
philipballewIm trying to use EXPECT to write a auto-login script to a telnet session(dont ask me why my work uses telnet). WHat would be wrong with this script00:09
greppyphilipballew: you may be better served with the perl Net::Telnet module.00:14
greppyI used expect to do that stuff until I learned about Net::Telnet :)00:14
philipballewgreppy, Can you help me with a script for that?00:16
philipballewI dont  speak perl00:17
greppyah, that could make life a little more interesting, but there are good examples in the docs.00:17
greppyphilipballew: you can install the module using 'sudo apt-get install libnet-telnet-perl'00:18
philipballewdoes it matter that I dont know perl greppy00:18
RalliasI've got a bit of a predicament...00:18
Ralliasevery hour on the 40 my server stops responding for ~30 seconds, and I can't figure out why.00:19
greppyphilipballew: take a look at the docs, there's an example script right at the beginning.00:19
RalliasWhat, besides cron, should I look at?00:19
philipballewalright. Might be fun to play with00:19
matthew-parletteRallias: have you taken a look at the logs after the 30 second stall?00:20
twbRallias: it's a cron job00:44
Ralliastwb but there's no cron job set to run on the 40 minute mark00:44
twbRallias: you checked /var/spool/cron and /etc/cron* ?00:45
twbIt may still trigger on the o'clock but take 40 minutes of thinking before its I/O starts00:46
Patrickdkdoesn't have to be cron, but very likely00:48
Patrickdkmysql supports events, so it could be like a cron inside mysql :)00:49
Ralliaswell wait... I have php fastcgi starting on the 9 and 39, but the download doesn't happen on the 9...00:49
Patrickdkor anything else that does that, I know wordpress has it's own built in cron too00:49
Patrickdkby stop responding, you mean web?00:49
Patrickdkthen it's probably apache stopping00:49
Patrickdkbut there is still a session in progress00:49
RalliasI run nginx00:49
Patrickdkwell, whatever00:50
Patrickdkand till that session finishs, it won't stop, so you can start it again00:50
Patrickdknormally there is a better way to restart that00:50
Patrickdkbut why in the hell would you cron a restart?00:50
Ralliasbut it knocks out everything as you saw with me disconnecting and reconnecting.00:50
twbIf shell is still working, you can just ps auxf when the event occurs, and look for D state procs.00:52
Ralliasbut ssh gets knocked out, so no it doesn't00:52
twbThen set up a nohup'd typescript to capture the output every ten seconds, and start running it at half-past the hour00:53
twbThen after the event, go in and look at it00:53
twbnohup sh -c 'while ps auxf; do sleep 60; done >/tmp/psauxf.log' &00:55
twb...or whatever00:55
RalliasI hate this thing sometimes :D00:56
Ralliasso how long will that script run for?00:56
twbObviously once you are past the affected window, you go back and kill it00:56
Ralliasso if it is a mysql cron, what should I do to debug it?01:02
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Patrickdknone of this should cause ssh to die01:03
Patrickdkunless this is a very very low memory server, and somehow causing everything to oom01:03
twbRallias: turn it off and see if the problem goes away01:03
twbPatrickdk: I've seen I/O thrash, too01:03
RalliasI'm running at 250 MB under full most the time01:03
twbRallias: pastebin output of free -m01:04
Patrickdki/o thrash won't cause his network connection to drop though01:04
twbPatrickdk: well, unless all of apache is in D state01:04
twbPatrickdk: but yeah I guess I wouldn't expect it to hang ssh also01:04
Patrickdkapache yes, but not ssh01:04
Ralliashow do I copy with putty?01:04
Patrickdknever used putty01:04
Ralliastwb it even hangs quassel so01:04
twbRallias: NFI01:04
RalliasAs far as I can narrow it down, its either nginx, php, or mysql...01:09
twbOK so it's probably swap-thrashing rather than OOMing01:25
twbWhich could conceivably account for stuff like ssh hanging, too01:25
twbIME when 2.6 starts to swap you've basically fucked and have to hard-cycle the power to get it to respond01:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #953646 in unixodbc (main) "package odbcinst1debian2 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95364602:20
BuenGeniofor some reason my system boots up without any nameservers in resolv.conf after every reboot02:31
BuenGeniohow do I fix this?02:31
BuenGenioIP is static02:32
BuenGeniocan I add nameserver under interface config in /etc/network/interfaces ?02:33
stgraberBuenGenio: dns-nameservers
stgraberBuenGenio: dns-search mydomaina.com mydomainb.com02:34
BuenGeniowhere do I put that?02:35
stgraberBuenGenio: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ for more details02:35
stgraberBuenGenio: in /etc/network/interfaces as interface option02:35
stgraberBuenGenio: you can also check "man resolvconf" for some examples02:35
BuenGenioeven after I modify resolv.conf after every reboot it's clean02:36
stgraberin 12.04 /etc/resolv.conf is managed by resolvconf so if you don't put the right values in /etc/network/interfaces or get your DNS config from a dynamic source, any change to /etc/resolv.conf won't persist after reboot02:36
stgraberand can be lost at any point even if done after boot02:37
twbstgraber: resolvconf has been around a long time, and it's optional02:39
twb(If precise has forced everyone to install resolvconf, I will be VERY ANNOYED.)02:39
stgrabertwb: resolvconf is in ubuntu-minimal in Precise02:42
twbWell, FUCK02:43
Patrickdkya, changed from optional to required02:43
stgrabertwb: per https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-p-dns-resolving it's possible to turn it off though we recommend people simply use it properly and report bugs so we can fix them (though it looks like we covered most of them already)02:43
Patrickdkor atleast, could be annoying to remove :)02:43
stgraberPatrickdk: well, removing it is indeed a bit tricky, disabling it is just a matter of making /etc/resolv.conf a regular text file instead of a symlink, though we obviously don't recommend doing that02:44
