
jalcineAnyone know where I can find a XML file of the introspection for Unity?02:35
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angelocmhr3: Hi Michal!08:45
angeloca question, on bug 773841 it's metioned alse unity-2d as afflicted package, this should mean that there is some work to do there?08:46
ubot5`Launchpad bug 773841 in unity "\\192.168.1.x opens http:\\192.168.1.x in firefox as opposed to smb://192.168.1.x in nautilus" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77384108:46
angelocmhr3: file lens code is shared or not?08:46
mhr3angeloc, yea, it's shared08:47
mhr3so it should be fine08:47
mhr3angeloc, and good morning ;)08:47
angelocmhr3: really good news! Good morning to you!08:47
angelocdidrocks, i'm looking for a backlog bug to do, i found bug 79456508:55
ubot5`Launchpad bug 794565 in unity-lens-files "The Dash doesn't give results when searching using key letters" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79456508:55
* apw is missing the 'active shadow' on his windows (the bit that makes resize possible) is this expected ?08:55
angelocdidrocks, i think it's fixed because on my unity compiled from trunk the problem doesn't show08:55
didrocksangeloc: check with upstream, I would say mhr3 and kamstrup for this one again :)08:56
mhr3didrocks, btw didrocks you never reported if the no-accent-searching works fine for you08:57
didrocksmhr3: last time I checked, it was for 5.4 and then, you told me "it's too early"08:58
mhr3didrocks, but it's 5.6 now ;)08:58
angelocdidrocks, mhr3, i'm testing it right now and it works like a charm, really tastefull!08:59
mhr3angeloc, iirc we didn't fix yet point #208:59
didrocksmhr3: confirmed, it works :)08:59
didrocksmhr3: that's nice because I planned to ask you about it today09:00
didrocksso "done" :)09:00
angelocmhr3: ponit #2 doesn't work!09:01
mhr3angeloc, my memory is awesome right? :)09:02
angelocmh3r: you are supernatural :)!09:02
apwdidrocks, seem to have lost the resize area round windows -- bug #95383909:08
ubot5`Launchpad bug 953839 in unity (Ubuntu) "active resize area around windows no longer works" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95383909:08
didrocks@dx guys, can you please help people on this channel? ^09:10
didrockskind of busy on other regressions :/09:10
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angelocanyone working on bug 753276? it's really a challenging one!09:30
ubot5`Launchpad bug 753276 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "Currently no way to find wine apps in dash other than searching them from search bar" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75327609:30
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 953853 in unity (Ubuntu) "F10 to focus on the menu/indicators doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:43
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 953855 in unity (Ubuntu) "Alt-combinations (Alt+Tab, Alt+F2) don't work if "Key to show HUD" is disabled or not set to <Alt>" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:43
smb`Another "oddity": bug 95385809:51
ubot5`Launchpad bug 953858 in unity (Ubuntu) "Selecting running app in launcher moves app not viewport" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95385809:51
angelocmhr3: can i work on point #2 on bug 794565, or there is someone who already working on this?09:56
ubot5`Launchpad bug 794565 in unity-lens-files "The Dash doesn't give results when searching using key letters" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79456509:56
gordkamstrup, ? ^ you are down as the assignee but its ooold09:58
mhr3angeloc, you could, but it's pretty complex, there are corner cases when it can go very wrong09:58
kamstrupgord: I think it's all fixed by mhr3 these days09:58
mhr3not completely09:59
kamstrupmhr3: I thought we already tokenized on numeric boundaries?09:59
kamstrupor did we drop that?09:59
kamstrupbecause of the "garbage identifiers" issue I guess?09:59
mhr3we didn't want to split e15ab8ap to "e 15 ab 8 ap"10:00
angelocmhr3: ok i'll find something easy!10:01
