
=== jalcine is now known as webjadmin_
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JamesTaitGood morning, all! :D09:29
gatoxgood morning!11:03
mandelgatox, morning!11:26
gatoxmandel, hi11:26
mandelgatox, I added the test to heck if the app name is correct11:26
mandelgatox, can you approve it now ;)11:26
gatoxmandel, yes! can you give me the link11:27
mandelgatox, https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/add-app-name/+merge/9707111:27
mandelgatox, what is the lib we should be using instead of xdg?11:56
gatoxmandel, mmmm not sure about the lib, what i know if that info we should get it from sso12:00
mandelgatox, ok, I'll look there then12:01
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mandelgatox, I'm off to have lunch, will be back in 30 mins mor or less (depends on the waiter)12:52
gatoxmandel, ok..... i see you have fanzy lunchs12:52
mandelgatox, on tuesdays I go with the people at the office :P12:53
ralsinagood morning!12:58
gatoxralsina, hi!12:59
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ralsinahello gatox!12:59
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urbanapeoh, I think we're an hour off14:06
urbanapestupid DST14:06
urbanapewelcome back, briancurtin14:06
briancurtinhey urbanape14:06
urbanapeprogress was not exactly made in your absence.14:07
* mandel back!14:07
mandelbriancurtin, urbanape you are hehehe14:08
briancurtinso the standup is in one hour, or it already happened (i'm horrible at time changes)14:08
mandelbriancurtin, in an hour :)14:08
mandelbriancurtin, it is at 3 pm utc14:08
briancurtinnice. even though it's only ever +1 or -1, it becomes incredibly hard math for some reason14:09
mandelbriancurtin, the trick is to set the time indicator to have both and if you use the company google calendar to set the alarm to use utc14:09
mandelralsina, ping?14:09
briancurtini need a sun dial14:10
briancurtinurbanape: no biggie. where we left off with the FS stuff and what its capabilities are was not too encouraging of it being a nice easy effort14:11
dobeybriancurtin: the trick is to just be a slacker and wait for nessita to ping you about the standup :)14:12
alecuhello all!14:12
gatoxalecu, hi!14:13
dobeyhola alecu14:13
dobeyalecu: why should the webclient calls go through the proxy tunnel process, instead of just direct through the proxy?14:14
alecudobey, only the webclient calls made from syncdaemon go thru the tunnel.14:15
alecudobey, otherwise we would need to use either qtnetwork or libsoup from syncdaemon.14:16
mandeldobey, she is not working today14:16
mandelalecu, dobey what happened with the openssl issue?14:16
ralsinamandel: pong14:17
dobeymandel: ralsina mailed legal afaik14:18
mandelralsina, I was going to ask you about openssl :)14:18
ralsinadobey: I mailed cristian and chipaca who are near legal14:18
ralsinaI will bring it up in today's mgmt talk and then it will probably go to legal14:18
ralsinawelcome back briancurtin!14:20
mandelalecu, dobey any idea on how to use openssl to get the hash used to sign a cert?14:20
briancurtinhello all :)14:20
ralsinabriancurtin: in about 2 hours we need to talk a lot about prepping a windows release for next week14:21
briancurtinralsina: sounds good, can mumble if you want14:21
ralsinabriancurtin: cool, so in 2:09 save me a spot14:21
alecubriancurtin, ralsina: make sure we get lots of testing on the proxy stuff on windows14:21
alecubriancurtin, ralsina: and also, I think we should make a new .exe with the tunnel process used for proxying syncdaemon.14:22
alecumandel, what ssl "hash" do you need?14:23
mandelalecu, second point from here: https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Cert_override.txt14:23
ralsinaalecu: ack14:23
mandelalecu, or I can simply ignore it14:23
alecumandel, "hash algorithm OID" ?14:23
dobeymandel: i don't know14:24
alecumandel, perhaps you need point 3? point 2 is the ID of an algorithm14:24