twbstgraber: my problem is I understand how resolv.conf works and I don't want to have some silly extra script layer getting in the way and forcing me to understand it02:44
twbWhich is incidentally the same objection I had for NM02:45
stgrabertwb: then just make it a regular text file and you'll have the old behaviour02:45
twbOK, no worries then02:45
twbMy memory was that it was much more complex than that02:45
Patrickdkthat becomes lots more fun, when you have all kinds of ppp/openvpn/ipsec/... connections going up and down per min on a server :)02:45
twbPatrickdk: I do have that02:45
stgraberthe problem is, we discovered a lot of scripts and software all of them trying to mess with /etc/resolv.conf most of them overwritting it entirely02:46
twbI basically go into (all except one of) their config files and set them to "do not fuck with resolv.conf"02:46
stgraberthe only sane way of fixing all that is by forcing them all through a single code path that can deal with merging the duplicate entries and generate a conf file that respects what the libc expects02:46
twbstgraber: yeah I understand the purpose of resolvconf02:46
twbstgraber: I just didn't want to have to deal with it until I absolutely had to02:46
stgraberthe biggest issue that triggered the switch to resolvconf was dhclient's ipv4/ipv6 modes that each fight with the other over who writes /etc/resolv.conf ... that one and read-only boot that was made impossible by having stuff trying to write /etc/resolv.conf :)02:47
stgrabertwb: yeah, we made sure that the conversion of /etc/resolv.conf to a symlink only happens the first time resolvconf gets installed, not at boot time and not on upgrades. So converting it back to a regular file basically tells resolvconf to stop doing anything (and it should also prevent anything that's resolvconf-aware from touching your /etc/resolv.conf)02:48
twbAh, dual-stack dhclient would be an issue, yeah02:49
RalliasI've got a quick question about cron03:02
Ralliashow would I get a job to run once every 25 hours?03:02
BuenGenioanyone using spamassassin here?03:03
twbRallias: run it every hour, check if the hours since epoch is divisible by 25, if not, exit 003:03
Ralliasprogramiming has never been my strong suit...03:04
twbThat's not programming, that's basic sysadmin work03:08
twbSomething like $(($(date +%s) / 3600 % 25)03:08
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linociscohow to see loaded modules in startup?04:26
linociscoi found one error but I dont know how to scroll up04:27
linociscoi found one error but I dont know how to scroll up04:28
linociscoi found one error but I dont know how to scroll up04:28
qman__linocisco, to scroll through the screen buffer on the console, use shift+pgup and shift+pgdn04:42
linociscoqman__, not working04:48
twbqman__: that will scroll through video buffer, and if he has chvt'd it will be empty05:14
twbscrolling in screen is achieved with ^A^[ to enter copy mode, then vi movement commands (^B,^F,hjkl).  Leave it with ^G.05:14
Coreyseekwill: What have you broken now?06:04
seekwillI didn't break anything!06:04
seekwillNot yet, at least06:05
wooterwhat happens when support for the ubuntu distro im using expires...just no more updates ?06:14
twbwooter: you get nagged about it every time you log in06:14
wooterah thanks06:14
twbNote that different packages expire at different times06:15
wooterwill things like apache still update ?06:15
twbSo even though you theoretically have five years of support, most of your packages only get 18mo or 3y06:15
twbwooter: no, once the release is EOLd, none of it gets security updates06:15
twbIdeally you should plan migration to the next LTS release several months before your current release is EOLd06:16
wooterah k..my server is 10.10, is up next month06:16
wooterLTS comes out as same time as this expires06:17
twbTHat is because 10.10 is not an LTS release06:18
twbYou should probably sit on 10.10 until 12.04.1 is release, then migrate to that.06:18
wooteryeah, i wasn't thinking when i installed it06:18
twbSince it's only a month or two, it's probably not worth the grief of trying to migrate to 11.04 until then06:18
twbUnless this is a front-line server, in which case security might be a bigger issue06:19
wooternah its not front line06:19
wooterstill, it took alot of man hours to get it all configured how it is now06:19
wooterdopnt want to do it again for 5 years06:19
twbwooter: upgrading doesn't mean reinstalling from scratch06:20
twbThis is not a cowboy outfit like RHEL06:20
wooteryeah, ive got a few hardware and platform specific scripts going on, everytime it updates, stuff happens like entire sound sub system changes or something like that06:22
wooterill try upgrade first for a laugh06:22
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:22
twbPlease read the documentation first06:23
wooterthanks twb06:25
linociscoqman__, shift pgup and shiftpgdwn not working06:31
rye_Hello, on current precise grub does not set a timer when the previous boot failed, is it intended?06:33
twblinocisco: 16:14 <twb> scrolling in screen is achieved with ^A^[ to enter copy mode, then vi movement commands (^B,^F,hjkl).  Leave it with ^G.06:33
linociscotwb, i m now talking about on CLI . not on VI06:34
twblinocisco: I'm talking about GNU Screen.06:34
linociscotwb, it also doesn't work06:35
linociscotwb, my server is on VM06:35
linociscotwb, as guest06:35
twblinocisco: dunno then, sorry06:36
linociscotwb, thanks anyway06:36
linociscohi all06:47
linociscoregarding squid, i have WAN card with DHCP with authentication to get internet and, LAN card which has static IP. when I run "nmap WAN DHCP's IP", I got 3128 squid-http only06:48
linociscoother ports are not open06:48
linociscois that the reason why my client does not get internet through squid?06:49
linociscohi all, i m in the middle of tasksel, now installing package 1%, I want to stop it with Ctrl+C, so how could I do to properly stop?06:50
