
ali1234oh great, the new catalyst driver is back with the old 100% cpu bug01:15
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DJonesMorning all08:03
TheOpenSourcererMorning. Quiet in here isn't it?08:15
TheOpenSourcererHi DJones, AlanBell08:20
DJonesHi both of you and any late comers yet to awaken08:21
TheOpenSourcererSome of us have been up for *ages*08:21
DJonesDefine ages :)08:22
DJonesTo me, *ages* ago was my 6:30 alarm clock, but that'll be a lie in for others08:23
* MartijnVdS likes "The Tube" (BBC)08:28
TheOpenSourcererI woke up around 06:00, made tea and coffeee by 06:15, in my office by 07:1508:30
=== christel_ is now known as christel
christelgood morning my lovelies08:35
* dwatkins wanders in and bids everyone good morning08:35
czajkowskichristel: hello darling how are you?08:42
christeli am pretty well, yourself my dear? :D08:45
=== DeanGCurrie is now known as Mythx
christelnew job still good?08:47
hoovermorning folks08:48
czajkowskichristel: yup loving it08:49
czajkowskichristel: even days I know what I'm doing :)08:49
christelmorning hoover :)08:51
popeyMorning all09:01
christelhello popey09:01
* czajkowski hugs popey 09:04
MartijnVdSIs Alt+F2 broken for anyone else?09:20
popeywfm, but I haven't updated since yesterday09:21
AlanBellworks for me09:21
czajkowskiMartijnVdS: wfm09:21
AlanBellF10 is busted09:21
AlanBell5.6.0-0ubuntu1 for me too09:22
* popey updates09:22
* popey notes packages from ppa:unity-team/staging are coming down09:23
* MartijnVdS double-checks ccsm09:23
MartijnVdS"Key to execute a command" -> <Alt>F209:24
MartijnVdSalt-tab is also broken.. Hmmm!09:24
MartijnVdSlet me try the Windows solution first09:25
MartijnVdSpopey: I've disabled that key binding09:26
MartijnVdSand if I enable it alt+F2 works again09:26
AlanBellbug 95385309:29
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 953853 in unity (Ubuntu) "F10 to focus on the menu/indicators doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95385309:29
JamesTaitGood morning, all! :D09:29
christelmorning JamesTait :)09:29
JamesTaitHi christel. :)09:31
MartijnVdSMine is bug 95385509:31
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 953855 in unity (Ubuntu) "Alt-combinations (Alt+Tab, Alt+F2) don't work if "Key to show HUD" is disabled or not set to <Alt>" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95385509:31
MartijnVdSgreat, clock is gone too.09:35
MartijnVdSall applets really09:35
dauberstook me 1h 30m to do 10 miles this morning09:49
daubersstupid railway bridges09:49
dwatkinsdid you run it, daubers?09:49
MartijnVdSdaubers: I can almost run that fast09:49
* dwatkins learned today that there are people who do runs of 100 miles in "one" go (i.e. 80 hours over several days, non-stop apart from sleeping etc.)09:49
MartijnVdSdwatkins: Ultrarunners.. scary people :)09:50
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: yeah, colleague of mine apparently know the world record holder.09:51
MartijnVdSdwatkins: also http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00m3z1f09:51
dwatkinsI think I amused my colleagues by pointing out that 'we' (as a species) used to do this sort of thing all the time when we lived in warmer climates where we'd ahve to run after our food.09:51
MartijnVdSdwatkins: Yes. Humans _are_ the best endurance runners. When trained.09:51
daubersdwatkins: No, I drove it09:52
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 943223 in Unity Distro Priority "you have to release alt for alt + F10 working" [Medium,Fix committed]09:53
popeyseems we're switching from F10 to ALT+F10 for menu09:53
daubersF10 brought up a menu?09:53
popeyit used to09:53
AlanBellpopey: ok, that works09:54
daubersI see...09:54
dwatkinsdaubers: ah, reminds me of the last time we had a couple cm of snow in Reading... ;)09:55
daubersdwatkins: This is because they've closed all the side roads off the A4 to Aldermaston to raise up the railway bridges09:56
