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sveinseI have a natty system which locks up during boot. My suspicions goes to mountall as previously discussed on  here.10:24
sveinseI've created an early login with getty on ttyO2. I notice that echo foobar >/dev/console does not print anything on my console, yet the kernel is setup with console=ttyO2,115200n810:25
sveinseWhy could that be? Does ubuntu initramfs do anything special to the console?10:26
sveinseI.e. where does /dev/console go if not to the console i've specified on the kernel command line10:34
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ogra_sveinse, do you have devtmpfs enabled ? thats usually mounted by initramfs as first thing10:58
ogra_file not found11:03
sveinseogra_ yes I think so. When logged into the system devtmpfs is mounted.11:08
sveinse /dev/console has another major/minor number than ttyO2, so I presume the kernel handles this redirection?11:13
ogra_if your console= args are right11:14
sveinseogra_ I wouldn't get the initial demesg output from kernel without it. However I have observed for a long time that when the initramfs takes over, any output to the console is stopped11:21
ogra_you would get the initial dmesg oputput11:21
ogra_for a console on ttySX you need two console args11:22
sveinseI have console=ttyO2,115200n811:22
ogra_(forst is for kernel, second for userspace)11:23
sveinseaha. so console=ttyO2,115200n8 console=ttyO211:23
ogra_try that and see if you get more11:25
ogra_also make sure to not have "quiet" set11:25
ogra_this will definitely suppress all msgs from initrd11:25
sveinsethanks, I'll certainly try11:25
sveinse...and all of the sudden I cant binfmt armel exec's (e.g. debootstrap) on my natty host (amd64). Has something changed recently in respect of kernel11:41
sveinseI notice binfmt_misc.ko is not loaded automatically any longer, and modprobing it does not help the issue :(11:42
mik1guys is anyone of you playing audio from the beagleboard? if yes could you please advice which distro to use?11:46
sveinseAll binfmts were apparently set to disabled. update-binfmts --enable qemu-arm did the trick. Wonder why though11:53
ayakacould i let second-stage bootloader don't anything in  a android mobile to boot a linux kernel12:06
sveinseogra_ I worked by doubling console=, thanks! It also reveals why mountall is apparently locked up, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/881794/12:55
sveinseNote that I'm not using fixrtc in this setup12:55
ogra_apparently :)12:56
ayakacould i let second-stage bootloader don't anything in  a android mobile to boot a linux kernel12:56
sveinseogra_ I have basically two options: Either run with fixrtc but then I need the patch you made (haven't checked if the patch has made into natty-update though)12:58
sveinseOr without fixrtc, but then I need to get past this interactive part which I pasted12:59
sveinseWe had a discussion internally, and we prefer not using fixrtc as it has unexpected sideeffects if the user (for some reason) needs to set the time backwards13:00
ogra_well, make your installer remove fixrtc from the cmdline after its clear the clock is right, thats the only sane option13:03
sveinseyes, I partly agree. Since the product has no interactive way of dealing with questions from mountall, its not an acceptable option either. The RTC battery will expire within the lifetime of the product13:05
sveinseUnless other simpler options I am considering making a plymouth theme which can respond to such messages and supply keystrokes to allow it to continue13:08
danboidWould anyone know of any newer kernel packages for 11.10 armel Panda as the repo ones don't have ALSA sequencer support compiled in it seems13:14
ogra_danboid, you could ask linaro or check the TI PPA13:15
danboidogra_, I've tried 3.1.0 from the PPA but that had the same issue- I presume I can use the linaro 11.10 PPA with canonical Ubuntu right?13:17
danboidogra_, 3.1.0 from the ti ppa13:17
ogra_for just the kernel that should be fine13:17
danboidSo what does Linaro offer over the canonical builds/distros?13:21
danboidWhats the relationship between Linaro and Canonical?13:22
gildeandanboid: http://www.linaro.org/engineering/13:26
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sveinseogra_ , does initramfs honor/bring along /etc/e2fsck.conf ?14:44
sveinseI.e at the time of mountall and e2fsck, /etc is inside the initramfs, right14:45
ogra_well, if its in place it should be used14:45
* ogra_ hasnt tried it ever 14:45
sveinseok, thanks14:45
sveinseHas ureadahead any improving features on armel (natty)? On my system it just reports ureadahead terminated with status 515:45
sveinse..running off a sdcard15:45
ogra_its in two parts, one improves the loading at boottime, the other runs in userspace and preloads libs etc15:46
