install linux onto an HDD?05:05
WildbatTrying to make native Win 7 boot in VBox under ubuntu ~ but i enter a boot loop ~ anyone have any idea about this ?05:05
Airious*external hdd05:06
smp4488im trying to install the omap3 sgx drivers, here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/875606/05:06
Lampynautis there an 'undo changes applied this session' function?05:06
ActionParsnippopsch: there are countless millions of combinations05:07
Airiousn e one?05:09
WulfAirious: ne105:10
Airiouscan you assist?05:10
asmcoder83new to weechat. Is there a list of all the different  channels?05:10
WulfAirious: yeah. Can I come over and insert the cdrom into your drive?05:10
Airiousis there porn on that cd rom?05:11
Fireboltasmcoder83, there is /list, but you ought to see /msg alis help list05:12
govatentAs someone who just logged on, this conversation of a cd-rom scares me. :P I have no context but that last message.05:12
Airiousthere really is not any pre context to that lol05:13
Wulf"laughing my fat ass off"?05:13
codepalis it possible to move a dpkg installed program into /opt with all of it's dependencies?05:15
Lampynautwhats up, wulf05:15
Lampynautdo you remember psp hacks?05:15
WulfLampynaut: no.05:15
Wulfcodepal: no.05:15
Wulfmikeru: no.05:15
mikeruWulf: :(05:15
Lampynautif you say no to everyone, you'll never have any fun05:15
Airiouscha cha05:16
plainif i install the 12.04 beta, will it be upgraded to the final release when it comes out?05:16
Airiousi would like to have some fun installin linux to be externa; hdd but i know nothing about linux05:17
codepalI should've  compiled this gimp 2.7.5 from scratch and put it in my /opt05:17
Airiouswell ok, next to nothing :P05:17
mikeruI have a 27" iMac with an AMD 6770M graphics card. Performance with the FOSS driver is relatively good, but nowhere as close as on OS X.05:17
AiriousI was able to log in :P lmfao05:17
codepalwith it's dependencies, then I wouldn't have to say goodbye to it....05:17
mikeruSo, I installed the catalyst drivers from AMD05:17
codepalanybody got a tar.gz of a /opt based gimp 2.7.5 ??05:17
mikeruand... they're SO SLOW.05:17
mikeruunbelievably slow05:17
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
wrektjethello - how can i tell which version of python is running on my system?05:18
govatentmikeru: are you using mbr to efi to boot your system?05:18
=== plain is now known as gill_bates
mikerugovatent: grub-pc05:18
codepalwrektjet, python --version ? ? in a terminal05:18
mikerunot EFI05:18
mikeruit doesn't even boot with EFI05:18
wrektjetsyas it rite in the terminal lol thnx05:18
wrektjetthat was simple05:18
onoez_omgi need some help with hostapd (ar9285) http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs605:19
mikeru(grub-efi just leads me to a black screen after the ubuntu logo with both drivers)05:19
codepalwrektjet, start running python interactive in a terminal -- you'll learn lots05:19
onoez_omgit is unable to set the channel05:19
codepalwrektjet, and head over to #python05:19
mikerunow, I'd like to squeeze out more performance of my GPU as I'm not satisfied enough with the gallium one05:20
govatenti've been trying to get my new system to boot and run ubuntu. i've never saw myself owning mac hardware. i was going to get a system76 but due to financing and knowing someone at apple i replaced my very old laptop with a mac.05:21
Airiouscan anyone help  w. installing linux to an external hdd?05:22
mikerubut fglrx is like molasses. since fglrx is supposed to be much faster and everyone loves to chastise the gallium driver for being slow, why on earth could I be getting such bad performance?05:22
mikerugovatent: which mac is it?05:22
govatenti could maybe lend a hand Airious. im not pro. but i could try to help05:22
govatentmikeru: i got the 15 in mbp with i7 2.2 amd/intel gpu05:23
codepalwhat the heck is wrong with wubi.exe ??05:23
govatenti feel dirty just saying i got it05:23
wrektjetcodepal, what is python interactive. i was using reinteract but had a problem with its execution being off05:23
codepalprogram too big to fit in memory??05:23
govatentbeing how much i love open source05:23
bazhang!install > Airious05:24
ubottuAirious, please see my private message05:24
codepalwrektjet, python interactive is when you run python in your terminal and tell it do stuff05:24
wrektjetlol oh yea im on that05:24
onoez_omgi'm completely lost with trying to set up a wireless ap on ar928505:24
mikerunice, fglrx just froze my system05:25
mikerugovatent: as for your mac, well, I don't know what to say. why can't you get ubuntu to work with it?05:26
govatentoh it works. but there are a few things which are buggy. all of which have been mostly resolved in 12.04. ive been testing05:28
onoez_omgthere were dark times when it was sorta wise to choose hardware keeping in mind that you will run linux on it and i believe such way of thinking is still wise enough05:28
mikerugovatent: well, everything (except this fglrx thing) works fantastic on this iMac (iMac12,2)05:29
mikerugovatent: but, I have a MacBook 5,2 and I had to do loads of things to get it working properly05:29
govatentyea, here at the planet linux cafe in miami we have a mac running ubuntu on display and it works like a charm. we even have high end games on it for kids05:29
govatenton your mb 5,2 have you tried 12.04 yet?05:30
ActionParsnipnever understodd the mac buying to put linux on it..05:30
mikeruI wouldn't be surprised if Apple is shipping them with broken ACPI tables or whatever crazy stuff on their BIOS emulation just to make linux not work05:30
ActionParsnipif you want a lappy for ubuntu you can save about 25% cost and avoid mac05:30
mikeruActionParsnip: well, I use OS X for many things too. Particularly media related things05:31
govatenti got 25% of retail price on mine. plus i get a year to pay it off. honeslty it was that or pay upfront for a system76. which i did not have the money for.05:31
ActionParsnipmikeru: there are media things ni Ubuntu ;)05:32
mikeruyes, but, name any program that's even close to iMovie in set of features05:32
mikeruOpenShot isn't05:32
govatentat least for the specs price i was working with.05:33
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Gabiscs.reg ga05:33
ActionParsnipmikeru: pitivi and avidemux in team05:33
govatenti use ubuntu for absolutely everything else in my life05:34
onoez_omgi'm in despair to bring up hostapd on ar9285, anyone?05:34
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
mikeruActionParsnip: iMovie does nothing avidemux does...05:36
mikeruit really boils down to whether you can afford a mac and would like to waste some hundred dollars on a logo05:36
Abhijitonoez_omg, what do you want to do?05:37
govatenti saw a fair amount of macs at uds. not lots. but more than i expected to see05:37
onoez_omgAbhijit, wireless ap05:37
mikerubecause you could always go hackintosh with many laptops (as long as they closely match any macbook in specs and don't use some crazy hardware)05:37
chipotlethere's more than the logo05:38
chipotlemacs just work05:38
KullMacs dont just work05:38
KullThey also cost too much money05:38
KullThey lock you in05:38
KullThey steal your freeedom05:38
FloodBot1Kull: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:38
onoez_omgAbhijit, here is most of technical details http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs605:38
chipotlethat's an argument, but the money one is negated by 1) expense accounts and 2) what your time is worth05:38
KullFlood?  Oh jesus, how the hell did I wander into the clusterfvkk that is #ubuntu?  Im gone05:38
Abhijitonoez_omg, oh ok no idea about it05:38
no-name-what package(s) do I need to install to prevent totem from needing to get video codecs when I open different video formats on 10.04 LTS?05:39
govatentok lets not start a mac war. no one cares about a brand. we all use ubuntu anyways :)05:39
mikerucan we get back to the AMD 6770M on a Mac does not work with fglrx?05:39
no-name-plugin packages is what it calls them. how do I just get them all?05:39
govatentI have the 6750 and installed the newest driver from the amd site05:39
mikeruMacs just work Kull, that is true. But so is pretty much everything else you said05:39
govatentit worked quite well05:40
mikeruthey're evil05:40
bazhangno-name-, ubuntu-restricte-extras05:40
govatenthave you tried the driver from amd.com ?05:40
bazhangmikeru, he's gone, let s move on05:40
mikeruI just downloaded it from there05:40
govatentive used the newest driver from them on a few macs with no problems on ubuntu05:41
studenthelp with postfix | ubottu05:41
pangolinno-name-: ubuntu-restricted-extras05:41
govatenthey i need to make a quick run. ill be right back. id like to keep talking about the gpu05:41
mikeruI'll go back to the radeon driver meanwhile. fglrx is killing me.05:42
studentwhat is wrong, with postfix it's not piping mail to dovecot05:42
bazhangstudent, try #postfix05:42
=== MrHarptastic is now known as iHarp
iHarpHey Guys05:45
onoez_omgi'm in despair to bring up hostapd on ar9285, anyone?05:45
syddrafWhen I attempt to run minecraft, I get the following error: "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." Can someone please help me? I just got a new laptop and I can't get it working.05:46
oratedIs it possible for wireless connection to switch to mobile broadband as per requirement?05:47
Wulfsyddraf: what graphics hardware?05:48
Wulfsyddraf: whatever, install the right grahics drivers05:49
syddrafWulf: It's an Nvidia card on a dell. Nvidia-current is already installed.05:49
Wulfsyddraf: that is the propietary driver?05:50
=== shadowh511 is now known as pizza_man
=== pizza_man is now known as shadowh511
syddrafWulf: No idea. It's the one in the repository. I usually use amd cards so I am unfamiliar with the packages for nvidia05:51
ActionParsnipsyddraf: is it a dual GPU setup?05:51
Abnormalexwhat is usually better mail@ or contact@05:52
WulfAbnormalex: contact05:53
Abnormalexbut its longer...05:53
studentbazhang: no help05:53
slow_pokehey guys. I just installed the ubuntu 6 cd i got in the mail. its pretty sweet so far. but i tried to hit update sources and i get error 404, server not found05:54
slow_pokewhat gives05:54
studentbazhang: you have to help me05:54
=== shadowh511 is now known as shadowh512
syddrafActionParsnip: I'm not sure. Is there a command I can run to get info on the card? I'm trying to find it on Dell's site but it is pretty terrible.05:55
=== shadowh512 is now known as shadowh511
syddrafActionParsnip: "NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M - N12P-GE 1GB"05:55
=== shadowh511 is now known as shadowh511-
Giddeonnewb question - how do I stop the watch command05:56
onoez_omgi'm in despair to bring up hostapd on ar9285, anyone?05:56
=== shadowh511- is now known as shadowh511
Giddeonfound it, ctrl-c05:58
slow_pokehey guys. I just installed the ubuntu 6 cd i got in the mail. its pretty sweet so far. but i tried to hit update sources and i get error 404, server not found05:58
mikerugovatent: you still there?06:00
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
rogstslow_poke: Ubuntu 6 ? why use a so old release?06:00
slow_pokeits not old. i just got it in the mail06:00
slow_pokehere in siberia06:00
onoez_omgwhere in siberia do you live?06:01
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
Chipzzzslow_poke: ubuntu 12 comes out next month06:01
slow_pokethe part that isnt really siberia any more, you know how its called, prijez06:01
wrektjetwoohoooooooo! ubuntu 12~~~~!!!!06:01
slow_pokeChipzzz: 12, woah, what code to get it06:01
slow_pokei can put it to install over 6 upgrade06:02
onoez_omgnever heard of it living in russia06:02
slow_pokeyou wouldnt have06:02
slow_pokeits doesnt exist. its the internet, i wouldnt tell my real location06:02
rogstslow_poke: you need to check for a bad link in /etc/apt/sources.list06:02
Chipzzzslow_poke: link for 12.04: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta106:03
onoez_omgi'm in despair to bring up hostapd on ar9285, anyone?06:03
slow_pokeoh i cannot download06:03
linqeringhello ?06:03
slow_pokei have very limit to my mb06:03
linqeringcan you see me guys ?06:03
slow_pokeonly 50 for month06:03
Chipzzzslow_poke: :(06:03
slow_pokethis uses about 10 for one week of use06:03
slow_poketext only06:03
slow_pokeimagine that06:03
linqeringFloodBot1,  hi ?06:04
CFHowlettlinqering   yes icu06:04
syddrafI'm trying to install the official nvidia drivers, but it requires X to be off. Everytime i kill the Xorg process, it just restarts. How can I kill it so that06:04
syddrafit stays off06:04
kevinsyddraf: maybe 'service gdm stop' ?06:04
linqeringCFHowlett, thanks, i connect it now .06:04
kai_hello everyone06:05
CFHowlettkai_   greetings06:05
syddrafkevin: what is the dm for Xubuntu?06:05
rogstsyddraf: kdm06:05
rogstoh wrong06:05
rogstread kubu tu06:05
alteregoai cannot see my samba shares, but i can access it using the ip of the ubuntu machine on my windows clients, but what kind of program is responsible to broadcast those samba shares in the network?06:06
kai_If I have any technical problems, will someone help?>06:06
rogstalteregoa: is you sambasecurity configured for user och share?06:08
alteregoaits configured as anon logon06:08
rogstalteregoa: there is a setting named securityin smb.conf, check if it is set as share06:09
alteregoasecurity = user06:12
alteregoano securityin setting anywhere on smb.conf06:12
syddrafI've installed the official nvidia drivers and now I am getting this when I run startx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/875656/06:12
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onoez_omgsyddraf, is it a laptop?06:12
syddrafonoez_omg: Yes. Dell Inspiron 17R06:13
rogstalteregoa: I missed the space the setting is security, change that to shate06:13
onoez_omgsyddraf, it shipper with i5 or i7 cpu right?06:13
syddrafonoez_omg: i7, yes06:13
alteregoaok security = share06:13
onoez_omgsyddraf, "nvidia optimus" r keywords to your disasters06:14
rogstalteregoa: save and restart smbd06:14
onoez_omgsyddraf, and "ironhide" is a keyword that could be used to find a solution06:14
syddrafonoez_omg: *sigh* I'll begin asking the Lord Google. I've tried installing bumblebee before but it didn't really work.06:15
syddrafonoez_omg: ooh ironhide is a new word. TO GOOGLE! Thank you.06:15
alteregoanow samba doesnt work anymore with security = share06:18
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rogstalteregoa: wonĀ“t it start ?06:19
onoez_omgi'm in despair to bring up hostapd on ar9285, anyone?06:19
alteregoait start06:20
alteregoabut no access to the shares06:20
dr_willisi forget why you would use security=share06:20
govatentmikeru: back06:20
alteregoaserver string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)06:22
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sleepybughey guys, I have a windows vm on virtualbox. I was wondering if there is a way to convert the vm (from inside of the OS itself) into an iso, or for it to copy itself and make an iso file...anything like that06:23
alteregoais there something wrong on broadcast entry on the machine?06:23
syddrafonoez_omg: Do you have any personal experience with ironhide? I'm having issues with configuration.06:23
mosesofmasonuse vmware and just copy out the vm folder06:24
alteregoaironside yeah06:24
alteregoagood actor06:24
sleepybugmosesofmason: I can't im inside of virtualbox and I made modifications to the OS itself06:24
sleepybugmosesofmason: modifications i cant replicate under vmware06:24
mo0nykitHow do I get a list of currently running HTTP servers? I launched one with GAE devappserver.py, but quit the Terminal session. It appears that the server is still running, and now I could not start a new server on the same port. I want to kill that old process06:24
dr_willissleepybug:  ive seen mention of vdk to raw image converter tools. you could then dd the raw image to a real hd.06:25
onoez_omgsyddraf, it runs well on my msi ge62006:25
onoez_omgbut i can't remember what i was doing06:25
oratedHello! Is it possible to have a setup such that wireless connection to switch to mobile broadband if one is not present?06:25
sleepybugdr_willis: as have I. how likely is it that the raw image will just not work?06:25
onoez_omgthere is a tool it shipped with it does all the job06:25
syddrafonoez_omg: when i run dpkg-reconfigure ironhide to run the configure util, it doesn't detect any functional configurations06:25
dr_willismo0nykit:  check ps ax | less  output  perhaps06:26
onoez_omgyou have to run some tool that shipped with it, it will try to find working configs for ur machine that were published by some voluteer dudes06:26
alteregoaso now i do need to add this bc entry:       *            U     0      0        0 eth006:26
moskaé¼ ę ‡äøå„½ä½æ06:26
dr_willissleepybug:  no idea.  windows getting moved to a new machinbe may trigger its copy protection/activarion stuff06:27
sleepybugdr_willis yeah06:27
onoez_omgsyddraf, system -> administration -> ironhide app settings06:27
onoez_omgor ironhide-app-settings06:28
dr_willissleepybug:  you can access a real 'physical' hd from vmware and vbox also if you configure them right. but its not reccomended06:28
mi3!cookie | dr_willis06:28
ubottudr_willis: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!06:28
* dr_willis is on a diet06:28
ubottuå¦‚ę¬²ē²å¾—äø­ę–‡ēš„協助ļ¼Œč«‹č¼øå…„ /join #ubuntu-cn ꈖ /join #ubuntu-tw06:28
mi3hehe ok06:29
alteregoaroute add -net netmask br006:29
mo0nykitdr_willis: Thanks! that fixed it :)06:29
A-LusionWhen it comes to dual booting which is more preferred, 12.04 beta 1 or 11.1006:29
mo0nykitAll I did was top, I forgot about ps06:29
dr_willisA-Lusion:  shouldent matter06:30
dr_willisA-Lusion:  both are using grub2. so should dual boot fie06:30
onoez_omgmo0nykit, htop is pretty usefull app that uses ncurses06:30
mo0nykitonoez_omg: does top have similar keymappings to less? Haven't yet bothered to learn them yet..06:31
Administratorcan anyone recommend a good guide for dual booting win 7 with ubuntu?06:32
dr_willishtop blows the top off of top. ;)06:32
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dr_willisinstall windows first. dont use up too many mpartitions.. install ubuntu.. should auto configure06:33
abaddonSatanicAdministrator: install windows 7 and then ubuntu06:33
dr_williseach os on its own hd makes life easier as well06:33
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waxstoneyes order of Os's is important06:35
dr_willisunless you understsnd how to repair grub. ;)06:35
waxstonewindows kills the grub ;P06:36
waxstoneno respect at all06:36
CFHowlettwaxstone   last OS installed steals the bootloader06:37
waxstoneCFHowlett,  Ah ubuntu is the best to install last ;)06:38
hfirbdgihreubvirI just got windows 706:38
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hfirbdgihreubvirhow the hell do I download this on a linux06:38
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dr_willisdownload 'this' what?06:38
Fyodorovnahfirbdgihreubvir, how did you get it?06:38
waxstonewith win 7 you download the instalation file06:38
studentubuntu sucks, broken /etc/init.d/dovecot in it's package postfix not working...06:39
waxstoneor you can pay to get the cd via mail06:39
hfirbdgihreubvirFyodorovna, by buying it online06:39
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   unetbootin will allow you to create a win boot usb06:39
hfirbdgihreubvirI didnt get a box they gave me  a key and download options06:39
Fyodorovnahfirbdgihreubvir, you should of gotten a link to a ISO did you?06:39
h4ckm3hey guys, I'm trying to use vncviewer localhost:5902 through ssh -L 5902:ipaddress:5901 user@ipaddress then In the ssh terminal it prints: Connection failed no route to host, while in the vncviewer terminal it prints: vncserver closed connection...06:39
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   you've downloaded the windows iso or not?06:40
hfirbdgihreubviryou guys are saying acronyms but I dont know what they mean06:40
jcaineoh man06:40
jcaineimage file06:40
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   you said you downloaded windows, right?06:40
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto06:40
hfirbdgihreubvirI bought it06:41
KM0201shouldn't that be updated since Gnomebaker is no more?06:41
hfirbdgihreubvirI downloaded some files06:41
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   do - you - have - a - windows - .iso - file?06:41
waxstoneitis not an iso I think it is a .exe or .msi06:41
dr_willishfirbdgihreubvir:  perhaps ask in #windows06:41
hfirbdgihreubvirI do CFHowlett06:42
hfirbdgihreubvirI am downloading one06:42
KM0201pardon me for being late, but hfirbdgihreubvir whats wrong?06:42
waxstonehfirbdgihreubvir, what is the entire name of the fiel especially the part after the .(dot)06:42
waxstonehfirbdgihreubvir, file name06:42
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   I downloaded   a windows 7 .iso yesterday, used unetbootin to create a boot USB stick and reinstalled.06:43
ircnode0how I can do this kind of script: if user is using graphical interface then xmessage "hello" else echo "hello"?06:43
hfirbdgihreubvirso I need a USB stick then?06:43
hfirbdgihreubvirI spent a lot of money on this and its annoying that windows isnt any hekp06:44
KM0201ok, unetbootin cannot put a WIndows ISO on a USB... that's very simmple... ain't gonna happen06:44
KM0201or did you download an Ubuntu ISO?06:44
CFHowlettKM0201   i beg to differ it worked perfectly06:44
hfirbdgihreubvirKM0201, the problem is I have no idea how to take linux out and put windows in06:44
KM0201CFHowlett: really?.. i tried that a few times and never got it to work.06:44
dr_willisircnode0:  check the value of  $DISPLAY in your script06:44
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   you can either burn a dvd or a usb.  boot can boot windows.06:45
KM0201always failed to boot.06:45
hfirbdgihreubvirand I get that in the software center>06:45
CFHowlettKM0201   it may be an upgrade, but unetbootin had no problem with it.06:45
KM0201hmm, interesting.06:45
hfirbdgihreubvirno its the full thing06:45
hfirbdgihreubvirI dont have windows06:45
hfirbdgihreubvirI have...well linux06:45
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir unetbootin is in software center.06:46
hfirbdgihreubvirand I want windows06:46
KM0201CFHowlett: windows isn't listed as a supported OS on their homepage either.. so it must be very recent06:46
hfirbdgihreubvirso I buy windows06:46
hfirbdgihreubvirnow it wont tell me how to download it06:46
abaddonSataniche wants to replace linux with windows06:46
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CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   wait one ...06:46
dr_williseasier to just burn the iso to dvd.. make several copies ;)06:46
hfirbdgihreubvirthats $20006:46
hfirbdgihreubvira lot of money to waste on this foolishness06:46
KM0201right... it sounds like he bought an ISO file, and now he needs to download it and burn it.06:46
dr_willisthey should gave you a download link.06:46
hfirbdgihreubvirwell actually its giving me options06:46
IledenHi! I'm trying to run the bash script for irssi notifications described on this page http://dy.fi/q9o but when running it with "sh irssinotify.sh" I'm getting an error "Syntax error: "done" unexpected (expecting "do")"... What's wrong?06:47
dr_willis download, burn to iso. put on usb06:47
KM0201hfirbdgihreubvir: hopefuly you didn't get scammed, a lot of those "purchase an ISO" sites are scams.06:47
onoez_omghfirbdgihreubvir, my isp supports its own torrent tracker so i never bought any products, tell me, what do you feel after spending some cash for microsoft product?06:47
hfirbdgihreubvirwell its the windows sight06:47
CFHowlettKM0201   I suspect you might be right ...06:47
ircnode0dr_willis: thanks it works.06:47
llutz_how is downloading/installing windows ontopic here?06:47
hfirbdgihreubvirits...the..windows sight06:47
KM0201LL2|Android: lol, goood point06:47
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   the ONLY authorized download site for microsoft windows is digitalriver.com.  If you're getting it anywhere else, well ...06:47
hfirbdgihreubvirwhy would a fortune 500 company scam lil ole me06:47
dr_willishfirbdgihreubvir:  perhaps ask in #windows06:48
KM0201hfirbdgihreubvir: sounds like this is something you need to take up this matter with the company you bought the ISO from, this isn't a linux issue,.06:48
llutz_hfirbdgihreubvir:  Do you have any ubuntu support related question?06:48
hfirbdgihreubvirmicrosoft store06:48
KM0201then call microsoft06:48
hfirbdgihreubviryes llutz06:48
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   time for you to got to #windows - they're the experts not us.06:48
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llutz_hfirbdgihreubvir: and it is?06:48
hfirbdgihreubvirI am simply asking how to download on a linux06:48
hfirbdgihreubvirthat is a linux q06:49
dr_willishfirbdgihreubvir:  download via your browser06:49
abaddonSatanicwell download it :))06:49
hfirbdgihreubvirlinux cant do its own work it seems06:49
waxstonehfirbdgihreubvir, firefox browser06:49
KM0201hfirbdgihreubvir: you download the same way you download with Windows, navigate your browser to the link, right click, save as, and it will download06:49
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   there should be a download link at the site you go to.  click & save.06:49
* KM0201 thinks hfirbdgihreubvir is trolling06:49
hfirbdgihreubvirand from there how do I take this old linux off and put on windows06:49
hfirbdgihreubvirim not at all06:49
CFHowlettKM0201   spidey sense tingly06:50
dr_willishfirbdgihreubvir:  the windows installer can repartition the hd06:50
hfirbdgihreubvirGod you guys were helping now your saying you cant help and I am troll06:50
KM0201hfirbdgihreubvir: just do a clean install with your WIndows CD/USB/whatever, it will format the drive completely and install windows.... make sure your important data is backed up06:50
* hfirbdgihreubvir facepalms06:50
dr_willisyou have been helped06:50
llutz_!ot | hfirbdgihreubvir06:50
ubottuhfirbdgihreubvir: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:50
hfirbdgihreubvirI have a linux06:50
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir  just format your disk with windows and install.  ubuntu go byebye06:50
KM0201hfirbdgihreubvir: you have linux, but your question is not linux related06:50
hfirbdgihreubvirwell it is06:51
KM0201no its not06:51
* CFHowlett yeah, I think we're done here ...06:51
hfirbdgihreubvirbecause when I click install it doesnt budge06:51
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   ask #windows06:51
dr_willisclick what 'install' ?06:51
onoez_omgsame question06:51
waxstone#windows | hfirbdgihreubvir06:51
KM0201hehe, ubottu fail06:52
llutz_!details | hfirbdgihreubvir stop trolling and rephrase your question, IF it is ubuntu-related06:52
ubottuhfirbdgihreubvir stop trolling and rephrase your question, IF it is ubuntu-related: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:52
CFHowletthfirbdgihreubvir   there is NO WAY you're installing windows via a website legally.  Don't know what you're looking at but we can't help.  ask windows.06:52
hfirbdgihreubvirok you guys are about as much help as id expect from my linux06:52
dr_willishfirbdgihreubvir:  you have been told what to do. download, butrn to disk.. boot it06:53
KM0201dr_willis: that seems to be the issue, he can't download it, and he somehow thinks this is a linux issue.06:53
abaddonSatanicyou must learn to use your system first06:53
dr_willisthere are legal iso files you can get for windows. from  digital river. seen them on the lifehacker web site.  they downloaded fine for me06:54
waxstonehfirbdgihreubvir > join #windows06:54
hfirbdgihreubvirI asked the question in #windows like 10 minutes ago06:54
KM0201hfirbdgihreubvir: then you're going to have to be patient and wait for them to answer06:55
waxstonehave patience06:55
kroonrshow do i find out which port my internal 3g modem is connected to?06:55
KM0201personally, i don't think you bought this ISO from a legit site, but thats just my thinking06:55
onoez_omgkroonrs, lspci or lsusb06:55
kroonrsonoez_omg: ta06:56
waxstonekroonrs, : lspci06:56
llutz_kroonrs: lsusb, check dmesg06:56
IledenHi! I'm trying to run this bash script http://paste.ubuntu.com/875685/ but when running it with "sh irssinotify.sh" I'm getting an error "Syntax error: "done" unexpected (expecting "do")"... Any idea how this could be fixed? - the script goes over my own bash skills.06:57
soreauIleden: try ./irssinotify.sh06:58
dr_willisIleden:  run bash scripts with bash scriptname   not sh scriptname06:58
onoez_omgin ubuntu sh points at bash06:59
llutz_onoez_omg: no it ponts to dash06:59
dr_willisonoez_omg:  no....06:59
llutz_readlink /bin/sh06:59
rami_So here is an interesting question, I dropped my laptop hard and now I got black dead pixels on the top and bottom of the screen, is there a way to squeeze my screen so it won't display X amount of pixels from the top and bottom? Here is a screen shot for illustation: http://i.imgur.com/cIlgY.jpg06:59
dr_willissh has been dash for some time now. like a few years06:59
rami_So here is an interesting question, I dropped my laptop hard and now I got black dead pixels on the top and bottom of the screen.07:00
dr_willisyes really07:00
rami_ is there a way to squeeze my screen so it won't display X amount of pixels from the top and bottom? Here is a screen shot for illustation: http://i.imgur.com/cIlgY.jpg07:00
onoez_omgi guess its something related to speed optimization07:00
llutz_onoez_omg: wrong07:00
dr_willissh is sh. ;) dash is a sh.  bash is bash.07:01
onoez_omgbut why sh points to dash anyway07:01
onoez_omgif it is not realated to some spped optimization07:01
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llutz_onoez_omg: dash is a lean, posix-conform shell. not as bloated as bash is07:01
dr_willissystem scripts are writen to use sh normally. not bash07:02
onoez_omgso what is the end goal?07:02
onoez_omgof doing it07:02
llutz_onoez_omg: to have  a lean, posix-conform system-shell.07:02
havokanyone else use chrome browser?..i can't seem to drag the window from my secondary monitor to my main monitor. wondering if an ubuntu or chrome issue07:02
onoez_omgi think you believe in god07:03
dearoneIn my first hour of Ubuntu (or any Linux version) ever, just curious how I can access file directories?  Ex: I need to find xChat's data directory to add auto-loading scripts when I connect to IRC07:03
llutz_onoez_omg: besides thats offtopic here: no i don't07:03
mi3is there a gnome channel on this server?07:03
onoez_omgok, so could anyone help me to make hostapd work with ar9285 ?07:03
llutz_!alis | mi307:03
ubottumi3: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*07:03
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Iledendearone: Are you interested in accessing them from a graphical interface, or command line?07:04
dr_willisdearone:  they are in your usere home dir.  in the .xchat dir perhaps07:04
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yakkohey what's the best way to get IE running on ubuntu to test css on pages while deving?07:05
dearone(Trying to figure out how to reply to a PM hehe, thanks though!!)07:05
abaddonSatanicyakko: wine i think07:05
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ubottuis a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, donā€™t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use !browsers !07:06
reith2004yakko try ievms07:07
onoez_omgi'm completely lost trying to set up wireless ap on ar928507:08
yakkoreith2004: what's that?07:09
soreauonoez_omg: What do you mean by set up wireless ap?07:10
Iledendearone: If you're used to the command line ('cmd') on windows, you can open that by running the "terminal" application. From there, yuo can browse files pretty similarly as you'd do with windows command line.07:10
reith2004_yakko its virtual IE on linux.. it uses virtualbox.. you can google it for links07:10
onoez_omgsoreau, runnining hostapd daemon instance...07:10
|johnny|I am getting an issue with an error with software-properties-gtk07:10
yakkoreith2004: so i'll need to install vb too? =/07:10
waxstonedr_willis, thanks for ie4linux link07:10
ircnode0i have typed sometime password wrong when I executed sudo apt-get install program_name, is there a way to try again without writing the program_name?07:10
abaddonSatanicreith2004_: is not eating alot of resources ?07:11
soreauonoez_omg: Why don't you just use nm-applet to create wireless ap?07:11
|johnny|I did a fix that it said to do on a site but it didn't work07:11
Iledendearone: On graphical side, you can open the your home folder which launchs the file explorer (called "nautilus" on ubuntu). If you want to access all of yuor files with it, you can poke around with it's settings to turn "show hidden files", which on linux are any files that start with a dot, like ".hidden"07:11
onoez_omgsoreau, because i don't have any device to display nm-applet as well as anything at all on my router07:11
reith2004_abaddonSatanic virtualbox im not so sure, im using virtualbox with 2gb memory, and its ok.. it works very well07:12
|johnny|It said to fix sudo nano /etc/*issue and sudo nano /etc/*release to read Ubuntu 11.10 and I did all that. Still no go. :(07:12
buddha_Does virtual box run faster than a live cd?07:12
CFHowlettbuddha_   depends on what resources you allocate to VB07:13
reith2004_yakko abaddonSatanic yea... heres the link if you're interested https://github.com/xdissent/ievms07:13
soreauonoez_omg: You have to setup a hostapd.conf file then start hostapd telling it to use that config file07:13
bobo37773buddha_: Depends on your hardware etc..07:13
ktwoHi, please help :( im out of options.. i tried everything to restore my user (cant login, returns back to login) and now im fine with it, but i need to copy the data which he had to my new user07:13
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yakkoreith2004_: I'm trying ie4linux07:13
ktwohow can i do that, the problem is, the home was encrypted07:14
yakkowaxstone dr_willis: could you guys get ie4linux running?07:14
onoez_omgsoreau, i've met some problem, but not with writing config, here are technical details of this problem http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs607:14
dr_willisyakko:  i dont use it07:14
CFHowlettdishitian   greetings07:14
waxstoneyakko, I havent used it as it07:15
abaddonSatanicyakko: i think is better to try playonlinux or winetricks07:15
yakkodr_willis: I don't have the slighest idea how to use wine07:15
waxstoneyakko, yet07:15
dr_williswine foo.exe    ;)07:15
onoez_omgsoreau, lines #168 and #16907:15
yakkoAn error ocurred when downloading. Please run IEs4Linux again. Corrupted file: ie6/EN-US/IE_S4.CAB07:15
reith2004yakko lols y not try vmware or virtualbox07:16
bobo37773yakko: Is ie4linux internet explorer through wine or something?07:16
soreauonoez_omg: looks like it's working but something else may be using the card already. Does 'ps ax|grep NetworkManager' show it's running?07:16
yakkobobo37773: yeah07:16
* |johnny| waits patiently07:16
yakkoreith2004: too much memory cost =/07:16
bobo37773yakko: ok is wine installed? is playonlinux or winetricks installed?07:16
onoez_omgsoreau, daemon instance keeps breathing, but obviously without reaching the end goal and i don't have network manager there07:17
|johnny|Would it help if I pastebinned my /etc/apt/sources.list file?07:17
onoez_omgsoreau, ubuntu server is not shipped with it by default07:17
onoez_omgsorry for my english btw (if matters)07:17
soreauonoez_omg: So you can see the AP you created from other clients? (and just can't connect?)07:17
mi3how can I grep youtube-dl and merge it into conky?07:18
onoez_omgsoreau, obviously no, because it was unable to set the channel ap will be running at07:18
soreauonoez_omg: Does it work if you try 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 channel 1' first?07:18
onoez_omgnowadays it should be done with iw07:19
van7huhi everyone07:19
ktwook more easy question: how can i mount the encrypted folder of another user?07:19
van7huhow could I manage the dns server in ubuntu?07:19
onoez_omgsoreau, lines #58 and #5907:19
|johnny|http://pastebin.com/p2WyppG7 not sure if anything is missing from it07:19
reith2004_yakko are you using php or ruby?07:19
van7humy network seems to not have a good dns server, so dns query alway failed07:20
yakkoreith2004: yeah ruby07:20
yakkoreith2004_: yeah ruby07:21
soreauonoez_omg: I guess you're just doing it wrong07:21
onoez_omgsoreau, what exactly am i doing wrong?07:21
yakkoI'm updating my wine, there's a new package at ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa07:21
dr_willisvan7hu:  use opendns or googles dns servers07:21
soreauonoez_omg: hostapd works on ath9k fine here07:21
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onoez_omggood news, but not here07:21
onoez_omgthat is the problem07:21
van7hudr_willis, okay, thanks07:22
|johnny|ah well maybe I can just start over again07:22
onoez_omgsoreau, and yeah setting up channels manually in managed mode works fine07:23
dr_willis|johnny|:  i dont recall you stateing the actual problem07:23
yakkoreith2004: why?07:24
onoez_omgi guess it can't be fixed, some sort of a bug or hardware issue07:24
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onoez_omgwhere else can i ask questions that refer to my problem?07:27
yakkoSaving to: `IE7-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe' yay07:31
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reith2004yakko i thought you're using php07:32
