
Kilosmorning superfly and others08:06
superflymorning oom Kilos!08:08
inetprogood mornings everyone, plus kilos & superfly08:13
Kiloslol hiya inetpro 08:14
superflyheya inetpro08:14
SuperhumanI see za.archive.ubuntu.com is down...08:28
Kiloseina. hi Superhuman 08:28
tumbleweedSuperhuman: the admins know08:30
Kiloshi tumbleweed 08:34
Kilosyou are in the developement side hey tumbleweed . can you talk to someone about integrating debdelta into ubuntu. it is in the repos but cant run even though it is installed08:37
tumbleweedKilos: there was talk of that at the last UDS, IIRC08:47
tumbleweedaudio recording: http://mirrors.tumbleweed.org.za/uds-o/2011-05-10-09-55-foundations-o-debdelta.ogg08:49
Kiloswould have saved me a months data or more on my maverick08:50
Kilosgoogled for days without finding a how to that i can understand08:51
tumbleweedso, it's in progress, but will probably still take a while08:51
Kilosty tumbleweed 08:51
Kilosthe launchpad guys just say install a later release08:57
tumbleweedok, that guy isn't launchpad09:01
tumbleweedhe was saying that because maverick was about to go out of support09:01
Kilosah. i felt like kicking him09:01
tumbleweedhe's right, though09:01
tumbleweedapparently za.archive is back up09:02
superflytumbleweed: Mollom has definitely solved our spam problem09:06
* tumbleweed still gets one every few days with mollom09:08
sakhiis Vodacom up?09:50
sakhimust be my fone09:51
Kilosreboot the thing sakhi 09:54
Kilosmight just be the local voda tower thats down10:03
nlsthznsuperfly, yes, it is like o/ but a salute like in the army - o713:31
superflyah right13:32
magespawngood afternoon all13:42
=== magespawn_ is now known as magespawn
magespawngc_ coffee14:02
gc_magespawn: What?14:02
magespawnibid coffee is served with pastry14:03
magespawngc_ coffee is served with pastry14:03
gc_magespawn: One learns a new thing every day14:03
magespawngc_ what is coffee served with14:03
gc_magespawn: Not a clue, sorry14:03
magespawngc_ what is coffee served with?14:03
gc_magespawn: Erk, dunno14:03
magespawngc_ what is coffee?14:04
gc_magespawn: coffee is served with pastry14:04
magespawngc_ coffee for magespawn14:04
gc_magespawn: Huh?14:04
magespawngc_ coffee on14:05
* gc_ washes some mugs14:05
magespawnMaaz say hit to gc_14:06
Maazhit to gc_14:06
magespawnMaaz say hi to gc_14:06
Maazhi to gc_14:06
Kilossorry tumbleweed . does that mean one cant get debdelta to work until launchpad has done something there?15:30
Kilosmust there be a debdelta sever or whatever by them?15:31
tumbleweedKilos: there's currently no debdelta server that I know of15:34
Kilosthats what i am trying to understand. must there be one before debdelta can work. as in it cant be made to work from ones pc?15:35
tumbleweedyes, you need to get the deltas from somewhere15:38
Kilosoh ok ty. i was under the impression that it would just see whats on one machine and compare and download the diffs15:39
tumbleweedsomeone needs to provide the diffs15:40
Kilosty tumbleweed 15:41
Kiloslol i even tried debhelper to get it going15:45
tumbleweeddebhelper is a packaging tool (used in almost every package's buliding)15:45
Kilosi read somewhere that it integrates the package so tried that. didnt know it has to be done at launchpad15:49
Kiloslive and learn15:49
tumbleweedwell, anyone can host a debdelta server15:49
tumbleweedthere might be one for ubuntu somewhere...15:50
Kilosgc_, coffee on16:23
* gc_ washes some mugs16:23
KilosMaaz, coffee on16:23
* Maaz washes some mugs16:23
gc_Coffee's ready for Kilos!16:27
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:27
KilosMaaz, ty16:27
MaazYou are welcome Kilos16:27
Kilosgc_, ty16:28
gc_Kilos: *blink*16:28
Kilosstupid bot16:28
Kilosyo kbmonkey 17:30
kbmonkeyyo Kilos 17:40
Kiloshi KlaasKaas 17:40
Kilosnever seen you before KlaasKaas 17:41
Kiloshows things kbmonkey 17:41
KlaasKaaslol no17:41
