
knomei don't know :D00:13
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knomehmm, brb00:16
knomeah, good, lightdm lang preference is saved per-user00:17
pleia2I do love our slideshow :)00:21
knomewell that's good to know :)00:21
knomebtw, do you know anything about lightdm?00:22
knomei was wondering if it's possible to set a "preferred" user that's always set00:23
knomerather than selecting the last logged in user00:23
pleia2that would be nice00:23
knomeenable autologin and set timeout to infinity? :P00:25
knomebut that's still bad. i want passwords.00:25
* pleia2 ponders squid proxy w/ support for .debs so at least she'd only need to download the 32 and 64-bit packages once00:29
* knome doesn't think greeter-hide-users is good either :(00:32
knomepleia2, heh00:32
knomebtw, did you read between the lines before?00:33
pleia2there, Install (entire disk) done for all 4 of them00:33
knomeafter 8 years of knowing each other, i've finally converted wife to linux00:33
pleia2er, I don't think so00:33
pleia2ok, so I'll update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing (and http://xubuntu.org/contribute/qa_bugs_testing/) this week00:37
knomegreat :)00:37
pleia2from there I'll do the blog post, which will point to them00:37
knomeping me when you're about to00:37
knomeand i can help you with that00:37
pleia2will do00:37
knomethanks :)00:37
pleia2ok, if I'm going to be doing multiple install tests I'm definitely going to set up that proxy00:39
pleia2testing is hard on my internets :)00:40
knomeheh, yeah00:40
* knome was doing a few parallel tests too00:40
jarnosCan you upgrade to 12.04 devel from 11.10?06:23
micahgsure, update-manager -d (but only do this if you're willing to be a beta tester)06:24
jarnosmicahg, I guess I had better since 12.04 is going to be LTS and I have big performance problems with 11.10.06:32
jarnosconcerning X, I suppose.06:32
jarnosmicahg, even update-manager -d does not give me option to upgrade.07:23
* micahg isn't sure what to say about that07:24
nimrod10hi all , how do I change the notification settings to use notify-osd instead of xfce4-notifyd ? I have them both installed on a xubuntu 11.10 system 11:58
knomenimrod10, #xubuntu for support11:59
nimrod10knome, I gave it a shot here as well , in #xubuntu people that responded didn't know how to do it12:00
knomeit's pretty much the same people here12:01
nimrod10:) ok 12:01
astraljavamicahg: do-release-upgrade -d ?12:06
nimrod10astraljava, what will that help with ? going to the devel release ?12:06
astraljavanimrod10: Yes.12:07
knomethat conversation didn't make any sense.12:07
nimrod10knome, : ) , astraljava, how will it help me going to the devel release  ?12:08
astraljavaknome: Question — Answer. Nevermind that the question emerged from a suggestion to another problem.12:08
astraljavaSee, sense; made.12:08
nimrod10ah ok12:08
knomeastraljava, "what will that help with?" "yes"12:08
knomenimrod10, have you tried just uninstalling xfce4-notifyd?12:08
astraljavaknome: [14:06] < nimrod10 > astraljava, what will that help with ? going to the devel release ?12:08
astraljavaknome: Again, I must urge you to pay attention.12:09
knomeastraljava, you too.12:09
nimrod10guys nevermind , if it can't be done , it can't be done yet12:09
* astraljava disregards such foolish and lame attempts at being humorous.12:10
knomeastraljava, bleh.12:10
astraljavaknome: Second round of interviews tomorrow.12:11
knomeastraljava, great! in hki?12:11
knomeso what's the plan?12:12
astraljavaI'm currently in Kotka, will go by bus sometime around noon, then fly back home in the evening.12:12
knomeah, okay12:13
knomeso no extra time? :)12:13
astraljavaNot much, sadly.12:14
astraljava I didn't even know about the interview when I arrived here in the southern Finland.12:14
astraljavaThey called me on Friday when I was already at my mom's.12:14
astraljavaOtherwise I might have had some.12:15
knomeah :)12:15
knomewell, send an sms if you do. we might be in the city12:16
knomei need to go prepare some food for wife now12:16
knomeso see you later12:16
astraljavaAlright, will do.12:16
knomeand good luck for the interviews :)12:17
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