htorque_hi all! can anyone explain that leak? http://paste.ubuntu.com/881657/10:43
htorque_it points to the inline use of 'g_variant_new' in a 'g_dbus_proxy_call' call, but that should be fine according to the docu10:43
htorque_the code: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-application/trunk.0.5/view/head:/src/application-service-appstore.c#L153510:43
murraychtorque: Is any part of this a GVariant? app->approved_by = g_list_remove(app->approved_by, approver->proxy10:52
murraycIf so, then the remove() would be forgetting about it without freeing it, which it should maybe do if nothing else is meant to do it.10:53
htorquemurrayc: oh, the link should point to the 'g_variant_new' link, not the 'approver_revise_judgement' function - or did i miss something. as for your question: idk; not yet fully went through the code.10:59
murraycAh, right: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-application/trunk.0.5/view/head:/src/application-service-appstore.c#L150811:02
murraychtorque: What makes you think that you can just new() and forget the GVariant inline?11:02
murraycah, sorry, I see it now.11:03
murraycI guess you might need to try to reproduce the leak with a simple test case.11:04
ryehm, is it known that now (on 5.6) more often than ever the indicator menus are opened quite far from their indicator?11:10
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mhall119quickly-unity-lens-template has landed in the Precise Universe! \o/13:04
krnekheleshom26er: ping13:07
om26erkrnekhelesh, hey13:07
krnekheleshhey , I was just looking at bug report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/95013613:08
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 950136 in unity-2d "multimonitor, launcher: Provide an option to display either a single launcher or a launcher on each display in a multi-monitor environment" [High,In progress]13:08
krnekheleshit says it is fix commited13:08
krnekheleshdoes the bug fix implement the specifications as shown here13:08
om26erkrnekhelesh, yes its fixed in trunk ?13:08
DaekdroomFix commited doesn't mean released.13:08
om26eratleast thought so13:08
DaekdroomIt's in trunk. Not in the repos.13:08
krnekheleshyeah I realise that...but I just wanted to know if it is implement according to what is shown in the google docs13:09
om26erthe unity part is fixed in trunk, the gnome-control-center part still needs done13:10
krnekheleshbesides I guess I will get it if I try the unity from the ppa:unity-team/ppa13:10
krnekheleshom26er: ah, ok13:10
krnekheleshom26er: thnx, just curious and eager :)13:11
om26erkrnekhelesh, yw, never used multi monitors ;-)13:12
krnekheleshwell i have a multimonitor, but cant use it because sticky feature is too annoying13:12
mhall119krnekhelesh: there are settings you can adjust for that13:13
krnekheleshmhall119: true but it is a hack more than a proper fix :)13:13
krnekheleshmhall119: though it should help temporarily13:14
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cr3hi folks, I dist-upgraded this morning and I have no top and left panels in unity anymore. so, I'm trying to troubleshoot from the console.13:25
cr3here's my ~/.xsession-errors: http://people.canonical.com/~cr3/xsession-errors13:25
cr3and here's the output of dpkg -l | grep unity: http://people.canonical.com/~cr3/dpkg.txt13:26
cr3I reported but #953263 about this yesterday, but I resolved it with the #ubuntu-desktop folks on the assumption the problem was with unity-2d.13:26
cr3I'm now using unity though and still the same problem :(13:27
quantumlemurwhen I started my computer this morning, neither the side unity launcher panel nor the top panel came up.  I hear there's someone else in here with the same problem13:27
quantumlemuron intel graphics13:28
krnekheleshcr3 has the same issue13:28
cr3quantumlemur: intel graphics too13:29
MCR1latest update deleted my xorg.conf (intel hd4500)13:30
MCR1any idea how to get it back ?13:30
krnekheleshquantumlemur, cr3: I run unity on intel graphics but everything works for me fine13:31
krnekheleshMCR1: how do you check which intel graphics I have?13:31
