
Da|Mummyhow would i go about connecting something via LAN ethernet, without it interrupting my wifi?00:37
Da|Mummyim trying to connect to ps3 to transfer files via ethernet, but every time i connect it, it takes over my wifi connection, and i cant use the internet on here while im locally connected to ps300:38
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ThiagoCMClubuntu 12.04 will install on a non-pae CPU?01:55
Unit193There will be ways to do it, yes.01:56
Unit193But by default, I do not think so, and support will be removed later on and Lubuntu doesn't have the resources to handle an LTS.01:57
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karani m having problem in installing lubuntu 11.10 - alternate in my desktop06:52
karanhere is my problem07:01
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gdea73hi, I'm trying to install Lubuntu 10.04 from the mini ISO12:32
gdea73and I think the computer's hanging right now. I just selected the US Ubuntu archive, followed by proxy configuration (I put nothing there)12:33
gdea73if I type stuff it shows up in the bottom bar12:33
gdea73okay I rebooted, trying again12:34
gdea73ah, this time it's doing the "configuring the network with DHCP" step, which I don't believe it did before.12:35
gdea73agh, it says "Downloading the Relese Title - 0%" and then the dialog box disappears and I'm left with a blue and grey screen.12:36
gdea73okay where can I get the full install/Alternate CD of 10.04 (Lubuntu)?12:41
gdea73well incase anyone ever sees this or reads the log, I would appreciate a *working* link to Lubuntu 10.04 ALTERNATE (not the mini.iso, as it apparently doesn't work at all.)12:43
njinhello guy, can I have the url of the Lubuntu repo ?13:53
holsteinnjin: lubuntu uses the same repos as main ubuntu13:56
holsteintheres not a custom repo really13:56
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njinholstein, thanks13:57
Guest70485Where can I change my keyboard layout in lubuntu ?14:02
holsteinGuest70485: i would look into setxkbmap ...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145587714:14
cristian_cIt is missing the volume applet on the panel. I tried to add it, but I still do not see it15:32
cristian_cI found this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxpanel/+bug/82465915:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 824659 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/lxpanel/plugins/volumealsa.so not showing" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:32
cristian_cbut I still have not figured out how he solved15:32
cristian_cDo you have any ideas?15:33
holsteincristian_c: its likely something you just removed by accident.. i suggest firing up the live CD and playing around... see whats in the panel, remove them, add them back15:33
cristian_cholstein, thanks for the answer15:38
cristian_cholstein, do you suggest me to reinstall lubuntu?15:39
holsteincristian_c: i didnt mean to imply that... you could create a new user though and learn from that as well15:39
cristian_cI would avoid it15:39
cristian_cholstein, ok15:40
cristian_cI'll try it15:40
holsteinthe live CD approach literally *cant* hurt15:40
cristian_cholstein, ah, ok15:40
holsteinyou can break the panel, reboot, and just get it back... you can remove everything, and see what the names are... you can install applets... you can break them15:40
cristian_cholstein, I have already reset the panel15:41
holsteinOK.. then its just like it was after install then right?15:41
cristian_cthe panel had disappeared15:42
cristian_cholstein, no15:42
holsteincristian_c: OK.. so you *didnt* reset the panel then15:43
cristian_cholstein, I had to type these commands: pkill lxpanel, rm -rf ~/.config/lxpanel, cp -a /usr/share/lxpanel/profile/* ~/.config/lxpanel, lxde-logout15:43
holsteinwhat im suggesting is making a new user account, testing there, or learning from the live CD what has been changed... you could have removed some of the packages that are needed15:43
holsteincristian_c: i use the new user account as a test often15:43
cristian_cI'll make a new user15:43
cristian_cholstein, ok15:43
holsteinif its like it was when it came out of the box, then its safe to assume you have something in your /home that is not correct15:44
