
hot_wheelzhi guys00:21
hot_wheelzanyone know why it's taken so long to fix this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/64419800:22
lubotu2Ubuntu bug 644198 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "Ubuntu LIve Cd does not enable bluetooth before choice menu in live-cd" [High,Fix released]00:22
hot_wheelzsame goes for previous versions that's why I'm pointing it out00:23
elkyhot_wheelz, have you considered asking the people who made the decisions?01:35
hot_wheelzelky, I would if I new who :-)01:55
elkythe devel-discuss list I'd assume01:56
hot_wheelzelky, Thanks mate02:00
hot_wheelzelky,  There is a dev irc channel right is that motu?02:06
elkyno, it's -devel. they prefer discussions about bugs on the mailing list though as i understand it. that way the right people will see it eventually02:08
hot_wheelzelky, Ok no problem02:09
=== fenris is now known as Guest47264
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
sagacithat time of the month when head_victim frantically rounds up whoever he can for A/O membership meeting10:51
head_victimsagaci: it used to be elky doing it alone, now at least we have each other chasing us all10:52
sagacithe old palm it off to someone else trick10:53
* benonsoftware thinks for someone he has a stack of things to do at the same time/date every month10:54
sagacido you really have to wait for months on end to remove an applicant from the list?10:54
sagaciif the applicant can't make the meeting I don't know why their name should stay on the wiki page, unless they put in some kind of apology10:55
benonsoftwareSorry for not doing the team reports yesterday/today, I've came down with a illness, I should be able to do them tomorrow11:00
head_victimNo worries11:01
benonsoftwareThanks head_victim11:01
sagaciI started the March one11:02
sagacierr, maybe I didn't hit save11:03
* benonsoftware cannot see it from his end11:03
sagaciyep, must've hit close11:04
benonsoftwareWell I should go to bed for me to get better, see everyone later11:07
jaddi27sagaci, what meeting is that?11:11
sagaciAsia Oceania membership11:11
jaddi27Right. I should put my name down sometime, I guess11:12
jaddi27head_victim, sagaci: How much should I have done to be eligible?11:13
head_victimjaddi27: I believe you're ready now11:13
sagaciwell in another month's time :P11:13
sagaciassuing quorum11:14
jaddi27Ok, I didn't realise that I would have done enough11:14
jaddi27and yes, I see the meeting time on the page - a bit late for that11:14
sagaciwell I'd say you've done enough - translation and the various loco-related thingamajigs you've done11:15
jaddi27Shouldn't the meeting have been an hour ago?11:16
sagaciit started an hour and 15 minutes ago11:16
sagaciand finished around half an hour ag11:17
jaddi27Ok. I was just confused by your message about rounding up people11:17
sagaciyeah, a bit late11:20
sagacihead_victim: jaddi27 ping ping ping12:21
jaddi27sagaci, Hello12:22
head_victimNot really here, if you leave a msg I'll respond eventually12:22
sagaciI was just sifting through my email casually and I happened to have missed an email that is replying that I've been accepted for sponsorship to go to UDS Q12:22
sagaciheart rate - 20012:23
jaddi27Wow - that is certainly an email that you would not want to miss12:23
sagacisent 5 days ago12:23
sagaciI nearly mass deleted it12:23
jaddi27Well I hope you represent us well - and have a good time12:24
jaddi27They sound like an interesting event to attend12:26
sagaciI don't know how I'll be able to get all the docs done soon enough though12:33
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
head_victim<head_victim> Awesome work!12:58
head_victim<head_victim> benonsoftware also got accepted but doesn't have someone to chaperon.12:58
head_victim* Disconnected (Network is unreachable).12:58
head_victimsagaci: ^12:58
sagaciah ok12:59
sagaciwell I'm going to go12:59
sagaciI just picked up the email then, was about to delete it12:59
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn

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