cr3krnekhelesh: I doubt the problem is with the graphics driver, this seems like a unity problem or a dependency of it rather than a hardware compatibility problem13:32
MCR1krnekhelesh: Could you post your xorg.conf ?13:32
seb128cr3, your xsession-errors has incorrect permissions, can't be viewed13:32
cr3seb128: thanks, fixed13:33
krnekheleshMCR1: sure, but you need to tell me where to find it13:33
seb128cr3, your dpkg ... you still don't have "unity" installed?13:33
seb128cr3, didn't you install it yesterday?13:33
cr3seb128: what the heck! I did install it yesterday, I blame dist-upgrade :(13:33
seb128cr3, same issue than yesterday13:33
MCR1krnekhelesh: /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:33
seb128cr3, you uninstalled unity13:33
quantumlemurhuh.  unity is uninstalled for me as well.  I don't remember seeing that in the updates13:34
MCR1you have to take care when doing a dist-upgrade13:34
cr3seb128: this might explain it: http://people.canonical.com/~cr3/install.txt13:34
quantumlemurI did my dist-upgrade a while ago; yesterday was just a normal upgrade13:34
seb128cr3, it seems like you uninstalled half your system13:35
seb128cr3, dist-upgrading without reading is bad for you13:35
krnekheleshMCR1: i do not see xorg.conf in my /etc/X11 folder13:35
seb128cr3,          Depends: libgtk-3-0 (>= 3.1.6) but it is not going to be installed13:35
seb128cr3, did gtk got uninstalled?13:35
cr3quantumlemur: you might also want to make sure that the unity package is still installed13:35
seb128cr3, there is probably not much left from your box :p13:35
cr3seb128: not to my knowledge13:35
seb128cr3, can you scp /var/log/dpkg.log ?13:36
cr3seb128: I had around 1.6K installed packages yesterday, when it worked, and I still have about as many13:36
quantumlemurcr3, no, it's not.  I don't remember it saying that it was going to be removed13:36
cr3quantumlemur: aha! same problem then :)13:36
seb128cr3, please copy dpkg.log13:37
MCR1krnekhelesh: your system works without xorg.conf ? I envy you ;)13:37
cr3seb128: http://people.canonical.com/~cr3/dpkg.log13:37
seb128cr3, 2012-03-13 08:56:35 remove unity 5.6.0-0ubuntu1 <none>13:38
cr3seb128: I certainly didn't do that on purpose :(13:39
krnekheleshMCR1: pls explain :)...is that good? no seriously i tried ls -a to show hidden files13:39
seb1282012-03-13 09:05:10 remove gnome-user-share 3.0.1-1ubuntu1 <none>13:39
seb1282012-03-13 09:05:10 remove gnome-bluetooth 3.2.2-0ubuntu3 <none>13:39
seb1282012-03-13 09:05:11 remove bluez 4.98-2ubuntu5 <none>13:39
seb128cr3, you probably caught dist-upgrade at a bad time...13:40
seb128cr3, what happens if you try to install bluez for example?13:40
cr3seb128: that's what I suspect, and same for quantumlemur13:40
seb128cr3, you guys should not use dist-upgrade without reading13:40
cr3seb128: I tried installing bluez a few minutes ago and it worked: 4.98-2ubuntu513:40
krnekheleshcr3, quantumlemur, why do you guys actually use dist-upgrade? is it to get unity 5.6 before it is released from the ppa?13:41
krnekheleshfor me a normal update worked13:41
quantumlemurkrnekhelesh, I did not use dist-upgrade.  just normal upgrade13:41
seb128cr3, what about gnome-bluetooth?13:41
krnekheleshquantumlemur, oh ok13:42
mhall119dist-upgrade will install new dependencies, just upgrade will hold back packages isntead13:42
cr3seb128: same: 3.2.2-0ubuntu313:42
seb128cr3, did you try to reinstall it? did it work?13:43
cr3seb128: yep, for both bluez and gnome-bluetooth, I just did apt-get install and it worked fine13:43
seb128cr3, what about unity? still getting the issue?13:43
cr3seb128: yep, same output as in the install.txt file above13:44
cr3seb128: I can't seem to pinpoint where the resolving of dependencies is failing from that output13:45
seb128cr3, oh, I know, try again in half an hour13:45
seb128cr3, I know what is falling, there was abi change in lbxfixes and libxfixes,unity needs to be upgrade together, they used a breaks for that13:45
seb128but rather than putting them on hold dist-upgrade choosed to pick the new libxfixes and remove unity13:46
cr3seb128: the breaks would explain this, right? E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.13:46
