
jrwrensnap-l: you listen to Laibach?01:12
snap-lA litt01:18
snap-lI have Thus Spake John Paul II01:18
snap-lwhich is technically 300,000VK, but... ;)01:20
jrwrencheck out Volk01:20
jrwrensoooo sweet01:20
jrwrenits their interpretations of national anthems of various nations.01:21
snap-lWill check it out01:21
snap-lI love the concept of Laibach01:22
snap-lI had one album, though, that I couldn't get into01:22
snap-ltrying to remember which one it was01:23
snap-lGah, can't find it01:26
jrwrensnap-l: me too. the albums are hit and miss with me.03:36
jrwrenopus dei is great, but other I've heard i just can't stand.03:36
jrwrenthen i hear jesus christ superstar (laibach version) and its great.03:36
jrwrenthen i hear something else, and I can't stand it :)03:36
jrwrennow I've heard Volk :)03:36
rick_h_I'm getting htat feeling that I'm starting to abuse make...must find another way...03:37
rick_h_oh wtf...it works03:37
jrwreni'm abusing virtualenv.03:37
jrwrenputting each app in its own venv.03:37
jrwrenrunning prod out of each little venv03:37
jrwren<3 it so much03:37
rick_h_yea, that's what I do03:38
rick_h_that's why there's very little in my system python03:38
snap-ljrwren: In other words, you're doing it right. :)03:44
brouschi discovered a package called 'kubuntu-low-fat-settings' and am giving it a try12:01
jrwrendo you run on old shit hardware or someething ?12:13
jrwrenhow old and what specs?12:14
jrwrenand what are you using it for?12:14
brouschdell latitude d630. 2GHZ dual core with 4GB12:14
brouschfirefox, chrome, pidgin, vim, eclipse (android)12:15
jrwrenthat isn't even old.12:15
jrwreni mean, yes, it is.12:15
brouschi know, so it sucks when i start swapping12:15
brousch4GB should be enough for anyone!12:15
jrwrenbut 4GB and you swap?12:15
jrwrenoh... eclipse.12:15
jrwrenget a new laptop.12:15
brouschyeah, chrome is mostly the culprit12:15
brouschi rarely use eclipse12:15
jrwrenmy chrome barele gets above 200MB used12:15
jrwrenhow many tabs do you leave open?12:16
brouschalways at least 4: gmail, gcal, g+, hootsuite12:16
jrwreni ask all this because my brand new laptop from last week only has 4GB ram. I actually downgraded on RAM after 2.5yrs with an 8GB notebook12:16
brouschthen up to 20 during the day12:17
jrwrenand how high does its memory usage get?12:17
brouschwell i did not have this ram problem with unity, gnome shell, or xfce12:17
jrwrenis it an old less efficient chrome?12:17
brouschit is current chrome12:17
jrwrenb.s. a different shell is not going to make chrome use more memory.12:17
jrwrenall the desktop shells should only use a few MB12:17
jrwrenwhat shell are you running that takes more than a few MB?12:18
brouschwhen i booted up with no programs open it was using about 590MB12:18
brouschwell, dropbox was syncing12:18
jrwrenah, dropbox can be a pig can't it?  like 128MB ?12:18
jrwreni dunno... i'd just judiciously watch top and stop running anything that eats my memory.12:19
brouschlooking at top, FF is using 6%, and there are 12 instances of chrome using a collective 20%12:20
brouschwith 8 chrome tabs open12:20
brouschchrome:memory says it's using almost 800MB12:20
brouschi think it's because i don't use any actual qt programs. everything is gtk running on kde12:22
jrwrenpoor brousch13:02
jrwren800MB chrome :(13:16
jrwrenaurora 253MB, chrome 38MB   <-- my browser usage right now.13:16
brouschfor all of chrome?13:17
brouschis that from top or chrome://memory ?13:17
jrwrenhint: i have no chrome windows open :)13:19
jrwrengood call though... chrome://memory says 106/293/4913:19
jrwrenseen chrome://net-internals/ ?13:20
brouschgmail is my big hog. over 200MB just for that tab13:20
jrwrenanother reason i don't use gmail :)13:22
jrwrenmy mail app pointed to gmail and 2 imap accounts is 128MB13:22
brouschi would have to rethink my whole workspace usage13:24
brouschbut it might be worth it13:26
snap-lHello there.13:32
snap-lSqueezebox presentation tonight. :)13:32
snap-lBe there, get stuff.13:32
brouschcan i get details on entering the sweepstakes without being present13:33
snap-lbrousch: I'll send you something in the mail13:34
* brousch somehow suspects he's going to win a box of 1000 more ubuntu 11.04 CDs13:35
snap-lbrousch: Nah, coupon code for Logitech products.13:35
snap-lI'll send one when I get home.13:36
jrwreni want vimpyflakes for js now... jslint with vim or something14:13
brouschso far this kubuntu-low-fat-settings is working out well15:47
jrwrenwhat does it do?15:48
brouschTurns off compositing by default; Reduces the number of Krunner plugins loaded by default; Reduce the amount of effects used in the window decoration; Disables the automatic loading of various system modules – such as the free space notifier, Nepomuk services, and others15:52
snap-lBrings up LXDE, says "Screw you"15:53
brouschactually that's what i'm trying next on the NC15:54
snap-lYeah, that should work15:55
brouschit sounds like wordpress has another rash of malware infestations15:56
_stink_there's a cream for that.15:58
brouschit's called "python"15:59
brouschsnap-l: have you tried lxde?16:00
snap-lNot personally, no16:02
rick_h_gotta love sprints, they start later and later each day lol16:12
jrwrenyou do daily sprints?o_O ?16:25
