
stgraberjjohansen: ok, giving it a try now00:51
stgraberjjohansen: still no luck01:02
jjohansenstgraber: what was the error you got from apparmor that kernel has a tweak to say where it failed the mount01:27
jjohansensorry, /me is in and out today so haven't really gotten a chance to work with it yet01:27
stgraber[  227.801504] type=1400 audit(1331427700.899:53): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mount" info="failed flags match" error=-13 parent=3224 profile="/usr/bin/lxc-start" name="/usr/lib/lxc/root/" pid=3245 comm="lxc-start" srcname="/home/stgraber/data/vm/lxc/containers/qatracker01/rootfs/" flags="rw, rbind"01:30
stgraberthe profile is still with only "mount", so no restriction on source, location or flags01:31
jjohansenstgraber: okay it will be a bit before I can get to it, but I will have another kernel up later tonight.01:34
stgraberjjohansen: cool, thanks. I'm trying setting the flags now in the profile, see if I can get it to work with that01:34
stgraberjjohansen: even with "mount options=(rw,rbind) /** -> /usr/lib/lxc/root/," it doesn't seem to match...01:37
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UberSlackrHello, I really need some help. I got Ubuntu Server to install just fine. But I'm trying to get a GUI installed but its not working02:38
UberSlackrI would have gone with just Ubuntu Desktop but I can't get that to install. While the server edition installed just fine02:38
=== Darkwing is now known as DWonderly
kklimondahow does keeping systems updated fits into ubuntu orchestra? as I understand we can deploy new software using juju, but can we choose which updates to install, see which updates are available etc. without paying for Landscape?02:55
scubes13running a virtual kvm of ubuntu 10.04 server…. when running rsyslog, I am getting "Could no open output file '/dev/xconsole' [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2039 ]" in the logs...03:04
scubes13apparently the /dev/xconsole device doesnt exist… can I point this to another location? IE, a file in /var/logs maybe and avoid the above error?03:05
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blendedbychrishttps://launchpad.net/~brianmercer/+archive/php  << anyone if there is an official lucid package of php5-fpm?07:46
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ju1c3anyone have experience setting up SIP VOIP on ubuntu and android?10:31
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jacobwhi, where's the server guide for 12.04 at now?12:16
jacobwi want to read it in its current form, whatever that is12:17
MatBoymhh... ldap is more difficult than it seems :)12:17
jacobwMatBoy: i'm working on ldap right now12:17
jacobwMatBoy: what are you trying to do?12:17
MatBoyjacobw: ah nice... I'm totally new to it... I'm a decent admin but always tried to avoid ldap :)12:18
MatBoyjacobw: just setting up... I have installed ldap and phpldapadmin12:19
jacobwMatBoy: ok, does olcRootDN and cn=config mean anything to you right now?12:19
MatBoyjacobw: little bit... I have setup my own part alreayd that I need for my doamin12:20
jacobwcool :)12:20
jacobwbe aware that all configuration in openldap > 2.4 is done by modifying the cn=config DIT which contains the directives previously in /etc/ldap/slapd.conf12:21
koolhead17|awayhas anyone tried http://salt.readthedocs.org/12:22
jacobwi've seen it mentioned before12:22
MatBoyjacobw: thanks... I already thought something like it... but I need users in it now :)12:22
jacobwit seems to perform the same function as puppet, which makes me want to know why i should consider it over puppet12:23
jacobwMatBoy: that's quite a simple use case, remember than in rfc2307bis which the schema that ships with openldap that posixAccounts and posixGroups are both auxillary objectclasses, you need a structural objectclass, like inetorgperson, to define each user12:26
jacobwMatBoy: i've been struggling with openldap oddities for a while now :p12:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #952199 in apache2 (main) "oneiric LAMP server: Apache consumes 100% of cpu in QEMU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95219912:38
airtonixubuntu server, i have a " 06:00.0 RAID bus controller [0104]: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE6145 SATA II PCI-E controller [11ab:6145] (rev a1) ", and ubuntu doesn't see the 4 2tb drives i have connected as proved by "sudo  fdisk -l " (the four drives are seen by the controller on POST bootup)12:40
airtonixversion 12.0412:40
MatBoyjacobw: yeah me too... normally I use MySQL for a lot of stuff12:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #950589 in mysql-5.1 (universe) "unmet dependencies on installing mysql-server-5.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95058912:59
airtonixplease help me kill this pata_marvel driver14:23
airtonix http://dpaste.com/714958/14:25
