
itaylor57!info ndiswapper01:22
ubottuPackage ndiswapper does not exist in precise01:22
KM0201i think someone is failing to update ubottu01:24
itaylor57KM0201, i am about take a wild plunge and install bsd and compile my own packages lol01:25
KM0201thats rough01:25
bazhang!find ndis01:25
ubottuFound: linux-image-3.2.0-18-generic, linux-image-3.2.0-18-generic-pae, linux-image-3.2.0-18-virtual, ndisgtk, ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9, libcgi-application-plugin-actiondispatch-perl, libtest-indistdir-perl, linux-image-3.2.0-16-lowlatency, linux-image-3.2.0-16-lowlatency-pae (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ndis&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all01:25
KM0201i gave up on bsd after my trials and tribulations with freenas.... much happier w/ Linux01:26
bazhang!info ndisgtk01:26
ubottundisgtk (source: ndisgtk): graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (precise), package size 20 kB, installed size 864 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)01:26
KM0201ah thats it, i didn't name the trigger properly... cuz i'd already tried that, i think i put ndiswrapper-gtk01:27
MCR1Can it be that recent updates completely broke starting the ubuntu desktop on 12.04 or is it just me ?01:28
itaylor57MCR1, no problems here01:30
MCR1itaylor57: Did you make the recent update which also updated compiz ?01:31
itaylor57i have done all the updates avail to date01:32
MCR1ok thx 4 the answer - probably an incompatibility with one of my installed additions then...01:33
MCR1STRG+F1 still works, so...01:34
MountainXI'm looking for anyone who is using Kubuntu 12.04 with Firefox01:36
snadgethats nothing.. minecraft is broken on ubuntu 12.0401:37
snadgeit generates an exception upon exit! zomg!01:37
MountainXon exit is better than on startup ;)01:37
snadgebut it doesnt if you bypass LauncherFrame (the login screen) and run the minecraft client directly01:37
snadgeit should still be fixed though ;)01:38
snadgebut even more annoying is the 1 year old fglrx window decorator bug01:38
snadgethat one *really* needs to be fixed.. its getting ridiculous now01:38
MountainXwait til you deal with bugs that haven't been fixed for 6 or more years01:38
snadgeid just hang myself i think01:39
MountainXyeah it is depressing01:39
snadgeor kill the package maintainers in a murderous rage.. one of the two :p01:39
soaringskyI just closed the last dapper bugtasks...01:39
snadgethat must be the ubuntu way.. wait until the bugs get so old.. that they expire due to redundancy :p01:40
snadgethe people who reported the bugs.. are deceased.. or in a nursing home01:40
snadgebut they were teenagers when they reported them.. hehe01:40
soaringskyI closed 70ish bugs. only 1 was still a real bug01:40
snadgefrom dapper drake days? sheesh01:41
soaringskyrest were invalid, wontfix, or expired01:41
snadgewontfix is the best one :p01:41
soaringskyubuntu has *thousands* of bugs that haven't been touched in years01:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 770283 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "[fglrx]title bar does not update on non-maximized windows" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:42
snadgeat least this one is status confirmed01:42
MountainXI seem to run into an inordinate number of those01:42
snadgeand affects me and 70 other people :p01:42
snadgeyou can probably multiply that number by 100.. to work out the actual number of affected users01:42
snadgemaybe even 100001:42
snadgebasically.. anybody who wants to use unity, with proprietary amd/ati driver01:43
snadgewhich is probably about 20-30% of all ubuntu users01:43
MountainXwhat's the issue with unity and ati drivers?01:43
snadgethe window titles dont get updated01:43
snadgeso every window looks like it has focus.. or doesnt01:43
snadgeand when the title updates.. eg.. path.. filename of editor etc01:44
MountainXdoes it also cause problems with color rendering in the title bars? I think I saw that.01:44
snadgeyes.. the mouseover the controls doesnt work.. because thats part of the window title01:44
snadgefortunately the radeon driver doesn't exhibit this problem.. but the radeon driver also sucks at playing minecraft01:45
MountainXMy title bars were all screwed up before I switched to Kubuntu the other day. Now I have a whole new set of problems with Kubuntu.01:45
snadgeare you using fglrx?01:45
snadgeyeah.. when gnome 3 was first released, it didnt work with fglrx at all01:45
MountainXit's OK in Kubuntu01:45
snadgeyeah apparently kwin is the least buggy... i wouldnt know, i use unity2d now01:46
snadgeits hard to engage compiz/unity devs in resolving this issue01:46
MountainXit seems like getting support for Kubuntu is going to be much more difficult than for Ubuntu...01:46
snadgebecause they're all nvidia / intel / radeon driver fanbois.. and wont touch fglrx with a 50 foot pole01:47
snadgei'd just forget about it entirely01:47
snadgeif you want to persist with KDE, discuss it with the upstream developers01:47
snadgeive been trying to engage with compiz devs regarding fglrx.. but because im using ubuntu.. they dont really want to know about it01:48
MountainXwhat's difference in radeon and fglrx?01:50
snadgethe free driver lacks some features.. such as hardware video acceleration01:51
snadgethe proprietary driver in general, performs better with 3d games.. not that there are many01:52
snadgeit also has the catalyst control centre which allows you to customise more options01:52
MountainXfglrx is proprietary. so what is the radeon driver? I have never seen a radeon driver by that name for linux01:52
snadgeit is open source.. and to be quite honest, has significantly caught up in functionality and performance to the proprietary driver01:53
MountainXI have the amdcccle with the fglrx driver01:53
snadgeright.. the free driver obviously doesn't have that.. but its perfectly adequate for running compiz01:53
snadgeand is even capable of running some high end 3d applications.. such as the unigine demo01:53
MountainXso you are calling the free driver "radeon"? Is that right? I'm just confused on the naming. All I know is that the fglrx driver is proprietary01:54
snadgeright.. the free driver is called "radeon"01:54
snadgeconfusingly.. thats not the only one.. theres also a generic vesa driver, and some obsolete ones01:54
MountainXfor me, the free driver won't save my multi-monitor settings. No way to save any monitor settings. So I had to go to the proprietary driver.01:55
snadgei *think* the latest radeon driver has support for hdmi audio.. but that may require very recent kernel version to work properly01:55
