[21:40] mdeslaur, ping [21:40] mdeslaur, j'ai remarqué tes contributions au dialogue de screensaver dans 12.04... je me demandais si tu sais si le boutton "switch user' va revenir ? [21:48] allo MagicFab [21:49] posting a note in the ubuntu forum doesn't neccessarily mean that a maintainer would have a look into it? [21:51] i seem to have had a problem with the do-release-upgrade program, as it hangs in the middle somewhere when running without X, as it seems to display a message in X and connot open the display. i consider this as a design-flaw as i would think do-release-upgrade is meant to run in text mode only [21:53] Ankman, forum? Probablement le pire endroit pour laisser un commentaire pour un dev. [21:54] ok [22:01] Wow, je viens de trouver - mdeslaur nevermind - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/950583