
* nathwill loves wordpress00:15
bkerensanathwill: why00:25
nathwilloh lots of reasons00:29
nathwillmainly that it generally makes sense00:29
nathwilland by being so widely used, is easy to support a huge array of sites by being familiar with its architecture00:29
nathwillalso, started to lose my objectsions to its use with the 3.3.x releases00:30
nathwillso clearly they're listening to user feedback00:30
bkerensanathwill: do you use a framework or vanilla wordpress?00:31
nathwillpersonally, it depends00:46
nathwillfor clients, wordpress00:46
nathwillmy sites, i build my own framework for apps00:46
nathwillor for my blog i use jekyll00:46
nathwilldepends totally on the purpose00:46
nathwillyou pick what's appropriate00:47
nathwilli'm actually going to be publishing the base framework pretty soon on github00:47
nathwillonce i clean it up a bit00:47
nathwillthere's a noticeable gap in the market between the ultra-lightweight and the full-fledged frameworks00:47
bkerensanathwill: I would love to use something like jekyll or better yet Wok (just like jekyll but developed in Oregon) but transitioning my WP theme to static would be a nightmare01:06
bkerensawell it is a nightmare I already tried to with the Wok devs at OSU01:06
Subway1i am subway01:08
bkerensanathwill: Im working on a Subway juju charm atm01:16
nathwillstupid system crash03:32
nathwillon the bright side, nailed  the backend code for handling dynamic form submissions on the first go :D03:33
cy1Meh, I hate qmake...06:38
cy1"Want to set some cflags for every compiled object in some subdirs? HA SORRY YOU SHOULD HAVE USED AUTOTOOLS"06:38
cy1"Profiling? Why would you ever want to do that?"06:39
bkerensaadam_g: working on my first juju charm06:42
cy1juju wat06:42
bkerensajuju charm06:43
* blkperl hopes coderwall gets launchpad intergration07:03
yulerI've MyPaint installed on the HD (Ubuntu), but because I'm using 10.10, the Wacom Bamboo tablet does not work properly.  The tablet works with newer kernels.  Since I don't want to update just yet, I want to use a LiveCd and run MyPaint from the HD.  However, MyPaint will not launch.  Any ideas how to diagnose this?07:21
bkerensayuler: I am not too familiar with mypaint07:31
bkerensaI think most people are sleeping atm but perhaps if you e-mail to the mailing list?07:31
bkerensayuler: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-or07:32
bkerensaI know the wacom does work on 11.10 and 12.0407:32
bkerensayuler: I am not too familiar with mypaint07:42
bkerensaI think most people are sleeping atm but perhaps if you e-mail to the mailing list?07:42
bkerensayuler: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-or07:42
bkerensaI know the wacom does work on 11.10 and 12.0407:42
yulerYes, I've tested the Wacom under newer kernels.  No problems.  My concern is running a pgm off the HD from a newer kernel LiveCd.07:53
bkerensayuler: that could likely cause problems... I have never really ran a program off the local filesystem from a livecd07:59
yulerI have, but even if it didn't, it won't break anything.  I understand dependencies change.  I just want to know how to trace the steps to determine why a pgm (e.g. MyPaint) does not run.08:01
yulerMy first pass was to find a LiveCD that has MyPaint installed, but from what I can tell, they all allow it to be installed, which defeats the purpose of running from a LiveCd.08:13
bkerensayuler: Yeah I dont think you will find a livecd as a core package08:22
yulerThe openartist distro does, but it's 2.8GB 64-bit.08:22
=== allison_ is now known as wendar
cy1mypaint has the best tablet stroke response of any program I've used. It's criminal that GIMP hasn't shamelessly duplicated the mypaint algorithms yet.20:53
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* bkerensa slaps lubotu1 22:59

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