
cjohnstonjono: who is Brandon that helped you with your CSS stuff?00:04
jonocjohnston, is goes back to when I joined Ubuntu00:06
jonoused to be quite involved in Kubuntu afaik00:06
cjohnstongotcha... we need CSS help, so I was wonderin.. :-)00:06
jonocool :-)00:07
jonothere were a few people who volunteered help on that post00:07
mhall119jono: let them know that there's plenty of opportunity for web folks who want to contribute to Ubuntu projects00:08
jonowill do00:10
jonoyou guys should reach out to them though00:10
jonoencourage them to help00:10
cjohnstonI'm on your blog looking00:10
mhall119cjohnston: you mean: "I'm on yer blogs stealin your contributors"00:12
cjohnstonhe already got his help00:13
cjohnstonmaybe he should blog about us needing help :-P00:13
jonocjohnston, lol00:15
cjohnstonjono: http://amoz.dyndns.org:8080/00:15
jonocjohnston, nice work!00:16
cjohnstonAmoz_: ^^00:16
cjohnstonjono: Amoz_ has done most of it. New dev for us! woot!00:16
jononice! :-)00:17
bkerensajcastro: Subway coming soon01:19
bkerensajcastro: do I need to push a nodejs and npm charm first?01:19
mhall119bkerensa: sandwiches?01:19
bkerensaand then use a Subway charm to deploy nodejs, npm and mongodb?01:20
bkerensamhall119: Subway IRC01:20
cprofitthey bkerensa01:20
bkerensacprofitt: hello01:21
cprofittsaw you comment in the street team thread01:21
bkerensacprofitt: yes01:21
cprofittI think you are on target; I am trying to help guide him towards something symbiotic01:21
bkerensacprofitt: What he wants to do seems duplicative of the role of a Ubuntu LoCo01:22
cprofittHe has a great deal of enthusiasm, but has not been exposed to the other community teams as much01:22
cprofittso I will also try to get him exposed to them as well01:22
cprofittbkerensa: yes, as he explained it that would be accurate01:22
bkerensaExcellent... We can always use more enthusiasm :)01:23
cprofittin our in-person discussions his ideas have been a bit more symbiotic01:23
cprofitthis general idea is to have 'experts' at working with festivals and concerts... that can help loco teams make contact01:23
bkerensaToo some degree we do things like that in the Pacific Northwest.... Washington LoCo comes down and tag teams big events with us01:23
cprofittfrom what we talked about he still wants the LoCo team to actually provide the man power, but from what he says he has experience with community festivals, etc01:24
cprofittand wants to provide that expertise beyond just NY State01:24
cprofittas you likely are... I am not sure that amounts to another team...01:24
cprofittbut the idea of having experts to assist with that seems valid01:25
cprofittI, for one, have no idea how to approach a community music festival beyond just asking straight out01:25
cprofittso if there is some 'secret sauce' that would be good information01:25
bkerensaI have fancied the idea of a Ubuntu Community Tour.... The likelihood of that ever coming to fruition is slim but we are hoping to start doing a regional roadtrip to all Linux events by renting vans01:26
cprofittthat sounds cool01:26
bkerensacprofitt: Well I know in France the LoCo has a Internet Cafe setup at a major music festival01:26
cprofittwith three kids and a full-time job my chances of doing some road tour is likely slim01:26
cprofitt+1 on France01:26
bkerensathey have a huge huge tent that has Ubuntu designs and have workstations and everything01:26
cprofitt+1 on an Internet Cafee too01:27
bkerensaI think LoCo's in Europe have much more capital though since from what I hear they are corporations and have bank accounts and actually sell stuff?01:27
* cprofitt nods01:27
cprofittyes, in the US we have stayed away from that01:27
bkerensaIndeed... It causes too many issues01:27
bkerensaWho will take liability etc etc and transparency01:28
mhall1192/w 2601:28
bkerensaI have been waiting now for three months for Yahoo to approve a series of talks.... the problem were running into is Insurance01:28
bkerensaand liability01:28
bkerensaIt was supposed to happen in February and now its stalled due to liability but we shall see01:28
mhall119I introduced my son to the Software Center today01:29
cprofittyeah... I have two other computer groups near me that are 501(c)3... I use them as an umbrella in such cases01:29
bkerensamhall119:  what was his feedback?01:29
mhall119bkerensa: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xword/+bug/95356001:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 953560 in xword "xword doesn't come with any puzzles" [Undecided,New]01:29
mhall119he wanted me to install new games, I told him to find some himself01:29
mhall119all he needed me for was my password to install xword01:29
mhall119unfortunately xword didn't give a nice first impression01:30
bkerensacprofitt: Well we only really have one 501(c)3 in Oregon that would be aligned with our efforts but the problem is they are a bureaucracy greater then the federal government because they have no director and are totally organic in decision making01:30
mhall119he's also still on 10.04, so pretty old USC01:30
bkerensaso getting approval for things is chaotic at best because everyone in their org has to agree and have input01:30
