
vindexive built a vanilla 3.2.10 kernel with perf enabled, since i wnated to use the performance counters for a personal project02:36
vindexwith make-kpkg i get the different deb packages, however the perf tool consistently fails the symbol test02:37
vindexif i boot the same kernel with qemu and into a debian/ubuntu qemu image, the perf tool works fine02:37
vindexcan the linux-tools packages get built through make-kpkg as well?03:43
=== kengyu_ is now known as kengyu
bullgard4_'~$ nmon' > r prints: " Linux: Linux version 2.6.32-38-generic (buildd@zirconium)." Is »buildd« the username of a computer named »zirconium«? What kind of user is that?06:27
* apw yawns ... another 80MB of updates08:15
apwppisati, morning08:17
smbmorning... lots of fun to look forward to08:18
apwsmb, a shiney new unity ... i wonder what fun that brings ... any guess where the keys are today08:22
* smb needs to install the shiny thing to know...08:22
* apw watches it install ... excitemente08:24
smbapw, At least nothing gets removed... I think I saw in the upload mails that this will be famous 5.6 we have all been waiting for... 08:24
apwyeah what did 5.6 contains that we needed ?  was that the alt not being annoying one ?08:25
* ppisati loves the smell of apw's positivty wrt to unity in the morning :)08:26
smbapw, yes I think so (or generally the "even without multitouch you can press two keys at once, now stop giving me the help screen on super+something"08:27
apwnew flash it seems in the bargain08:28
amitkapw: hehe. Over on this side of the fence, work has ground to halt as everyone upgrades the galaxy s2 phones to Android 4.x and deals with the consequences :)08:28
apwheheh ... that sounds fun08:28
* ppisati -> reboot08:29
apw    - Dash - update Dash keyboard shortcuts so the 'CTRL + TAB' switches08:29
apw      between Lenses and 'TAB' by itself moves the focus between categories08:29
apwnew keybindings ...08:29
apw    - Alt+Tab default delay of 150ms is too long (LP: #888636)08:30
apw    - Numbers on Launcher icons sticking (LP: #942359)08:31
ppisatiso far, so good08:31
* apw reboots to get the new shiney08:31
* smb wonders whether you need fps experience to have the reflexes required to operate it...08:32
ppisatiunity2d: works here, still no overlay shortcut text and (thanks God) still no launcher on the second screen (with that bloody sticky edge)08:37
* smb ready to do the same (reboot)08:38
apwwell i was able to reboot and login ...08:42
apwglad to see they havent fixed the help 08:43
smbat least it does not come up when you press super+alt...08:44
ppisatibtw, did you see that the unity/UX/usability/$something_team is running a poll about multi screen setup + multi launcher setup?08:45
apwppisati, nope, where is that as i want to be chosing08:45
ppisatiyou can even vote AGAINST sticky edge on the second screen and multi panel setup08:45
ppisatihold on08:45
apwppisati, though asking me to chose when i can only try one of them is a bit daft08:46
ppisatiactually the poll is "omg ubuntu" made for the unity team08:46
ppisatibig cockup... :P08:46
apwoh so that won't have any input then08:47
ppisatiyep :(08:47
* ppisati curls in sadness in a corner, you can't stop the sticky screeny edge, they will assimilate us...08:48
smbHm, still got the issue that clicking on an existing app in launcher moves the app and not the viewport... :/08:48
smbat least for some of them08:48
apwsmb, i still get launcher and help on pressing super-alt together if super is the first key that closes ... however short a time08:48
smbapw, Yes, true. same here08:56
* apw also notes the resize space round a window has stopped working so you have to hit the 1px again08:57
jk-alt+right drag?08:58
smbapw, hm there seems to be some space to left and bottom at least08:58
apwjk-, oh i know how to get round it, but i doubt its expected to have gone08:58
apwsmb, not for me08:59
smbto the right as well if only that stupid hidden scrollbar would not be08:59
smbtop is only 1px...09:00
apwnot any side for me, i have 1px and 1px only everywhere09:00
smbapw, the special apw settings ...?09:00
apwperhaps so .. sigh09:00
smbapw, Or maybe... is that on a external screen?09:01
apwnope all of 'em09:02
smbJust was wondering whether the issue rises because there is more than one screen, which I do not have09:04
* apw doesn't really care ... i have it ... and so a bug i will file09:07
smbGiven the speed of updates one feels like the white rabbit... I am too late for updates... I am too late for updates...09:08
ppisati /msg smb ping09:47
smb`apw, For fun I did bug 95385809:48
ubot2`Launchpad bug 953858 in unity "Selecting running app in launcher moves app not viewport" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95385809:48
apwoh thats oss as it does not do that smb` 09:49
