
amit0520yes I might have add myself to root group00:00
TheToff@recorder446: I just want to be able to have wi-fi while I try out the new OS and see if I like it.00:00
amit0520I am just trying to delete stuff off this flash drive. can't delete or write files to it00:00
codepoetpfifo, http://pastebin.com/SvED0w5T00:00
pfifocodepoet, did you recently upgrade?00:01
escottamit0520, well its either that or its a u3 disk. i wont offer any further support since you have added yourself to root00:01
codepoetpfifo, just my nvidia drivers00:01
TheToff@Brewster: It won't work. Besides, Chrome OS is shite00:01
codepoetpfifo, my ubuntu is quite old00:01
amit0520ok scott00:01
starsunflowerHere's what I have going on in my xconf, i added a subsection and it doesn't appear to be working http://i39.tinypic.com/346kgnq.jpg00:01
recorder446@TheOff: I would't try to fix it, if it does not work "out of the box". I did it many times the last 10 years and I tell you: Use it "out of the box" or forget about it. (And I'm a linux admin)00:02
BrewsterTheToff: I was wondering because a friend of mine wanted to try it00:03
TheToff@recorder446: I may find myself migrating back to the 10 series, then. This business of having to plug my laptop into ethernet or install and blacklist a file is shite lol00:03
funkstercan someone suggest a lightweight browser? will be using full screen browser as an application with html500:04
ActionParsnipkingofswords: instal whatever it likes dude :)00:04
escottfunkster, lightweight and html5... somewhat contradictory there00:05
miroslav4oMidori is a good choice I think http://www.twotoasts.de/index.php?/pages/midori_summary.html00:05
pfifocodepoet, I see 3 kernels listed, did you upgradethe kernel too?00:05
TheToff@escott: truer words are rarely spoken00:05
funksterescott: less weight then firefox is all im asking00:05
recorder446@TheOff: This Hardware related things have become much better the last years. But if you don't have the right Wireless Chip... Try to waste your time with some more funny things than that!00:05
Brewsterfunkster: browzar00:05
codepoetpfifo, those are just the old kernels00:05
Brewsteri don't know if it works in windows though00:05
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pfifocodepoet, what happens when you run 'startx'00:06
TheToff@recorder446: I should have bought an HP laptop rather than this Lenovo, and I'm helplessly chained to its crappy hardware00:06
kingofswordsActionParsnip, thx for help m8 think its fixed it:)00:06
funksterbrowzar is windows only is says... yeah.00:06
starsunflowerit appears as though i need a modeline and option "PreferredMode" but I am not sure what to add for modeline00:06
codepoetpfifo, i was able to startx via recovery console and then a temporary session00:06
Raccoon1400I am having trouble setting up wireless. It is a broadcom card. I installed the proprietary driver, but I can't turn on the card. there is a keyboard shortcut but it only works in windows.00:07
codepoetpfifo, so not im on X but its a temporary session00:07
TheToff@Brewster: Check out this article: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=chrome%20os&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CGQQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zdnet.com%2Fblog%2Fopen-source%2Fhow-to-install-googles-chrome-os%2F9006&ei=nOxbT57qKsOg2AXFq83pDg&usg=AFQjCNGm-2vb1JQdDaqnEvVYGFSdduGdSA00:07
codepoetpfifo, when i try a normal its not getting started00:07
recorder446@TheToff: I always try my new laptops with a Linux Live CD to be sure it's the right one for me...00:07
CacheMoneyI'm booting Ubuntu 11.10 from a USB stick... I installed a new driver (wireless card), restarted, and now it's just the purple screen with ubuntu and the 5 red dots cycling through.  Been stuck like this for15 mins, what should I do?00:07
pfifocodepoet, what is your `uname -r`00:07
codepoetpfifo 2.6.38-13-generic00:08
escottfunkster, the chrome in any of the browsers is not going to be that heavy. you could try and embed webkit into your application but its really the specification that is driving the complexity of these things00:08
TheToffRacoon1400: what computer do you have?00:08
escottCacheMoney, hit the up arrow and see what it says00:08
funksterdoing anymore work is too much work, all i want to do is load browser pointing at my app, lol00:08
pfifocodepoet, run `sudo update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.38-13-generic`00:09
luisrdoes anybody know how to connect to xbox live using the ics please help00:09
CacheMoneyescott: Begin: adding live session user ... ...00:09
renemoraesdoes anyone could say how can i make a script be executed after wake-up?00:09
Raccoon1400TheToff: dell inspiron. older one, core 2 duo00:09
codepoetpfifo done00:10
pfifocodepoet, reboot00:10
codepoetpfifo okay00:10
codepoetpfifo i'll be back00:10
pfifocodepoet, inb4 "come with me if you want to live"00:10
TheToffRacoon1400: You could try these steps: open terminal and type: "sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf" without the quotes. Then, arrow down to the last line, and insert the following, without quotes: "blacklist acer-wmi". Perss CTRL + X, and when asked to save changes, press Y. Reboot, and try your wireless00:11
codepoetpfifo worked :-)00:12
TheToff@Mony: Is your surname Sobieski?00:13
codepoetpfifo what was wrong? can u pls explain in breif00:13
codepoetpfifo brief*00:13
Raccoon1400TheToff: no acer-wmi, there is a dell wmi00:13
pfifocodepoet, you updated nvidia drivers, but the initramfs still had the old file00:13
BrewsterTheToff: ty00:13
luisrdoes anybody know how to connect to xbox live using the ics please help00:14
codepoetpfifo ohh i see, thanks a lot00:14
ActionParsnipkingofswords: sweet, keeping your achitectures the same for stuff helps a lot00:14
TheToffRaccoon1400: try adding that line I gave you, blacklist acer-wmi.00:14
TheToffSave the changes, reboot, and see what's up00:14
TheToffwith my lenovo, the shite broadcom card won't work unless I blacklist acer-wmi specifically00:15
* codepoet waves good bye00:16
renemoraeshow can i make a script be executed when the pc is waking up after suspend?00:16
TheToff@Raccoon1400: It's worth a shot to try it, man.00:16
escottrenemoraes, have you looked at /etc/pm/sleep?00:17
TheToff@Raccoon1400: The worst that could happen is it doesn't fix the issue, and you can re-edit blacklist.conf to reflect that00:17
renemoraesescott: i just have to put my script there?00:17
escottrenemoraes, look at the files in there for examples00:17
renemoraesescott: great! thanks escott!00:17
Vinnie_winI want to compile my C++ app under Ubuntu what is the most common system, is it to use "make" ?00:17
luisrdoes anybody know how to connect to xbox live using the ics please help00:17
CacheMoneyI restarted and I'm stuck on the loading page, what's the safest to proceed?  Power off and on?00:18
renemoraesescott: by the way... i solved my last problem about the kernel arguments... it was the rc.local :) that was nothing to do with the kernel... thank u again00:18
Raccoon1400TheToff: i tried blacklisting dell-wmi. There is no acer-wmi. assume dell-wmi is the dell equivalent. It did nothing00:18
pnormanVinnie_win: ./configure && make00:18
TheToff@Raccoon1400: did you reboot?00:19
Raccoon1400TheToff: yes00:21
TheToffRaccoon1400: And you said there is not an acer-wmi. Did you try it and it did not work? Did it give you an error??00:22
TheToffJust to be sure.00:23
TheToffAlso, you are using 11.10?00:23
Raccoon1400TheToff: I did lsmod, acer-wmi was not there.00:24
starsunflowerfixed my issue by using modeline here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:24
TheToffRacoon1400: Did you check if jockey-gtk lists any restricted drivers for your card?00:24
starsunflowerand resetting the monitor to factory00:24
Raccoon1400TheToff: i installed the restricted driver, but it is not working00:25
Raccoon1400TheToff: yes, 11.1000:26
escottCacheMoney, im not familiar enough with the livecd boot to say what is going on there. you might try jumping to tty1 (ctrl-alt-f1) and trying to start lightdm if perhaps that is getting hung up00:26
TheToff@Raccoon1400: try this: apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source00:27
OerHeksRaccoon1400, did you reboot after install?00:28
luisrdoes anybody know how to run aircrack on acer aspire one00:28
CFHowlettluisr   aircrack is not supported on this channel00:29
luisroh sorry what channel should i go to00:29
ubottuluisr: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:29
Transcendedhello, what is the easiest way to install the latest version of ruby on ubuntu 11.04?00:30
escottTranscended, apt-get install ruby1.900:31
Transcendedescott: Ok 1.9.1 is installing, do you know if there's a command to upgrade to 1.9.3 or do I have to download/install it manually?00:33
escottTranscended, you'll likely have to compile by hand or look for a ppa. but if you are using a 1.9 you'll probably end up compiling other libraries by hand as well00:34
LirthSo I've been having some sound problems when I'm using my monitor's speakers. It's connected through HDMI to my gpu and I'm wondering what might be causing the absolute silence.00:37
ActionParsnipTranscended: there may be a ppa00:38
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge00:38
Transcendedthanks :)00:38
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html00:38
zakidineHi tried installing ubuntu 11.10 on an acer travelmate 573500:39
LirthActionParsnip: Would purging ppa remove all of them or just what you want?00:39
zakidinebut i couldnt see anything while installing it, i waited to see if that would change after the install is done00:39
zakidinebut no :(00:39
Lirthzakidine: could you elaborate on "couldnt see anything while installing it"?00:39
Rickardo1I am using sudo ubuntu-vm-builder kvm hardy to build a new vm machine... when finished it create ~/ubuntu-kvm/tmpO6WzW8.qcow2   Where is the start script?00:40
LirthRickardo1: I'm fairly new to Ubuntu and use this to learn what I don't know. What is a "vm machine"?00:41
Rickardo1Lirth: Virtual Machine/Host00:41
zakidinewell the screen was all black00:41
LirthRckardo1: So what does the m stand for?00:41
zakidinei could see like a shadow of the opened windows00:41
zakidinebut that's all00:41
escottzakidine, sounds like an issue with compiz. you might try the alternate installer and then deal with the graphics issues once you have the system installed00:42
tyatpiHey there, I want to clean up my grub boot list.  from a google search, I found a site that says that I need to remove the kernels via the synaptic package manager.  Is that the best way?  I have grub2 so no /boot/grub/menu.lst file00:43
escotttyatpi, that documentation is old ubuntu has moved to grub200:43
Raccoon14001TheToff: that didn't work either. I uninstalled the restricted driver and tried b43, but that isn't working either.  When I click on the wireless icon in the system tray, it says firmware not ready00:43
CFHowletttyatpi   I generally keep the current kernel plus the previous one.00:44
Guest99876hello friends, mint 9 how do i set-up wireless driver, no wireless connects or showing... thanks00:44
zykotick9tyatpi: uninstall the unwated kernels.  from terminal you can use "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" to list the ones you have installed00:44
tyatpithanks zykotick900:44
ActionParsnipGuest99876: mint isn't supported here00:44
ActionParsnip!mint | Guest9987600:45
ubottuGuest99876: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:45
Guest99876ohh sorry where do i go00:45
keepyHey guys, I have ubuntu 10, I have the newest version of ubuntu as an iso on my desktop, is there anyway to upgrade using that iso?00:49
zykotick9keepy: you can only upgrade from an alternate cd/iso - a LiveCD won't work00:50
Lirthzykotick9: What is the difference from the alt cd/iso and a Live CD?00:50
keepyzykotick9: there is no command to upgrade using that iso?00:50
keepy^ this00:50
zykotick9keepy: only alternate00:50
zykotick9!alternate | keepy00:51
ubottukeepy: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal00:51
ActionParsnipkeepy: Ubuntu 10 doesn't exist00:51
ActionParsnipkeepy: are you using ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10?00:51
zykotick9ActionParsnip: VERY good point!00:51
keepyActionParsnip: ubuntu 10.04, sorry. I was wanting to upgrade using the iso rather than using the upgrade command00:51
ActionParsnipLirth: alternate can be used to upgrade offline and installs a desktop OS via text mode, live CD installs in GUI mode00:51
zykotick9keepy: wait until 12.04 is released00:51
ActionParsnipkeepy: I suggest you wait until April and upgrade direct to Precise00:52
ActionParsnipkeepy: otherwise you will need to upgrade to Maverick (10.10) then to Natty (11.04) then finall to Oneiric (11.10)00:52
keepyActionparsnip: thats fine, so there is no way to upgrade using the iso on my desktop?00:53
negevhi, i have a current gen macbook air running lion and win7 via bootcamp00:53
ActionParsnipkeepy: if you can hang til April (or don't mind a flaky OS now) you can upgrade to Precise which is LTS to LTS upgrade00:53
negevis it possible to install ubuntu without wiping anything?00:53
ActionParsnipkeepy: you will need to get to Natty first, then you can use the ISO00:53
keepyActionParsnip: that's fine. so how do I go about using the iso?00:53
ActionParsnipkeepy: personally I'd just do a clean install then restore user data from backup00:53
LirthIs there a different version of ubuntu for desktop computers and laptops?00:53
ActionParsnipLirth: no, just use the desktop one00:54
LirthActionParsnip: Any idea why my laptop and my desktop look very different then?00:54
ActionParsnipkeepy: you will either need to upgrade through the releases using the internet til you get to natty first. It will take a LONG time00:54
ActionParsnipLirth: different desktop environment and/or window manager00:55
LirthActionParsnip: I haven't really noticed it on the main OS but for the login screen it's very different and I can't figure out why.00:55
ActionParsnipLirth: are they the same release?00:56
LirthActionParsnip: Yep. Both 11.10 64 bit00:56
CFHowlettLirth also were they both installed the same way?  i.e. upgrade or fresh install?00:56
ActionParsnipLirth: and both using the gnome defaults with Unity and whatnot? or is one xubuntu or lubuntu etc?00:56
CFHowlettLirth   *bet* login window settings are different...00:57
LirthCFHowlett: Yeah. I had some problems installing my desktop though because of my gpu. I don't remember changing any login settings.00:57
TheToffActionParsnip: You know any good live usb makers besides pendrive that I can use to set up a persistent live usb for 12.04?00:57
LirthActionParsnip: both on Unity00:57
EvilResistanceTheToff:  the Ubuntu USB Startup Disk Creator?00:57
CFHowlettLirth   clean install = 100% default settings.  upgrade = retained settings ...00:58
TheToffEvilResistance: For some reason, when I tried that one the changes were not persistent, as with the Pendrive Linux00:58
TheToffNothing I have tried allows for this particular file to stay changed00:58
LirthCFHowlett: Clean installs. I made it dual boot on my laptop and have only Ubuntu on my desktop (which I built a week ago).00:58
ActionParsnipTheToff: unetbootin00:59
ActionParsnipLirth: are they both clean installs?00:59
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TheToffActionParsnip: Will unetbootin allow me to set up a usb that will stay changed across reboot?01:00
LirthActionParsnip: Yeah. I'm new to Ubuntu that I wasn't around before 11.1001:00
tyatpi"dpkg -l | grep linux-image " gives me 6 listings, 2.6.32-21 to 2.6.32-39, I can safely remove the first three or so, correct?01:02
ActionParsnipTheToff: i believe so01:03
TheToffActionParsnip: Thanks. By the way, I have to ask, What exactly is the deal with your name? :P01:04
ActionParsniptyatpi: if you run:  uname -a    you can see the running kernel. You can remove ANY of the others (with the version numbers) but not the running kernel01:04
bastidrazortyatpi: you only 'need' one kernel but in my opinion you should keep the two latest. -39 and -3801:04
LirthWhen I do the 'expose' thing (Super+W) the windows are always in a different order. How does it organize them?01:04
ActionParsnipTheToff: its an old harry hill joke. If you PM me I can tell it01:04
TheToffWhy not. I need some humor lol01:05
tyatpibastidrazor, ActionParsnip, thank you.  I do know what I am running now with uname, just wanted to be sure that i can remove old versions after the - in the version number01:06
CacheMoneymy pointer stopped moving... I can tab through links on the webpage I'm on but can't get any response from the pointer... :/01:07
retrorexDudes how can you play FLV files from utube . Tried VLC  SM ,KM , M players "internal audio stream error") Seems I don't have the codec. If so how to get the codec01:07
scienteshow to tablet (with on-screen keyboard)?01:07
scientesalso, this is a 2d device01:08
Jordan_Uretrorex: Do other audio/video files work for you? VLC works fine for Youtube flvs here.01:08
LirthCacheMoney: If you get desperate I've found it's possible to reboot without the mouse. Let's hope you can get help before you need that. If not use the super key to open the dash and search for "Shut Down". Then hit enter01:09
CacheMoneyLirth: what's the 'super key'?01:09
Jordan_UCacheMoney: Have you tried unplugging and re-plugging the mouse?01:09
scientesCacheMoney, windows key01:09
Jordan_UCacheMoney: The key with the super hero cape on it.01:10
scientesCacheMoney, or "command" on OSX01:10
CacheMoneyJordan_U:  I'm not using the mouse... i'm using the laptop scroll pad01:10
retrorexJordan_U yep dude mp3 avi mkv works fine not FLV01:10
OerHeksLirt CacheMoney ctrl + alt + T = terminal , sudo shutdown -h now01:10
scientesJordan_U, oh U01:10
CacheMoneyscientes:  thanks01:11
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scienteshow do i get something like this http://lh3.ggpht.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/TBDQ728H2KI/AAAAAAAABOk/UuQflm-B6rE/s288/iPad_Ubuntu-500x390.jpg01:12
scientesor this http://smashingweb.ge6.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Teaser__Ubuntu_Tablet_OS_by_Izobalax.png01:12
scienteslike, with a on-screen keyboard01:13
varatephow do i search for a package that i can install, but say i already have java jdk 7, i want java jdk 6. how would i find it?01:13
Bodsdavaratep: try  apt-cache search java01:14
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.01:14
ActionParsnipBodsda: its not packaged anymore01:15
linxehvaratep: as a java developer, I recommend you download the JDK releases you want from the oracle site and install those into a folder and not use any packaged with your distro01:15
BodsdaActionParsnip: that's what I get for slacking on my irc support - out of date info :)01:15
linxehvaratep: the link provided by ActionParsnip no doubt includes information on how to do this01:15
varateplinxeh: I've been having a problem. I can compile a java program, but I can't run it or I get: main class not found01:15
ActionParsnipBodsda: its cool :)01:16
scienteslinxeh, but that version is non-free01:16
linxehvaratep: feel free to msg me ; if you get main class not found it isnt a java version issue01:16
Jordan_Uvaratep: That doesn't sound like a problem that will be solved by using a different version of Java.01:16
linxehscientes: right.01:16
varatepIt's a classpath problem, I'm guessing.01:16
kvmnubmy hw raid controler has 6 sas disks in raid10 and it deosn't support live expansion, how can i expand it to 8 without losing data, could i possible image it add disks recreate raid and put the image back on ?01:16
linxehscientes: I'll stick with Oracle/Sun java.01:16
varatepI just installed openjdk-6.... I don't get an error now... thanks guys.01:17
scienteslinxeh, i have a huge problem with using non-free platforms01:17
scientesthats alot woorse than using a non-free end-user program01:18
scientesbut ill stop01:18
linxehscientes: I have a wider definition of free I suppose. I also don't believe in software patents (I live in a country which generally doesn't support them either) so much of the issue around Oracle java vs OpenJDK is moot. I prefer open solutions where possible; however, Linux distributions are HORRENDOUS at packaging relevant open Java packages, and it is generally better to avoid their packaging. Eclipse and Netbeans are good examples of this.01:19
linxehbut yes, we should stop :)01:19
scienteslinxeh, well i wasn't aware it was a patent issue01:20
scienteswhich even though i live in a crazy country i largely choose to ignore01:20
scientescause its insanity01:20
armenceHello all. Anyone here have experience using the opencv package on ubuntu? I can't figure out how to link.01:20
MiggsGuys: one user on this 11.10 computer can see and use the sound devices happily. Another user gets no sound devices to choose from in the sound settings menu. Why would that be?01:20
kvmnubmy hw raid controler has 6 sas disks in raid10 and it deosn't support live expansion, how can i expand it to 8 without losing data, could i possible image it add disks recreate raid and put the image back on ?01:20
scienteslinxeh, ubuntu managed to package netbeans01:20
TheToff@Miggs: I have the same problem with 11.10, and before with 11.0401:21
linxehthats one of them; one of the others is certain components included being closed source (eg Oracle purchased licences to include codecs etc but cant release the source so have to reimplement or whatever).01:21
scientesMiggs, you have to add the user to the sound group01:21
scientesMiggs, *audio01:21
TheToff@scientes: what if, let's say, that user is root?01:21
Miggsscientes, thanks. I'll look at the groups first thing01:21
linxehscientes: sure - they've packaged eclipse in the past too. badly.01:21
TheToffRoot, by definition, has membership in all groups, right?01:21
scientesMiggs, it could be a problem with alsa not forwarding to pulseaudio01:22
beckhey everyone. I just installed ubuntu ultimate 3.0 on my laptop acer aspire 5517 and now the wireless doesn't work. I've tried everything I could think of but nothing is working.01:22
scientesass i see that on precise here the only user that is part of group:audio is pulse01:22
TheToff@beck: I know how that works. PM me01:22
scientesso the suid pulse is the only way to get out sound01:22
Miggsscientes, You were bang on. Adding the pulse-access group to my user fixed it straightaway01:22
scientesand it could be that you need to start the pulseaudio session daemon with pulseaudio --daemonize01:23
MiggsThank you.01:23
scientesMiggs, np01:23
scienteslinxeh, packaging of ruby is also horrible01:24
scienteshowever, netbeans from repos has worked for me01:24
TheToffbrb in ten01:28
CacheMoneyI installed Ubuntu 11.10 on an older laptop of mine (Gateway, dual-core, 2gb Ram), however, when I attempt to connect to the wireless network I can't.  In the 'Network Menu' there isn't even an option for 'Enable Wireless'01:28
CacheMoneyany advice?01:28
BodsdaCacheMoney: do you see your wifi network device info in the output of     lspci   ?01:29
Miggsscientes, perhaps you can help sort out another part of this mess. The computer in question is an HTPC (nVidia ION). I just moved to an HDMI connection for surround sound and lots of things I used to do apparently don't  work anymore. Specifically, I can't ssh into the HTPC with X forwarding and play music anymore. Any idea why?01:30
CacheMoneyBodsda:  I don't see the name of my wireless network.  Am I looking for my router or wireless card info?01:32
BodsdaCacheMoney: wifi card info - if you can pastebin the output of   lspci   and   ifconfig   I can take a look.01:32
CacheMoneyBodsda:  I wish I had an internet connection on the computer...01:33
DocPlatypusin the new GNOME 3.0 shell how do you move things like the clock?01:33
DocPlatypusI can't figure out how to customize anything, right click is useless01:33
beckneed help with wireless card on acer aspire 5517 with ubuntu ultimate 3.001:33
beckwireless doesn't work now01:33
BodsdaCacheMoney: oh, yeah - hah :)01:34
scientesMiggs, well it could be forwarding your pulse, it was really awesome01:34
scientes*if it was really awesome01:34
scientesalso, Miggs are you using sound through the HDMI cable?01:34
ActionParsnipbeck: ultimate isn't supported here01:35
MiggsI used to have the pulse audio sink working properly but at the moment my laptop can't see the pulse sinks with the avihi browser so something new and painful is broken there. This is a much simpler playing the music on the machine thing.01:35
MiggsYeah, everything going through HDMI now.01:35
scientesMiggs, try padev whatamanot01:35
beckOk, thank you ActionParsnip01:35
scientesMiggs, oh yeah nvidia01:35
CacheMoneyBodsda: is the wifi card info follow a Host bridge: or PCI bridge: output?01:36
CacheMoneyI see a bunch of those01:36
scientesi was thinking, if it was radeon you have to pass a parameter with grub01:36
ActionParsnipMiggs: if you want to remote control the sound coming from a remote PC, then connect via SSH and use x forwarding, then launch your GUI app there. It will show on the client but the sound will come out of the remote system's soundcard01:36
BodsdaCacheMoney: mine follows a 'Network Controller: "01:36
MiggsActionParsnip, that's what I've been doing in the past but moving to  HDMI broke it.01:37
MiggsFortunately, I've just found the fix I was looking for.01:37
CacheMoneyBodsda:  "Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)01:37
scientesMiggs, well does sound work locally?01:37
Miggsscientes, yep. That was the annoying bit.01:37
rhin0just as a matter of interest on 10.04 when I get the notification/window for "software updates" why does my CPU usage go up to 100%01:37
MiggsThe fix was to make a ~/.asoundrc that says the hdmi is the default audio out device.01:37
rhin0what is the reason for that -- it's just a notification window01:37
BodsdaCacheMoney: cool, so the card is recognized. When you run   ifconfig   is there anything other than   lo   or   eth0/1  ?01:37
ActionParsnipMiggs: strange, the app will work like a local app01:37
scientesMiggs, are you using the propritary nvidia driver?01:38
CacheMoneyBodsda: No, just 'eth0' and 'lo'01:38
MiggsActionParsnip, I think the problem was that when I would log in over ssh with x forwarding it wouldn't load all the gnome preferences and one of those was setting the default audio device.01:38
scientesMiggs, is the ~/.asoundrc set to use pulseaudio, or just ALSA directly?01:38
MiggsFrom the name I'm guessing it's ALSA.01:38
rhin0 on 10.04 when I get the notification/window for "software updates" why does my CPU usage go up to 100%  <- why?01:38
BodsdaCacheMoney: Does the laptop have an off/on wifi button? Maybe as an FN type key?01:39
scientesMiggs, well then pulseaudio apps wont work unless you set pulseaudio to send through alsa01:39
CacheMoneyBodsda:  Yes, the wifi is turned 'On' currently01:39
ActionParsniprhin0: use:  top    what is the highest CPU?01:39
n1x4keep getting errors when I pacman -Syu. Says host unavailable, but can ping www's and connect to the webz01:39
rhin0im saying its when the update window shows01:39
rhin0thats all01:39
BodsdaCacheMoney: can you switch it, then wait 5-10 seconds, then rerun   ifconfig   and see if there is any additional output?01:39
rhin0notime else01:39
Miggsscientes, what does it use by default? I thought it used ALSA anyway?01:39
CacheMoneyBodsda: switch it off, wait 10 secs, switch on, then  ifconfig  ?01:40
rhin0right i start "update manager"01:40
iruleis there a way to have a minimal GUI for vnc without the whole X hoopla on an ubuntu server?01:40
BodsdaCacheMoney: no, don't do the switch back on - also, what distro did you say, 11.10?01:40
rhin0ok its only when the update manager comes in automatically ActionParsnip01:41
CacheMoneybodsda: 11.1001:41
rhin0forgetr it minor glitch01:41
rhin0i will forget it01:41
CacheMoneybodsda: re-ran  ifconfig    it looks like the same output01:41
n1x4irule: just a normal distro like arch or centOS for a server. ubuntu is HORRIBLE for servers01:42
luisri have a ? why when i run the software center it lags alot01:42
BodsdaCacheMoney: ok, turn the wifi back on - is your laptop a HP nx6325?01:42
CacheMoneybodsda: its a Gateway MX645301:43
irulen1x4 indeed, but it is already installed and working, it just ocurred to me that I want to remotely run an X app :P01:43
n1x4irule: just ssh into it01:43
Gaming4JCHow would one upgrade to the beta? I thought there was a command but it slips me :P01:43
n1x4irule: dont login to server (leave at login prompt) all your daemons will run01:44
MiggsOh sod. Now I've broken sound in XBMC.01:44
YohanMeisterI have a uefi motherboard in the desktop machine I just built. I've gone through hell and back with 2 different distros before this. Can someone please tell me: If I pop an ubuntu 64 bit installation disk in that machine, is it going to install a uefi bootable system?01:44
BodsdaCacheMoney: try this please    'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer && sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source'  then reboot and test - source http://nfolamp.wordpress.com/2011/10/15/ubuntu-11-10-getting-wireless-bcm4311-working/01:44
luisrhow can i remove software that is not needed on ubuntu01:44
n1x4luisr: sudo rm -rf /*01:45
rhin0sudo apt-get remove <packagename> luisr01:45
Gaming4JCluisr: Bleachbit does a nice job of this01:45
rhin0or go into synaptic - untick box - click on apply changes01:45
Gaming4JC!sudo | h1x401:45
ubottuh1x4: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:45
irulen1x4 apt-get install wants to install X etc01:45
luisrbleachbit where do i get that01:45
Gaming4JCluisr: it should be in ubuntu software center01:46
Bodsdan1x4: don't do that again please01:46
CacheMoneybodsda:  my wifi is turned back on01:46
varatepWhat's a good calculator package to install on ubuntu?01:46
Gaming4JCluisr: or synaptic... apt-get install bleachbit01:46
rhin0varatep: gcalc01:46
luisrwhat does that command do n1x401:46
Bodsdaluisr: do not run it!01:46
Gaming4JCluisr: wipes the entire hard drive, don't run it he is being a jerk01:46
rhin0gcalctool varatep01:47
n1x4irule: ??? how do you mean?  if absolutley have to use ubuntu, install ubuntu server iso.. no x01:47
luisrwow thanks for the save01:47
stephan_archhey guys, do you know a good msn programm (the best one please :) for linux, amsn is a bit edgey01:47
n1x4luisr: yea was just messing around man.. DO NOT DO THAT01:47
Gaming4JCluisr: use all sudo commands with caution, they run as root01:47
Gaming4JCand can do serious damage01:47
CacheMoneybodsda:  it looks like a lot of "failed to fetch..."01:47
irulen1x4 I have ubuntu server minimal installation running with no X, an app wants X01:48
CacheMoneybut i'll reboot01:48
luisrok thanks gaming im gonna try bleachbit01:48
YohanMeisterI have a uefi motherboard in the desktop machine I just built. I've gone through hell and back with 2 different distros before this. Can someone please tell me: If I pop an ubuntu 64 bit installation disk in that machine, is it going to install a uefi bootable system?01:48
jiohdistephan_arch, meebo01:48
n1x4irule: Ahh i got you. Which app are you trying to use? if its a server you really dont need anything that runs X period01:48
YohanMeisterI need my pc01:48
stephan_archjiohdi, isnt meebo website based?01:48
rhin0yohan i don't think "uefi" specifically has triggered anyone01:48
jiohdistephan yes01:49
luisri just want to remove all the crap that i added to it01:49
irulen1x4 chrome :)01:49
Gaming4JCNow if I could just run a beta dist-upgrade on my system :/01:49
stephan_archI want a programm on the computer :)01:49
YohanMeisterI'm not trying to be a jerk but it's true01:49
n1x4irule: why the hell would you put chrome on a server..lol01:49
BodsdaCacheMoney: oh... yeah. sorry - no internet. Your going to have to download the package from    packages.ubuntu.com    then transfer it via usb to the laptop, then install it with dpkg01:49
rhin0i think you should just try it - why not -- if its old it will run 32 bit new it'll run 64 bit -- 64 bit just won't install01:49
n1x4irule: if you need a browser, get a txt based one like lynx01:49
stephan_archYohanMeister, dont be hard to yourself :)01:49
rhin0probably best to try 32 bit first01:49
irulen1x4 downlading from a file server that puts limits by client ip01:49
n1x4irule: wget01:49
Gaming4JCTo answer my own question it's sudo do-release-upgrade -d;01:50
* Gaming4JC goes to get beta build :D01:50
irulen1x4 not that easy, it authenticates with javascript/etc01:50
CacheMoneyBodsda: which package should I download from Ubuntu?01:50
rhin0yohanmeister just trying to install something will not damage anythign - try 32 bit ubuntu then or/and 64 bit ubuntu01:50
YohanMeisterI'm not sure what you mean stephan_arch. Alls I know is I need to find a distro that will install an efi bootable system through the gui without any hassle - and soon.01:50
rhin0if you know what board you have you will know if it is 64 bit01:51
n1x4irule: then get the source and compile/build it yourself man....01:51
rhin0you have a graphical install and a standard gui install01:51
crfripperanyone use pulseaudio to stream sound from one system to another?01:51
rhin0in case your graphics card can't even handle anything01:51
BodsdaCacheMoney: select a mirror from here to download the file -- http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/all/firmware-b43-installer/download01:51
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YohanMeisterit isn't a 32/64 bit issue its a BIOS/UEFI issue01:51
stephan_archdoes anyone know a better msn tool than amsn for linux?01:51
pangolinn1x4 : Please do not recommend potentially dangerous commands. not even asa joke.01:52
rhin0well just try it01:52
n1x4pangolin: a little late there hoss01:52
Gaming4JCstephan_arch: Pidgin :D01:52
pangolinn1x4 : Just letting you know not to do it again.01:52
Gaming4JCstephan_arch: or you could probably run MSN messenger under wine, kind of blapshemey to Linux though.01:52
rhin0pidgin communicats with aol it;ll communicate with the microsoft shit01:52
pangolinrhin0 : no swearing in here please01:53
Bodsdarhin0: please watch your language. This is a family friendly channel01:53
Guest44949couldnt get Xchat to work with irc.freenode.net/01:53
stephan_archGaming4JC, and does pidgin support camera and microphone via msn protocoll?01:53
n1x4pangolin: lol01:53
YohanMeisterthat's what I did for the last week, first with fedora then with gentoo. I'm just really fatigued over this whole uefi bs. I need to 'know' what will work for me. What is 'known' to work on uefi.01:53
Guest44949had to install firefox addon01:53
Gaming4JCstephan_arch: sadly it only recently supported that for GooglTalk :/01:53
YohanMeisterIf anyone here has a uefi system please let me know about your experience so maybe I can get my pc back01:54
pedrocrI've followed "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDirectoryPHP" but I still don't get php in user directories01:54
CacheMoneyBodsda: where should I place the file on my computer?01:54
Gaming4JCbbiab :D01:54
pedrocrit keeps downloading the php file as source01:54
stephan_archGaming4JC, so no msn support?01:54
BodsdaYohanMeister: If you have a UEFI enabled bios, your motherboard manufacturer should be able to provide a list of supported boot loaders/OS's01:54
pedrocrany ideas?01:54
YohanMeisteryeah, they do - Win this and Win that, etc etc01:55
YohanMeisterno linux - never linux01:55
rhin0are you trying to set up a web server pedrocr01:55
pedrocrrhin0, that I am01:55
rhin0try lighttpd01:55
rhin0with fastcgi and php01:55
rhin0its so much easier than apache01:55
Guest44949whats the best irc client in Ubuntu?01:55
pedrocrrhin0, that wasn't helpful01:55
rhin0it was helpful to me at the time01:56
jiohdiGuest44949, dont know about best but I like xchat01:56
BodsdaYohanMeister: no surprises there, what linux distro is going to pay for there boot loaders to be signed when UEFI may not become mainstream. Having said that, I would expect RHEL to appear on the lists shortly01:56
rhin0also lighttpd is faster than apache01:57
rhin0far better01:57
webnetBodsda, haha yeah01:57
Guest44949I couldnt get freenode server to work in Xchat.. or don;t know how01:57
CacheMoneyBodsda:  I have the package copied onto my Desktop.  What is the command I need to run in the terminal?01:57
rhin0Guest44949: try pidgin?01:57
rhin0xchat is buggy IMO01:58
BodsdaCacheMoney: oh sorry - I missed your last message - you need    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/<packagename>01:58
Guest44949using Chatzilla now01:58
rhin0pidgin lacks functionality but always wroks01:58
ActionParsnippidgin rocks hard01:58
gartralHello all, I'm having issues connecting too an SFTP server I have set-up at home, I keep getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/878338/ it was working fine the other day. I know it's not my firewalls..01:58
webnetrhin0, i use it. never had an issue.01:58
Gaming4JCstephan_arch: http://wiki.winehq.org/MSN_Messenger_webcam_support or https://code.google.com/p/webcamstudio/ is your best bet01:58
BodsdaYohanMeister: although, having said that - I remember reading somewhere that initial UEFI implementations should have a disable option somewhere in the bios or as a jumper on the mobo?01:58
Gaming4JCstephan_arch: Also aMSN supposedly supports webcam, have you tested it in Cheeze to see if it even works at all on Ubuntu?01:59
YohanMeisterwell Bodsda... I'm at my witts end with this. I built that machine over a month ago and haven't been able to use it. At this point I would be happy finding just one linux distro, any distro, that will just install a uefi bootable system on my machine and isn't gonna send me to the nut house for frustration and wasted time/effort.01:59
Gaming4JC!webcam |  stephan_arch01:59
ActionParsnipgartral: if you reboot the server, does it help01:59
ubottustephan_arch: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:59
crfripperis pulseaudio server the one that's sending the sound... or recieving?01:59
gartralActionParsnip: No.01:59
BodsdaYohanMeister: well, you should pick a different hobby :) sorry02:00
gartralYohanMeister: UEFI issues?02:00
rhin0im sure you have to spend time on this YohanMeister and google around / look on forums a lot -- you appear to have built an obscure set of hardware02:00
rhin0what is uefi?02:00
stephan_archubottu, I dont want a wine program on linux02:00
ubottustephan_arch: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:00
YohanMeisterit's an asus m5a 99x evo - a pretty popular board02:01
DocPlatypuscrfripper: pulseaudio receives the audio from other programs02:01
rhin0well you're doing something wrong -- if it's a PC ubuntu will run on it02:01
stephan_archGaming4JC, it works sometimes but isnt there something better than amsn?02:01
DocPlatypusand sends it to the sound card02:01
CacheMoneybodsda: It said "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of firmware-b43-install: firmware-b43-installer depends on b43-fwcutter (>= 1:014-9); however: Package b43-fwcutter is not installed.02:01
gartralYohanMeister: in your hardware setup is there a "Legacy Mode"?02:01
ironmI use this board YohanMeister02:01
TheToffActionParsnip: I tried the unetbootin setup for my live usb, and re-tried editing /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, and when I reboot, nada02:01
rhin0TheToff:  I always use  "usbcreatorgtk" to create USB keys02:02
rhin0has never ever failed02:02
rhin0not even once02:02
rhin0for an ubuntu installation -- although retry to blank the key a few times plug it in and out again if has failed to blank02:03
TheToff@rhin0: I think my problem is that I need to edit a system file and keep it edited, and I just don't think that a persistent USB will work for that02:03
YohanMeistergartral: yes, it will just install that legacy way on it's own I think. No settings or anything to worry about. The problem is - I chose to purchase uefi (maybe a stupid decision idk) but I want uefi and I'm pretty sure it isn't impossible. In fact, I thought I had heard through the grapevine that ubuntu will just plain install a uefi bootable system. This is what I was trying to check up on by coming to this channel.02:03
TheToffI'm gonna have to perma-mod the damn thing somehow02:03
hamedi want to covert from xubuntu interface to unity interface02:03
ironmYohanMeister, try this live iso image: http://rsync.it-infrastrukturen.org/public-mariadb/binary-hybrid-squeeze-amd64-mariadb53-gnome.iso02:03
BodsdaCacheMoney: guess what happens next :) this may take some time - lets go and get 'that' package, copy it across, install it, then try installing the first package again :) - select the amd64 or i386 link at the bottom of this page depending on if your system is 64bit or 32bit respectively http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/b43-fwcutter02:04
rhin0xubuntu is not unity hamed02:04
YohanMeisterironm: and you installed ubuntu to it? And it is uefi bootable and not legacy?02:04
ironmYohanMeister, you can install it also to your HDD02:04
rhin0unity interface is ubuntu 11.04 onwards02:04
ironmnot now YohanMeister  .. debian02:04
rhin0xubuntu is xfce not gnome hamed02:04
rhin0its a different desktop environment completely02:04
gartralYohanMeister: can you get it too boot in a libe enviro?02:04
hamedsome one give me command before i convert to unity interface02:05
rhin0so, if you want unity hamed, you have to start using standard ubuntu not xubuntu02:05
rhin0you cannot run unity if you are using xubuntu hamed02:05
ironmYohanMeister, http://rsync.it-infrastrukturen.org/public-mariadb/README_MariaDB-live-images.txt02:05
hamedjust interface02:05
ExtremeDevilzcan someone here recommand a Torrent client for my Ubuntu02:05
stephan_archhey guys, where is the file where you can see which modules will start when you boot?02:05
ExtremeDevilzIm new to this Linux and still learning02:05
rhin0unity is part of ubuntu not xubuntu - xubuntu doesn't contain unity02:05
BodsdaExtremeDevilz: transmission - may be installed by default02:06
YohanMeistergartral: what is " libe enviro" ? Live environment ??02:06
ExtremeDevilzalright thanks mate02:06
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zakidinehi i have problemes installing ubuntu on my Acer Travelmate 573502:08
gartralYohanMeister: yea, sorry, finger fail02:08
rhin0zakidine - state message it comes up with / why it won't install - must say something02:09
rhin0ask around here02:09
=== Guest44949 is now known as WilsonB
YohanMeisterlol - yeah. At one point I had a working fedora 16 install but it was legacy and I lose 1/3 of my disk space bc of it. I have to have gpt (have to) and I really, reallllly would prefer uefi boot (but I'm willing to sacrifice that latter if I absolutely have to).02:10
rhin0it must have given you some message or some correspondence stating why there is a problem with it not installing zak02:10
zakidineback sorry rhin002:10
zakidinewell, the screen goes all black02:11
happyfacehow do I disable unity hardware accel? its flickering a lot in vmware02:11
zakidineafter i press "install ubuntu" in the menu02:11
seliteHello, how do I get root privileges on my machine. I can choose to make myself administrator though I do not have permission to make new files inside some directories.02:11
rhin0how long did you wait .. is it form a usb key02:11
zakidineif i click on "try ubuntu" only, i can keep seeing the system02:11
rhin0maybe try lower version of ubuntu (maybe 10.04)02:11
zakidineno Dvd install02:12
muelliwell selite. You elevate your priviledges using "sudo" but usually that's not really want you want.02:12
YohanMeisterthe thing is, I have over 4 days solid into a gentoo install on that machine - just trying something and see if it works might cause me to lose all that work. I only want to lose it if what I'm replacing it with will 'definitely work'02:12
rhin0maybe try from usb key02:12
zakidinei (how to say 'brancher') i plugged?02:12
muelliselite: why would you want to create files in a directory that the system prevents you from?02:12
UberSlackrCan anyone assist me with a Install problem? Trying to install Ubuntu on a Dell Desktop, but stuck on "Splash Screen" for 43min now.02:12
zakidinean external monitor to the laptop et it works02:12
stephan_archwhere is the file where you can see/edit which modules will start when you boot?02:12
rhin0you have to ask around zakidine i am amateur in support (but not that bad)02:12
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selitemuelli: Well I want to make new files with the GUI, so having the permission automatically would be great. Hmm, for making a web app.02:13
zakidineSo i have no hope installing it02:13
rhin0... you have to try a few different ways02:13
muelliUberSlackr: can you switch VTs with Ctrl+Alt+F2?02:13
rhin0do not give up02:13
selitemuelli: I can't make a new file inside the Tomcat6 folder.02:13
rhin0try usb key --- try not DVD try CD02:13
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stephan_archanyone, please guys :/02:13
rhin0seriously I would try to install using CD02:13
rhin0not DVD format02:13
CacheMoneybodsda: successfully installed fwcutter, however, when I went to instal firmware-b43 I received this message "This card work with newer firmware.  Trying to install it.   --2012-03-10 -- http://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl-    Resolving mirror2.openwrt.org... failed: Name or service not known.02:13
rhin0thats all02:13
itaylor57!upstart |  stephan_arch02:13
FloodBot1rhin0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:13
ubottustephan_arch: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:13
zakidinehiexpo,  dvd or usb have nothing to do with this issue02:13
hamedshow this link http://ubuntu-install.blogspot.com/2011/10/get-rid-of-unity-install-another.html   i want to convert my interface from xfce to unity02:13
zakidinei'm telling you, the external monitor worked02:14
UberSlackrmuelli: Pressing those keys gave me a command screen02:14
rhin0you can only use unity with ubuntu not xubuntu hamed02:14
muelliselite: there is most likely a good reason to prevent you from creating files there. I don't know much about tomcat, but I guess there is a proper deployment mechanism02:14
zakidineand i tryed with different dvds02:14
zakidineand even an original cd of ubuntu02:14
rhin0well thats interesting zakadine02:14
rhin0no idea02:14
