
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
=== _h4ckm3 is now known as h4ckm3
izzabooHello. This an okay place to ask Qs about pcman file manager?03:35
marcelCWhy lubuntu iso has the aproximate xubuntu iso size? Isn't Lxde lighter or dose it have some extra applications?05:14
KM0201lxde might be lighter, it doesn't really mean the ISO is going to be smaller.05:14
marcelChmm, why?05:15
marcelCis something related to squasfs / iso compresion?05:15
KM0201because it's still lubuntu, is still ubuntu underneath, and ubuntu in general, is bloated (compared to a lot of other linux distros)05:16
KM0201the speed you gain is due to the fact LXDE doesn't have the memory requirements, CPU usage requirements, etc.. that Gnome, Unity, KDE< etc.. have05:16
KM0201none of that is relative to the size of an ISO05:17
marcelCi've never used lxde, i am curious if it will gonna lose some functionality over xfce05:18
marcelCi mean is like fluxbox when you wish to change the wallpaper?05:18
KM0201no, it's much better than fluxbox05:19
marcelCokay, i'll give it a try05:20
KM0201frankly, its better than xfce as well, but thats my opinion05:22
marcelCI have found this: Lubuntu 11.10 658 MB Packages -> 1191, Xubuntu 11.10 677 MB Packages -> 123205:50
KM0201marcelC: again, totally irrelevant05:51
KM0201you're comparing the size/number of packages on an ISO, to decide which is lighter... that's just not a logical conclusion05:51
marcelCyes, I am making a multi boot dvd05:52
KM0201marcelC: the minimal install CD for Ubuntu, only has about 20min worth of data, when your done installing, do you have a lighter system?05:52
marcelCand I choose some small distro with a lot of softwares05:52
KM0201well, *buntu's arent it for that05:52
KM0201like i said, the *buntu's are all fairly bloated05:53
KM0201not saying you can't make it work05:53
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
cloudy_nzhi, can anyone recommend a good IDE or editor for Lubuntu?08:25
Marzatahi nz08:32
cloudy_nztext editor for programming08:34
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icerootvim instead of vi09:17
Marzataboth are visual09:24
cloudy_nzI am trying geany and gedit09:25
Myrttigeany is nice09:31
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=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
jozefkhello, is there some way to have lubuntu booted from CD (copy to RAM) and to save all changes during work to file on memory stick?13:04
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Marzatajozefk: yes13:14
jozefkdo you have some link with instructions?13:17
Marzatause Startup Disk Creator with extra space13:31
Marzataor another option will be to install it on the stick, but you will need min. 8 GB one13:32
KM0201Marzata: i don't think startup disk will work like that (ie, save changes to a USB).. also, you also have to have a machine that will boot USB.. i'm assuming since he's trying this, a persistent install is out of the question.13:33
jozefkI don't want to install it on stick. I want to boot it from CD and load it to RAM. and then to install new apps and change settings and to have all those apps and changes saved to file on stick which Lubuntu should read on next boot13:33
KM0201i don't think thats possible, at least i've never heard of it.13:34
jozefkI never heard it's possible with Lubuntu but some distros are doing this by default.13:35
pmatulispossible to start applications (say 'screen') and have the window show up on a certain monitor and with specific geometry?13:58
BenHurhi, i read some articles about xubuntu vs lubuntu and it seems that the main difference is the RAM consumption (where lubuntu is better). will that difference make an inpact on running big programs like firefox? i want to install a slim ubuntu flavour on my old p4 computer and i was wondering if the ram consumption will make a difference or if the cpu will be the bottle neck14:05
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=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
skritehey all15:00
vasilevichi need help configuriing my network interface like this: I have three network adapters: WLAN0 ETH0 ETH1 i would like to recieve internet from WLAN0 and share it to ETH0 or ETH1 can someone please give me the right configuration for /etc/network/interfaces15:17
skritevasilevich, i think it will take more than just configuring in /network/interfaces. look at iptables15:27
skritevasilevich, also, check out a program called firestarter. It is a firewall program, but also handles network sharing... been a while since i used it, but it was pretty smooth when i did.15:28