lilVaratephi guys, installing ubuntu right now yeee! (full installing, not wubI)07:33
yakkoreith2004: ewww :D07:33
yakkoreith2004: I'm giving a talk pro ruby next month07:34
inaayati Got Hypercam 2 on my computer but if i click record, then it will give a messenge : There is a program fould ?07:34
inaayatBut everyday it give ! :(07:34
reith2004yakko wow... great...07:35
lilVaratepName your fave Java IDE and C++ IDE for Ubuntu now! GOGOGO07:35
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yakkoreith2004: i'll be doing one about DHH's post on hiring developers from open source, back in 2005 :)07:35
havokinb4: vim07:35
ActionParsnipinaayat: isn't that a windows app?07:35
inaayatYeah it is07:35
inaayatBut i want to record linux system07:36
ActionParsnip!ide | lilVaratep07:36
ubottulilVaratep: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator07:36
inaayatbut i dont know how07:36
inaayatof with program,07:36
yakkoreith2004: hope to get the php/java freaks happy BEFORE showing them other technologies07:36
ActionParsnipinaayat: then use recordmydesktop or xvidcap07:36
reith2004yakko can you give me links to learn ruby... hehehe so you're one of the people behind ROR07:36
inaayatYeah but if i want to download it from Ubuntu Software Center it gives a crazy pop up ?07:37
lilVaratep!windows manager07:37
yakkoreith2004: no way, don't kill the message07:37
dearoneWhen I enter the directory I am looking for in Terminal, bash verifies that the directory exists, but how would I get the folder to actually open via Terminal? Thanks07:37
ActionParsnipinaayat: using the windows app will not work. There are also native and free programs to do what you want in software centre07:37
ActionParsnipinaayat: or install using apt-get07:38
inaayatActionParsnip : But if i want to install something in the Ubuntu software center it give a pop up like this : There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks.07:38
ActionParsnipdearone: nautilus ./07:38
popeyinaayat: use kazam07:39
dearoneActionParsnip: thanks07:39
popeyinaayat: kazam is under active development, and unlike the others, actually works07:39
ActionParsnipinaayat: run:  lsb_release -sc     what is output?07:39
yakkoreith2004: I'll give you 2 links, http://media.rubyonrails.org/video/rails_blog_2.mov and http://railsforzombies.org/ watch zombies introduction video too see a nice path to learn, then the first link to get you excited with how much stuff you can get done ;)07:39
inaayatpopey : Where can i found kazam?07:40
wadkarHi, I want to configure my local sendmail to use a remote sendmail service listening on say to send emails07:40
ActionParsnipinaayat:  can you run the command in terminal and paste the output here please07:41
onoez_omgexperiencing problem setting up wireless ap on ar9285 http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs6 (lines #168 and #169), anyone?07:42
inaayatActionParsnip: Yes07:43
pro7oanyone know of a distribution thats as polished as ubuntu but doesn't use the lame sudo crap?07:43
ActionParsnipinaayat: what is the result please?07:44
CFHowlettpro7o   damn vulnerable linux07:44
mokilokpro7o, sudo is there to protect your OS. you could just run as root07:44
inaayatActionParsnip: It will give this : oneiric07:44
h00kpro7o: consider checking ##linux, that question is more suited for that07:45
pro7osudo protects the system from the average user yes...but it henders when trying to maintain several systems where you don't want their primary user to be able to install thing07:45
inaayatActionParsnip: the results are Ā“oneiricĀ“07:45
h00kpro7o: sure, you can remove that user from the admin group to prevent that.07:45
starsunflowerI have a question and I am not sure if I should be in the ubuntu forum or the gimp forum07:45
starsunflowerI'm running 10.04 and am happy with it, I don't want to upgrade to gnome 3 or unity07:46
ActionParsnippro7o: sudo is a good user model. You can run: sudo -i    for an interactive session and you won't need to type pass till you run: exit07:46
CFHowlettstarsunflower   ask here and consider #ubuntustudio07:46
pro7oh00k: did that and its caused several issues07:46
CFHowlettstarsunflower   ok and ??07:46
mokilokI thought the point of sudo was not just to prevent users from breaking their system but also to stop virus's and exploit from running as an elevated process07:46
starsunflowerbut I would like to upgrade to gimp 2.7.307:46
corpsiclewhy cant i install vbox additions on my ubuntu ?07:46
starsunflowerthe ppa won't let me go further thannn07:46
inaayatFCUCKJ K07:46
corpsiclei run the stuff from the iso as root and literally nothing happens07:47
havokmokilok: I think you are right...07:47
CFHowlettstarsunflower   no ppa needed.  download the source and compile07:47
pro7oI'm not saying running root as user, but for managing a system su is much more effective07:47
h00kpro7o: any examples?07:47
popeyinfate: http://launchpad.net/kazam07:47
starsunflowerok, thanks07:48
popeytabfail, sorry infate07:48
CFHowlettstarsunflower   have fun / be safe07:48
starsunfloweri just wanted to confirm this, i appreciate the response :)07:48
starsunflowerthanks! :o)07:48
ActionParsnipstarsunflower: there is a gimp ppa. You could reinstall with xubuntu and it will feel a lot like gnome207:48
pro7oh00k: a few programs don't work correctly, unable to logout, sound stopped working...and the only correcting it was adding the user back to sudoers list07:49
reith2004yakko thanks07:49
corpsicleand ... the second i say so, it magically works07:51
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> i don't know if i'm ready for that, i have been considering lxde wm07:51
CFHowlettstarsunflower   seen this?  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/12047/install-gimp-2.7.1-on-lucid-lynx-using-ppa/07:52
ActionParsnipstarsunflower: that's what I mean :-). You don't have to use Unity07:52
CFHowlettstarsunflower   don't know if you're familiiar with ubuntustudio - it's adopted xfce407:53
ActionParsnipstarsunflower: lxde is a desktop (hence the name). It uses openbox as its wm by default07:53
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> I have 2.7.2 right now which is the latest the ppa will allow07:53
CFHowlettactually, it's been ported to xubuntu07:53
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> Ok so if I upgrade, i'm concerned about what file manager will be default, i'm sort of getting used to the K desktop07:53
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starsunflowerhas nautilus changed quite a bit? i have not had time to test it on a separate partition07:54
ActionParsnipstarsunflower: then you'll upgrade that too. Unity will not show in Kde by default but can, if you wish07:54
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starsunflower<ActionParsnip> well right now it's a default gnome install, i can't remember how far back it goes, i have a lot of kernel entries in the boot loader. It does load nautilus when I'm in K07:55
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starsunflower<ActionParsnip> I prefer dolphin though07:56
freijonhey. is this the official support channel_07:56
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> I may try it on a separate partition just to see how i like it07:56
ActionParsnipstarsunflower: you can remove the unused kernels to get the space. Each kernel is ~120Mb07:56
CFHowlettfreijon   as we're all volunteers not sure it's "official".  what's the problem?07:56
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> ok, yeah that reminds me, i have some trash files to conend with, they are trapped in the trash07:57
ActionParsnipIt is the official channel :-)07:57
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> about 100 gigs trapped in the trash!!07:57
ActionParsnipstarsunflower: wowsers =-007:57
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> it's been that way for about a week now, so maybe it's time for me to upgrade, just put my files on a separate partition when I'm done07:58
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> lolz yeah :)07:58
freijonI upgraded my system today (there was a kernel update). While installing, I got an error message that some commands during install couldn't be executed. I was advised to restart the system, which I did. Now the system freezes when lightm starts07:58
freijonTried loading old kernel versions, same behaviour07:58
BlueWolfI can't find these printer drivers anywhere ( Lex Mark 2200) I tried using wine to install them so that I can run the printer but when it asks to put the printer in to install it does not work. So would virtual box work.?07:58
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> thanks for your help. I appreciate it. ::cheers::07:58
ActionParsnipstarsunflower: could go for a clean install and restore user data from backup. If you like kde install kubuntu :-)07:59
freijoni can't even switch to the console using CTRL+ALT+F1, it freezes completely07:59
ActionParsnipstarsunflower: np :-)07:59
onoez_omgexperiencing problem setting up wireless ap on ar9285 http://pastebin.com/MJvkcNs6 (lines #168 and #169), anyone?08:00
ActionParsnipfreijon: have you tested your RAM using Memtest from Grub?08:00
freijonno. would my RAM get corrupted by an upgrade? that would be very strange.08:01
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> i have one more question, it may be n00bish, if I installed straight xubuntu and then added the K desktop after that as a different WM would that work?08:02
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> i'm assuming so, i could try openbox too i guess08:02
ActionParsnipfreijon: may be a coincidence. Its worth doing a 10 minute check just to rule it out08:02
CFHowlettstarsunflower   there are several wm's in xubuntu.  Consider installing virtualbox and testing xubuntu before you replace your present OS08:03
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havokfreijon: LOL I didn't know about ctrl + alt + f1 and just hit it08:03
havokended up in a very strange place08:03
havoksomehow made it back..08:03
ActionParsnipstarsunflower: you would choose the desktop at login and it would use its config including wm08:04
freijonhavok: hehe.. helped me several times. but this time, it doesn't.. :(08:04
starsunflower<BlueWolf> I could never find lexmark printer drivers. I have printed from Vbox and for scanning as well08:04
LanglySo I just installed Ubuntu on a machine, wont let me log in at console via my default user account it had me make, wtf. Caps are all proper08:05
starsunflower<BlueWolf> I ended up investing in a printer that works with all OS08:05
starsunflower<BlueWolf> later on that is....08:05
sburwood1How do I connect my Archos tablet to my Ubuntu computer?  Physically, it is connected, but for an update to 3.2.80, I need to get the tablet to recognize that it is connected to the usb cable08:05
mokilokhavok lol... ctrl +alt + f1-f4 are terminals, ( i think) f7 is back to your GUI.08:05
ActionParsnipBluewolf: check the Lexmark site. Running the windows cd in wine is not how you install the driver08:05
freijonany ideas how to solve my problem? or what might cause the problem?08:06
starsunflower<ActionParsnip> Ok cool, I was having a blonde moment :) tyvm08:06
BlueWolfActionParsnip: So would virtual box work.? Does Virtual Box use up allot of processor and Ram?08:06
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ActionParsnipBluewolf: yes as you are running 2 OSes at the same time.08:07
BlueWolfActionParsnip: Thank you :D08:08
ActionParsnipBluewolf: did you check the lexmark site for drivers??08:08
d0xHi, i like to log the noice in my office (and then generate a chart out of it). Does anyone now a tool for that? The best would be something like this: vumeter -mic 1 > /tmp/volume08:08
BlueWolfActionParsnip: Noting for Linux only windows08:08
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ActionParsnipBluewolf: try adding the printer but use the z600 driver. It makes a few work08:09
freijonActionParsnip: I'll try it, but this test never resulted in something useful so far. but since noone had a better idea.. see you in 15mins or so08:10
BlueWolfActionParsnip: OK I will try. Do you know if there is any way to run an accounting program called Pastel in Ubuntu?08:11
sburwood1android with ubuntu 11.04?08:12
werderalright, questioning away. I dl'd PP and dd'd it to a USB stick, booted it up, and then was told the kernel has pae enabled, and since my cpu doesn't support pae, no pangolins for me. When did Canonical start making ubuntu kernels pae only?08:12
CFHowlettBlueWolf   see  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnucash/+question/7488408:12
sburwood1thx ... bye for now08:12
llutz_werder: #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 things08:13
werderllutz_: thanks mate08:14
ActionParsnipWerDer: it's a known bug.08:14
BlueWolfCFHowlett: Thanks08:15
BlueWolfActionParsnip: Thanks08:15
CFHowlettBlueWolf   good luck08:15
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[[thufir]]I cannot get my cd burner to open without rebooting.   opens closes fine, then when I try to burn something, it just hangs.  is there a process to kill?08:20
dr_willis[[thufir]]:  try sudo eject ?08:21
[[thufir]]dr_willis: sudo eject _____ ?08:22
CFHowlettmi3   welcome back08:23
tintoyhi everyone08:23
dr_willisjust sudo eject08:23
CFHowletttintoy   greetings08:23
dr_willisdefaults to the cd.08:24
tintoyneed your help, how can I send windows event logs to ubuntu syslog server?08:24
mi3how can I grep youtube-dl and show it in conky?08:24
[[thufir]]I have two cd trays, I think it might be defaulting to the wrong one.  no output from sudo eject08:25
theadmin[[thufir]]: You can eject a nonstandard device like this: eject /dev/sr108:26
theadmin[[thufir]]: Or even: eject /media/my-cdrom/08:26
[[thufir]]ah, that's what I'm looking for.  how do I know what it is?  fstab?08:26
theadmin[[thufir]]: Maybe look at the output of "cat /etc/mtab"08:27
tintoyneed your help, how can I send windows event logs to ubuntu syslog server?08:27
CFHowlettrony   greetings08:28
[[thufir]]mtab, to see which one is cd r/w:  http://pastebin.mozilla.org/151009408:29
_rubentintoy: you'll need a 3rd party syslog app for windows (there's several of those out there)08:29
tintoyruben:ok is syslog app free?08:30
theadmin[[thufir]]: This is odd, I don't see any cd drives here, however, if it's mounted through a GUI file manager, like nautilus, it won't be in the list...08:30
tintoyneed your help, how can I send windows event logs to ubuntu syslog server?08:31
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ROBOT1024Poor English very depressed  X-(08:31
_rubentintoy: there's both free and non-free ones, and don't repeat08:31
CFHowlettROBOT1024   you have an ubuntu question???08:31
tintoyruben: where can I download syslog app for windows?08:32
[[thufir]]theadmin: it's visible through nautilus (gnome 2)08:32
mi3how can I grep youtube-dl and show it in conky?08:32
theadmin[[thufir]]: Okay, look in ~/.gvfs for it, then08:32
_rubentintoy: use google, we use ntsyslog, but there's better ones nowadays i think08:32
theadmintintoy, _ruben: Windows is offtopic here. Check ##windows08:32
[[thufir]].gvfs is empty of anything; cannot find that cd r/w08:33
tintoyruben: thanks for that info,08:33
ROBOT1024Just cann't quite understand what you say..lol08:33
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[[thufir]] /dev/cdrw -> sr1   I will try to eject that.08:34
[[thufir]]no result in trying to eject cdrw08:36
auronandace[[thufir]]: what happens if you just type eject?08:37
seangibbzDoes Ubuntu 12.04 (beta) have native mac wifi support for MacBookPro8,x models?08:37
ActionParsnipsudo eject /dev08:37
[[thufir]]no result if just eject by itself.  no result for any eject so far.08:37
ubottuseangibbz: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+108:38
[[thufir]]cannot find "eject /dev" (not specific device I think), but "eject /dev/cdrw" fails with no error message.  using sudo.08:38
[[thufir]]eject: CD-ROM eject command failed08:39
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: sudo eject /dev/sr108:39
[[thufir]]I'll tryin that.  full error so far:  http://pastebin.mozilla.org/151012108:40
[[thufir]]I don't think that my cdrw is mounted correctly.  eject /dev/sr1 -v gives:  http://pastebin.mozilla.org/151012208:41
bittinupdating myself to 11.1008:42
* [[thufir]] cheers bittin08:42
bittinbut hopes to find i way i can use gnome as i hate Unity08:43
auronandace!gnome2 | bittin08:43
ubottubittin: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.08:43
kroonrsonoez_omg: I tried lspci and lsusb to locate my internal 3G modem - but I can't see what it might be - http://pastebin.com/GWwR7gBA08:43
CFHowlettbittin   https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7001421/Pictures/WeSaluteYou.gif08:43
auronandacebittin: i can recommend xfce08:43
bittinauronandace: but guess i can get Gnome 3 somehow08:44
[[thufir]]hmm.  even though http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1510122  says it succeeded, it failed.08:44
auronandacebittin: yes08:44
bittinbut yea its still updating08:44
auronandace!gnome3 | bittin08:44
ubottubittin: GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.08:44
[[thufir]]should I just reboot to eject this disc?08:44
bittinauronandace: yea think i can figure that out later, used Linux for 9years08:44
auronandace[[thufir]]: probably would be quickest solution yes08:45
onoez_omgkroonrs, hmmm can't really say if it is even present08:45
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[[thufir]]ok, before I reboot where it says "eject: `/dev/sr1' is not mounted"  can I mount that somehow?  could that be the problem?08:45
kroonrsonoez_omg: it's connecting on the network-manager08:46
onoez_omgkroonrs, and could you please show me 'rfkill list' just curious08:46
auronandace[[thufir]]: if it isn't mounted, it should eject08:46
[[thufir]]ok, well, I'll reboot08:47
kroonrsonoez_omg: http://pastebin.com/0nm38Vhy08:47
[[thufir]]thanks, though.08:47
onoez_omgi just never used such stuff and never seen any examples of such hardware08:47
onoez_omgits pretty bad and undeveloped in my country08:48
kroonrsonoez_omg: just a slot under the battery where you slide a sim in08:48
kroonrsbut to be able to read SMS from the phone (need to be able to do this to purchase more data), I need the port number08:49
kroonrsonoez_omg: or the port, at least08:49
[[thufir]]eject works until brasero is used:   http://pastebin.mozilla.org/151012608:52
[[thufir]]I'm also trying gnome baker.  How do you know whether that's a hardware problem?08:53
freijonhey. the recent kernel update corrupted my system. whenever ligthdm tries to start, the system freezes completely. can't switch back to console mode. using old kernel versions has the same result. the memorytest run without a problem. any suggestions? my system is useless right now08:54
Kartagisbrasero used to say it's burning, while it wasn't08:55
KartagisI had to use gnomebaker08:55
[[thufir]]brasero is making cdrw noises, which is good.  (third CD-R disc)08:56
[[thufir]]freijon: so far as I know, if  the problem is *just* the kernel update, then using an older kernel should fix that.  so, that isn't the problem, maybe.08:58
ispirtohey, i didn't have a /home partition, i've copied my /home contents to another partition and mounted it as /home, now i have the /home partition. What happened to the old folder? Can I access it?08:59
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edge226is the Wacom Bamboo Capture cth470 supported in ubuntu?09:00
freijon[[thufir]]: that makes sense. however, the problems began after the update failed. there was an error message during the upgrade process that some command could not be executed. after that I was advised to restart the system which was the wrong thing to do as it seems09:00
bazhangmainerror, brainstorm would be the place for that09:01
bazhang!brainstorm | mainerror09:01
ubottumainerror: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!09:01
mainerrorI know about brainstorm but it is not really the right place for that.09:01
[[thufir]]scsi error from brasero:  http://pastebin.mozilla.org/151013109:01
freijonany ideas?09:01
bazhangmainerror, this is not the place for it09:02
mainerrorIt is up to the developer to decide if he wants to sell his product on the USC.09:02
[[thufir]]freijon: ahhh.  I'm not sure, but maybe a live disc can repair that?09:02
mainerrorI just wanted to get that proposal some attention from the community. With enough up-votes the developer might consider doing it.09:02
freijon[[thufir]]: I'm online with the liveCD right now. any suggestion how to fix this is appreciated. I can't complete the upgrade from here.. or there is no way I know of09:03
mainerrorbazhang: --^ ;)09:03
sinkosy\server irc.oltreirc.net09:04
kroonrsonoez_omg: I eventually found it at /dev/ttyACM009:04
sinkosy\server irc.oltreirc.net09:05
h00ksinkosy: use the other slash. / <- this one.09:05
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sinkosyserver irc.oltreirc.net09:06
h00ksinkosy: use a / in front of that.09:06
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onoez_omgkroonrs, lol and i just can't figure out why it is not in the list and if it is, which one09:08
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starsunflowerI'm back, not ready to reformat tonight. Booted back in to gnome to try and resolve my trash problem.... http://i40.tinypic.com/28019cm.jpg09:13
starsunflowerI kept a backup of one of my other hard drives here and can't make it to awayyyyy09:14
theadminstarsunflower: If you want to list hidden files with "ls", you need to use "ls -a"09:15
theadminstarsunflower: But, looking at the username, at the path, and at where you are at the filemanager, your setup seems... broken09:16
starsunflowertheadmin: when i do ls -a it says .   ..  applications09:16
starsunflowerthree irregularly spaced dots09:16
theadminstarsunflower: According to the filemanager, you want to cd to /root/.local/share/Trash/files/09:16
starsunfloweric, well i have had it since 2007 - it's like an old friend09:16
nibblerhehe, thats "." (current directory), ".." (parent directory) and "applications"09:16
freijonI'll give it another try: After performing a kernel update, my system freezes when trying to start the graphical display manager. Loading old kernel versions does not work! Memorytest ran trhough without a problem. Any ideas what could cause that behaviour or even how to fix it?09:18
nibblerfreijon, so you can't even log in graphically? boot rescue, remove proprietary graphic drivers?09:19
freijonnope. there is some flickering like if it tries to change the resolution, but then the display stays black09:20
freijonfallback to console in this state is impossible09:20
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Gallomimiacan someone quickly remind me how i should install the tool to do-release-update?09:21
freijonmaybe using the root console in recovery mode to remove the proprietary drivers?09:21
Guest89212i learn curl in perl plz give me link where i can learn it09:22
GallomimiaGuest89212: you want to learn this?09:22
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freijonnibbler: I'll give it a try. I'm desperate ;-)09:23
starsunflowertheadmin: It says that the trash doesn't exist http://i44.tinypic.com/1r3sqr.jpg09:26
theadminstarsunflower: That's because /root and / aren't the same thing...09:26
starsunflowertheadmin: ok09:27
theadminstarsunflower: Paste this into your terminal: cd /root/.local/share/Trash09:28
starsunflowertheadmin: when I do it says permission denied, and when I try sudo it says cd command not found09:29
theadminstarsunflower: mk, then type "sudo -i" and repeat.09:29
starsunflowertheadmin: oh wait, can i su root?09:29
starsunflowertheadmin: k09:29
theadminstarsunflower: Never "su root", use "sudo -i"09:29
starsunflowertheadmin: lol, i sound like a dumb blonde, i meant su not sudo - but u can't do that in ubuntu09:32
theadminstarsunflower: Don't worry, we were all noobs at some point. And don't call blondes dumb.09:32
starsunflowertheadmin: well i am blonde so09:33
starsunflowertheadmin: now I'm root@hp tho, so i am making progress, ty09:34
theadminstarsunflower: No problem, good luck with whatever it is you're doing... Ubuntu has certain differences from other distros (what people tend to call "ubuntisms"), might be good to learn those :P09:34
starsunflowertheamin: thanks, so i'm in the trash now, do i just do rm* ?09:35
theadmintheadmin: "rm -r *", rather.09:35
theadminstarsunflower: Folders, you know :P09:36
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:36
theadminstarsunflower: rm -r *09:36
theadminh00k: Err, it's not dangerous... We're removing all files from trash, it's not the remove all from root09:37
theadminh00k: Well... It would be dangerous if you "cd /" first, naturally...09:37
h00ktheadmin: just to clarify to anyone that may have joined late, running that from a terminal can be dangerous.09:37
keto4lifeHey people09:37
theadminh00k: Oh, ok09:37
keto4lifeHow do I check which version of unity is installed from erminal?09:37
h00kketo4life: unity --version09:38
keto4lifeh00k: FFS.09:38
keto4lifeh00k: thanks09:38
theadminThe manpage says nothing about the --version flag. Weird.09:39
starsunflowertheadmin: I'm assuming that * would delete everything - but it doesn't - how would I delete a folder. I tried rm folder*09:39
starsunflowertheadmin: but it says it's a dir09:39
theadminstarsunflower: As stated above, rm -r * (in your case)09:39
starsunflowertheadmin: hmm, I seem to have lost my, i don't know what it's called, the beginning of the prompt root@hp - when I do a command I just get space now, no root@hp or su@hp09:41
theadminstarsunflower: err huh? Does hitting Ctrl-C help?09:41
MasterOfDisastermany commands could be dangerous when run incorrectly or in the wrong directory or privileged. caveat executor09:41
starsunflowertheadmin: ha i think it's working, it is just taking some time, it's 100 gigs09:42
theadminstarsunflower: Ah yeah09:43
starsunflowertheadmin: i see folders dissapearing now09:43
theadminYou can use rm -v to watch the progress lol, but whatever09:43
theadminstarsunflower: Don't cancel it now lol09:43
starsunflowertheadmin: i won't! thank you!!! <309:43
theadminstarsunflower: np, glad to help09:43
starsunflowertheadmin: I am eternally grateful ~*~09:43
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starsunflowertheadmin: well, i think that maybe it choked a few weeks back when I tried to move 100 gigs to it (a backup)09:45
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infam0usi recently installed ubuntu 11.10 for the first time via wubi and it has been nothing but slow, it locks up easily (it's extreme frustrating) i removed unity completely (because i hated it) and installed gnome classic and it runs smoother because of it but it still locks up from time to time, whether if i'm downloading apps via Ubuntu software center, or web browsing with firefox or chrome (chromium) and using miro. I'm running ubuntu (09:58
infam0us64bit) on a 2ghz, dual core AMD cpu with 2 gigs of ram.09:58
infam0uswhat in the world can be the prob?09:59
Mech0zis around 25-30MB/s to be expected write speed on a raid6 with 5 1TB drives10:01
_rubenMech0z: depends on a lot of things10:02
haffe /part10:02
Mech0z_ruben but expecting 80+ was stupid ?10:03
Mech0zhad 80-100 on raidz zfs10:04
Mech0zsame discs10:04
_rubenMech0z: depends on your hardware, cache settings, randomness, etc10:04
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BlueWolfI have just install pidgin and I don't know how to get it to work with google talk?10:06
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infam0uscould it be that since i installed ubuntu with wubi the reason why ubuntu is so slow?10:07
skmsmslk<BlueWolf> i use empathy !10:07
sabayonuseri have an interesting situation that needs help froma pro10:08
KM0201infam0us: possible, but unlikely.  wubi is a trainwreck for many reasons (IMO), but speed doesn't seem to be one10:08
KM0201sabayonuser: just ask your question, if someone can help they will10:08
szalas long as it's not about Sabayon, that is10:09
sabayonuserok im curently using a laptop that has a shot hard disk so im  running on a sabayon live DVD i want to install Ubuntu to a 2.oGB flash drive but i have no way of building the live cd/DVD10:09
infam0uskm0201 : darn  then what can be the problem? my attention span is usually high but with this i wanna go crazy10:10
skmsmslk<sabayonuser> min require 4gb space !10:10
infam0usjust about every app locks up for 20-30 seconds to minutes10:10
KM0201sabayonuser: you'll need an additional USB drive.... not to mention your current USB is not big enough for an actual install10:10
KM0201infam0us: uninstall wubi, follow instructions for putting Ubuntu on a USB, boot the USB, and install like 90% of the rest of us do...10:11
phpserverHello all,how do i know if inotify is installed,or does it come installed in ubuntu 10.0410:11
sabayonuseri was hoping to get the cd vertion onto the usb as a live disk10:11
KM0201sabayonuser: ok, you'll still need an additional usb drive...10:11
KM0201to store the ISO.10:11
infam0usyea i'll have to do it that way10:12
KM0201then you can install unetbootin on the Live CD, use unetbootin to put the ISO on the "free" USB...10:12
sabayonuseri can fit the iso in ram if i need too but its not gonna be fun10:12
KM0201sabayonuser: thats just silly, i wouldn't even tempt that.10:12
sabayonuserlike i said its an interesting problem10:13
KM0201sabayonuser: it's not interesting, you're making it way more complex than it needs to be10:13
infam0usi've already installed a ton of apps and have personalized settings, is there a way i can carry all of that over to the other install?10:14
KM0201infam0us: from wubi to the normal install?  not to my knowledge10:14
sabayonuseri would rather be at home at my desktop but im at a friends place working with the tools im given all im asking is can it be done with what i have risky or not or am i screwed10:15
KM0201sabayonuser: you already said you "could" clear the memory to store the ISO to put on the USB, so i'd say the answer is yes... you already know that, it's just gonna be a PITA>10:15
BadgerUKim doing ln -sf ../../path/* and nothing is happeneing10:16
BadgerUKim sure thats the way to create links for a whole folder?10:16
BadgerUKany ideas?10:16
KM0201sabayonuser: is there another computer in the house? (be it windows, linux, etc.. doesn't matter)10:16
infam0usKM0201 : well that sucks but oh well. Thanks for the help10:16
sabayonusernope i wish lol, if i had it my way i wouldnt do it this way10:17
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sabayonuserim not even sure how to do this out of term in sabayon10:19
skmsmslki am using gnome-teak tool but user-shell theme is not present , how to install it ?10:19
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freijonif anyone is interested in the solution of my former problem: (after the recent update the system freezed while loading the graphical display manager). The installation was stuck because of dependency errors (libc6 wouldn't install). I had to move /lib32/libc-2.14.so, continue the upgrade and move it back. now everything works fine again.10:20
freijonusing the root console in recovery mode10:21
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drewheasy one: In startup app preferences how do I auto start Pidgin?10:24
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phpN00bhow do I find out what version of gnome I have?10:43
ikoniaphpN00b: what version of ubuntu are you running10:44
phpN00bikonia, 11.1010:44
ikoniathen it's gnome 310:44
phpN00bbut I install gnome-sjell10:44
ikoniait's still gnome 310:44
phpN00bikonia, I need the exact version10:44
ikoniawhy ?10:44
ikoniayou can see it in the "about" tab10:44
phpN00bikonia, where is the about tab?10:45
gaozuncongsorry ,t don't konw10:45
ikonianot sure on your ubuntu box to be honest10:45
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ikoniaphpN00b: gnome-about10:48
phpN00bI have bumblebee installed but there is no nvidia module loaded. how come>10:48
mydogsnameisrudysystem tools , system monitor, system10:49
ikoniais your xorg setting using the nvidia modules ?10:49
phpN00bikonia, I don't think so.10:49
phpN00bikonia, I think it use the intel gfx10:49
ikoniaphpN00b: that's why there is no nvidia module loaded10:53
phpN00bikonia, I just tried modprobe nvidia but it saus not found10:53
ikoniaphpN00b: why are you doing that ??? you don't need/want an nvidia module10:53
ikoniaphpN00b: you are not using an nvidia card10:53
phpN00bikonia, I want to try the nvidia card on my laptop10:54
phpN00bikonia, can you help me with a hibernate problem?10:54
ikoniaphpN00b: do you have an intel and an nvidia card in your laptop ?10:54
zykotick9ikonia: bumblebee is for those hybrid intel/nvidia things10:54
ikoniaphpN00b: whoaa, you are switching topics here10:54
ikoniazykotick9: ahhhhh10:54
ikoniathank you10:54
phpN00bwhen it wakes up, it is stuck at "checking battery... OK"10:55
phpN00bikonia, yes, my laptop has intel hd gfx and a nvidia card10:55
phpN00bikonia, I also don't use the kernel from the repo. I use version3.2.0-17-generic10:56
phpN00bwhich fix the head jack bug10:56
phpN00bbut hibernate is not working correctly. it works from time to time10:56
ooiioooI have problems playing certain radio streams (e.g. http://dradio.ic.llnwd.net/stream/dradio_dlf_m_a.ogg). In VLC, mplayer or mpd they play fine, in Banshee and Exile they are stuttering, have interruptions with loud noise for the fraction of a second, short cracks. Any ideas what could be the cause? What is different about Exaile/Banshee compared to VLC/mplayer/mpd?11:01
Guest41032test :)11:04
jadoetest failed.11:04
shabbiri am new to ubuntu and have installed the LAMP package and want to unzip my drupal folder in /var/www/drupal/drupal-6.25.zip11:08
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shabbirto /var/www/drupal11:08
Tm_Tshabbir: you installed what lamp package? (:11:08
shabbirplease help11:08
shabbirTm_T: yes i work on drupal and now have decided to move from windows to Linux11:09
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Tm_Tshabbir: I tried to ask what package you installed and how11:09
shabbirTm_T: Oh Sorry, i searched for how to install drupal on ubuntu and in that i found this "sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql php5-gd libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server"11:11
Tm_Tah, good, so all is well then (:11:11
Tm_Tshabbir: when your commandline is on /var/www/11:12
Tm_Tshabbir: do "sudo unzip drupal/drupal-6.25.zip"11:13
Tm_Tafter that you prolly want to change the owner of the folder that is created11:13
shabbirTm_T: Thanks, done till that, next question how do you do that, i know u do it by sayin " sudo chown" but can you please give me the full command11:15
Tm_Tshabbir: "sudo chown www-data -R /var/www/drupal*"11:16
Tm_Tshabbir: replace the path to your liking if need be (:11:16
sunitHow are you11:17
sunitHI all11:17
sunitHI sinkosy11:17
sunitHi v dandre11:17
Tm_Thi hi sunit, welcome to official Ubuntu support channel11:17
ikoniasunit: you don't need to say hi to everyone11:17
sunitHI thank you :)11:18
sunitI am using ubuntu for some 1 moth11:18
sunitIts wow11:18
sunitso what you all doing here??11:18
ned03Is there any log of connections11:18
Myrttigreat, if you've got problems with your Ubuntu, feel free to ask. The social channel is at #ubuntu-offtopic11:18
ned03Not only SSH, to any port (mysql in this case)11:19
ned03if I didn't set any firewall11:19
sunitHmm no I am from developing country and I am not that much educated i use it some how. Ubuntu Interface is good I can only understand what i see.11:20
shabbirTm_T: Thanks a billion it worked, thanks a lot.!11:20
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sunitokay b ye i have to go now Hope you all have good time.11:21
FullmoonI can't seem to be able to change /etc/network/interfaces, even as root. Is there a special kind of protection?11:25
aciculaFullmoon: it could be set readonly11:26
aciculaFullmoon: though think being root should ignore that11:27
Outrunnerhey guys11:27
Outrunneranyone knows how to make the wallpaper be shared on lightdm? The only ones that are being shared are the default ones...11:27
FullmoonYeah, completely crazy: https://gist.github.com/200614911:28
FullmoonWhat the hell, rm -rf as root can't remove it either11:28
h00kOutrunner: you should probably check #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 discussion :)11:28
Outrunneroh, thank you and sorry :D11:29
Pulock2012need some help with ubuntu 10.10. how to copy keysymdef.h to the directory /usr/include. trying to migrate to linux .please help.11:29
KM0201Pulock2012: you do realize 10.10 is EOL, right?11:30
ikoniaPulock2012: you don't wnat to do that11:30
ikoniaPulock2012: moving headers around is not a good idea11:30
ikoniaPulock2012: why don't you tell us what you are really trying to do11:30
szalKM0201: 10.10 isn't EOL yet11:30
KM0201szal: it's very close11:31
KM0201less than a month.11:31
Pulock2012i am trying to install wine from the source11:31
szalPulock2012: any specific reason to do so?11:31
szal(i.e., installing from source)11:31
Pulock2012my ISP doesnot provide linux drivers11:32
SixtyFoldwhat does your isp have to do with wine?11:32
szalPulock2012: I didn't ask why you install wine, I asked why you install wine from source11:32
Pulock2012i need to access the internet through linux11:32
Pulock2012and i think i can do it using wine11:33
theadminPulock2012: No, you can't.11:33
SixtyFoldwine is for running windows programs in linux11:34
