
cyphermoxbroder: go right ahead.00:00
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pittiGood morning06:03
vibhavpitti: Hi06:05
pittihello vibhav06:24
pittidupondje: NB that the cryptdisks package split patch is missing some things, working on it06:24
dupondjepitti:  what did I misss?06:58
pittidupondje: just sent updated patch to the bug, and uploaded06:58
pittidupondje: thanks!06:58
vibhavDO I need to report a bug for attaching a typo fix patch?06:59
pittivibhav: depends on what package, but usually that's better for coordination, yes07:00
dupondjepitti: I see, just tought to keep cryptformat in the cryptsetup package, as this would not be used by people that just want to mount their crypted dev07:02
pittidupondje: with the GUIs available it's indeed largely obsolete these days07:03
pittibut still nice on a server07:03
pittidupondje: but yes, the location of that is certainly debatable07:03
pittidupondje: but the cryptsetup manpages were in "cryptsetup" and should be in the same package as the binary, i. e. -bin07:03
dupondjeyou mean ./usr/share/man/man8/cryptsetup.8.gz07:05
dupondjeweird, I builded it yesterday, and that one was in the bin package .. :)07:05
dupondjeYou mean luksformat.8 maby?07:08
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dupondjepitti: anyway thx for the upload. I'm the first happy user of the -bin package :D07:30
pittidupondje: hah, so I'm the second :)07:30
pittiI have it installed now, and tested successfully with palimpsest07:31
dupondjethats great. Having laptop here where I sometimes open an external drive that is crypted. No need for the whole cryptsetup package now to just open it :)07:32
dupondjeanyay bbl07:33
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mealstromhi, can you tell me how .ICEauthority is created and management? Ive got a lot of problems with it using nfs server to store home directories.?07:58
mealstromor how system checks that file? when saying "Could not update ICEauthority"07:58
dholbachgood morning08:02
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brendandmealstrom, that often tends to mean that the home directory cannot be accessed in some way08:26
brendandmealstrom, i've had it in the past when i've used encrypted home and there've been bugs in ecryptfs08:27
pittijibel: bonjour08:45
pittijibel: I believe you still have a workaround in the dist-upgrader for iodbc?08:45
pittijibel: could you please drop this, so that we can check that the fix works now? (it was uploaded yesterday)08:46
jibelpitti, guten morgen08:46
jibelpitti, yes, I've seen your upload yesterday, I'll reinstall the package08:47
pittijibel: thanks08:50
jussi01mvo: We are having a conversation about different meta packages on the kubuntu-devel list, and we want to get several meta packages added to app install data. WHat do you need from me apart from a list of packages?09:14
jussi01Riddell: ^^09:14
henrixpitti: hi! me again... i still can't see the latestest version of the oneiric kernel when i run "rmadison --arch=source linux"09:46
henrixpitti: i guess there's something wrong with the upload to -proposed09:47
pittihenrix: indeed, seems the copy-proposed-kernel command failed somehow09:47
henrixpitti: thanks09:47
pittiseems someone deleted it from -proposed09:48
pittihenrix: it's pending again, I copied it back09:49
* pitti fixes overrides09:49
henrixpitti: that's odd. anyway, thanks again09:49
henrixpitti: are you still looking at this? i just refreshed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+publishinghistory and see 'deleted' again09:54
pittinot any more, the change-override is done09:54
pittiand now that page times out09:55
pittiwell, not cool09:55
pittiWTF does it get deleted?09:55
henrixi can't imagine09:56
pittihenrix: should be ok now, and published in ~ 45 mins10:14
henrixpitti: great, thanks10:15
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apwpitti, that script that copies it to -proposed seems to say its copying to -updates11:23
pittiapw: err?11:23
pittiapw: you mean in the warning? that seems to be correct11:24
pittiFailure to do so may result in uninstallability when it is ultimately copied to11:24
apwahh ... odd11:25
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tseliotcjwatson: do you remember how to reproduce bug 929384 inside of an i386 chroot without having to use the nvidia driver?12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 929384 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nvidia drivers broken by the recent libc update on i386 arch" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92938412:13