MountainXalso, with the free driver, my monitors won't wake up after sleeping all night.01:56
snadgeright, this is the problem.. if some of this missing functionality were implemented into the free driver.. then the proprietary driver would no longer be necessary.. everyones wet dream01:56
snadgethen we could just mark these bugs as wontfix.. problem solved ;)01:56
MountainXI have some bad news for you snadge: you're in that area where you'll be seeing the same issues for the next 10 years01:59
snadgewell a lot of progress has been made with the radeon driver.. to the point where its actually a legitimate question to ask why not use it01:59
MountainXI've been hearing that for 5 years already01:59
MountainXabout various drivers02:00
snadgeits getting harder to defend using the proprietary driver.. especially given some of these long standing issues that are getting zero attention02:00
snadgeif anything.. you could say that its these bugs, that have improved the free driver significantly02:00
snadgelook at nouveau as an example.. because nvidia's drivers are more than good enough for the majority of people.. nobody cares about the free driver ;)02:00
snadgeso the quality of the free and open driver, seems inversely proportional to the quality of the proprietary one.. hehe02:01
snadgeso the solution is that nvidia should just completely screw up their proprietary drivers on linux.. to the point where they're practically unuseable ;)02:02
snadgeor ubuntu should just stop shipping proprietary graphics drivers.. and make them extremely difficult to install :P02:03
DaekdroomThe radeon opensource driver is only as good as it is because AMD pays people to work on it and releases documentation.02:09
DaekdroomAll nvidia does to help nouveau is not sue them.02:09
aljosaany way i can get newer version of xorg? to be specific i need xinput2. it's kind of funny that current unreleased version is already old02:09
aljosaany ppa for 12.04 that has latest stable xorg software02:10
DaekdroomThere is a ppa with the latest unstable xorg02:13
soaringskyxorg edgers. someone find the link please02:14
soaringskyDaekdroom: thx02:16
aljosasoaringsky, Daekdroom: thanks for info02:17
Fudgeanyone experience a stop error when service console-setup restart is invoked02:18
ajin12.04 runs on NETBOOK with Intel N2600 CPU and GMA 3600 ?02:39
jalcineajin: Only one way to find out :P02:41
soaringskyajin: ubuntu runs on just about everything. how well it works is another issue :)02:42
ajinyes, but I want it to run on my netbook perfectly02:43
ajinif only I can code, i'll do the job myself02:43
soaringskyajin: 12.04 is still very unstable02:44
soaringskyajin: but ubuntu usually works well on netbooks02:45
bjsnidersnadge, explain why ubuntu should stop shipping proprietary graphics drivers02:45
soaringsky!philosophy | bjsnider02:47
ubottubjsnider: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing02:47
bjsniderwell, that's a compelling argument02:47
soaringskybjsnider: we also cannot fix many issues with the proprietary drivers02:48
ajinIt's better to figure out a best way to earn big money02:49
DaekdroomUbuntu would fail to provide support for a lot of hardware if we went for all-free like Debian.02:49
DaekdroomEven the radeon opensource drivers need closed source components.02:49
ajinthrough open source02:49
soaringskyyes, community drivers are community maintained02:50
bjsniderDaekdroom, no but, at least they'd have their philosophy02:50
soaringskyand maintaining good video drivers is not easy02:50
ajinsome drivers need to be closed02:50
DaekdroomYeah. The hardware has to be crafted in a way that allows fully opensource working drivers.02:51
DaekdroomDRM and firmwares get in the way.02:52
soaringskyuntil we get rid of DRM, we cannot get rid of closed source02:52
bjsniderdirect rendering manager?02:53
DaekdroomDigital Rights (something else I don't remember)02:53
DaekdroomManagement, perhaps.02:53
DaekdroomThe thing is, the industry is not willing to drop DRM, so the best thing would be it working through a closed source library.02:54
Daekdroom(that wouldn't be necessary for the driver to work for anything else)02:54
bjsniderhow is that any better than a proprietary driver?02:55
DaekdroomPeople would have a choice.02:55
DaekdroomAnd it wouldn't be a driver alternative as a whole.02:55
DaekdroomIt'd only affect some features.02:55
bjsnidersuch as what?02:58
DaekdroomUVD2 support for Radeon cards.02:58
DaekdroomThe code for the open source driver -might- never make it past legal review.02:58
soaringskyor Netflix/ hulu02:58
bjsniderwhat about opengl?02:58
DaekdroomThere is the S3TC issue..02:59
DaekdroomIt's part of the OpenGL specification, and it's not free.02:59
DaekdroomBut it's possible to use an external library anyway.02:59
Daekdroom!info libtxc-dxtn003:00
ubottuPackage libtxc-dxtn0 does not exist in precise03:00
DaekdroomWhich is not available in the repos.03:00
jalcine!info libxdo-dev03:00
ubottulibxdo-dev (source: xdotool): library for simulating X11 keyboard/mouse input. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:2.20110530.1-3ubuntu1 (precise), package size 74 kB, installed size 836 kB03:00
User_007hello, i am stuck with bug 951407,03:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 951407 in farstream (Ubuntu Precise) "libfarstream-0.1-0 uninstallable: Conflicts: libgstfarsight0.10-0 but 0.0.31-1ubuntu3 is to be installed" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95140703:02
User_007can you help me?03:02
bjsniderfix has been released03:03
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User_007ok, but i done apt-get update and aptitude full-upgrade, and it still conflicts03:04
bjsniderit may not have gotten to your mirror yet03:04
soaringskyUser_007: wait a few hours and try again03:04
User_007soaringsky, yeah i am doing that for a while03:04
User_007i think i solved using synaptic, thanks folks!03:08
Mylentheswhat is the default font size03:57
MylenthesI kinda screwed around in gnometweaktool03:57
Mylenthesnow i forgot03:57
aboSamoo1Hi All, I upgraded ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 and in the next reboot, lightdm crashed and I could not even reach tty*, any idea. My video driver is i915?04:04
MylenthesaboSamoo1: Do you have the proprietary drivers installed?04:05
aboSamoo1aboSamoo1: I do not think so, how can I check? lsmod shows i91504:06
aboSamoo1Mylenthes: I do not think so, how can I check? lsmod shows i91504:07
aboSamoo1Mylenthes: I am not logged in recovery mode, you know where can I look for errors?04:08
MylenthesSo you are in unity 2d?04:08
aboSamoo1Mylenthes: no, i think I am using unity 3d04:08
aboSamoo1Mylenthes: now, I am using tty1 and irssi04:09