KlaasKaasnot with this nick anyway17:41
Kiloslol what was the other one17:41
KlaasKaassettings are screwed up somehow it seems17:42
Kilossettings for?17:42
Kiloswhat is/was youre other nick KlaasKaas 17:43
Kiloshis xchat is very sick17:48
dLimitShould be using irssi17:49
Kilosno man xchat rocks17:49
dLimitOne cannot run xchat in screen17:50
Kilos? in screen17:50
dLimitman screen17:51
dLimitScreen  is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical ter‐ minal between several processes (typically  interactive  shells).17:51
dLimit^^ from the man17:51
Kilosoh they terminal windows17:53
dLimitYeah like a terminal multiplexer but the great thing is you can run it on a remote computer then ssh into that remote pc and attach that screen session to your local computer.17:54
KilosdLimit, are you using unity?17:54
dLimitHell no!17:54
Kilosthats too clever for me17:54
dLimitI'm using fluxbox17:55
kbmonkeyfine Kilos and yourself man?17:55
dLimitI like all the non-mainstream window managers17:55
Kilosgood ty kbmonkey 17:55
kbmonkeyisn't fluxbox based on blackbox? :)17:56
kbmonkeyusing openbox here17:56
dLimitopenbox ftw! Yeah flux and openbox is both based on it I believe17:57
kbmonkeyand irssi he he17:57
kbmonkeyusing PyTyle to turn stacking into tiling wm17:58
kbmonkeyoh been trying screen recently, i get it but bet there's a ton I need to learn17:59
dLimitI need to use PyTyle. I just recently switched back to flux from Awesome-de so I got kinda use to tiling18:00
kbmonkeypytyle has xmonad like navigation18:01
kbmonkeyaaah I see, I closed my ssh connection and my irssi still runs. cool =D18:03
kbmonkeyyou can get a shell account at bshellz.net. ssh in gives you mutt, irssi, public_html 18:04
KilosdLimit, how do you start irssi to here?18:04
kbmonkeylike kbmonkey.bshells.net18:04
Kilosdont say man irssi18:05
kbmonkeyhe he, you don't dig mans do you :p18:05
Kiloslol they hard to understand man18:06
kbmonkeyyou enter commands like '/server irc.freenode.org'18:06
Kiloslooks like its a bit job to get irssi going18:06
kbmonkeyor edit its config to auto connect and join channels18:06
kbmonkeynot really18:07
kbmonkeyyou edit ~/.irssi/config18:08
Kilosok i have a look18:08
dLimitYeah there are mainly 3 commands /network, /server and channel18:09
Kilosgedit opened 2 pages edit and conf18:11
Kilosboth empty18:11
kbmonkeydLimit: do you auto identify or enter your irc login manually?18:11
Kilosmaybe i need to run it once first18:11
kbmonkeyrun it first18:11
dLimitNo, identify with the -autosendcmd flag to /network18:11
kbmonkeyi did a diff on my config vs master18:11
dLimitI connecto to 4 different servers18:12
kbmonkeyalso use autosend. just wondering about keeping the paswd in the config file18:12
dLimitI mean networks18:12
Kilosthis is what i gotta do to run it hey18:12
Kilos irssi  [-dv!?]  [-c  server]  [-p port] [-n nickname] [-w password] [-h18:12
Kilos       hostname]18:12
kbmonkeyjust enter irssi 18:13
Kilosi did18:13
Kilosblank window18:13
dLimitKilos: use the -c and -n flag18:14
Kiloscursor flashing next to staus at the bottom18:14
dLimitirssi -c irc.freenode.net -n Kilos18:14
dLimityou will have to identify manually after that18:14
kbmonkeyKilos: /server irc.freenode.org18:15
KilosIrssi: Your nick is owned by Cake [~Pie@patter.me.uk]18:16
Kilosthey lie i registered it to me long ago18:16
* Kilos eats cake18:16
kbmonkeyha ha. 18:16
kbmonkeyyou probably did not set a nick. its using the default.18:17
kbmonkeyyou made it! :D18:17
Kiloslol ya with a long tail18:17
kbmonkeylike a monkey18:17
Kilosha ha ha18:18
Kilosnow gotta work out how to kill cake18:18
Kilosthe thief18:18
Kilosi dunno how he can have my nick if its registered to me18:19
kbmonkeyi doubt he has18:20
Kilosi go off xchat and see if i can get me back18:21
kbmonkeyuse "/nick Kilos"18:21
=== miles___ is now known as Kilos
Kilosthere we go18:22