linociscohi all06:51
linociscohow to interrupt of installation package using tasksel?06:52
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a_okwhat do I need to do to increse the "max open files" limit for mysql (I don't mean the user but mysqld as I have no idea where its imposed limits come from)08:54
* bluefrog test09:12
jamespagea_ok: take a look at the upstart configuration in /etc/init/mysql.conf09:26
jamespagea_ok: and man 5 init09:26
jamespageyou can set the max files limit with an override09:27
ryejodh: hello, I am stalking you regarding https://launchpadlibrarian.net/96606883/lp935585.jpg (bug #935585) which is currently being displayed on my screen and I don't want to boot it until I find out how to debug the reason09:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 935585 in upstart "[kernel panic] init: log.c:786: Assertion failed in log_clear_unflushed: log->remote_closed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93558509:27
jodhrye: the work around is documented on the bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/935585/comments/4. I've made the code changes for a proper fix and will soon be advertising an updated Upstart package (in a PPA) for initial testing. As such, we would welcome feedback from yourself and as many others as possible. I'll update the bug when the PPA version is available.09:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 935585 in upstart "[kernel panic] init: log.c:786: Assertion failed in log_clear_unflushed: log->remote_closed" [High,Confirmed]09:32
ryejodh: umm, yes, i am aware of the workaround. Since this is not a production machine i thought I can assist in debugging it, since as I understand the reason for such behavior was not found09:36
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uvirtbotNew bug: #953876 in exim4 (main) "Can not specify different DNSBLs for IPv4/IPv6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95387610:11
whalesaladhey guys, is there a simple way to determine which flags the apt-get version of nginx is compiled with?10:25
_rubenunless nginx can provide that info itself, you'll likely have to inspect the source package10:27
whalesaladcool, looks like I was on the right track. am downloading it now and will inspect the `debian/rules` file10:28
bencerjamespage: just saw your comment on #928501, going to prepare it for the FFe now10:39
memoryleakCan I take MySQL Debian package to install 5.5.21 version on Ubuntu 11.10 ? Or is it recommended to build from source?10:39
ryejodh: ok, so in order to move along - there is no need to debug the kernel panic issue on startup, right? I.e. I can proceed with booting it normally?10:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #953899 in unixodbc (main) "package odbcinst1debian2 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95389910:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #953901 in unixodbc (main) "package odbcinst1debian2 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95390110:46
jodhrye: I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. What would be very useful is if you would try the PPA in #11 on that bug and comment on the bug.10:49
jodhrye: We were not able to reproduce the problem as reported, but I was able to identify the fix for what is essentially a timing issue (how quickly the log partition becomes writeable).10:52
ryejodh: i meant that I have the server with the error right here, so i might have altered the packages to add some debugging output that might have helped. But the "how quickly the log partition becomes writeable" seems correct, however I am still not sure why this can be 100% triggered when fsck is forced to run. Ok, will add the ppa then10:54
timkuijstenit looks like the mysql upgrade from last night is breaking permissions.. anyone else having troubles?11:04
ryeok, ppa version for upstart works properly11:07
jamespagebencer: I'll see if I can track down an archive admin re native packaging but don't let that hold you up on the FFe11:12
bencershould i remove that from the ffe then?11:13
uvirtbotNew bug: #953915 in cloud-init (main) "Missing .deb dependency on python-oauth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95391511:18
RoyKanyone here using automount?11:33
RoyKI've setup auto.master pointing to auto.home and when logging in, nothing happens, automount doesn't output a single line of debug info11:33
RoyKcd /home/rsk works - logging in doesn't trigger mounting11:36
ikoniaRoyK: that sounds most odd11:47
ikoniaRoyK: when you login and it doesn't mount, is your expected home dir there ?11:48
uksysadmindo openstack issues get discussed on a particular ubuntu mailing list, or is it left to the main openstack mailing list?12:06
RoyKikonia: sec12:15
RoyKhm... it seems if the user is in nis, the homedir isn't fetched on login and automount doesn't do much12:19
RoyKif user exists in local files, it works (somewhat)12:19
patdk-wkbeen awhile since I used automount, it was always unreliable for me12:37
patdk-wkpam_mount worked well for login mounts though12:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #953985 in keystone (universe) "keystone does not attempt to reconnect to sql server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95398512:41
ikoniaRoyK: sorry for the delay, but do you have nis setup to point at the automounter, eg: auto.master (auto_master) and auto.home (auto_home)13:38
RoyKikonia: it worked out - lots of mess in this setup13:40
ikoniaRoyK: care to expand ?13:41
ikoniawas it the nis auto.home map (for example)13:41
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jamespagebencer: just got an ack on the FFe and an archive admin to review once they land in NEW13:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #954068 in euca2ools (main) "describe-images omits empty fields platform and root_device_type" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95406814:16