mhall119bkerensa: but the actual finding and installing was a breeze, he browsed through several games before picking one to install01:31
mhall119so, USC: So easy, a 7 year old can do it01:31
bkerensamhall119: should start a ad campaign01:31
cprofittmhall119: my four year old does it too...01:31
mhall119If I was more creative I would01:31
cprofittthough she still needs dad's credentials01:32
cprofittthere are times that I am shocked at how well kids adapt... and just learn01:33
cprofittthen again since I have three I am growing used to it... kids are amazing01:33
cprofittmhall119: is that your youngest?01:40
mhall119cprofitt: oldest01:45
mhall119my daughter hasn't shown as much interest in the computer, despite all my best efforts01:45
cprofittall three of mine show interest... with little trying on my part.01:46
cprofittIt helps that each have their own PC01:46
mhall119she'd just rather be playing with a person than a machine I think01:46
cprofittit was easier for the younder ones I think... they had their older sister to follow01:46
jcastrobkerensa, we have a node charm02:19
jcastroyou just need to depend on it02:19
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jononight all!06:16
bkerensajcastro: what version of nodejs does it install? hopefully not the version in our repos06:45
bkerensabecause our nodejs is way outdated06:45
bkerensa_subwayjcastro: subway is greenlight :) let me tidy it up and push it tomorrow06:47
dholbachgood morning08:02
inetprogood morning dholbach08:20
dholbachhi inetpro08:20
bkerensagood morning08:22
dholbachjussi01, I'm on G+ already09:09
dholbachjust with a different email address09:09
jussi01huh? oh09:09
jussi01silly g+ email everyone when I make a new circle :(09:09
dholbachis dpm on holidays? slacker!09:10
nigelbHe must've forgotten about IRC today :P09:35
jokerdinow00t Ubuntu membership meeting starting in 20 minutes. :D I am so excited.09:41
jokerdinoeh, wrong room09:43
czajkowskiAlanBell: what or wher eod people request the offical ubuntu bot?09:59
czajkowskiAlanBell: can you find out if one is on its way for ubuntu-website ?10:03
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head_victimCongratulations jokerdino, you're LP has been updated :)11:05
akgranerdholbach, I submitted my first merge proposal last night.  I think I did it right - cjohnston and nigelb helped me out when I got stuck on committing it and pushing it back up.  Set the CC to the reviewer and emailed the list this morning.  Hope that helps.11:06
dholbachakgraner, you're a hero! :)11:06
akgranerdholbach, nah  - but I learned vim and emacs aren't so easy if you've never used them before - but I got it worked out :-)  And the bzr instructions aren't *that* hard.  I don't know I was hesitant to learn that stuff?11:08
sagaciakgraner: developer in no time11:10
jussi01is there anything akgraner cant do?11:10
jussi01soon the kernel patches will be flowing...11:10
akgranerjussi01, um no - I've been ban from that area.  Some other graner says to stay off of his cloud :-P11:11
jussi01akgraner: aww :P11:12
akgranerjussi01, no not really, as I am testing some kernels not b/c once again my machine is overheating with the beta release hitting upwards of 90 degrees Celsius and shutting down11:13
jokerdinothanks a lot head_victim !11:27
* jokerdino just came back from dinner.11:27
czajkowskijokerdino: productive day eh :)11:28
jokerdinoi would like to think so haha. :D11:31
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nigelblooks very ubuntu12:22
mhall119nigelb: I assume that was intentional12:45
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senseWhy do we need to be saved from Bootstrap?13:34
nigelbmhall119: Yeah. I also see the play with United. Unity. ubuntu meaning unity and all that13:40
jalcinenigelb: is that link yours? it looks improper on Konqueror over here :?13:47
nigelbjalcine: I only found it. I don't control the content.13:48
jalcineAh, well, it's a very good idea. But it doesn't pass W3C tests ;)13:48
nigelbWell, the one thing that it doesn't pass is because it's a template13:51
nigelbOtherwise, everything seems to pass.13:51
czajkowskihmm really need to spring clean and reorganise my bookmarks14:06
czajkowskimost messy14:06
nothingspecialhi s-fox :D14:09
nothingspecialhang on brb14:09
s-foxWelcome back nothingspecial :)14:17
nothingspecialthanks s-fox14:17
jcastrohmm, my apport is overzealous today14:19
jcastrotold me my irc client crashed14:19
jcastroand yet here I am14:19
s-foxjcastro,  I think you passed :D14:21
jcastrodholbach, meeting in 10 right?14:49
jcastroIRC ftw?14:49
dholbachjcastro, IRC?14:49
technovikingjcastro: I have an idea how to get outdated forums posts out of Google search without deleting or reducing post count, emailing  you and FC.14:56
jcastroI thought we were going to upgrade to 4.x14:56
jcastroand then figure out a way to have community people flag or something14:57
technovikingwe are, but till then14:57
balloonstechnoviking, ohh.. interesting14:57
jcastroI could have sworn joeb did this before we left14:57
jcastroI remember testing it with him14:57
jonomhall119, dholbach, balloons, jcastro all set?15:00
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Mar 13 15:01:01 2012 UTC.  The chair is jono. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:01
