
svwilliamsping cjohnston00:48
cjohnstonhey svwilliams00:49
svwilliamsHey sorry lost connection00:49
svwilliamsthis is the branch you were working on the meeting left hand bar lp:~chrisjohnston/summit/new-meeting-stuff00:50
svwilliamshow would you suggest I attempt to duplicate the bug you were seeing?00:51
cjohnstonsvwilliams: we are now using website_base.html and not ubuntu_website_base.html00:51
cjohnstonmerge it, migrate it, and see what happens00:52
cprofittbobweaver: ping00:52
svwilliamscjohnston, np00:53
cjohnstonsvwilliams: im back00:56
svwilliamshey so I pulled trunk00:56
svwilliamsand I was basically just going to redo what I did on trunk using my old branch as a guide00:57
cjohnstonsvwilliams: can you check out a new branch of the light django theme and switch the sidebar to website_base.html please00:57
svwilliamsyes, where is the new branch of the light django theme?00:57
cjohnstonsame place00:57
svwilliamsI merged back with my branch of it and I got 'No attribute THEME_MEDIA01:10
cjohnstonnew way to run summit :-)01:10
cjohnstonpython manage.py runserver --settings ubuntu_settings01:10
svwilliamsfigures! thank you!!01:10
cjohnstonyoull need a new db too01:11
cjohnston1 sec01:11
cjohnstonimbrandon: howdy01:12
* imbrandon waves *01:12
imbrandonheya newz2000 , been a while :)01:12
cjohnstonimbrandon: is there anything in specific you would *like* to work on?01:13
svwilliamsty cjohnston01:13
imbrandoncjohnston: i might actually still be on the webteam "technicly" havent looked in ages01:13
cjohnstonI have a couple different things going on that I need help with01:13
cjohnstonimbrandon: hrm... ic01:13
imbrandoncjohnston: umm i'm much more at home with drupal and raw php but anything will be ok with me01:14
imbrandoncss on up the stack01:14
imbrandoneven have some javascript chops01:14
cjohnstonwell, css is always needing help :-)01:14
imbrandonk :)01:14
cjohnstonimbrandon: right now we are working on switching to the new guidelines...01:15
imbrandonyea i was looking those over last night with the accompilshments01:15
cjohnstonAmoz: has done alot of the work, but there is still some stuff left to be done01:15
imbrandonits quite complete01:15
cjohnstonimbrandon: the link I just sent you is what we currently have..01:16
* imbrandon looks01:16
cjohnstonI have an outstanding branch change that he hasn't added there, but it doesnt fix all of the issues01:17
imbrandondont look like a terrible start at all :)01:17
imbrandondoes this need applied to a ton of sites or ...01:17
cjohnstonreally all we need to do is finish it01:17
cjohnstonit will be available to all django sites...01:17
cjohnstonwe will apply it to summit, and then to loco.ubuntu.com01:18
imbrandoni can convert it to a drupal theme too later for fridge and such01:18
imbrandonif wanted'01:18
imbrandonor the frige is wp now01:18
cjohnstonimbrandon: so theres a couple things left to fix with the theme.. but then.. Linaro uses the same instance and there are some html changes that were required01:18
cjohnstoni think wp01:18
imbrandonyea i forgot its wp now01:19
cjohnstonimbrandon: i think you could probably get them to just send you the WP theme they are using01:19
cjohnstonthey basically did that for me here01:19
imbrandonyea i'm pretty sure i have access to it01:19
imbrandonjust been a while01:19
cjohnstonso we need to change the linaro CSS to where it works with the new html changes that were required01:19
imbrandononce upon a time i was active in this community01:19
imbrandonwhere are the changes ?01:20
imbrandonhtat url ?01:20
cjohnstonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/more-theme-work contains the html changes as of current, https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/more-theme-work contains the css changes as of current01:21
cjohnstonI'm kinda thinking before we mess with the linaro stuff to finish the ubuntu stuff to make sure we are done with all of the html changes01:22
svwilliamscjohnston, ~svwilliams/ubuntu-community-webthemes/ligh-django-with-sidebar01:22
cjohnstonsvwilliams: ok..01:22
svwilliamsit works on my machine :-)01:22
svwilliamssorry to interrupt01:22
cjohnstonimbrandon: do you have time to take a look this evening?01:22
imbrandonno worries01:22
imbrandoncjohnston: yup01:22
cjohnstonimbrandon: prolly best to get summit working for you locally, then merge what we have in and then ill tell ya whats still needed?01:23
imbrandoncjohnston: between now and drupalcon on the 19th i've not much to do professionally so lots of time01:23
cjohnstonawesome.. ive got lots that needs to be done :-P01:23
imbrandonyea i'll get it working on a vps or i can give you access to the vps but i run OSX localy ( hush )01:23
cjohnstonimbrandon: http://summit.readthedocs.org01:24
imbrandoni LOVE readthedocs btw01:25
cjohnstonI'm in the process of writing docs for summit01:25
imbrandonis that the scheduler deal ?01:26
imbrandonliek that had to be done by hand back when i was active01:26
* imbrandon rembers scott cursing that thing01:26
cjohnstonits no longer cursed at01:26
cjohnstonkiko said it was a pleasure to use last month01:27
imbrandoni think uds M was the last time i did ubuntu web stuff, like the art.ubuntu.com install, so lots of catching up for me01:27
cjohnstonthere have been some kurses to keybuck tho01:27
imbrandoninfact i'm pretty sure art.u.c is gone now01:27
imbrandonok so i need to setup summit local ( vps ) and then thats where the html and css needs to be fixed up first01:28
imbrandonand we'll adapt from ther e ?01:28
cjohnstonsounds good to me01:29
cjohnstonas long as you can bzr push to lp01:29
imbrandonoh yea01:29
imbrandoni still maintain packages even though i dont run the desktop most of the time01:29
imbrandonapt-mirror and some other goodies heh, i even have ubuntu-accompishment-system working on OSX01:30
imbrandonshhhh dont tell jono01:30