mandelalecu, yes, although I can get the OID from that list, I'm more interested in the hash algorithm SHA1 etc..14:24
mandelalecu, yes, I wanted to first make sure it was hard to get that so that I had a reason to ignore point 214:24
Chipacaralsina: about ssl?14:25
Chipacaralsina: or about what, re legal?14:25
mandelbriancurtin, ralsina the integration tests for squid3 do not work in windows.. in theory everything should work ok..14:25
ralsinaChipaca: yes siree, I did14:25
ralsinaChipaca: about having to add an exception to our licenses to allow linking openssl14:25
Chipacaok, pre-meeting break for me14:26
dobeymandel: what are we doing with cert_override.txt?14:26
mandeldobey, pinned certs until there is support for that on thekeyring, that is a ref of a text files that does the same14:26
mandeldobey, so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel14:26
dobeymandel: so you're implementing the same file format?14:27
mandeldobey, yes14:27
alecumandel, why do you need the exact same format?14:27
mandelalecu, I don't need it, I wanted to make it as close as possible to just say, look we do it like that14:28
dobeymandel: i don't think openssl knows about that format. you'd have to handle converting to that OID and back14:28
mandelalecu, nothing else, I can always ignore the has algo and just keep the fingerprint which is more than enough14:28
alecumandel, so, what class of objects do you get from qtnetwork or libsoup?14:29
mandelalecu, I get the ssl pem which I can convert to a openssl object14:30
gatoxmandel, alecu do you guys know if launchpad is disabled in this moment or something?? i can't create a new branch14:31
dobeysigh, nessita.14:31
dobeyshe claimed a review on my branch, and hasn't reviewed it, and is off today14:31
gatoxdobey, half day14:31
gatoxdobey, she is reading the emails14:32
gatoxdobey, do you know if there is any problem or something with launchpad?14:32
alecumandel, like this, right? QSslCertificate::toPem()14:32
mandelgatox, afaik there is not14:33
gatoxi'm trying to submit a new branch and i can't14:33
mandelalecu, yes and raw_cert.props.certificate_pem14:33
dobeygatox: not afaik14:33
alecumandel, great.14:33
dobeygatox: submit as in push, or as in propose?14:33
mandelalecu, I'm using pem to centralize the code that gets the details rather than using each of the libs14:34
alecumandel, and what are you using to turn those into pyssl objects?14:34
alecumandel, that sounds right14:34
gatoxdobey, as in trying to create the branch from the web page with "submit new code"14:34
mandelalecu, from OpenSSL.crypto import load_certificate, FILETYPE_PEM14:34
mandelalecu, then load_certificate(cert_pem, FILETYPE_PEM)14:34
dobeygatox: oh i think something changed on lp recently and the "create a branch" link on the web site doesn't work14:34
gatoxdobey, yep..... i see14:35
alecumandel, the args are reversed, right?14:35
gatoxdobey, i'll do it manually14:35
alecumandel, load_certificate(type, buffer)14:35
dobeygatox: if you just make a local branch and push it, it works14:35
briancurtinralsina: can we move the windows call before or after you were planning it? at about 16:40 UTC i need to go to a doctor's appt14:35
mandelalecu, yes, sorry :P14:35
alecumandel, great.14:35
dobeygatox: manually? using the web site is "manual." why would you ever use the link on the web site to create a branch?14:35
mandelalecu, said it from the top of my head14:35
ralsinabriancurtin: after is ok, just ping me when you have a slot14:35
dobeyi hope it goes away for good14:35
gatoxdobey, i was used to that14:36
alecumandel, and that returns a X509 object?14:36
mandelalecu, yep, which has all the info (O, CN, L, ST etc..) plus the fingerprint14:36
mandelalecu, CN is usually the domain name (Common Name)14:37
alecumandel, the fingerprint should be X509.digest("sha1"), right?14:37
alecuI'm looking at: http://packages.python.org/pyOpenSSL/openssl-x509.html14:38
mandelalecu, hmm let me double check, I think you are right and I just had a major brain fuck..14:39
