
micahgastraljava: I can do it tonight, so it should appear on tomorrow's images02:08
ScottLmicahg, can you wait until tomorrow morning to update the metas?02:09
micahgScottL: sure, no problem, just ping me when you're ready (ISO builds happen around 18:30 UTC IIRC)02:09
ScottLmicahg, thanks!  i should have the seeds updated in about ten hours02:10
ScottLlen-nb, knome :  i've updated the applications menu icon already02:11
ScottLbut it's only been pushed to bzr02:11
ScottLlen-nb, i don't have privileges yet to get to the actual repos yet, i hope to have it in the next couple of cycles though02:12
len-nbJa we figgured that out.02:33
ScottLwe still are having a preseed issue (i presume) and have talked to cjwatson and sent in my casper.log file to the bug report02:51
ScottLokay, micahg , i think i'm done with updating the seeds04:41
ScottLi did two things04:41
ScottL#1 replace -generic with -lowlatency04:41
ScottL#2 added photography apps but did it in graphics seed04:41
ScottLsince we don't have tasksel or ubiquity plugin it seems that ALL seeds are being installed, so this shouldn't hurt anything04:42
ScottL(i also spoke with scottk about this and this was actually his solution)04:42
ScottLoh, i also did these in two separate bzr commits04:42
micahgScottL: thanks, is there a bug that needs closing for these changes?05:05
micahgScottL: I wouldn't remove the -generic kernel unless you're committed to following each main kernel upload with one for lowlatency05:12
micahgit's one thing to have it in the archive, it's another to make it default05:13
micahgScottL: also, we should chat tomorrow about how you can do a package security audit so you know if your packageset is supportable05:13
micahgScottL: also, do you have any other KDE packages, digikam will pull in a lot of KDE dependencies05:16
astraljavamicahg: I see you agreed on it with Scott, which is excellent. Thanks a bunch!08:57
micahgastraljava: well, it's under discussion, we'll get it uploaded later today08:57
astraljavaSure, WorksForMeâ„¢08:58
shnatselhmm, I like pantheon even on ubuntu13:18
ScottLmicahg, our plan has been to use the -lowlatency kernel as default13:42
ScottLmicahg, although since it seems to be TheMuso who is currently  rebasing (at least for the short term if not longer) we should get his input13:43
ScottLmicahg, the blueprint lists getting it into a git repo and then me learning how to rebase for kernel changes/security updates13:44
ScottL 13:44
ScottLmicahg, yes, i would like to discuss security audit on our packageset13:45
ScottL 13:45
ScottLmicahg, hmmm, digikam is not a "must have" application at this point, i was really only trying to make a user from the mailing list happy13:46
ScottLmicahg, i would rather not include digikam then if it pulls in the kde libraries, i'll adjust the seeds in a few hours13:46
ScottL 13:47
ScottLshnatsel, ping13:47
knomehey ScottL :)13:47
shnatselScottL: pong13:47
ScottLgood morning knome 13:47
knomegood evening! :)13:47
ScottLshnatsel, heh, you responded too quickly :P  let me get a link for you to look at, i'd like your opinion on some applications13:47
ScottLshnatsel, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.precise/revision/131313:48
ScottLshnatsel, starting at line 25 i have included what i could for photography applications13:49
ScottLshnatsel, is there something you would add/change/remove?13:49
shnatselScottL: well, screw shotwell in the first place. It's no way professional, and it's not needed when you have darktable already.13:50
shnatselScottL: not sure about rawtherapee, Luminance HDR may be better13:51
shnatselScottL: well, I was told Luminance HDR is better, but I've never worked with it tbh13:53
shnatselneither of them13:53
ScottLi have thought about moving shotwell to the desktop seed for general purpose picture gallery stuff13:53
knomeScottL, is it similar to ristretto?13:54
ScottLi included rawtherapee because someone on the mailing list talked about it with some praise13:54
shnatselScottL: well, looks like you'll just have to get somebody try both :)13:54
ScottLknome, i don't think so, it's more of a photo gallery type of application i believe, let's you group them, tag them, and i believe it lets you upload to places13:54
knomeaha, right13:54
ScottLshnatsel, hehe, yeah...just not me, i'm lucky to actually take pictures with my canon t2i13:55
ScottLalthough i do want to start playing around will adjusting colour in my photos13:55
lenScottL, Digikam does look like it does a lot of stuff. I'm not arguing for it to be included at this point...15:36
lenBut, I am thinking that we do not have people who use photographic software giving much feedback because while we target these people we don't know what they need.15:37
lenI would sugest that we would include something like gcdmaster even if it brought the extra libs in just because it feels needed.15:38
lenIt may make sense in starting to support more than just audio to add more apps and not less just to atract the right kind of people.15:39
lenMaybe if people start using US for a graphics we will get some who will want to be active in development too.15:40