cjohnstonhe may like tht01:30
cjohnston"it's ported"!01:30
imbrandonbut yea i'm current with my core-dev stuff and most the rest of ubuntu just not the web stuff, kinda let that slip from memory01:31
cjohnstonimbrandon: http://ubuntuone.com/2wFfuUUS3YTsjHcmKuJGjr  <-- database01:32
imbrandonok, gonna grab some late dinner ( dunno what timezone your in but I'm CST ) and then i'll get to crackin on this01:32
imbrandongot it01:32
imbrandonif i run into probs i'll likely have you ssh into the box in the intrest of saving my sanity01:34
imbrandonif thats cool01:34
cjohnstonworks for me01:34
cjohnstonprolly easier that way01:34
imbrandonkk, back in ~45ish min01:34
cjohnstonsvwilliams: website_base.html doesn't contain the sidebar stuff01:36
svwilliamswell we split part of it01:36
svwilliamsit should contain a side bar block01:36
svwilliamswe put the other part in base.html01:37
cjohnstonit is there01:37
svwilliamsline 11501:37
svwilliamsoh you foudn it01:37
svwilliamsI figured I messed up the commit01:38
cjohnstonsvwilliams: line 11701:39
cjohnstonadd {% block side_bar_links %}01:39
cjohnstonthen add a default link or two01:39
svwilliamsthats in base.html ...01:39
cjohnstonthen {% end block %}01:39
svwilliamson the summit side01:39
svwilliamswant me to move it back?01:39
cjohnstonit needs to be in wbesite_base.html just like sub_nav_links01:39
svwilliamswill do01:40
svwilliamsok ... :-) I learned a bit I think about summit today01:46
svwilliamsto hide the bar01:46
svwilliamsjust include a blank block in base.html for summit01:46
svwilliamsI'm commiting up the change to website_base now give me a minute01:46
svwilliamsrev 45 is up now01:48
svwilliamsthis should now work with summit without any of the changes there I made01:49
svwilliamsthey can all be thrown away01:49
svwilliamslet me know what you think01:49
svwilliamsI think it needs more space between the edges and the text01:49
cjohnstonim not exactaly sure what you said01:50
svwilliamswhich part01:50
cjohnstonthis should now work with summit without any of the changes there I made01:50
cjohnston21.50.30 < svwilliams> they can all be thrown away01:50
svwilliamsahh I had some changes to summit too01:50
cjohnstonI still get doubles01:51
svwilliamsthat added side_bar_links to its base.html01:51
cjohnstonfixed it01:51
svwilliamswhat was it01:51
cjohnstoni had sidebar links inside of content01:51
svwilliamsmakes sense now01:52
svwilliamswhat do you think any changes?01:52
cjohnstonnot sure..01:53
cjohnstontrying to play some01:53
cjohnstongive me a bit01:54
svwilliamsyup, just let me know01:54
cjohnstonmhall119: I think we may have gold01:54
cjohnstonwanna try out the sidebar?01:54
cjohnstonsvwilliams: I'm hoping tomorrow to have feedback on implementation from the canonical webteam...01:55
cjohnstonI'm assuming just a couple tweaks01:55
cjohnstonbut if it is working as I think it is, then we should just have minor changes01:55
svwilliamsfantastic, I'll be ready to go tomorrow night!01:55
svwilliamsone thing to note, not sure what they are going to think01:55
cjohnstonsvwilliams: can you take any changes out of ubuntu_website_base.html please01:55
svwilliamsyes I can01:55
cjohnston"By the way, I passed your sidebar design to a few folks in the team. What's it used for exactly? We've got a few ideas, but it would be helpful to know exactly how it's used."01:56
cjohnstonthat's what I heard so far.. so it doesn't sound negative01:57
svwilliamsI removed my stuff from ubuntu_website and pushed it up to the same branch01:58
svwilliamsyou are very welcome ..02:03
svwilliamsI'm signing off for tonight ... let me know what they say, I should be lurking tomorrow :-)02:03
imbrandoncjohnston: ping02:13
imbrandoncjohnston: i got to run to the store and a few other minor things i did not expect but i'll still be able to crack at that tonight, but if you could setup summit for me in the meantime that would rock, here is the info you'll need02:15
imbrandonhostname: parc.websitedevops.com , nginx in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ , account "chris" has your ssh keys allready and full sudo access02:16
imbrandonshould be an upto date 11.10 install, install an configure whatever you neeed, dont worry about whats alreadt there02:16
imbrandonits a "toy" vps02:16
imbrandoni'll be back here in a bit, let me know if you have any issues02:17
imbrandonlicenced zend server and apache also running on non standard ports if you like those better than nginx02:18
newz2000hey imbrandon, yes, it has been a while02:36
* newz2000 thinks his head might explode02:36
marsspm, a new webservice, it will eventually be serving ubuntu.com proper.03:00
imbrandoncjohnston: ouch , how much of this can i touch, cuz it needs ALOT of love, and mobile use is almost impossible right now with the view-port settings and ... well i could go on, but please say i can fix lots-o-what-ever :)03:03
imbrandonbtw did you get into ssh ok ?03:04
cjohnstonimbrandon: prolly lots..03:04
cjohnstonim trying to get apache to serve the wsgi03:04
cjohnstonand failing at it03:04
imbrandonnewz2000: hehe hopefully i did not make the head explode03:04
imbrandoncjohnston: ahh yea probably much better off using nginx for wsgi its already setup for that and the apache is setup for zend server03:05
cjohnstonimbrandon: can you set that up?03:05
imbrandonalthough you could blow away the zend server install and probably make it work03:05
cjohnstonI've never messed with wsgi before03:05
imbrandonsure one sec03:05
cjohnstonimbrandon: the site needs to stay within the guidelines... any custom css we are doing in a seperate file from what canonical gave us, that way if they give us updated css we should *hopefully* be able to throw it right in and it work03:07
cjohnstonimbrandon: summit.chrisjohnston.org is pointing to your machine if you want to use that03:07
