
MrBusinessAnyone in here willing to answer a question concerning an md RAID array?00:59
holstein!ask | MrBusiness01:01
ubottuMrBusiness: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:01
MrBusinessI sometimes boot my machine, which is running /home off of a RAID1, built from two disks using md. Sometimes the machine will claim, shortly after clearing through the GRUB menu, that the RAID is degraded. However, when I boot, I can see no obvious problems with either disk. /proc/mdstat reports that both disks appear to be fine. SMART tools don't report anything that seems outstandingly onerous, and both disks appear to have perfectly fine superblock01:04
MrBusinesss. What else can I check?01:04
holsteini would probably just keep trying to isolate... test each drive on its own... test the controller01:08
holsteini would see if there are any bugs relating to that specific RAID hardware01:08
MrBusinesswhich sorts of tests would I want to perform on the drive and controllers?01:08
MrBusinessAlso, which RAID hardware do you mean? The disks and the controllers? The RAID itself, near as I can tell, is a software one.01:09
holsteini would test each drive... i like using live CD's for that.. smart test or whatever like you said you have done01:09
holsteinMrBusiness: any piece of hardware that would use a kernel driver is what im talking about01:09
MrBusinessAh, ok01:09
holsteinbut, i would take the drives out of the array, which i assumed a hardware setup... i would test them individually01:10
holsteinthats about it.. removing variables, and testing01:10
holsteintest the ram01:10
MrBusinessAlright. Any particular advantage in running from a Live CD over simply using the smart tools on the system as it usually boots? I always tell the thing to boot degraded, and it always comes up despite the whining, so I'm inclined to think that it is merely a fluke.01:11
holsteini just have some tools/tests i like to use... i say whatever tools you trust, use em... but if you run a test on a hard drive that doesnt take an hour or so, i wouldnt trust it01:12
holsteinthe advantage is going to be *actually* knowing, instead of being where you are now, wondering if a drive is bad01:12
MrBusinessYes. Alas, I seem to be the weak link here. Not sure which devices and metrics I really trust here. The only thing I know for sure is that the system appears to be working, and it only complains about the degraded RAID once every other reboot or so.01:13
holsteinthen, i wouldnt sweat it01:14
MrBusinessAlrighty. I agree with that assessment. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't some miraculous diagnosis I was unaware of. I appreciate your advice, sir!01:14
holsteinanytime... you can try the server channels too... might find more folks with RAID setups01:15
MrBusinessserver channels? which ones are those?01:15
holstein #ubuntu-server01:15
ldcCan someone help me with Chromium?03:44
holstein!ask | ldc03:45
ubottuldc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:45
ldcright sorry...Chromium says that there isnt a plugin for running Runescape, but I dont have too much trouble with youtube.03:47
holsteini would try chrome03:48
ldcid rather not, that would require using wine03:49
holsteini well, it needs java03:49
holsteinnot flash03:49
holsteinits loading for me right now in chrome.. i dont have chromium in front of me, but its got nothing to do with WINE03:51
holsteinldc: im not using wine03:51
ldchmm, I thought u had to wine chrome...03:52
holsteinits just chrome, in linux.. opening the game... with java03:52
holsteinyou *should* be able to get it working just fine in chromium03:52
al4nc4dstesting... http://news.softpedia.com/newsImage/Xubuntu-12-04-Beta-1-Screenshot-Tour-2.jpg/03:52
al4nc4dsvery nice03:52
holsteinits not flash though... i think thats where you are having issues.. its got nothing to do with youtube/flash.. its java03:52
holsteinif you dont have java installed....03:53
ldcok, now that my synaptic is done I'm going to get java...03:53
Unit193icedtea plugin for browser.03:55
holsteinthats why i usually end up using chrome.. seems like some of the prompting is funny in chromuim, and some other little things here and there03:55
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ldcok, that worked. Thanks alot.04:03
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IledenHi! Is there a way to configure xfce4-notifyd so that the notifications are dismissed on mouseover - and *only* on mouseover?07:36
jadoeHow do I set the default sound card? Xubuntu keeps switching between my normal onboard sound chip and hdmi audio.10:47
jadoenevermind, found it10:48
jadoe(at least a way to switch back manually)10:49
