
=== andrewsmedina_ is now known as andrewsmedina
niemeyerfwereade_: Yeah, sorry, I wasn't actually suggesting that01:17
niemeyerfwereade_: Just to put it in its own line, out of the block01:17
fwereade_niemeyer, cool, that was what I took it to mean, but best to check ;)01:18
niemeyerfwereade_: Thanks for checking out :)01:21
bigjoolsniemeyer or fwereade_, what starts up zookeeper?01:47
bigjoolsI am still not sure01:48
niemeyerbigjools: I believe it starts itself.. cloud-init installs it01:48
niemeyerbigjools: I might be wrong, though.. the cloud-init setup will tell for sure01:48
bigjoolsthanks, I was afraid of that01:48
bigjoolsit's not installed on my testing odev thing :(01:48
bigjoolsniemeyer: is it triggered via the kickstart file used in the cobbler's juju profile?01:52
niemeyerbigjools: It's triggered via cloud-init01:53
bigjoolsniemeyer: there's cloud-init stuff at the bottom of the kickstart01:53
bigjoolsand there's a different profile for non-juju nodes01:54
bigjoolsjust trying to piece this together, it's hard01:54
niemeyerbigjools: Yeah, I can imagine, sorry about that02:04
niemeyerbigjools: The whole cobbler thing, though, was intended to simply run cloud-init, in a way attempting to make it a bit saner02:05
bigjoolsniemeyer: do you know if it relies on preseed data from juju to install it?02:05
niemeyerbigjools: So most of the magic there is intended to get closer to what EC2 would do02:05
niemeyerbigjools: It relies on the cloud-init user-data which we indeed deliver via kickstart02:06
bigjoolsniemeyer: does it do that when bootstrapping?02:14
niemeyerbigjools: Does it do what, more precisely?02:15
bigjoolsniemeyer: supply the zoopkeeper info to cloud-init for bootstrap02:15
bigjoolsor is it done later?02:15
niemeyerbigjools: All of the process is a side-effect of "juju bootstrap"02:15
bigjoolsok thanks02:15
niemeyerbigjools: np02:37
bigjoolsniemeyer: ok I think I have it now - smoser changed cloud-init to pull all this from the metadata service instead of passing loads of stuff in the preseed.02:38
bigjoolsthanks again02:38
niemeyerbigjools: RIght, so that we can stay closer to EC2 and remain working as the logic advances02:39
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wrtpTheMue: hiya13:01
niemeyerGood morning jujuers!13:42
wrtpniemeyer: hiya13:43
niemeyerwrtp:  Ho13:43
wrtpniemeyer: i updated lbox, but it didn't seem to make a difference to my checksum error.13:43
fwereade_heya niemeyer13:43
niemeyerwrtp: Hmm :(13:46
niemeyerfwereade_: Heya!13:46
niemeyerwrtp: What's the output again?13:46
wrtphmm, it's just gone and worked!13:47
niemeyerwrtp: Hah.. love when that happens :)13:47
wrtpniemeyer: this was the output earlier this morning: error: Failed to send patch set to codereview: can't upload base of environs/ec2/internal_test.go: ERROR: Checksum mismatch.13:48
fwereade_niemeyer, heh, if anything that sort of thing utterly creeps me out ;)13:48
wrtpniemeyer: oh13:48
wrtpniemeyer: i thought it had worked, but it's still borked13:49
niemeyerwrtp: I suggest deleting the CL, removing the reference to it from the description in the merge proposal, and running lbox again13:50
wrtpniemeyer: i did that last night, but i'll try again13:50
niemeyerwrtp: The new lbox might help13:50
wrtpniemeyer: i think it's possible it has something to do with a contents conflict in the history13:50
wrtpniemeyer: will try again13:50
wrtpniemeyer: same error13:52
wrtpniemeyer: error: Failed to send patch set to codereview: can't upload base of environs/ec2/internal_test.go: ERROR: Checksum mismatch.13:52
niemeyerwrtp: What's the new CL?13:53
wrtpniemeyer: it didn't tell me. but... i'll have a look in codereview13:53
niemeyerwrtp: Can you please paste the error then?13:53
