
ashamsthelinuxer, have a sec?13:26
ashamsyou'll log out :)13:26
thelinuxerashams: i am thinking about logging out ...13:26
ashamsthelinuxer, hehe13:27
ashams2afashtak :P13:27
ashamsbos ba2a, how can council monitor FGs activity?13:27
ashamsit can not subscribe to their MLs13:27
thelinuxerashams: ur going to tell me ? wala this is an actual question ?13:27
ashamshehe :)13:28
ashamsthelinuxer, take it easy, I won't bite13:28
ashamscouncil members can not monitor FGs' activity through subscribing to MLs13:28
thelinuxerla2 i am asking begad ... ur building up 3ashan tewsal le argument wala betes2alny ..13:29
ashams3ashan awsal le argument tab3an13:29
ashamsbut it can be a real question13:29
ashamsthelinuxer,  really, do you have anything in mind to solve this?13:30
thelinuxer well there are multiple answers to ur question13:30
ashamsplz, it's not an ambush :-)13:30
thelinuxer1. Join their mailing list13:30
thelinuxer2. Follow tasks on launchpad (or something like it)13:30
ashamsthat's it :)13:30
thelinuxer3. Make one council member monitor one FG13:31
ashamsagain, won't work13:31
ashamslet me answer ba2a13:31
ashams1st and 3rd, why should a council member join an FG if s/he is not interested13:32
ashamsjust being there to monitor them13:32
ashamsthis would be sucks13:32
thelinuxermesh lazem bas if there is another efficient way lets do it13:33
ashamsyep, regestir a project on lp, and when someone/fg requests a task from another fg, it just opens a task13:33
ashamsthis way anyone can follow bugs/questions on that project13:33
ashamsand everything is visible even to aliens :)13:34
ashamsdo you object?13:34
thelinuxerakeed la213:34
ashamsone sec I'll bring you a link13:34
ashamsman, I need your name it13:34
ashamsit's you whose name should be recorded on it13:35
ashamsthelinuxer, https://launchpad.net/projects/+new13:35
ashamsare you ok with this?13:35
thelinuxeri am not sure ok with what ?13:35
thelinuxerwhat's with the name thing ?13:36
ashamswith creating it, i mean13:36
ashamsyou were objecting before13:36
ashamsbut now, thanks god :)13:36
ashams2nd point; plz, and for last time, I swear to God, why should we late some FG like Event Organizers?13:37
=== Menopia is now known as Wazery
thelinuxerashams: i never objected to creating a project!13:38
thelinuxeri was asking u what do u want me to do13:38
ashamsOh God, I'm stupid13:38
thelinuxerno ur not13:39
thelinuxerel mohem ur 2nd point13:39
ashamsshoot :)13:39
thelinuxerelaborate more plz13:39
ashamsthelinuxer, you said: "That way we will be able more FGs on need basis at least." about postponing creating some FGs, how can't be a need for "Operators" and event "Organizers" ?13:41
ashamsWazery, Hi buddy13:41
Wazeryhi ashams13:42
ashamsWazery, how are you doing?13:42
ashamsdo you have a sec?13:42
Wazerysure :)13:42
WazeryI will continue editing the approval application now13:43
ashamsdo you object to create event "Organizers" and "Operators" ?13:43
ashamsWazery, Ok, dude, I appreciate what you do :D13:43
WazeryI cant understand this, please elaborate13:45
ashamsI mean that there's a need to create 2 FGs, "event Organizers" and "channels moderators" ?13:46
ashamsdo you see a need, as I do?13:46
thelinuxerashams: please lets not that this one-on-one conversations ..13:46
Wazeryashams, maybe13:46
thelinuxerif we need an FG we will create13:47
thelinuxerjust provide a proposal13:47
ashamsok i propose to create 2 FGs, Organizers and Operators?13:47
ashamsorganizers to help with doing everything with organizing an event13:48
thelinuxerthis is called lobbying :D13:49
ashamsyeah, I tried and it worked :P13:49
thelinuxerbos the 5 council members should be present when u discuss ur idea13:49
ashamsok, I'm not asking you to action it13:49
ashamsjust you guys agree?13:50
ashamsthelinuxer, Wazery ^^13:50