ikoniaPulock2012: with respect, you sound quite lost11:34
ikoniaPulock2012: any chance you can step back and explain your setup11:34
ikoniaPulock2012: then explain the problem you are having with that setup11:34
bittinundra om man ska kƶpa denna dƄ den slƤpps: http://www.gsmarena.com/zte_skate_acqua-4583.php11:35
Pulock2012can you suggest a way to connect to the internet? a software is necessary to be installed on the system through which i connect which runs only on windows11:35
ikoniabittin: how is that anything to do with #ubuntu ?11:35
ircnode0i use gnome-terminal in xfce4 desktop, why transparency doesn't work?11:35
bittinikonia: wrote in wrong channel11:35
SixtyFoldso you have dsl or something Pulock2012?11:36
ikoniaPulock2012: ok - so you have ubuntu 10.10 installed correct ?11:36
chipotlemoving sucks ass11:36
ikoniachipotle: and it's something the #ubuntu channel isn't interested in11:36
Pulock2012yes i have ubuntu installed but i think i dont connect through dsl11:36
ikoniaPulock2012: how do you want to connect to the internet ?11:37
chipotleikonia: really? no one has moved before?11:37
MonkeyDustPulock2012  I havent followed, but next month, 10.10 will be End Of Life (EOL), better upgrade11:37
Tm_Tchipotle: please take the offtopic discussion to more suitable channel, thanks11:37
ikoniachipotle: I'm sure they have, but this is a technical support channel, so we are not too concerned with your moving issues in this channel11:37
chipotleTm_T: did you wake up just for this?11:37
Pulock2012i will install wine then install the required software given by my isp then connect11:38
ikoniaPulock2012: ok - so lets pause for a moment11:38
ikoniaPulock2012: forget wine - just for the moment11:38
auronandacePulock2012: that won't work11:38
KM0201Pulock2012: thats very unlikely to work.11:38
ikoniaPulock2012: do you need special software to connect to the internet ?11:38
Pulock2012then what can be the alternative11:38
ikoniaPulock2012: answer my questions and we'll try to work it through for you11:39
ikoniaPulock2012: what is the software you need ?11:39
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Pulock2012ikonia:its a windows executable11:39
crizzysounds edgy11:39
ikoniaPulock2012: what is it's name11:39
Myrttiircnode0: have you enabled compositing in the configs?11:39
Pulock2012its provided by MTS11:40
ikoniaPulock2012: no, what's it's real name11:40
ikoniaRonald: it's not called *.exe11:40
ikoniaPulock2012: it's not called *.exe11:40
ikoniaPulock2012: what's it's real name11:40
Pulock2012the name is simply setupo.exe11:40
subdesignhey guys any good free CRM for ubuntu?11:40
ikoniaPulock2012: what is your ISP11:40
ikoniaPulock2012: "who" is your isp11:41
Pulock2012isp is BSNL from India11:41
ikoniaPulock2012: ok, one moment please.11:41
ubottupricox: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».11:42
ircnode0Myrtti: Haven't heard that before, so I guess no. In which file have compositing? .gnome-terminal-config?11:42
Myrttiircnode0: in xfce4 settings11:42
ikoniaPulock2012: at the moment the www.bsnl.co.in website is down, I'm searching for information11:42
mydogsnameisrudysite works for me ikonia11:43
ikoniaPulock2012: http://www.indiabroadband.net/linux/10828-how-configure-bsnl-broadband-connection-ubuntu.html11:43
OldOneEyehow do i get motherboard information11:44
ikoniaPulock2012: that should explain how to use the bsnl network on ubuntu11:44
Pulock2012mine is not broadband its a EVDO card11:44
ikoniaPulock2012: ahhh ok, so it maybe a driver issue11:44
ikoniaPulock2012: can you tell me the card model please.11:45
auronandaceOldOneEye: lshw might give some info11:45
ircnode0Myrtti: Applications Menu->Settings->Settings Manager and after that where to go?11:45
Pulock2012ikonia:ok.ADU-555C is the device model and the SIM is from BSNL11:46
TellmarchHello. I have a problem with the sound in java applet, it often doesn't work. how to fix it?11:46
OldOneEyehow do i get motherboard information11:46
KM0201OldOneEye: lspci can often provide some information on your motherboard devices, what exactly is your problem?11:47
Myrttiircnode0: Find the settings manager, then click "Window Manager Tweaks". Under the compositing tab, you need to click "enable compositing".11:47
ikoniaPulock2012: just researching now11:47
OldOneEyetrying to get my mother board model11:47
MonkeyDustOldOneEye  try lshw -html > hardware.html to see it in a neat webpage11:48
MyrttiOldOneEye: "sudo lshw" might pull up the info11:48
KM0201OldOneEye: hmm, thats probably not there...11:48
OldOneEyenot there11:48
KM0201OldOneEye: if that doesn't work, you could also look at your BIOS..11:48
OldOneEyei tried not there either11:48
KM0201then open the case and look11:49
Pulock2012i must leave now. bye everyone i will login later.11:49
ircnode0Myrtti: thanks, now transparency works.11:50
api984does anyone know how to use postfix RELOCATED maps maybe. i got some users internal and some on ISP on same domain. so internal can't send to external users11:50
api984550 users does not exist in virtual mailbox maps....11:51
ikoniaapi984: sounds like your user does not map to the user in the map file11:51
ikoniaapi984: not sure if thats the 550 error user, or a user with a uid of 55011:51
mintmancelthunder: got Xmonad working11:51
api984error 55011:51
api984ikonia, user does not exist in maps11:52
ikoniaapi984: ok, so look in the map file11:52
api984ikonia, thats corrent11:52
api984ikonia, map is over ldap11:52
ireesI always get confused by thisā€¦ Which of the shell rc files (~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc.) are loaded for commands run as cron jobs11:52
ikoniaapi984: ok, so is the user in the map11:52
api984ikonia, user that is not in the map uses ISP mailbox11:52
ireesthe user's rc files, i mean11:52
api984ikonia, no11:52
ikoniaapi984: so surly that is the problem....user is not in map, error, user is not in map11:53
api984ikonia, user MUST not be in virtual mailbox map11:53
ikoniaor am I missunderstanding11:53
api984ikonia, can transport map do transport for pecific user11:53
ikoniaapi984: if the user is not in the virtual mailbox map, it must have a physical account with a FQDN pointing at it11:53
nxohello channel! does anyone has experience with etokens? I'm facing trouble with ssh-add.11:53
OldOneEyehow do i install xwin with kde11:53
ikoniaapi984: I don't think you can set a map for a specific user, I'm not %100 though11:53
ikoniaapi984: the guys in #postfix may be %100 certain11:53
api984ikonia, guys at #postfix are idleing11:54
ikoniaapi984: give them time, they are good, they do get back to you11:54
api984ikonia, will wait11:54
mintmancelthunder: had to reinstall Gnome-panel for some reason gnome-appearence got messed up with compiz running 64 bit linux mint wont run compiz just odd installed compiz-core and compiz not results11:54
mintmanShojo: whats up! u alive?11:55
ikoniamintman: 1400 people in a technical support channel......11:55
mintmanikonia: hey and I know about 20 or 30 of them even though I change my handle a lot..11:56
h00kmintman: so you probably know to keep chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic then ;)11:57
Shojohi, mintman . Sorry was afk12:01
mintmanShojo: they dont want us to chat here will take it to a private session12:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:09
nxossh with certificates on a smartcard anyone? I can't add my etoken with ssh-add -s. :(12:16
pengwone interesting question whether you like c++ or c#???12:17
jeankebosnewbie looking for help...12:17
pengwis that C# is part of .NET ?12:17
pengwany IDE is designed for C# on linux12:18
airtonixpengw: yes there is a few12:18
heylukecarrierpengw look at monodevelop12:18
jeankeboshello, anyone?12:18
heylukecarrierwhat's up jeankebos?12:18
airtonixjeankebos: you should probably ask your question instead of asking for permission to ask your question12:18
jeankebosproblems with nvidia driver geforce2 mx10012:19
jeankebosubuntu does not seem to like it12:19
airtonixjeankebos: you should probably be more descriptive12:19
heylukecarrieropen source or proprietary?12:19
heylukecarriertherein lies the issue12:19
airtonixit does?12:19
heylukecarrierjeankebos, you need to contact nVidia for issues with that driver...nobody here can help12:20
airtonixwhy good sir your detective skills seem to have left nothing to chance and removed all possible issues with one simple statement!12:20
jeankebosone moment i attach a second screen to my ubuntu desktop and brb12:20
heylukecarrierairtonix, in all likelihood, that is the case12:21
airtonixheylukecarrier: what would actually help is a 1) description of the problem. 2) lspci -vv 3) lsb_release -a12:21
heylukecarrierif jockey can't configure it out of the box, it's probably nvidia12:21
airtonixheylukecarrier: the least you could do before dismissing it is ask for machine:manufacturer code that is reported by lspci12:22
heylukecarrierairtonix, touche12:22
airtonixheylukecarrier: oh and clarify which exact version of ubuntu they are using12:22
jeankebosah, so why does ubuntu says i should use the nvidia driver to fully experience ubuntu?? (got this message)12:23
heylukecarrierjeankebos, when it works, it enables 3d acceleration and usually increases performance12:23
jeankeboscould anyone explain me how i can install an older version of this nvidia driver? now version 96 is installed but some forums says version 72 works better, but i really have no clue how to install this. the only  possibilities ubuntu is giving me is version 96 (propriarity) or ubuntu open source driver. How can I choose the driver myself?12:27
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Guest56132hi guys, i did an upgrade to 12.4 and then i downgraded back to 11.1  but now i see that that my /var/www folder is gone.... Can i restore the data ????12:30
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mydogsnameisrudyhow did you go back to 11.10 Guest5613212:33
nxoGuest56132, I'd say restore from backup after such experiments ;)12:33
Guest56132mydogsnameisrudy, with the 11.1 usb boot iso12:34
Guest56132i downloaded ubuntu 11.1 and made it bootable from usb12:34
mydogsnameisrudyas nxo said restore from your backup12:35
Guest56132i don't have one12:35
Guest56132damn all my work is gone12:36
nxoGuest56132, but you learned something for the next time. I think not backup data is considered not important. ;)12:37
nxoGuest56132, and experients like this you don't do on a machine with important stuff.12:38
Guest56132well i just bought an external hdd12:38
Guest56132so ubuntu doesn't create a backup when ugrading?12:39
IledenHah, kinda blunt attitude here. :) But yes, good idea to learn to backup if your work is important, especially when doing something a bit out of usual, like downgrading an installation.12:41
IledenThere's a small change the work is recoverable with tools like testdisk, though.12:41
afdany way to install Ubuntu to an external HDD and then put it in a mac? I have the PPC iso of 11.1012:41
IledenHowever, that depends on at which point of the process the data got wiped out.12:41
IledenGuest56132: Also, _anything_ you do on the system now - especially copying files around - reduces the chances of a succesful recovery12:42
damo22i accidently deleted a partition that wasnt in a usual location and testdisk found it in seconds12:42
Guest56132Ileden, i'm taking a backup from my home folder now12:43
IledenIIRC testdisc can be installed directly from repositories, with "sudo apt-get install testdisk" - though I should point out this is itself is an operation that does some copying, and thus reduces the chances of a successful recovery.12:43
threexhow to install huawei cdma modem on ubuntu 10.10..?12:44
IledenGuest56132: What I'd do, depending on how important the data is, is to access the hard disk from another system, and use testdisk to see if there's still something left.12:45
Guest56132Ileden, i'm check if maybe i copied it to a server12:45
IledenThough it's a small program, so chances of damage to recoverable data that would be caused by installing it are pretty small.12:46
aFeijogood morning. I have this new bash script that I need to check if it is running between 8 am and 8 pm, I'm using like this: DATE=$(date +%H); if [ $DATE>=8 and $DATE<=20 ]; then, but it is not working12:46
damo22aFeijo, replace "and" with "&&" ?12:47
lulzillawhat's the difference between etc/init and etc/init.d ?12:47
jriblulzilla: /etc/init is where upstart-style scripts live and /etc/init.d is where older sys-v-init scripts live12:48
aFeijodamo22, originally I try with &&, will do again12:49
threexguys can u help me12:49
aFeijodamo22, && and double [[ ]] ;)12:49
damo22aFeijo, maybe need [[ ]]12:49
jribaFeijo: look up how to compare numbers in bash12:49
aFeijojrib, ok12:49
Guest56132Ileden, but how can i access the hard disk from another system?12:50
heylukecarrierGuest56132, use a livecd on that machine12:50
IledenGuest56132: You can write a live cd of Ubuntu, and use that to access it. But if you don't know what you're doing, it's better you just install it on the current system, and see if it works.12:51
lulzillathanks jrib12:51
IledenGuest56132: Note that downloading the live CD on your *current* system will damage the recoverable parts (if there are any)! It's a large download, thus it will use the disk a lot.12:52
Guest56132Ileden, i can still login in the system12:52
Guest56132so maybe i can install testdisk on it and check?12:52
IledenGuest56132: Keep in mind that pretty much any action you do _using_ the system may cause more damage to the recoverable data (if there is any)12:53
IledenGuest56132: The best way would be to use some other system to create a live cd, then use that to access the hard disk.12:54
Guest56132Ileden, but i can access the hard disk from the same computer12:54
IledenBut of course, that's a bit of a hassle. So depending on how valuable your data (that might not be recoverable anyway) is, you _can_ just boot up the system, install testdisk on it, and see if you can recover anything.12:55
afdHow do I install Ubuntu 11.10 PPA version to an external hdd from my Intel laptop?12:55
IledenBut if you don't have any experience with the live cd concept, I can't help you.12:56
IledenMaybe someone else can.12:56
Guest56132Ileden, ok thx12:59
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threexileden can you help me , how to install new modem that dont rubuntu 10.10ecognized, by linux system..? i use13:00
Iledenthreex: Um, why me? No, sorry, I don't have any experience with modems.13:01
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=== pierre__49 is now known as pierre__
threexokay thanx ileden.. :)13:01
afdany way to manually mount an external hdd without fstab?13:02
IledenWell, plenty of experience actually, but that was a long, long, long time ago when there was no Ubuntu. I was using DOS... :)13:02
afdI was part way through formatting the drive in gparted and it borked. Now it won't automount13:02
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Guest56132Ileden, checking with testdisk13:04
Guest56132checking for lost partitions but that's not what i want to do13:05
Guest56132i want to check if my /var/www folder is in there somewhere13:05
VectorXhi, i got 4 nics connected, 3 to a switch and 1 to a router for inet, everything was working fine but suddenly i cant connect to the net, the eth0 has the ip from the router aswell? cant ping or web or anything, how can i troubleshoot ?13:06
VectorXall connected interfaces have data transfer showing aswell in ifconfig13:06
IledenGuest56132: every folder is on some partition, lost or not.13:07
IledenGuest56132: You need to access the partition that not lost, and browse files on it.13:07
r930913I've got screwed over with a windoze machine that I can't change the boot or partitions without voiding the warranty. What's the best way to get ubuntu on it?13:07
IledenGuest56132: It'll probably search for lost partitions too, but that doesn't matter since it also lists your current parititon structure13:08
SomeoneWeirdAnyone know the right package to fix /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldb13:08
IledenGuest56132: Once you've located the parititon you want to browse, use the "p" command to browse the files.13:08
Guest56132Ileden, it's making a file now13:09
Guest56132but very slow13:09
IledenMaking a file?13:09
Guest56132Ileden, an image13:09
Ileden"Making" it?13:10
Guest56132Ileden, ok i restarted an now looking for partitions13:10
IledenHmm, I think you can skip the parititon search by pressing "esc" to just get to the list, since you're not interested in lost partitions13:11
IledenNot sure.13:11
Guest56132Ileden,it's analysing13:12
skypcehello guys13:14
skypcei have a question13:14
skypcelook http://imagebin.org/20261213:14
skypcei have problem with the gtk theme13:14
skypcethe top panel13:14
ikoniaskypce: yeah, you're using macbuntu13:14
ikoniathat's pretty much everybody's problem13:15
skypceikonia, in a begin i believe that the deep color in ubuntu was in 16 bits13:15
pangurIs there anyone here who can give advice regarding wubi disk resize?13:16
skypcebut i change it to 24bits13:16
Guest56132Ileden, when starting testdisk it asks which partition, so i choose my linux partition13:16
skypceand nothing13:16
ikoniaskypce: sorry, I think the macbuntu stuff is garbage so I'm not supporting it13:16
ikoniaskypce: they have a support contact address on their website, I'd suggest using them13:16
Guest56132Ileden, then it asks: Analyse - Advanced - Geometry - Options - MBR code - Delete - Quit13:16
skypcethank you ikonia13:16
Guest56132which one do i have to choose?13:16
IledenGuest56132: Hmm, I don't think it lists any paritions the start. I think it lists the different physical disks.13:17
IledenGuest56132: Yeah, analyse is the one to proceed with.13:17
DocPlatypusokay... quick question13:18
Guest56132Ileden, then Quick Search or backup -> i choose Quick search13:18
pangurBasically, I have already managed to create a new.disk but, when I tried to log-in, I met with a stark textual screen prompting me for username and password.   However, it did not seem to lead to any gui.  Is there a way that I could get to a gui rather than a text-based screen please?13:18
IledenGuest56132: Once it's done, it should list the available partitions. Then select the correct one, and press "p" to start browsing for files.13:18
pdimitrovhey, anyone encountered status: {DRDY}, error: {ABRT} when trying to write to a hard drive13:18
DocPlatypusI have a friend with 10.04 LTS, who is having video card issues now. just how risky is it to upgrade directly to 11.10 instead of upgrading to each intermediate version in turn?13:18
theadminDocPlatypus: It's impossible13:19
Guest56132Ileden,  ok i think it 'll take an hour13:19
theadminDocPlatypus: Just wait till 12.04 is released, that's all13:19
DocPlatypustheadmin: can he upgrade to a 12.04 beta?13:19
r930913What's the best way to use ubuntu without changing the boot sequence?13:19
theadminDocPlatypus: (you can upgrade from LTS to LTS)13:19
theadminDocPlatypus: Well, you *could* upgrade to the beta, but... I won't suggest using unstable unstable software.13:19
theadminr930913: Virtualbox probably13:20
pangurIs there a way of switching from different kinds of screen experience?  From text to gui type?13:20
IledenGuest56132: As I said, it could be that you can just stop the search immediately, since it's a known partition. But I'm not sure.13:20
DocPlatypustheadmin: well right now the box is not stable anyway.13:20
DocPlatypusI don't see how it could possibly be any worse13:20
pangursomething like alt-f2 or whatever?13:20
theadminpangur: Ctrl+Alt+F7 = GUI, Ctrl+Alt+F1-6 = CLI13:20
pangurthanks theadmin :)13:21
theadminDocPlatypus: Well, join #ubuntu+1 for beta support/discussion/upgrade instructions.13:21
r930913theadmin: Is there any unabstracted way? VMs are slower = bad.13:21
threexi cant get in to x window after i installed backtrack 5,, i have tried startx.. but it didnt work..13:21
theadminr930913: Um... no. None. How can you install Ubuntu without installing it without any abstractions? %)13:21
theadminthreex: Backtrack is not supported here13:21
FraterMIf anyone here has a Wild Dog performance System 76 system I'd like to compare wireless driver performance with them.13:21
threexupsss... sorry i dont know that13:22
theadmin!bt | threex13:22
theadmin!backtrack | threex13:22
ubottuthreex: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:22
r930913theadmin: A straight up install doesn't have the abstraction of removal of hardware level of operation that a VM has.13:22
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:23
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
theadminr930913: Yes, but if you do a straight up install you do change the boot process (install GRUB). Sure, you can go without installing the bootloader I suppose, but... how would you boot?13:23
threexokay thanx guys13:24
r930913theadmin: Is there a way to change the bootloader in windows for one reboot so that unless set, it automatically boots into windoze?13:24
theadminr930913: You can't modify Grub through Windows, no, but you can set Windows as the default OS, sure. Or you can just disable the timeout and keep the boot menu forever waiting for you to make the choice13:25
r930913theadmin: Yeah, but I get screwed if they see a boot screen if I send it in for repairs.13:26
theadminr930913: Ah, I see what you mean, point taken :D Okay, what you want is no timeout and Windows for the default OS. Change the config from livecd later or whatever, I guess.13:27
Guest743hey, i am getting a corrupt update when i do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:27
theadminr930913: There are tools for that. It's either bootup-manager or startup-manager (keep messing the two)13:27
Guest743is there something up?13:27
Guest743it appears to be the linux  image of some sort that's getting grabbed13:28
SomeoneWeirdAnyone know the right package to fix /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldb13:28
kreedyi'm having an issue with apt pinning. the pin seems to be set up correctly: http://pastebin.com/WXeQP7eU apt-cache policy output: http://pastebin.com/7euciE3p. if i `apt-get install php5-mysql`, the correct package is installed (the one with the highest priority of 1001). if i `install php5-mysql=5.3.2-1ubuntu4.14`, it picks the first entry, which has a priority of 500.13:28
kreedyAny one know how to set up pinning so that there aren't to separate entries in the versioning table for identical version? or, have another way for this to work? my package management needs to specify the version to apt-get :-/13:28
Guest743thse are the updates ::: libjasper1 linux-headers-3.0.0-16 linux-headers-3.0.0-16-generic linux-image-3.0.0-16-generic linux-libc-dev python-pam13:28
Guest743i think its linux-3.0.0-16 that's causing the problem.13:29
=== Mud is now known as Guest37439
afdany way to install the PPC version of Ubuntu to an external HDD from my Intel laptop... I want to do the install and then slot it back in to an imac13:31
r930913theadmin: Found it I think, I'll look into it. Thanks.13:31
howlymowlyhi people. short question: I installed a python-pyopencl via apt-get which automatically installs the nvidia drivers13:35
howlymowlyI now have the problem:   I can not remove those drivers without removing the package" kubunut-desktop" at the same time13:35
howlymowlyany idea?13:35
afdanyone...? PPC Ubuntu install to an external hdd from an Intel laptop13:35
itaylor57afd, don't believe so13:37
afditaylor57: it's not possible?13:37
itaylor57afd, the installer works off of the arch of the device so it would not install ppc to an intel cpu device13:39
daviddoriaI am trying to use a tv as my monitor. It seems to work, but there are about a "taskbar" worth of pixels that aren't displayed around the edges (i.e. it seems to display slightly larger than the tv). Is there anything that can be done to fix this?13:39
afditaylor57: I thought that might be the case... so I can't boot from the PPC as live and do it that way either (from my intel laptop)?13:40
auronandaceafd: no, just like you can't boot a 64bit livecd from a 32bit cpu13:42
afditaylor57: I'm guessing I can still create a PCC liveCD from my intel laptop though... then boot from and install that with the hdd in the imac?13:42
afditaylor57: that's the only other thing I can think of13:42
sattu94how to change nickname ?13:43
auronandacesattu94: /nick newnick13:43
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satyanashauronandace, thanks!13:44
auronandacesatyanash: no worries, further irc help can be found in #freenode13:44
itaylor57afd, i believe you should be able to create the ppc cd on your intel13:45
afditaylor57: thanks for your help! have a good w/e13:45
iHarpGood morning all13:46
Guest56132Ileden, nothing found in that folder ....13:46
xbyte1024iHarp: it's not morning everywhere :p13:47
iHarpxbyte1024, good point13:47
IledenGuest56132: Well, then the data got wiped out at an early part of the downgrade process, and later parts of the process managed to do enough file operations to overwrite all traces of the data that had been there.13:50
IledenGuest56132: Tough luck. :-/13:50
Guest56132Ileden, thx anyway!13:51
IledenGuest56132: Yeah, too bad the data wasn't there anymore.13:51
auronandaceah, the virtue of backups13:51
iHarpbackup your backups too.. :p13:52
IledenGuest56132: I have no idea if "photorec" (which is part of the testdisk toolset) might help you.13:52
IledenGuest56132: though, I think it's only for image files.13:53
theadminIleden: photorec recovers about everything, not only images.13:55
IledenI've only used it once, to recover images. But if it works for other stuff too, go for it. :)13:56
ExtremeDevilzguys Ubuntu Min Req ?13:56
theadmin!requirements | ExtremeDevilz13:56
ubottuExtremeDevilz: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu13:56
=== MartinS is now known as Guest26323
Guest56132Ileden, i'm reinstalling ubuntu14:07
Guest56132thanks a lot for the help!14:07
johnjacobjingeranyone know how to switch between server view and channel view in IRSSI14:07
johnjacobjingerif you know what i mean14:07
johnjacobjingeri dont know the proper term for it14:07
MonkeyDustjohnjacobjinger  i use irssi and don't know what you mean14:07
mneptokjohnjacobjinger: ctl+# changes focused window14:07
mneptokjohnjacobjinger: server messages are usually in window 114:08
johnjacobjingerhmmm didnt change mine.. someone sent me a private message but cant get to the window14:08
MonkeyDusti use alt-arrow left and right14:08
mneptokjohnjacobjinger: try window 214:08
johnjacobjingerah thank mneptok14:08
johnjacobjingerthats what i was looking for14:08
eXcAliBuRwhat are people using in here for their DNS server?14:09
johnjacobjingeri use opendns14:09
mneptokeXcAliBuR: or GOOG. or
Pumpkin-eXcAliBuR: as in, a DNS server you run, or a DNS server you use, or something else ?14:10
johnjacobjingerwell eXcAliBuR are you looking at hosting your own14:10
Pumpkin-the question was a bit vauge14:10
shanky_1hey guys14:10
johnjacobjingeri agree14:10
eXcAliBuRlooking for one that I run14:10
shanky_1i have a problem14:10
johnjacobjingeroh.... i dunno i dont run my own14:10
shanky_1suddenly my mouse stops working in laptop14:10
johnjacobjingerbut i think ubuntu has one that can be installed on the server install14:11
shanky_1and after log off and loginin again14:11
johnjacobjingerdont remember what they use14:11
_Marcusshanky_1: Is it plugged in?14:11
shanky_1it is working fine14:11
shanky_1its inbuild mouse pad14:11
johnjacobjinger_Marcus: lmao...14:11
Pumpkin-BIND is still the most popular server. Other recommendations to investigate are unbound (for a caching resolver) or NSD (for an authorative server). Other options exist, but those are the 3 I am familar (and happy) with.14:11
shanky_1okay any solution for me14:11
_Marcusjohnjacobjinger: It's stupid to say, but it's common. I spent 10 minutes finding the solution to a problem where my mouse wouldn't worked, and I just had to plug it back in.14:11
shanky_1its inbuild trackpad14:12
shanky_1so tat wont happen14:12
shanky_1after a logoff and login14:12
shanky_1its working gr814:12
_Marcusshanky_1: So is it working or not working14:12
shanky_1it moves normally, suddenly it hangs14:12
shanky_1i then have to logoff using keyboard14:13
shanky_1and i login again, it works fine14:13
shanky_1i have to do this everytime14:13
eXcAliBuRcan I have a GUI for bind dns ?14:13
_Marcusubuntu: Having that name, you are most likely going to get pinged a lot. You should think about a new nick.14:14
scriptwarlock!ask | ubuntu14:14
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:14
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:15
_Marcusscriptwarlock: Do "/query ubuntu message" if you want to test the bot.14:16
ubuntuhow do i change my nick14:16
_Marcustype /nick newnick14:16
shanky_1you can change by /nick14:16
_MarcusThen type "/nick orion"14:17
=== ubuntu is now known as orion
eXcAliBuRI like that name better14:17
=== orion is now known as Guest67184
slykenshi all - anyone have insight into successful vlan tagging with natty or oneiric? i have two diff servers, same behavior on both - outbound tagged properly but inbound tags are not processed.14:17
eXcAliBuRawww orion was taken by someone else14:17
Guest67184ok so this is the only channel i know i can talk to people in so can someone tell me what channel is good for discussing bios issue14:18
shanky_1u can find in list of chatroom on freenode14:19
theadminGuest67184: ##hardware14:19
Guest67184i cant get anyone on hardware14:19
MonkeyDustGuest67184  be more patient14:20
itaylor57!register | Guest6718414:20
ubottuGuest67184: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type Ā« /nick <nickname> Ā» to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:20
shanky_1guys wat suggestion do you think should be put into on the next UI of ubuntu14:21
sonicpsgod night all14:22
MonkeyDustshaatar  #ubuntu-offtopic14:22
=== Mud is now known as Guest97831
rambo298my hard drive failed on a dell inspiron 1501 (nvidia video); replaced and trying to install 11.10, same old nvidia problem. how can i install, disable whatever needs to be disabled, so i don't get a blank/white screen? i can't see anything after starting the installation14:30
skmsmslkis there any way to see the web page in 3d14:31
=== atubuntu is now known as blobzope
playmanI'm trying to restart samba, but the command does not work "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart" what's wrong?14:34
joe9does ubuntu use "dracut" over "initramfs-tools" ?14:34
aaron_Hi. I'm running ubuntu 10.11  with latest python, but I need python2.5 to run a version of blender.  How do I install it?14:34
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johnjacobjingeraaron did you check the repo's for blender?14:35
johnjacobjingeri think it's included when it is installed14:35
xbyte1024playman, try sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart14:36
aaron_Johnjacob: How do I check the repos?14:37
schmakkaloha. appearantly i have a zombie process, but i see none when doing ps auxwww | grep Z.. top still shows that there is one though. help :)14:37
scriptwarlockplayman, sudo restart smbd14:37
johnjacobjingeri assume you are using Desktop addition aaron_14:37
johnjacobjingerplayman or sudo service samba restart maybe?14:37
johnjacobjingeror service smbd restart not sure which14:38
aaron_i want to  use a an old version ..2.4914:38
johnjacobjingeran older version of blender aaron_ ?14:38
playmanjohnjacobjinger: I just get "unrecognized service" :/14:39
rambo298my hard drive failed on a dell inspiron 1501 (nvidia video); replaced and trying to install 11.10, same old nvidia problem. how can i install, disable whatever needs to be disabled, so i don't get a blank/white screen? i can't see anything after starting the installation14:39
aaron_johnjacob: yes it has a cad module built for it14:39
playmanxbyte1024: I tried that and just got this back http://pastebin.com/ajJnN7jF14:39
iHarphow to register on IRC?14:40
itaylor57!register | iHarp14:40
ubottuiHarp: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type Ā« /nick <nickname> Ā» to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:40
johnjacobjingerah ok...  well the repos are prob gonna have the latest version....  you can try getting python installed by source code aaron_14:40
MioSempaiqueria saber si alguien me puede ayudar con algo14:40
MioSempaies decir quisiera aclarar algunas dudas antes de partir con un proyectito14:41
=== iHarp is now known as register
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:41
=== register is now known as iHarp
johnjacobjinger!english | MioSempai14:41
ubottuMioSempai: please see above14:41
=== XReaper_ is now known as XReaper
aaron_johnjacob: okay I'll try that. Will it conflict with the new version of python I have?14:41
johnjacobjingermost likely14:42
MioSempaiok.. wait a moment14:42
johnjacobjingeri dont know to be honest14:42
waxstone!en | MioSempai14:42
ubottuMioSempai: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:42
=== Marcus-_^ is now known as Marcus\
xbyte1024register | xbyte102414:42
johnjacobjingerbut i'd plan on it messing up14:42
MioSempaiquiero virtualizar varios servidores en una sola maquina con SO Ubuntu server.14:42
MioSempaiI want to virtualize multiple servers on one machine with Ubuntu server OS.14:42
itaylor57!es | MioSempai14:43
ubottuMioSempai: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:43
johnjacobjingerMioSempai: you can use Vmware Server14:43
scriptwarlockplayman, well thats what the terminal suggests "service smbd restart"14:44
sandjkirklanddoes anybody know how often they delete the paste bin files? How long can you access a paste bin file before they delete it?14:44
johnjacobjingerplayman is the terminal suggesting "service smbd restart"14:44
MioSempaimy machine need to have some specific raid, for example because now I have 2 hdd 73GB hdd in raid1 and 5 132 in raid5.14:44
Myrttisandjkirkland: depends on which pastebin you use14:44
skmsmslkis there any way to see the web page in 3d  ?14:45
johnjacobjingerMioSempai: no, but you want the CPU and memory to be able to hanlde it14:45
johnjacobjingerskmsmslk: what web browser you using?14:45
sandjkirklandmyrtti: the one that's suggested here14:45
skmsmslkchrome , opera and firefox14:46
johnjacobjingerMioSempai: what's your CPU speed and how much memory do you have?14:46
Myrttisandjkirkland: paste.ubuntu.com?14:46
phong_hi guys14:46
MioSempaiyes, the CPU support y memory i have enough14:46
sandjkirklandmyrtti: yeah14:46
johnjacobjingerskmsmslk: all three?  I know in firefox there is a plugin called "tilt" that might do it14:46
playmanscriptwarlock and johnjacobjinger http://pastebin.com/v7p0Fr5W well that's what I tried, but still I get a error :-/14:46
MioSempaiis a machine HP.14:46
Myrttisandjkirkland: does this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1/ answer your question?14:46
skmsmslkhow to install that plugin ?14:47
johnjacobjingerMioSempai then vmware server will do fine, but there's no GUI... it uses a web console to view the virtual machines, meaning you need another computer14:47
johnjacobjingerskmsmslk: look in the firefox add-on site14:47
skmsmslkthanks !14:47
johnjacobjingerMioSempai: you said that you are using Ubuntu Server correct? not Ubuntu14:48
sandjkirklandmyrtti: yeah I think that does just fine, thanks14:48
johnjacobjingererrr not ubuntu destkop14:48
scriptwarlockplayman, use sudo14:48
=== tux is now known as Guest71703
MioSempaiyes. ubuntu server14:48
johnjacobjingerok then try vmware server 214:48
johnjacobjingerit's free14:48
Quantum_IonFor some reason Ubuntu runs hot on laptops14:48
johnjacobjingerQuantum_Ion: you mean the laptop runs hot with ubuntu?14:49
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johnjacobjingerhello andreas14:49
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, I have to use all kinds of scripts to keep it cool14:49
andreashow you guys doin?14:49
andreasnew here14:49
MioSempaino problem with using a web console, guess it's like smoothwall14:49
playmanscriptwarlock: lol thanks, man I feel stupid :/ it worked with sudo ofcourse14:49
johnjacobjingerQuantum_Ion: what kind of certs?14:49
Quantum_IonI hope when Ubuntu 12.04 LTS comes out it runs cooler14:49
johnjacobjingererrr scripts*14:50
Quantum_Ionpower saving scripts14:50
scriptwarlockplayman, :)14:50
johnjacobjingerQuantum_Ion: how do those keep your laptop cooler tho?  do they speed up the fans?14:50
ibiworHello! Why is that obexftp protocol allows read/write but not renaming a file?14:50
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, I use sudo -i pm-powersave true14:51
Quantum_IonI also use xsensor to monitor the temps14:51
Quantum_IonI have a AMD dual core processor and the temps with the Scripts are 78/71 without the scripts they are 80 -9014:52
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, Without the scripts my laptop was so hot you could feel hot air blowing out of it14:52
johnjacobjingerQuantum_Ion: is that celsius or Fahereheit?14:53
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, Cel14:53
MyrttiQuantum_Ion: time to clean out the laptop heat exhausts me thinks :-P14:53
Quantum_IonThey really need to work on the ACPI colling issues with Ubuntu Linux14:53
Quantum_IonMyrtti, I vacummed them out14:54
johnjacobjingerQuantum_Ion: my macbook pro averages about 160  degrees to 190 fahrenheit with ubuntu installed14:54
johnjacobjingerand with mac os x14:54
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, WTF !14:55
shaanjus4uHi heard today is devlopers friday... I am new to ubuntu dev... Can I help in any bug fixing?14:55