jcastrolet's do dis15:01
jonowelcome one and all to the Canonical Community Team meeting!15:01
jonounfortunately our brother in wiki pages dpm won't be joining us today as he is off work15:01
jonoso, let's get this baby on the road15:01
jono...first up...15:01
jono...a man few understand, but all cherish....dholbach!15:02
dholbachbuenos días!15:02
dholbach ☺ Dev initiatives: announced G+ Hangouts for Thursday. Held hangout sessions, very refreshing. Put together list of simple tasks for Fix-It Friday - had a great Friday. Put together a plan for "User Testing for Ubuntu Development", wrote announce, discussed with Jono, set up IMAP box for team, reached out to a couple of folks who might be interested, about to mail Ubuntu Developers.15:02
dholbach(I'm really excited about the User Testing!)15:03
dholbach ☺ Dev Advisory Team: put some automatic lists for the team together. Experiments with Trello API are ongoing. Awesome work by Andrew SB to put tasks to Trello board super easily. Mailed lots of contributors. Marcin Juskiewicz became MOTU. Adam Gandelman and Björn Michaelsen are up for the next DMB meeting.15:03
dholbachDev Advisory Team Comments of the week:15:03
dholbach - "Ubuntu is my passion and I like to work on it in my free time, after the school. I'm happy to fix the user problems... I don't know why but I like this :P"15:03
dholbach - "Generally my experience has been very positive.  Once I decided to work on the Ubuntu version of the resolvconf package I quickly came into contact with the involved Ubuntu developers.  I found them very cooperative and effective.  Ubuntu is well equipped.  I have no suggestions for improvement."15:03
dholbach - "everything is meticulously documented which makes life easier for new contributors. "15:04
dholbach - "I think the most positive part of the experience to date has been the realization that the Ubuntu community cares enough to engage in this kind of feedback solicitation. That is simply unparalleled in other projects, and a testament to the many solid reasons so many prefer Ubuntu."15:04
dholbach ☺ Sponsoring: Planned next month of sponsoring. Put a bit of work in simplification of Sponsoring Overview Code.15:04
dholbach ☺ Dev News: Got another update out.15:04
dholbach ☺ Dev Docs: Discussions about i18n of Packaging Guide.15:04
dholbach ☺ Admin: filed expenses, planned travel to UDS.15:04
dholbach ☺ CC: worked on new revision of Code of Conduct.15:04
dholbachThat's it.15:04
technovikingjcastro: I will re-check that in admincp15:05
cprofittthe revision looks good too!15:05
dholbachcprofitt, yeah, probably just a bit more polish and we're all set :)15:05
mhall119dholbach: got akgraner using bzr now too :)15:05
balloonsdholbach, love the quotes15:05
dholbachah, thanks for your help then, mhall119!15:05
jonotechnoviking, hey, we are in a meeting right now15:06
mhall119dholbach: I didn't do anything15:06
dholbachballoons, yeah - the d-a-t is simply the most uplifting thing I work on this cycle :)15:06
jonocan you discuss that in PM?15:06
jonothanks dholbach!15:06
mhall119dholbach: +1, it's always nice to hear people happy with what we're doing15:06
jonoalways wonderful to hear about positive community experiences15:06
jonoany more questions for dholbach?15:07
jcastrodholbau5! \o/15:07
dholbachthat's it! I'm moving to Mint!15:07
jono...alrighty! next up....15:07
jono...a man proven wrong multiple times about his Metallica and Megadeth viewpoints by a handsome Englishman....jcastro!15:08
jcastroWelcome to my weekly report.15:08
jcastroThis week brought to you by Hemispheres: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAZXGjoQTzw15:08
jcastro(Like this status report, an epic tale of the heart and mind)15:08
jcastro## Updated/New Charms15:08
jcastro  - Minecraft updates15:08
jcastro  - Owncloud needs to be moved to mysql and updated (Marco's on this)15:08
jcastro  - Cassandra updated15:08
jcastro  - A bunch of Openstack Charm updates (too many to list)15:08
jcastro^^ epic server team work involved in all openstack work15:09
jcastro  - Juan's submitted gearman15:09
jcastro  - bkerensa's working on Subway IRC (awwww yeah!)15:09
jcastroSubway is a slick IRC client in nodejs and uses mongo15:09
jcastroso it'll be a cool charm15:09
jcastro  - Marco's finishing up Redmine15:09
jcastro  - A bunch of boolean fixes due to changes in trunk, don't panic!15:09
jcastro- Charm School yesterday in Santa Clara, waiting for the feedback, also waiting on the feedback from the webinar so I can follow up with people.15:09
jcastro  - Still waiting on the charm store and constraints (Yargh!)15:09
jcastrook that's it for juju15:10
jcastro## Other15:10
jcastro- Forums 4.x testing upgrade actually worked, need to nail down schedule for production upgrade.15:10
jcastro - Summit hosting for Plumbers done, just needed an account to charge it to, we should be handing this off RSN. Thanks m_3 and cjohnston!15:10
jcastro- Chasing down a wireless bug with my kernel, the experience has been fun. The kernel guy posts debs, I test them, report back, really awesome: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/93711815:10