RoyKikonia: no I don't care to explain ;)14:18
ikoniafair enough14:26
pabelangerPreference? nova-database-mysql or nova-backend-mysql; this is for dbconfig-common support14:38
chmacI'm looking for something rsync-like which runs as a daemon and pushes changes automatically, any advice?14:42
chmacAs I understand it, drbd waits until the write has been confirmed on both hosts before considering the file "written", which is not what I want.14:43
pabelangerchmac: rsync can run as a daemon14:50
pabelangerguess, you want the automatic part14:50
chmacpabelanger: Does it monitor files and push those changes automatically? Might well do what I'm after...14:51
pabelangerchmac: no, I don't think so14:53
pabelangeryou'd have to read up on it14:53
chmacpabelanger: Yeah, I think it acts as a daemon to receive rsync connections from other hosts, rather than monitoring the filesystem.14:54
chmacpabelanger: I found unison and lsyncd which might do what I'm after14:55
chmacpabelanger: I essentially want something like rsync running ever 5 minutes from cron, but slightly faster and with less overhead :-)14:55
chmacpabelanger: Thanks for your input btw14:59
jamespagebencer: around?  need to talk about ebox->zentyal transition15:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #954127 in dhcp3 (main) "Network configuration fails during installation of 12.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95412715:21
iclebyteI need a kernel module which only seems to exist in 2.6.35-28-generic - where can I download just the module to compile it against my current 2.6.32-28 kernel?15:22
jdstrandSpamapS: hi! I see you did some stuff with the txzookeeper test suite. what do I need to do to run it? I did: cp -a /usr/share/pyshared/txzookeeper /tmp ; cd /tmp/txzookeeper ; trial txzookeeper15:24
xranbyiclebyte: look inside the 2.6.35-28-generic  kernel sourcecode15:24
iclebytethe ubuntu specific source or direct from kernel.org?15:25
jdstrandSpamapS: that mostly works except for: test_session [ERROR]15:25
jdstrandexceptions.AssertionError: ZOOKEEPER_PATH environment variable must be defined15:25
xranbyiclebyte: the ubuntu specific source15:25
SpamapSjdstrand: you need a running zookeeper15:26
jdstrandSpamapS: I installed zookeeperd15:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #912508 in txzookeeper "test suite can wipe out existing zookeeper on local box: should Configure zk server as part of test fixture" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91250815:26
SpamapSjdstrand: wait no, I think that one starts zookeeper up.. ZOOKEEPER_PATH=/usr/share/java/zookeeper.jar might work15:26
SpamapSjdstrand: hard to recall.. one of the test suites trashes a running zookeeper15:27
jdstrandSpamapS: I saw that bug and actually just commented in it. I am writing a qrt script so I can remember how to do the test suite in case it doesn't get enabled in the build. these run in vms so I don't care about trashing things15:28
xranbyiclebyte: you can also google for the module name and try to locate any upstream source repository15:28
xranbyand then build the module standalone15:28
iclebyteyea it's a Qlogic one. having a hard time finding it15:28
iclebyteit's called qlcnic15:29
iclebyte10gigE fibre card15:29
jdstrandSpamapS: this is it: ZOOKEEPER_PATH=/usr/share/java/ trial txzookeeper15:29
jdstrandSpamapS: perfect, thanks!15:30
jdstrandPASSED (successes=136)15:30
SpamapSjdstrand: the reason I didn't want to run the test suite in the build if it trashes zookeeper is that some people build in chroots on their machines.. would be a shame to accidentally hose somebody's zookeeper.15:30
SpamapSjdstrand: I think it will be relatively easy to modify the suite to start a bastion zookeeper and run the tests against that15:31
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jdstrandSpamapS: no, I get that. It would be nice to start zookeeperd on a different port or something15:31
* jdstrand nods15:31
SpamapSjdstrand: we do that for juju.. so we can even steal that code, maybe even push it back into python-zookeeper as a utility class.15:32
jdstrandcool, yeah15:33
xranbyiclebyte: the module source got merged into the upstream linux kernel and sent in by qlogic themself. its maintained in the git tree at kernel.org15:33
SpamapSjdstrand: thanks for the zookeeper review. Next step is: update man pages to mention network security options. Anything else?15:34
xranbyiclebyte: this was the initial commit http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=af19b49152bdb68fda894183e88096d6d1aa5c3d15:34
jdstrandSpamapS: nope, I think that should be it15:34
xranbyi have since then moved around inside the kernel tree15:34
iclebytexranby, can this git interface generate a tarball with all the contents or do I need to download each file manually?15:37
jdstrandSpamapS: oh, you might check out the deprecation warning15:39
xranbyiclebyte: take this patch http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=patch;h=af19b49152bdb68fda894183e88096d6d1aa5c3d15:39
xranbyiclebyte: and apply it on your kernel tree15:39
jdstrandSpamapS: it isn't required for main inclusion; just fyi15:39
SpamapSjdstrand: I will.. I'd be surprised if upstream hasn't addressed it.. they have been pretty on top of such things which is why there aren't many warnings.15:39
iclebytedoes it not need to be for a specific kernel source version?15:39
xranbyiclebyte: that all depends on if the code itself uses features only found in newer kernels15:40
xranbyyou have to read and test the code yourself on your old kernel15:40
xranbythe code itself do not care which kernel version its used on15:40
iclebyteI thought diff would because it references specific lines in the code15:41
xranbythis are the initial commit so its all new files15:41
xranby 8 files changed, 8728 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)15:41
SpamapSjdstrand: fyi: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-909 .. will open a bug report which we can close when 3.4.0 is uploaded15:43
