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marcoceppiHTTPS okay to avoid hash check?02:35
SpamapSmarcoceppi: as long as you are verifying the certificate03:03
SpamapSmarcoceppi: which wget does by default03:03
marcoceppiwhat about git clone via GIT+SSH?03:03
SpamapSWould need to have the ssh server key in the charm.03:04
SpamapSBut then, yes03:04
marcoceppicool, cool03:04
SpamapSas long as you have a high degree of confidence that the content is the content you intended03:04
marcoceppiLike my highschool self, I'm low on confidence :)03:05
SpamapSmarcoceppi: interesting .. who owns the S3 bucket MinecraftDownload ?03:06
marcoceppiThat's Mojang's official bucket03:06
SpamapSmarcoceppi: ok, so if they ever deleted it, could someone else pwn it?03:06
SpamapSmarcoceppi: I think thats just "something to look out for" and not a reason to be worried03:07
marcoceppiSpamapS:  that's a good question though, I'm not sure03:07
marcoceppiI'll try that out with my personal vs work AWS accounts, see if names are locked in forever or not03:08
SpamapSmarcoceppi: seems like they should be mutable if you can delete them03:09
marcoceppiWould make sense03:09
SpamapSmarcoceppi: reviewed proposed change03:13
marcoceppiSpamapS:  thanks! I understand calling stop and start, but why install? Should I have the check in install to see if it's been "installed" before there?03:14
hazmatSpamapS, are you in santa clara?03:14
* hazmat is as well03:14
SpamapShazmat: haha yes03:22
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SpamapShazmat: actually I'm at the SJC airport03:22
SpamapShazmat: didn't realize pycon was here as well, or I'd have tried to get in touch w/ you guys03:22
SpamapShazmat: I did bump into some canonical peeps at the hyatt before realizing charm school was at the hilton across the street. ;)03:22
hazmatSpamapS, wanna come over, we're all hanging out sprinting03:23
hazmati'm sitting next to barryW03:23
SpamapShazmat: I'm in the airport. Depart in 1hr. :-P03:47
SpamapShazmat: just dropped in for a commando attack on the juju users of silicon valley :)03:48
marcoceppiIf I'm updating a charm, and there's no copyright file, should I throw one in there?03:49
* marcoceppi is not a lawyer03:49
SpamapSmarcoceppi: do you know for sure the license and copyright status of all the files?03:50
marcoceppiThe only files are the hooks and core charm files03:50
marcoceppinone of them have copyright headers03:51
SpamapSmarcoceppi: where did you get those files?03:53
marcoceppiheh, http://charms.kapilt.com/charms/oneiric/owncloud03:53
SpamapSwell I-be-damned03:56
marcoceppiyes, yes you be :)03:56
SpamapSmarcoceppi: can you open a bug in that charm and assign it to koolhead17 ?03:57
SpamapSshould not have been promulgated03:57
SpamapSanyway.. since I'm damned.. I think I"ll go get a mojo burger03:57
* marcoceppi looks sternly at SpamapS for not being perfect03:57
* SpamapS looks hard a-stern .. 03:58
marcoceppibug opened04:00
marcoceppiGoing to head off, have a safe flight!04:00
koolhead17|awaymarcoceppi, hey there05:07
koolhead17|awayhey SpamapS05:07
_mup_Bug #953732 was filed: Destroying a maas environment results in a traceback <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/953732 >05:45
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gary_posterI'm getting the following error when I try to start a local charm:12:45
gary_poster2012-03-13 08:44:12,459 INFO Searching for charm12:45
gary_posterInvalid value for cache: False12:45
gary_poster...well, I'll google first...12:45
gary_posterLooks similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/95235512:46
_mup_Bug #952355: Backward incompatible change: existing env boolean values cause total failure <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/952355 >12:46
marcoceppigary_poster: Which charm?12:46
gary_postermarcoceppi, buildbot-master (which we wrote)12:47
gary_posterlooks like something to do with a config value not being a string?12:47
jamespagegary_poster, yep12:47
gary_posterok, looking, thanks12:47
jamespagebasically if juju thinks it might be a boolean it won't let the config value be  string12:47
jamespageI hit this in several of my charms when running against juju PPA12:48
jamespageits also annoying that juju will fail if ANY charm in your repository has this issue - not just the one you are trying to deploy...12:48
