
=== m_conley|dinner is now known as m_conley_away
Saviqhey, trying to install gnome-keyring:i386, fails due to libgcr-3-1:i386 requiring libgcr-3-common:i386, which is only available in "all" arch12:28
Shred00anyone know of a ppa that tracks the latest nouveau driver for the oneiric kernel?18:08
Shred00the nouveau that's in oneiric's kernel seems pretty buggy around suspend/resume18:09
jbichaShred00: try asking in #ubuntu18:11
Shred00jbicha: will do.  just thought it was kind of "destkop" oriented so folks here might know.18:12
=== jalcine is now known as webjadmin_
=== webjadmin_ is now known as jalcine
chrisccoulsonwho broke alt+tab in unity?? :(20:17
dobeychrisccoulson: you guys keep forcing bad ui on us kids!21:29

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