vasilevichit always fails to lock the adapter15:29
bananapiewhat package contains the ozone3 theme for lxde ?16:15
Marzatasome Openbox stuff16:19
Marzatavasilevich: you don't need any configuration. just do it with the newtork applet.16:21
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
hylianwhat is the difference between lubuntu, and lubuntu netbook?16:30
hylianwhat is the difference between lubuntu, and lubuntu netbook?16:35
* hylian looks at all the afk zombies, and screams! Hello?!?16:36
hylianwhy do people just sit here... how very annoying. either you are here and able to chat, or you are offline. please don't be afk zombies16:37
Unit193hylian: You really don't need to repeat, just wait.  The difference is one has a normal desktop, while the other has basically everything on the deesktop but in order of names and in different tabs for different types.16:39
Marzatadome ppl even are at work16:40
hylianUnit193, thanks. but I still don't get it16:49
hylianMarzata, /they make or build domes? or where you trying to say they are dumb? or dum? (there is a difference)16:50
Marzatahylian: meant some, sorry.16:52
hylianUnit193, when i use the netbook edition, i get the same thing as regular, minus the pretty blue default background. no other diffreences.16:53
Unit193What version?16:53
hylianMarzata, ahh, i see. I still think you should either be here, or not. I enter a chat room thinking i have someone to work things out with or sound ideas off of, onnly to find there is no one, because they are all logged in, but are afk zombies... they shouldn't show up as here then.16:54
hylianUnit193, the latest one from ubuntu 11.10. installed it this morning.16:54
Unit193Bug 87599116:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875991 in lxdm (Ubuntu) "Not able to start a xsession with a space in the name" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87599116:58
hylianUnit193, was that aimed at my question, because it seems not to apply at all...16:59
Unit193It's the reason.17:00
hylianUnit193, ohh, i get it. lxdm sees the name "lubuntu netbook" and has a fit. thanks!17:01
hyliani know you guys aren't probably connected with the lxde team, but if there is one negative i've seen, it's their logo, which is imho, but ugly. other than that, it runs very well. ;)17:02
hylianMarzata, too bad, I would have liked to pick your brain about how they construct domes.17:03
hylianbye all!17:03
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
Da|Mummyi have done something seriously wrong with my audio, and have no idea how to get it back17:19
KM0201what did you do?17:23
wxllet's start out with the obvious: did you restart, Da|Mummy ?17:23
wxlit's a quick and cheesy way to solve your problems but it usually works without requiring a knowledge of sound servers17:24
Da|Mummyi just restarted17:24
wxl…and… ?17:24
Da|Mummythats when everything went wrong i guess17:25
Da|Mummyi was messing about with oss and pulse before17:25
wxlyikes, both huh?17:27
wxlwhat's your symptoms?17:27
Da|Mummyno sound coming out of usb dac and regular headphone jack...17:27
wxlnevermind the usb dac, what about the native sound set up?17:29
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=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
Da|Mummynot getting anything from there either17:32
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
milen8204how can I make a starter in Lubuntu ?17:46
KM0201a starter what?17:48
KM0201milen8204: a starter what?17:54
KM0201that still doesn't make any sense.. what do you mean " a starter"17:54
KM0201you mean a link on your desktop?17:55
milen8204like a short cut17:55
KM0201install xchat   then go to menu/internet/... right click "xchat" and choose "Add to Desktop"17:56
milen8204in Ubuntu 9.10 you could make one whit right mouse click on 6te desktop17:56
milen8204KM0201, ok but I need anything else17:56
KM0201no, just right clik the item in your menu, choose add to desktopp, and thats it.17:57
milen8204I want my xchat to start whit command LANG=en:bg xchat :D17:57
milen8204becouse that way spelling works17:58
KM0201maybe it's a language barrier, cuz what you just said made no sense17:58
milen8204if i run xchat just whit xchat spelling does not work17:58
milen8204If I write in a terminal LANG=en:bg exchat my English spelling works now it do not17:59
KM0201did you add the icon to your desktop?18:00
milen8204I did18:00
KM0201right click the icon on your desktop, and choose "leafpad"18:00