daubersand there are traffic lights next to the little road that cuts back into aldermaston :)09:56
daubersWas queuing up to the Springbok this morning09:56
daubersThen someone at Thatcham threw themselves in front of a train, which caused more problems!09:56
dwatkinsoh my :(09:58
dwatkinsfriend of mine works on the railway near there, I imagine he'll know all about it. Tragic.09:58
diploMorning all10:02
popeyanyone else use 12.04 with encrypted home (and thus encrypted swap)?10:05
popeybug 95387510:05
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 953875 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Encrypted swap no longer mounted at bootup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95387510:05
popeyno idea where to look10:05
gordhuh encrypted swap, is that not really slow?10:11
dwatkinsmake it software RAID 5, just for fun?10:12
popey8GB RAM, rarely use swap10:12
popeyits the default if you switch on encrypted home10:13
dwatkinsdoes an strace of swapon give any clues?10:13
popeywell the bug shows that the crpytswap1 doesnt exist10:14
gordjust wondering, why bother with swap at all then?10:14
gordonjcpencrypted disks10:16
dwatkinshttp://askubuntu.com/questions/56843/could-not-mount-dev-mapper-cryptswap1 - maybe it's just not encrypted10:16
gordonjcpgreat, if you're patient10:16
gordonjcpthe easiest way to make *everything* CPU-bound10:17
dwatkinsI can understand a locked-down configuration needing encrypted swap, so it's fair to have it as an option.10:17
dwatkins(if there's not a lot of RAM or only occasional need for large applications to run)10:17
popeygord: because some swap is better than no swap10:18
gordi'm of the opinion that in a modern environment, if something hits swap, chances are its going to hit a lot of swap, choking the system entirely10:18
popeyin a modern "working correctly" environment, maybe10:19
popeyI'd rather my apps didn't get OOM killed for the sake of a bit of disk space as swap10:19
dwatkinsIs OOM still a bit of a lottery?10:19
dwatkinsI guess there's no easy way to not make it a lottery.10:20
MartijnVdSWell OOM usually happens when something wants more memory10:20
MartijnVdSwhich usually happens because it's eating a lot of memory in a loop10:20
* dwatkins nods10:20
MartijnVdSmy last few OOMs killed the (already crashing) app10:20
dwatkinsI've seen OOM happen when a job scheduler mistakenly put more jobs on a cluster node than it had RAM for, too.10:21
dwatkinsThat's kinda 'doh' though, obviously.10:21
MartijnVdSdoes anyone else get a big white "window" that isn't a window on their screen?10:22
MartijnVdSand it won't go away until you restart unity10:22
dwatkinsbeen writing OpenGL applications, MartijnVdS?10:22
MartijnVdSdwatkins: no.. just opened a new Chrome tab10:22
directhexthe oom killer has a fatal design flaw10:23
MartijnVdSdwatkins: that edxplains my work machine's "going down in flames" sometimes10:25
MartijnVdSdwatkins: but not since I disabled swap :)10:25
dwatkinssounds familiar, directhex10:25
popeythat AU answer looks wrong10:30
dwatkinsI was surprised the device may end up not being encrypted when it should be10:30
popeyits not showing up in blkid10:31
popeythat au seems to assume you dont want encrypted swap10:33
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:48
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
davmor2morning all, czajkowski prod11:05
diploAlanBell, TheOpenSourcerer : You guys use Alfresco don't you ?11:05
TheOpenSourcererdiplo yes.11:06
diploDo you use the ppa or just install from the bin file ?11:06
TheOpenSourcererPersonally I break the bin and install in bits. But AlanBell is probably a better person on Alf than me.11:08
diplokk thanks, just downloading now so will take a looksy11:09
diploThe PPA hasn't been updated since 10.04 so guessing it's a bit dead anyhoo11:09