AzaTothtkamppeter: have you thought of doing a backport of cups to debian squeeze? I was trying to do one, but gave up when I was down trying to build cairo :(12:13
cjwatsontseliot: well, I never actually bothered reproducing it myself IIRC, I just did theoretical work12:14
tseliotcjwatson: ah, ok, maybe it was slangasek who did something like that12:15
cjwatsontseliot: it was a linker bug on libGL.so though, so just fiddling with the diversions ought to be enough12:15
tseliotcjwatson: ok, thanks for the tip12:15
cjwatsontseliot: one moment though, there was something in some other BTS12:15
cjwatsontseliot: ah yes, IIRC if you get the right libGL in place and do something like 'LD_DEBUG=version glxgears' then it shows symbol lookup errors12:16
tseliotcjwatson: excellent, thanks!12:17
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cjwatsondidrocks: your unity upload is never going to come out of dep-wait state - you added a build-dependency on libxfixes rather than libxfixes-dev12:42
didrockscjwatson: oupsss, yeah, sorry12:43
didrockscjwatson: uploaded, thanks for the notice12:45
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apwcjwatson, linux-base (synced from debian) is bringing /usr/bin/perf which collides with linux-tools-common in ubuntu.  whats the right annotation to avoid them both being installed13:22
cjwatsonConflicts, but really that's the wrong answer, you should make them play nicely together instead13:23
apwcjwatson, as in add our different algorithm to linux-based ?13:24
cjwatsonor else we should have only one of them in the archive, though I'd prefer us to be gravitating towards Debian's layout since linux-base was supposed to be used by other packages too13:24
cjwatson(linux-base ships a Perl module which was intended to help other packages do things like sorting kernel versions)13:26
apwthe perf binary there assumes that perf is version independant, which it actually is not necessarily ... hmm13:26
apwcjwatson, ok will have a think about it13:27
apwcjwatson, do you happen to have a debian system you can get a uname -r off of?13:30
cjwatsonnot saying it's perfect as it is13:31
cjwatsonnot a current one; my stable system says 2.6.32-5-68613:31
apwyeah as i suspected, they look exactly like ours ...13:31
mvo@pilot in13:34
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise Beta-1 Released. Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/xmGdCW | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mvo
seb128mvo, \o/13:37
apwcjwatson, as they are indistinguisable, is it reasonable to carry a delta to linux-base ... with a view to extracting the core there into a function for use in other links13:37
cjwatsonapw: sure, if you're happy with that13:38
cjwatsonI'd actually been avoiding syncing linux-base on the grounds that it would require coordination with the kernel team; not sure how it got synced, but there you go13:39
apwcjwatson, yeah indeed ... well if it is needed going forward its probabally time for us to take ownership of it and fix it up13:39
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pittioh, someone binNEWed libical after all -- it's FTBFS on arm* and ppc13:55
pittiI was going to wait for fixing that13:56
cjwatsonpitti: oh, that was me, sorry14:01
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cjwatsonseemed no particular reason not to14:01
pitticjwatson: I initially thought it was a soname bump, but seems it isn't14:01
pittiso not much harm14:01
cjwatsonit was just an added -dbg package14:01
pittiI just prefer to wait for all builds for soname bumps14:01
pittiright; sorry for the noise14:02
pitti /query mbiebl14:02
mvodoko: hi, around? I'm piloting today and came accross #953171 - do you have a upload pending or should I got ahead?14:06
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* dholbach hugs mvo14:13
scott-workcjwatson: if i have questions about the ubiquity background/text bug (952462), would it be more appropriate to ask them here or in the bug report?14:14
scott-workcjwatson: also, did you see my question about line #17 from the pastebin yesterday and the single parenthesis?14:15
cjwatsonscott-work: #ubuntu-installer, probably14:15
scott-workcjwatson: thank you14:15