muelliUberSlackr: so you're not completely lost then \o/ Now you can check the logs and see what it's doing02:14
BodsdaCacheMoney: ggrrr - anyway you can give this laptop ethernet connection just to do this install?02:14
CacheMoneybodsda: "dpkg: error processing firmware-b43-installer (--install):  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 402:14
ActionParsniprhin0: you can use unity in xubuntu if you want, its only a shell02:14
rhin0maybe switch back to local monitor?02:14
selitemuelli: Fine, what's the command to change permission on a whole folder? chmod a = r + w + x folderName or what?02:14
stephan_architaylor57, are we using upstart at the moment (11.10) ?02:15
luisrtry wubi02:15
rhin0ok thanks ActionParsnip02:15
UberSlackrmuelli: how might I check the logs?02:15
ActionParsnipselite: chmod a+rwx folder02:15
itaylor57stephan_arch, it is a confusing mix of upstart on old system V init.d02:15
ActionParsnipselite: if you want it through ALL the folder use: chmod -R a+rwx folder02:15
hamedhow can i get history of my commands in terminal02:16
rhin0hamed -- type "history | less"02:16
Bodsdahamed: type   history02:16
muelliselite: check "man chmod". You probably want smth like "chmod -R a+rwX foldername/" but mind you: That's a potentially dangerous operation and  there is, again, likely to be a good reason to stop you (and with that chmod command *every* user) from messing with it.02:16
seliteActionParsnip: Thanks, you are god.02:17
selitemuelli: Thanks a lot buddy.02:17
muelliUberSlackr: hm. check the files in /var/log/. These excellent people in here might be able to guide you thruogh. I've gotta go.02:17
itaylor57stephan_arch, this is the place to look http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/02:17
CacheMoney1bodsda:  It is now connected to ethernet!  I should have thought of this earlier02:18
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BodsdaCacheMoney1: lol - now run    sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer   !!02:19
CacheMoney1Bodsda:  okay!  now what?02:20
ExtremeDevilzHello guys is there a site where I can learn to customize Ubuntu02:20
WilsonBnow using Pigin for Chat02:20
WilsonBhow do I add irc.freenode.net  to it?02:21
WilsonBor create an account for irc.freenode.net02:21
ExtremeDevilzI dont really like the current theme02:21
ExtremeDevilzHello guys is there a site where I can learn to customize Ubuntu02:22
ExtremeDevilzI dont really like the current theme02:22
BodsdaCacheMoney1: run that uninstall    sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source   then reboot and test02:22
UberSlackrcould someone please help me with a ubuntu install? i hit CTRL+ALT+F2 like someone said, I got a command screen, but after 2 min the screen is black now02:22
linxeh!repeat | ExtremeDevilz02:22
ubottuExtremeDevilz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:22
hamedi have wifi working on my laptob in unity 11.10 but the wired internet not working could any one help me02:23
cooldman224ExtremeDevilz: try using gnome-shell instead of unity02:24
ExtremeDevilzuh okay sorry still new to Ubuntu and I cant really find a guide for it =\ cause Im used Windows XP before this but I find Linux faster for my netbook compare to windows02:25
WilsonBnow using Pigin for Chat, how do I add irc.freenode.net to it?, or create an account for irc.freenode.net on Pigin02:25
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: just using the OS will teach you more than any book02:26
UberSlackrExtremeDevilz there is no "guide" to customizing Ubuntu02:26
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: did you learn windows using a book?02:26
CacheMoney1Bodsda:  You are the man!  How do I repay you?  There's no way I could have done that myself...02:26
ActionParsnipUberSlackr: there kinda is ;)02:26
ExtremeDevilzActionParsnip, Nope Im using Windows since I was a Small Boy (o.o) Windows 95 - > XP02:26
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: then learn ubuntu the same way02:27
WilsonBtrying to use  Pigin for Chat, how do I add irc.freenode.net to it?, or create an account for irc.freenode.net on Pigin02:27
BodsdaCacheMoney1: No worries, glad its sorted for you02:27
UberSlackrActionParsnip from my time with Ubuntu its pretty much google something you want to do.02:27
UberSlackrActionParsnip never seen a guide that covers just customizing Ubuntus look. Just articles on different things to change02:28
UberSlackrActionParsnip but Im not expert, might just be a guide dedicated to changing Ubuntus look02:29
ActionParsnip!manual > UberSlackr02:29
ubottuUberSlackr, please see my private message02:29
ActionParsnip!manual > ExtremeDevilz I'd just use the OS02:30
ubottuExtremeDevilz, please see my private message02:30
UberSlackrActionParsnip Do you have a clever ubuttu command them will fix my Install issue?02:30
ExtremeDevilzthanks mate02:30
cooldman224!sentences end with a period > ubottu02:31
ubottucooldman224: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:31
crfripperI'm trying to send audio from an ubuntu machine to another machine with windows host, ubuntu VM.... possible?02:31
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ExtremeDevilzbtw how come Ubuntu works smoothly then windows =\ what is the min req ?02:31
cooldman224which windows02:31
UberSlackrcrfripper google Samatra02:31
UberSlackrI meen Samba02:32
hiexpozakidine, why was i mentioned about dvd or usb   ?02:32
stephan_archI am lookong for an onboard keyboard for ubuntu02:32
crfripperI know what samba share it02:32
stephan_archwith fast language change :)02:32
UberSlackrcrfripper also Logmein Hamachi might work. I use Samaba for when im connected to the same network and Hamachi when im at work or else where02:33
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: shared libs help a lot :)02:33
ActionParsnip!requirements | ExtremeDevilz02:33
ubottuExtremeDevilz: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu02:33
hiexpohola ActionParsnip02:33
ActionParsnipstephan_arch: gok or onboard are good02:33
ActionParsniphi hiexpo02:33
crfrippersamba can stream all system sounds?02:33
UberSlackrcrfripper also Logmein Hamachi will make the Server/Linux box think you are behind the same network allowing you to access your network shares02:34
stephan_archActionParsnip, can you change the language on that tools fast?:)02:34
crfripperpulseaudio can supposedly do it but I can't seem to get it configured right02:34
UberSlackrcrifripper do you want to "SEND" or "STREAM"02:34
crfripperI'm not trying to send audio files, I'm trying to stream speaker output02:34
stephan_archcrfripper, install pavucontrol (pulseaudio volume control)02:34
UberSlackrCrifripper your original question said SEND02:35
crfripperI have pavu, papref02:35
stephan_archpapref, dont know that:)02:35
ActionParsnipstephan_arch: no idea, not something I use02:35
tbrown2012I was wondering what kind of games you have in mind that I could get addicted to I was play LOL but it seem really boaring I want to play adventure02:35
crfripperpapref pulseaudio preferences is where you setup network access, network server, multicast/RTP02:36
ActionParsnipcrfripper: do you mean like control the sounds coming out of a remote pc02:36
crfripperyes I have 2 systems, one has speakers, I'm trying to get both system sounds outputting over the speakers02:36
ActionParsnipcrfripper: just connect via SSH with x frwarding and run a GUI sound app. The app will display on your client PC but the sound will come out of the remote system02:37
UberSlackrHave you tried an Audio Cable splitter? $5 at walmart02:37
crfripperno that's the hack way to do it... if I were going to use a cable I'd just 3.5mm line out of one to line in of the other02:37
crfripperbut I have no male/male 3.5mm stereo cable and want to do it over LAN anyway02:38
ActionParsnipcrfripper: i use one of these :) http://www.maplin.co.uk/3-way-stereo-audio-phono-switch-box-9793202:39
crfripperthat's like using a KVM switch instead of synergy02:39
stephan_archwhere can you change the language on onboard?02:39
crfripperthere's software ways to do it...02:40
crfripperI have synergy working awesome and just want the same thing happening with my speakers02:40
UberSlackrwouldn't sending Audio over LAN just cause lag/delay in the sending of audio signals02:40
crfripperhere's the guide I've been looking at02:42
UberSlackrYes, just like there is delay with Synergy02:42
UberSlackrand with all Remote Access software02:43
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=== Xeneth_test is now known as Xeneth
ExtremeDevilz=\ I hate this Unity02:44
UberSlackrExtremeDevil uninstall it02:44
UberSlackrExtremeDevil http://bit.ly/ytmgGL02:45
zxxanyone here02:47
crfripperwhere I get stuck is02:47
crfripperWith both options enabled on the test machines, switch back to the Volume Control window and look at the Output Devices and Input Devices tabs. You should see new entries in each, representing sound cards discovered by PulseAudio on the other machines.02:47
zxxso,who are you02:48
crfripperI look at the input and output devices and ther eis nothing new02:48
atpa8ahaving one of those 'Killing all remaining processes [fail]' issue...02:48
ActionParsnipExtremeDevilz: don't use it then, install xfce4 package, log off and log into the xfce session02:49
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Zaitzevdoes a terminal-emulator like yakuake load ~/.bashrc ? I want to try another terminal and yakuake seems like a good choice according to reviews02:51
crfrippergod this is so aggrevating, the things to check are so few and simple but it just doesn't work02:51
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UberSlackrcrfripper make sure your Firewall is not blocking anything02:52
cooldman224anyone here use bumblebee?02:53
crfripperin virtual machine?02:53
UberSlackrYou are running it in a Virtual Machine? and not two physical machines?02:54
crfripper2 physical machines, 1 ubuntu, 1 windows host with ubuntu virtual machine02:54
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UberSlackrFrom my understanding of Virtual Machines they do not properly attach to the network. They are assigned a different "Gateway" IP02:55
UberSlackrAnd in order for Pulseaudio to work properly you have to connect to the same Network02:56
UberSlackrCheck to make sure that you Virtual machine is showing the same Network information as the physical machine running Ubuntu02:57
crfripperyou're RIGHT02:57
crfrippermy vm's IP is
UberSlackrIf not then you have to Manual set the virtual machine to the same network02:57
crfrippermy ubuntu machines
UberSlackrYour virtual machine should be "192.168.1.XXX"02:58
UberSlackrWhere XXX is a number not already used by a machine on the network02:59
ActionParsnipcrfripper: if you set the virtual system to use a bridged IP it will get DHCP from your router02:59
ActionParsnipcrfripper: is the virtualbox virtual network range02:59
UberSlackr^^ There u go. ActionParsnipe said it. I couldnt remember wtf it was called02:59
crfripperso all I need to do is bridge connections?03:00
crfripperor is it better to manually assign IP03:01
aarossig_Hi all, I'm having trouble booting Ubuntu 11.10 on a Dell XPS 630i. I can boot from USB just fine but once I finish the install it hangs on a purple screen before reaching the Ubuntu logo. Any ideas?03:01
UberSlackrYou can just change your VirtualBox network settings from NAT to Bridged Adapter and point it at eth0/wlan0 or whichever connection is being used for networking.03:02
crfripperI'm just going with manual IP for now03:02
crfrippermost everything else I have is static IP03:03
UberSlackrAarossig_ I think Ubuntu has something against Dell. Because I'm having trouble install Ubuntu on a Dell (First time with a dell computer) and its not working so well either...03:03
crfripperI'm an idiot, can't believe I didn't check that03:03
ActionParsnipcrfripper: basic networking dude...subnets :)03:04
UberSlackrcrifripper: you would be better off setting things to Bridge so that all Network settings are configured Automaticlly and Correctly03:04
FyodorovnaUberSlackr, Dell used to have ubuntu on a couple of releases.03:04
BobbehHello, I need help or at least confirmation03:04
BobbehI've been having trouble getting unity 3d to work03:04
aarossig_UberSlackr: well.. this is odd because I have a Dell PowerEdge server and a Dell "e-mail computer" and both work fine.03:05
crfripperrestarting machine03:05
Bobbehabout a week ago, i decided to try 12.04, so i downloaded it and set everything up03:05
stephan_archhey guys, I cant find the autostart manage in ubuntu 11.1003:05
UberSlackrFryodorovna: I was kidding. Because I've been successful in installed Ubuntu on 100s of other machine. But the 1 time I'm having problems its on a DELL03:05
stephan_archwhere is it?03:05
aarossig_When I boot into the recovery mode it stops at setting the rtc_cmos time03:05
aarossig_does that help?03:05
FyodorovnaBobbeh, if it is 12.04 #ubuntu+1 is yourv channel03:05
ActionParsnipBobbeh: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything 12.04 related please03:06
Bobbehoh ok03:06
Bobbehok bye03:06
TheToffwhats the irc command for changing channels03:06
TheTofffrom in chat03:06
ActionParsnipTheToff: /join #name03:06
TheToffThanks AP03:06
ActionParsnipTheToff: e.g.    /join #ubuntu+103:06
soreauUberSlackr: AFAIK, Dell sells computers with ubuntu pre-installed03:07
TheToffDell is also shite.03:07
crfripperthey did for a time, may still do03:07
TheToffAnyone here ever use any of the derivatives, like Bodhi?03:08
UberSlackrAll I know is Im having problems installing Ubuntu. Never before have I had issues, until I try to install it on a DELL03:08
aarossig_I like Dell, all of mine were "hand-me-downs" from firms I have worked for03:08
crfripperdid you try toggling IDE/AHCI03:08
UberSlackrTheToff I have a Ubuntu Server running does that count03:08
aarossig_there is nothing like a free computer that kicks ass :)03:08
TheTofflol I actually liked working with Server, but nah03:08
TheToffaarossig: You said it03:09
TheToffNothing beats free03:09
TheToffexcept for kick ass AND free03:09
UberSlackrWell this is a Hand-Me-Down Dell - trying to install Ubuntu on it for my Son. but its stuck on the Loading screen. And no Keyboard commands are working03:09
UberSlackrso I can not enter Command Screen03:09
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aarossig_UberSlackr: Can you boot the live usb or cd?03:10
TheToff@UberSlackr: Which version are you installing, and also what aarossig said03:10
UberSlackraarossig_ no clue. I downloaded the Install .iso03:10
crfripperyeah I can't ping my VM from ubuntu machine, this is messed uop03:10
aarossig_my problem is that I can boot the live usb but not when it is installed...03:10
aarossig_UberSlackr: yeah, so did you put it on a cd then?03:11
aarossig_UberSlackr: did you boot into recovery mode?03:11
UberSlackrWell I already had it on a CD because I used the same CD for many other installs03:11
UberSlackraarossig_ The keyboard is not responding to any input. When PC is powered on, its goes straight to boot from CD, then the Ubuntu install screen comes up (Splash) and it stays there03:12
UberSlackrhas been there for 1hr 20min now03:12
UberSlackrthe little dots are chaning colors but nothing else has happened yet03:12
aarossig_UberSlackr: I'm not sure.. what dell do you have?03:13
aarossig_how much ram?03:13
UberSlackrDell Demension 235003:13
UberSlackrlike 512 i think03:13
aarossig_512 should be fine... <UberSlackr03:14
aarossig_UberSlackr: I'm not sure what you could do...03:14
ultimatepowerhi i lost my user password for ubuntu 11.10. can anyone help me to reset it . its urgent.03:14
UberSlackrI install Ubuntu Server on it just fine. No problems. I wiped the HDD and now Ubuntu Desktop will not install03:15
aarossig_UberSlackr: so it is probably an issue relating to the graphics card then03:15
aarossig_UberSlackr: maybe... but that is a total guess03:15
UberSlackridk, might be. Machine was running Windows XP so I dont see why it wouldnt handle Ubuntu03:16
UberSlackrNever ran into the conflict before03:16
aarossig_UberSlackr: you could start with the base ubuntu (ie.. 20MB iso) and gradually build it up03:17
UberSlackrIm downloading a Older copy of Ubuntu Desktop (8)  and will try that.03:17
aarossig_UberSlackr: I've fone it before, it's quite fun :)03:17
UberSlackrPoint to a link of the base iso download?03:17
TheToff@UberSlackr: assuming that the hardware previously worked, and the disk works in other computers... perhaps you could try one of the alternate downloads for your dell03:18
crfripperI need to be able to ping the VM first of all03:18
UberSlackrcrfipper there is no Windows Version of the software you are using? Why the Virtual Machine?03:19
crfripperthis seems to indicate you can setup a server in windows itself03:19
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CacheMoney1I'm trying to setup GitHub on my new Ubuntu install.  I created a repository, made a directory and file on my local machine, went to $ git push origin master but received "Permission denied (publickey)."03:20
FyodorovnaUberSlackr, any release before 10.04 is not supported any more and 10.10 is done in april03:20
chrislusticHey there , anyone know a good room for web design html/css advice ?03:21
escottCacheMoney1, you need to setup and ssh authorized keyfile03:21
waxstonechrislustic, #html , #css03:23
crfripperno idk whether to go the VM route or windows binaries route03:23
UberSlackrFyodorobna just because Ubuntu doesnt support it, doesn mean it can be downloaded and used03:23
FyodorovnaUberSlackr, sure but you will get no support here for a eol.03:23
UberSlackrcrfripper I would go windows route. that way the networking is done for you and you will not have to use system resources running a virtual machine03:24
UberSlackrFyodorobna And your point is? If the Ubuntu 8 release does not work. then I will look into trashing the Computer and getting a different one. Not a problem03:25
phunyguydoes anyone know if there is a way to import music to rhythymbox and have it actually copy the music to your library folder from within rhythymbox?03:25
FyodorovnaUberSlackr, no point just giving you a heads up and by the way love your attitude. :)03:25
UberSlackraarossig_ im not finding a 20MBish ISO for a basic install. I've found an "Alternative" install iso, but its 600+MB03:26
Jordan_U!minimal | UberSlackr03:30
ubottuUberSlackr: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:30
lauratikathe option in the right click menu to publish via ubuntu one my folder is grayed out, what can be wrong?03:30
CacheMoney1what's the command to remove a folder (and all subsequent folders)?03:31
soreauCacheMoney1: rm -r03:31
UberSlackrJordan_U thnx03:32
webnetanyone know anything about eggdrop?03:32
Jordan_UUberSlackr:  Note that the minimal installer downloads packages from the internet and is only as minimal in what it installs as the options you choose in the installer.03:32
soreauwebnet: You might try their channel03:32
Jordan_UUberSlackr: You're welcome.03:33
webneti have soreau no one has been able to help03:33
aarossig_UberSlackr: well.. it finally booted after a 5 minute hang03:33
webnetthey sugested i check here03:33
aarossig_UberSlackr: sorry for not getting back to you re the minimal cd, my irssi screen session was on the other computer03:33
soreau! anyone | webnet03:34
ubottuwebnet: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:34
crfripperwell I extracted the binaries and cd to them in command line, but idk what to do from here to get it installed03:34
crfripperthis stuff is over my head me thinks03:34
webnetsoreau, i know. lol. i wasnt sure if anyone knew anything about it. lol. anyways the problem i am having is that i have installed it from repos and it refuses to load a config file03:35
UberSlackrcrfripper whats the name of the program you are using again?03:36
crfripperpulseaduio.exe results in - failed to get entropy failed to allocate shared memory pool secure directory creation not supported in win3203:37
crfripperetc. etc.03:37
soreauwebnet: Perhaps you're doing it wrong ;)03:37
crfripperI have no doubt about that03:37
crfripperI'm flaining my arms, windmill style here03:38
lauratikaanyone know how to restart ubuntu one03:38
UberSlackrcrfipper http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79164303:39
webnetsoreau, i figued that much :P03:40
crfripperahh yes, I had seen that but only followed the cendio link03:40
crfripperI'm getting too frustrated, I gotta go for a smoke break03:40
UberSlackrHeres a whole Ubuntu Wiki on it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio03:41
happyfacetyping in ubuntu 2D feels more responsive than 3D03:41
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soreauwebnet: There are plenty of eggdrop guides out there, or you can try reading the source03:43
webnetsoreau, i have been reading alot of them and they all say what im doing should be working03:44
shaun-akany to chat?????????????????/03:44
webneteggdrop -m ~/eggdrop.conf03:44
=== TheToff is now known as phuckit
soreauwebnet: What makes you think it can't read the config file?03:44
webneti recieve thie error:  * CONFIG FILE NOT LOADED (NOT FOUND, OR ERROR)03:45
JackShephardam I connected?03:45
webnetJackShephard, yes03:45
Jordan_Uwebnet: Can you pastebin your eggdrop.conf?03:46
happyfacelibreoffice soo bad at file formats :/ sad03:46
aarossig_happyface: which file format? (just curious... I also had a problem a few months ago)03:47
webnetJordan_U, absolutly! here is a pastebin of the error i get as well: system@system-Aspire-5734Z:~$ eggdrop eggdrop.conf03:47
webnetEggdrop v1.6.19+SSL (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2008 Eggheads03:47
webnet[21:17] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.19+SSL (Sat Mar 10 2012)03:47
soreauwebnet: Does this help? http://forum.egghelp.org/viewtopic.php?t=1831803:47
FloodBot1webnet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:47
happyfaceaarossig_: if you're editing docx files or something, libre will COMPLETELY mess the files up03:47
happyfaceaarossig_: same with RTF03:47
aarossig_happyface: ahh okay03:47
JackShephardwebnet: ok thanks!03:47
soreau! paste | webnet03:47
ubottuwebnet: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:47
aarossig_happyface: I had some morons create a purchase order "database" using a spreadsheet03:48
aarossig_happyface: once they had more than 255 sheets openoffice crashed03:48
webnetsoreau, yes sorry i meant to. lol. i pasted to pastebin, but i forgot to copy the link. haha03:48
happyfaceaarossig_: holy03:48
JuanTheBurroHola. Mi llamo Juan03:49
JuanTheBurro\I am a burro03:49
JuanTheBurroJoin me, and together we can rule Ubuntu from Mexico03:49
webnethttp://pastebin.com/Qe7VErnk  | Jordan_U soreau03:50
Jordan_U!ot | JuanTheBurro03:50
ubottuJuanTheBurro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:50
JuanTheBurroDamn, I was just trying to get someone around here to mildly chuckle03:50
JuanTheBurroIt's a bit slow in here. I am looking for someone well versed in the new 12.04 beta version03:51
macBdogthis morning I installed tightvncserver and I think I got hacked... hundreds of spam emails sent from my box, can anyone help me find out what happened?03:51
damo22unity is such a pos i am considering moving to debian03:52
rypervenchedamo22: Do it!03:52
happyfacedamo22: yes plz03:52
happyfacedamo22: but seriously, just use gnome 3 or something03:52
macBdogdamo: why switch distros just because of the window manager? just install gnome03:52
JuanTheBurro@damo22: Have you considered other derivatives that do not use Unity03:52
rypervencheXfce <303:53
DinoMuffinand by that, I mean xfce403:53
JuanTheBurroHell, try Bodhi Linux03:53
JuanTheBurroIt uses Enlightenment lol03:53
JuanTheBurroEveryone should feel Enlightened03:53
damo22i am using 10.0403:54
atubuntuwhy does adobe flashplayer eat up so much of cpu03:54
icedteaI switch to kubuntu03:54
damo22kde is too bloated for me03:55
JuanTheBurroBecause flash is a resource hog that adobe needs to trim down or get rid of03:55
DinoMuffinatubuntu: because flash is designed to be the worst piece of software in the world03:55
atubuntuthen why is ubuntu still using it .should it not package its own flashplayer03:55
szal!info gnash03:56
ubottugnash (source: gnash): GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.10~git20110618-3ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 193 kB, installed size 612 kB03:56
szal@ atubuntu03:56
JuanTheBurroUbuntu uses it because 90% of the world still uses it03:56
JuanTheBurroAn alternative, supposedly, is HTML5, which is a resource hog as well03:56
atubuntuszal: will gnash work on firefox03:57
ActionParsnipatubuntu: its been a thing forever. if you are watching youtube then switch to html5 and its a little better03:58
crfripperI'm just digging myself further and further in a hole03:58
ActionParsnipatubuntu: flash is a proprietary product to Adobe. There are equivelants but they do lack some features in the Adobe flash03:58
ActionParsnipatubuntu: swfdec, gnash and lightspark are all in the repos03:59
Fyodorovnaatubuntu, when someone makes a statement like that take it with a grain of salt, it is a personal opinion.03:59
atubuntuActionParsnip: how do i fit them as browser plugins03:59
szalFyodorovna: in the case of gnash it isn't; gnash is on par w/ Flash 9 at best04:00
crfripperpulseaudio device chooser is old04:00
Fyodorovnaszal, I was not referring to your posts. :004:00
ActionParsnipatubuntu: most will add themselves into the plugins folder. You should always remove the standing flash plugin first, so that you do not have more than one flash plugin04:00
Fyodorovnaszal, this one was what I meant "worst piece of software in the world"04:01
DinoMuffinyeah, that was just my opinion04:02
DinoMuffineven though adobe seems to be really trying to fit that description from what I've seen04:03
lcchow do I play a dvd with mplayer? mplayer dvd://1 is not working04:03
crfripperthre is no option to enter an server IP in any of the current pulseaudio tools04:04
rhin0"There can be no doubt that socialism is inseparably interwoven with  totalitarianism and the abject worship of the state. Socialism is in its  essence an attack not only upon British enterprise, but upon the right  of the ordinary man or woman to breathe freely without having a harsh,  clumsy tyrannical hand clasped across their mouth and nostrils. (Labour)  would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanel04:05
amazingrandoanyone have experience with ati drivers on ubuntu server?04:05
JelloPopcan u install a bin file in linux??04:05
rhin0wrong channel04:05
atubuntuActionParsnip: i removed adobe .and now it asks for a flashplayer when i select gnash and next it says failed04:06
lccI need libdvdcss04:06
dannelsocialism still gives too much to corporations.. but people say it's great, like "wow, OUR government threw us a bone, /pat on back"04:06
crfripperI think the VM way is the only way04:06
JelloPoptrying to install dofux? in ubuntu04:06
CacheMoney1rhin0: who you talking with / what are you disussing?04:06
_MarcusCacheMoney: He said he posted it in the wrong channel04:07
crfripperI believe I have the windows side working correctly, but I can't make the ubuntu client send to that IP04:07
ActionParsnipatubuntu: i'm sure there are guides around, you may need tomanually like the plugin into your browsers plugins folder04:07
_MarcusCacheMoney1: Happens to me all the time. Except I think IRC is my terminal.04:07
MK`What file system do I use for a /boot partition?04:07
JelloPopthis is the file install http://dl.ak.ankama.com/games/dofus2/setup/DofusInstall.run04:07
ActionParsnipMK`: I'd use ext2 or ext304:07
MK`not ext4? :o04:07
Pikkachuhi all, can you all see the degree Celsius symbol here ℃? If not, are you using pidgin/gtk+ with Ubuntu font?04:07
dannelPikkachu, affirmative04:08
ActionParsnipMK`: why is that a bad thing?04:08
MK`I was just wondering why04:08
Pikkachudannel: what client, OS, font?04:08
ActionParsnipJelloPop: cd; wget http://dl.ak.ankama.com/games/dofus2/setup/DofusInstall.run; chmod +x ./DofusInstall.run; sudo ./DofusInstall.run04:08
CacheMoney1_marcus:  I saw that... i wanted to find out which channel he was on.  Sounded kinda interesting04:08
ActionParsnipMK`: ext2 and ext3 are tried and tested. Ext3 is as old as the hills with few issues.04:08
_MarcusCacheMoney1: Message him with /query04:09
Amin2afqans are terrorists04:10
MK`same for / and /home then ActionParsnip ?04:10
CacheMoney1_Marcus: how do I send a message?04:10
JelloPopActionParsnip: Why is the install for this package different for .deb packages or compiling  tar.gz?04:11
ubuntuanyone know about media test falure check cable error in bios 1.70 for a stupid toshiba from satans layer04:11
crfripperdoing it from commandline04:11
_MarcusCacheMoney1: I like /query because it shows me the window, but you can just do "/msg user message goes here". Replace the user and the message with the approperiate information though.04:11
ubuntuim trying to install ubuntu04:11
_Marcusubuntu: You just said your name in that sentance :D04:11
ubuntuhow to change nick04:11
_Marcusubuntu: type /nick newnick04:12
=== MartinS is now known as Guest58281
=== ubuntu is now known as newnick
=== newnick is now known as orion
orionso can anyone help04:12
_Marcusorion: What's the matter?04:12
CacheMoney1_Marcus:  I agree, /query is better04:13
crfripperidk what port to use?04:13
=== orion is now known as Guest2466
Guest2466media test falure check cable    error in bios 1.70 in toshiba sattelite trash04:13
Amin2are theee04:13
Amin2are there any terrorists in here?04:13
crfripperahh, 471304:13
ActionParsnipJelloPop: because they have provided a binary you run to install it04:14
_MarcusAmin2: Two things. first off, that's off-topic. Second, define "terrorist"04:14
ActionParsnipJelloPop: it can be used in any Linux distro then :)04:14
Guest2466hello bios issue04:14
ActionParsnipGuest2466: how is a bios issue related to ubuntu?04:14
Guest2466trying to install ubuntu04:14
namoamitabuddhaWhat's the upbound of the number of DNS supported in /etc/resolv.conf?04:15
Amin2i hate Justin Bieber04:15
_MarcusGuest2446: Tell us, exactly, what is wrong.04:15
JelloPopFirst time in yrs. Ive had to use .bin file??04:15
_Marcus!ot | Amin204:15
ubottuAmin2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:15
ActionParsnipJelloPop: adobe and nvidia are 2 I can think of quick that use them04:15
ActionParsnipGuest2466: state your issue and we can advise04:16
ActionParsnipnamoamitabuddha: yes, 304:16
Guest2466well the laptop was freezing so i tryed to install ubuntu cd and it wouldent boot04:16
crfripperwhat do I put for mount=?04:16
Guest2466and then it did and then shut down04:16
ActionParsnipGuest2466: what happens whem you try to boot?04:16
JelloPopActionParsnip: sinces its a game I guess that explains the use for bin file...04:16
atubuntugnash is also as cpu consuming04:16
Guest2466and now it wont boot anything04:16
ActionParsnipJelloPop: there may be the game on playdeb :)04:16
ActionParsnipGuest2466: I'd ask in ##hardware then04:17
Guest2466i get media test falure check cable error04:17
Amin2am I the only one who hates that fag, Justin Bieber?04:17
JelloPopplaydeb?? explain?04:17
_MarcusAmin2: No.04:17
PikkachuAmin2: I like Michael Jackson more04:17
_Marcus!ot | Amin204:17
Guest2466ive been asking in hardware for three days04:17
Guest2466they are alot of jerks son04:17
ActionParsnipJelloPop: search and you will find04:18
Guest2466so what shall i do04:18
ActionParsnipGuest2466: is it a laptop or a desktop?04:18
Reedysethhellow guys04:18
_MarcusHello Reedyseth04:18
DinoMuffinGuest2466: when was the laptop freezing. Randomly? or was there any type of pattern?04:18
Guest2466its got to be a bad bios i think04:18
JelloPopActionParsnip: k apt-cache search thanks :)04:18
Guest2466boot order dont help04:18
ActionParsnipJelloPop: no, search the web, using a browser04:18
ActionParsnipGuest2466: is it a laptop or a desktop?04:19
Guest2466no pattern04:19
crfripperWARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "audio"04:19
Amin2_Marcus why you treat me so bad? are u a Justin Beiber fan?04:19
sacarlsonGuest2466: did you try boot a usb flash instead of a cd rom?  or is that not an option?04:19
ActionParsnipGuest2466: remove the battery and the power, also remove cmos battery if you can and leave it out for an hour. Then put it all bnack together04:19
DinoMuffinGuest2466: was it a complete lock up? As in no response at all from the mouse or keyboard?04:19
Guest2466it does all kinds of crazy stuff but now the media test falure check cable is pretty constant04:19
Reedysethdoes anyone know how to set the default sqlite version on the terminal ? I get this error svnadmin: SQLite compilado para 3.6.22, pero corriendo con 3.6.1304:20
Guest2466yes a complete losk up04:20
Guest2466and what i think is the battery is soldered in tight04:20
Reedysethit says that sqlite is compile to version 3.6.22 but running 3.6.1304:20
Amin2one does not simply poest non english in this channel04:21
Guest2466i tryed to pull battery but its soldered in it wont just pop out04:21
Reedysethi know04:21
Guest2466toshiba sattelite m45-s625 trash04:21
armenceHello all. There are two packages that are now obsolete but which I must install nonetheless. I need libavformat52 and libavcodec52. Or at least I need the library files. How can I get them?04:21
HelloWorld321How do I get firefox to open IE .url shortcuts?04:21
Reedysethdoes anyone know how to set the default sqlite version on the terminal ? I get this error svnadmin: SQLite compile for 3.6.22, but running with 3.6.1304:21
Mkay-iPhoneLol Amin204:22
ActionParsnipGuest2466: it wont be, batterys degrade over time so will need to be eventually replaced04:22
Fyodorovna!op | Amin204:22
ubottuAmin2: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!04:22
_MarcusAmin2: No, but I like Ubuntu. The conversations here should be kept on-topic. If you want to talk about how much you hate him, go to #ubuntu-offtopic04:22
ActionParsnipFyodorovna: beat me to it04:22
FyodorovnaActionParsnip, :)04:22
Reedysethdoes anyone know how to set the default sqlite version on the terminal ? I get this error svnadmin: SQLite compile for 3.6.22, but running with 3.6.1304:22
Guest2466little help???04:22
Amin2ok :(04:23
crfripperI think I just need to get a 3.5mm male/male stero cable.. I've been defeated04:23
Reedysethdoes anyone know how to set the default sqlite version on the terminal ? I get this error svnadmin: SQLite compile for 3.6.22, but running with 3.6.1304:23
Guest2466it round and pink it looks like the battery but thier is no way to remove04:23
sacarlsonReedyseth: I think you might look into pin or pinning that enables setting the version that synaptic and/or apt-get installs04:23
Guest2466toshiba has no tech info on it04:24
Amin2_Marcus she's not a "him"04:24
_MarcusAmin2: Leave this channel please04:24
Reedysethsacarlson: let me try that04:24
unkrcan any one help me  regarding proxychain ??/04:24
Guest2466someone doesent want me to fix it very bad04:24
Guest2466i actually paid for this trash04:25
DinoMuffinGuest2466: are you able to boot from a livecd?04:25
JuanTheBurroGuest2466: What's the problem?04:25
Guest2466cause i thought ohh ill just install os and it will be good to go04:25
Guest2466it wont boot cd or hdd04:25
Guest2466no matter the order04:26
Guest2466it wont boot cd or hdd04:26
sacarlsonReedyseth: this looks like what your looking for http://askubuntu.com/questions/23578/how-do-i-pin-a-particular-mysql-version-to-avoid-unnecessary-upgrades04:26
_MarcusGuest2466: Did you contact the manufacturer? That seems like hardware problems.04:26
Guest2466keep getting media test falure check cable04:26
JuanTheBurroGuest2466: What was the last thing you changed before it died?04:26
JuanTheBurroHardware AND software04:27
Guest2466wtf doesent anyone read above or is everyone new04:27
JuanTheBurroI've been busy on other things04:27
JuanTheBurroso no04:27
JuanTheBurroI did not read04:27
Guest2466i bougt it with this issue04:27
JuanTheBurroIf you would like help, let me help you04:27
JuanTheBurroIf not, go find a toshiba cunt and get it from them04:27
pangolin!language | JuanTheBurro04:28
ubottuJuanTheBurro: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:28
Guest2466ok its a toshiba sattelite m45-s26504:28
sacarlsonGuest2466: if it gets that far maybe it will boot a usb flash drive04:28
JuanTheBurroGood laptop, for the most part04:28
_MarcusGuest2466: So it's like buying something on ebay to find they light it on fire first. Why not ask the people you bought it from? Or even Toshiba?04:28
high-n-tightso, ubuntu people. Why should I choose ubuntu over linux mint? (im new to linux as a whole and need guidance)04:28
zyzhang12help! i can't change the The notebook screen brightness ,and the power management does not work.  who have the similar experience?04:28
unkrcan any one help me  regarding proxychain ??/04:28
Guest2466now it will not boot cd or hdd it says in bios media test falure check cable04:28
_Marcushigh-n-tight: What do you want to use your system for?04:28
DinoMuffinGuest2466: if it's been like that the entire time you've had it, it's likely theres a hardware problem04:28
JuanTheBurroGuest246: When you bought it, was it like this, or no?04:29
Guest2466toshiba has been very poor help son04:29
high-n-tightand im already finding that silverlight/moonlight doesn't really fly on any linux system :(04:29
JuanTheBurroGuest246: How old is it? Is it under warranty? Has it functioned at all since you got it?04:29
JuanTheBurroThese are relevant questions I don't see an answer for04:29
DinoMuffinGuest2466: well, I don't know what else to tell you. If you're not able to boot from any device, it likely means that the bios is either misconfgured or theres a hardware issue04:29
Guest2466ok so ive tryed to eliminate bios issue04:30
FyodorovnaGuest2466, try a f12 tapping at boot to get the boot from menu.04:30
Guest2466i need to figure how to flash bios04:30
JuanTheBurroGuest2466: Do you have a spare hard drive to slip in and try?04:30
FyodorovnaGuest2466, sorry at powering on.04:30
Guest2466no hdd04:30
JuanTheBurroNo hdd at all, or no spare?04:31
DinoMuffinGuest2466: make sure you're not trying to boot off the network first either04:31
Guest2466i dont even have the capability to burn the boot cd to flash bios04:31
JuanTheBurroThen Guest, you got screwed04:31
JuanTheBurroWhere did you buy it?04:31
JuanTheBurroOr from whom?04:31
JuanTheBurroAnd how recently?04:32
Guest2466a friend that did not know the hell he was giving me04:32
Guest2466i figure a mb will definately fix it04:32
JuanTheBurroSounds like a hammer would work too04:33
Guest2466but i want to try bios flash somehow04:33
blagis there a gui for ptppconfig04:33
Guest2466eeeprom is to expensive04:33
ActionParsnipGuest2466: what make and model is this thing?04:33
DinoMuffinYou might want to check the bios for a easy flasher. It can normally work with USB drives04:33
Guest2466toshiba sattelite m45-s26504:33
Guest2466its got insyde software rom04:34
Guest2466bios 1.7004:34
patriotwhats the name of python program that installs gfx drivers04:34
JuanTheBurroGuest2466: http://www.google.com/webhp?rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS471US471&sourceid=chrome-instant&ix=sea&ie=UTF-8&ion=1#hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS471US471&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=toshiba%20bios%20recovery%20usb&oq=&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&gs_l=&pbx=1&fp=95e6f5d098e4da22&ix=sea&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=67704:34
sacarlsonGuest2466: you should only flash bios as a last resort, try boot from a usb pen drive04:34
Guest2466i cant call insyde untill monday04:34
=== patriot is now known as Guest72820
=== Guest72820 is now known as wutdo
wutdowhats the name of python program that installs gfx drivers - jumpy or something04:34
ActionParsnipGuest2466: http://www.irisvista.com/tech/laptops/ToshibaM45/Satellite_M45_disassembly_1.htm04:35
Guest2466where do i get file for pen drive what site and file04:35
JuanTheBurroYou should check out the info here04:35
ActionParsnipJuanTheBurro: thats one of the reasons i dont use google search04:35
JuanTheBurroSame, but in a quick pinch, it works04:35
JuanTheBurroI wanted him to see the whole page04:35
JuanTheBurroRather than a specific link04:35
ActionParsnipGuest2466: my link shows how to remove the battery04:36
JuanTheBurrofootwork is the name of the game, that is why we are all here04:36
sacarlsonGuest2466: you use the standard iso download file and another working system that can install the ubuntu.iso file onto the usb pen drive04:36
ActionParsnipGuest2466: 2 little sliders on the bottom unlocks the battery04:36
JuanTheBurrousing YUMI may work to get it on there04:36
JuanTheBurroor grub4dos04:37
JuanTheBurroGuest2466: http://ask.metafilter.com/191475/Corrupted-BIOS-Toshiba-L305D04:37
JuanTheBurrotake a look at that04:37
JuanTheBurroNot the same model, but the principle should be the same04:37
Guest2466i need to remove bios mb little battery son04:37
Guest2466tiny round one04:38
ActionParsnipGuest2466: it may be under the battery04:38
ActionParsnipGuest2466: http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_8334690_locate-battery-toshiba-satellite-m45.html04:38
ActionParsnipGuest2466: all i'm doing is searching dude04:38
JuanTheBurroAlso, think about this: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=30433204:39
webnetGuest2466, sorry if anyone else asked this, but why do you need to remove it?04:39
webnetim a bit late to this game04:39
JuanTheBurroScheisse.... I can't remember... does the Sattelite have the little jumper next to the battery?04:40
DinoMuffinwebnet: His bios is either misconfigured/corrupted or he has a major hardware problem04:40
DinoMuffinwebnet: he can't boot from any device04:40
webnetDinoMuffin, gotcha thx :)04:40
DinoMuffinreguardless of setting04:40
DinoMuffinAt least, that's what I've gathered04:41
webnetthats a crappt situation to be in04:41
Guest2466the cmos batt removal tips dont show where it is and the only thing that looks like a batt wont come out04:41
JuanTheBurroI've been there, done that, with an older Satellite, but damned if I can't remember how to get out of it. The general question is this: Have you tried to remove your hard drive, and run it attached to another machine?04:41
Guest2466i need to remove batt to reset bios04:42
webnetGuest2466, does it look like a watch battery?04:42
Guest2466i think it does look like a watch batt04:42
JuanTheBurro@Guest2466: When you remove the bottom cover, you should see a flat round battery, possibly with an orange tape on it04:42
Guest2466its pink04:42
JuanTheBurroIt is held together with basically plastic04:42
webnetabout between a nickel in size? Guest246604:42
JuanTheBurroSame stuff04:42
Guest2466and its soldered solid04:42
JuanTheBurrook, it isn't04:42
Guest2466dime size04:42
JuanTheBurroThere is no way it would be04:42
webnetoh that wont be it Guest2404:43
webnet* Guest246604:43
Guest2466its the closest think to a batt04:43
JuanTheBurroIt should be flat as a pancake04:43
webnetGuest2466, it wil be silver shiny and between nickel and quarter sized04:43
JuanTheBurroas big around as an american nickel04:43
Guest2466yep its the only little round part on the thing04:43
JuanTheBurroand it will be held in place either with plastic or tape, even04:43
JuanTheBurroYou should be able to pluck the tape04:44
webnetcould also be in there with a tiny metal clasp04:44
JuanTheBurroAnd therefore get the CMOS out04:44
Guest2466and it will not come out without breaking it they really made this atough fix son04:44
JuanTheBurroTrue, webnet04:44
JuanTheBurro@Guest2466 then tape the sucker04:44
Guest2466plus i cant get any good info04:44
webnetGuest2466, sorry to bug but idk the model, its too far back in chat for mwe to see04:45
webnetwhat is the model?04:45
Guest2466im thinking getting the propper bios flash files on my usb pen drive migt do the trick04:45
JuanTheBurroGuest2466: Are you Rickwireman on the forums?04:45
JuanTheBurroGuest2466: Are you Rickwireman on the forums?04:45
wutdoman fuk yall04:45
webnetwutdo !cuss04:45
Guest2466yes i am rick04:45
webnet!cuss wutdo04:46
JuanTheBurrook, just checking04:46
JelloPopwutdo what was that !04:46
Guest2466toshiba sattelite m45 -s265 laptop04:46
webnetwutdo | !language04:46
webnethmm ubottu doesnt seem to be responding04:46
webnetwhats that aboot?04:46
Guest2466no botts allowed04:47
sacarlsonwebnet: wutdo already left04:47
Guest2466stupid botts lol04:47
webnetGuest2466, we have one on here for informational purposes.04:47
webnetsacarlson, gotcha04:47
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:47
Guest2466ok then this is what ive got to work with houston04:47
tlaffoonaw man thought I successfully changed my nick to HughGRection04:48
tlaffoonits taken already =/ .04:48
webnettlaffoon, HAHAHAHAHA!04:48
Reedysethsacarlson: pinning didn't work04:48
Guest2466ive got a mass storage device configured to install clearwire connection manager how do i make it a bootable bios flasher04:48
Reedysethsacarlson: I'm configuring my ubuntu server04:49
sacarlsonReedyseth: bummer, did you do a full purge and reinstall to pin it?04:49
webnetGuest2466, what is the model of the lappy?04:49
Guest2466usb mass storage device04:49
Guest2466toshiba sattelite m45-s26504:49
Reedysethsacarlson: nop is not even in my repositories or installed04:49
webnetGuest2466, cool thx04:49
sacarlsonReedyseth: atp-get purge mysql ,  oh not in repository,  maybe pull it from an older repository?04:50
Guest2466what files do i need to down load for bios 1.70 flashing04:50
Guest2466does any one know what to do to that clearwire pen drive04:50
sacarlsonReedyseth: or what about upgrading the compiled app?04:50
ActionParsnipGuest2466: you could take out the hard drive, install to it then put it back in the lappy04:51
Guest2466to allow the files on it04:51
Reedysethsacarlson: wait but is not mysql is sqlite04:51
Guest2466already tried04:51
sacarlsonReedyseth: sorry I forgot, sqlite04:51
Guest2466ive tryied booting withh hdd in and out and rand r still no luck04:51
satyanashHi, I just installed Ubuntu with Grub2 on a Lenovo Thinkpad. Grub detects 2 Windows7 Operating systems, when there is only one installed.04:52
Guest2466so where to find files to flash bios 1.7004:52