SpamapSjdstrand: (thats the deprecation warnings) :)15:43
jdstrandSpamapS: oh, we are getting 3.4.0 in precise?15:44
* jdstrand was hoping we would for the kerberos bits15:44
SpamapSjdstrand: no15:44
SpamapSjdstrand: btw, that brings up a different issue. PHP 5.4 .. it looks like Suhosin has not shipped for 5.4.0 yet15:44
SpamapSmdeslaur: ^^15:44
SpamapSmicahg: ^^15:45
SpamapSjdstrand: perhaps we should discuss this at your team meeting, but I feel that its more your team's call than mine. For server users, 5.4.0 is by far the preferred choice, but w/o Suhosin.. it puts a larger burden on you guys15:45
mdeslaurSpamapS: well then, looks like we aren't getting 5.4 after all :)15:45
jamespagejdstrand, 3.4.x is still considered a beta release by upstream15:45
jdstrandI see15:46
SpamapSI asked suhosin's authors for an update.. but have not heard anything15:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #953258 in juju "juju executing hooks with umask of 0077" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95325815:46
iclebytehow do I apply this patch to a kernel source tree?15:46
mdeslaurSpamapS: ah, yeah, I was about to ask that15:46
iclebyteheaders are in usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-2815:47
alex88hello guys, i'm on 11.04 server, i've tried to change hostname by editing /etc/hostname & /etc/hosts but after reboot it's still the same..any idea?15:55
iclebytealex88, did it save okay?15:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #954160 in zookeeper (universe) "deprecation warnings during build: org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelPipelineCoverage" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95416015:56
alex88iclebyte: yup.. wait.. if it's important, it's a openvz container15:56
iclebytenot played with openvz so I can't comment.15:56
alex88let me check also that…15:56
alex88iclebyte: yup, that was the problem..thank you anyway man ;)15:57
jcastrosmoser, no hvm ami's anywhere but east-1?15:58
iclebytejesus, running Maverick is going to be easier than this.15:58
smoserno hvm anywhere but us-east-1, jcastro15:58
cwillu_at_workiclebyte, what are you doing?16:06
iclebytecwillu_at_work, I need a driver which only exists in 2.6.35 on my ubuntu 10.04lts server system16:14
iclebyteI have the patch http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=patch;h=af19b49152bdb68fda894183e88096d6d1aa5c3d16:14
cwillu_at_workiclebyte, you aware that newer kernels will work fine on it?16:14
cwillu_at_worki.e, you should be able to install a 11.10 kernel deb without issue16:15
iclebyteI was thinking that maybe there is another repo I can add then just upgrade my kernel. exactly where to find such a repo i'm not sure16:15
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jdstrandsmoser: hey-- I saw that you packaged txaws. what is aws-status supposed to actually do?16:25
smoserits a gui i think , right ?16:26
smoseri ran it at once16:26
smosers/at once/once/16:26
smoserit was long ago16:26
iclebytethere must be a backported kernel package somewhere?16:27
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jdstrandsmoser: well, it prompted me for some credentials, then didn't do anything16:30
* jdstrand moves along16:30
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bencerjamespage: i'm around, let me know what you need about the transition16:59
jamespagebencer, hey - so I updated the bug report as well17:00
bencerlet me check first then17:00
jamespagebencer: as the packages stand now if someone upgrades a system with ebox it won't automatically get replaced with the equiv zentyal packages17:01
jamespagethis was pointed out to me by an AA17:01
bencerjamespage: let me put you in context17:01
bencercurrent ebox packages are totally broken in oneiric, and in a pretty bad shape in lucid17:02
bencerso is unlikely anybody is using them :)17:02
benceralso the configuration backend changed17:02
jamespagelucid->precise is quite a likely upgrade path tho17:02
bencerso you need a migration tool to change the configuration format17:02
benceranyway, the configuration paths are different17:03
bencerso no configuration is overwritten17:03
jamespageSpamapS, around - would appreciate your input into this conversation ^^17:05
bencerjamespage: they story is that ebox packages in the past were not really maintained, were uploaded and forget about them17:06
bencernow is one of the goals of the zentyal project to have working packages in ubuntu17:07
bencerso we will put efforts on their maintenance17:07
SpamapSjamespage: looking17:07
SpamapSbencer: we should still make sure that zentyal causes the removal of ebox so there are no problems.17:08
jamespageSpamapS, bencer: well the packages as is cause a removal - but its not automatic - you have to switch to zentyal17:09
benceryes, if you do apt-get install zentyal, ebox packages are removed17:10
bencerhow we should make the upgrade path then?17:10
bencerwith a dummy package?17:11
SpamapSAh, there needs to be a transitional, empty ebox package17:11
jamespagebencer, see http://wiki.debian.org/Renaming_a_Package17:12
SpamapSyes exactly, just an ebox package, which depends on zentyal17:12
SpamapSit can be removed in 12.1017:12
SpamapSbencer: we agree that having old broken ebox around is unlikely.. but if it was around, and causing problems for the user.. they'll be quite happy when its replaced w/ Zentyal17:13
benceryup, i agree17:13
bencerand shoud be easy to do17:13
bencerjamespage: SpamapS where should be do the dummy package17:14
jamespagebencer: it forms part of the source package that will replace it17:14
benceron ebox or on libebox, so we can set it to oldlibs and be automatically suggested to be removed?17:14
jamespagebencer: zentyal-common replaces libebox so the dummy package should be provided by it17:15
bencerjamespage: currently we have the replaces header in all packages17:16
jamespagebencer: yes - but it needs a transitional package as well17:17