imbrandonsure, i'm just looking at some of the hacks and ie stuff , there is MUCH better ways to do alot of this and alot simpler, some of this code looks to be 2  or more years old03:08
cjohnstonwhich code are you referring to?03:08
cjohnstonthe css?03:09
imbrandoncjohnston: heh yea i have 40+ domains and a few hostnames pointing to that box :)03:09
cjohnstonthats it?03:09
imbrandonthe css and accompanying js03:09
cjohnstonthe core* and extra css is the new stuff03:09
cjohnstonimbrandon: hmm.. we may run into a problem.. I installed the reqs in a virtualenv03:09
imbrandonand ... ? heh03:10
cjohnstondont know if that will cause issues when running it03:10
imbrandonoh it requires a virtual env how ?03:10
imbrandonsorry not following03:10
cjohnstondoesnt require.. but thats how i set it up, not really thinking.. theres the requirements.txt file that it needs stuff installed from03:11
imbrandoni can work from the static too grabed from the dyndns link for tonight tooo03:11
cjohnstonif your good with setting it up, I'd love to have it on a box I have access to03:12
imbrandonthat shouldent be a issue, i've got 2 or 3 other vps's i can use if needed and a few physical machines03:12
imbrandonthat was just the lowest hanging fruit03:12
cjohnstoni want some toys03:12
cjohnstonI'm spec'ing a server to build03:13
imbrandoni always have toys esp web toys , one of the perks of my job :)03:13
cjohnstonI guess I need a job03:13
imbrandonyour much better off with many small servers03:13
imbrandontrust me :)03:13
imbrandongrab you 2 or 5 rasberys and goto town ;)03:14
cjohnstonwell... lol.. i was gonna do a big one and make some vm's03:14
imbrandonthats alot of money though, to build a big enough one to house the vm's youd want will be arround ~15k give or take a k, but the same vms can be out sourced and redundant for $100 a month on aws or rackspace :)03:16
cjohnstonI spec'ed an AMD FX 8core 3.1ghz, 32gb ram for $70003:16
imbrandoni normaly have between 5 and 10 vm;s running at any one point an rarely run over $100 a month, and each one tuned can spit out about 7000 requests a second for a full drupal stack03:17
imbrandoncjohnston: thats engough to run 2 vm's tops maybe 1.503:17
imbrandonwhen you build a box to run vm's your talking 32 proc  x 8core with 16tb ram , min03:18
imbrandonthen you can play with some xen goodness :)03:19
imbrandonsides you dont wanna have to worry about hardware03:19
imbrandonlet someone else worry about it, and makeing it redundant and geo location and all that jaz03:20
imbrandonembrace the cloud :)03:20
imbrandonthings like my.phpcloud.com for dev are a godsend03:20
imbrandoninfact need an invite ? heh03:21
cjohnstonsure, why not03:21
imbrandonkk when i get to my email here in a bit i'll shove one your way03:21
cjohnstonany luck with the wsgi?03:22
imbrandonits a great "dev" box that has 2 insances free03:22
imbrandonbah got sidetracked, one sec heh03:22
imbrandoncjohnston: ahh ok i got you fixed up03:34
imbrandonmoved the config to 000-default03:34
imbrandonand put inside a vhost03:34
imbrandonand moved to port 8003:34
imbrandonbut it looks like its good now03:35
imbrandonhave at it03:35
cjohnstoni get a php page03:36
imbrandonwhoop one sec03:36
imbrandonhrm ok php gone03:38
imbrandonbut still no summit03:38
cjohnstondoes the fact that everythings installed in a virtual env matter?03:39
imbrandonwhat do you mean virtual env ? that dont mean a lot to me03:39
cjohnstonim guessing thats part of it03:39
cjohnstonvirtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. We don’t want to install packages system-wide because that can create quite a mess. The following command will install the required development files on Ubuntu or, if you’re running a recent version, you can install them automatically:03:39
imbrandonoh no and ewwww03:40
imbrandonthat sounds hackish03:40
cjohnstonthats the problem.. cause django isnt even installed03:40
imbrandonjust install them system wide03:40
imbrandoni do proper sysadmin stuff, and isolate them as nneeded03:41
imbrandonnot some chroot wannabe03:41
imbrandonewww who wrote that , /me goes to look it up03:42
imbrandonguess thats one reason i never use django :)03:42
cjohnstonyou dont have to do it through a virtualenv, but when your dev'ing on your laptop, it makes it easier03:43
imbrandonahh yea just do it system wide, this vps will be dedicated to summit stuff03:44
imbrandonfor me and you03:44
imbrandoneerr s/summit/ubuntu web stuff/03:44
imbrandonand yea 40ish is all, i have a bad domain fetish, dont let me loose with the credit card and godaddy03:46
cjohnstonhrm.. pytz03:47
imbrandonbrandonholtsclaw.com websitedevops.com mygooglepl.us applerepairblog.com ummm pixeldrop.net ummm hell i dunno tons of others, i was the founder of ubnutuwire.com too but religated that to the team03:48
imbrandontimezone ?03:49
imbrandonwhatever ya want, the server is set to CST i think03:50
imbrandonbut its in new jersey soooo03:50
cjohnstontrying to get all this crap installed03:50
imbrandonuniverse and multi should be enabled but if you need ppa's or something just add em03:51
cjohnstonstill no workie03:52
imbrandonhell there is probably a xserver on there from when i was expirmenting with wkhtml and qt03:52
imbrandonwhats not working  ?03:52
cjohnstonthe site03:52
imbrandonone sec i'll see if i can get a hello world page going03:53
imbrandonactualy crap gotta run for ~15 min, then i will brb03:53
imbrandonbefore i go, when i get back would a fresh load help ? i can spin up a bare fresh ubnutu 11.10 in less than 20 min03:54
cjohnstonno idea03:54
imbrandonkk brb03:55
cjohnstonive never set it up like this03:55
* imbrandon may grab ajmitch and rope him into it lolz03:56
cjohnstonimbrandon: i gotta go.. i have to be up in 5 hours for work... I found http://rc98.net/django_wsgi  I dunno if it will work or not :-/04:01