HelloWorld321How do you do the Oceric Ocelot equivalent of going to Applications -> System Tools -> File Types Editor04:52
sacarlsonReedyseth: what is the name of the compiled app that needs sqlite?04:52
satyanashIf it is of any concern, there are also some OEM partitions like Lenovo_recovery and SYStem_DRv or something..04:53
webnetGuest2466, i fear you still wont be able to. thats for flashing bios that work to put on custom ones04:53
Guest2466so where to find files to flash bios 1.7004:54
webnetGuest2466, i see no cmos battery anywhere on it04:54
satyanashIt says Windows7 is installed on sda1 and Windows7 is installed on sda2.04:54
satyanashBoth of them start the same copy of windows ?04:54
Reedysethsacarlson: I using svn04:54
Guest2466me niether im telling you pal its satans creation04:54
sacarlsonReedyseth: ok on what application?04:55
vicehello! i have got a problem with blueray discs. my BD-drive doesnt detect the disc. i would be able to watch it (dumphd, makemkv, lxBDplayer) but the drive doesnt detect the disc. any idea? would be great if anybody could help!04:55
Guest2466so where to find files to flash bios 1.7004:55
vicebtw: libbluray is installed too04:56
webnetGuest2466, is this the mobo you are looking at? http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Toshiba-Satellite-M45-S265-Intel-Motherboard-V000053740-ASIS-/00/s/MTYwMFgxNjAw/$(KGrHqEOKn!E6tY!ms-cBOvGBpF-)Q~~60_3.JPG04:56
Reedysethsacarlson: the thing is that I install manually svn and didn't work so I tried apt-get install subversion and that install the subversion, but I install(compile) sqlite 3.6.13 and then have that error04:56
ubuntuuserhow can i disable the unity sidebar?04:57
Guest2466that is the board on the back04:57
Reedysethsacarlson: when I run svnadmin create i have the error04:57
Guest2466thier is little round pink thing it looks like cmos batt but its soldered in and it will break very easy04:57
Guest2466so where to find files to flash bios 1.7004:58
sacarlsonReedyseth: so the aplication you want to compile is sqlite?  can't you just apt-get install that?  I'm looking for the root app that is the goal here04:58
sacarlsonReedyseth: I'm personally more into git, I havn't use svn in years04:59
Guest2466how do i meessage a specific person04:59
Guest2466what command05:00
webnetcommand is: /msg <nick>05:00
webnetcommand is: /msg <nick> <messgae> that will open a private chat05:00
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:00
Reedysethsacarlson: I tried apt-get install sqlite305:01
JuanTheBurrohey, Guest2466: Go to the toshiba website and input your product info05:01
murlidharam not able to tether my android to my desktop. usb tethering05:02
Guest2466the toshiba website has no info son05:02
murlidharmy phone supports USB tethering05:02
Reedysethsacarlson: but I did that after compile for 3.6.13, the compilation of sqlite 3.6.13 was succesful but it seems i didn't gave the correct parameters on the ./configuration05:02
Guest2466so where to find files to flash bios 1.7005:02
satyanashHi, I just installed Ubuntu with Grub2 on a Lenovo Thinkpad. Grub detects 2 Windows7 Operating systems, when there is only one installed. If it is of any concern, there are also some OEM partitions like Lenovo_recovery and SYStem_DRv or something.. It says Windows7 is installed on sda1 and Windows7 is installed on sda2 and both the entries start the same copy of windows?05:03
Guest2466i need a snickers lol05:04
murlidhari can see the option off USB tethering in settings > wireless and networks05:04
Guest2466and a monster05:04
cdnjayHi, where can I find the download for the ARMv6 compatible Ubuntu distros?05:04
Guest2466so where to find files to flash bios 1.7005:04
ActionParsnipsatyanash: if you select the option, does windows boot?05:04
JuanTheBurrohey, Guest2466: http://cdgenp01.csd.toshiba.com/content/product/pdf_files/detailed_specs/satellite_M45-S265.pdf05:04
ActionParsnip!arm | cdnjay05:04
ubottucdnjay: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.05:04
JuanTheBurroThe product manual05:04
satyanashActionParsnip, yes.05:04
ActionParsnipcdnjay: ubuntu is a distro05:04
sacarlsonReedyseth: I have sqlite 3.6.22 installed on my ubuntu 10.04 ;  so what app is it that need your sqlite 3.6.16 ?05:05
ActionParsnipsatyanash: who cares then :)05:05
Guest2466i already looked at that juan its of no use05:05
cdnjayActionParsnip: Sorry, meant version. I think 9.04 was the last version to support ARMv6? Not sure if 8.04 had a version that supported ARMv6?05:05
satyanashActionParsnip, aah.. I wouldn't, but the laptop is not mine. Not that it really matters, but I wanted Ubuntu to be as less confusing as possible.05:06
CFHowlettsatyanash   more than likely 1 win7 is your recovery, one is the active win7 partition.  If you kill the recovery partition, you cannot reset your windows to factory fresh settings.05:06
LoggedItany ddns fu here?05:06
Guest2466so where to find files to flash bios 1.7005:06
JuanTheBurroGuest2466: also here is the .exe for the BIOS05:07
Reedysethsacarlson: none i just that i install that version, do you have the server to download your version ???05:07
scientesi need multiseat05:07
LoggedIti got this thing here where the RRs that the dhcp server creates totally ignore all the TTLs in the zone05:07
Reedysethsacarlson: or how to remove sqlite3 that i compile and did make install ??05:07
JuanTheBurrohow to boot that from usb, or whatever, I got no clue05:07
ActionParsnipcdnjay: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/release/  mentions arm...05:08
LoggedItthe leases are 24 hours, the zone's TTL is 24 hours, but the dynamic dns updates only get a ttl of 360005:08
sacarlsonReedyseth: I would hope that compile package would also include a remove script05:08
Reedysethsacarlson: me too but it didn't :S05:08
ActionParsnipscientes: http://www2.userful.com/products/userful-multiseat-linux05:09
satyanashCFHowlett, how come both of them boot to the same copy of Windows?05:09
ActionParsnipscientes: multiseat goodness :)05:09
CFHowlettJuanTheBurro   during post, you'll see the screen show "press fsomething for boot options".  do that, change teh priority to boot USBb before anything else.05:09
scientesActionParsnip, thats non-commercial only05:09
Guest2466that was another butthole file05:09
JuanTheBurroAlso, Guest2466, try reading this: http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/support/jsp/bulletinDetail.jsp?soid=627009&pf=true05:09
sacarlsonReedyseth: well it's the ld command that links the libs so there must be some manual method to override link loader05:09
CFHowlettsatyanash   the restore doesn't boot - it's actually hidden by default iirc.  It's only active during the win7 restore process05:09
sacarlsonReedyseth: what version of ubuntu is this your now running?05:10
JuanTheBurroCFHowlett: This is for Guest2466, regarding how to boot a flashable BIOS file from a USB to recover his toshiba laptop05:10
ActionParsnipscientes: its free for 2 user version, is that enough?05:10
scientesActionParsnip, free for non-commercial use only05:10
Guest2466no help there juan05:10
Reedysethsacarlson: is ubuntu server 10.0405:11
scientesand systemd supposedly is doing the advancement in the multi-seat world05:11
scientesit auto-gens xorg.confs05:11
satyanashActionParsnip, LTSP ?05:11
Guest2466so where to find files to flash bios 1.7005:11
sacarlsonReedyseth: oh cool so you should have access to all I have then,  but you couldn't install sqlite3  with apt-get ?05:12
Guest2466sorry if im bieng repetitive but i need that anser05:12
Guest2466ive looked many places and cannot find it05:12
bapuhello..i m trying to install pear..i did wget http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar and then php go-pear.phar ......and after this when i m type pear in terminal..it is asking me to install php-pear..05:12
sacarlsonReedyseth: I think the install of sqlite3 package will auto run the link loader and put all apps that use sqlite onto it05:13
bapui intstalled it and again it type pear..it is again asking to install php-pear......y so???05:13
ActionParsnipsatyanash: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX05:14
webnetbapu, what are you planning to use pear for?05:14
Reedysethsacarlson: yeap i can install like that but i did the other way, my bad :S05:14
researcher123is it possible to set root password after new install?05:14
webnetresearcher123, yes but its not recommended05:14
CFHowlettresearcher123   don't see why not05:14
webnetuse sudo onstead05:14
ActionParsnipGuest35143: you may need a windows OS. If you cannot boot anything how do you expectto flash the bios exactly?05:14
ActionParsnipresearcher123: there is no root pass, the account is disabled05:14
webnetActionParsnip, thats what i tried to tell him05:14
researcher123CFHowlett: how to give command?05:15
bapuhello webnet..i want to use phpunit test...for that i need pear05:15
sacarlsonReedyseth: compile is only needed when you have speceal apps that aren't in your present repository and not already in ppa05:15
ActionParsnipresearcher123: just prefix any command you want to run as root with: sudo    and it will be fine05:15
Reedysethsacarlson: I know now xD !!!}05:15
CFHowlettresearcher see passwd command05:15
ActionParsnipresearcher123: your user is in a group called 'admin' which gives it the ability to use sudo and gksudo05:16
bapuhttp://www.phpunit.de/manual/3.7/en/installation.html i m following this to install phpunit05:16
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ActionParsnipresearcher123: ubottu doesn't have a factoid for !passwd05:16
CFHowlettresearcher123   ubottu doesn't know.  see the man or info pages from your terminal05:16
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:17
sacarlsonReedyseth: ok so I guess if you look at what the install script did in the compile at the point it copies into the libs and stuf you can just rm instead, or just live with what you did and install apt-get install sqlite3 and see what happens05:17
webnet!root researcher12305:17
ubuntuso where to find files to flash bios 1.7005:18
JuanTheBurro@webnet, you need to do the | between them05:18
Reedysethsacarlson: I will try to do that05:18
JuanTheBurro!root | researcher12305:18
ubotturesearcher123: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:18
webnetJuanTheBurro, THANK YOU! lol. been a few weeks since i was on irc. haha05:18
webnetcouldnt figure out why it wouldnt do it. :P05:19
ActionParsnipubuntu: you can't do it05:19
JuanTheBurroapparently, ubottu knows nothing about porn05:20
ActionParsnipubuntu: if you cannot boot anything how are you intending to actually do it. Lets assume you have the files needed. What next?05:20
JuanTheBurroit is missing out05:20
ubuntuput it on pen drive\05:20
pangolin!guidelines > JuanTheBurro05:20
JuanTheBurroubuntu: How do you expect to run it?05:20
ubottuJuanTheBurro, please see my private message05:20
ubuntui have not tryed pen drive apparently thier is chance it will boot fronm pen drive05:20
bapuhow to install pear??05:21
JuanTheBurroWhat type o file is it?05:21
ubuntui need to know what file05:21
ActionParsnipubuntu: have you tried with an Ubuntu ISO, or some other bootable ISO etc, to test05:21
ActionParsnipubuntu: dont you think you should ratherthan spamming the channel05:23
webnetActionParsnip, oh ubuntu ! haha i was like woah when did ubottu become an AI. haha im losing it05:23
ubuntui need the right bios flashing files05:23
ActionParsnipubuntu: your issue isn't even ubuntu related. Its hardware related05:24
ActionParsnipubuntu: so is offtopic here05:24
webnetubuntu, ActionParsnip is correct05:24
ubuntuhardwre guy s are buttholes son05:24
ubuntuits about installing ubuntu son'05:24
webnetubuntu | !offtopic05:24
webnet!offtopic | ubuntu05:24
ubuntuim trying to install ubuntu05:24
ubottuubuntu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:24
ubuntudang botts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!105:25
webnetubuntu, but we cant really help you with a cmos issue here... cmos isnt controlled by ubuntu05:25
ActionParsnipubuntu: the channel subject is still to be respected. You can't defect here just because you get no responce05:25
ubuntuyou people on this channel seem to be the only helpfull ones05:26
ubuntuhardware is overun with jerkoffs i can t get help there any other channel05:26
ActionParsnipubuntu: again, thats not how it works05:26
ubuntuother channel???05:26
webnetubuntu, :) we try. though i must agree, i frequent a few other channels and everyone here is by far the coolest05:26
ubuntuthe fewer botts here the better05:27
webnetscientes, so add it on manually...05:27
scienteswebnet, but i want it system-wide05:27
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bkerensa!ask | scientes05:27
ubottuscientes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:27
ubuntui got somthing for u ubottu05:27
webnetubuntu, yeah. we have 4 to my knowledge the flood bots and ubottu our info bot05:28
scientesbkerensa, i did ask05:28
tensorpuddingscientes, it still exists, they changed the name05:28
ActionParsnipscientes: kill the caps pleas05:28
ubuntuyou would not beleave the botts i deal with05:28
ActionParsnip!ops | ubuntu asking for hardware support05:28
ubottuubuntu asking for hardware support: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!05:28
scientestensorpudding, really, i can't find it, its still in debin05:28
tensorpuddingwait no i lied, apparently it's in debian but not ubuntu05:29
scientesbut ubuntu dropped the seperation between firefox and xulrunner05:29
tensorpuddingvery strange05:29
bkerensaubuntu: if you have a question please ask it05:29
ubuntuso where to find files to flash bios 1.7005:29
ActionParsnipscientes: surely you can add it at addons.firefox.whatever...05:29
pangolinubuntu : you have been told by many of our great helpers here that your issue is not supported in this channel. Please stop asking for hardware help. We don't help with that.05:29
webnetActionParsnip, is that necessary to report him to ops?05:29
scientesActionParsnip, yes, sorry for all-caps, but its much nicer to have it system-wide05:29
ActionParsnipscientes: you do realise the ads get revenue for the site owners..05:29
daxscientes: Ubuntu dropped Adblock Plus because they upgrade to new major versions of Firefox when they're released, and keeping addons up to date as part of this process was considered an unneccessary burden given that they can be downloaded easily.05:29
ubuntuok a channel like hardware please05:29
ubuntudo tell05:30
webnetubuntu, may i PM?05:30
pangolinubuntu : ##hardware05:30
daxscientes: Debian does not upgrade to new major versions of Firefox (or Iceweasel, as it's called there), and thus do not have this problem.05:30
scientesdax, yes they do, just not in their stable release05:30
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ActionParsnipscientes: ads keep websites free05:30
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daxscientes: In both cases, I mean in stable releases.05:30
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atubuntumy grub fails to halt .how do i fix it05:31
ActionParsnipatubuntu: hold shift at boot05:31
webnetubuntu, may i pm?05:31
atubuntuActionParsnip: what does that do05:32
atubuntuActionParsnip: i mean when i type halt on grub prompt it fails to halt05:32
ActionParsnipatubuntu: oh, i thought you wanted to see the grub prompt05:33
atubuntuso i also think that is the problem why my 11.10 fails to hibernate or sleep05:33
atubuntuhow do i reinstall grub so that it picks up things properly05:34
ubuntuwebnet check pm05:38
Reedysethsacarlson: Is there a way to set default version to use with sqlit3 ??05:40
kionI have a fresh new install of ubuntu 11.10 can anyone tell me how to install Flash for my firefox browser?05:41
atubuntuhow do i reinstall grub so that it picks up things properly05:42
ubuntugo to software center05:42
ubuntuand type adobe and it will pop up05:42
kionThanks Ubuntu!05:42
ubuntuits the bag looking icon05:42
kionubuntu: seems that now it is easier than a year ago!05:43
ubuntuthe software center is very nice05:43
asapienwhat would happen if ubuntu left #ubuntu :O05:43
kionubuntu: thanks, I found it!05:44
ubuntui recomend only installing fromm software center05:44
ubuntuits quality stuff son05:44
ubuntucan i execute floodbott 1-305:45
ActionParsnipkion: is your OS 64bit?05:45
kionActionParsnip: yes it is an Alienware with core i7 64 bit05:47
ActionParsnipkion: then you will need to enable the partner repo, you will then get 64bitt flash. Just installing as is now you will get 32bit flash05:47
kionActionParsnip: how do I enable that repo?05:48
ActionParsnipkion: its under the extra sources and such05:48
ubuntuanyone care to join me on #bios05:48
ActionParsnipkion: just because your CPU is 64bit doesn't automatically mean your OS is 64bit. You can run 32bit OS on 64bit CPU05:48
kionActionParsnip: I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit05:49
ActionParsnipkion: its worth checking :)05:49
ActionParsnipkion: but you sound confident so its cool05:49
varatepCan anyone help me in connecting to my school's VPN? They don't do tech support for linux... pathetic.05:49
kionActionParsnip: my uname -a result:05:50
kionActionParsnip: Linux HPg32 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:56:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:50
sacarlsonReedyseth: sqlite3 is just a lib,  it would depend on what applictions are linked to use it (link loader)  so I guess you will have to research link loader (command ld) for  that05:50
ActionParsnipkion: you can also uncomment the partner repo lines in /etc/apt/sources.list if you want to do it manual style05:50
ActionParsnipkion: sweet05:50
Reedysethsacarlson: ok let me see that05:52
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kionActionParsnip: yes I rather do it through the terminal05:54
ActionParsnipkion: no problem05:54
oooaaaooohi guys, i have a general computing question; I have a multifunction printer with a modem port... can i use it over  network as a network scanner?05:56
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: you can setup ubuntu to be a scanner server05:56
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo#Sharing_a_Scanner_Over_a_Network05:57
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oooaaaoooActionParsnip: thanks05:58
ParhamHello. Yesterday I got a prompt in Ubuntu to download new updates. I did, but then my power supply got disconnected after the upgrade. Now, when I click on "Linux 3" (in the Grub menu) my computer restarts. How can I fix this?05:59
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oooaaaoooActionParsnip: so basically for a non-ethernet enabled device I need to have a server setup06:00
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: the connection media is moot, as long as there is a logical connection to the server, it can be used06:01
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: could even share it over WAN if you wanted06:01
dj_segfaultHey, I just had something really weird happen to me.  It's happened a few times before.  I'm running Ubuntu 10.04LTS with a TV hooked up as screen 2, running two separate X sessions so each monitor has different apps.  I was running Firefox/Thunderburd/Pidgin on screen 0 (built in LCD) and Mythfrontend on screen 1 (TV).  After a little while instead of my mouse going to screen 1 after I moved it above screen 0 it starte06:01
kionActionParsnip: I uncomented two lines!06:01
CFHowlettParham   can you boot an older kernel?06:01
kionActionParsnip:should I now go to Ubuntu software center?06:02
ActionParsnipkion: ok then close software centre and run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin06:02
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: well i would prefer to have it connected directly without an intermediary to my network switch , but that isnt possible, according to the article...or are you implying that it is?06:02
satyanashdj_segfault, how did you get two different things running on different screens ? I am trying to exactly that ?06:02
ParhamCFHowlett: When I click on "Previous version" (which is 2.6.x something), Ubuntu comes up with what I think is the Gnome 2.0 desktop.06:02
satyanashdj_segfault, I want to run Fvwm2 on one screen and Xmonad on the other.06:03
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: if you have a wireless and a wired connection you could do it in an ad-hoc network but if you have a router then you may as well go via that to make the networking easier06:03
dj_segfaultUsing the nvidia proprietary driver it lets you choose to mirror or run two different X sessions.06:03
oooaaaoooi have a scanner that only has a fax modem port(rj11)/usb06:03
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: the guide never says you can't do it without a switch...06:03
CFHowlettParham   suggest you boot a previous version - recovery.  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:04
alboHow do I download files with an IRC client?06:04
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: then connect and set it up on a PC then you can share it with the guide06:04
satyanashdj_segfault, yes, but in my case both screens run the same type of environment, How did you get mythfrontend on one screen and normal ubuntu unity on the other ?06:04
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: so it has to have an intermediary06:04
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: you will need a controlling PC, there is no intelligence in the device06:05
ParhamCFHowlett: Wouldn't it cause the same problem again? Isn't this a problem with the new files I have downloaded?06:05
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: yeah thats what i was getting at06:05
OsmondHello everyone, I have a question...06:05
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: oh well06:05
dj_segfaultsatyanash: First of all this is 10.04LTS, pre-unity (and unity is why I haven't upgraded.  No flame wars please).   Also, mythfrontend is just an app running on the second screen.  Nothing special06:05
CFHowlettParham   I'd guess a kernel update, but I also suspect your previous upgrade didn't complete.  thus the do-over06:05
satyanashdj_segfault, so both screens run Gnome2.x. and mythfrontend is just an app?06:06
dj_segfaultsatyanash: Yes.06:06
ActionParsnipdj_segfault: you do realise that if you install xubuntu, you won't get unity?06:06
ParhamCFHowlett: Ah. So if something fails, I will still have this previous version to fall back to, correct?06:06
satyanashdj_segfault, oh. okay.06:06
ActionParsnipdj_segfault: not all oneiric based releases have unity. Infact only ONE of the four has it...06:06
CFHowlettParham   exactly.  (hint: ALWAYS keep one previous kernel version in reserve...)06:06
ActionParsnipdj_segfault: so not upgrading to avoid unity is nonsense06:07
ParhamCFHowlett: How can I "keep one kernel version in reserve"? Do I need to run a command to preserve this kernel or something?06:07
kionActionParsnip: Thanks!! :) it is downloading now06:07
satyanashActionParsnip, Any thoughts on how I can run Xmonad one screen and fvwm on the other ? I know I can use fvwm -s option. I also have made an .xsession file for that purpose, but it does not get listed in the login selection menu...06:07
OsmondI am running a laptop with Ubuntu (newest version, just updated the kernel) and I am having black screen issues on boot.  My graphics card is an Intel HD 3000.  I have combed the forums and google and I have been told to use Additional Hardware tool to install drivers, but all I get from that is There are no proprietary drivers on this system.  I have read on google that HD 3000 cards arent very well supported.  To get around the blac06:08
dj_segfaultActionParsnip: I thought about it, but the barrier is I have four machines running Mythtv, so I have to upgrade all 4 machines at the same time, because one version of mythtv won't work with the other.  So basically it will take the better part of a weekend.  I'll probably consider it when the next LTS comes out soon.06:08
Osmondquiet splash with nomode set in grub.  Anyone have any ideas?06:08
CFHowlettParham   no special commands needed.  I'm suggesting you don't go out of your way to immediately purge obsolete kernels everytime an upgrade is offered.06:08
ParhamCFHowlett: Ah. Thank you!06:09
Reedysethsacarlson: So how do i ask about sqlite3 with ld ??06:09
ParhamOsmond: I'm having the same problem, but my graphics card is supported. I get a black screen and then my computer reboots -- maybe this is not a graphics card issue?06:09
mylovei am unable accses my desktop06:09
OsmondIm pretty sure mine is a graphics card problem.  As long as I use the GRUB go around, everything seems to work fine.06:10
albo /attach irc.rizon.net/nibl06:10
OsmondI dont get resets or anything06:10
* Parham ahs at Osmond. "That makes sense."06:10
OsmondThough the login screen looks a little funky06:10
ParhamWell, let me try and see if I can solve this problem...06:11
* Parham waves.06:11
ActionParsnipdj_segfault: well thats different to not upgrading because yuo dislike unity isn't it ;)06:11
ActionParsnipsatyanash: i've not used dual screens. I only have 1 screen for 4 systems06:11
satyanashActionParsnip, ahh.. okay, sorry to disturb you then. :)06:11
ActionParsnipsatyanash: np man06:12
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: whatabout a rj11->45 adapter can it be used with some kind of software on client machine to receive scans via fax over ethernet?06:13
sacarlsonReedyseth: as I tried to say before the package installer script auto runs the link loader, so I wouldn't worry about it unless you have to06:14
ActionParsnipoooaaaooo: the device will need to be able to catchthe data and compute it. I doubt  it will have intelligence to do this which is why you need a pc06:14
dj_segfaultActionParsnip: True, but I would have gone through that pain and upgraded a long time ago if I felt there were more compelling reasons to do so.  10.04LTS was a super solid release and has served me well, but it would be nice to get newer versions of some apps.  So I'm getting there.06:15
CFHowlettdj_segfault   I think LTS to LTS is best; my lucid still suits me fine.06:15
webnetdj_segfault, i have maverick because i cant move on.06:15
dj_segfaultI am starting to have some problems with the packages (eg: two machines with the same release, one has a newer version of unity so they won't talk to each other)06:15
dj_segfaultwebnet: Why not?06:16
kionActionParsnip:  Yeeeiii my Flash worked!! is there any reason now to comment back those two lines in my /etc/apt/sources.list ??06:16
=== darling is now known as Zain
ActionParsnipkion: not really, it will allow you to install other apps06:18
webnetdj_segfault, no clue the cause, but everything past kernel 2.6.35 my display doesnt operate regardless of distro06:18
webnetdj_segfault, picture works, b ut the lcd backlight doesnt operate06:18
kionActionParsnip: ok thanks!06:18
dj_segfaultYou have an ATI card?06:18
oooaaaoooActionParsnip: alright... I guess it would be a better solution anyways to have an intermediary print/scan server to manage jobs06:19
=== mike_ is now known as Guest6028
webneti worked for weeks to figure this out on here and forums etc to no avail dj_segfault06:19
OsmondWhat file do I need to edit to permanently edit boot info?06:22
saburohello guys06:23
CFHowlettsaburo   greetings06:24
saburoDo someone know the solution for the bug described in this forum https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=120973&p=1      ?06:25
dj_segfaultSo no takers on my question about the mouse not going to the second screen and not being able to switch apps?06:29
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satyanashdj_segfault, there is an app called SwitchScreen06:35
satyanashdj_segfault, which can be used to escape mouse jails, if that is what might be stopping your mouse from going to the other screen06:36
satyanashdj_segfault, However, it has its details on the Gentoo forums.. you could check this link--> http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Switchscreen06:36
bapu_pear is not getting install on ubuntu??what should i do06:43
satyanashdj_segfault, However, it has its details on the Gentoo forums.. you could check this link--> http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Switchscreen06:43
dj_segfaultsatyanash: That looks interesting.  Thanks.  Don't know if it would have helped in this situation because EVERYTHING was FUBAR, but it looks useful.06:46
satyanashdj_segfault, sure..06:46
WilsonB_How is everyone?06:46
ActionParsnipWilsonB_: tired06:47
WilsonB_Was going to use Xchat, but had probs in Ubuntu so am now using Mozillachat06:47
rambosup all06:48
WilsonB_installed Pigin but cant figure out how to connect to server06:48
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ActionParsnipWilsonB_: you add an account, select irc, add nick,password and set the server as irc.freenode.net  done06:49
WilsonB_irc.freenode.net server06:49
WilsonB_let me try again06:49
rambosup all, small question06:52
CFHowlettrambo   ask away06:52
=== webnet is now known as admin-bot99
=== admin-bot99 is now known as webnet
ramboQTsixA package cannot be installed adding ppa, manual install ends up with an error "sixad-jack.c:25:23: fatal error: jack/jack.h: No such file or directory"06:53
ramboany clues ?06:53
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WilsonB_ActionP. - Do I make up a password or do I have to create an account/?06:54
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ramboany clues about it ?06:56
Reedysethsacarlson: thanks ihave to go, tomorrow will be another day, thanks again for ya help06:57
sacarlsonReedyseth: ok good luck06:58
WilsonB_Ok, I created an IRC account on Pigin .. how do I go to specific channels?06:58
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ActionParsnipWilsonB_: file -> join chat07:00
ActionParsnipWilsonB_: then type:  #ubuntu07:00
thea2rnhello everyone07:00
CFHowlettthea2rn   ICU07:00
ActionParsnipWilsonB_: you can then click file -> add in the chat window and you can add itto your favourites07:00
thea2rnwhat is ICU?07:01
ActionParsnipthea2rn: sound out the letters ;)07:01
CFHowlettthea2rn   *ahem* ...07:01
CFHowlettsay it with me07:01
thea2rncan someone tell me what software in ubuntu i can use to create code for DSP07:03
thea2rnhello :o07:04
CFHowlettthea2rn   sorry IDK ...07:05
thea2rnok,anybody else?07:06
thea2rnDSP programming in linux?07:06
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thea2rni've try google it but no good anwer..07:08
WilsonB_where is the option file-> ? I dont see it under Pigin menu07:09
sacarlsonthea2rn: like sound filtering?07:10
thea2rnsacarlson something like that but in programming07:11
CacheMoney1does this look like a good machine to run Ubuntu on?  http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Toshiba+-+15.6%22+Satellite+Laptop+-+8GB+Memory+-+750GB+Hard+Drive+-+Platinum/4693106.p?id=1218509073324&skuId=469310607:11
sacarlsonthea2rn:   http://www.ladspa.org/07:11
CFHowlettCacheMoney1   should have no problems running ubuntu07:12
thea2rnsacarlson ok,something like synthmaker?07:12
WilsonB_How do I add #ubuntu to Pigin ?07:13
ActionParsnipCacheMoney1: if you can find out the wireless chip and sound info it will help, the overall spec is ok07:13
sacarlsonthea2rn: you can use ladspa plugins on many synths07:13
thea2rnsacarlson i know but i want to make the code from linux07:14
thea2rnsacarlson like synthmaker07:14
ledzepcan anybody help me to learn bash07:15
sacarlsonthea2rn: heres a list of 7 open coded synth http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20101014143915926/Synthesizers.html07:15
Lisass"I wish I could circumcise every uncircumcised man in the world, so they'd all be like me. I don't have a foreskin and no one else should have one either."07:15
sacarlsonthea2rn: you can learn from example07:15
CFHowlettledzep   this is ubuntu support.  plenty of bash tutorials are available with a bit of searching07:16
CFHowlettLisass   wrong channel for that stuff07:16
Fyodorovna!op | Lisass07:16
ubottuLisass: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!07:16
thea2rnsacarlson ok,thank you very much :)07:17
ActionParsnipnot seen that for a while07:18
ActionParsnipWilsonB_: hi07:18
CFHowlettWilsonB_   greetings07:18
WilsonB_How do I add #ubuntu to Pigin ?07:19
ActionParsnipWilsonB_: under conversation menu click add07:19
ActionParsnipWilsonB_: you can even check to have the room be joined immediately after connection :)07:20
ActionParsnipWilsonB_: I always block nickserv and chanserv too :)07:20
WilsonB_conversation menu?07:21
sacarlsonWilsonB_:  buddy list>Buddies>add chat>  fill in boxes> add07:21
WilsonB_I added IRC account Pigin07:21
CacheMoney1is an i7 processor much better than an i5?  Can anyone explain the difference?07:21
daxCacheMoney1: Most users won't see much difference. i7 tends to have more cores and cache, and are targeted for workstations rather than consumers.07:23
sacarlsonCacheMoney1:  I think that might mean the i7 has 7 cores as compared to i5 having 5 cores so like 7 computers running at the same time might be faster than only 507:23
daxCacheMoney1: ##hardware may know more.07:23
daxsacarlson: the number doesn't relate to the number of cores07:23
sacarlsondax I didn't know that07:23
WilsonBradley1Ahhh... Im now typing in Pigin07:23
CacheMoney1dax: what's the deal with ##?07:24
ActionParsnipWilsonB_: https://itservices.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/images/2009/12/10/pidigin_chat_invite.png07:24
ActionParsnipWilsonB_: if you click add in that menu it will appear in the main window when you connect07:24
daxCacheMoney1: freenode's naming policy specifies that #channels should be created by groups with a legal or informal claim to the name they're using. ##channels are used for discussion on a particular topic by other people.07:24
daxCacheMoney1: since "hardware" isn't really a claimable name, the channel for discussion of it goes in the ##channel namespace07:24
CacheMoney1dax: gotcha.  thanks for explanation07:25
WilsonBradley1Im now using Pigin07:25
WilsonBradley1Let me see If I can add more channels07:25
sacarlsondax: your correct an Core i7-2xx0M  has only 2 cores07:26
bastidrazorit'd be weird to have an odd number of cores.07:28
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
WilsonBradley1Ok, it's a little hidden but think I go t it..07:36
=== Geom is now known as Fuego
WilsonBradley1Ok, you have to select from drop down first and select the IRC account.. Man, they should make this easier..07:38
ircnode0can I redirect stdout and stderr separately in bash? like redirect stderr to error_log and stdout to success_log?07:39
WilsonBradley1Ok, I succesfully added the other channels(groups) to IRC account in Pigin, but when I go under that tab(channel) theres' no place for me to type07:42
dj_segfaultircnode0: Yes.  To redirect stdout you use >  to redirect stderr you use 2>  So you can do   "mycommand > stdoutfile.txt 2> stderrfile.txt"07:43
=== mike is now known as Guest67422
dj_segfaultircnode0: So what you want is mycommand > success_log 2> error_log07:44
=== Guest67422 is now known as Mikero
WilsonBradley1Does that make sense?07:44
=== yatties is now known as qwy
blendedbychrishttps://launchpad.net/~brianmercer/+archive/php  << anyone if there is an official lucid package of php5-fpm?07:45
Dratheanyone up?07:45
CFHowlettDrathe   greetings.07:45
Drathe=) how are you this evenin CFHowlett?07:47
CFHowlettDrathe   suckin' up the last hour of free wifi B4 safeway kicks me off the channel.  You?07:47
Drathentm, bored looking for a good cheap mouse07:48
Drathereliable one =P07:48
CFHowlettDrathe   staples has nice blue tooth mice for $20 ...07:48
ircnode0dj_segfault: thanks I will try that out. Is that equal to mycommand 1> success_log 2> error_log?07:48
dj_segfaultLogitech has been pusing features down from the more expensive mice to the cheaper ones.  And they rule.07:48
dj_segfaultircnode0: Yes.07:49
DratheDesktop PC so doesnt matter if its corded =P just need one that isnt going to die like this LS1 Laser mouse07:49
Dratheguess i game too much and the LMB gave out07:49
qwyhello , sir . which is better usage  ,   ubuntu graphic mode  or ubuntu text mode ?07:49
CFHowlettqwy   better depends on your preferences07:49
dj_segfault"better usage"???? What does that mean07:49
WilsonBradley1Using Pigin & IRC channel, when I click on the channel tab on top, I don't get the bottom place to where I type.. Does this make sense?07:49
CFHowlettqwy   for new users, graphic is easier07:49
sacarlsonblendedbychris: looks like it starts being supported at maverick  http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/php5-fpm07:50
dj_segfaultWilsonBradley1: No it does not make sense.07:50
qwycan i  setup ubuntu as a server , or Centos is a better choice ?07:51
jussiqwy: cetrtainly, there is even an ubuntu server variant07:51
dj_segfaultqwy: None of our answers can have any validity unless you tell us about what your goals and limitations are.  What are you trying to do?07:51
blendedbychrissacarlson: indeed… i guess a backport is due07:51
jussiqwy: you may want to join #ubuntu-server for more :)07:51
CFHowlettqwy   ubuntu server LTS is supported for 5 years.  current Long Term Support version is 10.04.  12.04 comes out next month07:51
CanadaWhyeverytime I run a bash script installer (of ANY sort) I get the message "gzip: sfx_archive.tar.gz: not in gzip format I am sorry, but the installer file seems to be corrupted." Any reason as to why this happens? Thanks07:52
sacarlsonblendedbychris: that seems to be the only option if you want to run on lucid07:52
unkrthere is a problem when ejecting the external harddisk  error is this   "Error detaching: helper exited with exit code 1: Detaching device /dev/sdc07:52
unkrUSB device: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb2/2-2)07:52
unkrSTOP UNIT: OK07:52
unkrUnbinding USB interface driver: OK07:52
FloodBot1unkr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:52
dj_segfaultCanadaWhy: What is the output of "file "07:52
peterrooneyCanadaWhy: what does file report it as?07:52
qwythank you07:53
WilsonBradley1DJ_seg. trying to send you a snapshot of window07:53
CanadaWhydj_segfault peterrooney $ chmod 700 yEd-3.9_setup.sh $ bash yEd-3.9_setup.sh --> " gzip: sfx_archive.tar.gz: not in gzip format I am sorry, but the installer file seems to be corrupted."07:53
dj_segfaultI know dinno where it went wrong07:53
CFHowlett!paste|canada PLEASE read07:54
ubottucanada PLEASE read: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:54
dj_segfaultWilsonBradley1: Please try again.07:54
CanadaWhyCFHowlett: Read, sorry, I thought the general rule was anything three lines or under is fine07:55
unkrthere is problem while ejecting my external hardisk07:55
unkrhere is the error   http://pastebin.com/W7y33Wm007:55
CFHowlettCanadaWhy   no worries.07:55
unkrcan anyone help  ?07:55
peterrooneyCanadaWhy: what does running `file sfx_archive.tar.gz'  tell us?07:55
WilsonBradley1Ok, trying to send again07:55
phpserverI want to set up an email handling server.Basically i want only to receive email and i should get my mail in text form in $HOME/Maildir07:56
dj_segfaultWilsonBradley1: It said you canceled the transfer07:56
WilsonBradley1Dj_s. trying again07:58
ubottumike-w: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:58
zrohas anyone installed 10.04 w/ encrypted LVM? i just tried (actually a fork, XBMC) and it doesnt prompt for the passphrase at boot, and fails.07:59
xiewanchenwho can help me to understand what is system utilities ?07:59
mike-woh,mygod, i join the wrong chanel, terribly sorry07:59
mike-w#join ubuntu-cn08:00
CFHowlettmike-w   type /join #ubuntu-cn08:00
dj_segfaultWilsonBradley1: Picture got corrupted.  Do you see anything below the line with font insert and smile?08:00
xiewanchenwho can help me ?08:01
WilsonBradley1no , not able to type anything in other channels below font/insert/smile08:01
dj_segfaultxiewanchen: Ask a more specific question08:01
xiewanchenPlease land me a hand08:01
CFHowlettxiewanchen   what are you trying to accomplish08:01
dj_segfaultWilsonBradley1: But do you see a space to do so?08:01
=== Administrator is now known as Guest16662
WilsonBradley1No, in this window #Ubuntu tab I can08:02
waxstone!zh | xiewanchen08:02
ubottuxiewanchen: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:02
xiewanchenI only want to understand what is system utilities08:02
mi3can anyone suggest how can I modify plymouth script?08:02
WilsonBradley1in the private chat I can08:02
WilsonBradley1but in the other channels I added #ubuntuforums I cant08:02
=== geek is now known as Guest96778
dj_segfaultWilsonBradley1: How are you typing this then08:02
dj_segfaultxiewanchen: Your question doesn't make sense.  Please provide more information about what you want to know.08:03
WilsonBradley1WilsonBradley1 No, in this window #Ubuntu tab I can08:03
xiewancheni see08:03
dj_segfaultWilsonBradley1: If you right click in that area and choose "input methods" which one is chosen?08:04
CFHowlettxiewanchen   better questions >>> better answers.  :)08:05
Guest16662how do i setup a samba share to allow group sambashare to rwx files? the problem i'm having is i create folder1 when logged in as user1 and i log in as user2 and try to create a subfolder folder2 inside of folder1, but i do not have permission to do so… can anyone help?08:05
xiewanchenThe other software include system utilities ,applications,shells,libraries of common functions,and so on08:06
Guest16662when logged in as user1 and i log in as user2 and try to create a subfolder folder2 inside of folder1, but i do not have permission to do so… can anyone help?08:06
dj_segfaultGuest16662: You can add both to a group and set the group of that file to that group, and set write permissions for group to it08:06
CFHowlettxiewanchen   other software meaning what?  windows?  BSD?08:06
xiewanchenI don't know what are the system utilities08:06
CFHowlettxiewanchen   *think* I understand.  Wait 108:07
Guest16662all users have been added to sambashare group08:07
waxstonexiewanchen,  Ubuntu Software centre?08:07
xiewanchenI copy this sentence for the book08:07
xiewanchenadvanced programming in the unix08:08
icerootGuest16662: change the permissions of folder108:08
CFHowlettxiewanchen ah.  ubuntu is not linux.08:08
icerootGuest16662: so that you are able to write inside that folder08:08
iceroot!permissions | Guest1666208:08
ubottuGuest16662: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions08:08
CFHowlettxiewanchen  http://fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads/  loads of articles, tutorials, explanations.08:08
icerootCFHowlett: correct, ubuntu is not linux, ubuntu is GNU/Linux :)08:09
xiewanchenI see ,thank you CFHlett08:10
Guest16662i would be able to change permissions to folder 1 to give user 2 access to modify, but that would mean i have to do that for every new folder created by user 1?08:10
icerootGuest16662: why not create the folder as user2? directly?08:11
Guest16662i wanted to know if its possible to have it automatically give permissions to group sambashare to be able to rwx for all folder created by any user08:11
Guest16662ice root..i would like to use it as a public share08:12
Guest16662but not open to everyone to modify08:12
icerootGuest16662: why not put the users in the sambashare group and give that group wirte-permissions?08:12
Guest16662just owner of file/folder and group08:12
icerootGuest16662: by default a new folder/file has write-permissions for "group"08:13
Guest16662ice root…i have put all users in the sambashare group..and modified the share access rwx for sambashare group08:13
icerootGuest16662: so put them all in the sambashare group and everything is fine08:13
iceroot!tab | Guest1666208:13
ubottuGuest16662: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:13
dj_segfaultxiewanchen: I want to help you.  Can you post the whole sentence in the book you're seeing that phrase in?08:14
xiewanchenCFHowlett Would you like to recommend me a channel to talk about linux ?08:14
Guest16662haha..thanks for that tip08:14
Guest16662iceroot: i'm new to this08:14
icerootxiewanchen: #linux08:14
Guest16662ubottu:  thanks08:14
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:14
icerootxiewanchen: or the main kernel channel (ofc.net or something like that)08:15
xiewanchendj_segfault please wait for a while.08:15
CFHowlettxiewanchen   I believe dj_segfault can advise you better than I.  AND he's offered to do so  ;)08:15
icerootxiewanchen: but i would not suggest the main kernel channel until you know what "linux" is08:15
geek_hi all, im new here is there a "xubuntu" chat only?08:15
icerootGuest16662: #xubuntu08:15
CFHowlettgeek_   yes but it08:15
blendedbychrissacarlson: is there an easier way to backport rather than compiling?08:15
icerootGuest16662: sorry wrong nick08:15
Guest16662iceroot: um..yeah so back to the problem i get..is i have everyone added to sambashare group already, but that will only give them rwx to the share folder08:15
icerootgeek_: #xubuntu08:15
Guest16662every other folder created by users under the share folder is off limits08:15
geek_thanks is that on ubuntu?08:15
icerootGuest16662: no08:15
Guest16662to the sambashare group users.08:16
icerootGuest16662: because every new folder has rw for "group"08:16
Guest16662so say.../srv/samba/share is accessible to all sambashare group08:16
CFHowlettgeek_ ?  the #xubuntu channel is on the ubuntu irc servers08:16
Guest16662and is able to write to it.08:16
icerootGuest16662: but you want also "x"?08:16
Guest16662i login as admin and create folder1 in that share08:16
icerootGuest16662: admin? like root?08:17
CFHowlettsbarcteam   greetings08:17
Guest16662i would ike user 2 to be able to login to that share and can add files/folders to folder1..but it say i don't have permission08:17
sbarcteamI've just upgraded my machine with the latest kernel, and for some reason my X doesn't identify native resolution any more.08:17
geek_ty :)08:17
icerootGuest16662: because user1 and user2 are not part of that group08:17
sbarcteam(oneiric, kernel: 3.0.0-16-generic)08:17
dj_segfaultsbarcteam: Were you using the proprietary nvidia or ati drivers?08:17
icerootGuest16662: what is the output of "id user1" and "id user2"?08:17
sbarcteamI am on intel.08:17
xiewanchenIn a broad sense ,an operation system is the kernel and all the other software that makes a computer useful and gives the computer its personality .This other software include system utilities ,applications,shells,libraries of common function,and so on08:18