cristian_cholstein, in /home/cristian/.config/lxpanel/default/panels15:45
cristian_cthere is a file called 'panel'15:45
holsteincristian_c: im sure there are all kinds of files there15:45
cristian_csorry, in /home/cristian/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels15:46
holsteincristian_c: when you make a new account, all of those will be different.. you will then *know* that the issue is in your /home somewhere (or not)15:47
holsteinthey will be "default"15:48
cristian_cholstein, I've added the plugin, and the file reports: Plugin {   type = volume} but applet doesn't appear15:48
holsteincristian_c: what plugin?15:48
cristian_cvolume control15:48
holsteincristian_c: there wasnt one "out of the box" ?15:48
cristian_cpanel preferences15:49
cristian_cholstein, there was one15:49
holsteinand this is an effort to try and recover that? correct?15:49
holsteini would make a new user, and then you'll *know* where the issue is15:49
cristian_cyou are right15:50
cristian_cI would correct it15:50
holsteindoes sound work?15:50
cristian_c*would like to correct it15:51
cristian_cholstein, yes15:51
holsteindo you see and can you control the sound with alsamixer ?15:51
cristian_cit works15:51
cristian_cyes, I can use alsamixer15:51
cristian_cbut volume applet doesn't appear15:51
holsteinright.. try the new user thing15:52
cristian_cholstein, a last question15:52
holsteinits likely something you have changed in the startup, or something you have removed, or something a config has broken15:52
holsteinsomething you have to either step back and see how you broke it, or just troubleshoot15:52
cristian_cholstein, in default/panels do you have (panel file):  Plugin {   type = volume}15:53
cristian_cIs it the same or is it different15:54
cristian_cso, I edit it15:54
holsteincristian_c: im not in front of ubuntu running lxde right now15:54
holsteincristian_c: i would *stop* editing things15:54
cristian_cthanks anyway :)15:55
holsteini would literally test and confirm if its a config or not15:55
holsteinthen, go from there15:55
cristian_cholstein, thanks15:56
cristian_cfor the support. I'll try these tests15:57
cristian_cholstein, hi16:22
cristian_cholstein, I made a new user16:22
holsteinright.. is all as it was out of the box?16:23
cristian_cholstein, I discovered something incredible16:23
cristian_cholstein, there is no panel :O16:24
holsteinwell, you have likely changed a lot of packages aroung16:24
cristian_cwith the new user16:24
holsteinanwyays, im sure you learned something helpful16:24
cristian_cwith cristian user there is the panel16:24
cristian_cholstein, sure16:25
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HeftydongHey everyone.17:21
HeftydongI have a question about lubuntu :017:22
holsteinHeftydong: just go ahead and ask what you want...17:24
HeftydongOK, just seeing if anyone was here. :P17:28
HeftydongSo I installed it on my netbook. It hangs when it tries to start up bluetooth.17:29
HeftydongI went into /etc/default/bluetooth and put bluetooth_enabled to 017:29
Heftydongno effect17:29
Heftydongi also went into init.d/bluetooth and added exit 0; and that didnt halp either17:29
Heftydong(I can get into the terminal)17:29
holsteini would check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup17:29
holsteini dont have any BT hardware to test with personally17:30
Heftydongmy bluetooth is disabled17:30
holsteini would also get a normal ubuntu live CD, and maybe some other live CD's and test17:30
holsteini would confirm that the BT is enabled and working on a hardware level17:30
Heftydongi previously used xubuntu and fedora on this box17:30
holsteinok... did BT work?17:30
Heftydongi never tried17:30
Heftydongbut it never hung17:30
holsteinOK... you can try it live in fedora, or whatever else you chose17:31
holsteinyou can reference that wiki page about how to list and try and communicate with the BT hardware17:31
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phillwBT was removed from lubuntu, I believe the decission was too many resources. AFAIK Julien was going to revisit the issue to see if we could a get a lower resource version.17:34
Heftydongi dont care for BT17:34
Heftydongbut i would like to boot up ;p17:34