cjohnstonI'll get with you tomorrow.. maybe mhall119 can help us04:01
cjohnstonthanks for your help imbrandon04:01
imbrandonouch , ok cheers04:01
imbrandoni'll see what i can get done04:01
damasceneHi, I'm the operator on ubuntu-l10n-ara mailing list. I'm unable to reset the password. everything I know is https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/admindb/ubuntu-l10n-ara which leads to now where08:08
czajkowskidamascene: are you one of the mailing list admins?08:27
czajkowskiwell you wont be able to reset the password, ther are others on there also,08:30
czajkowskiyou'll have to mail rt@ubuntu.com and also cc the others so they have the new password .08:30
damascenewe share passwords?08:31
czajkowskiabl at 111virtual.com, uahello at gmail.com  <---- are you one of those two people ?08:32
damasceneczajkowski: I'me the second08:41
czajkowskidmright so you both are admins and will need th password reset for both of you then08:41
czajkowskiso mail RT@ubuntu.com and cc the other person also to let them know the password is changing08:41
Amozwebbot`, help09:37
webbot`Amoz: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.09:37
webbot`Factoid 'help' not found09:37
webbot`Amoz: Error: "ubuntu" is not a valid command.09:37
webbot`Factoid 'ubuntu' not found09:37
Amozcjohnston, say hi to webbot`09:37
czajkowskihmm a new bot in here?09:41
Amozczajkowski, yeah I felt we should have one for taking notes and help us in this channel :)09:56
Amozat least until we get an official one09:56
czajkowskiAmoz: you're better off asking for the offical one09:56
czajkowskias it's usually frowned upon bringin in a random bot09:57
Amozczajkowski, I think its on its way form what i've heard09:57
AmozI dont know about the rules of bringing your own, but if someone tells me to remove it I will do that asap09:57
czajkowskiAmoz: ask in #ubuntu-irc please10:00
Amozremoving it until further information is collected10:01
czajkowskiAmoz: have you asked in ubuntu-irc ?10:01
Amozczajkowski, I will as soon as I have time10:02
AmozI'll talk to cjohnston also, to see if one were on its way10:02
AmozI think they talked about it just a few days ago..10:02
Amozgotta go, cya czajkowski10:03
=== yaili___ is now known as yaili
cjohnstonimbrandon:  no luck getting it running?13:58
IronPatriotNYDoes the LoCo portal/summit use Launchpad OpenID or Ubuntu SSO for user logins?14:24
nigelbYou know it's the same thing right?14:28
nigelbwith different skins14:28
IronPatriotNYThat's what I been somewhat reading but docs on it is scarce.14:29
nigelbmhall119 wok on isd. we know the authors of the code14:29
IronPatriotNYI just noticed apps that use Ubuntu SSO directly, such as Ubuntu One, don't have that 'OpenID Provider' page once you're already logged in14:29
mhall119IronPatriotNY: some sites, like Ubuntu One, are "trusted" by SSO14:31
IronPatriotNYOh okay so that's why it does that invisible redirect, okay.14:32
IronPatriotNYSo I should aim to make my code target login.ubuntu.com and not launchpad for future compatibility?14:32
mhall119IronPatriotNY: yes14:40
IronPatriotNYmhall119, okay. One more thing, is there some sort of application process to become a trusted site, or is that only reserved from Canonical projects like Ubuntu One?14:41
mhall119IronPatriotNY: that I'm not sure about, but it's not really important to get that 'trusted' status14:42
IronPatriotNYOkay then. Thanks for the info.14:42
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
slick666hey cjohnston16:42
slick666been poking at the website build process16:42
slick666the past couple days16:42
slick666and it looks like things don't quite build perfectly out-of-the-box on 10.0416:43
slick666would you consider migrating to 12.04?16:43
cjohnstonslick666: for summit?16:51
cjohnstonjussi: can we assign custom factoids to our rooms?16:51
jussibut there isnt a bot here yet, you need to annoy jpds16:52
cjohnstonsweet.. Amoz ^16:52
cjohnstonjussi: there used to be one16:52
cjohnstoni don't know what happened but i poked the other way16:52
slick666yes, for the scheduling16:52
cjohnstonother day16:52
slick666g2g, plane is boarding16:52
jussiit disappears regularly. :(16:52
slick666sry, will email later16:52
* jussi goes feeds the sheep. laters16:52
cjohnstonslick666: we cant yet.. when you get time, let me know and ill help you16:52
nigelbjussi: wait, you have actual sheep?16:52
* cjohnston is going to annoy jpds ;-)16:53
imbrandoncjohnston: nope, gave up last night, will mess with it some more in a lil bit17:05
cjohnstonI'm hoping we can get mhall119's help. please mhall119 ;-)17:06
imbrandoni got it figured out,17:06
nigelbwhat's wrong? (not volunteering to help)17:06
imbrandonjust havent been unlazy yet today17:06
imbrandoni was having issue setting up django17:06
cjohnstonc'mon nigelb17:06
cjohnstontrying to set up summit on a server17:06
imbrandonon a vps for summit17:06
nigelbright, with virtualenv or system packages?17:07
nigelbokay, easier.17:07
nigelbwhat went wrong?17:07
imbrandoni had the server configured for a custom zend server install17:07
imbrandonhad to basicly redo all my nginx stuff17:07
nigelboh boy.17:08
cjohnstonsorry imbrandon ;-)17:08
imbrandonoh yea , thus the not being unlazy yet today17:08
imbrandonno worries cjohnston17:08
nigelbI can see how that can be a pain :)17:08
nigelbfor some strange reason, I find nginx more easier than apache.17:08
nigelbthe configs look cleaner.17:08
* imbrandon hearts nginx17:08
nigelbme too17:09
nigelbwork uses nginx for everything but production.17:09
imbrandoni only use apache when absolutely nessesary and even then its proxied behind nginx17:09
nigelbproduction existed before I came. And it needs some php.17:09
nigelbSo I let it be.17:09
imbrandonnigelb: all i use i php17:09
nigelbaww, I feel sorry for you :P17:09
cjohnstonwe are going to make imbrandon a django guy17:10