cjwatsonscott-work: I did, but you'd left by the time I was ready to respond.  It was correct as it was - shell syntax is like that.  (Actually the opening parenthesis is optional, but conventionally omitted.)14:15
scott-workah, thank you yet again :)14:15
cjwatsonThere were other bugs in my paste though - I committed a working version this morning14:16
awerickspencer3, fyi that chromium menu bug I entered is actually not-specific to chromium...14:37
Pjotrcjwatson: I have reported a Ubiquity bug that you might want to take a look at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/95395914:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953959 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity fails to install Grub in Precise" [Undecided,New]14:56
cjwatsonPjotr: thanks15:07
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Pjotrcjwatson: thank you for wanting to look at it. :-)15:15
rickspencer3awe, can you give me the bug # then?15:17
awerickspencer3, yea... one sec.  just got out of a meeting15:31
awerickspencer3, 94805915:33
rickspencer3bug #94805915:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 948059 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Right-click text menu ( Cut/Copy/Paste/...) sometimes rendered blank or missing items" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94805915:34
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dokobug 95317115:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953171 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "Please fix CVE-2012-0864 in precise" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95317115:47
dokomvo: no, didn't plan another upload15:47
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infinityRiddell: What's with calligra's weird version number? :P15:54
Riddellinfinity: uh oh, did I miss off a 1 from the end?15:56
infinityRiddell: You might have. ;)15:57
infinityRiddell:Given the number of times it's been uploaded this cycle, I assume this won't be the last, so it'll self-solve, I guess. :P15:58
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pitticalligra still needs at least two RC fixes (missing transitional pacakges and ttf-lyx recommends), so it can't be the last :)17:18
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mhall119m_3: ping17:22
m_3mhall119: yo17:24
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m_3mhall119: got the hosting account info for linuxplumbers17:25
mhall119m_3: cool, I'm working on an apache config file for it17:26
m_3hey... awesome17:26
mhall119m_3: but I need to know where it's being installed17:26
m_3/srv/$service_name/project/ atm... but I can turn any vhost you can give me into a template17:26
m_3mhall119: I got the menu and admin account created from the charm17:27
m_3so really the apache vhost was next17:27
m_3in meetings for another hour or so, so that'd be really helpful man17:27
mhall119m_3: can you /join #ubuntu-website?17:27
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jussimvo: ping?17:59
jussimvo: did you see my message earlier?17:59
jonowhere do I file bugs against the music lens?18:06
dholbachjono, "ubuntu-bug unity-lens-music"?18:08
jonodholbach, doesnt wortk18:08
jonooh it does18:08
jonothanks dholbach18:08
jonoI was doing ubntu-music-lens18:08
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argesSpamapS, hello.19:04
SpamapSarges: *hello*19:04
argesSpamapS, was looking at pad.lv/578536  ... was wondering what is needed to get this accepted into natty-proposed as well19:05
argesif you need a debdiff, or bzr branch19:05
SpamapSarges: either will be fine19:06
argesok I'll post that then, anything else I need to do to flag it then?19:06
SpamapSarges: though it looks like the fixes have sat in maverick/lucid proposed since August... are you certain this one will be verified if its fixed in natty?19:06
argesSpamapS, i'll talk to the reporter and make sure it gets verified19:07
SpamapSarges: create the debdiff and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors, or do a merge proposal.19:07
m_3mhall119: hey, ok.... so done with hangout meetings for the day19:20
m_3mhall119: do you just wanna send me a rough vhost?19:20
mhall119m_3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/882217/ is a working apache.conf almost identical to production19:21
m_3mhall119: awesome... thanks!19:21
ha1dfohi all. I don't know if this is the right channel, i'll ask anyways. I'm building a .deb for myself. I have a config/template pair, and it works fine when I dpkg-reconfigure my pkg, but won't get configured when i'm installing it. Do you have any idea what am i missing?19:22
