
=== Kiall_ is now known as Kiall
glenn__how can i get an upstart script in the puppet package? should i create an issue in launchpad for that?11:40
glenn__the upstart script is ready11:54
glenn__so its just a matter of adding it.11:54
dupondjeglenn__: bugreport indeed with the script attached12:20
glenn__right, i got dc'd13:06
glenn__did someone perhaps answered my question?13:06
dupondjeglenn__: bugreport indeed with the script attached13:54
glenn__dupondje: thank you very much. should i file it at the puppet package, or in the upstart section/package?14:05
dupondjepuppet package14:11
dupondjeas the upstart scripts are in the (or should be in) the puppet package :)14:12
glenn__should be indeed :)14:13
glenn__maybe we can get in before beta2 14:13
glenn__that would be great14:13
glenn__ill issue a bug for it, thanks again dupondje14:13
dupondjedoubt it will be in precise. Its already Feature Freeze14:15
glenn__really :(14:15
dupondjeyep :P14:26
glenn__what is i get someone a beer? :)15:51
glenn__oops, what if i get someone a beer15:51
glenn__would that help? ;)15:51
glenn__or whisky15:52
SpamapSglenn__: you want to add an upstart script to the puppet package?15:52
glenn__spamaps yez plz15:52
glenn__this took a month or so to get it straight with puppetlabs15:52
glenn__but their developer says it was the right way to fly15:52
SpamapSglenn__: NICE15:52
SpamapSglenn__: so, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/puppet/+filebug15:53
glenn__spamaps; it is for the client though15:53
SpamapSglenn__: then bzr branch lp:ubuntu/puppet .. add the file as debian/puppet.puppet.upstart , and document using 'dch -i'15:53
glenn__let me try that15:54
SpamapSglenn__: what package would you want it in?15:54
SpamapSglenn__: as its a new feature, its unlikely to make it into 12.0415:54
glenn__this is puppet15:54
SpamapSglenn__: without a reasonable feature freeze exception .. reason ;)15:54
glenn__spamaps: im gonna role out puppet in our environment so id prefer working with upstart15:55
glenn__that way id be sure id would be running :)15:55
SpamapSglenn__: seems like puppet is one of those things you'd want to have starting at a very precise point (no pun intended)_in the boot15:55
SpamapSglenn__: upstart isn't exactly the right thing to use to "be sure its running" .. it will give up respawning eventually. :)15:55
glenn__spamaps: well, for just 1 respawn its ok, else id have to setup monit or something as well15:56
glenn__spamaps: also, restart puppet is nicer then /etc/init.d/puppet restart15:56
SpamapSglenn__: eh.. I don't recommend people call restart directly15:57
SpamapSglenn__: service puppet restart15:57
SpamapSglenn__: restart is a bit broken15:57
glenn__spamaps: should i put my name in the upstart script in case people want assitance? or should i make it anonymous15:57
SpamapSbug #70380015:58
SpamapSdarn it, no bug bot15:58
SpamapSglenn__: author "you" seems like a good idea. :)15:58
glenn__well, the puppet upstart script is really simple15:58
glenn__no pre post whatever15:58
glenn__but good habbit to use service16:01
glenn__how would one get an ubuntu email add?16:01
glenn__it that only for ubuntu devs?16:03
glenn__ill just put my work email there 16:03
SpamapSglenn__: Apply for Ubuntu membership16:06
SpamapSglenn__: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cts=1331654831422&ved=0CCoQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ubuntu.com%2FMembership&ei=rHBfT_aiA4idiALP6OypBA&usg=AFQjCNFd329PeCtgIz_GbQTFEAYncdA_aQ16:07
* SpamapS curses the google juice16:07
SpamapSglenn__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership16:07
glenn__spamaps: im using dch -i now, but its saying: puppet (2.7.11-1ubuntu1) oneiric; urgency=low16:39
glenn__glenn: is that because my workstation is oneric?16:40
kklimondaglenn__: pretty much, you have to pass -D <suite> by hand if you want to change it16:43
SpamapSglenn__: yes, just change it to precise. :)16:45
glenn__spamaps: everyone is using unstable: like puppet (2.7.11-1) unstable; urgency=high16:45
glenn__ill go with that16:46
glenn__im noticing btw, that this weeks bugfixes are not in this release yet16:47
glenn__spamaps: bzr is new to me, how should i push this ? or is dch -i enough?16:48
glenn__or should i put a diff in the bug at launchpad ? :)16:50
glenn__like this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/puppet/+bug/95018316:51
SpamapSglenn__: unstable is debian.16:52
SpamapSglenn__: debcommit16:52
SpamapSglenn__: also make sure you mention the bug # as  LP: #XXXXXX16:53
SpamapSglenn__: then debcommit will pick that up and attach the bug # to the bzr commit16:53
axisys_would be nice if bash completion worked with upstart.. kind of offtopic for this channel17:47