KM0201thats gonna open up a configuration w/ a bunch of stuff18:01
KM0201scroll down to where it says  "Exec=xchat"  and put whatever command you want there... after Exec=18:01
milen8204iyes i see it18:01
KM0201then close xchat, and restart it by clicking the desktop link, and see if that works18:01
milen8204I tried that way but didnt start at all18:01
KM0201hold on, what exactly do you put in a terminal to start w/ the language change?18:02
KM0201put it exactly here.18:02
milen8204KM0201 I write in a terminal  LANG=en:bg xchat18:10
KM0201ok, hang on18:10
KM0201are you getting no such file or directory?18:11
KM0201whats the error you get?18:12
milen8204(process:2688): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.18:12
milen8204Using the fallback 'C' locale.18:12
KM0201thats what you get in command line...18:12
KM0201i'm talking about when you click the icon18:12
milen8204ohh :D18:13
milen8204sorry didnt understand well18:13
milen8204yes i get masage nos such process18:13
KM0201ok, hold on a sec18:13
milen8204no such process18:13
milen8204Unit193, what did you mean whit en-bg18:13
KM0201hmm, theres gotta be an easy way to do that18:14
Unit193The syntax, once you get the right locale, should be more of    export LANG=en_US.UTF-8; xchat18:14
KM0201milen8204: i would ask in #xchat   i bet there's a way to set that to be "auto"18:15
milen8204:D I have asked there but no one response18:15
Unit193export LANG=en_GB.UTF8; leafpad  worked for me.18:16
milen8204ok I will be glad to have English spellcheker but to start whit xchat starting18:16
milen8204Unit193, i will try whit  export LANG=bg_BG.UTF8;18:17
Unit193What language are you going for? locale -a  will list ones installed.18:18
milen8204i have tons18:19
milen8204I will flood the chanel if iprint18:19
Unit193Don't! Pastebinit18:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:20
milen8204ok will pastebin18:20
milen8204Unit193, there is my xchat  leafpad file: http://pastebin.com/Wwd5Gqfq18:24
milen8204Should I white in it that way18:25
Unit193According to http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/menustructure-desktopentry.html.en you should have just UTF-8 as that's for the encoding of the file, not what to start the program in.18:27
Unit193so  Encoding=UTF-8  would be correct.18:28
milen8204Unit193, yes it is UTF-8 i just tried to make spelling work :D18:30
milen8204my language is bg_BG.utf8 without "-"18:32
Unit193http://toxin.jottit.com/xchat_spell_checking#04 Never used xchat really, but seems you were on the right track.18:32
milen8204could this be the problem ?18:32
milen8204Unit193, iwhen i readthat site i have tried to start xchat whit terminal command LANG=en:bg xchat18:33
Unit193So I'd *think* you would change the exec line to that.18:34
milen8204and English spellchecker works18:34
milen8204yes but did not work18:34
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milen8204the error massage ist: LANG=en:bg there is no file or Directory18:35
milen8204Unit193, when i write locale LANGUAGE=(it is empty)18:40
milen8204it is that normal ?  http://pastebin.com/wD2MrZbH18:41
Unit193It'll be set to whatever you set it to, mine is different.  You should either ask in a channel that may know more about xchat, or try setting the Exec= line to    Exec=LANG=en xchat18:43
milen8204Unit193, ok thanks18:44
Unit193(For example, someone in #ubuntu should know for sure, but it is very busy) Another one to try would be   Exec=LANG=en_US.UTF8 xchat18:44
milen8204Unit193, ok thanks will try all18:47
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
miro_can anyone propose a good mail client for lubuntu where mails can be read and writen as rich-text/html21:01
miro_or something like KDE's kontact21:03
Elouini just installed lubuntu on my netbook. its running great, i just got one problem: the webcam isnt working#21:18
Elouinits an intern webcam21:21
holsteinElouin: i would double double check that its on in the bios.. i sometimes get other live CD's and test with them... i would install something like cheese and see if it "just works". i would run lspci and see if its listed there21:22
holsteinother than that, you can just search around for bugs relating to that specific hardware.. maybe find something on the forums21:22
Elouinhmm it seems like it isnt listed...21:24
Elouinand i tried cheese21:24
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
AngelForgetexcuse me but you can install on amorock Lubuntu?21:46

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