wrtpniemeyer: http://codereview.appspot.com/5798076/13:54
wrtpniemeyer: error: Failed to send patch set to codereview: can't upload base of environs/ec2/internal_test.go: ERROR: Checksum mismatch.13:54
niemeyerwrtp: This CL was not created by the new lbox13:55
wrtpniemeyer: the branch is at lp:~rogpeppe/juju/go-zk-connect if you want to clone it and try for yourself13:55
niemeyerwrtp: Can you please update and try again?13:56
wrtpniemeyer: i did apt-get update, and apt-get install says i've got the newest version13:56
wrtpniemeyer: ok13:56
niemeyerwrtp: Well, your new version is not the new version that fwereade_ installed last night somehow13:56
wrtpniemeyer: running apt-get update again13:56
wrtp(what *is* it doing when it says "Waiting for headers"?)13:57
wrtpstill updating...13:59
wrtpniemeyer: it says lbox is already the newest version13:59
niemeyerwrtp: What's the version you've got?14:00
wrtpniemeyer: how do i tell that?14:00
niemeyerwrtp: dpkg -l lbox14:00
wrtpniemeyer: 1.0-
niemeyer37.1 or 37.10?14:01
wrtpniemeyer: i could try go getting it.14:02
niemeyerwrtp: What does "which lpad" tell you?14:02
niemeyerwrtp: What does "which lbox" tell you?14:02
wrtpniemeyer: bingo!14:02
niemeyerwrtp: Are you using a locally installed one?14:02
wrtpniemeyer: i'd done go get lbox before i guesws14:02
niemeyerwrtp: Aha, cool14:03
niemeyerwrtp: Not sure if this will really resolved the issue, though.. but let's see14:04
wrtpniemeyer: sorry, same error14:06
niemeyerwrtp: Can you please paste the command output again?14:06
wrtpniemeyer: do you want the verbose version?14:07
niemeyerwrtp: Yeah, that'd be helpful14:07
niemeyerwrtp: Please let me know of the final CL as well14:07
wrtpniemeyer: here's the CL it created BTW14:07
wrtpalthough i'm just about to delete that again, so hold on14:07
wrtpniemeyer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/881866/14:09
wrtpniemeyer: and the CL is this: http://codereview.appspot.com/5797083/14:10
niemeyerwrtp: Thanks14:11
niemeyerwrtp: When you mentioned there was a conflict in the history, what was that about?14:11
wrtpniemeyer: the file i referred to has been deleted and recreated in the branch history14:12
wrtpniemeyer: the branch i'm trying to push is not a direct descendant of the branches i've previously pushed, although it's been merged with them.14:12
niemeyerwrtp: Ouch14:13
niemeyerwrtp: Did the file exist at tip?14:14
wrtpniemeyer: yes, i think so14:14
niemeyerwrtp: So why was it removed and added?14:14
wrtpniemeyer: at some points in the history, there was no need for any internal tests, hence internal_test.go was removed.14:15
niemeyerwrtp: I see14:15
niemeyerwrtp: Hmm14:15
wrtpniemeyer: if i do a bzr diff, it should internal_test.go being removed and then created again with exactly the same content.14:17
niemeyerwrtp: Yeah, that means the file was removed and re-added.. it's unfortunate that it loses the whole history when doing that14:18
wrtpniemeyer: yeah, it is14:19
wrtpniemeyer: and history is the reason i'm wanting to submit the branch as is - i have a sentimental attachment to some of the historical pieces...14:20
niemeyerI'm now just wondering if Rietveld itself is breaking down when it notices that the file has the same checksum before and after14:20
niemeyerAh, maybe not..14:21
niemeyerwrtp: The file was removed and added in the same commit14:28
wrtpniemeyer: how is that possible?14:28
wrtpniemeyer: i guess i must have done bzr rm and then changed my mind14:29
niemeyerwrtp: I don't know, but that's what history shows14:29
niemeyer  environs/ec2/internal_test.go  internal_test.go-20120215173103-mc3cbfukg0redhy0-114:29
niemeyer  environs/ec2/internal_test.go  internal_test.go-20120222161404-ukvwz2ypn0g6plcc-114:29
wrtpniemeyer: interesting question: what's the best way to undo a bzr rm ?14:30