Guest16662iceroot: how do i find that?08:18
sbarcteam00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12)08:18
Guest16662iceroot: i have put user1 and user 2 in sambashare group08:18
icerootGuest16662: type in "id user1" and "id user2" in the shell and paste me the output08:19
sbarcteammy first expression of this experience was: WTF?!08:19
sbarcteamnow, is it possible there are changes in the intel related FW?08:19
blendedbychriswhen you backport something you are pretty much stuck with that version until you backport it again aren't you?08:21
xiewanchendj_segfault I have type this sentence above08:21
ledzepprogramming expert08:21
dj_segfaultxiewanchen: Ah OK now I understand.  What they are saying is that "the operating system" is not everything that gets installed on your machine.  The operating system is the kernel (the main process) and the boot stuff.  On top of that, you get a whole bunch of programs (commands you can run from the command line) which come with the operating system but are not really part of the operating system.  For instance the shel08:21
icerootblendedbychris: depending what you mean with "backport"08:21
Guest16662iceroot: uid=1003(user1) gid=1003(user1) groups=1003(user1),118(sambashare)08:21
dj_segfaultledzep: If you type in a request like that you need a mind reader not a programming expert08:22
dj_segfaultxiewanchen: Does that make sense?08:22
Guest16662iceroot: uid=1004(user2) gid=1004(user2) groups=1004(user2),118(sambashare)08:22
blendedbychrisiceroot: i'm just trying to get php 5.3.3 on lucid … i'm looking at http://blog.dmitryleskov.com/web-development/php/backport-php-5-3-3-from-maverick-to-lucid/ which says use apt-src and build your own local repo08:22
icerootblendedbychris: public server?08:22
icerootGuest16662: and what are the permissions of the main sambasharefolder where you want to put other folders in?08:22
blendedbychrisiceroot: what do you mean?08:22
iceroot!backports | blendedbychris08:23
ubottublendedbychris: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging08:23
dj_segfaultxiewanchen: So the "system utilities" would be commands like chmod, chown, cat, mkdir, etc.  They are essential, but they are not part of the operating system08:23
ikonia!info php lucid08:23
ubottuPackage php does not exist in lucid08:23
iceroot!info php5 lucid-backports08:23
ubottuPackage php5 does not exist in lucid-backports08:23
iceroot!info php5 lucid08:23
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.14 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB08:23
ikonia5.3.2 ? why do you need 5.3.308:23
icerootblendedbychris: and why not 5.3.2?08:23
ikoniablendedbychris: what about it08:23
blendedbychrisnot included in 3.208:24
sbarcteamI need some help.08:24
blendedbychrisstay on topic guys :)08:24
xiewanchensorry dj_segfault  your explain  are perfect  ! I have understood !08:24
dj_segfaultsbarcteam: You never answered my question08:24
ikoniablendedbychris: it doesn't seem to be in php itself it's an external package08:24
ikoniablendedbychris: who is not on topic ?08:24
dj_segfaultxiewanchen: Excellent.08:24
=== Guest35143 is now known as Termana
icerootblendedbychris: use php5.3.2 from the repos and install php5-fpm as external package08:25
sbarcteamdj_segfault: you never READ it.08:26
ikoniaiceroot: I think 5.3.2 needs a patch08:26
ikoniaiceroot: (reading the docs)08:26
blendedbychrisiceroot: php5-fpm is php compiled with the process manager option… 5.3.2 needs to be recompiled with that option08:26
ikoniaiceroot: 5.3.3 appears to be the first one php5-fpm is included by default08:26
sbarcteamdj_segfault: unless you asked me other questions than this one: >> sbarcteam: Were you using the proprietary nvidia or ati drivers?08:26
sbarcteamI answered: neither.08:27
blendedbychrisi'm just saying getting 5.3.3 would solve the ultimate issue08:27
icerootphp sucks and is insecure like hell (and yes sorry for the language but its true)08:27
blendedbychrisiceroot: stop talking out of your butt08:27
icerootblendedbychris: building such an insecure software from source is not good08:27
ikoniablendedbychris: it would also be a large problem on your machine08:27
ikoniablendedbychris: drop the attitude08:27
icerootblendedbychris: no problem, i will stop the talking08:28
sbarcteamiceroot: to tell somebody "I don't like cats" is just an invitation for a response "you simply don't know how to cook them properly".08:28
xiewanchendj_segfault Are 't chmod is not a shell command ?my teacher told me it is a shel command .08:28
dj_segfaultsbarcteam: Yes, sorry I did miss that response.  I'm flipping between three different channels.  I was concerned that if you were using a proprietary driver that needed to be compiled for each new kernel that it may not have been compiled, but intel should be in the kernel08:28
icerootsbarcteam: cve.org08:28
ikoniablendedbychris: a lot of things depend on the php packages on your machine (if you are running a web environment) so putting a "from source" or not well thought through package may cause a lot of problems on your machine08:28
blendedbychriswell that's why my original question is how do i backport it… so dependencies are upgraded as well08:28
blendedbychrisnot just … hey how do i install php 5.3.308:29
ikoniablendedbychris: you'll need to learn about the debian packaging process08:29
iceroot!ppa | blendedbychris08:29
ubottublendedbychris: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge08:29
icerootblendedbychris: but as we said, its not a good idea08:29
ikoniathere isn't a PPA for it, I've just been looking08:29
bellmanis unity development still in progress or is it basically replaced by Mint08:29
bilegtWhat kernel version will be used in new version of Ubuntu?08:29
ikoniabellman: mint is a distro - not software08:30
icerootbilegt: #ubuntu+1  kernel 3.208:30
ikoniabellman: unity is the desktop shell for uubntu for the future08:30
ubottubellman: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:30
blendedbychrisikonia: ppa for what?08:30
blendedbychris5.3.3 ?08:30
ikoniablendedbychris: php-fpm08:30
sbarcteamdj_segfault: now, that we're past your concerns, any new input/ideas (except writing my own xorg.conf)?08:30
blendedbychristhere's not a ppa for it because it's distributed with php5.3.308:30
blendedbychrisit's no longer a standalone package08:31
ikoniablendedbychris: yes, but as I see it there are patches needed for pre-5.5.3 branches which is what you are using08:31
dj_segfaultxiewanchen: It depends what you mean by "shell command".  It's a command you can execute in a shell, but when most people say "shell command" they mean "a command processed by the shell itself", not an external program executed by the shell.  If you type "which chmod" you will see that chmod is an external program in the /bin directory. If you type "which cd", it won't find it because it's a command interpreted by the s08:31
sbarcteamiceroot: I am sure the vulnerabilities in php are a result of: 1) new bugs discovered elsewhere, 2) bad programming skills of the developers, 3) new version of php released08:31
ikoniablendedbychris: that's why I checked if there was a PPA hosting this for you already so you didn't have to do it08:31
sbarcteamiceroot: I agree neither is an excuse for sec.vulns, but ... this is life :)08:32
icerootsbarcteam: 4. bad concept08:32
dj_segfaultsbarcteam: I'm sorry I don't have much experience with intel08:32
sbarcteamiceroot: bad design you mean.08:32
OldOneEyeif im gonna host shells on my box do i need to run a dns server08:32
icerootsbarcteam: yes08:32
sbarcteamdj_segfault: I'm sorry I don't have much experience with rejection. HELP ME!!!!!08:32
ikoniaOldOneEye: up to you08:32
ikoniaOldOneEye: if you are asking questions of that nature, I'd advise not hosting shells08:32
blendedbychrisikonia: for all i care i can go straight to 5.3.508:32
icerootblendedbychris: https://launchpad.net/~fabianarias/+archive/php508:32
OldOneEyeonly to close friends for eggdrops08:33
sbarcteamiceroot: there's a nice hebrew idiom, but it rhymes only in hebrew.08:33
dj_segfaultPHP had a bad *INITIAL* design.  They've made huge improvements, but the old security problems are there if you configure it wrong and code badly.08:33
ikoniablendedbychris: ok - good luck then, you clearly don't need my help08:33
sbarcteam(related  bugs in design)08:33
blendedbychrisikonia: i'm not being rude in that last sentence… i just was saying ;)08:33
OldOneEyewhat would i need a dns server for08:33
WilsonBradley1Has anyone tried to add channel #ubuntu-beginners to Pigin for example?08:34
icerootblendedbychris: but as we said already, using a ppa (no software from the official repos) is not a good idea, especially on a server08:34
ikoniablendedbychris: yeah, I was just saying too, you don't need my help if you are smart enough to understand making the jump to php 5.3.5 on an older system08:34
blendedbychrisobviously i feel like a ppa is not the right way to go… but my only other option is compile myself08:34
ikoniablendedbychris: good luck with it then08:34
blendedbychrisor rather ppa might be the lesser of two evils08:34
icerootblendedbychris: ppa will give you (maybe) sec updates08:34
icerootblendedbychris: compiled by hand not08:34
icerootblendedbychris: and it may break dependencies08:35
blendedbychrisiceroot: if you were stuck in this pickle what would you do?08:35
icerootblendedbychris: so please use it at your own risk, issues are not supported here08:35
icerootblendedbychris: 1. i would never use ubuntu as a server 2. i would try to avoid php 3. i would use apt-pinning with a newer repo (very bad idea)08:36
* dj_segfault has the sudden realization that it's 4:36AM after DST adjustment. Must go to sleep. Best of luck xiewanchen. Hope I answered your last question.08:37
blendedbychris1. strong words for #ubuntu ?08:37
icerootblendedbychris: no08:37
icerootblendedbychris: as i said "I"08:37
blendedbychriswhat's your poison then?08:38
icerootblendedbychris: ubuntu is a great desktop-system but not my first choice for a server (but i think that is getting offtopic)08:38
mosnothere's always #ubuntu-offtopic08:39
blendedbychrisI've just never used anything other than ubuntu08:39
sbarcteamok. how do I re-configure Xorg from command line ?08:40
waxstonesbarcteam, sudo gedit /etc/X11/Xorg.conf ??08:43
Mikerosudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf?08:43
kevoAnybody here08:45
CFHowlettkevo   greetings08:45
kevoI'm new to Ubuntu and I have to say this is WAY Better than Windows08:46
CFHowlettkevo   glad you're enjoying it.  what can we help you with this day...08:46
geek_yes im new to linux 2 it's awesome... bye bye win7 :)08:48
geek_got life in my laptop now08:48
geek_what is command 2 see hd info?08:49
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geek_like how much space is here08:50
CFHowlettgeek_   df -h or du08:50
geek_hey thanks08:50
geek_let me try08:50
CFHowlett*df -h* NOT du08:50
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OldOneEyeif i got additional ips from my isp could my shell use them as vhosts?08:53
ejvof course08:55
sk3ptic_1neso gdm2setup will never have login theme enabled for 10.04 right ?08:56
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WilsonBradley1Can someone try and add #ubuntu-beginners to Pigin and able to actually type something?08:58
bluefroggeek_, palimpsest08:59
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OldOneEyecan the eggs on my system bind to my additional ip addresses09:06
ikoniaOldOneEye: this is not an eggdrop support channel09:08
sumitIs anyone here is a mentor for gsoc ??09:09
geek_hey all new here i put xubuntu 11.10 on laptop will i be able to upgrade when 12 is avail. or i gotta re-install?09:11
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SuperTuanco ai khong09:12
SuperTuanwhere are you from09:13
klawdo hai!09:14
Mikerogeek_: afaik you can, as long as you have not installed the lts version.09:14
jerme1any1 intrest to try help me with problem to ubuntu 11.10?09:14
klawdmy pc sometimes suddenly reboots, the last entry in syslog is blueman-mechanism: Exiting09:14
GEaglehi everyone09:14
klawdanyone know whats going on here?09:14
ubuntuyup ask away pal09:14
Mikerojerme1: I'm sure some here is, don't ask to ask ;)09:15
GEaglei'd lie to update my qt 4.7.3 to 4.8 and i couldn't find in repos is there any repo to update qt or should i just download from qt web site09:15
jerme1when i open dash home ubuntu logs me out. Re-intalling dash or resetting it will not help. This only happens ubuntu-2d09:15
jerme1oops i mean resetting unity09:15
typo234first time using irssi, this is pretty cool09:15
ubuntuive never heard of that09:16
banxi1988hi,who knows  if there is any remote  desktop software to view ubuntu in android.09:16
ubuntuwhat have you done since the last time it worked ok  jermel09:16
typo234banxi1988: I've used androidviewer, which is a vnc kind of deal09:16
banxi1988typo234:thank you.09:17
jerme1not much suddently after playing wine it stops.09:17
typo234banxi1988: np, it might be called "androidvnc" on the android market, I don't remember exactly.09:17
ubuntuwhatis wine09:17
psycho_oreos!wine > ubuntu09:18
ubottuubuntu, please see my private message09:18
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ubuntuok pal useing toes dang windows programs is the issue ill bet i hate windows with a great deal of passion my friend you need to get weined off of you windows addiction09:20
ubuntuif unix linux dont makit you need to make it your self or not even touch it09:20
jerme1can wine "broke" my dash home?09:20
ozw1z5rdis here any tech-guy for tech-question about plymouth ?09:21
Broheimwhat's plymouth?09:21
ozw1z5rdsoftware for ubuntu startup09:21
ubuntuwindows can be screwed up so easily09:22
jerme1is there any log or something where i can see why my dash home logs me out when i start it?09:22
arnsawhy I can't connect to the skype anymore? :|09:22
ozw1z5rdhandles splash screen and other stuff at boot time.09:22
jerme1or do i need re-install whole ubuntu?09:22
The_BROS<arnsa> same thing09:22
arnsamicro$oft f**ked it up09:23
jerme1i have tried to solve this problem too long :(09:23
The_BROSanybody has problems with Skype?09:23
ozw1z5rddoes skype hangs ?09:24
ubuntuwell me not into debugging yet i would just reinstal it i actually like to set up my system so i can store data off the system so i can start over the minute i feel ive been infected with the enemys crap09:24
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gorskiozwlz5rd: delete shared.xml file09:25
The_BROS<ozw1z5rd> PSP connect failed - that what I see09:25
gorskiin .Skype09:25
jerme1ok i try to uninstall wine09:25
ubuntujust wipe it all09:25
The_BROS<ubuntu> do u mean skype folder?09:26
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ubuntuget A WHOLE NOTHER SYSTEM IF YOU MUST RUN god awful windows09:26
ubuntutrying to mesh the two to me is to much of a hassel09:26
jerme1ok :)09:27
The_BROSIs 12.04 faster then 11.04?09:27
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derpladeehey guys, what should i look at if i want to load web pages?09:28
Broheimum ... a .... a browser?09:28
derpladeewrong channel09:28
derpladeesorry :P09:28
derpladeebut thanks anyway!!!09:29
The_BROS<Broheim> LOL09:29
ubuntuthat globe and fox son icon09:29
geek_what is command for "bleachbit" seems it's now working?09:30
geek_sudo apt-get install ?09:30
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geek_i tried09:31
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geek_i just came from win7, when i get this linux down "wow" this gonna rock :)09:34
geek_love it :)09:34
Broheimless complementing09:34
hoshi411is there any way to get the xchat tabs on the bottom instead of on the side?09:36
ubuntuuse smuxi x chat sucks butt09:36
hoshi411just a tiny pet peeve but....09:36
ubuntuits in the software center09:37
Ssncan someone test this for me, go to a folder contains HD video files in nautilus, and zoom in to 400%, see if the thumbnails blurs09:37
hoshi411installing smuxi now thanks09:37
jerme1ubuntu: no success totally removed wine. unity-2d logs me out normal unity works09:37
ubuntui said wipe it all startover freash and ditch windows software09:38
hoshi411really liking unity : ) now that it is a little more customizable09:38
jerme1ubuntu: you mean clean ubuntu install?09:39
ubuntuprobably a windows ubuntu compatability issue cause of some stupid windows crap09:39
geek_is xubuntu off of unity?09:39
ubuntuyep new os09:39
ubuntunew os is easy fix to alot of things09:40
pfifo!xubuntu | geek_09:40
ubottugeek_: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels09:40
ubuntuif you get sick of racking brains its a good alternative09:41
geek_hey thanks09:41
Toniwhat version of ubuntu you have?09:41
geek_lol "xubuntu" always dead09:42
Tonixubuntu sux09:42
Toniubuntu 11.10 rules09:43
geek_i love xubuntu09:43
geek_for new user here09:43
hoshi411whoever suggexted smuxi to me, thank you09:43
lifestreamHi, does anyone know if I can pick one gtk3 AND a different gtk2 theme? Basically I don't want to be forced to use the gtk3 theme in gtk2 apps. My favorite gtk2 theme hasn't been ported to gtk3 yet.09:44
geek_fast and nice on my laptop09:44
hoshi411geek_: im about to use xubuntu for a liveusb system right now : D09:44
geek_i tried ubuntu, mint 12, but xubuntu been really awesome here09:45
geek_lubuntu just 2 simple for me09:46
Tonibut what differences have?09:46
geek_im new here, not sure i just didn't like ubuntu set-up09:47
r4yI want to flip my screen upside down so I can play video games upside down so I can stretch my belly09:47
geek_lol :)09:47
r4yHow?, I am using nvidia-setting09:47
pfifothe only difference between the *ubuntus is the desktop enviroment09:47
Broheimno belly stretching talk please. Thank you09:48
Toniyeah the nvidia setting was default09:48
Toniit's easy and automatic09:48
r4yI looked, what did I miss?09:48
Toniput the settings right and enjoy09:49
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geek_and xubuntu on my laptop uses 3%cpu and 9% memory09:49
r4yPlease explain09:49
Toniyou have the 11.10 version of ubuntu right?09:49
r4yNo, 10.0409:50
pfifor4y, nvidi-settings doesnt have the ability todo that09:50
Guest60279i can not setup vmware server on ubuntu09:50
r4yOK, TY for helping me09:50
Tonii open you private chat r4y09:50
r4yI think mame can though09:50
pfifo!xrandr | r4y09:50
ubottur4y: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1209:50
blendedbychrisdoes ubuntu have an upgrade path to each version?09:55
blendedbychrisi guess major release\09:55
pfifoblendedbychris, no09:55
ganimedehow can i change the titlebar icon horizontal spacing in ubuntu 11.10, please?09:55
bazhangblendedbychris, from what version to what version09:56
blendedbychrisbazhang: well i'm contemplating using standard ubuntu now instead of lts09:57
bazhangblendedbychris, 10.04 now?09:57
bazhangblendedbychris, what version di d you want to use09:57
blendedbychriswell sure but i'd just be starting over… i'm just wondering if i can deal with the 18mo support09:57
pfifoblendedbychris, the next lts (12.04) is about a month away from release09:58
blendedbychrisubuntu server 11.10 i guess09:59
ubuntuive got issues installing ubuntu on cd i cant get it to boot its a bios issue anyone that can help follow me to #talkbios09:59
blendedbychriswhere's that fancy chart on release times09:59
blendedbychrison the website09:59
blendedbychrispfifo eol on server is like in 2 ears10:00
timothyi need some help with linux10:02
pfifo!ask | timothy10:02
ubottutimothy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:02
ozw1z5rd 10:03
bazhangtimothy, which version of ubuntu10:03
blendedbychrispfifo: okay can you go from lts 10 to 12?10:03
pfifoblendedbychris, yes you can10:03
bazhangblendedbychris, lts to lts is a one-step upgrade yes10:03
blendedbychrisis there a way to check out the packages for lts 12?10:04
timothywell i have linux mint 2210:04
bazhangblendedbychris, check the version numbers you mean?10:04
bazhangtimothy, then get mintsupport10:04
bazhang!mintsupport | timothy10:05
ubottutimothy: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:05
blendedbychriswhat's all this mint hype10:05
blendedbychrisbazhang: nevermind :) http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/10:05
bazhangblendedbychris, /msg ubottu info packagename precise10:05
ubottucosmo2005: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:06
blendedbychrisbazhang: just gotta hang in there for lts 12 for fpm :)10:07
blendedbychris(centos seemed like a pain in the a having to add all the repos)10:07
blendedbychrisis there an upgrade path from beta lts to lts?10:08
bazhang!final | blendedbychris10:09
ubottublendedbychris: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.10:09
Toniviva espà10:09
Toniviva españa10:09
bazhangToni, english here10:09
bazhang!test > da__10:10
ubottuda__, please see my private message10:10
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )10:10
bazhangSuperTuan, /msg ubottu please10:11
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sisarso i noticed this on my friends computer, pressing the down arrow key in the terminal makes a 'dang' sound, but i don't have any such sound in my terminal, what is the problem ?10:12
pfifosisar, are you sure your PC actually has a bell?10:13
sisarpfifo: i don't know. how can i find out?10:13
pfifosisar, try `sudo modprobe pcspkr`10:14
pfifosisar, then press ctrl+g in a terminal, it might trigger the bell10:15
sisarpfifo: no bell sound heard10:16
sisarwhat is 'ctrl+g' for ?10:16
tumppuascii code for bell10:17
pfifoit insters the bell ascii character, or atleast its supposed to10:17
pfifosisar, you may be in the same position as me, I dont have a bell connected to my system so it triggers it, but theres no hardware to actually play the sound. Have you ever heard a bell come out of your computer? Like on boot up?10:18
sisarpfifo: i don't think so. Actually i have Windows dual boot, maybe i can find out there if I actually have a bell or not ?10:19
calicoGuys, I need help, my wireless connection is complete $#!^. It is OK some of the time, and some of the time is just slow as hell, and some point dies. It goes thru that 20min cycle and then again it goes back to normal. I can't watch youtube videos or browse the web normally. On a windows machine the connection is perfect.10:20
pfifosisar, well all computers have a place to hook the bell, but since most people find the bell annoying, some manufacturers wont install one. the only way to know for sure is to open your case and look for one10:20
sisaranyway i can trigger the bell in Windows XP ?10:21
pfifosisar, I have no Idea how windows implements the bell10:22
sisarpfifo, oh, ok, no problem. Not a big deal anyway :)10:23
pfifosisar, if all else fails, there are softbells available that will play a bell sound through your soundcard10:24
sisarpfifo, how would i use softbells ?10:25
pfifo!info beep10:26
ubottubeep (source: beep): advanced pc-speaker beeper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-1 (oneiric), package size 22 kB, installed size 104 kB10:26
pfifo!info softbeep10:26
ubottuPackage softbeep does not exist in oneiric10:26
pfifo!info softbeep lucid10:26
ubottusoftbeep (source: softbeep): System bell replacement. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-19 (lucid), package size 14 kB, installed size 96 kB10:26
pfifothose are 2 options, there may be more packages if you search in the software center10:27
namoamitabuddha % cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness10:27
sisarpfifo, ok. thanks :)10:27
pfifo!gq | namoamitabuddha10:27
ubottunamoamitabuddha: Are you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.10:27
namoamitabuddhaThe brightness is zero.10:28
pfifonamoamitabuddha, is that a problem?10:30
namoamitabuddhapfifo: yeah, because this is a laptop. I don't know why.10:31
pfifonamoamitabuddha, then you should increase the brightness10:32
calicoGuys, I need help, my wireless connection is complete $#!^. It is OK some of the time, and some of the time is just slow as hell, and some point dies. It goes thru that 20min cycle and then again it goes back to normal. I can't watch youtube videos or browse the web normally. On a windows machine the connection is perfect.10:32
namoamitabuddhapinnen: no, it's with full of brightness.10:33
namoamitabuddhapfifo: no, it's with full of brightness.10:34
pfifonamoamitabuddha, ahh well if its too bright, then you should decrease the brightness10:34
gordonfreemanhey guys, for some reason my wireless is not working...just install ubuntu 10.0410:34
namoamitabuddhapfifo: No, I wonder why the /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness == 010:35
gordonfreemancan anyone help me?10:35
MikeroHow can I share the contents of my external household(windows machines) like I did on windows?10:35
ubuntugordon more detail10:35
pfifonamoamitabuddha, perhaps thats not the interface to you backlight hardware10:35
ubuntuis network detected10:36
gordonfreemanubuntu: no10:36
bosongdoes it matter if i run 32 bit OS on a 64 bit machine ?10:36
ubuntuno what10:36
gordonfreemanubuntu: no, network devices are not detected10:36
ubuntuok then do you have a good aircard10:36
namoamitabuddhapfifo: There's only one directory and Display controller: Intel Corporation10:36
gordonfreemanubuntu: aircard?10:37
gordonfreemanubuntu: my wireless worked when i had windows10:37
ubuntuthe circut board that picks up signal10:37
pfifonamoamitabuddha, then perhaps 0=fullbright and higher numbers represent dimmer levels10:37
gordonfreemanubuntu: im not sure, i dont know the command to check. this is a pretty new computer10:37
ubuntuthe ubuntu package should have drivers for it allready10:37
gordonfreemanubuntu: how do i find the driver i need?10:38
ubuntuwait how did you install without internet connction10:38
gordonfreemanubuntu: i had an ethernet cord plugged in, but opted out of the 3rd party installs/upgrades10:38
ubuntui think its sudo -lmsh10:38
ubuntuin terminal10:39
gordonfreemanubuntu: command did not work10:39
bosongdoes it matter if i run 32 bit OS on a 64 bit machine ?10:39
bazhangubuntu lshw , but for cards its lspci or lsusb10:39
bazhangbosong, go for 6410:39
bazhangubuntu thats not correct10:39
bazhangubuntu see above10:39
gordonfreemanubuntu: http://pastebin.com/uARLkiay10:40
bazhangsudo lshw  bu t not what he wants. its lspci ubuntu10:40
ubuntuok then lspci im still learning and still forgetting at the same time lol10:41
bosongbazhang my bro is running vista 32 bit on an 64 bit hp laptop10:41
gordonfreemanso, I have the intel device 088510:41
bazhangbosong, so? use 64 if you wish10:41
bazhanggordonfreeman, pastebin of lspci please10:41
gordonfreemanbazhang: http://pastebin.com/uARLkiay10:42
OerHeksgordonfreeman, use lspci or lsusb like bazhang suggest.10:42
ubuntugordon you got to find a way to test card10:42
bazhanggordonfreeman, what about lsusb10:42
ubuntuyou should have driver10:42
bazhangubuntu, please dont help if you dont know what you are saying10:43
gordonfreemanbazhang: http://pastebin.com/1XpQ9A8H10:43
bazhanggordonfreeman, what laptop make and model is this10:44
gordonfreemanbazhang: i know its an asus, how do i find the make10:44
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gordonfreemanbazhang: i bought it around christmas10:45
SHOVELLmy partition table seems to be broken or corrupt HELP i would like to fix this with out reinstall10:45
calicoGuys, I need help, my wireless connection is complete $#!^. It is OK some of the time, and some of the time is just slow as hell, and some point dies. It goes thru that 20min cycle and then again it goes back to normal. I can't watch youtube videos or browse the web normally. On a windows machine the connection is perfect.10:45
gordonfreemanbazhang: are you there?10:48
bazhanggordonfreeman, seems to be the intel 6150, just checking forums now on how to get working10:49
gordonfreemanbazhang: thank you so much haha10:49
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gordonfreemanbazhang: wifimax 6150 is correct btw, it was intel driver install on win10:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836250 in Linux "duplicate for #886231 [Oneiric] [Regression] Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 poor networking, packet loss and very slow Lenovo X201 and T500 laptops" [Medium,In progress]10:51
bazhanggordonfreeman, that seems to be it^10:51
bazhanggordonfreeman, you are on 11.10 correct?10:52
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gordonfreemanbazhang: 10.1010:52
gordonfreemanis there a driver install on here?10:53
OerHeksgordonfreeman, is it a laptop?10:53
gordonfreemanOerHeks: yes10:53
bazhanggordonfreeman, thats odd. there is a fix for up through 11.0410:53
gordonfreemanbazhang: do i just need to download a driver or something?10:54
bazhanggordonfreeman, correction, its just 11.04 , the issue is both before and after 11.0410:54
pfifoas is the nature of 'regression'10:55
gordonfreemanbazhang: so how do i fix this?10:56
gordonfreemanbazhang: sorry, that was a bit forward haha10:56
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bobweaversee how I have the boxs here for the admin pannel that is how I want it but that is just client side php is making the page I think any one know any thing about that ? http://postimage.org/image/fmuh5gm1d/10:57
bobweaverwrong channel sorry10:58
piglitwhat is the name of the libre or open office channel?10:58
bazhanggordonfreeman, the only way currently is the ubuntuforums link with 11.0410:59
r4yIt works: http://tuxtweaks.com/2010/05/ubuntu-enable-rotation-nvidia/10:59
bazhanggordonfreeman, the 11.10 bug has been filed10:59
r4yIt's alive, ha ha ha!10:59
bazhangr4y, what works10:59
r4yflipping the screen upside down10:59
bazhangr4y, ubuntu support issue? please use the nick of the person you are addressing11:00
bazhangr4y, pardon?11:00
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r4yI don't have a problem11:00
gordonfreemanjeu sprry11:00
gordonfreemanhey sorry, i was gone11:00
bazhangr4y, so why paste that here11:00
r4yI came asking how to flip my screen upside down11:01
gordonfreemanbazhang: this isnt 11.10 though haha, ive said twice that im using 10.1011:01
r4yPeople were here, or maybe it was the beginner channel11:01
gordonfreemanbazhang: sorry for not being clearer11:01
bazhanggordonfreeman, yes, and the bug affects both before and after 11.0411:01
iHarpGood morning/evening11:01
giuciao a tutti11:01
gordonfreemanbazhang: ohhhh haha, i thought you thought that i was talking about later versions11:02
gordonfreemani was about to be like, dont cause a panic for a dead bug haha11:02
Naphatulis it possible to upgrade from ubuntu 8.1011:02
bazhang!eolupgrades | Naphatul please read11:02
ubottuNaphatul please read: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:02
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11362436&postcount=42   gordonfreeman this was the fix  with 11.0411:03
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gordonfreemangah this is going to irritate me11:08
gordonfreemani cant connect to my wireless network, or even detect wireless networks11:09
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lancelotturn off and turn it on, then try it again11:10
AminosAmigosi am trying to help translating UBUNTU to arabic11:10
AminosAmigosi am using Virtaal11:11
=== zenix|off is now known as zenix`
lancelotme too11:12
lanceloti m using vmware player11:12
elkyAminosAmigos, you could try in #ubuntu-translators as they'll know more about translating11:16
bobweaver -v11:17
AminosAmigosok thnks11:17
elkyi don't know how active they are now though11:17
elkyyou might need to check back occasionally until you see someone :)11:17
AminosAmigoswill do11:17
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=== genupulas is now known as hobby
hoshi411wow... im really liking unity on precise11:20
miaogehello everyone.I want to learn kernel of linux .do you have any good ideas to learn it?11:20
hoshi411good job canonical11:20
miaogethank you11:20
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hoshi411natty and oneiric versions notally turned me off to it but11:21
hoshi411im really starting to see and like how it works11:21
dr_willismiaoge,  check the kernel.org site? there used to be some kernel guide/ebooks out. but they were a bit old.  theres also a #kernel channel i thiunk11:21
dr_willisI havent needed to do much with the kernel in ages. :)11:21
miaogethanks dr_willis11:22
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miaogemy job needs to know kernel well11:22
miaogebut i don not know it well11:22
dr_willisi have to wonder how you got the job in the first place. :)   but its always good to learn.11:23
dr_williswith the kernel 3.x  being so new.. guess its a good time to dive in. but watch out for version differances in the older kernels.11:23
miaogei was adjusted to that job11:23
dr_willisadjusted = it got dumped on you. :)11:23
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)11:24
miaogethey need people have good programming skill11:24
dr_willisbut do they need actual kernel programers? thats a whole special area.11:25
oCeanmiaoge: this channel is ubuntu support only. There is a ##linux channel for linux/kernel discussion and for general chit chat /join #ubuntu-offtopic11:25
dr_willisthe urls given above should give you a good start.11:25
miaogeok  thanks all of you11:25
dr_willisI guess it shows how much Linux and Ubuntu have progressed - that i havent had to mess with the kernel in perhaps 6+ years...11:26
SteveBellhi all. I was checking for updates with update center or "aktualisierungsverwaltung" in german. now I see "zwischenspeicher wird aktualisiert" or cache is being updated. that seems to be hanging and repeating it self without progress. using latest stable ubuntu 64bit.11:26
Ca11umI've just installed Ubuntu (dual-booted with W7), but my screen has a massive border around it.11:26
SteveBellany way I can finish this task or fix this problem?11:26
Ca11umOn Windows I resolved this by disabling the scaling11:26
dr_willisCa11um,  whats yur video card/chipset. and what kind of monitor?11:26
Ca11umBut I can't find such settings on Ubuntu11:26
Ca11umBenQ G2420HD11:26
oooaaaooohi guys , is it possible to create a startup disk with multiple versions of ubuntu on it?11:27
SteveBelle.g. it keeps saying "sources - idle".11:27
dr_willisfor my low end ati box i have. I have to install the fglrx drivers, then use the ati control panel to tweak the 'overscan' setting. since i am running at the native res of the monitor (well a hdmi tv in my case)11:27
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  you can make a multi-booting cd/dvd or flash drive via using grub2 to boot iso files rather easially.11:28
sacarlsonoooaaaooo: I've seen some usb boot info about having a single usb pen drive boot about 7 different linux11:28
OerHeksoooaaaooo, sure, use pendrive >>> http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/11:28
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  the pendrive linux site above makes that task rather easy :)11:28
Ca11umThere are updates in Additional Drivers11:28
oooaaaoooOerHeks: thanks!11:29
SteveBellhi all. I was checking for updates with update center or "aktualisierungsverwaltung" in german. now I see "zwischenspeicher wird aktualisiert" or cache is being updated. that seems to be hanging and repeating it self without progress. using latest stable ubuntu 64bit.11:29
dr_willisCa11um,  normally the scaleing setting would be to how to scale  resolutions that are less then the monitors native res.  id hope you are running your desktop at the native res.11:29
Ca11umIt can't get any higher than 1920x108011:30
dr_willisSteveBell,  try the classic 'sudo apt-get update' from a terminal and see if any error messages are mentoned11:30
Ca11umCan it?11:30
dr_willisCa11um,  if you have borders at that res. i would think its an overscan setting. but it may be some quirk in the moniotr/drivers11:30
oooaaaoooOerHeks: will this mess with my mbr?11:31
dr_willisYou can get monitors that can go higher. :)11:31
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dr_willisoooaaaooo,  if you boot a cd.. it wont mess with your system.11:31
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  or a pendrive.11:31
oooaaaooodr_willis: oh ok11:31
dr_willisunless we are confused as to what you are wanting.11:31
dr_willisI made a 8gb pendrive into a 6+ differnt disrto installer :)11:32
Ca11umOverscan setting?11:32
dr_willisYou could even set up grub2 on your installed system to boot iso files for a super fast fallback/testing method.11:32
dr_willisCa11um,  thats what its called in my config panels.11:32
dr_willismost montors ive seen have a few % of overscan they can do.11:33
oooaaaooodr_willis: so this thing installs grub 2 on the flashdrive ?11:33
Ca11umIs this in System Settings?11:33
OerHeksoooaaaooo, grub2 method & pendrive are 2 different ways11:33
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  the pendrive linux tools can install grub2 to flash or i think they can set up syslinux11:33
dr_willispendrivelinux has numerous tools11:34
dr_willisCa11um,  for my ATI card - its in the ati config tool. Never noticed it in the nvidia-settings tool. never needed it on my nvidia box.11:34
nodiefor some reason my unity stopped showing the menu bar and the lateral bar11:34
nodiewhen I execute "unity --reset" on a terminal (I read that somewhere) I got a core dump11:35
nodieI've read about this problem in some forum11:35
nodiehow can I solve it?11:35
dr_willisnodie,  as a test.i would make a new user and see if the problem affects them also11:35
SteveBelldr_willis thanks for the tip. getting several error messages. how can I copy paste them? cmd + c seems to trigger a virtual box command rather than copying the selected terminal output.11:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:38
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dr_willisi dont think cmd-c is copy :)  (whatever the cmd key is)11:39
Ca11umWhat software package do I need to install for the ATI control panel, dr_willis?11:39
level09if i want to set an environment var, where is the best place to do so ?11:39
dr_willisNames of unitys parts  - worth reading. --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/10228/whats-the-right-terminology-for-unitys-ui-elements11:39
SteveBellcmd key is a standard os x key.11:39
theadmindr_willis: cmd = ctrl11:39
dr_willisCa11um,  they got installed when i installed the ati drivers.11:39
Ca11umI am trying to install the drivers atm....11:40
Ca11umI can install 111:40
dr_willissounds like its the apple/special key.. but i got rid of all my apples.11:40
SteveBellnow I still don't know how to copy from the terminal.11:40
Ca11umBut the second errors11:40
theadminSteveBell: Right-click and "Copy"11:40
dr_willisSteveBell,  select and right click?11:40
AminosAmigosdont you just select the right click copy ???11:40
theadminSteveBell: Or just use X11 selection buffers if you don't mind them11:40
dr_willisguess apple users dont think of right clicks...11:40
Ca11umAh cool11:40
Ca11umLinux has Catalyst Control Center11:40
dr_willisCa11um,  that sounds like it.. they keep changeing its name.. the actual binary has some weird name.11:41
AminosAmigosyou don't right click in apple ?:!11:41
dr_willisAminosAmigos,  apple mice have 1 button (well used to ) last i looked11:41
SteveBell@all: thx. isn't it strange that cmd copy does not work? no I really don't think of right clicks. I think of keyboard shortcuts. alyways faster...11:41
SteveBellhere#s the pastie: http://pastebin.com/7Z0fqhtV11:41
dr_willisbut the new mice they have - have a special button just to show the widgits - or somthing. :)11:41
SteveBellI have a normal to click mouse. still keyboard shortcuts are faster and easier.11:42
dr_willismenu shouls show the proper keyboard shortcut11:42
Ca11umWorking perfect, thanks dr_willis.11:42
dr_willisI just select, and middle click... im old skool. :)11:42
AminosAmigosi think the keyboard shortcut is CTRL+shift+c11:42
SteveBellthe right click menu does not contain any keyboard shortcut info.11:42
theadminSteveBell: Ctrl+C is a special terminal combination (break)11:42
theadminSteveBell: Meaning "stop whatever you're doing"11:42
theadminSteveBell: Been so before GUIs appeared, so...11:42
AminosAmigosgood to know11:42
SteveBellok, sry I'm a total terminal noob. ok thx for explaining11:43
dr_willisctrl-c i thought only did that in the terminal, not in the gui/desktop. but im not on ubunti right now. :P11:43
SteveBellcould someone have a look at the pastie?11:43
SteveBellhere it  is: http://pastebin.com/7Z0fqhtV11:43
SteveBellif you need anything translated to eng pls tell me...11:45
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theTroyHi, I am using disk utility to create a RAID array. It worked allright, but I cannot find how to delete it now, am I blind or is there a special way to delete raid arrays?11:46
theadminBah... Sorry, a crash11:47
airtonixSteveBell: the gnome convention for displayin keyboard shortbuts is to never display them in right click context menus, only menubar accessed menus do.11:47
SteveBellok, sorry. I falsely assumend cmd + c was global but it is not.11:47
SteveBellwhat about the error msgs?11:48
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ironmgood morning. I hope you can give some hints ;) I try to create ubuntu live images (oneiric) using live-builder 3.0-a45 but even in the simplest possibe configuration I am getting an error like: E: Unable to locate package console-common11:48
airtonixSteveBell: in macosx can you cmd + c to copy text from terminal.app?11:48
ironmthe config is like: [2012-03-11 12:14:05] lb_config noauto --mode ubuntu --bootloader syslinux --architectures amd64 --linux-flavours generic --distribution oneiric --debian-installer live --iso-preparer ironm --iso-publisher IT-infrastrukturen.org --iso-application debian-live-databases-awesome --iso-volume oneiric-amd64-2012-03-11 --hostname oneiric --username sql --bootappend-live locales=en_GB.UTF-8 utc=no timezone=Europe/Zurich keyboard11:48
ironm-layouts=en --bootappend-install locales=en_GB.UTF-8 utc=no timezone=Europe/Zurich keyboard-layouts=en11:48
r4yI wonder if some of you use 2 computers at the same time so you can try out things on one and use the other for irc so if one computer needs to restart and so forth. I don't because I don't have the money and space11:48
ironmI run it on oneiric (11.10)11:48
ironmany idea? thank you in advance for any hints ;)11:49
airtonixSteveBell: the only error message i see there is a DNS issue? hostname not found?11:50
theadminr4y: You can IRC on a phone nowadays :P11:50
SteveBellr4l I sometimes wish I had a second computer which I could leave running as an skype answering machine while I'm on the run with my laptop. but currently only have a laptop11:50
SteveBellairtonix which means the update is taking like 40 minutes?11:50
airtonixSteveBell: perhaps you should find out if your ISP provides a local ubuntu mirror then11:50
theadminr4y: Or just grab a raspberry pi, those are $35 for god's sake, and you can use them for IRC for sure :D11:50
airtonixSteveBell: most ISPs do, and you can find out with the software sources application11:51
SteveBellairtonix: have no experience with that. would I have to do?11:51
airtonixSteveBell: i believe you start by opening the Software Center.11:51
SteveBellshould I cancel the temrinal update?11:51
SteveBellit's at 16%.11:52
airtonixSteveBell: or ... even better: press the Command Key, type : Software Sources11:52
SteveBellsince I started posting...11:52
airtonixSteveBell: yeah cancel it11:52
airtonixSteveBell: Command Key will initiate a "spotlight like " popup11:52
alteregoadarmok and jalad at tanagra11:52
airtonixSteveBell: cancel it by clicking in the terminal, and press : ctrl shift c11:53
theadminSteveBell: ctrl-c11:53
airtonixSteveBell: yeah ctrl c11:53
airtonixa few times11:53
SteveBellkk, thx. sorry for being such a terminal noob. mostly used to guis...11:53
airtonix(assuming you are performing a sudo apt-get update in a terminal)11:53
r4yThat's neat to know11:54
airtonixSteveBell: what happens when you press the command key now?11:54
SteveBellok, the spotlight like feature is cool. i enter "Software sources" hit enter - noghting happens.11:54
airtonixSteveBell: don;t hit enter. do you see an entry called "Software Sources" show up?11:54
airtonixSteveBell: you have to actually have it highlighted before pressing enter does anything meaningful11:54
SteveBellnow. just a little box in the low right corner11:54
atengesdalHello, running 12.04 and I can't get inSSIDer to work, can anyone help?11:54
atengesdalUnhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MetaGeek.inSSIDer.Extensions.Graphs.View.ChannelView' from assembly 'MetaGeek.inSSIDer.Extensions.Graphs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.11:55
theadminatengesdal: Precise is not supported here11:55
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airtonixSteveBell: http://imagebin.org/20285111:56
SteveBellairtonix hmm. I press cmd > software sources > nothing. then again cmd > software sources > highlight the text > enter > nothing happens...11:56
theadminSteveBell: It's not a separate app eh... Search for it in the control center11:56
r4yI guess Toni is not currently on his computer. Sorry guys11:57
SteveBellairtonis ah interesting. this field is not triggered by cmd for me. I get a little box in the right low corner: http://cl.ly/0y2i2h1l0H3w2r3L2r1n11:57
airtonixSteveBell: http://imagebin.org/20285211:57
SteveBellyes I can do that.11:57
atengesdalanyone? help with inSSIDer?11:57
airtonixSteveBell: then that is not the same tool i get when i press the equivilant  of your  macosx command key (the windows key on non mac computers)11:58
theadminatengesdal: 12.04 is NOT supported here. #ubuntu+111:58
atengesdaloh, sorry :-) thanks! I'll move over :-)11:58
SteveBellI assume software paketquellen is then right? http://cl.ly/1l1R1M0H2v2L0x253x46 not sure why the icon differs though?11:58
SteveBellso in there what do I do? should I switch the server from germany to main server?11:59
SteveBellairtonix: switch the server?11:59
airtonixSteveBell: yeah possibly find your ISP there?12:00
SteveBellairtonix no. just main server and german server12:00