AlanBelldiplo: don't install from ppa or repos11:10
diploOK ta, just creating a new VM and downloading precise/alfresco11:12
diploBlimey, Community is 523mb :D11:16
TheOpenSourcereryeah - it has everything in it.11:17
TheOpenSourcererMySQL, Tomcat, Java...11:17
TheOpenSourcererOh yeah. And Alfresco :-)11:18
AlanBellnot mysql now11:18
diploah right, so you can't use what you already have.. bit like Xampp package11:24
diploJust finished downloading so will take a look shorylu11:25
AlanBelldiplo: yeah, sadly it is like that11:25
diploIs it the only CMS you use ?11:26
TheOpenSourcererdiplo: You can - it's a bit of a pita but splitting the bits out is doable.11:27
diploBasically I've heard you guys chat about it, I want some where to store all our work docs11:27
diploAnd if possible make them searchable, if not make a more basic one wrote by myself but I really don't fancy the latter11:27
TheOpenSourcererSearching is something Alfresco is pretty good at. Solr+Lucene IIRC11:28
diplothanks Alans x211:34
* diplo plays for a few hours11:34
dotwafflemwah hah hah11:46
meethi..i just installed the marlin file browser. But how to make it the default file browser and remove nautilus?13:02
popeygord: whats the keyboard combo to flip wifi off on the x220?13:06
popeyI managed to punch some keys and it went off "Wireless is disabled"13:06
popeyI had to flick the hardware switch off and back on to get it back!13:07
popeyI think it was Fn and something in the top left but none of them have a wifi thing on13:07
meettry fn +f 213:07
popeythats lock13:09
popeyF1 is blank, F2 is lock, F2 is battery (power manager), F4 is suspend13:09
dwatkinsF5, popey - http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/X-Series-ThinkPad-Laptops/Turn-Wireless-Radios-On-and-Off-on-X220/td-p/43794113:11
popeyoh, so it is!13:12
popeyi thought that was the one to switch external display on/off13:12
popeybut thats f713:12
dwatkinslooks like you need their driver/app installed for this to work13:12
popeyworks for me :D13:12
dwatkinscool, makes me wonder what's marked on the F5 key13:12
dwatkinssome arbitrary icon, no doubt ;)13:13
meetdwatkins any suggestions on how to set marlin as the default file browser?13:13
dwatkinsmeet: no, sorry13:13
meetok..no worries13:13
dwatkinsMez: did you read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DefaultFileManager perhaps it'll help?13:14
popeyhe left13:14
Mezno I didn't13:15
andylockranhey all13:37
andylockranAnyone got experience running apache + SQLServer with php ?13:37
andylockrangood dog popey13:37
* popey pants13:37
czajkowskithis channel gets stranger and stranger all  without the help of davmor213:38
andylockrana client wants to run some of our code on his server, I've only used MySQL, Postgres & Oracle before13:38
andylockranwas wondering how much of a potential pain it could be using mssql13:38
BigRedSit shouldn't care, that's the point of PDO isn't it?13:39
davmor2czajkowski: told you it was you :P13:39
BigRedSassuming the SQL you're running is MS friendly13:39
andylockranBigRedS: yeah, it shouldn't care.13:39
andylockranbut will it :)13:40
yossarianukobviously there is a risk of contracting computer AIDS by using any MS product...13:43
oimonalways practice safe hex13:46
MartijnVdSoimon: so.. little-endian or big-endian? :)13:47
lubotu3`Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:48
AlanBellandylockran: lots of aliases for that one http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=family but not the one you were looking for :)13:49
justaleki need help with dual boot. I have ubuntu 11.10 and windows. Problem is, when I'am at boot splash screen and when I choose windows7loader from drop menu it cannot boot15:13
andylockranAlanBell: thanks :)15:13
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
justalekneed help with dual boot. Anyone can help?16:05
MartijnVdSwhat's the problem?16:05