quantumlemurI see, seb12813:46
seb128try again in half an hour13:46
cr3seb128: ah, now I understand what that means. thanks man!13:46
bmoezi want to tweak unity-panel (the look), what file can i make the change in?13:47
mhall119did a bzr pull on nux trunk, trying to run make and I get:13:59
mhall119Makefile.am:5:   `doxygen-include.am' included from here13:59
mhall119doxygen-include.am:172: DX_COND_latex does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL13:59
mhall119Makefile.am:5:   `doxygen-include.am' included from here13:59
mhall119make: *** [Makefile.in] Error 113:59
mhr3mhall119, re-run configure14:06
mhall119mhr3: I remember having specific flags on configure to make it install to my unity trunk build dir, do you happen to know what they are?14:07
mhall119someone helped me with this a while back, and of course I didn't write it down14:07
mhr3mhall119, shouldn't some of the log files say exactly how you run it?14:08
mhr3config.log would be my first guess14:08
mhall119which log files?14:08
mhall119ah, thanks mhr314:08
MAbeeTThi! I've updated to oneric. Unity has been working properly up to 60 min ago. The appearance is not ok, (appeareance dialog doesn't change noting). Others sessions are ok. The aspect is like when in gnome2 dissapears gnome-settings-daemon.14:08
mhr3mhall119, but yea, i'm pretty sure there's some better way that i don't know about :)14:09
MAbeeTTI don't know how to continue, do you have any idea? thanks.14:09
mhall119mhr3: bah, still getting that doxygen-include.am error14:09
mhr3mhall119, autogen then14:09
mhall119configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.25.14 gio-2.0 ibus-1.0 gobject-2.0 ) were not met:14:11
mhall119No package 'ibus-1.0' found14:11
cr3quantumlemur: unity is fixed now and works nicely!14:14
cr3seb128: thanks again, everything works now14:14
quantumlemurcr3, seb128, yes, I just reinstalled it.  thanks for your help14:15
MAbeeTTDo you know wich program draws the windows colors? and the gnome icons (disks, nautilus, etc)?14:20
MAbeeTTI am using unity in ubuntu oneric14:20
ryehi, i am wondering whether it is known that if you drag window quick enough, the pointer starts lagging behind the window being actually dragged?15:29
ryeMAbeeTT: erm, well, the gnome icons are not being drawn separately from the toolkit, which is gtk, windows colors in gtk programs are managed by gtk themes15:30
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MAbeeTTrye: ok, and the process wich draws them?15:32
MAbeeTTI solved the problem movinf (deleting) .config directory, but it is not a real solution, because i should do the same when the problem appears again.15:33
jalcineAnyone knows how I'd start to write a Lens for Unity?15:33
davidcallejalcine, hi. You can check for examples in https://code.launchpad.net/onehundredscopes15:34
jalcineActually, I might need a button in the entry field. hm.15:34
jalcineSahweet, thanks davidcalle15:34
davidcallejalcine, a button in the entry field... What for?15:35
jalcineWell, I'm working on adding speech recognition into Unity/HUD without too much damage.15:35
mhall119davidcalle: graphics design lens passed moderation \o/15:36
davidcallejalcine, and another very clean code sample : https://code.launchpad.net/unity-lens-sample (python-5.0 branch)15:36
davidcallemhall119, I know :)15:36
mhall119davidcalle: also, the quickly template landed in Universe15:36
mhall119for singlet lenses15:36
ryeMAbeeTT: i think that what you are actually seeing _is_ gnome-settings-daemon crashing - could you please check in dmesg whether there are any segfaults from the process?15:36
ryeMAbeeTT: gnome-settings-daemon informs other applications about the theme they are using, the default is to use the built-in theme which is all blockly and standard gnome icons15:37
davidcallemhall119, indeed, I'm finishing my tutorial on it tomorrow :)15:37
jalcineI'm guessing it's not feasible to have a little widdle button in there..15:38
davidcallemhr3, hey15:38
davidcallejalcine, it's not. You could have a filter to toggle between input modes.15:38