thelinuxeri am approving of the method itself13:50
ashamswhat you mean?13:50
thelinuxeris this collecting our votes in private ?13:50
thelinuxerwalla estefsar keda law el fekra 7elwa walla la2 ?13:51
ashamsnoooooo, I just want to know13:51
ashamsI'm curios ya akhi13:51
thelinuxerenta 3arefny ba2eet saye2 el neya belnesbalak :D13:51
ashamsthelinuxer, I know, and me too to you, btw13:51
thelinuxerthelinuxer: u have no reason for that ...13:52
thelinuxeri have a million13:52
ashamsespecially when you started to send msgs outside the council ml, cuz you think ppl have filtered it out and thus not responding13:52
thelinuxerat least i sent everything to everyone!13:53
ashamsand, I knew from the first second I saw you set council as team admin that you contacted Karim individually :)13:53
thelinuxeri didn't contact him :)13:53
ashamsdam you said that you contacted him on the meeting13:53
ashamsdamn* :P13:53
thelinuxernope i didn't13:53
ashamsyes, you did13:54
thelinuxeri said i can't find a reason to ask him to do anything13:54
thelinuxersince i have the privilege to make the council admins13:54
ashams2a2ta3 dera3i men la3'lo3'o you said you contacted Karim13:54
thelinuxerand even if i contacted karim fayez individually that's a lot better than making a scene out of it!13:54
thelinuxerwallahy i never said it! and should trust me when i tell u something!13:55
ashamsOk, I'll go ask Karim :P13:55
ashamshehehehe :D13:55
thelinuxerand the point itself is really irrelevant!13:55
thelinuxerkarim is outside the council set13:55
thelinuxerhe is not making any decisions currently13:55
ashamsdo you agree with creating those 2 FGs?13:55
ashamsby yourself?13:56
ashamsjust taking an opinion13:56
ashamsmesh 7aram ya3ni13:56
thelinuxerno objections what so ever on creating any team that will tasks to do for the community13:56
ashamsahhhhhhhhhh, finally13:57
ashamsone more thing13:57
ashamsthelinuxer, I want to create a team (-devel) to use it for mentorship13:58
ashamsthen I have a project in mind that the whole team can work out :)13:58
ashamsyeah, lol13:58
thelinuxerdidn't u say this is not one of the locos objectives ?13:58
ashamslet me mail you about that project and mentorship with more details13:58
ashamsno I didn't say it13:59
ashamsI swear13:59
thelinuxerwhen i was talking about the development FG13:59
ashamsI said, let's split FGs from our educational efforts13:59
thelinuxerand will teach people packaging as an intro to ubuntu development13:59
ashamsmay be I misunderstood you dude13:59
thelinuxerok np13:59
ashamsbut seriously, I love this idea13:59
thelinuxerjust make the proposal13:59
thelinuxerif we have only one person working in the team we can create a team14:00
ashamsIm making it and don't dare you to object then14:00
thelinuxeras long as it has a separate objective from the others14:00
ashamsIt would be me :D14:00
ashamsok, sure14:00
thelinuxerya3ny eih would be me ?14:00
ashams"<thelinuxer> if we have only one person working in the team we can create a team" => That would be me that person14:01
thelinuxercreate the team and don't forget to the council as owner14:01
ashamsok, I'll make a proposal, to describe the whole thing, you guys will like the project idea, I swear14:02
thelinuxerbos rule of thumb ..14:02
thelinuxerlaw it's direct contribution to ubuntu itself .. it's fine14:03
thelinuxerlaw for our internal structure then we need to talk14:03
ashamsit is to the whole community14:03
ashamsnot even ubuntu only14:03
ashamslinux as a whole14:03
thelinuxeru didn't understand me ..14:03
ashamsand I think it wasn't created before14:03
thelinuxerfe 7agat internal structure14:03
thelinuxerwe fe 7agat el donia ely barra14:03
ashamswhat you mean?14:03
ashamsok, I need elaboration14:04
thelinuxerlaw el donia ely barra yeb2a akeed we can make whatever contributions u want14:04