mandelalecu, yes, you are right.. oh my what an embarrassment, I'll take it form here :)14:40
gatoxralsina, when you have a moment please: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/check-cut-off/+merge/97231 (qt thing)14:44
ralsinagatox: sure, but I am on call for a while14:44
gatoxralsina, no problem, is not urgent14:45
ralsinagatox: and alecu's branches have priority (if they still need reviews)14:45
alecugatox, reviews are veeeery welcome! let me find the link.14:55
gatoxalecu, i have both of your branches opened already14:56
alecugatox, cool14:56
gatoxalecu, i'll do both now14:56
alecugatox, the first one to review is the ussoc one14:56
gatoxalecu, ack14:56
alecugatox, since the u1-client branch depends on that ussoc branch14:56
alecugatox, also, for the u1-client branch it would be right to do some IRL testing. Let me know when you are reviewing it and I can give you some tips on how to test it IRL.14:57
gatoxalecu, great, thanks14:59
gatoxalecu, dobey ?15:03
gatoxmandel, go.... dobey is last, and i think ralsina is in a cal15:04
mandelDONE: Added missing tests for appname branch in control panel. Refactored the webclients to certralize where the cert info is found by passing the pem to the base class.15:04
mandelTODO: Finish pinned cert file implementation (had a stupid brain fuck moment). Propose move to next bug.15:04
mandelBLOCKED: no15:04
* mandel passes the rugby ball to briancurtin15:04
dobeyoh oops15:04
ralsinayes, I skip15:04
briancurtinDONE: pycon15:04
briancurtinTODO: pick up where i left off, catch up on email, mumble with ralsina, work towards windows release15:04
briancurtinBLOCKED: none15:04
briancurtinNEXT: gatox15:04
gatoxReview for nessita, Proposed a branch for the enhanced check box being cut off at the right border.15:04
gatoxalecu's reviews and keep fixing more ui bugs.15:04
gatoxurbanape, go15:04
urbanapeDONE: Got the release for U1 Music iOS out.15:04
urbanapeTODO: Back in the saddle.15:04
urbanapeBLOCK: My brain.15:04
urbanapealecu: you're next15:04
alecuDONE: finished with bug #929212, branches up for review15:04
alecuTODO: use authentication in tunnel15:04
alecuBLOCKED: no15:04
alecuNEXT: dobey15:04
ubot5`Launchpad bug 929212 in Ubuntu One Client "[FFE] Tunnel webservice calls if proxy is enabled" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92921215:04
dobeyλ DONE: poked more about installer image, bug #953062, bug #94202515:05
dobeyλ TODO: finish installer, bug #951425, bug #93420615:05
dobeyλ BLCK: none.15:05
ubot5`Launchpad bug 953062 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) "Font and sizes are hard-coded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95306215:05
ubot5`Launchpad bug 942025 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "The email address font is too small" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94202515:05
ubot5`Launchpad bug 951425 in Ubuntu One for Rhythmbox "Ubuntu One plugin has problems when being enable/disabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95142515:05
ubot5`Launchpad bug 934206 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone (Ubuntu Precise) "track duplication from RB-U1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93420615:05
alecuurbanape, briancurtin: I've been doing some reading on FSevents and /dev/fsevents15:07
alecuurbanape, briancurtin: did you end up deciding which one to use?15:07
mandelbriancurtin, small question about open on windows, does it make any diff between a and w when opening a file?15:08
urbanapeI'm still leaning towards watchdog, but I'd like to see how it does with file events in large directories.15:08
alecuurbanape, by watchdog you mean this one? http://support.apple.com/kb/TA20622?viewlocale=en_US15:09
briancurtinmandel: you mean when opening an existing file or opening a new file with 'a' or 'w'?15:10
urbanapealecu: http://packages.python.org/watchdog/15:10