ubot2`Launchpad bug 937118 in linux "Wireless stops passing packets" [High,Confirmed]15:10
jcastro- Mailed agent but he can't book our tickets yet, says he's waiting for the signal from Marianna?15:10
jcastro- Am I not doing something you would like to see done? Check out my trello boards: http://strapello.com/user/jorgecastro15:10
jcastro - It would be nice if I started doing openweek planning this week, slacker.15:10
jcastroshower of gifts?15:11
mhall119yay summit charm!15:11
* balloons slects gifts15:11
dholbachyour 18m08s song is still playing :-P15:11
jonoany questions for jcastro?15:11
jcastroIt's epic15:11
balloonsif no one has had the "jcastro" experience with devs, bugs and ubuntu I recommend it15:11
mhall119jcastro: you ended right as the lyrics on your song started, did you plan it that way?15:11
balloonsit's awesome15:12
balloons+1 for ubuntu community15:12
jcastroit's a rush song, it's supposed to be like a 20 minute intro15:12
mhall119I'll be honest, this is the first time I've played your background track,  it really does add to the bullets :)15:12
jonois it the Benny Hill music?15:12
jcastroNet boy15:12
jcastroNet girl15:12
jono...alrighty! next up....15:13
jono...no bug is safe, so checkbox test cannot be written...balloons!15:13
balloonsI have been prepping (mentally!) for being a track lead at UDS Q. If your interested in QA and ubuntu, this is going to be the track for you. There are many plans and items to discuss and our future direction is very much on the table. If you can, plan to attend remotely or physically :-)15:14
mhall119or both15:14
balloonsIn addition, my future self is already looking forward to the new ubuntu swag and seeing everyone again (in a non-cold environment)15:14
balloonsmhall119, ^^ ohh15:15
balloonsStarted looking at http://results-tracker.ubuntu.com/ to parse the beta1 tests results. Completed a proof of concept to grab your avatar if you submitted tests :-) Still learning launchpad api, and working on the counts from beta1. Expect to see a blog post this week following up. Additionally, looking to expand on the data we can view inside the tracker.15:15
balloonsWorking on case conductor again with the ubuntu-one team. Ran into some roadblocks with the source code, as well as the server we attempted to deploy on. The Case conductor code should be stabilized and released at the end of march / early april so we are still on schedule for having a stable build ready when the code is complete.15:16
balloonsI updated the wiki and wrote new pages outlining the testing strategy for the rest of the precise cycle. This includes writeups on asking for testing from a developer perspective, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/CallforTesting, as well as a user perspective.15:17
* balloons is glad his IRC client has spellcheck15:17
balloonsBegan process of migrating the checkbox app testing to checkbox-qt. Looking to add in automagical bug reporting when a test is recorded as failing among other niceties. There is still time to get your application tests in for beta2, so merge requests are always accepted ;-)15:17
balloonsspelling niceties.. hmm, still looks off.. niceties.. fun word15:18
balloonsI revisited my survey of the ubuntu qa landscape, and played with a cool new tool someone shared with me.. Let me find the link...15:19
balloonsCheck it out if your into Qa tools: http://sikuli.org/.. Thoughts on how it might help ubuntu QA are welcome.15:19
jonoSikuli is awesome15:20
balloonsyes it is very cool.. and very oriented to the common user15:21
balloonsyou can automate tasks using make sense to you as a human, and have the computer give you feedback.. Very graphical and intitutive15:22
balloonsand that is it for balloons15:22
jonoany questions for balloons?15:23
jono...next up....15:25
jono...one way or another, you are contributing to Unity if this guy gets his way....mhall119!15:25
mhall119it's funny because it's true15:25
nigelbyeah, he joined another network to help someone to fix something in unity.15:26
mhall119I have a short list this week, but I promise I've been hard at work (except Friday)15:26
jonoa likely story15:26
mhall119* graphics design lens has passed moderation using the ARB's new process after some fine-tuning, more scopes are in-queue, and more to come15:26
mhall119it hasn't landed in USC yet, it's now in the "QA queue", but it was voted on and approved15:26
mhall119hopefully future scopes/lenses won't take quite so long15:27
mhall119* quickly-unity-lens-template landed in universe!!!15:27
mhall119I'll be writing another step-by-step tutorial for writing lenses/scopes for Precise, then look out!15:27
mhall119* gathered, wrote, edited, formatted developer documentation for Unity integration15:28
mhall119^^ this took up the bulk of my time this week, but we're 99% done now15:28
mhall119hopefully they will go live this week when dpm gets back15:28
mhall119I also have a new-found respect for anybody who produces technical documentation for us15:28
mhall119and a new-found disrespect for the answer "just read the header file"15:29
czajkowskimhall119: http://www.dexy.it/  for all your documentation needs :)15:29
mhall119* edit-patch fixes landed in Precise *and* Debian15:29