thelinuxerlaken law internal structure we need to talk14:04
ashamshow can be a project related to "internal structure" ?14:04
ashamsit's educational14:04
thelinuxerit can be internal law el website masalan14:05
thelinuxersoma we were talking about a team not specifically a project14:05
ashamsok, I got it14:05
ashamsthelinuxer, Wazery : ok, I sent it14:24
thelinuxerashams: reading it14:24
thelinuxerand will reply isA14:24
ashamscool, thanks14:25
ashamsppl not on the council ML, you can reach it here: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-eg-council/msg00246.html14:26
ashamsthelinuxer, sorry for beibg that very annoying, plz bear with me, have reg'd the ubuntu-eg project to lp?14:36
thelinuxerashams: no i haven't14:36
thelinuxerdo u want it now ?14:37
ashamswhen you have time of course :D14:37
thelinuxertayeb r we sure about everything ?14:37
ashamsI suggest to make -council as maintainer and ubuntu-eg as driver14:38
thelinuxerashams: cause deleting a project will require a launchpad admin14:38
ashamsYes, I hope so, don't worry14:38
ashamsif it failed we'll keep it for history14:38
ashamsplus, I did request many project s to be deleted before14:38
thelinuxertayeb i will create it14:39
thelinuxerbas y can't u create it ?14:39
thelinuxereih el moshkela ?14:39
thelinuxeri am creating it right now14:39
thelinuxerproject name "ubuntu-eg" right ?14:39
ashamssure dude14:40
thelinuxerTitle "Ubuntu Egypt Development"14:40
ashamsnope, just ubuntu egypt14:40
ashamsit will be used to track FGs work14:40
ashamsdo what you see best14:40
thelinuxerSummary ?14:41
thelinuxergive it to me 3ashan mesh 7a3od afakkar ana :D14:41
ashamsheck, you estebzazy ;)14:42
thelinuxerashams: ana 3amalt el project https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-eg14:47
thelinuxerana shayef el maintainer yekoon ubuntu-eg-ouncil14:47
ashamsyep, I +1 this :D14:48
thelinuxerbas sa7ee7 is it right to track el 7agat deh 3ala launchpad?14:48
thelinuxerya3ny r there any other team doing it ?14:48
ashamsubuntu-community does it along time ago :D14:48
ashamsand driver ubuntu-eg, I guess, what you think14:48
thelinuxerhmm ..14:49
thelinuxerdah eih el permission beta3et el driver?14:49
ashamsI dont' know it exactly, but it's much lesser than el maintainer14:49
thelinuxertayeb lets leave it like that till we have a need to change it14:50
ashamsdude, you sat -council as driver right?14:50
thelinuxermaintainer and driver14:51
ashamsfrom here, I have no control on anything14:51
thelinuxertry a gain14:51
ashamsyep, saw it now14:51
ashamsok, I'll search for Driver privilages and ping you back :D14:52
ashamsah, hasally el3asr first14:52
ashamsthelinuxer, https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/Registering#Roles_within_projects14:53
thelinuxerhmmm ...14:54
thelinuxerwe will able to assign bugs to a whole team ?14:55
thelinuxeryes we can14:56
thelinuxer7'alas i configured the bugs tracker14:56
thelinuxerand we cann assign a bug to a whole team14:56
thelinuxeri think this is exactly what we want ...14:56
thelinuxerashams: ping ^14:59
ashamsthelinuxer, yes, I think15:13
thelinuxerashams: tab cool15:21
thelinuxerashams: i will try to make some bugs on bug squad and art15:25
thelinuxerashams: sorry i meant support squad15:28
ashamsok, cool15:29
ashamstest it ya man15:29
ashamshave fun :D15:30
ashamsY u ask me? :)15:30
thelinuxerhowa 3ashan i will be assigning tasks like creating the banner for 3000 members we keda15:32
ashamscool ya man, ok, file a bug or question and assign it to -art15:33
thelinuxeryes but i am waiting for the mailing list to be created15:34
ashamsok, lets' create it15:34
ashamsone sec15:34
thelinuxeri created it15:34
thelinuxerjust waiting for launchpad to complete the process15:34
ashamsah, ok :)15:34