jalcineInput modes, like xim/ibus?15:39
mhr3davidcalle, hi15:39
davidcallejalcine, no, like mic/keyboard15:39
davidcallemhr3, what's up with the conflict in the rb branch? :/15:39
jalcineHm. I'll experiment.15:40
jalcineThank you15:40
davidcallejalcine, no problem.15:40
mhr3davidcalle, just merge it with trunk15:40
davidcallemhr3, I did, but ok, giving it another go.15:40
jalcineWoah, that's a lot of scopes.15:48
jalcineThere should be a UI to enable and disable specific scopes at whim.15:48
jalcinebut then, why would you have it installed?15:49
davidcallemhr3, I think I've fixed the conflict. Do I need to resubmit the proposal, or just pushing the branch updates the proposal?15:52
mhr3davidcalle, pushing is good enough15:52
mhr3davidcalle, plus add a comment pls, so we get notified :)15:53
davidcallemhr3, ok15:53
MAbeeTTrye: mmm... there aren't logs of gnome-settings-daemon crashing, and i made killall gnome-settgins-daemon and launched it againg and nothing.15:54
MAbeeTTrye: maybe some inchoerenced related to gsdaemon, I came from natty. The weird part is that in some moment it was working properly.15:55
MAbeeTTOk, for the next time, I will start with gnome-settings-daemon.15:56
angelocthumper: i'm intrested in writing gnome-control-center's part for bug 950136, can you mentor me, i'm a beginner16:27
ubot5`Launchpad bug 950136 in unity-2d "multimonitor, launcher: Provide an option to display either a single launcher or a launcher on each display in a multi-monitor environment" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95013616:27
angelocthumper: i have a multimonitor setup in place16:27
gordangeloc, just fyi, thumper won't be about for another four hours or so, new zealand timezone :)16:30
angelocgord, thank you, i can see he's online, so i asked, well, i'm here for about two other hours at least, so i'll try later!16:31
kklimondahuh, is hud broken in 5.6? it "executes" things twice16:33
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angelocthumper: i'm intrested in writing gnome-control-center's part for bug 950136, can you mentor me?17:53
ubot5`Launchpad bug 950136 in unity-2d "multimonitor, launcher: Provide an option to display either a single launcher or a launcher on each display in a multi-monitor environment" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95013617:53
jonowhere do I file bugs against the music lens?18:06
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htorquejono: "ubuntu-bug unity-lens-music" i suppose18:46
jonohtorque, thanks18:47
htorquejono: oops, just saw you already got the answer on -devel. :-)18:48
jononp :-)18:48
thomiajmitch: hmmm, Jason't not here, and is ignoring me. Maybe I finally pushed him over the edge19:40
ajmitchthomi: could be :)19:40
thomi...but I think he's the one to ask about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/80624819:40
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 806248 in unity (Ubuntu) "Launcher icons are all rendered up in top left corner" [Medium,Confirmed]19:40
ajmitchI'll hold off restarting unity for awhile until it can be sucked dry of info19:41
thomiI have a call with him in 20 minutes though, so I'll grab him then, if he doesn't reply sooner19:41
thomiajmitch: do you have unity source tree on your machine?19:41
ajmitchI think I do, let me check19:41
thomiok, cd to the root dir, and do this (big breath):19:42
ajmitchjust doing bzr pull to bring it up to date first19:42
thomiPYTHONPATH=tests/autopilot ./tools/unity-introspection-visualiser.py -o out.png19:42
* ajmitch waits for his laptop to die19:43
ajmitchok, that generated something quite fast19:43
thomi...you might want to take a peek at it first - it'll show us all the apps you're running, so if you have anything..... embarrasing open, you may want to close it first ;)19:43
ajmitchyeah, theoretically it should19:44
ajmitchdon't worry, it was just eog being a bit of fail19:44
thomiajmitch: black image?19:45
thomino, I think that's graphviz. means your tree is too large to be rendered19:45
ajmitchopened in the gimp19:45
thomiyeah? hmm ok19:45
thomiI didn't realise that worked, cool19:45
