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ESphynxhey guys :)03:32
ESphynxat some point I'd like to rant about the horrible experience I had installing Oneiric on my computer :|03:32
ESphynxit just went from bad to worst...03:33
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CoreyI've got a git repository that I'd like to turn into a debian package.  The way it's situated right now is that the entire repo more or less contains a bunch of php files.  I want to drop these into place-- I don't need any configure or make steps for these.  What's the sanest way to structure the .install file?05:10
StevenKUse debian/dirs to create the directory structure you want, and then debian/install that has 'source <path to dest>'05:12
CoreyStevenK: If everything is going to live in /var/somedirectory, do I need every subdirectory as well?05:27
StevenKCorey: debian/dirs should just be var/somedir then05:27
CoreyThat's simple. Thanks!05:28
CoreyStevenK: Ah, so the install would be 'source /var/somedirectory/' or are my slashes off?05:33
StevenKNo first slash05:33
StevenK<source file> var/somedir05:33
CoreyHmm.  When you say source file, how do you encompass "everything in the tarball less the debian directory?"05:34
StevenK*.php ? :-)05:34
CoreyThat's just it.  There are subdirectories to consider as well.05:35
CoreyI more or less want the package to take the orig.tar.gz and unzip it into /var/somedirectory, full stop, the end. :-)05:36
StevenKWell, it's already unpacked when you build05:39
CoreyRight.  The "build" is that untar process-- no makefile.05:39
CoreyEssentially what I'm trying to do is have a repeatable process that uses the apt system.05:39
StevenKYou can do mkdir ; cp -a --exclude debian  in your rules file if you wish05:40
StevenKdebian/dirs and debian/install are good since they're *simple*, but you need to tell it exactly what you want.05:40
CoreyStevenK: that'd be what, dh_make or dh_install?05:42
StevenKdh_make is not debhelper. It's dh_install.05:42
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vibhavsubmittodebian doesn't work for me :(07:54
dholbachgood morning08:02
vibhavsubmittodebian doesn't work for me :(08:18
vibhavdholbach: You told me to submit the patch to debian but It does not report08:20
dholbachI'm not sure how to debug this - maybe somebody else can help ^?08:21
vibhavIs there any other way to submit patches to debian?08:22
dholbachby mail08:22
dholbachhttp://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Bugs should help08:23
vibhavI sent debian the Launchpad Bug tracker address which had the patch08:23
arandvibhav: Just add the patch as an email attachment when sending it to the bug report.08:25
arandAnd if you have confirmed that it works *on Debian* add a patch tag by sending "tags bug# + patch \n thanks." to the control server08:31
arandIn what way does submittodebian not work?08:33
vibhavarand: It just says that the bug has been reported, But I get no email08:38
arandvibhav: Ah, you haven't set up  sendmail, I presume?08:40
vibhavarand: must be08:43
vibhavHow do i set it up?08:43
arandHmm, from what I remember with exim4, it's rather hassly, it might be easier if you manage to get reportbug to use your current MUA (evolution? thunderbird?) to send things instead of sendmail...08:47
arand$HOME/.reportrc   add "mua thunderbird -someoptions" I*m guessing based on the manual pages08:48
Laneyit knows how to speak smtp itself08:52
Laneyjust put "smtphost reportbug.debian.org" in ~/.reportbugrc08:52
Laneyproviding your ISP doesn't block such things08:52
arandAh, that's much simpler!08:55
vibhavthanks Laney09:01
tumbleweedit should set itself up, these days09:03
Laney.there is a wizard on first run, yeah.09:04
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brainstormhello ! I'm trying to package a java-based software suite and upload it to launchpad12:40
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brainstormunfortunately it fails on the install itsef, which is pretty simple: /usr/bin/sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/java/snpeff12:41
brainstormmake[1]: /usr/bin/sudo: Command not found12:41
Zhenechwhy should it install in usr/local?12:41
jalcine_Morning all12:41
brainstormoops, sorry, that should have been /usr/share/java :-S12:41
Zhenechyou usually install into $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp and copy it to the .deb afterwards12:42
tumbleweedfirstly, it shouldn't be using sudo12:43
Zhenechyeah, that too12:43
tumbleweedsecond, it should respect CURDIR12:43