MartijnVdSdoes it give you an error message?16:05
MartijnVdSDid it work before?16:06
justaleki have ubuntu 11.10 and windows. The problem is when Im choose windows7loader from splash boot screen, it cannot boot win16:06
justalekit just do nothing16:06
justalekyes, it is work16:07
justalekno error message16:07
MartijnVdSDid it ever work?16:07
MartijnVdSDid you change anything?16:08
justaleki have problem with graphic intel gma16:08
justalekand i change grub file16:08
justalekI just added this line in grub file: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="acpi_osi="16:09
justaleki was change to  GRUB_DEFAULT=616:11
justalekit was GRUB_DEFAULT=016:11
justalekbut nothing happened16:11
iclebyteis there a repo or 'ppa' I can add to upgrade my kernel to 2.35.x ?16:17
MartijnVdS2.35? Which version of Ubuntu are you using?16:18
MartijnVdSalso, you probably mean 2.6.35.x16:18
MartijnVdSjustalek: And that would be a downgrade, as 11.10 comes with 3.016:18
iclebytei'm actually running 10.04LTS so 2.6.32-28-server at the moment, but yes I want to run 2.6.35.x16:18
* MartijnVdS confusne16:19
MartijnVdSiclebyte: no, you don't :) It'll probably break thing like udev horribly.16:19
MartijnVdSiclebyte: Only do that if you REALLY need the hardware support and can't use backported drivers16:19
justalekMartijnVdS: yes, i have 3.016:19
iclebytegrr, i need a qlogic driver which is in 2.6.3516:19
iclebytefor a 10gigE fibre card16:20
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
oimonseen the latest ARM news?16:43
MartijnVdSthe very tiny one?16:44
oimondespite Intel's bluff and marketing, ARM are always a step ahead16:44
oimonwhen it comes to low power chips16:45
gordarms chips aren't as low power as they would have you believe ;) they are just good at doing nothing17:27
gordonjcpgord: at some point I'll hook my LPC11U14 board up to a current shunt, and see...17:29
gordonjcpin other news, hell yeah, PWMed sine wave output17:31
gordin my experience, you hook an arm chip up to a "regular" computing experience and it eats up less, but not much less, than a regular intel laptop17:31
davmor2gord: yeah but isn't the most called item idle?17:43
MartijnVdSSo.. anyone with Unity 5.6.0-0ubuntu3 have problems with their indicators?18:02
MartijnVdSMy indicators are in a loop where they die, get restarted, etc. VERY fast18:02
MartijnVdSWARN  2012-03-13 19:02:22 unity <unknown>:0 Unable to perform Sync() on panel service: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)18:02
MartijnVdS(says unity)18:02
MartijnVdSah! it segfaults a lot18:03
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
SuperEngineerevenin all ;)  any kindle users out there? [coughs in popey 's direction] - for reading I assume ok - but do I go kindle or kindle fire?19:46
MartijnVdSI have a 'normal' kindle19:46
MartijnVdSit's amazing19:46
MartijnVdSweeks on one battery charge19:46
MartijnVdS(with wifi off)19:46
SuperEngineerwoh - that *is* impressive19:46
SuperEngineercan it manage pdfs - I hear bad stuff about that19:47
apacheukcan confirm MartijnVdS observations re battery life, use mine every day during lunchbreaks19:49
MartijnVdSIt can, but it prefers mobi19:49
MartijnVdSI use mine on train journeys19:49
apacheukI would avoid the fire from what I hear its a fairly restricted version of android, I'd go for a full blown tablet if you what the extras that android can offer19:50
SuperEngineeras long as  "it can" [as in readable] - that's seems good enough for the occasional pdf methinks19:51
SuperEngineerdon't need tablet - netbooks do me fine - so sounds like it's a normal kindle for SuperEngineer19:52
SuperEngineerthanks  MartijnVdS & apacheuk19:52
apacheukquestion re the keyring file, presumably its encrypted... does anyone know to what level?19:55
MartijnVdSthat's not a level that's a method :)19:57
MartijnVdSit's an API even19:58
apacheukAlanBell, cheers19:58