airtonixSteveBell: in my screenshot i have my isp selected. http://imagebin.org/20285312:01
airtonixSteveBell: click "other"12:01
SteveBellI have plenty of server entries there.12:02
airtonixSteveBell: under germany i see quite alot os mirrors, maybe on of those is your isp12:02
SteveBellI am at o2 alice hansenet12:02
airtonixSteveBell: is that the name of your ISP ?12:03
SteveBellbasically yes.12:04
SteveBellhm, ok, very complicated all this. I have an appointment now. might try later.. agin12:05
inaayatHello everyone,12:09
loop_hi inaayat12:09
inaayatloop_ hi !12:10
inaayatDid anybody know how to uninstall ´Cairo-Dock´ on Xubuntu ?12:11
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inaayatif i use sudo apt-get remove cairo-dock it doest not work :( !?12:11
inaayatCTRL ALT F1 Doest not work12:12
inaayatI CANNOT UNINSTALL PROGRAMS !!! :@@@@@12:12
FloodBot1inaayat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:12
OsmondWhen i boot up I have to enter the grub menu, hit E on the kernel, and edit that text.  Where do I find that file once I'm logged on? I would like to make the changed permanent12:16
szalOsmond: what change exactly?12:16
r4yDoes anyone know what the network is called that firefox users use for irc?12:17
szalr4y: huh?12:17
OsmondIm having to use nomodeset instead of quiet splash, I guess linux isnt too friendly with Intel HD 3000 graphics cards12:17
r4yWhat I mean is even though firefox is on freenode, freenode is not the network most firefox gurus use from what I was told12:18
r4yOr rather12:18
r4yit's not the channel and network they use the most12:19
szalOsmond: 'nomodeset' and 'quiet splash' have nothing to do w/ each other, they can be used concurrently.. and the file you want to edit for making that change is /etc/default/grub, after which you run 'sudo update-grub'; you don't edit the grub.cfg directly as that change would be lost after e.g. a kernel upgrade12:19
_raven11.10 - i have some ssl problems - seems that every cert has vanished - how to find out the problem and how to solve it?12:19
szalr4y: irc.mozilla.org12:19
r4yoops, sorry, I just said the same thing twice, lol12:19
OsmondThats weird, the tutorial I saw online told me to replace quiet splash with nomodeset12:19
Osmondso i can just append nomodeset right after quiet splash?12:20
szalOsmond: iirc, yes12:20
OsmondSweet, well thank you man!12:20
FonzieCan anyone suggest any software for resizing partitions from the command line?12:22
Fonzie(not system partition)12:22
OerHeksFonzie, use parted, or gparted ( with Gui )12:23
Fonziehm, ok. Didnt know there was any gparted without GUI. Thanks12:23
OU818can i find help for hannahmontanna linux here?12:23
_raven11.10 - i have some ssl problems - seems that every cert has vanished - how to find out the problem and how to solve it?12:23
theadminOU818: Nope. Only Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu and Ubuntu Studio are supported here12:24
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dr_willisOU818,  i suggest you check out 'fuzzy linux' as an alternative to HannaMontannaLinux12:25
oooaaaooohi guys, i am booting an old laptop from a usb with 11.04 on it and ubuntu loads but NOT the gui. WHen I type in dmesg into the session the last message says "lp: driver loaded but no devices found" Does this mean the gfx card is dead?12:26
theadmindr_willis: Do not suggest unsupported distributions in this channel, please.12:26
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  try 'startx' and look for error messages. also check what video card/chipset  you have.12:26
dr_willistheadmin,  both are Joke disrtos. Hopefully he gets the joke.12:26
dr_willisI cant seriously belive hes using HannaMontannalinux.12:27
theadmindr_willis: I hope so...12:27
dr_willisNow Fuzzy Linux.. i had to hide that from the wife.. :P She so loves PINK..12:27
oooaaaooodr_willis: it says fatal server error: no screens found12:28
_raven11.10 - i have some ssl problems - seems that every cert has vanished - how to find out the problem and how to solve it?12:28
theadmin!patience | _raven12:28
ubottu_raven: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:28
calicoGuys, I need help, my wireless connection is complete $#!^. It is OK some of the time, and some of the time is just slow as hell, and at some point dies. It goes thru that 20min cycle and then again it goes back to normal. I can't watch youtube videos or browse the web normally. On a windows machine the connection is perfect.12:28
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  and whats your video chipset?  'lspci' should show mention of it.12:28
oooaaaooodr_willis: im sure its a nvidia 6400 gs. let me do a quick grep12:29
theadmincalico: Search for any restricted drivers for your wireless card.12:29
calicotheadmin, how do I do that12:30
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  you may want to install the 'nvidia-current' package, or run the jockey-cli (i think) app to install the nvidia drivers12:30
theadmincalico: Search for "Hardware Drivers" in the dash, open that12:31
calicotheadmin, I'm with xfce, btw. I can't find a "device manager" in Ubuntu? Is there one12:32
dr_willis!info hwinfo12:32
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 17 kB, installed size 116 kB12:32
dr_williscalico,  depends on what you are wanting to do exactly. :)  theres several hardware info tools in the repos.12:33
oooaaaooonvidia corporation g86 geforce 8400m gs12:33
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  its possible the open sourced nevou driver has issues with that card. id try installing nvidia-current and reboot and see if it works12:33
calicodr_willis, well, for example I want to disable my webcam. Also how do I find out what is my wireless hardware so I could find these restricted drivers12:34
oooaaaooodr_willis: it says in the startx error : "(EE) Failed to load module "nvidia"(module does not exist,0)" does that mean i have a bad gfx card?12:34
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  if you can see any output at all.. that implies your card is working..12:34
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  install the proper Nvidia drivers for it. its possible the Open sourecd drivers do not like that old a card.12:35
oooaaaooodr_willis: how do i make sure it isnt some onboard gfx chip?12:35
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oooaaaooodr_willis: ok how do i go about doing that in cli from a boot usb?12:36
dr_willisYou just showed it has a nvidia gpu. lspci would show all of them it finds.12:36
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  boot to the console/rescue mode. no need to do  a usb boot.12:36
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  theres also numerous grub options that might get it to a working desktop12:36
dr_willis!nomodeset | oooaaaooo12:36
ubottuoooaaaooo: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:36
dr_willisoooaaaooo,  is this just a test box? or is it going to do some real work?12:37
oooaaaooodr_willis: im just trying to revive an old laptop.12:40
oooaaaooodr_willis: ive taken the harddisk out of it12:40
oooaaaooodr_willis: i was thinking of using it as a fulltime desktop/print server as alli have is a netbook12:41
oooaaaooodr_willis: i dont even see the bios splash screen, is this normal?12:42
_raven11.10 - i have some ssl problems - seems that every cert has vanished - how to find out the problem and how to solve it?12:43
oooaaaooodr_willis: oh wait it works now12:46
oooaaaooodr_willis: im in the bios...could have sworn it wasnt showing up12:46
oooaaaooodr_willis: wthell now i see the ubuntu splash screen12:49
calicoohhhh, I can't even download this Hardware identification system stuff with such slow and constantly stalling connection. dr_willis where can I find these restricted drivers anyway, and  do you think it is certain that it is the drivers12:51
oooaaaooodr_willis: are you still here?12:54
Erealzwhat the name of the pdf reader that come with ubuntu?12:55
_raven11.10 - i have some ssl problems - seems that every cert has vanished - how to find out the problem and how to solve it?12:56
fromagehi all. Can anyone help me with the dual subtitling on vlc player?12:56
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fromageI downloaded the extension and put it in the folder but it's not working12:57
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Erealzim sorry can some on tell me the defoult pdf reader in ubuntu12:58
theadminErealz: evince12:59
calicotheadmin, where can I find these restricted drivers anyway, and  do you think it is certain that it is the drivers12:59
theadmincalico: As I said, this tool comes with Ubuntu, just run it12:59
theadmincalico: It's called simply "hardware drivers"12:59
auronandacecalico: may be called additional drivers13:00
SlothScriptsI installed 11.04 alongside Windows7 using the recommended partition; the boot loader does not appear on start-up; is there someway to correct this without restoring my computer in general?13:00
st1do you have windows 7 installation disc?13:01
calicotheadmin, I opened it it says No properietary drivers are in use13:01
SlothScriptsI do not. It came pre-loaded;13:02
_raven11.10 no ssl access possible any more - what could be wrong?13:02
eichi_hello. which ubuntu server version should I use, if I want to upgrade as soon as posible to 12.04 LTS? the 11.10 or the 10.04 LTS (to make LTS to LTS update)13:02
rockerI accidentally change my screen aspect ratio from 16:9 to 4:3, now whenever I start my pc, my monitor always displays 4:3 aspect ratio right from the beginning, i.e. from the grub loader. Can you suggest how can I revert back to my original settings? I have a dual boot configuration. Please suggest .13:02
st1SlothScripts:  do you have another computer that you can make a liveusb?13:03
freeman__salut tlm13:03
OerHeksSlothScripts, hold shift @ boot to enter the grub menu, there you can choose windows13:04
nikoljaSlothScripts: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB213:04
st1he said bootloader doesn't come up13:05
nikoljaThere you have 5 different ways to reinstall grub13:05
bmoez_#join #ubuntu-fr13:06
SlothScriptsThank you very much! I'll try it and get back to you all :)13:06
rockerI accidentally change my screen aspect ratio from 16:9 to 4:3, now whenever I start my pc, my monitor always displays 4:3 aspect ratio right from the beginning, i.e. from the grub loader. Can you suggest how can I revert back to my original settings? I have a dual boot configuration. Please suggest .13:08
nikoljarocker: what graphic card do you have? Check out in settings13:10
st1wouldn't that be a hardware setting on the monitor?13:11
nikoljawhy in monitor? Monitor just display what graphic card tell him13:12
rockernikolja, I dont have any gfx card, and the aspect ratio option from the monitor window in ubuntu is not there[in short my screen resolution option has been wiped out]13:12
nikoljayou don't have graphic card13:12
rockernikolja, st1, yes, its integrated13:13
rockeronboard gfx nikolja13:13
st1I have a button on my monitor changes ratio from 16:10 to 4:313:13
bosongdoes ubuntu automatically sync time with a remote server ?13:14
_raven11.10 no ssl access possible any more - what could be wrong?13:14
rockerst1 i dont have that button13:14
nikoljarocker: did you try to google it?13:14
st1rocker do you mean 4:3 that has black bars on left and right, or 4:3 image stretched to 16:913:15
rockeryeah i did, nikolja, but with no result13:15
rockerst1, no13:15
st1rocker no black bars?13:16
rockerst1 I dont get black bars13:16
st1top right buttom on unity panel, go to display, choose your resolution13:17
_raven11.10 no ssl access possible any more - what could be wrong?13:19
rockerst1one more thing, i am only able to open gnome classic, not unity[i use ubuntu 11.04] and the the 16:9 option in monitor window is not there!13:19
rockerst1 one more thing, i am only able to open gnome classic, not unity[i use ubuntu 11.04] and the the 16:9 option in monitor window is not there!13:19
rockersorry for flooding13:20
st1system setting - display, don't look for 16:9 look for the resolution of your monitor13:20
theTroyHi, I have assembled a RAID0 array, but it seems the write speed is lower than any of single devices being used. I am also unable to "check raid" in Disk utility, since it says that /dev/md0 is not idle13:21
ssiiewho know any media play that has fast forward feature ?13:21
theTroyssiie: vlc13:21
ssiiethetroy how fast it support ?13:21
theTroyssiie: as fast as your hdd can read the media... 20x 40x etc13:21
MikeroHi. Is there a general conventions or rule on where to install applications (like Program Files on Windows)?13:22
ssiiethat's great13:22
rockerst1 i think i resloved my issue13:22
rockerthanks for the time st113:22
MonkeyDustMikero  /usr/bin/13:22
__Alex_Mikero: yes, there is: /usr/local/bin13:22
mosnoMikeH, FHS13:22
theTroyMikero: normally you tend to install applications with software centre, or apt-get, they install automatically and do not provide you with choice of location13:23
mosnoMikero, ^13:23
MonkeyDustMikero  start here http://mybroadband.co.za/news/software/32474-a-windows-users-guide-to-linux.html13:24
_raven11.10 no ssl access possible any more - what could be wrong?13:24
__Alex_Mikero: But if you want to manually install a script or somthing, put it in /usr/local/bin. You must do this as root, and you must make it executable13:24
MonkeyDust__Alex_  too scary for a beginner13:25
MikeroI do use software center en apt-get mostly. But PhpStorm is just a pile of files.13:25
theTroyMikero: do you want to install it for all users, and have it accessible via terminal? or just run it locally from one user?13:25
__Alex_Mikero: Is there a "Makefile"?13:25
theadminMikero: Is there "README", "INSTALL", "Makefile", "configure" or "configure.ac" (or a combination of those) among em?13:26
theTroy__Alex_: doesnt need to have makefile if it is a source code rather than binary13:26
__Alex_I know, i'm just asking, theTroy13:26
mi3!cookie | st1 nikolja13:27
ubottust1 nikolja: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!13:27
MikeroInstructions on the website are "- Unpack the PhpStorm-*.tar.gz file using the following command: tar xfz PhpStorm-*.tar.gz - Run PhpStorm.sh from the bin subdirectory"13:27
theadminMikero: Uh, just do that then?13:28
MikeroWhich works but I want to keep things neat and organized ;) So I'd figured I'd ask.13:28
theTroyMikero: that will depend on what the file does, does it run the phpstorm, or does it compile it and install it on the system?13:28
theadminMikero: Oh, you mean a universal place to put it to? Try /opt, that's what it's intended for (binary packages which unpack as one folder)13:28
theTroyanyone here can help me out with RAID0 setup?13:29
theTroyhaving issues with write speeds*13:29
yewhat is RAID0?13:30
_raven11.10 no ssl access possible any more - what could be wrong?13:30
theadminye: If you don't know answers, don't try to help13:30
MonkeyDustye  if your system is installed on more then 1 drive, it's called RAID13:30
velenohello. what is the suggested way to install openssl >1.0.0 on a ubuntu 10.10 LTS ?13:31
oCeantheadmin: surely ye can ask questions that pop up when he reads the channel?13:32
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theadminoCean: I guess so, yeah, but it looked to me he was trying to help -_- Sorry, I'm in a state of deep... depression and madness right now so I can act a bit weird.13:33
oCeantheadmin: might consider a break from IRC in that case.13:33
theadminoCean: Rather not... Would feel even worse without helping people or people to talk to. Just... point it out if I do something strange.13:34
theadminoCean: (like you did)13:34
kitkathi I cant update or install program, when I try to install it says check your connection and when I try to upgrade It says something about untrusted sources13:34
theadminkitkat: Any third-party repositories? Which Ubuntu version?13:35
kitkattheadmin, 10.4 and no third-party repositories13:36
theadminkitkat: mk, try changing your server to main from the software sources tool13:36
locsmifHi all. I put r8169 into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, but it's still loaded. How come?13:37
rad_daemonhow do I mount a home directory from another ubuntu version? the home directory is encypted. I'm moving to another vm and I want to copy the files.13:38
jrib!encrypt | rad_daemon13:38
ubotturad_daemon: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory13:38
oliphanthi everyone.13:38
rad_daemonjrib, thanks13:38
lancecherryhi there13:39
giuciao a tutti!!!13:39
ubottugiu: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:39
oliphantHow do I delete all the print-jobs in queue? I'm using cupsd and am a normal user.13:39
oliphant*from the command line that is.13:40
carl-ericHow do I get Skype to use PulseAudio in oneiric? Under sound devices it only gives me a list of ALSA devices and Skype itself doesn't even show up in pavucontrol13:40
MangledBodyHi everyone, I have problem with nVidia GPU on Ubuntu LTS. It seems, that all games that need 3D acceleration experience problems, anybody can help me solve this?13:41
carl-ericMangledBody, have you installed nvidia-current?13:41
MangledBodycarl-eric: Yes, latest version, last I tried before I came here13:41
theTroyMangledBody: I had an issue with xonotic nvidia and LTS version, it seems if I close all windows (close most, and minimise remaining) the game performs much better. Sadly I do not know an actual fix13:42
MangledBodytheTroy: I tried it and looked on RAM and CPU, both about 90%13:43
almoxarifeMangledBody: what is using up the ram and cpu, process?13:44
theTroyMangledBody: what game btw?, but as I said, I dont have a fix, I do have the same issue though13:44
MangledBodytheTroy: Savage 2, Heroes of Newerth, Scorched 3D, Nexuiz is running without any problem13:45
MangledBodyalmoxarife: Just games, Savage 2 and Heroes of Newerth has problems on my PC13:45
ETronikHi all, I'm in need of serious support :-) I'm setting my Mum's PC with Ubuntu, now, what's the best way to enable remote assistance from either another Ubuntu and from Windows ?13:45
theadminMangledBody: Have you tried disabling compiz for the time the game runs (i.e. running it from unity-2d)? This seems to help with 3D applications quite often13:45
theadminETronik: Try TeamViewer, really easy to use, will get you going in no time at all :D13:46
MangledBodyETronik: I would try TeamWiever13:46
almoxarifeMangledBody: what theadmin says is a good idea13:46
carl-ericETronik, I'd love to use some open source things but I've found that TeamViewer (www.teamviewer.com) is just about the easiest13:46
Triggergood morning13:46
MangledBodytheadmin: I had also issues with compiz, so I have disabled it for good13:46
ETronik3 out of 313:46
ETronikchecking it uot13:46
almoxarifeMangledBody: can you pastebin your Xorg.0.log?13:47
petrovhello, i need help. I got a Ubuntu 11.10 with Gnome shell, my Ubuntu Software Center doesnt work. here is a terminal log:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/878901/13:48
MangledBodyalmoxarife: Can you tell me way please?13:48
ETronikdo I install teamviewer from their website or... is there alternative way from software center or such13:48
almoxarifeMangledBody: sure, open a terminal and first install 'pastebinit', do you know how to in terminal?13:48
theadminETronik: The website, it's not in the repos13:48
MangledBodyalmoxarife: Yes13:48
oliphantWhat directory contains the printjobs queue? Is I cannot find anything that is humanly readable in /var/spool.13:49
bazhangpetrov, no caps13:49
theadmin!patience | petrov13:49
ubottupetrov: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:49
locsmifpetrov: please13:49
ETroniktheadmin: thans13:49
rad_daemonpetrov, don't shout13:49
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petrovok, i am sorry :)13:49
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MangledBodyalmoxarife: Done13:49
almoxarifeMangledBody: so once its installed, sudo pastebinit -i /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:49
skypcei have troubles with mouse pointer, sometimes it moves very very slow , can you helpme please?13:50
locsmifpetrov: I'll have a look at mu own lists13:50
skypcei am using ubuntu 11.10 and compaq cq56-126la13:50
MangledBodyalmoxarife: http://paste.ubuntu.com/878905/ This is it?13:50
petrovlocsmif,  ok, i am waiting for your answer13:50
almoxarifeMangledBody: should be,13:51
MangledBodyalmoxarife: Quite long... :)13:51
locsmifpetrov: put the output of this command into a pastebin: ls -l /var/lib/apt/lists/13:52
ETronikre teamviewer, any particular security issue I should be aware of regarding setup ? will I need firewalls and such ?13:52
petrovlocsmif, http://paste.ubuntu.com/878909/ here13:53
theadminETronik: Nah it's fine, maybe configure a permanent password though (so that you don't have to ask for the randomly generated password every time you need to connect)13:53
ETroniktheadmin: ah good! thanks13:54
almoxarifeMangledBody: are you running in this mode Setting mode "800x600_60" ??13:54
MangledBodyalmoxarife: Yes now, I changed it (habbit from Windows) I thought it would ease GPU load13:55
locsmifpetrov: hmm, curious13:55
almoxarifeMangledBody: so once its installed, sudo pastebinit -i /var/log/syslog13:56
yei cannot help asking .... Is the MBR's code structure  like formal ELF32 program ?13:56
MangledBodyalmoxarife: But it didn't have any effect. I also cut the details to lowest13:56
locsmifpetrov: ah, I think I get it13:56
petrovlocsmif, oh, great !13:57
yeIs the MBR's code structure  like *normal* ELF32 program ?13:57
MangledBodyalmoxarife: http://paste.ubuntu.com/878915/ here13:57
locsmifpetrov: there is an error inside security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages regarding a single package where its metadata is missing a field, and software-center is breaking on it13:58
carl-ericDoes anyone here know how to install 32bit libpulse on a 64bit oneiric system?13:58
locsmifpetrov: that's what I would guess13:58
petrovlocsmif, can you help me out to fix it?13:58
locsmifpetrov: this might be a bit dangerous, but I would rename security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages to security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages.old (as root) and then try apt-get update13:58
szalcarl-eric: any reason to do so?13:58
almoxarifeMangledBody: not much to see on syslog13:59
petrovlocsmif,  paste please a righ command13:59
MonkeyDustcarl-eric  you may need ia32-lib something13:59
MangledBodyalmoxarife: Any help?13:59
almoxarifeMangledBody: you got issues with pulseaudio?13:59
MangledBodyalmoxarife: No, I don't experience any issues with sound13:59
locsmifpetrov: sudo mv /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages.old && apt-get update13:59
locsmifpetrov: then try software-center again14:00
mneptoklocsmif: files in ls -l /var/lib/apt/lists/ should never be edited manually.14:01
almoxarifeMangledBody: I don't see anything abi-normal :)14:01
petrovlocsmif, i have a pproblem http://paste.ubuntu.com/878918/oblem14:01
mneptokpetrov: what is the error you get when running updates?14:02
locsmifpetrov: err: sudo apt-get update14:02
MangledBodyalmoxarife: So how is it possible? :D14:02
almoxarifeMangledBody: when a game a playing look at gnome-system-monitor or 'top' for what is eating up cpu14:02
carl-ericszal, the reason is I'm trying to get Skype to work with pulseaudio14:03
carl-ericMonkeyDust, good idea, i'll try that14:03
theTroyanyone can help out with RAID 0 setup issues? (slow resulting speeds)14:03
locsmifpetrov: how's it going?14:03
MangledBodyalmoxarife: 7011 frames in 5.0 seconds, 6652 frames in 5.0 seconds - glxgears14:03
almoxarifeMangledBody: I use nvidia on my htc, I have seen some gnome apps spike cpu to the 100% and I never figured it out, nothing to do with xbmc where I would of thought the cpu would have had the most usage14:03
locsmifHas your PC developed China Syndrome yet?14:03
Sidewinder1mneptok,  This is the error that petrov is getting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/878901/14:04
MangledBodyalmoxarife: Are you sure, I thought the main problem would be with GPU...14:04
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almoxarifeMangledBody: nope, cpu, the gpu was at 12-1814:05
MangledBodyalmoxarife: Oh, so the CPU is making trouble...?14:05
szalcarl-eric: why do you think that that makes a difference?14:05
almoxarifeMangledBody: I don't know, you would have to look while a game is going14:05
carl-ericthe guys over in #pulseaudio suggested I install a 32bit libpulse for skype14:05
MangledBodyalmoxarife: OK14:06
almoxarifecarl-eric: don't14:06
carl-ericalmoxarife, why not? or rather, what else then? :-)14:06
MangledBodyalmoxarife: It's AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core14:06
almoxarifecarl-eric: skype is crap-ware, google-chat?14:06
MangledBodyalmoxarife: 5600+14:06
almoxarifecarl-eric: it may have more to do with skype than anything else14:07
carl-ericalmoxarife, I can't get all my contacts on google chat (plus I'd rather avoid having a google account)14:07
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carl-ericalmoxarife, I know Skype is crap. but its's the only somewhat-reliably encrypted video call software I know14:07
szalalmoxarife: not much of a use questioning people's choice of software14:07
MonkeyDustand google is big brother ;)14:08
almoxarifecarl-eric: I don't see how 32pulse is going to solve it, skype loads all the 32bit stuff it needs anyway14:08
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yeanyone know what is " impure executable"?14:09
locsmifpetrov: ?14:09
locsmifye: non-Arian14:09
petrovlocsmif,  sorry i had dinne14:09
almoxarifecarl-eric: pidgin runs skype, once skype is installed14:09
carl-ericalmoxarife, after installing ia32-libs skype finally shows pulseaudio14:10
yelocsmif: what?14:10
almoxarifecarl-eric: didn't they get loaded during install?14:10
skypcehi guys14:10
carl-ericalmoxarife, apparently not14:11
skypcei have problems with mouse14:11
skypcewhen the notebook are many time power on the mouse response is very slow14:11
almoxarifecarl-eric: so what you didn't have before I assume was 'multi-arch'14:11
petrovlocsmif,  unfortunately it worked14:11
petrovlocsmif,  * fortunately :)14:11
locsmifpetrov: great14:12
locsmifI is vindicated14:12
MangledBodyOK, thanks everyone, bye14:12
petrovlocsmif,  thanks a lot~14:13
petrovlocsmif, bb !14:13
locsmifye: text and data segments non-separated14:13
carl-ericalmoxarife, what is multi-arch?14:14
almoxarifecarl-eric: what you did, added 32bit libs to your 64bit machine14:14
yelocsmif: OK thx a lot14:15
yei got it14:15
carl-ericalmoxarife, oh, right. thanks :-)14:16
almoxarifecarl-eric: initially I was thinking you were wanting to toss your installed pulse and somehow go to 32pulse14:16
roastedWhat all goes into samba speed transfer? Samba is crazy fast with my other laptop, but with my Macbook running Ubuntu, it's craz slow....14:16
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carl-ericalmoxarife, understood. in any case, skype works now.14:19
almoxarifecarl-eric: cool14:19
carl-ericI'm open to suggestions to replace Skype of course - what i need is video chat that should be encrypted, so no simple SIP VoIP14:19
cypr1nushello, is anyone using gedit + gSqlClient (plugin to psql) ? I cannot connect to database in any way...14:20
almoxarifecarl-eric: didn't know that it also scrambled the video14:20
carl-ericalmoxarife, that's what they claim. Of course it's all proprietary so there's no real way to check that.14:20
almoxarifecarl-eric: true, why would they lie?14:21
nonehello my frieds14:21
zandtremoving vim-tiny removes ubuntu-minimal... looks like it might be important. installing vim-full/vim-nox without uninstalling vim-tiny... any conflicts I need to be aware of ?14:21
carl-ericalmoxarife, as soon as I find an open source program that does encrypted video chat (most likely something doing ZRTP) i'll leave skype behind forever14:22
nonewhat do you think about gnome 314:22
MonkeyDust!polls| none14:23
ubottunone: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:23
almoxarifecarl-eric: I am not a open-source zelot, I found that google-video did beat the pants off of skype, that's all, my dear mother insisted on having it installed so I did, I talk to her on google-video, I saw the difference, a big one14:24
carl-ericalmoxarife, I don't trust Google anymore.14:24
bullNew here...anybody got quick tips for dual booting with windows14:25
almoxarifecarl-eric: me either, they are officially 'evil' but the rest were 'evil' first14:25
bullaside from live USB14:25
ryannathanswhat do you people suggest for ZFS on ubuntu?14:25
carl-ericDoes anybody have any experience with Jitsi? That's supposed to do ZRTP for video14:25
carl-ericand while I'm at it getting used to Unity - is there a way to have the blinking notifications in the launcher (when an app needs attention) to be always visible and not disappear after half a second during which i wasn't looking?14:27
MonkeyDustbull  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot14:27
belphyDoes anyone know how to connect ubuntu to the net without using wvdial??14:27
bullThanks...I'm also considering just blowing away an old MAC and install there14:28
nonebut im study about the preferences of user14:28
belphyDoes anyone know how to connect ubuntu to the net without using wvdial??14:28
noneim from colombia14:28
spaceneedleHow do I disable the pop up messages at the bottom of the screen on Gnome Shell? Reminds of Vista.14:29
prasysryannathans, i am using zfs-fuse14:29
prasysryannathans, its not an efficient solution but it gets its job done nevertheless14:29
ryannathansprasys: okay, what's involved with getting it set up and updating it?14:29
theTroyhaving issues with RAID 0 write speeds, slower than even the speed of a single component of the set up. Using software RAID and disk utility with stripe size of 1MB.14:30
ryannathanstheTroy: why such a massive stripe size?14:31
airtonixryannathans: don't use a marvel 88SE6145 SATA II PCI-E controller14:31
auronandace!zfs | ryannathans14:31
ubotturyannathans: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS14:31
airtonixryannathans: you will have nothing but rage14:31
theTroyryannathans: SD cards are in RAID setup14:31
theTroysetting lower stripe size should only slow it down more14:31
ryannathansairtonix: err, i'm plugging directly into the motherboard :D14:31
airtonixryannathans: doesn't matter14:31
airtonixryannathans: just make sure it isn't that controller14:31
ryannathansairtonix: it's a 88SE917214:33
airtonixi had this problem on older versions of ubuntu, where the kernel keeps loading pata_marvel as the driver instead of the ahci one i need in order to get all my 4 2TB sata drives usable in zfs native mode14:33
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ryannathansairtonix: owait, http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3892#sp that's it, i'm not sure14:33
airtonixryannathans: installing zfs-native is supposed to be easier on 12.04, but it's also not that hard to compile the dkms drivers for 10.10 (we have it running in native mode on a 10.10 server at work)14:34
airtonixbut zfs-fuse seems to be extremely easy to install14:35
ryannathansairtonix: awesome, when you upgrade kernel, does it break?14:35
airtonixryannathans: you mean the zfs pool?14:36
velenoanyone knows how to install openssl (and libs) on a ubuntu 10.10 LTS ?14:36
ryannathansairtonix: the ZFS ubuntu kernel, on upgrade does anything for ZFS need reinstalling?14:36
mneptokryannathans: FUSE is integrated into the kernel. ZFS support is not. that's why you get ABI problems using native ZFS when updating a Linux kernel.14:36
airtonixhence you'll have to recompile unless you use dkms14:37
ryannathansso when doing a regular apt-get dist-upgrade will there be any issues?14:37
mneptokryannathans: more precisely, the plumbing for FUSE is in the kernel by default.14:37
airtonixwhich does the compiling for you14:37
st1is there anything else documenting system activity other than syslog?14:38
ryannathansI'm off for tonight14:39
Shubhamanybody there?14:39
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sacarlsonairtonix: my guess you can still install with sudo apt-get install openssl14:39
airtonixso is mine, must be the weather14:40
st1if system crashes without any sign in syslog, where can I look for the problem14:41
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sacarlsonst1: hardware crashes may not always leave behind as many clues as software bugs14:43
auronandacest1: overheating? power cut?14:43
st1I switched back to windows for a long time, and that didn't happen once14:44
auronandacest1: what were you doing when it crashed?14:45
sacarlsonst1: over what time frame does your crash happen?  1 time per day, 1 time per hour, 1 time per month........?14:45
st1could be anything browsing web, watching tvrip or waiting for download14:45
st11 or twice per month average14:45
st1and I spend almost whole January in windows 714:46
auronandacest1: was flash in use during the crashes?14:46
st1not everytime, I've set opera to not active plugin until I click it14:46
sacarlsonst1: wow that far apart last problem I had like that was dram mem sim,  took me 6 months or more to isolate14:46
st1I've stressed ram under windows using memtest, no error found14:47
Culiforgerunning a minimal headless system on 11.10  for xbmc and xorg is pulling 85% of cpu.. I've reinstalled xorg, my ati drivers, turned off compositing (I think) through xorg.conf.... I'm kinda stumped.. anyone?14:47
wilhartwhat's wrong when nvidia flickers in my lcd tv second display?14:47
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sacarlsonst1: I tried mem test,  it was to far apart to detect,  but just random remove one and then the other the problem disapered14:48
st1well, I guess I'm stuck, I only have one piece 4G ram...14:48
sacarlsonst1: swap with a friend that has 2gig sim?14:49
st1it's just a weird problem, in natty it was crash due to compiz, but in oneiric it's just black screen14:49
st1haven't tried that, it's too long time to wait for it to happen14:50
sacarlsonst1: oh so how do you know it's crashed if the screen just goes black?  can you ssh in?14:50
auronandacest1: try running without compiz (i find compiz rather buggy so i use xfce)14:50
st1sacarlson network activity disappears, and keyboard mouse light disappears14:51
optrazhow to run exe in ubuntu if possible?14:51
auronandace!wine | optraz14:52
ubottuoptraz: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:52
sacarlsonst1: that's a good sign in fact when mine crashes at times the keyboard light blinks14:52
auronandaceoptraz: better to find native alternatives if possible14:52
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:52
st1auronandace: yeah, I think I'll try that, never used 2d though, a lot of compiz feature I can live without14:52
auronandacest1: also are you using nvidia? if so are you using the nouveau driver?14:53
st1sacarlson: if having no clue can be a good sign ;)14:53
st1auronandace:  no, integrated ati, default driver14:53
calicoGuys, I need help, my wireless connection is complete $#!^. It is OK some of the time, and some of the time is just slow as hell, and at some point dies. It goes thru that 20min cycle and then again it goes back to normal. I can't watch youtube videos or browse the web normally. On a windows machine the connection is perfect.14:54
DanielAndardecant i via terminal open a VNC server for the screen which is already opened? I mean the X?14:54
auronandacest1: oh ok, i don't use ati14:54
auronandaceoptraz: what exe file are you trying to run?14:55
sacarlsonst1: well I mean it sounds like it really crashed as the keyboard lights seem to become unresponsive in a real crash and sometimes blink14:55
st1auronandace: I just remembered I crashed once under gnome shell too, does that use 3D rendering?14:55
auronandacest1: yes14:55
optrazauronandace: it is a applicatino from vworker.com14:55
auronandaceoptraz: what does it do? can you find a native alternative?14:56
carl-ericcalico, what hardware is it?14:56
st1well thanks you two, I think I'll try unity-2d, maybe precise beta14:56
auronandacest1: expect bugs in beta14:57
st1but kernel should be newer right? auronandace14:57
wabsHey guys, do you help with Kubuntu in here or is that another channel?14:58
optrazauronandace: it is a application to track the time, idont think there is any alternative as it is made and from vworker.com14:58
Shubhamwhen ubuntu 12.04 going to be released?14:58
auronandacest1: yes, and 12.04 is supported in #ubuntu+1 untill its released14:58
sacarlsoncalico: maybe dns?  can you ping google.com at time of failure does it at least return an ip number?14:58
st1Shubham:  end of april14:58
oCeanShubham: when it's finished (planned in april (year 12, month 04 = 12.04))14:58
auronandaceShubham: clue is in the name, 2012 4th month14:58
tsimpsonShubham: (20)12/04(April)14:58
calicocarl-eric, atheros14:59
Shubhamcant i use it before release date? just excited to use it.. :)14:59
carl-ericcalico, then i don't know - i know from my own experience that some centrino and other intel chipsets don't like -N14:59
sacarlsoncalico: I think atheros is quite well supported and is that wired or wifi?14:59
arunkumar413hi, i want to install windows xp alongside ubuntu 11.04. Also i have other linux partitions. please help to install windows without affecting my ubuntu OS15:00
auronandaceShubham: yes you can but help and support in #ubuntu+115:00
calicosacarlson, well ye I guess I'd be able to ping a site, there is connection but very slow and 90% doesn't load anything, 10% it downloads15:00
calicosacarlson, wireless15:00
Shubham#auronandace ok can u give me link to download it?15:01
auronandace!12.04 | Shubham15:01
ubottuShubham: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+115:01
sacarlsoncalico: oh ok wireless and is it encrypted or not?  still could be slow dns I guess15:01
auronandaceShubham: the link should be in #ubuntu+115:02
calicosacarlson, what is it encyprted? the wireless has got no password if that's what youre asking15:02
bullkrami have lxde and i added a right click "open with" custom command line entrty.. how do i delete it?15:03
sacarlsoncalico: at time of failure you can also try ping your router to see if you have stable lan connection15:03
Shubham#auronandace ok thanks15:03
auronandaceShubham: no worries :)15:03
sacarlsoncalico: no password mean not encrypted15:03
auronandacearunkumar413: where are you stuck?15:03
arunkumar413auronandace: intial stage15:04
auronandacearunkumar413: made a partition for it yet?15:04
calicosacarlson, I had this problem even when I was trying different distros in vbox?15:04
arunkumar413auronandace: please help me to install windows along side ubuntu 11.04.15:04
sacarlsoncalico: you might look up your atheros device on your ubuntu version you now run and see if any others are having problems with it15:04
prashant_123456how to access ssh server behind adsl router ??15:04
bullkraminstall windows first15:04
arunkumar413auronandace: no, I'm a bit noob. tell me some commands so that i'll tell u the partition table. with that info u may suggest me a good partition to install15:05
sacarlsonprashant_123456: you can posibly login to your adsl router and setup virtual host port for ssh port you us to come into your static ip ubuntu15:05
oCeanprashant_123456: you have to setup port forwarding from the router to the machine behind it (PC?) Then you can have remote access15:06
auronandacearunkumar413: open gparted and show us a screenshot15:06
prashant_123456oCean, i did it15:06
auronandace!screenshot | arunkumar41315:06
ubottuarunkumar413: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.15:06
prashant_123456oCean, but cannot connect15:06
prashant_123456oCean, i forwarded port 22 on router but still no help15:07
Whiskeyanyoneon good on bash trap?15:07
sacarlsonprashant_123456: maybe your isp doesn't pass port 22?15:07
auronandaceWhiskey: the guys in #bash?15:07
Whiskeyneee :D15:07
sacarlsonprashant_123456: oh and you are running ssh-server on that system?15:08
prashant_123456sacarlson, by setting up dial up connection i can do it but with username and password saved on router cant do it15:08
prashant_123456sacarlson, yep15:08
prashant_123456sacarlson, do i need reverse ssh tunelling15:09
arunkumar413auronandace: i don't have the ubuntu live cd and my internet connection is a dial up. Still can we install windows along side ubuntu15:09
sacarlsonprashant_123456: so if dialup works and present isp doesn't I guess your ISP filters port 2215:09
sacarlsonprashant_123456: ya reverse ssh tunnelling or what I've also used is vpn15:10
bullkramin lxde is there a way to edit the right click menu? i accidentally added a custom command line entry and cannot figure out how to delete it.15:10
prashant_123456sacarlson, dial up means when i dial from pc and get a internet address15:10
prashant_123456sacarlson, dont understand15:11
sacarlsonprashant_123456: I'm still not sure your running ssh-server then,  can you do a sudo netstat -pant  and verify you listen on port 22?15:11
auronandacearunkumar413: if you need to move/resize your ubuntu partitions you will need a livecd (i tend to use partedmagic)15:11
prashant_123456sacarlson, o15:11
prashant_123456sacarlson, ok15:12
arunkumar413auronandace: i don't want to resize/move any partition. i want to create a new partition and install windows xp15:12
sacarlsonarunkumar413: so you have an unused partition to put it on then?  or add a disk15:13
auronandacearunkumar413: until i know your setup i can't tell if you need to resize/move partitions to make room for a windows partition15:13
ayakahttp://paste.debian.net/159316/ ,how it come15:14
prashant_123456sacarlson, port 22 ok15:14
sacarlsonprashant_123456: ok and port is forwarded and no firewall setup on ubuntu to stop it?15:15
mi3umm anyone seen AchlysEpithet?15:15
prashant_123456sacarlson, actually when i port forward popup a message15:16
prashant_123456sacarlson, since port 22 is used the dsl router ssh server port will be moved to 222215:16
sacarlsonprashant_123456: port 22 ok ?  I assume means you see a line like tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      3907/apache215:16
prashant_123456sacarlson, yep15:16
prashant_123456sacarlson, since port 22 is used the dsl router ssh server port will be moved to 222215:17
arunkumar413auronandace: this is my partition table: http://imagebin.org/20288415:17
auronandacearunkumar413: you already have 4 primary partitions, you'll need to get rid of one of them to install windows15:18
sacarlsonprashant_123456: ok as long as port 2222 is forwarded then and also you are listening on port 222215:18
prashant_123456sacarlson, that means15:18
sacarlsonprashant_123456: so you do know how to setup the client side to talk on port 2222?15:18
prashant_123456sacarlson, please explain15:18
calicosacarlson, it turns out that the ubuntu doesn't like my wifi card, the only guy who said he resolved the issue said he installed this package and it worked: linux-backports-modules-wireless-maverick-generic      Do you know which package should I install, as there are like 8 of them all the same        http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/screenshot0311201205153.png/15:19
arunkumar413auronandace: which one is the primary partition. the 70GB one is the common to all my linux based distros. i don't want to touch it15:19
sacarlsonprashant_123456: from what you said above is that you have moved ssh to port 2222 no?15:19
prashant_123456sacarlson, actually when i do port forward on router since port 22 is used the dsl router ssh server port will be moved to 222215:19
arunkumar413auronandace: Also i'm not sure which partition is ubuntu 11.0415:20
auronandacearunkumar413: sda1 sda2 sda3 and sda4 are the primary partitions, sda4 is an extended partition inside which you have several logical partitions15:20
auronandacearunkumar413: sda7 is your 11.04 install15:21
sacarlsoncalico: no I'm not sure what works and what doesn't , sounds like you might of found someone with a solution, backport ppa isn't hard to try if available15:21
arunkumar413auronandace: sure?15:21
calicosacarlson, whats backport ppa15:22
auronandacearunkumar413: if this gparted picture is run from 11.04 then yes15:22
ayakahttp://paste.debian.net/159316/ ,how it come15:22
sacarlsonprashant_123456: oh ok so maybe with that conflict you should try manualy pick one that isn't auto moved15:22
arunkumar413auronandace: ok, i'm going to clear the sda1 and install windows xp. After installing how to make the boot loader detect the windows xp15:22
prashant_123456sacarlson, what to do?15:23
auronandace!grub2 | arunkumar41315:23
ubottuarunkumar413: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:23
sacarlsonprashant_123456: well before moving you could try wireshark monitor and see if your outside trafic even attempts to come in, if not try move to another port like 333315:23
arunkumar413auronandace: i'm not sure which boot loader i'm using since installed various distros15:24
prashant_123456sacarlson, i need to install wireshark ?15:24
auronandacearunkumar413: sda1 is only 13gb, i don't think thats big enough for win xp15:24
sacarlsonprashant_123456: ya that's just a package15:24
prashant_123456sacarlson, ok15:24
airtonixi'm kinda mad. can't disable pata_marvel15:25
arunkumar413auronandace: i'll clear other primary partitions and create a big single partition to accommodate xp15:25
prashant_123456sacarlson, i can see my port 22 forwarded to my server address on router15:26
arunkumar413auronandace: help to detect my bootloader. In which partition is the boot loader located15:26
belph3g00ru cant15:27
belph3g00reasy,destroy ur cpu15:27
sacarlsonprashant_123456: oh ok and maybe can see the light blink on the ethernet port of your ubuntu box also when attempting to come it15:27
theTroyHi, can someone help with RAID0? having issues with write speed, and if I do check array, it reuturns error that md0 is not idle15:27
auronandacearunkumar413: i'm guessing its in sda7 (your ubuntu 11.04 partition)15:27
prashant_123456sacarlson, wait while i do it again15:27
auronandacearunkumar413: unless its sda5 but that doesn't seem to mounted as /boot15:28
arunkumar413auronandace: how to be sure that the boot loader is in sda7 and it is of ubuntu 11.0415:28