imbrandonnah been doing it for years  litterly like 14 or 15 now17:10
imbrandoni doubt it many have tried17:10
imbrandoneven stole my laptop at a uds one time trying17:10
imbrandoni HATE python , it has its place but not on the web :)17:10
cjohnstonwell.. then as long as you help me with css then we will compromise17:11
imbrandonsounds like a deal :)17:11
imbrandoni think seveas was the last person trying to get me on the django train with falcon17:12
imbrandonseriously though if i need to use something other than php it will be ruby17:12
dakerPHP = People Hates Perl/Python17:12
imbrandoni just tollerate python for the sake of ubuntu17:13
imbrandonwell now i have some perl love, apt-mirror is 100% perl :)17:13
imbrandonand being "upstream" or whatever ya wanna call it for that i kinda have to like it and all , hehe17:14
imbrandonalthough this latest rails feasco on github had me LOLing too, it was like php4 all over again17:15
imbrandonnigelb: but yea php-fpm + nginx == love like no other, its a php developers dream17:15
imbrandonstrap on a apache server behind it proxied for legacy cruft and your golden17:16
cjohnstonimbrandon: I'll have to get you to help me setup nginx again.. I even wrote a tutorial on it in the past, but a few months ago when I tried following it, it didnt work so well for me17:16
imbrandoncjohnston: sure thing17:16
imbrandoni'm gonna make a blog post in the next day or so about how to squeeze 7kish rps out of nginx and php running a full drupal stack on a 512mb ram vps17:17
dakernewz2000, why the wiki header is not #dd4814 ?17:18
newz2000I don't know, actually. The designers gave me that theme and I've been curious about it myself.17:18
dakernewz2000, where should we fill bugs about it17:19
newz2000That is a tough call. I think I'd put it on ubunth-website-content and it may need to be refilled.17:20
newz2000The original premise was that the community theme should differ slightly from the main theme so that they feel connected but there is a distinction.17:20
imbrandoncjohnston: i'll get un-laxy here in the next hour or so and fixup the box though17:20
cjohnstonI have some stuff I'm ready to work on17:20
mhall119cjohnston: you need an apache config for summit wsgi?17:22
imbrandongrab anything you want from that vps btw, if you put anything unique on it, gonna blow it away when i fixer up17:22
jussiwhat the heck? its an imbrandon! Hello imbrandon!17:22
cjohnstonmhall119: if you have one, sure17:22
cjohnstonimbrandon: nope17:22
mhall119cjohnston: I don't currently, but I can make you one17:22
imbrandonmhall119: that would rock17:22
cjohnstonmhall119: imbrandon ^^17:22
imbrandonmhall119: if you have a list of req packages too for a sys wide install that would be icing on the cake17:23
mhall119cjohnston: do you know where m_3 is installing it with his charm?17:23
mhall119imbrandon: should all be in the requirements.txt and the Makefile's make depends17:24
imbrandonyea the makefile seemed to require virtualenv i was doing this by hand17:24
imbrandonto avaoid that17:24
imbrandononce its setup i'll make a ami from it17:25
cjohnstonimbrandon: want to create a 'summit' user and set up mhall119 and myself?17:25
imbrandonsure i can do that17:26
cjohnstonsweet. ty17:26
Amozhi gais17:26
cjohnstonhey Amoz17:26
m_3mhall119: yo17:27
mhall119m_3: cjohnston: http://paste.ubuntu.com/882078/ should do it (I haven't tested it though)17:28
cjohnstonwow.. and m_3.. i think everyones here!17:28
cjohnstonthanks mhall11917:28
cjohnstonwell.. who else could be here?17:30
Amozsanta claus17:30
cjohnstonmhall119: they dont like our side bar idea17:30
mhall119oh well17:30
svwilliamscjohnston, they don't like it :-(17:31
cjohnstonmhall119: they suggest doing a little box like the social box i made17:31
cjohnstonsvwilliams: no17:31
cjohnstonI'm not ruling it out17:31
cjohnstonI'm gonna try their recommendation and see how it works17:32
Amozis this about summit?17:32
cjohnstonwe dont have to follow their suggestion17:32
cjohnstonAmoz: ya17:32
Amozwhat's your sidebar idea, and who don't like it?17:33
* Amoz is lost17:33
dakercjohnston, little box for ?17:33
cjohnstondaker: links17:33
cjohnstonAmoz: we have run out of room in the sub-nav for links, so I want to move all "calls to action" to their own area17:33
cjohnstonthere is an example on design.u.c for landscape that has a sidebar17:34
cjohnstonwhich i wanted to do for summit17:34
cjohnstonthe webteam doesnt like it17:34
AmozI can understand them, sort of17:34
Amozit would be nice to have all nav in one place17:34
Amozbasic HCI17:34
Amozon the other hand, what choices do we have?17:35
cjohnstonAmoz: we dont have enough room to do them all there17:35
Amozthen there's not much you can do I guess :P17:36
Amozdid the webteam propose something else?17:37
cjohnstonya.. kinda17:37
svwilliamscjohnston, its meant to be a logged in menu too right?17:37
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )17:37
cjohnstonsvwilliams: no.. thats staying up top17:38
Amozgreat :D17:38
Amozhi ubottu17:38
svwilliamsno sorry not what I mean17:38
svwilliamsI meant when you log in17:38
svwilliamsyour "options" to do things17:38
svwilliamslike schedule a meeting etc17:38
cjohnstonya... "calls to action"17:38
svwilliamswere going to appear to the left17:38
cjohnstongive me a few to try their idea and we can go from there17:38
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)17:38
svwilliamsso its not the same as the sub nav links ... I can kind of see it both ways17:39
svwilliamssounds good!17:39
cjohnstonwell, right now subnav has action links17:39
cjohnstonbut im adding a bunch more17:39
Amozare they really "central" to navigation then?17:39
cjohnstonthe action links arent17:40
AmozI'd vote for the launchpad style17:40
Amozunless someone else has a better idea17:40
Amozcjohnston, that's what you meant, sidebar with actions related to the specific page you're on17:41
