[06:07] FYI, Kubuntu livefs builds will fail to build until Gnome is fixed thanks to telepathy (see ubuntu-devel for details) [06:14] qtwebkit-source still building. [06:56] ScottK: I don't understand. Gnome is Broken because of a sharedlib so KDE is also broken? [08:07] j2_: yes [08:51] how in kde get current keyboard layout [08:51] HI [08:56] brestows: for support please ask in #kubuntu [09:00] bulldog98: i need determine in my application [09:00] brestows: ok than it would be good to ask in #kde-devel ,since there are more developers in that channel [09:01] and maybe state in your question that you want to know that in your application (code wise) [09:01] since I got your question wrong [09:01] bulldog98: this channel (№kde-devel) sleep :) [09:02] brestows: it can take sometime until someone sees your question [09:03] bulldog98: when my app start it must be determine keyboard layout [09:04] bulldog98: sorry my english very bad :( will wait answer [09:08] brestows: what is your app supposed to do? Why do you need the keyboard layout? [09:08] mgraesslin: hi [09:09] bulldog98: hi [09:10] bulldog98: know about xneur ? [09:11] brestows: after I read about it in wp yes [09:11] brestows: maybe as mgraesslin since he has the best knowlegde about Xorg [09:12] ok will try [09:14] brestows: you can also browse existing applications to see how they do it, e.g. ubiquity or kvkbd [09:32] Riddell: dbus can give current keyboard layout ? [09:47] brestows: I don't know, browse existing applications to see how they do it [09:47] I expect there's an API for it [09:47] Riddell: ok [10:45] ScottK: cool, my investigations uncovered a bug in multistrap ... so atleast it wasn't a complete waste of time [10:56] Riddell: time for a look at my installer mockup? [10:58] bulldog98: yeah, what have you got? [10:59] Riddell: git clone kde:scratch/kolberg/ubiquity-mockup [10:59] qmlviewer -I /usr/lib/kde4/imports Ubiquity-mockup.qml [11:02] * Riddell clones [11:03] bulldog98: ah sweet [11:04] bulldog98: so starting by porting the current design to QML? [11:04] bulldog98: what are you using for the buttons? [11:04] Riddell: org.kde.plasma.components [11:04] there's various ways to do that in QML and I don't know if they're all reliable, lightdm has bugs on the input fields [11:04] and it did have bugs on the buttons but looking at network-management now that's fine [11:05] Riddell: only the default theme has the other input fields work for me TM [11:05] bulldog98: the circles in the bottom left are from the old wallpaper so can be replaced with something appropriate for this one or removed [11:05] Riddell: ok was just for having something there [11:06] * bulldog98 will finish the rest of the mockup first before he goes into details [11:06] bulldog98: I think I'd like the central area to be a bit lighter than the wallpaper, many wallpapers are more distracting than the current one so they won't all work as background straight [11:06] bulldog98: is this what sheytan came up with? [11:07] Riddell: all you see is done by me [11:07] bulldog98: I didn't know you were a talented artist too :) [11:07] bulldog98: did sheytan not come up with some design or did I imagine that? [11:07] Riddell: neighter did I :) [11:08] Riddell: I asked him to look at it, but he hasn’t done yet [11:08] bulldog98: do you have an idea of what's needed to program this and get it working? [11:10] Riddell: we need a few model to fill the menus, we need a string provider QObject, a timezone Provider, and we need a few other object to be filled from qml, so we get all the data in python. The rest should be quite easy, cause you only have to get the data back out of the objects [11:10] atleast that’s my hope :) [11:13] bulldog98: it would help people to look at it if you just to put a .png on a web server, minimal effort for people to help is a good thing to do [11:13] bulldog98: sounds like you know what you're doing, excellent [11:13] bulldog98: done Python and PyQt/PyKDE before? [11:13] Riddell: I’ve got an Video of it (without popups) on my people.ubuntu.com site [11:13] oh lovely, URL? [11:14] Riddell: not really done Python and PyQt/PyKDE before [11:14] Riddell: people.ubuntu.com/~bulldog98/ubiquity/ubiquity-mockup.avi [11:14] bulldog98: conceivably Ubuntu desktop will be into this, they are already into QML and PyQt and this would stop the need of having to maintain two frontends [11:15] mmm, slide bling! [11:15] call it Ubiquity Active and you have all the buzz words :) [11:15] Riddell: problem is we need kde-runtime for get it working [11:15] bulldog98: yeah they'll want to use a pure Qt way to do buttons, but there are ways to do that (as shown by unity-2d) [11:16] so definately an idea to bring up at UDS [11:16] Riddell: I won’t be at UDS, cause I have university then :( [11:16] bulldog98: sure but I can organise a session and maybe you can join by IRC and voice stream [11:17] Riddell: sounds interessting [11:17] you'd be a good example to canonical and other ubuntu teams in starting development 6 weeks before the cycle even begins :) [11:17] bulldog98: could you start a Kubuntu UDS Q series page and put this on it? [11:17] wiki page [11:18] Riddell: if you tell me which namespace to put it in? [11:18] s/?// [11:19] Kubuntu/UDSQSeries ? [11:19] sounds ok === Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | 4.8.1 http://ur1.ca/8kalp | Precise: Feature Freeze -> Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4| http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-lts-announce | wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries [11:22] Riddell: created [11:23] lovely, thanks [12:22] Riddell: should I blog about the ubiquity installer mockup? [12:23] Hi all [12:23] hi [12:32] bulldog98: you're on planet ubuntu? [12:32] Riddell: yes [12:32] "Jonathan Raphael Joachim Kolberg" I can see why you go with bulldog :) [12:33] Riddell: yep [12:33] Riddell: where by most guys just call me Jonathan [12:33] bulldog98: yeah go ahead, highlight "same design for now but better effects and easier to make more bling design" "would be great for the whole ubuntu project to stop having to maintain 2 front ends" [12:33] "Jonathan" is a confusing label in Kubuntu land :) [12:34] bulldog98: and include a PNG and a link to the video [12:34] Riddell: will blog after I eat my meal [12:34] maybe