niemeyerwrtp: That's exactly what I'm looking for right now14:30
wrtpniemeyer: most edits between commits are ephemeral...14:30
niemeyerwrtp: This seems to work: % bzr revert -r 101 ./internal_test.go14:31
niemeyer+N  environs/ec2/internal_test.go14:31
niemeyerwrtp: Please try to do this:14:32
wrtpniemeyer: i'm trying now14:32
niemeyerwrtp: cp internal_test.go{,.tmp}14:32
niemeyerwrtp: bzr revert -r 101 ./internal_test.go14:33
niemeyerwrtp: mv -f internal_test.go{.tmp,}14:33
niemeyerwrtp: bzr commit14:33
niemeyerNot sure if it'll work, actually14:33
wrtpno indeed14:37
niemeyerwrtp: I believe I fixed it14:48
niemeyerwrtp: When you're back, please try to "bzr pull lp:~niemeyer/juju/go-zk-connect-fixup"14:49
niemeyerwrtp: Then, lbox propose14:49
niemeyerwrtp: If that works, I'll explain how I got it fixed, and how to avoid the problem in the future14:50
wrtpniemeyer: bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the missing command to see how.15:02
niemeyerwrtp: I guess you have committed something else in your local branch?15:02
wrtpwrong directory!15:02
wrtpniemeyer: ah yes, i did a commit to try and solve the problem earlier15:04
wrtp(as suggested)15:04
wrtpi'll uncommit it15:04
fwereade_gents, I'm really tired; I'll be around again at some stage later today but right now I need a walk and a lie down15:05
wrtpfwereade_: ok. enjoy the walk...15:05
wrtpniemeyer: ok, that worked, thanks!15:06
wrtpniemeyer: so... how did you fix it?15:07
niemeyerfwereade_: Have some good rest man15:07
niemeyerwrtp: In general, reviving a file is trivial: revert -r N file_name and bang.. we have the file back15:08
niemeyerwrtp: The problem in this case, is that the file has been revived with a different id15:08
niemeyerwrtp: So when we attempt to "bring it back", bzr actually picks the latest id used for that name15:08
niemeyerwrtp: The trick for getting the real original file back was to create another branch that still had the old file15:09
niemeyerwrtp: Then, remove the file locally, and add it back again with the new content, but using bzr add --file-ids-from $OLD_BRANCH15:09
niemeyerwrtp: This tricked bzr into looking at the original revision15:09
wrtpniemeyer: ah. i had no idea about --file-ids-from15:10
wrtpniemeyer: BTW the CL now seems to have a file called "[revision details]"15:12
niemeyerwrtp: Yeah, that was intentional15:12
niemeyerwrtp: this used to be at the head of every diff, but unfortunately this makes Rietveld get lost in terms of diffing the diffs15:13
niemeyerwrtp: Now we'll be able to see which files actually changed between revision, as usual15:13
wrtpniemeyer: i'm not sure i understand - what exactly is that file showing?15:15
niemeyerwrtp: Have you clicked on it?15:15
wrtpniemeyer: yeah. i get two revision ids15:15
niemeyerwrtp: That's what this file is showing :-)15:16
wrtpniemeyer: what do the revision ids refer to? i'd've expected that one would refer to me, given i've created the latest revision in that branch.15:16
niemeyerwrtp: Sorry, I'm not sure I understand your question, since the revision ids are labeled15:17
niemeyerwrtp: They show the old revision id and the new revision id..15:17
wrtpniemeyer: ah! of course. you created the latest revision!15:17
niemeyerwrtp: :-)15:17
niemeyerwrtp: This information enable any patch set to be recovered exactly as proposed15:18
wrtpniemeyer: hmm:15:19
wrtp% bzr diff --old themue@gmail.com-20120312190709-6cki3f36c8clo63t15:19
wrtp% bzr diff --old gustavo@niemeyer.net-20120313144703-jz03znqyo2qt56qu15:19
wrtpor maybe i can't use a revision id as a --old target15:19
niemeyer  --old=ARG             Branch/tree to compare from.15:20
niemeyerwrtp: you want -r15:20
wrtpi've not used revision ids in bzr before.15:20
