
=== m_conley|dinner is now known as m_conley_away
LLStarksguess i'm back. arch was fun05:31
LLStarkschrisccoulson, is there a proposal for using the new silent update behavior expected in fx13? i'm curious as to how that would jive with the firefox sru policy.05:36
LLStarksor is that precise+1?05:36
micahgLLStarks: no05:38
LLStarksi could draw one up after i brush up on the finer details of sru policy and firefox's special rules05:42
micahgLLStarks: no, it doesn't work with our packaging system05:43
LLStarksso, mozilla is just doing this for the tarball user?05:43
micahgwe've kicked that idea around in general for silent updates at various UDSs already05:43
micahgwell, tarball or other upstream installs05:44
LLStarkswhy doesn't it work? couldn't /opt be feasible with a privilege escalation?05:45
micahgmain archive packages don't install in /opt05:48
micahgand the last thing we want to do is give Firefox escalated privs :)05:50
LLStarksmicahg, mozilla could offer a google chrome-like repo05:50
LLStarksthat is parallel to the archive version05:51
micahgLLStarks: we've been streamlining our processes to get updates out faster05:51
LLStarksit has been pretty fast05:51
LLStarksand as seamless as infrastructure seems to allow05:52
micahgheck, we're even getting chromium out faster now thanks to jdstrand's help recently with QA05:52
LLStarksit's all good, except for the part where apt sucks06:02
micahgno, it's not that apt sucks, it's that it's not standard practice to push silent updates so we don't have the functionality (except for unattended-upgrades when set by as sysadmin)06:05
LLStarkswhy would maintainers have to push, couldn't the user opt-in the unsupported mozilla behavior?06:06
micahgno, we disable the mozilla updater in our builds06:06
bmoez_hi, what file contain my marked pages?13:13
Jeffrey_I am attempting to work on adding in quicklist items to firefox for unity and am having a bit of trouble with figuring out what file these options need to appear in. I have the nightly download. Any suggestions?17:05

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