mvojussi: no, sorry, I did not19:24
mvojussi: could you paste/msg it to me?19:24
jussi[11:14:36] <jussi01> mvo: We are having a conversation about different meta packages on the kubuntu-devel list, and we want to get several meta packages added to app install data. WHat do you need from me apart from a list of packages?19:24
cjwatsonha1dfo: you're probably missing a postinst that sources the debconf confmodule - see debconf-devel(7), especially the HACKS section19:25
ha1dfocjwatson, Thanks, now I see it.19:25
jussimvo: background: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2012-March/005919.html and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2012-March/005920.html19:26
cjwatsonit doesn't have to do anything else - so   #! /bin/sh \n set -e \n . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule \n exit 0   is fine (with " \n " replaced by real newlines)19:27
mvojussi: easiest is to add something app-install-data-ubuntu in menu-data-additional19:30
mvo@pilot out19:30
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise Beta-1 Released. Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/xmGdCW | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
jussimvo: right, so I havent done anything for ubuntu in a while, whats required/involved?19:31
jussimvo: need to run (baby needs attention). leave me a message19:32
mvojussi: you could just apt-get source app-install-data-ubuntu and look at the examples in menu-data-additional and create a bunch of desktop files with icons for the stuff you have in mind19:32
mvojussi: sure, see you19:32
cody-somervilleHow do I close a bug in Debian BTS as invalid?19:36
Laneywith a mail to nnn-done@bugs.debian.org19:44
cody-somervilleLaney, But is there anything special to mark it invalid?19:45
Laneyno, just your text19:45
* cody-somerville was sort of expecting there to be an 'invalid' tag or something.19:45
Laneyyou can also tag 'wontfix', but there is not much point19:45
brycehslangasek, -openchrome sru fix is in the hopper19:58
slangasekbryceh: cheers :)19:59
michael-vbslangasek: someone suggested that I draw your attention to <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxt/+bug/953860>, regarding -dev packages for X11 and multiarch.  It would be lovely if that could be made to work in 12.04, as I use it a lot for developing the VirtualBox Guest Additions.20:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953860 in libxt (Ubuntu) "X11 development packages not multiarch in 12.04" [Undecided,New]20:14
michael-vbubottu: right :)20:14
slangasekmichael-vb: multiarch -dev packages are not realistically going to be of help right now for building i386 packages on amd64; the recommended method for that is still an i386 chroot.20:34
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michael-vbslangasek: right, that is my fallback of course (well, I tend to go for VMs for obvious reasons!)20:35
michael-vbShame, it would have been nice to get just the few I needed.  I see e.g. libx11-dev is multiarch.20:35
slangasekyes, we'd certainly like to have these all coinstallable20:35
tumbleweedchroots are much easier (pbuilder / sbuilder make it trivial)20:36
slangasekfwiw, you can cross-install the ones that aren't marked M-A: same, you just can't have both the amd64 and i386 ones installed at the same time20:36
michael-vbI need the amd64 ones though.20:36
slangasekright; that's not solved for 12.0420:37
michael-vbObviously if there is something I can do to help get this done let me know, though I will quite understand if you are too busy.20:37
slangasekmichael-vb: well, I just dropped a comment on the bug about what needs to happen - either the html docs need to be split out of the -dev package, or the html generation needs to be made reproducible20:38
michael-vbI didn't look to see exactly how they differed, as I was rather busy at the time myself.  I think I will though, I am curious why the docs should differ and the rest not.20:39
michael-vbThanks anyway.20:40
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slangasekmichael-vb: no prob - sorry there's not a better answer here yet20:47
michael-vbI'm sure you're hard at work on that.20:47
michael-vbGetting a bit late over here - good night all.20:50
slangasekpitti, dupondje: it doesn't appear that the latest cryptsetup upload has been committed to the bzr branch - do either of you have that staged somewhere, or should I take care of it?20:53