wrtpi wonder why it didn't give an error15:20
niemeyerwrtp: Yeah, curious indeed15:21
wrtpniemeyer: ah, this worked:  bzr qdiff -r revid:themue@gmail.com-20120312190709-6cki3f36c8clo63t15:22
wrtpi was missing the revid: prefix15:22
wrtpand the -r of course15:22
niemeyerwrtp: bzr diff -r themue@gmail.com-20120312190709-6cki3f36c8clo63t15:23
niemeyerwrtp: This works for me15:23
wrtpniemeyer: so it does.15:23
wrtp(for me too15:23
wrtpniemeyer: thanks, that's useful.15:24
niemeyerwrtp: np15:24
niemeyerwrtp: I'll see if I take that lbox hackaton and implement the pre-req stuff later15:24
niemeyerafter some further reviews15:24
* wrtp is hoping to get this branch reviewed today :-)15:25
wrtpniemeyer: here's the cherry on the cake: https://codereview.appspot.com/575410315:31
wrtpit feels very good to have that finally proposed!15:34
niemeyerwrtp: I've delivered a LGTM review15:41
wrtpniemeyer: yay!15:41
niemeyerwrtp: but I'm a bit unsure about what's going on there.. do we really have only a couple of changes to tests in that branch?15:42
niemeyerwrtp: Doesn't seem to match the description15:42
wrtpniemeyer: all it does is connect to the zookeeper that's already started as a result of the userdata changes in the previous branch.15:42
niemeyerwrtp: The description seems bogus then.. you're changing tests only15:43
niemeyerwrtp: It should say something like "Fix lack of tests!" :-)15:43
TheMueniemeyer: next step for the continued machine branch, will now use williams 'presence' for my 'agent' draft.15:43
wrtphmm. you're right!15:43
TheMueniemeyer: oh, forgot the link, https://codereview.appspot.com/5690051/15:44
niemeyerwrtp: That TestBootstrap should be reverted too15:44
wrtpniemeyer: TestBootstrap can't work against the ec2test server15:44
* wrtp goes to look15:45
wrtpniemeyer: yeah, maybe we should have TestBootstrap and TestBootstrapAndOpen15:45
wrtpniemeyer: and avoid running the latter against ec2test15:45
niemeyerwrtp: It certainly feels pretty bad that we won't be testing all of that logic locally anymore15:46
wrtpniemeyer: that will make the live tests take a lot longer though15:46
niemeyerwrtp: Isn't that the whole purpose of having two different set of tests, one that opens and runs all tests, and one that does not15:47
niemeyerwrtp: I feel like we're getting lost in that mess of suites15:47
wrtpniemeyer: well, the point of the Live tests is that they're designed to be run against amazon. and as an added bonus we can run most of them locally as well.15:48
niemeyerwrtp: That's not what I'm talking about.. we have 4 suites, right?15:48
niemeyerwrtp: Why?15:48
wrtptwo cross-provider suites; two ec2-specific suites.15:49
wrtpniemeyer: each for live vs local15:49
wrtpniemeyer: that Bootstrap logic is also tested inside the non-live test suite15:51
wrtpniemeyer: running the live suite locally is just a nice thing to do when we can. but in this case we can't.15:51
niemeyerwrtp: Running the live suite locally is the base strategy we've been using for testing juju's ec2 provider15:53
niemeyerwrtp: If we drop those tests, logic is effectively going untested15:53
wrtpniemeyer: yeah, we do rely on some of those tests, but we don't really want to duplicate the code.15:55
wrtpniemeyer: maybe it would be better the other way around - if LiveTests selectively imported from LocalTests.15:56
niemeyerwrtp: I'm starting to dislike that organization of tests altogether15:56
niemeyerwrtp: We're getting lost very easily15:57
wrtpniemeyer: yeah, it's not ideal. but i think the ideal of having some provider-independent tests is a good one.15:57
niemeyerwrtp: Yeah, maybe we should try to have the zk running in the local tests as well..16:06
niemeyerwrtp: But we'll face a road block very soon16:06