sacarlsonprashant_123456: if the light blinks at attempted ssh in from outside then the port forward on the router must be ok15:28
auronandacetype mount15:28
prashant_123456sacarlson, on client : the remote host is actively refusing a connection15:29
arunkumar413auronandace: sda1 flag is boot. does it mean that bootloader is in sda115:29
Pickleface_I can only login the guest account my normalaccount does not load properly?15:29
auronandacearunkumar413: not necessarily15:30
sacarlsonprashant_123456: ok at the attempt time was any light on your ubuntu box blinking,  assuming no other trafic to that box at the time15:30
Pickleface_can anyone help me......15:30
auronandacearunkumar413: what is the output of: mount15:31
prashant_123456sacarlson, router blinks15:31
sacarlsonprashant_123456: router blinks all the way to your ubuntu?15:31
calico"Unfortunately, acer laptops are not well-supported by the linux kernel." And why the F is that? When they're so popular? What does that mean, should I ditch the ubuntu now15:32
sacarlsonprashant_123456: or do we have to run wireshark to verify?15:32
prashant_123456sacarlson, no need to verify15:32
arunkumar413auronandace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/879043/15:32
dr_williscalico:  it depends more on the chipset used than the compsny brand15:32
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auronandacearunkumar413: ok, if you open a file manager and navigate to /boot, how much space does it say i free?15:34
sacarlsoncalico: and also seems even if they worked in older versions of ubuntu they don't always continue to work in newer versions15:34
calicogod damn, I spent the last 10 days installing, reading, trying unbelievable shit and what not to get this to work, but I think this is over the top now15:35
arunkumar413auronandace: 3.1GB15:35
calicothe best part is that I can't start my windows now15:35
ledzep_has can sombody sent me the invite for linux channel15:35
auronandacearunkumar413: excellent, then yes your boot loader is in sda715:35
sacarlsoncalico: wow 10 days I hope on more than one verison of ubuntu or even other linux destro15:36
MonkeyDustcalico  i have an acer, what's the prob?15:36
arunkumar413auronandace: ok, now can i clear the sda1 though the flag is bootable15:36
ledzep_please sombody invite me for linux channel15:36
auronandacearunkumar413: you can but 13gb is rather small if you are going to put an ntfs partition there for xp15:37
calicoMonkeyDust, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/13902215:37
arunkumar413auronandace: ok, now how to make bootloader detect my windows xp after installation15:37
arunkumar413auronandace: as i don't have the live cd15:38
auronandacearunkumar413: the /boot flag doesn't really mean much in linux, usually a windows partition is given the /boot flag15:38
sacarlsonarunkumar413: grup-update should auto detect any bootable partitions and add them to the boot list15:38
MonkeyDustcalico  wifi is not always stable, that's right, it's the reason why i don't use it15:38
sacarlsonarunkumar413: opps grub-update15:39
arunkumar413sacarlson: after installing windows xp I'll not be able to boot to ubuntu15:39
auronandacesacarlson: after he has installed windows how is he going to boot ubuntu to run grub-update?15:39
calicoMonkeyDust, I guy said "I was experiencing exactly this bug.15:40
calicoI simply installed the package "linux-backports-modules-wireless-maverick-generic" and the problem was gone." do you think this could solve it15:40
eemetUse grub4dos to boot15:40
sacarlsonarunkumar413: oh well normaly you install windows first then ubuntu as windows will comonly erase any other partitions15:40
MonkeyDustcalico  no idea, doenst ring a bell15:40
elijahWhen using the "top" command, how can I scroll down/up?15:41
sacarlsonauronandace: arunkumar413: you will need a bootable usb pen drive or cd disk or pxe boot or ??15:41
calicoMonkeyDust, do you have an idea which one of these should I try http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/screenshot0311201205153.png/15:41
auronandacesacarlson: yes i agree but he said he doesn't have a livecd and its not really practical to get one15:42
arunkumar413sacarlson: no usb pendrive, cd disk, or anything15:42
sacarlsonauronandace: and usb flash drive or pxe are those posible?15:42
MonkeyDustcalico  maybe someone else knows, i don't use wifi15:42
xsaidxHello guys15:42
sacarlsonarunkumar413: no other computer system to setup a pxe boot server from?15:43
auronandacesacarlson: i wouldn't know about pxe, but he just said no to cd or usb15:43
arunkumar413auronandace: can we do this way. Install windows inside ubuntu.15:43
bastidrazorcalico: install the 4th one down.15:43
auronandacearunkumar413: sure, vbox is great for that15:43
iLogicalI am trying to emigrate from debian to ubuntu. I am using Unetbootin, how do I know that my usb stick is slash dev slash something or something?15:43
MonkeyDustiLogical  plug it in and type mount15:44
sacarlsonauronandace: at that point I would go to the store and get a new $3 usb flash disk then, or maybe a spare hard disk?15:44
auronandacearunkumar413: but if you look at your partitions you've only got 3gb free15:44
arunkumar413auronandace: not virtualization. just we do the opposite of install ubuntu inside windows. Install windows inside ubuntu15:44
MonkeyDustiLogical  or plug it in and type sudo fdisk -l15:44
auronandacearunkumar413: no thats not possible15:44
antonelloi use ubuntu in virtual box15:45
antonellowithout problems15:45
arunkumar413auronandace: my RAM is just 1GB cant go for virtualization15:45
auronandacesacarlson: i don't know his circumstances sorry, usbs are cheap here in the uk too15:45
antonelloi use it with 2gb of ram in virtualization15:46
iLogical/dev/sdb on /media/PENDRIVE type vfat  ?15:46
antonelloand other 3 for windows15:46
cotterallI've installed a lot of libs lately to compile different programs, can installing lots of libs (via apt-get) slow down my system?15:46
auronandacearunkumar413: well, like sacarlson says, i'd recommend getting a cd or usb then15:47
arunkumar413auronandace: thanks for the help. I'm leaving. bye15:47
sacarlsoncotterall: I can't imagin how extra libs can slow anything down15:47
cotteralliLogical: /dev/sdb sounds right to me, I think unetbootin should only show usb devices in the dropdown list by default as well15:47
arunkumar413auronandace: ok, i'll come back here later15:47
auronandacearunkumar413: no worries, have fun :)15:47
cotterallsacarlson: thank you, I'm from Windows where installing lots of stuff sometimes seems to bloat the system and slow it down with time15:48
atchalakdo smb see me ??15:48
ledzep_can somebody help me to lean BASh script15:48
iLogicalcotterall, MonkeyDust  thanks15:48
sacarlsonauronandace: even if pxe boot off lan is posible it can get more complicated on the first run15:48
=== arathicool is now known as shreya_menon
sacarlsoncotterall: well installing stuf is not libs,  if you run more apps and services at the same time that can start slowing things down15:49
calicobastidrazor, k i installed, rebooting, i pray to god this works15:49
curiousxsalut a tout le monde15:49
oCean!fr | curiousx15:49
ubottucuriousx: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:49
=== shreya_menon is now known as kawaii_imouto
curiousxlol xD soy Argentino =P15:50
oCeanatchalak: we can read you, welcome to ubuntu support15:50
sacarlsoncotterall: you can monitor what is taking your cpu cycles and mem space with something like top15:50
curiousxi'm, Argentinan15:50
curiousx*i'm from...15:50
oCeancuriousx: welcome. There is spanish support in #ubuntu-es15:50
curiousxi'm connected in ubuntu-es as well15:51
carl-ericIs there a way to keep flashing icons in the Unity launcher flashing, instead of them stopping after a few seconds?15:52
cotterallsacarlson: thanks again, so far it's all stuff like libffi-dev, libatasmar-dev so it sounds like I'm not bloating my system out with these.15:52
elijahWhen using the "top" command, how can I scroll down/up?15:53
sacarlsoncotterall: no just using more disk space the -dev just adds some header files15:53
MonkeyDustelijah  use htop, not top15:53
ouyeswhen I am trying to use this command sudo modprobe rt5370sta I get an error FATAL: Error inserting rt5370sta (/lib/modules/2.6.15:53
ouyesnet/wireless/rt5370sta.ko): Device or resource busy15:53
ouyes does anyone know what is that?15:53
curiousxyep htop is color full15:53
sacarlsonouyes: maybe try sudo rmmod rt5370sta ; first15:54
ouyessacarlson, thanks but ERROR: Module rt5370sta does not exist in /proc/modules15:55
sacarlsonouyes: or maybe the other driver that uses it is still running15:55
ouyessacarlson, ? then do you know how to stop it?15:55
sacarlsonouyes: there is the non sta version that might also still be running15:55
sacarlsonouyes: modprobe -l | grep rt53 ; see what we might see15:56
atchalakdo somebody knows how to install warcraft 3 on ubuntu with wine please ??15:56
infernalHello. Can anyone tell me how can i optirun boinc?15:56
auronandace!appdb | atchalak15:56
ubottuatchalak: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:56
ouyessacarlson, kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rt5370sta.ko output15:57
atchalakok thanks15:57
sacarlsonouyes: I guess it's running then why can't sudo rmmod rt5370sta ; stop it then?15:58
auronandacesacarlson: isn't rmmod used to remove a module from the kernel? and modprobe to load/unload it?16:00
sacarlsonauronandace: that sound about write, but some devices need more time to settle16:01
tenbillyes rmmod it's to remove a module from kernel16:01
sacarlsonouyes: auronandace: since modprobe told him it was still busy I was looking to free the device16:03
ouyessacarlson, thanks I get to reboot16:04
sacarlsonouyes: why?16:04
ouyessacarlson, some other things, not about this problem16:04
auronandacesacarlson: i think the manpages say to use modprobe -r to unload it16:05
sacarlsonouyes: oh ok,  and mybe it's a blacklist thing as I've had with other rt devices16:05
ouyessacarlson, should I blacklist something or?16:05
kaNNib^Lhi i can not burn cds on my ubuntu it says it can not change from mp3 to wav it was all gud and suddenly it stops working i burt couple of cds before now i cant can u help me out please how can i solve this issue16:06
sacarlsonauronandace: yes I also see that recomended in the man rmmod page,  but it's worked for me in the past, don't recall myself ever using the modprobe -r16:07
auronandacesacarlson: can't say i have much experience with modprobe myself (yay, i'm learning)16:08
sacarlsonauronandace: ya modprobe -r looks better since it also pulls other modules that depend on the one you remove16:08
curiousxkaNNib^L: make a directory and put all the archives you want to burn16:08
auronandacesacarlson: ah, cool16:08
Hopsyyhey, how do I mount my HDD?16:09
FyodorovnaHopsyy, can be done in a terminal but it may show in the left panel of home or look in the disk utility16:10
HopsyyFyodorovna: how do I do that in terminal?16:10
sacarlsonHopsyy:  mkdir /mnt ; mount /dev/sdx /mnt ;  or if it's in fstab you can mount with nautilus16:10
Hopsyymy HDD has some bad sectors Fyodorovna16:10
FyodorovnaHopsyy, 66616:11
sacarlsonHopsyy: if it has bad sectors you don't want to mount it you want to run fsk on it16:11
FyodorovnaHopsyy, doh I meant ^^^16:11
Hopsyy /mnt/ is empty16:11
=== Lircci2 is now known as Lirccc
kaNNib^Lcuriousx: bro the thing is it says it can not change the mp3 to wav it want wave file it cant convert k3b16:12
curiousxok, make a directory and put all the stuff you want to burn16:12
HopsyyI cant find anything in /mnt/, disk utility shows 2 HDD16:13
kaNNib^Li will checl16:13
Hopsyysacarlson: what should I do now :(16:13
auronandaceHopsyy: most stuff is automatically mounted under /media16:13
curiousxlet sey, do: mkdir $HOME/burn16:13
sacarlsonHopsyy: you said it had a bad sector, so what is the partition of interest?  /dev/sd??16:14
kaNNib^Land another thing is in skype my cam is upside down how to fix it?16:14
elijahMonkeyDust: thanks for the suggestion16:14
mirco /EXEC rm -vf /home/mirco/.xchat2/buduscript/tmp/budus_XDCC_2312.query16:14
Hopsyydisk utility says /dev/sdb sacarlson16:15
Hopsyyand /media is also empty16:15
Hopsyywhat is /dev/sdb for a thing?16:15
Hopsyyis it a file?16:15
sacarlsonHopsyy: sdb is a disk what partition on that disk is of interest?  could be like /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdb2 or X16:15
curiousxso, do you made the directory?16:16
curiousxabout skype, i dont have idea, never insalled it16:17
sacarlsonHopsyy: disks are nomally setup in partitons,  so maybe you can see with sudo fdisk -l ;16:17
Hopsyysacarlson: sorry I dont get the question, I dont know what is interest of that disk16:17
HopsyyI will try16:17
Hopsyynothing appears in terminal16:17
ayakahttp://paste.debian.net/159316/ ,how it come16:18
Hopsyyow wait16:18
auronandaceHopsyy: did you use sudo?16:18
Hopsyyyes it was slow responding16:18
sacarlsonHopsyy: what did you type in the term?    sudo fdisk -l  where -l = lower case L16:18
Hopsyyits working, wait I will do pastebin16:19
SlothScriptsI am having trouble; my system is dual-booted (Windows 7 / Ubuntu 11.10), however, I cannot boot into Windows.16:19
iLogicalI was having this problem on debian and now I am experiencing it on the ubuntu live when trying to install. Sometimes on debian screen would turn black and nothing would work out to exit, the numlock light would still turned off. Now when I fill my wireless password for a wifi network in ubuntu live from a usb stick screen goes dark and the computer goes unresponsive. what do I do to install ubuntu?16:19
sacarlsonSlothScripts: was a window 7 added to the grub menu at boot?  do you know how to get into grub2 menu at boot?16:20
auronandaceayaka: you'll need to be a little more verbose so people know what you need help doing16:20
Hopsyysacarlson: http://pastebin.com/ZQ56Vu5H16:21
sourcererHello! I need help with Ubuntu 11.10 and Windows 7 dual-boot16:21
SlothScriptsI do not, how do you access the menu at boot?16:21
sourcererCan anybody help me? If so, I can describe my problem.16:21
Siaromhen-files e hud are redundant operations? hud can find files also! or not?16:21
hans_hello, my graphics apps are running fine under debian, but extremely slow under ubuntu, even with proprietary drivers installed they are much slower than under debian (no special drivers). can you give me a hint for the reason or where to look ?16:22
HopsyyI have one SSD (samsung 64 gb) and one HDD (160 gb). The HDD is my laptop hdd that doesnt works anymore for some reason..16:22
Hopsyythe ssd is working16:22
elijahI am on Ubuntu 11.10 w/Unity, which I really like. My question is when I do an alt+`, it looks like I do an alt+tab but shows the current application in a more expanded view but if I continue to press alt+` it does not advance like alt+tab does. Does anyone know what alt+` does out of the box or what it is called so I can research it more?16:23
Hopsyy@ sacarlson16:23
curiousxhans_: nvidia or ati?16:23
auronandaceelijah: likely a feature in compiz16:23
sacarlsonHopsyy: I don't see any unix partitions on it but I guess you could try mount one like sudo mount /dev/sda116:23
curiousxdriver version 12.1 ? 12.2 ? or older16:24
sacarlsonHopsyy: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt16:24
sourcererSo. First problem was I installed Ubuntu 11.10 to ThinkPad laptop, it installs, but then can't boot. Only windows 7 booted, not GRUB. I found out that it's because of EFI. So, I created EFI-partition on my drive, after it GRUB2 boots and Ubuntu too. But Windows 7 (which is 32-bit) can't boot, writing "Invalid path to EFI" or something like it16:24
auronandaceelijah: perusing through the settings in ccsm might help you find what it is16:24
Hopsyyit says: mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab16:24
sacarlsonHopsyy: oh maybe it's a wubi install?16:24
hans_i don't know, newest distros, all updates, out of the box16:25
elijahauronandace: k, thanks, if anyone knows just mention my name, thanks!16:25
sacarlsonHopsyy: you need sudo16:25
Hopsyymy ubuntu? no I am running through my usb :p16:25
hans_distris of course16:25
sacarlsonHopsyy: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt16:25
auronandacesourcerer: efi on a thinkpad?16:26
Hopsyysacarlson: okay, that one worked. And now?16:26
sourcererauronandace: yup16:27
HopsyyIts not listed in the devices16:27
auronandacesourcerer: wow, what thinkpad model?16:27
sacarlsonHopsyy: now you can explore the /mnt dir and see what's in it16:27
Hopsyyah okay16:27
curiousxok, the default driver in ubuntu's repos has some troubles with gnome-shell and other issues, you should download and install http://download.softpedia.ro/dl/7664412cedfcb731247767868b7ed91f/4f58be74/500006719/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-2-x86.x86_64.run16:27
sourcererauronandace: e32016:27
curiousxi lost the direct link from ati =P16:27
iLogical I was having this problem on debian and now I am experiencing it on the ubuntu live when trying to install. Sometimes on debian screen would turn black and nothing would work out to exit, the numlock light would still turned off. Now when I fill my wireless password for a wifi network in ubuntu live from a usb stick screen goes dark and the computer goes unresponsive. what do I do to install ubuntu?16:28
biopyteflash is constantly crashing my firefox sessions on  11.10 ... is there any solution for this very annoying problem?16:28
hans_curiousx: thank you very much.16:29
auronandacesourcerer: oh, edge series16:29
Fyodorovnabiopyte, try the FF addon flash aid16:29
curiousxyour wellcome16:29
sourcererauronandace: so, can I boot Windows 7 32-bit using grub-efi?16:29
Hopsyysacarlson: this are the 4 files/dirs inside mnt:   Boot  bootmgr  BOOTSECT.BAK  System Volume Information16:29
auronandacesourcerer: i've never used efi sorry16:30
biopyteFyodorvna, i once tried with 11.04 ... but it didnt help. sure, i can try with 11.10 ... maybe this time it helps.16:30
sacarlsonHopsyy: I'm not sure, what is your goal?16:30
auronandacesourcerer: any reason it needs to be efi?16:30
iLogicalsystem freezes on a live session16:30
Hopsyyto backup my lost data sacarlson  :'(16:30
=== dylan is now known as SlothScripts
iLogicalI have had several linux distros installed in this desktop16:31
Hopsyythe hdd gave up suddenly16:31
iLogicalall worked fine16:31
Fyodorovnasourcerer, you have a apple set up or  gpt partitioning.16:31
sourcererauronandace: GRUB2 won't boot without EFI.16:31
sacarlsonHopsyy: well if the data you want isn't on that partition then you will have to umount that and look in the others16:31
iLogicalshould I fill a bug report?16:31
SlothScriptsAt boot, if holding down shift to bring up GRUB, a message comes up that says "GRUB Loading" and then it continues with normal booting.16:32
sourcererFyodorovna: How is it? I have Windows 7 pre-installed and wouldn't to lose it!16:32
Hopsyyaha I will try that sacarlson16:32
auronandacesourcerer: that doesn't really make sense, i'm using grub2 fine and i have msdos partition (no efi here)16:32
dagerikI have a windows partition on a really old pc, and I would like to boot into uubntu and copy the entire partition over the lan so I can browse the files in my laptop*(ubuntu).How sould this be done? Can I simply copy the partition as if it were a folder?16:32
Fyodorovnasourcerer, you didn't answer my questions16:32
auronandaceFyodorovna: ah, i didn't think of gpt16:33
Hopsyyhmm how do I unmount?16:33
auronandaceHopsyy: umount /whatever16:33
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auronandaceHopsyy: sorry, don't forget sudo16:33
kuprendewhat is the evil in running cron jobs every too often,5 minutes apart for a whole day16:34
Hopsyyauronandace: unmount should be installed first, nevermind16:34
auronandaceHopsyy: what?16:35
sourcererFyodorovna: I have usual partiton table, as I can see. /dev/sda - is one existing drive (but GRUB somehow writes that there are hd0 and hd1), sda1 - efi partition, sda2 - windows 7, sda5 - linux ext4, sda6 - swap, sda7 - Lenovo Recovery16:35
sacarlsondagerik: do you hope to restore the partition at some point or you just want the user file in it?   cp -a /source/path  /destination/path  might work but I havn't tested that from a ntfs windows partition16:35
auronandaceHopsyy: mount and umount are basic commands, you don't need to install anything for them16:35
Hopsyyauronandace: sudo: /unmount: command not found16:35
Hopsyyow wait16:35
Hopsyymy backslash16:35
dageriksacarlson: I just want to browse the files on linux instead of windows.16:35
auronandaceHopsyy: umount, not unmount16:35
Hopsyyah yes its working16:36
Fyodorovna!bootinfo | sourcerer run this script and pastebin the results.txt16:36
ubottusourcerer run this script and pastebin the results.txt: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).16:36
MonkeyDustdagerik  mount the windows partition (ntfs) and read the files in ubuntu16:36
sacarlsondagerik: then there's a good chance that should work oh over lan so maybe with sshfs16:37
niklasfihi, how do i cut h264 in an avi container with a console application?16:37
Hopsyysacarlson: I have mounted sda, sda1 and sda2 it wasn't located there. Sdb gave some error: mount: /dev/sdb: can't read superblock16:38
cancerhow to install Nvidia drivers on kubuntu (first time install).16:39
auronandaceHopsyy: you mount partitions not disks16:39
curiousxniklasfi: for example: mencoder -ovc copy -oac copy -ss 0 -endpos 4mb -o parte_1.wmv video_original.wmv    #In mb16:39
curiousxor: mencoder -ovc copy -oac copy -ss 1:10 -endpos 8:00 -o parte_1.avi video_original.avi    #In minutes/seconds16:39
Hopsyyah hmm16:39
sacarlsonhopssy I don't see any sdb disk on the fdisk list16:39
cancerauronandace: hey, how r u?16:39
auronandaceHopsyy: sda = 1st disk, sda1 = 1st partition on 1st disk16:40
sacarlsonhopssy I do see a /dev/sdc1 you might try16:40
niklasficuriousx: thanks. that seems to do the trick16:40
auronandacecancer: hi, not bad, tried the additional drivers gui?16:41
curiousxyour welcome16:41
Hopsyyauronandace and sacarlson when I check disk utility, my hdd has a unkown volume of 160 gb with device /dev/sdb16:41
auronandaceHopsyy: yes, sdb is the whole disk16:41
cancerauronandace: good to hear, i have installed kubuntu. i haven't tried additional drivers.16:42
cancerauronandace: i don't want to messed up, so i'm here.16:42
auronandacecancer: thats the official way to do it16:42
till_is there a channel dedicated to upstart?16:42
Hopsyysacarlson: uhm, I cant do that, it says ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ sudo umount /mnt/ umount: /mnt: device is busy.    (In some cases useful info about processes that use          the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))16:42
tsimpsonHopsyy: cd out of /mnt first16:43
Hopsyyaha :p16:43
just187hi .. when im opening more then 3 xsessions (switch users) my ubuntu doesnt respond anymore. The log says Out of memory and starts killing processes ... what can i do?16:43
auronandacecancer: you can also use the package manager, be it through synaptic or just apt-get (not sure what gui kde uses though for package management)16:43
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MonkeyDustjust187  add memory to your pc16:43
sourcererFyodorovna: please, wait a minute...16:43
Hopsyyhmm and this tsimpson : ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ sudo mount /dev/sdc /mnt mount: /dev/sdc already mounted or /mnt busy16:44
zykotick9till_: i'm unaware of a dedicated Upstart channel.  i think you'll find the documentation rather "thin" as well.  Good luck.16:44
just187ok .. but it worked fine for about a year16:44
Fyodorovnasourcerer, cool16:44
curiousxjust187: buy more memory ram16:44
cancerauronandace: i'm not sure about which drivers to install16:44
Hopsyyits still saying its bussy16:44
till_zykotick9: just found #upstart ;)16:44
cancerauronandace: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV30GL [Quadro FX 1000] (rev a2)16:44
SlothScriptsOkay, I am having boot troubles; bootinfo pastebin: http://pastebin.com/TAhgnSyT .. Basically, on startup, if shift is held to bring up GRUB2 it says "Grub Loading.." and then boots regularly into Ubuntu. I cannot access the Windows7 boot at all.16:44
tsimpsonHopsyy: "mount" is not "umount"16:44
curiousxcancer 29516:44
CacheMoneyYesteday I had trouble connecting to wifi, installed a package to update a driver, but today I was prompted by Ubuntu to 'install driver' to make my wireless card run better.  However, when I attempted to install it it immediately cut me off from the internet.  How do I get back on?16:45
tsimpsonHopsyy: first umount, then mount16:45
sacarlsonSlothScripts: maybe grub2 is not responding to your usb keyboard?16:45
FyodorovnaSlothScripts, have you run sudo update-grub in ubuntu?16:45
cancerauronandace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/879132/ Check this please16:45
curiousxcancer: you can install it by adding this PPA: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates ; sudo apt-get update16:45
weiyanghow could i create a crontab bi weekly?16:46
Hopsyytsimpson: I did, but anyway, it mounted sdc1 now16:46
tsimpsonHopsyy: ok :)16:46
Hopsyyand that is my usb pendrive @ sacarlson16:46
weiyangi search the net, but not find a good one16:46
MonkeyDustweiyang  type man crontab16:46
SlothScripts@sacarlson - I did not think of that; is there any way to tell? I mean; I may have another keyboard around somewhere. @Fyodorovna - I have not. I'll run the command now; anything particular I should be looking for?16:46
FyodorovnaSlothScripts, you also have two swaps opu need just one.16:46
Hopsyyso It should be sdb :(16:46
weiyangMonkeyDust, yes, i tried16:46
CacheMoneyBodsda:  I'm having trouble again with my internet :/   Ubuntu prompted me to install a drive to make my hardware (wireless card) run better.  Naively, I accepted and instantly I was cutoff from the internet.  Can you remind me which commands I need to run?16:47
weiyangMonkeyDust, i think man 5 crontab16:47
FyodorovnaSlothScripts, the update-grub command rewrites the grub menu basically.16:47
MonkeyDustweiyang  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto16:47
sacarlsonSlothScripts: If you do run from a usb keyboard you can enable it in bios for grub to respond to it16:47
cancerauronandace: commands in process> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates ; sudo apt-get update16:47
auronandacecancer: i don't use ppas and don't recomend them16:47
Hopsyysacarlson & auronandace: mount sdb1 doesnt exist and mount sdb cant read superblock16:48
cancerauronandace: you don't, but they are installed. now what should i do?16:48
weiyangMonkeyDust, weekly is easy, just specify, for example Sunday is 016:48
SlothScriptsFyodorovna - I ran it; what was your comment about swaps? I see what you're referring to, however, my ignorance in partitioning and what not is huge. How would that be fixed; in general.16:48
FyodorovnaSlothScripts, windows is showing in the script in the os-prober so it may just be need that command run to align.16:48
sacarlsonHopsyy: as I said I don't see any sdb drive so maybe there isn't one?16:48
weiyangMonkeyDust,  i tried 2/2, but couldn't work16:48
elijahI need to fully uninstall my apache so I can follow instructions here - http://groups.drupal.org/node/6266, how do I go about completely stripping apache2 from my environment?16:48
FyodorovnaSlothScripts, you have two swaps open gparted and look at the hd, install gparted if needed.16:49
auronandacecancer: up to you, i can't help you further if you are using ppas16:49
auronandace!nvidia | cancer16:49
ubottucancer: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:49
sacarlsonHopsyy: how many disks should we see?16:49
Hopsyysacarlson: my hdd has some bad sectors, thats maybe why its not listed?16:49
sourcererFyodorovna: so, http://pastebin.com/ejKJznxU16:49
cancer!ppa | cancer16:49
ubottucancer, please see my private message16:49
Code_Factoryhi all.. I have an issue, I've lost a db schema of an ubuntu server16:50
auronandace!ppa-purge | cancer16:50
ubottucancer: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html16:50
Code_FactoryThe only solution I think that i can perform is to try and restore the deleted data files16:50
sacarlsonHopsyy: I'm not sure, maybe if it's a strange partition fdisk -l will fail to detect it?16:50
Code_Factorydoes anybody think that will help16:50
FyodorovnaSlothScripts, you have to use a live cd to remove the extra swap I believe as the partition number is lower then others.16:50
Hopsyysacarlson: well, my samsung 64 gb (this was listed as sda), my notebook hdd that isnt working (should be sdb) and sdc is my usb where I am running ubuntu16:50
HopsyyI cant try one more time16:51
cancerauronandace: now what about those commands i have now installed. do i have to restart my pc?16:51
carl-ericIs there a way to make the Unity switcher ignore windows that are on other workspaces? The whole point of a workspace is to not have to deal with one huge list of running applications16:51
zykotick9Fyodorovna: on LiveCD/USB running "sudo swapoff -a" will also be required.  (the LiveCD will automount any swaps it finds).  SlothScripts16:51
sacarlsonHopsyy: ok so is sdb seen from within diskutilty?16:51
gdoteofi am using 11.10 mostly out of the box.  can i make alt-tab work only within a workspace?16:51
auronandacecancer: i suppose so, since x11 is involved16:51
Hopsyyno, sdb is still not located here16:51
gdoteofi am on a netbook and its nice to have maximized terminals based on wohat i am working on16:52
curiousxcancer: restart your PC16:52
gdoteofwithin a workspace16:52
snickers_RMS is going to be interviewed byt the LinuxActionShow now16:52
sacarlsonHopsyy: well it's got more than a bad sector then it's not registering at all,  maybe try sudo lshw ;  see if that detects it16:52
Hopsyyyes sacarlson I can see it, and its my notebook hdd16:52
auronandace!ot | snickers_16:52
ubottusnickers_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:52
gdoteofand can i turn off super+number opening applications in the .. uh bar or whatever it is called?16:52
snickers_sorry, just thought id get the wrd out16:52
sacarlsonHopsyy: well if you can see it from within diskutilty then run fsk in there16:53
gdoteofi have ccsm installed16:53
Fyodorovnasourcerer, is the computer a apple computer you have NTFS / exFAT / HPFS partitions16:53
linaplease help me to disable the start of LOGIN SCREEN in Xubuntu 11.1016:53
linai'm the only one user and i wont to be automaticaly log in, without pressing Login :)16:53
sacarlsonHopsyy: or within diskutility it's called check disk16:53
sourcererFyodorovna: no, it's usual Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E325, using EFI16:54
niklasficuriousx: and how would i combine two of those h264 avi files?16:54
gnuloa question: i have to build an ubuntu's network into my small company, i need an "active-directory-like" management of lan, with centralized user credential (and users that can use all the pc with their credentials), lan shared folder (with permission) and (nice-to-have) centralized management of ubuntu update. can someone give me some information/link/guide about that?16:54
auronandacesourcerer: i don't understand why you are using efi though16:54
sinkosy\server irc.oltreirc.net16:54
Fyodorovnasourcerer, MS also used HPFS as well, I'm not at al familiar with fixing this though and few on here are ethier, post that bootscript in a thread at the ubuntu forums for best help really.16:54
SlothScriptsI guess my primary concern is would the two swaps be preventing grub, or windows, from booting properly? If they are two separate problems, I'll tackle one at a time, otherwise, I'll look further into what you are talking about now,.16:55
dagerikMonkeyDust: alright I can mount and simply tar all the folders, and then send it over the LAN. thanks :)16:55
SlothScriptsprimary question*16:55
curiousxniklasfi: mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -idx part_1.avi part_2.avi part_3.avi -o entire_video.avi16:55
niklasficuriousx: ok. thanks didn't find that16:55
curiousxyour welcome16:56
stanikihi guys, my computer won;t actually turn off when I hit suspend, the screen stays on and it periodically goes to the locked screen until I unlock it again16:56
gdoteofor is there a better room to get support for compiz/gnome stuff on 11.10 ubuntu?  i have changed some things but its still a pain16:56
sourcererauronandace: i tired to install simple GRUB, but it won't work. Then I found that this PC uses UEFI16:56
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auronandacesourcerer: ahh, uefi is different to efi16:57
Hopsyysacarlson: http://pastebin.com/e1aW3su4  lshw was a complete list, I have selected this part16:57
elijahgdoteof: This room should be fine since compiz is part of Ubuntu. But there is #compiz I believe16:57
auronandacesourcerer: i thought uefi was only introduced with win8, do they do uefi with win7?16:57
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curiousxsourcerer: you have to disable it, in order to install a dualboot16:57
Fyodorovnasourcerer, opps sorry I missread HPFS I have it to you have no grub in the mbr not sure about any efi where do you see that?16:57
curiousxgoing to the bios setup16:57
curiousxthen category "security" or some like that16:58
sourcererauronandace: this laptop is amd64, and Windows 7 64 has support for EFI. But the problem is ... Windows 7 32-bit was preinstalled O_o I can't understand how it was booted at all16:58
carl-ericIs there a way to keep flashing icons in the Unity launcher flashing, instead of them stopping after a few seconds?16:58
sacarlsonHopsyy: I can see /dev/sdb there so did you say you an see it in diskutility?  did you try check disk there?16:58
Fyodorovnasourcerer, you are missing files in the ubuntu grub files you need to chroot in and purgr and reinstall grub2 and put it in the mbr.16:59
sourcerercuriousx: oh, how I should install then?16:59
sacarlsonHopsyy: diskutility will also provide s.m.a.r.t results if the disk is healthy16:59
auronandacesourcerer: strange, i'd wipe it and reinstall everything on msdos partition table, unless you have a pressing need for uefi16:59
Hopsyysacarlson: I dont see an option check disk, I see those 3 buttons: smart data, format drive, benchmark and format volume16:59
curiousxthen, to install ubuntu, is the same way17:00
sourcererFyodorovna: i have folder /boot/efi and my grub isn't grub-pc, it's grub-efi17:00
Hopsyysacarlson: smart data has one warning value, ID 197, current pending sector count17:01
sourcererauronandace: i tried to disable uefi in bios. After it i can't boot ubuntu neither from usb stick, nor from hd17:01
sacarlsonHopsyy: I wonder if you ran checkdisk without sudo?  you should see check bellow mount17:01
sacarlsonHopsyy: opps diskutility should provide checkdisk look down lower maybe it's off your screen?17:02
Fyodorovnasourcerer, where is this folder, and is it your install of a grub-efi?17:02
sourcererFyodorovna: "EFI" folder at /dev/sda1, mounted at /boot/efi. Also, grub-efi installed by ubiquity (or how is it called?)17:03
Hopsyysacarlson: how do I start disk utility with sudo?17:03
MonkeyDustHopsyy  gksudo17:04
auronandace!gksudo | Hopsyy17:04
ubottuHopsyy: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:04
Jonii_Is there a way to make the ubuntu to not stay indefinitely long up after it randomly wakes up from sleep mode in the bag no one has touched for hours?17:04
gdoteofWhat I am trying to do is make it so that alt-tab only works within a viewport/workspace17:04
subz3r0sure u can use sudo,too. but dont get mad if it fucks up somethin ;)17:04
Fyodorovnazykotick9, yeah. :)17:04
Jonii_I mean, like, could it be that it just shut down if no one touched it for 5 minutes or so?17:04
auronandace!language | subz3r017:05
ubottusubz3r0: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:05
Jonii_Or, even better, is there a way to make Ubuntu not wake up from sleep randomly when its put to sleep?17:05
Fyodorovnasourcerer, are you sure a ubuntu install will not instll grub-efi.17:05
Anastasiussubz3r0: This is a family friendly channel~17:05
smittixAny had any experience with SSL OpenVPN Connections? is there a client out there for fedora?17:05
smittixand Ubuntu?17:05
Fyodorovnasourcerer, sda1 looks to be a lenove firmware partition.17:06
sourcererFyodorovna: i installed ubuntu few times, grub-efi was installed, but it won't  boot until i created efi partition17:06
Hopsyyauronandace: what should I run :s17:06
wisniawho can help me i want to change system font17:07
sacarlsonHopsyy: seems it should ask you when needed, but I looked closer and see that the check disk is in the volume section so if there is no volume detected on that disk it won't be seen, can you see checkdisk on the other disk /dev/sda1 ?17:07
auronandaceHopsyy: if it is a graphical app, put gksudo  in front of it17:07
henuxAnastasius: im here17:07
Fyodorovnasourcerer, I would post theat script at the ubbuntu forums.17:07
Anastasiushenux: Hi!17:07
Anastasiushenux: How's the weather over there today??17:07
sourcererFyodorovna: no, it isn't. It's created by ubuntu. I backed up original sda1 partition, though17:08
gdoteofok.  how about another question.  is it possible to leave Super as the button that brings up the HUD for choosing applications; but NOT have super+number open applications from the taskbar17:08
gdoteofi prefer to have super+# for switching viewports17:08
Fyodorovnasourcerer, and if you mess with it repost a new script, there are daily helpers there that will probably get you fixed.17:08
gdoteofbut like just pressing super to search for files/programs17:08
henuxAnastasius: its cloudy17:08
MonkeyDustgdoteof  12.04?17:08
ronankdehow to unlock gnome-keyring automatically in kde17:08
gdoteofMonkeyDust: 11.1017:08
Anastasiusgdoteof: You should probably just use a window manager that isn't Unity.17:08
AnastasiusNobody uses it, they just want you to think they do.17:09
sify_can somebody provide me a working link to the file http://media.cdn.ubuntu-de.org/forum/attachments/2814031/angepasster-DPO_RT3562_3592_3062_LinuxSTA_V2.4.1.1_20101217.tar.gz?17:09
gdoteofAnastasius: its not ideal but its almost fine17:09
auronandaceAnastasius: unity uses compiz as the window manager, unity is a shell17:09
Anastasiusauronandace: Thanks for the clarification.17:09
Hopsyysacarlson: I will do that in a moment, when I figure out how to run disk utility in sudo mode17:09
MonkeyDustAnastasius  unity = gnome3 + compiz17:09
sourcererFyodorovna: so, I should register at ubuntuforums?17:10
gdoteofi need two things still and its fine.  first (low priority) is to allow super to bring up the unity menu but not have super+# select applications from the task bar17:10
gdoteofand second (high priority) is to have alt-tab work only within viewport17:10
sacarlsonHopsyy: gksudo palimpsest17:10
Anastasiuspangolin: Hi!17:11
Fyodorovnasourcerer, you have standard mbr partitioning not sure why a sda1 is need I see no efi  or guid partitkons17:11
AnastasiusOh whew, I thought that one was for me again.17:11
WhiskeyAnyone good on bash i have a trap i can´t get work http://codepad.org/lMNgO6RJ17:11
auronandacegdoteof: i think all these shortcuts can be configured with ccsm, but i don't know how that affects unity  as i don't use either (happy xfce user here)17:11
ronankdehow to unlock gnome-keyring automatically in kde17:11
pangolinAnastasius : Hello. Follow our channel guidelines and it won't need to be for you :)17:11
Hopsyysacarlson: thanks, uhmm yes I see the option of check filesystem on the other disk17:12
MonkeyDustWhiskey  there's the  #bash channel17:12
Whiskeythem refuse to help me17:12
gdoteofok.  i have it close enough using 'ring switcher' and just turning off the unity switcher short cuts17:12
MonkeyDustWhiskey  if they refuse, it must have a reason: what do you want to do17:13
sacarlsonHopsyy: ok so I guess the partition table is corupted,  I'm not sure you can run fsk on a disk only on partitions17:13
Whiskeywhit the bash script?17:13
Whiskeyor what do you mean want to do?17:13
Anastasiuspangolin: Oh, I always try to do so.17:13
MonkeyDustWhiskey  why do the refuse to help you17:13
Hopsyyauronandace: can I run fsk only on partitions?17:14
Whiskeynaa just tell me to read a damn documenation on 100 pages17:14
sourcererFyodorovna: I selected sda1 as efi partition in installer when installed ubuntu recently, only after i booted into Ubuntu17:14
auronandaceHopsyy: yes17:14
Whiskeyfor fixing a small function, i don´t feel searching for it17:14
Hopsyysacarlson: I guess its possible17:14
Fyodorovnasourcerer, bad choice you don't need it as far as I can tell.17:14
Whiskeyand if you watch the script. both is exactly the same, so how it can fails are relly strange :D17:15
AnastasiusThis is our fearless leader: http://i.imgur.com/xIwRO.png17:15
sourcererFyodorovna: i read it out from ubuntuforums at "Lenovo thinkpad Ubuntu 11.10 install manual"17:15
Fyodorovnasourcerer, efi is for gpt uuid partitions as far as I know, are you going to try the ubuntu forums?17:15
henuxAnastasius: He looks horribly disfigured17:16
Anastasiushenux: It's the space radiation.17:16
Fyodorovnasourcerer, you have a link to that lenovo ubuntu wiki?17:16
Anastasiusmaster_of_master: Do you ever slave yourself just for kicks?17:17
ra1ndr0pCan someone help me to get ndiswrapper working, already have all of the files17:17
Fyodorovnaor forum page sourcerer17:17
auronandace!ot | Anastasius17:17
ubottuAnastasius: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:17
sourcererFyodorovna: looking for it17:17
pangolinAnastasius : Please stop with the off topic17:17
Anastasiusauronandace: Are you one of those tattletales?17:17
auronandaceAnastasius: do you have a support issue?17:18
ra1ndr0pCan someone help me get ndiswrapper working?17:18
sourcererFyodorovna; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186736717:18
uskerine hi, i have installed LTSP in lubuntu, but dhcp3 seems to fail to start, i am getting "no subnet declaration for eth0". I attach syslog output, dhcpd.conf and ifconfig info, could someone please help? thanks in advance; http://pastebin.com/dmH9itz317:18
Fyodorovnasourcerer, I found it thanks the problem is you do not have that type of partitioning you have a standard mbr set up.17:19
Hopsyyauronandace: is it fsdk? or fsck17:19
sourcererFyodorovna: erm, and what I should do?17:19
auronandaceHopsyy: fsck17:19
Hopsyywoow the manual is complicated17:20
niklasficuriousx: and would you know how to do -ss but for a certain frame?17:20
sacarlsonHopsyy: I see there is an application called testdisk  that you might have to install to try17:21
curiousxno i dont, just only hours, minutes, seconds, megabytes17:22
sourcererFyodorovna: it looks like I should format everything and reinstall? But I won't to lose installed Windows 7 :(17:22
Fyodorovnasourcerer, psot that script and explain what you have done with a link to that forum page, let the experts look at it. :)17:22
Fyodorovnasourcerer, at the ubuntu forums.17:22
Hopsyysacarlson: isnt just fsck -yvf /dev/sdb  ?17:22
auronandaceHopsyy: you can't do that, you can only fsck partitions, not whole disks17:23
sacarlsonHopsyy: I'm not sure I thought that only tested file systems,  testdisk will do sector by sector test and recovery17:24
Hopsyyauronandace: I see, terminal also gave the same error: Could this be a zero-length partition?17:24
osseIn Firefox when I middle click I see a "ball" of sorts and I can move my mouse to scroll (autoscroll = true or some such). How can I get this in Chromium?17:25
auronandaceHopsyy: fsck isn't going to know what to do if it can't read the filesystem17:25
YohanMeisterI really need some help with this. Until I can get this part sorted out I'm at a standstill in my Ubuntu install. I'm booted with the ubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso. I'm installing on a uefi system (Asus M5A99X Evo motherboard). The plan is to install a cli only system and build up from there. Post #7 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11757072#post11757072  contains my situation and question at the end of the post in a section l17:25
YohanMeisterabeled "Edit:". There are also screenshots attached to that post. Post #1 contains system information about my partition layout and such. Is there anyone here who can help me understand what I need to do at this point?17:25
Fyodorovnasourcerer, I think it is a fairly straight forward fix, relax post the info at the forums, it is the weekend a little slower there, but your best move really.17:25
Hopsyysacarlson: should testdisk fix this problem?17:27
Persona24Hey guys so simple question. I should know this but I don't. how do I change the time in the terminal?17:28
MonkeyDustPersona24  what do you mean "change the time"?17:29
FyodorovnaPersona24, you using a server?17:29
YohanMeisterPersona24: I think it may be "date (Format is MMDDhhmmYYYY)"17:30
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YohanMeisteryou can type "date" and it will display the date/ time17:30
Persona24I just want to change the time on my computer17:30
Persona24The time change was yesterday17:30
MonkeyDustchange the time?17:31
FyodorovnaPersona24,  open date and time and turn the network time on17:31
MonkeyDustsounds "back to the future" to me17:31
YohanMeisteris anyone able to help me with my install? I'm stuck...17:32
carl-erichow can I switch between the windows of one application in Unity? e.g. between several open Pidgin windows. Alt-Tab alwas takes me to the next application, which is utter nonsense.17:32
subz3r0try ddate17:32
subz3r0Today is Setting Orange, the 70th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178 :p17:33
Persona24for some odd reason my date and time settings won't open. That's why I need the command for it17:33
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slothscriptsCan someone help me with my boot loader. Nothing I have tried thus far has worked: I have a dual-boot Windows 7 / 11.10 and grub doesn't come up on boot (i.e. I can only boot into Ubuntu.) If shift is held a message is displayed "Grub is loading" after that it just boots as if I had not done anything.17:33
Manisanyone here with experience on Ubuntu for PowerPC?17:35
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YohanMeisterPersona24 " I think it may be "date (Format is MMDDhhmmYYYY)"17:37
Persona24That worked, thanks!17:39