bencerthey way to go is to still maintain the replaces and add the dummy package for libebox, right?17:17
jamespageyep - each package should have a Breaks/Replaces and a transitional package for the package it replaces.17:17
bencercool, were do you want us to push these changes?17:18
SpamapSjamespage: a provides isn't strong enough..17:18
SpamapSyou need a dummy package17:18
benceron our ppa? or in the bzr import you created?17:18
SpamapSsorry I misunderstood17:18
jamespagePPA is fine17:19
jamespagebencer: I really don't want to make any changes to the packages you provide if possible17:19
bencerfair enough17:20
bencergoing to talk with jacalvo and we will push that changes and i'll update back you when ready17:20
jamespagebencer: do you want me to check before you upload to PPA?17:22
jamespagethat way we avoid another cycle of review if there are any issues17:22
bencerjamespage: i'll send you a link to our git changeset when ready17:22
jamespagebencer: great!17:22
smoserSpamapS, utlemming says that you said you would do:17:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 948461 in apt "apt-get hashsum/size mismatch because s3 mirrors don't support http pipelining correctly" [High,Confirmed]17:28
smoseras SRUL17:28
jamespageSpamapS, reboot testing?17:29
SpamapSjamespage: yes!17:30
SpamapSjamespage: whats the word?17:30
jamespageSpamapS, so - I did some digging as gema asked me to take a look at the failures17:30
SpamapSsmoser: I'll take a look at it yes17:30
jamespageand I knew you where at charm school17:30
jamespageI discovered three different bugs!17:30
SpamapSsmoser: best if somebody else uploads, so I can just do it as an SRU review17:31
SpamapSjamespage: only 3? :)17:31
jamespageSpamapS, bug 95308117:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 953081 in php5 "libapache2-mod-php5 postinst script does not enable module" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95308117:31
smoserah. yeah. thats fine. i thought utlemming suggested that you were going to backport fix and upload ...17:31
smoserutlemming, ^17:31
jamespageSpamapS, bug 95314417:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 953144 in ubuntu-server-iso-testing "Post-reboot tests are not correctly injected into test-case" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95314417:32
jamespageand one in Jenkins17:32
jamespageSpamapS, basically the standard lamp test suite is being run twice - it fails pre-reboot because of that first bug17:32
SpamapShaha nice17:32
utlemmingsmoser: yeah, I'll do the backporting work17:32
jamespageSpamapS: it then runs it again due to the second bug post reboot17:33
jamespagebut it does pass17:33
jamespagebut Jenkins then borks as it gets confused because the test suite has the same name17:33
jamespageand reports a double failure from the first run17:33
jamespageI have a local fix for usit that I'm working on ATM - had to put it down today for other stuff17:34
SpamapSjamespage: ok, so that makes sense because I never actually ran the test as part of jenkins17:34
jamespagebut the post-reboot test does not run at the moment as it can't find boottests.py package17:34
jamespageits just a pathing issue17:34
SpamapSjamespage: ok, so what can I do? :)17:35
jamespageSpamapS, leave it with me - I'll get it fixed up tomorrow17:35
SpamapSjamespage: want me to fix the PHP bug? Or did you already get that handled? Because I believe it *must* do a restart, not reload17:36
jamespageif you could check bug 953081 that would be great17:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 953081 in php5 "libapache2-mod-php5 postinst script does not enable module" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95308117:36
jamespageSpamapS, I am right in thinking that graceful restart does not load new modules right?17:36
jamespageah - I guess so17:36
SpamapSjamespage: correct17:36
SpamapSLoadModule is only processed at start time, so restart is needed17:36
jamespageI'm happy to fix that bug as well tomorrow17:36
jamespageSpamapS, yikes - that means i have to touch php :-)17:37
SpamapSjamespage: hold off on that17:38
SpamapSjamespage: still pending a potential move to 5.417:38
jamespageSpamapS, OK - I'll leave alone then17:38
jamespageSpamapS, FYI I normally install the ubuntu-iso-testing package from the team PPA17:41
jamespagethat sorts out the deps and configures everything up for you17:42
SpamapSohhh coool did not know that17:42
jamespageand then you can hack locally on the branch as much as you like17:42
jamespagePPA is based of trunk - daily builds ....17:42
jamespageI need to get it uploaded for precise as well17:42
jamespagewill do that this week17:42
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ha1dfohi, I don't know if this is the appropriate channel, but I want to preseed debconf for mysql-server-5.1, but having trouble: I can see my vars in debconf db, but mysql still asks for root password17:43
SpamapSha1dfo: simplest way to make sure you get the right values set is to manually install and answer the questions, then do 'debconf-get-selections | grep mysql'17:46
ha1dfoSpamapS, the automatization is the whole point in this one...17:47
ha1dfoohh, you mean to dump it, then put them back? I've done it with the password fields17:47
ha1dfoSpamapS, just tried it, still asks for it17:49
ha1dfomaybe because mysql-server-5.1 config starts with an unconditional 'db_input high mysql-server/root_password || true' ? Can this function be tricked?17:50
SpamapSha1dfo: if its already answered, db_input will take the value17:53
ha1dfoSpamapS, installed mysql-server-5.1, given passwords, debconf-get-selectiosn | grep mysql; removed mysql, purged mysql-server-5.1, loaded selected values, reinstalled, and still i got the question :(17:54
SpamapSha1dfo: hrm, might be a package bug then17:56
ha1dfoSpamapS, with this preseed method i was able to preconfig ldap-auth-config easily, but i am having a lot of trouble with this mysql17:57