axisys_/etc/init.d/ss<tab> works perfect 17:47
axisys_start ss<tab> does not17:47
axisys_i started for few jobs .. same behavior17:48
SpamapSaxisys_: great idea :)18:11
SpamapSaxisys_: 'service x[tab]' should also work18:12
glenn__spamaps: ok so i should use the precise branch in my case and not the debian one18:15
SpamapSglenn__: yes unless you want to try and get your change into debian first (which is a good idea actually.. since the debian maintainers are pretty quick to pickup changes)18:16
glenn__spamaps: im familiar with using git and github... bzr is new for me..18:16
SpamapSglenn__: bzr is more like svn18:18
glenn__spamaps: ive added the upstart start and did the comment in the changelog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/882132/18:18
glenn__spamaps: what would be the best next step? debcommit?18:19
glenn__spamaps: shouldnt i have pulled source from debian instead of ubuntu?18:20
SpamapSglenn__: unstable means debian.. so if you're going to do this in debian, make it 2.7.11-2 .. if you're going to do ubuntu, do 2.7.11-1ubuntu1 and 'precise'18:21
glenn__bzr looks like git though, with commit, add and push18:21
SpamapSglenn__: right, bzr is like a simpler git18:21
SpamapSslower too ;)18:21
glenn__but, for my understandig if i get the source from lp:ubuntu/puppet i can still push to debian?18:22
glenn__its changed to puppet (2.7.11-2) unstable; urgency=low 18:24
glenn__hm i just did debcommit, it did something18:26
glenn__so would i push this now?18:28
glenn__and to where? :)18:28
glenn__this packaging stuff with changelogs is a lot different then what im used to :)18:28
glenn__do i push this to my own repo or to the debian repo of puppet?18:33
glenn__i came this far18:36
glenn__but thats not good enough 18:36
glenn__ill get source from debian and try that i guess18:39
glenn__why are all those lp sources read_only18:42
glenn__same goes for debian branch :)18:43
SpamapSglenn__: for Debian, you probably just want to use debdiff18:51
SpamapSglenn__: or just do 'bzr diff -c -1' and then save that to a file, and attach it to your debian bug report18:52
glenn__spamaps: im only active in launchpad, is that a problem?18:52
SpamapSglenn__: since you are going through debian, you'll want to report the bug to Debian...18:53
SpamapSglenn__: if you want to report it in Ubuntu, and just attach your debdiff to the launchpad bug, I can forward it to Debian for you.18:53
SpamapSglenn__: IIRC, the debian maintainers watch bugs for the Ubuntu packages, so it will get back to them no matter what18:54
glenn__spamaps: the other bug i gave, has a debdiff in the ubuntu issue19:00
glenn__spamaps: no wonder that one isnt applied yet :)19:00
glenn__spamaps: i think ill just create and ubuntu issue, add the debdiff :)19:02
glenn__im an ubuntu user :)19:02
SpamapSglenn__: awesome!19:03
glenn__sspamaps: sorry for the many question though :)19:04
glenn__to you its easy but for me its not ;)19:04
SpamapSglenn__: np, packaging / os dev is not simple. :-P19:04
glenn__spamaps: i had an ubuntu rep contact me asking how my experience was19:04
glenn__spamaps: and this part is kind of hard, documentation is not straightforward as wel19:04
glenn__there is the bzr manual etc.. but the workflow etc19:04
glenn__workflow is hard to understand, who can do what, who does which package.. how it should be submitted19:06
glenn__'what' should be submitted19:06
glenn__ill perhaps contact that sir from ubunt19:07
glenn__give him some proper feedback19:07
glenn__i think i got the right diff now, could you please check if this is ok? http://paste.ubuntu.com/882194/19:10
glenn__then ill file the issue so you can forward it :)19:14
glenn__i dont think its the right diff19:18
SpamapSglenn__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment btw19:22
SpamapSglenn__: feedback on the diff.. make it 2.7.11-1ubuntu1 .. 19:23
SpamapSglenn__: also have you tested 'reload puppet' ?does it work? I recall something weird about the way it handles SIGHUP19:23
glenn__but that ubuntu1 is already out is that np?19:24
glenn__reload puppet goes ok19:26
SpamapS    puppet |   2.7.11-1 |       precise | source, all19:29
SpamapSglenn__: no, there's no 2.7.11-1ubuntu119:29
glenn__indeed, excuse me :)19:30
glenn__but someone else did a debdiff though19:31
glenn__he is at ubuntu 2 already19:31
glenn__should i make it 3 ?19:31
glenn__yeah i should, it actually does it for me :)19:34
glenn__i do think the diff is ok19:35
glenn__perhaps i should just file it19:36
glenn__see what happens :)19:36
glenn__im off to home19:59
glenn__spamaps: thanks a lot for your assistance19:59
glenn__appreciate that19:59

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