
CIA-32user-setup: cjwatson * r253 ubuntu/ (74 files in 3 dirs): merge from Debian 1.4112:27
CIA-32user-setup: cjwatson * r254 ubuntu/debian/ (18 files in 2 dirs): Update Ubuntu-specific translations from Launchpad.12:36
CIA-32user-setup: cjwatson * r255 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.41ubuntu112:39
narussosetup-storage fails while trying to install 12.04, claiming "this system does not have a physical disk 1". Seems that disk-info ignores /dev/sda because it's group is root instead of disk. Is udev to blame?14:50
stgraberev: do you think you can get a new wubi.exe built, signed and published (for Precise) soonish? I'd like to test some dailies with the current wubi and I think it'd also make it easier for some of the daily testers (instead of having to send them a custom build ;))16:37
evsure, I'll do it nowish16:37
jibelstgraber, about bug 950282 , I confirm what superm1 found and now trying 2.9.26 on b116:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 950282 in oem-priority/precise "Installation failing with pop-up "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error and will now reboot."" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95028216:42
jibel.27 actually16:43
stgraberjibel: thanks. Whenever I see a gtk upload and that kind of stacktraces I start by suspecting gtk before ubiquity ;)16:43
stgraberat least it's fairly easy to only upgrade ubiquity for that kind of test16:43
stgraberjibel: ok, so 2.9.27 with an up to date userspace triggers the bug but 2.9.27 with beta1's userspace doesn't?17:14
jibelstgraber, right, I'm now updating gtk on b117:15
jibellogout from live session crashes :/17:15
stgraberjibel: yeah, I noticed that recently, if you logout you're screwed, lightdm enter some kind of infinite loop...17:16
stgraberjibel: the best way is to boot the live CD, then switch to tty1, run "stop lightdm", do the upgrades, then run "start lightdm", I think that worked fine last I tried :)17:17
jibelstgraber, unity-greeter segfaults and lightdm tries to restart it17:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 943037 in casper "Log out/in not working in live session" [High,Triaged]17:18
stgrabernot sure it's really casper's fault though, I'll have a look in a few minutes though, I just finished grabbing all the images I needed for some testing here17:18
jibelstgraber, here is the list of pending updates http://paste.ubuntu.com/882076/ any idea which one I should upgrade next ?17:27
stgraberjibel: I'm submitting a bug report for the unity-greeter crash17:27
stgraberwow, that's a long list :)17:28
stgrabergir1.2-gtk-3.0 sounds like a good candidate17:29
stgraberjibel: I filed bug 954255 and poked mterry about it17:36
ubot2`Launchpad bug 954255 in unity-greeter "unity-greeter crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95425517:36
jibelstgraber, k. no crash with gir1.2-gtk-3.0 . upgrading libc617:39
jibelstgraber, boom17:46
stgraberjibel: cool, so that was the libc6?17:47
jibelstgraber, yep. upgraded from 2.15-0ubuntu3 to 2.15-0ubuntu517:48
stgraberjibel: ok, looking at the changelog, the most likely is the 2.15-0ubuntu3 => 2.15-0ubuntu4 upgrade breaking it17:48
stgraber  * Merge from Debian (r5173, 2.13-27).17:48
stgraber  * Don't include the non-default multilib debug files in the libc6-dbg17:48
stgraber    package for any architecture.17:48
stgraber2.15-0ubuntu5 is supposedly ARM speciifc17:49
stgraberjibel: can you try with 2.15-0ubuntu4 to confirm you also have the problem? (so we can rule out 2.15-0ubuntu5)17:49
cjwatsonhm, nothing jumps out from the Debian merge17:51
cjwatsonports we don't use, localedata, removing debug files from biarch packages, testsuite fiddling17:52
cjwatsonhaving a hard time seeing how any of these changes could matter ...17:53
stgraberMar 8 20:30:10 ubuntu kernel: [ 41.113727] pool[9204]: segfault at 17 ip 00007f022e402bfe sp 00007f0216355a20 error 6 in libc-2.15.so[7f022e2d9000+1b1000]17:58
stgraberis what the reporter said is appearing in the syslog, not sure it really helps though17:59
cjwatsonmm, need to catch it with gdb or valgrind or something18:04
superm1i've tried with gdb on the python process and it refuses to crash when doing that18:20
stgraberoh, we have a fix then ;)18:21
scott-upstairscan someone help me understand a few things about bug #952462 ?20:33
ubot2`Launchpad bug 952462 in ubiquity "Ubuntustudio 12.04 installer has unreadable text" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95246220:33
scott-upstairsthe problem appears to be that the uqibuity installer background and text are both dark and unreadable (pics with bug report)20:34
scott-upstairsbut this only happens when you pick to install ubuntu studio directly from the live-boot menu20:34
scott-upstairs(i.e. the problem doesn't manifest when you are in the liveFS and then choose to install from either menu entry or desktop icon)20:35
scott-upstairsi have noticed a few things about xubuntu's code, however20:35