Mylenthesin tty1 do sudo service lightdm restart04:09
Mylenthesthat will reset your lightdm, then on the logon screen youll see a little icon, select that and choose 2d04:10
aboSamoo1Mylenthes: I tried that, the problem the login screen does not show up, it seems the lightdm crashes before even giving such chance04:11
dr_willistry just.     startx04:11
aboSamoo1dr_willis: segmentation fault04:12
dr_williseww.. not good04:13
aboSamoo1dr_willis: i restarted it after upgrade and it worked fine, then suddenly crashed and never showed the login page again. I feel there is something out there makes it crash, as some config file04:15
dr_willisit would be a nasty thing to do  a seg. fault04:16
Mylenthesyou might need to completely reinstall ubuntu04:17
aboSamoo1Mylenthes: could reinstalling specific packages help?04:21
MylenthesI have no clue, i shouldn't even be helping you. I just started ubuntu a week ago.04:22
Mylenthesit probably would help04:22
aboSamoo1Mylenthes: I am using ubuntu since 2007 and I still do not know04:23
Mylenthesyou're going to have to wait for someone else to help04:25
Mylentheswait how are you chatting right now?04:25
aboSamoo1Mylenthes: tty1+tmux+irssi04:27
dr_willisif startx is seg faulting.. thats kind of a nasty issue. may be hard to figure out whats going on. the logs may give a clue.04:29
aboSamoo1dr_willis: looking at the log, I can see the backtrace XIChangeDeviceProperty, evdev_drv.so ActivateDevice, config_init, InitInput04:35
aboSamoo1dr_willis: I fixed the problem, by unplugging my usb headphone from the laptop!!!04:39
aboSamoo1dr_willis: I am able to regenerate the crash by just plygging my usb headphone again! :)04:40
dr_willisweird.. as a test. try a window manager that does not use pulse audio. see if you can narrow down the crash04:44
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almoxarifewho else is seeing kmplayer start up crashing kmix?05:11
almoxarifeI am getting it sporadicly05:11
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rye_Hello, on current precise when server fails to boot on the first try, upon reboot group timer is not set up, therefore requiring to connect the keyboard to boot. Is it intended?06:38
rye_i mean ubuntu-server installation06:38
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* bluefrog test09:12
asoopnok finally someone's here :)10:12
asoopnI have all the menus leaving the shadows on the screen instead of disappearing10:12
vega-_no idea10:13
ryeasoopn: are you on the latest precise with all updates applied?10:14
afikulok sorry it was me with the menus10:20
afikulso I enjoy the view of the screen filled with rectangles all the time10:21
glosoliafikul: hey here, what's wrong  ?10:21
afikulalso left mouse button occasionally stops working with only unity --reset helping10:21
afikulhi, all the menus leave a trace instead of disappearing10:21
glosoliafikul: are you up to date with updates ?10:21
glosolisudo apt-get dist-upgrade too ?10:22
glosolitryed resetting unity ?10:22
afikulThe following packages have been kept back:   ia32-libs-multiarch:i38610:22
scriptwarlockterminal shutdown command not completely power down but graphical shutdown works10:22
glosoliscriptwarlock: sometimes happens to me..10:22
afikulI reset unity all the time - it helps but I can't do it every minute10:23
glosoliafikul: tryed reset compiz ?10:23
scriptwarlockglosoli, so what you do10:23
afikulI tried unity ppa but it produces dependency hell10:23
glosoliscriptwarlock: hm, somehow it magically fixed by the latest updates, migh also be video drivers fault, are you running latest VGA drivers ?10:23
afikulnot sure how to reset compiz, but that's probably session-specific too...10:23
glosoliafikul: nah :)10:23
glosoliif you can10:24
glosoliwill try to find smth10:24
scriptwarlockglosoli, well this is not only for 12.04 but also for my 11.1010:24
scriptwarlockglosoli, be right back dinner10:24
glosoliscriptwarlock: ye  ye same for me was hmm, tryed checking in launchpad if there is a bug reported ?10:24
glosoliafikul: rm -rf ~/.compiz-1/         then rm -rf ~/.config/compiz-1/10:25
afikuldidnt help10:27
afikulthat is, if unity --reset is enough10:27
glosoliafikul: well it might :)10:27
afikulnot a reboot/logout10:27
glosoliyou will need to reboot10:27
glosoliafter executing these ones :)10:28
afikulok brb10:28
afkrnastill the same problem10:30
glosoliafkrna: you ever use CompizConfig-settings manager ?10:31
afkrnaI tried removing stuff after getting the problem for the 1st time10:31
afkrnanow it's not available10:31
afkrnai.e. yeah I've had some custom transparency/blurring things set up on 11.1010:33
afkrnawhere are the good old days of 8.04 with a one huge switch for all the fancy compiz stuff...10:33
glosoliafkrna:  Hmm, what drivers are you using ?10:35
glosolifor vga10:35
afkrnastandard intel stuff10:35
glosoliafkrna: try reporting a bug :)10:38
afkrnahow do I turn off compiz "features"?10:39
afkrnai.e. the fancy alttab thing which is f'n dumb?10:39
afkrnaI dont have ccsm now10:40
glosoliotherwise there is some terminal commands which I am not familiar with10:40
afkrnawtf they changed the name of ccsm =\10:40
glosoliI don't think so  ;D10:41
snadge<3 xorg-edgers ;)10:46
MCR1Since the last update I am missing basically the whole GUI.11:29
MCR1The mousecursor is visible first, then it disappears and everything turns black...11:29
MCR1Ubuntu continues to load and act like everything is normal...11:30
MCR1STRG+ALT+F1 works11:30
MCR1so I got a console at least11:30
MCR1What can I do to find out what is causing this weird bug ?11:30
MCR1I killed 2 systems already... - it is quite frustrating11:31
icerootMCR1: 12.04 is not final so be frustaed when something gets killed shows that 12.04 is not what you want at the moment11:32
crizzydoubt anyone really wants 11.10 either .. >:)11:33
icerootdoesnt matter, 12.04 is ONLY for testing at the moment11:33
MCR1iceroot: I am used to fixing stuff myself, and I know that 12.04 is beta.11:35
MCR1iceroot: I did check that the upgrade did not remove any package & really did not expect a black-screen-of-death after updating...11:36
icerootMCR1: start lightdm by hand and look if there is usefull output11:36
icerootMCR1: move the xorg.conf11:36
iceroothave a look at /var/log/syslog11:37
MCR1iceroot: very useful tips - will try... - thanx11:37
MCR1iceroot: will report here...11:37
MCR1iceroot: maybe I should investigate these files with another system to have some GUI ;)11:38
icerootno need for a gui :)11:39
crizzyctrl-alt-f1.. nano ftw11:39
icerootzsh + screen + vim is all a system needs :)11:39
ChipacaMCR1: some people favor "mc" for that kind of exploratory task11:39
crizzymc + byubu is kinda pop :)11:40