ogra_even if the first part terminates, the second will still gain you improvements15:46
sveinseI also have two accounts of "init: ureadahead-other main process (829) terminated with status 4"15:47
sveinseI have no problems leaving it as-is, just OOI15:48
ogra_hmm, might be that your kernel is missing options15:48
sveinseThat is what crossed my mind as well. Where can I find these options?15:49
ogra_no idea :)15:49
ogra_i would compare your config with an equivalent one of an ubuntu kernel15:49
sveinseWell I did that some time ago, and there's a ton of differences. Ubuntu kernel = generic. Our kernel = specific. But I'll start looking.15:52
sveinseogra_ if you care at all: Adding /etc/fsck.conf fixed the problem with using the broken_system_clock option. This will ensure e2fsck never fails due to missing or clock in the past.15:54
ogra_yeah, i know15:54
ogra_it was added upstream a cycle after fixrtc was added15:54
ogra_we had some discussions with ted about it15:55
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HokieTuxHey all - Does Ubuntu-ARM support the NEON instruction set?  The top comment in this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/848154) seems to indicate that NEON is disabled in Ubuntu builds for non-v7 support?16:59
ubot2`Launchpad bug 848154 in ubuntu "ARM version not supporting V6 RaspPi" [Undecided,Invalid]16:59
GrueMasterHokieTux: Neon support and V6 Raspberry Pi support are two separate issues.  By default, the main packages do not use neon, as there are several v7 SOC's that do not use neon (nVidia Tegra series, Marvell Armada series, etc).17:01
HokieTuxGrueMaster, yeah, I know they are separate issues - that is just one of the threads that came up when I was searching for details, and the top comment seemed relevant to non-Pi platforms.17:02
infinityHokieTux: We "support" NEON, we don't build with it enabled by default, except in packages where run-time selection can be done.17:02
GrueMasterRaspberry Pi uses armv6 which means no thumb2 support.  All of our packages are currently compiled for thumb2 since Lucid.17:02
HokieTuxinfinity, GrueMaster - I'm specifically working on OMAP3 platforms, on the moment, and using Angstrom.17:03
HokieTuxI am investigating using Ubuntu, and that comment just made me suspicious.  So it is possible to build Ubuntu-ARM with NEON support, then?17:03
GrueMasterWe fully support omap3 (see our omap3 images - they work on beagle systems).17:03
infinityHokieTux: You could rebuild the whole archive with neon enabled by default, it would buy you very little.17:03
infinityHokieTux: The packages that have hand-tuned NEON routines tend to have those enabled at runtime already.17:04
infinityHokieTux: libjpeg-turbo being a good example.17:04
infinityHokieTux: "turning on NEON optimisation" does very little without special consideration in the code, from what I've seen, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. :P17:04
HokieTuxinfinity, aha - so the packages that have them auto-detect support at runtime?17:05
HokieTuxThat more or less answers my question.17:05
infinityHokieTux: Certainly not every single package that could have NEON support does run-time autodetection, but a good many do.17:05
HokieTuxAh - so it isn't disabled in the kernel, then; it's just that not all packages are necessarily built with it?17:06
infinityHokieTux: Anyhow, I'd recommend trying out the precise armhf/omap images and just seeing how it all works for you.17:07
infinityHokieTux: The kernel couldn't care less.  And the compiler and assembler are more than capable of doing NEONy things.  As you surmise, we just don't build with it on by default (except where it can be done at runtime).17:07
infinityBecause, as GrueMaster says, we support v7 SoCs that don't have NEON.17:08
infinitySo, the world would explode for them. :P17:08
HokieTuxGreat =)17:08
infinityOne could argue that ARM oopsed a bit by not requiring NEON in the ARMv7 spec, but a bit late now. ;)17:08
HokieTuxinfinity, I almost certainly will try it, then.  If that comment about NEON being disabled at the kernel level in all Ubuntu-ARM builds were true, it wouldn't be worth my time at all since NEON is 100% required for my application.17:08
HokieTuxThat's why I was asking-before-trying17:08
HokieTuxThanks for clearing up my confusion, though =)17:08
infinityHokieTux: Did Oli mention kernels in that comment?  If so, he was typing faster than he was thinking.17:09
infinityHokieTux: Anyhow, in your specific case, yeah, life's good.  The toolchain will happily compile your NEON-needing application, and the userspace and kernel will happily run it.17:10
HokieTuxHah, no, he didn't specifically mention kernels - he said "... NEON which we forbid to be build-time enabled by default due to teh fact that we support non NEON armv7 devices"17:10
infinityYeah, that's fairly accurate.17:10