imanchow can I find out  a list of all the automated processes running on the server?14:26
imancI'm getting a weird error that seems to crop up every now and again and suspect it may be due to some scheduled process …14:26
imancbut the crontabs are empty14:27
prasysimanc, even the root crontab is empty ?14:27
prasysimanc, whats the error ?14:28
imanchmm - ther eis no home/root is the root crontab in etc or something?14:28
imancexim is bailing with a memory alloc error for like a few seconds. It happened at 5am this morning when there's no server activity14:28
imanc2012-03-11 05:42:52 daemon: accept process fork failed: Cannot allocate memory14:28
imancon top of that, there's a weird python error - the site can't find a specific modue. It happesn only for about a minute every once in awhile, and seems to bring down the site. But again, there's no reason for it - and if it was occuring, no reason that it'd suddenly self rectify.14:29
imancsomething freaky is going on14:30
prasysimanc, check out /etc/cron.d/php514:30
prasysdo you have any entries there ?14:31
imancactually … there's a few entries in cron.daily including an entry for sendmail, which I uninstalled14:32
prasysprobably comment it out14:32
prasyswhen you apt-get remove , probably it did not 'clean' it14:32
imancthere's also apache2, apt.dpkg-dist14:33
imancyes there's also the php5 script on cron.d but nothing on the server is running php, AFAIK14:34
prasysis there something in it14:36
prasysgotta check14:36
imancyes, the php5 stuff is just clearing any expired sessions14:38
imanccan't see how it'd be affected django14:38
imancor exim14:38
imancapache2 script is just clearing the cache too14:39
imancthere seems to be sysklogd and logrotate, which both claim to rotate the logs14:41
SpamapSimanc: any disks near full? Also do you have swap configured?14:57
imanchmm checking disc usage now14:57
imancthere's only one fiesystem .. /dev/vzfs and it's at 16% usage, so I assume that means no swapping has been configured14:58
imancas there isn't a swap partition14:58
imancmem usage is at 485 mb of a total 1265mb14:59
imancThe server hosts a website and app used by architects, and I'm assuming they upload huge files - so that may account for some of the issues. But they're definitely not doing that at 5am on a Sunday15:00
SpamapSimanc: I'd recommend hooking up detailed logging of system status. collectd is useful for that15:14
SpamapSimanc: why not at 5am on a sunday? Architects are weird. ;)15:15
imancha ha15:15
imancawesome, I'll check that out SpamapS15:18
SpamapSimanc: also to check if there is swap, 'free -m' would be a good command.. (-m means it shows all numbers in Megabytes)15:18
imancIt just dawned on me tho, the server is in US time, and we're uk based. so I think 5am is more likely 9am here, and it's entirely feasible they were doing some work on the server.15:18
imancSpamapS: yeh free -m shows 0 for cache15:19
SpamapSimanc: cache != swap15:20
imancMem:          1751        487       1263          0          0          015:20
imanc-/+ buffers/cache:        487       126315:20
imancSwap:            0          0          015:20
SpamapSimanc: can you install the 'pastebinit' package and run 'free -m | pastebinit' ? That will give you a URL you can paste here15:20
SpamapSimanc: ahh while I typed you just pasted it. 3 lines is ok I guess. ;)15:20
SpamapSimanc: 0 cache is... something is wrong!15:21
imanccache is not zero, but swap is .. hmm15:21
imancwow, pastebininit is cool15:22
SpamapSimanc: shared, buffers, cache is all 0 there15:22
Patrickdkmaybe he never uses the disk :)15:22
SpamapSimanc: is this some kind of shared host?15:23
imancnope - it's a dedicated or cloud server15:24
imancrunning ubuntu15:24
imancI've inherited the project and am seeing strangeness15:24
imancI assume the guy who was managing it before me configured ubuntu15:25
jacobwso its a VM?15:25
SpamapSimanc: I've never seen a box have 0 cache and buffers15:26
Patrickdkoh, probably a hmm, what do they call that thing15:26
imancSpamapS: what does it mean? :)15:26
Patrickdkthe pre-lxc thing15:27
imancjacobw: I assume so. The guy who handed over the project is a graphic designer and not overly clued up on tech stuff. I just got "here's the ssh details, it's with media temple"15:27
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jacobwwhere 'media temple' is?15:27
imancsuspect it's their 'dedicated virtual' package15:28
imancbut there is no control panel15:28
SpamapSPatrickdk: OpenVZ15:29
Patrickdkmy cat just can't get enough of my mouse on my screen, following it like it was a laser pointer15:29
Patrickdkya, openvz thing15:29
imancso you think it's the virutalisation system that is reporting 0 for cache, buffers, etc.?15:29
SpamapSlooks like it is openvz .. lots of reports in the googles about openvz and mediatemple15:30
SpamapSso perhaps openvz does not report cache/buffer utilization to the containers15:30