urbanapeabstracts FSEvents, inotify, and the Windows stuff.15:10
mandelbriancurtin,  both15:10
urbanape(but we'd only use it for OS X right now)15:10
alecuurbanape, ok.15:10
briancurtinmandel: i'm not aware of anything in that area that operates differently on windows than it should on *nix15:10
briancurtinjust the typical append vs. write behavior15:11
alecuurbanape, it seems to use FSEvents as the backend, so it will surely have the same drawbacks regarding changes in files... right?15:11
mandelbriancurtin, ok, then I'll toss a b there just in case15:11
dobeyalright, i should get some lunch. bbiab15:12
alecuurbanape, and I don't think kqueue looks useful, since it would need to open for monitoring each and every file in the Ubuntu One folder plus the UDFs... it does not scale.15:13
mandelalecu, urbanape I would not even get close to kqueue15:14
mandelaltough it make the port to bsd closer!15:15
urbanapealecu: yes (about FSEvents).15:16
alecumandel, "open eeeeeevery file in the folders watched by SD"15:16
alecumandel, it makes no sense for us!15:16
mandelalecu, I know, that is why I would not get close to it :)15:16
urbanapein my opinion, that it abstracts away inotify and the Windows system means it could *potentially* be used on all platforms (and become something we don't have to own)15:16
* gatox lunch...... brb15:17
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
alecuurbanape, that sounds reasonable, but I doubt that having to rehash every file in a directory every time one file changes would perform reasonably well.15:20
alecuurbanape, from what I've read it might make sense to have a small daemon reading everything from /dev/fsevents and filtering what's interesting to us15:20
alecueven though it has to run as root :-(15:20
urbanapeI wonder if Apple ditched folders in iCloud because move events are typically handled so badly.15:23
alecuurbanape, briancurtin: you guys have probably read this ars article that talks about FSEvents and /dev/fsevents:15:23
briancurtinalecu: havent seen it, thanks for the link15:23
alecubriancurtin, that's the article that convinced me that we should be using /dev/fsevents if we want to have decent performance for this.15:25
briancurtinooh, mentions of NEXTSTEP already - i used to use GNUStep as a (graphical) reminder of NeXT days :)15:25
mandeljust read: Yo no digo que esa chica sea un poco suelta, solo digo que si su entrepierna tuviera contraseña, serí­a '1234'15:46
mandelsorry, I'm to lazy to translate it :P15:46
ralsinaalecu: you still needing reviews?15:51
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alecuralsina, looks like I still do! for the two branches "ready for review" here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/92920715:51
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 929207 in Ubuntu One Client "[FFE] Proxy "tunnel" for syncdaemon" [High,In progress]15:51
ralsinaalecu: ok, doing one15:52
alecuralsina, btw: I've just got a call from the state sponsored kinder right around the corner, that there's an opening, so we'll be changing Amelia's kinder. That means that my schedule will be hell for the next couple of weeks... :P15:53
ralsinaalecu: well, it's probably for the best long term15:54
ralsinahaving kinder around the corner is niiiice ;-)15:54
alecuralsina, for the shorter term too, since we'll skip paying the private kinder :-)15:54
alecuralsina, also: the -sso branch goes first, since the u1-client branch depends on it.15:54
gatoxalecu, this one gave me a lint issue: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/updated-txweb/+merge/9711915:55
alecugatox, can you please paste it?15:55
gatoxalecu, just this:15:55
gatox== Python Lint Notices ==15:55
gatox    247:  [W0511] TODO15:55
gatoxalecu, except for that..... it's a +1 from me15:56
alecugatox, I'll fix that, and thanks!15:56
gatoxalecu, let me know, when it's fixed so i can approve it15:56
alecugatox, are you brave enough to take on the following branch?15:56