apw(for me)09:49
=== Kiall_ is now known as Kiall
apwheh .. that looks odd indeed09:50
apwmention the bug on #ubuntu-unity09:50
smb`apw, Since you said you do not use multiple desktops that much, you would less likely. And it does not seem to happen with all applications09:50
apwoh dear thats most odd, oh yeah and i would have to start using them to hit it09:51
apwppisati, in your precise/ti-omap4 rebase i see two commits i am not expecting ... right at the bottom of your delta ... 10:24
apwppisati, UBUNTU: SAUCE: ata_piix: defer to the Hyper-V drivers by default10:24
apwppisati, UBUNTU: ubuntu: nx-emy - i387: NX emulation10:24
apwppisati, i am not expecting either of those to be in your delta10:25
apwppisati, if you concur i can just rebase them out of existance10:25
ppisatiapw: let me check10:38
apwsudo aa-disable sbin.dhclient10:41
ppisatiapw: go ahead with those two commits, seems i rebased on master 10:46
ppisatiapw: and these were there10:46
apwppisati, so drop them yes10:46
* apw takes that as a yes11:18
ppisatiapw: yes11:19
apwppisati, ok uploaded ...12:14
apwppisati, and i've prepared linux-meta ready for when its built12:16
ppisatiapw: cool12:25
* ppisati fails to understand poll() and decides it's time for lunch()12:25
apwcking, about ?  your ecryptfs patches presumably are for arm too12:51
ckingapw, yep and yep12:52
apwcking, applied and applied12:57
* apw lunches13:55
ogasawaraapw: just fyi, I've rebased master-next to v3.2.10 which happened to also include the fix for CVE-2012-1146 you pushed14:15
ubot2`ogasawara: ** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-1146)14:15
brendandif i have a 2GB DIMM installed on a system and /proc/meminfo is only reporting 1653076 kB for MemTotal, what accounts for the lost megabytes?14:27
* ogasawara back in 2014:43
jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting14:59
apwjsalisbury, thats in 2 hours from your announcement right 15:23
jsalisburyapw, correct.15:24
jsalisburyapw, it's an hour later in the US now due to the recent daylight time change.15:25
smbweeks of confusion have begun :)15:25
apwjsalisbury, thought so ... just checking you were on the same page as me15:25
smbbjf, uploading :(15:33
bjfsmb, heh15:34
argesjsalisbury, did I lose audio?15:38
jsalisburyarges, I don't think so15:38
henrixapw: still under analysis, but i would say bugs 922906 and 924400 are the same15:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 922906 in linux "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000009c" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92290615:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 924400 in linux "kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000000000001f0" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92440015:42
henrixapw: (can't speak on mumble!!!)15:42
henrixapw: i've been looking at these bugs, and they seem to be a common issue w/ unmount and inotify15:43
apwsmb, whats your trick for fixing speaking on mumble15:44
smbeither restart15:44
smbor change output from pulse to alsa and back15:44
henrixheh i'll try that one. actually, it looks like my push-to-speak keys are not working...15:44
apwumount and inotify ... hmm ... that rings a bell, i wonder if there was someting committed to linus recently15:44
apwhenrix, ahh did you add a keyboard since mumble started, that can break PPT keys15:45
smbhenrix, That sometimes seems to be because mumble tries to play something but cannot15:45
henrixwell, it's working now!15:47
apwits basically a frigile POS ...15:48
apwbjf, i see a small formatting error in 'eCryptfs: Copy up lower inode attrs after setting lower xattr'16:09
apwbjf, and i'd like to rebuild tip to fix it (buglink is missing prefix)16:09
bjfapw, wfm16:10
bjfapw, master or master-next ?16:10
apwthis is master-next16:10
bjfapw, series?16:10
apwmaster is 'tough its done'16:10
bjfapw, you can do anything to master-next :-)16:10
apwbjf, i need to check lucid natty and oneiric16:10
apwjust you are pushing too :)16:10
bjfapw, we should be done now, i fixed a commit for colin this a.m. and am done16:12
apwbjf, ahh i see now, its actually an upstream link so its as intended... 16:13
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
apwcking, ok your patches for bug #926292 didn16:16
ubot2`Launchpad bug 926292 in linux "automake distdir.test fails because of an EPERM error" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92629216:16
apwdidn't have a proper buglink, most are already past the point of fixing, so you'll have to move them Fix Released manually ...16:16
* apw gets blinded by the sun ... gah16:22
* ogasawara throws a snowball at apw16:22
* apw gets snow blinded as well16:23
* smb doubts it would hit apw at all (being melted before ;-))16:26