* jacobw thinks so15:30
SpamapSwhich kind of sucks.. but makes sense15:30
SpamapSimanc: so.. you're on a shared host15:31
SpamapSimanc: and likely overcommitted15:31
SpamapSimanc: so this is probably *not* your "server"'s fault15:31
SpamapSimanc: call MediaTemple. Explain. *COMPLAIN*15:32
imancIt would explain the weird, random problems15:32
SpamapSyes it would15:32
imancincluding this error, which makes no sense: Try using django.db.backends.XXX, where XXX is one of:15:32
imanc   'dummy', 'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'sqlite3'15:32
SpamapSits my main reason for thinking the container idea is a fail for anything but testing15:32
imancFor that to happen, a python module would have to be removed15:32
SpamapSimanc: or memory allocation failures to cause your app to perform stupidly. ;)15:33
SpamapSI don't know how well python handles ENOMEM15:33
imancSpamapS: is that the same for cloud based solutions?  I've never had any issues with Linode, but anytime I've used VPSs in teh past, I've always had trouble. And typically the hosting companies support dept. deny that the server is overtaxed15:33
PatrickdkI thought linode was all vps also15:34
SpamapSLinode is VMs15:35
Patrickdkplus, the definition of overtaxed, is not always the same15:35
SpamapSfar less opportunity to overcommit15:35
imancahh linode are Xen VPS, apparently15:36
SpamapSimanc: If a hosting company treated me like that, I'd take my business elsewhere.15:36
imancSpamapS: yes, well apparently they have been pretty crappy in general15:36
Patrickdkheh, I hate people used these new amazon t1-micro thing15:36
Patrickdkthen asking why they don't work15:36
imancbut my client didn't see a clear reason to trasfer to linode. I think now we have one.15:37
SpamapSI went to a party they threw in Portland where they paid for about 200 peoples' bar tabs all night. They can afford to not f*** you over.15:37
PatrickdkI see them contantly going with 0 cpu availablity for >min at a time15:37
imancSpamapS: media temple?15:37
SpamapSPatrickdk: oh yeah, t1.micro is a total fail for anything but the tiniest load.15:37
* SpamapS waves his hands in front of his own wordpress site running on t1.micro .. "NOTHING TO SEE HERE"15:37
Patrickdkya, nothing like 2min page load times :)15:38
SpamapSPatrickdk: yeah, you're at the mercy of all the m1.small's on the same hardware. ;)15:38
SpamapSPatrickdk: aggressive caching is where its at. :)15:38
Patrickdkthis was a pure static site :)15:38
SpamapSPatrickdk: if I haven't updated anything on the site, it pretty much just serves everything out of the ondisk cache.15:39
SpamapSPatrickdk: that has never happened to me.. but.. I think I get 100 page views per day. ;)15:39
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imancThanks for your help guys!15:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #952340 in autofs5 (main) "autofs5 fails to install:  post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95234016:26
=== hazmat` is now known as hazmat
Code_Factoryhey guys hi all.. I have an issue, I've lost a db schema of an ubuntu server16:54
Code_FactoryThe only solution I think that i can perform is to try and restore the deleted data files16:54
RoyKa db schema?16:54
Code_Factorydoes anybody think that will help?16:54
RoyKwhat is that?16:54
Code_Factorysorry a mysql database16:54
RoyKthen you have to restore from backup, yes...16:54
RoyK(unless the database resided on a snapshot-capable filesystem and you took snapshots regularly)16:55
Code_FactoryRoyK: well thats the issue, I have  a month old backup16:55
Code_FactoryRoyK: nope16:55
RoyKwhat happened to the db?16:55
RoyKdisk crash?16:55
Code_FactoryI'm between a rock and a very hard place right now16:55
Code_FactoryRoyK: no someone messed up using the workbench16:56
RoyKDELETE FROM blah; ?16:56
Code_Factoryno "DROP schema"16:57
RoyKheh - so "drop database" (schema is a synonym for database)16:58
RoyKmeaning, basically, you're in deep brownies16:58
Code_FactoryI have a month old backup16:59
Code_Factorybut thats just bad business16:59
RoyKI'm afraid that's all you have, then16:59
Code_FactoryI'm trying to user photorec16:59
Code_Factoryto restore .frm files16:59
RoyKunless you want to attempt to do low level recovery16:59
RoyKand if so, unplug the server asap16:59
Code_Factoryyes thats what i'm thinking of16:59
RoyKif you want to do low level recovery, you need a full copy of the disk as it is17:00
Code_Factorybut the problem is that the recovery tools in ubuntu are queit complicated for me17:00
Code_Factoryand I'm not that experienced17:00
RoyKI somewhat doubt you'll get much out of it unless you're really good, though17:00
Code_Factoryyes i understand that, but it won't hurt to try17:00
RoyKthen poweroff the machine, boot on something like a live usb stick, connect a largeish disk and dd off the entire partition or disk with that filesystem17:01