MyrttiQuantum_Ion: language14:55
johnjacobjingerQuantum_Ion: thats not that horribly hot for a laptop14:55
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, Anything abouve 100 degrees is a laptop killer14:55
johnjacobjingerQuantum_Ion: that isnt true at all...14:55
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, It's funny because I have a dual boot system and I use Windows Vista in poersave mode and the system is much cooler14:56
digitalcakeI have a issue with or localhost  not resolving to my local IP assigned from the dhcp14:56
Quantum_Ionpower save mode14:56
johnjacobjingerthe issue might be with the power management profile settings and fan settings14:57
johnjacobjingerQuantum_Ion: what kind of laptop do you have?14:57
johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: not sure what you mean :-\14:57
Quantum_IonGateway NV series laptop dualcore14:57
_Marcusdigitalcake: What exactly do you mean?14:57
digitalcakeI can put or localhost to point to a local http dev server I'm running but if I put I cant see it14:57
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johnjacobjingerdigitalcake this is Apache you are running?14:58
MioSempaijohnjacobjinger so, you recommend vmware server. thanks... i'll begin for there.14:58
digitalcakeno django14:58
digitalcakebut its a simple http server for development14:58
_Marcusdigitalcake: But it's an HTTP server, right?14:58
digitalcakeand its open on port 8014:58
_Marcusdigitalcake: Type "ifconfig" and make sure that IP is correct first14:58
johnjacobjingerinteresting there's probably a config file for django that lets you specify what address to listen on14:59
johnjacobjingeror at least interface14:59
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, It's funny my friend has a toshiba laptop computer it's older and I installed 10.04LTS on his laptop and his is much cooler14:59
digitalcakein ifconfig what I'm I looking for I see that14:59
johnjacobjingeri dont know django tho to say14:59
Quantum_IonEven though mine is a dual core processor14:59
_Marcusdigitalcake: Paste your ifconfg on pastebin please14:59
johnjacobjingerQuantum_Ion: that'd make it hotter with a dual core, and also your laptop may have a better GPU which might just run hotter...15:00
johnjacobjingeri think the issue you are having tho has to do with power management settings15:00
johnjacobjingerand possibly fan control15:00
khameris gnome-look.org/xfce-look.org/etc. down for everyone else as well?15:00
_Marcusdigitalcake: It was, so you were right15:00
Quantum_Ionwithe these scripts I found on the internet I can get my temps to 76/6915:00
_Marcusdigitalcake: Any you tried putting that in a browser outside of your machine?15:00
digitalcakeI cant see that inside15:01
EidelWhere is the proper place to put downloaded (but not in repository) applications?15:01
digitalcakeI have not tried looking on any other pc15:01
johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: cant see what inside?15:01
johnjacobjingeroh the site15:01
johnjacobjingeri see... digitalcake try another machine15:01
_Marcusdigitalcake: Good. You aren't supposed to see it through your private IP inside your computer, you have to use or ::1 if it supports IPv615:01
_Marcusdigitalcake: Now open up another machine and put in the private IP(not but
johnjacobjingerwelll you can if you have it in your hosts file15:02
digitalcakeok one moment15:02
digitalcakeI didnt know you cant see your local ip from inside15:02
digitalcakeon a windows box I never really had this issue15:02
johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: you can if your machine is set to resolve it... clearly your isnt15:02
_Marcusjohnjacobjinger: He can't see it because he is inside the machine. You have to use the loopback IP to get yourself, which would be
johnjacobjinger_Marcus: my website works with local IP on the local machine (not the loop back interface), just it's not default like that15:04
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cordenhello guys just a quick Q15:05
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johnjacobjinger_Marcus: however you are correct, that for most people they wouldnt be able to15:05
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, I have this script which cleans up ubuntu GRUB from each kernel upgrade check it out - > http://pastebin.com/RW05zeA015:05
cordendoes anybody of you experience that your unable to browse the net while download torrent?15:05
cordeni'm using 12.04 beta115:05
_Marcus!+1 | corder15:06
johnjacobjingercorden are you maxing out your speed?15:06
waxstone!precise | corden15:06
ubottucorden: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+115:06
n0t3a5y2typeim using 7.0415:06
_MarcusShoot, I mean corden15:06
_MarcusOh, it fixed it15:06
bazhangcorden, #ubuntu+1 for that please15:06
n0t3a5y2type7.04 is the best15:06
digitalcakecant see from my other box15:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:06
bazhangn0t3a5y2type, thats eol15:06
BlueWolfHi, I have found myself in a bit of a pickle. I created a new docklet with docky and I can't remove it. I have two and I want to remove one, how would I go about this?15:06
Quantum_IonI would go with the LTS releases they are more stable15:06
digitalcakedo I need to configure hosts to resolve to the local IP?15:06
cordenops sorry15:06
bazhang!eolupgrades | n0t3a5y2type15:06
ubottun0t3a5y2type: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:06
_Marcusdigitalcake: You shouldn't have to15:06
* rhin0 stopped on 10.0415:07
Quantum_IonSo I can't wait for 12.04 LTS I am using 10.04 LTS right now15:07
johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: no,, but maybe your web server isnt set up to listen on that interface?15:07
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digitalcakewell my webserver is running fine on localhost and
corden@johnjacobjinger yup i did not limit th download speed but my speed is just around 20kb/s15:08
cordenjohnjacobjinger, yup i did not limit th download speed but my speed is just around 20kb/s15:08
digitalcakedoes ubuntu have a default firewall on port 80?15:09
ikoniadigitalcake: no15:09
ikoniadigitalcake: all open by default15:09
cordeni also tried lowering it to 20kb/s but still same result15:09
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johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: yes on localhost thats a different interface....   according to djano's website it says "Starts a lightweight development web server on the local machine. By Default, the server runs on port 8000 on the IP address You can pass in an IP address and port number explicitly15:10
Quantum_IonMy laptop is cool right now15:10
digitalcakeI have django on port 8015:10
_Marcuscorden: How fast if your internet speeds? http://speedtest.net15:10
Quantum_Ion74/67 temps15:11
bazhang!ot | Quantum_Ion15:11
ubottuQuantum_Ion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:11
digitalcakebut maybe I needed to run django on my local IP vs localhost?15:11
digitalcakeis that what you mean?15:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:11
johnjacobjingerhttps://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/ <-- digitalcake look down at the section that starts with runserver15:11
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, The sad part is I have to burn an iso of LTS 12.04 because 10.04 wont let me upgrade to 12.0415:11
johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: yes15:12
bazhangQuantum_Ion, because its not released yet15:12
johnjacobjingerQuantum_Ion: its not released yet15:12
johnjacobjingererr what bazhang said15:12
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, I heard it comes out at the end of March right ?15:12
bazhangQuantum_Ion, 12.04 discussion in #ubuntu+1 ; chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:13
digitalcakehow dam, thanks everyone15:13
bazhangQuantum_Ion, APRIL15:13
dr_willisversion number is the date if release15:13
dr_willis4th month 201215:13
johnjacobjingersometimes reading the manual helps digitalcake15:13
Quantum_Iondr_willis, Thanks i never knew that15:13
digitalcakebeing a network noob I would have thought localhost and local IP would resolve to each other by default.15:14
dr_willisand with the cli i think you van try to upgrade15:14
_Marcusdigitalcake: Localhost =; Local IP = 192.168.*.*15:14
mneptokdigitalcake: localhost works with no network connection at all.15:14
computer_Hi there all, I need to install this package; ogre-plugins-cgprogrammanager on Ubuntu 11.1015:14
johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: not always... it's not some "rule" it all depends on how you have stuff set up... i think with Apache you dont need to specify it tho... i think by default it listens on both interfaces15:14
Quantum_Iondr_willis, I think I will just back up my hardrive and due a fresh install of 12.04 LTS15:14
Quantum_Iondr_willis, Kind of curious to see what kernel 3.2 is about15:15
digitalcakewell in any case thank you all. you helped15:15
bazhangQuantum_Ion, did you have a support question?15:15
mneptokQuantum_Ion: use 11.10, or move yourself over to #ubuntu+115:15
escapeplanI'm looking for a way to ALWAYS OPEN this .exe'file WITH Openjdk6 .. how do I make this happen ?15:15
_Marcusescapeplan: .exe is a Windows Executable File. You have to use Mono or Wine to open it.15:15
moo- /nick smallfoot-15:16
escapeplan_Marcus .. Actually no, Minecraft is Java, but the easiest way for me to play without any trouble is to open the .exe with openjdk15:16
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digitalcakedo I have to have sudo to run a app on port 80? I'm getting Error: You don't have permission to access that port.15:16
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rhin0maybe its your firewall digitalcake15:17
rhin0blocking port 8015:17
johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: you may need sudo to run the admin tool that is configuring django15:17
rambo298digitalcake, is iptables running?15:17
digitalcakethats the problem I'm in a virtualenv that is not sudo15:18
johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: then you need a sudo user ;-)15:18
_Marcusescapeplan: You are using Ubuntu, correct?15:18
_Marcusescapeplan: I know for a fact, that Minecraft has instructions on how to use it on Linux15:18
johnjacobjingerpretty sure ou cant jst open an .exe in ubuntu15:19
johnjacobjingerwithout wine or something that is15:19
mneptokdigitalcake: a low port like 80 will require superuser privs15:19
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, True15:19
BlueWolfHi, I have found myself in a bit of a pickle. I created a new docklet with docky and I can't remove it. I have two and I want to remove one, how would I go about this?15:19
mneptokescapeplan: Mojang has vanilla .jar files for Minecraft15:19
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, I think he is trying to use Java to open a Windows exe file15:19
digitalcakedang it, looks like I will just need to use port forwarding on my router.15:20
johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: prob not a bad idea15:20
_Marcusdigitalcake: That's only if you want people outside your router into your web server. If you want to access it locally, you dont have to port forward to do so.15:20
computer_Hi there all, I need to install this package; ogre-plugins-cgprogrammanager on Ubuntu 11.10 but cannot due to a dependency package libogremain-1.6.4 but this is unavailable. So what do i do now?15:20
johnjacobjingerit's not really production ready it says which is why it doesnt list on the LAN IP15:20
digitalcakeI'm trying to test a Paypal IPN callback15:21
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digitalcakeI'v only been using linux for about a month now15:21
digitalcakemy lazy days of wamp are over15:21
johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: i thougt u said it was on port 80 already15:22
digitalcakeit was when it was localhost15:22
digitalcakenow that I'm on localip its not letting me15:22
Quantum_Ionjohnjacobjinger, I was using this page to tweak my power settings on my laptop https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagement15:22
digitalcakeits ok I have routed 8000 to 80 in my router15:23
johnjacobjingerBlueWolf: anyone what?15:23
rambo298scroll back15:23
johnjacobjingerprob didnt answer cuz i dont know the answer15:23
BlueWolfjohnjacobjinger: I created a new docklet with docky and I can't remove it. I have two and I want to remove one, how would I go about this? :::::::D15:24
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johnjacobjingerdigitalcake: or you can just do http://<IP_ADDRESS>:8000 from another computer15:24
johnjacobjingerthat'd work too15:24
rambo298BlueWolf, does this help? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/remove-anchor-icon-from-docky/15:25
Pulock2012ikonia:did you find out something about my problem??15:26
bazhangPulock2012, whats the issue15:26
bazhangPulock2012, ask the channel15:26
Pulock2012unable to connect to internet using maverick15:27
bazhang!detaills | Pulock201215:27
ikoniaPulock2012: I researched your card and it appears certain models should work fine with ubuntu's network manager as a 3g device15:28
Pulock2012i use EVDO card as my device with BSNL(my ISP) sim and i have ubuntu 10.10 installed15:29
ikoniaPulock2012: ubuntu's network manager tool should see it and just connect15:29
Pulock2012in network connection i have tried to use the mobile broadband tab where i entered my uid and pass but unable to connect15:30
abellongHi, I installed a library using apt-get. But this lib doesn't work properly. After googling, I need to compile it from source. What should I do? Seems packages compiled from source are not managed by package-manager. Is there anything I should take care?15:31
bazhangabellong, what library, what are you trying to do15:31
Pulock2012why wouldnot wine work??it doesnot have network access module ??15:32
abellongit's GraphicsMagic15:32
bazhangabellong, installed from where15:32
crashanddieabellong, so... compile from source... what's the problem with that?15:32
ikoniaPulock2012: if "should" work with ubuntu network manager15:32
ikoniaPulock2012: the wine solution will not work15:33
`Korvinhow can I clear my dns cache?15:33
heloi am unable to change my gtk theme with gtk-theme-switch2 (running fluxbox as wm)15:33
bazhangabellong, what does graphicsmagic do15:33
abellongThere's something wrong with octave.15:33
ugoubhello, anyone knows why: find ../ -regex "*.\(js\|xml\)$" -exec grep -i -o --color=auto sel_role {} \; -print doesn't work?Thanx15:33
abellongI canhttp://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/GraphicsMagick-limitations-td3523937.html15:34
crashanddie`Korvin, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:34
Piciugoub: Whats happening that you think shouldn't happen?15:35
crashanddieugoub, what are you trying to do?15:35
abellong<bazhang>:  http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/GraphicsMagick-limitations-td3523937.html15:35
ugoubPici: I didn't get the right result15:35
bazhangabellong, what does graphics magic do15:35
crashanddieugoub, find ../ -name \*.js -or -name \*.xml -exec grep -i -o --color=auto sel_role {} \;15:35
Piciugoub: is it not in color, or is it not even matching the right part?15:35
ugoubPici: I want find 'sel_role' both in .js file and .xml file15:35
bazhangabellong, why not find a native ubuntu solution for that15:36
ugoubPici: there's no matching result15:36
crashanddieugoub, find ../ -name \*.js -or -name \*.xml | xargs grep -i -o sel_role15:36
Piciugoub: try crashanddie's suggestion15:36
abellong<bazhang> what is a native ubuntu solution?15:36
ugoubcrashanddie: Oh, thanks a lot15:36
bazhangabellong, I've asked you what graphics magic does15:36
DinoMuffinyou should also put the -name terms in single quotes15:37
abellongSorry for my poor English..15:37
theadminDinoMuffin: Not if you escape them like (s)he did.15:37
llutzugoub: grep -ri sel_role  *.{js,xml}15:37
crashanddiethere's no reason we "should" do that. It's an option, not a requirement.15:37
crashanddiethough llutz's solution is probably the best15:37
ugoubllutz: copy that , thanks a lot15:38
FullmoonI can't change /etc/network/interfaces, even with as root, and with rm -f; Anyone having any idea?15:38
llutzugoub: add fancy grep-options if you like ;)15:38
DinoMuffinI thought that was reccomended to prevent it from being interpreted15:38
FullmoonI can create new files in /etc/network, change, touch and remove then, just not /etc/network/interfaces15:38
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.15:38
BlueWolfDoes anyone know anything about docky?15:39
auronandaceBlueWolf: its a dock15:39
crashanddieBlueWolf, the author probably does.15:39
BlueWolfauronandace: crashanddie: Funny :D - Ok I have two on my desktop, how would I delete one of them?15:40
iHarp<< Need help with .deb installs. I ran "sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb" but I can't find the installation after.15:41
ikoniaiHarp: what are you trying to install15:41
bazhangiHarp, of what package15:41
iHarpI know it worked because running it again gives the "replacing" print15:42
ikoniaiHarp: where did you get this package ?15:42
iHarpone sec and Ill give you the origination of the package15:42
ikoniaiHarp: sudo apt-get ipheth-utils should get it15:44
ikoniaiHarp: you didn't have to download that15:44
ikonia!info ipheth-utils15:44
ubottuipheth-utils (source: ipheth): USB tethering driver support utilities for the iPhone. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0-3build1 (oneiric), package size 7 kB, installed size 68 kB15:44
ikoniaiHarp: it's in the universe repo15:44
ikoniayeah, it's there15:44
rambo298how is a terminal window started in dash for 11.10?15:45
iHarpI didn't have internet on the computer that I was getting it for. so I was having to USB it to it15:45
iHarpI probably should have stated that previously15:45
malko2Ƨa va ?15:45
e-OrchestratorI'm trying to use ubunto and wine terminal.    Having issues running windows based programs, games, etc.15:45
ikoniaiHarp: I'd recommand getting it from the repo now to make sure you have all the dependencies15:45
malko2ive got a problem with vlx remote15:46
auronandace!appdb | e-Orchestrator15:46
ubottue-Orchestrator: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:46
bastidrazorrambo298: you should be able to use a keyboard shortcut. ctrl alt T15:46
iHarpso the dependencies could be causing the issues15:46
malko2vlc remote and and vlc on my ubuntu desktop15:46
rambo298bastidrazor, ty15:46
ikoniaiHarp: not the no-icon issue15:46
ikoniaiHarp: I doubt there is an icon/menu item for it in the package15:46
rambo298bastidrazor, now to get wireless working on a fresh install15:46
iHarpit's a tethering program for my iphone.15:46
ikoniaiHarp: yes I read what it is15:47
e-OrchestratorThanks.  I'm looking at that now.   Do you ubunto gurus think running games like WoW show better fps than windows 7 platform?15:47
BlueWolfDoes anyone know where I can get Lexmark x2250 linux drivers or how would I get this printer to work?15:47
iHarpIs there a way to get the dependecies packaged for transfer to another cpu?15:47
ikoniae-Orchestrator: no15:47
ikoniaiHarp: you may already have the dependencies15:47
ikoniaiHarp: why do you think it's not working15:47
crashanddieiHarp, another CPU?15:48
ikoniacrashanddie: he means another machine15:48
spaceman88Hello... It's ok???15:48
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ubottuspaceman88: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».15:48
iHarpI can't get it to tether, and I know the phone is setup correctly15:48
ikoniaiHarp: how are you trying to tether it ?15:48
auronandaceBlueWolf: urghh, lexmark aren't great for linux (or at all), if they have any linux support it is usually an rpm file (may need to use alien or try extract a ppd file from it)15:48
e-OrchestratorI was hoping that running ubunto and wine would make everything load faster, and get better fps.    OR at least run more stable than windows.15:49
ikoniae-Orchestrator: very doubtful15:49
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bazhangBlueWolf, check linuxprinting.org database is your best bet15:49
e-OrchestratorOkay.  Fine!  lol   Atthe very least I want to learn a new o/s.  :D15:49
ugoubfind ../ -name \*.js -or -name \*.xml -exec grep -i -o --color=auto sel_role {} \; -print CAN ONLY FIND .xml FILE15:49
bazhang!manual | e-Orchestrator have a read15:50
ubottue-Orchestrator have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:50
iHarpthe guide said to install ipheth.deb and that "any" tethering software would work on the phone as long as it was standard tethering.15:50
ikoniaiHarp: ok - so how are you trying to tether the phone15:50
BlueWolfauronandace:  Well thats all I have and I'm not in any position to buy another, any suggestions or not?15:50
BlueWolfbazhang: Done that nothing15:50
auronandaceBlueWolf: just gave you 215:50
ikoniaiHarp: no, that's just plugging something in, how are you trying to actually tether the device15:51
e-Orchestratorthank you15:51
johnjacobjingere-Orchestrator: if the app is designed for windows to be honest I find it runs alot more stable and faster in Windows than in Wine..15:51
bazhangBlueWolf, whats the model number?15:51
RodneyJarvisHello, has gconf-editor been removed in 12.04?15:51
PiciRodneyJarvis : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.15:52
BlueWolfauronandace: Well I don't know what you mean. I don't specialize in printers15:52
ugoubHow can I use find and grep to find out Keywords 'sel_role' in both .js files and .xml files in multi folders?15:52
R3dyDo I have to have two unity bars when running dual monitors?15:52
auronandaceBlueWolf: you need the linux driver from the manufacturers website (it will likely be an rpm file)15:52
e-Orchestrator@john  - thanks.    Also, i have a solid state drive.   Are there any caveats that I need to know about before getting ubunto installed?15:52
bazhangBlueWolf, whats the model number?15:53
R3dyI have 11.10 at home with dual mons and only one unity bar15:53
iHarpI guess I'm not understanding your question. I'm installing ipheth with the understanding that it has some sort of function that allows my phone(given that its tethering functions are activated) to allow internet access.15:53
alketHi I have just on partition which has Ubuntu 11.10 but I need to partition that disk so I could have two partitions but gparted wont let me do it because the disk has to be unmounted ?15:53
R3dyjust installed 12.04 on this machine and now I have two, is this a bug in 12.0415:53
R3dyor a feature I can turn off?15:53
BlueWolfbazhang: X225015:53
PiciR3dy : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.15:53
iHarpbut I'm not seeing ipheths capabilities. GUI or term functions.15:53
Piciugoub: Does your find command list any js files if your remove -exec and everything after that?15:54
johnjacobjingere-Orchestrator: not that I am aware of, ubuntu wont even know the difference between solid state and a standard HD15:54
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ugoubPici: let me have a try.15:54
johnjacobjingeralket: do it from the Ubuntu Live CD or Gparted CD15:54
johnjacobjingeryou cant partition the drive on a running system15:55
ugoubPici: list a lot matching files15:55
alketjohnjacobjinger, Oh now I remember it, thank you15:55
e-Orchestrator@john - ty again.15:55
johnjacobjingeralket: gparted isnt installed on the Ubuntu Live CD :-( you'll need to apt-get it15:55
johnjacobjingerbut it'll run once you do that15:56
compdocalket: gparted IS installed on the Ubuntu Live CD15:56
Piciugoub: Are you sure that you have that line in your .js files?15:56
johnjacobjingercompdoc: is it? cuz i just tried and couldnt find it15:56
BlueWolfbazhang: Anything?15:56
johnjacobjingercompdoc: i had to apt-get it15:56
ikoniaiHarp: no, you need to use tethering software, and ipheth will allow your tethering software to use the iphone15:56
compdocjohnjacobjinger, it has been on the latest ones Ive tried15:56
ikoniaiHarp: ipheth is not the tethering software it's self15:56
ugoubyes, find ../ -name \*.js -or -name \*.xml -exec grep -i -o --color=auto sel_role {} \; -print CAN find sel_role in xml file15:57
R3dyPici: there is nobody in there15:57
Piciugoub: Okay, does find ../ -name \*.js -exec grep -i -o --color=auto sel_role {} \; -print   show anything?15:57
ugoubPici: find ../ -name \*.xml -or -name \*.js -exec grep -i -o --color=auto sel_role {} \; -print CAN find sel_role in js file15:57
Quantum_Ionugoub, You should turn that into a script15:57
theadminugoub: Except you have to escape the {} maybe: \{\} or '{}'15:57
ugoubPici: yes15:57
iHarpikonia: I think I see where you are going with that. Perhaps I just didn't understand the functionality. thanks.15:57
BlueWolfbazhang: ?15:58
Picitheadmin: no you don't.15:58
Piciugoub: let me do some tests here, one moment.15:58
iHarpMy issue lies in the phone software then15:58
theadminPici: Ah those aren't bash specials? Thought they were...15:58
ikoniaiHarp: try the gnome network manager, it "should" just show you the tethering option now15:58
bazhangBlueWolf, patience15:58
ugoubQuantum_Ion: I am a biggner of SHELL15:58
Quantum_Ionugoub, Your command doesn't work15:58
bazhangBlueWolf, it takes a moment to search for answers15:58
Shinkamu1I put some exports in a script to prep my dev environment every time I need to cross compile, but the exports don't stick outside of the script.  I don't remember there being a scope in bash before, what am I missing?15:59
ugoubQuantum_Ion: find ../ -name \*.js -or -name \*.xml -exec grep -i -o --color=auto sel_role {} \; -print IT WORKS FOR XML FILE15:59
ugoubQuantum_Ion: WHEN switch the 'js' and 'xml' it will work for js file15:59
auronandaceBlueWolf: just checked lexmark's site, they have windows and mac drivers but no linux ones15:59
ugoub find $1 -name $2 -exec grep -i -o --color=auto $3 {} \; -print >> $415:59
Quantum_Ionugoub, when I run that command I get this - >find: paths must precede expression: IT16:00
Quantum_IonUsage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression]16:00
BlueWolfauronandace: I have just checked, Looking at this - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/lexmark-x2250-in-linux-244625/16:00
ugoubQuantum_Ion: yes you have a file named IT right?16:00
Quantum_Ionugoub, no16:00
bosonghow do i restart the samba service without rebooting ?16:01
ugoubQuantum_Ion: when i run find ../ -name [jx][m][sl] ....... it will say find: paths must precede expression: soap.xml "but no keyworks in that file"16:01
ugoubQuantum_Ion: find $1 -name $2 -exec grep -i -o --color=auto $3 {} \; -print >> $4  I AM sure this will work16:02
Quantum_Ionugoub, I get this - > bash: $4: ambiguous redirect16:03
ugoubQuantum_Ion: That will write result to $4(a file path)16:03
The_Pugilistbosong, i believe the commands you are looking for are sudo restart smbd and sudo restart nmbd16:03
genii-aroundbosong: Probably: sudo restart smbd16:03
ugoubQuantum_Ion: you should replace $1:the path you want to find file(../); $2 file name(*.js) $3keyworks to find(sel_role);$4: file to keep result(~/sel_role)16:04
bosongok thanks16:04
Piciugoub: I got it.16:04
ugoubPici: ? any suggestion?16:05
Piciugoub: find ../ -name \*.js -or -name \*.xml -print0 |  xargs -0 grep -io --color=auto sel_role16:05
bazhangBlueWolf, lexmark themselves only have printers for mac and windows for that; judging by the forum posts, Fedora 6 got it running intermittently several years ago16:05
ugoubPici: any result from js file?16:06
Piciugoub: add -H to your grep command to show what file the matches are coming from.16:06
_GoRDoN__Hi! Any ideas what to do when cryptsetup wont accept keyfile after reboot?16:07
Piciugoub: arg... sorry: find ../ -name \*.js -or -name \*.xml | xargs grep -io --color=auto sel_role16:07
BlueWolfbazhang: Ya I know ( http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/lexmark-x2250-in-linux-244625/ ) Oh well guess I should throw this in the trash right now and get an HP. Thanks for the help16:07
auronandaceBlueWolf: hps are definitely a better choice16:08
BlueWolfauronandace: The thing is this Lexmark was given to me.16:08
donavan01anyone know of a program wor doing employee scheduling ... I need it to be simple to use and allow me to enter random start and end times for about 15 employees for a week/month at a time16:09
bazhangBlueWolf, if you have a windows or mac computer in your network, you can share it with your linux machine though16:09
helorandom is pretty hard to get right16:09
waxstone!ot | donavan0116:09
ubottudonavan01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:09
ugoubPici: Thanks, I got all the result (and a lot excpetions as no such file or directory)16:09
auronandaceBlueWolf: i used to have a lexmark before i even knew about linux, learned the hard way and now stick to hp for printers16:09
bazhangwaxstone, he's asking for an app to do that. its not offtopic16:10
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BlueWolfbazhang: auronandace: Ya I have moved off Windows. I hate the fact that most software is made for that operating system when all it does is cause issues for everyone.16:11
bazhangBlueWolf, or perhaps even a vbox with windows then share through that16:12
bosonga remote machine is copying files off my disk using samba. is there any way to tell which file is currently bbeing copied ?16:12
MonkeyDustdonavan01  is this what you mean? http://www.openerp.com/16:12
happyfacehow do I move icons around the unity dock?16:12
waxstonebazhang, are you an op? I dont see how asking for an app recommendation is on topic16:12
Guest84913I removed the old kernels from grub2 now i have no sound16:12
Guest84913do i try to remember what i removed oris there a better way16:12
auronandacewaxstone: asking for a ubuntu app is support related16:12
happyfaceSCRATCH THAT, you click and drag.. wow took me awhile to figure that out (way too intuitive)16:12
bazhangwaxstone, asking for help find ing an app? sure thats on topic16:12
MonkeyDustGuest84913  in a Terminal, type alsamixer, if you see MM, go there and press M16:13
BlueWolfbazhang: It will draw too much processor and ram - already looked at that option. But thanks16:13
waxstoneok I stand corrected16:13
elijahIs it possible to have GNOME16:13
auronandace!gnome2 | elijah16:14
ubottuelijah: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.16:14
bazhangelijah, gnome with what16:14
Guest84913MonkeyDust, no such file16:14
elijahIs it possible to have colored tabs in GNOME Terminal?16:14
MonkeyDust!info alsamixer| Guest8491316:14
ubottu'Guest84913' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, unstable16:14
MonkeyDust!info alsamixer | Guest8491316:14
ubottuGuest84913: Package alsamixer does not exist in oneiric16:14
MonkeyDuststrange, I use it all the time16:15
bazhangMonkeyDust, /msg ubottu if you are not sure please16:15
MonkeyDustbazhang  it was to show Guest8491316:15
elijahI want to have a tab for development and one for production webservers and I would like to have the development be red and production be green16:15
bazhangMonkeyDust, openerp is in the ubuntu repos as well16:15
MonkeyDustnice to know :)16:16
bosonga remote machine is copying files off my disk using samba. is there any way to tell which file is currently bbeing copied ?16:16
bazhangdonavan01, apt-cache search openerp shows it to be in ubuntu repos16:16
bazhangMonkeyDust, my reason for mentioning this is, you can tell where to install it from within ubuntu, instead of an outside site16:17
donavan01Thanks guys Im checking it out now16:17
blue112Hello here.16:17
MonkeyDustbazhang  always nice to know something has been added in the repos /ot16:18
bazhang!find openerp16:18
ubottuFound: openerp-client, openerp-modules-poweremail, openerp-server, openerp-web16:18
curiousxaloha all16:19
blue112Something bad is happening on my ubuntu, I don't know what. ps aux doesn't returning, neither git add.16:19
blue112Firefox crashes few minutes ago too.16:19
blue112What can I be ? I can't TERM process that doesn't returning, too. Ctrl C have no effect.16:20
blue112can it be*16:20
Alex_________blue112 what happens if you run top?16:20
Guest84913Is this the proper command alsamixer--help16:21
blue112Alex_________, it runs normally. My load is at 9, it don't know why since the top process only uses 4% of CPU16:21
theadminGuest84913: You skipped a space after "alsamixer"16:21
blue11213 of load now.16:22
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blue112Any help ?16:23
Guest84913card' requires an argument16:23
Guest84913what is an arguement16:24
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rambo298anyone know why broadcom wireless won't work with 11.10?16:25
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:26
dabbishjoin #ror16:26
elijahIs it possible to have colored tabs in GNOME Terminal?16:27
greenithi, when i type the command "sudo halt now" the computer shuts down the operating system, but it doesn't power off... is there a way to solve this?16:29
curiousxgreenit: with: sudo poweroff16:30
dr_willisgreenit,  try the shutdown command?16:30
theadmingreenit: This happens from time to time, append "reboot=bios" to your kernel line and have fun.16:30
=== Mud is now known as Guest41364
Abhijitgreenit, sudo shutdown -hP now16:30
greenitcuriousx, i want the halt-command because i start this computer with WoL and this doesn't work with poweroff16:31
greenitdr_willis, i alrdy tried shutdown -h now.... same effect16:31
greenittheadmin, what does this?16:32
theadmingreenit: As stated earlier: This happens from time to time (on some hardware), append "reboot=bios" to your kernel line and have fun.16:32
greenitAbhijit, ok, i'll try it16:32
theadmingreenit: This makes the kernel reboot/poweroff with the BIOS rather than with the built-in ACPI techniques, works better on some hardwares, dunno why16:32
Abhijitgreenit, what is wol?16:33
greenittheadmin, ok... does it matter that i have the new, graphical bios? (i think the name is efi)16:33
curiousxAbhijit: wake on lan16:33
greenitAbhijit, wol = wake on lan, i send the magic packet and the computer starts16:33
theadmingreenit: Hm... I'm not so sure -- try it (note you have to reboot before it takes effect, so...)16:34
blue112Something bad is happening on my ubuntu, I don't know what. ps aux doesn't returning, neither git add, nor pgrep nor w. killall -s9 doesn't kill frozen process. My load is 20, but no process is consuming CPU (seen with top). What can I do to fix that up ?16:34
waxstonetheadmin, can you adjust the kernel line from another place besides the grub menu ?16:34
greenittheadmin, ok, 1 last question: do i have to add it in the grub? because i neither have a keyboard nor a screen connected to the computer^^16:34
theadmingreenit, waxstone: Edit /etc/default/grub. There is a line saying GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="foo bar baz" (something like that), change it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="foo bar baz reboot=bios", save and run "sudo update-grub". All done now :)16:35
waxstonetheadmin, ty16:36
greenittheadmin, ah, thx... is it a problem if after the = there is just an empty "" ?16:37
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Aesthenautlooking for color configuration options so flat white isnt present everywhere...16:38
theadmingreenit: That's normal (Ubuntu's default is "quiet splash", although if you're on the server edition it's normal.) Then just change it to "reboot=bios" and have fun16:38
greenitAesthenaut, look at ~/.bashrc and change force_color_prompt=no to force_color_prompt=yes16:39
greenittheadmin, thx :)16:39
zykotick9theadmin: can i ask, what does "reboot=bios" do?  (I know, i should Read The Fine Manpage)16:39
MonkeyDustflowers @ theadmin16:40
theadminzykotick9: As stated before, it makes the kernel shut down by nicely asking the BIOS to do so, rather than using built-in ACPI techniques16:40
theadminMonkeyDust: flowers?16:40
Aesthenautgreenit: it is 'yes' currently D:16:40
ArizonaBAY__how to stream audio broadcasts16:40
Aesthenautoh wait no that's an exclude. excuse me16:40
ArizonaBAY__on ubuntu16:40
zykotick9theadmin: cool, thanks :)16:40
alessandro_ciao a tutti16:41
ArizonaBAY__Anyone knows how to stream audio broadcasts on ubuntu16:41
theadminArizonaBAY__: Try icecast16:41
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ArizonaBAY__ty Theadmin will do16:41
greenitAesthenaut, is it uncommented?16:42
Aesthenautgreenit: I uncommented it and saved.16:42
ArizonaBAY__i cant find the IceCast in the ubu n tu software center :/16:42
mastersehim selling my macbook pro 15" and asus g74sx laptops. anyone interested? please message me if you are.16:42
greenitAesthenaut, ah, k... now u have to exit this shell and start a new one, then it is colored^^16:42
theadminArizonaBAY__: I'm not sure it's there16:43
Aesthenautgreenit: I want to color all of ubuntu, lmao.16:43
greenitAesthenaut, what do you mean with color all?16:43
Aesthenautall the dialogue boxes and portions of the window which arent determined by the running software16:44
Aesthenautilll be back later, sir, thank you for your assistance16:44
greenitAesthenaut, oh, sry^^ don't know how to do this, thought u mean the text in the shell^^16:44
sparkerhey all noob ubuntu user here16:48
sparkeri have an older lexmark printer i need a driver for that the company doesnt have16:49
sparkerany ideas?16:49
greenithow can i make my ubuntu visible to other windows (and also linux) computers in the network, which are in the same workgroup?16:51
greenitbtw, hostname -A is empty16:52