infinityIf a bit awkwardly-worded. ;)17:10
HokieTuxYeah, it sounds scary to people that require it, hah.17:10
infinityWell, "forbid" probably needed a caveat of "for distro packages".17:11
infinityThe toolchain will let you do whatever you want to your own stuff. ;)17:11
HokieTuxinfinity, so the short version is that distro-wide packages are built WITHOUT NEON support for compatibility, and  most libraries that have hand-tuned NEON assembler will auto-detect compatibility at run-time?17:12
infinityRoughly that, yes.17:12
HokieTuxand if we wanted to add hand-tuned NEON to distro packages, we would need to use the toolchain to build our own packages17:13
infinityOr, rather, things that can auto-detect, we let them.  Things that are compile-time "on or off", it's off.17:13
infinitySo, if you want to add hand-tuned NEON to distro packages, make it a run-time detection, not a compile-time option.17:13
infinityAnd everyone wins.17:13
HokieTuxinfinity, great17:16
HokieTuxI really appreciate your time and help =)17:18
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ogra_so no initrdless boot for now :(17:34
* ogra_ wonders if CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS is set to M in the panda config 17:38
ogra_else i dont get why i see bug 95424317:39
ubot2`Launchpad bug 954243 in linux-ti-omap4 "booting pandaboard without initrd dies with "init: no available ptys"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95424317:39
sveinseIs double usage of console= in kernel commandline mutually exclusive with plymouth? My splash went away when I started using console=...17:40
ogra_plymouth shuts down the splash if it detects a serial console option17:40
ogra_silly upstream decision, was discussed at lenght a while ago17:41
sveinseHmm ok. Doesn't work too well when the [serial] console != display unit17:42
ogra_it omits the splash as soon as you set "console=" iirc17:43
sveinseomit = not starting plymouth17:44
ogra_well, at least not showing a splash, i'm not sure how the plymouth daemon acts17:45
ogra_crap ... so i guess we need to drop the idea of initrdless boot ...17:47
ogra_doesnt look like the kernel can mount devpts automatically17:47
ogra_and without it upstart will fall flat on its face17:47
sveinsein which you need to do mountall / fstab...17:48
GrueMasterogra_: Was this even tested on x86?  Seems to me it would fail there as well.17:49
ogra_yes, it would, it used to work in oneiric17:49
* ogra_ tries with fstab entry but i doubt that saves me 17:50
ogra_since upstart will likely fail before17:50
ogra_nope, fails the same way as expected17:52
infinityogra_: perhaps upstart changed to require UNIX98 ptys, and it used to fallback to /dev/tty* or something?17:53
ogra_something like that i guess17:54
ogra_the kernel config (which i suspected first) is definitely fine17:58
* ogra_ gives up for the day17:58
GrueMasterI'd double check the kernel config.  We were bitten by these changes when cooloney copied the omap4 kernel config for the armadaxp kernel.  He reverted some of these omap4 specific changes lst night and it runs fine now.18:01
ogra_GrueMaster, i did before haking up fstab18:11
sveinseoh joy! AFAICS the splash-off feature in plymouth when using serial console is hardcoded into plymouth18:24
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dpcrespoi try booting ubuntu 11.10 on igepv221:37
dpcrespoand not working21:37
dpcrespoi read this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OmapNetbook21:38
dpcrespobut the last message i have is "Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel."21:39
GrueMasterWhat image are you trying?21:40
GrueMasterDesktop or server?21:41
GrueMasterDo you have a keyboard, mouse, and monitor hooked up to your system?21:42
dpcrespokeyboard and mouse21:42
dpcrespoi have only monitor21:42
GrueMasterAnd nothing shows up on the monitor?21:43
dpcrespowhen it is booting21:43
dpcrespothe monitor change to orange color21:44
dpcrespoand after without signal21:44
GrueMasterTry the server image to see if it gets further.  Unfortunately, that platform is untested by us, so may not work with our image.21:44
GrueMasterI assume the message you are getting is via serial console.21:44
dpcrespoyes with minicom21:45
dpcrespoyou know stable version21:45
dpcrespowith igepv221:45
GrueMasterWe do not actively test on that platform.  I'm told it should work, but I have no way of knowing.  I recommend trying the server image, because it is designed to do all of the installation steps through the serial console.21:46
dpcrespoi try this21:47
dpcrespothx for your help21:47
dpcrespowhen i test21:48
dpcrespoi tell you21:49
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jbichahi, I need some help figuring out how to get cogl to build on arm23:57

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