holsteinHeftydong: ?17:35
holsteinjust undo what you have done and it should boot up as it was out of the box17:35
KM0201nevermind, bluetoot17:36
KM0201another one of those new fangled communication protocols that i don't use17:36
Heftydongwell what happens out of the box is that it hangs when it tries to intialize BT17:38
holsteinHeftydong: i remember seeing that message on a box.. but it was something else17:39
Heftydongit gives me four messages...17:39
Heftydongmountall: Plymouth command failed17:39
Heftydongmountall: Disconnected from plymouth17:40
HeftydongStarting NTP server ntpd [OK]17:40
HeftydongStarting bluetooth [OK]17:40
Heftydongthen it hangs forever :[17:40
holsteinHeftydong: i would try with the live cd.. i would try passing the nomodeset line, and the one noapci? whatever that one is17:40
holsteinor, i would search around for the exact hardware, and see if there are any tips17:40
HeftydongHmm, I used the alternate install because I wanted to setup encrypted LVM17:41
Heftydongcan I use encrypted LVM with the standard?17:41
holsteinHeftydong: i mean literally using the live CD17:41
holstein*not* installing.. just using the live CD as a troubleshooting step17:42
holsteinyou can troubleshoot by other means if you like17:42
HeftydongLet me see...17:42
holsteinyou can start blacklisting things... making custom xorg.conf files... whatever17:42
holsteini usually try with a live CD so i know what im breaking before i get to the acutal install17:42
HeftydongI'm burning a live cd now17:45
Heftydongthe live CD does not hang at that point17:54
Heftydongit only does on the install17:54
holsteindid you install a graphics driver?17:54
holsteini would look other places, and see what is making it hang.. im just in doubt that it is the BT device17:55
holsteinbut it could be17:55
HeftydongI'll install the live CD version to test it out17:56
Heftydongmaybe i need to select a different package set in the alternate installer17:56
holsteini can save you some time there... you *should* get the same thing at the end17:57
Heftydongbut what if it doesnt happne :O17:57
holsteinbut, go for it if you have time, and dont care17:57
Heftydongno hang on standard install18:25
rich_hello ;)18:43
rich_someone here?18:46
holstein!ask | rich_18:52
ubotturich_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:52
rich__ok ... im back again.18:56
rich__i just played around with my lubuntu and now when i do right click on my destkop i get the openbox menu but i want the old menu back (with create file, folder...). but how?18:56
KM0201i've had that happen before18:57
KM0201i think..18:57
Unit193rich__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#Right-clicking_on_desktop_pulls_up_a_menu_that_is_missing_the_.22Desktop_Preferences.22_option_and_now_I_can.27t_change_my_wallpaper18:57
rich__juhuu... thank you very much ;)18:58
miro1does someone know whether sylpheed supports rich-text mail format?19:46
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miro1what is a good mail client for lubuntu?21:52
wxlmiro1: have you tried the one included?21:54
miro1wxl: yes, but it seems not to support rich-text or html22:06
miro1just plain ascii22:06
wxlmiro1: it does not-- unless you want to code it22:06
wxli.e. you can send an html attachment22:07
wxlwhich is ultimately what any client does22:07
wxlbut if you don't cotton to such things it's a question of what else you need22:07
miro1I would like to have the possibility to make letters bold, italic or to have words underlined or in different colors22:08
miro1I guess that this is supported by most of the mail clients22:09
wxlevolution (not my favorite)22:09
wxlbalsa (never tried it)22:09
miro1maybe I give thunderbird a try22:10
wxlnever tried gnumail but sounds nice22:10
miro1on the other hand it would be nice to not have much dependencies to any other big frameworks22:11
wxlthunderbird is a little bloaty22:11
phillwperhaps a gmail account? Mine is fine with html docs etc. you just have to give the sender permission.22:12
wxlit's new haven't tried22:12
miro1sylpheed could be the right client but with some more formatting possibilities22:13
miro1I'm thinking about to maybe replace my Kubuntu installation with Lubuntu22:14
