
=== jalcine is now known as webjadmin_
=== jalcine is now known as webjadmin_
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as Guest34308
dholbachgood morning08:02
=== Guest34308 is now known as JoseeAntonioR
silverlionhi there11:55
nlsthzno/ silverlion11:56
silverlionhow is it going nlsthzn ?11:57
nlsthznfine thanks and yourself?11:57
silverlionwell ... my primary computer system down and in the shops for maintenance and my secondary only working for 59% how would you feel there?11:58
silverlionwell i dont ... i have several projects where i am beyond deadline already and not able to finish them :/12:10
nlsthznit happns12:14
silverlionjep it does...12:14
=== jalcine is now known as webjadmin_
=== webjadmin_ is now known as jalcine
=== silverlion_ is now known as Silverlion
Silverlionhey StepNjump14:25
dholbachbkerensa, I guess we need to go and do a few interviews again? :)14:26
Silverliondholbach: who do you guys want to interview?14:27
* Silverlion likes to do interviews as well14:28
dholbachSilverlion, people who just got involved with Ubuntu development, as in packaging, fixing bugs in Ubuntu, etc14:28
dholbachabout their experience and so on14:28
Silverliongreat ^^14:29
* Silverlion could really use help in compiling atm14:29

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