jamespage(that took me a while to figure out)12:48
gary_posteroof, wow.  jamespage, is there an easy workaround for now?12:48
marcoceppijamespage: Oh, that's weird12:48
gary_posterI mean, even in changing config12:48
* gary_poster goes to look for explicit yaml string syntax, if there is such a thing12:49
jamespagegary_poster, switch anything that has values 'True' or 'False' to type: boolean12:49
jamespagerather than string12:49
jamespagesame applies to uncapitalized versions of those literals12:50
jamespageor don't use true/false12:51
gary_posterjamespage, ack, thank you.  I don't think it's even in my charms--which charms did you find with the problem?12:53
jamespagegary_poster, cassandra had it but I've fixed that one12:53
gary_posterI suppose I could get rid of all the ones I don't currently use...and try to get newer versions of all of them12:54
jamespagegary_poster, might make sense for the time being12:54
gary_posterjamespage, ack, thanks again12:54
jamespageI'm hoping that we might get a fix to sort out backwards compat12:54
jamespageits a PITA12:54
jamespagegary_poster, np12:54
gary_posteragreed on PITA12:55
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bbcmicrocomputerjamespage: ah glad I just checked in here, was about to file a bug report for the same thing :)13:14
jamespagebbcmicrocomputer, :-)13:15
jamespagebbcmicrocomputer, both hadoop and hbase suffered from this change13:15
jamespageI've fixed both up for precise13:15
bbcmicrocomputerjamespage: ah cool, I'll pull down those updates then13:15
bbcmicrocomputerjamespage: looked to me like juju was just using the YAML parser and allowing it to coerce config objects to any type, hence not allowed boolean values as strings13:16
niemeyerGood mornings!13:42
bbcmicrocomputerniemeyer: morning13:47
niemeyerbbcmicrocomputer: Heya13:48
m_3marcoceppi: shouldn't that be 'R m8t3' for chat like a pirate day?14:48
marcoceppim_3:  I suppose... *rubs chin*15:18
m_3marcoceppi: :)15:23
SpamapSm_3: my son was born on talk like a pirate day. Wife was not exactly in the spirit during labor.. but the nurses were all about swabbing the deck and hoisting the mainsail.. ;)15:37
SpamapSshiver me timbers, thar be a baby!15:37
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marcoceppiHow can you tell which charms need review? It would appear almost all the new-charms are awaiting feedback from the authors15:46
jcastromarcoceppi, it should be new-charm15:49
marcoceppiright, but they all seem to have been turned over15:49
jcastrocheck the in progress ones15:49
jcastroincomplete means not ready15:49
jcastrooh dude, new. :)15:49
SpamapSwe started on diaspora on the big screen yesterday, sort of a collaborative charm writing experience.. it went pretty well.15:50
jcastromarcoceppi, looks like Gearman is ready for review15:50
SpamapSand disaspora is.. nightmarish to setup15:50
jcastroit looked so not fun15:51
SpamapSnegronjl said it felt a lot like cloudfoundry15:51
m_3marcoceppi: new-charm tag _and_ status of "new" or "fix committed"15:53
marcoceppim_3 jcastro thanks!15:53
m_3SpamapS: yay!  I totally wanna see diaspora working15:53
SpamapSm_3: 18 tons of ruby gems to install. :-(15:56
SpamapSI can't believe rubygems, pear, and pecl, don't use any kind of crypto to secure their downloads15:56
m_3marcoceppi: been trying to keep it as a conversation... review and update status to incomplete or in progress... then they set status to fix committed for a nother round of review15:56
m_3SpamapS: use bundler... there's a Gemfile15:57
marcoceppim_3: makes sense, easy enough to track15:57
SpamapSm_3: bundler is what we used15:58
m_3SpamapS: gem won't check certs on https sources?15:58
SpamapSm_3: gem doesn't use https15:58
SpamapSit didn't last year when I was patching it for some other bugs and I got curious15:59
m_3I'd have to look... thought most sources were specified via https github urls16:01
SpamapSm_3: and where does it get those source URLs?16:01
m_3you can set that in the gemfile16:01
m_3don't know for the "standard" rubygems.org gems tho16:02
SpamapSm_3: ok, so I'm more talking about when I type 'gem install foo'16:02
m_3right... dunno for the stds16:02
m_3how'd charmschoolsv go?16:03
m_3how many peeps were working along -vs- osmoting?16:03