Code_Factoryphotorec tells me no hard disk17:01
RoyKphotorec sucks17:01
RoyKit probably only knows fat3217:01
RoyKand you probably use ext3 or ext517:01
Code_Factoryand skalpel and magic rescue requires my to make header and footer in the extension files17:01
RoyKerm, ext417:01
patdk-laphmm, ext517:01
Code_Factoryone sec, I'll tell you17:02
RoyKrecovery from ext[234] is generally very hard, MUCH harder than with fat3217:02
Code_Factorywould you know of a tool that would help?17:02
RoyKnot really17:03
RoyKeven if there was an undelete tool, it wouldn't help much, since the database is removed from inside mysql17:03
Code_Factoryyes, but there's a place where the files reside.. thats where the data is kept in binary format17:04
Code_Factoryif i get to them, i can savor some importand data from my VM17:04
Code_Factorythan update the db with the difference17:04
Code_Factorythose last couple steps seems of a less challenge to me than recoviring lost files from ubuntu server17:05
RoyKproblem is, with fat32, only the index is removed when a file is deleted. with ext[234], the filesystem is cleaned for references for the file17:06
RoyKmeaning the file is GONE17:06
Code_Factoryah,, )(**&&(17:06
RoyKthat's why it's crucial to keep a backup...17:07
RoyKCode_Factory: what was in that database?17:07
Code_FactoryLOL. I'm on the mysql channel hearing the same words17:08
Code_FactoryRoyK: its a database for a social website ('self -driven content')17:08
Code_Factoryso it loox very poor now when users are sent back to a month old system, some users will need to resign up17:09
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Code_Factoryits really a very bad situation we have jere17:09
patdk-lapdaily backups :)17:13
qman__unless you shut off the server pretty much immediately after it happened, there's almost zero chance of recovery17:14
qman__consider it lesson learned, backups are important17:14
Code_FactoryRoyK: thank you I gtg now and jump in my problems17:20
Code_Factoryone more question if possible: how to find out what filesystem i'm running?17:22
qman__lots of ways, mount, cat /etc/fstab, sudo fdisk -l17:23
qman__cat /proc/partitions17:23
qman__df -h17:23
Code_Factoryqman__: df and fdisk gave me info except the type of filesystem17:24
Code_Factoryqman__: actually none of them did17:25
qman__mount does for sure17:25
qman__df doesn't, that's my bad, fdisk only shows 'linux' which could be any linux type17:25
Code_Factoryqman__: yes thank you17:25
Code_Factoryqman__: I"m on ext3  do you know of any file recovery tools?17:26
qman__nope, like I said17:26
qman__unless you shut off the server almost immediately after it happened, it's gone17:26
Code_Factoryqman__: thank you17:26
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Gallomimiascuse me. what's the command (i need to read and study) to control services such as sshd and a new service i've just installed (named murmur) a link to a manual about the same would be appreciated. thanks in advance20:46
guntbertGallomimia: try with sudo service ssh status   (or start     or stop)20:47
Gallomimiaservice. okay. i want to read manuals and pages first20:50
Gallomimiathanks guntbert20:50
=== Leseb_ is now known as Leseb
scubes13running a virtual kvm of ubuntu 10.04 server…. when running rsyslog, I am getting "Could no open output file '/dev/xconsole' [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2039 ]" in the logs...21:35
scubes13apparently the /dev/xconsole device doesnt exist… can I point this to another location? IE, a file in /var/logs maybe and avoid the above error?21:35
qman__scubes13, you can configure rsyslog to not log to console, and log to files only22:09
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pabelangerGood news everybody!  After a few hours of testing, I've managed to add dbconfig-common support to glance (mysql ATM).23:35
SpamapSpabelanger: I *think* that is cool23:38
SpamapSpabelanger: tho dbconfig-common can sometimes be a double-edged sword.. since you *have* to have a running db server to complete installation23:39
pabelangerSpamapS, indeed!  Automated database configuration23:39
SpamapSreminds me that I need to write the dbconfig-common charm helper so juju charms can make use of it more easily23:40
pabelangerWill likely have to talk more about that, but for now the default database is sqlite (boo).  Perhaps we can see about changing it to mysql or pgsql23:40
pabelangerSpamapS, Ya, I have some existing puppet manifests that will use dbconfig-common, the main reason for making the changes23:40
SpamapSpabelanger: I'd think sqlite being default is a good way to go. Casual users will appreciate it.. larger systems require testing/planning/etc and so people will have to pre-seed values anyway.23:43
pabelangerSpamapS, Ya, I'm just going to leave it as the default.23:48

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