SpamapSOh ye packaging and archive wise sages.. in 11.10, we shipped the 'ensemble' package in the juju source package to help with the rename to juju. If 12.04, if we remove that, and make sure that juju Breaks: and Replaces: ensemble (<< ${binary:Version} ) .. that should mean that it will be removed on upgrade to 12.04 and never come back, right?21:36
ScottKExcept you need to have ensemble depend on juju so upgraders get the new package.21:40
SpamapSScottK: it did as of 11.10's release21:40
SpamapSScottK: so they should already have had juju pulled in if they had ensemble early in 11.10's development21:41
ScottKInstead of binary version just make it unversioned then and drop the transitional package.21:41
SpamapSScottK: so in theory, I shouldn't even need the Breaks/Replaces..21:41
SpamapSRight, that sounds better actually21:42
ScottKYou need them to make the old package go away, if that's what you want to do.21:42
ScottKThat or you could just ask mvo to make the upgrader do it.21:42
broderwon't the upgrader automatically remove packages that aren't in the archive anymore?21:42
SpamapSI don't mind being explicit21:43
Laneyonly Conflicts ensures that it actually gets removed21:45
LaneyI am not sure you should worry about making it get removed though21:45
Laneyit has implications if the archive wants to grow another package called ensemble21:45
SpamapSLaney: we'd need that new package to have a new epoch (or at least a new version) no matter what, anyway, right?21:47
LaneyI don't think so if it was removed21:48
SpamapSwell in theory, 11.10 users may have had it installed...21:48
SpamapSIt would have depended on juju.. so on upgrade to 12.04 .. we can use clues in juju to signal removal of ensemble21:49
SpamapSI was under the impression that Breaks/Replaces was that signal.21:49
SpamapSSince nothing ever reverse depended on ensemble.. can we make it a Conflicts, and that would be the end of ensemble?21:50
SpamapSLaney: ?^^21:50
LaneyI am just saying that it might not matter so much if users have an empty package installed. But if you want to do it then you should use Conflicts IIUC21:50
SpamapSLaney: I actually want to clean up the namespace.21:51
Laneypossibly with <= the-last-version-of-the-ensemble-package21:51
broderuh, isn't conflicts with <= almost always incorrect?21:54
broderlast paragraph of http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-conflicts21:55
broderi've never been good at keeping all of that straight in my head, so my takeaway has traditionally been "don't use conflicts with < or <="21:55
broderbut i recognize that i'm oversimplifying the rules and could be wrong :)21:55
RAOFIIRC lintian (or some other tool) will throw a warning at you if you're using conflicts with <=21:56
Laneymaybe Breaks is OK, but I understand that it doesn't guarantee removal (although apt may implement it as such)21:57
lifelessits not meant to guarantee removal21:57
lifelessit permits concurrent unpacking, but requires all deps to be ok before configuring21:58
broderhmm, ok. point taken. i guess the cases you get screwed with conflicts and <= is if you're actually upgrading the package that's conflicted on21:58
SpamapSin this case, I want to put out a death warrant on the 'ensemble' binary package21:59
lifelessright, classic case of conflict issues is one source two binaries that mutually dpeend on each other21:59
lifelessand some lock-step internal change so you need to ensure lock-step upgrades21:59
slangasekthat sounds like the classic case of Conflicts misuse to me :)21:59
lifelessconflicts won't *let* that happen, because you have a symettrical constraint, breaks does, because you can unpack them both then configure22:00
lifelessslangasek: exactly22:00
lifelessSpamapS: there is no 'kill kill kill' for the package; the best you can do is breaks or conflicts (depending on whether unpacking will work - and consider replaces too) with it and get it removed from the archive22:00
broderright. ok, i withdraw my objection to conflicts :)22:01
lifelessconflicts+replaces is the stock answer for package renames isn't it ?22:01
Laneyafaict it is already removed, he just wants to ensure that users don't have the transitional package any more22:01
slangaseklifeless: indeed22:02
SpamapSIts still being built today, but the next upload of juju will not build the 'ensemble' binary package... and make it NBS ..22:03
