
ThePendulumI still can't remove files from my hard drives :|00:55
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holsteinThePendulum: ? ... sudo rm them01:00
ThePendulumThe trash bin is gone01:00
holsteinjust rm them, or right click and delete them in the gui, or highlight and hit the delete key01:01
creativetuxIs the filesystem mounted as read only?01:01
holsteinyou likely just removed the icon in the file manager, or where ever you are looking01:02
ThePendulumIt's a bit inconvenient to run the terminal for each file I'd like to delete01:12
ThePendulumI removed the trash folder, as I said earlier01:12
ThePendulum"or right click and delete them in the gui, or highlight and hit the delete key" <-- Thanks, but seriously.01:13
holsteinThePendulum: ?01:15
holsteini think that should delete the files... does it work?01:15
creativetuxThePendulum, in that case goto Settings, Desktop and then the Icons tab and tick it back on ?01:22
holsteini find it a bit inconvenient to click and drag or right click or whatever01:22
creativetuxholstein, I'm with you on that, just select the files and then hit the big Delete key on the kb01:23
holsteinmaybe im just assuming those issues are related... maybe its like "i deleted the trash, *and*, in an unrelated issue i cant delete files"01:23
GridCubeThePendulum, http://nongeeksight.blogspot.com/2006/07/configuring-trash-bin-for-xubuntu.html01:24
GridCubelol 2006...01:24
holsteinThePendulum: anyways, im sure if you give us more to go on someone can help you sort out whatever is going on01:24
ThePendulumI didn't remove any icons, I removed the actual .Trash-000 folders on two of my hard drives01:24
holsteini assume you tried adding it back?01:25
holsteinThePendulum: what error?01:25
holsteinhow did you try?01:26
holsteinwere you root?01:26
ThePendulumBut it doesn't seem to recognize them as trash bins, the error continues to show up01:26
ThePendulumholstein: "Unable to find or create trash directory."01:26
ThePendulumI'll just try to add the trash folder again, perhaps it works now01:26
ThePendulumLet me login again01:27
creativetuxThePendulum, delete them and they get created automatically01:28
holsteinbut you *can* delete them correct?01:28
holsteincreativetux: that what i assumed01:28
creativetuxIf you delete a .Trash folder, the next time you delete something in the GUI it will recreate them automatically01:28
ThePendulumIt should, but if it could the error wouldn't show up, would it?01:28
ThePendulum"Unable to find or CREATE trash directory"01:29
holsteinsudo mkdir it01:29
ThePendulumI did, won't work01:29
holsteinrm them, and re-log, and they should just come back.. have you done that?01:29
holsteinwhy are they deleted?.. were you doing other things? is there a page you were pasting in from?01:29
ThePendulumI removed them because I thought they were left from when Windows was using the disks01:30
holsteinThePendulum: you *can* delete files, correct? the issue you have is un-deleting, correct?01:30
ThePendulumI wasn't aware Ubuntu called the trash bin .Trash-00001:30
ThePendulumholstein: Undeleting? No, I can't remove them by simply clicking 'delete' because there's no trash bin on the disk01:30
holsteinThePendulum: can you delete files/directories from the commandline?01:31
ThePendulumsudo rm works for sure, but that's a tad annoying01:31
holsteinim just trying to be clear.. you *can* delete.. you are missing trash functionality.. like undelete01:31
ThePendulumholstein: Lol, no, I can NOT delete anything, for there is no trash dir present on the hard disks01:32
creativetuxSounds like permission or chown problem on the trash or the home folder so Thunar can't create it01:32
ThePendulumOpen folder --> Select file --> Hit [delete] or rightclick:Delete --> Error("Unable to find or create trash directory")01:32
creativetuxfrom the terminal can you delete using gvfs-trash <file to delete>  ?01:33
holsteinThePendulum: but you *can* delete using the commandline or no? im trying to make sure this is not something permissions related01:34
ThePendulumniels@niels-main:/mnt/stor1/Videos/TV/Blackadder$ gvfs-trash "Blackadder Icon.ico"01:34
ThePendulumError trashing file: Unable to find or create trash directory01:34
ThePendulumholstein: I can only delete using sudo rm01:34
holsteinOK, so you *can* delete... you likely have no permissions issues keeping files from being removed01:34
ThePendulumI can completely remove a file, but not 'trash' it by hitting [delete] or using the menu01:35
creativetuxThePendulum, check this out, you might need a .Trash and a .Trash-xxxx folder for files outside of your home: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=10319401:35