MCR1Chipaca, iceroot, crizzy: ok, you got me. I even like git development with a GUI, so I use git-cola and qgit - but I will make an exception this time ;)11:41
ChipacaMCR1: i'm not suggesting you keep on using these things after you've deborked your system :)11:42
Chipaca*I* use them quite often, but, to each his own, yadda yadda11:43
MCR1I do not want to get back to the time where mouses were science-fiction ;) - I used nc back in those days...11:43
crizzyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxxf86dga/+bug/953960 :/ this is puzzling one11:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953960 in libxxf86dga (Ubuntu) "Mouse scrolling works randomly with games using DGA for mouseinput" [Undecided,New]11:58
MCR1ok, in the syslog I found: hybrid-gfx main process  terminated with status 12711:58
MCR1What does that mean ?11:58
crizzy127 = "command not found"11:59
MCR1xorg.conf in /etc/X11 is missing - shouldn't it be there ?12:14
Ian_Corneare you using the open source drivers?12:18
MCR1yes. intel on-board gfx GMA 4500HD.12:18
MCR1git it fixed !12:19
MCR1the update somehow deleted xorg.conf12:19
MCR1but fixed.12:19
ironhalikHmm, if Ive got two connections - WiFi and GSM, at the same time, will Ubuntu prefer wifi for tran sfering data?12:19
icerootironhalik: no12:20
icerootironhalik: it will prefer the connection you established first12:20
ironhalikoh, ok, thanx12:20
bananapieI am now 14 hours into the upgrade process ( 10.04 lts to 12.04 lts beta ).12:20
ironhalikand btw, is there a way to send and recieve USSD codes over the GSM connections?12:20
bananapieabout 20 minutes after I went to bed, it said "remove obselete packages?", so all night it did nothing. Seriously, these are the kind of questions that should be asked at the beginning of the upgrade process.12:21
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ironhalikbananapie: the upgrade process needs to make some work before it will know which questions to ask12:22
ironhalikyou can force 'assume yes' for apt, but its not always a good idea12:23
Ian_Corneit just calculated all dependencies, and it does ask upfront12:23
bananapieI agree, several times it asked if it should replaced modified configuration files. That's annoying, but understandable.12:23
Ian_Cornebut the calculation takes a long time12:23
bananapieI don't understand the obselete packages, it told me at the beginning that I had obselete, no longer supported and replaced packages. It could have asked at that point what it should do when it gets to the obselete packages.12:24
bananapieit also blows my mind away. It takes 20-30 minutes to install ubuntu, but 4-8 hours for an upgrade. I think my hard drive might be slower than I thought.12:25
bananapieYou know my strategy on beta versions of ubuntu ? I usually install them on my laptop in a seperate partition about 1.5 months before release, test it, open bug reports, that way when it is released, my laptop works well :D12:27
MCR1does someone know the correct driver name for intel gfx (it is fbdev now)12:27
ironhalikanyone else got12:27
ironhalikanyone else has problems with system shortcuts like alt tab, alt f4?12:27
quantumlemurhey, this morning when I started my computer, neither the unity shortcut bar on the left nor the menu bar on the top started when I logged in, and I haven't been able to fix it.  Any ideas?12:34
lukescharfGood morning!  I'd like to report an uneventful upgrade from Oneiric to Precise!12:36
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bananapieThe estimate on this upgrade is seriously wacked. Last night it said '47 minutes remaining', it stayed on '17 minutes remaining' for about 2 hours, it took 45 minutes to do '31 minutes remaining this morning',now it says '6 hours remaining'12:46
bananapie'4 hours remaining', wow those two hours went by fast12:46
bananapie2 hours remaining,12:50
mhall119is the 10.04->12.04 upgrade patch ready?12:50
jpdsmhall119: Only one way to find out.12:53
mhall119jpds: there are 2 ways to find out, #1: try it and see, #2: ask someone who has done #112:54
Italian_Plumberhello.  On my laptop, the live CD boots up, but freezes afterthe GUI comes up.  Is this something that developers will want to know?12:54
jpdsItalian_Plumber: Have you tried another LiveCD? You might just have a corrupted image.12:55
Italian_PlumberThat's a good idea.  Or, can I do a "check this CD for defects"?  Same thing, or no?12:56
ironhalikItalian_Plumber: also, for me it can take up tou couple of minutes before it starts doing things, after hitting the 'try ubuntu' or 'install'12:56
Ian_CorneItalian_Plumber: that should do the same12:56
Italian_PlumberI chose the option on startup that said "Try ubuntu"...12:57
Italian_Plumberok I'll check it then.12:57
Italian_Plumberand wait a bit longer12:57
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Italian_Plumberno defects -- I'm trying a different computer13:09
MCR1ok - still buggy13:10
MCR1now Unity says my Intel GMA 4500 HD does not support Unity 3d anymore :P13:10
bananapieI just finished upgrading to 12.04 LTS, it did not go very smoothly, so I am going to reinstall from cd13:17
bananapieshould i use the daily build or the beta build ?13:17
krnekheleshbananapie: you can always install the beta build and then just updating as usual13:17
MCR1does someone here have a working xorg.conf for intel onboard gfx (Intel GMA HD 3500/4500 prefered) - I cannot find one anywhere...13:19
MCR1Why did the update delete it in the first place ?13:19
thomas001hi, i installed beta1 and latest updates. I have onboard sound and an extra soundcard. But from the extra soundcard only the S/PDIF output is visible, and not normal analog output. the card's alsa driver is loaded. what may be wrong?13:19
thomas001the analog output is also present in /proc/asound/...13:21
quantumlemurhey, this morning when I started my computer, neither the unity shortcut bar on the left nor the menu bar on the top started when I logged in, and I haven't been able to fix it.  Any ideas?13:22
krnekheleshquantumlemur: well there was an update to Unity and Compiz, both of which are responsible13:23
krnekheleshthat's wierd13:23
quantumlemurkrnekhelesh, so are you saying I should just wait for it to be updated again and fixed?13:25
krnekheleshquantumlemur: no...have you tried resetting unity ?13:25
quantumlemurkrnekhelesh, resetting it how?13:25
MCR1quantumlemur: do you have intel gfx ?13:25
quantumlemurMCR1, yes13:25
krnekheleshquantumlemur: go to the ubuntu-unity channel, someother person has exactly the same issue as you13:26
krnekheleshhe just posted few seconds back13:26
MCR1quantumlemur: then probably your xorg.conf got deleted, like happened to me...13:26