carl-ericIs there a way to disable Unity's switcher (and use one of compiz's switchers) until Unity's gets more sane behavior?17:40
itaylor57!nounity | carl-eric17:41
ubottucarl-eric: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:41
MonkeyDustcarl-eric  there's a PPA available for MyUnity17:41
carl-ericI don't want to get rid of Unity entirely, since it looks like that's going to be the only choice at some point. I'm trying to make it usable.17:42
MonkeyDustcarl-eric  there's MyUnity and CCSM17:42
carl-ericDoes MyUnity have anything that CCSM doesn't?17:42
slothscriptsIs anyone available to try and debunk why my grub menu isn't loading on start-up?17:43
sourcererFyodorovna: so, I created topic on ubuntuforums. Hope, somebody will help me. Thank you17:43
MonkeyDustcarl-eric  dunno, you may want to try it17:43
carl-ericokay, I'll give it a shot. thanks MonkeyDust17:44
Roji need link ubuntu 11.10 full dvd pack include must soft like opensuse dvd17:45
waxstoneslothscripts, have you tried holding shift during bootup?17:45
slothscriptsYup. That brings the message "Loading Grub" but then it just boots as if I hadn't held it.17:46
MonkeyDustRoj  http://www.ubuntu.com/download17:46
Fyodorovnasourcerer, cool I could help maybe but I have a do no harm policy, sometimes it is better to refer than try and fix somebodies set up. :)17:46
waxstoneslothscripts, I would try repeatedly pressing both shifts, failing that try esc17:47
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, you have dual or single boot?17:47
slothscriptsIt's a dual-boot with Windows 7.17:47
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, is it a wubi install, which means ubuntu installed from windows.17:48
Rojhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download but this is cd version17:48
xanguaRoj: yes, ubuntu fits in One cd17:48
slothscriptsUhmm.. Windows was installed first; then installed from there so I suppose so.17:48
xanguaRoj: dvd only contains extra language packages17:49
Roji need full pack17:49
MonkeyDusttowerk  http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=1717:49
zykotick9Roj: the DVD is basically the CD with more language packs i believe, there is no DVD set with ubuntu17:49
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, you should be getting the windows boot menu with a choice for ubuntu.17:49
xanguaRoj: besides extra language packages, dvd is the same that cd17:49
LL2|AndroidSo apparently when installing VMware tools on a ubuntu VM17:49
MonkeyDustwrong nick17:50
LL2|Androidall I had to do for default settings was 'echo || ./vmware-install.pl'17:50
MonkeyDustRoj  http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=1717:50
Fyodorovna!bootinfo | slothscripts run this script from a live ubuntu cd and pastebin the results.txt17:50
ubottuslothscripts run this script from a live ubuntu cd and pastebin the results.txt: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).17:50
sourcererFyodorovna: don't worry. If nothing helps, I just format Windows 7 partition (i already backed up Recovery Tool for some weird garanty-loss cases), and install XP + Ubuntu17:50
SoCo___I'm running an Ubuntu derivitive, Linux Mint LXDE, and I'm having trouble using dual NICs with static IPs by specifying them in /etc/network/interfaces, I think the GUI network manager applet (and/or whatever it is a front end too) maybe conflicting with it. I can't get it to work right in the GUI and would like to use the file based.17:50
Fyodorovnasourcerer, ew XP lol. :)17:50
MonkeyDust!mint| SoCo___17:50
ubottuSoCo___: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:50
slothscriptsI do not get any boot menu; It is a black screen with a flashing cursor (if shift is held it will display "Loading Grub") and then boots to Ubunutu; I will run that, one moment.17:50
SoCo___bah...its the same network manager .17:51
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, do you have a recovery or install disc for windows?17:51
sourcererFyodorovna:  I need Windows, because P-CAD, Mathcad and Multisim (which we use in university :( ) doesn't work in Wine17:51
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, strange the script is our best look at the hd for sure.17:52
Fyodorovnasourcerer, I understand I'm a 99% open source user but need MS word in college as well.17:53
slothscriptsI do not have a recovery disc for windows, it was pre-installed. http://pastebin.com/GKcv8QHW Is the results of the script.17:53
sourcererFyodorovna: I'm trying to replace P-CAD with Ki-CAD though, but can't find replacement for Multisim :'(17:54
ravenhow to get tightvncserver to maimum compresion?17:54
webnet!hi | raven17:54
sourcererFyodorovna: may be I should to write it from scratch :D17:54
zykotick9Fyodorovna: 99% open source eh?  what percentage free software?  vrms to see ;)17:54
ravenhow to get tightvncserver to encode with maximum compression?17:54
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, you do not have a wubi, have you run sudu update-grub in ubuntu when you get there?17:55
Fyodorovnazykotick9, OS I started in open source.17:55
slothscriptsI have yes;17:56
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, sorry sudo update-grub17:56
slothscriptsFyodorovna: I figured you meant :P But I did run it, it was suggested earlier; still the same results.17:56
ravenhow to get tightvncserver to encode with maximum compression?17:57
christofferDoes anyone in here have a good "HowTo" on the gnome-keyring/seahorse software? What's best practice on how to use it?17:57
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, you have 3 swaps as well.17:58
Fyodorovnazykotick9, all software is free except the MS stuff, not sure I understand the question. I'm not a diehard RS fan.17:59
slothscriptsFyodorovna: How can I go about fixing that? I'm quite new to the whole partitioning game. I have yet to change anything myself, all the installation has been done based on recommended settings on the disc or whatever.18:00
zykotick9Fyodorovna: i was just joking with ya ;)  it was a one liner.  take care.18:00
YohanMeisterdo you have to be special or something to get anyone to talk to you here? Just wondering cause... errr....18:01
vtmngnew to ubuntu18:01
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, tghe bootscipt basically looks like you should be getting a grub menu with W7 in it not sure why. To remove the swaps you need to boot a like ubuntu cd and turn all swaps off and just have one equal to your ram. If it was me I would purge grub and reinstall it from the cli in the desktop.18:02
YohanMeisterMaybe what I'm posting isn't even appearing on anyone elses  screen - I see it on mine though... hmm...18:02
vtmngis there an instructional or how to section on navigating the desktop?18:02
Fyodorovnazykotick9, I figured as such. :)18:02
AviDhi friends i recently switched from win p to ubuntu oneiric18:02
vtmngto learn how to make shortcuts/launchers, customize panels, etc18:03
MonkeyDustYohanMeister  maybe nobody knows the answer to whatever your question was18:03
AviD@vtmng hi i am also new to ubuntu18:03
Fyodorovnazykotick9, I bought a toshiba a205 two days ago it had the vista oem discs had to reinstall it to see how bad vista is. It actually runs very fast without much of the toshiba junk, would not really use it just wondered.18:03
slothscriptsFyodorovna: For removing swaps, is that reinstalling it, with custom partition this time instead?18:04
YohanMeisterMonkyDust: I suppose it's conceivable but I would think that out of all these people there's one other parson with a uefi system and ubuntu on it.18:04
milen8204I can record troug my microphone but I have it as device and it`s volume is max waht should I do ?>18:04
AviDcan anyone suggest some good online resource to learn terminal commands and other useful things for ubuntu?18:04
vtmngAviD: kinda of weird desktop18:04
AviDdont think so18:04
AviDi am kind of loving it18:05
AviDi have installed gnome desktop18:05
ravenhow to get tightvncserver to encode with maximum compression?18:05
vtmngdoesnt seem like there is much i can do with it, as in customize it18:05
YohanMeisterIt's kinda frustrating just sitting here in the middle of an install, you know?18:05
AviDits easier18:05
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, your question is two fold here removal is not installing. I would use the something other option which is a custom install in the ubuntu gui, that asks where you want the install.18:05
vtmngAviD: i have default one, whatever that is18:05
vtmnga big bar on the side18:06
ravenhow to get tightvncserver to encode with maximum compression?18:06
raventightvncserver howto maximum compression?18:06
MonkeyDustYohanMeister  maybe this link helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting18:06
AviDyes actually default one was slow i surfed a few websites and and installed gnome18:06
slothscriptsFyodorovna: Okay! Thanks very much, I'll start to work with this and see where it gets me! Thanks for your help!18:07
AviDits fast and easy i think for those who migrated from windows18:07
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, you could reinstall, but your setup may be easily fixed especially since you can get to the ubuntu desktop.18:07
YohanMeisterMonkeyDust: I'll look at it again - maybe I missed something...18:07
vtmngyeah im going to look for something different too18:07
HelloWorld321How do you associate a file type with a shell script?18:07
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, good luck, knowing some basic grub stuff is helpful if you dual booting, so you don't have to reinstall.18:08
slothscriptsFyodorovna: The liveCD you are talking about, it is the same as the installation one correct? and you mean to say boot from it and fix it through the custom option there?18:08
taylanubwill the latest nvidia drivers work with 10.04 (it's LTS) ?  the card is geforce gt 52018:08
ibiworHello! I usually connect to internet only after inputting username and password. How do I configure my network manager in that way?18:08
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, there is alternative=no desktop text install. There is the live cd=desktop. You are mixing things up I'm not sure by what you mean by fixing it I gave you a remove the swaps option, and fixing grub, and instructions on a custom install to what are you referring18:10
raventightvncserver howto maximum compression?18:11
CacheMoneywhere do you typically save new software programs on Ubuntu?  For example, I just downloaded Sublime Text 2, and I'm not sure where's the best place to extract the files18:11
Shred00anyone know of a ppa that tracks the latest nouveau driver for the oneiric kernel?18:12
slothscriptsFyodorovna: Sorry for my ambiguity. Fixing grub, I will take the suggestion of purging it and reinstalling; in reference to the swaps, and fixing that, I am slightly lost as for that fix. That is what I was referring to.18:12
Shred00the nouveau that's in oneiric's kernel seems pretty buggy around suspend/resume18:12
itaylor57CacheMoney, i think that is in the repo18:13
CacheMoneyitaylor57: where do I find that?  You know on WIndows there is a programs folder within C:/, what is the equivalent on Ubuntu?18:14
AviDcan anyone suggest some good online resource to learn terminal commands and other useful things for ubuntu?18:14
itaylor57CacheMoney, go to software center, enter sublime text218:14
infernalHey can any help me take out BOINC from startup18:14
tensorpuddingAviD, there are classic guides to bash, the default shell, but they are old and possibly misleading18:15
xangua!terminal | tensorpudding AviD18:16
ubottutensorpudding AviD: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:16
AviDtensorpudding,  I am new to ubuntu and want to learn as i have heard its a far more flexible and powerful OS than windows, so pls suggest some guide or website which gives step by step lessons ; I have tried ubuntu forems but they are too complex18:17
infernali tried update-rc.d boinc-client remove, but it didnt work18:17
tensorpuddingAviD, check out the link that xangua posted18:17
HelloWorld321I've setup a script that works just fine, that opens IE7 .URL files with firefox.  I'm trying to use "mime-open --ask-default" to run it, and it asks, and then it says it's doing it, and then ... nothing.  How do I associate .URL files with my .sh script?18:17
YohanMeisterinfernal: what about "System > Preferences > Startup Applications"  ?18:18
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, the purge and reinstall of grub can be done from the ubuntu desktop of the install if you can get in or a live cd, just make sure you know what your doing.18:18
infernalFyodorovna: the only thing on there is gnome sound18:18
Fyodorovnaslothscripts, the script did not look like you needed a purge I suspect more user error here really.]18:19
Fyodorovnainfernal, what?18:19
storyteller_man of rpm looks like "rpm(8)" ,what does that 8 represent ?18:20
AviDthnx tensorpudding , xangua, ubottu18:20
bastidrazorhttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Oneiric   AviD18:20
itaylor57CacheMoney, http://www.webupd8.org/2012/03/sublime-text-2-ppa-separate-development.html18:20
infernalFyodorovna: i lounched startup applications, and the only thing on the list is  "GNOME login sound", Ubuntu 11.0418:20
itaylor57!ppa | CacheMoney18:20
ubottuCacheMoney: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:20
Fyodorovnainfernal, unless you have changed yhour nic we have not communicated18:21
AviDthnx bastidrazor , I have already read that whole wiki18:21
electroshock_damn ubuntu is getting nice18:21
storyteller_  18:21
infernalFyodorovna: i'm sorry, My mistake :)18:21
Fyodorovnainfernal, no biggeie. :)18:22
infernalYohanMeister: The only thing in there is "GNOME login sound", Ubuntu 11.0418:22
YohanMeisterinfernal: then I'm not sure. There should be a way to do it through the command line but I don't know what it is - sorry.18:23
fgastoryteller_: it's the section (such as 1: for user commands, 8 for system admin commands etc) - you can pass that as a parameter with -S option18:25
peppe__ciao a tutti18:26
ubottupeppe__: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:26
sharkmaphello. I am trying set the default runlevel so when I boot it does not start xserver. I have googled everything I can think of, but results seem to be very old or not specific to 11.10. Can someone point me to an up to date website that will explain simply changing the runlevel so I can boot to console, no x-server, so I can install the nvidia drivers? I have googeled this for 4 hours with no sucess. please help. thanks in adance.18:26
fgastoryteller_: it's useful in case you have commands that can appear in different sections18:26
bastidrazor!nox | sharkmap18:27
ubottusharkmap: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:27
CacheMoneyubottu:  I downloaded Sublime Text 2 from their website www.sublimetext.com/2   Was that the wrong approach?  If not, where should have I stored that file?18:27
ubottuCacheMoney: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:27
sharkmapthank you bastidrazor I will try that now.18:27
storyteller_@fga:thank you, Got it now :)18:28
bastidrazorsharkmap: you could drop to a tty, ctrl alt F1, then sudo service lightdm stop, then install your driver then restart lightdm, sudo service lightdm start, then go back to tty7 with ctrl alt F718:28
CacheMoneyitaylor57: I downloaded Sublime Text 2 from their website www.sublimetext.com/2   Was that the wrong approach?  If not, where should have I stored that file?18:28
sharkmapthank you bastidrazor I will try that also18:28
itaylor57CacheMoney, it is best to get new software from the software center (official repo) then use a ppa if not in the official, find a deb, and last compile/run your own18:32
CacheMoneyitaylor57:  thanks for the info.  I'm brand new to Linux, so trying to figure out the basics.  thanks18:32
MonkeyDustCacheMoney  you're a windows user?18:33
CacheMoney*was a Windows user18:34
CacheMoneyMonkeyDust:  Thanks!18:34
itaylor57CacheMoney, also be careful it looks like they want a fee to run sublime according to the website18:34
andylandHow do I add multiple shared folders in /etc/samba/smb.conf?18:35
andylandwhats the syntax18:35
infernalHey, is 12.04 fully out?18:35
CacheMoneyitaylor57: yeah I think they want you to pay for it after 30 days.  I'm okay doing so, unless you know of a better text editor to use when dev Rails18:35
sstainfernal: nope, next month sometime18:35
infernalYe so i tought, i'm just wondering why is update manager offerint to upgrade to 12.04LTS18:36
itaylor57CacheMoney, i know nothing of rails development, i am a java programmer so i work in eclipse18:36
webnetitaylor57, eclipse?!? lol netbeanz ftw :P18:37
itaylor57webnet, its the tool we use at work so I go with what i know18:37
webnet:) thats what matters18:38
webnetits what works for you18:38
majorzedsorry, do you guys know how to hide join notifications from mIRC?18:38
majorzedJust realized today I don't know how to.18:38
bastidrazorsharkmap: yes?18:39
sharkmapbastidrazor: thank you so much. I googled everything I could think of, and couldn't find this info. But your directions worked perfectly.18:39
bastidrazorsharkmap: you're welcome.18:39
webnetmajorized try #mirc18:39
sharkmapbastidrazor: if I could ask one more thing...how do I verify that unity is running in 3D mode?18:39
subz3r0majorzed, --> /help18:40
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webnetmajorized np18:41
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bastidrazorsharkmap: when you login did you choose Ubuntu or Ubuntu 2D.. also you can check in terminal with ps aux|grep -i unity-2d  .. if you get no results then you're in 3D18:42
webnetGuest59626, hello do you have a question18:44
sharkmapbastidrazor: i chose unity. my grep only returns the grep entry, no others. i assume this means it is working correctly? again thanks for your help.18:45
bastidrazorsharkmap: you're using 3D yes.18:45
sharkmaphappy dance!18:45
* bastidrazor does the penguin18:46
* majorzed slap18:47
webnet^how do you do tht?18:47
* majorzed shows webnet18:47
majorzedtype /me18:47
webnetoh ok. lol18:47
majorzedwell, /me <whatevr>18:47
* webnet now knows how :P18:47
* webnet ty majorized18:47
CacheMoneyI installed Ubuntu (32-bit) on an old laptop yeterday and it went fairly smoothly (after setting up the wireless card).  However, I'd like to now dual-boot with my new laptop but I'm unsure if I should go with the 32-bit or 64-bit version.  On the Ubuntu page it says 32-bit (recommended)18:51
majorzednp np18:51
subz3r0CacheMoney, well it depends on the cpu18:51
CacheMoneysubz3r0:  I have AMD dual-core with 4gb of RAM18:52
webnetCacheMoney, 32 bit. the site tells you recommended accoring to the processor type accessing it18:52
subz3r0CacheMoney, well so i would choose the 64bit version18:53
Seven_Six_Twoever since the 3.* kernel, I haven't been able to record sound with my built in mic. I've played with alsamixer and the pulse settings, but nothing fixes it.18:53
bastidrazorCacheMoney: grep lm /proc/cpuinfo   ..if you get a result you have a 64bit processor and could use the amd64 version18:53
CacheMoneyi was viewing the page on my old laptop, I'm going to visit the page on my new laptop and see what they recommend18:53
Bulbasaurhi everyone18:54
bastidrazorCacheMoney: its going to say the same thing. it does not check anything on your computer to determine that.18:54
subz3r0CacheMoney, it doesnt matter what the manufacturer recomment. its matters which cpu is used18:54
webnetdiego | !ask18:54
webnet!ask | diego18:54
ubottudiego: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:54
BulbasaurI really need your help... I just installed Ubuntu in this computer but the system is ridiculously slow, what can I do to improve it?18:54
webnet!ask | Bulbasaur18:54
ubottuBulbasaur: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:54
CacheMoneyI have a 64-bit CPU... just wondering if I will run into more challenges using Ubuntu 64-bit (I'm new to Linux and want to reduce the friction for adoption)18:54
Seven_Six_TwoCacheMoney, I don't think so. I have 64, and haven't had any problems related to it.18:55
apasdnomCacheMoney: No, using a 64bits version of GNU/Linux is as easy as a 32bits version18:55
webnetCacheMoney, shouldnt all major software runs 64 bit and 32 bit apps will run fine on a 64 bit os, if you have a cpu and mobo thats 64 bit you should be fine18:55
CacheMoneyokay.  I'll go with 64bits then18:55
bastidrazorCacheMoney: the only thing to think about is the 32bit version will see only 3.2GB of RAM. the 64bit will see all you have. there is no real difference other than that.18:55
ubottuLFS is Linux From Scratch (www.linuxfromscratch.org) - not to be confused with !LTS, which is the long term support release of Ubuntu (currently 6.06, 8.04 and 10.04)18:56
webnethmm. what is the ! thing for the 32 bit kernel that can run more ram...18:56
webneti always forget18:56
elijahShould phpmyadmin be installing into /usr/share/ or /var/www/?18:57
BulbasaurI just installed Ubuntu on a P4 3Ghz, 1GB RAM, 120GB hard drive, etc, but it seems to be running extremely slow. Any idea on what I can do to speed it up?18:57
Zaitzevthe former18:57
webnetBulbasaur, what are you running on it?18:58
webnetanything open18:58
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
webnetinstalled etc that is sucking ram/proc pwr up?18:58
bastidrazorBulbasaur: you may want to use Ubuntu 2D at login18:58
webnet^^ that as well18:58
elijahBulbasaur: It could be your video drivers18:58
Bulbasaurwebnet, I just have the basic installation + xchat18:58
bingerHi all, am having an issue in ubuntu 11.10 whereby I can't get the wired connection to work.  Wireless is ok.  Wired was working until I was forced to shutdown the PC with the power button because even alt-sysrq=reisub wouldn't work.  I suspect that there is an issue in the routing table but am not sure how to resolve. When I try to ifup eth0 I get rtnetlink answers file exists.  See the routing18:59
bingertable info here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/878250/  Please advise.18:59
elijahBulbasaur: Do you know what video card you have?18:59
Bulbasaurbastidrazor, how can I do that?18:59
webnetok Bulbasaur, tyr seeing what is eating up juice in the system monitopr18:59
Bulbasaurelijah, not really sure, but probably an old one.18:59
* webnet is leaving for a few minutes18:59
bastidrazorBulbasaur: when you're asked to enter your password at login click the circle in the top right corner of that dialog window.19:00
elijahBulbasaur: Can you search for the app called "system info" from unity launcher?19:00
bingeralso note that the wired connection works fine in windows 719:00
elijahBulbasaur: It should tell you your graphics/video card model19:00
Bulbasaurelijah, I found system monitor, is ythis it?19:00
the-penguinAnybody have trouble logging in with LighDM after an upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 1?19:00
elijahBulbasaur: No19:00
ved_hello to all19:00
bingerand have tried setting it up with a static ip address with no luck19:00
ved_i am on 11.1019:01
the-penguinsorry, wrong channel :319:01
o0psBulbasaur: in terminal type lspci | grep Display19:01
ved_cairo dock is amazing19:01
ved_when i want to install kate in gnome it shows 59 mb to download why19:02
tenbillit' better to make a fresh install of ubuntu instead an upgrade,alaways19:02
pangolinved_ : it also needs to download and install some qt libs19:02
Bulbasauro0ps, that did nothing, apparently19:02
ved_and it is same with ktorrent19:03
tenbill...ubuntu restricted extras.....maybe19:03
danboidI'm getting errors like this under 11.10 -  libqt4-dev: Depends: libqt4-dbus (= 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu8) but 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu8.1 is installed.19:03
Bulbasaurso, basically, the speed may be due to an old graphics card?19:03
o0psBulbasaur: in terminal type lspci | grep VGA19:04
elijahBulbasaur: when you press the super/windows key does a search menu come up?19:04
pangolinved_ : correct, there are dependencies that are needed.19:04
Bulbasauro0ps, "VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)19:04
o0psBulbasaur: so there is your video card19:05
elijahBulbasaur: Great, next step is to install the Nvidia drivers19:05
ved_why my laptop got freeze somtime it happen with all gnome Os but not with  KDE19:05
Bulbasaurfrom the "Aditional Drivers" option?19:05
elijahBulbasaur: yes19:05
elijahBulbasaur: choose recommended19:05
elijahBulbasaur: that should have a great deal19:05
bastidrazorBulbasaur: install nvidia-current but that card is really old and may not be up to par to run Unity in 3D. i have that same card in an old box and it could not do 3D Unity.19:05
elijahBulbasaur: *help19:05
Guest59626dang how do i send a message to specific user19:05
CacheMoney1I downloaded XChat through the Ubuntu Software Center but in order to verify my license I need to copy the license file into the same folder as the xchat.exe file.  Where is this file located?19:06
Guest59626\nick orion19:06
bastidrazorCacheMoney1: xchat is free in Ubuntu.19:06
Bulbasaurelijah, currently doing it...19:06
g0thhow do I change the number of desktops?19:07
CacheMoney1bastidrazor:  I didnt know that.  I was forced to buy a license on Windows19:07
elijahBulbasaur: K, that should help but as bastidrazor is saying maybe you will have to downgrade the 3d environment somehow, I don't know how to do that though19:07
danboidAs you can see, 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu8.1 is newer than  4:4.7.4-0ubuntu8 in this example so why is stuff no installing?19:07
ved_why my laptop got freeze somtime it happen with all gnome Os but not with  KDE19:07
tenbillanyway ,what does a windoz user in a ubuntu chat :))19:07
Guest59626\nick orion19:07
bingeranyone have a few minutes to look at my issue above?19:08
tenbillmaybe you have a issue with xorg19:08
elijahHey guys, I have a folder somehow named "~" in root. Is this supposed to be there?19:08
Bulbasaurelijah, no problem there, I just want to use the system, "looks" aren't all that important to me.19:08
tenbillwhat graphiccard do you have?19:08
elijahBulbasaur: I had a laptop the other day that was slow even with nvidia drivers, the suggestion I got was to put Xubuntu on it, it was way faster running Xubuntu, so you may try that also.19:09
Bulbasaurelijah, what's the difference between the two?19:09
elijahBulbasaur: xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce as the GUI, it looks and behaves very differently graphically19:10
iLogicalI've had installed several different GNU/Linux distros that worked very well and fast in this computer, a desktop. Recently I've installed Debian, it was slow, sensibly slower than any other distros. I did already use Debian on this machine having a normal speed. I recall Debian being the fastest distro I've ever used, and that was indeed strange, the turning point to change to Ubuntu was when I started19:10
iLogical to get black screens that wouldn't go away, the keyboard with lights off, not being possible turning on numlock or CTRL+ALT+F1-2,3,etc. Only rebooting could make the problem go away. So I installed Ubuntu, thing that was complicated, several times I would get a black screen or blank screen, but I got it through after trying several times. The problem persisted, and I sometimes get this problem.19:10
sda1986hi all, i'm starting using python to do same simple tools, online i found my solution but i cannot understand it! can you explain me what this line does? vcmd = (e.register(validate), '%P')19:10
iLogicalThe problem is much more prevalent on Ubuntu. It occourred with its Live USB thing many times. It occourred in Debian too, but much less.19:10
iLogicalWorking logs:19:11
Bulbasaurelijah, I may try that later, but I really would prefer to stick to Ubuntu19:11
elijahBulbasaur: but is the same core, packages install the same. Kinda like a car that has the same engine and transmission but the controls to operate it are a bit different and it has a different body on it19:11
y0om4is chrome os as popular as ubuntu now?19:11
Guest59626how do i highlight message for person19:11
elijahBulbasaur: yeah, i hear you there. I like the new Ubuntu quite a bit and Xubuntu is a completely different environment19:12
Bulbasaurelijah, it's just that I don't know much about Linux, so I'd rather stick to the basics, since I'm a member of a translation team19:12
elijahBulbasaur: good idea19:12
bingernvidia drivers..that reminds me is there a video driver that will let me set dual monitors?19:13
=== Guest59626 is now known as l
bingerthe ones suggested in additional drivers don't seem to do it19:13
=== l is now known as Guest78512
bingertenbill were you talking to me re: xorg?19:14
o0psbinger: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html19:14
Bulbasaurwell, apparently I have to reboot19:15
Bulbasaurelijah, thanks for your help, I'll probably brb19:15
bingero0ps: thanks for the link19:15
bingerNeed help with the wired connection.  see http://paste.ubuntu.com/878250/ for routing tables.  It works under windows and was working in ubuntu.  I've looked at etc/network/interfaces and etc/resolv.conf.  Tried static ip too.  Anyone see anything odd with the route table.  I'm not real keen on this.  Thanks.19:18
bingerI get rtnetlink answers file exists when I do ifup eth0 so I suspect there's a conflict that I need to resolve but not sure.19:19
Bulbasaurhey everyone19:20
Bulbasaurapparently, having installed the NVidia drivers sped up the system a bit19:20
ironmhello. Please allow me one question. I am getting an error (s. pastebin) when I try to create an  ubuntu live image on oneiric (11.10) using live builder 3.0-a45 ... details: http://paste.debian.net/159351/19:21
webnetBulbasaur, good!19:21
Bulbasaurnow, does anyone know how to disable effects, etc?19:21
ironmI have the same error also on ubuntu 12.04 beta1 (precise)19:21
ActionParsnipBulbasaur: log into unity2d19:22
BulbasaurActionParsnip, no idea on what that is :\19:22
Bulbasauror how to do that...19:22
webnetBulbasaur, log out of unity. at the login scren select unity 2d instead of unity19:22
ActionParsnipBulbasaur: log off and click the cog near your username19:22
Bulbasaurbut will I have to do that every time? Because I set this account for automatic logon19:23
ActionParsnipBulbasaur: the last session is remembered19:23
=== root is now known as Guest70802
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest7080219:25
ubottuGuest70802: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.19:25
Guest70802ok. i will leave19:25
ActionParsnipJust a friendly warning, looking after your security19:26
Seven_Six_TwoWhat is the best way to go back to a 2.6 kernel? Ever since 3.0 I haven't been able to use my mic. I've gone through lots of forums to no avail. I've been using ubuntu since 7.10, so it's not that I just don't understand. Before the 2.6 kernel was taken out of the repos, sound worked when using 2.6, but none of the 3.0.* work at all. I have nvidia mcp77/78 sound19:26
webnetSeven_Six_Two, there isnt one. at least not an easy one.19:27
ved_any one can help me about sqlmap19:28
webnet!ask | ved_19:28
ubottuved_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:28
ved_waht are the sytax to use sqlmap19:28
Seven_Six_Twowebnet, seriously? I guess I could try Precise, but if that doesn't work, I'm going distro shopping. It's been a while.19:28
ved_i am on ubuntu19:28
Bulbasaurback, once more19:29
root_ubottu i use openbsd which default is root. i am now in another directory19:29
ved_any one19:29
BulbasaurActionParsnip, I selected "Ubuntu classic (no effects)", is this it?19:29
ved_[WARNING] GET parameter 'start' is not dynamic whats that?19:30
ActionParsnipBulbasaur: sure19:30
Bulbasaurit is still sort of slow :\19:30
Bulbasaurany more ideas?19:30
root__hello word19:30
root__how are you19:30
root__i am19:30
root__hack attck19:31
webnetSeven_Six_Two, i have issues with everything past 2.6.35...     27.6.38+ and  my display dont work, tried to go back without reinstall...19:31
FloodBot1root__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
webnetsystem was fubared19:31
scarleoHi, where is my private key stored when I generate it with Seahorse?19:31
pangolin!fr | root__19:31
ubotturoot__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:31
Whiskeyand if you watch the script. both is exactly the same, so how it can fails are relly strange :D19:31
ActionParsniproot_: running stuff as root when not needed isn't smart19:31
Seven_Six_Twowebnet, that's too bad. This is the first serious problem that I've had since having to install video drivers manually (pre-jockey)19:32
Seven_Six_Twowebnet, I've heard good things about Suse and laptops. That might be my next stop.19:32
webnetSeven_Six_Two, 12.04 yes?19:32
pangolinscarleo : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto should have the answer19:32
Seven_Six_Twowebnet, yeah, I'm going to try that first. I know it's still beta.19:32
Seven_Six_Twowebnet, it's brutal. no mic for months now. no skype, no google chat, no sound recorder19:33
=== Mud is now known as Guest88897
webnetSeven_Six_Two, yeah. in 10.10 where i am stuck i cant use webcam19:34
psusiSeven_Six_Two, if you can narrow it down to which kernel version it broke in, and file a bug report, that would help get it fixed.  You can try each mainline kernel version here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/19:34
BulbasaurI heard about something called prelink, can this really help me here?19:34
Seven_Six_Twowebnet, the worst part is that I can't even see anything wrong. the hardware is detected and appears exactly as it always has.19:34
root_i understand and not root as far as i know. i am in my home directory. i am not well versed in openbsd and the default root.19:34
scarleopangolin, thanks but I have been through that page many times without finding where the private key is19:34
Seven_Six_Twopsusi, it broke with the first 3. kernel that made it in to the repo. and every kernel after that.19:35
psusiSeven_Six_Two, right, but if you could narrow it down more precisely to which mainline version, it would help19:35
velkoSeven_Six_Two, you can check in synaptic if you have package named "linux-image-2.6-686" and install it if it's there19:35
=== tazjin|away is now known as tazjin
Seven_Six_Twovelko, there haven't been any 2.6 in the repos for a while.19:36
Seven_Six_Twopsusi, I might do that, but those are very very vanilla, without the ubuntu patches, and won't work with binary drivers...19:37
velkoSeven_Six_Two, tough luck19:37
Seven_Six_Twopsusi, I was reading about the mainline ppa, and I was wondering, should I add it as a ppa, or just grab the debs that I require?19:37
psusiSeven_Six_Two, true... but the more specific you can nail down where it broke, the more likely it is to get fixed, and then you can go back to running the normal kernel19:38
psusiSeven_Six_Two, if you add it as a ppa you will only be able to install versions for your current ubuntu release... so I'd say just download 'em19:38
psusiSeven_Six_Two, of course, if you are still running oneiric, and think it worked some time after 2.6.39, then adding it as a ppa should be good enough19:39
ra1ndr0pis this the right place to come to get help with ndiswrapper19:39
=== AV is now known as AV123
Seven_Six_Twopsusi, I'm on oneiric, but unfortunately I don't remember the exact version. There was a time when there was 2.6.** in the repo at the same time as the new 3.0.**. That's when it worked last. The latest 2.6.**. I went back and forth between the two versions, and only the older one worked.19:41
=== mh0 is now known as AppleJ
psusiSeven_Six_Two, then I'd say try that 2.6.39-oneiric mainline build and see if it works, then try more recent ones until it breaks... if you can get it down to works in X, breaks in X+1, that would really narrow down the set of changes that could have caused the problem, making it much easier to find19:43
Seven_Six_Twopsusi, thanks for the advice. I'll give that a try.19:43
Bulbasaurpeople, how can I put an icon for Firefox in my desktop? Is it possible? Because this computer will be for my mom, and she is used up to that sort of thing.19:44
psusiBulbasaur, the big firefox icon sitting on the left side of the screen isn't obvious enough?19:45
ubuntucan sombody pls help me repair grub?  I have tried the steps on several web pages including installing "boot-repair". still not working.  I have my partiton map written on paper19:46
Bulbasaurpsusi, it's not :P19:46
psusiBulbasaur, I mean, whether it is there, or an inch further to the right doesn't make any difference19:46
SHOVELLmy partition table seems to be broken or corrupt HELP i would like to fix this with out reinstall19:47
diegoxddc send #file19:47
pangolin!warez > diego19:47
ubottudiego, please see my private message19:47
psusiubuntu, google "boot info script", download and run it, and pastebin the results19:47
ubuntuok psusi19:48
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:48
ubottuDanielino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:48
=== bluekb is now known as bluebk
Bulbasaurbtw, I just installed unity-2d, how can I actually use it?19:50
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:50
pangolinBulbasaur : log out and at the login screen select Unity 2d19:50
Bulbasaurok, brb19:50
superdave321diego: /join #ubuntu-bots19:51
frnasani_attoteccan any body help me19:52
superdave321goahead and ask. you don't have to ask to ask...19:53
frnasani_attoteci wont stop mouse auto click on ubuntu 11.1019:53
subz3r0!ask frnasani_attotec19:53
frnasani_attotechow i can do that19:53
superdave321!ask | frnasani_attotec19:54
ubottufrnasani_attotec: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:54
frnasani_attotecok i asked my question  and i wait for answer19:56
frnasani_attotecno answer !!19:58
SHOVELLhey i cant see any partitions in gparted and i want to make partitions help19:58
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  can you see them if you type sudo fdisk -l in a terminal?19:59
Slasher`does anyone know how i can make kvkbd come up automatically on the ubuntu login screen please?20:00
FonzieDoes anyone have a tip for an application that can generate and push serious ammounts of TCP/UDP traffic?20:00
SHOVELLMonkeyDust, yes but i dont think it look=s correct20:01
frnasani_attotec 20:01
frnasani_attotechey i wont stop mouse auto click on ubuntu 11.10 any help to do that20:01
slackinGood afternoon everyone! What a rainy day, perfect for updating the systems and watchin sometin on the telli!20:02
velkofrnasani_attotec, your question does not make sense20:02
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  use pastebin to show us what sudo fdisk -l looks like20:02
SHOVELLsda is what i am having issues MonkeyDust20:04
esad_my wireless card doesn t work can you help me?20:05
wolfmitchellCan I make an actual desktp environment like Gnome completely in Bash? Or do I have to learn other languages?20:05
MonkeyDustambitious plans, wolfmitchell ?20:06
wolfmitchellMaybe >.<20:06
wolfmitchellBut is it possible?20:06
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  and gparted does not show any?20:06
Guest78512how do i send message to others in this channel20:07
webnet!offtopic | webnet20:07
ubottuwebnet, please see my private message20:07
Guest78512web net go to #talk bios please20:07
superdave321Guest78512: what are you trying to do?20:08
devishhi i have successfully installed tomcat on ubuntu but unable to deploy a site on it , i copied my war file into webapps but locahost/myproject is not visisble20:08
ActionParsnipGuest78512: you can use    /msg nick message    be sure to ASK first. if you simply want to address them in the channel you can tab complete their nick and it will highlight for them20:08
Guest78512send webnet a message20:08
devishis some additional settings are required20:08
ubottuhiro89: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:08
ActionParsnipGuest78512: try:  /msg webnet hi20:08
subz3r0---> /query nick20:08
SHOVELLcorret and the diskutility shows that there is a giant partition at the end of the drive20:09
=== over_ is now known as [over]
Guest78512it did not work son20:09
esad_how can i use my wireless card on ubuntu 10.0420:09
esad_it is broadcom20:09
subz3r0what chipset?20:09
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:09
MonkeyDust!bcm| esad_20:09
ubottuesad_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:09
CFHowlettesad_   with effort but it can be done ...20:09
subz3r0ActionParsnip, thx ;)20:09
YohanMeisterIf anyone knows, I need to find out the exact name of the selection you make in the "Use as" area of the installer. This is for the system partition on a uefi install. What I need to know is what selection you are supposed to make in that area for a uefi install.20:10
bingeri tried to follow http://ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html but am getting an error with it not being able to find/install nvidia-glx package.20:10
wolfmitchellIs it possible to make a desktop environment completely in bash?20:11
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  same issue if you boot from a live cd / usb ?20:11
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: how do you mean?20:11
velkowolfmitchell, no20:11
TriggerHow can I change the hostname of my pc without reinstalling linux20:12
akkadicovi saluto20:12
ubottuakkadico: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:12
SHOVELLMonkeyDust,  yes20:12
TynachCan anyone here me? Is my Internet working?20:12
wolfmitchellEg. use Bash to make a desktop environment like Gnome 2 (Or 1)20:12
subz3r0Tynach, no your inet is not working20:12
ActionParsnipTrigger: open /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts for editting with: gksudo gedit    and edit BOTH at the same time, then save both and reboot20:12
forevisTynach, no ;/20:12
velkoTrigger, change /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts20:12
superdave3211hi | tynach20:12
superdave321!hi | tynach20:12
TynachGood, people are responding to me. Thanks, that's all I needed to know :)20:13
=== nick is now known as Guest19898
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: bash is a scripting language, so no. You can compile code in a bash shell to build the environment20:13
subz3r0velko, any chance to change it temporaly?20:13
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  what does gparted look like use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add20:13
wolfmitchellI only know bash. Too lazy to learn other languages.20:13
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  what does gparted look like? use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add20:13
wolfmitchellOther than PHP >.<20:13
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: if you want Gnome2 there are forks but they are not supported here20:14
velkosubz3r0, the hostname? just change it back after you're done20:14
Hopsycan someone help me please? what can I do witch this? http://gyazo.com/8f7b44df167427bf7c7646a513478249.png?133149667620:14
MonkeyDustwolfmitchell  but not lazy enough to invent and create a complete new DE ?20:14
antivirtelHi! I've added a PPA, because of the beta GIMP (http://ppa.launchpad.net/matthaeus123/mrw-gimp-svn/ubuntu/) lib dependency: http://ppa.launchpad.net/ricotz/testing/ubuntu/ - unfortunately, it upgrades my unity and a lots of other packages. I'm looking for a method, how to prioritize it goodly, because I can pin the host only(ppa.launchpad.net), and I don't want it. I've other LP PPAs. The second question is, how can I downgrade (expect the required l20:14
subz3r0velko, should work with a shell script too, doesnt it?20:14
velkosubz3r0, i don't see any reason why not. haven't tried it though20:14
wolfmitchellI mean I don't like learning new scripting languages...20:14
subz3r0velko, thx :)20:15
MonkeyDustantivirtel  you won't find much support for PPAs here20:15
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FloodBot1robson: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
SHOVELLMonkeyDust, http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-03112012-031442pm.php20:15
antivirtelMonkeyDust, it is just repo management..., I could write repo A, and repo B...20:16
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HopsySHOVELL: what happened?20:16
bouzbouhi, I've installed ubuntu near windows, but I'm I launch my computer, I'm not asked if I want to go to ubuntu or winfows, it goes directly to windows, do you know why?20:17
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  i guess /dev/sda is simply not used and your system is installed on /dev/sdb or so20:17
ActionParsnipbouzbou: did you install ubuntu to a seperate physical drive?20:17
SHOVELLMonkeyDust, nope i am running off sda right now20:18
bouzbouno I chose the split option20:18
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  idd, fdisk -l says that20:18
ActionParsnipbouzbou: boot to the liveCD and install grub to the drive. You can use this guide: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/20:18
velkoHopsy, according to this link it could be a sign for bad sectors. http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/badblockhowto.html20:18
Hopsyvelko: and what to do now :(20:19
SHOVELLMonkeyDust, what idd?20:19
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  idd, /dev/sda is being used, is what i mean20:19
wolfmitchellIn bash is there a way to perminently store a variable (that updates) on every run? And the value it holds?20:20
velkoHopsy, make a backup as fast as you can. get a new drive. this may continue to work but creeping data corruption is a real danger.20:20
Hopsyvelko: how to make bakeup? I cant reach it20:20
MonkeyDustwolfmitchell  better ask that in #bash20:20
Hopsyback up *20:20
wolfmitchellMonkeyDust: Thanks.20:20
SHOVELLMonkeyDust,  i am running ubuntu from sda120:20
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  yes, it shows, I wonder why gparted shows something else20:21
pythonsnakeis it ok to have a cpu at max frequency but low load?20:21
velkoHopsy, if you have enough free space on a bigger drive you can copy every bit from the old one via "dd". later you can attempt recovery on this image20:21
bouzbouActionParsnip: do I need to do it with an USB or I can  use the CD I have instead?20:21