thomiotherwise you can do "-o foo.pdf"19:46
ajmitchok, want this attached to the bug?19:47
thomiummm... sure19:47
thomiI might take a look myself19:48
ajmitchyou just want to see what I'm running19:48
ajmitchnothing exciting19:48
* thomi refreshes bug report impatiently19:52
* thomi cracks the whip19:53
ajmitchrefresh it now19:53
thomithat's interesting - your icons have the correct x&y coordinates set19:54
ajmitchyeah, and there aren't a whole lot of invisible icons listed19:55
thomihmmm, yes19:57
ajmitchit's a bit special, imo :)19:57
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mhall119can anybody tell me the default size of icons in the alt-tab switcher?20:39
bschaeferthomi, hey! Stupid question, I cant seem to run the autopilot test this way anymore "python -m testtools.run autopilot.tests.test_dash"20:53
bschaeferthomi, soo what am I doing wrong?20:53
thomibschaefer: hmm, let me try...20:54
thomibschaefer: most folks use ./tools/autopilot now :)20:54
bschaeferthomi, sweet! It found dependencies i was missing...20:55
thomibschaefer: yeah - that's the advantage of the new autopilot script :)20:55
bschaefersomehow testscenario got uninstalled20:55
bschaeferthomi, sweet thanks! Also Im going to have to talk to you about getting a dead key test in there20:56
thomiok, what do you need?20:56
bschaeferthomi, it seems when I send a XK_dead_acute through in nux and it isn't in the correct keyboard layout it freaks out :(20:56
thomifreaks out?20:57
bschaeferthomi, well last week jay and I got composition keys and dead keys working, but I want there to be test in unity for it20:57
thomioh ok20:57
bschaeferbut it crashes because to turns the keysym into a keycode20:58
bschaeferand if the dead key isn't a current key in the keyboard layout it wont work20:58
thomiso how is a user supposed to send the key if it's not on their keyboard?20:58
bschaeferthomi, haha, yeah well you have to change the keyboard layout. Say for French we want to make sure the dead keys work for them20:59
thomibschaefer: ok, so the test would change the keyboard layout, send some dead keys, make sure they arrived OK, and then change the layout back again?21:00
bschaeferthomi, that is what Im thinking, but X11 doesn't make that easy...21:00
bschaeferthomi, well at lease when I looked I couldn't get a good example working21:00
thomibschaefer: hmmm21:01
thomibschaefer: TBH this sounds like a situation where we need some more test machines in different locales21:01
bschaeferthomi, let me look some more, and see if I can get something working in autopilot before I bother you :)21:01
bschaeferthomi, that would make things easier21:02
thomi...and we just skip the test if it's run on a machine with an incorrect keymap21:02
thomiok, let me know what you find21:02
bschaeferthomi, yeah I need to figure out how to get the current keyboard layout!21:02
bschaeferthomi, I find someones else code that does the talking with X11 to get the current layout and name but21:03
bschaeferwould rather find a better way to do this21:03
bschaeferthomi, thanks for that script! I knew I was doing something wrong haha!21:04
bschaeferthomi, o yeah a  random question, what order do the functions get called in?21:04
thomibschaefer: tests? it seems to be the same order as 'autopilot list' shows them in, but you can't rely on that21:05
thomitests need to be totally separate from one another for that reason21:05
bschaeferthomi, it seems when I make a class with 5 functions it class them differently sometimes21:05
bschaeferthomi, yeah, I was just curios what order they get called as it almost seems random sometimes haha21:05
nishttal2i am trying to setup compiz on xubuntu 11.10.. when i try the compiz --replace command i get the following errors... http://www.fpaste.org/h31w/22:01
bschaeferthomi, hey, so I saw there was no composition key test so I wrote some up22:07
bschaeferthomi, would you mind looking over these?22:07
bschaeferthomi, thanks!22:07
bschaeferthomi, i fixed that spelling error in the comment for the class DashSpecialKeyTests22:08
thomibschaefer: would you prefer feedback here, or on the MP?22:13