MCR1I killed 2 systems13:26
thomas001omg, syslog says: [pulseaudio] alsa-mixer.c: Volume element Master has 8 channels. That's too much! I can't handle that! ... i mean wtf?13:30
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
bananapiehi, I have been using Ubuntu since 7.04, linux since 2004, and computers since 1995. I just installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS beta on my desktop here ( i am chatting from my laptop ), where are my programs ??? I only see firefox, and what's probably office programs.14:49
bananapieHow do I get gedit ? Rhythmbox ? terminal ? video player ?14:50
bananapieI can't find anything on my computer...14:51
brendandbananapie, press the Super (windows) key and search14:52
mcamaret@bananapie: This is unity, not gnome 2. Click the ubuntu button and search for an application, use ubuntu software center to install more.14:53
bananapieSo I have to type the name of the program I want to open ? What if I don't know the name of the application ?14:53
brendandbananapie, not the name. anything related to the application14:53
brendandbananapie, and once you find it you can drag it over14:53
brendandbananapie, it's no harder than trawling through menus14:53
brendandbananapie, try 'video player'14:54
brendandoooh, #fail14:54
brendandbug in totem14:54
=== rocky_ is now known as rocky
bananapieBug in rhythmbox, I will open a bug report14:56
bananapiei have a console open and I have the process id of the buggy software, can you remind me the command I have toe xecute to open a ticket ?14:57
edgy$ sudo fdisk /dev/sda: The device presents a logical sector size that is smaller than the physical sector size. Aligning to a physical sector (or optimal I/O) size boundary is recommended, or performance may be impacted.14:57
synicanything I should know about the updates this morning?  It wants to remove unity, so it won't actually do the updates15:17
bananapieI am going to try unity15:21
edgysynic: try to update now, I guess its an intermittent problem15:34
mcamaretupdates are fine now15:39
bananapieI am running unity 2D, but Xorg is still consuming 50% CPU when I do simple things such as opening firefox, or moving the firefox window ( while viewing a bug report on launchpad ). Is there a fix for this ?15:40
bananapieis there a 'disable all effects' button for unity ?15:41
mcamaret@bananapie: does firefox have anything to do with it? (i.e. if you close ffox and open, say, totem, is Xorg still eating your CPU?)15:42
bananapieI closed firefox15:42
bananapieXorg takes 40 to 60% CPU to move the 'appearance' system settings window around the screen15:43
mcamaretold computer?15:43
mcamarettry xfce or lxde, see if it still does that.15:43
chmouelanybody knows why i can't find lxcguest in precise?15:45
bananapie"Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.6GHZ" "address size 36 bits physical, 32 bits virtual"15:45
edgybananapie: man you are old ;)15:46
chmouelis it renamed to linux-container?15:46
bananapielxde is like KDE, xfce like gnome ?15:46
mcamaret@bananapie: yes, but even lighter than xfce15:46
mcamaretand still a full DE, not just a WM.15:47
bananapieI dislike KDE, the only reason I switched from Windows to Linux was for Gnome.15:47
mcamaretlxde by default has a windows style bottom panel only, with a gnome2 style menu.15:48
bananapieKDE was too similar to Windows, I kept expecting things to be the same, but they were different. Gnome was completely different and easier to switch to15:48
mcamaretbut you can customize everything in kde, interface-wise, and make it totally different.15:49
mcamaretwhat version of kde did you use?15:49
bananapieKDE 315:49
mcamaretkde 4.8 has changed a lot.15:49
bananapieI don't want to start a flame war, I am sure KDE is a great piece of software, but it's not a great piece of software for me15:49
mcamaretI don't use it either, I'm using unity, but I like to try everything.15:50
bananapieI think I might try out KDE again if you say it's really come a long way.15:50
mcamaretit might be too heavy15:50
bananapieI have a laptop too15:51
mcamaretif you don't need anything fancy and like keyboard shortcuts you could use awesome window manager.15:51
bananapie'Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T9400  @ 2.53GHz'15:51
mcamaretit is *extremely* fast15:51
bananapieI have lxfe running, trouble is I can't get my monitors to be side by side instead of mirrored15:54
mcamaretI don't think lxde supports multi-monitor.15:55
mcamaretI know kde, gnome 3, unity, and xfce do, but lxde is very simple15:55
bananapieit does, I just had to type 'xrandr --output VGA-0 --right-of VGA-1'15:56
bananapieIt's a LOT less sluggish that unity. I think I am in love15:56
bananapieactually, this is a  bit funny15:57
bananapieNormally, when I install ubuntu, I remove the bottom gnome bar and merge it with the top one. I replace gnome's three menu's with the single unified menu. lxfe does this by default :D Awesome!15:58
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bananapieI previously tried xubuntu, but I didn't like it. I like ubuntu + lxde because I get all the ubuntu apps with lxde performance.15:59
mcamaretdid you install the lxde package or lubuntu-desktop?15:59
mcamaretlubuntu-desktop is a meta-package including the pretty lubuntu theme (ozone3) and iconset (elementary based)16:00
c3ssouhm, does somebody know: is ist opssible to change the default file open dialog from recently used to last used folder?16:01
bananapieooh, lubuntu-desktop also includes gnome-mplayer ( which I think is better than totem )16:01
bananapieALso has chromium, NICE!. Installing it now16:02
bananapienope, it includes abiword. I am going to install packages by hand16:03
c3ssois it possible to change the default file open dialog from recently used to last used folder?16:04
c3ssothe great zeit geist is, I really do not want it in my file open dialog as default.16:05
c3ssoit distracts me when when I want to write the address in the address bar, I have to click first before I can write.......16:05
mcamaret@bananapie: in synaptic you can just unmark the packages you don't want before you apply16:06
bananapieAh , I use apt-get :D16:07
bananapieI'll try that16:07
mcamaretsynaptic is great.16:07
bananapieI started using Linux on my servers in 2003 and as a desktop in 2006. I used Gentoo from 2006 through 2008, so I am used to using command line utilities ;)16:09
mcamaretI just switched to precise from arch linux16:09
bananapieactually, I started using linux in 2000 with caldera linux, but I was so completely lost and my graphics card wasn't supported, so I went back to windows on my desktop until 200616:10