rick_h_yea, after pycon is 4 days of sprints provided by the conf16:25
rick_h_entering day 2...pretty empty so far today16:25
jrwrenoh, different kind of sprints then :)16:29
jrwrennot scrum sprints16:29
rick_h_yea no, just coding sprints16:30
jrwrenwhat ya hacking on?16:31
jcastrohe's charming bookie16:33
jcastroright? RIGHT?16:33
rick_h_something like that16:33
snap-lThis angers me: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2012/03/stop-innovating-please-kaleidescape-loses-dvd-ripping-case.ars16:44
jrwrentheir fault for entering into dvd licensing agreement at all.16:46
jrwreni'll continue to just download movies. :)16:47
jrwrenits not stealing, its not piracy :)16:47
snap-ljrwren: Yeah, shame on them to try and play above-board.16:49
snap-lMeanwhile someone gets slapped because content companies managed to put CSS on DVDs16:49
jrwrenthey entered an agreement, they broke it. seems simple to me.16:54
snap-lYeah, and if DVDs weren't encrypted, this would be a non-issue.16:55
snap-l"Imagine a world where Apple wasn't allowed to build the iPod because Sony wanted a 'level playing field' for the Walkman"16:57
brouschoooooh, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101667/2012-03-13%2013.07.12.png17:05
snap-lFire up GIMP! :)17:06
brouschinstalling firefox17:06
brouschyeah, gimp should be fiun to use on a touch screen17:06
brouschthis seems more stable than the others i tried17:07
snap-lI won't believe it's yours until I see Firefox with a copy of today's Grand Rapids Press, and a GIMP window open with the words "Alea iacta est" enscribed in Liberation Mono.17:08
snap-lOnly then will I believe.17:08
brouschgr press uses mlive now17:08
snap-lThat's fine too. :)17:09
brouschdefinitely not the fastest device17:20
brouschtook at least 30s to start FF17:21
snap-lbrousch: Try running LXDE on a P2. I'm sure it's comparable.17:21
brouschyou would choose the super-bloated and annoying mlive, wouldn't you17:22
brouschsnap-l: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101667/2012-03-13%2014.02.18.png17:58
brouschgimp is definitely not fun on a touchscreen17:59
brouschat least not on a small one17:59
brouschoh, and i didn't have liberation mono installed so i went with dejau sans bold18:00
_stink_that's awesome.18:00
brouschmaybe i can give it some touchscreen love with theme changes. make buttons bigger18:02
rick_h_what? install liberation mono!18:02
brouschrick_h_: it took 30mins just to install gimp!18:02
rick_h_dude, sudo apt-get install liberation-ttf18:03
rick_h_sorry, ttf-liberation18:03
rick_h_must have fonts18:03
snap-lbrousch: Doesn't count. :)18:04
snap-lActually, I was half-joking, but damn that is awesome. :)18:04
snap-lJust ordered some public-domain music. :)18:05
snap-lhttp://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.110601 <- can't order it directly from Naxos, though, because of screwball copyright18:06
brouschand now it's out of memory18:07
snap-lgreg-g: tricky (c) question for you if you have a moment18:23
snap-lif someone takes a piece of music that has entered the public domain, and cleans it up a tad, can they claim copyright on the cleaned up version?18:25
snap-ln/m, found my answer: http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Gutenberg:No_Sweat_of_the_Brow_Copyright18:26
greg-gone sec18:42
greg-gsnap-l: so, people "claim" copyright on that shit all the time, but would it stand up in court? Probably not18:46
rick_h_brousch: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_cookbook/en/latest/deployment/heroku.html18:46
brouschheh, they're pushing cherrypy/18:49
rick_h_yea, but you can swap that with gunicorn18:50
snap-lgreg-g: Yeah, that's what I thought.18:52
brouschmy conclusion: it works, but it's too slow to be really useful19:41
_stink_in general, or using the gimp?19:43
brouschin general19:43
brouscheverything GUI is slow19:43
brouschmight be useful for command line stuff19:43
brouschyou have all of the linux command line programs19:44
brouschincluding vim19:44
snap-lbrousch: Wonder if it's using a non-optimized driver?19:44
jrwrenon what are you running?19:44
jrwrenyour d630?19:45
brouschjrwren: nook color19:45
brouschsnap-l: the graphics are fine. everything seems to peg the CPU19:45
snap-lbrousch: Right, because it's not able to take advantage of hardware optimization19:46
brouschalso i hit the ram limit if i run more than 2 things19:46
snap-lso in essence it's having to dump that work on the CPU19:46
brouschah, maybe19:46
snap-lBut the real question is can it play Doom?19:47
brouschdoom hasn't been ported to android yet?19:48
snap-lI think my head just exploded.20:01
jrwrenbeautiful isn't it?20:05
snap-lIt's buggy, though20:07
snap-lJust running (def x 6) \n (def y 36) caused it to puke20:08
BlazeixI bet static typing would have caught that error20:33
snap-lBlazeix: Har har20:41
brouschi got openbox and firefox running from the chroot using the android xserver20:41
brouschcan't click anything though20:41
snap-lbrousch: Your tenacity amazes me20:45
brouschthat was easy20:45
brouschkill vnc in the chroot; export DISPLAY=localhost:0; start android xserver; openbox&; firefox20:46
jrwrenocaml-py would be impressive :p21:08

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