SpamapSIt sounds like Breaks+Replaces on 'ensemble' without a version is the clearest way to inform package managers that this package should be removed.. and if they choose to ignore that, then they'll be left with an annoyed user who will likely remove it.22:04
lifelessSpamapS: how will they be annoyed? just get archive admin to remove the NBS package once juju has built22:05
SpamapSlifeless: user would be annoyed because on installing 'juju' the package manager would refuse to configure *juju* ;)22:05
lifelessSpamapS: htf?22:05
slangasekno, it wouldn't22:05
slangasekensemble would be deconfigured, juju would be configured22:06
SpamapSexactly, it wouldn't..22:06
SpamapSI'm going through the scenarios in my head where a package manager would sanely not remove ensemble at that point.22:06
SpamapSOne question, why not also include a ( << ${binary:Version} ) to ensure that the namespace is protected if some future package wants to be 'ensemble' and doesn't actually break because it has nothing to do with juju22:07
SpamapS(assuming I forget to remove the breaks/replaces in 12.10)22:07
* SpamapS goes through his daily "delete all the haskell change emails from precise-changes mailing list" routine22:12
LaneySpamapS: there is no need for it to be a variable22:12
LaneyHOW DARE YOU!22:12
* Laney uploads some more for punishment22:12
SpamapSLaney: indeed, I can make it static so its just up to the current version22:18
dupondjeNow this is odd, updating my precise system, and getting: 'dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 14'22:40
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bkerensamicahg: On my merge proposal for the xchat bug you suggested we request Upstream to ship a higher-res icon but is this really a good idea considering we would be asking upstream to accommodate Ubuntu when this problem does not exist elsewhere?22:58
ajmitchthere'd be nothing stopping other systems from using a high-res icon, would there?23:00
brycehslangasek, bug #953953 looks sort of like that gz bug you mentioned, except all the referenced versions in the log were built today.  We've had two reports today of this error, both amd64 with the i386 libxfixes installed presumably for wine23:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953955 in libxfixes (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #953953 package libxfixes3 1:5.0-4ubuntu3 [modified: usr/share/doc/libxfixes3/changelog.Debian.gz] failed to install/upgrade: libxfixes3:amd64 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95395523:12
slangasekbryceh: looking23:13
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slangasekbryceh: bug #953955 (which is marked as the master) is definitely not related to gzip; the upgrade error is from trying to configure the package when the amd64 and i386 packages aren't installed at the same version23:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953955 in libxfixes (Ubuntu) "package libxfixes3 1:5.0-4ubuntu3 [modified: usr/share/doc/libxfixes3/changelog.Debian.gz] failed to install/upgrade: libxfixes3:amd64 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95395523:19
slangasekbryceh: the reference to a modified changelog in the title is probably just that the bug is being reported against the amd64 package, and the currently unpacked changelog is from the i386 package; since they're at different versions, of course the changelogs don't match23:20
brycehslangasek, ah, weird23:21
slangasekbryceh: I've checked the libxfixes3 in the archive, and the changelog files match23:22
jalcineIs it me or is Launchpad just failing to build anything?23:23
slangasekjalcine: example?23:24
jalcineI think it's #91550523:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915505 in launchpad-buildd "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'cStringIO.StringI' object has no attribute 'split'" [Critical,Triaged]23:25
* jalcine looks for ubottu23:25
slangasekah, that looks like a recipe build?23:25
slangasekI think you'd want to ask #launchpad23:25
brycehslangasek, ok, so just chalk it up to a transitory failure?23:27
slangasekbryceh: well, it could be a bug in whatever package management frontend they were using, or it could be user foot-shooting23:28
slangasekit's not the sort of thing that we should be seeing as a matter of course23:28
=== slangase` is now known as slangasek

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