apacheukI think it'll do tho, need to store some *sensitive* info and it seems like a good place20:00
SuperEngineerwheee! Ubuntu-Uk  podcast in 5 ;)20:24
diploAnyone about to help someone having a stupid night ?20:28
diploWhat would stop me pining localhost/127....20:29
diplobut ping6 ::1 works20:29
bigcalmOne day I shall look at this ipv6 thingy20:31
dwatkinsprobably when I have to20:35
diploLikewise :)20:35
=== stetho_ is now known as stetho
apacheukafter school clubs? I remember learning to program after school in a computer club20:49
apacheukeveryone now needs ict skills, but not all want to program20:50
diploapacheuk, think there is a podcast channel20:55
apacheukyeah, just realised... not easy doing this on my phone :)20:55
apacheukthought it was a bit quite :)20:57
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
AlanBellshould rhythmbox and banshee be able to see music on an ipad that has been purchased from itunes?21:53
AlanBelland if you plug in an iPad and try and sync with banshee it wants to delete all the stuff on the iPad, which seems a bit harsh, isn't sync supposed to be a two way operation?21:54
gordonjcpAlanBell: banshee does21:56
gordonjcpI didn't find it tried to delete stuff off the iPod nano I tried it with21:56
gordonjcprhythmbox deleted my entire MP3 collection, however21:57
AlanBelldad has a Bruce Springstein album on the iPad and it can't see it21:57
AlanBellyeah, rhythmbox wiped mums iPod which was a bit of a worry for a few minutes21:57
gordonjcplike I say, it wiped my entire media server, apparently because it considered .ogg and .mp3 files to be invalid21:58
gordonjcpwell, all the audio stuff anyway21:58
AlanBellI can navigate to the purchased folder on the iPad and see the .m4u files and play them21:58
gordonjcpI did think that maybe if Ubuntu are going to inflict rhythmbox on users from 12.04 on, they might have fixed some of the more egregious bugs21:58
gordonjcpbut no21:58
AlanBellit doesn't see all the playlists, and all the music, but we are not sure which or why21:59
gordonjcpfrom 12.04 it appears that banshee is dropped in favour of the reanimated corpse of rhythmbox, with all the bugs it had five years ago when it was last worked on21:59
AlanBellwell banshee is pretty much the same as rhythmbox, I struggle to choose between them22:00
AlanBellbanshee did at least say that it was going to delete 600 files before actually doing so22:00
directhexAlanBell: which ios version? depends whether libidevice is sufficiently new. apple intentionally break support in every ios update22:10
AlanBelldirecthex: it is an iPad that was purchased for this christmas so probably an iPad 2, and using 12.0422:11
diploNow it's a bit livelier in here,  any one got any suggestions why I can't ping localhost/127.0 ?22:14
diploI think it may need to wait till morning and a full nights sleep22:14
directhexAlanBell: right, but that could be several versions of ios22:14
diploBoy had me up all night :(22:14
AlanBelloh, I will try to find out then. I thought all the apple devices were upgraded at once or something, and they poke fun at android phones still waiting for ICS22:15
AlanBellwhat I don't understand is that it sees *most* of the music on the device22:16
directhex"Any device with DBVersion > 4 does NOT work. To check your DBVersion run "ideviceinfo -q com.apple.mobile.iTunes -k DBVersion"."22:16
directhexi.e. libimobiledevice only supports ios 422:16
directhexfor music symc22:16
directhexapple \o/22:17
AlanBellhow come it doesn't totally fail?22:18
AlanBell13.03.2012: iOS 5.1 works fine with libimobiledevice. hey, that is today :)22:21
popeyAlanBell: is the music you can see stuff that has been copied onto the ipad, and stuff you can't see stuff that was bought?22:43
AlanBelldad thinks it is stuff that has happened since the last iTunes sync or something isn't visible22:45
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