mhall119czajkowski: will it write the content for me?15:30
jonoczajkowski, unfortunately Dexy won't write our docs for us :-)15:30
jonohah, great minds :-)15:30
jonoor, sarcastic minds :-)15:30
mhall119edit-patch fix is my first actual submission to Debian to get accepted15:30
mhall119jono: it's a fine line between greatness and sarcasm15:30
mhall119* blogged instructions for converting bzr MPs into package patches15:31
mhall119will be following up with the submitted branches that haven't landed yet to see about getting them converted15:31
czajkowskimhall119: it will do a lot of the automation of it expecially if you are taking scren captures and adding in code :)15:31
mhall119we've had several quicklist and keywords branches land in Precise already15:32
mhall119I got an email the other day from one of the contributors saying:15:32
mhall119"But I am attaching a pic of the update manager showing the update I made. I was so happy to see it! Thanks for your help/ "15:32
mhall119made my day :)15:32
jononice! :-)15:33
mhall119* Spent Friday at LegoLand with my son, I'm thinking it's time to start playing with the Mindstorm stuff15:33
jonoczajkowski, the challenge with the docs not around the formatting really, just getting some human-readable docs written15:33
jonoand getting the necessary information from DX :-)15:33
jcastroman dude, that's a short week?15:34
czajkowskijono: fair enough was just letting folks know it;s a useful tool.15:34
jonothanks czajkowski15:34
czajkowskijcastro: czajkowski@sheldon:~$ man dude15:34
czajkowskiNo manual entry for dude15:34
mhall119he does say "man dude" a lot15:34
jonomhall119, all done?15:34
jonoany questions for mhall119?15:34
jcastrothat's a bunch of good work dude15:35
jcastrohigh five!15:35
jonoman dude15:35
jonoalrighty, I guess I am up next15:35
jono * General:15:35
jono  * Burndown looking good everything looking on track: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-community.html15:35
jono  * I am taking some time off for a few weeks from Monday; I won't be on IRC, but have occassional access to email.15:36
jono  * Started making preliminary plans around 12.10; will start coordination with the team in a few weeks.15:36
jono * Developers:15:36
jono  * Working with dholbach to help structure the Developer Advisory Board and how it moves developers through the system.15:36
jono  * Identifying ways to improve sponsorship.15:36
jono * QA:15:36
jono  * Building prep for Beta2 testing.15:36
jono  * Assessed the requirements around core-component testing.15:36
jono * App Devs:15:36
jono  * Unity docs now online. This has now unblocked further Unity app dev outreach for Michael.15:37
jono  * Started building plans with dpm around "social development" and connecting app development with elements of the Ubuntu culture.15:37
jono * Upstreams:15:37
jono  * Getting our Unity developer documentation in shape.15:37
jono  * Planning next strategic steps: namely, hi-res icons, indicators, and ensuring Quicklists can be deployed in Ubuntu.15:37
jono * JuJu:15:37
jono  * Coordinating how Plumbers can use Summit and Juju for their event.15:37
jono  * Updated stakeholders.15:37
jono * LoCo Teams:15:37
jono  * Putting some plans in place for Ubuntu Release Parties.15:38
jono  * Started noting down some 12.10 strategy around LoCo Teams.15:38
jono * Ubuntu Accomplishments:15:38
jono  * Web Editor project now in full swing. A nice development team is forming there.15:38
jono  * Fixed a number of bugs, improved look and feel, added performance improvements, added bubbles to show when accomplishments are unlocked.15:38
jono  * Improved our documentation at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accomplishments15:38
jono * UDS:15:38
jono  * Finalized track leads.15:38
jono  * Sponsorship went out.15:38
jono  * Handling some commercial sponsorship requirements.15:38
jono * Other:15:39
jono* Contributing a test script and data to get a rather ugly Twisted bug fixed. Thanks to dobey!15:39
jono  * Reporting various other 12.04 issues.15:39
jono  * Coordinating UDS and pre-UDS sprint travel for the team.15:39
jono  * Coordinated UDS and pre-UDS sprint travel for the team.15:39
jono  * Continued work around 'I Make UBuntu' idea.15:39
jono  * Planning various travel requirements.15:39
jono  * Meeting with Prentice Hall about the Official Ubuntu Book and elements of it's release.15:39
jono  * Various CanoniStack issues.15:40
jonoand that is me15:40
jonoany questions?15:40
jcastro(Pro tip: juju is "juju" or "Juju" but never camel cased "JuJu". This post brought to you by the committee for branding consistency.)15:40
* jono cares15:40
jonoany questions?15:40
jcastrocommittee for Jane nitpick prevention. :)15:40
cprofittjono: Loco Team 2010 -- what types of planning?15:40
cprofittstrategy I mean15:40
jonocprofitt, my thinking is around build further LoCo leadership, continued social expansion of loco.ubuntu.com15:41
jonoand continued event planning15:41
jonoI still think our LoCo Community leads more leadership15:41
jonoand we need to empower more leaders15:41
jonoany other questions?15:42
cprofitt+1 jono15:42
jonocprofitt, would love to talk with more with you about this15:42
