
GridCubeETA to meeting?18:27
pleia2I don't know if that's been decided18:28
GridCube_mmm i don't know if i got an answer while my system went down18:32
Unit193"I don't know if that's been decided"18:33
GridCube_oh i see18:33
GridCube_okay, well then i think i cant participate again :(18:33
GridCube_see you later18:33
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
ZardoZUpgrade from Xubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 beta doesn't work here. Is this a bug? Or something else?21:18
Unit193"Doesn't work", can you explain?21:23
ZardoZOf course, after starting running update-manager -d the upgrade process stops with the error "can't calculate upgrade".21:32
Unit193Try `do-release-upgrade -d`, may tell us more info.21:33
ZardoZrunning the command now.21:35
ZardoZSame error.21:37
Unit193Yes, but more info?21:37
ZardoZAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:21:37
ZardoZE:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be21:37
ZardoZcaused by held packages21:37
ZardoZWhat info do you want to know?21:37
Unit193Seems you or a program marked a package as held.21:38
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto21:38
ZardoZhaven't pinned anything afaik, but will check.21:38
ZardoZ(i am a very experienced debian user)21:39
ZardoZother causes the command gives me:21:39
ZardoZThis can be caused by:21:40
ZardoZ* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu21:40
ZardoZ* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu21:40
ZardoZ* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu21:40
ZardoZWill also double check my 3rd party repositories.21:40
Unit193Aye, I don't know for sure, but may also want to check with Pangolin support over in #ubuntu+121:41
ZardoZOK. I will first manually disable everything in /etc/apt/sources.list/21:42
ZardoZsame error after disabling every 3rd party sources. 21:45
Unit193I do not know.21:48
Unit193Never done an LTS > LTS.21:48
knomei'm not sure if you can update from LTS to LTS-beta21:50
knomethat wouldn't make much sense, would it?21:50
ZardoZMe neither :-) 21:50
knomeyou want long term support, but you're installing a beta version??21:50
Unit193You'd have to test it somehow, but...21:51
ZardoZWell, this isn't a production machine.21:51
knomei understand, but that was from the packaging/releasing POV21:51
knomethose who want to skip the "normal" releases probably want to skip the beta's too21:51
ZardoZI need some extra functionality present in 12.04.21:51
ZardoZBut I have to admit, it's also a test.21:52
ZardoZAnyway: at which moment will a upgrade be officialy possible? After the release? Or when the RC is there?21:55
knomeZardoZ, i believe it's after the release21:55
knomeand there aren't really RC's, just betas21:56
ZardoZsuggenstion of #ubuntu+1 is to wait a few hours. It might work then. Otherwise I will wait.21:59
ZardoZtill the official release21:59
knomeyup, good luck22:00
ChristopherNga couple of post grad folks here, looking at some kind of ERP for ubuntu based distros.22:17
ChristopherNgwant to know what you folks think of this project, we have a choice, but this is the one that seems to have caught our interest.22:17
knomeChristopherNg, you mean, creating and ERP application for ubuntu based distros?22:19
ChristopherNgwhats your feeling about something like that, could it work or will it fail from the drawing board itself?22:20
knomei don't see a reason why it wouldn't work. i don't see how that should be specifically directed to ubuntu based distros22:20
knomei mean, it's just an application, right?22:20
knomehave you looked if there is any projects that is doing ERP in the FOSS field?22:21
ChristopherNgno actually didnt think there would be much interest in that..22:21
ChristopherNgI could be wrong, but basically..22:21
knomeinterest in what?22:21
ChristopherNgwe are looking at an erp for smes22:22
ChristopherNgSME = Small, Medium, Enterprises22:22
knomebut interest in what?22:22
knomei mean, you lost me22:22
astraljavaThis is one seriously confusing conversation for sure.22:22
ChristopherNgi meant interest in erp for ubuntu or linux in general sorry22:23
knomeno interest in such a product from end-users?22:23
knomewhy not.22:23
knomeif it's good, i'm sure it'll raise interest22:23
knomeastraljava, hey :)22:23
ChristopherNgnot sure22:23
Unit193Howdy, java.22:23
ChristopherNgits just the culture22:23
knomeChristopherNg, but i don't know ubuntu really relates to this?22:23
ChristopherNgbasically, its an open source erp for smes that we want made available via launch or repos..22:24
ChristopherNgwant to know what you think the reception to something like that will be..22:24
knomeChristopherNg, yeah. so is is *ready* ?22:24
knomeor not..22:24
ChristopherNgno we still trying to see if this is feasible and if it would catch on and testing the waters.22:24
knomethere's a possibility to include any app in the ubuntu repositories22:25
knomeand i'm sure that will go for the rest of the distros too22:25
knomeand i'm pretty sure there is people, who'd like to use something like that on linux22:25
ChristopherNgyes thats true but other ERPS like SAP are not open source etc22:25
astraljavaThere are lots of OS ERP's already, so do you have some sort of idea how yours would detach from the crowd?22:26
astraljavaWell, actually I'm just relying on search engines here,  but I kinda trust google on that. :)22:27
ChristopherNgwell basically, ours is aimed at SMES. 22:27
ChristopherNgand open source.22:27
ChristopherNgnot to mention its a development project for our masters.22:28
ChristopherNgso if there is something like this out there that is opensource, that would be even better as we can see the strength and weakness of that and build our own accordingly22:28
knomeor help some other project to grow22:29
astraljavaYes well, search terms "sme open source erp" bring out lots of relevant hits.22:31
astraljavaSo I'm kinda bound to repeat my question.22:31
astraljavaAhh... well, being a study, yeah that's reason enough.22:31
knomei'm off22:34
knomesee you folks later22:34
knomeor if you'd prefer to be called "pops" or "rocks" or even "indies" or "raps", those then22:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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