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IledenDoes anyone know if there's some nice way to make notifications (from xfce4-notifyd) disappear after a mouseover, and only after a mouseover?11:41
alexandru4392got a python program but it requires videocapture.Where can i get ir12:33
WhereIsMySpoonalexandru4392, try in #python12:36
alexandru4392join #python12:37
lodihi all12:52
lodican someone tell me where the apilcations icons are  located12:54
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vins_why does    brasero/nautilus/rythmbox   appeared  on my system  12.04  ?  i didnt install those13:10
lodithinks installs by default13:14
vins_yeah?  in 12.04 it will?13:15
vins_ive been running the 12.04 since  a long time  ..  and now it just appeared13:16
lodiOh ok did you do an update? recently13:16
lodi12.04 or 10.0413:18
vins_there are  some updates everyday13:18
vins_latest  beat13:18
lodiah could be included when it changed to beta 1? not sure if you can see what updates were installed.13:19
vins_i have to fly , ciao13:20
lodido you have 12.04 as an live cd? if so boot into it and check if brasero etc is included13:20
vins_its installed13:20
aracnoidehallo, somebody have a tablet pc?14:05
baizonnot me14:06
aracnoidethere are drivers for ntrig-duosense?14:07
Marzataa good photo printer with a Linux (Ubuntu, Xubuntu) support?14:57
bazhangMarzata, check at linuxprinting.org once you have selected a printer/before you buy it15:01
Marzatabazhang: thanks15:02
bazhangHP are generally pretty good15:03
TimothyObryananyone knows of a good packagemanager for latex in xubuntu? one like miktex in win15:17
holsteini would probaly just use miktex TimothyObryan https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MiktexPackageManager ,though i dont have any personal experience16:09
TimothyObryanholstein:  well the thing is: the pacakge manager and tools are different things16:11
TimothyObryanthey only seem to offer the tools for the ubuntu users, not the package manager16:11
holsteinUnfortunately there is no ubuntu package for MPM so you need to compile it yourself. Fortunately it is easy enough to compile.16:12
Os_MaleusTimothyObryan: I, actually, don't have anything installed like MikTeX. can it happen that this is only needed for Win?16:12
holsteinyeah... i would try and find a latex user and ask about the workflow... a first hand workflow16:13
TimothyObryanOs_Maleus: im trying to get my hands on a package called tkz-euclide16:14
TimothyObryanbut i have no idea how to install an individual package manually, only big repositories16:15
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware pretty much covers all the cases16:16
Os_Maleushmmm. I am actually a newbe regarding Linux and TeX. so, I am using actually only the LyX. this was simply to install without any MikTeX-package. ... in contrast to the installation under Windows.16:17
TimothyObryanholstein: let's say we forget about the installation bit, and just focus on finding the package of interest.16:18
TimothyObryani think my friend can help me install the thing, i just need to find it.16:18
holsteinTimothyObryan: right, but you might not need it... is it a dependancy?16:18
TimothyObryanholstein: im trying to get a visual off my latex document16:19
TimothyObryanit tells me cant find tkz-euclide.sty16:19
TimothyObryanwhich means i cannot proceed unless i have the package installed16:19
TimothyObryanso yes, i depend on it16:20
holsteinTimothyObryan: i would go to the project maintainer, or try and find a suer that is doing what you want to be doing16:21
Os_MaleusTimothyObryan: but this is just an additional package You could download from e.g. here (http://altermundus.fr/pages/tkz.html). or not16:21
holsteinmabye think bigger picture... ask "i am trying to do X" instead of "im trying to get X running and having ths error"16:21
Os_Maleusthis is just a style. isn't it?16:21
holsteinmaybe there is a better/easier way to do what you are trying to do in linux16:21
Os_MaleusTimothyObryan: and then You would just need to bind it in into Your preamble. or am I wrong?16:22
holsteinhttp://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/43844/tkz-euclide-sty-cannot-be-found suggestsremoving hte distro packages16:23
TimothyObryanfirst i have to tell latex where my package is16:23
TimothyObryanthanks for all your help anyway.16:25
leo-unglaubhey, is there a netinstall alternate image for xubuntu 12.04?18:31
leo-unglaubmy usb drive broke and my old one is ony 512 mb large *g*18:31
TheSheepleo-unglaub: you can netinstall ubuntu-server and then install xubuntu-desktop on it18:33
hobgoblinnot sure if there is actually a seperate xubuntu one, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:33
hobgoblinor do what TheSheep said :)18:33
hobgoblinnot that what I gave is any help either - sorry18:34