jonoI think there is some great opportunity out there15:42
cprofittthere is a person trying to build something called Ubuntu Street Team that we should talk about...15:42
cprofittyes, lets talk at some point15:42
jcastroI saw the street team post but didn't investigate15:43
jonocprofitt, cool15:43
jonook, so it looks like we are done15:44
jonothanks everyone for joining us!15:44
dholbachthanks everyone :)15:44
cprofittjcastro: its an interesting concept, but needs some 'steering' to avoid conflicts.15:44
czajkowskijono: got time for a quick pm/call ?15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: "Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-community.html || Community Trello: http://goo.gl/n4or5 (experiment) || Things to work on (in order): work items || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5"
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Mar 13 15:44:19 2012 UTC.15:44
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-community-team/2012/ubuntu-community-team.2012-03-13-15.01.moin.txt15:44
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-community-team/2012/ubuntu-community-team.2012-03-13-15.01.html15:44
jonoczajkowski, sure!15:44
jonolets do G+15:44
jonoczajkowski, will send an invite15:45
czajkowskisent to pm15:45
cprofittjcastro: http://ubuntustreetteam.tk/15:48
cprofittthat is the website that joseph put up15:48
jcastrohe needs some bootstrap15:48
jcastromhall119, the bootswatch guy mailed me about contributing United to ubuntu15:48
cprofittjcastro: yep.15:49
cprofittthe other thing is to make sure he organizes it so that LoCo teams do not feel as though the team is not in conflict with them...15:50
technovikingjono: sorry about that, should have read the buffer15:50
cprofittFrom talking to him his idea is to augment, but I think some may interpret it as a conflict15:51
mhall119jcastro: contributing it in what way?15:51
jcastromhall119, talking with design to make it be compliant15:51
mhall119ah, cool15:52
jcastrowhat he did at first is just guess at what the design should be15:52
jcastroand he came pretty close15:52
jcastrobut he wants it to be exact15:52
mhall119it does look nice, yeah15:52
jcastroand is willing to rename it and maintain it15:52
jcastrothat way when people want to do things like make streetteam websites they have the tools available15:52
jcastromhall119, any idea who on design I can link him up with? I was thinking sladen?15:52
mhall119sladen would be a good one, yeah15:53
cjohnstonjcastro: if someone wants to work on designs and such, they should join the community web team and help everyone..15:58
jonotechnoviking, no worries!15:59
jcastrocjohnston, ok so should I send him to the list?15:59
cjohnstonjcastro: or #ubuntu-website16:00
cjohnstonwe have the new CSS.. provided to us by the caonical web team16:00
cjohnstonwe just have to make it work with whatever cms's we want16:00
technovikingjcastro: sent two solutions, both safe for forums and post counts16:01
jcastrocjohnston, ok, I'll reply to him and send him to the list16:02
jcastrook so I don't get the thing about post count16:03
cjohnstonjono: any chance you could register in LP for UDS: https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-q/+attend16:03
czajkowskijono: if you register I'll bring you some curly wurlys !16:07
cprofittcurly wurlys?16:08
czajkowskicprofitt: google is your friend.  http://url.ie/eujd16:09
cprofittso it is like a Jelly Baby16:10
cprofittI like toffee16:11
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
dholbachwow, spam authors get more and more creative recently16:37
dholbachI wonder what "Subject:  i robbed a tv pastor cause i didn't like him" might want to sell16:37
dholbachor maybe I don't16:37
* dholbach presses D for discard16:37
jussiczajkowski: did jpds get in touch?16:44
jussi(re: #ubuntu-website bot)16:45
czajkowskijussi: context is a wonderful thing :)16:45
jonocjohnston, sure, one sec16:45
czajkowskijussi: not with me was earlier on someone had brought in their own random bot :)16:45
jonocjohnston, done16:45
czajkowskidear RT  you will be smacked if you d not obey me16:45
jonoczajkowski, some prawn cocktail crisps would be awesome if you can pack them :-)16:46
czajkowskisuhc a f'ugly system16:46
czajkowskijono: sure some PG also or are you ok for them ?16:46
popeyhaha, my kids love prawn cocktail crisps16:46
jonoczajkowski, I am good for PG now, thanks, I can get them from Amazon :-)16:46
czajkowskipopey: so do I but only the Skips kind!16:46
jonothere ain't no prawn cocktail crisps in ameeeeeeeerica16:47
czajkowskijono: had the mothership bring me irish stuff last week, even stuff I cant get over here16:47
jonommmm Skips16:47
jonoczajkowski, :-)16:47
jussiI miss "chicken" crisps from australia... and real beef sausages16:47
czajkowskijono: this time dont open themm and have aq eat them all16:47
jonochicken crisps?16:47
czajkowskibacon fries!!!16:47
popeyczajkowski: one of the parents at sophies school runs http://www.americansweets.co.uk/16:47
jonoczajkowski, I am not going to let him anywhere near them16:47
czajkowskibut they do give you an almighty thurst16:47
jonopopey, cool :-)16:47
czajkowskipopey: ojhhh16:48