tumbleweedand yes, it should also respect PREFIX, which should avoid the /usr/local bit12:43
brainstormI wrote an artificial Makefile (the original package did not have it) such as this: install:12:44
brainstorm        mkdir -p /usr/share/java/snpeff12:44
brainstorm        cp -a snpEff.* scripts galaxy /usr/share/java/snpeff12:44
brainstormwould that work ? do I need to tweak anything else ?12:44
tumbleweedbrainstorm: what did it have? ant?12:45
brainstormnope, nothing at all, it was just a .zip file: http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/12:45
tumbleweedah, so it's binary, not source?12:46
tumbleweedI'd not bother with the Makefil, and just use dh_install12:46
brainstormtumbleweed: great, how should I proceed/read about ? :)12:46
tumbleweedbut this could also be a reasonable learning opportunity on how the makefiel should behave, if you want :P12:46
brainstormtweak debian/rules maybe ?12:46
tumbleweeddh_install has a manpage12:46
tumbleweedyou should just be able to say "snpEff.* /usr/share/java/snpeff" in debian/install12:47
brainstormtumbleweed: awesome ! thanks for that :)12:47
geserdo PPAs allow it to just ship the .jar file and not the real source in the source package?12:51
debfxsure, as long as it's redistributable12:57
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brainstormoh, btw, dunno where to report this exactly, but there's a step on the packaging guide (http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/packaging-new-software.html), that does not survive reality: $ pbuilder-dist oneiric build kqrcode_0.4-0ubuntu1.dsc13:12
tumbleweedbrainstorm: what's wrong with it?13:13
brainstormtumbleweed: $ pbuilder-dist oneiric build snpeff_2.0.5d-1ubuntu1.dsc13:16
brainstormE: File /home/vagrant/pbuilder/oneiric-base.tgz does not exist13:16
tumbleweedbrainstorm: that's covered in http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/getting-set-up.html13:17
* tumbleweed adds a link13:18
brainstormaha, ok, thanks for the pointer :)13:19
brainstormI've been thinking on how packaging would benefit from a ton of automation (instead of so much documentation). In that sense I've been looking at FPM: http://www.semicomplete.com/blog/tags/deb and filed an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/issues/170 … what do you think about that ?13:21
arandbrainstorm: http://xkcd.com/927/ comes to mind, also, I wonder if it is really beneificial if people whi are unfamiliar with packaging can easily dump stuff in a PPA...13:31
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
brainstormdoes dh_install (debian/install) create directories automatically (mkdir -p) if they don't exist ? i.e: /usr/share/java/snpeff ?14:36
arandbrainstorm: Yes, afaik, you could treat it as "install -D" pretty much.14:37
shadeslayerhrw: when you're free, would it be possible for you to help me setup a arhf qemu builder?14:39
tumbleweedarmhf works in qemu these days?15:05
shadeslayerdunno, armel/armhf whatever works, I have little knowledge of the field15:05
tumbleweedI thought one still needed native packages for a bunch of syscalls that aren't supported yet15:05
tumbleweedarmel should "just work"15:06
shadeslayeris there a way I can get it to work with pbuilder?15:06
tumbleweedyeah, use qemu-debootstrap15:06
tumbleweedpbuilder-dist should know how to do it15:06
shadeslayerI think I've tried qemu-debootstrap15:07
shadeslayerI'll try pbuilder-dist15:07
shadeslayertumbleweed: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuDevelopment/Ports < I tried that earlier ( Specifically "pbuilder and QEMU syscall emulation" )15:09
shadeslayerheh : Warning: Unknown distribution "armel". Do you want to continue [y|N]?15:10
tumbleweedyup, that's pretty much what pbuilder-dist will do15:10
tumbleweedworked fine for me in the past15:10
shadeslayertumbleweed: http://paste.kde.org/439076/15:13
shadeslayerline 7 and 815:13
Zhenecharmel is not a dist, but an arch15:13
shadeslayerZhenech: uh, yea, I used --architechture armel15:13
shadeslayeranother option was multiarch, but that's broken15:14
shadeslayerI'll try mk-sbuild --arch=15:16
shadeslayer*mk-sbuild --arch=armel precise15:17
tumbleweedshadeslayer: pbuilder-dist is doing http://paste.debian.net/159565/ for me15:17
tumbleweedyes, mk-sbuild should also work15:17
shadeslayertumbleweed: pastebin your pbuilderrc? :)15:18
tumbleweedshadeslayer: empty15:18
tumbleweed(well, actually not, but for pbuilder-dist, an empty one should work)15:18
shadeslayerlets see15:20
shadeslayerheh, Zhenech was right, I incorrectly supplied the args15:21