Amozor a sub sub nav17:42
mhall119cjohnston: they don't have to use it if they  don't like it, shouldn't stop you from putting it in summit17:44
cjohnstonmhall119: I asked for feedback.. I'm going to try their idea, and then we can decide17:44
Amozwho's responsible for paste.u.c? :)17:46
cjohnstonnoone really17:46
cjohnstonthats why it has bugs17:46
Amozwho has access to it then? :P17:46
cjohnstonthe sysadmins17:48
Amozmaybe we could get the source out on LP17:48
cjohnstonbattles been fought in the past, i doubt it17:48
Amozokay, keep it closed then, but let someone have a look at it17:49
Amozfor instance, me ^^17:49
Amozanyway, gotta leave for a while17:49
Amozbtw how's the summit branch coming along?17:49
Amozalmost finished? whats left?17:50
cjohnstoni made one push, once we get it to brandon's server he's gonna play17:50
nigelbniceguyjames? sounds like elmo :P17:56
* niceguyjames is not elmo!17:56
jussinigelb: aww you made him quit!18:14
mhall119it's elmo in disguise18:27
mhall119you blew his cover18:28
nigelbmhall119: You're serious?18:32
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb Amoz imbrandon http://summit.chrisjohnston.org/18:33
mhall119nigelb: I have no idea19:00
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb Amoz imbrandon http://ubuntuone.com/1bQrKI3Hsa5uz6emMJhEP0  <-- design teams suggestion19:17
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb Amoz imbrandon http://ubuntuone.com/3fb4KkUjfmRFc4ob9QtEQm <-- the way svwilliams did it for us19:18
cjohnstonsvwilliams: ^^19:18
cjohnstonfeedback guys19:19
cjohnstonnewz2000: do you have thoughts too?19:19
newz2000thoughts on what?19:19
cjohnstonthe two ideas above19:19
cjohnstonFor summit19:20
cjohnstonnewz2000: we ran out of room in the subnav, so we are trying to create an "call for action" area for links19:20
newz2000I like the .bmp version for a cta19:20
cjohnstonmy idea implemented by svwilliams  is the second one, based upon landscape19:20
nigelbI obviously like the design team suggestion19:20
newz2000which one is which?19:21
cjohnstonnewz2000: theirs is the first one.. http://ubuntuone.com/1bQrKI3Hsa5uz6emMJhEP019:21
newz2000I think that looks ugly and is inconsistent with other websites19:22
newz2000and it extends the width of the page which could be problematic19:22
newz2000let me be clear, I prefer the one with the CTA on the right side, inside the content area19:22
cjohnstonnigelb: you do too19:23
cjohnstonmhall119: ?19:23
nigelbcjohnston: yeah, what newz2000 said.19:23
* newz2000 still isn't clear which one he voted for. :-)19:24
newz2000oh, I guess I voted for the design team since nigelb agreed19:24
cjohnstonnewz2000: that is the design teams idea19:24
mhall119cjohnston: I really don't care which we use19:25
* newz2000 won't be using it either way so doesn't care either19:25
nigelbcjohnston: newz2000 pretty expresed all my problems with the one you suggested.19:26
nigelbIt will look great on a big screen. Suck *everywhere* else.19:26
cjohnstonmhall119: sponsorship question...19:29
cjohnston{% ifequal summit.state "sponsor" %} <li><a class="sub-nav-item" href="/{{ summit.name }}/sponsorship">Request Sponsorship</a></li> {% if perms.sponsor.add_sponsorshipscore %} <li><a class="sub-nav-item" href="/{{ summit.name }}/suggestsponsorship">Suggest Sponsorship</a></li> {% endif %}19:29
cjohnston{% endifequal %}19:29
cjohnston{% ifequal summit.state "review" %} {% if perms.sponsor.add_sponsorshipscore %} <li><a class="sub-nav-item" href="/{{ summit.name }}/sponsorship/review">Review Sponsorship Requests</a></li> {% endif %}19:29
cjohnston{% endifequal %}19:29
cjohnstonis Suggest Sponsorship only for employees?19:29
cjohnstonthats what it shows here19:29
imbrandoncjohnston: sweet19:40
Amozcjohnston, whyyyy do you use bmp19:45
Amozhmm the design team's proposal was fugly19:45
Amozassymetric, still creative19:45
Amozbut I'd rather stick with the "keep content inside"19:46
mhall119cjohnston: yes19:52
* imbrandon is back19:55
cjohnstonmhall119: I don't rememebr getting an answer.. Managers, schedulers and track leads should all be allowed to review meetings correct?20:56
cjohnstonI think that's kinda the way it is now with ~uds-organizers and ~connect-organizers20:56
Amozcjohnston, update me21:00
cjohnstonwith what21:00
cjohnstonAmoz: can you work on the track lead page? making it into rows21:01
Amozwat do21:01
AmozYES!!!! YES PLEASE21:01
Amozuhm.. sorry21:01
cjohnstonthere ya go21:01
Amoztrack lead?21:01
Amozit's in rows right now?21:03
cjohnstonits in <ul><li> rows right now21:04
cjohnstonit should, with the new css use their rows21:04
Amozanything else?21:04
cjohnstonthat for now21:04
cjohnstonim trying to do something still21:05
mhall119cjohnston: re: who can review meetings, you'll need to figure out what the organizers want, but that seems reasonable21:05
cjohnstonIt seems to me that is what the teams contain21:05
Amozcjohnston, is it okay if I change from 4 per row to 3?21:24
cjohnstonI'd rather stay 421:25
Amozin that case we have to rethink21:25
cjohnstonshouldnt be a reason it cant21:25
Amozyes there is21:25
Amozthe innerwrapper is just 94021:25
Amozwe need 960 if we gonna use their grid21:25
Amozspan-3 * 4 = 12, is based on 960px21:26
cjohnstonhow does it work on other pages then21:26
AmozTHAT is an awesome question21:27
Amozhold on, I think I missed the "last" class21:27
Amozcjohnston, how to do an if .. else .. in the template?21:32
Amozjust put an else-tag between if and endif?21:32
Amozgot it working21:34
Amozhacked it21:35
cjohnston{% if .... %}ok21:35
Amozcjohnston, pushed21:36
cjohnstonAmoz: link again please21:37
Amozbranch or server21:37
Amozbzr rules21:38
cjohnstonAmoz: before line 7 add <div class="row">21:41
cjohnstonchange the current line 7 class="span-12"21:41
cjohnstonline 9 add </div>21:42
cjohnstononce you do that ill refresh the page21:42