niemeyerwrtp: So I'm not really sure it's worth it16:06
wrtpniemeyer: yeah, i dunno.16:07
niemeyerwrtp: I think LiveTests should bootstrap just once16:08
niemeyerwrtp: Unless we're testing something that knowingly destroys the environment16:08
niemeyerwrtp: We have to avoid that fear that introducing new tests will slow things down16:09
niemeyerwrtp: Otherwise we'll stop writing tests..16:09
niemeyerwrtp: So the bootstrap itself would happen at SetUpSuite16:09
wrtpniemeyer: what about the tests that don't require a bootstrapped environment?16:09
wrtpniemeyer: maybe it should happen on demand, but once only.16:10
niemeyerwrtp: Right, that sound snice16:11
wrtpniemeyer: it's a pity in a way that gocheck runs tests in alphabetical order. it would be nice to arrange things so that the weaker tests run first.16:12
niemeyerwrtp: In fact, we already do that..16:12
niemeyerwrtp: That was the whole idea behind t.Open16:12
niemeyerSomehow we lost it16:13
wrtpniemeyer: Open is quite different from Bootstrap though16:13
niemeyerwrtp: Maybe..16:13
wrtpniemeyer: but i agree, that kind of thing should work16:13
niemeyerwrtp: I'll have to step out for lunch as Ale is waiting.. let's continue that conversation in 1h16:13
wrtpniemeyer: sounds good16:14
robbiewniemeyer: fyi...movement on the charm store RT...they are requesting a call with you16:52
TheMuefwereade_: arg, thx, when creating a function it indeed should be used. will fix it.17:07
fwereade_TheMue, cheers17:07
niemeyerrobbiew: Aweosme!17:27
niemeyerwrtp: So, tests..17:30
wrtpniemeyer: yeah17:30
wrtpniemeyer: i've just added a bootstrap flag17:30
niemeyerwrtp: flag?17:31
wrtpniemeyer: so that live tests can call Bootstrap and it'll only bootstrap if another test hasn't already bootstrapped17:31
wrtpniemeyer: a state variable rather than a flag, really17:31
niemeyerwrtp: This is a test-specific detail..17:32
niemeyerwrtp: It's a problem for the suite to handle17:32
wrtpniemeyer: the variable is inside the suite17:32
niemeyerwrtp: So by "state" you mean "suite"?17:32
wrtpniemeyer: yeah. i meant state in the generic sense of a variable that records the state of something (in this case whether we've bootstrapped already)17:33
niemeyerwrtp: Ah, ok.. we have too many states :_)17:33
niemeyerwrtp: I think the method in the suite should be something like BootstrapOnce, to differentiate from the Bootstrap method we already have in the Tests suite17:34
wrtpniemeyer: i'm also adding a flag inside jujutest.LiveTests which indicates whether it's possible to connect to the juju state.17:34
niemeyerwrtp: Ok17:34
wrtpBootstrapOnce sounds good. (although it might do it again if you deliberately call Destroy)17:35
wrtpniemeyer: BTW i'm interested to hear ideas as to how to better structure the test suite.17:36
niemeyerwrtp: Yeah, not sure yet.. the complexity is just a bit overwhelming at the moment17:37
niemeyerwrtp: 2 base suites, 4 suites in ec2, multiple scenarios, etc etc17:37
wrtpniemeyer: yeah. perhaps the multiple scenario stuff should go.17:37
wrtpniemeyer: (although it did catch some useful errors earlier on)17:38
wrtpniemeyer: the other stuff seems difficult to avoid though.17:39
niemeyerwrtp: I think we can just pick the harsher scenario and go with it17:40
wrtpniemeyer: not always easy to know which is "harsher". different scenarios can expose different bugs.17:41
wrtpniemeyer: but i think i'll just go with "extra-instances"17:42
niemeyerwrtp: I find it easy to see which one is likely to yield bugs17:43
wrtpniemeyer: i don't think we care too much if instances come up in initial running state.17:43
niemeyerwrtp: Pre-existing instances is trickier to handle than an empty environment17:43
wrtpniemeyer: yeah, that one's an easy call.17:43