* thomi comments on the MP22:14
bschaeferthomi, so if I ever get lost again I can look through all the MP you commented on of mine22:15
thomibschaefer: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/unity.test-special-keys/+merge/97311/comments/21013322:21
* thomi is being super-picky22:21
bschaeferthomi, no, that's good. Im hoping ill eventually get a thumbs up the first time through with an autopilot test :)22:22
thomibschaefer: haha, I keep raising the bar as the tests get better and better22:22
thomiI guess there has to be a limit at some point :)22:23
thomibschaefer: put it this way - I wouldn't think twice about merging those tests as they are, but we may as well try and make them as good as possible22:23
bschaeferthomi, haha, yeah. Im trying to get them up to that bar each time!22:24
bschaeferthomi, yeah, I was trying to describe the test in under 80 characters22:24
bschaeferthomi, and failed at it22:24
bschaeferthomi, thank you for the feed back!22:25
thomino worries.22:25
thomiBTW, if you want your docstring to be longer than 80 chars that's fine, as long as you follow PEP257 - with blank lines and everything22:26
* thomi would rather have longer, more accurate docstrings than shorter, less accurate ones22:26
bschaeferthomi, sounds good!22:28
bschaeferthomi, hey, so do you want me to go through and remove all test that use self.dash = Dash()?22:57
thomibschaefer: yes, that would be great. THanks22:57
bschaeferthomi, also is having self.dash.ensure_hidden() in tearDown() rather then setUP22:57
=== ubot5` is now known as ubot5
bschaeferor should it be both?22:57
thomibschaefer: probably both22:58
thomiyou need to make sure you leave the system in a nice state22:58
bschaeferthomi, alright, Ill go and add those for each test also!22:58
bschaeferyeah, was thinking it will always tear down, but yeah you never know what might happen in between a tear down a set up22:58
bschaeferand a set up*22:58
davidcallemhr3, I hate Vala with all my heart. Ok, it compiles now. :)23:05
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
bschaeferthomi, alright done! Now time to see if I can get something working for these dead keys haha23:23
bschaeferlots of red lines :)23:24
thomibschaefer: looks good!23:25
thomido you want me to approve it, or is there more to come?23:25
bschaeferthomi, hmm I think we should approve and merge it now23:25
thomibschaefer: ok, the tests pass then?23:25
bschaeferthomi, as im not sure how easy the dead keys will be to put in and I changed a few things23:26
bschaeferthomi, yup! I had one failure though23:26
thomiok, approved23:26
bschaeferTraceback (most recent call last):23:26
bschaefer  File "autopilot/tests/test_dash.py", line 209, in test_category_header_keynav23:26
bschaefer    self.assertEqual(category, None)23:26
bschaeferMismatchError: <autopilot.emulators.unity.dash.PlacesGroup object at 0x8e7018c> != None23:26
thomibschaefer: yes, that's failing on jenkins also. It's on my list of things to look into23:26
bschaeferthomi, it could have been I haven't complied the latest unity23:26
bschaeferthomi, alright cool, thanks again!23:26
bschaeferthomi, getting better at those test23:26
thomino problem23:26
bschaeferthomi, and I should move status -> merged?23:27
wadI'm just curious about something. I used to use compiz, before unity, but since I've upgraded to ubuntu unity, a bunch of stuff doesn't work. For example, the only window-close effect that works is the default fade. I can change its duration, but I can't add, say, magic lamp. Is this just me, or is this general? I use compiz-config.23:27
thominope status -> approved23:27
bschaeferthomi, opps yeah!23:27
bschaefercool, good luck looking into that one failure!23:28
snadgeindicator-weather crashes all the time :p23:38
snadgepiece of crap23:38
MCR1my-weather-indicator is much better - use that one :)23:39
MCR1snadge: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/02/my-weather-indicator-020-released-new.html23:41
MCR1wad: install compizconfig settings manager, compiz-plugins-*23:45

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