leo-unglaubyes, but i just found the 11.10 there18:34
leo-unglaubhmmm, and doing a dist upgrade in the server version is..possible, but a bandwith probem18:34
leo-unglaubbecause @home i have a very sucking inet connection18:34
null-doesn't ubuntu server and desktop use differente optimized kernels?18:40
hobgoblinleo-unglaub: do you want the 12.04 mini iso link?18:44
hobgoblinlots of updates since then though18:45
null-since beta1?18:47
hobgoblinI've had ~100Mb I think18:47
hobgoblin40 today more or less18:47
hobgoblinthough that said it's had f/fox and t/bird I think - tends to whack it up18:48
null-that's good, they are working hard towards next release :)18:49
hobgoblinthe few bugs I've had are almost all gone now18:50
null-I'm going to wait for beta2 :)18:52
hobgoblinI've been running it since before alpha on and off - constantly since alpha218:53
null-reported any bugs?18:55
Os_Maleushow can you find out the model of your hard drive, on which the system is running?18:55
hobgoblinnull-: couple - and me too'd some18:55
genii-aroundOs_Maleus: sudo lshw -C disk    will show you extensive disk info. The line for each drive which says: logical name  are the device names like sda sdb and so on. So the logical name which corresponds to the disk on which your / is mounted , means that that is the one19:04
Os_Maleusgenii-around: Thanks!19:07
genii-aroundOs_Maleus: You're welcome19:07
rattatoueI just installed Xubuntu 11.10. When I put a cd/dvd into the drive it doesn't automount it or load it. Any suggestions on what I need to do?19:18
tomasz1982Could anyone help me with Xubuntu 12.04 beta 64bit installation?19:25
tomasz1982I am having an unusuall problem I can't deal with myself.19:25
Unit193!ask | tomasz198219:27
ubottutomasz1982: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:27
tomasz1982Okay :)19:28
genii-aroundtomasz1982: Details of what the unusual problem is may help19:30
tomasz1982I am having an odd problem when installing Xubuntu 12.04 64bit Beta. I run the installation from pendrive. All is fine until I hit the user creation screen. The installation freezes at this point. I tried to wait the other time for the files to copy and they did. It's the user creation screen that I can't get pass through.19:30
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:34
Unit193Yep, if you don't get an answer here within 30 minutes, try #ubuntu+1. (I personally can't help as I haven't ever run 64bit, but the install for 32bit beta worked for me)19:35
tomasz1982Do you think a leftover from previous Ubuntu 11.10 with Xfce install could be causing problems?19:38
Unit193You could open gparted and nuke the partition just to make sure.19:39
Unit193https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta1#Xubuntu Didn't have any warnings.19:39
tomasz1982I want to avoid that. I have Debian 6.0 installed and /home is on another partition.19:41
Unit193Ah, I see.19:41
ronsonolHow do I specify that /dev/sdb1 is not to be regarded a removable volume by the desktop.  I have it in fstab as mount point none noauto.19:58
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ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)20:54
pmsalveshello. I have an issue with libopenal 32bit in a AMD64 machine running Ubuntu64. Could someone help me?21:23
well_laid_lawnwhat's the issue pmsalves ?21:26
ChristopherNgi want to say thanks for the help i got in this room the other night..22:11
ChristopherNgit really solved all my problems and was what i was looking for..22:11
ChristopherNgnow basically, I dont know if we have any devs from xubuntu here...22:11
ChristopherNgbut... we are a group of post grads looking to do a project.22:12
ChristopherNgso we want to know what we cant do to help22:12
ChristopherNgwe have an interest in the development an enterprise resource management system for ubuntu based distros22:12
Myrttiknome! ^ fresh meat :-D22:13
Unit193They want to know what they *can't* do to help?22:14
knomeChristopherNg, join us at #xubuntu-devel and introduce yourself to people :)22:14
knomeChristopherNg, we're starting the planning for the Q cycle some time soon22:14
knomeMyrtti, ta. could you also take my back pains away?22:14
Myrttiknome: hang from a pull up bar22:16
Myrttialternatively, lay on your back with your feet against the wall, knees forming a 90 degree angle22:16
Myrttihth, hand22:16
knomeMyrtti, well i've done some good stretching directed by a physiotherapist and to-be-osteopath22:17
mongyhot bath helps me22:18
ThePendulumSo... is there anything new in Xubuntu 12.04 that's worth updating for?22:25
holsteini like to get on, and stay on the LTS's for the longevity... thats a reason22:26
mongyit's LTS22:26
mongyworth a bit on it's own imo22:26