BuboHello, how can i update my python from 2.6.5 to 2.7.216:55
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bosco_ok i have a problem i need some software that i can input customers information and what i have done for them to i can index this and back it up anyone know of anything usefull opensource or not i dont care i just need one ?16:56
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ubuntuaddictedanyone know what config file to set the default audio level for pulseaudio when I turn the computer on?16:57
theadminbosco_: LibreOffice Base?16:57
bosco_yes but i dont want to use the equivalant of excell  or libreoffice unfortunatly i would like one the has fields already marked16:58
=== Sovereign is now known as Guest96498
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soreaubosco_: There probably isn't an application tailored to do *exactly* what you need. Why not just make your own template with libreoffice?16:59
rambo298anyone know how to get wireless working with 11.10 and broadcom?17:00
danileigh79rambo298: yes17:01
MonkeyDust!bcm| rambo29817:01
ubotturambo298: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:01
danileigh79rambo298: You need droadcom b4317:01
nibblerbosco_, just a list: date|time-start|time-stop|customer|job ?17:01
rambo298danileigh79, did it ... still doesn't work17:01
danileigh79rambo298: sudo modprobe b4317:01
fellayaboyis it possible to do a remote desktop session with a totally different screen rather than using rdp and capturing data from the frame buffer17:02
bosco_nibbler i want a  piece of software that then i can search for that persons name and show all the times i done work for them?17:02
danileigh79rambo298: did that work?17:02
rambo298danileigh79, just a sec17:02
rambo298danileigh79, nothing in modprobe17:03
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:03
danileigh79rambo298: did you type sudo modprobe b43?17:03
danileigh79waxstone: that is bs, it doesn't work, I have the solution17:04
rambo298yes; nothing17:04
fellayaboyis it possible i can use remote desktop session but with a totally different screen session17:04
waxstoneoh ok17:04
rambo298i did:17:04
danileigh79Ok, do you have ANY internet access on this computer17:04
Guest96498Does anyone see anything wrong with in this Alsa script17:04
rambo298sudo apt-get update17:04
rambo298$ sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer17:04
rambo298$ sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source17:04
rambo298$ sudo reboot17:04
FloodBot1rambo298: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:04
fellayaboysomeones on the PC at home but i dont want to see what they see..i want a totally different screen for myself can anyone help17:04
fellayaboywhats the name of what i want? that way i can google search it?17:05
soreaufellayaboy: You can try ssh -X maybe17:05
danileigh79rambo298: listen, does the computer you have the issue with have ANY internet access right now17:05
reisihi everyone! just finishing installing a new 11.10 ubuntu server; configuration of x11-common (1:7.6+7ubuntu7.1) fails with "tempnam: No such file or directory"; any tips17:05
danileigh79rambo298: I can help you solve this issue, but I need you to listen and respond to my questions please, don't jump ahead17:06
rambo298danileigh79, ok we'll go slow ... i have wired fine17:06
fellayaboyits not possible to have soemone remote desktolp connect into a different user account on the server and have them have a different session17:06
rambo298danileigh79, i have done the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876276/17:07
danileigh79rambo298: ok, this is gonna take me a minute, so I'm gonna get the commands needed17:07
soreaufellayaboy: AFAIK, no. But you can try in ##linux to see if anyone else has an idea17:07
rambo298danileigh79, ok i've been at it for hours so i have minutes17:07
fellayaboywhats afaik by the way17:08
soreauAs Far As I Know17:08
danileigh79rambo298: Google broadcom-wl- and dl it17:08
fellayaboythanks soreau17:08
rambo298danileigh79, ok but 1 more thing; bcm43xx is blacklisted so i guess it should be with b43 installed17:08
danileigh79rambo298: don't worry about it, I had the same issue and what I'm having you do will fix the issue17:09
danileigh79rambo298: trust me, I'm not the kind of girl who's gonna make you do something that will frak up your system17:10
rambo298it's already there17:10
greenithow can i make my ubuntu-computer visible for other computers in the network? do i have to make a dns-server? does my router (linksys e3000) alrdy have a dns, or better a ddns server, when he has a dhcp-server?17:10
rambo298first i hate nvidia and their "we refuse to let ubuntu distro our drivers"17:10
rambo298now i had broadcom17:10
danileigh79rambo298: alright, next dl b43-fwcutter_011-1_i386.deb17:11
rambo298danileigh79, the broadcom dl is in the archive reader ... what do i do with it?17:11
danileigh79rambo298: del it and get fresh downloads into your dl folder in home17:11
greenitrambo298, i have a nvidia graphics card, had an amd before and the nvidia is far better supported, imo17:11
Shojoi'll buy a gc soon, what does linux support?17:12
MonkeyDustwhat's gc?17:12
Shojographic card17:12
greenitMonkeyDust, graphics card17:12
reisierr how is it possible that /bin/tempname -m 644 does not work in a fresh 11.10 server install?17:12
curiousxShojo: buy a nvidia17:12
reisi/bin/tempfile that is17:12
waxstonenvidia is definitely the best supported by linux17:12
greenitdoes any1 have an answer to my question?^^17:13
danileigh79rambo298: how we doing?17:13
rambo298almost there17:13
curiousxATI/AMD runs very well with driver version 12.1, but not better than nvidia grafic cards17:13
danileigh79rambo298: K also don't forget the b43-fwcutter_011-1_i386.deb17:14
reisierr nice; the server 11.10 installer left out /tmp when using partition full hd with just root and swap, no LVM17:14
rambo298ok both in the dl window17:14
danileigh79rambo298: also, don't try installing anything yet, we have a few other things to do17:14
Shojothks guys. rambo298 : http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html17:14
rambo298danileigh79, fire away17:14
ActionParsnipCuriousx: depending on the chips compared of course17:14
sparkerwell i guess my old lexmark doesnt play nice with ubuntu17:14
ActionParsnipGreenit: what was your question?17:15
danileigh79rambo298: ok, now go into your dl folder in terminal, and type the following tar xfvj broadcom-wl-
greenitreisi, hm... on my server the /tmp directory is there, i had the 11.10 server cd, partitioned full hd and did not select lvm17:15
ActionParsnipSparker: checked the lexmark site for drivers?17:15
curiousxyep and nvidia join to de linux foundation recently =P17:15
greenitActionParsnip, how can i make my ubuntu-computer visible for other computers in the network? do i have to make a dns-server? does my router (linksys e3000) alrdy have a dns, or better a ddns server, when he has a dhcp-server?17:15
Shojoyay for Nvidia17:16
sparkerAction sadly they only have ones for windows17:16
curiousxto the xD17:16
ActionParsnipGreenit: if it is in the same subnet, it is already v17:16
rambo298danileigh79, done17:16
danileigh79rambo298: Next, sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-
theadmingreenit: What do you mean by "visible"? You can probably already ping it17:16
Shojoyeah!..whatever xD means17:16
ActionParsnipGreenit: visible17:16
danileigh79rambo298: and if you get any errors, don't worry about them, we'll fix them with the next command17:17
curiousxgreenit: to share17:17
ActionParsnipGreenit: your home router will provide dns and dhcp services17:17
curiousxfail, to file sharing?17:17
reisigreenit: never had this happen before, only understood it once "strace tempfile -m 644" showed the failed open17:17
greenittheadmin, ActionParsnip  with visible i mean i can see the computer-icon with the name of my computer (through wins) from another computer, yes, i can ping my computer and i also can access the share, but i don't like that i everyone has to type in my computername / ip17:17
rambo298danileigh79, cannot open input file wl_apsta etc.17:18
DarsVaedahi, how do I setup a database for an app? I mean manually fill it with data...something like phpmyadmin or such17:18
johnjacobjingerdoesnt greenit need winbinds for that?17:18
rambo298is the sudo cmd one cmd or two17:18
danileigh79rambo298: that's fine, now do hthis b43-fwcutter --unsupported -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-
ActionParsnipSparker: try the z600 driver which is already available in the OS17:18
greenitjohnjacobjinger, winbind installed and running17:18
theadmingreenit: Hm ah, dunno17:18
Shojodanileigh79: can i pm you?17:19
johnjacobjingergreenit did you put the proper thing in the samba serer for it17:19
danileigh79Shojo: why?17:19
Shojocuz i dont wanna say it in the chan?17:19
waxstonegreenit, you want your network graphically represented, showing all computers and their names?17:19
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danileigh79Shojo: fine, but if it's anything inappropriate, we're gonna have a problem17:19
ActionParsnipGreenit: then connect using nautilus and once you see the root of the share, add it as a bookmark in nautilus.17:20
Guest11559hi guys, when i open a terminal and try to SCP something, nothing is been copied  and no error has been thrown , what can be wrong?17:20
danileigh79rambo298: how's it going?17:20
greenitwaxstone, something like that, i want to see my computer-icon when i click on the "discover network" in nautilus17:20
rambo298danileigh79, got usage print from b43-fwcutter17:20
johnjacobjingergreenit: /etc/nsswitch.conf needs to have the terms wins in it17:20
rambo298don't think it did anything]17:20
ActionParsnipGuest11559: tried with Filezilla or nautilus?17:21
greenitjohnjacobjinger, it has, right before dns17:21
danileigh79rambo298: ok, now sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb17:21
rambo298is there a slash after firmware?17:21
greenitjohnjacobjinger, i can also ping other computers with the network-name, but i can't see them in the nautilus-network-window17:21
johnjacobjingerhmm... not sure then what if u try accessing the machine from another machin via IP?17:21
velkoGuest11559, does /var/log/auth.log on the server show any errors?17:22
danileigh79rambo298: yeah, there is *facepalm* I mistyped sorry17:22
eezywriterlooging for ubuntu install support17:23
eezywriteror looking17:23
danileigh79!question | eezywriter17:24
ubottueezywriter: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:24
ActionParsnipeezywriter: give details and we'll try17:24
danileigh79rambo298: who's it going?17:24
rambo298danileigh79, module ssb is in use for modprobe17:24
haz3lnutQuestion: Update manager shows security updates for the kernel but I keep getting this error: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-3.0.0-16-generic_3.0.0-16.29_amd64.deb ... Hash Sum mismatch ... anyone know what's up?17:24
eezywritertnx. Installed via CD the Ubuntu 11.1 release, then when finished rebooted, but on startup there is no entry for Ubuntu, only the same as before with Windows17:24
danileigh79rambo298: ok, now just type sudo modprobe b43 and see if that works17:24
ActionParsniphaz3lnut: try: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update17:25
danileigh79rambo298: ?? Anything?17:25
adachow to remove all elemnts from an array17:25
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haz3lnut<ActionParsnip> I think I tried that, but I'll try again.17:25
rambo298what am i looking for?17:25
Krambiorixhi guys17:26
Krambiorix when i open a terminal and try to SCP something, nothing is been copied  and no error has been thrown , what can be wrong?17:26
danileigh79rambo298: look at your network at the top, is wireless active showing routers in range?17:26
rambo298danileigh79, i see no b43 in the lsmod list17:26
haz3lnut<Krambiorix> does scp -v  reveal anything?17:27
danileigh79rambo298: ok, something didn't take, jump into a PM with me so we're not getting distracted17:27
rambo298danileigh79, the -r removes b43 ... why did we remove it?17:27
ActionParsniphaz3lnut: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876302/17:28
danileigh79did you type the ssb after the -r b43?17:28
danileigh79rambo298: did you type the ssb after the -r b43?17:28
rambo298ssb in use17:28
rambo298what's ssb?17:28
ActionParsnipKrambiorix: tried filezilla?17:28
danileigh79rambo298: ok, let's start from the beginning, something in my notes didn't happen the way it was supposed to17:29
danileigh79rambo298: sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-
rambo298danileigh79, i have the wired network up; that would use ssb right? do i have to reboot with the wired out?17:30
ubuntujoin /ubuntu-de17:30
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danileigh79rambo298: let's start over, because something didn't happen right, no do not reboot yet17:31
ubuntujoin /#ubuntu-de17:31
curiousxslash goes in the begining17:31
velko_ubuntu, slash join space zaun ubuntu-de17:31
ActionParsnipUbuntu: try:    /join #ubuntu-de17:31
Krambiorixhaz3lnut: yes17:32
ActionParsnipvelko_: slash first, it denotes a command17:32
KrambiorixActionParsnip, no i just need it in commandline17:32
rambo298danileigh79, hold on let me try something17:32
velko_ActionParsnip, yep. as i told him17:32
haz3lnut<ActionParsnip> TY17:33
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ActionParsniphaz3lnut: all better?17:33
KrambiorixActionParsnip, haz3lnut found it, i have to put a path in it :s17:34
haz3lnut<ActionParsnip> I'm reviewing script first17:34
ActionParsnipvelko_: my mistake. Doesn't help the nick is ubuntu as well. Sorry17:35
velko_ActionParsnip, np17:35
danileigh79rambo298: I'll be back shortly... Don't go anywhere17:35
haz3lnut<ActionParsnip> why LANG=C for apt-get?17:35
haz3lnut<ActionParsnip> and what's the purpose of this: APT::Cache-Limit=2516582417:36
ActionParsniphaz3lnut: it basically cleans out all knowledge of the packages on any repos, then redownloads the file list including the MD5 hashes17:36
ubuntuaddictedanyone know what config to edit for pulseaudio default level? i turn on computer and it's always 140%17:36
ActionParsniphaz3lnut: its a copy from the package fix doc. I have it in a script to make life easier17:37
haz3lnut<ActionParsnip> gotcha, thanks17:37
ActionParsniphaz3lnut: i believe the large cache is to deal with the large download. It stops errors and is o17:38
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
greenithow can i see other computers, for example with a windows share on my ubuntu-computer? i have samba installed, wins and winbind activated and i alrdy can ping other computers with the name, but when i press the network-tab in nautilus, it shows windows-network, i click on that and then it is empty :(17:38
ActionParsniphaz3lnut: only active for that command17:38
nOStahlhey guys can I zero a drive from the ubuntu server installer cd17:38
ActionParsnipGreenit: if you run:  smbtree   do you see the shares17:39
OerHeksnOStahl, the server cd has got no live mode17:39
nOStahlfrom command line17:39
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ActionParsnipnOStahl: sure, just press CTRL+ALT+F2 and you can do as you wish17:40
OerHeksnOStahl, but you can trust the installer, to create a clean disk & clean MBR17:40
ActionParsnipOerHeks: it does have multiple ttys though ;-)17:40
greenitActionParsnip, cli_start_connection: failed to connect to<20> ( Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED17:40
greenitcli_start_connection: failed to connect to censoredNetwork<20> ( Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED17:40
nOStahlcan I? I'm hearing issues with raid meta data not being written over correctly17:40
nOStahlso i need to dd zero the first meg and last meg of my drive17:40
OerHeksoh thnx ActionParsnip, never got there.17:41
ActionParsnipnOStahl: if you can see the drives in the output of: sudo fdisk -l   you can do it17:41
ActionParsnipGreenit: ok use the web to find out how that is fixed. I'd help but i'm on gsm speed on a phone17:42
greenitActionParsnip, oh, ok17:43
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physically_fithas anyone seen the movie John Carter? is it any good? I loved Wall-E17:45
curiousx'Jhon Carter use ubuntu \m/-_-\m/17:45
curiousxxD physically_fit this is offtopic17:46
soreau! ot | physically_fit17:46
ubottuphysically_fit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:46
sereim wanting to upgrade to 12.0 lts but i realize its a beta ....would i need to upgrade again once the full release comes out17:47
physically_fitcuriousx, creating that movie involved computers and software too17:47
joe9aptitude is awesome. just migrated from debian to ubuntu using it. it is very impressive.17:47
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theadmin!fr | kiizer17:49
ubottukiizer: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en franƧais, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:49
tyaakowHello, people... I have an issue with SHV5 rootkit on my server...17:50
haz3lnut<ActionParsnip> Any idea why I would see this from apt-get update: bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing.17:50
tyaakowCan anyone tell me how to force coreutils reinstall17:50
tyaakowserver oneiric.17:51
tyaakowI have only ssh access.17:51
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inaayatDo anybody know how to Uninstall Ā“Ā“Cairo-DockĀ“Ā“ ?17:51
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theadmintyaakow: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/apt-get --force --reinstall install coreutils # Something like this, I guess ?17:53
haz3lnutAnyone have an idea why I would see this from apt-get update:  "bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing."17:53
jadoenautilus takes possession of one cpu core, 25% cpu usage. what is it doing? bug?17:54
tyaakowI'll try mate17:54
paopaohelp, hash sum mismatch17:54
inaayathow to uninstall programs ?17:55
paopaohelp, hash sum mismatch17:56
lwizardlevertime there is an update it always kills my headphone port. is there a way to write maybe a script that after every time apt-get finishes run this script ?17:56
MonkeyDustlwizardl  better ask in #bash17:56
haz3lnut<paopao> me too17:56
tyaakowtheadmin, wont do... Heres the output http://pastebin.com/zPDsVF7k17:57
rypervenchepaopao: Don't use a PPA, that will fix the problem.17:57
paopaohaz3lnuy woowoo17:57
tyaakowthere is no --force option and it seems some basic files like find had been compromised17:58
inaayatHOW TO UNINSTALL PROGRAMMS !!! :@@@@17:58
inaayatIM PISSED OFF ! :@17:58
MonkeyDustinaayat  by not shouting17:58
dannelPlease remain calm and euthanised17:59
paopaorypervenche then can i download it directly through this link and install:http://ppa.launchpad.net/elegant-gnome/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 ?17:59
MonkeyDustand do what mama said17:59
haz3lnut<inaayat> with synaptic right click mark for removal, apply17:59
BlueWolfinaayat: What the problem?17:59
haz3lnutAnyone have an idea why I would see this from apt-get update:  "bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing."18:00
CatKillerHi there! If I add an init script to rc.d, which tty will it be running in? The tty allocated for the startup process (what I see on my screen when I boot?), also, if that script is blocking (i.e. doesn't return), will it block other scripts from being executed or do they all run in parallel?18:00
paopaorypervenche then can i download it directly through this link and install:http://ppa.launchpad.net/elegant-gnome/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 ?18:01
lwizardlokay was told to ask in here since not a bash question18:01
rypervenchepaopao: If you want. I don't recommend using PPA packages.18:02
lwizardleverytime my distro has updates installed my headphone jack stops working and then I have to reinstall the driver package. is there a way to make a autorun script that after apt-get upgrade finishes it runs the driver package reinstall18:02
danileigh79And I specifically told Rambo NOT to go anywhere... sheesh, guys just don't like listening *wink*18:02
paopaorypervenche why? is ppa unstable?18:02
greenittheadmin, do you know the tip u gave me with adding "reboot=bios" to my kernel-line?18:03
greenittheadmin, remember18:03
theadmingreenit: Yes, what?18:03
greenittheadmin, well, halt works, but wol doesn't work anymore^^18:03
chris_8Has anyone successfully mounted a Samsung Galaxy S Infuse on 11.10? If so, HOW??!18:03
theadmingreenit: Oh, uh, well I can't help with that sorry...18:03
greenittheadmin, np, then i go to the server and start it manually^^18:04
velko_lwizardl, you'll find people who can help you with this not in #bash but in a channel dedicated to apt-get or dpkg. or as a fallback in the regular debian channel?18:04
sparkersomeone suggested i use a z600 driver for my lexmark but i cant seem to find it18:05
rypervenche!ppa | paopao18:05
ubottupaopao: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:05
chris_8Anyone found solution for USB mounting storage devices with 11.10?18:06
subdesignchris_8 : http://goo.gl/tlJHx18:06
chris_8SubDesign: Thanks, been looking online for an hour18:06
paopaoubottu  is my problem caused by using PPA?18:07
ubottupaopao: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:07
MrPopinjayHi guys18:07
chris_8SubDesign: That's for an old version of Ubuntu18:07
lwizardlvelko_, okay thanks18:07
paopaobot what's that mean?18:07
MrPopinjayCan someone please help me with pipes? I can't seem to get it to work. it's this character, right? |18:07
chris_8Lucid could mount my phone np, but now 11.10 cannot...18:07
velko_MrPopinjay, yep18:07
subdesigndid you even try what they say?18:08
paopaoubottu  is my problem caused by using PPA18:08
ubottupaopao: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:08
chris_8SubDesign: Yes, about an hour ago18:08
paopaorypervenche is my problem caused by using PPA18:09
subdesignah ok so you found the same forum18:09
rypervenchepaopao: I do believe so.18:09
subdesignchris_8, what helped me switched off then on the phone18:09
paopaorypervenche no! but how can i fix it18:10
chris_8SubDesign: no, but other sites had the same advice for older versions of Ubuntu18:10
zykotick9paopao: ubottu is a (ro)bot - not a real person18:10
chris_8maybe there's something there more recent18:10
rypervenche!ppapurge | paopao18:10
paopaozykotick9 ..........18:10
rypervenche!ppa-purge | paopao18:10
ubottupaopao: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: Ā« sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> Ā» ā€“ For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:10
paopao!ppapurge | paopao18:10
chris_8already tried multiple reboots for each setting18:11
MadsRCHave anybody tried to connect to a Cisco IPSec VPN with Ubuntu/Nautilus GUI (The one in the same place as WiFi setup)?18:12
theadminMadsRC: NetworkManager, you mean.18:13
MadsRCYeah, network manager (sorry)18:13
theadminMadsRC: It seems there's no way as of now :(18:14
MadsRCI can get it to work pretty easily with VPNC, just wondering if you could get the network manager to do that18:14
urgodfatherhello, will someone help me get graphics working properly on my system... dell poweredge sc430 with ubuntu server & desktop18:14
paopaorypervenche but i don't know the ppa name18:14
paopaorypervenche that website is so hard to connect...18:15
TellmarchHello. I have a problem with the sound in java applet, it often doesn't work. how to fix it?18:16
paopaorypervenche thanx anyway18:20
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: u have both server AND desktop edition... i'm confused18:21
johnjacobjingeru dont need graphics driver if you have server as it's all CLI18:21
johnjacobjingerno gui18:21
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: no18:21
jollyanoni'm new to irc. i want to configure my client to use a VPN. can someone point me in the right direction?18:21
velko_urgodfather, i cannot find on the internet which graphic card is in this machine. and what is your problem exactly?18:21
johnjacobjingerurgodfather so what do u mean?18:21
sarayla ablame en espaƱol18:22
danileigh79!es | saray18:22
ubottusaray: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:22
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: i have server installed then apt-get ubuntu-desktop for gui18:22
zykotick9velko_: if you got urgodfather to run "lspci | grep -i vga" it should return the GPU18:22
johnjacobjingeri dont think i've ever been able to get any of my dell servers to work with the GUI version of ubuntu or at least the graphics card18:23
velko_zykotick9, thank you18:23
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: how come you didnt just install ubuntu desktop18:23
JohnNapsterin the ubuntu source code how to get the version of the currently installed ubuntu?18:23
saraydcon tu `puta madre18:23
johnjacobjingerit may already have the grpahics card driver on there18:23
JohnNapsterin the ubuntu source code how to get the version of the currently installed ubuntu? is it by {version}  ?18:23
saraytu puta madre18:23
zykotick9JohnNapster: "apt-cache policy foo" is one method of showing currently installed/installable versions18:24
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: b/c its on a server18:24
m4v!ops | saray is insulting in spanish18:24
ubottusaray is insulting in spanish: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!18:24
rypervenchepaopao: 對äøčµ·. If you just follow those directions you should be able to remove the PPA and you shouldn't have any further problems.18:24
physically_fitbesides pastebin, what's another good site to paste text?18:24
zykotick9JohnNapster: ignore me ;)18:24
xbyte1024when I try to cross-compole a kernel for my ARM i get an error: error: asm/socket.h: No such file or directory18:24
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: that doesnt matter... server just means it doesnt have the support for a GUI and has some other various things, but all that is on the desktop version18:24
xbyte1024anybody knows why?18:24
JohnNapsterin update-manager i need to reference in a string to the currently installed version of Ubuntu    how to do that?18:24
johnjacobjingerthe server version is meant to be streamlined cuz most ppl who use it dont need a GUI therefore dont need all the Graphics Drivers18:25
JohnNapstertext_label_main = _("These software updates have been issued since Ubuntu {version} was released.")18:25
JohnNapsterwill that be okay?18:25
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: some of those i intend on using some of the server features18:25
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: those features are in ubuntu desktop18:26
johnjacobjingerwhat features are you looking for?18:26
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urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: dns, mail, smb18:26
johnjacobjingerthose are on server18:26
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: the only difference is lack of GUI an graphics driver in the server version18:27
theadminurgodfather: You can install the server features in the desktop version. The opposite is also possible but makes less sense18:27
johnjacobjingertheadmin: am I right to say not all the graphics drivers are on the server install?18:27
theadminjohnjacobjinger: Well, Xorg is not present so no X drivers are there at all, yes, only console-mode drivers are there.18:28
bastidrazorjohnjacobjinger: they use the same repository. it does not matter if he is using the server or desktop version. he can apt-get the required drivers18:28
johnjacobjingerit sounds like urgodfather installed server then added the desktop gui and now is finding that he cant get all his graphic features18:28
urgodfathertheadmin: so... instead of using server backbone... use desktop backbone then build on top18:28
bluefrogJohnNapster, /etc/issur18:28
bluefrogJohnNapster, /etc/issue18:28
johnjacobjingerbastidrazor: but we dont know his Graphics card and dell doesnt seem to list it18:28
theadminurgodfather: Basically, though it's easy, just issue one command: sudo apt-get install tasksel && sudo tasksel install ubuntu-server18:28
bastidrazorjohnjacobjinger: lspci | grep -i vga18:28
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: not just graphics... flash, etc18:29
theadminurgodfather: For the opposite, replace -server with -desktop lol18:29
johnjacobjingeryea it just says built in generic vga bastidrazor no model number or anything18:29
johnjacobjingerit's a dell server with an integrated generic VGA controller18:29
johnjacobjingerwnt even say the chipset18:30
daniel___anyone have a problem in unity, that the button to close a window is not in the orange color sometimes?18:30
urgodfathertheadmin: so, since i have server on here then sudo apt-get install tasksel && sudo apt-get install tasksel-desktop18:30
theadminurgodfather: Err, ubuntu-desktop, not tasksel-desktop18:30
theadminurgodfather: sudo apt-get install tasksel && sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop18:31
johnjacobjingertheadmin: but he has ubuntu-desktop just no graphics card driver and ctn figure out what kind of graphics card it is18:31
johnjacobjingerdell doesnt even have the driver as it's built into Windows Server18:31
johnjacobjinger(which is what that server was prob licensed for at purchase)18:32
urgodfathertheadmin: well i already did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop so.. just do the tasksel18:32
johnjacobjingerand i know from about a year and a half or so ago i tried ubuntu destkop on my poweredge 2950 and could never get that graphics card to work correctly18:33
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: it was an xgi18:33
MadsRCI've got a NAS running a windows share. Can't I somehow mount that some other way that with nautilus' "Connect to Server" so that it is recogniced as a mounted drive (Then I can get Conky togive me statuses on drive usage)18:33
paopaorypervenche ok thankx i'll try it :-)18:33
Guest78836I am trying to edit grub to default to Windows (it is a mame cabinet) with a live CD of fedora. I can seem to get sudo access.Any way to do this? I dont know sudo credentials for ubuntu install18:34
chosigUdda, Ubuntu vill installera ubuntuone-control-panel, som installerar halva Qt som dependencies...18:34
paopaorypervenche but i've done, it's just make no sense18:34
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: whats ur dell service tag?18:34
chosigOdd, Ubuntu wants to install ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk which requires half of the Qt packages there is (it seems like)...18:35
johnjacobjingeri want to see what was built with that machine maybe it has an exact model number for the GPU18:35
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: whats that lspci gprep command you had me do yest?18:35
johnjacobjingeri didnt have u do any command yesterday i dont think18:36
betefivenigth all18:36
chosigRephrasing I wonder why ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk has libqt4-designer, libqt4-test, libqt4-help, libqt4-scripttools, libqtwebkit4 etc. etc as dependencies (it being a gtk package)18:36
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: it was like lspci | gprep vga or something of the sort18:37
johnjacobjingerlooks like a volari z7 video controller urgodfather18:37
johnjacobjingerthey have a redhat driver18:37
blitzoh crap18:38
urgodfatherwhich one should i use?18:38
blitzall my unity sidebar buttons scrunched into one18:38
paopaorypervenche thank you very much, there are no problems any more, i just changed another source and then changed it back, and the problem disappeared!18:38
urgodfatheri didnt see one for gfx18:38
betefivecan help me about programing on ubuntu???18:38
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: this link here mught help.....  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man4/sis.4.html   thought it is a bit outdated18:39
rhizmoeugh, why do all torrent clients suck?18:39
velko_betefive, what do you need/want to do?18:39
theadminrhizmoe: Ever tried qbittorrent? Works fine for me lol18:39
chosigrhizmoe, because you haven't made your own yet? :P18:39
johnjacobjingeri like utorrent18:39
rhizmoebetefive: use more words18:39
johnjacobjingerand transmission18:39
rhizmoechosig: that's really probably it.18:39
rhizmoeno, transmission is the current suck. too clicky.18:40
chosigrtorrent ftw18:40
zykotick9rhizmoe: two words - screen & rtorrent18:40
rhizmoeclicky = too much manual operation18:40
johnjacobjingerwats clicky mean?18:40
chosigJust save the .torrent to a folder designated, and that's it. No clicky18:40
xbyte1024rhizmoe: deluge is exelent18:40
johnjacobjingeri see18:40
johnjacobjingeri think18:40
rhizmoechosig: and then for specifying destination directories?18:40
rhizmoei don't just throw everything into one directory18:41
betefive@<rhizmoe> how i can make program c++ on the backtrack? now iam using backtrack18:41
johnjacobjingeri like utorrent just asks one thing when opening a torrent... where to save to and thats it18:41
chosigrhizmoe: It can save to a folder you want, and with sub-folders depending on label etc.18:41
rhizmoechosig: that's the current suck18:41
rhizmoeit depends on how they implement it, though. i'll check it.18:41
rhizmoethanks everybody!18:42
urgodfatherjohnjacobjinger: how to install?18:42
blitzhttp://imgur.com/a/7i86W any idea how to fix this?18:42
escottmy university in their brilliance has disabled ssh auth keys, and to boot their login servers are crazy slow. is there some way that I can open an initial ssh connection and then direct subsequent commands through that same channel (in some way split the channel so I can have multiple terminals, as well as an scp running through the same control channel)18:43
guest-XmPN1ci accidentally changed my settings in cssm and this is what happened to my desktop http://i.imgur.com/RQmCt.png. How do i make it look like this: http://i.imgur.com/iBrsW.png again?18:44
LoRezescott: 'ControlMaster'18:44
=== reed_ is now known as reed
escottLoRez, does that require support from the other end?18:44
guest-XmPN1ci cant even get back in to cssm on this desktop http://i.imgur.com/RQmCt.png18:45
LoRezescott: dunno18:45
johnjacobjingerurgodfather: dont really know... but found this using me leet googling powers http://blog.bigsmoke.us/2011/01/18/ubuntu-sis-671-driver18:45
johnjacobjingermight work for you too18:45
kelvinellais xubuntu better than ubuntu for netbook?18:45
daviddoriaI am trying to use a tv as my monitor. It seems to work, but there are about a "taskbar" worth of pixels that aren't displayed around the edges (i.e. it seems to display slightly larger than the tv). Is there anything that can be done to fix this?18:45
johnjacobjingerkelvinella: depends on the specs of your netbook18:45
kelvinellagot a dell mini9 here from 200818:45
johnjacobjingersome ppl say lubuntu does better on netbooks18:46
johnjacobjingeri dont own a netbook so i dunno18:46
kelvinellai found ubuntu11.10 isnt that fast18:46
johnjacobjingermaybe ur computer isnt that fast kelvinella18:46
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Guest90624Where can I get the version of FFMPEG that has the ability to encode MPEG-4 (AAC) audio?18:48
escottLoRez, that works perfectly18:48
kelvinelladoes moblin still exist?18:48
guest-XmPN1chow do i get into cssm through this desktop to change it back to unity?18:51
At0mIzeRCTRL+SHIFT+T  open up terminal and type: ccsm  ?18:52
guest-XmPN1cthank you18:53
jadoemy nautilus has constant 25% cpu usage (1 of 4 cores). what does it do? bug?18:53
ollxIs it posible to play Games with "Steam" under Ubuntu without Wine?18:54
Outrunnerdont think so18:54
DinoMuffinUnless you count a windows virtual machine under ubuntu, I can't think of any18:55
Guest90624Where can I get a version of FFMPEG that supports AAC encoding in videos?18:55
Guest90624AAC audio, that is.18:55
ollxdamn ... wine & Steam dont work well ... thx18:55
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DinoMuffinollx: one thing I found that helps is running it under a virtual desktop in wine18:56
zykotick9Guest90624: medibuntu is one option18:57
Outrunneryou can allways try desura18:59
Outrunnerbut the games are not the same18:59
HaferstrohHello, I got a problem with nautilus. If I plug in a USB Storage Device (USB Stick) and open a nautilus window, then, if I unmount the device nautilus completely close its window and doesnt shows e.g. the mount folder or smth. else19:00
ardianHello, I am booting my netbook with ubuntu 11.10 but I'm getting an error "An error occurred while mounting"19:02
DinoMuffinHaferstroh: I'm not sure I follow, what is it not showing?19:02
JWFoxJrHi, I have HP Elitebook 8460p, Ubuntu 11.10, Gnome Shell, and I can't find a way to disable the trackpad. Even I select disable trackpad, it's still active? Anyone have any ideas?19:03
JWFoxJrs/I select/if I select/g19:03
DinoMuffinJWFoxJr: you mean the tapping or the entire touchpad?19:03
JWFoxJrDinoMuffin: the entire touchpad19:04
HaferstrohDinoMuffin, I open nautilus, plug in a usbstick, open the usbstick and then I unmount the usbstick and nautilus shuts down19:04
danileigh79Hey guys, I'm getting my daughter for the weekend, so I've got to go... he doesn't like it when I'm on the computer when my daughter is here :(19:04
DinoMuffinHaferstroh: I think nautilus is supposed to shutdown if it's in the same folder as an unmounted drive. Have you tried changing folders and then unmounting?19:05
danileigh79He= my ex19:05
DinoMuffinthough, i havent used nautilus in a long time19:05
danileigh79Have a good weekend all, see you monday19:05