c3ssoanybody knows where I could ask to get an answer? gnome-devs?16:11
allaincould not determine meta package. WTH? I'm using the unity desktop.16:15
allainI was attempting a Partial upgrade when I got the message.16:15
allainWhat's going on?16:15
=== Guest5830 is now known as xaphir
mcamaret@allain: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185924016:15
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
Dreamanos[Linux 3.2.0-18-generic x86_64] distro[Ubuntu "precise" 12.04] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 7750 Dual-Core Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.70GHz] mem[Physical: 3.9GB, 82.5% free] disk[Total: 927.6GB, 77.2% free] video[Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV730XT [Radeon HD 4670]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI]16:34
DreamanFyodorovna from russia or16:49
Fyodorovnacrime and punishment16:51
Fyodorovnawriter as I know him  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dostoevsky16:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Dreamanhttp://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2,_%D0%98%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD_%D0%9C%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%B2  Fyodorovna see this :)16:57
Dreamannikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F17:13
DreamanResuming in non X mode: glxinfo not found. For package install advice run: inxi --recommends17:13
DreamanSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 3.2.0-18-generic x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: Gnome Distro: Ubuntu 12.04 precise17:13
DreamanMachine:   Mobo: TAR model: GF8100 M2+ TE Bios: American Megatrends version: 080015 date: 07/17/200917:13
DreamanCPU:       Dual core AMD Athlon 7750 (-MCP-) cache: 1024 KB flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4a svm)17:13
Dreaman           Clock Speeds: 1: 1350.00 MHz 2: 1350.00 MHz17:13
DreamanGraphics:  Card: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV730XT [Radeon HD 4670]17:13
Dreaman           X.org: 1.11.3 drivers: ati,fglrx (unloaded: vesa,fbdev,radeon) Resolution: 80x2417:13
DreamanAudio:     Card-1: NVIDIA MCP72XE/MCP72P/MCP78U/MCP78S High Definition Audio driver: snd_hda_intel Sound: ALSA ver: 1.0.2417:13
Dreaman           Card-2: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV710/730 HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 4000 series] driver: snd_hda_intel17:13
DreamanNetwork:   Card: NVIDIA MCP77 Ethernet driver: forcedeth17:13
Dreaman           IF: eth0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: 00:e0:4d:b2:1b:3c17:13
DreamanDrives:    HDD Total Size: 1000.2GB (21.9% used) 1: /dev/sda Hitachi_HDS72101 1000.2GB17:13
DreamanPartition: ID: / size: 136G used: 7.6G (6%) fs: ext4 ID: /boot size: 283M used: 65M (25%) fs: ext417:14
Dreaman           ID: swap-1 size: 4.00GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap17:14
DreamanSensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 42.0C mobo: N/A17:14
Dreaman           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A17:14
DreamanInfo:      Processes: 166 Uptime: 52 min Memory: 961.0/3954.8MB Runlevel: 2 Client: Shell inxi: 1.7.3017:14
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ruffleShi there. is anyone else experiencing a bug where precise goes on a flickering loop between lightdm and console after logging out of a liveusb session?17:53
trismruffleS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/954255 which I was just about to take a look at once my iso is updated17:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 952557 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #954255 unity-greeter crashed with SIGSEGV in user_list_show_prompt() in live session" [Medium,Confirmed]17:56
ruffleSgood! this bug is annoying me17:58
MountainXis anyone using Kubuntu 12.04 with Firefox?18:27
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD18:33
scientesis synaptic the only package manager which handles multiarch right atm?18:42
scientesi've got a big problem around gcc-4.6-base not being co-installable cross-arch18:43
scienteswhile aptitude can do it, removing the i386 packages, it doesn't show that the packages are i386 so lots of confusion18:43
Mylentheswtf, im trying to calibrate my webcam but it needs packages, but this package gives a message that it doesnt exist18:48
=== Christopher is now known as Guest89912
kjeldahlIs it just me, or has Unity (3D) been seriously broken since yesterday, either not starting or hotkeys like alt-tab not working?19:04
padoes precise support freenx?19:07
Osleghello, i have installed ubuntu 12.04 with gnme-shell and now trying to make shell to work, i have VIA Chrome 9HC vga card, glxinfo says the Direct Rendering enabled but gnome strts in fallback mode, any assist would be grateful19:09
zzecoolOsleg: was gnome shell working before ?19:11
Oslegfirst time installing linux on this laptop so i have no idea19:11
zzecoolprolly not19:11
Oslegbut what sure is that Kwin works perfectly19:11
zzecoolSo does unity19:12
Oslegso i guess (it jsut a guess) that shell should work too19:12
Oslegunity didnt work19:12
zzecoolthere is a known problem for ATi vgas with gnome shell19:12
zzecoolthere is not support yet19:12
Oslegit's not ATI19:12
Oslegit's ViA19:12
zzecoolyeah im just saying19:12
zzecooli know19:12
zzecoolyou may be in a similar situation19:13
zzecoolunity didnt work ?19:13
kjeldahlI've had trouble with Unity (3D) on two different machines since yesterday. One old ATI, and one new Sandy Bridge. Have to use Unity (2D) to be able to work.19:13
Oslegunity2d works19:13
kjeldahlSomething definitively broke. Just regular updates on my machines.19:13
zzecoolkjeldahl: is this one a regression ?19:13
kjeldahlYes. Both worked fine three days ago. I update daily.19:14
Oslegunity 3d... actually i didnt try but i guess 2d is fallback if 3d doesnt, isnt it?19:14
zzecoolplease report the bug19:14
zzecoolon launchpad19:14
zzecoollet them know19:14
zzecoolopen terminal and type  :   ubuntu-bug unity19:14
zzecoolpress enter19:14
kjeldahlYeah, I should. I've been looking for other reports as well. Alt-tab errors have started appearing, but not much else.19:14
zzecooli se19:14
zzecoolim on nvidia19:15
Oslegerm.. no xorg.conf in ubuntu? O19:15
zzecooland everything looks ok19:15
zzecoolOsleg: no19:15
zzecoolyou dont need one19:15
zzecoolits in autopilot19:15
kjeldahlIt looks ok today, but alt-tab stopped working.19:15
Oslegand if i want explitely specify to use dri19:15
kjeldahl(and probably more keys)19:15
Oslegor to disable dri?19:15
zzecoolkjeldahl: it doesnt work for me too19:15
zzecoolyou are right19:15