Amozexactly what lines are you referring to?21:44
cjohnstonthe <h1> needs to be inside a row21:44
Amozwell, it is. kind of21:45
Amozthe website_base template has a section class="row"21:45
cjohnstonit isnt showing up correctly21:46
cjohnstonhttp://summit.chrisjohnston.org/uds-p/  <-- there is a big gap between the subnav and the h121:46
Amozif you start using the chrome developer tools you can easily see the reason =)21:47
cjohnstonok.. thats wrong21:49
Amozwhat is?21:49
cjohnstonrows should all be inside of blocks21:49
cjohnstonnot outside of blocks21:49
AmozI dont see your point21:50
AmozI think steve edwards told us about this thing as well21:51
Amozif one use the grid system, it will automatically put margin-top on it21:51
Amozalso, I didn't change anything on the uds-p page afaik21:51
imbrandonno :alpha and :omega setup in the css ?21:52
cjohnstonAmoz: yes, we should use it, but it needs to be in the blocks, not out21:52
cjohnstongiill fix in a sec21:52
imbrandongrid system inside blocks ?21:53
* imbrandon thinks somehting is backwards21:53
Amozcjohnston, could you explain please?21:53
Amozcjohnston, I fixed the header thing on the track page21:57
Amoznow it has the margin-top as well21:58
Amozif that's what you meant21:58
Amozor do you think somethings wrong on the uds-p page?21:58
cjohnstonimbrandon: the template blocks21:59
Amozalso, can I remove the <article class="main-content"> tag?21:59
cjohnstonthe template blocks are where the content goes21:59
cjohnstonyou cant put the grid outside the block21:59
imbrandonumm why couldent you, grid system should live outside everything ...21:59
Amozcjohnston, could you point to an actual piece of code?22:00
AmozI think we'll better understand whats wrong if you could do that22:00
cjohnston{% block content %} {% endblock %}22:01
cjohnstonwhatever you put in that block in website_base.html gets replaced with whatever content you put in that block in other template pages22:02
cjohnstonif you put a row outside of that block (in website_base) and then put a row inside that block on say summit.html you are nesting rows.. you have a row inside of a row22:03
imbrandonthats an error in the base_html.html i have been harping on the last 2 days ,its absolutely wrong and needs to be updated, and yes the grid absolutely needs to live outside of those22:03
imbrandonits what its for22:03
imbrandonseperation of code and presentation22:03
cjohnstonimbrandon: then you only have 1 row22:03
cjohnstonhow do you not22:03
Amozhold on22:03
imbrandonthats not even close to right22:03
cjohnstonthere is only one block content22:03
Amozcjohnston, is right imbrandon22:03
Amozhe's just describing it in another way22:04
Amozhe's saying, we should put all the row-declarations in each and every subtemplate22:04
imbrandonyea i am trying to think of it in your terms but yea22:04
cjohnstonyes.. what he just said22:04
Amozinstead of having one row in the base template22:04
imbrandonthis code is very very wrong, its like its 3 years old22:05
imbrandonor more22:05
imbrandonthis is exactly what i was refering to22:05
cjohnstonok.. lp:~chrisjohnston/ubuntu-community-webthemes/more-theme-work is updated22:05
Amozso, just remove the section.row in the base template?22:05
cjohnstonits removed22:06
cjohnstonjust cd ubuntu_website22:06
Amozis it?22:06
cjohnstonbzr merge lp:~chrisjohnston/ubuntu-community-webthemes/more-theme-work22:06
cjohnstonsummit.chrisjohnston.org is now correct22:07
imbrandoni've got about 80% of the css updates22:08
cjohnstonAmoz: if you can finish your track page branch, then ill get it merged to summit.chrisjohnston.org22:08
cjohnstonimbrandon: for the grid page?22:08
imbrandonthen i'm gonna wrangle the base into submission and just show ya with code what i mean :)22:08
imbrandoncjohnston: yea22:08
Amozthat was a huge diff cjohnston22:08
Amozwhat did you do ?22:09
Amozyou messed it up cjohnston22:09
Amozthe footer is inside the inner wrapper now22:10
Amozneed to be careful with those divs22:10
Amozon the usd-p22:10
Amozcjohnston, I pushed my branch now22:12
imbrandonok and i got to ask something here , what are we doing ? i mean are we recreativng the uds page ? ... or improvving something ... or i'm totally lost in this respct22:12
Amozeverything looks good in my branch afai can see22:12
imbrandonlike the mobule and display views should not be seperate22:12
Amozand now I'm going to bed :)22:12
Amozgnite guys22:12
imbrandonthat should use media queries22:13
cjohnstonimbrandon: updating the theme to the new guidelines22:13
imbrandonok thats much less than what we have going here22:13
imbrandonthats like a 10 minute thing22:13
imbrandon... what am i missing22:13
cjohnstonwe had to rework the html for it22:13
cjohnstonit wasnt just drag and drop22:14
imbrandonand why did we not start from the current tthen ?22:14
imbrandonummm still 10 minutes22:14
cjohnstonwhat do you mean22:14
Amozimbrandon, if you think it is 10 minutes, then go ahead and do it :)22:14
imbrandoni mean we;re trying to look like uds but we;re not22:14
imbrandonbut we are22:14
cjohnstonthe html across the site is having to be reworked22:14
cjohnstonimbrandon: we are trying to match the guidelines on design.ubuntu.com22:14
cjohnstonwhich will look quite similar to uds22:14
imbrandonthats what i;m missing where now22:14
imbrandon"the site" dont mean a lot to me22:15
cjohnstonacross summit22:15
cjohnstonthe html across summit is having to be reworked22:15
imbrandon... ok so we started with the uds.u.c theme in the summit software and are updatiung it to the new guidelines ?22:16
cjohnstonthey gave us the css, now we are making summit work with the css22:16
imbrandonthen how does this not even come close to matcging up22:16
cjohnston(they == canonical)22:16
cjohnstonbecause we didn't call anything what they decided to call it22:16
imbrandoncss != theme22:16