GridCubeThePendulum, what if you create a .trash folder?01:35
ThePendulumGridCube: I did that, it won't work for some reason01:35
holsteinThePendulum: yeah, but you didnt actually create a .trash directory01:36
ThePendulumThen what did I create?01:36
creativetux.Trash is for "home" files, the .Trash-1000 is for outside of home files01:36
holsteinyou likely created .Trash-000 or whatever01:36
ThePendulumI created a whole bunch of trash folders with different names01:36
holsteini think i would do *exactly* what GridCube suggests and see if it works01:36
riddleboxis there a way to stop thunar from opening every time I login?01:36
ThePendulumWait, I got it now01:37
GridCuberiddlebox, close a session with the "remember session" box checked, then it will remember you had nothing, also uninstall nautilus if you happen to have it, it remembers even if you tell it bnot to01:38
riddleboxGridCube, I will try it out thanks01:39
leo-unglaubhi, has someone worked with the SpaceFM file manager on xfce ubuntu?02:04
riddleboxGridCube, actually you dont have to remove nautilus, http://www.robsearles.com/2008/11/25/xubuntu-nautilus-overtakes-xfce-on-startup/02:10
riddleboxjust rm -Rf /home/user/.cache and it works just fine02:11
GridCubewell removing nautilus is always a good idea :P02:11
riddlebox:) it would have removed gnome-session and I do like to bounce into gnome3 once in a while02:11
GridCubewell :) good it works then02:12
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geek__just wanna say moved from win7 to xubuntu and love it :)08:18
geek__it put life back into my laptop08:20
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nimrod10hi all , how do I change the notification settings to use notify-osd instead of xfce4-notifyd ? I have them both installed on a xubuntu 11.10 system11:45
TheSheepnimrod10: I guess you select one with update-alternatives11:47
nimrod10TheSheep, how would I use update-alternatives ? what <name> should I use ?11:49
TheSheepnimrod10: I have no idea11:51
nimrod10thanks anyway :)11:52
nimrod10TheSheep, notification is not in the list of changable alternatives, just found out by   sudo update-alternatives --get-selections | less11:53
martiihey :)12:23
alexandru4392which dock should i choose14:59
alexandru4392awn,cairo or docky14:59
ThePendulumthat's your choice15:00
Sysiwhatever feels best for you15:00
Sysicairo has most options, I think docky is simplest15:00
alexandru4392using cairo15:00
alexandru4392and why does it shrink when it is full of icons15:01
Sysito fit to screen?15:01
alexandru4392i have put lots of icons into the dock and now it's unreadable15:02
ThePendulumYou may remove some then?15:03
alexandru4392removed some icons15:08
alexandru4392and now it is good15:08
vashi there15:16
vasthere is an utility chkconfig15:16
vasi do not know why it is not installed in xubuntu, how possible without it to disable services?15:17
alexandru4392does anybody want to see how my customized xubuntu looks like15:19
vasi actually installed it, but it doesn't work  - /sbin/insserv: No such file or directory15:19
alexandru4392for vas:sudo apt-get install chkconfig15:19
vasi did it15:19
alexandru4392for me it works15:20
vastry to: sudo chkconfig pulseaudio off15:20
Sysiit's used for sysv initscripts which are replaced by upstart15:20
vasI got: /sbin/insserv: No such file or directory15:20
alexandru4392it says pulseaudio on15:20
Sysiyou need something to configure upstart15:21
alexandru4392does anybody want to see my desktop after theming and customization15:22
vasyou mean /etc/rc5.d and just remove pulse by hand?15:23
manuel__Hello there =) I'm new at Xubuntu =)15:23
vaswhy chkconfig doesn't work? it should15:24
Sysivas: before that I'd use apt-get, or maybe rename it. I don't really know upstart15:24
Sysiwhy should it? it's for old init system, even back then sysv-rc-config was better15:24
knomemanuel__, hey15:24
manuel__knome? do u understand german?15:25
Sysithough I'm not sure how compatible upstart is with sysv15:25
manuel__I#m from germany and very interesstet in use linux dists15:25
manuel__I'll be back in a few min. clean up my room...15:26
knome!de | manuel__15:27
ubottumanuel__: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:27
vasif chkconfig shows services it should be able to manage them15:27
Sysisomewhere should read that LoCo channels also do derivatives if they don't have own localized channel15:28
Sysivas: seeing and editing are quite different15:28
vashave you read man for chkconfig?15:29
vasdo it, please15:30
Sysitrying to find info that tells (me) chkconfig actully works15:35