jonoErica bought me a 48-count box of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups as a Christmas pressie16:48
balloonsjust finish the box?16:48
jussijono: http://www.aussiefoodshop.com/catalog/item/5164910/6511928.htm16:48
balloonsor still working on it? :-)16:49
jonojussi, :-)16:49
jonoballoons, it keeps getting lighter16:49
jussibetween those and these... http://www.aussiefoodshop.com/catalog/item/5164910/9172887.htm16:49
jonoI think we might have an ant problem that takes them....16:49
jussijono: calling yourself an ant again? :P16:49
czajkowskijono: I'd hardly call you an ant !16:49
* jono is hungry16:49
czajkowskiohhhh cannot wait to go home and havr propper fresh brown bread16:50
jonofortunately there is a giant pot of soup in the fridge16:50
czajkowskisome  white pudding16:50
* jussi needs to run - off to feed the sheep...16:50
jonothat is bigger than Erica16:50
czajkowskiand propper saussages16:50
jonowhite pudding16:50
czajkowskimmmm yummy16:50
jonothat'll put hairs on your chest16:50
jussioooh, i love white pudding16:50
nigelbwhat conversatio did I walk into16:50
czajkowskijussi: red lemonade!16:50
jono"all the shit they forgot to rinse out of the slaughteryard, delivered to your mouth"16:50
jussianyways -> sheep16:50
nigelbg'nite jussi16:51
jono<jussi> anyways -> sheep16:51
jussijono: I have 4 sheep ;)16:51
cjohnstonty jono16:51
jonook then16:51
jussiErkki, Hilda, Jessica and Iisak16:51
jonoeveryone needs a sheep called Hilda16:51
dakersomething new to me sabdfl is the lead designer at Canonical17:01
cjohnstonwith a title like sabdfl of course he is ;-)17:02
nigelbHe's lead *17:02
dakeri was reading the bbc article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1673107117:05
jussiright then. sheep have been fed17:21
cjohnstonjussi: annoy jpds for me :-) please17:27
czajkowskinooo jpds is lovely please dont annoy he, he helps me whn I get stuck17:33
cjohnstonjussi told me to annoy him17:34
cjohnstonjussi: is it just #4 that has the issue?17:34
jussicjohnston: I hvent checked if 2 is about, but I think its only 417:35
jussiwait, looks like  2 also17:35
jussiboth are tun by jpds17:35
cjohnstonare there 1 3 5?17:35
jussiwait, ubot2 just go renamed17:36
jussiits here - ubot2`17:36
cjohnstoni wonder if maybe we can get him17:36
jussicareful ;)17:36
ubot2`yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)17:36
cjohnstonmaybe we can get her17:36
jussianyway, I can drop ubottu in for a while until ubot4 turns up17:37
jussiping me or tsimpson_ to have her removed17:37
jussior just kickban it17:38
nigelbplease do17:39
nigelbwe will feed her cookies and cakes17:39
cprofitthey jalcine18:09
jalcineHey cprofitt18:09
jalcineFunny, I wanted to mention an idea I had today, with a friend of mine.18:09
cprofittwhat's your idea?18:09
jalcineWe thought of putting up a booth over in Union Square with two black boxes.18:10
jalcineOne had a Mac and another had Ubuntu.18:10
dholbachI'm out of here18:10
dholbachsee you all tomorrow18:10
dholbachhugs hugs18:10
cprofittciao dholbach18:10
jalcineWe'd put certain labels on the boxes like "$1500" or "sadfl"18:10
cprofittjalcine: just for people to try?18:11
jalcinecprofitt: yup.18:12
cprofittwhat would you be asking people?18:12
jalcinewe were thinking about showing how easy it is to get applications for either system and compare them.18:12
jalcineMy friend wants to use a Mac but I think that Mac OS X and Ubuntu's UI are starting to blend a lot nowadays.18:12
jalcineEspecially with the Dash being a distant cousin (in looks only) of Spotlight.18:13
jalcineLargely about their experience, which do they feel get straight to the point and how would they see themselves using such a system.18:14
jalcineWith Dash, a good of affective computing, users could just jump to their task.18:14
cprofittsounds a bit like some of the usability testing that is done18:14
cprofittwould you have people staff the booth?18:14
jalcineusability turned showcasing.18:14
jalcineyeah, it'd be myself and perhaps a few friends.18:14
cprofittif you do that it would be good to have two boxes that have the same hardware...18:15
jalcinejust need to get a permit to hold the booth at Union since it's a high traffic spot.18:15
cprofittsounds like an awesome idea18:15
jalcineyeah, that's why I wanted to use two laptops, preferably Hp.18:15
cprofittit would be great if you had a monthly meeting scheduled in NYC too... that way if a person liked Ubuntu you could tell them about the meetings18:15
cprofittNot sure you can legally run OS X on an HP18:16
jalcineHeh, no, I wanted to compare Windows against Ubuntu, but my friend thinks Mac OS X would be better because it's a less of a paradigm shift in UI.18:16
cprofittI would compare to Widows IMHO18:17
jalcinecprofitt: hopefully, we could get something like that arranged in the coming weeks, summer's up.18:17
cprofittand perhaps even use the Windows 8 Consumer Preview18:17
cprofittask them which upgrade they would prefer18:17
jalcineOne thing I think that'll stick is U1.18:18
jalcineI personally use it even under KDE and it's super handy.18:18
M0hialso, Just ask them one question: "Do you know what is happening on your machine?" ;P18:18
cprofittIf you have seen Windows 8 -- it will be a painful transition18:19