kjeldahlI've seen sporadic reports about hotkeys being wiped as well.19:16
* kjeldahl grins19:16
zzecoolkjeldahl: this is common for every unity - compiz update19:16
zzecooli every time lose em19:16
Oslegwell i guess no eyecandies then19:16
kjeldahlVery annoying. Hard to work without switching windows...19:16
Oslegtnx for help :)19:16
kjeldahlzzecool: FWIW, everything still works fine in Ubuntu 2D, if you can live without all the eyecandy.19:17
zzecoolkjeldahl: it is ok in 3d too19:18
zzecooli tell you the workaround19:18
zzecooli just checked19:18
zzecoolim doing this months now19:18
zzecoolbecause as i told you it is happening in every compiz update19:19
zzecoolkjeldahl: do you have ccsm installed?19:19
zzecoolkjeldahl:  ?19:19
zzecoolkjeldahl: you there ?19:22
kjeldahlback now19:28
zzecoolkjeldahl: ahh nice19:28
kjeldahlzzecool: Yes I have ccsm installed.19:28
zzecooldo you have ccsm ?19:28
zzecoolok launch it19:28
zzecoolgo to unity  plugin19:28
zzecoolthen to the 2nd tab "name switcher"19:29
zzecoolkey to start switcher19:29
zzecooldisable this19:29
zzecooland enable it19:29
zzecooland alt tab will work19:29
ironhalikquick question: MBR or GPT? :>19:29
zzecoolironhalik: it depents :D19:30
zzecooli have both19:30
DanC how do I change my printer's driver in Ubuntu 12.04beta? (see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=661866 )19:30
ubottuDebian bug 661866 in cups "cups: CUPS states job successful. Only an error page prints, if anything." [Important,Open]19:30
ironhalikgpt vs mbr19:30
kjeldahlHrmf, seems to have gone missing. Reinstalling now.19:31
zzecoolkjeldahl: this works for every other shortcut19:31
kjeldahlzzecool: Regardless, I have the unity switcher disabled, and use the old switcher... Can't stand the "switch app" functionality. I believe I tested the "standard" Unity switcher yesterday for the hell of it, and it did not work either...19:31
zzecooltry what i said19:32
zzecoolit will work19:32
kjeldahlWill try. Need to log off to restart unity... Brb.19:32
zzecoolim losing all my shortcuts in every unity - compiz update19:32
zzecooland this is the trick to bring em back19:32
kjeldahlNope, still does not work. Same as earlier. Alt-tab does not work, and the alt-tab key gets sent to whatever underlying application is running.19:36
kjeldahlNOW it suddenly works again.19:37
zzecoolnow do the same for every other shortcut19:37
zzecoolthat you hav a problem19:38
kjeldahlOnly additional thing I tried was to enable the hud again also (which I had also disabled). Let me try...19:38
zzecoolhud is irrelevant with this19:38
kjeldahlIn theory yes, but no. Disabling the hud again makes alt-tab no longer work again.19:38
kjeldahlTry it!19:38
zzecoollet me19:38
zzecoolthey have totaly fucked up compiz plugins19:39
zzecoolin the rush for the release19:40
kjeldahlOk, I'll file the bug now that we managed to pin it down.19:40
zzecoolmy bigges problem is the scale plugin19:40
kjeldahlTHIS bug, I mean. :-)19:40
zzecoollet me give you my bug19:40
zzecoolone of19:40
zzecoolto press affect19:40
zzecoolkjeldahl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/93377619:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 933776 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Unity overrides compiz scale plugin behavior settings" [Low,Confirmed]19:41
zzecoolthis is very frustating19:41
zzecoolsend me your bug report too19:41
kjeldahlI'll file mine now.19:42
zzecoolok ill wait19:44
area51pilotIm running 12.04 w/ Unity and the Udate Manager keeps listing about 4 Distribution updates having to do w/ Gnome ... they arent avail for install? anyone know why or how to stop puling these updates?19:45
kjeldahlI can't find "Report a bug" anywhere on bugs.launchpad.net. Did the process change?19:49
crizzy'ubuntu-bug <package>' to console19:50
crizzyworks at least19:50
kjeldahlok, I'll try it.19:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 954386 in unity (Ubuntu) "Disabling HUD also disables task switcher (alt-tab)" [Undecided,New]19:56
crizzyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxxf86dga/+bug/953960 :/19:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953960 in libxxf86dga (Ubuntu) "Mouse scrolling works randomly with games using DGA for mouseinput" [Undecided,New]19:57
crizzythink i'll just need to install windows, i won't hold my breath this will ever get fixed19:57
crizzyreporting bugs to launchpad feels like writing text into a black hole.. nothing ever gets fixed19:58
kjeldahlSwitching desktops does not work either...19:59
kjeldahl(using the hotkeys)19:59
zzecooldo the same19:59
zzecoolas with alt tab19:59
zzecooli told you 5 times alrdy ;p20:00
zzecoolgo to desktop wall plugin20:00
zzecooland disable - re-enable the shortcuts20:00
kjeldahlAh, I see. How fun. Thanks.20:01
kjeldahlI have no idea what EVERY keystroke in there was mapped to by default. Oh well.20:02
kjeldahlAnd no option to "grab" keystroke...20:03
kjeldahlAh, grab exists for the "Begin Viewport Switch". Fixing that to Ctrl-Alt again makes switching work as normal.20:05
crizzynow ain't this fun20:32
crizzyX segfaulting20:32
MCR1no 3d fun here anymore as well...20:32
* glosoli fine20:37
glosolicrizzy: hmm a lot of mesa updates in the updater, should i Update ?20:38
crizzyi'm |*****-| this close to moving fulltime windows20:39
crizzyhow can something as simple as damned mouse input be fscked up20:39
crizzyX is just sucha pile of vomit i don't have words for it20:39
scientescrizzy, are you using the propritary drivers?21:01
crizzyscientes: yes21:01
KingPhisherHello, does anyone know how to change the theme for 12.04? I have a bunch in /usr/share/themes, but only Ambiance, Radiance and the High Contrast ones show up in the list. How do I select other themes?21:01
scientesnvidia or fglrx crizzy ?21:01
scientesthe FOSS radeon is making alot of progress, as AMD provides lots of docs21:02
scientesit has better 2D performance21:02
crizzyit's useless21:02
crizzydon't give a crap for 2D performance21:02
crizzyi develop 3D games21:02
scientesbut even with fglrx i get shit 3d performance on ati21:02
crizzyperformance is fine on my hd687021:03
scienteslike, i couldn't play wow21:03
crizzymaybe 10%-20% slower than windows at worst points21:03
scientesit was like 3 fps21:03
crizzyanyway the thing i'm fighting with has nothing to do with gfx driver21:03
scienteswhich is like an ancient easy-to-render program21:03
crizzyDGA input is simply broken in 12.04 X21:03
crizzysetting evdev device as input makes whole X segfault too21:04
scienteseveryone uses evdev21:04
crizzyi can read evdev device directly from the code21:05
scientesthats even woorse21:05
crizzybut setting it as mouse input in xorg.conf > segfault21:05