ashamsyou can get notified by each question: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-eg/+answer-contact15:36
thelinuxeroh boy! this is gonna cause some headache :)15:37
ashamshehe, not yet :P15:37
ashamsand subscribe to bug traffic too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-eg/+subscribe15:37
thelinuxernow i have to ask wazery to join the mailing list!15:39
ashamshahahaha :D15:39
thelinuxerashams: leeh mesh implicit talama managed from launchpad ..15:39
ashamsimplicit means what?15:39
thelinuxerya3ny talama ur a member yeb2a u subscribe automatically to the team's mailing list15:40
ashamsah, that's stupid thing, launchpad is bulky15:41
thelinuxeryes it is!15:41
ashamsI tried the poll thing, It drove me crazy, just to type in the date to start a poll15:41
ashamsthere's no pointers on the polls page it15:41
ashamsoh, that ambiguous exclamation15:43
ashamsbut it still beautiful :D15:43
thelinuxerdo u know anything about squid ?15:44
ashamsheck, what is squid aslan? :D15:44
ashamsnever mind :D15:44
thelinuxercaching server AFAICR15:44
ashamsman, forget about it, you're keeping spitting weird terms :P15:45
ashamscool. checking it, thnx15:47
thelinuxerashams: AFAICR, As Far As I Can Remember.15:47
thelinuxerashams: btw ...15:47
ashamsya ragel, wana elli eftakrtaha 7aga hi-tech :D15:47
thelinuxeri tried to make some updates to my package ..15:48
thelinuxeri found out i totally forget everything about packaging :D15:48
thelinuxerashams: looooooool, just google it man!15:48
ashamsok, time to remember, you'll be listed on mentors page for -devel team15:48
ashamsfor packaging15:49
ashamshahahahahaahahahahaha :D15:49
ashamsseriously, you'll15:49
thelinuxerana 3ayez agaza osboo3 men ely ana feeh dah 3ashan azaker all things related to packaging ..15:49
thelinuxerbegad there is too much documentation!15:49
thelinuxerwe 7agat le python we 7agat le Qt15:50
thelinuxerand different tools that does exactly the same thing15:50
ashamsyeah, you'll be listed for Qt too :P15:50
ashamsyep, I'm lost in it about 2 and half years now :D15:50
thelinuxerQt zay el fol we7'demak fe ay wa2t ..15:52
thelinuxerbas el packaging is a real nightmare15:52
ashamsok, let's start with Qt15:52
ashamsand somehow we'll replace packaging with UDD15:53
ashamsUbuntu Distributed Development, using Bazaar15:53
thelinuxerashams: check this question15:53
thelinuxerUDD isn't different from packaging15:53
thelinuxerur pkg just live in bzr15:53
thelinuxerand is automatically built for your distro every night for continuous integration purposes15:54
ashamsyep, but it;s a bit easier15:54
thelinuxerstill researching it but I don't think it's easier15:54
thelinuxerthe core task is the same15:54
ashamshave you seen dholbach's development guide15:55
thelinuxeryes but didn't have the time to read15:55
thelinuxerhe sent to me when i was telling him i will give a packaging session15:55
thelinuxerbut things got crazy at my end15:55
ashamsyeah, it always go crazy15:58
ashamshope some1 will answer that question, or even fix it :D15:58
thelinuxerya raaaaaaaab16:00
ashamshaha ;)16:01
thelinuxerashams: i will go now16:06
thelinuxercatch u later man16:06
seiflotfyhi ashams17:38
ashamshey buddy, how r u doing? :-) seiflotfy17:39
MohamedAlaa98hi all17:55
ashamshi ;)17:56
MohamedAlaa98how are you?17:56
ashamsfine, ya man17:57
ashamshow u?17:57
MohamedAlaa98fine :D17:57
ashamsel7amdo lellah17:58
MohamedAlaa98enta feen men zaman  ,nezelt tesaly elesha we ekhtafet ba3daha ;)17:59
ashamsLOL :D18:00
* ashams yawns18:03
ashamsI have to sleep, about to reach 36 hrs awake18:04
seiflotfyim fine18:05
seiflotfykinda busy as usual18:05
MohamedAlaa98Tesba7 3ala 5eer18:05
MohamedAlaa98you're always busy, what do you do?18:08
MohamedAlaa98Didn't finish your job yesterday?18:10

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