negronjlSpamapS, m_3:  I'll keep working on diaspora.  I'll commit the work soon.  It's a pain in the neck but, I like a challenge :)16:04
m_3negronjl: cool!16:05
m_3negronjl: I'll try to drum up volunteers to maintain it going forward16:05
negronjlm_3:  that would be great !  It's a complicated mess of gems, ruby packages and all other sorts of nonesense16:06
SpamapSso.. typical charm :)16:06
m_3negronjl: yeah, hitting a ruby conf later this week... I'll try to drum up help16:07
negronjlm_3: nice!16:07
m_3negronjl: were there lots of peeps writing stuff?16:11
m_3negronjl: or was it mostly people wanting to customize/use existing charms?16:12
negronjlm_3: Some of the guys kept asking very intelligent questions ( outside of what we were talking about ) which tells me that they were already investigating the use of juju ( and charms ) for their own projects.16:12
m_3negronjl: awesome16:12
negronjlm_3: We had some guys that were looking at the existing charms ( couchbase and cassandra come to mind ) to see how they can better the charm.16:12
m_3dude, that's great16:13
negronjlm_3: The DataStax guy in particular was already looking for ways to make cassandra better .... that part was awesome!16:13
m_3how'd we publicize this event?16:13
m_3sounds like you had a great group of people show up16:13
negronjlm_3: Some of the business guys here sent email out to their customers ... that was it16:13
m_3ok, gotcha16:14
negronjlm_3: indeed ... very smart and technical people.16:14
m_3cool... thanks for the update16:14
jcastroSpamapS, are you guys back from travel? like should we have a linkup today?17:08
SpamapSjcastro: yeah it was a 1 day thing :)17:09
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SpamapSjcastro: I have a team call.. then need to catch up on email. So, probably 90min.. but then yeah I want to chat w/ you and Juan17:09
jcastroyeah whenevs17:09
SpamapSnegronjl: can you join us from the land of barristas and lattes?17:09
jcastrojust the usual charm team hang out, we'll snag mims17:09
negronjlSpamapS: here17:10
negronjlSpamapS: can you guys give me the Hangout URL ?17:10
SpamapSnegronjl: when we start it.. 90 min17:11
negronjlSpamapS: yeah ... I jumped the gun there didn't I :/17:11
SpamapSnegronjl: perhaps try thinking about baseball..17:13
jamespageso how exactly does the new constraints stuff work?  any good docs on usage yet?17:43
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SpamapSjamespage: I believe there's a spec17:44
SpamapShm, not in the trees anywhere.. weird17:45
jamespageSpamapS, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju/juju/trunk/view/head:/docs/source/drafts/placement.rst17:45
SpamapSjamespage: actually yes17:47
SpamapSthat does seem to mention it17:47
SpamapSthough light on implementation details like how to use them17:47
jamespageSpamapS, agreed17:48
SpamapSjamespage: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=58938617:50
SpamapSjamespage: even weirder than needing a restart..17:50
SpamapSyou need *two* reloads17:50
* jamespage faceplants17:52
jamespagewhy oh why oh why17:52
SpamapSjamespage: pretty odd. The recommended solution is to do 'restart' on initial install, and 'force-reload' on upgrades17:52
SpamapSI think I'll submit a patch for that to Debian and fix it in our packages once we get some clarity on 5.4.017:53
jamespageSpamapS, OK - sounds sensible17:53
SpamapSjcastro: G+?17:54
SpamapSnegronjl: ?17:54
SpamapSm_3: ?17:54
negronjlSpamapS: here17:54
SpamapSactually let me reboot to see if I get my video back17:55
jcastroSpamapS, give me 5!17:55
* SpamapS tries new kernel18:03
* SpamapS rejoices18:10
SpamapSinvites out18:10
* SpamapS lurves audio hell18:13
SpamapSjcastro: ??18:20
m_3SpamapS: in a meeting...18:34
m_3SpamapS negronjl jcastro : damn... just tried to join18:51
SpamapSdohhhh haha18:52
m_3miss anything18:52
negronjlm_3: too funny18:52
SpamapSjcastro did a triple lindy18:52
negronjlm_3: maybe we left 'cause we saw you trying to join18:52
m_3we were hanging out talking about juju arm tests18:52
m_3no way!18:52
m_3I love the triple lindy18:52
_mup_Bug #954350 was filed: juju bootstrap doesn't ensure zookeeper is installed <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/954350 >19:22
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koolhead11SpamapS, marcoceppi if anyone can update the charm repo with my latest commit, i have added the copyright file!! :)19:32