Kilosthis is like weechat18:23
kbmonkeyyes its is hey18:23
kbmonkeyweechat is probably easier to configure18:23
kbmonkeyirssi is more brainy18:23
Kilosthere is still nothing in that conf file18:24
Kilosdo i just add the commands i used to get here?18:25
kbmonkeyno, it has a certain structure18:25
kbmonkeyperhaps if you exit it writes the config out18:25
Kiloslol ok i try18:26
kbmonkeyi used a tut18:26
kbmonkeyto config irssi18:26
Kiloswhats a tut18:26
Kilosoh like a how to18:26
kbmonkeyyes like a howto18:30
kbmonkeytry /quit :)18:30
kbmonkeyor /quit <optional quit message>18:30
Kilos_haha now it tells me my nick is owned by miles18:30
Kilos_cake got eaten18:31
kbmonkeyyes, the other miles he he18:31
Kilos_this isnt lekker like xchat18:31
Kilos_oh kbmonkey debdelta must first be integrated by launchpad18:33
kbmonkeyits different for sure18:33
kbmonkeyat least its easier than using telnet for irc ;)18:33
Kilos_they been discussing it since 10.0418:34
Kilos_yeah its like weechat but more serious geek oriented than xchat18:34
Kilos_hi mage18:34
Kilos_grr 18:34
Kilos_this doesnt show who is online or anything18:35
kbmonkeyit has the advantage of not needing X to run18:35
kbmonkeyso you can ssh into a server, and use irc without windows18:35
Kilos_me dunno ssh18:36
kbmonkeyit does, it shows you the users list when you join a channel. and you get addon scripts that show a user bar18:36
* kbmonkey doesnt use the user list even in xchat18:36
magespawnSecure Shell18:36
Kilos_ah i did man18:37
dLimittype /names to see who is online18:37
Kilos_ssh — OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)18:37
magespawnWhat program is that?18:37
Kilos_irssi magespawn 18:37
magespawnCli chat?18:37
kbmonkeywith ssh it looks like you are using gnome-terminal Kilos_, but your commands are run on another computer 18:37
Kilos_yeah cli chat18:38
magespawnNo GUI?18:38
magespawn Very light then.18:38
kbmonkeylike weechat, think maya uses weechat18:38
Kilos_yes she does18:39
magespawnBrb just putting fish one to sleep.18:39
Kilos_grr theres still nothing in that config file18:42
Kilos-ah this looks better18:44
Kilos-gc_, coffee on18:46
* gc_ flips the salt-timer18:46
kbmonkeywhat is that config file path Kilos- ?18:47
Kilos-sudo gedit edit ~/.irssi/config18:47
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
kbmonkeyyou dont need to sudo files in your own home Kilos :D18:48
Kilosoh there be an extra edit in18:48
kbmonkeyha ha18:48
Kilosits still empty18:49
gc_Coffee's ready for Kilos-!18:50
kbmonkeygc_: 18:51
gc_kbmonkey: What?18:51
kbmonkeygc_: who are you?18:51
gc_kbmonkey: I'm afraid I have no idea18:51
Kilosgc_, ty18:51
gc_Enjoy Kilos Just dont make a habit of it ok?18:51
Kiloslol you dunno kbmonkey 18:51
Kiloswhen Maaz was dead mage made it as a standby18:52
Kilosyou miss all the fun18:52
kbmonkeyhave a gn all18:58
Kilosnight kbmonkey sleep tight18:58
psydroidgn kbmonkey18:58
psydroidhi Kilos18:58
kbmonkeymay be back later18:58
Kiloshi psydroid 18:58
kbmonkeyjust gotta get offline a bit18:58
Kilosok kbmonkey 18:58
magespawnBack again19:20
Kilosmagespawn, wb19:20
magespawnJust waking up again fell asleep next to the kid19:21
Kilostrying to conf irssi. be back later if i dont fall asleep19:24
magespawnDoes it not build its own config file?19:26
dLimitHmm yes it does...19:27
superflyI'm not sure if it is persistent unless you specifically write it though19:37
Kiloshehe i be learning but oh so slowly19:44
magespawnThat was quite quick.19:45
Kilosmanaged to open a .gz file in /usr/share/doc/irssi*19:45
Kilosno im on xchat again. need to read and hopefully understand how to configure irssi to come here with a simple command19:46
Kilosaw tells me how good it is but no more19:49
Kilosnight all. see yous tomorrow19:50
Kilossleep tight19:50
magespawnI am also off. G'night all.20:13

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