
ubottubastidrazor called the ops in #ubuntu (pay more attention.)00:03
bastidrazorpangolin: really? you're going to comment to me about being not so happy with the 22 ops people that no one is monitoring the channel?00:12
pangolinreally? you're going to come in here with attitude after ping us with a snarky comment00:13
pangolinbastidrazor, there is nothing that says you are not aloud to catalyse00:13
pangolinjumping on the ops trigger the moment someone acts like a troll doesn't help us teach people that there are better ways of getting a fulfilling experience out of irc00:14
bastidrazori was a far from jumping. it clearly shows things were well beyond 'teach people that there are better ways' ..00:16
tsimpsonbastidrazor: if it's clear that no operators are currently watching, then use much more helpful to put a useful message in the ops command, so they don't then have to spend time reading the context of the channel to figure out what the ops call was even for00:17
pangolinWell, like we told you, we are human and we also have lives. We can't be watching the channel 24/7. Some of the regulars need to help us pick up the slack now and then. BUT if you feel the channel is in need of more ops see /msg ubottu !canibeanop00:17
tsimpsonsaying "pay more attention." is simply not very helpful, and comes across as more than a little rude00:17
LjLwow. just, wow.00:20
CoreyI'ev been naughty lately; answering user questions in #u as penance.01:44
bazhang<lerop> fenris gave pi to ubuntu cops here for selinux and it belongs exclusively to fedora.05:54
bazhang@mark #ubuntu bai_hui ban evading aka sadov06:00
ubottuThe operation succeeded.06:00
Jordan_Ubazhang: What does that statement from lerop even mean?06:01
bazhangJordan_U, very reminiscent of some of the weird things ginbuntu would join here and post, then exit, also the identd is something ginbuntu was known for. I suspect its him/her. as to the actual meaning, no idea06:02
bazhangat least sadov parted #ubuntu when told he was ban evading. doubt he'll join here as I suggested, judging by the trout slap06:06
bazhangbai_hui, hello06:12
bazhang <sadov> иоб твоя матъ   bai_hui whats the meaning of that06:12
bai_huiyou say06:13
bazhangbai_hui, you posted it as sadov06:13
bazhangalso about obituaries06:14
bazhangbai_hui, thats not what #ubuntu is for06:14
bai_huii think its funny and people should laugh06:14
bazhangits offtopic and not funny06:14
bazhang!guidelines | bai_hui please have a read06:15
ubottubai_hui please have a read: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:15
bazhang!codeofconduct | bai_hui and these too please06:16
ubottubai_hui and these too please: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct06:16
damasceneHi, where I can complain about mail list problem?08:24
damasceneI'm unable to reset my password08:24
Tm_T#canonical-sysadmin could be the place08:26
damascenethanks, I've been told to send a message to RT@ubuntu.com on #ubuntu-website08:49
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Silverliondid i just got kicked?14:11
Myrttiping timeout14:13
Silverlionyeah but i got a message that my connection has been determined by my communicationspartner ... that is the server so freenode, isnt it?14:14
mneptokSilverlion: "peer"14:18
Silverlionmneptok: ok, thx14:18
mneptokSilverlion: your client did not send info to the server in X amount of time, so the server decided that your client, the "peer," had terminated the connection. standard IRC stuff. nothing to worry about.14:19
Silverlionmneptok: thx for the info14:20
mneptokSilverlion: bitte schoen.14:21
Myrttipidgin, stay classy! [16:54] *** WilsonBradley has left #ubuntu ["PART  #ubuntu-beginners :PART #ubuntu-beginners-team :JOIN #ubuntu 456789123"]14:56
ubottuError: Ubuntu bug 456789123 could not be found14:56
Myrttishush you stupid bot14:57
mneptokMyrtti: please do not channel my wife's essence this early in the day.15:00
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topyliMyrtti: congratulations for managing to keep discussion about pidgin and empathy to minimum yesterday. i know it took great restraint :)16:10
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ikoniawhat are the odds 16:59 -!- faggot [~faggot@]16:59
ikoniais going to be nice16:59
Myrttizero to none17:15
vijaymhello...How to decrease my screen brightness...i am using sony vaio laptop...brightness control option is not working :( !20:29
ikoniavijaym: hi as I told you the other day, you are not in #ubuntu20:31
vijaymhey....i am there in #ubuntu !20:32
ikoniaok - so why are you in here asking support questions ?20:32
ikoniayou must have made a decision to join this channel after I removed the ban the other day20:33
vijaymikonia : who are you ?  what support ?20:33
ikoniavijaym: my nickname is ikonia, you've just joined the channel #ubuntu-ops and asked for support help with your brightness control20:34
vijaymikonia : my name is vijay m... nice to meet you ! :)20:35
ikoniaso again, why have you joined this channel to ask for support ?20:35
Myrttisince you're being helped in #ubuntu, there is no need for you to be here.20:35
Myrttiyou're welcome to leave20:35
vijaymikonia : hi..i am using quassel...can you ppl help me to quit this irc channel ?20:36
ikoniavijaym: why did you join ?20:36
ikoniavijaym: you do know you don't need to use this channel, I explained this to you the other day ?20:36
vijaymikonia : other day ? i am new to this Quassel...now how do i quit ?20:38
ikoniavijaym: I don't think you are being honest with me20:38
ikoniayou have been using quassel for a while now, and knew how to part the channel20:39
ikoniavijaym: the command is "/part"20:39
vijaymikonia : honest ??? I am saying the truth...how do i quit this IRC channel ? i didn't know...i thought...you ppl will help me resolveing this issue here20:39
vijaymwhere should i give that command ?20:40
vijaymterminal ?20:40
ikonia18:54 -!- vijaym [~quassel@] has joined #ubuntu-ops20:40
ikonia18:59 -!- vijaym_ [~quassel@] has joined #ubuntu-ops20:40
ikoniavijaym: this is you joining and parting the channel in the past20:40
ikoniaso I know you know how to part, so I suggest you part now.20:40
vijaymwhat is past ? and what is part ?20:41
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