Trollersee you19:05
Haferstrohdanileigh79,  drive carefully :-)19:05
danileigh79Haferstroh: No driving :) they're coming here, but thanks19:06
Haferstrohok then have a good time with "them" *g*19:06
Haferstroh@ danileigh7919:06
DinoMuffinJWFoxJr: try 'synclient TouchpadOff=1' in your console19:08
ardianI am booting my netbook with ubuntu 11.10 but I'm getting an error "An error occurred while mounting"19:08
JWFoxJrDinoMuffin: that did the trick - I guess I'll have to re-write my script that detects my USB mouse.19:10
JWFoxJrDinoMuffin: Thanks!19:10
DinoMuffinNo prob19:10
calicoCan't burn a DVD in K3b... and it's urgent, can anybody help. :-( unable to O_EXCL /dev/sr0: someone was in time to remount19:11
velko_calico, if you have a permissions problem and you urgent have to do the job you can try to start k3b as root19:12
calicoprobvah, sudo k3b, ne stana ;[19:13
velko_calico, what happened instead?19:13
calicovelko_,  got exactly the same erro19:14
PioneerAxonHey all , from last few weeks, I am unable to get any updates on my ubuntu 11.10 running on kernel 3.0.0-14-generic.19:14
PioneerAxonit shows all my packages obsolete... :(19:14
iHarpAnyone know how to disable the (joined/quit) msgs in Xchat?19:14
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   it actually says "obsolete"?19:15
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: yes, all of them are listed under local (obsolete) category in synaptic..19:15
CFHowlettiHarp   no - but if you add chatzilla plugin to ffox - no enter/exit msg's19:15
velko_calico, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3b/+bug/29342019:15
calicoiHarp,  you can't, but you could change their color to the same as the backgrounnd color19:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293420 in k3b (Ubuntu) "k3b can't burn a DVD ISO to a DVD" [Undecided,Invalid]19:15
iHarpcalico:   nice :p19:16
azerthi there19:16
bastidrazoriHarp: right click the channel name > in the drop down there should be an option to hide joins/parts19:16
calicovelko_,  k i'll try rebooting19:16
CFHowlettazert   greetings19:16
azerti would like to make compatible my webcam on my ubuntu system what i have to do ?19:16
azertthis is it19:16
iHarpbastidrazor: Perfect. That's what I needed.19:17
CFHowlettazert  plug it in yet??19:17
iHarpIt gets confusing sometimes.19:17
rattatoueI am running xubuntu. when I put a cd/dvd into the computers drive it doesn't auto mount or load it, any suggestions?19:17
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   that is one weird message - sorry but IDK what to say19:17
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: Ā« sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop Ā» - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:17
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: Tried updating them all, but it doesn't help.. :(19:18
calicorebooting worked velko_  thanks19:19
azertyeah correct allready connected to my pc CFHowlett19:19
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   I'd guess a repository setting error, but I can't understand how ALL packages got hit.19:19
calicoiHarp, you're welcome ;p19:19
ubottusimone: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».19:19
CFHowlettazert   what app are you using to test the webcam?  cheese?  guvcview?19:19
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: Looks like keys are corrupt.... Can you help me configure them from keyserver.ubuntu.com ? when I try to get them from my browser, it just opens them in text mode.. :(19:20
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   I'd say re-key them ... wait one got something for you19:20
ubottusimone: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi Ā« /join #ubuntu-it Ā» senza virgolette)19:20
arowanawith Xchat how do I stop the people connect/disconnected thing?19:21
calicoarowana, ask iHarp19:21
pangolinarowana: right click on the channel name19:21
azerti m using terminal CFHowlett where when i do dmesg i can see nothing19:21
arowanaWell now that makes sense :) thanks19:22
pangolinarowana: sure thing, there is also a #xchat19:22
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: I didn't understand.. I don't know italian.. :(19:22
CFHowlettPioneerAxon  for rebuilding the source list to default...http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/index.php19:22
calicoarowana, just change the color for these events to whatever your background color is19:22
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   wait 1 ...19:23
rattatoueI need a little help, my cd/dvd is not automounting when I put it in.19:23
pangolincalico: why offer a complicated solution when there is an easy one?19:23
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zykotick9rattatoue: data cd/dvd, or audio cd & video dvd?19:23
calicopangolin,  and what is the easier solution mate?19:23
pangolincalico: to right click on the channel name and disable the events19:24
rattatouezykotick9, anything. Nothing I put in the drive shows up, when I try to manually mount it. Says its not in the fstab19:24
sstaaromasca: /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS19:24
CFHowlettazert   also, look  at rekeying your sources ... http://www.learningubuntu.com/tips/how-get-missing-ppa-gpg-keys-automatically19:24
zykotick9rattatoue: with a data cd/dvd, try "sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt" do you get an error?19:25
rattatouezykotick9, "/dev/cdrom does not exist"19:25
DinoMuffintry dvd19:25
zykotick9rattatoue: that would be the issue then.  try "dmesg | grep sr0" any errors?19:26
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   see http://blog.ibeentoubuntu.com/2008/03/how-do-you-check-if-your-webcam-is.html19:26
zykotick9DinoMuffin: both /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd are just links to sr0 usually19:26
davv3hello. how do i refresh my repo? using aptitude from commandline19:26
davv3i get 404 trying to install packages as it is19:26
rattatouezykotick9, a lot of Medium Error [current]19:26
velko_davv3, just like you would if you used apt-get: sudo aptitude update19:27
CFHowlettdavv3   sudo apt-get update19:27
zykotick9rattatoue: what does "ls -l /dev/cdrom" show?19:27
davv3velko_: CFHowlett: thanks !19:27
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rattatouezykotick9, no such file or directory19:27
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   experiment with selecting a different server too19:27
zykotick9rattatoue: sorry19:27
zykotick9rattatoue: does "grep cdrom /etc/fstab" show anything?19:28
rattatouezykotick9, no. I did try this earlier. sudo lshw -C disk. And it says according to it my cdrom is /dev/scd0.19:29
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: I replaced my /etc/source.list But, when I run apt-get update, it just completes without doing anything...19:29
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   paste19:29
ubottuPioneerAxon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:29
BodsdaPioneerAxon: you mean /etc/apt/sources.list   yeah?19:30
zykotick9rattatoue: /dev/scd0?  ummm, sorry i have no idea then (i would expect /dev/sr0).  Good luck.19:30
calicopangolin, nice, tnx19:30
PioneerAxonBodsda: Yes.19:30
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: The site you gave me, generated this file.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/876462/19:31
=== Mud is now known as Guest88071
azertCFHowlett: after installing cheese my webcam work very well with cheese19:31
azertbut not with skye19:31
calicopangolin, i'm a mirc guy and didn't know about that option here :D19:31
BlueWolfWhere can I get help about gimp? Is there a chat site like this for gimp?19:31
CFHowlettBlueWolf   right here will work19:32
BodsdaBlueWolf: or there are several other support avenues - http://www.gimp.org/irc.html19:32
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   sources look good.  don't understand your error.  sorry, but IDK.  please ask in channel.19:32
bobweaverthere is a #gimp channel also19:32
BodsdaPioneerAxon: can you paste the entire terminal output from the prompt where you run    sudo apt-get update   until the next empty prompt - thanks19:33
CFHowlettazert   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183625819:33
BlueWolfOk thanks all :D19:33
BlueWolfI needed that19:33
velko_rattatoue, can you pastebin your /etc/fstab?19:34
CFHowlettBlueWolf   #ubuntustudio as well19:34
rattatouevelko_, http://pastebin.com/CET9spJu19:35
PioneerAxonBodsda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876472/19:35
azertafter this my webcam is working but not that integrate microphone CFHowlett19:36
crfripperhow do I add quicksynergy to startup applications? I put /usr/bin/quicksynergy in but it doesn't work19:37
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   not enough info - sudo apt-get --verbose [so we can see it all]19:37
crfripperalso, I think I need to get away from quicksynergy and use synergy.conf if I want to use relative mouse movements right?19:37
velko_rattatoue, try to append "/dev/scd0  /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  user,noauto,exec,utf8  0  0" at the end of the file19:38
BodsdaPioneerAxon: and    ls -lah /etc/apt    please.19:38
Bodsda!hi Criss19:38
Bodsda!hi | Criss19:38
CFHowlettCriss   icu19:38
Bodsdahmm, ubottu always used to have that factoid19:38
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CrissSo whats going on?19:39
BodsdaCriss: this is a support channel, please join #ubuntu-offtopic unless you have a support question19:39
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CrissI see19:39
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rattatouevelko_, I tried that then tried mounting it and it says something about wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock19:39
velko_rattatoue, and what is the exact text of the errors you get in your syslog?19:40
kokkopokkohow do you put "Dock gnome extension" on bottom?19:40
rattatouevelko_, how would I view that? i dont know what the sys log is19:40
mroth1I'm having an LDAP issue can someone guide me?19:40
Bodsdarattatoue: cat /var/log/syslog | less19:41
velko_rattatoue, look in the files: /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog and /var/log/dmesg19:41
ubottumroth1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:42
kokkopokkoor google.com19:42
PioneerAxonBodsda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876487/19:42
mroth1I've been searching for the past few days, it's a weird issue19:42
rattatouevelko_, http://pastebin.com/bAxDP6cE19:43
CFHowlettazert   what is the make/model of your webcam and what ubuntu version19:43
kokkopokkomroth1, you could start by telling us the exactly issue or log error19:43
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: E: Command line option --verbose is not understood19:43
mroth1I have a server that is authenticating with an external LDAP master server19:43
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   -v19:43
mroth1in my nsswitch.conf file I don't add ldap to shadow19:44
mroth1because when I do19:44
mroth1users get put into a password reset loop when they ssh in19:44
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876490/19:44
mroth1at the same time my ldap groups are not importing into the server19:44
mroth1so when I run $ getent group19:45
BodsdaPioneerAxon: capital -V19:45
mroth1I don't see my LDAP groups19:45
CFHowlettBodsda   thx19:45
mroth1and that's my story19:45
BodsdaPioneerAxon: please include the line that shows the exact command you run in your pastes. Thanks19:45
kokkopokkomroth1, ok nice, too bad I suck in network problems :)19:46
mroth1no worries19:46
mroth1it was worth a shot19:46
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876495/19:47
* Star_Light brb19:48
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PioneerAxonBodsda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876496/19:48
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   sudo apt-get udpate -V19:48
Guest71071Can someone help me, as places to work in the java site?19:49
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xangua!pangolin | Guest7107119:49
ubottuGuest71071: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:49
mroth1How do you like Precise so far?19:49
Guest99143hello every one19:49
xanguamroth1: for precise go to #ubuntu+119:49
CFHowlettGuest99143   greetings19:49
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876499/ Sorry for that..19:50
Guest99143i would like to ask how i can connect to #ECR201219:50
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   no worries19:50
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   well, it definitely sees the repo's... try this  sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -V19:51
velko_rattatoue, it seems to be a very old bug. but i cannot find a solution for it. sorry. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92868419:51
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: I think, it is working for now, but when I try to add private repo from launchpad, everything just goes back to where I started...19:51
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   sorry, but I don't have enough PPA points to be of much help.  Try the channel again ...19:52
ardianHi my ubuntu install has crashed and but I am able to chroot in via a live cd, I have some saved password in that system how can I get these passwords ?19:52
PioneerAxonCFHowlett: Thanks a ton for this help19:52
CFHowlettPioneerAxon   good luck19:53
drno_Hi folks!19:54
CFHowlettdrno_   icu19:54
rattatouevelko_, thanks for trying though appreciate ite19:54
drno_So... question for the minds here...19:54
CFHowlettjulian_   greetings19:55
julian_Today I got some themes from site19:55
julian_and when I opened them19:55
drno_In a software RAID scenario (raid6), if there are 8 devices, and three go offline causing the raid to be fairly broken, is there a way to force mdadm to rebuild the array using specific disks regardless of whether they were successfully integrated 100% into the array?19:56
julian_it said you should use gdm setup19:56
julian_what should I do?19:56
julian_anybody there?19:57
klmmlkhooooy ?19:57
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klmmlki'me not here.19:57
Picijulian_: What release of Ubuntu are you suing?19:57
klmmlkI'm an illusion !19:57
julian_let me see19:57
drno_So, basically curious if I can tell it... /dev/sd[abcdegh]2 are good, and that it should trust  me regardless of the status in the superblock19:57
drno_Or.. if there's a way to force a status by way of modifying the upserblock19:58
klmmlkThe best Ubuntu distribution ever ! ==> Debian19:58
ardianPici, I am booting my netbook with ubuntu 11.10 but I'm getting an error "An error occurred while mounting"19:58
Piciklmmlk: If you don't have a support question, you can chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic.19:58
klmmlkI know. Okay. I stop doin idiot... well19:58
rattatouevelko_, just fixed my problem. I dont know which solution did, it was either the fstab or the changing my rc.local from one of the forum post. All I know is restarting now it all works like it should of to begin with :) thanks19:58
velko_rattatoue, congrats19:59
Picijulian_: I don't believe  that the version of gdm in 10.10 supports theming the same way that earlier releases did.20:00
julian_but what should I do for changing my login screen?20:01
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theadmin!gdm2setup | julian_20:04
ubottujulian_: Up to Oneiric, GDM was used as the login manager. You can configure your GDM options, including the wallpaper and theme, with gdm2setup. See https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup for more information and installation instructions.~20:04
yombinatorHi all, I recently installed 64 bit Ubuntu 11.10.  Having problems linking against the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) libraries.  I installed libgmp-dev and its prerequisites, but compiling even the simplest test programs (using "gcc -lgmp foo.c" or "g++ -lgmpxx -lgmp bar.cpp") dies with tons of undefined references.  Anyone have any ideas?20:04
j2_is there a link to the Ubuntu beta from the Website?20:05
chosigOn the front page20:05
ubottuj2_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+120:05
theadminj2_: If you can't even find it, you seriously shouldn't be using it...20:06
theadminj2_: No offense, but20:06
sveinseI have a older Shuttle barebone running Oneiric. Its a amd64 3800+ CPU. /proc/cpuinfo reports cpu MHz constantly at 1000. Is this what I should expect?20:06
CFHowletttheadmin   /slient assent/20:06
theadminCFHowlett: wut?20:06
CFHowletttheadmin   agreement20:06
theadminCFHowlett: Ah.20:06
j2_theadmin, chosig: Where?20:08
Picij2_: theres a link in the topic of #ubuntu+120:08
j2_Pici: I know how to get it. I was asking if it was linked from the website20:08
wyldesveinse: does it stay at 1Ghz if it's under load? I would think it's probably just cpu throttling.20:09
sveinsewylde: I would too. The web tells me that 1GHz is the slowest speed of the processor. I've tried upping the load, but I haven't been able to yet20:11
velko_yombinator, this is from the gmp front page: http://pastebin.com/XLYHb54D20:11
sveinsewylde, i.e. I haven't been able to load the system such that the cpu frequency increases20:12
velko_yombinator, it also says "Gcc 4.3.2 miscompiles GMP on 64-bit machines; please use a different gcc version"20:13
wyldesveinse: I like to use mksquashfs to put load on my procs20:13
wyldesveinse: I compress my music diretory to an xz compressed filesystem, puts plenty of load on mine.20:14
wyldesveinse: and it takes quite a while to complete so I have lots of time to check on proc load, temp readings etc.20:16
yombinatorvelko_, indeed, could be a compiler problem.  But, I'm using gcc 4.6.1, and my (64bit) gcc 4.4.3 running on ubuntu 10.10 still compiles the same files w/o problems.  Also, the compiler v4.6.1 on the 11.10 machine compiles fine ("gcc -c foo.c" works).  It's just in the linking phase that it can't resolve the relevant symbols.20:17
* j2_ pokes theadmin and chosig 20:17
radimjhey, anyone willing to help me with the Mono related problem? mono IRC seems useless20:17
theadminj2_: I actually can't find the link in any obvious place anymore. Weird.20:18
sveinsewylde: Excellent. That certainly increased the load and the cpu frequency! Suspicion busted! Thanks20:18
wyldesveinse: glad to help :)20:19
EbronNew install question. The partition manager has something called "EFI boot partition", however I was sure that the last time I installed ubuntu I just went for ext4 mounted on /boot - what am I missing here? Is EFI actually what I typically mount in /boot, or is it something else entirely?20:19
j2_theadmin: maybe you shouldn't be using it? :)20:19
velko_yombinator, have you tried to compile with clang? no idea if it will be an improvement...20:20
theadminj2_: Me? I don't use the beta, hell, I'm not an Ubuntu user, I use Arch. I excuse myself for being rude -- I thought you were just one of those who are all like "WHERE I GET BETA"20:20
ActionParsnipj2_: theadmin: http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu/12.04/20:20
j2_theadmin: Ah :-) What lead to that conclusion?20:20
CFHowlettEbron   ext4 is the default.20:21
j2_ActionParsnip: I know where the beta is. I was asking if it could be found on the Ubuntu Website20:21
skulltipwhat cli command can i give to tell me if my hard-wired network card can handle N- speeds?20:21
* ActionParsnip is the only person allowed to websearch it seems20:21
EbronCFHowlett: So what is this EFI good for?20:21
theadminj2_: That'd be offtopic, sorry -- we can take that to a PM session if you wish20:21
ActionParsnipj2_: its not for the masses as its not ready, so it won't be on the website20:21
theadminActionParsnip: That's not the issue, the issue is "why is it not linked at ubuntu.com anymore"20:22
klmmlkskulltip, the N-sped isnt for wireless ?20:22
ActionParsniptheadmin: because its beta, so its stops new users trying to install it and getting all kinds of issues20:22
yombinatorvelko_, no not yet.  I'll give it a go.  Also, rebuilding the gmp sources separately to see if gcc can link against those.20:22
j2_ActionParsnip: It was there earlier20:22
CFHowlettEbron   IDK.  I've got it by I installed ubuntu with ext4 anyway.  Pretty sure efi is related to boot partition/configuration.20:22
ActionParsnipj2_: then i'd ask in #ubuntu+120:22
theadminActionParsnip: But... wasn't it linked like a few weeks ago?20:22
j2_ActionParsnip: fair enough20:22
itaylor57j2_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta120:22
j2_itaylor57: I suppose that's good enough20:23
SixtyFoldi wouldnt have even switched to 11.10 yet if it wasnt the first official lubuntu version20:23
skulltipklmmlk - dohh.. is it as fast through wired then?20:23
SixtyFoldskulltip: it's faster hardwired20:24
j2_theadmin: www.ubuntu.com/testing seems to be a stable URL to point to20:24
goldinshi, why do I have packages that have been "kept back" when I run apt-get upgrade?20:24
klmmlknothing is better than a wire...20:24
DrSlonyHey, I wrote a bash script that uses whatever notification system is available, and with Ubuntu that would be Zenity. However, stupid zenity's --notification option halts the script until the user clicks on the notification icon. Is there a zenity option to display the notification and keep the script going, or do I have to use & ?20:24
theadminj2_: Ah. Thanks.20:24
skulltipok, trying to figure out why my ping is terrible in over half the oa servers, but seem ok in other games20:24
DrSlonySecondly, does zenity allow newlines, if so, how?20:24
ActionParsnipgoldins: because the packages are ready, but its deps are not20:24
goldinsActionParsnip: thanks!20:25
ActionParsnipgoldins: when the deps are met, the upgrade will happen20:25
theadmingoldins: These packages have new dependencies, use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"20:25
carl-ericI'm seeing WLAN brownouts, with 100% packet loss for a few seconds, then a slow rampup to acceptable levels again. dmesg gives me "wlan0: Wrong control channel in association response: configured center-freq: 2452 hti-cfreq: 2472  hti->control_chan: 13 band: 0.  Disabling HT.", but google didn't find anything for that.20:25
CFHowlettwunnle   greetings20:25
velko_DrSlony, have you tried "\n" for newlines? never used zenity tough...20:26
DrSlonyvelko_: yes...20:26
klmmlkskulltip, but i dont understand your question. (poor english behind...) your question mean "is the wireless N-speed is good throug a wire" ??? but if it's trought a wire... it's not N... it's wire...20:26
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: if you disable ipv6 does it help20:27
klmmlkwhat did I not understand ?20:27
carl-ericActionParsnip, I've never done anything with ipv6 - how would i turn it off? And what does ipv6 have to do with it?20:27
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: it can help with connections20:27
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: is it a centrino wifi by any chance?20:27
DrSlonyzenity --notification --text="`printf "Line one.\nLine two."`" is stupid.20:28
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: add the boot option: ipv6.disable=1    as a boot option, its good to disable anyway if you don't use ipv6 anyway :)20:28
wunnlethere is a strange bug with my ubuntu. sometimes (randomly) when i do alt+tab, unity bar, panel and titlebar of all windows are crashing. I just can click to foreground window, and i can't open any other window.20:28
carl-ericActionParsnip, one is a "Intel Corporation WiFi Link 5100", the other is a  "Centrino Advanced-N 6205"20:29
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: thought so20:29
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: can you give the output of:  sudo lshw -C network | grep -i driver20:29
Giddeoni have a directory named "-r193" that i'd like to cd into.  When I try "cd -r193" I get a message about -r being an invalid option.  Any thoughts on how I can move into the directory?20:30
DrSlonycd \-r19320:31
theadminGiddeon: cd ./-r19320:31
carl-ericActionParsnip, I'm on the machine with WiFi 5100, this is the output: configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=e1000e driverversion=1.2.20-k2 firmware=1.7-7 latency=0 link=no multicast=yes port=twisted pair       configuration: broadcast=yes driver=iwlagn driverversion=2.6.38-13-generic firmware= build 33692 ip= latency=0 link=yes multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11abgn20:31
klmmlkcarl-eric, is there many wireless devices around, or any other micro-wave sources ?20:31
carl-ericklmmlk, there's a ton of wireless networks in this apartment block20:31
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: echo "options iwlagn 11n_disable50=1 11n_disable=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlagn.conf; sudo modprobe -r iwlagn; sleep 2; sudo modprobe iwlagn20:31
velko_DrSlony, i cannot even test your example. the notification system of zentity obviously does not play very well with gnome-shell. maybe this is also a point which you'll have to take into consideration20:32
klmmlkcarl-eric, try to set manualy a bitrate lower.20:32
DrSlonyvelko_: as theadmin wrote20:32
klmmlkiwconfig wlanX rate 5M20:32
DrSlonyoh sorry, wrong nick20:32
carl-ericActionParsnip, that disables 802.11n, doesn't it?20:32
rndmnckHello. I'm trying to get my Native Instruments Audio 4 DJ external soundcard working properly on Ubuntu 11.10. The device has 2 input and 2 output channels. The device is recognized by ALSA and is working, but I can only use the first input and the first output channel. I need to use the second output channel. The file /proc/asound/pcm has the following line "01-00: Audio 4 DJ : Audio 4 DJ : playback 2 : capture 2". So ALSA is recognizing th20:32
rndmnckat there are 2 ins and outs. (as opposed to "00-00: ALC269VB Analog : ALC269VB Analog : playback 1 : capture 1" for example).20:32
DrSlonyvelko_: i'll resort to `printf` and & (lame)20:32
wunnlelooks like this bug -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/91756020:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916879 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "duplicate for #917560 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in unity::switcher::SwitcherController::CompareSwitcherItemsPriority()" [Critical,Confirmed]20:33
CFHowlettrndmnck   ask about this at audiodj  http://www.native-instruments.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10920120:33
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: yes, some centtrino wifi rubbish has issues with n speed and makes it disconnect, so you stop it and the connection is steady20:34
CFHowlettrndmnck per audiodj, ubuntu is not supported20:34
carl-ericokay, ActionParsnip, I'll try that. thank you.20:35
GiddeonDrSlony, theadmin: thanks20:36
rndmnckCFHowlett: Some have already figured out how to get the Audio 4 DJ working properly with specific applications. I'm not sure how to interpret their solutions to fix my problem, but I think it can be fixed using their method. http://ywwg.com/wordpress/?p=77220:36
wunnleok, let me try again in a better what. sometimes when i press alt+tab, unity crashes. What should i do?20:36
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: the .conf file adds options so that the loading of the module uses those options. The modprobe commands will apply the settings without need for reboot :)20:37
carl-ericActionParsnip, yes, I've figured that much out at least :-)20:37
CFHowlettrndmnck   check in with #ubuntustudio20:37
rndmnckCFHowlett: thanks20:37
klmmlkActionParsnip, and to try without making changes, only lower the bitrate with iwconfig could be a good idea no ?20:38
axisyshow do I install ubuntu on a remote system.. i have ilom access through the SP only20:38
axisysprobably should ask in #ubuntu-server20:38
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: is it working ok?20:38
carl-ericActionParsnip, i'll have to disconnect and reconnect - I am on that machine connected with the wireless ;) give me a moment.20:39
[[thufir]]my hard drive is 90% full, and I want to write everything in /home to CD-R.  How can I automate that, so that I just pop discs in?20:39
[[thufir]]I don't want to backup system files, just files in /home.  it's all one partition.20:41
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: open brasero or whatever cd burner app you use and you should be able to tell it to span multiple CDs20:42
[[thufir]]ohhhh.  didn't know that was built-in!  I just removed brasero and am using, err, gnomebuilder(?) or something.  I'll check that out!20:43
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: thanks20:43
klmmlk[[thufir]], you have disc-O-matic20:43
carl-ericActionParsnip, so far it is working at least in sofar that I am connected20:43
klmmlktake a look here: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialCDBurn.html20:44
[[thufir]]klmmlk: that sounds right.  it looks like what I see on the ubuntu pages, the default sotware. I'll check out that link, thanks.  I just assumed fancy software was required.20:44
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: it happens with those centrino things20:44
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: until your web connection exceeds 54Mbps, you'll be ok20:45
carl-ericActionParsnip, my outside connection is 100Mbps... but I think I can live with the 50M inside20:45
[[thufir]]I don't have the space for ~20 iso's.  It only generates a single iso at a time for the data cd, yes?20:46
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: wow, 50Mbps web connection, nice. Mines getting bumped to 120Mbps in summer :)20:46
carl-ericActionParsnip, Fibre to the building :-)20:47
_MarcusActionParsnip: Is that connection for your home?20:47
ActionParsnip_Marcus: indeed20:47
ActionParsnipcarl-eric: damn20:47
_MarcusActionParsnip: D: We only got 50 Mbps up and down and this is Business Class20:47
ActionParsnip_Marcus: virgin media Uk's top speed20:47
ActionParsnip_Marcus: 50mbps up is niiiice20:48
_MarcusI need to move to the UK now20:48
sstavirgin are saying 200MBps should be starting to roll out by year end20:48
* CFHowlett remembers my 1200 baud modem fondly20:48
sstaMINE IS STILL ONLY 5020:48
god-zotachow do i access webdav shares using gvfs+thunar ?20:48
ssta"only".  I remember thinking 14k4 was *fast* :)20:48
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ActionParsnipgod-zotac: let me search20:51
god-zotacActionParsnip:: thats what i've been doing, but there is nothing i can find that is straight forward about how to do it.. just things mentioning that it is possible, and how to use other file managers to do it.. i want to use thunar particularly though20:51
fellayaboywhy cant i play certain wmv files20:52
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc20:53
god-zotaconeiric ??20:53
god-zotac-sc reports n/a ActionParsnip20:53
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: cool, thats teh release name20:53
god-zotacthat's on this machine i'm using now which is "testing"20:54
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: hmm, can you run:  cat /etc/lsb-release; apt-cache policy thunar    and pastebin the output please20:54
slugzzzHi. I get this error trying to run a game: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0. I cannot seem to find libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 for lucid...20:54
fellayaboywhy dont certain wmv files play when using them on a web intereface etc20:54
god-zotaci have a 11.10 install on the laptop which is acting the same way, and i want it to work on them both. im trying to integrate dropbox and owncloud across my devices.. i pretty much have everything working great, (also with nfs shares)  except thunar20:54
Dosmorpheus\join #globalsquare20:55
theadminDosmorpheus: Wrong slash20:55
god-zotacActionParsnip:: https://raw.github.com/gist/2008656/c08d87930b0fdb1ea0765db200585ba1c5d1cd99/gistfile1.txt20:56
klmmlk[[thufir]], r u here ?20:56
Dosmorpheuscan anyone help me with installing ubuntu on a mac?20:56
[[thufir]]klmmlk: yes, still looking at pages to see options20:56
derpI had issues installing on my air.20:56
klmmlkI remember of DAR, a replacement for tar that can achieve part of job on command lines.20:57
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: precise isn't supported here20:57
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: ask in #ubuntu+1 please20:57
rambo298any wireless experts here?20:57
god-zotacActionParsnip:: read above..20:57
god-zotacActionParsnip:: i told you that this was an issue also on the laptop that is running 11.04..20:57
god-zotacerr 11.1020:57
alo21_I have a problem with bzr20:57
StepNjumpHi, I have an app (alarm clock PID 21358) that seemingly crashes for no apparent reason. How can I find out why it crashed and at what time it crashed? I heard there are some logs???? May someone kindly put me in the right direction?20:58
klmmlk[[thufir]],  if you prefer command-lines tools, it can be usefull, dar, pipes, bzip2, mkisofs, cdrecord can do the job...20:58
ActionParsnipStepNjump: dmesg | tail   may help20:59
god-zotacActionParsnip:: regardless of the version i installed. how do i get it working on 11.10 or 11.04 either one20:59
rambo298ok so i will make a general comment to the list; canonical is going to lose users if they keep releasing distros like 11.10 that break crap that used to work (like wireless). i am tired of hearing the same old stories of "proprietary drivers"; i will seriously consider Mint next time20:59
[[thufir]]with the backup, the only thing is that I can't make a tarball because I'm out of space.  I thought of that.20:59
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: not used thunar in a long time, are there any bugs reported. I'v connected easily to various shares using pcmanfm if you can install taht20:59
god-zotaci doubt this is an ubuntu release issue as i have same issue on 11.10 and 12.04 both..20:59
StepNjumpthanks ActionParsnip20:59
god-zotaci can install pcmanfm but thats not what the solution is20:59
god-zotaci want to use thunar.21:00
god-zotacand they claim on their site that it supports webdav by using gvfs some how21:00
klmmlk[[thufir]], with the pipes, you can make on-the-fly archives, without using temporary space...21:00
[[thufir]]ok, well I'm going to reboot, cross my fingers, etc, and upgrade.  then, later on, if my data is still there, I'll backup :)21:00
klmmlkI use that many times...21:00
god-zotaci've  yet to see any documentation explaining how to set it up though..21:00
[[thufir]]oh, pipes.  oh, like :    tar foo | cdrecord ....  something like that?21:01
klmmlk[[thufir]], yes. exactly21:01
JJC2012Er, I'm I imagining it, or the latest release starting from 11.xx towards 12.xx Update Manager no longer requires a password to do Updates!??21:01
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: all I can suggest is report a bug21:01
klmmlkbut with DAR, not TAR, because DAR is sooooo much powerfull21:01
[[thufir]]I'm not so strong in that.  can you give me some pointers to doing that?   I like that direction, never occurred to me.  I'll google that now.21:02
sstaJJC2012: you can set it up like that, but it's not recommended21:02
JJC2012ssta: It already comes that way....  I don't seem to have a choice ont it!21:03
JJC2012...on it21:03
god-zotacActionParsnip:: hard to report a bug with little information known about how I am even suppose to do what i am trying to do heh21:03
klmmlk[[thufir]], I'am not able to answer quickly to you. I ever do what I want, but it can take me long hours for a simple script...21:03
Dosmorpheuswhen i went to install ubuntu on my macbook pro iit told me to select a language and then i selected English and then install  it ran somethings i wasent realy paying atention and then it wend to something that looked sort of like terminal help?21:03
crfripperhow do I add quicksynergy to startup applications? I gave command /usr/bin/quicksynergy and Name quicksynergy but it doesn't work21:03
sstaJJC2012: it is really all thagt onerous to type a password occasionally?21:04
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: run:  ubuntu-bug thunar   and the process will start, you can explain the situation and the bug guys will ask you for outputs and so-forth21:04
god-zotacActionParsnip:: funny, everytime i have took that approach someone closes the bug with a response "missing information"  or "invalid"  or "will not fix"21:05
nmittalafter a fresh install of ubuntu.. i get the grub rescue prompt.. what went wrong... i have raid setup21:05
JJC2012ssta:???  I'M saying (or trying to) that IT does NOT give me the prompt box has usual!!!!21:05
Wonderhoofmy SMART data said my HDD was failing yesterday. read error rate worst is at 1, reallocated sector count is at 190, and current pending sector count is at 200, but it's been 24 hours and nothing has changed. no corrupt data or anything21:05
gnu87does anyone have tried ubuntu on eeepc x101ch with new atom processor ?21:05
Wonderhoofis it possible that it's related to a cooling issue and not a hard disk failure?21:05
ActionParsnip!anyone | gnu8721:05
ubottugnu87: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:05
itaylor57god-zotac, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DefaultFileManager21:06
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:06
sstaJJC2012: hmm, it still does in 11.10 AFAIK.  It should anyway unless you tell it not to.  I don't know about 12.0421:06
Wonderhoofalso, 91 bad sectors. up from 14 yesterday21:06