holsteini think 12.04 is shaping up to be a strong one too22:26
knomei think that can be said of any xubuntu release22:27
ThePendulumAre their any graphical changes, or just the back-end?22:27
knomethere is no reason not to update22:27
holsteinsure.. there are newer packages. check out a daily :)22:27
knomeThePendulum, yes, graphical changes too.22:28
ThePendulumCould you give me an example?22:28
ThePendulumI am about to try it22:28
knomeThePendulum, new wallpaper.22:28
ThePendulumWell, the default wallpaper doesn't last long anyway22:28
knomeThePendulum, fixes for the greybird theme, better GTK3 compatibility22:28
knomeThePendulum, icon theme improvements22:28
ThePendulumStill the same authentication screen?22:29
knomeunfortunately yes22:29
knomebut even if i care about artwork myself... i wouldn't take a new login screen as a reason to upgrade :P22:30
ThePendulumHmm, pity. Doesn't matter too much though, I only get to see it for 5 seconds a week22:30
ThePendulumThere are these people claiming that eyecandy doesn't matter. But I have to admit, if a UI is pretty, it just works better for me22:30
ThePendulumI don't get distracted by ugliness lol22:30
ThePendulumAnd Xfce pretty much nails it22:30
knomeof course. that's why there are people who work on artwork22:31
ThePendulumOr let me put it this way; it allows me to nail it22:31
ThePendulum'New wallpaper' is the first thing that a lot of people say about 12.04, but don't most people change it to their own wallpaper after a fresh install?22:31
knomemaybe. but you asked for examples22:32
knomethat's the simplest examples out there22:32
ThePendulumTrue that22:33
knomeanyway, i need to go to bed to stop my back from hurting22:33
ThePendulumI guess I'll just install it on a VM22:33
ThePendulumAnd see for myself22:33
knomegood luck22:34
ThePendulum'night then22:34
knomenighty everybody22:34
knomeThePendulum, np :)22:34
ThePendulumHe, that 'nighty' reminded me of A Clockwork Orange somehow22:35
ThePendulumNaughty naughty naughty...22:35
mongyI'm not one for defaults but I'll be upgrading for other reasons.22:36
ThePendulumThat's mine atm22:37
ThePendulumNot default, but not thát altered either22:37
rattatoueI need a little help, cd/dvds are not being mounted automatically in my xubuntu install22:39
ThePendulumHave you had a look at the Removable Drives and Media window in the Settings Manager?22:40
rattatoueThePendulum, yes, everything seems to be setup there fine. I havent changed any settings at all. Its been this way since the default install22:42
ThePendulumRemovable media is on auto-mount then?22:42
ThePendulumAnd you're sure the discs you're trying are all non-defect?22:42
rattatoueThePendulum, yes, I just double checked all removable is set to automount22:42
ThePendulumYou are able to mount the discs manually though?22:43
rattatoueThePendulum, no22:44
ThePendulumOh, hmm22:44
ThePendulumAnd you're sure both the optical drive and the media worked before?22:44
rattatoueThePendulum, yes. The drive works fine on Windows and I even tried four different media22:44
rattatoueThePendulum, I even changed the fstab and when I go to mount the sr0 it says something about superblock or bad option or something.22:45
ThePendulumHave you tried to sudo mount?22:45
rattatoueThePendulum, yes22:45
rattatoue"mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0,22:46
rattatoue       missing codepage or helper program, or other error22:46
rattatoue       (could this be the IDE device where you in fact use22:46
rattatoue       ide-scsi so that sr0 or sda or so is needed?)22:46
rattatoue       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try22:46
rattatoue       dmesg | tail  or so22:46
ThePendulumThe problem seems to be fixed there22:47
GridCubeThePendulum, :3 this is mine http://imagebin.org/20267522:48
ThePendulumHehe, not bad :)22:48
ThePendulumBtw, imgur doesn't have the huge ad :o22:48
rattatoueThePendulum, is there a command to find out what /dev is my cdrom?22:49
ThePendulumrattatoue: Let me check that for you22:50
ThePendulumMake sure your disc is mounted22:51
ThePendulumAnd simply type 'mount' in the terminal22:51
ThePendulumIt shows a list of all your devices22:51
ThePendulumAnd a cdrom is mounted to /media22:51
rattatoueThePendulum, I meant before its mounted. Since I want to make sure its /dev/sr022:51
ThePendulumI'm not sure it's even possible22:54
rattatoueThePendulum, sudo lshw -C disk will show you what your cdrom drive is /dev23:10
rattatoueGridCube, what is the weather thing on that image you have?23:10
ThePendulumThanks for sharing that!23:11
GridCuberattatoue, its a screenlet23:34
rattatoueGridCube, ah cool I will have to try one of those :)23:35

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