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superdave321velko: Ooh, I've been needing something like that...20:22
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  the only thing that comes on my mind, is that you didn't start gparted as root, but i'm not sure if that's even possible or makes a difference20:23
SHOVELLMonkeyDust,  \that image i showed has the disk utility in it on the bottom right ant is shows a huge partition at the end that doesnt exits20:23
SHOVELLMonkeyDust, i am running gparted as root20:23
binger i tried to follow http://ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html but am getting an error with it not being able to find/install nvidia-glx package.  Any ideas?20:24
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  the Windows Trick: have you restarted your pc to see if it changes something?20:25
oldos2erbinger: That article is from 2007. Which version of Ubuntu are you using?20:25
bingeroldos2er ubuntu 11.1020:25
SHOVELLMonkeyDust, yes20:25
oldos2erbinger: Do you have the Nvidia proprietary drivers installed?20:26
superdave321MonkeyDust: "Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?"20:26
MonkeyDustSHOVELL  the strangest thing, no further advice, maybe somebody else can help20:26
SHOVELLMonkeyDust,  ok thanks20:26
bingerNot at the moment.  Hmm...should install the recommended ones from additional drivers and then follow that web page???20:27
oldos2erbinger: Don't follow that article, it's out of date20:27
jefinc`SHOVELL; what was the question?20:28
bingeroldos2er what do you suggest I do?20:28
SHOVELLmy partition table seems to be broken or corrupt HELP i would like to fix this with out reinstall20:28
bingeroldos2er I was following it because someone else posted earlier. :)20:28
oldos2erbinger: Once you install the proprietary drivers, run gksu nvidiaa-settings to enable twin view20:28
SHOVELLjefinc`,  gparted shows no partition table20:28
Mavrikguys, what gives with slow desktop performance when using nVidia proprietary drivers?20:29
SHOVELLjefinc`, but fdisk does for sda and i do not want to loose the information20:30
bingeroldos2er ok will give that a shot.  There are several drivers listed there.  Should I stick with the recommended one?  I've had it installed but it does seem to slow the system down.20:30
oldos2erbinger: which nvidi card you have?20:30
MonkeyDustjefinc`  this is SHOVELL 's situation http://pastebin.com/us59WELt http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-03112012-031442pm.php20:31
oldos2erbinger: yes, i would go with the recommended ones20:31
guntbertterryd:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:31
bingeroldos2er geforce something.  Is there a way to look within ubuntu?  I am running it dual boot with win7, not sure how to see hardware in ubuntu20:32
subz3r0Terryd, /help , /list20:32
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oldos2erbinger: lspci | grep VGA20:34
oldos2erbinger: run that in a terminal, it should show which card you have20:34
makarain the hit TV series Dallas, who played the part of Bobby's wife Pamela Ewing?20:34
guntbert!ot | makara20:36
ubottumakara: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:36
bingeroldos2er: geforce 7150M/nforce 630M (rev A2)20:36
oldos2erbinger: that's an older card? install the recommended drivers (from additional drivers)20:37
subz3r0makara, the mum of cpt. kirk20:39
bingeroldos2er laptop is probably 3 or 4 years old, will try the recommended ones.20:39
oldos2erbinger: hopefully you should be good to go20:39
oldos2erbinger: you're welcome20:40
makarasubz3r0: hmmm, not that I know of. It was Victoria Principal20:41
apersonWhen using @weekly in my crontab, when does the week start?20:41
guntbertmakara: please keep your comments here to ubuntu support only20:42
devishdoes copying the war files and then running localhost:8080/project do not run project in linux20:42
devishin tomcat20:42
dicannamasi have a webcam that works fine when i use it to take pictures but i had tryed use it in a messenger like amsn and skype and the webcam does not load...what should i do?20:42
ActionParsnipdicannamas: can you pastebin the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; lsusb20:44
guntbertaperson: @weekly creates an entry with day 0 = sunday - see man 5 crontab20:44
apersonguntbert➽ thanks, so it starts on sunday20:44
ActionParsnipaperson: if you have a desktop UI, you can use gnome-schedule :)20:45
velkodicannamas, try starting skype from the command line like this "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" if it works - put it in a script and start that script instead of skype directly20:45
apersonActionParsnip➽ this is for a cron job on my server that makes automated reddit posts20:45
ActionParsnipaperson: gotcha20:45
sbarcteamI've ran do-release-upgrade from hardy to lucid.20:46
bingeroldos2er well the gksu nvidia-settings brought up the gui but it's not detecting the external monitor20:46
sbarcteamWhen running lsb-release -a I am still getting a printout of "Hardy".20:47
sbarcteamwhat did I do wrong ?20:47
velkodicannamas, since onecric the command is actually "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" and if you are using 64-big "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype". make sure you have installed libv4l-0 (or lib32v4l-0 if you are on 64-bit)20:47
dicannamasvelko, ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.20:47
ubuntuCan sombody please help me?  I have nuked grub and can't seem to reinstall it.  I have tried several walkthrus even installed "boot-repair" still no dice. I am on an xubuntu live cd and I have a partition map writtin down.20:48
ubuntuwhen I type "sudo grub-install dev/cciss/c0d0" I get "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'."20:48
oldos2erbinger: it doesn't show in 'Xserver Display Configuration'?20:48
antivirtelMonkeyDust - see above!20:49
pythonsnakedoes cpu frequency affects its temp?20:50
webnetanyon eknow a way to look up th epid for a proicess from command line?20:50
webneti was going to use pgrep20:50
webnetbut i donnt want to install anything20:50
ActionParsnipwebnet: ps -ef | grep something | awk '{print $1}'20:50
webnetcool thanks20:51
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ActionParsnipwebnet: or:  pidof processname20:51
webnetoh that's be faster20:51
ActionParsnipdicannamas: sudo apt-get install libv4l-020:51
webnetActionParsnip, thanks worked great! :D20:51
ActionParsnipwebnet: both are fairly instantaneous, pidof requires you to get the processname spot on20:51
bingeroldos2er actually i think that it detects it but there's no option for "twinview" or similar that I can see. Maybe need a different driver? I'll do some more googling.20:52
dicannamasActionParsnip,  already instelled20:52
ActionParsnipdicannamas: what is the output of: uname -m20:53
oldos2erbinger: you clicked the dropdown menu next to 'configuration'?20:53
dicannamasActionParsnip, i68620:53
bingeroldos2er: it shows as an option in a dropdown menu on the display configuration but the gui is only showing one monitor at a time and the second as "disabled"20:53
ActionParsnippythonsnake: a CPU running slower will generate less heat, it can also use less power20:53
us12hello. can anybody help me with dualboot please ?20:54
ActionParsnipdicannamas: and the output of:  lsb_release -sc20:54
bingeroldos2er got it i think :):):)20:54
oldos2erbinger: click the disabled monitor, then the configuration dropdown menu for twin view20:55
bingerthat's what i just stumbled on.20:55
oldos2erbinger: it's confusing, i know20:55
dicannamasActionParsnip, oneiric20:55
ActionParsnipdicannamas: try:    LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype20:55
bingerthanks again.  am now a happy camper20:55
oldos2erbinger: cool, glad you got it going20:55
MonkeyDustwebnet  try pgrep -l20:56
dicannamasActionParsnip, ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.20:56
MonkeyDust!dualboot| us1220:57
ubottuus12: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:57
ActionParsnipdicannamas: tab complete the file names in terminal, you get the idea20:57
nfmHi all, I want to use the 'beep' program to let me know when dvdbackup is finished, but it doesn't make any sound. I have loaded the pcspkr module, and I can't figure out what else I'm missing. I'm on 11.10 64-bit20:57
dicannamasActionParsnip, what?20:57
MonkeyDustnfm  in a Terminal, type alsamixer, if you see MM, go there and press M20:58
dicannamasActionParsnip, one minute i go verify the names in the folders20:58
ActionParsnipdicannamas: does the /usr/lib/libv4l exist? if so what files are in there, do they sound like the ones in the commands given so far?20:59
ActionParsnipdicannamas: bit of fuzzy logic speeds things up20:59
nfmMonkeyDust: Yep, it was muted! It works now. Thanks!21:00
us12MonkeyDust: read it but, dont think that fully understand what to do :(21:00
Macaronii'm on Ubuntu 10.04 and i've just installed spotify, but it crashes after i type in my username and password, does anyone else experience this problem?21:02
ActionParsnipMacaroni: spotify as in the native app or via wine21:03
us12MonkeyDust: i found something like this - http://www.supergrubdisk.org/category/download/supergrub2diskdownload/  is this is good idea to use this?21:03
MacaroniActionParsnip, the native app21:04
MonkeyDustus12  what was your question again?21:04
dicannamasActionParsnip, the folder is there but with a luck on it...does it make any difference?21:04
ActionParsnipMacaroni: run it in a termnal, the output may help21:04
ActionParsnipdicannamas: its owned by root, you should be able to enter it21:05
Macaroniok, i'll give it a try, thanks21:05
ActionParsnipMacaroni: did you install it with the PPA?21:05
dicannamasActionParsnip, doesnt show at first but qhen i search it show with a luck which i could open no problem21:05
us12MonkeyDust:  i cant start use dualboot after resizing win7 partition21:05
Macaronithe one from spotify site21:05
ActionParsnipMacaroni: you may want to contact the ppa maintainer. I use the same app in precise and its fine21:06
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fga /leave goodnight21:07
MacaroniActionParsnip: i ran it in terminal and it said "segmentation fault" upon crashing21:07
ActionParsnipMacaroni: is there a config folder in $HOME or $HOME/.config    for the app?21:08
MacaroniActionParsnip: lemme check21:08
pedritoHello. I am running Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit and I having problems with libopenal. The library is requested to run a app called X-plane. The App is requesting the 32 bit library. I have install libopenal with synaptic package manager. Although installed the x-plane can't find the lib. Can you check the following terminal outputs in http://paste.ubuntu.com/879517/21:08
MacaroniActionParsnip: yes there is21:09
dicannamasActionParsnip, are you still with me?21:10
TriggerTrigger: open /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts for editting with: gksudo gedit    and edit BOTH at the same time, then save both and reboot .....I don't understand still how to do this at the same time. Can you give me a path?21:11
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bouzbouI've installed ubuntu, I'm on the test version with the liveCD, I'm trying to install grub but with no success, how can I do that?21:13
MrCraigI have a problem with my keyboard, short-cuts such as ctrl+c/v/x/z don't work. The keys themselves function, but it seems the scan-codes are different or incorrectly mapped. Is there a tool I can use to test different layouts to find one that works?21:14
apersonbouzbou➽ you need to chroot and install grub from there21:14
bouzbouaperson: chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory21:15
apersonbouzbou➽ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB221:15
wolfmitchellIs there ar21:16
bouzbouaperson: ah thank you I'm going to try the graphical tool, I don't know anything yet about the terminal21:16
hajarHow to transfer phone dictionary  contacts to iphone 4s using ubuntu 11.1021:16
ActionParsnipdicannamas: sup21:16
ActionParsnipMacaroni: delete it, then rerun the app21:16
dicannamasActionParsnip, stock still21:16
wolfmitchellIs there a program that captures command line input and puts it in a pastebin?21:16
dicannamashelp me out21:17
wolfmitchell(I said wth as my enter key is bugging me)21:17
ActionParsnipdicannamas: not sure then dude, if you run:  lsusb   you can search for guides for the device21:17
dicannamasActionParsnip, the cam works fine with picture taker21:18
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ActionParsnipdicannamas: maybe there are bugs reported....21:18
dicannamasActionParsnip, skype shows the name on the cam but the test dont work21:18
MacaroniActionParsnip: didn't work :/21:19
ra1ndr0pIs there a place where i can get ndiswrapper 1.56 deb's and ALL of there dependencies?21:19
MaxHr_Hello, looking for an editor that will take an existing pdf, use it as a canvas and let me put editable text fields on-top of it, leaving them fillable and editable, any suggestions?21:19
dicannamasActionParsnip, must be something i am missing on the platform itself as amsn has the same problem21:19
pedritowolfmitchell: select text with mouse and then midbutton click on pastebin.21:19
storytellercan we trace availability of secondary dns through dig command21:19
dicannamasActionParsnip, thanks man..i go search around21:19
ActionParsnipdicannamas: the 8 character hex id will help find guides21:19
=== Companion is now known as companion
wolfmitchellpedrito: I mean a program that runs in command line to post to a pastebin. Eg. Piping a command through it.21:20
dicannamasActionParsnip, whats that?21:20
wolfmitchellI need it for a VM.21:20
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sstawolfmitchell: pastebinit?21:20
ActionParsnipdicannamas: in the lsusb output...21:20
wolfmitchellssta: Thats the one I was looking for,21:20
ActionParsnipstoryteller: you could ping the secondary dns I guess...21:21
dicannamasActionParsnip, Bus 002 Device 002: ID 041e:4052 Creative Technology, Ltd Live! Cam Vista IM21:21
pedritoHello. Need help. I am running Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit and I having problems with libopenal. The library is requested to run a app called X-plane. The App is requesting the 32 bit library. I have install libopenal with synaptic package manager. Although installed the x-plane can't find the lib. Can you check the following terminal outputs in http://paste.ubuntu.com/879517/21:21
ActionParsnipdicannamas: ok use the: 041e:4052    bity and find guides..21:21
storyteller@ActionParsnip:even for that i`ll need to know its IP atleast :P21:21
dicannamasActionParsnip, i dont know what you mean21:22
dicannamasActionParsnip, bugs reported?21:22
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storyteller@ActionParsnip:that means i`ll need to know its presence.21:22
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ActionParsnipdicannamas: the ID identifies the device. If you searchj for it youu will find how tos and bugs21:25
ActionParsnipstoryteller: the IP will be in /etc/resolv.conf21:25
dicannamasActionParsnip, thanks man, really appretiate it...i go check...later21:26
SHOVELLmy partition table seems to be broken or corrupt HELP i would like to fix this with out reinstall21:26
SHOVELLsituation http://pastebin.com/us59WELt http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-03112012-031442pm.php21:27
storyteller@ActionParsnip:I am testing a remote machine.Just wondered if any one trace presence of secondary ns.21:27
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mtrd`hello. i'm trying to stop x server as i want to install some nvidia driver, i tried a lot of solutions, but all i can get is nothing or a console comming up (with no prompt) and various checks on pulseaudio, etc... what do you recommend as a sure way to disable X ?21:28
ActionParsnipmtrd`: you can install the nvidia driver from the desktop21:29
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MonkeyDust!nox| mtrd` you mean this?21:29
ubottumtrd` you mean this?: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode21:29
mtrd`it tells me i'm running X and that i should stop it ActionParsnip21:29
mtrd`MonkeyDust, didn't try that, thank you :)21:29
ActionParsnipmtrd`: if you install:   sudo apt-get install nvidia-current   then reboot it will be installed21:30
tasujahello need help, cant install build-essential21:31
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OU818where can i go to bs/21:32
ActionParsniptasuja: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install build-essential    not work?21:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:33
tasujaActionParsnip, no21:33
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szaltasuja: define 'cant install'21:34
tasujabuild-essential : Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or21:34
tasujaDepends: g++ (>= 4:4.4.3) but it is not going to be installed21:34
tasujaE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.21:34
OU818shovell. where can i go to learn passive agressive bot commands/21:34
ActionParsniptasuja: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc21:34
SHOVELLOU818, not a clue21:34
bastidrazorubottu: tell OU818 about factoids21:34
ubottuOU818, please see my private message21:34
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tasujaActionParsnip, oneiric21:35
ActionParsniptasuja: have you added any PPAs?21:35
SHOVELLmy partition table seems to be broken or corrupt HELP i would like to fix this with out reinstall  situation http://pastebin.com/us59WELt http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-03112012-031442pm.php21:35
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tasujaActionParsnip, dont thinks so dont know what these are21:35
szalsounds strange to me; I thought Oneiric had gcc 4.6.1 or so21:36
tasujai have Lubuntu21:36
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Jacruth Hello, how could I setup to no start the Apache daemon at the system start?21:37
calloci just installed 11.10 and then first thing it asked me was to download 300 megabytes of updates21:38
RodrigoSomebody here?21:39
Guinness2702Hi there.  Can anybody tell me how to stop NetworkManager from clobbering my resolv.conf?  I've told it network is disabled, and it still keeps doing it :(21:39
meerkatshow do I edit the name of an icon in unity? compiz?21:39
ActionParsnipcalloc: yes, the release was out in October, so you have 6 months of updates...21:40
mtrd`hi again.21:48
mtrd`where should i type the 'text' argument ?21:48
mtrd`on grub choice page?21:48
bel3ataranyone upgraded to KDE 4.8.1 ?21:51
n0sqi don't know what changed but the sidebar menu won't autohide anymore - how do i fix this?21:54
ActionParsniptasuja: are there any bugs reported?21:55
ActionParsnipbel3atar: there is a backports ppa with it on21:56
bel3atarActionParsnip: I upgraded already and my quicklaunch just disappears all the time21:56
ActionParsnipbel3atar: I'd contact the PPA maintainer then21:57
slothscriptsHas anyone dealt with an issue, on boot-up a message "Input Signal out of Range / Changing to XXXXX" before prior to the log in screen appearing?22:01
ActionParsnipslothscripts: do you use nvidia gpu, or amd by any chance?22:04
mtrd`Hello. I'm trying to boot in console mode, i tried : sudo /etc/init.d/xdm stop, it finds no service, stop lightdm and init 3 hangs on checking battery state, i messed with grub and tried to ad "single" to the kernel which leads to a too low runlevel22:04
mtrd`how can i boot in my usual user and runlevel without X ?22:04
slothscriptsI do belief I am running an nvidia gpu.22:05
ActionParsnipslothscripts: with the proprietary driver?22:05
ETronikJust finished migrating my Mum from Windows7 onto Ubuntu !! yay! :-D let's see how see fares....22:05
ActionParsnipmtrd`: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root, then use su to change to your user22:05
mtrd`ActionParsnip, trying that, thanks ! :)22:05
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ActionParsnipslothscripts: thats can happen as the driver doesn't get loaded fast enogh before plymouth loads, so you get the message22:06
slothscriptsActionParsnip: I will look into it; I believe I was though.22:07
zambai have lots and lots of files i need to transfer over the net.. i ahve a very good connection, but the overhead due to the number of files makes it very slow to transfer.. how can i speed this up?22:08
ActionParsnipslothscripts: I wouldn't worry about it personally22:09
velkozamba, tar them together first into one big file "tar cvf mybigfile.tar mydir/" and transfer it over the net22:09
zambavelko: the problem is that i don't have available disk space for that :p22:09
slothscriptsActionParsnip: I am only worrying because my Grub will not load; and that message appears directly after "Grub Loading..." and then from there it boots to Ubuntu. I'm dual booting with windows 7, however, I cannot actually boot into windows 7.22:10
ActionParsnipslothscripts: if you hold shift at boot, does it show?22:10
Guest38150How do i cd to /home/mike/cc It says no such file or directory?22:10
ActionParsnipGuest38150: is the case correct?22:11
slothscriptsno if I hold shift it only displays the grub loading; otherwise nothing.22:11
Guest38150ActionParsnip,  yes /home/mike also says no such file or dir22:12
ActionParsnipslothscripts: you can modify /etc/default/grub and set the res there. You can see the screen res you use with:  xrandr22:12
callocwhat is a good compact mp3 player?22:12
sstazamba: tar zc . | ssh user@host -c cat > foo.tar.gz22:12
CFHowlettcalloc   audacious22:12
zambassta: sweet22:12
ActionParsnipcalloc: mplayer22:12
sstazamba: test that before you trust it BTW...22:13
slothscriptsActionParsnip: will you be around in a little? I have to run quickly, but I had not been suggested that yet.22:13
CFHowlettActionParsnip   *right!* didn't even think of mplayer.22:13
ActionParsnipslothscripts: sure22:13
zambassta: it's a bunch of jpegs, so i guess the z option won't do much22:13
ActionParsnipCFHowlett: mplayer is the daddy22:13
sstazamba: fair enough22:13
Guest38150mplayer is the same as movie player?22:15
CFHowlettGuest38150   no22:16
chigginsAnyone know how I can svn checkout even when my SSL cert doesn't fully validate?22:16
ActionParsnipGuest38150: movie player == totem22:16
mtrd`ActionParsnip, thank you, it worked :)22:17
ActionParsnipmtrd`: sweet22:17
CFHowlettGuest38150   mplayer is a different player launched from terminal.  Most users are unaware of it, so you may consider yourself better informed than most.22:17
Guest38150ActionParsnip, you like mplayer over vlc?22:17
ActionParsnipmtrd`: did the drivers in the repos not work?22:17
ActionParsnipGuest38150: for me, yes :)22:17
tasujafinnaly got installing, updated sources.list22:17
ActionParsnipGuest38150: but for remote controlled media player, vlc all the way22:18
chigginsAny help with this SVN checkout and SSL? http://pastebin.com/sTKLC2wd22:19
mtrd`ActionParsnip, it's a developper driver for CUDA, not sure it's in repos22:19
Triggerbeen trying to change my hostname and now I cannot bring up the terminal by doing a ctrl alt T. Something is really screwed up.22:20
Triggerby not doing a ctrl, alt, T I cannot get into the gksudo and gedit. What can i do22:22
valloris there a graphical front-end to generating live Ubuntu images?22:24
vallorlive usb images, that is22:25
bingerI accidentally rm'd sudo so now get meesage :  The program 'sudo' can be found in the following packages:22:26
binger * sudo22:26
binger * sudo-ldap22:26
bingerTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>22:26
bingerhow to fix?22:26
OerHeksvallor, yes, usb-creator, standard installed in your ubuntu22:26
CFHowlettbinger   dang - I didn't even know that was possible.22:26
vallorOerHeks: thank you! :)22:27
sstadownload the sudo package by hand, boot to single user, and dpkg -i it22:27
Spyro2binger, su22:27
rypervenchebinger: Log in as root to run those commands. If you don't have a root password, then you'll have to go into recovery mode and make a password there.22:27
bingerrypervenche,  dumb question but how do I get to root?22:28
ghatakHow do I prevent X from starting up upon booting of computer? I already tried to add the override in /etc/init.d/lightdm and it did not work22:28
webnetremove x?22:30
rypervenchebinger: When you start Ubuntu in recovery mode, it will log you in as root automatically. Give root a password with "passwd root" then restart your computer as normal. Afterward, do "su -" and use root's new password. Then run "aptitude install sudo" and when you're done, log out of root with "exit" and remove root's password with "sudo passwd -d root"22:30
bingerrypervenche, thank you will try that22:30
ghatakwebnet: that is not right, i need X for other stuff, just don't want it running all the time22:31
sstaumm, use passwd -l root, -d removes the password22:31
ubuntunobodyhi, is there a good alternative to unetbootin to create an ubuntu live usb?22:31
CFHowlettubuntunobody   startupdiskcreator22:32
trism!text | ghatak22:32
ubottughatak: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode22:32
ubuntunobodyCFHowlett: thank you22:32
ghataktrism: ha my man22:32
ghatakthat is it22:32
webnetghatak, oh ok22:32
=== Mud is now known as Guest99694
theTroyI understand that linux caches files, but is it possible to force-load a file or folder into the RAM on start or on demand?22:35
sstatheTroy: you could put it into /dev/shm maybe?22:35
Guest38150That startup disk creator looks as easy to use as unetbootin22:35
Guest38150never knew that program was there22:36
technelUsing 11.10 with a brand new $1500 desktop (Radeon 8950). When I alt+tab, the windows all disappear for a second, then reappear. Sometimes this happens and I can't use my keyboard anymore and Unity crashes. Any ideas?22:36
theTroyssta: could you clarify? wouldnt that mean that any changes would be lost?22:36
sstatheTroy: yes, it would.22:36
sstatheTroy: I'm not really sure what it is you want...it was just a suggested path22:36
theTroyI wanted to simply load a file into memory. When you copy a large file over, ubuntu caches it, so if I copy it again, it will take much less time (since it doesnt read from HDD anymore)22:37
ActionParsniptheTroy: sure, add the command to copy the folder in /etc/rc.local above the 'exit 0', to copy to a ram drive and it will be in RAM. You will need to copy back to the hard storage before power off to retain changes22:37
theTroyI simply want to force-cache a file or folder22:37
sstanot sure you can do that22:38
theTroyActionParsnip: I do not want to operate on a file in RAM, I want to to be cached, as linux caches any other file (I explained above)22:38
ActionParsnipssta: why not?22:38
ubuntunobodyGuest38150: yes worked much better for me22:38
sstaActionParsnip: I don't know of any way to force a file into cache.  Whether or not the kernel decides to cache something is up to the kernel, not userspace22:38
ActionParsniptheTroy: how is it different?22:39
theTroyActionParsnip: actions performed on the file will be performed on the HDD image, while any read action will be taken from RAM22:39
theTroysince that is what linux cache does, as far as I understand22:39
ActionParsniptheTroy: you could work on the file in the ram drive and you could cron an rsync to copy the file to the drive periodically. This would achieve the same22:40
OerHeksstracqua, what are you trying to tell us?22:40
ActionParsniptheTroy: i can't think of another way to do it. maybe others have alternatives22:40
technelAnyone know why I would lose my title bars and the ability to type after alt+tabbing in 11.10?22:42
theTroyActionParsnip: Hmm, yeah, I might not be explaining correctly. Am I correct to say that linux caches file (i.e. reads it into RAM) if I use nautilus copy function? But at the same time if I change the file that has been copied, the cache is freed (I can see it happening on system monitor). But from your words there is no way to manually act on this behaviour?22:42
sstatheTroy: you could (maybe) cp the files to /dev/null, which MIGHT put them in the read cache...and the kernel MIGHT leave them in the cache until you need them...22:43
theTroyssta: this is closer to what I wanted :)22:43
sstatheTroy: it's far from certain though...really manipulating the cache isn't something that can be reliably done from userspace22:43
theTroyssta: thanks for explanation, Ill try to search further :)22:44
_amoebais there a way where I can set the icon for mp3 files ? When I try to change it for one mp3 icon it just changes it for that file not all mp3 types22:44
sstawhy do you want to do it anyway?22:44
velvetpixelI am looking for the md5 checksum file for the 64-bit download found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=desktop&bits=64&release=latest22:45
CFHowlettvelvetpixel   http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.10/release/22:46
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OerHeksor https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes22:47
velvetpixel@CFHowlett Thank you! Would be nice to have alink to it from the main downloads page :)22:47
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zarafiqhello fellow ubuntu users22:51
zarafiqlooking for some help with installing a package22:51
OerHekszarafiq, ask away22:51
Benkinoobyzarafiq, a bit more info would be useful ;)22:51
CFHowlettzarafiq   more details ...22:51
zarafiqof course :) just checking if I'm in the right place22:52
hypn0in ubuntu 10.04 the swap partition is practically zero (252bytes) - it isnt being used, how can i get it working again?22:52
bingerStill having trouble with sudo.  I did this:When you start Ubuntu in recovery mode, it will log you in as root automatically. Give root a password with "passwd root" then restart your computer as normal. Afterward, do "su -" and use root's new password. Then run "aptitude install sudo" and when you're done, log out of root with "exit" and remove root's password with "sudo passwd -d root22:52
zarafiqtrying to install amazonmp3 app - reguires some libs but it seems older versions that I can get using synaptic22:53
ActionParsniptheTroy: that's how i'd do it otherwise not sure. Maybe others can advise22:53
CFHowletthypn0   what is the swap partition size?22:53
jribbinger: umm, why are you doing that?  What was the original issue?22:53
Vinnie_winWhats a good channel for soliciting help in writing a simple Makefile?22:53
bingerwas able to set root password, exited root, tried to install sudo: apt-get install sudo22:53
bingerReading package lists... Done22:53
bingerBuilding dependency tree22:53
bingerReading state information... Done22:53
bingersudo is already the newest version.22:53
FloodBot1binger: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:53
hypn0CFHowlett, abt 400+mbs, its only recently happened22:53
jribVinnie_win: if you are using autotools, #autotools22:53
theTroyActionParsnip: ssta actually, found an interesting tool here fcoretools and fadvise Seems if I write some code I will be able to force-cache files :)22:54
Vinnie_winjrib: I would really like to avoid autotools22:54
Vinnie_winjrib: I just need a little help putting together a Makefile that compiles all the .cpp, links, with the appropriate switches for the needed libraries and thats it (I think)22:54
sstabinger: apt-get install --reinstal sudo22:54
zarafiqe.g. requires libboost-thread1.34.122:54
sstabinger: and use "passwd -l root", not "passwd -d root"22:54
FusionXhow do I update flash?22:54
jribVinnie_win: don't know of such a channel.  Maybe ##programming22:55
FusionXall the youtube videos say, an error occurred22:55
bingerssta: will give that a try thanks22:55
sstaoops... binger: apt-get install --reinstall sudo22:55
sstatwo "l"s in reinstall22:55
velvetpixelis there any difference between ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso which is downloaded from the main Ubunu download page (when 64-bit drop down and the Mac radio button is selected) and ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64+mac.iso available here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.10/release/22:55
bingerhow do I get back to root in terminal?22:56
CFHowlettvelvetpixel   if you got mac, get mac .iso22:56
haz3lnutbinger: su22:56
velvetpixel@CFHowlett K Thanks!22:56
zarafiqsynaptic has libboost-thread1.40.022:57
Benkinoobyhypn0, i'm not a pro, but ifrst of all you should make it bigger22:57
CFHowlettvelvetpixel   good luck22:57
Benkinoobyhypn0, and then you have to mount it as swap...  i don't know how to check if it is use though :(22:57
wamichohow do i get ipod nano g5 to work with gtkpod22:57
bingerscratch that,22:57
velvetpixelI run unstall and manage Ubuntu all day long in our DC on dell servers. Thought I would finally give it a shot on my iMac at home as a desktop :)22:58
velvetpixelInstall not unstall :)22:58
haz3lnutActionParsnip: thanks for help yesterday. re: apt-get problems.  I finally nailed it down to bad ram.  all is smooth now.22:58
sstaBenkinooby: swapon -s22:58
hypn0Benkinooby, _, it worked fine days ago, there is nothing wrong with the size, its just not being recognised, its mounted fine (i think)  /dev/sda3: UUID="33c821e8-2d4b-4b0e-9ea7-3f4a8aec9973" TYPE="swap"22:59
wamichohow do i get ipod nano g5 to work with gtkpod ?22:59
sstahypn0: how do you know it's not recognised?22:59
ActionParsniphaz3lnut: sweet :). RAM does break :)22:59
Benkinoobyhypn0, did you see the comment of ssta ?  it's  swapon -s22:59
ActionParsnipwamicho: could install rockbox :)22:59
scientesanyone have a systemd for ubuntu more recent thatn v 15?23:00
SHOVELLmy partition table seems to be broken or corrupt HELP i would like to fix this with out reinstall  situation http://pastebin.com/us59WELt http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-03112012-031442pm.php23:01
wamichoActionParsnip: Does it allow to add music to ipod g5 ?23:02
vallorwell shoot, I'm doing something wrong -- this is the screen I'm getting:  http://ponzo.net/newshawk/wrong2.png23:02
ActionParsnipwamicho: its an alternate OS for your devcie23:02
SHOVELLi really would like to not have to repartition the whole drive23:02
hypn0ssta, Benkinooby, i checked /etc/fstab and its there correctly, the uuid is correct, it seems to be mounted, just not used : /dev/sda3                               partition       417680  252     -123:03
vallordo I need to partition the usb drive to do a live install?23:03
haz3lnutSHOVELL: try testdisk23:03
CFHowlettvallor   just format it and install23:03
sstahypn0: that is used...23:03
sstahypn0: what makes you think it's not?23:03
haz3lnutwamicho, throw a way that ipod and get a real music player.23:03
vallorCFHowlett: if I click "erase disk", it disappears from the list of disks to use23:03
SHOVELLhaz3lnut, i did and that got the partition table readable but gparted still cant recognize anything23:03
vallorlemme try this again23:03
hypn0but it isnt being used, i get out of memory error, and is stays at zero (just abt) ssta23:04
sstahow much RAM do you have?  You only have 400M of swap which feels smallish23:04
OttifantSirHow do I remove scopes and lenses from Unity?23:04
OerHekshypn0, d you have an encrypted home23:05
haz3lnutSHOVELL: then use testdisk to save everything savable and repartition.  That's the best I can offer.  I've been there before, it's the easiest way.23:05
hypn0OerHeks, no23:05
SHOVELLok well i figured i would ask one last time23:06
vallorah, I see now -- the erase is failing with this:23:06
vallororg.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.23:06
netprinceHey Everyone, I'm trying to install ubuntu server in a hyperv VM, but I keep getting the error 'Your installation cd-rom couldn't be mounted'.  Any clues?23:06
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OttifantSirHow do I remove scopes and lenses in Unity?23:08
SHOVELLwell my drive is sol so ill see you all later as i have to re install everything23:08
haz3lnutsee ya23:08
zarafiqtrying to install amazonmp3, error message "Package libboost-thread1.34.1 is not installed" installed libboost-thread1.40.0 but it seems that dpkg or apt-get want older version23:09
OttifantSirHow do I remove scopes and lenses in Unity?23:09
GR44IS there a better way to customize unity than CompizConfig?  I just keep crashing my GUI everytime I change something23:10
haz3lnutGR44 Unity killed me 2 days ago.  I am only able to use my system through gnome shell, which I don;t like.  Am in the process of installing kde 4.8 right now. hopefully I will have good luck.23:11
GR44I keep resetting compiz to defaults everytime it crashes, trying to figure out which options are stable but it seems hit or miss23:12
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haz3lnutyep.  In a few minutes I will be rebooting into kde.  hopefully all will go well <fingers crossed>23:14
miles__Hello. How can I launch Totem in safe mode (no plugins)?23:16
dylan_ActionParsnip: Hey, I am sorry to have taken so long. Thanks for staying around; do you remember what your advice was?23:17
OttifantSirHow do I remove scopes and lenses from Unity? After apt-get removing them, they're still there.23:17
haz3lnut<miles__>  ... vlc23:17
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jen_where is a site that I can get awesome screensavers?23:19
pythonsnake>> videos are slow23:19
CFHowlettjen_   http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/07/install-extra-screensavers-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/23:19
bobtheblueberrydoes canonical have any plans to fix compiz and nautilus in their next downgrade versions23:20
jen_thanks CFHowlett! I rmember now23:20
Kotusjen_, http://opendesktop.org/index.php?xcontentmode=30x187x212023:20
Eruadanhi, is there a command to install xampp ?23:22
ubottuLya: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:22
lyail y a des francais23:22
sup3rj33n00shi i am new and where isstart button??23:23
ubottulya: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:23
slothscriptsEruadan: Are you looking for XAMPP merely for the PHP + MySQL + Apache packaging?23:23
dicannamasi did create a executable file with a chmod command but now i want to revert what i did and delete the file i creat but i dont know how23:23
lyaby by23:23
lyathank you23:23
synaptixo/ @ #ubuntu23:23
slothscriptsEruadan: You can install the three individually quite easily using the terminal. Let me grab some links for you.23:23
itaylor57!lamp | Eruadan23:24
ubottuEruadan: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:24
jen_hold the phone...I cant find where I CAN put a screensaver on, is it suppose to be under appearence?23:24
slothscriptshttp://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/installing-php5-and-apache-on-ubuntu/ => That will show how to install PHP5 & Apache2 ; a few simple terminal lines.23:24
CFHowlettjen_   system>preferences>screensaver23:25
slothscriptshttps://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/mysql.html => MySQL | https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/phpmyadmin.html => PHPMyAdmin23:25
jen_well shoot I dont have preferences X_X or am I just ignorant?23:26
jen_I dont have screensaver app either23:26
CFHowlettjen_ 11.10?23:26
jen_umm all I know is ocelot23:26
jen_i forgot what it is~23:27
CFHowlettjen_   yup, 11.10.  sorry, I'm still on 10.04 so it's different.  ask the channel about screensavers23:27
thor8561Hi all23:27
CFHowlettthor8561   greetings23:27
jen_screeeeensavers please ^^ I have no idea how the heck to put it on because there is no screensavers app23:28
nikBojocan someone give me pointers for bsd23:28
thor8561Thanks CF Howlett23:28
CFHowlettnikBojo   ask on the BSD irc channel ...23:28
thor8561I have an issues with 11.1023:28
Airtreckhi ActionParsnip23:28
CFHowlettnikBojo   go to #bsd23:29
JimmionikBojo: 0xFFFFFF, 0xDEADBEEF, 0xDEADBEA7, 0x11FE1E55.23:29
ubottuRobyekatia2007: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:29
Kotusjen_, i don't know but try puting something in /usr/share/xscreensaver/config or find the gnomescreensaver directory ;)23:29
jen_yeah that23:30
slothscriptsCan anyone tell me how I can change the permissions of editing files. I am currently trying to edit the grub file.23:30
CFHowlettjen_   search software center for screensavers - those should configure automatically23:30
Kotuswhat was it zarafiq ?23:32
jen_is it KrandRtray?23:32
Airtreckyeah, zarafiq , we didn't see you post any question23:32
zarafiqKotus   trying to install amazonmp3, error message "Package libboost-thread1.34.1 is not installed" installed libboost-thread1.40.0 but it seems that dpkg or apt-get want older version23:33
Kotuscan you force a version? i can do it through synaptic with packet/force CTRL+E23:34
dicannamasi did create a file with gedit to have a one line command and chmod to make it executable but i did not succed with my goal so i need to delete what i did and i dont know how...could someone help e please?23:34
tannersteKotus, you have to install the older versions of libboost.  Check out this post, it worked perfect for me.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147821423:36
zarafiqKotus    force older version of the lib or force amazon to use new lib?23:36
Airtreckdicannamas: type rm "name of file.file's extension"23:37
Kotuszarafiq, did you read the post23:38
Eruadanslothscripts, thanks, i just installed apache and php.if i go to localhost i got the message it works. i see that apache is looking for that file at var/www, but that folder i have permissions issues cauze i'm not root. how can i change that to it makes easier to drop files for apache?23:38
dicannamasAirtreck, thanks...i was trying to work around with skype to use the webcam but the solution was on the net cratch my computer23:39
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zarafiqKotus trying to do it now23:40
Airtreckdicannamas: cratch? you mean crash?23:41
dicannamasAirtreck, crash yes sorry23:41
Airtrecki see23:42
dicannamasAirtreck, the command work just find but when i try use it as was explained to integrate it with the launch then my computer crash23:42
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Airtreckwhat command?23:43
Eruadani installed lamp stack, i see i have stuff all over where only root has acess, how can i own all the dev folders to local user?23:43
zarafiqKotus, tannerste - worked like a charm, thanks!23:44
bingerHave been having problems using java jdk6 to install/run properly in ubuntu 11.10.  I was wanting to uninstall it so that I can try a fresh install.  I used "apt jdk" to find both openjdk-6-jdk and openjdk-7-jdk.  How do I uninstall?23:44
jeremiah_gatongHello, got an idea how can I download Youtube Playlist on my Debian Squeeze install on my NAS?23:44
tannerstezarafiq, good to hear23:44
booleanbinger: apt-get remove <package> ... do a man apt-get for more info23:45
AirtreckEruadan: you want to change the "lamp stack" into user ownership?23:46
Eruadanwell, tomake development easier23:46
bingerthanks boolean23:46
=== claudio is now known as Guest10168
Guest10168 I have a problem about zoneminder. Anyone can help me?23:47
hammommahdoes anyone know why i keep getting Hostname errors? ncclient wont loggin, and just tried to add new repo and it gets bad hostname error too?23:47
Eruadani mean, i need acess to apache files. also, i need acess to var/www23:47
Eruadani don't want to sudo everytime23:47
hammommahwhere should i look? dns server? and what do i set search domain to in network settings?23:48
bingerboolean, is there a way to test if jdk is installed properly?23:49
jen_problem #2 I installed xscrensavers, now it has a bunch that are missing...23:49
booleanhammommah: modify your /etc/resolv.conf for domain searches ... do a man resolv.conf for additional inro23:49
=== Guest10168 is now known as Claudio_Renan
booleanbinger: outside of running a java program ... a simple java -version should suffice23:50
CFHowlettjen_  run updates ; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:50
CacheMoneyI'm being prompted to install drivers for my graphics card.  However, after finally setting up my wireless card I was prompted to install drivers for my wireless card and it undid the installations I needed to get it to work.  So, should I install the drivers in the 'Addictional Drivers' prompt?23:50
hammommahboolean ty bud might be back with more questions hopefully no :)23:50
Claudio_RenanHi I have a problem abou zoneminder. Anyone can help me?23:50
AirtreckEruadan:  you could type: chown <your user> <file name>23:51
whoisthishello, I realise it's off-topic...but anyone here on yahoo! mail?23:51
jen_thats all CFHowlett23:51
CFHowlettjen_ try it and see ...23:51
whoisthisI need to find out if they have tagline advertising in outgoing messages....and there's no specific channel for mail hosting, I'm afraid ;)23:51
jen_it just says the screensavers are not installed. where can I fin them?23:53
CFHowlettjen_   installed via software center?23:53
jen_and why was this weird hypno guy harassing me about turning my monitor off to save the earth...I do NOT appreciate that because its our electric bill23:53
jen_yes I did23:54
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jen_oh and another problem23:55
jen_whenever i take my charger out it says my battery is critically low, but its at 100%23:55
CFHowlettjen_   one issue at a time23:55
jen_then it shuts off for a second until I -okay lol23:55
ActionParsnipjen_: what make and model system ?23:55
jen_acr aspire23:55
Airtreckjen_:  type locate <name of your sreensaver> and you shouldn't keep your battery in the laptop while you're charging23:56
ActionParsnipjen_: what model aspire?23:56
jen_ehhh what? why not?23:56
jen_umm lemme check23:56
Airtreckthe battery's life span progresively drops if you're charging while using it23:56
jen_well no its just a glitch, it stays on for hours23:57
jen_its just that little thing, but maybe its my charger because my mom stole mine so im using hers.23:57
Airtreckmight be, confront mom :)23:58
jen_haha heck no she can keep my charger :P23:58
ActionParsnipjen_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acer_Aspire    as you can see, saying its an acer aspire isn't very accurate23:58
slothscriptsDoes anyone have time right now to try and work through my boot problems?23:58
jen_oh its 5552-sorry ActionParsnip23:59
ActionParsnipjen_: thanks, let me search23:59
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