jalcineM0hi: good one!18:19
jalcinecprofitt: I've only seen pictures of the Metro UI.18:20
jalcineshould download and fire it up in a VM.18:20
cprofittjalcine: They have a free consumer preview available18:20
M0hiThat's one of my favorites to start a session ^_^18:20
cprofittI ran it in a VM and it is a complete shift in how to do things18:20
jalcinewith the shares they have, they probably assume that people'll _have_ to use it.18:21
jonomhall119, if I deploy the accomplishments server to CanoniStack, do you feel confident these IP issues are resolved?18:42
jonomhall119, I need to deploy it somewhere for when I am away18:42
balloonsjono, as long as it's deployed it's likely to stay up.. you may or may not be able to access it.. so .. hopefully your code is errorproof and stable18:45
balloonshehe.. selfaware wouldn't hurt etheir18:45
jussiI need a friendly licensed "beta" stamp picture - anyone got ideas?18:47
mhall119jono: I'm not confident at all, no18:59
mhall119I don't know what caused the issues in the first place, so I don't know whether they may happen again or not18:59
jonook, thanks, mhall11919:00
jalcineHey pangolin19:06
jalcineerr. Pendulum19:06
Pendulumhi jalcine19:08
* jussi waves to Pendulum19:08
jalcineoop, going for a cycle.19:08
pleia2speaking as an Xfce curmudgeon going back almost a decade and Xubuntu contributor who never even liked Gnome, I have to say that the Unity in 12.04 is finally really impressive19:15
jussipleia2: :D19:17
jussiI might have to actually give it a try...19:17
pleia2I put it on my new laptop, jcastro's presentation at Ubucon at SCALE was very convincing and it's only improved since then :)19:18
jussiI do have it installed, just havent booted into it for ages.19:18
jussipleia2: ooh, the 299 lappy? cool!19:19
pleia2jussi: yeah :)19:19
jcastrothere's no denying the awesomeness of the keyboard shortcuts, it's just _nice_19:19
pleia2jcastro: yes!!19:19
pleia2and honestly, not being able to arrow down to get to an application after I searched for it drove me batty, fixed in 12.04 :D19:19
pleia2(and is really slick)19:20
jussihave they fixed the non binking cursor yet? that always threw me.19:20
jcastropleia2, http://www.jorgecastro.org/2011/11/01/how-i-roll/19:21
jussioh, btw, cheese + red wine == win19:21
technovikingI miss cheese and red wine:(19:22
jussitechnoviking: why?19:24
jussiwell in anycase, this is a combined sheep/cows milk cheese - its very good :)19:27
jcastrohey Daviey19:45
jcastroI love how planet ubuntu knows to update exactly 1 minute before I need to do an edit19:54
czajkowskijcastro: happens me the whole time20:54
bkerensajcastro: How can I juju bootstrap without a AWS instance?21:12
bkerensaI have this subway charm written but I wanna deploy it now and make sure it works :)21:12
mhall119bkerensa: you can do it with LXC I think, jcastro should be able to tell you21:51
bkerensajcastro: I just had petersed the developer of subway look over my charm and he said it looks pretty precise :)21:53
bkerensaso jcastro how do I submit this bad boy to you ;P21:54
jcastrobkerensa, to test you need to set up juju with LXC or openstack22:09
jcastrounless you have a bunch of servers sitting around, use LXC22:09
jcastroto submit it, tag your subway bug with "new-charm" and it'll hit review22:10
jcastrobkerensa, for LXC follow this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65359/how-do-i-configure-juju-for-local-usage22:10
bkerensajcastro: I dont think there is a bug open... should I file one or could I just propose a merge?22:10
jcastroI filed it22:11
jcastroone sec22:11
ubot2`Launchpad bug 944246 in charms "Charm Needed: Subway IRC client/server" [Undecided,New]22:11
jcastroyou can just attach your branch there22:12
jcastroand one of our experienced charm representives will be along shortly to review22:12
bkerensajcastro: --respository=(path to charm??)22:13
balloonsohh subway.. that looks really neat22:17
* balloons thinks about what it would be like to replace his znc setup with such a thing22:18
bkerensaballoons: Exactly right22:19
bkerensawe have a znc for our loco so once this accepted Ill nuke our aws instance and re-deploy with the charm22:19
balloonsso it will persist properly.. and I can connect to it from my phone, desktop, laptop, etc?22:20
balloonsand I can configure multi networks and nicknames?22:20
balloonsand does it make pancakes!?!22:20
bkerensaballoons: you could do all of those things I believe except the pancakes :)22:22
jcastrobkerensa, --repository=.22:23
jcastroand then have it in oneiric/subway22:23
jcastrojuju deploy --repository . local:subway22:23
jcastroshould do the trick22:23
balloonsyea, let me know how it goes the bkerensa and the charm22:23
balloonsi have ec2 box i would replace znc with your charm for subway22:24
jcastrobut the  charm needs to be in oneiric/subway from that root22:24
jcastroballoons, right, that's what I was thinking22:24
jcastroor stick it behind openid22:24
jcastroblam, instant "irc shells" for the project.22:24
jcastrodinner bbiab22:24
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
jonoballoons, hey23:53
jonodid you need me?23:53

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