wxlyou could also get a html editor22:14
wxlor compose entirely in html22:14
miro1but I have to check what alternatives exist for the tools I'm usually using under KDE22:14
wxlif you made a template with the basic framework it wouldn't be hard to do things like <b>bold</b>22:14
wxleven with thunderbird, lubuntu < kubuntu :D22:14
miro1currently I'm running lubuntu in an virtual machine and I have to say that I really like it22:16
wxlglad to hear. i think it's fantastic :)22:16
miro1very userfriendly22:16
miro1was using for a while fluxbox as windows manager but lxde is very nice22:17
wxlyeah i used to use flux22:17
miro1so if the guy's of lubuntu are around: many thanks for this great distribution!22:19
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miro1lubuntu resp. lxde depends on gnome, right?22:34
miro1if this is the case then why not replacing pidgin with empathy?22:37
phillwmiro1: parts of lxde use programmes that do drag in the entire family of gnome dependancies. for bang per buck, as pidgin can handle IRC, MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, AOL etc. etc. It was chosen as the lesser evil to having different apps dedicated to each.22:59
phillw*that do NOT drag*22:59
phillwthose who prefer XChat, simply install it... it's entirely up to the person.23:01
JasonGriffeecan anyone tell me if they have successfully installed and ran Marble Arena on lubuntu?23:05
miro1what I have learned today is that empathy is the main IM of the gnome team and has support for some new technologies beside all the communications protocols that pidgin uses23:07
JasonGriffeeim very confused. I thought that synaptic was the default meathod to install stuff, so i installed the ubuntu software center, now I read there's a lubuntu software center, but i cant find it. can anyone help?23:12
wxlJasonGriffee: http://askubuntu.com/questions/68194/how-do-i-install-the-lubuntu-software-center23:14
miro1wow, there is a lubuntu software center. didn't know that.23:16
miro1hm, but why do we need to have another "software center" if there are already software installation tools existing23:21
JasonGriffeeWhat would keep Marble Arena from playing?23:25
AlexZionHi everyone...., I was trying the 12.04 of Lubuntu and it looks very nice and performant ....; I'll use it as a personal webserver to develop web apps .... there is some known problem should I know !?!23:30
AlexZionanyway , thanks for the great job you're doing guys ...., really well done ....23:30
AlexZionI saw just one things, is really slow to check update and manage package ...., could be some overload on the server or something on the system ?23:34
EvilResistanceAlexZion, 12.04 isnt stable yet.  about a month still, if i'm not mistaken...23:34
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+123:35
EvilResistanceyep, its in beta23:35
EvilResistanceso there could be random bugs that pop up23:35
AlexZiono yeah , I know ....23:35
AlexZionand I'm using to try out and even cacth eventual bug ...23:35
AngelForgetThe stable version is 11.10 AlexZion23:36
AlexZionthere is a specific channel for the development ?23:36
AlexZionI know guys the stable is the 11.10, I run kubuntu since few year and I know how it works ..23:37
EvilResistanceAlexZion, #ubuntu+1 is the 12.04 channel right now, for all of them, last i checked...23:37
EvilResistancephillw might know if there's another channel23:38
AlexZionahh ok , so 1 channel for all...23:38
EvilResistanceyes.  "One channel to rule them all..." </meme>23:40
phillwAlexZion: there is also #ubuntu-testing for QA chats23:42
AlexZionanyway guys, the installation process of Lubuntu is very nice and fast, and the system startup very fast , running on VirtualBox  with 2CPU and 2GB of ram ....., impressive .....23:43
Da|Mummyhow do i get out of read only fs on a drive in running os from?23:43
phillwAlexZion: there is also https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-qa for anything purely lubuntu 12.0423:43
AngelForgetexcuse me did you hear about Zram? you can install on Lubuntu?23:44
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AlexZionthanks phillw, I'll check it out ...23:45

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