scott-upstairsfirstly, i noticed that the xubuntu-live-settings package is called in : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.precise/view/head:/live20:36
scott-upstairs(ubuntu studio does not have this package at this point)20:36
scott-upstairswhich appears to be created with the xubuntu-default-settings package20:36
scott-upstairshere is the control file:  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/xubuntu-default-settings/precise/view/head:/debian/control20:37
scott-upstairsthe xubuntu-live-settings.install doesn't do much: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/xubuntu-default-settings/precise/view/head:/debian/xubuntu-live-settings.install20:37
superm1i've add a comment about how we fix this in mythbuntu, i'm unsure what xubuntu does about it though20:38
superm1note: we still do have a problem with our theme and gtk3 apps20:38
superm1but the theme itself needs to be fixed for that20:38
scott-upstairsoh, hmmm, interesting....i thought that xubuntu didn't have this problem and i had hoped it was because i did not account for the xubuntu-live-settings package20:39
scott-upstairsi shoudl have said "..didn't have this problem, i had hoped ubuntu studio was suffering it because i did not account..."20:39
scott-upstairsand i was hoping that all i needed to do was modify the xubuntu-live-settings for ubuntu studio and the problem would be solved20:40
scott-upstairs(although i didn't really understand how this would happen given the information that i could find)20:40
superm1oh it looks like xubuntu does the exact same thing mythbuntu does20:40
scott-upstairssuperm1, so, perhaps if i add these items (ie ubuntustudio-live-settings, /casper/48ububuntustudio_maybe_ubiquity) then the problem may be solved ?20:41
superm1scott-upstairs: if your theme is set up the same way ( somewhere in /etc/xdg ), then if you set up a casper script that gets included in the livefs initramfs, yeah i believe it should fix it for you too20:42
scott-upstairsoh, and i didn't realize that mythbuntu was also an xfce based distro :)20:42
scott-upstairsxubuntu is quite popular these days :-)20:42
scott-upstairsor xfce20:43
superm1yeah mythbuntu has been on it as well since inception20:44
scott-upstairssuperm1, yes, we are setting the theme in /etc/xgd as xubuntu does, that is very heartening to learn20:44
superm1scott-upstairs: now if you also encounter theme problems when in "try ubuntu studio" mode, you also have problems with your GTK3 theme that will need to be fixed like we hit with mythbuntu and lubuntu hit20:44
scott-upstairssuperm1, by "try ubuntu studio" do you mean running it as a liveFS?20:45
superm1yeah when running in live mode, yes20:45
superm1if you were to double click the installer or launch ubiquity from there20:45
scott-upstairsrunning in live mode seems to work okay, as does installing from menu/desktop icon20:46
scott-upstairsbut it appears that we are perhaps using a different way to get to the live mode20:46
superm1okay, that's good to hear, then yeah just get this casper fix in your packages in some fashion20:46
scott-upstairsour original menu options appear as when we were alternate image, but with a new entry of "try ubuntu studio"20:47
scott-upstairsmaybe that is nothing, just a text based menu, and it still does the exact same as everyone else to get to live mode20:47
scott-upstairsright, this seems like a pretty straightforward and fairly trivial fix then, thank you for your help superm1 !20:48
superm1basically what that does is starts the lightdm instead of ubiquity upstart job20:48
superm1sure no problem20:48
stgraberinteresting how looking at a casper bug you find two others... that thing definitely wasn't designed for persistent usb disks ;)21:15
infinitystgraber: s/ for persistent usb disks//21:18
stgraberinfinity: good point ;)21:19
CIA-32ubiquity: stgraber * r5249 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-bluetooth-agent debian/changelog): Prevent ubiquity-bluetooth-agent crash when it already ran.21:25
CIA-32ubiquity: stgraber * r5250 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py): Remove poke_screensaver and instead replace by code disabling gnome-screensaver in gsettings.22:20
CIA-32ubiquity: stgraber * r5251 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog pixmaps/ubuntu_installed.png): Replace ubuntu_installed.png by a scaled down version to make both icons the same size.22:42
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
CIA-32ubiquity: stgraber * r5252 ubiquity/tests/test_ubi_partman.py: Enable test_same_ubuntu_only, updating to Ubuntu 12.04 and changing the check to ensure we don't get offered an 'Upgrade' from 12.04 to 12.04.23:16
CIA-32ubiquity: stgraber * r5253 ubiquity/tests/test_ubi_partman.py: Add a check to ensure ubiquity never offers a downgrade23:18
CIA-32ubiquity: stgraber * r5254 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog): releasing version 2.9.2823:21

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