marcoceppikoolhead11:  I saw that! I've got an update that will put it in place19:32
koolhead11marcoceppi, cool!! cheers!!19:33
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hazmatm_3, it feels like the timeout on the charmrunner service watching needs to be increased to account for the container creation21:08
SpamapShazmat: hey, ... lxc-start-ephemeral.. why can't we use that in juju instead of lxc-start?21:09
SpamapSor rather, instead of lxc-clone+lxc-start ?21:09
hazmatSpamapS, we do lxc-clone21:09
SpamapSRight, ephemeral is now using overlayfs .. allowing all containers to share the same VFS cache21:09
hazmaton an ssd its pretty fast to get a new container for a new unit21:09
SpamapSnot about speed21:10
hazmatthe charmrunner is reusing the env, so the template container is still around21:10
SpamapScache pressure is intense w/ 7 containers running21:10
SpamapSthink .. laptop w/ 4GB of RAM..  spinning up openstack on that pushes it into swap.21:10
hazmatdoc it hurts when i kick myself ;-021:11
hazmatSpamapS,  is that overlay persistent?21:11
SpamapShazmat: don't know.21:11
SpamapShazmat: aufs was persistent.. so I presume overlayfs (which is supposed to be a replacement) is too21:11
hazmati guess i should play around with it21:12
SpamapShazmat: tho "lxc-start-ephemeral" suggests that the containers maybe are not.21:12
SpamapShazmat: I wonder.. maybe we can mod lxc-clone to use it somehow21:13
* SpamapS wonders why we're re-inventing schroot in lxc's tools21:13
hazmatSpamapS, yeah.. its creating the overlay in /tmp21:13
SpamapShazmat: ok, so in theory, we could just change our usage of 'lxc-clone' to just mount an overlayfs and copy the configs..21:26
SpamapShazmat: and then push that back upstream to lxc as '--overlayfs' eventually.21:27
SpamapShazmat: one thing that sucks.. overlayfs still doesn't support inotify. :-P21:27
hazmatSpamapS, we could, but really that should be in the ephemeral script to take an overlaydir option21:28
hazmatand then we could just use it..21:28
SpamapShazmat: except then its not ephemeral :)21:28
hazmatSpamapS, the only reason its ephemeral is that the script is hardcoded to use a /tmp dir.. else it would be suitable.. but yeah.. point taken21:29
SpamapShazmat: tho because the rootfs is a mount, and not static files on disk, we'd need a pre-start for the container that mounts it again.. I think21:29
SpamapShazmat: or just accept that they are ephemeral make it an environment option21:30
SpamapSerr.. "and" make it an option21:30
koolhead11https://github.com/lg/murder  is it possible to use it as charm?21:50
SpamapSkoolhead11: yes it would be an awesome charm!21:51
SpamapSkoolhead11: it might morph into a subordinate once that lands21:52
koolhead11SpamapS, but how will/can we use it?21:52
koolhead11i meant a used case kind :PO21:53
SpamapSkoolhead11: probably two parts.. one charm for the tracker server, and then one as the client that distributes files.21:55
SpamapSkoolhead11: dare to dream... if you have a use case.. charm it up.. otherwise.. perhaps leave it for somebody with practical need/experience to make it happen?21:55
koolhead11SpamapS, shall i put it as whishlist/charm needed?21:56
SpamapSkoolhead11: sure. :)22:34
SpamapShazmat: thoughs on bug 952397 .. I saw that you picked it up..22:39
_mup_Bug #952397: Juju is forcing *ALL* charms in a repo to be perfect to be able to deploy *any* <juju:In Progress by hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/952397 >22:39
SpamapSthoughs or thoughts  .. either is fine ;)22:39
hazmatSpamapS, yeah.. i need to fix up the exception hiearchy to prevent that from reoccuring.. the whole get_charm_from_path returning a charm error if its not a charm screws up the error catching logic to often22:40
hazmatSpamapS, i'm sprinting on mailman right now at pycon (conference day).. but i'll be back in the swing tomorrow22:41
koolhead11SpamapS, https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/95453522:41
_mup_Bug #954535: Charm needed: murder <charm> <juju> <Juju Charms Collection:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/954535 >22:41
SpamapShazmat: cool I figured it was just an error handling issue22:41
SpamapSkoolhead11: thanks!22:42

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