ha1dfoi think then i'll have to dig around in debconf's scripts17:57
bencerjamespage: a quick question, the versioning for this should be zentyal-common 2.3.3 or zentyal-common 2.3.2ubuntu1 ?18:03
jamespagebencer: keep the native versioning18:04
utlemmingsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~utlemming/cloud-init/cloud-init.apt_debug/+merge/9726818:16
smoserwould you consider adding that to apt_update_upgrade ?18:16
smoserrather than another one ?18:16
pabelangerSuccess!  nova converted to use dbconfig-common now.  Just finishing up the testing and will setup a merge request18:29
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stgraberjjohansen: any luck with apparmor_parser?18:35
jjohansenstgraber: sure I have fixed a few more bugs, and am chasing another atm.  I did notice something about your failure though.  You profile rule is wrong, it needs a trailing / to indicate the target is a directory18:36
jjohansenthe trailing / is significant in profile rules18:36
jjohansenstgraber: with the trailing / I think what I gave you should actually work, but I didn't test that as I was already testing a compiler with some additional fixes18:38
ha1dfoSpamapS, back to the mysql preseed problem. If it is a package bug, who can I report it to? package states a mail list for contact18:38
stgraberjjohansen: oh, ok, I can give it a quick try here18:38
utlemmingsmoser: sure18:39
stgraberjjohansen: [127565.282734] type=1400 audit(1331663966.960:723): apparmor="DENIED" operation="pivotroot" parent=17255 profile="/usr/bin/lxc-start" name="/usr/lib/lxc/root/" pid=17272 comm="lxc-start" srcname="/usr/lib/lxc/root/mnt/"18:39
stgraberjjohansen: with pivot_root /usr/lib/lxc/root/,18:39
jjohansenstgraber: hrmm, okay, it looks like it will need those other fixes after all, I'll ping you as soon as I have figured out the current one18:41
stgraberjjohansen: ok, thanks18:41
bencerjamespage: http://git.zentyal.org/zentyal.git/commitdiff/bd2f1eb44ce911937f0279e4db3e353cacdc1c3f18:43
axisys_i have 10 disks.. how do I boot the system from disk 8 ? currently i manually pick disk 8 from console.. yikes19:00
jamespagebencer: I'd add ${misc:Depends} to all of the transitional packages19:05
jamespagebencer: some of the packages are missing Breaks: fields - would be best to add those as well.19:05
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axisys_should I need to create a small partition on all the disks and install grub on them ?19:11
gary_posterhallyn, are you around?  I'd love to get https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/ubuntu/precise/lxc/bug-951150-2/+merge/97077 landed soon if possible19:28
hallynhm?  i thought i had pushed that19:29
hallyngary_poster: can you check the archive and see if it does what you need?  I'm pretty sure I merged that19:30
gary_posterhallyn, oh, sorry!  I expected to see the MP change.  Looking19:30
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hallynyeah sorry i need to bde better about that.  since the mp itself does squat wrt the archive i tend to ignore that once i've pushed the pkg19:31
hallynand bzr merges now are not working for me bc of quilt cruft, so i do them by hand anyway19:31
gary_posterheh (and argh for merges), I can understand that19:31
hallynfrankly i wonder if we should try doing lxc natively, using git branches19:32
hallyn(would say bzr, but upstream is git)19:32
gary_posterif this were a Launchpad build recipe, you could have the coding in git, imported into Launchpad, with a bzr branch for the debian bits19:34
gary_posterI don't know how that corresponds to your needs though :-/19:34
hallynof course there's the complication that debian is using quilt for its patches19:34
hallynbut yes, that would work for me i think.19:34
hallynmaybe our recipe could convert the debian patches to a bzr branch...19:35
gary_posterI'll mention it to my manager this afternoon; maybe he has a brilliant idea19:36
webmonkeyIf someone has a minute, I'm having some trouble getting fail2ban jails to start properly19:42
webmonkey2012-03-13 19:41:29,561 fail2ban.jail   : INFO   Jail 'ssh' started19:42
webmonkey2012-03-13 19:41:29,581 fail2ban.actions.action: ERROR  iptables -N fail2ban-ssh19:42
webmonkeyiptables -A fail2ban-ssh -j RETURN19:42
webmonkeyiptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports all -j fail2ban-ssh returned 20019:42
hallyngary_poster: cool19:43
webmonkeyrunning Ubuntu 11.10 and fail2ban v0.8.619:43
webmonkeyI've googled around and tried the various flock and sleep patching methods I found, to no avail :-( Also this is running on a Linode VPS19:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #954368 in puppet (main) "Upstart script puppet agent" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95436819:46
bencerjamespage: fixed that too on http://git.zentyal.org/zentyal.git/commitdiff/cd397b18f4c91bee75a7e8692ac961633432d18819:48
bencershould be ready to build now?19:48
hallynstupid q.  in precise, tasksel adds 'basic ubuntu server' option at top.  does enabling that add, or reduce, packages installed?19:54
jetoleHey guys, don't know if this is the right room to ask but I just recompiled my linux kernel (Added IMQ support for traffic shaping) from the source of the server image using the dpkg-buildpackage tool and when it finished, as expected, it created .deb files to install but there are also a bunch of .udeb files which I have never seen before and wondering what they are and if I need them19:58
jetolefor example nic-modules-2.6.28-19-generic-di_2.6.28-19.66_i386.udeb is one. scsi-modules-2.6.28-19-generic-di_2.6.28-19.66_i386.udeb is another19:59
hallynjust the debs19:59
jetolehallyn: what do I do with them?20:01
Jeeves_Is it correct that /var/run symlinks to /run in Precise?20:05
hallynJeeves_: yes20:06
jetoleJeeves_: try asking in #ubuntu+120:06
jetoleor not. nevermind20:06
Jeeves_Hmm, that's not very cool for the symlinks inside /var/run :/20:07
hallynjetole: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deb_(file_format)20:07
