
knomechrisccoulson, what about the xubuntu-specific browser start page? >:)10:42
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asacchrisccoulson: firefox update restart button was still broken today :)14:17
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micahgasac: it was only "fixed" in today's upload :)18:32
micahgand the next "test" unless you're using a PPA won't be until after release :)18:33
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
Jeffrey_Does anyone have any suggestions for adding quicklist options to firefox via nightly download source code?23:29
chrisccoulsonJeffrey_, what are you trying to do?23:39
Jeffrey_Add quick list options to firefox. I am familiar with the launcher API I'm just not sure where to put the options within the source23:41
chrisccoulsonwhat options?23:41
Jeffrey_quicklist options for unity23:42
Jeffrey_like: safe mode, private browsing, new tab, etc23:42
chrisccoulsonwell, i'm unlikely to accept those options23:43
chrisccoulsonit seems like i have to explain to a different person every week why static quicklist options are unsuitable for enabling private browsing23:43
chrisccoulsonand "new tab" makes zero sense in an application quicklist23:44
chrisccoulsonand "safe mode" shouldn't have such a prominent place in the UI23:44
Jeffrey_alright, well It was just in relation to trying to fix bug 72733523:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 727335 in software-center "update-software-center crashed with ImportError in /usr/share/software-center/softwarecenter/db/update.py: No module named glib (dup-of: 705627)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72733523:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 705627 in software-center "update-software-center crashed with ImportError in /usr/share/software-center/softwarecenter/db/update.py: No module named glib" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70562723:44
Jeffrey_thats not the right link though23:45
ubot2`Mozilla bug 727335 in Untriaged "Add Unity Quicklist to Firefox" [Normal,Unconfirmed: ]23:45
Jeffrey_I've just been trying to get help with it.23:45
Jeffrey_but If its a dead end then I guess I should ask for it to be closed out23:45
chrisccoulsonwell, that bug shouldn't have been reported upstream at all23:46
chrisccoulsonthe desktop file isn't provided by upstream23:46
chrisccoulsonit's provided by us23:46
chrisccoulsonand we already have "new window"23:46
Jeffrey_that makes more sense23:46
Jeffrey_and I've seen new window already23:46
chrisccoulsonand i disagree with adding a "open profile manager" option for the same reason that i disagree with "safe mode" ;)23:46
Jeffrey_are there any suitable additions to be made?23:47
Jeffrey_or should I have the bug closed23:47
chrisccoulsonand you won't be able to make a private browsing option work properly with a static quicklist, as the option for opening a private browsing session behaves differently depending on your context23:48
chrisccoulsonso it won't do what you expect in most cases23:48
Jeffrey_So close the bug then? do you know who has the ability to do that?23:50
chrisccoulsoni'll comment on it in a bit23:51
Jeffrey_thank you23:52
Jeffrey_I've been trying to get help for a while on this and everyone kept point me in different directs so I appreciate hearing the truth23:53
chrisccoulsonno problem. thanks for bringing it up23:54
Jeffrey_Also I have one of the guys closing it out from the developer IRC23:55

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