Wonderhoofdamnit. don't have money to replace this drive >.>21:06
Dosmorpheuswhen i went to install ubuntu 11.10 64 bit on my macbook pro it told me to select a language and then i selected English and then install it ran somethings i wasent realy paying atention and then it wend to something that looked sort of like terminal help?21:07
god-zotacitaylor57:: whats that all about?21:08
god-zotacitaylor57:: i don't want to change default file managers. i want to be able to access webdav mounts through thunar21:08
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EbronSo I have an SSD-drive for which I put swap, / and /home - then I have a bunch of datadrives, some new and one that used to be /home. When I hit the "install now" it complains that my previous /home drive is not assigned a mount point, and will not be used. There is no /media/whatever mount point - any suggestions (except throwing the dice and hoping for a later mount by fstab-entry)?21:09
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: could install pyneighborhood21:09
amaroksI have a script that will run in SSH after server comes from a reboot21:09
ActionParsnipgod-zotac: or add it in /etc/fstab   http://linuxsagas.wordpress.com/2008/09/09/webdav-and-fstab/21:09
amarokshow can I watch it?21:09
Guest67184hello all how do i find out what firm ware i neeed for broadcom bcm4318 airforce one 54g21:09
amaroksi heard something about x command?21:09
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Guest6718421:09
ubottuGuest67184: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:09
ActionParsnipamaroks: you can add it in cron using the @reboot cheat :)21:11
Dosmorpheuscan someone please help or tell me what other info i nead to give you?21:11
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?21:11
amaroksthe server is alrready back online21:11
amaroksand Im in SSH, what command let me watch it doing what its doing?21:11
Dosmorpheuswhat does md5 stand for21:11
ActionParsnip!md5 | Dosmorpheus21:12
ubottuDosmorpheus: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:12
alethhi milanoa21:12
HaikuUserhello ...salve21:12
zabomberamaroks: what do you mean?21:12
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: you haven't tested the ISO you downloaded so you have no way of knowing if the file was correct and complete21:12
amaroksthis is what I mean http://www.ndchost.com/wiki/vps/install-trixbox21:12
Dosmorpheusyour site just told me to Ensure that the 'Verify burned data' checkbox is ticked (you may need to click on the disclosure triangle to see the checkbox).21:13
dddbmtHey guys. I accidentally deleted some files with the git command "git clean -fdx", the files was NOT added to git before that. Can anyone help me recover the files?21:13
zabomberamaroks: so you want to install an app. what does that have to do with ssh? are you ssh'ed in? and what do you mean by "see what its doing"?21:13
Dosmorpheusis that the same thing?21:13
gnu87guys please help with eeepc x101ch (new atom cedar trail) and resolution and webcam21:13
HaikuUserspeak italian?21:13
zabomberdddbmt: question for #git21:14
gnu87HaikuUser: i do21:14
dddbmtzabomber, already in there - they can't help since the files weren't in a git repository before deleting.21:14
amaroksdid you read last line? "Issue a reboot and when the server comes back up it will automatically finish the install. It may take a few minutes to complete, and you can watch the progress in the console" how can see that progress while im in terminal sshed zabomer21:14
heinzzabomber: not at all21:14
=== Companion is now known as companion
alethmilanoa: not really21:14
heinzdddbmt: you need some general 'how to restore deleted files' help. there is no extra copy done by git21:15
dddbmtheinz, yes I am looking for a general "how to restore deleted files".21:16
neo31Alt+F4 doesn't work on Ubuntu 12.04 beta1, any help please?21:16
HaikuUserby all21:16
dddbmtI am using 11.10 if that makes any difference...21:16
neo31I have upgraded from 10.04 to 12.0421:16
HaikuUserbye all21:16
palladin35yhey guys how do add a folder to windows21:17
ActionParsnipdddbmt: use your backups21:17
xangua!pangolin | neo3121:17
ubottuneo31: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:17
magn3tsseriously what is going on with flash?21:17
ActionParsnipneo31: ask in #ubuntu+1 for precise support please21:17
magn3tsit has done nothing but crash and crash chrome for the last 5 days21:17
xanguamagn3ts: fact: flash sucks in linux21:17
god-zotacActionParsnip:: based on what you gave me, i came up with a wonderful solution21:17
dddbmtActionParsnip, can you explain further? I had no backup of the files before deleting.. It was just a game I've developed the last few days.21:17
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: its going to be dropped in Linux soon....21:17
god-zotacActionParsnip:: thanks21:17
magn3tsI've never had this problem21:17
douglhow to I get my ubuntu to look like the old ubuntu?21:17
magn3tsActionParsnip: seriously? source?21:18
ActionParsnipdddbmt: why do you not have a backup?21:18
neo31thanks xangua ActionParsnip21:18
douglI cannot find anything...21:18
alethmilanoa: use cron21:18
xangua!nounity | dougl21:18
ubottudougl: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:18
dddbmtActionParsnip, adding the project to github was supposed to be my backup..21:18
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/adobe-adandons-flash-on-linux/21:18
ActionParsnipdddbmt: you could use foremost21:19
douglxangua, thanks21:19
magn3tsActionParsnip: that's a really, really bad headline21:19
magn3tsActionParsnip: Adobe isn't going to distrib because they suck at Linux, so Google will.21:19
magn3tsActionParsnip: they're just changing from NPAPI to Pepper21:19
alethmilanoa: incron maybe21:22
savidHow do I set the default application for a filetype?   For some reason, .xlsx files don't open up with LibreOffice.21:23
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: its still interesting reading21:23
savidI used to be able to right click on a file,  select "open with",  and then "always use this application for this file type".   That option has disappeared, however.21:24
pmsalveshello. I have an issue with libopenal 32bit in a AMD64 machine running Ubuntu64. Could someone help me?21:24
zabomberhi guys. how do i see which program is blocking a port?21:25
alethmilanoa: no, you don't have to be root21:25
savidOh, nm, I found it.  It's under "properties".21:25
savidzabomber, lsof, I think21:25
guntbert!details | pmsalves21:25
ubottupmsalves: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:25
savidzabomber, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/18421:26
Dosmorpheuswhen i ran md5 it gave me the has it was supposed to what now?21:26
dddbmtActionParsnip, do you know any good examples/tutorials for foremost?21:26
dddbmtdoes anyone? ^21:26
ActionParsnipdddbmt: there are examples online, there is also a foremost ubuntu doc you can read, you can also read the man page21:27
Dosmorpheuswhen i ran md5 it gave me the hash it was supposed to what now?21:27
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: does the hash match the correct hash?21:28
ActionParsnip!hashes | Dosmorpheus21:28
ubottuDosmorpheus: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release21:28
crfripperI got quicksynergy on startup :D21:28
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Guest67184ok so i installed utility to extract and intall driver for broadcom 43xx  but i dont see it anywhere to use it i cant find it in the dash home area21:29
Dosmorpheusit matches what now?21:29
=== yakko is now known as yakko_
alethmilanoa: you need to run it at startup21:29
starcomputerscan someone help me please21:30
rambo298state your questions21:30
guntbert!who | Dosmorpheus21:31
ubottuDosmorpheus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:31
rambo298!details | starcomputers21:31
ubottustarcomputers: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:31
starcomputersi am trying to burn an iso to a disk it does not recognize my disk21:31
rambo298starcomputers, what kind of disk? cd r/w? dvd?21:32
Dosmorpheusubottu: like this?21:32
ubottuDosmorpheus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:32
OerHeksDosmorpheus, i do not own a macbookpro, maybe this wiki is any help >>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro21:32
guntbertDosmorpheus: yes :)21:32
Canadian1296Dosmorpheus: What's your question?21:32
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: good, please MD5 test before using the file in future, it saves time21:32
Guest67184ok so i installed utility to extract and intall driver for broadcom 43xx  but i dont see it anywhere to use it i cant find it in the dash home area21:32
crfripperstarcomputers, are you using  a burning software like CDBurnerXP21:32
pmsalvesguntbert: ./Installer_Linux21:32
pmsalves./Installer_Linux: error while loading shared libraries: libopenal.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6421:32
ActionParsnip!broadcmo | Guest6718421:33
ActionParsnippmsalves: are you using a 32bit app in 64bit OS?21:33
Guest67184broadcmo  ???? what21:33
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Guest6718421:33
ubottuGuest67184: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:33
pmsalvesActionParsnip: 64bit OS21:33
starcomputersi am using k3b21:33
ActionParsnippmsalves: with a 32bit app?21:33
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: what do i do now that i know they match?21:33
pmsalvesActionParsnip: indeed21:33
alethmilanoa: it doesn't require it21:33
Guest67184i went thier dang bot21:34
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: what happens when you try to boot the CD?21:34
guntbertpmsalves: 1) what are you trying to install? 2) you are apparently on a 32bit system and trying to start a 64bit program21:34
skplhi, can someone tell me how to get ubuntu to use thunar as the default fuile manager?21:34
Guest67184i installed it dang bot21:34
ActionParsnipGuest67184: it tells you all you need/21:34
pmsalvesguntbert: I am trying to run a 32bit app in a 64bit OS21:34
Guest67184i cant find it to run it in dash home bot21:34
=== Rick_ is now known as antihc3
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: it sends me to something that sort of looks like command prompt21:35
starcomputersi am using dvd-r and k3b burning21:35
guntbertpmsalves: ok, back to Q1: what are you trying to install?21:35
ActionParsnipGuest67184: the factoid is there because people ask about broadcoms every day, so the link means we don't have to repeat ourselves over and over. The guide walks you from start to finish21:35
pmsalvesguntbert: X-plane21:35
pmsalvesguntbert: X-plane flightsimulator21:35
Guest67184its not so simple for me21:35
starcomputerscan any one help me please21:35
ActionParsnippmsalves: then I suggest you try and find a 64bit version, or you will need to get all the libs it needs and put them in /usr/lib3221:35
rambo298starcomputers, you're trying to burn a read only dvd? is that what you said?21:36
starcomputersyes i am with an iso program21:36
Guest67184broadcom 43xx bot21:36
pmsalvesguntbert: where I can find a repository with the libopenal?21:36
ActionParsnipGuest67184: you just install the packages then use the additional drivers app in dash#21:36
ActionParsnipGuest67184: it tells you in the link21:36
Guest67184additianal driver app did not work21:36
guntbertpmsalves: not sure if that applies, but have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187437621:37
pmsalvesguntbert: thanks21:37
ActionParsnipGuest67184: what is the FULL broadcom chip name please?21:37
MonkeyDustpmsalves  in a Terminal, type apt-cache policy libopenal121:38
starcomputerscan i pvt u rambo please???21:38
Guest67184broadcom bcm 4318 airforce 54 g21:38
[[thufir]]the dump command gives error:   DUMP: Cannot open output "/dev/cdrw": Read-only file system   however, it does support CDR I believe.  how?21:38
starcomputerscan anyone help me please21:38
alethmilanoa: should be in the system logs21:38
smackmanic1vague question: some webpages are loading, some aren't. trying with both firefox and chrome, and my connection seems fine... lights on my modem are stable, and there is no lag or connection probs on irc21:39
rambo298starcomputers, i don't understand; seriously you aren't using a writable dvd and you're trying to burn it with an iso? i mean brasaro will burn it but i doubt it'll do it to a read only dvd21:39
DosmorpheusActionParsnip:  what now?21:39
starcomputersis there a program that will with ubuntu21:39
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: what GPU does your system use?21:39
smackmanic1google isn't working now, though it was a few minutes ago. not sure where to start looking for the prob21:39
ActionParsnipstarcomputers: will what? the question makes zero sense21:40
hanstechHi All, I installed Ubuntu on hp pro book 6560b21:40
Guest67184<ubotu> what21:40
smackmanic1now google works fine, but reddit doesn't.21:40
hanstechnow my screen is flickering little bit21:40
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: what now?21:40
hanstechany help21:40
guntbertsmackmanic1: DNS problems?21:40
starcomputersis there a burning program that will burn an iso to a read only dvd21:40
rambo298that is bizarre21:40
wyldestarcomputers: no21:40
smackmanic1guntbert, sortof comp illiterate... how would I go about checking that?21:40
ActionParsnipGuest67184: install b43-fwcutter package. Did you do that?21:41
savidI'm having a strange issue where Libre office doesn't come up in Alt+Tab, nor does it register in the unity dock.  Anyone experience this before?21:41
smackmanic1(I'm googling now)21:41
MonkeyDuststarcomputers  it is not possible to burn a read only cd, hence 'read only'21:41
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: what GPU do you use?21:41
rambo298!cd | starcomputers21:41
starcomputersi am new to linux i am trying to burn an iso to a disk and it wont let me i am using dvd-r21:41
rambo298starcomputers, it needs to be writable21:41
ActionParsnipsavid: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc21:42
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: what does that stand for?21:42
Guest67184yes b43 -fwcutter package its installed how do i use it21:42
ActionParsnipstarcomputers: are you using the DVD ISO?21:42
MonkeyDuststarcomputers  you're not using the right type of cd or dvd21:42
savidActionParsnip, I'm on Oneiric21:42
starcomputersthen how does people burn to a dvd that is read only it has been done21:42
alethmilanoa: ping21:42
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: graphical processing unit21:42
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: its a standard term..you really are a mac user aren't you :)21:42
Monotokostarcomputers, have you written to that DVD before or is it blank?21:42
guntbertsmackmanic1: open a terminal window, and type    ping www.google.com     or ping <whatever site>   and watch what happens, you can stop the pinging with <ctrl>+c21:42
DosmorpheusModel Name:MacBook Pro21:42
Dosmorpheus  Model Identifier:MacBookPro8,121:42
Dosmorpheus  Processor Name:Intel Core i521:42
Dosmorpheus  Processor Speed:2.3 GHz21:42
starcomputersok is there a way to erase a cd-rw21:42
Dosmorpheus  Number of Processors:121:43
FloodBot1Dosmorpheus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:43
savidHmm,  it seems to only happen when I open a file from Nautilus.21:43
Dosmorpheus  Total Number of Cores:221:43
starcomputersits blank dvd-r21:43
starcomputersits a blank dvd-r21:43
Monotokoyou should be able to write to it if it's blank... what's the problem?21:43
ActionParsnipGuest67184: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer   then ni the additional drivers app the b43 driver can be enabled21:43
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: i didn't ask about your CPU...21:43
DosmorpheusModel Name:MacBook Pro  Model Identifier:MacBookPro8,1  Processor Name:Intel Core i5  Processor Speed:2.3 GHz  Number of Processors:1  Total Number of Cores:2  L2 Cache (per Core):256 KB  L3 Cache:3 MB  Memory:4 GB  Boot ROM Version:MBP81.0047.B27  SMC Version (system):1.68f9821:43
starcomputersit wont let me use basero to write it says to enter a compatible cd or dvd21:44
rambo298!pastebin | Dosmorpheus21:44
ubottuDosmorpheus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:44
Dosmorpheusi tryed to send it all but the bots didn't like it21:44
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: once more, what video card do you use?21:44
Monotokostarcomputers, try the CD+RW21:44
Monotokoit might be a faulty DVD21:44
MonkeyDustDosmorpheus  better use this site http://paste.ubuntu.com/21:44
Monotokowouldn't be the first time21:44
Guest67184unable to locate package21:44
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: i only need the video card. pasting and spamming the channel scrolls the channel and makes it completely unusable21:44
starcomputersit has stuff on it and wont let me erase it21:44
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: imagine if 3 users pasted at the same time, the same amount21:45
starcomputershow can i erase it the people added stuff and made the cd+rw read only21:45
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: the channel would scroll so fast, the output would get mangled together and it would help nobody21:45
rambo298Guest67184, so wireless doesn't work? on which ubuntu distro? 11.10?21:45
Monotokostarcomputers, what OS are you using at the moment?21:45
starcomputersi have 10 dvd's they all say the same thing21:45
Guest67184yes 11.1021:45
starcomputerslinux zorin521:45
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: again, thts your cpu. we don't care about that. we need to know what video chip you use.21:46
starcomputersubuntu zorin521:46
ActionParsnipGuest67184: is the system connected to the web?21:46
smackmanic1guntbert, k. pinged google...64 bytes from atl14s07-in-f14.1e100.net. pinged reddit, 64 bytes from one thing I notice is that it appears to have taken longer to ping reddit; and it gave up after 6 times... I control c'd after it pinged google probably over 20 times21:46
rambo298Guest67184, so you've verified it's broadcom like 4311? and you haven't locked wifi with Fn/F2?21:46
joe9any suggestions on how I can fix this:21:46
joe9grub-install --recheck --no-floppy --modules="mdraid raid" /dev/md021:46
joe9/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `md0'.21:46
joe9/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `md0'.21:46
joe9Installation finished. No error reported.21:46
FloodBot1joe9: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
CFHowlettGuest67184   see this  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:46
smackmanic1not entirely sure what's relevant in this situation21:46
DosmorpheusIntel HD Graphics 3000?21:46
Guest67184i am connected21:46
rambo298!pastebin | joe921:46
ubottujoe9: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:46
ActionParsnipCFHowlett: thats too hard for him/her apparently. It's not working21:46
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: goooooooood21:46
MonkeyDustjoe9  using RAID?21:46
joe9MonkeyDust: yes21:47
CFHowlettOK -21:47
starcomputersim using zorin521:47
rambo298Guest67184, i jumped in partway so i don't know what your problem is i guess21:47
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: ok add the boot option: nomodeset     and it will be ok21:47
ActionParsnipstarcomputers: zorin isn't supported here21:47
starcomputersits ubuntu isnt it21:47
MonkeyDustyes, it isnt21:47
Monotokostarcomputers, nope... it's another Linux21:47
ActionParsnipstarcomputers: no, its zorin21:48
starcomputershow can i get help with it then???21:48
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: where and how do i do that?21:48
ActionParsnipstarcomputers: the zorin channel21:48
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Dosmorpheus21:48
ubottuDosmorpheus: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:48
starcomputersok ty21:48
Guest67184my problem is i cant get my broadcom aircard to work it says its missing firm ware21:48
Monotokostarcomputers: http://zorin-os.com/21:48
rambo298Dosmorpheus, i just went through this with a fresh 11.10 install on an older dell insprion; nomodeset has to be used or the screen will go blank when x starts, even if you disable splash21:48
Guest67184im useing a netgear stick instead21:48
guntbertsmackmanic1: before you try to paste anything into the channel: please use a !pastebin  -  did the ping really start each time (with an IP address mentioned)? then it would not be a DNS problem...21:49
Guest67184im trying to get the software for it21:49
ActionParsnipstarcomputers: #ZorinOS21:49
starcomputers_no one is in the zorin channel21:49
Guest67184broadcom bcm 431821:49
smackmanic1guntbert, noted. wasn't going to flood the channel lol. yeah, it started with an IP each time21:49
soundcould anyone help me maybe in private to get sound to work and mount android phone in ubuntu 11.1021:49
guntbertsmackmanic1: you can install links2 - its a web browser for the command line - so you can try with another browser, the you can try the command    dig <your.desired.server>  - should return a proper IP address21:52
smackmanic1guntbert, tried with both firefox and chrome, but one sec21:53
guntbertsound: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice21:53
wynnI am looking for a way to organize my media. Ideally I would like to browse it by media type, or by topic. Is there a way to do this? I heard that some filesystems can add metadata to files...21:54
OerHeksGuest67184, maybe this page is any help >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/68557/how-do-i-get-a-broadcom-bcm-4311-working21:55
komradefoxhow can i get sun java on 10.04?21:56
smackmanic1guntbert, okay, what am I looking for w/ the information provided ?21:56
crfrippergood question, I also want to get java to run a shutdown start remote app21:57
=== bo is now known as bokaltoft
itaylor57!java | komradefox21:57
ubottukomradefox: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.21:57
guntbertsmackmanic1: with dig?  only if there is "No error", then DNS is working and there must be another reason21:57
smackmanic1guntbert, okay... then not DNS heh21:58
crfripperI look in ubuntu software center, is the icedtea java plugin what I need?21:58
guntbertsmackmanic1: what does links2 say?21:58
urgodfathertheadmin: are you still around?21:58
theadminurgodfather: Why yes I am21:58
smackmanic1guntbert, status:NOERROR21:58
urgodfathertheadmin: ok i have desktop installed21:59
crfripperinstalling Icedtea Java Plugin21:59
theadminurgodfather: Cool, so?21:59
urgodfathertheadmin: still only getting 800x60021:59
theadminurgodfather: Eh, probably bad support for your video card. Not much I can do in your case.21:59
sujneed help in instaling ubuntu?21:59
guntbertsmackmanic1: you can try that every time your browser is being difficult - do the pages appear in links2?21:59
theadminsuj: Details?22:00
urgodfathertheadmin: johnjacobjinger was saying that there is a dell driver for redhat and suse22:00
sujtheadmin:not able to download the file22:00
theadminsuj: You mean the ISO? Which one? How are you downloading?22:00
theadminurgodfather: Well, you can't use that?22:01
theadminurgodfather: Err, no question mark.22:01
smackmanic1guntbert, nope on google, nope on reddit, nope on ubuntuforums22:01
smackmanic1just the first 3 I tried22:01
smackmanic1network unreachable22:01
urgodfathertheadmin: i didnt think so... the suse techincally would work wouldnt it... b/c its deb based22:01
DoYouKnowhow do I prevent linux from locking up while under load?22:02
theadminurgodfather: Uh no? Suse is RPM22:02
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guntbertsmackmanic1: are you using a proxy?22:02
DoYouKnowwell, wait, I realize I'm running a Virtual Machine again22:02
DoYouKnowit must be a vmware bug?22:02
smackmanic1guntbert, not that I'm aware of... connecting normally as always22:02
DoYouKnowI meant virtualbox22:02
nathanielonfireAnyone willing to give some advice to a soon-to-be switcher?22:03
smackmanic1this machine is used by different people sometimes. but unlikely22:03
ActionParsnipnathanielonfire: ask away22:03
urgodfathertheadmin: 1rr0hb1 is the service tag support.dell.com22:03
theadminurgodfather: Well, I can't help you further, sorry, I'm too tired to even think properly22:03
nathanielonfireI'm wondering about which brand of computer has the most luck with Ubuntu-compatible hardware.22:03
smackmanic1guntbert, if it makes any difference, firefox detects my IP the same as it is on irc, and it looks right to me based on previous IPs22:04
fromagehi all. Is there any player on ubuntu which is capable of showing 2 sets of subtitles simultaneously ?22:04
smackmanic1doesn't look unusual22:04
ActionParsnipnathanielonfire: i've had success with dell, depends what is in it. System76 sell pre-installed Linux systems22:04
urgodfathertheadmin: i understand, how bout giving me the lspci command for vga and ill go search for more info22:04
theadminurgodfather: lspci | grep -i vga22:04
urgodfathertheadmin: all i remember is that its xgi22:04
urgodfathertheadmin: thats it!! thanks22:05
sujanyone knws how to unnstall ubuntu?22:05
ActionParsnipsuj: sure, done it a million times22:05
ActionParsnip!hcl | nathanielonfire22:05
ubottunathanielonfire: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:05
nathanielonfireActionParsnip: Okay, good to know. So most Dell hardware would work without having to fiddle with drivers or settings?22:06
nathanielonfireActionParsnip: Thank you!22:06
ActionParsnipnathanielonfire: some you will, some you wont22:06
fromageIs there any player on ubuntu which is capable of showing 2 sets of subtitles simultaneously ?22:06
guntbertsmackmanic1: time to provide some detailed info: pastebin 1) /etc/network/interfaces  /etc/resolv.conf , the output of 2) ip ad,   ip r    3) ping -c3  gserv.sytes.net22:07
smackmanic1guntbert, okay. one sec22:07
zelrikhi there22:07
Praxinathanielonfire, just switched a few days ago, still struggling with little things.  What do you need to do for your switch to be considered a success?22:07
smackmanic1well, maybe more than one sec. pastebin isn't coming up22:07
zelrikis there a way to check why my computer rebooted for no apparent reason?22:07
nathanielonfirePraxi: Well, I need to make sure that all of my files will work on Ubuntu. I currently use a Mac with a lot of Word documents, as well as Pages documents, SimpleText documents (from waaay back) and others. Do I have to do a lot of converting to get them to read in Ubuntu?22:08
rambo298nathanielonfire, openoffice/libre reads many formats22:08
Praximac versions of office are already a little odd, so shouldn't be a problem to bring those straight across into libreoffice nathanielonfire22:09
titanhello world!22:09
nathanielonfirePraxi: okay, thank you!22:09
sujany experts with ubuntu?22:09
rambo298!details | suj22:09
ubottusuj: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:09
zelrikis there a way to check why my computer rebooted for no apparent reason?22:10
titananyone can help me with turn/save a movie from landscape to picture?22:10
MonkeyDustsuj  you can use a live cd and delete the ubuntu partition22:10
suji aint getting a opton?22:10
nathanielonfireMy other question is where can I find information on visual accessibility for Ubuntu?22:10
Praxinathanielonfire, not sure about pages, is that like MS publisher?22:10
MonkeyDustsuj  what?22:10
sujthere is no option to uninstal in that22:11
nathanielonfirePraxi: Pages is Apple's word processorā€¦it's pretty easy to convert to Word files, though, but they don't always look right.22:11
ActionParsnipnathanielonfire: search dash for access22:11
Submarinernot really Ubuntu related... How can i register my nickname?22:11
GASSYPOOTSgah mu grandma is making me get rid of linux!!!! anyone got any reasons why its better than windows 7????????22:11
ikoniaSubmariner: #freenode channel can help you22:11
guntbert!register | Submariner22:11
ubottuSubmariner: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type Ā« /nick <nickname> Ā» to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:11
ActionParsnipsuj: what is your issue?22:11
aboudreaulthey... just install ubuntu oneiric with a brand new PC... My resolution in Display can only see 1024x768. I use the motherboard intel VGA22:11
MonkeyDustsuj  correct, you delete the partition, so you can use it for something else22:12
nathanielonfireActionParsnip: Thanks!22:12
ActionParsnipGASSYPOOTS: that's offtopic here]22:12
rambo298!video | aboudreault22:12
ubottuaboudreault: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:12
GASSYPOOTShey it has to do with ubuntus22:12
sujhow do i del it?22:12
titanguys any movie editor to turn m/save movie 90 degrees?22:12
Praxisuj, whatever your replacing it with will handle that on its own I assume?22:12
MonkeyDustsuj  use a live cd and gparted22:12
sujactionparsnip:prob with ubuntu emoval22:12
smackmanic1guntbert, http://pastebin.com/URLA3a4n take your time, no rush, I'll brb22:12
urgodfatherActionParsnip: care to help me figure out how to install the proper gfx driver?22:13
aboudreaultrambo298, ??22:13
skpldoes anyone know how to change the default file manager to thunar in ubuntu?22:13
rambo298aboudreault, didn't tell you anything?22:13
urgodfatherActionParsnip: VGA compatible controller: XGI Technology Inc. (eXtreme Graphics Innovation) Z7/Z9 (XG20 core)22:13
sujthe prob is that i cant see one of my harddisk on MY COMPUTER22:14
aboudreaultrambo298, It's not a multimedia issue I have .22:14
guntbertsmackmanic1: well one thing comes to mind: you have your local router/access point configured as name server (like most do) - if that is in a bad mood ... :-)22:14
MonkeyDustsuj  in a terminal, type sudo fdisk -l22:14
sujmonkeydust:how to gpart?22:14
titank! I'm outta here.all best world!22:14
chown_guys, i have to do this every time i login/rr my ubuntu [echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switc]22:15
chown_is tehre a way to automate this?22:15
MonkeyDustsuj  start here http://gparted.sourceforge.net/22:15
rambo298aboudreault, try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/37411/screen-resolution-stuck-at-1024x76822:15
smackmanic1guntbert, hm22:15
aboudreaultrambo298, thanks22:15
chown_i did made a script but it ask for sudo password everytime, could i do a script to automate this process? [echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switc]22:16
smackmanic1guntbert, so is that..hmm, ISP problem? my problem?22:16
sujmonkeydust:that site will help right?22:16
MonkeyDustsuj  read and learn :)22:16
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: it what that like said to do but it still gave me the same error  so i copied it down http://paste.ubuntu.com/876678/22:16
sujok monkeydust22:16
sujthanx alot22:16
sujand monkeydust: im not able to download the new ubuntu file from the net22:17
linuxdude2anyone tried the 12.04 beta??22:17
jon23dI am trying to get sun java 1.6 jdk installed on ubuntu 10.04 -- I added this to my sources: "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner", and ran apt-get update, but when I try to install, I am told there is no isntallation candidate22:17
Bodsdalinuxdude2: running it now22:18
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: did you use a CD or USB?22:18
guntbertsmackmanic1: although the ping to my server runs nearly  fine  (as 140 ms are a bit long that might point to your router/modem or your ISP)22:18
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: cd22:18
linuxdude2@Bodsda cool22:18
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: did you burn it as slowly as possible?22:18
linuxdude2how fast r your guy's internet speeds??22:18
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: no should i22:18
JoshDreamlandWhere can I get libwxbase2.8.12.1?22:18
linuxdude2burn cds at 4x22:18
Bodsdalinuxdude2: could you take the chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please22:19
linuxdude2sorry Bodsda22:19
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: i did it at 8x22:19
linuxdude2burn it again at 4x22:19
smackmanic1guntbert, alright. never experienced it before, wasn't sure what was going on22:19
linuxdude2always burn images at 4x22:19
smackmanic1guntbert, thanks22:19
linuxdude2i burn everything at 4x, always.22:19
MonkeyDustsuj  boot the live cd, you'll find gparted installed on it22:20
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guntbertsmackmanic1: you're welcome :-) I wish you good luck - sometimes a reboot of the router/access point helps...22:20
PraxiI am trying to mount a windows share on my ubuntu box.  I am running centrify, so my ubuntu user is automatically authenticated against the AD. Using my file explorer I can get to the shares np.  What I can't seem to figure out how to do is to make a 'shortcut' or 'bookmark' to the share.   This page looks very complicated for something I can just browse to using Thunar.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPe22:20
smackmanic1:) will try guntbert. if not, hopefully it won't act crazy for much longer22:20
smackmanic1thanks again22:20
linuxdude2I would recommend to download the latest gparted live image, and put it on a dedicated USB22:21
ActionParsnipPraxi: when you are in the root of the share in nautilus, click the bookmarks menu and add it as a bookmark22:21
nathanielonfireIs there good writing software for Linux/Ubuntu besides LibreOffice? I'm looking for something that is similar to Scrivener on the Mac if anyone has heard of that?22:21
linuxdude2@Praxi  Tried Samba??22:21
linuxdude2@nathanielonfire  OpenOffice22:21
ActionParsnipnathanielonfire: abiword22:22
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linuxdude2I personally would use OpenOffice22:22
min|dvir|usHi. I can't get my dual-monitor setup working. Any thoughts?22:22
rambo298Libre is Open Office, but they branched off22:22
linuxdude2irc is awesome22:22
PraxiI have samba, I just find that for all the advantages of linux I can't just do some easy command like start/run \\servername\sharename to get to a network share.22:22
linuxdude2i know'22:22
linuxdude2follow the instructions on the Ubuntu Wiki22:23
linuxdude2worked for me22:23
BodsdaPraxi: If the share is already mounted, then you should be able to do something like that command. It is no different in windows. You have to mount the share before accessing it22:23
guntbert!enter | linuxdude222:23
ubottulinuxdude2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:23
dicannamasi have a message in my update manager : recomended update x.org x server -via display driver (xserver-xorg-video-openvhrome) how do i do that? how i do the update? i dont know where to go to do it22:23
linuxdude2sorry guys22:23
PraxiActionParsnip, I'm using Thunar as a file explorer, it doesn't seem to have those menu options, if I set that in Nautilus will it show up in Thunar?22:24
linuxdude2Nautilus is awesome.22:24
ActionParsnipnathanielonfire: or googledocs or there is another app too in the repos which uses online stuff22:24
Praxibodsda, in windows I don't have to mount the share just run that command and it opens it?22:24
linuxdude2don't use anything else.22:24
amazingrandohi.  i am having a problem doing an install from 11.04 alternate (x64)22:24
ActionParsnipPraxi: I believe so22:24
Praxithunar had a context menu for open terminal here, only reason I'm using it :)22:24
ActionParsnip!find zoho22:25
ubottuFound: webservice-office-zoho22:25
BodsdaPraxi: not strictly true, the share will be auto mounted by something you configured (or ticked)22:25
amazingrandoit fails at select and install software22:25
linuxdude2@amazingrando use 11.10 now22:25
nathanielonfireHmm, I'll take a look! Thanks!22:25
ActionParsnip!info webservice-office-zoho | nathanielonfire22:25
ubottunathanielonfire: webservice-office-zoho (source: webservice-office-zoho): Ubuntu Webservice Office (Zoho). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 21 kB, installed size 164 kB22:25
amazingrandothe software i'm using works better on 11.0422:25
Praxibodsda? no22:25
jellowigglerok, i'm going crazy in the 12.04 beta.  how do i get an application menu?22:25
MonkeyDustjellowiggler  #ubuntu+122:25
linuxdude2@amazingrando what application???22:25
amazingrandoamd app sdk22:25
PraxiI can take a brand new xp box, first time on network do \\servername\sharename and open it without any additional configuration22:26
amazingrandohas problems with multiple gpus under 11.1022:26
Praxinot seeing what I had to configure extra there?22:26
linuxdude2i'm on 11.04 right now, just because i'm too lazy to update to 11.10, waiting for 12.04..........22:26
BodsdaPraxi: my bad, i'm thinking of mapped drives with unc paths.22:26
PraxiAHHH ok that makes sense :)22:26
linuxdude2anyone else hate unity??  Or love it???  I'm using Gnome 2 now22:27
amazingrandoit seems like people have fixed my installation problem by changing the sources.list to get from mirrors rather than the cdrom.22:27
linuxdude2with Docky22:27
linuxdude2love Docky22:27
amazingrandobut during install it looks like the network isn't up22:27
CyberDawgDoes anyone know about a password bug in the new beta?22:27
amazingrandoanyone have an idea of how to do it?22:27
Praxistruggling enough to understand how everything works, so was trying to figure out what I was missing with what your saying Bodsda :)22:27
nathanielonfireHow often are software updates distributed? I noticed that LibreOffice is at 3.5 on their website, but not on Ubuntu when I tried running the update manager.22:27