jetolehallyn: I did but I'm still not sure if I should have interest in these files and what it should be. I was hoping for someone who has done this before or knows better about the udeb's who can give some experience20:08
hallynjetole: dpkg -x nic-modules-2.6.28-19-generic-di_2.6.28-19.66_i386.udeb x; find x; and see if it has all you need.  If so, you might be able to save space using it instead of the deb.20:10
hallynbut i always just take the .deb20:10
hallyn(really i just 'fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic' which i don't think even gives me .udebs)20:11
harry__currently i have ubuntu 11.10, i want to upgrade my machine to ubuntu server, are there any additional features or its a totally different operating system?20:14
jetolehallyn: this is for the kernel on 9.04 (please don't remind me 9.04 isn't supported. I know) and I ran apt-get source linux-image-2.6.28-19-server, dpkg-source -x linux_2.6.28-19.66.dsc and then AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 skipabi=true dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b20:14
jetoleharry__: it's not so much a totally different operating system, the kernel is different and it's more optimized for functioning as a server but I think the primary question is why do you want to switch?20:15
harry__i just want to learn more on ubuntu server by installing, can i keep my data intact after upgrading20:16
harry__do i have the same user interface as ubuntu 11.1020:17
hallynjetole: wasn't saying what you did was wrong :)  i generally follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SergeHallyn_ppakernels20:17
hallynjetole: but again, i think it's worth it for you to check if the .udebs happen to have everything you need, if you want a minimal custom install anyway.  oterhwse, i'm saying the udebs are alterntaives to the debs for installers.  you don't need them if you're using debs20:18
harry__i have lot of data and applications on ubuntu 11.10, all of them will on ubuntu server?20:19
harry__all of them will work on ubuntu server?20:20
hallynharry__: yes.  in the past i've installed ubuntu server and later done apt-get install ubuntu-desktop...20:20
hallynif there's anything missing you'll be able to install it.  ubuntu server is ubuntu.20:21
harry__what is the easiest way to upgrade?20:22
harry__apt-get install command?20:23
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hallynsorry - what do you mean by upgrade?20:31
hallyninstall packages, yes20:31
hallynupgrade, 'apt-get update && apt-get -y dist-upgrade'20:32
utlemmingsmoser: for your consideration: https://code.launchpad.net/~utlemming/cloud-init/cloud-init.apt_debug/+merge/9726820:32
harry__upgrade i mean , from ubuntu  to ubuntu server20:33
koolhead11harry__, what exactly you want ?20:37
hallynI'm afraid that's a bit of a non-sequiter.20:37
hallynyou'd have to remove things like network-manager, and manually config network.20:38
hallynlike koolhead11 says, i'm not sure that's what you want20:38
harry__i have ubuntu 11.10, i want to install ubuntu server20:38
koolhead11harry__, sudo tasksel20:39
harry__i will be having the same user interface, any major changes, just want to confirm?20:39
koolhead11harry__, everything will be same. Don`t wrry. No one can take away your GUI. go ahead :)20:40
harry__thanks much koolhead11 and hallyn20:41
hallynharry__: are you using wireless?20:46
harry__yes i am using wireless20:50
harry__you mean the internet connection right20:50
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jamespagebencer: lgtm21:19
Davieyjamespage: go home.21:30
jamespageDaviey: no - you go home21:30
jamespageoh - I am home - how did that happen?21:30
Davieymystery of the world.21:31
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hallynharry__: don't switch to server then.  server doesn't support wireless out of the box.21:34
harry__oh thanks21:36
harry__why doesnt it support?21:37
hallynthe drivers aren't shipped, and userspace tools not installed.  you can of course install them.  you need network cable to do so :)21:38
hallyn(have done it quite often, but it's never pretty)21:38
harry__oh ok , anyway good thought of you..i will wait then ..wanted to just try out the serve21:39
XethronI wish to setup a server that will dynamically control internet speed based on the amount of internet a user consumed relative to another. For example. If only one user is online, he gets 100% of the line speed. However, if two users are online, the one who consumed less internet should get preference as to allow him/her to "catch up". Does anyone know of software with the ability to do that?21:40
RoyKXethron: pfsense might have some of it21:40
RoyKdunno about linux firewalls with that, though21:41
koolhead11harry__, is there any app you want to run?21:41
XethronRoyK, thanks, will look into it.21:41
koolhead11Daviey, got few mins21:41
harry__nothing important21:41
harry__just wanted to try it out21:41
harry__but when i did sudo tasksel i fould packages like mathematics and other packages21:42
harry__ i installed mathematics21:42
harry__was just trying it out21:42
harry__i love ubuntu :)21:42
koolhead11harry__, grab a copy of ubuntu server guide and install virtualbox and try to learn/understand21:43
Davieykoolhead11: a few21:43
harry__cool yes will try21:43
koolhead11hallyn, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/21:43
koolhead11and google 4 virtualbox21:44
hallynno thanks21:46
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uvirtbotNew bug: #954492 in juju (universe) "dummy ensemble package should be dropped" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95449222:03
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varianthi all, my local dhcp server is a little on the flakey side. is it possible to stop dhcpcd from deconfiguring the interface if the dhcp server dissapears for a few minutes?22:26
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