gatoxalecu, of course..... i'll start the review of the other one right now15:57
alecugatox, the funny thing is that my branch does not touch that file :P15:58
alecugatox, can you check if that lint notice also shows up on trunk?15:58
gatoxalecu, yes..... just a minute15:58
gatoxalecu, yep..... it's in trunnk15:59
gatoxalecu, approving15:59
alecugatox, that TODO is probably being fixed in one of mandel's current branches.16:01
mandelgatox, alecu yes, is begin fixed, and TODOs do not brake tests, they are just printed out16:01
mandelaka u1lint returns 016:02
gatoxalecu, no problem..... i already approve your branch, now i'm branching the other one, run the test, review the codem and i'll ping you if i need to test it IRL16:02
gatoxalecu, i haven't done it in a while.... for u1-client with an specific u1-sso..... is it ./autogen.sh --uses=path/to/sso =16:04
alecugatox, I'm finishing with the review of your branch, and I also got lint warnings!16:04
gatoxalecu, my branch?16:04
alecu./autogen.sh --with-sso /home/alecu/canonical/ubuntu-sso-client/branch_name16:05
alecugatox, ^16:05
gatoxalecu, thanks!...... which branch?16:05
alecugatox, make sure to include the whole path (it sometimes not work with ~/)16:05
gatoxalecu, yes16:05
alecugatox, check-cut-off16:05
alecugatox, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/882006/16:05
gatoxalecu, weird.... it didn't show anything when i run the tests here16:05
briancurtinralsina: i'm a day off - doc appt is tomorrow. i'm free for the call when you are16:05
ralsinabriancurtin: ok, I need to wrap up a few things first16:06
briancurtinno problem16:06
alecugatox, that's on precise, updated yesterday (I think)16:06
gatoxalecu, i'll update again16:06
gatoxalecu, thanks16:06
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urbanapebriancurtin: want to sync up after your windows release call?16:23
briancurtinurbanape: that sounds good16:23
ralsinabriancurtin: mumble?16:43
briancurtinralsina: logging in16:43
briancurtinurbanape: i'm in mumble whenever you have a few minutes16:50
urbanapecool, brt16:50
urbanapek, I'm in Desktop Plus16:51
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gatoxalecu, which would be the proper way to test your u1-client branch IRL?17:02
dobeygatox: in a manner not totally unlike that of advancing the story in Monkey Island17:03
gatoxdobey, what?17:03
alecugatox, look behind you! A three headed monkey!17:04
alecudobey, how appropriate, you fight like a cow.17:05
alecugatox, so: first you need to install a squid17:05
ralsinaThat's the second biggest stone monkey head I ever saw!17:05
alecugatox, then you need to use syncdaemon in the branch, both thru the proxy and without using the proxy.17:05
gatoxalecu, ah...... it's not going to be easy.....17:05
ralsinagatox: use my squid!17:06
gatoxralsina, ah! right!17:06
alecugatox, a default squid install should be fine.17:06
gatoxralsina, how can i do that?17:06
ralsinagatox: configure proxy ip address
alecugatox, if you install the squid3 package it starts a proxy on localhost:312817:06
ralsinagatox: port 888817:06
dobeyfirst you ask, then you find out alecu is sad, and then you do a bunch of stuff and find out he needs a beer, so you buy him a beer, then you find out you need squid, but squid is unhappy, so you have to reconfigure it17:06
ralsinagatox: and let me set a user/password for you17:06
gatoxalecu, and then you ask why it's always difficult to get reviewers!!17:07
gatoxalecu, ok, i'm using ralsina proxy now17:10
alecugatox, ok, now you need to start Syncdaemon like this:17:12
alecuU1_DEBUG=True PYTHONPATH=.:~/canonical/ubuntu-sso-client/updated-txweb/ bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug17:12
alecugatox, (before that you should configure the proxies in the system settings, of course)17:13
gatoxalecu, done17:14
alecugatox, once it's running, try doing "u1sdtool -c" so it connects. Then "u1sdtool -s" to see that it has reached the QUEUE_MANAGER state17:15