guntbertlinuxdude2: please keep your comments to ubuntu *support*22:27
Praxiusing Docky with Unity22:27
ActionParsnipCyberDawg: #ubuntu+1 for anything Precise based22:27
CyberDawgthanx ActionParsnip22:27
linuxdude2i'm new to IRC22:27
min|dvir|usI can't get my dual-monitor setup working. Any thoughts?22:28
linuxdude2what OS?22:28
Praximin|dvir|us, what video card22:28
BodsdaPraxi: yeah, sorry, long day :)22:28
Praximin|dvir|us, just got mine working, had to go into nvidia control panel and enable twin view :)22:28
lilVaratepIs there a way to access my w7 files from ubuntu?22:28
min|dvir|usPraxi: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/563537/22:28
linuxdude2try installing the Nvidia recommended video driver22:29
MonkeyDustlilVaratep  with Nautilus, you can22:29
linuxdude2then go into the nvidia control panel and play with it.22:29
Praxiahh intel integrated min|dvir|us?22:29
Bodsdamin|dvir|us: run   sudo nvidia-settings   and configure it in there22:29
linuxdude2intel gpu's suck, no offense22:29
linuxdude2I only use nvidia22:29
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: Okay im in Nautilius22:29
Bodsdalinuxdude2: seriously, please keep the offtopic chat out of this channel22:30
linuxdude2i'm helping min|dvir|us22:30
ActionParsniplinuxdude2: they are fine if you don't want gaming22:30
MonkeyDustlilVaratep  on the left, do you see the folders and disks?22:30
linuxdude2i game though22:30
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: yes just folders under Computer22:30
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: and system reserved22:30
amazingrandois there another way to see if my network is up other than ifconfig - i get an error "limited output"22:30
linuxdude2nvidia also has best support with linux22:30
min|dvir|uslinuxdude2: you don't know what you're talking about. :)22:30
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linuxdude2about what??22:31
linuxdude2tell me22:31
MonkeyDustlilVaratep  no Devices?22:31
Praxiso in application finder, I'm not seeing nautilus. Software center says its installed, can I use it in Unity?22:31
goldinsmin|dvir|us: are you for serious?22:31
dicannamasi am trying to upgrade  the system and i get a message saying the a package is been kept but at the same time when i use the update manager i get the recomendation to upgrade it from the driver display but i dont know how22:31
min|dvir|uslinuxdude2: nVidia's drivers are closed-source; Intel's are open-source.22:31
linuxdude2min|dvir|us  how long have you been using linux??22:31
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: no devices, just Computer and Network22:31
lilVaratepI'm in wubi, btw22:31
linuxdude2nvidia still has drivers22:31
goldinsmin|dvir|us: And yet nvidia's drivers actually work, unlike any other drivers, including the open source AMD drivers.22:31
linuxdude2i'll check, trb22:32
MonkeyDustlilVaratep  what's in Computer?22:32
linuxdude2goldins thank you for stating my point22:32
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: Home, Desktop, System Reserved, usb, file system, trash22:32
goldinsand AMD has been releasing everything the open source team has been asking for for years, and the drivers SUCK. Terribly.22:32
rambo298linuxdude2, ubuntu/mint upgrades are a huge pita with nvidia; every time i do it i have to pull a driver install from them, and fight x problems22:32
linuxdude2when it comes to nvidia gpu's "closed-source" is sometimes better22:32
goldinsand intel has yet to make a GPU that is useful for anything but office work22:32
min|dvir|usYou guys are obviously pros.22:33
min|dvir|usNo place for me here.22:33
* min|dvir|us scoffs.22:33
MonkeyDust!info ntfs-3g | lilVaratep22:33
ubottulilVaratep: ntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read/write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2011.4.12AR.4-2ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 570 kB, installed size 1580 kB22:33
PraxiI do have to agree with rambo298, being mainly a linux curious person, every time I try it, I end up having to screw with Nvidia drivers ALOT22:33
rambo298well since almost everyone uses their computer for office work, why would intel want to compete with nvidia?22:33
linuxdude2System > Admin > Additional Drivers22:33
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: should i be in sudo nautilus or reg nautilus22:33
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linuxdude2Intel is a processor company22:33
linuxdude2Not a good gpu company22:33
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MonkeyDustlilVaratep  try installing ntfs-3g it's in the repos22:34
rambo298video chips are processors; they have embedded riscs and they are accessible to users (sometimes)22:34
lilVaratepi already have ntfs-3g latest version MonkeyDust22:34
MonkeyDustlilVaratep  hmmmm, strange22:34
min|dvir|usI'm trying to get my second monitor working. Any thoughts? It's not showing up in the Displays dialog. Here's my lspci: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/563537/22:34
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: what should i be seeing?22:34
* fraterm is angered by his brother printer and the cups driver they provide.22:35
MonkeyDustlilVaratep  there's this program called mountmanager, in the repos22:35
=== travis is now known as Guest88991
Guest88991The app bar along the top in ver 12.04... can it be moved to bottom of screen?? if so I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how22:37
waxstonemin|dvir|us, you could try editing your /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually22:37
MonkeyDustlilVaratep  in a terminal, type sudo fdisk -l => do you see the win7 partition?22:37
meerkatsin unity, how do I change the proxy settings for all the laptop?22:37
min|dvir|uswaxstone: to what?22:37
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity22:37
waxstone1 sec ill paste mine22:37
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: the lowist i can burn it at is 2x shoud i do that or 4x or 8(what i did last time)22:38
min|dvir|uswaxstone: I'm not going to use your xorg.conf.22:38
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min|dvir|usDoes anyone know a lot?22:38
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: yes i see it.22:38
min|dvir|usSpecifically about X11 and multi-monitor setups?22:38
waxstonemin|dvir|us, ok then22:38
min|dvir|usMy second monitor is not showing up in the Displays dialog. Here's my lspci: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/563537/22:38
MonkeyDustlilVaratep  are you familiar with manually mouning devices?22:38
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: i just tried mounting it in /mnt and it says: mount is denied because the ntfs volume is alrady exclusively opened22:39
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: you saw that im in WUBI, right?22:39
Spyro2min|dvir|us, i have three screens , but not understand completelly how22:39
MonkeyDustlilVaratep  wubi :(22:39
Spyro2just bragging22:39
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MonkeyDustlilVaratep  if you had said that from the start.... ;)22:39
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: i did!!22:39
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: could try SD card / USB as wel, no moving parts22:40
linuxdude2flash mem though22:40
MonkeyDustwubi is the worst invention since the wheel22:40
lilVaratepMonkeyDust: so i cant view it from here?22:40
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: its ok as a try before you buy, as a long term its pretty poor22:40
oconnorehow do i install ubuntu directly onto a hard drive from within another ubuntu install?22:40
oconnorei am getting caught up with grub issues22:41
oconnoreit keeps searching for the wrong uuid, and I don't know how to trick it22:41
linuxdude2clone HDD22:41
lilVaratepI'm thinking of uninstalling w7 and making either Arch, or Ubuntu my main.22:41
DosmorpheusActionParsnip: can't find my usb and dont have a sd card22:41
Spyro2oconnore, i think ubiquity22:41
oconnoreSpyro2: thanks22:42
ActionParsnipDosmorpheus: gah22:43
hellknightI was here few days back regarding installation of Ubuntu on my Dad's Dell laptop. Well, I installed it. And it was perfect. Everything was working fine.22:43
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linuxdude2that's what Linux is for22:44
hellknightyeah I know.. I've been using it since 2006..22:44
hellknightBut never installed it on a laptop.22:44
ActionParsniphellknight: I've had more success with dell than other brands22:44
helpanoobI keep running in to a iso to big error on remastersys is there another way to back up my system as is?22:44
JeffJasskyHey, guys. It seems like my swap is disabled - no idea why... I'm kind of new to linux. I was hoping for someone to point me in the right direction22:44
Praxidoh, so adding bookmark to nautilus didn't add it to thunar22:44
meerkatshow do I configure proxy settings?22:45
hellknightI haven't had the time to check the battery status because I love somewhere else. But I'll update you guys this weekend when I'll go home.22:45
Praxithe only reason I'm using Thunar is because of the right click context menu entry for open terminal here, is there any way for me to add that to nautilus?22:45
JeffJasskyActually I just ran.. sudo swapon a22:45
JeffJasskyswapon: a: stat failed: No such file or directory22:45
slakcphilJeffJasssky, maybe swapon can help you22:45
CFHowlettJeffJassky   see http://superuser.com/questions/22081/turn-on-swap-memory-on-ubuntu22:45
slakcphilJeffJassky, oh sorry22:46
ActionParsnipPraxi: yes there's a package I believe, or at the very least a nautuilus script22:46
slakcphildidn't scroll22:46
hellknightThe Hindi fonts look beautiful on it. Can I change the entire menu system etc to Hindi?22:46
ActionParsnip!info ---------------------------22:46
ActionParsnipBomgar - Idle Logout22:46
ActionParsnipYou have not used the Bomgar Representative Console for more than 5 minutes.22:46
ActionParsnipYou will automatically be logged out in 30 seconds unless you click OK.22:46
FloodBot1ActionParsnip: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
lilVaratepim gonna install ubuntu (officially). should I choose the option "install alongside windows" or make my own partitions? note; i already have WUBI installed22:47
CFHowlettlilVaratep   install alongside - you can kill wubi later ...22:47
hellknightThe only problem is that my dad is getting slow copying speed to his external NTFS HDD.22:48
JeffJasskyhere's what happened with swapon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/876724/22:48
lilVaratepinstall alongside is basically the same thing, correct? will it be a full installation?(and not wubi-like)22:48
hellknightlilvartep, yes it wil be full22:48
CFHowlettlilVaratep   it will be a regulare installation22:48
GASSYPOOTShow do i put things on the desktop?22:49
lilVaratepwill it let me choose partition to install to? because I made a 50gb partition on the side i wanna use for this ubuntu22:49
CFHowlettlilVaratep   choose manual partitioning options ...22:49
GASSYPOOTStahts a little big22:49
hellknighthow can I increase the copying speed of the USB 2.0 external HDD which my dad uses. It has NTFS filesystem on it & he gets around 10-11 MB/s22:49
hellyeahi am using ubuntu 11.0422:49
ActionParsnipGASSYPOOTS: same as you would normally22:49
hellyeahbut i want gnoem-panel back22:49
ActionParsnipGASSYPOOTS: what do you want on the desktop?22:50
CFHowlettlilVaratep   note that a full ubuntu install requires only about 8 gigs if that much.  save some space for your /home22:50
GASSYPOOTScant drag them they pop back to the bar22:50
afellowhow can i save my setting in alsamixer?? ubuntu 11.1022:50
ActionParsniphellknight: log in to gnome classic desktop when you log in22:50
lilVaratepCFHowlett: yeah but im planning on transitioning out of w7 =D22:50
Submarinerhow can i install a .deb file in ubuntu, it seems my Ubuntu Software center wont open :(22:50
ActionParsnipSubmariner: sudo dpkg -i debfile22:50
lilVaratepCFHowlett: slowly though. anyways i have abundant hd space.22:50
FloodBot1hellyeah: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:50
hellknightActionParsnip, I think that message is for someone else ..:)22:50
hellyeahi want panel like that is it possible22:50
CFHowlettlilVaratep   suggestion: keep your /home separate from the ubuntu / root partition22:50
ActionParsnipGASSYPOOTS: I suggest you open /usr/share/applications   and copy the files from there to desktop22:51
hellknightI enquired about slow copying speed to the NTFS external HDD..22:51
lilVaratepCFHowlett: so i would have to manually make partitions? i hate that part =p22:51
ActionParsniphellknight: Natty still has old school desktop,just use the classic option when you log in....as I said...22:51
CFHowlettlilVaratep   why?  default install puts your /home under the /   If you have to reinstall our /home data gets wiped.22:52
hellknightActionparsnip, will that increase the copying speed?22:52
lilVaratepCFHowlett: do i need to create a /var and a swap partition as well?22:52
hellknightActionparsnip, I think that that message is meant for hellyeah22:52
ActionParsniphellknight: I doubt it very much22:52
ActionParsniphellknight: ahhhh22:52
CFHowlettlilVaratep   set a swap size - I go with 2X my ram so 8 Gigabytes ...22:53
ActionParsniphellknight: yeah you are right..22:53
MonkeyDustlilVaratep  you have better control over your data, if you keep /home separate22:53
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lilVaratepCFHowlett: how bout a /var folder like arch forces me to make?22:53
hellknightActionParsnip, I'm happy with Unity.. looks good.. the fonts are nice..22:53
lilVaratepi mean /var partition22:53
ActionParsniphellknight: does the system have a make and model?22:53
Submarinersudo dpkg says file is loked by another process22:53
CFHowlettlilVaratep   the only folders I manuall create are /home /swap and /  - I let ubuntu default the rest22:54
MonotokolilVaratep, you only need /home and / usually... unless you have a server22:54
hellknightlilvaratep: I think that 4 GB swao should be enough22:54
ActionParsnipSubmariner: is software centre open, or synaptic, or are you installing updates etc?22:54
lilVaratepi have 4gigs ram so ill probably use 8gigs swap22:54
ActionParsniplilVaratep: you can have just one partition if you want22:54
hellknightActionParsnip, Hmm.. It's a Dell Inspiron 14 R, Intel Core i3 2310M, 320 GB HDD @ 5400 RPM, 4 GB RAM & 1366x768 resolution22:54
GASSYPOOTSmy grandma hate ubuntu >.<22:54
SubmarinerActionParsnip: it seems software center isnt opening, is a software from a project22:55
hellknightActionParsnip, The external HDD is of Seagate GoFlex 500 GB USB 2.022:55
lilVaratephow big should /home and / be? im using 8gigs for swap out of 50 gigs22:55
hellknightlilVaratep, you don't need that much swap. 4 GB is enough. & /home depends upon your total data..22:55
lilVaratepwell, i have 50gigs total22:55
lilVaratepi mean free space22:56
MonotokolilVaratep, if you have 50gigs total... less swap, I'd even go for 2GB if you have 4GB RAM22:56
hellknight10 GB to /, 4 GB to Swap & the rest to /home22:56
Monotokoas for /... you probably won't need more than 15GB depending on what you install22:56
Submarinerok. maybe was permission22:56
Zaitzevhey guys, I just installed deluge-webui, but it doesn't show the contents of "my" deluge-client? How do I change that?22:56
CFHowlettlilVaratep  save some for windows22:56
lilVaratepCFHowlett: my windows already has 180gigs22:56
KI7MTlilVaratep, 8gb for swap is way over kill, I have 4GB of ram and 1Gb swap and have never seen the swap monitor show any usage.22:56
ActionParsniphellknight: do you have the latest BIOS?22:57
hellknightZaitzev, did you change the settings in the Deluge client as well? I mean did you enabled it in the app?22:57
ActionParsniphellknight: is the USB set to legacy mode?22:57
hellknightActionParsnip, yeah.. everything is updated..22:57
hellknightActionParsnip, actually, the USB is giving full speed in Windows..22:57
Submarinernope, still dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process22:57
ActionParsniphellknight: try the different usb mode in bios22:58
hellknightActionParsnip : This might be an issue with the NTFS-3g package22:58
hellknightActionParsnip: Yeah I'll toggle around22:58
hellknightZaitsev, it works fine for me under Transmission22:59
hellknightZaitzev, works fine for me under transmission22:59
ZaitzevI'm not sure how I should config it?22:59
GASSYPOOTSany way to put a windows 7 look alike background on?22:59
CFHowlettGASSYPOOTS   sure.  you dual boot?22:59
GASSYPOOTSbut how do i switch boots23:00
ActionParsnipGASSYPOOTS: sure, you can use the same wallpaper in Ubuntu23:00
hellknightZaitzev, open Transmission/Deluge.. go to the web tabs & select 'Enable Web Client'23:00
Zaitzevhellknight: I mean, I do localhost:customport and it connects, but there aren't anything listed (no torrents or anything)23:00
CFHowlettGASSYPOOTS   wait 1 - it'll be worth it23:00
lilVaratepwhat do i choose for device for boot loader installation? my root folder ?23:00
hellknightZaitzev, same port on both the applications?23:00
lilVaratepor the /dev/sda, or my windows 7(loader) ?23:00
hellknightlilVaratep, on /dev/sda23:00
hellknightlilVaratep, then it will detect Windows installation23:00
GASSYPOOTSmy grandma wants her windows slowx7 back but i want ubuntu !!!!!23:01
XenethThere a shortcut to disable sleep function?23:01
hellknightZaitzev, this thing works here pefectly on Transmission.23:01
GASSYPOOTShow do i keep them both but switch im already dual booted23:01
CFHowlettGASSYPOOTS   windows 7 images are at /Users/user/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Themes/23:01
CFHowletton the windows hdd23:01
GASSYPOOTScan you use terminal to switch23:01
hellknightZaitsev, do it like
ActionParsnipGASSYPOOTS: could run Ubuntu in a virtualbox23:01
hellknightZaitzev, try it with your IP add23:01
GASSYPOOTSnot realy23:02
Zaitzevhere we go..23:02
lilVaratepsshould i encrypt my home folder?23:02
Zaitzevit works now :)23:02
CFHowlettlilVaratep   depends on your paranoia level23:02
lilVaratepCFHowlett: so yes... lol23:02
ubottuarinov_: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° Š½Š°Š±ŠµŃ€ŠøтŠµ /join #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.23:02
arinov_oh sorry23:02
ikonialilVaratep: think this through - do you really need to encypt your disk ?23:02
arinov_i thought i am on ..-ru23:02
ikonialilVaratep: %90 of people don't, permissions would be enough23:02
ikoniathe headache of managing encypted devices on home user systems is such a waste unless you really need it23:03
lilVaratepcrap too late i encrypted and clicked install23:03
lilVaratephow to abort install? LOL23:03
lilVaratepits still retrieving!23:03
arinov_i have an cp1251 cyrillic named files in zip archive and file roller show it replaced by ? symbos23:03
ikoniaputting the encyption button on the installer is asking for trouble23:03
arinov_how to fix it?23:03
ikonialilVaratep: just re-install it23:03
CFHowlettGASSYPOOTS   windows 7 themes and images are at http://paste.ubuntu.com/876736/23:03
ActionParsnipikonia: +123:04
lilVaratepif i encrypt my /home, and i decide to reinstall ubuntu later or update, will i be able to still access the encrypted /home?23:04
ActionParsniplilVaratep: yes but its not as easy as unencrypted23:04
CFHowlettlilVaratep   painfully, probably, maybe23:04
ikonialilVaratep: with a lot of effort23:04
ikonialilVaratep: hence why I'm saying for %90 of home users, they don't need it23:04
hellknightlilVaratep, very painfully :P23:04
ActionParsnipand especially with the target audience of Ubuntu too23:04
ikoniapeople want it as they think it's "cool" when the reality is some safe permissions are all that's needed at best for most people23:05
lilVaratepokay.. i just did a hard reset23:05
GASSYPOOTSOMG internet explorer is spyware/ system keylogger!!!!!!!!!1123:05
lilVaratepit was still retrieving files so i can just install again23:05
ikonialilVaratep: sure23:05
ikoniaGASSYPOOTS: please don't be silly23:05
GASSYPOOTSno realy23:05
ActionParsnipGASSYPOOTS: IE is offtopic here23:06
ikoniaGASSYPOOTS: the channel is for ubuntu technical support, take your random nonsense elswhere please.23:06
GASSYPOOTSunder windows partition look under23:06
BodsdaGASSYPOOTS: not the place. Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic23:06
ActionParsnipGASSYPOOTS: or ##windows23:06
ikoniaI do'nt even want it in #ubuntu-offtopic please.23:06
Bodsda##windows then23:06
amazingrandoanyone familiar with the minimal net installation?23:06
ActionParsnipamazingrando: i've used it23:06
ikoniaamazingrando: used it,23:06
nopfikonia: in many saner jurisdictions you could not responsibly carry around a notebook without encryption carrying data concerning people like patients or even customers. it is nearly a must23:07
amazingrandonetworking is fine at the start of the install, but then it's down after it gets the first stuff from the repo23:07
ikonianopf: depends on your business and the data you are carrying sure,23:07
amazingrandohow can i bring it back up?23:07
ikoniaamazingrando: shouldn't down it23:07
ActionParsnipamazingrando: is it actually down?23:08
amazingrandoyeah, the link lights are now off23:08
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ActionParsnipamazingrando: is it a wired connection?23:08
lilVaratepoh i just clicked re-install.... this is why i love ubuntu. SO EASY AND SIMPLE unlike arch or gentoo!23:09
ikonialights off suggest the link is dead rather than the card is down23:09
amazingrandolights go off at the same time during install each time23:09
CFHowlettlilVaratep   aaah.  another happy customer!  :)23:09
BodsdalilVaratep: Ubuntu is onyl simpler than Gentoo because you don't know how to do things the Gentoo way :)23:09
lilVaratepBodsda: hell no im not going back to that crazy thing. the network setup was maniacal. it would've taken a month to find out that it doesn't work...23:10
CFHowlettlilVaratep   what's REALLY cool is when you do an (re)installation & DON'T format your /home and get a new distro with all your data intact...23:10
sstagentoo is okay if you have the time and interest...I think Ubuntu really is simpler to use though :)23:10
BodsdalilVaratep: hehe :) gotta love Gentoo - it makes normal people go insane :)23:10
lilVaratepI'll probably get into gentoo/arch in the summer or something23:11
lilVaratepI'm sure that i'd be fine if the wireless was supported... but setting up the wireless myself just drove me nuts for both gentoo and arch23:11
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ActionParsnipssta: gentoo teaches you a lot too23:12
lilVaratepAnyone do multiple monitors with ubuntu?23:14
sstaActionParsnip: I was building LFS in 2000.  I've already learned all that stuff...gentoo is easier than that, but I don't have that kind of time any more23:14
lilVaratepHow do the workspaces work?23:14
BodsdalilVaratep: I have an extended monitor setup, so they work exactly the same, theres just more room left to right23:14
sstaif I could be bothered building everything from source, I'd go for BSD anyways23:15
lilVaratepIs there a way to take out the dash and go to something that looks like Arch's setup?23:15
hellknightssta, but BSD has some problems.. lack of a package manager..23:15
BodsdalilVaratep: fluxbox?23:15
hellknightssta, Gentoo's emerge is better23:15
lilVaratepBodsda: whats that23:15
sstahellknight: ports is as good as emerge23:16
BodsdalilVaratep: its a window manager - an alternative to Gnome/Unity/KDE/XFCE/Blackbox/IceWM/E7 etc etc.23:16
sstait's all a matter of opinion anyway23:16
lilVaratepOh would it be like DWM?23:16
hellknightssta, moreover, FreeBSD is good but lacks KMS support so ATI card is like hell on it :)23:16
sstahellknight: I never buy ATI cards...but that's a valid point23:17
lilVaratepI thought I was stuck with this dash look forever. I didn't know that UNITY/GNOME/KDE were window managers. i thought they were like the environment23:17
SegF4ultWhy the hell does VLC have an ASCII output module?! o.O23:17
hellknightssta, same here.. NVIDIA FTW23:17
BodsdalilVaratep: technically, they are desktop environments23:17
ActionParsniplilVaratep: none of those are WMs :)23:17
hellknightssta, I've a quad boot in my system.. Arch Linux, Ubuntu, FreeBSD & Windows 7..23:17
pdqawesome window manager is awesome :]23:18
Bodsdapdq: rat poison ftw!23:18
ActionParsniplilVaratep: Gnome and KDE are desktop environments and Unity is a shell23:18
sstahellknight: basically I don't have the time or inclination to build everything from source, so I use ubuntu almost exclusively.  I have many VMs of various sorts which satisfies my need for variety23:18
lilVaratepActionParsnip: how does a window manager take out the dash then?23:18
BodsdaIs there anyway to partition /home without unmounting it?23:18
hellknightssta, you could use Arch Linux. It doesn't compiles from source but has BSD init system.23:19
ActionParsniplilVaratep: because you are using Compiz as the WM in Unity, and I believe Metacity in Unity 2D23:19
sstaBodsda: not safely, no, I don't believe so23:19
pdqBodsda, i havent tried rat poison yet, is it tiling wm too?23:19
Jezarithis there a place that kernel trace/dumps are stored?23:19
Bodsdapdq: yeah, but very very minimal23:19
Jezarithor is it pretty much the console it dumps to?23:19
sstahellknight: I've been using debian of one sort or another for over a decade...I'll stick with what I'm happy with...Currently Ubuntu is my Debian of choice :)23:19
hellknightssta, Debian rocks bro.. one of the best distributions.23:20
BodsdaAnyone know if there is a safe way to unmount /home whilst logged in?23:20
hellknightssta, they removed the binary blobs from the Debian 6 kernel so it failed to install on my system.. Actually it did install but no network :(23:20
sstahellknight: well, Ubuntu is just Debian with a few tweaks and a better installer...23:21
hellknightssta, yeah.. But they need to work on power management. Heard pretty bad things about it. Sucks the battery23:21
sstahellknight: I wouldn't know about that...haven't had anhy problems with battery23:21
hellknightssta, phoronix site was saying that. Will confirm once my dad returns with his laptop..23:22
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JezarithDoes ubuntu write out a kernel panic trace to logs by default? machine already restarted at this point.23:23
hellknightI'm thinking about getting a Laser Printer for home. Loads of documents/reports/project work to print. Thinking about getting Canon LBP 3000 as it can be refilled.23:24
hellknightHow's Canon with CUPS?23:24
ActionParsniphellknight: check the canon site. they do make some deb drivers23:25
hellknightActionParsnip, the HP desktjet 2030 installed fine. Downloaded only 500 KB driver!!23:25
Random832how the F*** is it harder to set up NFS than SMB?23:26
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ActionParsniphellknight: yeah hplip is in thedefault install :)23:26
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dr3mrocan any one help me with this issue of my USB modem (zte mf190) : I works ok and usb_modeswitch detects it but ubuntu detects it on ttyUSB2 and that for some reason causes the network manager to fail to connect and i have to unplug /replug it again and again until it is detected at ttyUSB0 then it will work .. is there a way to force it at ttyUSB0 ???23:27
jwashRandom832 because of mounting the remote filesystem23:27
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Jason123ugh everythings registerd lol23:27
Random832jwash: i don't even know if i've got the export set up right23:27
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amazingrandois it possible to do a custom install (choose what to install or not) from the regular live CD iso?23:27
Random832i just uncommented the /srv/nfs4 in the exports file and made the directory23:28
ActionParsniphellknight: http://www.canon.co.uk/Support/Consumer_Products/products/printers/Laser/Laser_Shot_LBP3000.aspx?type=download&page=1   yep, linux drivers ahoy23:28
hellknightACtionParsnip, Nice.. then Canon it is. Selecting it because I can refill it's toner in India for Just Rs. 500 ($10)23:28
WouterDSAnyone who can help out a bit with iptables? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193731323:28
CFHowlettamazingrando   pretty sure you need teh alternative install or DVD for that option ...23:28
hellknightActionParsnip, genuine toner costs around $60 (Rs. 3000)23:28
amazingrandoyeah, i'm having trouble with alternative or minimal because they won't work with my network adapter for some reason23:29
JasonJayok hey guys im trying to fer windows 7 on virtual box but i cant get the virtual box to install the windows using my scandisk I have enabled it in the settings but im unsure im new to ubuntu and cant seem to figure it out any help is appreciated23:29
ActionParsnipamazingrando: wired or wireless?23:29
amazingrandoit sees the network at the beginning of install and autoconfig is successful23:30
ActionParsnipJasonJay: i'd ask in #vbox23:30
JasonJayoh didnt know they had a channel cool thanks23:30
amazingrandobut after it downloads from the repo the base system, eth0 is shut down23:30
amazingrandonot sure how to bring it back up23:30
ActionParsnipamazingrando: does the system have a make and model?23:30
amazingrandoit's a msi 890fxa-gd70 motherboard23:31
amazingrandorealtek nics23:31
lilVaratepYay, i finally have a full install of ubuntu!23:31
amazingrandoinstalling from the livecd works fine, but i'm trying to fit an install on a 4gb usb drive23:31
pdqcongrats lilVaratep23:32
tete_hi, i would like to configure my apache with vhosts, and i did it... i think, but when i open the browser and browse the ip of the server, i get the same as would i browse the domain... thats not what i want. i want to get a blank page displayed when someone tries to open the url directly23:32
ActionParsnipamazingrando: try the boot option: acpi=off23:32
amazingrandook, let me try that23:32
ikoniatete_: virtual hosts is name based and depends on the host headers in the http get request23:33
BudgetI need to copy a file to root.  How would I do that?23:33
ubottubudget: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:33
tete_this is my config23:33
tete_ikonia, i know that and i hoped it would work when i call: http://$myip to get the default /var/www/index.html displayed instead of /var/www/blah.de/index.html23:34
ActionParsnipBudget: run:  gksudo nautilus   and you will be ok23:34
ikoniatete_: how is $myip a name23:34
ikoniatete_: it's NAME based23:34
tete_and how to configure apache to handle it that way i would like to have it?23:35
ikoniatete_: you can't it's NAME based23:35
tete_it must work as i have seen this before23:35
ikoniatete_: no, it will go to the default host unless you use a NAME23:35
ikoniatete_: or you use IP based hosting instead of name based23:35
tete_i only have 1 ip23:36
tete_isnt there any "default" which should be used when no name is used (when a ip is entered) ?23:36
tete_i cant believe theres no way to do this23:36
ikoniatete_: no23:36
BudgetThat did it, thank you.23:36
sujcan i get some help regarding ubuntu/?23:37
ubottusuj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:37
sujsory abt that23:38
sujnot able to download a setup file for ubuntu23:38
sujim not able to download the whole file?23:39
druonysushas anyone ever gotten Salt to work on Ubuntu 11.04?23:42
pdqsuj, use only official download links from ubuntu site, if grab the .torrent file it will support downloading in pieces if have slow or or disconnecting internet23:42
sujpdq:i did it from ubuntu itself23:44
tanathhow can i stop firefox from popping up every time i log in?23:44
sujmy internet is good enough...23:44
tanathwith a session that should no longer exist, no less23:45
sujbut not able to download the whole file23:45
CFHowlettsuj   what "setup" file are you trying to dl??23:45
igor__i am getting no video but i havfe sound in VLC media player23:45
igor__the screen is green23:45
sujiiso type23:45
CFHowlettsuj   iso?  ubuntu iso?  Probably faster via torrents23:45
pdqif using firefox i would try to download using chrome or try the iso .torrent :)23:45
sujigor:try restarting the vlc player23:45
suji tried the chroe n ie and frfo23:46
tanathvery frustrating, since it's a page with a login popup23:46
igor__still justa green screen23:46
sujigor:the video is not upportive thn23:47
sujtry sme other player23:47
igor__its just a mkv file23:47
pdqsuj, i would try .torrent cause would support downloading in pieces/partial: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#bt23:47
suji dont have tornt:(23:47
sujso i shud download that first23:47
tanathsomeone must know23:48
CFHowlettigor__   doesn't mean it'll work ... however, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:48
nagarjunahi i23:48
CFHowlettsuj   you don't NEED torrent, you only need a torrent client.  In ubuntu = transmission23:48
CFHowlettnagarjuna   greetings23:49
nagarjunahi i'm using skype on ubuntu. Some times it is hanging23:49
pdqtanath, firefox must be set to autostart? remove from autostart23:49
tanathhow can i stop firefox from popping up every time i log in?23:49
CFHowlettnagarjuna   not unexpected ...23:49
tanathpdq, first thing i checked23:49
frazzyhow do you check if you're using unity 2d or 3d?23:49
igor__its already updated23:49
CFHowletttanath   preferences>startup applications23:49
tanathpdq, not in startup23:49
lilVaratepActionParsnip: Hey! I found your picture!23:49
tanathCFHowlett, not in startup23:49
gdea73recently my desktop running 10.10 has been randomly hanging if I leave it to sit for a while on the lock screen23:50
mlindsayprinters are the death of linux for me lol23:50
gdea73I think whenever it shuts off the monitor on the software side, it hangs23:50
pdqi don;t use unity maybe when you logged out you are choosing save session? or when logging in you are choosing old session instead of new23:50
lilVaratepDoes anyone know how to make it so every time u run irssi in terminal, it auto connects and identifies?23:50
sujwhich torrent shud i select?23:50
tanathpdq, i don't use unity either. and session saving is not in the startup app anymore23:50
tete_ikonia, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html#default23:51
CFHowlettsuj   depends on your machine specifications and what desktop environment you prefer...23:51
tanathpdq, but assuming it's a saved session, how do i fix it?23:51
pdqsuj is want 11.10 desktop and have 64 bit chose ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd6423:51
mlindsayanyone have any good recomendations for a driver to get a canon IR 7000 working under ubuntu?23:51
pdqif want*, damn new keyboard23:51
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tanathpdq, and there's no option on log out23:51
suji have a intel  centrino duo 32bit23:52
CFHowlettsuj don't do 64 then...23:52
pdqsuj take the 11.10 desktop i386 :)23:52
itaylor57lilVaratep, http://irssi.org/documentation/startup#c323:52
CFHowlettsuj how much ram?23:52
suj2-5gb ram23:53
suj2.5 gb23:53
pdqwhen logging in if use the default login manager click the cog wheel icon, perhaps is set to default to existing session? other than that i dunno23:53
ActionParsnipsuj: you'll need PAE kernel. I have the same CPU in my lappy23:53
pdqgrr tanath^^ :)23:53
[[thufir]]can mondoarchive write a directory to optical disc?  http://www.mondorescue.org/docs/mondoarchive.8.html  at the end it says:    mondoarchive -Oi -d /mnt/foo -E '/mnt/foo|/mnt/foo2' -p `hostname`-`date +%Y-%m-%d`  which makes me think "yes"23:53
CFHowlettsuj   consider a light distro then; xubuntu or lubuntu23:53
ActionParsnipsuj: oh, for 2.5Gb ram you'll be using 32bit and be ok23:53
tanathpdq, no, i use gnome classic session23:54
pengwhi all23:54
igor__got it working in gnome mplayer23:54
CFHowlettpengw   greetings23:54
[[thufir]]got it:  mondoarchive -Ow 4 -I ``/home|/etc''   :)23:54
pengwi got a problem which is very interesting23:54
[[thufir]]anyone used mondo?  I'm giving it a try for first time...23:54
sujactionparsnip:?didnt get you?23:54
tanathanyone have detailed knowledge of ubuntu autostarts?23:54
tanathor an app for viewing them?23:55
pengwwhen i insert my usb stick into my laptop ubuntu showed me that : DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending23:55
sujcfhhowlett:ok?whats the difference between those three?23:55
ActionParsnipsuj: with 32bit cpu and 2.5Gb ram you will need the 32bit ISO. I have the same in my Dell Lat D420 and it runs a full Unity session just fine23:55
ActionParsnippengw: did you MD5 test the ISO you put on the stick?23:55
pengwbut I can bowser my file in my file manager the only problem is this error message.23:56
ActionParsnippengw: oh its not ISO stuff :(, my bad23:56
sujactionparsnip:so i can use ubuntu?23:56
ActionParsnipsuj: yes, it'll be fine23:56
ActionParsnippengw: when you last unplugged the stick did you safely remove the device or just yank it out?23:56
sujcud u direct me to which file i shud download...there are lo of options..23:56
tanath'cud u'? university for cows?23:57
ActionParsnipsuj: http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso   MD5: c396dd0f97bd122691bdb92d7e68fde523:57
pengwit seems that not only one manager try to handle this plugging event.23:57
pengwi have two file manager nau**** and pcman.23:58
rambo298why is nautilus ****?23:58
pdqpengw, nautilus is a dirty word? hehe23:58
sujactionparsnip:i have kept it for download23:58
sujhope it downloads this time..:(23:58
igor__now the video and audio is not in sync23:59
pengwcuz nautilus is hard to spell.23:59

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