vasI see - for ubuntu chkconfig is deprecated, one has to use update-rc.d, thanks - will try15:38
vasit works, thanks15:45
manuel__vielen dank ubottu15:51
manuel__ist der #ubuntu-de channel auch auf diesem server vertreten?15:51
tomaszHi! I have encountered a bug in 12.04 installation process and want to file a bug report on bugzilla. I am reading through, HOW TO manual on reporting bugs and it says to provide info on a package that causes probles. How on earth should I provide anything since the system didn't install?16:48
tomaszsorry, I meant launchpad.16:49
linaplease help me to disable the start of LOGIN SCREEN in Xubuntu 11.1016:52
linai'm the only one user and i wont to be automaticaly log in, without pressing Login :)16:52
knomelina, you need to edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf. google for "lightdm autologin" :)16:56
LuisaHey, i got a problem: I used Ubuntu on my netbook and there I am using LightDM with this nice red design. Now I installed Xubuntu on my other machine and there is LightDM, too, but it is very ugly. I just searched and found a config-file, but every time i try changing, nothing is working17:12
Luisawhere do I get this ubuntu or other themes?17:13
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ThePendulumLuisa: http://xfce-look.org/ ?17:14
LuisaThePendulum: thanks! But on the first looks, i cant find what i am looking for - can i use GDM with XFCE?17:24
echoJONESLuisa: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1931149&highlight=xubuntu+change+login+screen17:35
echoJONEShaven't tried this myself though17:36
LuisaechoJONES: Think I tried these configs, but I will again, perhabs i did a mistake17:41
ra1ndr0pcan i get help with ndiswrapper?19:41
ra1ndr0pOr where can i get a ubuntu driver for my USB wireless card?19:43
GridCubemmm ra1ndr0p what model is it?19:43
well_laid_lawndmesg will tell19:43
GridCubealso lsusb19:44
ra1ndr0pNetgear WNA310019:46
ra1ndr0pI have gotten all of the drivers installed through ndiswrapper but even after reboot there is no option for connecting through wireless19:47
well_laid_lawnyou need to know the chip on the wifi dongle to find out what module it needs19:49
GridCubera1ndr0p, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154919019:49
ra1ndr0pYah just went through that, where can i locate ntoskernal_io.c?19:50
ra1ndr0poh i think i found it, thanks19:50
ra1ndr0pyah nevermind where can i find ntoskernal_io.c?19:51
ra1ndr0pi found it! Its actually spelled ntoskernel_io.c19:54
ubuntucan sombody please help me?  I have nuked grub and can't seem to reinstall it.  I have tried several walkthrus even installed "boot-repair" still no dice20:14
ubuntuam on an xubuntu live cd20:14
ubuntuhave a partition map writtin down20:14
ThePendulumAre there any decent movie editors for Ubuntu?20:39
ubuntuThePendulum, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/top5-linux-video-editing-system-software/20:44
MarzataThePendulum: no.20:50
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ra1ndr0pI need help making ndiswrapper from source21:01
ra1ndr0pIf I run make it says: cannot find kernal version in /lib/ etc.21:02
ahcraphi folks21:09
ahcrapgot a question ( prob useless)  how come Xubuntu is suposed to be based on xfce and its filled to the guillies with gnome crap ?21:10
jadoeHow do I set default sound output? From time to time HDMI out is selected after reboot, instead of Analog Stereo out.21:14
lurohjadoe: i had a similar problem with onboard sound vs pci sound card and ended up blacklisting the onboard driver21:16
lurohbut perhaps you're not interested in blacklisting anything21:16
lurohlet me boot up that machine and check, perhaps i found a better way and left some notes around for future reference...21:18
jadoeone and the same onboard chip handles both, blacklisting doesn't help me21:18
lurohi see21:19
lurohjadoe: fwiw, i added the following at the end of my alsa-base.conf21:23
lurohoptions snd-emu10k1 index=021:24
lurohoptions snd-via82xx index=121:24
lurohbut as you say, that may not apply in your case21:24
luroh(in my case, i wanted the soundblaster pci card to be the default at every boot)21:25
jadoeI just found out how to set this from terminal: pactl set-card-profile 0 output:analog-stereo. I'll autorun it on login, I guess.21:34
jadoeThanks anyway21:34
lurohnp, thanks for that tip21:35
flo_hi everybody.... sorry for my bad english, but i'm italian22:34
flo_can somebody explain to me how xubuntu automount an usb storage device?22:35
flo_i'd like to change the permission on my usb key automatically...22:35

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