gatoxalecu, yep!17:16
ralsinaalecu: we support http_proxy=http://user:pass@ right?17:16
alecuralsina, env vars? probably not yet.17:17
alecugatox, u1sdtool --publish-file=~/Ubuntu\ One/folder/file.txt17:17
alecugatox, and check the web to see if the file was published.17:17
alecugatox, u1sdtool --offer-share ~/Ubuntu\ One/folder/ gatox@gmail.com shared_folder view17:18
alecugatox, and check the web or your email to see if the folder was offered.17:18
ralsinaalecu: ack17:19
gatoxalecu, yes!17:19
gatoxalecu, it's working!17:21
ralsinayay! I have now gatox's credentials! Nah, just kidding ;-)17:21
* gatox faints17:21
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alecugatox, finally.... we need to check get_public_files, but it does not have an u1sdtool option17:22
mandelok, I need to go EOD here, catch you all tom!17:22
dobeyralsina: what the heck is setFontWeight() in Qt?17:22
gatoxmandel, bye17:22
gatoxalecu, so...... what we do that?17:22
mandelalecu, if you need any reviews tom CET morning let me know17:23
mandelvia email17:23
ralsinadobey: allegedly, thing to set the font's weight17:23
ralsinamandel: you moved one hour earlier?17:23
dobeyralsina: i don't think we're using that right17:23
ralsinadobey: we should not be using that17:23
alecugatox, I usually do it with d-feet17:23
mandelralsina, ein? I always go at my 6:30 on tuesdays..17:23
ralsinadobey: without a VERY good reason17:23
gatoxralsina, isn't that something you use to set the font from normall to bold or something likke that?17:23
gatoxralsina, i don't remember exactly17:23
alecugatox, do you have d-feet installed?17:24
gatoxalecu, yes17:24
ralsinamandel: I was wondering if you aremoving to DST or something17:24
dobeyralsina: i am seeing a bunch of it in sso. i guess i'll just remove them too17:24
mandelralsina, not yet :)17:24
alecugatox, great. go to com.ubuntuone.Syncdaemon in the session bus17:24
alecugatox, and look for /publicfiles17:24
gatoxalecu, i'm already there17:24
mandelralsina, I'm still UTC +117:24
ralsinamandel: ok, thanks17:24
alecugatox, execute this method: iface: com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.PublicFiles method: get_public_files()17:25
gatoxalecu, should i get something? it says: 'This method did not return anything'17:25
mandelralsina, there is like 4 hours earlier, right?17:25
ralsinamandel: 2:25PM right now17:25
ralsinamandel: so yes17:25
alecugatox, yes. But the sd log would show the public files17:26
gatoxalecu, and the console says: 2012-03-13 14:25:19,306 - twisted - INFO - Stopping factory <HTTPClientFactory: https://one.ubuntu.com/files/api/public_files>17:26
alecugatox, (they are returned not in the call, but in a separate signal)17:26
alecugatox, something like: AQ_PUBLIC_FILES_LIST_OK, kwargs: {'public_files': [{'public_url': 'http://ubuntuone.com/1IpJvcAhD0zV2MjOC3k2sl', 'node_id': '6fbb435c-2650-4d15-9480-cd1b1ba38dae', 'volume_id': ''}, {'public_url': 'http://ubuntuone.com/7kiDLJg2SeW3F17WrQiADx', 'node_id': 'fb71d997-d9ac-439e-8cd5-41dda0a1e6cf', 'volume_id': ''}, {'public_url': 'http://ubuntuone.com/4cpiEexLtKKvf2F6j079VD', 'node_id': '2b102f89-f5dc-4f49-85d4-38131fad3583', 'volume_id17:26
alecu': ''}]}17:26
mandelralsina, ok, catch you tom, I need to walk the dog, visit the brother and rugby..17:26
alecugatox, if that shows up on SD logs, it means that the webcalls worked ok.17:27
alecugatox, and to finish the IRL test, stop SD, disable proxies, and repeat all three calls.17:27
alecugatox, I need to *run* to the new kinder. I'll catch up in an hour.17:28
gatoxalecu, that work17:28
dobeyralsina: ah, for some reason the .ui files had a bunch of <weight>75</weight> in them, which didn't seem right, and the generated _ui.py files thus had setFontWeight(75) which made no sense17:28
gatoxalecu, i'll test again and approve it...... GREAT WORK!17:28
gatoxalecu, again without the proxy i mean17:28
alecugatox, graaaaacias!17:28