shadeslayerI should really stop multitasking, I'm no good at it :P15:22
hrwshadeslayer: never created qemu builders. I have real arm hardware15:28
shadeslayerI'll get a raspberry pi soon, won't be able to run Ubuntu on it tho15:28
dupondjeyou'll get a raspberry pi soon15:34
dupondjeright :)15:34
dupondjestill haven't received an order mail :(15:35
ZhenechI'll get mine this millenium *hope*15:35
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shadeslayerdupondje: yes, I'll get it in like a month or so15:57
shadeslayerthey reserved 400 boards for developers, I've been allocated one from the initial batch of 1000015:57
shadeslayerhrw: tumbleweed muwhahah, I made pbuilder-satisfydepends segfault15:57
shadeslayer/usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends: line 60: 26036 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) $CHROOTEXEC aptitude -y --without-recommends -o APT::Install-Recommends=false "${PBUILDER_APTITUDE_CHECK_OPTS[@]}" -o Aptitude::ProblemResolver::StepScore=100 -o "Aptitude::ProblemResolver::Hints::KeepDummy=reject pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy :UNINST" -o Aptitude::ProblemResolver::Keep-All-Level=55000 -o Aptitude::ProblemResolver::Remove-15:57
shadeslayerEssential-Level=maximum install pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy15:57
dupondjelucky ! :)15:58
tumbleweedshadeslayer: :)15:58
shadeslayerdupondje: yeah :P , thanks to Nokia!15:58
tumbleweedare you using the latest qemu-user-static?15:59
tumbleweedthat's usually a good idea16:00
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shadeslayertumbleweed: http://paste.kde.org/43916016:32
brainstormtumbleweed: thanks guys ! it's up there ;) https://launchpad.net/~brainstorm/+archive/galaxy/+packages16:48
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shadeslayertumbleweed: no luck on upgrading qemu-user-static17:19
tumbleweedshadeslayer: nafc, worked for me (on sid)18:31
shadeslayerIt might be because of -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=218:31
shadeslayerI'll try it on sid18:32
tumbleweedI know I've used qemu-arm-static from Ubuntu dev releases before (on Debian) because I wanted newer qemus18:36
shadeslayertumbleweed: you make qemu sound like a tasty fruit18:46
shadeslayertumbleweed: thanks man18:58
tumbleweedI assume that everything that works on Debian works on Ubuntu, not always true :)19:07
Laneyiulian: did you see the removals that went by on d-haskell recently?19:17
Laneywant to file them? :-) :-)19:17
* Laney does some more test builds - soon will be able to unhold ghc again19:17
* micahg wonders if cody-somerville is planning on ever updating catfish in Debian19:57
cody-somervillemicahg, The last time I checked the upstream author had stopped developing it.19:57
micahgcody-somerville: I gave you a patch for dh_python2 conversion :)19:58
cody-somervillemicahg, really. when?19:58
micahgmonths ago?19:58
micahgdebian 64157719:58
ubottuDebian bug 641577 in catfish "catfish: Convert to dh_python2" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/64157719:58
cody-somervilleah. fancy that.20:00
micahgI needed to get python-support off the Xubuntu images for oneiric20:01
cody-somervillemicahg, I assume you've already made the change in Ubuntu and that you're just looking to be able to drop the delta?20:02
micahgcody-somerville: yeah20:02
cody-somervillemicahg, cool. I'll take care of that then. thanks for the ping.20:02
micahgcody-somerville: no rush on it, but there are several other open bugs as well20:03
micahglaney: how does one tell if a new version of a haskell package has features or not20:04
Laneythe same way as for any other library20:05
Laneyif you are concerned about my current syncs then don't be because there is an FFe20:06
tumbleweedthe FFe being "sort the haskell stack out" :)20:08
Laneythere were API changes in ghc's base libraries so some code changes are inevitable20:08
micahglaney: with most libraries, there's a changelog either upstream or in the package and I could find neither20:09
Laneya sad deficiency in the haskell ecosystem indeed20:10
Laneyfor a normal haskell freeze exception i would consider the fact that every new upstream is an abi break (so check how many rdepends) and would diff the two packages to see what the API changes are like20:13
ScottKSo an upstream for Haskell always has 'features' since it needs a transition.20:28
ajmitchsounds like a dream to maintain20:28
ScottKHappiness is never needs to be confused about if you have to do a transition.20:29
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