niemeyerwrtp: Handling an instance in an intermediate state before running also is the less trivial path than getting instances running upfront17:44
wrtpniemeyer: another one though, that we might want to do in the future, is eventual consistency. but perhaps we just always test for maximum eventual consistency delay.17:44
niemeyerwrtp: Yeah.. I think we should have a reasonable delay that is likely to yield bugs but does not cause the suite to be extremely boring17:44
niemeyerwrtp: Then, we can have something like Go's -cpu setting for tests17:45
niemeyerwrtp: So that we can tweak that value for specific runs17:45
wrtpniemeyer: seems plausible17:45
wrtpniemeyer: (it'd be nice if gocheck could run tests concurrently BTW)17:46
niemeyerwrtp: Yeah, it will eventually17:46
niemeyerrebooting.. apparently Unity is now fixed and won't pop up the HUD all the time.. Woohay.17:51
niemeyerHeh.. the upgrade *removed* unity..18:03
niemeyerBut the HUD issue is gone indeed18:03
wrtpniemeyer: this is why we need better error messages from state:18:03
wrtp    c.Assert(err, IsNil)18:03
wrtp... value syscall.Errno = 0x2 ("no such file or directory")18:03
wrtpniemeyer: i've gotta go18:03
wrtpniemeyer: PTAL; i haven't had a double check of it, but it might be ok :-)18:04
niemeyerwrtp: This is why we need better *error messages*18:04
niemeyerwrtp: Let's not take the leap from there onto saying we *have* to implement a given approach18:04
niemeyerwrtp: We already discussed improving error messages, and haven't done it yet18:04
wrtpniemeyer: sure. i'm not saying that my suggested approach is the only one that'll work.18:05
wrtpanyway, i'm  being shouted for!18:05
niemeyerwrtp: Have fun :)18:05
wrtpniemeyer: see you tomorrow18:05
niemeyerwrtp: These error messages look like an issue in your local setup, btw.. there are no elements of "launchpad.net/goamz/aws" in /home/rog/src/go/src18:07
niemeyerwrtp: Sorry, that was about a pretty old paste you made18:08
niemeyerwrtp: ECONTEXT18:08
niemeyerhazmat: ping18:30
hazmatniemeyer, pong18:30
niemeyerhazmat: Yo18:30
niemeyerhazmat: I'm reviewing the Go branch that implements RemoveMachine in state18:30
* hazmat nods18:31
niemeyerhazmat: I recall we had some good exchanges around the idea that machines shouldn't simply disapear18:31
niemeyerhazmat: Have you ever touched that area in the Python incarnation?18:31
hazmatniemeyer, that api should still be present for the final removal, but the machine agent shouldn't be killed by just removing its state and killing the machine, instead it should have a state communication/coordination around its termination to shutdown graceful before being executed permantently18:32
hazmatie. we don't kill identity of an actor before it has a chance to shutdown gracefully18:32
hazmatbut after it does or a suitable timeout, we do go ahead and remove the state18:33
hazmatso the state api for removal should still be present18:33
hazmatbut the api act of stopping a machine uses a state protocol before the provisioning agent uses removemachine18:34
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, I recall that.. but have you ever implemented anything?18:34
hazmatniemeyer, no.. its the last bug marked critical for 12.04, i'm going to a spec to the list this after i return from pycon sprints tomorrow18:35
niemeyerhazmat: Ah, cool18:35
hazmatniemeyer, i've got draft in lp:~hazmat/juju/unit-stop18:35
niemeyerhazmat: RemoveMachine will certainly change.. it has to be split in two18:35
hazmatniemeyer, i figure just a different api ... like stopmachine.. that will in turn remove machine when its done18:36
niemeyerhazmat: "stop machine" implies something else.. "stop" has the "start" counterpart18:36
niemeyerhazmat: Well, I guess we could model it that way even..18:37
niemeyerhazmat: stop => remove.. or stop => start..18:37