ralsinadobey: hmmmm17:33
ralsinadobey: yes, that weight isnot default17:33
dobeyralsina: i would presume it is supposed to mean "make it bold"17:34
ralsinadobey: not even17:34
ralsinadobey: bold is 100 IIRC17:34
dobeyralsina: all the affected cases also had <bold>true</bold>17:34
dobeyhttp://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qfont.html#Weight-enum says 75 is bold17:35
dobeyralsina: so… https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu-sso-client/system-font/+merge/9726417:37
ralsinadobey: ok, then17:37
dobeyralsina: sso also will need a separate qss for windows17:37
ralsinadobey: affect it on the other bug17:37
dobeyyep, am about to17:37
ralsinaSo far, it's just QApplication.instance.setFont("Ubuntu")17:37
ralsinadobey: will review after lunch17:39
dobeyall add nessita to it also17:39
ralsinayes please17:39
dobeyyou know, if we had done nothing in the way of features this cycle, we at least made a huge step forwarad in managing bugs and releases, i think17:40
dobeyalso, yet another branch:17:43
ralsinadobey: +1 and I think you can merge it with one review17:51
dobeyaye, it's trivial17:53
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dobeyralsina: btw. openssl exception? :)18:21
ralsinadobey: gimme 5'18:21
ralsinadobey: stupid question, how can I see the UI in your SSO changes? Start that SSO and try to re-login?18:27
dobeyyou can run both bits from the tree, and just run ubuntu-sso-login-qt with args for a different app name and such, i guess18:29
ralsinadobey: can't see the changes because with the ubuntu font everything is bold ayway18:34
ralsinadobey: removeing the ubuntu family from the Qss, I get that the page titles are now not bold. So I think you should undo that.18:35
dobeyi didn't un-bold anything that was set to bold18:36
dobeyafaik anyway18:36
dobeyralsina: i wonder if it was only bold by accident before?18:36
ralsinaNo, I think that was intentional18:37
ralsinadobey: the titles are now less prioritized than the field labels, let me show you18:37
ralsinadobey: http://ubuntuone.com/1Ckpt7IpnHToCZ0sRGE4Z218:37
dobeyralsina: hrmm. +TITLE_STYLE = u'<span style="font-size:large;">%s</span>' should maybe be x-large or xx-large then?18:38
dobeyalso, wow why is no padding :(18:39
ralsinayeah, probably xx-large and bold18:39
ralsinaor x-large and bold18:39
dobeyso i think the bold before was by accident18:42
dobeywhy are we ever setting font size in a <span> though, really18:42
dobeypretty sure xx-large works fine in the qss too18:42
dobeyoh it was being set in there18:43
dobeyas 20px instead of 24px18:43
ralsinadobey: can I get an opinion on how lp:~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/tweaks looks?19:21
ralsinadobey: has a bunch of styling fixes, mostly for what happens when things get focus19:22
ralsinagatox: you too ^19:24
gatoxralsina, ok!19:24
dobeyralsina: i'm going to guess it's going to hate the theme i'm using currently :)19:27
ralsinadobey: it should hate it less than trunk :-)19:27
dobeyalso, it is hard to make stuff look "right" according to design19:29
ralsinabut it's a brave attempt, ifI can say so myself19:29
dobeyi'm talking about the installer19:32
gatoxralsina, it's looks really nice!19:33
ralsinadobey: installer, ok19:34
ralsinagatox: thanks!19:34
ralsinagatox: my main worry is the top button sizes, I can't find the right tweak there yet19:34
ralsinadobey: anything I can help/give feedback on?19:34
ralsinadobey: I know you know it, but as a reminder designs are not supposed to be pixel-accurate19:35
gatoxralsina, do you mean "get more storage" and that?19:36
ralsinagatox: yes19:36
ralsinanow they are kind of "minimal" in width and before they were always the same width (and I don't know why ;-)19:37
dobeyralsina: i'm not trying to make it pixel-perfect. trying to make it not look like crap for me, while staying reasonably close to design :-/19:37
ralsinadobey: gotcha19:38