lens/graphics/graphics platform/15:41
kubotulen meant: "Maybe if people start using US for a graphics platform we will get some who will want to be active in development too."15:41
len 15:44
lenScottL, all that aside, thankyou for grouping the photography apps in the graphics seed.15:46
lenI will test for menu placement today when the new iso comes out (seeds seem to happen faster) and make sure things show up  where they should.15:47
lenI notice there are somethings in the photography section that are commented out because they are already included above.15:48
lenShould those things appear in both menus?15:48
ScottLlen, the .desktop file provides the categories for where an app will display in the menu15:51
ScottLyou can always force it in the menu directory file, but that's not elegant of course15:52
ScottLand tedious15:52
lenThe photography apps normally have graphics as a category as well. I have found many .desktop files do not do what they should. For example almost none of the mixer.desktop files include the mixer category. and have to be put there menually.16:17
lenScottL there has been some suggestion both in the list and here that in the case where an app is used in more than one place it would make sense for it to appear in more than one menu place as well.16:21
lenFor example gimp is graphics because it belongs there, but it also would get used for fixing photographs and would not be out of place in the photography menu as well.16:22
lenI don't want to just do a bunch of those kinds of changes though and it seems your feeling is not.16:23
lenAs for being tedious, in my mind the idea is for the programer or in our case packager to do the tedious work so the user has a better use experience.16:24
lenThe programer/packager only has to do it once, the user has to deal with it daily.16:25
falktxScottL: you ping'd me yesterday, but I had to left with internet down. can you describe what is still needed to be done?16:26
falktx(hi there everyone)16:26
lenHi falktx, it looks like lots of stuff to test this afternoon (for me anyway) new kernel (yahoo!) and new apps.16:28
falktxnew apps?16:29
lenScott has added some photography apps to the seeds16:29
falktxoh cool16:29
falktxbtw, 12.04 now has wine1.4 which doesn't support jack-audio anymore16:29
falktxI created come content on the wine sound wiki for this - http://wiki.winehq.org/Sound?rev=5016:30
falktxsome wine dev didn't liked it and deleted my stuff... :(16:30
falktxcan someone put this on the ubuntustudio wiki?16:30
lenProbably the two main things we need to look at are jack having RT out of the box and PA-jack bridging.16:30
knomefalktx, why don't you add it yourself16:30
falktxknome: need to create account first16:31
knomefalktx, you can log in with LP account16:31
falktxah, and I though my work today was done...16:32
knomewelcome to FOSS contributing ;)16:32
lenAck, I just figured out there was a time change last night... gotta run.16:44
knomeScottL, working on sun?16:46
scott-workaye, a bit, but i'm also going to spend a little time on ubuntu studio16:50
scott-workknome: i have trouble on weekends at the house trying to do creative, abstract thinking when everyone is in the house16:51
scott-workknome: so i'm doing a little bit of work, then i'm removing myself downstairs to a meeting room where i can write on the dry erase board, walk around the room in circles, talk to myself, and gesticulate with my hands as i talk16:51
scott-worki find that helps me think :)16:52
scott-workknome: specifically, i want to work on the slideshow concepts/text which should couple with the information needed for the website tour pages16:52
scott-workwhich loosely will be based on our strongest work flows16:52
scott-work 16:52
scott-workmicahg: i'm sorry, i don't think i ever answered your direct question....no, i don't think there is a bug number to reference for the lowlatency or photography seeds, just blueprints from UDS16:53
knomescott-work, heh, sounds good. :)16:54
scott-workknome: i'm feeling energized again about development, not sure why or what changed and is the catalyst16:58
scott-workbut i really want to get some things done before the end of this cycle16:58
knomescott-work, yeah, too bad we're past all the freezes16:59
scott-workoh, general statement to the channel, i emailed quadrispro about mudita24 and the .desktop file as it looked like git had changed but the changes weren't pushed to release16:59
scott-workhe said he did it now, so hopefully it's not too late and we can file a sync request and get this updated so we have it in the menus now :)16:59
* scott-work is going downstairs for a bit, i'll check back in in about thirty minutes17:00
knomesee you :)17:01
scott-workwell, time ot go home18:25
len-nbThere is no daily ISO today... did the build fail?23:41
micahgScottL: I still have my question about whether the lowlatency kernel should replace the generic one23:50
len-nbmicahg, Scott did answer, did you miss the answer? or is it still inconclusive? I can quote that part of the irc log if you missed it.23:58
len-nbIf you need more input... I can't help 23:59

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