crizzyand DGA is broken21:05
scienteswell, it works for me21:05
scientesbut im using xorg-edgers ATM21:05
scientescrizzy, look at /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/21:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953960 in libxxf86dga (Ubuntu) "Mouse scrolling works randomly with games using DGA for mouseinput" [Undecided,New]21:06
scienteseverything uses evdev21:06
crizzyirrelevant for this bug21:06
crizzybeen going through these spaghetti sources for a while.. XNextEvent just seems to get flooded and scroll events get dropped.. pffh.. fsck it21:06
scienteswell, there is a reason xorg is pushing to move to wayland21:07
scienteshave you tested with xorg-edgers crizzy ?21:07
crizzydno if i dare21:08
scienteswell you should21:09
mykrobinsonseems i can no longer use the alt key and arrows to navigate. Anyone else having this issue?21:10
glosolixorg-edgers aren't consider to make you live on edge ? :D21:11
scientesmykrobinson, what program?21:11
mykrobinsonFor example, in any browser, or even the file manager, Alt+LeftArrow used to go to the previous page.21:11
mykrobinsonscientes: Chrome or Nautilus, even21:11
crizzylets break everything then.. :p21:11
scientesmykrobinson, works for me, in firefox on precise21:11
scientes(however im using gnome-shell, not unity)21:12
mykrobinsonscientes: not working in Firefox either. I know it used to.. How can I tell if it is even registering my Alt key?21:12
mykrobinsonperhaps an update today broke something21:12
scientesmydogsnameisrudy, xev21:12
scientes mydogsnameisrudy wait thats only mouse events21:13
mykrobinsonalt is definitely working, if I press it by itself, it brings up the HUD21:13
scientesmykrobinson, ahh, yeah unity is probably grabbing alt and preventing it from bubbling through21:14
scientesyou could file a bug if you think it could bubble through in a sane way21:14
mykrobinsonand i see nothing in keyboard shortcuts to change this behavior21:14
scientesmykrobinson, you could also install gnome-shell :P21:14
mykrobinsonoh, i don think mr. shuttleworth would approve ;)21:15
scientesI, for one, am not a fan of unity, however i am using it on a 7" touchscreen i have21:15
scientes(2d only)21:15
scientescause its the best 2d touch-friendly DE i can find ATM21:15
crizzyi thought unity is like the least touch-friendly ui out there =P21:16
crizzyit's like 100% keyboard driven... dash + hud...21:16
scientesit also fits a little better21:16
jbwivis anyone aware of a way to move the unity launcher bar? I have three monitors and it insists on staying on the left hand monitor...changing ~/.config/monitors.xml doesn't seem to change anything. This is on Ubuntu 2D.21:16
scientescrizzy, i think its smart, b/c it doesn't hide on this touchscreen21:16
scientesthe left bar21:16
scientessooo, anyone know about multiseat21:17
crizzygreat xorg-bleederrs..21:17
crizzyx not starting at all anymore21:17
scientesi'm having trouble with getting it to work with lightdm21:17
scientesmaybe there are some gdm ppl that would know more21:17
crizzygg X21:17
mykrobinsoni like it okay, but the alt key behavior is a bit bothersome.... Posted on the forum before filing a bug report, perhaps some others have had the same issue21:17
scientesit seems like fedora/systemd is where multiseat devel is going on21:17
scienteswhich is annoying there is no systemd for ubuntu21:17
mykrobinsonthanks for the chat, the little one wants to go swimming now :)21:18
crizzyjust... great21:18
scientescrizzy, did you try the fresh Xorg crack yet?21:19
crizzyand that crap segfaults even without evdev mouse21:19
crizzyevery time21:19
scientesit runs on my box21:19
scientesseems like you have some bugs to report :P21:20
crizzywhy bother21:20
crizzyfiling bugs to launchpad is like writing straight into black hole21:20
crizzynothing ever gets fixed21:20
scientescrizzy, to bugs.freedesktop.org21:20
scientescrizzy, alot of my bugs that i file in various places get fixed21:21
crizzyso sick tired of this lunix crapola21:22
crizzysigh.. fingers crossed 12.2 catalyst doesn't segfault..21:29
crizzyit does21:30
crizzynow what21:30
glosolicrizzy: hmm ;D21:31
glosolicrizzy: only one thing left for you21:31
crizzyif i'd use meth, now would be the time to light up the pipe21:32
glosolicrizzy: leave some for me21:32
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crizzyapt-get remove xorg* / Y21:36
ironhalikanyone knows how to use thinkfan, without pwm or any other aparent fan control file?21:40
lukescharflibgoa-1.0-common doesn't seem to be available.21:46
lukescharfIt was holding back some packages.21:46
lukescharfOr, rather, was related to some packages that were held back, and now it's preventing me from apt-get installing ubuntu-desktop and satisfying all of its dependencies.21:47
lukescharfNot sure if it needs a bug report, though.21:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 954496 in miro (Ubuntu) "miro segfaults every couple minutes" [Undecided,New]21:52
scientescrizzy, so the xorg-edgers didn't work at all for you?21:58
scientesoh wait, of course it doesn't fglrx isn't ported to 1.12 yet, AFAIK21:59
MCR1Is it possible that xorg.conf was missing and X was still working ?22:10
glosoliit is :)22:13
MCR1If it was so (I never touched the file on 12.04) - now X and Unity fail to start - all I get is a black screen with mouse cursor...22:16
MCR1after yesterdays update problems started here...22:16
MCR1I am also using xorg edgers ppa, but am on Intel GMA HD4500 on-board gfx...22:17
glosoliMCR1: can't help. Won't even take a look at edgers ppa22:21
teratomahow do i enable hibernation?22:40
MCR1here not even shutdown works correctly...22:46
log!info hibernate | teratoma22:50
ubottuteratoma: hibernate (source: hibernate): smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or disk). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.99-1.1 (precise), package size 93 kB, installed size 464 kB22:50
trismteratoma: http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-modify-policykit-to-allow-hibernation-in-upower22:55
logOh, I didn't know about that.22:56
teratomaso the answer is ... edit a bunch of xml files?22:56
logOr install that package, I guess, although it seems a bit buggy.22:57
teratomai did install hibernate22:57
trismteratoma: not a bunch, but one, and not xml, key=value22:57
teratomathis is why people mock me for running linux on the desktop!22:57
teratomabut thanks, ive done it22:57
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Daekdroom!info lxde23:45
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-4ubuntu3 (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB23:45

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