imbrandonso we dident22:16
imbrandonand we;re recreating it ?22:17
imbrandonhuh ?22:17
cjohnstonwe are renaming stuff in the html to match what its called in the css22:17
imbrandonwhoa back up here, why ?22:17
cjohnstonand the new css broke a thing or two that summit had completely custom22:17
imbrandonwell yea thats because its the wrong way22:17
cjohnstonits either that or rename the stuff in the css to match what its called in summit22:17
imbrandonit shoudl break22:18
imbrandonwhat ?22:18
imbrandonno no no22:18
imbrandonlets back up22:18
imbrandonso back to what we started with22:18
imbrandonsummit software , that was the old branding ...22:18
cjohnstonthat we created22:18
imbrandonthen you got css only from canonical22:19
cjohnstonso we named things what we wnated22:19
imbrandonthats used on uds.u.c22:19
imbrandonand your racking your head to make it work22:19
cjohnstonI must be missing something22:19
Amozme too22:19
cjohnstonwe are taking their css and making summit work with it22:19
Amozare you making fun of us imbrandon ?22:19
imbrandonno i dont think so i think i just got why you all dont see this as a 10 minutes thing22:19
imbrandonno not at all Amoz22:20
imbrandonAmoz: not in the slightesty22:20
Amozimbrandon, if you can do it in 10 minutes, do it and show us instead of discussing this22:20
imbrandongenuinely trying to wrap my head on it22:20
cjohnstonimbrandon: we called the main navigation main-nav, they call it nav-primary22:20
imbrandonAmoz: i'm not saying i can, i'm asking why it wasent22:20
cjohnstonso we have to rename one of the two22:20
cjohnstonand its like this for EVERY single thing on the site22:20
cjohnstonnone of it matches22:20
imbrandoncjohnston: ok lets step back from there ... one sec ... ok sooo22:21
imbrandonif we did not use their css , and only updated it to the new guildlines22:21
imbrandonwouldent that make MUCH more sense22:21
Amozimbrandon, we want their css and design22:21
imbrandonwhy try to wrangle somewthing into submission just for the sake22:21
imbrandonAmoz: ok then lets use it22:21
imbrandonAmoz: ALL of it22:22
imbrandonnot just the css22:22
Amozthat's what we do22:22
Amozwe cant22:22
imbrandonget all of it from them22:22
Amozwe can't just take their basic theme22:22
Amozit's just an example index.html22:22
imbrandonwhy not ? IP ? then we cant recreate it either22:22
cjohnstonimbrandon: we are hoping by changing tyre html to theirs, their next update will be drag and drop.22:22
imbrandoncjohnston: not likely22:23
cjohnstongtg.. work22:23
Amozimbrandon, it will be easier then22:23
imbrandoncjohnston: updates are far more than css22:23
Amoznot design updates :)22:23
Amozthat's what css is for22:23
imbrandon... Amoz , no and yes design updates22:23
imbrandonumm sure and so is markup and js22:23
Amozthey can hopefully use the same html structure and just rework the css22:23
Amozwhat are you trying to get at?22:24
imbrandonif its the same software why not use the same theme  ?22:24
imbrandonwhy are we doing this the hard way is what i'm getting at22:24
Amozwhat's your solution then?22:24
imbrandonwe;re doing all this to make it easier next time when it really is not, we'll have the same issues, we either need to use thier stuff 100% or ours and been done with this already22:25
imbrandonAmoz: DRY is my solution22:25
Amozimbrandon, go for it :)22:25
imbrandoni dont have a "solution" but DRY is the best i can surmise22:25
imbrandonAmoz: i'm not trying to be confrontational seriously22:26
AmozUDS is not the same software afaik22:26
Amozcjohnston would hopefully been smart enough to not try to port a theme if it already existed in UDS22:26
imbrandonpretty sure it is or was, either way its django templates i can almost garentee22:27
Amozso we're just reworking the summit templates to work with Canonicals new styles22:27
imbrandonwhy would canonical not use summit, they used to, thats how it came about22:27
imbrandoni'm fairly certain it is22:27
imbrandoneither way though they are both just django templates in reality22:28
Amozyou're referring to http://uds.ubuntu.com/event/22:28
imbrandoneven if not the same22:28
Amozwith the new theme22:28
* imbrandon looks22:28
Amozsee what happens if you press the links there, UDS tracks or UDS Schedule22:29
imbrandonmore specificly http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/22:29
Amozand that site is using the old theme! *gasp*22:29
Amozand that's the site we're porting to the new guidelines/styles/ everything22:29
Amozawesomeness in a box22:29
Amozand I've gotta go to bed now22:29
Amoznice talking to ya, gnite :)22:30
imbrandonyes ... but why are we using paty22:30
imbrandonpart and notall22:30
cjohnstonimbrandon:  uds.u.c is wp22:52
imbrandonyea i looked and u.c is drupal22:54
imbrandonso where did this css come from ?22:54
imbrandonwhat bzr branch22:54
imbrandonso we know where to get it "next time"22:54
imbrandonand can progmaticly build it22:55
cjohnstonthey emailed me22:55
imbrandonis it from the wp theme or the drupal theme ? or ...22:55
cjohnstonbut the entire thing, including hard coded content is lp.net/uds-project22:55
cjohnstonthey stripped out everything php and all the hatrdcoded content22:56
cjohnstondinner time22:56
imbrandonsee that matters if your changing the markup, i've scrapped what i was doing in favor of i'm just gonna rework this properly and show you and Amoz instead of trying to explain it while i'm blue in the face22:56
cjohnstonimbrandon: hows it going23:37
imbrandoncjohnston: good good23:37
imbrandonmanaged to wragle a copy of the Ubuntu Core Front End Framework, should make this much smoother, will have something in a few hours23:38
imbrandonpush to lp23:38
imbrandoncjohnston: your summit branch is missing files ?23:57
imbrandoni see no website_base in here23:58
imbrandonbut its being extended23:58

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