niemeyerhazmat: How's subordinates going, btw?18:42
niemeyerTheMue: You've got another review19:23
TheMueniemeyer: thx, done a first scan. your comment critics is ok. i'm just used to take them sometimes for optical block building. but i can live w/o them here.19:28
niemeyerTheMue: Thanks!  I feel a bit on the other side.. if there's a comment, I'll always read it while skimming through the code.. the fact the comment says nothing is distracting19:29
TheMueniemeyer: i'll remove them and be more keen on better helping comments if i feel they are needed19:30
niemeyerTheMue: Thanks a lot19:41
niemeyerTheMue: On the bright side, there are only trivial details really.. the branch is very nice19:41
TheMueniemeyer: thx, williams argument regarding RemoveMachine() has been good19:43
niemeyerTheMue: Please don't forget to lbox propose again (just got the review DOnes)20:01
TheMueniemeyer: done the propose20:02
niemeyerTheMue: LGTM!20:07
niemeyerWOohay, one more branch..20:07
TheMueniemeyer: great, thx, will submit it20:09
niemeyerTheMue: Have you done any changes in https://codereview.appspot.com/5782053/ that are ready for review?20:17
niemeyerTheMue: I'm asking only because you mentioned something earlier on20:17
niemeyerTheMue: I know it's late for you, so just wondering if you have something that is already ready20:18
TheMueniemeyer: the proposal works, but currently w/o the presence solution of william. i'll integrate it tomorrow.20:20
niemeyerTheMue: Ok, super20:20
TheMueniemeyer: but for today i say good night ;)20:21
niemeyerTheMue: have a good night!20:22
TheMueniemeyer: thx, cu tomorrow20:23
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: hi21:15
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Hey21:32
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: tonight I will send another code for review related with lxc21:33
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: and I have a doubt21:33
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Sure, what's up?21:34
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: I need create another branch for work with the local environment or I can use the same branch that I'm using for lxc?21:35
niemeyerandrewsmedina: One branch, one proposal, one submit21:35
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: Will be a proposal for lxc and another for local environment?21:36
niemeyerandrewsmedina: The smaller and more self contained a proposal/branch is, the best for us to review, and the best for you to fix it for inclusion21:37
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Your initial lxc/local branch is great21:37
niemeyerandrewsmedina: But it's pending some fixes21:37
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: I know21:37
niemeyerandrewsmedina: It has to be fixed accordingly, and updated ("lbox propose" again)21:38
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: II already have fixed that issues, and I add another methods to lxc container type21:38
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Other methods should be in a different proposal21:40
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Once a proposal is made, the issues pointed out should be fixed, so that we can include it21:40
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: hm..21:40
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Otherwise we get into a never-ending cycle21:40
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: you're right21:41
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: thanks21:42
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Thank you21:42
niemeyerHeading out for dinner with some friends.. back later22:19

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