dobeyit's much harder to do with this new layout19:38
dobeythe old layout was easy19:38
dobeyit worked. it looked nice no matter what your font size was19:38
alecugatox, ping19:38
alecugatox, I see that your branch uses assertGreater19:38
gatoxalecu, pong19:39
gatoxalecu, yes19:39
alecugatox, and for your branch you had to add a pylint disable to the code...19:39
gatoxalecu, aja19:39
alecugatox, I've found that assert{Greater|Less} are new in python 2.719:40
gatoxalecu, ahh..... and what should i use instead? do you know?19:40
alecugatox, and we have not used any of those in any code in sd. It's only used once in sso, also with a pylint disable.19:40
alecugatox, we would probably want to run this code on lucid at some point19:41
alecugatox, and I'm not sure if we have 2.7 on lucid.19:41
alecugatox, to be safe, I would use "assertTrue(x>y)"19:41
alecugatox, but let's see if we have 2.7 on lucid first.19:42
gatoxalecu, ok.... i'll change both uses of assertGreater19:42
alecugatox, lucid is 2.6.519:42
gatoxalecu, ok, i'll modify that now19:42
gatoxralsina, i've try to find something in the ui for u1-cp-tweaks.... but there isn't anything that i would modify.... at least for me, looks ok in that way19:44
ralsinagatox: cool :-)19:44
ralsinagatox: I will wait or lisette's and natalia's feedback tomorrow and propose19:44
gatoxralsina, ack19:45
alecugatox, other than that, the branch looks good.19:45
gatoxalecu, cool19:45
gatoxalecu, now i'll fix those details19:45
dobeyalso, the text-scaling-factor setting is like the most useless setting ever19:47
ralsinadobey: is that a gtk thing?19:48
dobeywell pango i guess19:52
dobeyand firefox doesn't use it19:52
gatoxalecu, i changed those things to assertTrue now...... already pushed19:52
dobeyand presumably neither does qt19:52
alecugatox, great19:53
ralsinadobey: on it!19:54
ralsinadobey: want to do screenshots for design, or want me to since I have a more default theme?19:54
ralsinawell, qt doesn't use pango, so...19:56
dobeyralsina: no, but i expect an XSetting gets set on the root window for the scale factor, so that qt can pick it up19:57
dobeybut maybe qt doesn't have a font scaling factor thing19:58
ralsinadobey: never had heard of it, to be honest. I should have :-)19:58
ralsinadobey: so, good work on implementing that design!19:58
dobeyanyway, back to 1.0 and small font size specifications instead19:58
ralsinadobey: about screenies?19:58
dobeyralsina: please do19:59
dobeyoh qt. you hath failed in your qss thing20:01
ralsinadobey: what happened?20:03
dobeyfont-size: xx-large; doesn't work in the qss20:03
ralsinaThere, mailed all the relevant people about the -installer branch, let's not merge it without design's blessing20:03
ralsinadobey: then you have to set it on the text. ;-/20:04
ralsinabut yeah, the limits on text sizes are stupid20:04
ralsinano percentages makes no sense20:04
dobeywell, at least that doesn't work in both places20:04
dobeybut only having xx-large work in only one way is dumb20:05
ralsinabut the qss docs do say "just px and pt"20:05
dobeyand makes the code needlessly more complex20:05
ralsinaso at least it's documented20:05
gatoxeod here! see you tomorrow!20:08
ralsinabye gatox!20:12
ralsinadobey: just tried u1-installer fromyour branch and it gets stuck, and shows this in console: https://pastebin.canonical.com/62257/20:16
ralsinaok, gotta go. See y'all tomorrow!20:20
dobeyralsina: it works fine here :-/20:26
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dobeyman, i don't know what happened to evolution, or gtk recently, but gtkhtml is seriously broken with regards to mouse clicks in the message display :(20:44
dobeylater all21:26
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ralsinadobey: if it helps, ubuntuone-control-panel-qt was *not* installed by the installer (and installed just fine via apt-get) so it looks like it's thinking it finished early or something23:20

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