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
* apw lobs an iceburg in smb's direction16:29
* smb wonders how that castle looks like16:31
smb(burg being castle in de) 16:31
apwheavy and inbound16:32
apwogasawara, do they even build test upstream stable ... 16:33
ogasawaraapw: apparently not16:33
smbapw, sometimes it feels like "he" claims he does16:33
apwso much for the claims of testing it16:33
* jussi hides from the snow fight...16:34
* apw gets out big digger and uses it to heave a 25 tonne snow drift onto jussi16:34
smbapw, Question is what config is used (something like make alldontcareconfig)16:34
apwallnoconfig perhaps16:34
apwif it wasn't so hard to consume they could let us autobuild the -rcs for stable16:35
jussiapw: be nice! :(16:35
apwoh no, that might be seen as contributing and he cannot be seen letting us to do that16:35
smbapw, The trigger may be hard. Though the queue is applicable when the review starts16:36
smbgit quiltimport --patches=<foo>16:37
apwif it was a git repo like it is once it is released then the current autobuilder could be pointed at it16:38
smbRight, that would be too simple16:38
apw/home/apw/COD/linux/drivers/mfd/wm8994-core.c:260: error: 'WM1811_JACKDET_MODE_MASK' undeclared (first use in this function)16:39
apwthat said the mainline builds built the tag and barfed instantly as above16:39
apwsmb if they just pushed the -rc1 things he does, we could send him the reports ... sigh16:40
smbapw, Problem seems to be that he seems to be unable to handle branches. Or he is just a je... One or the other16:41
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
henrixcking: about bug #926292, i've tagged it verification-needed-oneiric. although the commit is queued for stable, i guess you'll want to test it, right?17:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 926292 in linux "automake distdir.test fails because of an EPERM error" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92629217:17
ckinghenrix, yep, I'd like to hand verify it 17:18
henrixcking: ok, cool. just to confirm that17:18
ckingI'm just preparing a machine to test it as we speak, so good timing ;-)17:19
henrixno hurry! :)17:19
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues Mar 20th, 2012 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
desrthi.  does anyone know what the status of ext4+'discard' (ssd TRIM) support is?17:57
desrtis this stable enough to be considered a best standard practice for use with SSDs at this point?17:58
ckinghenrix, verification complete :-)18:00
henrixcking: cool, thanks!18:01
apwogasawara, you will be pleased to know there is now a 3.2.11 which builds18:15
ogasawaraapw: nice18:15
ogasawaraapw: I'll get 'er rebased18:16
apwogasawara, the mainline builder just announced it, and it seems built ok on all arches18:16
johanbrHmm... it appears brcmsmac stopped detecting my wifi card some time after 3.2.0-1218:37
johanbr3.2.0-12 works, 3.2.0-18 doesn't18:37
* jsalisbury is updating bios. Back in a bit.18:58
bullgard4'~$ nmon' > r prints: " Linux: Linux version 2.6.32-38-generic (buildd@zirconium)." Is »buildd« the username of a computer named »zirconium«? What kind of user is that?18:59
apwbullgard4, buildd is the user under which builds in ubuntu are 19:02
apwbuilt on the buildds19:02
bullgard4apw: Thank you very much for your help.19:18
ah-hi, i'm playing with kernel development on ubuntu and i'm wondering what's the best way to do incremental compiles19:53
ah-at the moment i'm compiling my kernel according to http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2011/10/28/how-to-compile-a-new-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-kernel/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel19:54
ah-my problem with that is that after i change something "skipabi=true skipmodule=true fakeroot debian/rules binary-mbp" doesn't include my changes if i don't do "fakeroot debian/rules clean"19:55
ah-but cleaning and doing a full build on every change takes a lot of time19:55
pbuckleydistcc is your friend19:55
ah-so it's not possible to do incremental builds?19:57
ah-i fear even with distcc/ccache it'll take ages19:57
pbuckleyi prefer to do full builds.. i think of it as safer20:04
pbuckleyi think if you do the plain old make20:05
pbuckleyyou can do incremetal builds20:05
ohsixif you're working on a module you can use the regular linux build stuff to test it20:05
ah-i'm doing that for a part of it but that doesn't work for everything20:06
* cking hammers ecryptfs with a kernel build and calls it a day, /me --> EOD20:40
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
apwah-, you can remove the build stamp in debian stamps to get an incremental build23:44

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